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A user-centric approach for improving a distributed software system's deployment architecture
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A user-centric approach for improving a distributed software system's deployment architecture
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Sam Malek
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2007
Copyright 2007 Sam Malek
To my loving family
First and foremost I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Nenad Medvidovic, for
his support and guidance during the past five years. I am forever grateful to him for
encouraging me to pursue my Ph.D. studies, which turned out to be one of the best
decisions I have made in my life. It has been a privilege to learn so much from such an
extraordinary individual. I am sure I will miss the days when I could knock on his
door and pick his brain over a cup of coffee. I also would like to thank the other
members of my committee, Professors Sandeep Gupta, Gaurav Sukhatme, Richard
Taylor, and Barry Boehm for their feedback and devoting time from their busy
Discussions with my colleague and friend, Marija Mikic-Rakic, gave me the
motivation to pursue this research topic. I am always grateful to her for the countless
times she helped me with patience. I owe thanks to Nels Beckman for his significant
contributions to the development of DeSi. I wish to thank Chiyoung Seo for his help
with the implementation and evaluation of this dissertation using MIDAS. I have also
been really fortunate to work with many other good friends and colleagues in the
Software Architecture Group at USC: Roshanak Roshandel, Vladimir Jakobac, Chris
Mattmann, David Woolard, Somo Banerjee, George Edwards, Daniel Popescu, and
Yuriy Brun.
I have been very fortunate to have the love and support of my family and friends
throughout this journey. To my dear parents, Manouchehr and Zinat, and older
brother, Mike, I am forever grateful for all the sacrifices you have made for me.
Finally, I would like to thank my fiance and best friend, Shadi, for all her love,
support, and encouragement. Without you I could not have made it.
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1
1.1. Research Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
CHAPTER 2: Analyzing Deployment Architecture 14
CHAPTER 3: Related Work 26
3.1. Deployment Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2. Deployment Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3. Software Deployment Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4. Remote Deployment Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5. Dynamic Reconfiguration of Deployment Architecture . . . . . . 33
CHAPTER 4: Overview of the Framework 36
4.1. Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2. Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3. Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.4. Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.5. Effector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.6. User Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.7. Framework Instantiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
CHAPTER 5: Framework Model 51
5.1. Formal Problem Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.2. Framework Instantiation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3. Decentralization Modeling Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
CHAPTER 6: Framework Algorithms 61
6.1. Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.2. Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.3. Greedy Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.4. Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.5. Market-based Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
CHAPTER 7: Tool-Support 84
7.1. Architectural Middleware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.2. Deployment Modeling and Analysis Environment . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3. Tool Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
CHAPTER 8: Evaluation 135
8.1. Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
8.2. Algorithmic Trade-Offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
8.3. Prism-MW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
8.4. DeSi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
8.5. Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
CHAPTER 9: Conclusions 182
9.1. Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
9.2. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Table 8-1: Results of an example scenario with 12C, 5H, 8S, and 8U..................138
Table 8-2: Comparison of DecAp++’s accuracy in deployment architectures
characterized by fully connected graphs of hosts. ................................................147
Table 8-3: Comparison of DecAp++’s performance in deployment
architectures with varying levels of disconnected links among hosts....................148
Table 8-4: Demonstration of DecAp++’s convergence. ........................................149
Table 8-5: Distributed Architecture Scenarios.......................................................163
Table 8-6: Users’ preferences in the TDS scenario. ..............................................175
Table 8-7: Results of running the greedy algorithm on the TDS scenario.............176
Figure 1-1: Instance of TDS...................................................................................3
Figure 1-2: A sample deployment architecture of TDS, consisting of single
Headquarters (host 2), two Commanders (hosts 1 and 5), and two Soldiers
(hosts 3 and 4) ........................................................................................................5
Figure 1-3: Problem overview. ..............................................................................8
Figure 2-1: A very simple application scenario of one QoS dimension. ...............15
Figure 2-2: Latency of service Schedule Resources in the four possible
deployment architectures of application scenario shown in Figure 2-1.................15
Figure 2-3: A more complicated application scenario of two QoS
Figure 2-4: Latency versus durability of service Schedule Resources for the
four possible deployment architectures of application scenario shown in
Figure 2-3...............................................................................................................17
Figure 2-5: An application scenario that includes the notion of user and user
preferences. ............................................................................................................18
Figure 2-6: The utility functions representing the Commander’s QoS
preferences. ............................................................................................................19
Figure 2-7: The utility of the four possible deployments for application
scenario shown in Figure 2-5. ................................................................................20
Figure 2-8: An application scenario that includes two users with different
preferences. ............................................................................................................21
Figure 2-9: The utility functions representing the Troop’s QoS preferences. .......22
Figure 2-10: The utility of the four possible deployments for application
scenario shown in Figure 2-8. ................................................................................22
Figure 2-11: A more complicated application scenario. ........................................23
Figure 2-12: The utility functions representing the QoS preferences of the
Figure 2-13: The QoS dimension trade-offs for the 27 possible deployment
architectures. ..........................................................................................................25
Figure 4-1: Deployment improvement framework. ...............................................36
Figure 4-2: Framework variation points. ...............................................................37
Figure 4-3: Framework’s centralized instantiation. ...............................................48
Figure 4-4: Framework’s decentralized instantiation. ...........................................49
Figure 5-1: Framework model. ..............................................................................54
Figure 5-2: Problem definition...............................................................................55
Figure 5-3: Framework instantiation example. ......................................................57
Figure 5-4: Decentralization modeling constructs. ................................................60
Figure 6-1: Application of the genetic algorithm for a problem of 10
components and 4 hosts: a) Simple representation, b) Representation based
on services..............................................................................................................72
Figure 6-2: Domain of host A with different policies for determining host
awareness. .............................................................................................................82
Figure 7-1: UML class design view of Prism-MW. Middleware core classes
are highlighted........................................................................................................86
Figure 7-2: Link between two Ports in Prism-MW................................................87
Figure 7-3: Prism-MW application implementation fragments.............................91
Figure 7-4: Event dispatching in Prism-MW for a single address space.
a) Steps (1)-(7) are performed by a single shepherd thread. b) steps 1-3 are
performed by two shepherd threads, assuming the RenderingAgent is
sending event E to both recipient components.......................................................94
Figure 7-5: Prism-MW’s extensibility mechanism................................................96
Figure 7-6: Port extensions. ...................................................................................97
Figure 7-7: DistributionEnabledPort usage scenario .............................................98
Figure 7-8: Event dispatching in Prism-MW for the remote scenario...................100
Figure 7-9: Event extensions..................................................................................101
Figure 7-10: Scaffold extensions. ..........................................................................103
Figure 7-11: Component extensions. .....................................................................105
Figure 7-12: Scaffold extensions. ..........................................................................111
Figure 7-13: Prism-MW’s support for architectural styles. ...................................114
Figure 7-14: Partial API of StyleFactory. ..............................................................116
Figure 7-15: Client-Server style example. .............................................................117
Figure 7-16: DeSi’s architecture. ...........................................................................120
Figure 7-17: DeSi’s editable tabular view of the system’s deployment
Figure 7-18: DeSi’s graphical view of a system’s deployment architecture:
(a) zoomed out view showing multiple hosts; (b) zoomed in view of the same
Figure 7-19: DeSi’s graphical view of system users’ QoS preferences................127
Figure 7-20: An example of a distributed system running on top of
Prism-MW that is monitored and (re)deployed in collaboration with DeSi. .........132
Figure 8-1: Input for DeSi’s deployment scenario generation...............................136
Figure 8-2: Comparison of the four algorithms’ performance and accuracy.........141
Figure 8-3: Sensitivity of performance to QoS dimensions...................................143
Figure 8-4: Impact of variable ordering on MIP’s performance............................144
Figure 8-5: Impact of swapping on the accuracy of the greedy algorithm. ...........145
Figure 8-6: Impact of mapping and parallel execution on the accuracy of the
genetic algorithm....................................................................................................146
Figure 8-7: Benchmark results of executing Prism on a PC. .................................159
Figure 8-8: Benchmark results of executing Prism on a PDA...............................159
Figure 8-9: Components communicating through a connector..............................161
Figure 8-10: Components communicating directly via ports.................................161
Figure 8-11: A “flat” architecture composed of 110 components deployed
over 11 distributed devices.....................................................................................165
Figure 8-12: A “tall” architecture with 19 components deployed over
10 devices...............................................................................................................167
Figure 8-13: Instance of TDS that is deployed and monitored using
Figure 8-14: Instance of the TDS deployment architecture modeled in DeSi. ......173
Figure 8-15: Instance of TDS users, QoS preferences, and user-level
services modeled in DeSi.......................................................................................174
Figure 8-16: MIDAS system..................................................................................177
Figure 8-17: An abridged view of MIDAS's architecture that is monitored,
analyzed, and adapted at runtime...........................................................................180
The quality of service (QoS) provided by a distributed software system depends on
many system parameters, such as network bandwidth, reliability of links, frequencies
of software component interactions, etc. A distributed system's allocation of software
components to hardware nodes (i.e., deployment architecture) can have a significant
impact on its QoS. At the same time, often times there are many deployment
architectures that provide the same functionality in large-scale software systems.
Furthermore, the impact of deployment architecture on the QoS dimensions (e.g.,
availability, latency) of the services (functionalities) provisioned by the system could
vary. In fact, some QoS dimensions may be conflicting, such that a deployment
architecture that improves one QoS dimension, degrades another dimension.
In this dissertation, we motivate, present, and evaluate a framework aimed at finding
the most appropriate deployment architecture with respect to multiple, and possibly
conflicting, QoS dimensions. The framework provides a formal approach to modeling
the problem, and a set of generic algorithms that can be tailored and instantiated for
improving a system’s deployment architecture. The framework relies on system
users’ (desired) degree of satisfaction with QoS improvements to resolve trade-offs
between conflicting QoS dimensions. The framework is realized on top of an
integrated tool suite, which further aids reusability and cross-evaluation of the
This dissertation is evaluated empirically on a large number of simulated
representative scenarios. Various aspects of the framework have also been evaluated
on two real distributed systems. The dissertation concludes with several open research
questions that will frame our future work.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Software systems are continuously growing in size and complexity. In recent years,
they have also increasingly migrated from the traditional, desktop setting to highly
distributed, mobile, possibly embedded and pervasive computing environments. Such
environments present daunting technical challenges: effective understanding of
existing or prospective software configurations; rapid composability and dynamic
reconfigurability of software; mobility of hardware, data, and code; scalability to
large amounts of data, numbers of data types, and numbers of devices; and
heterogeneity of the software executing on each device and across devices.
Furthermore, software often must execute on “small” devices, characterized by highly
constrained resources such as limited power, low network bandwidth, slow CPU
speed, limited memory, and small display size. We refer to the development of
software systems in the described setting as programming-in-the-small-and-many
(Prism), both for exposition purposes, but also in order to distinguish it from the
traditional software engineering paradigm of programming-in-the-large (PitL) [7],
which has been primarily targeted at desktop computing.
Software engineering researchers and practitioners have successfully dealt with the
increasing complexity of PitL systems by employing the principles of software
architecture. Software architecture provides design-level models and guidelines for
composing the structure, behavior, and key properties of a software system [49]. An
architecture is described in terms of software components (computational elements)
[61], software connectors (interaction elements) [37], and their configurations (also
referred to as topologies) [35].
More recently, software architectural principles have also shown to be effective in
overcoming the challenges facing the engineers in the Prism setting
[24,28,31,33,34,36,57]. In [28,31,33,34] we showed that software-architecture based
development of Prism applications is a viable approach to developing efficient and
scalable solutions in this setting. Moreover, we showed that software-architecture
based development directly aids the engineers in the analysis and reconfiguration of
Prism software systems, possibly at runtime. As will be detailed in the remainder of
this dissertation, we have directly leveraged software architectural concepts in
accomplishing the objective of this thesis.
A representative Prism application family on which the author of this dissertation has
worked in cooperation with a third-party organization is Troops Deployment and
battle Simulations (TDS). This application family is intended to deal with situations
such as distributed deployment of personnel in cases of natural disasters, search-and-
rescue efforts, and military crises. A specific instance of this application family is
shown in Figure 1-1 with single Headquarters, four Commanders, and 36 Soldiers.
TDS is one of the applications we use to illustrate the concepts throughout this
dissertation. The headquarters computer is networked to a set of PDAs used by
“Commanders” in the field. The commander PDAs are connected directly to each
other and to a large number of “Troop” PDAs. These devices communicate and help
to coordinate the actions of their distributed users. The distributed software system
running on these devices provides a number of services to the users: requesting and
sending information to each other, viewing the current field map, managing the
resources, etc.
TDS’s architecture consists of the following set of components. A Map component
maintains a model of the system's overall resources: terrain, personnel, tank units, and
mine fields. These resources are permanently stored inside a Repository component.
StrategyAnalyzerAgent, DeploymentAdvisor, and SimulationAgent components,
Figure 1-1: Instance of TDS.
respectively, (1) analyze the deployments of friendly troops with respect to enemy
troops and obstacles, (2) suggest deployments of friendly troops based on their
availability as well as positions of enemy troops and obstacles, and (3) incrementally
simulate the outcome of the battle based on the current situation in the field.
StrategyAnalysisKB and SAKBUI components store the strategy rules and provide
the user interface for changing these rules, respectively. ResourceManager,
CommanderManager, SoldierManager, and ResourceMonitor components enable
allocation and transfer of resources and periodically update the state of resources.
Weather and WeatherAnalyzer components provide weather information and analyze
the effects of weather conditions. Finally, UI components provide the user interface of
the application.
Prism applications, such as TDS, are highly distributed, decentralized, and mobile,
and therefore highly dependent on the underlying network. They are frequently
challenged by the fluctuations in the system’s parameters: network disconnections,
bandwidth variations, unreliability of hosts and/or network links, etc. Furthermore,
the different users’ usage of the functionality (i.e., services) provided by the system
and the users’ quality of service (QoS) preference for those services will differ, and
may change over time. For example, in the case of a disaster search-and-rescue effort
scenario, “Commander” users may require a secure and reliable messaging service
with the “Headquarters” when exchanging search-and-rescue plans. On the other
hand, “Troop” users may be more interested in having a low latency messaging
service with other “Troop” users when sending assistance requests. However, security
of such low-latency interactions may also become imperative if, at some point, a
malicious intruder is able to break into the system and introduce “false alarms”.
For any large, distributed system, such as TDS, many deployment architectures (i.e.,
mappings of software components onto hardware hosts) will be typically possible.
Figure 1-2 shows an example of a deployment architecture for the instance of TDS
application discussed earlier. Given a set of feasible deployment architectures for an
application, some will be more effective in delivering the desired level of service
Host 2 Host 1
Host 3
Host 4 Host 5
Weather Repository
der UI
User interface component
(fixed to a host)
Processing or data
der UI
st 2
Hardware host
Network link
Interaction path
between components
Figure 1-2: A sample deployment architecture of TDS, consisting of single Headquarters (host
2), two Commanders (hosts 1 and 5), and two Soldiers (hosts 3 and 4)
quality to the user. For example, a service’s latency can be improved if the system is
deployed such that the most frequent and voluminous interactions occur either locally
or over reliable and capacious network links. This problem becomes quickly
intractable for a human engineer, however, if multiple QoS dimensions (e.g., latency,
security, availability, power usage) must be considered simultaneously, while taking
into account any additional constraints (e.g., component X may not be deployed on
hosts Y and Z). Figure1-3 shows an overview of the various elements of this
problem, which we will discuss in more detail below.
In this dissertation, we consider the problem of finding a deployment architecture
such that the QoS preferences (i.e., utility) accrued by a collection of distributed end-
users is maximized. We would like our solution to be applicable to a wide range of
application scenarios (i.e., differing numbers of users, hardware hosts, software
components, application services, QoS dimensions, etc.). However, a widely
applicable solution to this problem is challenged by the following:
• A very large number of system parameters influence QoS dimensions of a
software system. Many services and their corresponding QoS dimensions
influence the users’ satisfaction. Formally modeling and developing generic
solutions that can be customized based on the application scenario is
• Different QoS dimensions may be conflicting, and users with different
priorities may have conflicting QoS preferences. Fine-grain trade-off analysis
without relying on simplifying assumption (e.g., particular definition of a
QoS objective, predetermined constraints) is challenging.
• Different application scenarios require different algorithmic approaches. For
example, a system’s size, the users’ usage of the system, stability of system’s
parameters, and its centralization characteristic determine the best algorithm
for execution.
• Traditional software engineering tools are not applicable to this problem.
Therefore, engineers have to spend a significant amount of time adapting
tools intended for different purposes to the deployment improvement
problem, which limits the potential for reuse and cross-evaluation of the
We have developed a tailorable framework that is targeted at the above challenges.
The framework (1) provides an extensible model that supports inclusion of arbitrary
system parameters; (2) supports definition of new QoS dimensions using the system
parameters; (3) allows users to specify their QoS preferences in terms of QoS utility,
which indicates a user’s (desired) degree of satisfaction with a system; (4) provides
several generic algorithms with different characteristics, where each is suitable for
maximizing the users’ satisfaction in a particular scenario, and none relies on
simplifying assumptions that could hinder its applicability; (5) provides support for
monitoring and visualizing arbitrary system parameters; and (6) supports initial
deployment, execution, and runtime redeployment of the software system.
The framework relies on the notion of QoS utility, which indicates a user’s (desired)
degree of satisfaction with a system. The framework’s objective is to maximize the
overall utility, i.e., the cumulative satisfaction with the system by all its users. Given
Figure 1-3: Problem overview.
an application scenario, the system architect instantiates (configures) the framework
by defining the appropriate system parameters and the QoS of interest. The
framework is then populated with the actual data from a distributed application and
users’ preferences for the QoS dimensions of each application service. Afterwards,
one of the algorithms supplied by the framework is used to find an improved
deployment architecture. Finally, the solution is effected by (re)deploying the system.
The theoretical aspects of the work, which include a generic formal model of a
distributed system’s deployment architecture and the accompanying generic
algorithms, are independent of any implementation platform. The theoretical results
are realized on top of an integrated tool suite, which allows the engineer to instantiate
the model for an application scenario and use one of the provided algorithms for
improving its architecture. We have developed a customizable deployment analysis
environment (called DeSi [43]) and an extensible architectural middleware (called
Prism-MW [28]). Together, DeSi and Prism-MW provide an integrated tool suite that
can be leveraged by software engineers to develop reusable solutions to this problem.
Prism-MW will provide the ability to (re)deploy and execute a distributed system in
terms of its architectural components, and monitor arbitrary system parameters. DeSi
provides the ability to model the system’s deployment architecture, populate those
models with the runtime monitoring data from Prism-MW, assess its architecture,
improve it via one of the deployment improving algorithms, and effect the improved
architecture by sending commands to Prism-MW.
We have evaluated the framework on a number of simulated and real distributed
systems, including systems with 1) multiple QoS dimensions (e.g., availability,
latency, communication security, and energy consumption), 2) multiple real and
simulated users with varying QoS preferences, 3) systems with different
characteristics (small vs. large, stable vs. unstable, centralized vs. decentralized). The
algorithms are evaluated for their ability to improve the user’s QoS preferences. The
tool suite is evaluated for its ability to promote reusability and cross-evaluation of the
1.1 Research Hypotheses
The described research has been guided by five hypotheses that are discussed below.
1.1.1 Optimization Algorithms
Finding the optimal deployment architecture is an exponentially complex problem (in
terms of the number of possible deployment architectures, h
, where h is the number
of hosts, and c is the number of components). In addition, the numbers of QoS
dimensions, users, and provisioned services also have a significant impact on the
complexity of finding solutions. For these reasons, it may be impossible to invest the
necessary time to find the optimal solution.
Hypothesis #1: An algorithm of at most polynomial complexity in the number of
components and hosts, and linear in the numbers of QoS dimensions, users, and
services can be devised with the ability to find a deployment architecture such that (1)
the overall utility to system users will be within 20% of a target (e.g., known optimal)
architecture's utility, or (2) when a known optimal architecture does not exist, the
overall utility will improve on average 30% over the statistical average utility, which
is the average utility of a set of randomly selected deployment architectures.
1.1.2 Sensitivity to Users and Services
Some users of the system may be more important than others, which implies that their
preferences should be given a higher priority. Similarly, some services may be more
critical than others, denoted by the amount of QoS preferences associated with them,
which implies that they should be given a higher priority.
Hypothesis #2: An optimization algorithm can be devised that performs fine-grain
trade-off analysis, such that given two identical application scenarios X and Y that
only differ in the priority of a user U, if U has a higher priority in X than in Y, then
after executing the algorithms on both X and Y, the overall utility gain for U in X is
greater than or equal to its utility gain in Y.
Hypothesis #3: An optimization algorithm can be devised that performs fine-grain
trade-off analysis, such that given two identical application scenarios X and Y that
differ only in the criticality of service S, if S is more critical in X than in Y, then after
executing the algorithm on both X and Y, the overall QoS improvement for S in X is
greater than or equal to its improvement in Y.
1.1.3 Decentralization
Centralized algorithms depend on the existence of a host with the global knowledge
of the system. However, this is not feasible in a growing class of decentralized
systems, where each host has only partial knowledge of the system.
Hypothesis #4: A decentralized optimization algorithm can be devised that (1) when
there is a modest 20% lack of knowledge (i.e., each host on average does not know
about 20% of the hosts in the system) finds solutions that on average come within
10% of the best solution produced by the centralized optimization algorithms, and (2)
while there are no completely disconnected hosts, the solution accuracy degrades
gracefully as the lack of knowledge increases on each host, such that the decrease
rate in the solution accuracy is significantly lower than the increase rate in the lack of
1.1.4 Algorithmic Trade-Offs
There exist inherent trade-offs among the deployment improvement algorithms. Each
deployment improvement algorithm has its own unique property that makes it more
suitable to a class of systems.
Hypothesis #5: It is possible to determine the best algorithm for execution in terms of
the accuracy of the solution and the performance of the algorithm given the system’s
architectural style (e.g., client-server vs. peer-to-peer), its stability (amount of
fluctuation in system parameters, which impacts the available time for estimation),
centralization, the number of system parameter constraints (highly vs. lightly
constrained), and the complexity of the application scenario (which includes number
of hosts, components, logical links, physical links, users, services, and QoS
The remainder of the dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 discusses the
challenges of analyzing a system’s deployment architecture, and the approach we
have taken in overcoming those challenges. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the
related work. Chapter4 describes the different elements of the deployment
improvement framework and their relationships. Chapter 5 presents the framework’s
underlying formal model of the problem, as well as its instantiation for a particular
application scenario. Chapter 6 describes five classes of algorithms provided by the
framework. Chapter 7 presents the framework’s tool support in the Prism setting.
Chapter 8 presents a detailed evaluation of the framework, including the algorithms
and the tool-support. Finally, Chapter 9 presents concluding remarks and an overview
of the future work.
CHAPTER 2: Analyzing Deployment Architecture
In this section, we discuss the challenges of analyzing and improving a system’s
deployment architecture via several simple examples. We also present our approach
to overcoming these challenges. This section also provides the appropriate
background for understanding the formal descriptions of the framework’s underlying
model and algorithms, which are presented in Chapters 5 and 6 respectively.
Figure2-1 shows a very simple application scenario of one QoS dimension
(latency), one service (Schedule Resources), two software components
(ModifyResourceMap and ResourceMonitor), and two hardware hosts. In
this scenario, the number of possible deployment architectures can be calculated as:
number of hosts
number of comps
= 2
= 4. Our objective is to find the
deployment architecture that minimizes the latency of the Schedule Resources
service. Figure 2-2 shows the latency of the four deployment architectures. A QoS
dimension is quantified based on the various system properties. For example, latency
of a service can be quantified as the product of the number of messages exchanged
between software components and the network transmission delays. We postpone the
details of how we quantify the QoS dimensions of a deployment architecture to
Chapter 5. As shown in Figure 2-2, deployment 1 has the smallest latency. Most
likely this corresponds to the configuration where the two software components are
collocated on the host with the fastest CPU (i.e., laptop). Therefore, it is the
optimal deployment (i.e., a solution that dominates every other solution) for this
application scenario. At first blush this scenario may seem very trivial. However, the
problem becomes very challenging for larger scenarios. This is due to the fact that
Figure 2-1: A very simple application scenario of one QoS dimension.
Figure 2-2: Latency of service Schedule Resources in the four possible deployment architectures
of application scenario shown in Figure 2-1.
01 23 4 5
Latency (ms)
Dep 1
this problem grows exponentially in the number of components and hosts. In fact, as
will be discussed in Chapter 3, all previous works [1,17,22], including our own work
[29,40,42], have dealt with similar variations of the problem depicted in Figure 2-1.
In this dissertation, not only do we want the framework to be applicable to large
problems of the type shown in Figure 2-1, but also to more complex problems that are
composed of multiple QoS dimensions and services, which we discuss next.
Figure 2-3 shows a more complex application scenario that is composed of two QoS
dimensions: latency and durability. Durability in the context of this example is very
Figure 2-3: A more complicated application scenario of two QoS dimensions.
closely related to the concept of energy consumption (i.e., the amount of time a
service is available for use depends on the amount of available battery power on the
devices that provide that service). Therefore, unlike latency, we would like to
maximize durability. As will be described in more detail later on, latency and
durability are conflicting QoS dimensions (i.e., improving one may come at the
expense of the other). Figure 2-4 shows the latency and durability of the 4 possible
deployments for the Schedule Resources service. Unlike the application scenario of
Figure 2-1, where there is always an optimal solution, in the application scenario of
Figure 2-3 there is no optimal solution. With the exception of deployment 4 (that has
both a higher latency and a lower durability than deployment 3), all the other
deployments present trade-offs between latency and durability. This is a frequently
encountered phenomenon in multi-dimensional optimization problems [65]. Basically
it is not possible to improve any one objective without compromising another
Figure 2-4: Latency versus durability of service Schedule Resources for the four possible
deployment architectures of application scenario shown in Figure 2-3.
01 2 345
Latency (ms)
Durability (hours)
Dep 1
Dep 2
Dep 3
Dep 4
One approach to resolving the QoS trade-offs is to transform the multi-dimensional
objective (i.e., the vector of QoS dimensions) to a scalar value via utility functions. A
utility function denotes a user’s preference, expressed as a scalar value, for improving
a given QoS dimension. Figure 2-5 shows a modified version of the application
scenario of Figure 2-3. This application scenario introduces the notion of a user. Our
problem lends itself directly to the notion of utility, as the users of services typically
have varying preferences for the QoS dimensions of the provisioned services.
Figure 2-6 shows the Commander’s utility functions for the two QoS dimensions of
Figure 2-5: An application scenario that includes the notion of user and user preferences.
Schedule Resources. For example, it shows that for 25% increases in latency
and durability, the user has specified utilities of -1 and 2, respectively. The type and
slope of a utility function corresponds to the user’s objectives. Since the commander
prefers to decrease the latency of Schedule Resources, the corresponding
utility function has a negative slope. On the other hand, since the commander prefers
to increase the durability of Schedule Resources, the corresponding utility
function has a positive slope.
