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The Portal method: Accuracy analysis by computer
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The Portal method: Accuracy analysis by computer
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THE PORTAL METHOD: ACCURACY ANALYSIS BY COMPUTER by Weiyi Wu A Thesis Presented to the FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF BUILDING SCIENCE August 1990 Copyright 1990 Weiyi Wu UMI Number: EP41422 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP41422 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 -1 3 4 6 U N IV E R S IT Y O F S O U T H E R N C A L IF O R N IA THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY PARK LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90 0 0 7 This thesis, written by under the direction of hxs. Thesis Committee, and approved by a ll its members, has been pre sented to and accepted by the D ean of The Graduate School, in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements fo r the degree of MASTER OJF S..... Bu.5. WEIYI WU Dean Date.f^3^3lJ.>.,}^. THESIS COMMITTEE TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT 1. ANALYSIS AND EVOLUTION OF HIGH-RISE FRAMES 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Assumptions for Portal method 1.3 Analysis Steps of Portal method 1.4 Assumptions for Gravity method 1.5 Analysis Steps of Gravity method 1.6 Evolution of High-rise Frames (Case Study) 2; PROGRAM CAFA 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Program Operation 2.3 Program use 2.4 Sample Structure 3. PROGRAM FRAME MAC 3.1 Introduction 1 2 4 7 7 10 2 3 2 4 2 7 29 3 6 3.2 Use of Frame Mac 37 ii ACCURACY OF PORTAL AND GRAVITY METHODS 4.1 Introduction 41 4.2 Accuracy of Portal method 43 4.2.1 Data Tables 43 4.2.2 Data Graphs 52 4.3 Accuracy of Gravity method gg 4.3.1 Data Tables gg 4.3.2 Data Graphs gy 4.4 Accuracy of Combined Portal and Gravity methods 71 4.4.1 Data Tables 71 \ 4.4.2 Data Graphs 80 iii APPENDIX : CAFA program listing 1. CAFA.BAS Program 99 2. MAINMENU.BAS Subroutine 102 3. CHOICE1.BAS Subroutine 105 4. INPDATA.BAS Subroutine 107 5. INPLAT.BAS Subroutine 111 6. SHRCAL.BAS Subroutine 115 7. MOTCAL.BAS Subroutine 118 8. DATAMENU.BAS Subroutine 121 9. SHRGRAPH.BAS Subroutine 124 10. MOTGRAPH.BAS Subroutine 127 11. CHOICE2.BAS Subroutine 132 12. COL-S.BAS Subroutine 134 13. COL-M.BAS Subroutine 138 14. COL-AL.BAS Subroutine 143 15. BEAM-S.BAS Subroutine % 147 16. BEAM-M.BAS Subroutine 151 BIBLIOGRAPHY : A. Structural Analysis B. Computer Program Design iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT S The completion of this research would not have been possible without my wife, Shiou-Wen Hwang, encouraged and helped me. Sincere thanks go to my committee members, Professor Pierre Koenig and Professor Dimitry Vergun, for their assistance and knowledgeable suggestions to understand the ceramic field better, and to Dr. G. Goetz Schierle for his helpful enthusiasm. v ABSTRACT \ \ i l CAN A PATTERN OF RELATIVE ACCURACY OF THE PORTAL METHOD | AND GRAVITY METHOD FOR FRAME ANALYSIS BE ESTABLISHED TO t 1 s I DETERMINE THEIR RELIABILITY? i The Portal method is used for frame analysis - columns and connecting beams subject to lateral wind and seismic j forces. The Gravity method is used to analyze frames [ subject to gravity loads (dead load and live load). j j I ■ ' | The objective of this thesis is (1) to develop a s convenient structural analysis computer program based on the Portal method and Gravity