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Development of a mobile GIS high-water mark data collection application for the Mississippi River Basin
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Development of a mobile GIS high-water mark data collection application for the Mississippi River Basin
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Development of a Mobile GIS High-Water Mark Data Collection Application for
the Mississippi River Basin
Allyson Windham
A Thesis Presented to the
Faculty of the USC Graduate School
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
(Geographic Information Science and Technology)
December 2016
Copyright ® 2016 by Allyson Windham
To my in-laws, John and Judy Windham, I finally finished my coursework and thesis.
Wish you were here to celebrate with me.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ ix
List of Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... x
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14
1.1 Project Objective ............................................................................................................... 14
1.2 Study Area ........................................................................................................................ 15
1.3 Importance of the US Streamgage Network in Flood Management ................................. 16
1.4 High-Water Marks and Hydraulic Models ........................................................................ 18
1.5 Historic High-Water Mark Photos .................................................................................... 19
1.6 Smart Devices for Field Data Collection .......................................................................... 20
1.7 Thesis Organization .......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2 Background .................................................................................................................. 22
2.1 Hydraulic Models Used in Forecasting Future Flood Events ........................................... 22
2.1.1. Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) ................. 23
2.1.2. FLO-2D ................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.3. Adaptive Hydrology/Hydraulics (ADH) ................................................................. 25
2.2 Mobile GIS Data Collection Software .............................................................................. 26
2.2.1. Commercially Developed Software ........................................................................ 27
2.2.2. Open Source Software ............................................................................................ 27
2.2.3. Esri Software Applications and Tools .................................................................... 28
2.3 Current High-Water Mark Data Collection Methods ....................................................... 30
2.4 Existing HWM Applications ............................................................................................. 33
Chapter 3 Development ................................................................................................................ 38
3.1 Scope and Objective of the Application ........................................................................... 38
3.2 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 41
3.2.1. Data Needs .............................................................................................................. 42
3.2.2. Application Workflow ............................................................................................ 43
3.2.3. Programming Approach .......................................................................................... 44
3.3 Geodatabase Creation ....................................................................................................... 45
3.3.1. Data Features and Attributes ................................................................................... 46
3.3.2. Data Model .............................................................................................................. 47
3.3.3. Feature Service ........................................................................................................ 49
3.4 Application Development ................................................................................................. 52
3.4.1. Programming ........................................................................................................... 53
3.4.2. Programming Challenges ........................................................................................ 57
Chapter 4 Application Evaluation ................................................................................................. 60
4.1 Evolution of Application Design ...................................................................................... 60
4.2 Results of Field Tests ........................................................................................................ 63
4.3 User Survey Form ............................................................................................................. 66
4.3.1. Summary of Survey Results .................................................................................... 71
Chapter 5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 74
5.1 Goals Achieved ................................................................................................................. 74
5.2 Future Improvements ........................................................................................................ 75
5.3 Technology Transfer ......................................................................................................... 76
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 78
Appendix A: USACE Wilmington District HWM Data Collection Form .................................. 82
Appendix B: USGS Data Collection Form .................................................................................. 83
Appendix C: Data Dictionary ...................................................................................................... 84
Appendix D: User Guides ............................................................................................................ 87
List of Figures
Figure 1 MS River Basin Study Area ........................................................................................... 16
Figure 2 USGS Streamgage (National Hydrologic Warning Council 2006) ................................ 18
Figure 3 HWMs from Two Different Flood Events (Julie LeBlanc, USACE, New Orleans
District 2005) ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 4 HEC-RAS Tools (Warner et al. 2009) ........................................................................... 24
Figure 5 FLO-2D Model of a Portion of the Mississippi River (FLO-2D, Inc. 2016) ................. 25
Figure 6 ADH Model of a Portion of the Mississippi River (ERDC CHL 2007) ........................ 26
Figure 7 Flood Orthophotos Depicting Digitized Boundaries Before (a) and After Terrain Data
Intersection (b) (The Association of State Floodplain Mangers, Inc. 2014) ........................ 33
Figure 8 Oklahoma 2015 High Water Marks ArcGIS Online Web Map (FEMA Region 6 2015)
............................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 9 Short-term Network Flood Event Viewer (USGS 2016d) ............................................. 36
Figure 10 HWM depicted with Paper Data Collection Form (Koeing et al 2016) ...................... 39
Figure 11 Data Flow Diagram (images by Esri) ........................................................................... 43
Figure 12 HWMM Application Flowchart from the User's Perspective ...................................... 44
Figure 13 HWMM Data Model .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 14 Feature Service Diagram (Esri 2016d) ......................................................................... 50
Figure 15 Feature Service Data Integration with Data Model ...................................................... 51
Figure 16 HWMM displaying User's Current Location ............................................................... 54
Figure 17 HWMM Form ............................................................................................................... 55
Figure 18 HWMDP ArcGIS Online Web Map ............................................................................. 56
Figure 19 HWMDP Data Download Tool .................................................................................... 57
Figure 20 Streamgage and HWM Query ...................................................................................... 58
Figure 21 Example Results of Query Displaying Information on Nearest Streamgage ............... 59
Figure 22 Revised Data Model ..................................................................................................... 62
Figure 23 Data Collected during Vicksburg, MS Field Test ........................................................ 64
Figure 24 Default High-Water Mark Mobile Accuracy ............................................................... 65
Figure 25 Collector for ArcGIS Accuracy Error .......................................................................... 66
Figure 26 HWMM/HWMDP User Feedback Survey ................................................................... 67
Figure 27 Summarize responses of first survey question ............................................................. 71
Figure 28 Summarized Responses to Question on Time Savings ................................................ 73
List of Tables
Table 1 Survey Results ................................................................................................................. 72
I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisor, Dr.
Jennifer Swift, for the guidance and mentorship she provided. I truly appreciate your support!
I would also like to thank my committee members, Drs. Yao-Yi Chiang and Wei Yang
for the feedback and thought-provoking suggestions offered throughout the thesis process.
A special thank you to Drs. Robert Vos and Vanessa Griffith Osborne for the support
provided during the development of my thesis. Richard Tsung, thank you for your IT expertise
and putting up my numerous emails and ArcGIS issues. Cady Bruzan, the support you provided
me during my graduate school journey is much appreciated. You made it so much easier than it
could have been.
Thank you, US Army Corps of Engineers and the Engineer Research and Development
Center, especially, Kimberly Day, Keith Flowers, and Andy Hall, for field-testing the
applications and providing useful feedback. Your contributions have made the applications
better than I thought they could be.
Last, but not least, my husband, Joey, and my children, Grace, and Dalton. Thank you for
allowing me to spend numerous hours on assignments and writing my thesis. It has been a long
journey trying to balance family, work, and school. Your love, support, and encouragement made
this journey possible. There is no way I would have made it this far without you. I love you!
List of Abbreviations
2D Two-Dimensional
3D Three-Dimensional
ADH Adaptive Hydrology/Hydraulics
API Application Programming Interface
CHL Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
CSV Comma-Separated Values
DBMS Database Management System
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DoD Department of Defense
ERDC US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Esri Environmental Systems Research Institute
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
HEC USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center
HEC-RAS Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System
HWM High-Water Mark
HWMDP High-Water Mark Data Portal
HWMM High-Water Mark Mobile
MS Mississippi
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
ODK Open Data Kit
STN Short-term Network
US United States
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USC University of Southern California
USGS United States Geological Survey
VM Virtual Machine
A high-water mark (HWM) is a horizontal mark left on a structure or vegetation after
floodwaters recede. HWMs provide engineers and floodplain managers insight into flood events
because they represent the highest elevation of flooding at peak river stage. Cataloging HWMs
after a flood event and referencing them to a corresponding peak river stage, allows an engineer
to evaluate the impacts caused by the corresponding river stage. The river stage can be
determined by utilizing the national network of streamgages maintained by the United States
Geological Survey (USGS). Collecting and cataloging data from a HWM and the corresponding
streamgage is valuable because the data provides a reference for engineers to calibrate and
validate hydraulic models, and the data provides a reference of the impact elevation for when a
future flood event is forecasted to exceed or reach the same river stage.
Currently, collecting and cataloging HWM data involves a manual method where
emergency management personnel and engineers fill out paper forms, and then a professional
land survey crew surveys the HWM to determine the elevation of the mark. Furthermore, the
attribute data collected on the HWM is not standardized, meaning that different federal agencies
collect different attributes. This thesis presents a standardized method for cataloging and
collecting HWM data using a mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) application for
HWM data collection and a standardized digital repository for HWM cataloging and sharing.
Both the application and the repository developed in this thesis provide a standardized and
automated approach to HWM data collection and dissemination including direct download.
Also, this thesis provides a method for the user to reference the HWM to a corresponding river
stage by offering the ability to query the USGS streamgage network to find the nearest
streamgage to the HWM during the field activities. The application was field tested by hydraulic
engineers and flood operation managers as part of this thesis work, followed by an online survey
conducted to collect feedback from the users. The results from the field tests and online user
survey will be used for future refinement of the applications, which has been offered as an
enhancement to existing HWM data collection, storage, and dissemination strategies currently in
use by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the USGS.
Chapter 1 Introduction
High-water marks (HWM) collected after flood events provide valuable data that can be used to
reduce risk in the event of extreme future floods. Engineers, floodplain managers, and
emergency management personnel use the HWM data for planning purposes as well as a
preventive measure to reduce or eliminate the risk of property damage or loss of life (USGS
2016). HWMs provide a reference elevation for a corresponding flood stage on a river.
Furthermore, cataloging HWMs after a flood event, and referencing them to a corresponding
peak river stage allows the engineer to evaluate the impacts caused by the corresponding river
elevation. The corresponding river elevation can be determined by utilizing the national network
of streamgages maintained by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Referencing HWMs
to corresponding peak river stages by using the streamgage network is very important for two
reasons; (1) a reference identifies the impact elevation of areas where waters may overtop the
banks should a future flood event be forecasted to reach or exceed the same river elevation, and
(2) engineers can use these references to calibrate and validate hydraulic models utilized to
develop regulated floodplains and predict frequency and consequences associated with flood
events. Engineers and floodplain managers can use HWMs to make informed decisions about
how to manage future floods based on the past and current behavior of rivers (National
Hydrologic Warning Council 2006).