The utility functions shown so far are linear, but the framework places no restrictions
on the type of functions that represent users’ preferences. In fact, typically users may
not be able to express their preferences in terms of complex mathematical functions.
Often times requirements documents specify constraints on QoS properties of
services, which can be used to determine the initial utility functions for the various
stakeholders in the system. The utility functions can also be derived by eliciting user
preferences and expressing them in terms of a set of discrete data points (e.g., 50%
Figure 2-6: The utility functions representing the Commander’s QoS preferences.
QoS Change Rate
Latency 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
Durability -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
-75% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
decrease in latency has a utility of 2 and so on), and then using one of the numerous
curve fitting techniques (e.g., regression, interpolation) to determine a function that
approximates the data points most accurately.
To determine the utility of changing the initial deployment, we first determine the rate
of change for each QoS dimension (i.e., the amount of change in a QoS dimension if
we were to modify the current deployment) from Figure 2-4, then look up the utility
associated with each rate of change from Figure2-6, and finally aggregate the
utilities. Optimal deployment for the system is the one that has the highest total
utility. Figure 2-7 shows the total utility of changing the system’s deployment based
on the assumption that deployment 2 is the initial deployment of the system. As
shown in Figure 2-7, deployment 3 achieves a total utility of 2, which is the optimal
deployment for this system.
Figure 2-8 shows a more complicated scenario, where there are two users as opposed
to a single user. Figure 2-9 shows the newly added Troop user’s utility functions. Note
Figure 2-7: The utility of the four possible deployments for application scenario shown in
Figure 2-5.
Deployment Architecture
Latency Utility 20 -2 -4
Durability Utility -6 0 4 -2
Total Utility -4 0 2 -6
Dep 1 Dep 2 Dep 3 Dep 4
that the Troop user has an identical utility function to that of the Commander for
durability. However, the Troop user has specified more utility for improvements (i.e.,
decrease) in latency than the Commander has. To determine the optimal deployment
architecture when there is more than one user, the importance as well as the
preferences of each user should be considered. However, for clarity in this example
we assume the users have the same level of priority, and will revisit this issue in
Chapter 5. Since both users have the same priority, we calculate the total accrued
utility by both users for each of the 4 possible deployments, as shown in Figure 2-10.
Unlike the application scenario of Figure2-5, in this scenario the optimal
Figure 2-8: An application scenario that includes two users with different preferences.
configuration is deployment 1. This is attributed to the fact that the Troop user has
specified more utility for decreases in latency, which has resulted in the deployment
architecture with the lowest latency to have the highest total utility.
As mentioned earlier, we intentionally chose very simple application scenarios in the
above examples to introduce the various elements of our problem. However, often
times the application scenarios are significantly more complex than the ones depicted
Figure 2-9: The utility functions representing the Troop’s QoS preferences.
QoS Change Rate
Latency 24 16 8 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
Durability -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
-75% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Figure 2-10: The utility of the four possible deployments for application scenario shown in
Figure 2-8.
Deployment Architecture
Troop's Latency Utility 16 0 -2 -4
Troop's Durability Utility -6 0 4 -2
Commander's Total Utility -4 0 2 -6
Total Utility of Users 60 4 -12
Dep 1 Dep 2 Dep 3 Dep 4
so far. Therefore, it becomes infeasible for the engineer to determine the optimal (or
even a good) deployment architecture without relying on the appropriate tool support.
We demonstrate this (as shown in Figure 2-11) by simply adding one more user, QoS
dimension, software component, and hardware host to the problem of Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-12 shows the 18 resulting utility functions (a utility function per user, QoS
dimension, and service) that would have to be considered in the evaluation of
candidate deployment architectures. Furthermore, by simply adding one more
component and host, we have increased the number of possible deployment
Figure 2-11: A more complicated application scenario.
architecture to 27 (number of hosts
number of comps
= 3
). Figure 2-13 shows the pair-
wise QoS trade-offs between the 27 deployment architectures. Similar to the previous
example, by leveraging the 18 utility functions of Figure 2-12 and the QoS trade-offs
shown in Figure 2-13 it is possible to determine the optimal deployment architecture
for this scenario as well. However, it demonstrates that as the problems grow in size,
manual selection of an optimal deployment becomes impossible. As another example,
consider the small problem of Figure1-3, where 4096 deployment architectures
would have to be considered. In fact, the exponential nature of this problem makes it
also infeasible for an algorithmic solution to determine the optimal deployment of
any sizable system. Therefore, we rely on optimization algorithms for finding “good”
solutions that come close to the optimal solution, but can be computed very fast.
As discussed above, the complexity of improving system’s deployment architecture
has been one of the primary motivations behind the proposed research. Furthermore,
Figure 2-12: The utility functions representing the QoS preferences of the users.
0% 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% 700%
QoS Change Rate
Troop, Latency, Exchange Plan
Troop, Latency, Schedule Resources
Troop, Durability, Exchange Plan
Troop, Durability, Schedule Resources
Troop, Security, Exchange Plan
Troop, Security, Schedule Resources
Commander, Latency, Exchange Plan
Commander, Latency, Schedule Resources
Commander, Durability, Exchange Plan
Commander, Durability, Schedule Resources
Commander, Security, Exchange Plan
Commander, Security, Schedule Resources
Dispatcher, Latency, Exchange Plan
Dispatcher, Latency, Schedule Resources
Dispatcher, Durability, Exchange Plan
Dispatcher, Durability, Schedule Resources
Dispatcher, Security, Exchange Plan
Dispatcher, Security, Schedule Resources
as mentioned earlier, the simplifying assumptions made by previous works have
resulted in solutions that are not generally applicable, which has been our motivation
to solve this problem in its most general form.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Latency (ms)
Durability (hours)
Dep 1
Dep 2
Dep 3
Dep 4
Dep 5
Dep 6
Dep 7
Dep 8
Dep 9
Dep 10
Dep 11
Dep 12
Dep 13
Dep 14
Dep 15
Dep 16
Dep 17
Dep 18
Dep 19
Dep 20
Dep 21
Dep 22
Dep 23
Dep 24
Dep 25
Dep 26
Dep 27
0 2 4 6 8 10 1214 1618 20
Durability (hours)
Dep 1
Dep 2
Dep 3
Dep 4
Dep 5
Dep 6
Dep 7
Dep 8
Dep 9
Dep 10
Dep 11
Dep 12
Dep 13
Dep 14
Dep 15
Dep 16
Dep 17
Dep 18
Dep 19
Dep 20
Dep 21
Dep 22
Dep 23
Dep 24
Dep 25
Dep 26
Dep 27
0 5 10 15 20 25
Latency (ms)
Dep 1
Dep 2
Dep 3
Dep 4
Dep 5
Dep 6
Dep 7
Dep 8
Dep 9
Dep 10
Dep 11
Dep 12
Dep 13
Dep 14
Dep 15
Dep 16
Dep 17
Dep 18
Dep 19
Dep 20
Dep 21
Dep 22
Dep 23
Dep 24
Dep 25
Dep 26
Dep 27
Figure 2-13: The QoS dimension trade-offs for the 27 possible deployment architectures.
CHAPTER 3: Related Work
The general area of software deployment has been studied extensively by the software
engineering research community. However, only a small subset of these works have
addressed the deployment issues from an architectural perspective. In this chapter, we
provide an overview of the previous works that have addressed the challenges of
modeling, assessing, and improving deployment of software architecture-based
3.1 Deployment Modeling
UML [46] is the primary notation for the visual modeling of today’s software
systems. UML’s deployment diagrams provide a standard notation for representing a
system’s software deployment architecture. Several recent approaches extend this
notation via stereotypes [13,27]. However, using UML to visualize deployment
architectures has several drawbacks: UML’s deployment diagrams are static; they do
not depict connections among hardware hosts; and they do not provide support for
representing and visualizing the parameters that affect the key system properties (e.g.,
available network bandwidth). For these reasons, we opted not to use a UML-based
notation in this research.
More applicable to generic purpose modeling of a system’s deployment architecture is
SysML [60], which is a modeling language standard for specifying system
engineering artifacts. Therefore, it is highly generic and extensible, such that different
diagram types can be leveraged to model various aspects of a system. The most
relevant SysML diagram for modeling software deployment is its allocation diagram,
which allows arbitrary modeling elements to reference one another (e.g., allocation of
behavioral elements to structural elements, or software elements to hardware
elements). SysML does not enforce any modeling constraints on the construction or
usage of the elements in its allocation diagrams. Therefore, it does not give the
engineers feedback as they create or visualize deployment models of the system.
Proliferation of web-based service-oriented applications has resulted in the
development of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) [66], which is an
XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on
messages. While WSDL provides sophisticated language constructs for describing
network protocol bindings and message formats required to interact with a web
service, it supports neither modeling of a system’s hardware architecture, nor does it
support modeling software architectural connections and interdependencies among
the software components.
Deployment architecture modeling in this research builds on the previous research in
Architecture Description Languages (ADL) [35]. ADLs provide formal notations for
describing and analyzing software systems at the software architecture level. While
there are many examples of ADLs [35], none of them are capable of modeling a
system’s deployment architecture. They support neither the modeling of hardware
architectures nor the mapping of a system’s software architecture to hardware
platforms. Just like many ADLs (e.g., xADL [6]), DeSi, the deployment modeling
tool produced by this dissertation research, provides an extensible approach to
modeling a system’s software architecture. However, unlike ADLs, DeSi also
supports modeling of a system’s hardware architecture.
3.2 Deployment Analysis
Several researchers have considered the impact of a system’s deployment architecture
on the non-functional properties of the system, including its QoS:
I5 [1], proposes the use of the binary integer programming model (BIP) for
generating an optimal deployment of a software application over a given network,
such that the overall remote communication is minimized. Solving the BIP model is
exponentially complex in the number of software components, rendering I5
applicable only to systems with very small numbers of software components and
target hosts. Furthermore, the approach is only applicable to the minimization of
remote communication.
Coign [17] provides a framework for distributed partitioning of COM applications
across the network. Coign monitors inter-component communication and then selects
a distribution of the application that will minimize communication time, using the
lift-to-front minimum-cut graph cutting algorithm. However, Coign can only handle
situations with two-machine client-server applications. Its authors recognize that the
problem of distributing an application across three or more machines is NP hard and
do not provide solutions for such cases.
Kichkaylo et al. [22] provide a model, called component placement problem (CPP),
for describing a distributed system in terms of network and application properties and
constraints, and an AI planning algorithm, called Sekitei, for solving the CPP model.
The focus of CPP is to capture a number of different constraints that restrict the
solution space of valid deployment architectures. At the same time, CPP does not
provide facilities for specifying the goal, i.e., a criterion function that should be
maximized or minimized. Therefore, Sekitei only searches for a valid deployment
that satisfies the specified constraints, without considering the quality of the found
In our own prior work [29,40,42], we devised a set of algorithms for improving a
software system’s availability by finding an improved deployment architecture. The
novelty of our approach was a set of approximative algorithms that scaled well to
large distributed software systems with many components and hosts. However, our
approach was limited to a predetermined set of system parameters, and a
predetermined definition of availability.
None of the above approaches (including our own previous work) considers the
system users and their QoS preferences. Furthermore, none of these approaches
attempt to improve more than one QoS dimension of interest. Finally, no previous
work has considered users’ QoS preferences at the granularity of the application-level
services. Instead, the entire distributed software system is treated as one service with
one user, and a particular QoS dimension serves as the only QoS objective. Finally,
the implementation and evaluation of all of the above solutions are done in an ad-hoc
way, making it hard to adopt and reuse their results. This dissertation’s tool-suite
provides a common environment for developing solutions to this problem, which aids
development, reuse, and cross evaluation of solutions to the many variations of this
3.3 Software Deployment Support
A wide variety of technologies exist to support various aspects of the deployment
process. Carzaniga et. al. [2] provide an extensive comparison of existing software
deployment techniques. They identify three classes of software deployment
technologies: Installers, Package Managers, and Application Management Systems.
Examples of Installers are Microsoft Windows Installer [38] and InstallShield [19].
The primary focus of installers is to package a stand-alone software system into a
self-installing archive that can be distributed via physical media or networks.
Examples of Package Managers are Linux RedHat’s RPM [10], and SUN Solaris’s
pkg commands [59]. These deployment technologies are based on the concept of
package, and on site repository that stores information representing the state of each
installed package. A package is an archive that contains the files that constitute a
system together with some meta-data describing the system. Examples of Application
Management Systems are IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager [18] and
OpenView from HP [16]. Application Management Systems are usually composed of
a centralized “producer”, which is a designated central administration site for all
officially approved releases. Correspondingly, all the management and deployment
activities are typically controlled by the central management station, which stores
deployment meta-data of the whole system. Unlike all of the above deployment
technologies, this dissertation’s framework supports system deployment in terms of
its architectural components. This also facilitates dynamic modifications of the
system, including redeployment of its components, at the architecture level.
3.4 Remote Deployment Monitoring
Before we can assess and improve a system’s deployment architecture, we need to
understand the properties of the deployed system by monitoring it. Numerous
previous works have focused on the problem of remote monitoring of a distributed
system. In the context of our problem, they fall into two categories: (1) monitoring
techniques that monitor at the granularity of software architectural constructs (e.g.,
components, connectors, their interfaces); and (2) monitoring systems that monitor at
the granularity of system architectural constructs (e.g., hardware hosts, network
Prominent examples of the first category are MonDe [4], GAMMA[48], and
COMPAS [44]. MonDe provides support for evaluating the performance of a new
version of a component by (1) deploying it to remote sites, (2) running it in a
controlled environment with the actual workloads being generated at that site, and (3)
reporting the results back to the development engineers. GAMMA is a lightweight
approach to monitoring deployed systems via software tomography, which uses
probes that are optimally assigned to program instances in order to minimize the total
overhead of monitoring. The information obtained from the probes is then aggregated
into overall monitoring information. Similar to GAMMA, COMPAS provides a
monitoring framework for adaptive instrumentation and diagnosis of the system.
However, unlike GAMMA, COMPAS probes are automatically activated and
deactivated based on runtime conditions.
Some prominent examples of the second category are JAMM [64] and Remos [8].
Both JAMM and Remos provide a monitoring infrastructure geared towards grid
computing environments that can extract vital statistics such as CPU, network, and
memory for the running nodes in the cluster. JAMM proposes an automated agent-
based solution to monitoring system parameters. Remos presents a compositional
approach to monitoring the system at an arbitrary level of detail and provides the grid
applications a simple API for accessing the monitored data.
Our monitoring of a system’s deployment architecture differs from previous works in
this area, as we monitor both system properties and software architecture properties
of the system. The aggregation of the monitored data then allows us to populate our
deployment models with a complete view of the system, such that we can assess and
analyze the properties of a system’s deployment architecture.
3.5 Dynamic Reconfiguration of Deployment Architecture
(Re)Deployment is a process of installing, updating, and/or relocating a distributed
software system. In a software architecture-based system, these activities fall under
the larger category of dynamic reconfiguration, which encompasses run-time changes
to a software system’s architecture via addition and removal of components,
connectors, or their interconnections. Oreizy et. al. [47] describe several aspects of
dynamic reconfiguration, which determine the degree to which change can be
reasoned about, specified, implemented, and governed. They also describe three
causes of dynamic reconfiguration: (1) corrective, which is used to remove software
faults, (2) perfective, used to enhance software functionality, and (3) adaptive, used to
enact changes required for the software to execute in a new environment. Our
approach is an instance of adaptive dynamic reconfiguration.
Garlan et. al. [12] propose a general purpose architecture-based adaptation
framework, which monitors the software system and leverages ADLs in adapting and
achieving architectural conformance. Their approach is different from our
framework, as they only model software architectural aspects of the system and not
those of the hardware platforms, therefore, making it impossible to assess and
reconfigure a system’s deployment architecture.
Haas et. al. [14] provide a framework for autonomic service deployment in networks.
The work resembles our approach in that the authors consider the scalability of their
autonomic algorithms, which divide the network into partitions and perform a
hierarchical deployment of network services. However, their approach is not
applicable to application-level deployment.
Software Dock [15] is a system of loosely coupled, cooperating, distributed
components. It supports software producers by providing a Release Dock and a Field
Dock. The Release Dock acts as a repository of software system releases. The Field
Dock supports a software consumer by providing an interface to the consumer’s
resources, configuration, and deployed software systems. Software Dock employs
agents that travel from a Release Dock to a Field Dock in order to perform specific
software deployment tasks. They perform four types of architectural reconfiguration:
(1) component addition, (2) component removal, (3) component replacement, and (4)
structural reconfiguration (i.e., recombination of existing functionality to modify
overall system behavior). As we will see, the dynamic reconfiguration aspect of our
approach closely resembles Software Dock’s approach. However, to use Software
Dock one needs to first install and configure it on each device, but in our approach we
leverage the same infrastructure used for implementation and deployment of
components as we do for their reconfiguration at runtime, thus, providing a more
consistent and efficient solution.
CHAPTER 4: Overview of the Framework
We have developed a methodology for improving the quality of a system’s
deployment architecture via (1) active system monitoring, (2) estimation of the
improved deployment architecture, and (3) redeployment of (parts of) the system to
effect the improved deployment architecture [30]. Based on this three-step
methodology we have identified the high-level components of our deployment
improvement framework [30], which are shown in Figure 4-1. In this section we
describe the framework’s components, the associated functionality of each
component, and the dependency relationships that guide their interaction. We also
describe the variation points for each component (shown in Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-1: Deployment improvement framework.
Deployment Improvement Framework
User Input Monitor
System Architect
Figure 4-2: Framework variation points.
Objective Algorithm
Constraint Satisfaction
Uniform Priority
Biased Priority
Time Periodic
Event Triggered
Initial deployment
Criteria Dimension Subdimension
Network System
Buffering events
Relaying events
Hoarding events
Component addition/
Architectural Style
Platform dependent
Platform Independent
Connector addition/
4.1 Model
Before the actual deployment of the system, engineers may need to create
representative deployment models of the system. Deployment models typically
incorporate or build on existing design or architectural models of the system. These
models are critical as they determine the types of analysis that can be performed both
at pre- and post-deployment stages. Therefore, they require the system architect to
determine the kinds of analysis that are desirable to be performed in the future, and
set up the model and its properties appropriately.
A deployment model in its most basic form is composed of four types of elements:
hosts, components, physical links (network links) between hosts, and logical links
(connectors) between components. Each of these element types could be associated
with an arbitrary set of parameters. For example, each host can be characterized by
the amount of available memory, processing speed, battery power (in case a mobile
device is used), installed software, and so on. Therefore, the framework should allow
for the specification of arbitrary system parameters and associate them with the
modeling elements. The model should also support the specification of a set of
objectives (QoS) based on system parameters that are defined. Therefore, the
selection of a set of parameters to be modeled depends on the set of objectives that a
system’s deployment architecture should satisfy. For example, if minimizing latency
is one of the objectives, the model should include parameters such as physical
network link delays and bandwidth. However, if the objective is to improve a
distributed system’s security, other parameters, such as security of each network link,
need to be modeled.
While design-time deployment models of a system are typically static, runtime
models are dynamic, and include the notion of time. Dynamic models make it
possible to determine patterns of both system parameter fluctuation (e.g., periods of
time that the bandwidth is low) and its usage (e.g., an event that when triggered
results in a heavy load for a period of time). Some patterns may be known at design
time. For example, in an aerospace satellite system, the engineers can predict the
available bandwidth between ground station and the satellite based on its orbital
position. Other patterns are not known at design time. For example, many commercial
websites have a usage pattern where for a few hours during the day they receive more
hits (heavier load) on their sites; these types of patterns are discovered at runtime.
Both types of patterns are essential to assessing and improving a system’s deployment
architecture and this dissertation’s framework should allow for their specification.
In systems where there are multiple users, the model should also include the ability to
specify users and their unique preferences with respect to the defined objectives. For
example, while one user may want to improve the system’s availability, another user
may want to improve its security. Some users’ preferences may have priority over
others; for example in a battlefield environment, the commander’s preferences for
improving a particular QoS may have higher priority over a soldier’s preferences. The
framework should allow for specifying multiple users with different QoS preferences
and different priorities.
Typically, a large distributed system provides many different services. The users of
the system may have varying QoS preferences for each service. In order to determine
the best deployment of the system, both the provisioned services and their importance
in satisfying the users’ QoS preferences should also be considered. Therefore, the
model should provide the ability to specify a service and its mapping to a portion of
the system model that provides that service (e.g., components and hosts that are
4.2 Algorithm
The types of algorithms required depend on the application scenario and the objective
properties of interest. An objective can be formally specified either as an optimization
problem (e.g., maximize availability, minimize latency) or a constraint satisfaction
problem (e.g., total memory of components deployed onto a host cannot exceed that
host’s available memory). Given an objective and the relevant subset of the system’s
model, an algorithm searches for a deployment architecture that satisfies the
objective. An algorithm may also search for a deployment architecture that
simultaneously satisfies multiple objectives (e.g., maximize availability while
satisfying the memory constraints).
In terms of precision and computational complexity, there are four categories of
algorithms for this problem: exact, approximation, optimization, and constraint
satisfaction. Exact algorithms produce optimal results (e.g., deployments with
minimal overall latency), but are exponentially complex, which limits their
applicability to systems with very small numbers of components and hosts. On the
other hand, both approximation and optimization algorithms in general produce sub-
optimal solutions, but have polynomial time complexity, which makes them run much
faster than exact algorithms. Unlike an optimization algorithm, an approximation
algorithm can provide an error bound between its output and the optimal solution.
Given the unbounded nature of most deployment improvement problems
, most sub-
optimal algorithmic solutions are of the optimization type.
In terms of centralization, there are three classes of algorithms: centralized,
decentralized, and clustered. Centralized algorithms execute on a single host with the
global knowledge of the system. Decentralized algorithms execute on multiple
synchronized hosts with local knowledge of the system. Clustered algorithms
leverage a centralized algorithm to determine the best deployment within each cluster
of hosts (i.e., virtual hosts), and leverage a decentralized algorithm to determine the
best deployment among the clusters.
1. Most deployment improvement problems are NP Hard. Therefore, finding the optimal
solution is computationally very expensive.
As mentioned earlier, at the pre-deployment stage, the lack of knowledge about
system parameters that fluctuate at runtime makes it impossible to determine the best
deployment architecture for a system. However, there is still the possibility of
improving the system’s initial deployment based on the limited information that is
available. Off-line algorithms are the types of algorithms that are executed at design
time. Given that there are significantly more time and processing resources available
for producing results at this stage, the engineers tend to use more complex and
accurate algorithms to produce the best possible result given the limited amount of
information. Furthermore, given that off-line algorithms are usually executed on
design time models of the system available centrally on the engineer’s production
platform, they tend to be centralized. On the contrary, at post-deployment time, the
algorithms have access to runtime knowledge of system parameters, but there are
typically limited amounts of time and resources available. In fact, often it is
preferable to have algorithms that produce a “good enough” solution that improves
system’s QoS significantly as opposed to highly complex algorithms that produce the
optimal solution too late or at the expense of valuable resources. Therefore, on-line
algorithms have to be more efficient than off-line algorithms.
4.3 Monitor
Many parameters that are essential to assessing and improving a system’s deployment
architecture are not known until the system is actually deployed in the field. There are
two classes of parameters that need to be monitored: system parameters and software
architecture parameters. System parameters are either network or platform related
properties. Software parameters are either component (e.g., memory or processing
resources used) or connector (e.g., number of exchanged events) related properties.
To determine the run-time values of the parameters in the model, a monitoring facility
is associated with each monitored entity. Typically, monitoring consists of two parts:
1) probe, which is the platform-dependent part that “hooks” into the implementation
platform and performs the actual low-level monitoring of the system; and 2) gauge,
which is the platform-independent part that interprets and may look for patterns in the
monitored data. For example, a gauge determines if the data is stable enough [42] to
be passed on to the model.
4.4 Analyzer
Assessing non-functional properties of a large distributed system is a challenging
task. In fact, even in the presence of algorithms that can be leveraged to improve one
or more non-functional properties of the system, ensuring the solution produced by
the algorithm satisfies the objective of the users is a challenging task. Assessment can
be performed: 1) manually by one or more engineers, 2) semi-manually, where an
analyzer agent is leveraged to aid the engineers, or 3) autonomously, where analyzer
agents make decisions on behalf of the engineers.
Analyzers are meta-level algorithms that leverage the results obtained from the
(re)deployment algorithm(s) and the monitoring data to determine a course of action
for satisfying the system’s overall objective. In situations where several objective
functions need to be satisfied, an analyzer resolves the results from the corresponding
algorithms to determine the best deployment architecture. An autonomous analyzer
may also have a reflective capability that would allow it to make changes to the
deployment improvement framework itself. For example, once an analyzer
determines that the system’s parameters have changed significantly, it may choose to
leverage a new algorithm that computes better results for the new operational
scenario. Analyzers may also hold the history of the system’s execution by logging
fluctuations of the desired objectives and the parameters of interest. A system’s
execution profile allows the analyzer to fine-tune the framework’s behavior by
providing information such as the system’s stability, workload patterns, and the
results of previous redeployments.
The types of assessment done at pre-deployment are typically different from those of
post-deployment. The lack of time and unpredictable fluctuations in system
parameters make the autonomic type of analysis and assessment a more feasible
solution during the post-deployment stage. On the contrary, the benefit of leveraging
the engineer’s domain knowledge makes (semi-)manual assessment of the system a
more desirable solution at pre-deployment.
4.5 Effector
There are two high-level aspects of effecting a new deployment architecture:
(re)deployment and dynamic reconfiguration. Below we discuss these two in more
At a very high level software deployment is the process of installing a software
system. Historically references to software deployment in the literature have implied
the initial installation of a software system, which can be further broken down to
subtasks such as software download, configuration, execution, etc. However, with the
development of code mobility technologies over the last decade, the software
deployment life-cycle does not end with the initial deployment of a system, as
software may be redeployed. In terms of the underlying infrastructure that supports
deployment of software components, there are significant differences between the
initial versus subsequent deployments of a system. For example, during redeployment
it may be necessary to migrate the execution state of the component, while during
initial deployment it may be necessary to transfer the input parameters for the
initialization of the component. Given the low-level nature of software deployment
this aspect of the framework is typically platform-dependent and “hooks” into the
platform to perform the redeployment of software components.
Dynamic reconfiguration in the context of our problem is the facility that manages a
system’s redeployment and architectural adaptation process. The dynamic
reconfiguration facility leverages a framework’s deployment support to migrate
software components. It may leverage the underlying implementation platform to
modify the system’s software architecture, such that components and connectors can
be added and removed at runtime. When changing a system’s deployment
architecture, the dynamic reconfiguration facility may ensure that the system’s
software architectural constraints are preserved. In some cases, it may be necessary to
change the architectural style of a system as a result of redeploying its software
components. For example, consider the scenario where the local architecture of a host
adheres to the layered hierarchical architectural style (e.g., C2 [63]), where events are
broadcasted from components in one layer to those in the next layer of the hierarchy.