method and (2) to evaluate j the accuracy and reliability of these two methods | compared with the Frame Mac program which is based on f j the direct stiffness method for structural analysis. Keywords : Analysis accuracy, Approximate Analysis, Computer Analysis, Frame Analysis, Gravity method, High- rise Analysis, Portal method. | CHAPTER 1: ANALYSIS AND EVOLUTION OF HIGH-RISE FRAMES 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Portal method (T.Y. Lin and Sidney D. Stotesbury, writing in Structural concepts and Systems fof Architects and Engineers) and Gravity method (Dr. G. Goetz Schierle, handouts for "Advanced Structures" seminar) are simplified approaches for structural analysis. A high rise rigid frame, subject to lateral forces, can be analyzed by these methods, which are based on simplified equilibrium assumptions. The Portal method considers only lateral forces on the structure. The Gravity method considers only gravity loads, dead load and live load. Both lateral and gravity loads acting on a rigid frame cause the frame to deflect and create shears and bending moments in beams and j columns. The Portal and the Gravity methods are approximate methods and are only applicable for design of regular frames of simple and conventional \ proportions. 1 1.2 ASSUMPTIONS FOR PORTAL METHOD The Portal method is based on several simplifying assumptions : 1. Lateral forces are resisted by the frame only. (Fig. 1.1) 2. Inflection points occur at midheight of columns and midspan of beams. (Fig. 1.2) 3. Each bay acts as an independent portal. (Fig. 1.3) 4. Horizontal shear is carried by the portals in proportion to their span as shown in figure 1.4: W1 W2 W3 W LI L2 L3 L therefore; W1 = LI x W / L W2 = L2 x W / L W3 = L3 x W / L 5. Outer columns take half the shear of interior ones, given an interior span (Fig. 1.5); thus shear is proportional to the tributary area. 6. Inner column's axial force is assumed to be zero. 7. Beam axial force is assumed to be zero. 2 p- p- p- 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Fig. 1.1 Lateral Load Wi W 2 W ; 7777 7777 7777 7777 7777 7777 L l t I 1- 2 | | L s 4 ^ 4 4* 4 4—=^4 Fig. 1.4 Portal Load BEAM COLUMN Vt Vi v2 Vi Vs Vs Fig. 1.2 Inflection Points 7777 s/ss 7777 7 v 7 7 W J-U4 4_ U _ 4 i_Li4 Vl+V2 V2+V3 7777 INTERIOR C O LU M N S V— 1/2 W- V— 1/2 W- V-- 1/2 W- 7777 w- Fig. 1.5 Column Load 1 L,it u u L> t Fig. 1.3 Portal Idealization « 1.3 ANALYSIS STEPS OF PORTAL METHOD | * _ 1 j j i The Portal method is used for approximate analysis of i i ! moment, resisting frames subject to lateral forces j | (wind, seismic), based on static equilibrium equations, j j namely H=0, V=Q, and M=0. i : \ t From these assumptions the Portal method determines the i > approximate shear, moment and axial forces m beams and i i columns in the following sequence of analysis steps : i I J j j 1. Column Shear, V. (Fig. 1*5) | The shear of exterior columns is equal to half of the j exterior portal load, based on the assumption\(5). The shear of interior columns is equal to half the load of each adjacent portal (i.e., V=V1+V2). ! | 2. Column Moment, M. (Fig. 1.6) Based on the assumption (2), j 2 M = 0 = M - V(H/2), thus; | M = V x H/2, where V is the column shear. | 3. Column Axial Force, N. (Fig. 1.7) I For exterior columns, the overturn moment ! 2 M = 0 = N x L - M x H = 0, thus I | N = W x H / L, where ( | H = height from midpoint of the column investigated ! i to the respective load W. Interior column's axial force is relatively small and hence considered ze^ro, based on the assumption (6). 