1.1 Project Objective
Data collected on HWMs is not stored in a standard digital repository and is quickly
forgotten after the floodwaters recede, according to Keith Flowers, Hydraulic Engineer with the
United States Army Corps of Engineers (2016). Based on this information, a standardized digital
repository for capturing, storing, and disseminating HWMs is a necessity. HWM data is needed
to provide reliable historical flood information, which can be used to prevent or reduce the loss
of life and property damages (The Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. 2014). The
more extensive the repository to store HWM data, the more valuable it is for the engineers,
floodplain managers, and emergency management personnel. It is also important to provide a
procedure for collecting the data and seamlessly integrating it into the repository. Therefore, this
thesis presents a mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) application called High-Water
Mark Mobile (HWMM) specifically designed to automate the collection of HWM data. In
addition to documenting the development of HWMM, this thesis also describes the building of a
standardized digital repository of HWM data utilizing Esri’s ArcGIS geodatabase technology.
Also, this thesis presents the creation of the High-Water Mark Data Portal (HWMDP), which
utilizes Esri’s ArcGIS Online Web Map Application technology to provide end users with a
platform independent application for viewing the HWM data and streamgage information (Esri
2016a). The HWMDP is designed to be a straightforward public-facing end-user web interface
and data archive, while the HWMM comprises the mobile data collection and back-end data
collection and temporary storage system.
In summary, the objectives of this thesis are: (1) to build a standardized digital repository
to store HWM data, (2) to develop a mobile GIS data collection solution for collecting HWMs
(HWMM), and (3) to provide a common online operating picture of HWM data and streamgage
information (HWMDP).
1.2 Study Area
The study area for this thesis project is the Mississippi (MS) River Basin as depicted in
Figure 1. This area was chosen due to the proximity of the HWMM and HWMDP application
developer, the author. Also, there were a number of historical floods along the MS River. The
data from those floods was used to test the HWMM and HWMDP applications. In a future test,
the data can also be used to validate hydraulic models. Although the study area is the MS River
Basin, the HWMM and HWMDP applications were developed to be location-independent so
they can be leveraged for use in any location where HWMs are present.
Figure 1 MS River Basin Study Area
1.3 Importance of the US Streamgage Network in Flood Management
There is an extensive network of streamgages in the United States (US) maintained by the
federal government that measures river stages at a frequency of 5 to 15-minute intervals (USGS
2016c). This data is currently stored in a database available to both the public and government
entities. The streamgage data is used for forecasting river stages associated with a storm event
and for estimating return intervals of high river stages. Statistical analysis is typically performed
on the streamgage data by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to produce a frequency or
a return interval applied to the river stage. For example, the 100-year floodplain is based on a
stage that has a 100-year frequency, meaning on average this stage will not be exceeded but once
every 100-years (USGS 2016b). Another way of stating this is a 100-year flood has a 1% chance
of occurring in any given year. This is important because a river stage with a corresponding
HWM allows an engineer to attribute a frequency or return interval to the HWM. This method is
very similar to how the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) applies its 100-year
floodplain to estimate flood insurance costs (FEMA 2016a).
In brief, streamgages establish historical flood flows. Figure 2 shows a USGS streamgage
measuring the flow of a river. Streamgages are used to provide two fundamental elements of
hydrologic information about a stream or river: stage and discharge (USGS 2016c). The stage is
defined as the water depth above some arbitrary datum usually measured in feet. Discharge is the
total volume of water that flows past a certain point on the river for a certain amount of time,
usually measured in cubic feet per second or gallons per minute (The Association of State
Floodplain Managers 2014). At the time of this writing, the USGS operates and maintains over
9000 streamgages nationwide (USGS 2016f). This number fluctuates yearly depending on
federal government budget, including cuts or shortfalls in funding.
Figure 2 USGS Streamgage (National Hydrologic Warning Council 2006)
1.4 High-Water Marks and Hydraulic Models
Engineers use hydraulic models to predict future river stages and corresponding
inundation extents by calibrating models to past observed events (Mississippi River Commission
2012). It is importation to utilize an extensive network of streamgages in order to calibrate
models that can accurately predict river stages resulting from rain events. Furthermore, in order
to calibrate these models to predict the extents and depth of inundation accurately, it is important
to have an extensive network of HWMs as well as photos of the HWMs correlated with the
streamgage network. HWM photos offer the engineer a visual validation. The ability to predict
river stages with a verified calibrated model allows for advanced flood risk communication,
floodplain management to mitigate loss of life and property damages, community planning such
as where and how high a bridge should be built, and evacuation planning in the event of
1.5 Historic High-Water Mark Photos
A photo associated with the HWM and the river stage from the nearest streamgage is a
valuable piece of information for the calibration of hydraulic models (Flowers 2016). Figure 3
provides an example of a visual reference of a flood impact elevation; Chuck and Lydia Leblanc,
husband and daughter to Julie LeBlanc, Chief of Hydraulics and Hydrologic Branch at the
USACE New Orleans District, are pointing in the photo to the elevations of two flood events,
Hurricanes Katrina and Andrew. One of the goals of this thesis research is to provide a
mechanism or tool for engineers to easily associate HWM photos like this taken in the field to
nearest streamgage readings within the waterbody corresponding to the HWM. The HWMM and
HWMDP are purposefully designed to allow the user to query the nearest streamgage and to link
it to a HWM point using a streamgage query tool. Thus the user can obtain the river stage from
the streamgage and associate it with the HWM. The HWMM geodatabase also has the capability
of storing HWM photo files. The photos are thus available as historical references for floods.
Figure 3 HWMs from Two Different Flood Events (Julie LeBlanc, USACE, New Orleans
District 2005)
1.6 Smart Devices for Field Data Collection
This thesis proposes that smart mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones be used for
GIS-enabled data collection. The smart devices deployed at USACE are iPads and iPhones;
therefore, the HWMM application is built upon the iOS platform using Collector for ArcGIS
Typically, the position and elevation of HWM data are collected using a Global Positioning
System (GPS) device. HWM points are land surveyed to tie the point to an elevation. Mobile
GIS data collection using a smart device poses some limitations in this regard, including
accuracy and precision. Nevertheless, technological advancements in the GPS and Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) chipsets in smartphone devices have allowed Esri to
overcome this hurdle. Esri conducted a mobile phone accuracy study in July 2013 using a
number of different cellular-enabled smartphones and tablets to test their accuracy for data
collection (Esri 2013). All of these devices included an integrated GPS chip-set. Although the
chip-sets were manufactured by different companies, they are all are designed for locational
accuracy. Esri found through their testing that approximately 90% of all positions collected fell
within 3m of their baseline. As part of the same study, they connected the smartphones to a
consumer grade external GPS receiver. They found that approximately 99% of all positions
collected fell within 3m of their baseline and almost 70% were within 1m of the baseline.
Esri later partnered with Trimble to allow the R1 and R2 GNSS Receivers to work with
Collector for ArcGIS (Esri 2016c). The receivers cost about $2,500. The receivers can be paired
with Bluetooth technology to a smartphone device to provide 1-centimeter RTK accuracy. Even
without a reciever, the accuracy provided by Collector for ArcGIS without the R1 or R2 GNSS
receivers were deemed sufficient for this thesis project.
1.7 Thesis Organization
This thesis is divided into five chapters. The project background is described in Chapter
2, which documents various hydraulic models used by USACE, an evaluation of available
mobile GIS data collection software, and current HWM data collection methods and
applications. Chapter 3 presents the development of the applications, HWMM and HWMDP, for
this thesis project. Chapter 4 provides an evaluation of the applications including field test and
user survey. Finally, Chapter 5 provides conclusions and recommendations for future
improvements of the HWMM and HWMDP applications.
Chapter 2 Background
Smart mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets embed GPS and wireless Internet access
together to provide accurate and precise location information. These devices can be applied in
the field for mobile field data collection. In addition, Web GIS can be leveraged to provide a
platform for creating GIS data collection forms used by the smart device as well as a storage
mechanism for the collected data (Lwin 2014). Once the data is collected using the smart device,
it is automatically written to the GIS in real-time which eliminates many of the data handling
tasks common to field data collection.
Esri’s ArcGIS Online is a publically accessible web GIS platform (Esri 2016a). This
platform can be used to create, store, analyze, publically or privately share and publish GIS-
enabled data. This thesis project uses ArcGIS Online to consume a GIS web-enabled feature
service, build a web map, and design and develop a specialized streamgage query tool within a
web mapping application. The HWM data collected as a result of this thesis project can be used
in validating hydraulic models. Section 2.1 of this chapter documents various hydraulic models
used in forecasting future flood events and explains how HWM data is used. Section 2.2
provides an evaluation of ArcGIS Online in it’s present state as well as other GIS programming
technologies and tools available for mobile GIS data collection. Section 2.3 provides an
overview of the two different, commonly used methods of HWM data collection to determine if
a standard data collection method already exists. Lastly, Section 2.4 provides a comparison of
existing HWM applications compared to the HWMM.
2.1 Hydraulic Models Used in Forecasting Future Flood Events
Hydraulic engineers use HWM data as a validation or calibration tool for hydraulic
models. They do not use the actual HWM data points in the model but use them as references.
The HWM data provides a foundation to validate the models after the models are run. The
hydraulic modeling packages currently used by the USACE provide guidance on the types of
data or attributes required by engineers for these analyses, which in turn can inform the design of
the geodatabase developed as part of this project. The types of hydraulic modeling tools in use
by USACE include the Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS),
Adaptive Hydrology/Hydraulics (ADH), and a model known simply as “FLO-2D.”
2.1.1. Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
HEC-RAS is a one and two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic modeling tool developed by the
USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). HEC-RAS provides several river analysis
components displayed in Figure 4. These components are (1) steady flow water surface profile
computations, (2) one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow simulation, (3) movable boundary
sediment transport computations, and (4) water quality analysis (Warner et al. 2009). HEC-RAS
allows hydraulic engineers to forecast floods and to establish floodplains. For example, HEC-
RAS was used to calibrate a hydraulic model to the historical 2011 MS River flood. This model
can now be used to forecast river stages for a potential future event similar to the magnitude of
the 2011 flood (Mississippi River Commission 2012). HWM collected after flood waters
receded were used in validating the calibration of the model.