If we were to redeploy components from this host to multiple distributed devices, it
may be necessary to also change the system’s architectural style (e.g., to client-server
or publish-subscribe) to avoid wasting bandwidth due to the broadcast of events over
the network.
Our framework’s dynamic reconfiguration facility may also need to ensure the
system’s correct functioning throughout the redeployment process. It may use
techniques such as: 1) buffering events addressed to a component that is being
redeployed, 2) hoarding events and servicing the requests before the component is
redeployed, and 3) relaying events addressed to a component from its previously
deployed location to its new location.
The dynamic reconfiguration facility is leveraged once a new deployment solution is
selected. It is responsible for developing a plan that allows for the safe redeployment
of the system. For example, the plan may indicate the order of deployment, the
instantiation of “dummy” components for relaying the events, etc. In fact, the
generated plans depend on the type of the system. In a centralized system, plans are
generated and executed by a single agent. On the other hand, in a decentralized
system, plans are generated and executed in collaboration by multiple agents.
4.6 User Input
For the engineers to be able to understand and assess a system’s deployment
architecture, it is necessary to visualize the relevant aspects of the system’s
deployment model. The framework should provide a highly customizable and
extensible visualization environment that allows for displaying the many variation
points and properties of the model. On top of this, the framework’s visualization
should scale to large distributed systems, and allow the engineers to visually explore
and assess the properties hidden within the underlying models of the system.
Some system parameters may not be easily monitored (e.g., security of a network
link). Also, some parameters may be stable throughout the system’s execution (e.g.,
CPU speed on a given host). The values for such parameters are provided by the
system’s architect at design time. We are assuming that the architect is able to provide
a reasonable bound on the values of system parameters that cannot easily be
monitored. Furthermore, the architects typically provide constraints on the allowable
deployment architectures. Examples of these types of constraints are location and
collocation constraints. Location constraints specify a subset of hosts on which a
given component may be legally deployed. Collocation constraints specify a subset of
components that either must be or may not be deployed on the same host.
4.7 Framework Instantiation
Figure 4-3 shows the framework’s instantiation for a centralized system. Centralized
systems have a Master Host (i.e., central host) that has complete knowledge of the
distributed system parameters. Master Host contains a Centralized Model, which
Master Host Slave Host
Centralized Analyzer
Centralized Model
Master Effector
Centralized User
Master Monitor
Centralized Algorithm
Master Host
System Architect
Slave Effector
Slave Monitor
Slave Host
Figure 4-3: Framework’s centralized instantiation.
maintains the global model of the distributed system. The Centralized Model is
populated by the data it receives from Master Monitor and Centralized User Input.
The Master Monitor receives all of the monitoring data from the Slave Monitors on
other hosts. Once all monitoring data from all Slave Hosts is received, the Master
Monitor forwards the monitoring data to the Centralized Model. Each Slave Host
contains a Slave Effector, which receives redeployment instructions from the Master
Effector, and a Slave Monitor, which monitors the Slave Host’s Implementation
Platform and sends the monitoring data back to the Master Monitor. Finally, the
Master Effector receives a sequence of command instructions from the Centralized
Analyzer and distributes the redeployment commands to all the Slave Effectors.
Figure 4-4: Framework’s decentralized instantiation.
Host 2
Analyzer 2
Decentralized Model
Local Effector 2
Local User Input 1 Local Monitor 2
Algorithm 2
Host 2
Host 1
Analyzer 1
Decentralized Model
Local Effector 1
Local User Input 1 Local Monitor 1
Algorithm 1
Host 1
System Architect 1
System Architect 2
Figure 4-4 shows the framework’s instantiation for a decentralized system. Unlike a
centralized software system, a decentralized system does not have a single host with
the global knowledge of system parameters. Each host has a Local Monitor and a
Local Effector, which are only responsible for the monitoring and redeployment of
the components that are located on that host. Each host has a Decentralized Model
that contains some subset of the overall system’s model, populated by the data
received from the Local Monitor and the Decentralized Model of the hosts to which
this host is connected. Therefore, if there are two hosts in the system that are not
aware of (i.e., connected to) each other, then the respective models maintained by the
two hosts do not contain each other’s system parameters. Each host also has a
Decentralized Algorithm that synchronizes with its remote counterparts to find a
common solution. Finally, in a similar way, the Decentralized Analyzer on each host
synchronizes with its remote counterparts to determine an improved deployment
architecture and effect it.
CHAPTER 5: Framework Model
Before we can develop algorithms to improve system’s deployment architecture, we
need to be able to define the problem more precisely. In this chapter, we first present
how an application scenario can be modeled using mathematical notation, and then
leverage this foundation to formally define the deployment improvement problem.
5.1 Formal Problem Definition
As mentioned earlier, one of our primary objectives in the design of the framework is
to make it practical: enable it to capture realistic distributed system scenarios and
avoid making assumptions that will restrict its applicability. For example, we want to
avoid prescribing a predefined number of system parameters, or particular definitions
of QoS dimensions. We want the framework to provide the minimum skeleton
structure required to model a distributed system’s deployment and the system
parameters that affect that deployment. Each skeleton element can be extended and
arbitrarily refined by the system architect. Figure 5-1 shows the framework’s formal
model of a distributed software system’s deployment architecture:
1. A set H of hardware nodes (hosts) with the associated parameters (e.g., available
memory or CPU on a host), and a function hParam that maps each parameter to a
2. A set C of components with the associated parameters (e.g., required memory for
a component’s execution or JVM version), and a function cParam that maps each
parameter to a value.
3. A set N of physical network links with the associated parameters (e.g., available
bandwidth, reliability of links), and a function nParam that maps each parameter
to a value.
4. A set I of logical interaction links between software components in the distributed
system, with the associated parameters (e.g., frequency of component interac-
tions, average event size), and a function iParam that maps each parameter to a
5. A set S of services, and a function sParam that provides values for service-spe-
cific system parameters. An example service-specific system parameter is the
number of component interactions resulting from an invocation of a particular ser-
6. A set DepSpace of all possible deployment mappings.
7. A set Q of QoS dimensions, and a function qValue that quantifies a QoS dimen-
sion (e.g., security) for a given service (e.g., “find the best route to the disaster
area”) in the current deployment mapping. Also, a function qType that represents
the minimization or maximization aspect of the QoS dimension.
8. A set U of users, and two complementary functions qosRate and qosUtil that
denote a user’s preference for a QoS dimension of a service. qosRate returns the
rate of change, while qosUtil returns the utility for that rate of change. For exam-
ple, the user may denote a utility of 0.1 for a change of 0.2 (i.e., 20%) in a partic-
ular QoS dimension of a service. Relative importance of different users is
determined by two threshold values: MinRate and MaxUtil. MinRate denotes the
minimum rate of change a user is allowed to specify, while MaxUtil denotes the
maximum utility. In general, a smaller value of MinRate and a larger value of
MaxUtil indicates higher importance (or relative influence) of the user in the final
9. A set PC of parameter constraints, and a function pcSatisfied that, given a con-
straint and a deployment architecture, returns 1 if the constraint is satisfied and 0
otherwise. For example, if the parameter constraint is “bandwidth satisfaction”,
the corresponding constraint function may ensure that the total volume of data
exchanged across any network link does not exceed that link’s bandwidth in a
given deployment architecture.
10. Using the loc function, deployment of any component can be restricted to a subset
of hosts, thus denoting a set of allowed hosts for that component. Using the colloc
function, constraints on allowed collocations of components can be specified.
Note that some elements of the framework model are intentionally left “loosely
defined” (e.g., system parameter sets, QoS set). These elements correspond to the
many and varying factors that are found in different distributed application scenarios.
As we will see in Section5.2, when the framework is instantiated, the system
architect specifies these loosely defined elements.
For brevity we use the following shorthand notations in the remainder of this
document: H
is a host on which component c is deployed; I
is an interaction
Figure 5-1: Framework model.
A distributed system is modeled in terms of
1. a set H of hardware nodes, a set HP of host parameters, a function
ℜ → × HP H hParam:
2. a set C of components, a set CP of component parameters, a function
ℜ → ×CP C cParam :
3. a set N of network links, a set NP of network link parameters, a
function ℜ → × NP N nParam:
4. a set I of logical links (interactions), a set IP of logical link parameters,
a function ℜ → × IP I : iParam
5. a set S of services, and a function
ℜ → ∪ ∪ ∪ × ∪ ∪ ∪ × } { } { : IP NP CP HP I N C H S sParam of values for
service-specific system parameters
6. a set {} ,... d , d DepSpace
2 1
= of all possible deployment mappings, where
|H| |DepSpace| =
7. a set Q of quality of services, a function ℜ → × × DepSpace Q S qValue :
that quantifies the achieved level of QoS, and
QoS this maximize to desirable is it if 1
QoS this minimize to desirable is it if 1
:Q qType
8. a set U of users, a function ] 1 , [ : MinRate Q S U qosRate → × × representing
the rate of change in a QoS, and a complementary function
] , 0 [ : MaxUtil Q S U qosUtil → × × representing the utility for that rate of
9. a set PC of parameter constraints, and a function
→ ×
satisfied not is if 0
satisfied is if 1
DepSpace PC d pcSatisfie
10. two functions that restrict locations of software components
∈ ∈
∈ ∈
→ ×
H h C c
H h C c
H C loc
onto deployed be cannot if 0
onto deployed be can if 1
∈ ∈ −
∈ ∈
→ ×
ns restrictio no are there if 0
2 as host same the on be cannot 1 if 1
2 as host same the on be to has 1 if 1
: C c C c
C c C c
C C colloc
between components c1 and c2; N
is a network link between hosts h1 and h2;
finally, C
is a set of components that constitute service s.
Figure 5-2 shows the formal definition of the problem based on the framework model.
The function overallUtil represents the overall satisfaction of the users with the QoS
delivered by the services they use. The goal is to find a (new) deployment architecture
that maximizes overallUtil and meets the constraints on location, collocation, and
system parameters (items 9 and 10 in Figure 5-1).
5.2 Framework Instantiation
As the reader may recall, the formal specification of our problem (shown in Figure 5-
1) was intentionally left loosely defined. However, to describe the algorithms’ logic,
we need to be able to precisely specify an application scenario, including its loosely
Given the current deployment of the system d DepSpace ∈ , find an improved deployment
d′ such that the users’ overall utility defined as the function
11 1
(, , ) (, , )
(, , )
(, ) * ( , , )* ( )
(, , )
us q
qValue s q d qValue s q d
qValue s q d
overallUtil d d qosUtil u s q qType q
qosRate u s q
== =
′ −
′ =
is maximized, and the following conditions are satisfied:
1. 1 ) , ( = ∈ ∀
H c loc C c
2. C c C c ∈ ∀ ∈ ∀ 21) ( ) 1 ) 2 , 1 ( (
2 1 c c
H H c c colloc if = ⇒ =
) ( ) 1 ) 2 , 1 ( (
c c
H H c c colloc if ≠ ⇒ − =
3. 1 ) , ( = ∈ ∀ d constr d pcSatisfie PC constr
In the most general case, the number of possible deployment architectures is
|H| |DepSpace| = . However, note that some of these deployments may not satisfy one or
more of the above three conditions.
Figure 5-2: Problem definition.
defined parts. Framework instantiation is the process of configuring the framework
model for an application scenario. We illustrate this using four QoS dimensions:
availability, latency, communication security, and energy consumption. Note that any
arbitrary set of QoS dimensions can be used in our framework. Also note that the
framework does not place any restrictions on the manner in which QoS dimensions
are defined and quantified. This allows an engineer to tailor the framework to her
specific needs. Below we give sample quantifications of these selected four QoS
dimensions in the context of distributed systems.
The first step in instantiating the framework is to define the relevant system
parameters. Item 1 of Figure 5-3 shows a list of parameters that we have identified to
be of interest for specifying the four QoS dimensions. We should note that additional
parameters may be found to be relevant as well. Those parameters can be similarly
instantiated in our framework. Once the parameters of interest are specified, the
parameter realization functions (e.g., hParam, cParam of Figure 5-1) need to be
defined. These discrete functions can be defined in many ways: monitoring the
system, relying on system engineer’s knowledge, extracting from the architectural
description, etc.
A software system’s availability is commonly defined as the degree to which the
system is operational when required for use [20]. Availability is the QoS dimension
denoting whether a service is present or ready for immediate use. In the context of
distributed environments, where a most common failure is a network failure, we
quantify availability as a function of successfully completed inter-component
interactions in the system [40,42]. Item 2 of Figure 5-3 defines availability for a
single service s in a given deployment d. A software service’s latency is commonly
defined as the time elapsed between making a request for service and receiving the
Figure 5-3: Framework instantiation example.
1. System parameters
HP hostMem∈ available memory on a host
HP s hostEnrCon ∈ average energy
consumption per opcode
CP compMem∈ required memory for a
CP opcodeSize∈ average amount of
computation per event
IP freq∈ frequency of interaction between
two components
IP evtSize∈ average event size exchanged
between two components
NP bw∈ available bandwidth on a network
NP rel∈ reliability of a network link
NP td∈ transmission delay of a network link
NP enc∈ encryption capability of a network link
NP s commEnrCon ∈ energy consumption of
transmitting data
Q energy urity, sec y, ty, latenc availabili ∈ four QoS
PC memConst∈ constraint on host’s available
memory parameter
2. Availability:
H c c
,rel) ram(N ,freq)*nPa sParam(s,I d) ty, availabili qValue(s,
1 11 2
2 , 1
3. Latency:
1, 2 ,
11 2 1
cc H H
qValue(s, latency, d) sParam(s,I freq)* nParam(N ,td)
1, 2 1, 2
12 1 2
cc cc
cc c c
sParam(s,I , freq)* sParam(s,I ,evtSize)
nParam(N ,bw)* nParam(N ,rel)
4. Communication security:
H c c c c
,enc) nParam(N ,evtSize)* am(s,I freq)*sPar sParam(s,I urity, d) qValue(s,
111 2
2 , 1 2 , 1
, sec
5. Energy consumption:
+ =
c c c c
ns) ,commEnrCo nParam(N
,evtSize) am(s,I freq)*sPar sParam(s,I
energy d) qValue(s,
111 2
2 , 1 2 , 1
2 1
( *
2 1
2 , 1
ns) ,hostEnrCo hParam(H
e) ,opcodeSiz cParam(c
ns) ,hostEnrCo hParam(H
e) ,opcodeSiz cParam(c
,freq) cParam(s,I
c c
c c
+ +
6. Memory constraint:
if (,)(,),
then ( , ) 1
else ( , ) 0
h H c C H h cParam c compMem hParam h hostMem
pcSatisfied memConst d
pcSatisfied memConst d
∀∈ ∀∈ = ≤
response [20]. The most common causes of communication delay in a distributed
system are the unreliability of network links, low bandwidth, and the network
transmission delay. Item 3 of Figure 5-3 defines latency for a service s. Note that for
simplicity in our specification of latency we did not consider the computational delay
associated with each software component’s execution; however, it should be evident
that the framework does not prevent one from including a more elaborate and
accurate quantification of latency. A major factor in the security of distributed
systems is the level of encryption (e.g., 128-bit versus 40-bit encryption) capability
provided in remote communication [58]. Item 4 of Figure 5-3 defines communication
security for a service s. Finally, energy consumption (or battery usage) of each service
is determined by the energy required for the transmission of data among hosts plus the
energy required for the execution of application logic in each software component for
the service. Item 5 of Figure 5-3 defines energy consumption of a service s. For ease
of exposition in this document we have provided a simplified definition; a more
sophisticated energy consumption model can be found in our recent work [55].
As mentioned above, the definitions of the four QoS dimensions in Figure 5-3 are
intended to serve primarily as an example of how QoS dimensions are quantified and
used in our framework. A more detailed explanation of these QoS dimensions is
beyond the scope of this research. We do not argue that these are the only, “correct”,
or even most appropriate definitions for these four dimensions. In fact, our framework
can accommodate arbitrary definitions of these as well as other QoS dimensions, so
long as they are quantifiable.
For illustrating parameter constraints we use the memory available on each host. The
constraint in item 6 of Figure 5-3 specifies that the total size of the components
deployed on each host may not be greater than the total available memory on that
host. Other constraints, such as “bandwidth satisfaction”, are included in the same
We also need to populate the set S with the services and the set U with the users of the
system (recall Figure 5-1). Finally, the users’ preferences are determined by defining
the two functions qosRate and qosUtil. The users define the values these two
functions take based on their preferences.
As discussed in Chapter 2, the greatest difficulty in solving the above problem is that
it is an exponentially complex problem. Therefore, finding the optimal solution is
infeasible for many large systems. Given that typically there is a short amount of time
available for finding an improved deployment architecture at runtime, it is often
preferable to find a solution that comes close to the optimal solution in a fraction of
the time. Furthermore, as will be described in more detail in Chapter8, some
solutions are more appropriate for solving a given class of application scenarios than
others (e.g., centralized versus decentralized systems).
5.3 Decentralization Modeling Constructs
Figure5-4 defines several additional model elements needed for describing a
decentralized application scenario. The relation dep denotes the current deployment
of the system’s components on hosts. The function aware and the relation dom model
the system’s decentralized nature. Function aware denotes whether two hosts have
access to each other’s properties and the properties of components that reside on
them. Relation dom denotes the “domain” of a host h
, which is the set of all hosts of
which h
is aware. A host’s domain corresponds to the host’s extent of knowledge
about the overall system’s parameters. For example, in the centralized application
scenarios discussed above, the assumption is that at least one host’s domain is the
entire set of hosts H.
Figure 5-4: Decentralization modeling constructs.
1. A relation → H dep : P (C) where ) (
i k
h dep c ∈ iff
c is deployed on
2. A function } 1 , 0 { : → × H H aware
1 if and have complete knowledge of each other's
( , ) system properties and constraints
0 if h and h have no information of each other
aware h h
3. A relation → H dom : P (H), where () iff (,)1
ki ki
h dom h aware h h ∈=
CHAPTER 6: Framework Algorithms
As mentioned earlier, this dissertation’s research problem is an instance of multi-
dimensional optimization problems, characterized by many QoS dimensions, system
users and user preferences, and constraints that influence the objective function. Our
objective has been to devise reusable algorithms that provide highly accurate results
regardless of the application scenario. An in-depth study of general strategies applica-
ble to this problem resulted in five algorithms for solving the described problem,
where each algorithm is suitable to a particular class of systems as will be further dis-
cussed in Chapter 8. Unlike previous works that depend on the knowledge of specific
system parameters, we have developed a number of novel heuristics for improving the
performance and accuracy of our algorithms independently of system parameters.
Therefore, regardless of the specific application scenario the system architect simply
executes the algorithm most suitable for the system (e.g., based on the size of the sys-
tem, or stability of system parameters) without any modification.
Of the five general approaches we have adopted and adapted, two (Mixed-Integer
Nonlinear and Linear Programming, a.k.a. MINLP and MIP [67]) are best character-
ized as generic techniques developed in operations research to deal with multi-dimen-
sional optimization problems. These techniques are accompanied by widely used
algorithms and solvers. We tailor these techniques to target them specifically at our
problem as defined in Figures 5-1 and 5-2, and thereby improve their results. The
remaining three approaches (greedy, genetic, and market-based) can be characterized
as generally applicable strategies, which we have employed in developing specific
algorithms tailored to our problem. In this chapter, we provide a discussion of all five
techniques, with an analysis of their algorithmic complexity.
6.1 Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP)
A linear (or non-linear) programming problem consists of three parts: decision vari-
ables, constraint functions, and an objective function. A linear programming problem
has a linear objective function, while a non-linear programming problem has a non-
linear objective function. In a mixed-integer programming problem the decision vari-
ables can only take on integer values within a specified domain. We will discuss two
types of optimization techniques: in this section we discuss the MINLP approach and
in the next section the MIP approach [67]. As we will see, since our objective func-
tion is a non-linear function, our problem is by default a MINLP problem. While we
cannot solve the MINLP representation of our problem optimally, off-the-shelf
MINLP solvers can approximate a solution most of the time. In Chapter 8, we com-
pare the solution of our three approximative algorithms (introduced below) against
the solutions produced by these MINLP solvers. Furthermore, in the next section we
demonstrate a technique for converting a MINLP problem into an MIP problem,
which can be solved optimally.
The first step in representing our problem as a MINLP problem is defining the deci-
sion variables. We define decision variable x
, which corresponds to the decision of
whether component c is to be deployed on host h or not. Therefore, we need |C|*|H|
binary decision variables, where x
=1 if component c is deployed on host h, and
=0 if c is not deployed on h.
The next step is defining the constraints, which includes the representation of both
parameter and locational constraints in MINLP. For example, the memory constraint
for a host h (Item 6 of Figure 5-3) is specified in this way:
Other parameter constraints are represented similarly. The fact that a software compo-
nent c can only be deployed on one host is another constraint that needs to be speci-
fied: . Other locational constraints are represented similarly.
Finally, we need to define the objective function. Below the elided MINLP represen-
tation of the objective function for the scenario introduced in Section 5.2 is shown,
≤ ∗
| |
) , ( ) , (
h c
hostMem h hParam compMem c cParam x
| |
h c
where for brevity we are only showing availability and its contribution to the objec-
tive function; other QoS dimensions are included very similarly.
The function availValue corresponds to the qValue function defined in item 2 of
Figure 5-3. The function availUtil calculates a user’s utility for the availability of a
service. initAvail is a constant which represents the availability of the service for the
initial deployment of the system. Note that as a result of decision variable multiplica-
tion (x
), the objective function is not linear.
As mentioned earlier, while there are approximative algorithms for estimating a solu-
tion to a MINLP problem, there is no known algorithm for solving it optimally. Fur-
thermore, for problems with non-convex functions (such as ours), MINLP solvers are
not guaranteed to find and converge to an improved approximate solution [67].
Finally, given the non-standard techniques for solving MINLP problems, it is hard to
determine a complexity bound for these MINLP solvers.
We will provide an empiri-
cal evaluation and comparison of MINLP solvers with other algorithms in Chapter 8.
2. All state-of-the-art MINLP solvers are based on confidential algorithms. Most vendors claim that their solvers
run in polynomial time [5].
x x rel N nParam freq I s sParam s availValue
h c h c h h c c ∑∑∑∑
| |
| |
| |
| |
2 , 2 1 , 1 2 , 1 2 , 1
* * ) , ( * ) , , ( ) (
) , , ( * ) , , ( / )
) (
) ( ) (
( ) , ( avail s u qosUtil avail s u qosRate
s initAvail
s initAvail s availValue
s u availUtil
+ + + =
(u,s)) energyUtil ) urUtil(u,s (u,s) latenUtil (u,s) (availUtil l overallUti Maximize
... functions Util and Value dimensions QoS //other
6.2 Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MIP)
While MIP problems can be solved optimally in principle, doing so is computation-
ally expensive, even for small problems. However, by leveraging appropriate heuris-
tics, it is possible to reduce the search space while maintaining the optimality
criterion. Below we describe a technique for transforming our MINLP problem into
an MIP problem and then present a heuristic we have developed that results in
improving the resulting MIP algorithm’s performance.
In order to transform the MINLP problem to MIP, we need to introduce |C|
binary decision variables t
to the specification formula of each QoS. We
want the variable t
=1, if component c1 is deployed on host h1 and compo-
nent c2 is deployed on host h2, and t
=0 otherwise. To ensure that the vari-
able t satisfies the above relationship, we need to add the following three new
Using the new variable t and the three new constraints, we can rewrite the availValue
function (and other elided QoS functions) to arrive at an equivalent linear prob-
2 , 2 1 , 1 2 , 2 , 1 , 1
2 , 2 2 , 2 , 1 , 1
1 , 1 2 , 2 , 1 , 1
h c h c h c h c
h c h c h c
h c h c h c
x x t
x t
x t
+ ≥ +
t rel N nParam freq I s sParam s availValue
h c h c h h c c ∑∑∑∑
| |
| |
| |
| |
2 , 2 , 1 , 1 2 , 1 2 , 1
* ) , ( * ) , , ( ) (
MIP solvers use branch-and-bound to solve the problem efficiently. Therefore, our
problem has the upper bound of:
However, most MIP solvers support specification of the order in which the variables
are to be branched by assigning different priorities to the decision variables. Thus, by
assigning a higher priority to x variables and lower priority to t variables, we are able
to reduce the complexity of the algorithm significantly, to O(2
). This is because,
after solving the problem for the x variables, the values of t variables trivially follow
from the three constraints discussed in the previous paragraph. Finally, the constraint
that each software component can be deployed on only one host (recall Section 6.1),
allows for significant pruning of the branch-and-bound tree, thus reducing the com-
plexity of our problem to O(|C|
By fixing some components to selected hosts, the complexity of the exact algorithm
reduces to . Similarly, specifying that a pair of components c
have to be collocated on the same host further reduces the algorithm’s complexity
As we will see in Chapter 8, even after all this reduction, the MIP algorithm remains
computationally very expensive. It may still be used in calculating optimal deploy-
height of tree number of t variables number of x variables
( ) (2 2 )
22 22
||| | | || | ||| |
(2 2 ) (2 )
Osizeof branch O
= +=
| C |
| H |
)) h , c ( loc ( ( O
ments for systems whose characteristics are stable for a very long time. In such cases,
it may be beneficial to invest the time required for the MIP algorithm, in order to gain
maximum possible overall QoS utility. However, note that even in such cases, run-
ning the algorithm may become infeasible very quickly, unless the number of allowed
deployments is substantially reduced through location and collocation constraints.
6.3 Greedy Algorithm
The high complexity of MIP and MINLP solvers, and the fact that the MINLP solvers
do not always find an improved solution, motivated us to devise additional domain-
specific approximative algorithms that significantly reduce this complexity while
exhibiting good precision. Our approach leverages several heuristics in finding solu-
tions that come close to the optimal found by MIP (for smaller systems) and are on
par with those found by state-of-the-art MINLP solvers (for much larger examples).
The greedy algorithm is an iterative algorithm that incrementally finds better solu-
tions. Unlike the previous algorithms that need to finish executing before returning a
solution, the greedy algorithm generates a valid and improved solution in each itera-
tion. This is a desirable characteristic for systems where the parameters change fre-
quently and the available time for calculating an improved deployment varies
significantly: whenever the algorithm is terminated, it returns either the initial deploy-
ment or one that is better than it. In each step of the algorithm, we take a single com-
ponent aComp and estimate the new deployment location for it (i.e., a host) such that
the objective function overallUtil is maximized. Our strategy is to improve the QoS
dimensions of the “most important” services first. The most important service is the
service that has the greatest total utility gain as a result of the smallest improvement
in its QoS dimensions. The importance of service s is calculated via the following for-
Going in the decreasing order of service importance, the algorithm searches for the
host bestHost that maximizes the total utility when aComp is deployed on it. bestHost
is the host that has the maximum value of hValue, calculated via the following for-
where d is the initial deployment, d’ is the new deployment when aComp is deployed
on h, and S
is a subset of services in whose provision aComp is involved.
If the host bestHost for aComp satisfies all the parameter constraints (e.g., host mem-
ory constraint), the solution is modified by mapping aComp to bestHost. Otherwise,
the algorithm tries to find all “swappable” components sComp on bestHost, such that
after swapping a given sComp with aComp (1) the parameter constraints associated
with H
and bestHost are satisfied, and (2) the overall users’ utility is increased.