4. Beam Shear, V. (Fig. 1.8) The sum of forces in the Y direction equals zero. S Fy = 0 = Vi + Ni - Ni+1, thus Vi = Ni+1 - Ni 5. Beam Moment, M. (Fig. 1.9) SIM = 0 = V x (L/2) - M, thus M = V x L/2, where V is the beam shear. 5 H/2 IN F L E C T IO N _ P O IN T / V H/2 M - V X H /2 Fig. 1.6 Column Moment r f Ni \ Vi J V2 Vi= Ni V* = Ns - N2 Fig. 1.8 Beam Shear W1 W2 W3 H2 H3 W4 H4 N-(W1 H1+W2H24 W3H3+W4H4)/L L V M M I c l V f ) M V N M - V X 1/2 Fig. 1.7 Column Axial Force Fig. 1.9 Beam Moment 6 f 1-4 ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE GRAVITY METHOD ! ! ■ ■ | The Gravity method is a simplified tool to analyze rigid | frames subject to gravity loads - dead loads and live ] loads. It is based on several simplifying assumptions : ! f 1 , , , 1. The points of inflection of beams are assumed at 10% j of the span at each end (Fig. 1.10), due to M=0 5 j at those two points from the moment diagram. t i ! | 2. Interior columns are assumed without bending moments i since the sum of moments on both sides cancel out i j (Fig. 1.11) . | - ! i 3. The bending moment of exterior columns is equal to j j half of the adjacent beam end moment, assuming the ! column heights above and below are equal (Fig. 1.11), | j but on the top exterior column, the bending moment is j i ! the same as the adjacent beam end moment, due to ! a ! S M=0. j | 1.5 ANALYSIS STEPS OF GRAVITY METHOD j The Gravity method is used for approximate analysis of moment, resisting frames subject to gravity loads, live load and dead load. 7 | From these assumptions the Gravity method determines the ! | shear, moment, and axial forces for beams andscolumns in I V i | the following analysis steps : J 1. Beam End Moment, M. (Fig. 1.10) I -w(.8L) .1L | Me--------- (. 1L) - w(.lL)---- i 2 2 ! Me = -.045(w)LxL, where , w = uniform gravity load (psf) i j L = span ! 1 2. Beam Mid-span Moment, M. (Fig. 1.10) | w(.8L) .4L | M = -- (. 4L) - w(.4L)---- = w(.8L) /8 3. Beam Shear, V. (Fig. 1.12) ' V = (w)L / 2 | | 4. Column Axial force, N. (Fig. 1.13) * ii \ N = w x A x n i A = tributary area j n = number of floors above w = uniform gravity load (psf) 5. Column Bending Moment, Me. (Fig. 1.11) i Me = Me / 2 Me = beam end moment 8 w MOMENT DIAGRAM M- 0.1 L 0 . 8 I W 0.11 c U ...... . f w(o.eo/ 2 A W (0 .8 L ) / 2 f W W W fO .B L} / 2 W (0 .8 L ) / 2 ||2 M K s \ \ M ) Fig. 1.10 Beam Moment 7 7 / 7 7m W H i l l ! n u i i r m j L . . f T W L/ 2 Fig. 1.12 Beam Shear n~ ■ ■ ■ -■ TRIBUTARY. AREA FOR EXTERIOR COLUMNS TRIBUTARY. AREA FOR INTERIOR COLUMNS C O L U M N X I X X X FLOOR PLAN Fig. l.ll Column Moments Fig. 1.13 Tributary Load 9 1.6 Evolution of high-rise frames (Case Study) Case 1: Braniff Building, 1958 Case 2: First Federal Saving & Loan Assoc., 1 Case 3: CBS Headquarters Building, 1964 Case 4: Pacific Design Center, 1975 Case 5: Xerox Center, 1980 Case 6: Chicago Board of Trade Addition, 1982 Case 7: One South Wacker, 1982 Case 8: 701 Fourth Avenue South, 1984 Case 9: Wilshire - Midvale, 1986 Case 10 : Colonnade Codominiums, 198 9 Case 11: Dharmala Sakti Building, 1989 Case 12 : NBC Tower at Cityfront Center, 1990 JIS22. Braniff Building, Dallas, 1958 Architect : Lane, Gamble and Assoc. Engineer : R.M. Shipman Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 10 Total gross areas : 162,500 sq.ft 11 ^ 5 a ^S • i " S 9 H 3 & ( > h R 5 a v ^ - • j t : - « s .a g F.ty3LjA y i i i l p _ i_ M il> * I ■ || First Federal Savings & Loan Assoc., Hollywood, 