Figure 4 HEC-RAS Tools (Warner et al. 2009)
2.1.2. FLO-2D
FLO-2D is a 2D hydraulic flood routing modeling program displayed in Figure 5. It is
used to model flat terrain (FLO-2D Software, Inc 2016). FLO-2D takes into consideration the
fact that water does not flow in one direction on flat terrain, but in multiple directions. Before
FLO-2D, hydraulic models included the assumption that water flowed in one direction on flat
terrain, which is not valid. FLO-2D provides the tools necessary to model 2D flows. This
program provides a better overall view of flood routing for flat terrain than one-dimensional
models. Engineers use FLO-2D for projects such as modeling floods in the MS Delta which have
a land slope of less than 1 foot per mile.
Figure 5 FLO-2D Model of a Portion of the Mississippi River (FLO-2D, Inc. 2016)
2.1.3. Adaptive Hydrology/Hydraulics (ADH)
ADH provides one, two, and three-dimensional (3D) hydraulic modeling capabilities
(ERDC CHL 2007). The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal
and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) developed ADH to solve the problems of environmental
concerns for the Department of Defense (DoD) in estuaries, coastal regions, reservoirs, and river
basins. The problems, which may be addressed, include the flow in and out of estuarine
environments, the analysis of potential dam breaks, and the study of river stages during flood
events. ADH is an adaptive finite-element model for flow and transport of water. Engineers use
ADH for very detailed localized modeling, such as the study of river training structures that
enhance navigation of large river systems. Figure 6 displays an ADH model output from a
portion of the MS River.
Figure 6 ADH Model of a Portion of the Mississippi River (ERDC CHL 2007)
All of the above models predict a resulting stage from a rain event. HWMs are used to verify the
calibration of the hydraulic model as well as validation that the model is correct.
2.2 Mobile GIS Data Collection Software
Research conducted on mobile GIS data collection software discovered a number of
formats available: commercially developed software, open source software, and Esri software
applications and tools. Many of the commercially developed software applications provide easy,
out-of-the-box solutions for non-GIS professionals, but unfortunately, most are costly. While
open source software is usually free which provides a cost effective solution, prior programming
experience is required. Esri software applications and tools provide many options including easy-
to-implement web maps, custom GIS feature services, and easily deployable mobile applications.
However, an ArcGIS Online license is required. Each of these formats is compared and
contrasted in the following sections.
2.2.1. Commercially Developed Software
An exhaustive search showed no existing commercially developed mobile HWM data
collection applications. Therefore, a search was conducted to determine if existing commercially
developed software could be modified for HWM data collection use. At the time of this writing,
one such software was found, Fulcrum (Fulcrum 2016). It ranked in the top ten mobile data
collection applications (Guay 2016). Fulcrum combines geolocation with custom forms. It
supports multi-platforms such as the iOS and Android platform. It is easily configurable with no
coding required and provides cloud storage. In addition, Fulcrum offers more than just a mobile
solution; it also offers an application-programming interface (API). The API can be used to
customize the software further for HWM data collection. In addition to cloud storage, Fulcrum
includes a custom form builder, multiple data export options, real-time data tracking, and offline
data collection. The downside to Fulcrum, however, is cost and data storage limitations. The
professional version costs $30/month, which only includes 30 GB of data storage (Mobile Form
Builder & Data Collection App 2016). One of the requirements of the HWM mobile data
collection application is the ability to store photos. A total of 30 GB of data storage is
considered a limitation when multiple photos are captured and stored for each HWM. Also,
$30/month is a recurring cost, whereas this project does not have funding to purchase adidtional
software. Due to the cost of this software and storage limitation, Fulcrum did not meet the
requirements of this thesis project.
2.2.2. Open Source Software
Open source software such as KoBo Toolbox, PhiCollect, and OpenDataKit provides
freely available source code for a reasonable price, which meets the cost requirement of this
thesis project (KoBo Toolbox, WebFirst, OpenDataKit 2016). In general, open source code can
be edited or modified by anyone, as long as applicable licensing rules are followed, such as
Creative Commons (Creative Commons 2016). For example, the OpenRosa Consortium is a
working group that was developed to focus on providing open source, standard-based tools for
mobile data collection (Anokwa et al. 2009). One such open source mobile GIS data collection
software is Open Data Kit (ODK). ODK is an Android application for developing forms for
mobile data collection based on an OpenRosa Compliant XForm. ODK is comprised of seven
different tools: Build, Collect, Aggregate, Form Uploader, Briefcase, Validate, and
XLS2XForm. ODK Build offers a drag and drop capability for creating forms. ODK Collect is
an android-based application that allows a user to collect data. ODK Aggregate provides an
online repository for the data collected. ODK Form Uploader provides a method to upload blank
forms and media files to ODK Aggregate. ODK Briefcase provides a method to transfer data
between Collect and Aggregate. ODK Validate ensures that the form is an OpenRosa Compliant
XForm. ODK XLS2XForm provides a tool to create the XForms from Excel XLS files. While
this software is a cost effective solution, it does have some limitations. ODK runs only on the
Android OS platform and not the iOS platform. The USACE now uses IPads and IPhones for
field data collection, therefore the iOS platform is a requirement. Also, ODK does not provide
geodatabase support. It was preferred by the developer that the HWMM support the use of an
Esri geodatabase as the digital repository for HWM data. Due to these limitations, ODK also did
not meet the requirements of this thesis project.
2.2.3. Esri Software Applications and Tools
The USACE currently has an Esri enterprise license agreement that provides all of the
required licenses and tools to USACE. Esri software applications and tools were also reviewed
in order to find the best application development solution for this project. Two of the solutions
investigated to develop a data collection tool were AppStudio for ArcGIS and Collector for
ArcGIS (Esri 2016 and 2016b). AppStudio for ArcGIS requires no previous programming
experience, but does require GIS experience. AppStudio supports multiple platforms and is
easily configured to run on multiple platforms with no extra coding or programming required. In
addition, AppStudio provides customization and programming access for building unique
applications, which is a benefit to those that want to customize an application. One limitation,
however, is an Esri ArcGIS Online license is required to use AppStudio. A commercial ArcGIS
Online account subscription can cost $2,500 for 5 users, and the cost decreases with an
increasing number of users. Since the USACE does not incur additional fees for AppStudio and
their licensing agreement is anticipated to continue for many years into the future, the cost of the
license does not impact the requirements of this thesis project; in fact the existing Esri licensing
structure within the USACE supports the goals of this thesis project.
The main benefits of Collector for ArcGIS are that it supports multiple platforms similar
to AppStudio, and provides an out-of-the-box data collection tool that requires little
programming and customization. However, the requirement of an ArcGIS Online account can be
considered a limitation, since the application won’t be accessible to those without an enterprise-
level account. Another benefit of Collector for ArcGIS is that it provides offline access to maps
and data and the ability to create and share interactive web maps (Esri 2016b). Offline access is
extremely useful in the field when Internet or Wi-Fi is not available. The user can continue data
collection offline and sync the data with the enterprise geodatabase whenever Internet service is
available. To use Collector for ArcGIS, a published web map containing a published feature
service is required (Esri 2016b). A feature service allows features to be displayed, edited, and
deleted on the Internet (Esri 2016d). Publishing a feature service entails developing an
enterprise geodatabase, creating a map document for web editing, registering the enterprise
geodatabase with ArcGIS Server, publishing the map document with feature access enabled, and
building a web map to consume the feature service. The data collection application cannot be
developed without either a published web map or feature service. This is not a limitation since
the objectives of this thesis project are: (1) to build a digital repository to store HWM data
(enterprise geodatabase), (2) to develop a mobile GIS data collection solution for collecting
HWMs (HWMM), and (3) to provide an online common operating picture of HWM data and
streamgage information (HWMDP), which uses a published feature service and web map). For
the above-stated reasons, it was deemed that Collector for ArcGIS proved to be the best option
available for the application development phase of this thesis project.
2.3 Current High-Water Mark Data Collection Methods
The method of collecting HWM data can be categorized as direct or indirect. The direct
method involves collecting HWMs in person with or without a measuring instrument, such as
field surveying equipment or a tape measure. The indirect method involves measuring HWMs
using computer tools and applications. The USGS and the USACE both use the direct method
due to the perishable nature of HWMs, meaning that since HWMs exist in the environment,
wind, rain, etc. can distort or remove the HWM soon after the flood event. This thesis project
will focus on automating the direct method of HWM data collection.
The current data collection method of the USGS and USACE is the pen and paper
method, classified as direct. Data collection is a manual process that starts once the floodwaters
recede. The goal is to record the floodwater’s peak, which is when floodwaters reach maximum
elevation prior to descending. Field crews are sent to locate and flag HWMs. This method
includes first prepping for field data collection in the office. Preparations involve reviewing
streamgage information and assembling teams. Reviewing streamgage information provides the
field crew with the exact locations of areas that have been flooded. The information is then used
to determine routes to the flooded areas. Emergency management personnel are assembled into
two-person teams based on their expertise and experience. Once teams are formed, they are
assigned a geographic area to search. The teams are sent into the field to flag and collect
information on each HWM found. The teams record the HWM information via a paper form
located in Appendix A (USACE Wilmington District 1998). The USGS and USACE use
different paper forms for data collection. Though the forms are similar, there are some
discrepancies. An example of one discrepancy is the USGS collects the owner’s name, address,
and email. USACE does not collect this information. In March of 2016, the USGS published a
manual for HWM collection, titled “Identifying and Preserving HWM Data”, in hopes of
building a standard for HWM data collection (Koenig et al. 2016, Appendix B). The manual was
written for skilled HWM data collectors and lists specific instructions on how to identify and
capture HWM data.