Among the swappable components, we choose the component whose swapping
s,q) qosRate(u, ) q , s , u ( qosUtil ) s ( svcImp
| U |
| Q |
(, , ) (, , )
(, , )
(, ) * ( , , )* ( )
(, , )
su q
qValue s q d qValue s q d
qValue s q d
hValue h aComp qosUtil u s q qType q
qosRate u s q
′ −
results in the maximum utility gain, calculated as follows:
If no swappable components exist, the algorithm selects the host with the next highest
hValue and repeats the above process.
The algorithm continues improving the overall utility by finding the best host for each
component of each service, until it determines that a stable solution has been found. A
solution becomes stable when during a single iteration of the algorithm all compo-
nents remain on their respective hosts. Note that the heuristics implicitly disallow
moves that decrease the quality of a solution and thus the algorithm is guaranteed to
terminate when it stops improving the quality of the solution. The complexity of this
algorithm in the worst case with k iterations is:
However, since typically only a small subset of components participates in a given
service and swappable components are only a small subset of components deployed
on the bestHost, the average complexity of this algorithm is typically much lower.
Finally, similar to the analysis of the MIP algorithm, specification of locational con-
3. Our analysis is based on the assumption that the numbers of system parameters (e.g., sets HP and CP) are signif-
icantly smaller than the numbers of modeling elements (i.e., sets H, C, N, and I) they are associated with. In
such cases, we can ignore system parameters in our complexity analysis.
the utility gain of deploying on the utility effect of deploying on
aComp aComp
aComp bestHost sComp H
(hValue(bestHost,aComp) hValue(H ,aComp)) (hValue(H ,sComp) hValue(bestHo
−− − st,sComp))
) |) || || (| | (| ) |) || || (| | || | ( |) || || (| | | |) || || (| | | | | | | (
2 3 2 3
Q U C S O Q U C S H k O Q U S C Q U S H C S k O
n) calculatio hValue comps swap # n calculatio hValue hosts # comps # services # iterations # O
= = × × × × × ×
= × × × × × ×
straints decreases the number of times we calculate hValue, thus resulting in further
complexity reduction.
An important heuristic we have introduced in this algorithm is the swapping of com-
ponents, which significantly decreases the possibility of getting “stuck” in a bad local
optimum. Further enhancements to the algorithm are possible that would result in
improving the results at the cost of higher complexity. For example, simulated anneal-
ing [52] could be leveraged to explore several solutions and return the best one by
conducting a series of additional iterations over our algorithm.
6.4 Genetic Algorithm
We present another approximative solution to our problem that is based on a well-
known class of stochastic approaches called genetic algorithms [52]. An aspect of a
genetic algorithm that sets it apart from the previous algorithms presented in this
paper is the fact that it can be extended to execute in parallel on multiple processors
with no additional overhead. Furthermore, in contrast with previous two approxima-
tive algorithms that eventually stop at “good” local optima (MINLP and greedy), a
genetic algorithm continues to improve the solution until it is explicitly terminated by
a triggering condition or the global optimal solution has been found. However, the
performance and accuracy of the genetic algorithm significantly depends on its mech-
anism design (i.e., the representation of the problem and the heuristics leveraged in
promoting the good properties of individuals). In fact, the genetic algorithm we devel-
oped initially using conventional heuristics typically suggested in literature signifi-
cantly under-performed in comparison to the other three algorithms. Instead, we had
to devise a novel mechanism specifically tailored at our problem, as discussed below.
In a genetic algorithm, an individual represents a solution to the problem. Each indi-
vidual is composed of a sequence of genes that represent the structure of that solution.
A population contains a pool of individuals. An individual for the next generation of
the population is evolved in three steps: 1) two or more parent individuals are heuris-
tically selected from the population; 2) a new individual is created via a cross-over
between the parent individuals; and 3) the new individual is mutated via slight ran-
dom modification of its genes.
In our problem, an individual is a string of size |C| that corresponds to the deployment
mapping of all software components to hosts. Figure 6-1a shows a simple representa-
tion of an individual for a problem of 10 components and 4 hosts. Each block of an
individual represents a gene and the number in each block corresponds to the host that
the component is deployed on. For example, component 1 of Individual 1 is deployed
on host 4 (denoted by h4), as are components 4, 5, and 8. The problem with this repre-
sentation is that the genetic properties of parents are not passed on to future genera-
tions as a result of cross-overs. This is because the components that constitute a
service are dispersed in the gene sequence of an individual and a cross-over may
result in a completely new deployment for the components of that service. For
instance, assume that in Figure 6-1a service 1 of Individual 1 and services 2 and 3 of
Individual 2 have very good deployments (with respect to user utility); then as a result
of a cross-over, we may create an individual that has an inferior deployment for all
three services. For example, the components collaborating to provide service 2 are
now distributed across hosts 1, 3, and 4, which is different from the deployment of
service 2 in both Individuals 1 and 2.
Figure 6-1b shows a mechanism we have developed for the representation of an indi-
vidual in response to this problem. In this representation, the components of each ser-
vice are grouped together via a mapping function, represented by the Map sequence.
Each block in the Map sequence tells us the location on the gene sequence of an indi-
Figure 6-1: Application of the genetic algorithm for a problem of 10 components and 4 hosts: a)
Simple representation, b) Representation based on services.
1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
h4 h1 h1 h4 h2 h3 h4 h4 h2 h1
Comps Index !
Individual1 !
1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
h4 h1 h4 h2 h4 h2 h1 h1 h3 h4
Comps Index !
Individual1 !
i1 i10 i4 i7 i6 i3 i9 i2 i8 i5 Map !
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
h2 h2 h1 h3 h4 h1 h1 h4 h1 h3 Individual2 !
New Individual ! h4 h2 h1 h3 h4 h1 h1 h4 h2 h1
h2 h2 h1 h1 h3 h4 h3 h1 h1 h4 Individual2 !
h4 h2 h1 h1 h3 h4 h3 h1 h3 h4
New Individual !
vidual to which a component is mapped. For example, component 2 is mapped to
block 5 on the gene sequence (denoted by i5). Thus, block 5 of Individual 1 in
Figure 6-1b corresponds to block 2 of Individual 1 in Figure 6-1a, and both denote the
fact that component 2 is deployed on host 1. If the component participates in more
than one service, the component is grouped with the components providing the ser-
vice that is most important. Similarly to the greedy algorithm, the most important ser-
vice results in the highest utility gain for the smallest improvement in its QoS
dimensions, calculated via the svcImp function from the previous section. We only
allow cross-overs that occur on the borders of services. For example, in Figure 6-1b,
we may perform cross-overs at two locations: the line dividing blocks 4 and 5, or the
line dividing blocks 7 and 8 of Individuals 1 and 2. Note that as a result of the cross-
over in Figure 6-1b, we have created an individual that has inherited the deployment
of service 1 from Individual1 and the deployment of services 2 and 3 from
After the cross-over, the new individual is mutated. In our problem, this corresponds
to changing the deployment of a few components. To evolve populations of individu-
als, we need to define a fitness function that evaluates the quality of each new individ-
ual. The fitness function returns zero if the individual does not satisfy all the
parameter and locational constraints, otherwise it returns the value of overallUtil for
the deployment that corresponds to the individual. The algorithm improves the qual-
ity of a population in each evolutionary iteration by selecting parent individuals with
a probability that is directly proportional to their fitness values. Thus, individuals
with a high fitness value have a greater chance of getting selected, and increase the
chance of passing on their genetic properties to the future generations of the popula-
tion. Furthermore, we directly copy the individual with the highest fitness value (i.e.,
perform no cross-over or mutation on it) from each population to the next generation,
thus keeping the best individual found in the entire evolutionary search.
The complexity of this algorithm in the worst case is:
We can improve the results of the algorithm by instantiating several populations and
evolving each of them independently. For further improvement, these populations
may be allowed to keep a history of their best individuals and share them with other
populations at pre-specified time intervals.
6.5 Market-based Algorithm
In this section, we present DecAp++, a decentralized, collaborative algorithm for
improving system’s deployment architecture. This algorithm is an adaptation of an
algorithm, called DecAp [29], which we developed previously for finding a deploy-
ment architecture that improves the system’s availability. Each host that runs
DecAp++ contains a single autonomous agent. These agents collaborate to improve
the overall utility of the system. Each agent has access to the monitoring data within
) | Q | | U | | S | s individual # evolutions # s population # O(
) n calculatio function fitness s individual # evolutions # s population # O(
× × ×
= × × ×
its domain of awareness (recall Figure 5-4). An agent exchanges messages with other
agents that are members of its host domain.
The auctioned items in DecAp++ are software components. For a component to be
ready for auctioning, its relevant parameters must be stable [42]. An agent plays two
roles during the redeployment process: (1) auctioneer, in which the agent conducts the
auction of its local components, and (2) bidder, in which the agent bids on compo-
nents auctioned by a remote agent. DecAp++ extends the classic auction algorithm in
two ways: (1) an auctioneer is allowed to participate in auctions it conducts, by set-
ting the minimum bid for the auctioned component; and (2) the auctioneer may adjust
the received bids.
To participate in an auction conducted on host h
, a bidder agent has to reside on one
of the hosts that are members of h
’s domain. Each agent can be in one of the follow-
ing three states: auctioning, bidding, or free. The auctioning process for a single com-
ponent is as follows. First, the auctioneer announces an auction of a local component
. It then receives all the bids from bidders within its domain. Finally, the auctioneer
determines the “winner”, i.e., the location for c
within dom(h
) that results in highest
availability. To ensure that the winner is correctly determined, agents participating in
this auction cannot participate in other auctions at the same time.
As a result of a single auction, a component can move only to one of the hosts that are
inside the domain of the component’s auctioneer host. For this reason, multiple auc-
tions of a single component may be required before the “sweet spot” for that compo-
nent in the given distributed system is found. A component’s sweet spot is its
deployment location that does not change as a result of future auctions for that com-
ponent. This is known as the Nash Equilibrium State in market-based literature [23].
DecAp++’s auctioneer and bidder algorithms use a function that denotes the contribu-
tion of a deployment decision to the overall system utility. The contribution of com-
ponent c
to the overall utility of the domain of host h
when c
is deployed on h
, is
defined as follows:
where is the initial deployment of the components in the dom(h
), is the new
deployment when c
is deployed on h
, and is a subset of services in whose provi-
sion c
is involved. Below we describe both the auctioneer’s and the bidder’s algo-
rithms and how they are coordinated.
(, , ) (, , )
(, , )
(, ) * ( , , )* ( )
(, , )
su q
qValue s q d qValue s q d
qValue s q d
contribution c h qosUtil u s q qType q
qosRate u s q
′ −
6.5.1 Auctioneer’s Algorithm
The auctioneer’s algorithm, performed on auctioneer’s host h
for one of its software
components c
(i.e., ), consists of the following eight steps. These steps
are repeated for each component on h
1. If c
is ready to be auctioned, calculate the minimum bid for c
as fol-
2. If h
’s state is free, change it to auctioning, send the AUCTION INTENT message to
all hosts in dom(h
), and proceed to step 3. Otherwise, wait for a given time inter-
val and repeat step 2.
3. If all hosts in dom(h
) respond with an AUCTION ACCEPT message before the spec-
ified time-out, continue to step 4. Otherwise, send AUCTION CANCEL message to
all hosts in dom(h
), set h
’s state to free, wait for a random time interval, and go
back to step 2.
4. Broadcast an AUCTION START message to every host in dom(h
). Include the min-
Bid in the message. The minBid sets up a threshold for an acceptable bid. It is
used by the bidders to determine whether they qualify to participate in the auction
or not.
5. When the bids from all the hosts in dom(h
) are received, or a time-out occurs,
adjust the bids from the hosts that do not satisfy the system constraints (e.g., suffi-
) (
a a
h dep c ∈
) , ( ) (
a a a
h c on contributi c minBid =
cient memory) for the auctioned component. When a bidding host does not satisfy
some of the constraints for component c
, it needs to trade c
with one of its local
components. As will be detailed in Section 6.5.2, each host h
that does not satisfy
a constraint, in addition to the bid, sends a set of “tradable” components’ identifi-
ers and their contributions (i.e., ). For
each host h
, the auctioneer determines the best candidate component for trade c
as a component whose migration from h
to h
will have the smallest negative
impact on the overall utility, as follows:
Then, the auctioneer recalculates the bid from host h
to adjust for the effect of the
trade, as follows:
When adjusting the bids for all the hosts that do not satisfy the system constraints
is complete, go to step 6.
6. Find the winner host h
by selecting the highest bidder. If bid(c
continue to step 7. Otherwise, c
remains deployed on h
; skip to step 8.
7. If h
satisfies all the system constraints, migrate c
to h
. Otherwise, perform the
trade by migrating c
to h
and migrating c
to h
8. Broadcast an AUCTION TERMINATION message to every host in dom(h
) to denote
the completion of this auction. Set h
’s state to free.
) (
h dep T ⊆ ) , (
b x x
h c on contributi T c ∈ ∀
) , ( ) , ( min
a x b x x t
h c on contributi h c on contributi T c c − ∈ ∀ =
( , ) ( ,) ( ( ,) ( , ))
ab ab t b t a
bid c h bid c h contribution c h contribution c h =− −
6.5.2 Bidder’s Algorithm
The bidder’s algorithm, where is the bidder host, consists of the follow-
ing eight steps:
1. When an AUCTION INTENT message arrives, if h
’s state is free, send the AUCTION
ACCEPT message to h
set the state to bidding, and continue to step 2. Otherwise,
send the AUCTION REJECT message to h
2. If an AUCTION CANCEL message arrives, set the state to free, and go back to step 1.
If the AUCTION START message arrives from h
, calculate the bid for c
as the con-
tribution of c
to the overall utility of dom(h
) if c
were to be deployed on
3. If bid(c
) < minBid, h
does not qualify to place a bid on c
, skip to step 8. Oth-
erwise create the bid message by including the bid(c
). Proceed to step 4.
4. If h
satisfies all the system constraints for c
, proceed to step 7.
5. Since h
does not satisfy some system constraint(s) for the deployment of c
, find
the set of “tradable” components. A component is tradable when as a
result of trading it with c
all the system constraints are satisfied.
6. If T is not empty, append to the bid message both the identifiers of all components
and their contributions, contribution(c
), and proceed to step 7. Other-
) (
a b
h dom h ∈
) , ( ) , (
b a b a
h c on contributi h c bid =
) (
h dep T ⊆
T c
wise, when T is empty, a tradable component does not exist and component c
cannot be deployed onto h
; skip to step 8.
7. Place the bid by sending the bid reply message to h
8. Upon arrival of the AUCTION TERMINATION message, set h
’s state to free.
6.5.3 Analysis of the Two Algorithms
To ensure that an agent participates in a single auction at a time, we employed a dis-
tributed locking mechanism using the state variable for each agent as described in
steps 2, 3, and 8 of the auctioneer’s algorithm, and steps 1, 2, and 8 of the bidder’s
algorithm. To avoid deadlocks and starvation, each auctioneer waits a random interval
of time before the next attempt at starting an auction.
The worst-case time complexity analysis for each of the two algorithms is given
below. Note that the analysis of agent synchronization time complexity is not pro-
vided, since we adopted a well-known distributed locking technique, whose complex-
ity analysis is provided in [62].
O(auctioneer) = O(step 1) + O(step 5) + O(step 6) = O(|C|*|S||U||Q|) + O(|C|*|S||U||Q|)
+ O(|H|) = O(|C||S||U||Q|)
O(bidder) = O(step 2) + O(step 5) = O(|S||U||Q|) + O(|C|) = O(|S||U|Q|)
Finally, the auctioneer’s algorithm will be executed several times for each software
component. Some of these auctions may occur simultaneously within the entire sys-
tem, depending on the number of components on each host and the number of hosts
within each host’s domain. In the worst case (e.g., the domain of each host is the
entire set of hosts H), the auctioneer’s algorithm executes in a sequential manner for
each component, resulting in the total complexity of DecAp++ to be |C|*O(auction-
eer) = O(|C|
Algorithm’s Convergence. DecAp++ performs a redeployment of components only
if the redeployment results in the overall utility increase. For this reason, each auction
guarantees that the system’s utility will either increase or remain the same (if the auc-
tioned component remains on the auctioneer host). As will be illustrated in Chapter 8,
the algorithm typically converges after only a few auctions for each component, i.e.,
subsequent auctions do not change the deployment architecture of the system. As
soon as the given host becomes the “sweet spot” for all of its components, the auc-
tioneer algorithm on that host assumes the algorithm’s convergence with a certain
degree of confidence, and extends the period of time before attempting a new auction
(i.e., the host’s dormant time). If during subsequent auctions the host remains the
“sweet spot” for its components, its degree of confidence, and thus the period of dor-
mancy, increases.
Algorithm’s Sensitivity to the Level of Awareness. DecAp++ provides a flexible
approach for capturing the level of awareness present at each node, through careful
definition of the aware function and dom relation in our model. DecAp++’s model
does not make any assumptions about what constitutes awareness among two hosts
(i.e., when aware(h
)=1). We simply set a given host’s domain (i.e., the dom rela-
tion) to the set of all the hosts of which it is aware. The model can then be instantiated
with an implementation-level definition of awareness. Some commonly used policies
in determining aware hosts are: directly connected hosts, proximity of hosts, number
of node hops, bandwidth or signal strength, and reliability of links. Figure 6-2 illus-
trates the effect of using different policies for determining host awareness. While our
algorithm is independent of the policy that constitutes host awareness, the perfor-
mance of the algorithm is significantly affected by the level of awareness present at
each host. We will demonstrate the sensitivity of our algorithm to the level of aware-
ness in Chapter 8.
Figure 6-2: Domain of host A with different policies for determining host awareness.
A) proximity based
B) Direct link based
C) Two hop link based
Location Constraints. In Section 5.1 we discussed how the loc and colloc functions
can be leveraged to capture constraints other than memory. For clarity in presenting
DecAp++ we did not explicitly describe how the location constraints remain satisfied
throughout the algorithm’s execution. The constraint imposed by the loc function is
enforced by inviting the hosts to participate in an auction only if they satisfy the loc
constraint. The constraint imposed by the colloc function is enforced as follows: (1)
when a component cannot be on the same host as the auctioned component, the auc-
tioneer simply does not invite the host that contains that component to the auction,
and (2) when two component have to be on the same host, the components are merged
into a single virtual component and therefore always auctioned at the same time. Also
note that through the use of loc and colloc, the complexity of the algorithm is reduced
proportionally to the extent of the constraints imposed by the two functions in the
given system [40].
CHAPTER 7: Tool-Support
The framework has been realized on top of an integrated tool suite, which allows the
engineer to model an application scenario, use one of the provided algorithms for
improving its architecture, and finally effect the results of the analysis by redeploying
the software components. In this chapter we describe the tool suite, which is com-
posed of a customizable deployment modeling and analysis environment (called DeSi
[43]) and an extensible architectural middleware platform (called Prism-MW [28]).
DeSi and Prism-MW provide an integrated tool suite that can be leveraged by soft-
ware engineers to develop reusable solutions to this problem.
7.1 Architectural Middleware
This section describes Prism-MW [28], a middleware that supports architecture-based
software development. Prism-MW forms the foundation for the proposed research, as
it provides support for monitoring, (re)deployment, and dynamic reconfiguration at
the architectural level.
7.1.1 Middleware Design
Prism-MW supports architectural abstractions by providing classes for representing
each architectural element, with methods for creating, manipulating, and destroying
the element. These abstractions enable a direct mapping between an architecture and
its implementation. Furthermore, Prism-MW employs a well-defined extensibility
mechanism for addressing emerging development concerns.
Figure 7-1 shows the class design view of Prism-MW. The shaded classes constitute
the middleware core, which represents a minimal subset of Prism-MW required for
implementing and executing an architecture. Note that the core does not include sup-
port for key Prism concerns such as architectural styles, mobility, awareness, and so
on. Those concerns are addressed by Prism-MW’s extensions, which we discuss
below. Only the five dark gray classes of Prism-MW’s core are directly relevant to the
application developer. Our goal was to keep the core compact, reflected in the fact
that it contains only twelve classes (four of which are abstract) and four interfaces.
Furthermore, we tried to keep the design of the core (and the entire middleware)
highly modular, by limiting direct dependencies among the classes via abstract
classes, interfaces, and inheritance as discussed below.
Brick is an abstract class that represents an architectural building block. It encapsu-
lates common features of its subclasses (Architecture, Component, Connector, and
Port). Architecture records the configuration of its constituent components, connec-
tors, and ports, and provides facilities for their addition, removal, and reconnection,
possibly at system runtime. A distributed application is implemented as a set of inter-
acting Architecture objects.
Events are used to capture communication in an architecture. An event consists of a
name and payload. An event’s payload includes a set of typed parameters for carrying
data and meta-level information (e.g., sender, type, and so on). Two base event types
are request for a recipient component to perform an operation and reply that a sender
component has performed an operation.
Figure 7-1: UML class design view of Prism-MW. Middleware core classes are highlighted.
Round Robin
Abstract Event
Abstract Port
Component Behavior
Connector Behavior
Specific Impl.
Abstract Conn
Abstract Comp
Ports are the loci of interaction in an
architecture. A link between two ports
is made by welding them together; the
link acts as a bidirectional communi-
cation channel between the ports. A
port can be welded to at most one
other port. Each Port has a type,
which is either request or reply. An event placed on one port is forwarded to the port
linked to it in the manner shown in Figure 7-2: request events are forwarded from
request ports to reply ports, while reply events are forwarded in the opposite direc-
Components perform computations in an architecture and may maintain their own
internal state. A component is dynamically associated with its application-specific
functionality via a reference to the AbstractImplementation class. This allows us to
perform dynamic changes to a component’s application-specific behavior without
having to replace the entire component. Each component can have an arbitrary num-
ber of attached ports. Components interact with each other by exchanging events via
their ports. When a component generates an event, it places copies of that event on
each of its ports whose type corresponds to the generated event type.
Figure 7-2: Link between two Ports in Prism-
Component/ Connector
Request Port
Reply Port
Components may interact either directly (through ports) or via connectors. Connec-
tors are used to control the routing of events among the attached components. Like
components, each connector can have an arbitrary number of attached ports. A com-
ponent attaches to a connector by creating a link between one of its ports and a single
connector port. Connectors may support arbitrary event delivery semantics (e.g., uni-
cast, multicast, broadcast). In order to support the needs of dynamically changing
applications, each Prism-MW component or connector is capable of adding or remov-
ing ports at runtime. This property, coupled with event-based interaction, has proven
to be highly effective for addressing system reconfigurability, further discussed
Each subclass of the Brick class has an associated interface. The IArchitecture inter-
face exposes a weld method for attaching two ports together. The IComponent inter-
face exposes send and handle methods used for exchanging events. Component
provides the default implementation of IComponent’s send method: generated request
events are placed asynchronously on all of the request ports attached to the compo-
nent, while generated reply events are placed asynchronously on all of the attached
reply ports. The IConnector interface provides a handle method for routing events.
The Connector class provides the default implementation of IConnector’s handle
method, which forwards all request events to the connector’s attached request ports
and all reply events to the attached reply ports. We also provide implementations of
different routing policies, including unidirectional broadcast, bidirectional broadcast,
and multicast. The IPort interface provides the setMutualPort method for creating a
one-to-one association between two ports.
Finally, Prism-MW’s core associates the Scaffold class with every Brick. Scaffold is
used to schedule and queue events for delivery (via the AbstractScheduler class) and
pool execution threads used for event dispatching (via the AbstractDispatcher class) in
a decoupled manner. Prism-MW’s core provides default implementations of
AbstractScheduler and AbstractDispatcher: FIFOScheduler and RoundRobinDis-
patcher, respectively. The novel aspect of our design is that this separation of concerns
allows us to independently select the most suitable event scheduling, queueing, and
dispatching policies for a given application. Furthermore, it allows us to indepen-
dently assign different scheduling, queueing, and dispatching policies to each archi-
tectural element, and possibly even change these policies at runtime. For example, a
separate event queue can be assigned to each component; alternatively, a single event
queue can be shared by a number of (collocated) components. Additionally, dispatch-
ing and scheduling are decoupled from the Architecture, allowing one to easily com-
pose many sub-architectures (each with its own scheduling and dispatching policies) in
a single application. Scaffold also directly aids architectural awareness (also referred to
as reflection) by allowing probing of the runtime behavior of a Brick via different
implementations of the AbstractMonitor class, which will be discussed in more detail
in Section 7.1.10.
7.1.2 Developer’s View of Prism-MW
Prism-MW’s core provides the necessary support for developing arbitrarily complex
applications, so long as they rely on the default facilities (e.g., event scheduling, dis-
patching, and routing). Prism-MW’s extensions, which will be discussed below, are
used in a similar manner. The first step a developer takes is to create the application-
specific portion of each component, by subclassing from the AbstractImplementation
class and providing the component’s “business logic” inside its handle and start
methods. The developer then instantiates the Prism-MW Components and associates
each Component with its implementation. Next, the developer instantiates the Archi-
tecture class and adds the Components (and Connectors if they are used in a given
architecture) to the Architecture. The developer then creates instances of request and
reply Ports for components (and connectors), and associates them with their container
Components (or Connectors), using the addPort method. Attaching component and
connector Ports into a configuration is achieved by using the weld method of the
Architecture class. Finally, Architecture’s start method performs initialization of its
constituent elements by invoking their individual start methods.