1959 Architect : Austin, Field & Fry Engineer : J.G. Middleton Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 12 Total gross areas : 128,000 sq.ft 12 CBS Headquarters Building, New York, 1964 Architect : Eero Saarinen Engineer : Paul Weidlinger Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 42 13 Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, 1975 Architect : Cesar Pelli Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 6 Fl.areas : 100,000 - 130,000 sq.ft 14 . . . . Kvi *aj K£Zi mmm>t**m’ A eee; cir rim,, i t(*mmi.*mZi ' * » * * » I K 5 U « S S « a » H i3 ? ir--tirri» t ' X y - gaa m m s s n . K h j r t t i e : : « £ • ■ * r m e SM ' 5 3 !*1 1 ■■•a JU a i IM t » ---iS E a S ;* !!!" 1 i •■■■ tn n ■■■» *■ ■ ***; H \S !' »*?au m n m n ■■■» e r r - : r ~ , ~ h i w ! ' 5 S ! 5 > ' < ; a ! ^ :. . . bH J ? » ** - »■***» S * ' • * 1 l uaann f c i g m 1.i®§B s;« " ^ M i “ ^SSsSR " ■ s r i r ? ; V M U . , . ' * ti E r . H B g j g n f l Xerox Center, Chicago, 1980 Architect : Murphy/Jahn Engineer : Cohen, Barretto, Marchertas, Inc. Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 44 Total gross areas : 880,000 sq.ft 15 - n n H S R B C H a . - ' l -mmz\ j c s e r a bacia I 3 mi i i e a t csj ia miaEii i|l*E H j * « f H BlllKg - s s s r z r j p r a n c T "**^1 g & fe i- £ % B a B ^ S 5 E # B B jt Chicago Board of Trade Addition, Chicago, 1982 Architect : Murphy/Jahn Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 21 Total gross areas : 634,000 sq.ft 16 One South Wacker, Chicago, 1982 Architect : Murphy/Jahn Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 40 Total gross areas : 1,280,OOOsq.ft 17 701 Fourth Avenue South, Minneapolis, 1984 Architect : Murphy/Jah Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 18 Total gross areas : 316,000 sq.ft Wilshire - Midvale, Los Angeles, 1986 Architect : Murphy/Jahn Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 17 FI.areas : 8,500 - 14,000 sq.ft 19 Colonnade Condominiums, Singapore, 1989 Architect : Archiplan Team & Paul Rudolph Engineer : Ove Arup & Partners Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 27 20 i o H T T T l jtnrsrm -mrm I ' ! ! ! i l l l l Dharmala Sakti Building, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1989 Architect : Ir. Johannes H. Gunawan & Paul Rudolph Engineer : Lee Seng Lip, PT Wiratman & Associates Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 26 21 T t P iC a u M iO B iS E u E v E l 14,TO O SO.H M * H Q O * MiCxaiSI • T , * » o » a . * t H i Q a iK Mt9t« < nunosi NBC Tower at Cityfront Center, Chicago, 1990 Architect : S.O.M. Engineer : S.O.M. Structural System : Rigid Frame Building Description: No. of stories : 37 Total gross areas : 900,000 sq.ft CHAPTER 2: PROGRAM CAFA (Computer Aided Frame Analysis) 2.1 INTRODUCTION Even with the simplified assumptions of the Portal method and Gravity method , it still takes more than three hours for a five stories building to compute the whole procedure by hand. The CAFA program intends to facilitate that procedure. \ CAFA is based on the Portal method and the Gravity method, and is written in the Turbo Basic computer language. The CAFA program attempts to create a friendly interface between user and computer. The user must define the frame configuration and loads (including live load, dead load and lateral load). CAFA calculates moments, axial and shear forces of each element in the frame structure and illustrates the shear and moment diagrams of the entire building frame. With diagrams, the