Field or land survey is another direct form of HWM data collection (USGS 2016e). Once
HWMs are flagged, field crews are sent to land survey the HWM. Surveying provides very
precise and accurate measurements, and individuals that conduct land surveys are highly skilled
in this area. The resolution of the measurements is usually expected to range between 1 and 2
centimeters depending on the survey equipment used. Land surveyors must choose the
appropriate rod heights and GNSS setup depending on the land survey method used (Koenig et
al. 2016). In most cases, the federal government contracts the land surveying service to an
outside contractor, as was the case with Hurricane Katrina. The USGS contracted the URS
Group, Inc. to provide land surveys of the HWM data collected by the USGS (URS Group, Inc.
2006). Not only can contracting to an outside agency be costly, but these arrangements also take
up time. Travel and lodging for the land survey field crew have to be arranged, equipment has to
be setup, and in some cases, federal governement security clearances for each crew member have
to be obtained (URS Group, Inc. 2006). The timeline for collecting HWM is delicate due to the
perishable nature of HWMs. Therefore, this kind of outsourcing can cause a delay that poses a
risk for accurate data collection.
Remote sensing data is used in the indirect method of collecting HWMs to establish the
height of the floodwater. Aerial photos representing the peak flood are georectified then
inundation boundaries are manually digitized from the photo. After digitization, the boundary
edges are intersected with a terrain model such as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Lastly,
elevations are calculated along the boundary. This information can be used to reconstruct the
exact elevation height of the floodwaters (The Association of State Floodplain Mangers 2014).
Figure 7 depicts an example of flood inundation boundaries digitized from orthophotos (a) and
the predicted flood elevation after the intersection with terrain data (b). The indirect method is
used mostly to provide historic HWM information when land or field surveys were not
conducted at the time the HWM was collected. This thesis project provides an alternative to the
indirect method described above by providing the user the ability to determine the peak river
stage by cross-referencing the nearest streamgage to the HWM, thus capturing this information
in a timelier manner immediately following a flood event.
(a) (b)
Figure 7 Flood Orthophotos Depicting Digitized Boundaries Before (a) and After Terrain Data
Intersection (b) (The Association of State Floodplain Mangers, Inc. 2014)
2.4 Existing HWM Applications
Several HWM online web mapping applications are available in the federal government
including applications developed by Florida Silver Jacket Team, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) Region 6, and the USGS. The three applications are online web-
mapping applications and do not provide a mobile data collection solution; therefore, they do not
meet the overall goal of this thesis project.
The Silver Jackets are co-agency developed teams in each state that foster collaboration
in an order to reduce flood risk. Members from the USACE, USGS, FEMA and National
Weather Services make up most of the teams. The Florida Silver Jacket team is currently
developing a pilot data collection application for HWM data. The application is being developed
as a pilot due to funding limitations, also using Collector for ArcGIS. The Florida Silver Jacket
data collection application differs from HWMM/HWMDP in that it does not and will not
incorporate streamgage feeds/data or the ability for the user to cross-reference the nearest
streamgage to determine the peak river stage. This limitation does not provide the user a visual
reference elevation, meaning the Silver Jackets tool could not be used to validate hydraulic
model output nor serve as a historical data capture tool to support forecasting of future floods.
Also, compared to the USGS manual on identifying and standardizing HWMs (Appendix B), the
Silver Jacket data collection tool only allows for a small subset of the data to be collected. Not
all the attributes included in the HWMM/HWMDP are included in their application; therefore, it
does not provide a standardized approach for HWM data collection.
FEMA Region 6 and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board joined forces to develop an
ArcGIS Online Web Map depicting HWM data collected during a major disaster in Oklahoma
(FEMA Region 6 2015). FEMA declared the major disaster as project DR4222. Project DR4222
represented the severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, and straight-line winds during May 5, 2015,
to June 22, 2015. This disaster was declared a major disaster, therefore, federal assistance was
provided. The online web map was built from the DR4222 data collection effort using the paper
and pen method. The data was digitized to build the online web map depicted in Figure 8. The
online web map does not provide a mobile data collection application but does provide an online
web map viewer. It also does not include streamgage information nor does it provide a query tool
for determining the nearest streamgage, considered a critical limitation of the application.
Figure 8 Oklahoma 2015 High Water Marks ArcGIS Online Web Map (FEMA Region 6 2015)
In addition, the USGS developed the Short-term Network (STN) that provides an
application and database for the USGS event-based sensor deployments and the USGS High-
Water Mark data collection efforts (USGS 2016d). The application supports a Flood Event
Viewer displayed in Figure 9, based on Esri ArcGIS Web Map technology, which is also a
requirement of the HWMM and HWMDP applications. The main limitation of the STN design is
there is no mobile data collection application associated with it. Hans Vraga, USGS WiM Project
Manager, asserted, “the USGS STN team does not have a mobile application for HWM data
collection. One that integrates into the STN has been on our project wish list for some time”
(2016). Based on feedback from Vraga, the HWMM and HWMDP could be easily integrated
into the STN since both platforms are based on Esri ArcGIS Web Map technology.
Figure 9 Short-term Network Flood Event Viewer (USGS 2016d)
The applications and tools described above do not meet the objectives of the HWMM and
HWMDP applications. All three tools have limitations and shortfalls. By contrast, HWMM
provides a mobile data collection solution utilizing Collector for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online
Web Map technology and a digital repository of all HWM data collected. In addition, HWMDP
provides an online common operating picture for users to reference HWMs to a corresponding
river stage by providing the ability to query the USGS streamgage network to locate the nearest
streamgage to the HWM. Thus HWMM combined with HWMDP offer a standardized method of
collecting, disseminating, and referencing HWMs to corresponding streamgages, providing
engineers and floodplain managers with visual reference (HWM photos) elevations that can be
used as a validation tool for hydraulic modeling. Additionally, HWMM and HWMDP provide
direct HWM data collected and stored over time in a digital form, which eliminates the time and
potential human error in transferring paper field notes to digital form and facilitates access to
historical flood information for use in forecasting future floods.
Chapter 3 Development
This chapter provides an overview of the development methods and design of the mobile GIS
data collection and web mapping applications for HWMs documented in this thesis. Section 3.1
identifies the scope and objectives of the applications. Section 3.2 describes the overall
methodology related to assessing data needs, designing the application workflow, and the
programming approach. Section 3.3 explains the data model and the creation of the geodatabase
for the mobile and web applications. Section 3.4 describes the development of the mobile data
collection tool as well as the web mapping application used for viewing the collected data.
3.1 Scope and Objective of the Application
HWM data collection assists in recovery, mitigation, and response following flood
events. This data also accurately documents a flood event in time by providing historical
information (URS Group, Inc. 2006). A HWM is an indication of the maximum elevation of
water during a flood event. It is typically linear in nature and can occur on various structures in
the built environment as well as trees or bushes, as depicted in Figure 10. As previously
mentioned, HWMs provide valuable insight into understanding historical as well as recent flood
events (Koenig et al 2016). Therefore, it is very important to ensure that documenting the HWM
is done accurately. As described in Chapter 2, it was determined through research that no
standard or mobile data collection application or tools exist for the collection, storage, or
dissemination of HWM data. There is no national repository for HWMs as there is for levees
and dams (The Association of State Floodplain Managers 2014). Furthermore, data collection is
dependent upon the agency collecting the information proving that there is no standard method
for collecting the data or standard for the types of data collected. Therefore, this thesis project
developed a standardized digital repository for HWMs and provides a standard, mobile data
collection tool, and an online common operating picture.
Figure 10 HWM depicted with Paper Data Collection Form (Koeing et al 2016)
The HWM standard digital repository, data collection tool, and common operating
picture leverages GIS technology. A GIS is a computerized system for creating, storing and
retrieving locational-aware data. GIS data can be viewed on maps and used for the study,
analysis, and interpretation in an effort to be able to understand patterns, relationships, and trends
(Esri 2016f). Esri is the leading distributor of GIS related software and tools. Esri provides a GIS
platform called ArcGIS, which consists of a suite of tools including ArcCatalog, ArcMap, and
ArcToolbox. Esri also provides an online GIS platform called ArcGIS Online with configurable
web map templates, feature services, the ability to support mobile web mapping applications, and
other GIS tools that are available via the Internet (ESRI 2016a).
A preliminary study was conducted during the research phase of this thesis project to
determine feasible toolkits for HWM data collection, storage, and dissemination. As previously
stated, the preliminary study found in 2016 the USGS published a manual for standardizing the
identification and collection of HWMs using a standard paper form found in Appendix B.
The main objectives of this thesis project are to develop a standard digital repository for
HWMs that includes critical attributes of interest to hydraulic engineers, a mobile GIS data
collection tool using the USGS standardized methods for collecting HWMs, the latter also
integrated into a near real-time, interactive web map depicting the HWM data. The secondary
objective is to provide the ability for the end user to cross-reference the HWMs to the nearest
streamgage using an online method in an effort to facilitate analysis of future flood events and
provide a common operating picture for the hydraulic engineers and emergency management
The USACE has a mission to provide emergency response to natural disasters such as
flooding. The USACE sends teams of engineers into the field to collect HWMs as soon as
possible after floodwater recedes during a flood event. They have a need for a digital repository
to store the HWM data they collect. Much of the historical data collected was not stored in any
type of computer or digital format. It has been collected and stored using a paper form. Land
surveys are then performed later using the data collected on paper forms to establish the
reference elevation of the HWM.
The USACE hydraulic engineers and emergency management personnel will be the main
users of the HWM mobile GIS data collection application referred to as HWMM as well as the
online common operating picture aka web mapping application referred to as HWMDP. The
future goal of this thesis project is to integrate the HWM dataset and the HWMM technology
with the USGS STN, so the design of HWMM is intended to take this into account. As
previously stated, the STN uses an ArcGIS Online Web Map for the STN Flood Event Viewer
(USGS 2016d). Utilizing the same technology, HWMM can be easily integrated into the STN
providing a common picture of HWM data between the two agencies.