For illustration, Figure 7-3 shows two alternative usage scenarios in the Java version
of Prism-MW. The code fragments correspond to two different implementations of a
subset of the TDS application introduced in Chapter 7, where the instantiation and
interaction of three components (RenderingAgent, DeploymentAdvisor, and Resource-
Monitor) is highlighted. In the first usage scenario the components are communicat-
ing directly, while in the second scenario the components are communicating through
a connector. The alternative implementations of the TDSDemo class’s main method
instantiate components, ports (and, in the second case, connectors) and compose
Figure 7-3: Prism-MW application implementation fragments.
class TDSDemo1 {
static public void main(String argv[]) {
Architecture arch = new Architecture ("DEMO ");
// create components
AbstractImplementation renderingAgentImpl
= new RenderingAgentImpl();
Component renderingAgent
= new Component("ra",renderingAgentImpl);
AbstractImplementation resourceMonitorImpl
= new ResourceMonitorImpl();
Component resourceMonitor
= new Component("rm", resourceMonitorImpl);
AbstractImplementation deploymentAdvisorImpl
= new DeploymentAdvisorImpl();
Component deploymentAdvisor
= new Component("da", deploymentAdvisorImpl);
// add components to the architecture
//create ports
Port portRAReq1=new Port(REQUEST);
Port portRAReq2=new Port(REQUEST);
Port portRMRep=new Port(REPLY);
Port portDARep=new Port(REPLY);
// add ports to components
// establish the interconnections
arch.weld(portRAReq1, portRMRep);
arch.weld(portRAReq2, portDARep);
class TDSDemo2 {
static public void main(String argv[]) {
Architecture arch = new Architecture ("DEMO ");
// create components
AbstractImplementation renderingAgentImpl
= new RenderingAgentImpl();
Component renderingAgent
= new Component("ra",renderingAgentImpl);
AbstractImplementation resourceMonitorImpl
= new ResourceMonitorImpl();
Component resourceMonitor
= new Component("rm", resourceMonitorImpl);
AbstractImplementation deploymentAdvisorImpl
= new DeploymentAdvisorImpl();
Component deploymentAdvisor
= new Component("da",deploymentAdvisorImpl);
//create connectors
Connector conn = new Connector("Conn");
// add components and connectors to the architecture
//create ports
Port portRAReq=new Port(REQUEST);
Port portConnReq1=new Port(REQUEST);
Port portConnReq2=new Port(REQUEST);
Port portConnRep=new Port(REPLY);
Port portRMRep=new Port(REPLY);
Port portDARep=new Port(REPLY);
// add ports to components and connectors
// establish the interconnections
arch.weld(portRAReq, portConnRep);
arch.weld(portConnReq1, portRMRep);
arch.weld(portConnReq2, portDARep);
ResourceMonitor DeploymentAdvisor
Architecture initialization:
Architecture initialization:
public class RenderingAgentImpl
extends AbstractImplementation
public void start()
Event e = new Event(“tank_moved”);
e.addParameter("param", p1);
e.eventType = REQUEST;
public class DeploymentAdvisorImpl
extends AbstractImplementation
public void handle(Event e)
if ("tank_moved")) {
Event e1 = new Event("mine_warning");
e1.addParameter("res", result);
e1.eventType = REPLY;
RenderingAgent sends a request event DeploymentAdvisor handles the request event and sends a reply
ResourceMonitor DeploymentAdvisor
(weld) them into a configuration. Figure 7-3 also demonstrates event-based communi-
cation between the two components (as implemented in RenderingAgentImpl and
DeploymentAdvisorImpl classes). Component RenderingAgent creates and sends a
request event, in response to which Component DeploymentAdvisor sends a reply
event in the manner detailed in Section 7.1.3.
Prism-MW’s core has been implemented in Java JVM and C++. Large subsets of the
described functionality have also been implemented in Java KVM, Embedded Visual
C++ (EVC++), Python, and Brew; they have been used in example applications and
in evaluating Prism-MW. The implementation of the middleware core is relatively
small (under 900 SLOC), which can aid Prism-MW’s understandability and ease of
7.1.3 Prism-MW’s Semantics
A distributed system implemented in Prism-MW consists of a number of Architecture
objects, each of which serves as a container for a single subsystem and delimits an
address space. Components within and across the different Architecture objects inter-
act by exchanging Events. The default implementation of Prism-MW uses a fixed-
sized, circular array for storing all events in a single address space. This allowed us to
optimize event processing by introducing a pool of shepherd threads (implemented in
Prism-MW’s RoundRobinDispatcher class) to handle events sent by any component
in a given address space. The size of the thread pool is parameterized and, hence,
adjustable. Since the event queue is of a fixed size (determined at system construc-
tion-time) we also use a producer-consumer algorithm to keep event production under
control, and supply shepherd threads with a constant stream of events to process.
Figure 7-4 shows event processing for two alternative usage scenarios of Prism-MW
introduced in Section 7.1.2. This figure shows the base case of event processing
within a single address space. At the same time, this technique proved quite flexible
and allowed us to support distributed event processing in a very similar manner, as
will be discussed in Section 7.1.5.
By default, Prism-MW processes events asynchronously. A shepherd thread removes
the event from the head of the queue. In the first scenario (Figure 7-4a), the shepherd
thread is run through the connector attached to the sending component; the connector
dispatches the event to relevant components using the same thread. If a recipient com-
ponent generates further events, they are added to the tail of the event queue; different
threads are used for dispatching those events to their intended recipients. The second
usage scenario (shown in Figure 7-4b) uses direct connections between component
ports and allows separate threads to be used for dispatching an event from the queue
to each intended recipient component (steps 2-3 a and b in Figure7-4b). This
increases parallelism, but also resource consumption in the architecture. This solution
represents an adaptation of an existing worker thread pool technique [54] that results
in several unique benefits:
1. By leveraging explicit architectural topology, an event can be routed to multiple
destinations. This minimizes resource consumption, since events need not be
tagged with their recipients, nor do the recipients need to explicitly subscribe to
Figure 7-4: Event dispatching in Prism-MW for a single address space. a) Steps (1)-(7) are performed
by a single shepherd thread. b) steps 1-3 are performed by two shepherd threads, assuming the
RenderingAgent is sending event E to both recipient components.
send Event handleEvent
Thread Pool
3 4 5 6
send Event
Thread Pool
2. We further optimize resource consumption by using a single event queue for stor-
ing both locally and remotely generated events (further discussed in
Section 7.1.5and depicted in Figure 7-8).
3. Since Prism-MW processes local and remote events uniformly, and all routing is
accomplished via the multiple and explicit ports and/or connectors, Prism-MW
allows for seamless redeployment and redistribution of existing applications onto
different hardware topologies.
7.1.4 Extensibility Mechanism
One of Prism-MW’s key objectives is extensibility. The design of Prism-MW’s core
is intended to support this objective by providing extensive separation of concerns via
explicit architectural constructs and use of abstract classes and interfaces. To date, we
have built several specific extensions to support architectural awareness, real-time
requirements, distributability, security, heterogeneity, data compression, delivery
guarantees, and mobility. Furthermore, we have been able to support directly multiple
architectural styles, even within a single application. Our experience with the exten-
sions we have built to date indicates that others can be easily added to the middleware
in the manner presented here.
Our support for extensibility is
built around our intent to keep
Prism-MW’s core unchanged. To
that end, the core constructs
(Component, Connector, Port,
Event, and Architecture) are sub-
classed via specialized classes
(ExtensibleComponent, Extensi-
bleConnector, ExtensiblePort,
ExtensibleEvent, and Exten-
sibleArchitecture), each of which has a reference to a number of abstract classes
(AbstractExtensions in Figure 7-5). Each AbstractExtension class can have multiple
implementations (Extension i,j in Figure 7-5), thus enabling the selection of the desired
functionality inside each instance of a given Extensible class. If a reference to an
AbstractExtension class is instantiated in a given Extensible class instance, that
instance will exhibit the behavior realized inside the implementation of that abstract
class. Multiple references to abstract classes may be instantiated in a single Extensible
class instance. In that case, the instance will exhibit the combined behavior of the
installed abstract class implementations.
4. Since Prism-MW’s objective is to be arbitrarily extensible in principle, the middleware places no restrictions on,
and is agnostic as to the semantics of, such combined behaviors. It is the developers’ responsibility to ensure
that such behaviors make sense.
Extension 1,m
Extension 2
Core class
(Component, Connector, Event,
Port, Architecture)
Extension 1,1
Extension 1
Extension n
Extension 2,k
Extension 2,1
Extension n,p
Extension n,1
Figure 7-5: Prism-MW’s extensibility mechanism
7.1.5 Distribution
In order to address different aspects of interaction, the ExtensiblePort class has refer-
ences to a number of abstract classes that support various interaction services. In turn,
each abstract class can have multiple implementations. Figure 7-6 shows five differ-
ent port extensions we have implemented thus far. Given the importance of distribu-
tion to the Prism domain, in this section we focus solely on the distribution
extensions. In Section 7.1.6 we will discuss other aspects of interaction.
The AbstractDistribution class has been implemented by two concrete classes, one
supporting socket-based and the other infrared port-based inter-process communica-
tion (IPC). We refer to an ExtensiblePort with an instantiated AbstractDistribution
XML Conv ersion
Abs tract
Abstract Security
Abstract Delivery
Extensible Port
Figure 7-6: Port extensions.
reference as a DistributionEnabledPort. A DistributionEnabledPort can be instanti-
ated in two modes of operation: server or client. A DistributionEnabledPort operating
in the server mode has a listening thread (e.g., socket server) that is waiting for
incoming connection requests on a specified network port. A DistributionEnabled-
Port operating in the client mode does not have a listening thread and is only capable
of making connection requests to other DistributionEnabledPorts.
Our implementation of AbstractDistribution allows a DistributionEnabledPort to
have an arbitrary number of network connections to other remote DistributionEn-
abledPorts (i.e., one-to-many association between ports). When a DistributionEn-
abledPort receives an event, it broadcasts the event on all its network connections.
Note that the one-to-many association between DistributionEnabledPorts is a devia-
tion from the one-to-one semantics of a basic port. As will be further discussed in
Chapter 8, this deviation is introduced for efficiency.
Figure 7-7: DistributionEnabledPort usage scenario
Address space A1
Address space A3 Address space A2
Address space A1
Address space A3 Address space A2
Address space A1
Address space A3 Address space A2
a) b) c)
Component/ Connector Request Port Reply Port Distribution Request Port Distribution Reply Port Network Connection
Figure 7-7 shows three different usage scenarios of Prism-MW’s DistributionEn-
abledPorts. The architectures in Figures 7-7a and 7-7b are semantically identical (in
both cases, a request from RenderingAgent will be sent to both recipient components),
although the architecture of Figure 7-7b is more efficient as it uses one less Distribu-
tionEnabledPort. On the other hand, the architecture in Figure 7-7c allows the con-
nector in address space A1 to route an outgoing event either to ResourceMonitor in
A2 or DeploymentAdvisor in A3, or both.
Prism-MW uses the same basic mechanism for communication that spans address
spaces as it does for local communication: a sending component or connector places
its outgoing event on an attached port. However, instead of depositing the event to the
local event queue, in this case the DistributionEnabledPort deposits the event on the
network, as shown in Figure 7-8. When the event is propagated across the network,
the (server) DistributionEnabledPort on the recipient device uses its internal thread to
retrieve the incoming event and place it on its local event queue. This supports distri-
bution transparency and allows a component to be migrated between hosts with mini-
mal impact on the system. For example, the impact of moving ResourceMonitor from
A2 to A1 in Figure 7-8 would be limited to replacing two DistributionEnabledPorts
(one attached to the conn connector and the other to ResourceMonitor) with local
7.1.6 Communication Properties
As depicted in Figures 7-6 and 7-9, we have implemented several port and event
extensions, respectively, which enable different aspects of communication beyond
distribution. Below we provide a brief description of each.
Security. The AbstractSecurity class (shown in Figure 7-6) is a port extension that
has several implementations performing combinations of authentication, authoriza-
tion, encryption, and event integrity. These services have been implemented using
three major cryptographic algorithms: symmetric key, asymmetric key, and event
digest function [50]. Asymmetric key (a.k.a. public key) algorithms are generally
more computationally complex and therefore much slower than symmetric key (a.k.a.
Figure 7-8: Event dispatching in Prism-MW for the remote scenario
Address space A1
Address space A3 Address space A2
Thread Pool
5 6
4 3
Component/ Connector
Request Port
Reply Port
Request Port
Reply Port
secret key) algorithms. However, asymmetric key algorithms do not require secret
channels to distribute the key. Therefore, we chose the RSA asymmetric key algo-
rithm for establishing a connection between each two new users (i.e., their Distribu-
tionEnabledPorts) and for transmitting the secret (session) key. The same session key
and the DES symmetric key algorithm is used for all subsequent transactions (i.e.,
exchanging events). In order to prevent request tampering, a message digest function
is used in combination with RSA to generate the message signature. A message digest
is a kind of cryptographic checksum over a message, used to verify data integrity.
Delivery Guarantees. Abstract-
DeliveryGuarantees and
are port and event extensions,
respectively, that support event
delivery guarantees. We have
implemented support for at most
once, at least once, exactly once,
and best effort delivery seman-
tics. Each Prism-MW event is tagged with the delivery policy, with best effort being
the default. Communicating DistributionEnabledPorts with the appropriate delivery
guarantee extensions installed on them implement a “handshaking” protocol to ensure
proper event delivery across address spaces. In order to maximize the efficiency of
Figure 7-9: Event extensions.
Abstract Delivery
Guarantees Evt
Abstract Real
Time Evt
Extensible Event
Abstract XML
the delivery guarantee support in the same address space, we make use of programing
language (PL) exceptions (i.e., we assume that if no exception is raised, the event has
been delivered). This optimization is possible since Prism-MW’s event passing capa-
bility in a single address space is implemented on top of the underlying PL’s (syn-
chronous) method calls.
Real-Time Delivery. The AbstractRealTimeEvent class (shown in Figure 7-9) is used
to assign a real-time deadline to an event. We have implemented this class to support
both aperiodic and periodic real-time events. In support of real-time event delivery
we have provided two additional implementations of the AbstractScheduler class (see
Figure 7-12). EDFScheduler implements scheduling of aperiodic events based on the
earliest-deadline-first algorithm, while RateMonotonicScheduler implements sched-
uling of periodic events via rate monotonic scheduling [26]. Coupled with this, we
have provided PriorityDispatcher, which is a variant implementation of AbstractDis-
patcher that supports threads with varying priorities. These extensions are shown in
Figure 7-12. Furthermore, in order to optimize the event-processing time, Prism-MW
connectors have been specialized to demultiplex and dispatch incoming events using
request and reply filtering: each event is routed only to the components that have sub-
scribed for it at startup time.
Data Conversion. In
order to support commu-
nication across PLs, we
have provided the
sion and AbstractXML-
extensions for port and
event classes, respectively. Prism-MW events with the installed XMLRepresentation
(our default implementation of AbstractXMLRepresentation) are encoded/decoded
via ports with XMLConversion (our default implementation of AbstractXMLConver-
Data Compression. Finally, we have provided the AbstractCompression extension
for port with the goal of minimizing the required network bandwidth for event dis-
patching. To this end, we have implemented the Huffman coding technique [53]
inside the Compression class.
The extensions discussed here represent some of the frequently needed services in the
Prism setting. We have developed them over the past several years as the need for
them has arisen. Adding new extensions to Prism-MW is relatively straightforward.
For example, addition of a new extension to ExtensiblePort requires adding a refer-
Figure 7-10: Scaffold extensions.
ence to the appropriate abstract class and invoking its methods inside Extensible-
Port’s handle method. Such a change to an Extensible class is minimal, averaging
three new lines of code for each new extension.
The overhead introduced by this
solution is that an ExtensiblePort instance may have many null references, corre-
sponding to the extension classes that have not been instantiated. The values of these
references will be checked each time ExtensiblePort’s handle method is invoked. An
alternative solution, which would trade-off the extensibility for efficiency, is to sub-
class the Port class directly and to have the references only to the desired extensions.
7.1.7 Dynamism
Prism-MW supports dynamic reconfiguration of the system’s architecture and its
properties via six runtime capabilities:
• Addition and removal of components and connectors. An existing component/
connector can be removed from the architecture via IArchitecture’s remove
method. Similarly, an instantiated component/connector can be added to the archi-
tecture via IArchitecture’s add method.
• Attachment of ports to components and connectors. A Prism-MW connector or
component does not contain any connection points (ports) at declaration time.
Instead, ports are added and removed at runtime.
5. Again, it is important that developers ensure the right ordering of method calls to achieve the desired behavior.
For example, when combining AbstractSecurity and AbstractXMLConversion extensions, AbstractXMLConver-
sion’s convert method is invoked before AbstractSecurity’s encrypt method when sending the event; on the
receiving end, the AbstractSecurity’s decrypt method is invoked before AbstractXMLConversion’s reconstitute
• (Dis)association of two ports via the (un)weld method. Two ports can be associ-
ated with one another at runtime via the architecture’s weld and disassociated via
unweld method, resulting in a restructured architecture.
• Modification of communication. As discussed above, the localization of commu-
nication properties to port (and ExtensiblePort) objects makes it trivial to modify
the communication at the component or connector level by attaching a new port at
• Modification of style. Prism-MW provides the ability to modify the system’s
architectural style, possibly at runtime, via installation of new extensions [28].
• Modifying the size of queue or thread pool. Increasing the size of the queue is
done simply by allocating more memory to the queue, while decreasing the size of
the queue deallocates the reserved memory as long as there is unused memory in
Figure 7-11: Component extensions.
the queue. Each shepherd thread in Prism-MW is encapsulated in a Java class that
is associated with the queue at runtime. Thus, adding new threads is done by
instantiating more shepherd thread objects, while removing threads can be done
only when the thread is inactive (i.e., waiting) by halting its execution.
7.1.8 Awareness
To support various aspects of awareness (i.e., reflection), Prism-MW supports meta-
level components. Typically, a meta-level component is implemented as an Extensi-
bleComponent, which contains a reference to the Architecture object via the IArchi-
tecture interface and allows the component’s instances to effect runtime changes on
the system’s local (sub)architecture. The ExtensibleComponent class can also have
references to abstract classes that provide specific (meta-level) functionality (see
Figure 7-11). The role of components at the meta-level is to observe and/or facilitate
different aspects of the execution of application-level components. At any point, the
developer may add meta-level components to a (running) application. Meta-level
components may be welded to specific application-level connectors to exercise con-
trol over a particular portion of the architecture. Alternatively, a meta-level compo-
nent may remain unwelded and may instead exercise control over the entire
architecture via its pointer to the Architecture object. The structural and interaction
characteristics of meta-level components are identical to those of application-level
components, eliminating the need for their separate treatment in the middleware.
To date, we have augmented ExtensibleComponent with three extensions. In the next
section we discuss in detail the AbstractDeployment class, which is used for perform-
ing component deployment and mobility. A detailed description of other extensions is
provided in [28].
7.1.9 Deployment and Mobility
Our support for mobility exploits Prism-MW’s explicit software connectors, event-
based interaction, support for dynamism, and awareness. Below we discuss both
stateless and stateful component mobility. Stateless Mobility
Prism-MW components communicate by exchanging application-level events. Prism-
MW also allows components to exchange ExtensibleEvents, which may contain
architectural elements (components and connectors) as opposed to data. Additionally,
ExtensibleEvents implement the Serializable interface (recall Figure 7-1), thus allow-
ing their dispatching across address spaces.
In order to migrate the desired set of architectural elements onto a set of target hosts,
we assume that a skeleton configuration is preloaded on each host. The skeleton con-
figuration consists of Prism-MW’s Architecture object that contains an Admin with a
DistributionEnabledPort attached to it. An Admin is an ExtensibleComponent with
the Admin implementation of AbstractDeployment installed on it (shown in Figure 7-
Since the Admin on each device contains a pointer to its Architecture object, it is able
to effect runtime changes to its local subsystem’s architecture: instantiation, addition,
removal, connection, and disconnection of components and connectors. Admins are
able to send and receive from any device to which they are connected the Extensi-
bleEvents that contain application components and connectors (referred to as migrant
elements below).
The process of stateless migration can be described as follows. The sending Admin
packages the migrant element into an ExtensibleEvent: one parameter in the event is
the compiled image of the migrant element itself (e.g., a collection of Java class files);
another parameter denotes the intended location of the migrant element in the destina-
tion subsystem’s configuration. The Admin then sends this event to its Distribution-
EnabledPort, which forwards the event to the attached remote
DistributionEnabledPorts. Each receiving DistributionEnabledPort delivers the
event to its attached Admin, which reconstitutes functional modules (i.e., components
and connectors) from the event, and invokes the IArchitecture’s add and weld meth-
ods to insert the modules into the local configuration.
109 Stateful Mobility
The technique described above provides the ability to transfer code between a set of
hosts. As such, the stateless technique is useful for performing initial deployment of a
set of components and connectors onto target hosts. In cases when runtime migration
of architectural elements is required, the migrant element’s state needs to be trans-
ferred along with the compiled image of that element. Additionally, the migrant ele-
ment may need to be disconnected and deleted from the source host (if the element’s
replication is not desired or allowed). We provide two complementary techniques for
stateful mobility: serialization-based and event stimulus-based.
The serialization-based technique relies on the existence of Java-like serialization
mechanisms in the underlying PL. Instead of sending a set of compiled images, the
local Admin possibly disconnects and removes the (active) migrant elements from its
local subsystem (using the IArchitecture’s unweld and remove methods), serializes
each migrant element, and packages them into a set of ExtensibleEvents, which are
then forwarded by the DistributionEnabledPort. Admins on each receiving host
reconstitute the architectural elements from these events and attach them to the appro-
priate locations in their local subsystems.
In cases where the serialization-like mechanism is not available (e.g., Java KVM), we
use the event stimulus-based technique: the compiled image of the architectural ele-
ment(s) to be migrated is sent across a network using the stateless technique. In addi-
tion, each event containing a migrant element is accompanied by a set of application-
level events needed to bring the state of the migrant element to a desired point in its
execution (see [41] for details of how such events are captured and recorded). Once
the migrant architectural element is received at its destination, it is loaded into mem-
ory and added to the architecture, but is not attached to the running subsystem.
Instead, the migrant element is stimulated by the application-level events sent with it.
Any events the migrant element issues in response are not propagated, since the ele-
ment is detached from the rest of the architecture. Only after the migrant architectural
element is brought to the desired state is it welded and enabled to exchange events
with the rest of the architecture. While less efficient than the serialization-based
migration scheme, this is a simpler technique, it is PL-independent, and it is natively
supported in Prism-MW.
Note that our approach works for a component that is independent of any low-level
local resources. A component that uses particular local resources, which cannot be
serialized and migrated to a different host, will not work with our approach. However,
a component that relies on its local interaction with other Prism-MW Components via
basic ports will still be capable of communicating with those components by install-
ing the appropriate distribution extensions on its ports.
7.1.10 Monitoring
In support of monitoring at the architecture level, Prism-MW provides the Abstract-
Monitor class associated through the Scaffold with every Brick (shown in Figure 7-
12). This allows for autonomous, active monitoring of a Brick’s runtime behavior. We
have provided several implementations of the AbstractMonitor class. For example,
EvtFrequencyMonitor records the frequencies of different events the associated Brick
sends, while NetworkReliabilityMonitor records the reliability of connectivity
between its associated DistributionEnabledPort and other, remote DistributionEn-
abledPorts using a common “pinging” technique. We have also leveraged the work
presented in [55] in the development of measurement and monitoring facilities that
affect system’s energy consumption (recall Section 5.2).
Figure 7-12: Scaffold extensions.
7.1.11 Support for Architectural Styles
In a complex, large-scale system, multiple architectural styles may be required to
facilitate different subsystems’ requirements [49,56]. Therefore, a middleware plat-
form used to implement such architectures would need to support multiple styles.
Prism-MW’s design can be leveraged to support a number of distributed systems
styles [11], which are likely to be useful in the Prism setting [36]. In this section we
describe how Prism-MW can be configured to support different architectural styles
using the mechanism introduced in Section 7.1.4 and leveraged in the extensions
described earlier.
In order to effectively support architectural styles, Prism-MW should be configured
to provide the following:
1. the ability to distinguish among different architectural elements of a given style
(e.g, distinguishing Clients from Servers in the client-server style);
2. the ability to specify the architectural elements’ stylistic behaviors (e.g., Cli-
ents block after sending a request while C2Components send requests asyn-
3. the ability to specify the rules and constraints that govern the architectural ele-
ments’ valid configurations (e.g., disallowing Clients from connecting to each
other in the client-server style, or allowing a Filter to connect only to a Pipe
in the pipe-and-filter style); and
4. the ability to use multiple architectural styles within a single application.
We have leveraged Prism-MW’s extensibility to support the above requirements. The
following extensibility properties of Prism-MW have been used to satisfy the require-
• Brick has an attribute that identifies its style-specific type. The value of this vari-
able corresponds to a given architectural style element, e.g., Client, Server,
Pipe, Filter, and so on. The default value of this variable is Null, corre-
sponding to the “null” style supported by Prism-MW’s core. The association of
Brick with its style-specific type satisfies our first requirement by enabling identi-
fication of different architectural elements.
• ExtensibleConnector has an associated implementation of the AbstractHandler
class to support style-specific event routing policies (see Figure 7-13a). For exam-
ple, Pipe forwards data unidirectionally, while a C2Connector uses bidirec-
tional event broadcast. This partially satisfies the second requirement by allowing
tailoring of a connector’s style-specific behavior.
• ExtensibleComponent has an associated implementation of the AbstractCompo-
nentSynchronism class to provide synchronous component interaction (see
Figure 7-13b). The default, asynchronous interaction is provided by Prism-MW’s
core. This partially satisfies the second requirement by allowing one to tailor a
component’s style-specific behavior (e.g., a Client blocks after it sends a
request to a Server and unblocks when it receives a response).
• ExtensiblePort has an associated implementation of the AbstractDistribution class
to support inter-process communication (see Figure 7-13c). This partially satisfies
the second requirement by supporting architectural styles that require distribution
(e.g., a Server may serve many distributed Clients).
• ExtensibleArchitecture has an associated implementation of the AbstractTopology
class to ensure the topological constraints of a given style (see Figure 7-13d). For
example, in the client-server style, Clients can connect to Servers, but two
Clients cannot be connected to one another. Each time an ExtensibleArchitec-
Figure 7-13: Prism-MW’s support for architectural styles.
Abstract Handler
Abstract Com ponent
S ynchronism
C o m ponent
Co m p
S ynchronism
C onnecto r
Un ic a s t
U n id irectional
B roadcast
B idire ctional
B roadcast
Mu ltic a s t
Abstract Topology
E xtensib le
Arch ite c tu re
P2 P
PubSub Topology ClientServer Topology
A bstract
D istributio n
Po rt
S ocket
D istributio n
ture’s weld (or unweld) method is invoked, the appropriate implementation of the
AbstractTopology ensures that the topological rules of a given style are preserved.
As a result, it either performs the weld (or unweld) operation or raises an excep-
tion. This satisfies the third requirement stated at the beginning of this section by
allowing for the specification and modification of valid configurations of archi-
tectural elements. Note that while invoking IArchitecture’s add method results in
the addition of a component/connector to the Architecture (or ExtensibleArchitec-
ture) object, it does not affect the system’s architectural style until it is welded.
Similarly, the component/connector cannot be removed before AbstractTopol-
ogy’s unweld method is called, which ensures that the removal will not undermine
the system’s architectural style.
• ExtensibleArchitecture implements the IComponent interface, thereby allowing
hierarchical composition of components (see Figure 7-1). Each hierarchical com-
ponent is internally composed of subarchitectures that can adhere to different
architectural styles. This satisfies the fourth requirement by allowing combina-
tions of different styles in a single system.
To produce a style-specific architectural element, the developer instantiates the corre-
sponding Extensible class (recall Figure 7-13) and sets the desired stylistic behavior
by installing the appropriate extensions on it. To simplify this task, we have provided
a StyleFactory utility class (shown partially in Figure 7-14) that can automatically
generate style-specific architectural elements.
For illustration we will discuss how we have developed support for the client-server
style. In this style, a client is a triggering process; a server is a reactive process. Cli-
ents make requests that trigger reactions from servers. Thus, a client initiates activity
at times of its choosing, and then blocks until its request has been serviced. On the
other hand, a server waits for requests to be made and then reacts to them.