user can realize whole structural behaviors, including positions for structural inflection points, max. shear and moment points, etc. 23 2.2 PROGRAM OPERATION The CAFA program structure is shown in figure 2.1, and is organized in sixteen subroutines (see Appendix). The program is suitable to analyze buildings with the same floor height, the same span between each column, , no bracings between columns and beams, and forty stories or below. The whole procedure includes (1). INPUT : Building general information and Lateral force data. (2). OUTPUT : Numeric Data and Graphs. Input : General building information 1. X and Y Dimension (feet) \ Length and width of the building. CAFA defines X direction to be analyzed (Fig. 2.2). 2. Number of bays in X and Y direction The distance for each bay in X or Y direction must be the same. 3. Height of building (feet) Measure from the top frame to the underground line. 4. Dead load and live load for each floor (psf) 5. Lateral force (kips) Wind or seismic calculated form Uniform Building Code or by computer. 24 QUIT PRINT HELP ShrGALBAS CH0ICE1.BAS CHOICE 1.BAS TITLE CAFA.BAS INPUT InpDato.BAS COLUMN SHEAR Col-S.BAS MENU MAINMENU.BAS COLUMN MOMENT Col-M.BAS BEAM MOMENT BEAM—M.BAS BEAM SHEAR BEAM-S.BAS DATA DATAMENU.BAS COLUMN AXIAL FO RCE Col— ALBAS SHEAR DIAGRAM ShrGRAPH.BAS MOMENT DIAGRAM MotGRAPH.BAS LATERAL FORCE INPUT InpLot.BAS Fig. 2.1 CAFA Program Structure Numeric output : 1. Column shear force 2. Column moment 3. Column axial force 4. Beam shear force 5. Beam moment Graphs output : 1. Shear diagram The scale for shear diagram on the screen is 1" = 16'- 0". 2. Moment diagram The scale for moment diagram on the screen is 1" = 16'- 0". 26 2.3 PROGRAM USE j j To run the CAFA program, enter CAfA. After the first ! title screen appears, press any key for the main menu I to appear with the following options: 1. INPUT | 2. DATA ! 3. SHEAR DIAGRAM 4. MOMENT DIAGRAM 5. PRINT 6. QUIT INPUT: This is a necessary first step to run the whole procedure. Select this option, then press the ENTER key. i The user must input the general building information j (Fig. 2.4) or press the ENTER key to keep the default j | value. Using the CURSOR key to move the cursor up or ! down on the input menu allows to change previously i j entered data. After completing the input, select the " Proceed " option to proceed to LATERAL FORCE input. ! (Fig. 2.5) After input of all LATERAL FORCES, select the " Proceed " option to return to the main menu. \ y DATA: Use this option to list values on the screen, such as column shear, column moment, column axial force, beam shear, and beam moment (Fig. 2.6-2.10). i 27 j SHEAR DIAGRAM: Use this option to show the shear diagram i ; i of the structure (Fig. 2.11). i ! \ • MOMENT DIAGRAM: Use this option to show the moment E | diagram of the structure (Fig. 2.12). i \ , j PRINT : This option is used to print numeric data on a | j printer. A complete report will be printed, including | | column shears, column moments, column axial forces, beam i | shears and beam moments. j ■ | QUIT : This option will end CAFA. 28 2.4 SAMPLE STRUCTURE \ Choose a structure,"' as shown in Fig. 2.2. The general j information for the structure is given as follows: X Dimension : 60 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft Number of bays in X direction : 3 \ Number of bays in Y direction : 5 Height of the structure : 60 ft Number of floors : 5 Dead load for each floor : 100 psf Live load for each floor : 50 psf Lateral force for each floor : 13.8 kips (wind force calculated by Uniform Building Code, p.138 - (b) Design Wind Pressures) INPUT DATA procedures are shown in Fig. 2.3 - Fig. 2.5, and OUTPUT DATA procedures are shown in Fig. 2.6 - Fig. 2.12. 