As previously mentioned in Chapters 1 and 2, the scope of the HWMM application is to
provide a mobile GIS solution to automate the data collection of high water marks. The scope of
the HWMDP is to provide a web mapping application that can display the HWM data collected
with the ability to cross-reference streamgage data to provide engineers and emergency
management personnel a common operating picture after a flood event. To accomplish this, a
number of ArcGIS tools are used. HWMM consists of a geodatabase for data storage, considered
the backend digital data repository of the application. In section 3.2 the features and attributes of
the geodatabase are explored. The user interface for HWMM was developed using Collector for
ArcGIS. Collector for ArcGIS provides a readily available user-centric data collection
application with little programming required to set up, but it does require a published ArcGIS
Online Web Map to work. A feature service was developed using a feature class in the
geodatabase and then used to build the online web map. HWMDP was also developed using
ArcGIS Online Web Mapping technology. The HWMDP was designed to consume the HWMM
feature service and a live streamgage feed to provide a common picture of the HWM data and
the streamgage information.
3.2 Methodology
The methodology of the thesis project focuses on application development for data
collection, dissemination, and storage of HWMs. The case studies evaluated in determining the
feasibility of this thesis project investigated the various existing methods of HWM data
collection, the types of data collected, the use of HWMs in flood modeling, and the availability
of other mobile data applications. The following section explains the data needed to develop the
application, the application workflow, and the programming approach implemented to
accomplish the thesis project.
3.2.1. Data Needs
Ideally the HWMM application should provide and consume various datasets from the
USGS, USACE, Esri, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The
backend of the application is a spatial database management system (DBMS). The DBMS
utilized is Microsoft SQL Server, which provides an enterprise geodatabase. The enterprise
geodatabase consists of one feature class and two tables which provide the framework for the
HWMM application. The enterprise geodatabase is integrated into the HWMM application so
that data is automatically collected within the database. The data in the application is then
shared, or exposed, by publishing it as a web feature service. The feature service can be used as a
feature layer in an ArcGIS Online Web Map. In addition, a live streamgage feed comprised of
streamgages monitored and administered by the USGS and NOAA as well as an Esri basemap is
also included in the HWMDP application (Esri Observation 2016). The same Esri basemap,
World Topographic Map, is used in both the data collection tool and the online web map. Figure
11 provides a visual flow of HWM data collection, storage and dissemination.
Figure 11 Data Flow Diagram (images by Esri)
3.2.2. Application Workflow
The high level overview of the HWMM application’s functionality is displayed in Figure
12. Once the user launches the application, the first step is authentication with a username and
password provided by their ArcGIS Online organizational account. Upon successful
authentication, the user’s current location is determined and the application automatically zooms
in to the user’s location. Next, the user can enter HWM data by clicking the “+” button. A form
then displays on the mobile device for the user to enter the data. Once all the data is entered into
the form, and the user has the option of taking a photo. Finally, after the user completes the form
and either uploads a photo or takes a new photo, the user will click the submit button. When the
user submits the data, HWM attributes and photos are written to the enterprise geodatabase and
the HWM point is automatically displayed on the map. At this point in the application, the user
can continue to enter more HWM points, save the data entered up to this point and exit the
application, or exit the application without saving.
Figure 12 HWMM Application Flowchart from the User's Perspective
3.2.3. Programming Approach
ArcGIS tools were used in the development of the HWMM and HWMDP. Esri’s
Collector for ArcGIS is a mobile data collection tool developed by Esri (Esri 2016b). Collector
for ArcGIS provides a mobile data collection solution with minimal programming required. In
general, it was developed to assist field crews in the ability to rapidly deploy a mobile data
collection application (Esri 2016b). Rapid deployment was one of the reasons Collector for
ArcGIS was chosen as the tool for HWMM development, as previously stated in Chapter 2. The
USACE purchased iPads and iPhones in 2015; therefore, the ability for the mobile data
collection tool to run on the iOS platform was a requirement of this project. Thus the mobile
platform of HWMM is iOS. The version of ArcGIS used for development is 10.4, the latest
version at the time of this writing.
The HWMM data is displayed and accessible through the Internet via the ArcGIS Online
Web Map. Behind the scenes, Esri’s ArcGIS Server provides the functionality to create, publish,
and share feature services from an enterprise geodatabase through the Internet. The HWMM
feature service is coupled with the live streamgage feature service, or feed, in the ArcGIS Online
Web Map. In turn, the online web map was integrated into the ArcGIS Web Mapping
Application, HWMDP. The HWMDP provides the end user interface, including a streamgage
tool with the ability to query attribute data from the streamgage feed to determine the closest
streamgage in the water body associated with the HWM. Providing this information to the
engineer allows him or her to reference the HWM to a corresponding peak river stage by using
the streamgage network after data has been collected in the field. This is a significant advantage
to the engineer because they no longer have to wait until land surveys of the HWMs are
complete to determine the elevation of the HWM.
3.3 Geodatabase Creation
In the past, the prep work conducted prior to HWM data collection was a time-consuming
and cumbersome task (Lwin et al 2014). Prep work included building maps and location data for
the area where HWMs will be collected as well as ensuring all necessary materials and tools
(field notebook, cellphone, camera, and GPS) are available. The traditional method of collecting
data with a paper form in real-time disaster situations is not efficient especially in emergency
response situations. Preparing basemaps and collecting ancillary datasets to aid in field data
collection in the immediate aftermath of a disaster is not practical. The rapid pace of GIS
technology and the advancement of mobile devices have opened the door for rapid development
of mobile data collection applications. And, the ability for the user to acquire precise location
information is an advancement that has transformed the geospatial industry (Wang et al. 2006).
Today, many mobile applications provide location information with a click of a button and step-
by-step directions without the need for advanced instruction. In addition, much of the location
information in the mobile device is readily available because it is stored in a spatial DBMS.
A geodatabase is different from traditional databases because it stores spatial information
(latitude and longitude). Therefore, point, lines, and polygons can be stored in a geodatabase.
Per Esri, the geodatabase is the native data structure format for ArcGIS (2016e). Accordingly, a
geodatabase was used for this thesis project, particularly, an enterprise geodatabase. An
enterprise geodatabase allows multiple users to perform edits of the features and non-spatial data
located in the geodatabase. SQL Server is a DBMS developed by Microsoft. Esri provides SQL
Server as one of the options when building an enterprise geodatabase. SQL Server was used for
the HWMM geodatabase repository because it does not require separate licenses and it is more
intuitive than the other enterprise DBMS options provided by Esri.
3.3.1. Data Features and Attributes
The structure of the HWMM geodatabase consists of one feature class and two tables. A
feature class is a collection of common spatial features such as points, lines, or polygons (ESRI
2016e). A feature class is comprised of one type of geometry. For example, the HWMM will
contain a High-Water Mark feature class that will only consist of point data. In a geodatabase,
tables are non-spatial. They consist of tabular data such as the first or last name of a landowner.
Relationship classes can also be part of the geodatabase structure. Relationship classes enable the
geodatabase tables and features to be joined by a common attribute or key so that information
from one feature can be related to another feature or table. The structure of a geodatabase is
similar to a database in that each feature class is a table with columns and rows. The main
difference is a shape attribute within the feature class. The shape attribute is used to hold the
geometry value of the feature class. This enables ArcGIS to “draw” the feature on the map. The
next section will dive deeper into the HWMM geodatabase structure and explore the data model.
3.3.2. Data Model
A data model of the structure of the HWMM geodatabase was designed before HWMM
development. Data models provide the ability to visualize the structure of the geodatabase prior
to creation. This model is a combination of a physical and logical model. The model allowed
the developer a chance to “see” issues and figure them out prior to the start of development.
Figure 13 depicts the HWMM data model comprised of two non-spatial tables and one spatial
feature class. Site is a non-spatial table in the data model. It contains information about the place
where the HWM is being collected. Photo is also a non-spatial table. It stores information about
the photo taken of the HWM and will be used by the engineers and emergency management
personnel as a historical reference for documenting flood events. High_Water_Mark is a spatial
feature in the data model. It is a point feature class that represents the HWM point and the
information about the HWM. The High_Water_Mark feature class also contains attributes for the
streamgage. Information about the streamgage can be entered into this feature class once the
nearest streamgage to the HWM is determined.
Figure 13 HWMM Data Model
Relationship classes join tables together in the data model. Relationship classes define
how origin objects such as feature classes and tables relate to destination objects through the use
of primary and foreign keys. Relationship classes can be one of three types: 1:1, 1:M, or M:N. In
the HWMM data model, one site can have many HWMs. This relationship is one-to-many,
using the GlobalID as the primary key in the Site table relating or joining to the
High_Water_Mark feature class through the foreign key, Rel_SiteGlobalID. Similarly,
High_Water_Mark can have many photos, thus the relationship type is one-to-many. The
primary key in the High_Water_Mark feature class is GlobalID and relates or joins to the foreign
key, Rel_HWMGlobalID, in the Photo table. The High_Water_Mark feature class is the focal
point in the geodatabase, meaning that without it, the other objects in the data model could not
exist. It is the core attribute that links the rest of the tables together through the use of
relationship classes.
Within the data model, each feature class and table is made up of a collection of
attributes. An attribute represents a single piece of information such as a type of HWM. Users
can manually enter data into attributes by typing the information in or they can choose from a
pick list of values. This is provided through the use of an attribute domains within the enterprise
geodatabase. The HWMM geodatabase contains eight domains. Domains reduce data entry error
by providing the user a list of possible values to choose from; therefore, it is considered a good
practice to include domains. Appendix C contains the data dictionary for the enterprise
geodatabase. The data dictionary explains each feature and table, related attributes, and
3.3.3. Feature Service
The HWMM feature service is the foundation of the HWMM application. It provides the
venue for creating, editing, and deleting the HWM points. A feature service is used to serve
feature data over the Internet in the same manner that Collector for ArcGIS works (Esri 2016b).
Collector for ArcGIS consumes an online web map containing a feature service and provides a
template for data collection. The template is constructed from the attributes in the feature service.
Furthermore, the feature service allows the client to execute queries and edit non-spatial tables if
relationship classes exist between the feature class and non-spatial tables. This is a valuable
functionality because it provides the user the ability to edit both the spatial and non-spatial data
in the application through the mobile device, rather than having to edit the data directly in the
enterprise geodatabase using ArcGIS for Desktop after field data collection is completed. A
major benefit of using feature services is the data can be created, edited, and queried on the
mobile device, and all of the information is written to the enterprise geodatabase automatically.