Both Client and Server in Prism-MW are represented using an ExtensibleCom-
ponent. However, Client uses an implementation of AbstractComponentSynchro-
nism which overrides the default non-blocking behavior of a component. Clients
make synchronous requests by blocking until the corresponding acknowledgement
reply comes back. An acknowledgement reply indicates the completion of the
requested operation on the Server. A Client can have one or more request ports
through which it sends request events to the Servers, but cannot have any reply
ports. A Server component can have one or more reply ports through which it sends
reply events back to the requesting Clients. Prism-MW supports client-server
applications that reside in one or more address spaces.
S tyleFactory
generateC om ponent(nam e:String, style:int, pIm pl:AbstractIm plem entation) : ExtensibleC om ponents
generateC onnector(nam e:String, style:int, pIm pl:AbstractIm plem entation) : ExtensibleC onnector
generateArchitecture(nam e:String, style:int, pIm pl:AbstractIm plem entation) : ExtensibleArchitecture
Figure 7-14: Partial API of StyleFactory.
Figure 7-15 shows a simple client-server style architecture, and the corresponding
code in Prism-MW. A client-server architecture is composed of an ExtensibleArchi-
tecture with the ClientServerTopology implementation of the AbstractTopology. Cli-
entServerTopology enables welding of Clients and Servers while enforcing the
topological rules (e.g., disallowing the welding of two Clients).
We have implemented a number of additional styles (see Figure 7-13) in a similar
manner. Each style required, on average, the addition of 80 new SLOC to Prism-MW.
Changes to Prism-MW were localized to new implementations of AbstractHandler
and AbstractTopology classes. On average, the described extensions for each style
required less than 1 person-hour of effort, including testing. As the number of sup-
Figure 7-15: Client-Server style example.
Client1 Client2
class ClientServer {
static public void main(String argv[]) {
ExtensibleArchitecture arch =
StyleFactory.generateArchitecture("arch", CLIENT_SERVER_ARCH);
// create components here
AbstractImplementation client1Impl = new Client1();
ExtensibleComponent client1 =
StyleFactory.generateComponent("client1", CLIENT, client1Impl);
AbstractImplementation client2Impl = new Client2();
ExtensibleComponent client2 =
StyleFactory.generateComponent("client2", CLIENT, client2Impl);
AbstractImplementation serverImpl = new Server();
ExtensibleComponent server =
StyleFactory.generateComponent("server", SERVER, serverImpl);
// add components to the architecture
// establish the interconnections
arch.start(); // start the architecture
Reply port
Request port
ported styles in Prism-MW grows, we expect that implementing a new style would
require even less effort since existing style implementations (e.g., different connector
routing policies) may be reused.
In a complex, large-scale system, multiple architectural styles may be required to
facilitate different subsystems’ requirements. Prism-MW supports the use of multiple
architectural styles in a single application by leveraging hierarchical composition.
Extensible-Architecture implements the IComponent interface (recall Figure 7-1) and
therefore allows its instances to be used as hierarchical components. The application
architecture that contains multiple styles is then composed as a configuration of sev-
eral hierarchical components (with their own internal architectures), each of which
may adhere to a different architectural style.
7.2 Deployment Modeling and Analysis Environment
DeSi is a visual deployment exploration environment that supports specification,
manipulation, and visualization of deployment architectures for large-scale, highly
distributed systems. By leveraging DeSi, an architect is able to enter desired system
parameters into the model, and also to manipulate those parameters and study their
effects (shown in Figure 7-17). For example, the architect is able to use a graphical
environment to specify new architectural constructs (e.g., components, hosts), param-
eters (e.g., network bandwidth, host memory), and values for the parameters (e.g.,
available memory on a host is 1MB). The architect may also specify constraints.
Example constraints are the maximum and minimum available resources, the location
constraint that denotes the hosts that a component cannot be deployed on, and the col-
location constraint that denotes a subset of components that should not be deployed
on the same host. DeSi also provides a visualization environment for graphically dis-
playing the system’s monitored data, deployment architecture, and the results of anal-
ysis (shown in Figure 7-18).
Figure 7-16 shows the high-level architecture of DeSi. The centerpiece of the archi-
tecture is a rich and extensible Model, which in turn allows extensions to the View
(used for model visualization) and Controller (used for model manipulation) sub-
Model. DeSi’s Model subsystem is reactive and accessible to the Controller via a
simple API. The Model captures different system aspects in its four components: Sys-
temData, UserPrefData, GraphViewData, and AlgoResultData. SystemData is the key
part of the Model and represents the software system itself in terms of the architec-
tural constructs and parameters: numbers of components and hosts, distribution of
components across hosts, software and hardware topologies, and so on. UserPrefData
contains the data for representing the users of the system, their QoS preferences in
terms of utility, and the provisioned user-level services. GraphViewData captures the
information needed for visualizing a system’s deployment architecture: graphical
(e.g., color, shape, border thickness) and layout (e.g., juxtaposition, movability, con-
tainment) properties of the depicted components, hosts, and their links. Finally,
AlgoResultData provides a set of facilities for capturing the outcomes of the different
deployment estimation algorithms: estimated deployment architectures (in terms of
component-host pairs), achieved utility, the impact on various QoS dimensions, algo-
rithm’s running time, estimated time to effect a redeployment, and so on.
View. DeSi’s View subsystem exports an API for visualizing the Model. The current
architecture of the View subsystem contains three components—GraphView, User-
PrefView, and TableView. GraphView is used to depict the information provided by
the Model’s SystemData and GraphViewData components. Similarly, UserPrefView
is used to depict the information provided by UserPrefData component. TableView is
intended to support a detailed layout of system parameters and deployment estimation
Figure 7-16: DeSi’s architecture.
DeSi Model DeSi View
DeSi Controller
TableView GraphView
algorithms captured in the Model’s SystemData and AlgoResultData components.
The decoupling of the Model’s and corresponding View’s components allows one to
be modified independently of the other. For example, it allows us to add new visual-
izations of the same models, or to use the same visualizations on new, unrelated mod-
els, as long as the component interfaces remain stable.
Controller. DeSi’s Controller subsystem comprises four components. The Genera-
tor, Modifier, and AlgorithmContainer manage different aspects of DeSi’s Model and
View subsystems, while the MiddlewareAdapter component provides an interface to
a, possibly third-party, system implementation, deployment, and execution platform
(depicted as a “black box” in Figure 7-16). The Generator component takes as its
input the desired number of hardware hosts, software components, and a set of ranges
for system parameters (e.g., minimum and maximum network reliability, component
interaction frequency, available memory, and so on). Based on this information, Gen-
erator creates a specific deployment architecture that satisfies the given input and
stores it in Model subsystem’s SystemData component. The Modifier component
allows fine-grain tuning of the generated deployment architecture (e.g., by altering a
single network link’s reliability, a single component’s required memory, and so on).
Finally, the AlgorithmContainer component invokes the selected redeployment algo-
rithms (recall algorithms presented in Chapter 6) and updates the Model’s AlgoResult-
Data. In each case, the three components also inform the View subsystem that the
Model has been modified; in turn, the View pulls the modified data from the Model
and updates the display.
The above components allow DeSi to be used to automatically generate and manipu-
late large numbers of hypothetical deployment architectures. The MiddlewareAdapter
component, on the other hand, provides DeSi with the same information from a run-
ning, real system. MiddlewareAdapter’s Monitor subcomponent captures the run-time
data from the external MiddlewarePlatform and stores it inside the Model’s System-
Data component. MiddlewareAdapter’s Effector subcomponent is informed by the
Controller’s AlgorithmContainer component of the calculated (improved) deploy-
ment architecture; in turn, the Effector issues a set of commands to the Middleware-
Platform to modify the running system’s deployment architecture. The details of this
process are further illuminated below.
7.2.1 DeSi’s Implementation
DeSi has been implemented within the Eclipse platform using Java 1.4. DeSi’s imple-
mentation adheres to its MVC architectural style. In this section, we discuss (1) the
implementation of DeSi’s extensible model, (2) the visualizations currently supported
by DeSi, and (3) its capabilities for generating deployment scenarios, assessing a
given deployment, manipulating system parameters and observing their effects, and
estimating redeployments that result in improved system properties.
123 Model Implementation
The implementations of the SystemData, UserPrefData, and AlgoResultData compo-
nents of DeSi’s Model are simple: each one of them is implemented as a set of classes,
with APIs for accessing and modifying the stored data. For example, AlgoResult-
Data’s implementation provides an API for accessing and modifying the array con-
taining the estimated deployment architecture, and a set of variables representing the
achieved QoS properties, algorithm’s running time, and estimated time to change a
given system from its current to its new deployment.
The GraphViewData component contains all the persistent data necessary for main-
taining the graphical visualization of a given deployment architecture. It keeps track
of information such as figure shapes, colors, placements, and labels that correspond to
hardware hosts, software components, and software and hardware links. In our imple-
mentation of GraphViewData, each element of a distributed system (host, component,
or link) is implemented via a corresponding Figure class that maintains this informa-
tion (e.g., each host is represented as a single instance of the HostFigure class). Com-
ponents and hosts have unique identifiers, while a link is uniquely identified via its
two end-point hosts or components.
The GraphViewData component’s classes provide a rich API for retrieving and modi-
fying properties of individual components, hosts, and links. This allows easy run-time
modification of virtually any element of the visualization (e.g., changing the line
thickness of links). Furthermore, the information captured inside GraphViewData is
not directly tied to the properties of the model captured inside SystemData. For exam-
ple, the color property of HostFigure can be set to correspond to the amount of avail-
able memory or to the average reliability with other hosts in the system. View Implementation
The TableView component of DeSi’s View subsystem displays the Deployment Con-
trol Window, shown in Figure 7-17. This window consists of five sections, identified
by panel names: Input, Constraints, Algorithms, Results, and Tables of Parameters.
The Input section allows the user to specify different input parameters, for example:
numbers of components and hosts; ranges for component memory, frequency and
event size; and ranges for host memory, reliability and bandwidth. For centralized
deployment scenarios we provide a set of text fields for specifying the properties of
the central host. The Generate button on the bottom of this panel results in the (ran-
dom) generation of a single deployment architecture that satisfies the above input.
Once the parameter values are generated, they are displayed in the Tables of Parame-
ters section, which will be discussed in more detail below.
The Constraints section allows specification of different conditions for component
(co-)location: (1) components that must be deployed on the same host, (2) compo-
nents that may not be deployed on the same host, and (3) components that have to be
on specific host(s).
The Algorithms section allows the user to run different redeployment estimation algo-
rithms by clicking the corresponding algorithm’s button. There are three provided
options for running the algorithms: (1) Just run, which runs the algorithm and dis-
plays the result in the Results panel, (2) Run and preview, which runs the algorithm
displays the results both in the Results panel and in the graphical view (discussed fur-
ther below), and (3) Run and effect, which, in addition to actions described in option
2, also updates SystemData to set the current deployment to the output of the selected
algorithm. The latter action can be reversed by clicking on the Revert to previous
deployment button.
Figure 7-17: DeSi’s editable tabular view of the system’s deployment architecture.
Figure 7-18: DeSi’s graphical view of a system’s deployment architecture: (a) zoomed out vie
showing multiple hosts; (b) zoomed in view of the same architecture.
We have provided a benchmarking capability to compare the performance of various
algorithms. The user can specify the number of times the algorithms should be
invoked. Then, the user triggers via the Benchmark button a sequence of automatic
random generations of new deployment architectures and executions of all algo-
The Results section displays the outcomes of different algorithms. For each algo-
rithm, the output consists of (1) a new mapping of components to hosts, (2) the sys-
tem’s achieved QoS properties, (3) the running time of the algorithm, and (4) the
estimated time to effect the new deployment.
Finally, the Table of Parameters section provides an editable set of tables that display
different system parameters. The user can view and edit the desired table by selecting
Figure 7-19: DeSi’s graphical view of system users’ QoS preferences.
the appropriate tab from the tab list. The editable tables support fine-tuning of system
The goals of the GraphView and UserPrefView component of DeSi’s View subsystem
were to (1) allow the architect to quickly examine the complete deployment architec-
ture of a given system as well as the various users’ QoS preferences, (2) provide scal-
able and efficient displays of deployment architectures with large numbers of
components and hosts, and (3) be platform independent. To this end we used the
Eclipse environment’s GEF plug-in, which consists of a library for displaying differ-
ent shapes, lines, and labels and a facility for run-time editing of the displayed
GraphView and UserPrefView provide a simple API for displaying their elements,
such as hosts, components, users, and links. For example, displaying two connected
hosts requires two consecutive calls of the createHost method, followed by the
createH2HLink method. Figure 7-18 illustrates a sample deployment architecture of
100 components and 8 hosts. Network connections between hosts are depicted as
thick solid lines, while the interactions between software components are represented
as thin solid lines. Figure 7-19 illustrates DeSi’s graphical view of users’ QoS prefer-
ences. Users’ QoS preferences are visualized in three tiers: on the left side are the
users of the system, in the middle are the various QoS preferences, and finally on the
right side are the provisioned services and their mapping to the underlying software
architecture. Users mapping to QoS preferences, and QoS preferences mapping to
services are depicted via the solid lines connecting them.
For systems with large numbers of hosts and components, visualizing the system and
its connectivity becomes a challenge. For this reason, GraphView supports zooming
in and out (see Figure 7-18), and provides the ability to “drag” hosts and components
on-screen, in which case all relevant links will follow them. Alternatively, one can
configure DeSi to not display connections between components residing on different
hosts. In this scheme, if remote connections exist, the components will have thicker
borders. Consequently, a thin border on a component denotes that it does not commu-
nicate with remote components.
GraphView and UserPrefView have several other features that allow users to easily
visualize and reason about a given deployment architecture. A user can get at-a-
glance information on any of the elements in the system. Selection of a single graphi-
cal object displays its information in the properties sheet at the bottom of the window
(see Figure 7-18 and Figure 7-19). The displayed information can easily be changed
or extended through simple modifications to GraphView to include any (combination)
of the information captured in the SystemData component. Detailed information
about any of the modeling elements (e.g. host, component) can be displayed by dou-
ble-clicking on the corresponding graphical object. The DetailWindow for a host,
shown in Figure 7-18b, displays the host’s properties in the property sheet, the com-
ponents deployed on the host, the host’s connections to other hosts, and the reliabili-
ties and bandwidths of those connections. Similarly, the property sheet for a selected
service, shown in Figure 7-19, displays the service’s properties (e.g., availability,
latency) and the components that participate in provisioning it. Controller Implementation
The implementation of DeSi Controller’s Generator component provides methods for
(1) generating random deployment problems, (2) producing a specific (initial)
deployment that satisfies the parameters and constraints of a generated problem, and
(3) updating DeSi Model’s SystemData and UserPrefData classes accordingly. This
capability allows us to rapidly compare the different deployment algorithms dis-
cussed in Chapter 6. Generator is complemented by the class implementing the Con-
troller’s Modifier component. Modifier provides facilities for fine-tuning system
parameters (also recall the discussion of editable tables in Section, allowing
one to assess the sensitivity of a deployment algorithm to specific parameters in a
given system.
Each deployment algorithm in DeSi Controller’s AlgorithmContainer component is
encapsulated in its own class, which extends the AbstractAlgorithm class. AbstractAl-
gorithm captures the common attributes and methods needed by all algorithms (e.g.,
calculateQoSDimension, estimateRedeploymentTime, and so on). Each algorithm
class needs to implement the abstract method execute, which returns an object of type
AlgorithmResult. A bootstrap class called AlgorithmInvoker provides a set of static
methods that instantiate an algorithm object and call its execute method. The localiza-
tion of all algorithm invocations to one class aids DeSi’s separation of concerns and
enables easy addition of new (kinds of) algorithms.
Finally, DeSi provides the Monitor and Effector components which can interface with
a middleware platform to capture and display the monitoring data from a running dis-
tributed system, and invoke the middleware’s services to enact a new deployment
architecture. This facility is independent of any particular middleware platform and
only requires that the middleware be able to provide monitoring data about a distrib-
uted system and an API for modifying the system’s architecture. DeSi does not
require a particular format of the monitoring information or system modification API;
instead, the goal is to employ different wrappers around the Monitor and Effector
components for each desired middleware platform. In the next section we discuss in
detail an adapter we have developed for the integration of DeSi with Prism-MW.
7.3 Tool Integration
To integrate DeSi with Prism-MW, we have wrapped Monitor and Effector compo-
nents of DeSi (shown in the Middleware Adapter of Figure 7-16) as Prism-MW com-
ponents that are capable of receiving Events containing the monitoring data from
Prism-MW’s Admin, and issuing events to the Admin to enact a new deployment
architecture. Once the monitoring data is received, DeSi updates its own system
model. This results in the visualization of an actual system, which can now be ana-
lyzed and its deployment improved by employing different algorithms. Once the out-
come of an algorithm is selected by the Analyzer, DeSi issues a series of events to
Prism-MW’s Admin to update the system’s deployment architecture.
Figure 7-20 depicts an application running on top of Prism-MW with the monitoring
and deployment facilities instantiated and associated with the appropriate architec-
tural constructs. A meta-level Admin (recall Section 7.1.9) on any device is capable of
accessing the monitoring data of its local components via its reference to Architec-
ture. In order to minimize the time required to monitor the system, monitoring is per-
formed in short intervals of adjustable duration. Once the monitored data is stable
(i.e., the difference in the data across a desired number consecutive intervals is less
Figure 7-20: An example of a distributed system running on top of Prism-MW that is monitored
and (re)deployed in collaboration with DeSi.
Ad m in
4 12
Ad m in
3 9
29 1
Ad m in
Ad m in
D eploye r
D istributed System
P ris m-MW
A dapter
De S i
M onitor
De Si
M onitoring Data
R edeploym ent D ata
Event freq.
m onito r
Arc h ite c tu re
Ne tw o rk
m onito r C onfig .
P ointer to
Arc h ite c tu re
Co m p
Legend :
S k eleton
D e ployer
/A dm in
than an adjustable value e), the Admin sends the description of its local deployment
architecture and the monitored data (e.g., event frequency, network reliability, etc.) in
the form of serialized Prism-MW Events to a central Admin, called a Deployer. Our
assessment of Prism-MW’s monitoring support suggests that monitoring on each host
may induce as little as 0.1% and no greater than 10% in memory and computation
overheads. Note that Prism-MW’s extensible design allows for addition of new moni-
toring capabilities via new implementations of IMonitor interface.
Once a new deployment architecture is selected by one of DeSi’s algorithms based on
the monitoring data supplied by Prism-MW, DeSi informs the Deployer of the desired
deployment architecture, which now needs to be effected. The effecting process
requires coordination among different hosts (e.g., ensuring architectural consistency,
synchronization, etc.). Prism-MW’s support for coordination is implemented in its
Admin and Deployer Components:
• The Deployer sends events to inform Admins of their new local configurations,
and of the remote locations of software components required for performing
changes to each local configuration.
•Each Admin determines the difference between its current and new configura-
tions, and issues a series of events to remote Admins requesting the components
that are to be deployed locally. If devices that need to exchange components are
not directly connected, the relevant request events are sent to the Deployer, which
then mediates their interaction.
•Each Admin that receives an event requesting its local component(s) to be
deployed remotely, detaches the required component(s) from its local configura-
tion, serializes them, and sends them as a series of events via its local Distribu-
tionConnector to the requesting device.
• The recipient Admins reconstitute the migrant components from the received
events and invoke the appropriate methods on its Architecture object to attach the
received components to the local configuration.
Other coordination techniques have also been incorporated into Prism-MW in a simi-
lar manner via different implementations of the Deployer and Admin. In fact, the
coordination policy and the order in which components are deployed/started may be
application specific. For example, we have developed an alternative redeployment
mechanism, where DeSi determines a complete set of commands required for rede-
ploying and reconfiguring the system based on the model of system’s deployment
architecture. A command corresponds to a Prism-MW event type, and may contain a
number of parameters that determine the type of task that should be performed
remotely by Deployer/Admin. DeSi also determines the order in which the commands
should be executed remotely to ensure architectural consistency. Commands are sent
to the appropriate Deployer/Admin, which sends an acknowledgement back to DeSi
once the command is executed successfully. This mechanism ensures a safe and syn-
chronized (re)deployment of the system.
CHAPTER 8: Evaluation
In this chapter we provide an evaluation of the framework with respect to the objec-
tives and hypotheses that have guided this dissertation research. First, we present the
results of benchmarking the algorithms, and compare them in terms of their accuracy
and performance in solving our problem. Since the framework is geared towards
embedded, resource-constrained, and large-scale applications, it is important for the
implementation support to be highly efficient and scalable. We therefore provide eval-
uation of Prism-MW in terms of these two properties. Furthermore, since one of the
motivations behind the development of the framework has been to promote cross-
evaluation, and reuse across different application scenarios, we will also evaluate the
tool-support’s tailorability, extensibility, and ability to explore the large space of
deployments. Finally, we provide an overview of our experience with applying the
framework to two real distributed applications that we have developed in collabora-
tion with external development organizations.
8.1 Algorithms
In this section we evaluate the results of the algorithms discussed in Chapter 6 for
several instances of the scenario introduced in Section 5.2. Recall that in this scenario
we tailored the framework with four QoS dimensions. The evaluation of the algo-
rithms is focused on the five hypotheses that have motivated this research.
8.1.1. Evaluation Setup
We leveraged DeSi’s hypothetical deployment generation capability to create the sce-
nario instances. In the generation of deployment scenarios all system parameters are
populated with randomly generated data within a specified range, and an initial
deployment of the system that satisfies all the constraints is provided. DeSi thereby
enabled us to evaluate our approach on a large number of generated examples.
Figure 8-1 shows the input into DeSi
for the generation of example scenarios
and benchmarks. The values in
Figure8-1 represent the allowable
ranges for each system parameter. The
numbers of hosts, components, ser-
vices, and users vary across the bench-
mark tests and are specified in the
description of each test. Note that both the framework and DeSi are independent of
the unit of data used for each system parameter. For example, in the case of transmis-
sion delay, neither the framework nor DeSi depend on the unit of time (s, ms, etc.). It
is up to the system architect to ensure that the right units and appropriate ranges for
the data are supplied to DeSi. After the deployment scenario is generated, DeSi simu-
lates users’ preferences by generating hypothetical desired rates of change (qosRate)
and desired utilities (qosUtil) for the QoS dimensions of each service. While users
Figure 8-1: Input for DeSi’s deployment
scenario generation.
1 and 01 0
1 : service a for pref. QoS has user a prob.
1 : user a by used is service a prob.
0.5 : service a by used is comp. a prob.
] 200 , 50 [ ], 100 , 5 [
], 1 , 0 [ [1,512], enc ], 400 , 30 [
], 100 , 10 [ , ] 10 , 1 [
[5,500], opcodeSize ], 8 , 2 [
[1,20], s hostEnrCon ], 30 , 10 [
= =
∈ ∈
∈ ∈ ∈
∈ ∈
∈ ∈
∈ ∈
MaxUtil . MinRate
s commEnrCon td
rel bw
evtSize freq
may only use and specify QoS preferences for a subset of services, we evaluate our
algorithms in the most constrained (and challenging) case, where each user uses all
the services and specifies a QoS preference for each service. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, the genetic algorithm used in the evaluation was executed with a single popula-
tion of one hundred individuals, which were evolved one hundred times.
As mentioned in the hypotheses, we evaluate the accuracy of algorithms in large
problems by comparing their results against the statistical average (or “most likely”)
deployment of a system. This algorithm, which we call unbiased average, generates
different deployments by randomly assigning each component to a single host from a
set of component’s allowable hosts. If the generated deployment satisfies all the con-
straints, the utility of the produced deployment architecture is calculated. This process
repeats a given number of times and the average utility of all valid deployments is
calculated (unbiased average). The complexity of this algorithm is O(n
). In [40] we
have experimentally shown that unbiased average does not significantly deviate from
the actual average and thus signifies the quality of system’s “most likely” deploy-
8.1.2 Improving Conflicting QoS Dimensions
Table 8-1 shows the result of running our algorithms on an example application sce-
nario generated for the input of Figure 8-1 (with 12 components, 5 hosts, 8 services,
and 8 users). The values in the first eight rows correspond to the percentage of
improvement over the initial deployment of each service. The ninth row shows the
average improvement for each QoS dimension of all the services. Finally, the last row
shows the final value of our objective function (overallUtil). The results demonstrate
that, given a highly constrained system with conflicting QoS dimensions, the algo-
rithms are capable of significantly improving QoS dimensions of each service. As
discussed in Section 6.2, the MIP algorithm found the optimal deployment (with the
objective value of 64 in this case).
The other algorithms also found good approxima-
tive solutions, which are within 20% of the optimal (recall hypothesis 1). Our experi-
ence with other generated scenario have been similar. For example, a benchmark of
20 randomly generated application scenarios showed average improvements of 73%
for availability, 61% for latency, 51% for security, and 66% for energy consumption.
The results indicate that the algorithms are capable of significantly improving multi-
ple conflicting QoS dimensions.
6. An objective value has no absolute meaning, but is relative to the objective values of other deployments within
the same application scenario.
Table 8-1: Results of an example scenario with 12C, 5H, 8S, and 8U.
MIP MINLP Greedy Genetic
service 1 56% -8% 18% -8% 33% 2% -5% 14% 24% -8% 4% -4% 16% -2% 18% -8%
service 2 93% 94% 97% 24% 91% 41% 32% 24% 83% 91% 62% 15% 93% 84% 35% 18%
service 3 39% 30% 22% 49% 32% 38% 11% 69% 39% 30% 22% 49% 19% 30% 22% 49%
service 4 215% 97% 302% 7% 215% 97% 302% 7% 165% 50% 220% 12% 180% 91% 150% 10%
service 5 59% 7% 25% 26% 23% 5% 39% 21% 43% 7% 19% 18% 29% 5% 35% 33%
service 6 99% 55% 37% 44% 83% 35% 45% 32% 99% 55% 37% 44% 99% 55% 37% 44%
service 7 91% 57% 20% 47% 97% 29% 44% 25% 91% 37% 14% 23% 91% 43% 4% 49%
service 8 43% 22% 7% 56% 41% 11% -5% 72% 32% 21% -10% 58% 13% 51% 7% 72%
Average 86% 44% 66% 30% 76% 32% 57% 33% 72% 35% 46% 26% 67% 44% 38% 33%
overallUtil 64 57 55 52
8.1.3 Sensitivity to Users’ Preferences and Service’s Importance
Recall from Section 5.1 that the importance of a QoS dimension to a user (which we
call QoS importance) is determined by the ratio of the user’s qosUtil to qosRate for
that dimension. Thus, QoS dimensions of services that on average have higher impor-
tance to the users typically show a greater degree of improvement (recall hypothesis).
For example, in the scenario of Table 8-1, the users have placed a great degree of
importance on service 4’s availability and security. This is reflected in the results,
which show a greater improvement of these dimensions for service 4 than their aver-
age improvement (e.g., in MIP’s solution, availability of service 4 is improved by
215% and security by 302%; the average respective improvement of these two dimen-
sions for all services was 86% and 66%). Note that, for this same reason, a few QoS
dimensions of some services have degraded in quality, as reflected in the negative
percentage numbers. These were not very important to the users and had to be
degraded for improving other, more important QoS dimensions.