29 30' 3 0 ' 30' 30' 3 0 ' PLAN 20’ 20’ 20' W ' w - w- W' w- ■X DIRECTION 7 7 7 7 7 7 7? 979? 779? 12’ 12’ 12' 1 2 ' 12' SECTION 20' 2 0 ' 20’ Fig. 2.2 Sample Structure MENU INPUT DATA 3. SHEAR DIAGRAM 4. MOMENT DIAGRAM PRINT HELP T. QUIT SELECT OPTIONS Fig. 2.3 Master Menu C BUILDING DATA INPUT ] X Dim (feet) [80.00]: 60.00 Y Dim (feet) [160.00]: 160.00 Number of Bays In X Direction [3): 3.00 Number of Bays in Y Direction [6]: 6.00 Height of Building (feet) [60.00]: 60.00 Number of Floors................. [5]: 6.00 Dead Load of the Roof (pat) [ 30.00]: 100.00 Live Load of the Roof (psf) ............... [ 20.00]: 50.00 Dead Load for Each Floor (psf),............[100.00]: 100.00 Live Load for Each Floor (psf) ............[ 50.00]: 50.00 SELECT 1. PROCEED 2. REDO 3. HELP SELECT OPTIONS -- 1 Fig. 2.4 Building Data Input << LATERAL FORCE INPUT >> 1 st floor (Kips) C 0.00]: 13.30 2 nd floor (Kips) [ 0.00]: 13.80 3 th floor (Kips) ( 0.00].- 13.80 4 th floor (Kips) [ 0.00]: 13.80 5 tb floor (Kips) [ 0.00]: 13.80 SELECT 1. PROCEED 2. REDO 3. SELECT OPTIONS --- 1 HELP Fig. 2.5 Lateral Force Input 31 * * * * X - DIRECTION COLUMN SHEAR * * * SHEAR(Kipa) A B C D 1 FI. tl.SO 23.00 23.00 11.60 2 FI. 9.20 18.40 18.40 9.20 3 FI. 6.90 13.80 13.80 8.90 4 FI. 4.60 9.20 9.20 4.60 6 FI. 2.30 4.60 4.60 2.30 Press <Enter> to DATA sens. Fig. 2.6 Column Shear in X Direction * * « * X - DIRECTION COLUMN MOMENT « * * * MOMENT(K') A B C D 1 FI. 109.50 138.00 138.00 109.60 2 FI. 96.70 110.40 110.40 95.70 3 FI. 81.90 82.80 82.80 81.90 4 FI. 68.10 56.20 56.20 68.10 6 FI. 94.80 27.60 27.60 94.80 Press <Enter> to DATA Menu. V. Fig. 2.7 Column Moment in X Direction * * * * COLUMN AXIAL FORCE AXIAL-F<K) A B C D 1 FI. 259.60 450.00 450.00 259.50 2 FI. 202.08 360.00 360.00 202.08 3 FI. 147.42 270.00 270.00 147.42 4 FI. 96.52 180.00 180.00 96.52 6 FI. 46.38 90.00 90.00 46.38 Press <Enter> to DATA Menu. Fig. 2.8 Column Axial Force in X Direction BEAM SHEAR SHEAR(Kips> A B C D 1 FI . 57.42 67.42 57.42 57.42 2 FI . 64.66 54.66 54.66 54.66 3 FI . 51.90 51.90 61.90 51.90 4 FI . 49.14 49.14 49.14 49.14 5 FI . 46.38 46.38 46.38 46.38 Press <Enter> to DATA aenn. Fig. 2.9 Beam Shear in X Direction 33 \ » * » « BEAM MOMENT * * * * MOMENT(K1) A B C D 1 FI. 205.20 205.20 205.20 206.20 2 FI. 177.60 177.60 177.60 177.60 3 FI. 160.00 150.00 150.00 160.00 4 FI. 122.40 122.40 122.40 122.40 5 FI. 94.80 94.80 94.80 94.80 Press <Enter> to DATA nenu. Fig. 2.10 Beam Moment in X Direction SHEAR DIAGRAM jp jy r- - n , “ ‘ - r t i ui d j j U H M . - muu J J J J L ® * ” -jflfl — J U H I M **' _ - t T 1 PIUL- — r j J J i l h J " " SCALE : 1" = 16*-O' Press <ENTER> to return to MENU. Fig. 2.11 Shear Diagram MOMENT DIAGRAM SCALE : 1" 16’ - 0" Press <ENTER> to return to MENU. Fig. 2.12 Moment Diagram 35 CHAPTER 3: PROGRAM FRAME MAC I 3.1 INTRODUCTION t c | The Frame Mac program, developed by the COMPUneering company, is a.commercial structural analysis program for the Macintosh computer with graphic interface. With Frame Mac the user can analyze and design any 2-D frame, truss, or beam. | \ | The program is based on the direct stiffness ntethod of 0 ! linear elastic analysis and the small deflection theory, whereby the geometry of each element of the structure is 1 assumed not to change appreciably