Figure 14 depicts the dataflow process from the geodatabase to ArcServer and finally to the
ArcGIS clients.
Figure 14 Feature Service Diagram (Esri 2016d)
Esri maintains a live streamgage feature service consisting of the USGS and NOAA
network of streamgages (Esri Observation 2016). As previously stated, the streamgage feature
service is used in the HWMDP application. Currently, the streamgage attributes, such as
streamgage id, streamgage height, and streamgage flow, can be manually entered into the
High_Water_Mark feature class via the HWMDP application. The HWMM application does not
include this type of editing capability at this time but is explored as a future enhancement in
Chapter 5. Figure 15 shows the feature service data integration with the data model to provide a
visual of the data model integrated with the feature services.
Figure 15 Feature Service Data Integration with Data Model
3.4 Application Development
Developing a mobile GIS data collection tool for HWMs was a significant contribution to
the USACE, as this is the first mobile tool available for HWM data collection at the time of this
writing. The mobile application uses a standardized HWM data repository based on the USGS’s
manual, “Identifying and Preserving High-Water Mark Data” (Koenig et al. 2016). The USGS
manual presents the idea of using a standardized form for HWM data collection. This manual
was used to build the feature class and tables for the geodatabase, therefore, providing a
standardized repository for HWM data. The repository will provide historical flood information,
which can be used to calibrate and validate hydraulic models.
In addition to the mobile data collection tool and the geodatabase repository, a feature
service is used as a method for creating, editing, and querying the data via the Internet. The
feature service is also used as input into an ArcGIS Online Web Map. Users can be given the
option of editing and querying the feature data via the feature service within the online web map.
Data is written to the feature services by users and updated in the geodatabase real-time. This
means that as soon as points are submitted to the HWMM application, the same points can be
seen in the HWMDP application. The two applications working synchronously is a huge
advancement over the paper and pen method, significantly cutting down on the amount of time
required to collect the data and then process it.
The following sections provide a thorough explanation of the development of the
HWMM and HWMDP applications. Section 3.4.1 provides an overall programming description.
This section is broken down further to describe in detail the data collection application and the
online web map application.
3.4.1. Programming
A virtual machine (VM) housed at University of Southern California (USC) running
Windows 2012 Server provides the development environment for this thesis project. Desktop for
ArcGIS 10.4, ArcGIS Server 10.4, Collector for ArcGIS 10.4, and ArcGIS Online are the Esri
tools used for development. The end products of the thesis project are a digital repository of
HWM data (enterprise SQL Server geodatabase), a mobile GIS data collection application
(HWMM) and an online web map application (HWMDP). HWMM
Collector for ArcGIS was used to develop the HWMM data collection application. The
enterprise geodatabase, feature service, and online web map provided the foundation for the data
collection form in Collector for ArcGIS. The form uses the attributes from the feature services as
the data fields for collection. Figure 16 is a screen capture of the HWMM application. On a
mobile device, the application loads and zooms to the user’s current location as displayed in
Figure 16. The user clicks the “+,” then, manually enters the information into the form. Figure 17
displays an example of a completed form with all data fields filled in.
Figure 16 HWMM displaying User's Current Location
Figure 17 HWMM Form HWMDP
The HWMDP is an ArcGIS Online web mapping application built using the HWMM
web map, designed to be used with browsers on desktop computers. The HWMDP is intended to
provide a common picture for users to view and download all the data collected in the field with
the HWMM mobile app. The bowser-based web map also consumes a live feature service of
streamgage data. Esri provides the live streamgage feed consisting of the USGS and NOAA
streamgage network (Esri Observation 2016). The web map contains both feature services and
thus both are included in the web mapping application, HWMDP. By providing both datasets in
a single map, the engineers and emergency management personnel using the application are
provided a common operating picture as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18 HWMDP ArcGIS Online Web Map
ArcGIS Online provides the ability to share web maps and feature services. Therefore,
the maps and feature services created with ArcGIS Online for this project can also be leveraged
in an ArcGIS application development environment such as ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. In this
project, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder was used to customize the final desktop browser-based
application, HWMDP, in order to include the streamgage query tool and the ability to download
the data.
57 Data Download
The HWMDP application gives the user the ability to download the HWM data collected
with the HWMM application as well as the streamgage data provided by Esri’s live feature
service (Esri Observation 2016). The user can download all the HWM data or apply a filter to
download specific data. The data download tool is available when the user clicks on the down
arrow at the bottom of the HWMDP application as shown in Figure 19. The attribute table
containing all of the HWM feature data is available. Clicking the “Options” button allows the
user the ability to export the data to Common-Separated Values (CSV) format. The user can
import the dataset in ArcGIS ArcMap to view the data locally.
Figure 19 HWMDP Data Download Tool
3.4.2. Programming Challenges
The first programming challenge in the HWMDP development was including the ability
to cross-reference the nearest streamgage to the HWMM point. The site table was created to
provide a waterbody attribute that is used to determine the waterbody a given HWM is
associated with. This information, in turn, is used to determine the nearest streamgage to the
HWM. The ability to determine the nearest streamgage then provides a peak river stage that can
be referenced to the HWM. The ability to completely automate this task without requiring input
from the end user proved unsuccessful, due to the lack of direct access to the Collector for
ArcGIS source code and the timeframe to complete the project.
Developing a streamgage query tool using Web AppBuilder circumvented the
programming challenge. The query tool deploys a geoprocessing task in the form of a buffer
around a HWM point in order to determine the nearest streamgage. When the streamgage query
tool is executed, a 5-mile buffer is created around the HWM data point. A 5-mile distance was
chosen based on the proximity of streamgages located in the MS River. The streamgages that
match the query are highlighted. Figures 20 and 21 display the tools’ functionality. While this
method does not write the peak river stage of the water into the attribute field of the HWM
feature, the user can still manually view the information as well as manually edit the HWM
feature to add the peak river stage and streamgage data as needed.
Figure 20 Streamgage and HWM Query
Figure 21 Example Results of Query Displaying Information on Nearest Streamgage
Another programming challenge was the ability to capture the accuracy of the HWMM
user’s mobile device into the enterprise geodatabase. The ability to capture the accuracy into the
geodatabase record for the HWM point would allow data users to know the accuracy of each
measured point. Esri does not provide a method to capture the mobile device accuracy
information via the Collector for ArcGIS application. However, Esri does provide a
workaround. The workaround includes creating a location tracking layer. The location tracking
layer is intended to track the location of the Collector for ArcGIS application user (ESRI 2016b).
In tracking the location of the user, an accuracy of the location is captured within the layer.
Unfortunately, when the location tracking layer was created in the HWMM application, it did not
function as intended. A point in the layer had to be created and the accuracy had to be manually
entered. Further research and debugging must be performed to determine if the lack of
functionality is a bug or developer error.
Chapter 4 Application Evaluation
This chapter provides an overview of the evaluation of the applications, HWMM and HWMDP.
Section 4.1 describes the evolution of application design and how the design changed to
overcome initial application development programming challenges. Section 4.2 describes the
results of the field tests conducted as well as the audience selected to field test the applications.
Section 4.3 provides an overview of the user survey form.
4.1 Evolution of Application Design
The initial enterprise geodatabase design for this thesis project changed throughout the
project development process. The first change was to accommodate survey information in the
form of multiple attributes such as survey date, survey uncertainty, survey elevation in feet, and
vertical datum. An attribute was also added for the vertical collection method. This attribute is
used as an indicator to describe what type of method was used to collect the height of the HWM.
If the peak streamgage reading from neither the nearest streamgage nor the land survey is
conducted, the design of the geodatabase allows for entry of a manual measurement of the HWM
using a tape or other measuring device to determine the ground height of the HWM. Although
measuring with a tape measure will not provide a true elevation, the height above ground
provides the user a reference point for flooding, since the height of the ground can later be
determined from a digital elevation model using the indirect method.
The relationship class between the HWM feature class and the Site table was modified
from the original data model design as well. This was due to a limitation with Collector for
ArcGIS as provided by Esri. The initial enterprise geodatabase design contained a 1:M
relationship class between the Site table, which was the parent table, and the HWM feature class,
which was the child table. The data model and thus geodatabase were designed to allow multiple
HWMs to reference one site since many HWMs are normally collected in a given flood event
area or a single location. The Collector for ArcGIS application cannot interpret the geodatabase
relationship since the parent is the non-graphic table and not a feature class. Therefore, the
application presented the error message “No editable layers available.” Per ArcGIS Blog article,
“Related Tables – Exploring New Ways to Use Collector for ArcGIS,” 1:1, 1:M, and M:1
relationships are supported by Collector for ArcGIS (Shaner 2015). Therefore, an Esri technical
support ticket was submitted to determine if this was a bug in the Collector for ArcGIS
application or a developer error. According to Esri Support Services, the 1:M relationship
originating from a non-graphic table to a feature class is not supported by the Collector for
ArcGIS application (Rashan W. 2016). In an effort to mitigate this geodatabase relationship
limitation, the relationship class between the HWM feature class and Site table was changed to a
1:1 relationship class. Once this was modified in the geodatabase, the HWMM functioned
properly, allowing the user to enter a point for the HWM feature as well as site information.
Figure 22 displays the revised data model.
Figure 22 Revised Data Model
Changing the relationship class between the site and HWM feature class essentially de-
normalized the geodatabase, meaning that duplicate site records can exist. A user will have to
manually enter the Site information for each HWM that is collected. The user will not be
allowed to choose from a previous site record due to 1:1 relationship class between the HWM
feature class and Site table. Changing the relationship class also means there can be duplicate site
records for a single Site with different primary keys. From a geodatabase perspective, this is
allowed as long as two records do not have the same primary key. From a user perspective, there
will be duplication of effort when entering Site-specific data in the field, and from a database
administration perspective, multiple HWM records pertaining to the same Site will need to be
managed. For example, if two users are collecting HWMs at the same Site, they both will enter
information about the site location creating two records for the same Site.