For validating hypotheses 2 and 3 we also performed other experiments with the
objective of determining the sensitivity of the results produced by the algorithms to a
user’s preferences and a service’s criticality. Note that the criticality of a service is
defined as the amount of utility specified for that service. We ran the greedy algo-
rithm on a slight variation of the scenario shown in Table 8-1, in which one user had
specified more utility for the latency of service 1. The result showed a positive
improvement in the latency property of service 1 of 19%. At the same time, the user
also showed an increase in the amount of utility accrued. We also performed over 50
similar experiments (i.e., running the greedy algorithm on two application scenarios
that only differ with respect to a user’s utility for a QoS dimension of a service),
which showed that 1) the amount of improvement in the QoS dimension were either
the same or more, 2) the amount of utility accrued by the user is the same or more.
The consistent results could be attributed to the greedy algorithm’s deterministic and
step-wise maximization of the objective function.
We select as another illustration a benchmark of 20 randomly generated application
scenarios, which showed average QoS improvements of 89% for services for which
the users specified a QoS importance of 1 or more, and 34% for services for which the
user specified a QoS importance of less than 1. Since the benchmark scenarios were
generated for the input of Figure 8-1, QoS importance could have taken values in the
range of 0 to 100. However, a value of 1 represents the expected (statistical average)
value that QoS importance could have taken, and divides the data distribution into
two halves.
In this comparison we have compared the half with higher QoS impor-
tance values against the half with lower QoS importance values, which verifies that
improvements in QoS are based on users’ QoS preferences (recall hypothesis 2).
7. Recall from Figure 8-1 that minRate=0.01 and maxUtil=1. Based on the definitions of Figure 5.1, qosRate is
randomly selected from 0.01 to 1, and qosUtil is randomly selected from 0 to 1. Thus, the expected average
value for these two variables can be estimated to be 0.5. The expected average value for QoS importance is then
equal to qosUtil/qosRate=0.5./0.5=1.
8.1.4 Performance and Accuracy
Figure 8-2 shows the comparison of the four algorithms in terms of performance
(execution time) and accuracy (value of the objective function overallUtil). Note that
the vertical axis is plotted logarithmically, thus the slope of lines may be deceiving.
For each data point (shown on the horizontal axis with the number of components,
hosts, services, and users), we created ten representative problems and ran the four
Algorithms Performance
Problem Size
Execution Time in Seconds
(logarithmic scale)
MIP 17 350 5000
MINLP 7 78 350 7520 25600
Greedy 27 8 11 44 124
Genetic 20 28 29 45 62 150
8C, 4H, 4S,
12C, 5H, 5S,
14C, 6H, 6S,
20C, 8H, 8S,
25C, 10H,
10S, 10U
40C, 15H,
15S, 15U
Figure 8-2: Comparison of the four algorithms’ performance and accuracy.
Algorithms Accuracy
Problem Size
Objective Function Value
(logarithmic scale)
MIP 17 70 147
MINLP 14 64 122 152 235
Greedy 15 64 136 157 226 670
Genetic 14 56 128 136 198 533
Unbiased Avg. 9 348199 134 339
8C, 4H,
4S, 4U
12C, 5H,
5S, 5U
14C, 6H,
6S, 6U
20C, 8H,
8S, 8U
25C, 10H,
10S, 10U
40C, 15H,
15S, 15U
algorithms on them. The results correspond to the average values attained from these
benchmarks. As shown, the high complexity of MIP and MINLP solvers made it
infeasible to solve the larger problems. Comparing results of MINLP, greedy, and
genetic algorithms against the optimal solution found by the MIP algorithm shows
that all three approximative algorithms come within at least 20 percent of the optimal
solution, which validates the first part of hypothesis 1. Furthermore, the solutions
found by our optimization algorithms are at least more than 30% better than the solu-
tions found by the unbiased average, which validates the second part of hypothesis 1.
The results also corroborate that the greedy and genetic algorithms are capable of
finding solutions that are on par with those found by state-of-the-art MINLP solvers.
On the other hand, our greedy and genetic algorithms demonstrate much better per-
formance than both MIP and MINLP solvers, and are scalable to very large problems.
The MINLP solvers were unable to find solutions for approximately 20% of larger
problems (beyond 20 components and 10 hosts). However, for a meaningful compari-
son of the benchmark results we are not including problems that could not be solved
by the MINLP solvers in Figure 8-2.
8.1.5 Sensitivity to QoS Dimensions
Figure 8-3 shows the sensitivity of each algorithm’s performance to the number of
QoS dimensions. We executed a deployment architecture of 12 components, 5 hosts,
5 services, and 5 users for varying numbers of QoS dimensions.
As expected, the
8. Recall from Section 5.2 that our framework allows arbitrarily specified QoS dimensions. This allowed us to
simply introduce “dummy” QoS dimensions as needed in the course of our evaluation.
performance of all four algorithms is affected by the addition of new dimensions.
However, the algorithms show different levels of sensitivity to the addition of new
QoS dimensions. The genetic algorithm shows the least amount of degradation in per-
formance. This is expected, since the analysis in Section 6.4, suggests that the com-
plexity of the genetic algorithm increases linearly in the number of QoS dimensions,
while the complexity of the greedy algorithm increases polynomialy. Even though we
do not have access to the proprietary algorithms used by MIP and MINLP solvers, we
can see that their performance also depends significantly on the addition of new QoS
8.1.6 Sensitivity to Heuristics
In this section we evaluate the heuristics we have introduced in the development of
our algorithmic solutions. Figure 8-4 shows the effect of variable ordering on the per-
Figure 8-3: Sensitivity of performance to QoS dimensions.
Sensitivity of Algorithms to QoS Dimensions
Number of QoS dimensions
Execution Time in Seconds
(logarithmic scale)
MIP 130 192 250 400 602 1017
MINLP 20 41 81 132 226 410
Greedy 4 7 11 20 37 49
Genetic 13 16 20 25 27 31
1 QoS2 QoS3 QoS4 QoS5 QoS6 QoS
formance of the MIP algorithm. As discussed in Section 6.2 and shown in the results
of Figure 8-4, specifying priorities for the order in which variables are branched can
improve the performance of MIP significantly (in some instances, by an order of
Figure 8-5 compares the greedy algorithm against a version that does not swap com-
ponents when the parameter constraints on the bestHost are not satisfied. As was dis-
cussed in Section 6.3, by swapping components we decrease the possibility of getting
“stuck” in a bad local optimum. The results of Figure 8-5 corroborate the importance
of this heuristic on the accuracy of the greedy algorithm: the heuristic has improved
the algorithm’s accuracy by up to 50% in a large number of evaluation scenarios.
Finally, Figure 8-6 compares three variations of the genetic algorithm. The first two
variations were discussed in Section 6.4, where one uses the Map sequence to group
Performance for the variations of MIP
Problem Size
Execution Time in Seconds
(logarithmic scale)
MIP with no variable ordering 43 520 6600 9430
MIP with variable ordering 25 120 720 2580
10C, 4H, 4S, 4U,
12C, 4H, 4S, 4U,
14C, 5H, 5S, 5U,
16C, 5H, 5S, 5U,
Figure 8-4: Impact of variable ordering on MIP’s performance.
components based on service and the other does not. As expected, the results show a
significant improvement in accuracy when components are grouped based on ser-
vices, by up to a factor of 3. The last variation corresponds to the distributed and par-
allel execution of the genetic algorithm. In this variation we evolved three
populations of one hundred individuals in parallel, where the populations shared their
top ten individuals after every twenty evolutionary iterations. The results show a
small improvement in accuracy (along with the expected significant time savings)
over the simple scenario where only one population of individuals was used.
8.1.7 Market-based Algorithm
In order to quickly assess the performance of DecAp++ on large numbers of rede-
ployment problems, involving large numbers of software components and hardware
hosts, we implemented a simulated version of DecAp++ that runs on a single physical
host. The distribution aspect of DecAp++ is simulated through the use of multiple,
Accuracy for the variations of greedy algorithm
Problem Size
Objective Function Value
Greedy without swap 30 110 113 200 315
Greedy with swap 48 145 178 350 480
10C, 4H, 4S,
4U, 4Q
20C, 6H, 6S,
6U, 4Q
30C, 8H, 8S,
8U, 4Q
40C, 12H, 12S,
12U, 4Q
50C, 15H, 15S,
15U, 4Q
Figure 8-5: Impact of swapping on the accuracy of the greedy algorithm.
autonomous agents. We simulated the decentralization aspect of DecAp++ through
the use of multiple threads and limited visibility among agents. DecAp++ was imple-
mented in Java and integrated with DeSi. When DeSi’s user interface invokes
DecAp++, a bootstrap thread instantiates an agent object for each host. Each agent
class is composed of two inner classes: auctioneer class and bidder class. Both auc-
tioneer and bidder classes have their own threads of execution, which are started once
the corresponding agent class is instantiated. Agents in the same domain are given
access to each other’s class variables. In our implementation of DecAp++, we used
direct links to denote the awareness level of 1 (recall Figure 6-2B). Subsequent levels
of awareness correspond to the number of intermediate hosts between a pair of hosts
(recall Figure 6-2C). Auctioneer and bidder threads synchronize their interactions
Figure 8-6: Impact of mapping and parallel execution on the accuracy of the genetic algorithm.
Accuracy for the variations of genetic algorithm
Problem Size
Objective Function Value
Genetic without mapping 13 57 73 65 102
Genetic with mapping 48 150 130 192 285
Genetic with mapping and
three parallel executing
51 156 132 210 294
10C, 4H, 4S,
4U, 4Q
20C, 8H, 6S,
6U, 4Q
30C, 8H, 8S,
8U, 4Q
40C, 12H,
12S, 12U, 4Q
50C, 15H,
15S, 15U, 4Q
through message passing. A shared data structure that holds the current deployment
of the system is updated as a result of each auction. DeSi’s bootstrap class calculates
the overall utility of the current deployment (i.e., the shared data structure) in pre-
specified time intervals. The algorithm terminates when the utilities at two consecu-
tive time intervals are the same, which indicates that the algorithm has converged to a
Table 8-2 provides the comparison of DecAp++ with the centralized algorithms, in
cases where the graph of hosts is fully connected (possibly via unreliable links). The
last two columns show the results of running the algorithms for 10 different redeploy-
ment problems and averaging the results using the benchmarking option of DeSi.
DecAp++ provided at least 40% improvement over the system’s “most likely”
deployment. On average, DecAp++ produced results that are on par with the central-
ized algorithms’ results. However, in certain situations the performance of DecAp++
Table 8-2: Comparison of DecAp++’s accuracy in deployment architectures characterized by
fully connected graphs of hosts.
10 C, 4 H,
5S, 5U
1 problem
20 C, 10H
8S, 8U
1 problem
40C, 15H
10S, 10U
1 problem
10 C, 4H
5S, 5U
10 problems
40C, 15H
10S, 10U
10 problems
MIP 32 infeasible infeasible 25 infeasible
MINLP 28 infeasible infeasible 20 infeasible
Greedy 29 86 513 22 610
Genetic 28 89 490 22 634
Unbiased average 20 57 320 15 428
DecAp++ Awareness level = 1 29 84 502 21 612
% improvement over the
unbiased average
a. calculated as 100% * (DecAp++ – unbiased average) / unbiased average
45 47 56 40 42
could suffer, due to its reliance on the initial deployment. For example, in situations
where some of the “best” hosts (recall the above description of the greedy algorithm)
in the system do not have any components initially deployed on them, they may not
ever be selected as the winners of any of the auctions.
Table 8-3 provides another comparison of DecAp++ with centralized algorithms in
cases where the graph of hosts is not fully connected (each column is labelled with
the percentage of missing host-to-host links). For each problem, DecAp++ was exe-
cuted three times with different levels of awareness. In the last two rows we show the
accuracy comparison of the level-1 DecAp++ with the Greedy and Genetic algo-
rithms. As the table indicates, the algorithm’s accuracy is negatively affected by the
decrease in host inter-connectivity. However, as long as the graph of hosts is con-
nected, increasing the level of awareness improves DecAp++’s performance signifi-
cantly. Column 6 shows a scenario where as a result of a very high percentage of
missing links, “islands” of hosts (i.e. subsets of hosts that are not connected to each
Table 8-3: Comparison of DecAp++’s performance in deployment architectures with varying
levels of disconnected links among hosts.
25 C, 8 H
6 U, 6 S
20% of links
25 C, 8 H
6 U, 6 S
50% of links
25 C, 8 H
6 U, 6S
80% of links
50 C, 15 H
12 U, 12 S
30% of links
50 C, 15 H
12 U, 12 S
60% of links
50 C, 15 H
12 U, 12 S
90% of links
Greedy 101 157 131 280 310 281
Genetic 103 169 119 282 289 388
DecAp++ Awareness level = 1 93 138 84 285 252 50
DecAp++ Awareness level = 2 94 150 99 286 265 62
DecAp++ Awareness level = 3 94 154 109 286 267 63
% difference between DecAp++
awareness level 1 and Greedy
-7 -12 -35 2 -18 -82
% difference between DecAp++
awareness level 1 and Genetic
-9 -18 -29 1 -13 -87
other) are created, significantly impacting the accuracy of DecAp++. These results
validate hypothesis 4: 1) For problems with a modest lack of knowledge (i.e., 20% to
30% disconnection) the solutions found by DecAp++ are within 10% of those found
by the Greedy and Genetic; 2) As the lack of knowledge increases, and there are no
islands of hosts, the solution accuracy degrades gracefully (e.g., in the problem of
column 3, 80% disconnection has resulted in a solution that is only 35% worse than
the solution found by Greedy).
Table 8-4 shows DecAp++’s convergence to a solution. Each iteration corresponds to
the resulting overall utility (objective function) after auctioning each one of the com-
ponents exactly once. Note that the largest gain is achieved in the first iteration of the
algorithm, which shows that by just auctioning each component once, we can get a
solution that is at least 66% of the final solution. Also note that after the first iteration
of the algorithm, most components have found a “sweet spot”, which results in no
further redeployment of those components. This contributes to the quick convergence
Table 8-4: Demonstration of DecAp++’s convergence.
10 C, 4 H
5 U, 5 S
20% of links
1 level of
25 C, 10 H
8 U, 8 S
50% of links
1 level of
40 C, 15 H
15 U, 15 S
70% of links
1 level of
40 C, 15 H
15 U, 15 S
80% of links
2 levels of
Initial Utility 0 0 0 0
1 50 79 190 146
2 67 91 267 183
3 72 93 281 193
4 74 94 285 199
5 74 94 286 206
6 74 94 286 207
7 74 94 286 207
% first iteration /
final solution
67% 84% 66% 71%
of the algorithm, typically around the fifth or sixth iteration. For the largest problem
(shown in the last column of Table 8-4), DecAp++’s execution time was 8.4s with the
maximum auctioneer thread wait of 10ms. However, a variation of DecAp++ that
used thread notification executed the same problem in 1s on a mid-range PC.
8.2 Algorithmic Trade-Offs
As mentioned previously, one of our primary goals in the development of the frame-
work has been to provide a generic environment that can be customized to the unique
concerns of each application scenario. While we have discussed the framework’s abil-
ity to model the variation points among application scenarios (system parameters,
QoS dimensions, users, and so on), it may not be clear which algorithms are best
suited for each scenario. In support of hypothesis 5 below we discuss various classes
of systems and the trade-offs between the different algorithms for improving their
deployment architecture.
One aspect of a distributed system that influences the complexity of improving its
deployment architecture is its design paradigm, or architectural style. The two pre-
dominant design paradigms for distributed systems are Client-Server and Peer-to-
Peer. Traditional Client-Server applications are typically composed of bulky and
resource-expensive server components, which are accessed via thin and compara-
9.Since we only wanted to illustrate the execution time of the algorithm’s logic, and not that of agents’ synchroni-
zation, to obtain this result we leveraged the thread notification technique instead of the random thread wait times
described in Chapter 6. Note that employing thread notification is possible only in a single-processor simulation of
the algorithm.
tively more efficient client components. The resource requirements of client and
server components dictate a particular deployment pattern, where the server compo-
nents are deployed on capacious back-end computers and the client components are
deployed on user workstations. Furthermore, the stylistic rules of Client-Server appli-
cations disallow interdependency among the clients, while the exact client compo-
nents that need to be deployed on the users’ workstations are determined based on
user requirements and are often fixed throughout the system’s execution. Therefore,
the software engineer is primarily concerned with the deployment of server compo-
nents among the back-end hosts. Given that usually there are fewer server compo-
nents than client components, and fewer server computers than user workstations, the
actual problem space of many client-server applications is much smaller than it may
appear at first blush. In such systems, one could leverage the locational constraint fea-
ture of our framework to limit the problem space significantly. Therefore, it is feasible
to run the MIP algorithm for a large class of client-server systems and find the opti-
mal deployment architecture in a reasonable amount of time.
In contrast, a growing class of Peer-to-Peer applications are not restricted by stylistic
rules or resource requirements that dictate a particular deployment architecture pat-
tern. Therefore, locational constraints cannot be leveraged in the above manner, and
the problem space remains exponentially large. For any, even medium-sized Peer-to-
Peer system, the MIP algorithm becomes infeasible and the software engineer has to
leverage one of the three approximative algorithms to arrive at a sub-optimal, but sig-
nificantly improved deployment architecture.
In large application scenarios, both the greedy and genetic approaches have an advan-
tage over the MINLP approach, since they exhibit better performance and have a
higher chance of finding a good solution. When the application scenario contains a
large number of QoS dimensions, the genetic algorithm will typically outperform the
greedy algorithm. This is because the genetic algorithm is only linearly affected by
the number of QoS dimensions, while the greedy algorithm is polynomialy affected
by this parameter. On the other hand, when the application scenario includes very
restrictive constraints, the greedy algorithm has an advantage over the genetic algo-
rithm. This is because the greedy algorithm makes incremental improvements to the
solution, while the genetic algorithm depends on random mutation of individuals and
may result in many invalid individuals in the population.
Another class of systems that are significantly impacted by the quality of deployment
architecture are mobile and resource constrained systems, which are highly dependent
on unreliable wireless networks on which they are running. For these systems, the
genetic algorithm is the best option: it is the only algorithm in the framework that
allows for parallel execution on multiple decentralized hosts, thus distributing the
processing burden of running the algorithm among several hosts.
Finally, as mentioned earlier, in a growing class of decentralized systems, a complete
model of a system may not exist on any of the hosts. In this type of environment, a
decentralized algorithm, such as DecAp++, could be leveraged to improve the sys-
tem’s deployment architecture.
8.3 Prism-MW
As mentioned earlier, since the framework is geared towards embedded and resource-
constrained computing domains, it is important for the implementation support to be
highly efficient and scalable. In this section we summarize our evaluation of Prism-
MW’s efficiency and scalability. We provide the benchmarking results for the Java
version of Prism-MW. In fact, the C++ implementation of Prism-MW is more effi-
cient than its Java implementation. More details about the C++ implementation of
Prism-MW can be found in [31]. Our goals have been to (1) provide empirical results
of the performance trade-offs that are associated with our design decisions, and (2)
demonstrate the middleware’s efficiency and scalability in large, possibly distributed
systems with different structures.
In support of the first goal, we have evaluated two types of performance trade-offs
that were discussed in Section 7.1.3:
• The trade-off between the two alternative configurations of a local architecture
(recall Figures 7-3 and 7-4). We used architectures in which a single component
communicates with a varying number of identical components, either through a
single connector or via ports that directly connect the components.
• The trade-off between the three alternative configurations of a distributed architec-
ture (recall Figure 7-7). We considered a special case, where the connectors broad-
cast events, which results in five semantically identical configurations of a
distributed architecture, as detailed below.
In support of the second goal, we have measured the overhead in application size
caused by Prism-MW. We have also evaluated the execution of large architectures
with different topologies and processing loads:
• The sensitivity analysis of the middleware’s performance to the size of the archi-
tecture. We consider an architecture configured in a manner similar to the one
depicted in Figure 7-4a, and execute it on different platforms for varying numbers
of events and “bottom” components.
• The middleware’s scalability to large, distributed architectures with different
topologies. We considered two primary architectures with different topologies: a
“flat” architecture, where a large set of components interacts with a set of other
components directly (see Figure 8-11); and a “tall” architecture, where a large set
of components interact indirectly via intermediating components (see Figure 8-
12). These two architecture types can then be combined to produce arbitrary
“hybrid” topologies.
Since we are interested in measuring the overhead induced on an application by
Prism-MW’s, the software components used throughout the example scenarios con-
tain minimal application logic (e.g., counting the number of events sent/received, for-
warding events). Furthermore, all the events exchanged between local and remote
components are simple events with no payload. We selected the size of the thread
pool and event queue based on the expected load and the size of each architecture.
Note that Prism-MW allows for the specification of arbitrarily large thread pools and
event queues. In the case of most benchmarks we kept a constant size thread pool and
event queue to simplify the assessment of the middleware’s performance under vary-
ing loads.
The environment set-up consisted of (1) mid-range PCs with Intel Pentium IV 1.5
GHz processors and 256 MB of RAM running JVM 1.4.2 on Microsoft Windows XP,
(2) PDAs of type Compaq iPAQ H3870 with 200 MHz processors and 64 MB of
RAM running Jeode JVM on WindowsCE 2002, and (3) a dedicated network leverag-
ing a dual-band wireless 2.4 GHz router.
8.3.1. Middleware Overhead
The performance of Prism-MW is comparable to solutions using a plain programming
language (PL). Each Prism-MW event exchange causes five PL-level method invoca-
tions (typically highly optimized in a PL), and a comparatively more expensive con-
text switch if the architecture is instantiated with more than one shepherd thread.
Analogous functionality would be accomplished in a PL with two invocations and,
assuming concurrent processing is desired, a context switch. It should also be noted
that it is unlikely that a plain PL could support a number of development situations
for which Prism-MW is well suited (e.g., asynchronous event multicast) and due to
which it introduces its performance overhead in the first place.
Memory usage of Prism-MW’s core (mw_mem), recorded at the time of architecture
initialization, is 2.3 KB. The overhead of a “base” Prism-MW component
(comp_mem), without any application-specific methods or state, is 0.12 KB, while the
overhead of a “base” connector (conn_mem) is 0.09 KB. The memory overhead of a
“base” port (port_mem) is 0.04 KB, while the overhead of an ExtensiblePort is 0.2
KB. The memory overhead of each connection object is 8 KB, which leverages Java’s
implementation of socket-based TCP/IP communication protocol. The memory over-
head of a DistributionEnabledPort that contains a single connection instance is 8.5
KB. The memory overhead of creating and sending a single event (evt_mem) can be
estimated using the following formula, obtained empirically:
evt_mem (in KB) = 0.04 + 0.01 * num_of_parameters
The formula assumes that the parameters do not contain complex objects, but may
contain simple objects (e.g., Java Integer or String).
10.The five method invocations involve traversing the ports, placing the event in the event queue, and dispatching
the event to the recipient component.
11.In this sense, the measure represents minimum event overhead. Use of complex objects as event parameters is
independent of the middleware, but is an application-level decision.
As an illustration, the memory overhead induced by using Prism-MW in the largest
instantiation of the TDS architecture consisting of a single Headquarters subsystem,
four Commander subsystems, and 100 Soldier subsystems can be closely approxi-
mated as follows:
num_arch * (mw_mem + (q_size * evt_mem)) + num_comps * comp_mem +
num_conns * conn_mem + num_ports * port_mem + num_dist_ports *
dist_port_mem =105 * (2.3 + (25 *(0.04 + (0.01 * 1))) + (245 * 0.12) + (217* 0.09)
+ (875* 0.04)+(109*0.5) = 511.5 KB
The above formula uses the average size of the event queue for each Architecture
object (25), and average number of parameters for TDS events (one). The formula
also assumes that each event queue is full (which we have never observed during
actual execution of TDS). Note that the dynamic size of the application is approxi-
mately 1 MB for the Headquarters subsystem, 600 KB for each Commander, and 90
KB for each Soldier subsystem, resulting in the total application size of 12.5 MB.
Therefore, Prism-MW induced at most a 4% overhead on the application’s dynamic
memory consumption.
Our measurements of the memory overhead for the awareness, deployment, mobility,
and disconnected operation support showed that on average the Java implementation
of the Prism-MW skeleton configuration (Admin, DistributionEnabledPort, and
Prism-MW’s core) occupies around 14 KB on each host. The Admin itself occupies 4
KB of memory.
8.3.2. Middleware Performance in a Local Setting
To empirically evaluate Prism-MW’s core we use an architecture where one compo-
nent is communicating with a varying number (n) of identical recipient components
via a connector (Figure 7-4a shows such an architecture with two recipient compo-
nents). Thus, all the components in this architecture are part of the same Architecture
object and reside in a single address space. For this architecture we use a pool of 10
shepherd threads and a queue of 1000 events (q_size).
Figures 8-7 and 8-8 show representative benchmark results. In Figure 8-7, a maxi-
mum of 100,000 simple (parameter-less) events were sent asynchronously by the sin-
gle sender component to a maximum of 100 recipient components (resulting in
between 100 to 10,000,000 invocations of component handle methods) for the appli-
cation running on a PC. The 10 million events are processed in under 3 seconds on the
PC. Figure 8-8 shows the results obtained on a PDA, a comparatively much less capa-
cious and performant platform: a maximum of 10,000 events are sent to a maximum
of 100 components (resulting in up to 1,000,000 invocations of component handle
In addition to the above “flat” architecture, another series of benchmarks we ran
involved a “chain” of n components communicating either directly through ports or
via n-1 intervening connectors. For example, the total round-trip time for a single
event in the case where the architecture involved 100,001 components and 100,000
connectors was 1.1 milliseconds on a PC. In addition to demonstrating Prism-MW
core’s efficiency, these benchmarks also served to highlight its scalability.
Figure 8-7: Benchmark results of executing Prism on a PC.
Ti me (ms)
Number of events
Number of
100 2674 300 50 20 20
50 1843 211 40 20 10
10 1222 150 30 11 10
1 1081 131 30 10 1
1E+ 05 10000 1000 100 1
Figure 8-8: Benchmark results of executing Prism on a PDA.
Time (ms)
Number of events
Number of
50 19649 1871 385 289
10 17654 1403 325 217
1 16784 1320 256 62
10000 1000 100 1
To evaluate the performance trade-off between two alternative usage scenarios of
Prism-MW (recall Figures 7-3 and 7-4), we employed two variations of the above
“flat” architecture. In the first variation, discussed above, the communication takes
place through a single connector, while the second variation employs direct links
between component ports. Each one of the n components was implemented with a
fixed event handling delay of 50 msec, to simulate application-specific processing
(comp_proc_time) and to utilize the benefits of parallel processing.