under the applied I loads. The stiffness matrix is solved by the modified 1 Cholesky method. i i ■ i I 36 3.2 USE OF FRAME MAC The flow chart and the use procedure of Frame Mac are [ shown as Fig. 3.1 - Fig. 3.5 (COMPUneering Inc., Manual of Frame Mac version 1.12). MAKE RECTANGULAR MESH : Choose this option from the [ Misc. menu, and type in whatever values you want for the j i intervals and locations of the mesh. (Fig. 3.2) Then you can connect appropriate nodes so as to combine the meshes into one structure. j NODES OR ELEMENT LOAD VALUES : After input loads or ! i j moments on the selected nodes or elements, choose "Node load values" or "Element load values" from the Show menu, and the load values will appear. (Fig. 3.3) ! I ANALYZE STRUCTURE : Choose "Analyze structure" from the il ji j Requests menu. (Fig. 3.4) Dashed lines will appear to I represent the deformed structure. I f i i SHOW THE SELECTED NODE IN NODE WINDOW : Select one node. ) I f Choose "Show the selected node in node window" from the i i ! | Node menu, and go the Node window. The figure will be I I shown frame's shear, axial and moment forces as Fig. 3.5. 37 Fig. 3.1 Frame Mac Program Structure see SELECT SELECT Tg.3.2 ( M 1SC > Make Rectangular Mesh— ( FILE )• Save tructure As .. 'SELECT ' NOOES OR Add Concentrated Force SELECT SELECT Add Distributed Load (SHOW Put Cone. Force On All Selected Nodes see lq.3.3, Put Distributed Load On All Selected Elements see lg.3.5, r Node Loads see SELECT lg.3.4, Show The Selected Node In Node Window - Node Load Values ( REQUESTS > (N O D E )— Analyze Structure Element Loads Element Load Values C O 00 FRAME MAC f i l e : QxS; Last modified at 5:34:03 AM on Sun, Feb 25, 1990 23 23 24 20 14 Fig. 3.2 Make Rectangular Mesh FRAME MAC f i l e : 13x5; Last modified at 5:34:03 AM on Sun, Feb 25, 1990 Above each load are the magnitudes i n l b , l b / f t , and l b - f t . FX- 1.38e+4 1.50643 FdY- 1.50643 FdY. 1 50e.3 21 22 23 FX. 1,36644 4.50643 FdY. 4.50e*3 FdY. 4.508*3 1 8 L 1 1 1 1 FX- 1,38644 4.50643 FdY. 4.50e+3 FdY- 4.50643 14" 15' FX« 1,38644 4.50643 FdY. 4.50e+3 FdY. 4 508.3 9 s s fm Ip FX. 138644 4.50643 FdY. 4.50e+3 FdY. 4.50643 e o 7 1 2 3 M► d 24 2 0 1 6 1 2 Fig. 3.3 Input Lateral Forces and Gravity Loads 39 r FRAME MAC f i l e : 0x5; Last modified at 5:34:03 AM on Sun. Feb 25. 1990 Above each had are the magnitudes in l b , I b f f l . and l b - f t . FX. 1.3864-4 1.50e+3 FdY. 1.500+3 FdY- 1.500+3 m, II FX. 1 r....— 38e+4 4.50e+3 Fdf. 4.500+3 FdY. 4.50O+3 7 I . /- ; 18S 19: FX- 138(1*4 4.500+3 Fdjf. 4 500+3 Fdy. 4.50e+3 1 3 1* * FX- 1,380*4 4.506*3 FdY. 4.50O+3 FdY. 4.500+3 > % * FX. 138e+4 4.50e+3 KdY- 4.50e+3 ETdY. 4.50e+3 i i 5, j j 1 2 3 4 >r af d 24 20; 4 1 6 •4 l i '*? I Fig. 3.4 Analyze Structure FRAME MAC f i l e : f3x5; Last modified at 5:34:03 AM on Sun, Feb 25. 1990 Node number: 6 . Location: X * 3.00e+1, Y - 1.20e+1 f t Node i s unrestrained. No loads currently applied on this node. 10 Loads from connected elements: Node at To the right _Jk_ Connected elements: Upwards _____ lb Counterclockwise _________U f c l L . 5 3.350+3 -5.720+4 2.58e+5 7 -1.51B+3 -3.570*4 •5.78e+4 2 -1.98B+4 3.95e+S -9.35e+4 10 1.79e+4 •3.02e+5 -1.07e+r Fig. 3.5 Show the Selected Node L 40 j CHAPTER 4: ACCURACY OF PORTAL AND GRAVITY METHOD j ! | 4.1 INTROUpCTION i i ' i In this chapter, we present and evaluate the accuracy of | the Portal and Gravity methods compared with analysis by j the Frame Mac program of frames of various heights (5, ! 