4.2 Results of Field Tests
An initial field test was conduced in Baton Rouge, LA the weekend of August 26 – 28,
2016. Baton Rouge experienced historical flooding from excessive rainfall between August 12
and August 14, 2016. Many areas in East Baton Rouge Parish, Livingston Parish, and Ascension
Parish flooded. After the floodwaters had receded, the author conducted a field test using the
HWMM application. During the field test, it was determined that the user was not able to enter
Site information, due to the previously described issue of the non-graphic Site table having a
1:many relationship to the HWM feature class (see Section 4.1). The field test was still
conducted despite the issue. Six HWMs were collected during the field test, and the site
information was hand written for documentation purposes. The limited number of HWMs
collected was due to inclement weather conditions and the timeframe of data collection. Many
homes and buildings did not have any HWMs remaining because of the perishable nature of the
HWM and the amount of rainfall the area received after the floodwaters receded.
After the data model had been modified as described in Section 4.1, a second field test
was conducted in Vicksburg, Mississippi (MS) on September 16, 2016. Vicksburg is located on
the MS River and has experienced historical flooding over time. HWMs were captured on the
floodwall in downtown Vicksburg along the MS River waterfront as well as around the ERDC.
Two hydraulic engineers from the USACE Mississippi Valley Division and one emergency
management personnel from ERDC field-tested the HWMM and HWMDP applications. A
HWM collected during the Vicksburg, MS field test is shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Data Collected during Vicksburg, MS Field Test
Prior to the field test in Vicksburg, the field testers were briefed on the overview of each
application which included the objective of this thesis project, the differences between both
applications, and instructions on how to use the applications. User guides for each application are
found in Appendix D. Providing information prior to conducting the field test allowed the
individuals to become familiar with the applications before going into the field. After the field
test were complete, the users were asked to complete an online user survey to gather feedback.
The results of the user survey are described in Section 4.3.1.
The mobile devices used during the field test included two Apple iPads and one iPhone.
The USACE bought a few iPads to use for development and testing purposes. Unfortunately,
other USACE personnel checked out the iPads during the time the HWMM field test was
conducted. Therefore, personal iPad and iPhone devices were used. The two iPads used for the
field test were an iPad Air and an iPad Mini. The iPhone used for the field test was an iPhone
6s. Despite different Apple iOS versions, all of these devices worked properly for field data
collection using the HWMM application. A USACE Dell workstation was also used to test the
HWMDP application by the two hydraulic engineers shortly after the field test were conducted.
The HWMDP successfully provided a common operating picture of the HWM data collected in
the field, therefore, it will be used in the office and not on a mobile device.
The HWMM application has a default accuracy of 30 feet set by the Collector for ArcGIS
application. Accuracy is a global setting in the Collector for ArcGIS application, therefore, if
accuracy is increased or decreased it is applied to all Collector for ArcGIS applications on the
mobile device. 30 feet accuracy was used during the field test. The accuracy setting was deemed
appropriate and not changed during the field test. Figure 24 shows the default accuracy set by
the device using during the field test. If the user increases the accuracy so that the mobile device
cannot determine the device’s location, an error message will be displayed as depicted in Figure
Figure 24 Default High-Water Mark Mobile Accuracy
Figure 25 Collector for ArcGIS Accuracy Error
4.3 User Survey Form
A user survey was developed for this thesis project to ensure the HWMM and HWMDP
met the objectives of the thesis outlined in Chapter 1. The user survey also provided an avenue
for the user to provide feedback to the developer. This valuable information is used to gauge the
overall user experience and interest in using the applications. The user survey form was
developed using Google Forms. Google Forms was used because it is cost effective, easy to use,
and requires no programming for the survey to work on mobile devices. At the time of this
writing, the live survey form can be found at the following link: The survey was sent via email to the three field
tester on September 16, 2016, shortly after the Vicksburg, MS field test was conducted.
The survey is divided into four sections. Each section pertains to an occupational
audience (hydraulic engineer, emergency management/operations personnel, surveyor, and
other) as depicted in Figure 26. Each occupation may or may not use both applications, therefore,
the survey questions change based upon the occupation chosen by the user.
Figure 26 HWMM/HWMDP User Feedback Survey
The questions asked, and available answers are as follows:
Hydraulic Engineer Survey Questions:
Question: In regards to the HWMM application, how much time did the mobile
application save you entering one HWM vs. the current pen/paper method? (The time
includes collecting and processing the data)
Possible Answers: More than 20 minutes, 10 – 20 minutes, Less than 20 minutes
Question: How many HWM did you collect?
Possible Answers: More than 20, 15 – 19, 10 – 14, 5 – 9, Less than 5
Question: When using the HWMM application was it easy to create, edit or delete HWM
points and enter Site information?
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: If you chose “No,” can you please explain?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: When using the HWMDP application did you have any issues using the query
tool to find the nearest streamgage?
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: If you chose “Yes,” can you please explain?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: When using the HWMDP application, was it easy to edit and/or delete HWM
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: If you chose “No,” can you please explain?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Which feature of the HWMM/HWMDP did you find most useful?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Please provide any suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Emergency Operations/Management Survey Questions:
Question: In regards to the HWMM application, how much time did the mobile
application save you entering one HWM vs the current pen/paper method? (The time
includes collecting and processing the data)
Possible Answers: More than 20 minutes, 10 – 20 minutes, Less than 20 minutes
Question: How many HWM did you collect?
Possible Answers: More than 20, 15 – 19, 10 – 14, 5 – 9, Less than 5
Question: When using the HWMM application was it easy to create, edit or delete HWM
points and enter Site information?
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: If you chose “No,” can you please explain?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Did you use the HWMDP application?
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: Which feature of the HWMM/HWMDP did you find most useful?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Please provide any suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Surveyor Survey Questions:
Question: Using the HWMM, were you able to easily locate the HWM that needed to be
Possible Answers: Yes, No
Question: How many HWM were you able to update with survey information?
Possible Answers: More than 20, 15 – 19, 10 – 14, 5 – 9, Less than 5
Question: What type of survey information, if any, is missing from the HWM data
collection form?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Which feature of the HWMM did you find most useful?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Please provide any suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Other Survey Questions:
Question: What is your occupation?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Which application did you use?
Possible Answers: HWMM, HWMDP, Both
Question: Which feature of the HWMM/HWMDP did you find most useful?
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
Question: Please provide any suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.
Possible Answers: (Free Form Text)
4.3.1. Summary of Survey Results
The survey results for the HWMM/HWMDP User Feedback Survey provided valuable
feedback on the usefulness of the applications and areas that need improvement. The first survey
question results are shown in Figure 27. This question provides valuable information on the type
of users most interested in the HWMM and HWMDP application. Although the applications
were developed for a specific user group, in the future other users with differing occupations in
the USGS or USACE could use the application.
Figure 27 Summarize responses of first survey question
The survey also includes two questions common to all audiences. These questions are
“Which feature of the HWMM/HWMDP did you find most useful?” and “Please provide any
suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.” Both of the answers to the questions are free
form text. The responses to these questions are found in Table 1. These responses pertaining to
improvements will be used to refine the applications in future development efforts.
Table 1 Survey Results
Question: Which feature of the HWMM/HWMDP did you find most useful?
Hydraulic Engineer 1 “The ability to find the nearest streamgage.”
Hydraulic Engineer 2 “Entering data on the iPad. Much better than using paper form.”
Emergency Ops “Zoom to location and pick list to enter information.”
Question: Please provide any suggestions, improvements, or feedback below.
Hydraulic Engineer 1 “This is a very useful tool that would save time and increase accuracy
and productivity when collecting HWM.”
Hydraulic Engineer 2 “Date for the collecting and flagging the HWM. I can chose a date, but
can’t clear it if I don’t want to enter a date.”
Emergency Ops “Make more pick list for the site entry.”
The overall feedback from the survey was positive and proved the two applications to be
beneficial to the users surveyed. Based on the survey results, two out of three users stated that
the HWMM application saved them more than 20 minutes collecting and processing one HWM
compared to the current paper/pen method. These results are shown in Figure 28. All
participants stated that the HWMM application provided an easy way to create, edit and delete
HWM and site data. The hydraulic engineers who used the HWMDP application stated that they
had no issue using the query tool to find the nearest streamgage. They also stated that the
streamgage query tool provided a cost-effective and fast solution to the current survey method.
Based on the user’s feedback, the HWMM and HWMDP met the objectives of this thesis.
Figure 28 Summarized Responses to Question on Time Savings
Chapter 5 Conclusions
This chapter concludes this thesis by reviewing the results of this project and providing
information on future enhancements and intended technology transfer activities. Section 5.1
describes the goals achieved with this thesis project by summarizing the outcomes of the original
thesis project objectives. Section 5.2 discusses future improvements that may be made to the
HWMM and HWPP applications. Lastly, Section 5.3 describes a transition path for the HWMM
and HWMDP for implementation within the USACE.
5.1 Goals Achieved
The objectives of this thesis were: (1) to build a standardized digital repository to store
HWM data, (2) to develop a mobile GIS data collection solution for collecting HWMs
(HWMM), and (3) to provide an online common operating picture of HWM data and streamgage
information (HWMDP). These objectives were accomplished through the development of the
HWMM and HWMDP. A standardized digital repository, mobile application, and the ability to
locate streamgages near HWMs were developed and tested.
The field test conducted in Baton Rouge and Vicksburg proved to be beneficial. The
hydraulic engineers who tested the applications in the field were able to successfully collect
HWM data, and then use the HWMDP to review the repository of HWM data. Specifically, they
were able to view the HWMs captured after the flood event in Baton Rouge and reference these
to a corresponding peak river stage. This allowed the engineers to evaluate the impacts caused by
the corresponding river stage elsewhere in the Baton Rouge area.
In addition to field tests, feedback from user survey responses indicated that the
applications also met the thesis objective outlined in Chapter 1. The HWMM application proved
to be useful in collecting HWM data. The HWMDP provided the engineers a desktop, browser-
based online interface, which makes the HWM data readily available at any the time. Any user
with an ArcGIS Online Organization account can log into the HWMDP and view HWMs and
streamgage data, providing a common operating picture to the user.