The results of the benchmark are shown in Figures 8-9 and 8-10. One parameter-less
event was sent asynchronously by the single sender component to all the recipient
components, resulting in n events being handled. The results demonstrate that a
higher degree of parallelism, and therefore better performance, can be achieved by
using direct connections among components. On the other hand, the use of a connec-
tor resulted in lower memory consumption, since each outgoing event is not repli-
cated n times. Finally, note that the total processing time in the case of direct
communication (illustrated in Figure 8-10) can be approximated using the following
formula, where numComps represents the number of components, and numThreads
the number of shepherd threads in an architecture:
numThreads numComps if numThreads numComps time proc comp
numThreads numComps if time proc comp
time proc total
, / * _ _
, _ _
_ _
8.3.3. Middleware Performance in a Distributed Setting
While Prism-MW’s DistributionEnabledPorts are in principle independent of the
employed communication protocols (recall Section7.1.5), their performance is
directly impacted by the underlying implementations of those protocols. The results
presented here are based on DistributionEnabledPorts that leverage Java’s implemen-
Time (ms)
Number of components
Number of
2 500730 50072 5017 511 60
10 500760 50082 5017 501 60
50 500785 50082 5057 511 60
100 500760 50079 5027 551 60
10000 1000 100 10 1
Figure 8-9: Components communicating through a connector.
Time (ms)
Number of components
Number of
2 251302 25056 2514 261 60
10 50102 5028 500 60 60
50 10075 1032 111 50 60
100 5077 541 70 50 60
10000 1000 100 10 1
Figure 8-10: Components communicating directly via ports.
tation of TCP/IP sockets. In a large number of benchmarks involving architectures of
varying sizes, topologies, and communication profiles, we compared the performance
of a DistributionEnabledPort with a “pure” Java implementation of TCP/IP. Our
results indicate that a Prism-MW DistributionEnabledPort adds no more than 2% in
performance overhead to Java’s implementation of TCP/IP.
In Section 7.1.5 we identified three different ways of instantiating a distributed archi-
tecture with identical event routing semantics. In fact, when the routing policy is
event broadcast (i.e., no filtering is performed by connectors), five semantically
equivalent ways of instantiating a distributed architecture are possible. To study their
performance, we created five example scenarios, comprising three distributed Archi-
tecture objects with five components each, that were configured as follows:
• Scenario 1: Each component communicates directly to every other component via
a separate DistributionEnabledPort (see Figure 7-7a).
• Scenario 2: Each component on the requesting device uses a single Distribution-
EnabledPort to communicate directly to every other component (see Figure 7-7b,
where the requesting device corresponds to address space A1).
• Scenario 3: Each component on the requesting device uses a local bidirectional
broadcasting connector to communicate with remote components. The connector
has a separate DistributionEnabledPort for each remote component (see Figure 7-
• Scenario 4: This is similar to the architecture of Scenario 3, with the exception that
the connector has only a single DistributionEnabledPort to communicate with all
of the remote components.
• Scenario 5: Local bidirectional broadcasting connectors with single Distribution-
EnabledPorts are used to mediate the communication in all three architectures.
Table 8-5 shows the per-
formance measurements
under each of the scenar-
ios described above, with
different event loads sent
by the requesting archi-
tecture. The measurements reflect the time elapsed before the requesting architecture
receives all the reply events from the remaining architectures. Given that the ports
and connectors used in this example broadcast the events, each event sent by one of
the 5 requesting components (i.e., between 5 and 500 events sent in the scenarios
depicted in Table 8-5) results in a total of 10 replies returned (i.e., between 50 and
5000 events returned).
We make the following two observations from the results of Table 8-5. First, architec-
tures with lower numbers of DistributionEnabledPorts have lower memory footprints
and faster running times. This is expected since each DistributionEnabledPort adds
overhead both in terms of memory and execution. Therefore, in response to this issue
Table 8-5: Distributed Architecture Scenarios
1 event 30 events 100 events
Scenario 1 351kb, 210ms 351kb, 2377ms 351kb, 6679ms
Scenario 2 310kb, 210ms 310kb, 2313ms 310kb, 6786ms
Scenario 3 132kb, 110ms 132kb, 1155ms 132kb, 2760ms
Scenario 4 123kb, 110ms 123kb, 1185ms 123kb, 2533ms
Scenario 5 86kb, 86ms 86kb, 731ms 86kb, 1735ms
Prism-MW allows multiple connections to be associated with a single Distribution-
EnabledPort. More significantly, architectures with lower numbers of network con-
nections have much lower memory footprints and faster running times. This is
expected since each network connection has its own internal thread that reads/writes
events from/to the network link. To minimize the number of network connections,
one may leverage Prism-MW’s connectors. For example, in Scenario 5 the usage of
connectors in all the three architectures resulted in the most efficient configuration, in
which a total of only three DistributionEnabledPorts and four connections are instan-
As discussed earlier, to evaluate the middleware’s scalability, we benchmarked two
large, distributed architectures with different topologies under heavy loads. For both
of these architectures we used a pool of 10 shepherd threads and a queue of 10,000
events on each device.
“Flat” Architecture. An example of such architecture is depicted in Figure 8-11,
where 11 distributed Prism-MW Architecture objects are comprised of 10 compo-
nents each. In one benchmark, each of the ten components on the first device sends
100 events of type request to each of the ten remaining devices. Each component on
the replying hosts receives each request event and sends a reply event back to the first
device. The connectors we used in our benchmarks did not perform any filtering of
events. Therefore, 1000 request events were sent from Device 1 (10 components *
100 events each), resulting in 10,000 reply events from each of the ten receiving
devices (1000 events * 10 components), for a total of 100,000 reply events to be
received by each requesting component, i.e., a total of 1,000,000 reply events to be
handled by Device 1’s components. When run on a PC, this scenario required 18 sec-
onds for all of the requesting components to send the requests and receive all of the
reply events.
“Tall” Architecture. An example of such architecture is depicted in Figure 8-12,
where 10 distributed Prism-MW Architecture objects are composed into a chain. In
one benchmark, the first device was composed of a single component sending
requests; the next eight devices were composed of two components that received each
event and propagated it; finally, the two components on the tenth device sent back a
Device 11
Comp 1 Comp 10
Device 1
Device 2
Comp 1
Comp 10
Comp 1 Comp 10
Figure 8-11: A “flat” architecture composed of 110 components deployed over 11 distributed
reply event for every request event they received. Our benchmarks measured the time
it took for the component on Device 1 to send a request and receive back all of the
replies. Note that due to the propagation of events by the two components on each
device, for the configuration shown in Figure 8-12 a total of 2
=512 request events
are received by Device 10, and 2
=131,072 reply events are received by Device 1.
The total time for the first device to send a request and receive all of the replies back
was 31 seconds on a PC.
To assess the extent of Prism-MW’s scalability, we have instantiated the “flat” and
“tall” configurations in benchmarks with up to 1 million components and/or connec-
tors, exchanging up to 100 million events [39]. The limiting factors in these cases
would invariably become the capabilities of the underlying hardware platforms. In
principle, Prism-MW’s modularity and separation of concerns directly aid its scalabil-
ity in the numbers of supported devices, components, connectors, ports, threads, and
8.4 DeSi
The goal of DeSi is to allow visualization of different characteristics of software
deployment architectures in highly distributed settings, the assessment of such archi-
tectures, and possibly their reconfiguration. In this section we evaluate DeSi in terms
of four properties that we believe to be highly relevant in this context: tailorability,
scalability, efficiency, and ability to explore the problem space. Each property is dis-
cussed in more detail below.
8.4.1 Tailorability
DeSi is an environment intended for
exploring a large number of issues con-
cerning distributed software systems. As
discussed before, to date we have
focused on the impact a deployment
architecture has on a system’s four QoS
dimensions of availability, latency, com-
munication security, and energy con-
sumption. However, DeSi’s MVC
architecture and component-based
design allow it in principle to be custom-
ized for visualizing and assessing arbi-
trary system properties (e.g., fault-
tolerance, scalability, performance). All
four components of DeSi’s Model sub-
system (SystemData, UserPrefData,
GraphViewData, and AlgoResultData)
could be easily extended to represent
Device 1
Device 2
Comp 1
Comp 1 Comp 2
Device 10
Comp 1 Comp 10
Other devices with the
same architecture as
Device 2
Figure 8-12: A “tall” architecture with 19
components deployed over 10 devices.
other system properties through the addition of new attributes and methods to the cor-
responding classes. Another aspect of DeSi’s tailorability is the ability to add new
Views or modify the existing ones. Clear separation between DeSi View and Model
components makes creating different visualizations of the same model easy. In fact,
we leveraged this dichotomy in constructing two different visualizations of the under-
lying model: the system deployment view (recall Figure 7-18) and the user preference
view (recall Figure 7-19). DeSi also enables quick replacement of the Control compo-
nents without modifying the View components. For example, two Control compo-
nents may use the GraphView’s API for setting the thickness of inter-host links
differently: one to depict the reliability and the other to depict the available bandwidth
between the hosts. Finally, DeSi also provides the ability to interface with an arbitrary
middleware platform.
8.4.2 Scalability
DeSi is targeted at systems comprising many components distributed across many
hosts. DeSi supports scalability in the (1) size of its Model, (2) scalability of its Views,
and (3) scalability of the Controller’s algorithms. Models of systems represented in
DeSi can be arbitrarily large since they are centralized and capture only the subset of
system properties that are of interest. Another aspect of DeSi’s scalability are Con-
troller’s algorithm implementations: with the exception of the MIP, all of the algo-
rithms are polynomial in the number of components. As shown in Section 8.1, we
have tested DeSi Model’s scalability by generating random models with hundreds of
hosts and thousands of components, and Controller’s scalability by successfully run-
ning the algorithms on these models. Finally, the combination of the hierarchical
viewing capabilities of the DeSi View subsystem (i.e., system-wide view, single host
view, single component view), the zooming capability, and the ability to drag compo-
nents and hosts to view their connectivity, enables one to effectively visualize distrib-
uted systems with very large numbers of components and hosts.
8.4.3 Efficiency
One of our goals in the development of DeSi has been to ensure that its scalability
support does not come at the expense of its performance. As a result of developing the
visualization components using Eclipse’s GEF, DeSi’s support for visualizing deploy-
ment architectures exhibits much better performance than an older version that was
implemented using Java Swing libraries. We also enhanced the performance of the
GraphView component by repainting only parts of the screen that correspond to the
modified parts of the model. As discussed in Section, we also provide three
options for running the redeployment algorithms. This enables us to customize the
overhead associated with running the algorithms and displaying their results. Finally,
with the exception of the MIP algorithm, all of the provided algorithms run in polyno-
mial time (recall Chapter 6).
8.4.4 Exploration Capabilities
The nature of highly distributed systems, their properties, and the effects of their
parameters on those properties is not well understood. This is particularly the case
with the effect a system’s deployment architecture has on the four QoS properties that
we have modeled in this research. The DeSi environment provides a rich set of capa-
bilities for exploring deployment architectures of distributed systems. DeSi provides
side-by-side comparisons of different algorithms along multiple dimensions
(achieved QoS, running time, and estimated redeployment time). It also supports tai-
loring of the individual parameters of the system model, which allows quick assess-
ment of the sensitivity of different algorithms to these changes. Next, DeSi provides
the ability to tailor its random generation of deployment architectures to focus on spe-
cific classes of systems or deployment scenarios (e.g., by modifying desired ranges of
certain parameters such as the minimum and maximum frequencies of component
interactions). DeSi supports algorithm benchmarking by automatically generating,
assessing, and comparing the performance of different algorithms for a large number
of randomly generated systems. DeSi’s extensibility enables rapid evaluation of new
algorithms. Finally, through its MiddlewareAdapter, DeSi provides the ability to visu-
alize, reason about, and modify an actual system.
8.5 Experience
We have applied various aspects of this dissertation on two application families
developed in collaboration with two external software development organizations.
The first application family is TDS that was introduced in Chapter 1 and was imple-
mented using the Java version of Prism-MW in collaboration with the U.S. Army. It is
representative of a large number of mobile pervasive systems that are intended to deal
with situations such as natural disasters, search-and-rescue efforts, and military cri-
ses. The second application family is MIDAS, and was implemented using the C++
version of Prism-MW in collaboration with the Bosch Research and Technology Cen-
ter. There are several different classes of users (i.e., users with different roles and mis-
sions) in a typical TDS scenario. We have leveraged this characteristic of TDS in
providing support for modeling, and improving a system’s deployment based on user
preferences. MIDAS is implemented in C++, which unlike Java does not natively
provide support for dynamic class loading and code mobility. We describe our experi-
ence with using the Prism-MW infrastructure for monitoring and (re)deployment of
MIDAS. This experience shows that the techniques presented in this dissertation can
be applied to systems implemented in compiled languages as well as interpreted lan-
guages. These experiences have increased our confidence in the validity of the
approach and the results obtained in the laboratory setting.
8.5.1. TDS
We have constructed several instances of the TDS application. Figure 8-13 shows the
instance of TDS that was introduced in Chapter 1 while it is being monitored and
deployed via Prism-MW’s meta-level components (recall Sections 7.1.9 and 7.1.10).
Figure 8-14 shows the deployment architecture view of a portion of this TDS scenario
in DeSi. The models were populated with the data available at design-time (e.g.,
upper-bound estimates on the sizes of components, locational constraints, available
memory on the hosts) and monitored data (e.g., frequency of invocations, network
reliabilities). Figure 8-15 shows a portion of the models constructed in DeSi to repre-
sent the users of the system, their QoS preferences, and user-level services provi-
sioned by the system. In this case, the users were Headquarters Commander, Left
Commander, Right Commander, Left Soldier, and Right Soldier. Altogether, the users
specified ten different QoS preferences for a total of eight services. The services were
Analyze Strategy, Move Resources, Get Weather, Get Map, Update Resources,
Remove Resources, Simulate Fight, and Advise Deployment.
Host 2 Host 1
Host 3
Host 4 Host 5
Agent Deployment
der UI
der UI
Admin Admin Admin
Pointer to
Figure 8-13: Instance of TDS that is deployed and monitored using Prism-MW.
Figure 8-14: Instance of the TDS deployment architecture modeled in DeSi.
Figure 8-15: Instance of TDS users, QoS preferences, and user-level services modeled in DeSi.
Table 8-6 shows the preferences of five hypothetical users in this TDS scenario. For
example, the table shows that Headquarters Commander has specified a utility of 0.4
for 0.1 (or 10%) change in the availability of the Analyze Strategy service. Note that
unlike the benchmark results shown in Section 8.1 where we evaluated the algorithms
in the most stringent scenarios (i.e., all users specifying preferences for all of the QoS
dimensions of all services), in this application scenario the users have not specified
preferences for some of the QoS dimensions of services. This is representative of
what happens in many real-world scenarios, where a user may not use all of the ser-
vices provided by the system.
Table 8-7 shows the results of executing the greedy algorithm on this instance of the
TDS application. We chose the greedy algorithm as the best approach to solving this
Table 8-6: Users’ preferences in the TDS scenario.
Analyze Strategy
Energy Cons.
Move Resources
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.3, util=0.4)
Get W eather
(rate=0.9, util=0.1)
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Get Map
(rate=0.9, util=0.1)
(rate=0.3, util=0.4)
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Update Resources
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Energy Cons.
(rate=0.1, util=0.4)
Simulate Fight
Energy Cons.
problem for two reasons (recall Section 8.2): 1) the architecture was fairly large, and
we were not able to solve the problem optimally via MIP, 2) there were many loca-
tional constraints, which hamper the accuracy of the genetic algorithm. The results
demonstrate that on average significant improvements were achieved. Furthermore,
typically the QoS preferences that are most important to the users are improved more
than others. The few cases where QoS dimensions have slightly degraded can be
attributed to the fact that the users have not specified any preferences.
8.5.2. MIDAS
MIDAS is composed of a large number of sensors, gateways, hubs, and PDAs that are
connected wirelessly in the manner shown in Figure 8-16. The sensors are used to
monitor the environment around them. They communicate their status to one another
and to the gateways. The gateway nodes are responsible for managing and coordinat-
ing the sensors. Furthermore, the gateways translate, aggregate, and fuse the data
Table 8-7: Results of running the greedy algorithm on the TDS scenario.
Analyze Strategy 63% 12% 5% 79%
Move Resources 78% 68% 2% 63%
Get Weather -3% 11% 81% 59%
Get Map 29% 59% 82% 73%
Update Resources 9% 92% 19% -6%
Remove Resources -1% 25% 23% 103%
Simulate Fight 17% -8% 1% -6%
Advise Deployment 61% 134% 22% 92%
received from the sensors, and propagate the appropriate data (e.g., event) to the hubs.
Hubs in turn are used to evaluate and visualize the sensor data for human users, as
well as to provide an interface through which the user can send control commands to
the various sensors and gateways in the system. Hubs may also be configured to prop-
agate the appropriate sensor data to PDAs, which are then used by the mobile users of
the system.
To facilitate the integration of MIDAS
with hardware and software that had
been developed previously by Bosch,
we were required to develop the portion
of MIDAS that runs on the gateways
and hubs in C++ and the portion that
runs on the PDA in Java. C++ was also
selected due to its expected efficiency
and low-overhead.
Figure 8-17 shows a subset of MIDAS’s software architecture. As denoted on the left
side of the figure, three types of architectural styles have been leveraged: service-ori-
ented, publish-subscribe, and peer-to-peer. The peer-to-peer portion of this architec-
ture corresponds to the meta-level functionality of monitoring, analysis, and
adaptation of the system via DeSi. Therefore, the MIDAS application itself has been
Figure 8-16: MIDAS system.
developed using both service-oriented and publish-subscribe styles, resulting in a
hybrid architectural style. The publish-subscribe portion of the MIDAS software
architecture corresponds to the communication backbone of the MIDAS systems, and
is responsible for: transformation of raw sensor data to the MIDAS format and vice
versa (SensorProcessor), sensor management and delivery of commands (SessionOp-
erator, SessionAdministrator), data fusion and selective propagation of events
(GWToHubProcessor, GWToGWProcessor)), and sensor control interface and display
(HubOperator, EventDisplay). The service-oriented portion of MIDAS corresponds
to a set of facilities that are essential, but much less frequently used than the facilities
provided by the publish-subscribe portion of the architecture. Therefore, to accommo-
date the overall lack of computing resources these services are dispersed throughout
the distributed system. Some examples of services provided by the service-oriented
portion are: NodeInfoSvc that provides a look-up service for a sensor’s properties
(e.g., location of a sensor), TroubleLogSvc that provides a facility for storing the
errors in the system (e.g., failure to communicate with a sensor), EventNotificationSvc
that given an event type determines the best procedure for handling events of that
type, and so on.
For component deployment we needed a mechanism to load the components at runt-
ime. However, unlike Java, C++ does not provide a mechanism for dynamic class
loading. Therefore, to address this shortcoming, we first compiled each component's
implementation either as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) for Windows or as a Shared
Library for Linux. We then used the file serialization facility implemented in the C++
version of Prism-MW for serializing the DLL or Shared Library file into byte-array
format (more details can be found in [31]). Finally, the byte-array was transmitted
over the network to its target host, deserialized, and stored as a DLL or a Shared
Library locally. When the software system is started, the application’s implementation
encapsulated within the DLL or Shared Library is bound to the middleware facilities.
For stateful component redeployment, the application logic of a software component
(which extends the AbstractImplementation class of Prism-MW) needs to provide
implementation of two static methods: toArray and fromArray. toArray returns the
state of a software component in a byte array, while fromArray instantiates the soft-
ware component given an appropriate byte array.
In the deployment and reconfiguration of MIDAS we have leveraged a centralized
coordination mechanism, where DeSi determines a complete set of commands
required for redeploying and reconfiguring the system based on the model of system’s
deployment architecture (recall Section 7.3). In a scenario that is similar to that
shown in Figure 8-16 but with one more gateway, a total of 165 commands were sent
from DeSi to the Deployer and Admin components. Each command encapsulated
within an event corresponds to a runtime adaptation or reconfiguration that should be
be performed by the middleware. The order in which commands are delivered and
executed is critical. For example, the SDEngine component, which provides support
for service discovery [31], should be instantiated before other software components
Request Port Reply Port
Request Port
Reply Port
Gateway Architecture
Hub Architecture
Service Meta-level Comp
DeSi Adapter
To other gateways
To other PDAs
To sensors
To other gateways
Pub-Sub Conn
Pub-Sub Conn Pub-Sub Conn
Pub-Sub Conn
Pub-Sub Conn
Unicast Conn
Figure 8-17: An abridged view of MIDAS's architecture that is monitored, analyzed, and adapted at runtime.
are started. We have built into DeSi the logic to ensure that the events are generated
and sent in an order that does not result in a fault. We also leveraged the support for
delivery guarantees (recall Section 7.1.6) to ensure that the events are delivered to the
remote Deployer and Admin components in the correct order.
CHAPTER 9: Conclusions
As the distribution, decentralization, and mobility of computing environments grow,
so does the influence of system’s deployment architecture over the QoS dimensions
of the system. In this dissertation, a novel extensible framework has been presented
for improving a software system’s QoS by finding the best deployment of software
components. The framework is based on a QoS trade-off model and accompanying
generic algorithms, where given the users’ preferences for the desired levels of QoS,
the most suitable deployment architecture is found. The framework has been realized
via an integrated tool-suite composed of a visual deployment modeling and analysis
environment, and an extensible architectural middleware platform.
9.1 Contributions
As mentioned earlier, this research is not the first effort of this kind. Several previous
works [1,17,22,40] have realized the impact of a system’s deployment architecture on
its QoS and have explored techniques for finding an improved deployment of the sys-
tem. However, these solutions are all either motivated by a particular application sce-
nario or based on simplifying assumptions that make them inapplicable to most
systems (e.g., single QoS dimension, single user, small system, and/or particular defi-
nition of a QoS dimension). Furthermore, since each approach has created its own,
limited model of a system and domain-specific algorithms, it is extremely hard to
compare and interchange the different approaches.
A primary contribution of our work has been to address these shortcomings by con-
structing a generic framework that can be tailored to the specific needs of a multitude
of application scenarios. In the process, we have developed a highly expressive
approach to specifying users’ QoS preferences in terms of system parameters. We
have devised and evaluated several algorithms that operate on the generic model and
perform fine-grained trade-off analysis with respect to user preferences. The results
of the evaluation have helped us in characterizing each algorithm. In turn, this has
allowed us to determine the best algorithm for different classes of systems. Our
implementation of the framework results in an environment that allows the system
architect to bridge the system modeling, analysis, simulation, implementation, and
deployment activities. Finally, the framework provides the means for comparing dif-
ferent solutions, which in turn paves the way for further research in this area.
9.2 Future Work
The framework presented in this dissertation can be extended and enhanced in several
ways. Below we describe four directions in which we intend to expand this research.
9.2.1 Determining When to Redeploy
An underlying assumption in this dissertation has been that it is possible to determine
when a distributed software system should be redeployed. While this is a reasonable
assumption for a large class of systems that have well-defined usage or fluctuation
patterns, it may not be feasible for systems where the monitored parameters undergo
significant and unpredictable fluctuations. As part of our future work we plan to
investigate the applicability of our approach to unpredictable and ad hoc systems.
Another important issue is whether a certain amount of improvements in QoS is
worth the amount of time and resources required to redeploy and reconfigure the sys-
tem. Our current approach does not take into account the duration a (portion of) sys-
tem may become unavailable due to its redeployment. We believe one potential
solution is to account for the temporary degradations in QoS via a new utility func-
tion. For example, not only model users’ preferences for the amount of improvements
in QoS, but also their tolerance for the temporary disruptions in the services provi-
sioned by the system.
9.2.2 Impact of architectural decisions on QoS properties.
In this dissertation we have focused on the impact of deployment decisions on a sys-
tem’s QoS properties. We hypothesize that a similar approach can be taken toward
other types of architectural decisions. In our future work, we plan to extend the
framework to allow for (1) the representation of other types of architectural decisions
(e.g., selection of architectural style, composition of components), and (2) the
improvement of QoS concerns by analyzing different types of such decisions. Our
long-term goal is to devise a comprehensive framework that, given many, possibly
conflicting architectural decisions under consideration, and a finite set of desirable
QoS properties, can aid the software architect in making optimal decisions.
9.2.3 Architectural analysis
Static analysis of architectural models, such as the type of analysis provided by DeSi,
can be useful for exploring the large space of possible solutions (i.e., deployment
architectures) and finding one or more solutions that exhibit desired QoS properties.
On the other hand, dynamic scenario-driven analysis, such as the type of analysis pro-
vided by XTEAM [9], is able to accurately capture the temporal variations in QoS
properties. XTEAM (eXtensible Tool-chain for Evaluation of Architectural Models)
is a suite of ADL extensions and model transformation engines targeted specifically
at highly distributed, resource-constrained, and mobile computing environments.
Architectural models that conform to the XTEAM ADL are constructed in an off-the-
shelf meta-programmable modeling environment. XTEAM model translators trans-
form these architectural models into executable simulations that furnish measure-
ments and views of the executing system over time. These results allow an architect
to better understand the consequences of architectural decisions, and weigh trade-offs
between conflicting design goals.
As part of our future work, we plan to integrate DeSi with XTEAM, and thus take
advantage of their respective strengths: DeSi’s highly optimized and efficient algo-
rithms will be used to determine a small number of candidate deployment architec-
tures, while XTEAM’s simulations will be used to generate a temporal view of each
candidate deployment’s QoS properties. The combination of static and dynamic anal-
ysis will increase the software architect’s confidence in selecting the best deployment
9.2.4 Fault-tolerance
One common approach to improving certain system properties (e.g., fault tolerance,
availability, durability) is by replicating software components. Note that, given finite
computing resources, only a subset of software components can be replicated. At the
same time, the improvements in certain QoS properties due to replication could
degrade other QoS properties due to the overhead of keeping software replicas syn-
chronized. In our future research, we plan to extend the deployment improvement
framework to also analyze different replication strategies, and study their impact both
on a system’s deployment and on its QoS properties.
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Abstract (if available)
The quality of service (QoS) provided by a distributed software system depends on many system parameters, such as network bandwidth, reliability of links, frequencies of software component interactions, etc. A distributed system's allocation of software components to hardware nodes (i.e., deployment architecture) can have a significant impact on its QoS. At the same time, often times there are many deployment architectures that provide the same functionality in large-scale software systems. Furthermore, the impact of deployment architecture on the QoS dimensions (e.g., availability, latency) of the services (functionalities) provisioned by the system could vary. In fact, some QoS dimensions may be conflicting, such that a deployment architecture that improves one QoS dimension, degrades another dimension.
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Asset Metadata
Malek, Sam
Core Title
A user-centric approach for improving a distributed software system's deployment architecture
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest,quality of service,Software Architecture,software deployment,software engineering
Medvidovic, Nenad (
committee chair
), Boehm, Barry W. (
committee member
), Gupta, Sandeep K. (
committee member
), Sukhatme, Gaurav S. (
committee member
), Taylor, Richard (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-Malek-20070602 (filename),usctheses-m40 (legacy collection record id),usctheses-c127-498168 (legacy record id),usctheses-m502 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Malek, Sam
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Repository Name
Libraries, University of Southern California
Repository Location
Los Angeles, California
Repository Email
quality of service
software deployment
software engineering