5.2 Future Improvements
There are a few future improvements that would be beneficial. The first improvement is
incorporating more domain values into the Site table. Domain values provide a list of possible
values for an attribute field. Providing the user a list of permissible values saves on the amount
of time required for a user to enter data as well as the amount of time validating the attribute
The second improvement would be to programmatically incorporate the streamgage
query into the HWMM application. The level of effort to incorporate this improvement would
involve developing and incorporating the code into the HWMM application. Esri AppStudio
could be used to develop the functionality. This improvement could take a significant amount of
time to develop code and to test.
The third improvement would be to develop a method for normalizing the Site
information/records in the enterprise geodatabase. Due to the relationship class change between
the HWM feature class and Site table as described in Section 4.1, the Site table may contain
multiple records for one site. A potential fix for this issue is to build a script to determine the
duplicate records. The Find Identical ArcGIS tool can be used to find the duplicate records
within the Site table. This improvement will need to be developed and tested to ensure it works
The fourth improvement would be to expand upon the user survey to gather more
feedback from the users. The first survey question for the Hydraulic Engineer and Emergency
Management/Operations Personnel ask the user how much time they saved entering one HWM
using the HWMM application. This question can be expanded to ask exactly how much time
was saved. Also, it would be useful to understand exactly what HWMM functionality saved
them time (less prep work before data collection, collecting the HWM, taking the photo,
associating the photo to the HWM, etc.).
The fifth improvement would be to automatically collect device accuracy in the
enterprise geodatabase with each record. This improvement would include working with the Esri
Collector for ArcGIS development team on the source code, if possible.
The final improvement would be to capture information on the user into the HWMM
application. The user information could be captured when the user authenticates in ArcGIS
Online to order to use the Collector for ArcGIS application. According to Esri Support Services,
capturing the authenticated user in a feature class (geodatabase) Site record is not an available
option in the Collector for ArcGIS application at this time (Daniel, Esri Support Services,
October 18, 2016, e-mail message). Daniel recommended creating a domain list with all the
HWMM users and linking the domain to an attribute within the HWM feature class. At the time
of this writing, this is a feasible solution if the number of HWMM users is small. However this
could potentially be an issue when the number of HWM users grow during an emergency
situation unless sufficient prep time is available to customize the domain list to include all
known users prior to the land survey to collect HWMs.
5.3 Technology Transfer
The USACE hydraulic engineers and emergency management/operations personnel
served as mentors throughout the development of the HWMM and HWMDP applications.
During the field test, the engineer expressed interest in having other members of their team test
the HWMM and HWMDP. They were very excited about the potential to collect HWM in a
timely and cost-effective manner. This section explores the process of transitioning the HWMM
and HWMDP from the USC SSI’s ArcGIS Online Organization account to the USACE. The
USACE’s ArcGIS Online instance is called the USACE Geospatial Platform.
It is anticipated that the enterprise geodatabase for the HWMM and HWMDP
applications will be migrated first to the USACE within the fiscal year 2017. The USACE
currently has numerous instances of SQL Server deployed within the USACE. The geodatabase
would reside in the USACE Central Processing Center. Once migrated, accounts/users will need
to be created. This will be performed in collaboration with a USACE database administrator.
The next step would be to rebuild and publish the feature service described in Chapter 3.
The feature service is used to develop the web map, which is used by the Collector for ArcGIS
application. Once the feature service is published, the web map can be created. The web map
will consume the HWM feature service as well as the streamgage feature service. The web map
will be used to develop the HWMM and the HWMDP applications. Once the HWMDP is
created, the streamgage query tool will be developed. Finally, training and end-user testing
should be conducted using the HWMM and HWMDP user guides (Appendix D). After a
successful pilot and deployment, USACE hopes to partner with the USGS to associate the
HWMM data with the USGS STN. The STN uses an ArcGIS Online Web Map for the STN
Flood Event Viewer. Utilizing the same technology, HWMM can be easily integrated into the
STN providing a common picture of HWM data between the agencies. It is also anticipated that
the USACE IT personnel will assist with implementing the improvements to the applications
described in Section 5.2 as soon as the technology transfer is completed.
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Appendix A: USACE Wilmington District HWM Data Collection Form
Appendix B: USGS Data Collection Form
Appendix C: Data Dictionary
Appendix D: User Guides
High-Water Mark Mobile (HWMM) Application User Guide
The High-Water Mark Mobile (HWMM) application is used to enter high-water mark data. The
HWMM application is compatible with the iOS platform. The application uses Collector for
ArcGIS, which requires an ArcGIS Online account.
1. If not already installed, install Collector for ArcGIS from the App Store.
2. Double click the Collector for ArcGIS application to start the application:
3. Log into the application by clicking on the appropriate account and enter the user name and
4. Click the High-Water Mark Data Collection to launch the app:
5. The application will load the user’s current location.
6. Click the plus sign at the top of the application if using an iPhone. Click the plus sign on the
right side if using an iPad:
7. Click on HWM to start collecting the data:
8. Enter the information listed in the data entry form:
***Multiple fields have a list of predefined data to choose from:
9. Once all the data has been entered, click on the camera icon:
10. Click Add – the camera options display. Choose either “Take Photo or Video” or “Choose
From Library”
11. Click Done once the photo has been taken and uploaded:
12. Click the submit button at the top of the form to submit the HWM:
13. Continue to enter a new HWM, enter Site data (Continue to Step 14) or Exit the Application
(Continue to Step 20).
14. To enter Site data, click on the HWM point on the map.
15. Click the HWM:XXXX at the bottom of the map. The HWM form will open:
16. Scroll to the bottom of the HWM form.
17. Click New:
18. Enter the site information:
19. Click the Submit Button
20. Exit the application by clicking the Maps button to return to the homepage of the app. Then
click on the exit button and choose the “Sign Out” option.
Additional Functionality of the HWMM Application
Additional functionality is available by clicking the More option on an iPhone. If using an iPad
these features are listed on the main toolbar:
Basemap Option
High-Water Mark Data Portal (HWMDP) Application User Guide
The High-Water Mark Data Portal (HWMDP) application is used to run the streamgage query
tool, edit, or delete HWM points collected by the HWMM. The HWMDP is an online web
application that requires an ArcGIS Online account. It provides a common operating picture of
all HWM points and Streamgages.
1. Open a web browser and navigate to:
2. Sign in using an ArcGIS Online Account:
3. The HWMDP application opens:
! HWMDP has various tools available:
! Legend – Displays symbology and description of layers in the map:
! Layers – Displays the different operational layers in the map:
Query Tool
Layers Edit
! Streamgage Query Tool – Query tool to find the nearest streamgage to the HWM:
! Edit Tool – Allows the user to edit the HWM record to add the streamgage information:
How to use the Streamgage Query Tool
1. Zoom to the area of the HWM to find the nearest streamgage
2. Click on the rectangle drawing tool to draw a rectangle around the HWM:
3. Enter buffer distance. *The default is a 5-mile buffer. This can be increased or decreased
depending on the area and the number of streamgages found:
4. Click on the Execute button:
5. The streamgages that meet the buffer query are highlighted with a blue circle, and the results
are displayed on the right:
6. Find the nearest streamgage from the results list or using the map. Click on the streamgage
point to view the attribute information or click on the “More info” link to open the
streamgage information page in the web browser. Information about the streamgage
including streamgage id, streamgage owner, and peak river stage can be found:
7. Click on the HWM point to open the HWM attributes. Click on the … at the bottom of the
attribute window, then click Edit:
8. Enter the streamgage id, streamgage organization, and peak river stage:
9. Scroll to the end of the HWM attribute window. Click Close:
10. The HWM is updated with the nearest streamgage information.
11. Continue to run the streamgage query tool to edit more HWMs.
12. If the previous query results are displayed when the Streamgage Query Tool button is
clicked, those will need to be removed. To remove the results, click on the …, then Remove
this Result:
How to download the data:
1. Click the up arrow button to open the attribute table.
2. Choose the Options menu item
3. Choose Export All to CSV
4. Choose OK to export data to CSV
5. Choose location to save data when prompted
6. Data will be saved in CSV format and can be opened with Microsoft Excel or imported into
Abstract (if available)
A high-water mark (HWM) is a horizontal mark left on a structure or vegetation after floodwaters recede. HWMs provide engineers and floodplain managers insight into flood events because they represent the highest elevation of flooding at peak river stage. Cataloging HWMs after a flood event and referencing them to a corresponding peak river stage, allows an engineer to evaluate the impacts caused by the corresponding river stage. The river stage can be determined by utilizing the national network of streamgages maintained by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Collecting and cataloging data from a HWM and the corresponding streamgage is valuable because the data provides a reference for engineers to calibrate and validate hydraulic models, and the data provides a reference of the impact elevation for when a future flood event is forecasted to exceed or reach the same river stage. ❧ Currently, collecting and cataloging HWM data involves a manual method where emergency management personnel and engineers fill out paper forms, and then a professional land survey crew surveys the HWM to determine the elevation of the mark. Furthermore, the attribute data collected on the HWM is not standardized, meaning that different federal agencies collect different attributes. This thesis presents a standardized method for cataloging and collecting HWM data using a mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) application for HWM data collection and a standardized digital repository for HWM cataloging and sharing. Both the application and the repository developed in this thesis provide a standardized and automated approach to HWM data collection and dissemination including direct download. Also, this thesis provides a method for the user to reference the HWM to a corresponding river stage by offering the ability to query the USGS streamgage network to find the nearest streamgage to the HWM during the field activities. The application was field tested by hydraulic engineers and flood operation managers as part of this thesis work, followed by an online survey conducted to collect feedback from the users. The results from the field tests and online user survey will be used for future refinement of the applications, which has been offered as an enhancement to existing HWM data collection, storage, and dissemination strategies currently in use by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the USGS.
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Asset Metadata
Windham, Allyson
Core Title
Development of a mobile GIS high-water mark data collection application for the Mississippi River Basin
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
data collection,high-water mark,HWM,mobile GIS,OAI-PMH Harvest
Electronically uploaded by the author
Swift, Jennifer (
committee chair
), Chiang, Yao-Yi (
committee member
), Yang, Wei (
committee member
Creator Email,
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-WindhamAll-4918.pdf (filename),usctheses-c16-673868 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Windham, Allyson
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Access Conditions
The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
data collection
high-water mark
mobile GIS