10, 15,...., 40 stories) and configurations (3, 5 and 7 [ | bays in X direction). For each height and number of bays of the frame structure, five items are compared, namely : £ | column - max. shear, max. moment, and max. axial force j beam - max. shear and max. moment. i ; In order to clarify the differences between the Portal method and the Gravity method, three comparisons are \ | given, namely : Portal method only Gravity method only Combined Portal and Gravity methods. The tables and graphs assume the Frame Mac program to be j j 100 % correct, and give errors of the Portal method | values and in % (per cent). The percent errors are compiled as : Error = approximate value / correct value x 100% 41 The data of the lateral force in Sec. 4.2.1 and 4.4.1 - Data Tables are calculated by using Uniform Building Code (p. 138, Design Wind Pressures, formula (11-1)) p = Ce*Cq*Qs*I where: p = Design wind pressure. Ce = Combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient. Cq = Pressure coefficient for the structure or portion of structure under consideration. Qs = Wind stagnation pressure. I = Importance factor. 42 4.2 ACCURACY OF PORTAL METHOD 4.2.1 Data Tables General Information : X Dimension : 60 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 3 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 0 psf Live Load : 0 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) 5 floor* 60 Haight (ft) ITEM FRAME MAC CAFA DIFFERENCE % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( ) 1 9 .5 2 3 1 7 .9 COLUMN M AX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 1 4 3 1 3 8 —3 . 5 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 3 3 . 5 3 4 . 5 3 . 0 B E A M MAX. SHEAR { Kips ) 1 0 .7 1 2 .4 2 1 6 .1 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 1 0 2 1 2 4 . 2 2 1 . 7 Table 1 : 3 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 Hslght (ft) ITEM FRAME MAC CAFA DIFFERENCE % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Kip* ) 3 9 . 2 4 6 1 7 . 3 COLUMN MAX. M OMENT ( Kips - ft ) 2 9 1 2 7 6 - 5 . 2 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( K ip* ) 1 3 5 1 3 8 2 . 2 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 2 3 2 6 . 2 2 1 4 BEAM MAX. M OMENT ( K ip* - ft ) 2 1 9 2 6 2 . 2 1 9 . 7 Table 2 : 3 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 43 15 Floor* 180 Holghl (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR < K ip* ) 59 69 16.9 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( K ip . - H ) 441 41 4 -6 .1 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kips ) 300 310.5 3.5 BEAM MAX. SHEAR { K ip . ) 35.2 40.02 13.7 BEAM MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - f» ) 335 400.2 19.5 Table 3 : 3 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floor* 240 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR { Kip* ) 78.7 92 16.9 COLUMN M AX. M O M EN T ( Kips — fl ) 590 552 - 6 . 4 COLUMN M A X. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 529 552 4.3 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kip* ) 47.5 53.82 13.3 B E A M M AX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 452 538.2 19 Table 4 : 3 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Floors 300 Haight (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR < Kips ) 98.5 115 16.8 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( K ip . - ft ) 741 690 - 6 .9 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip* ) 821 862.5 5.1 B EAM MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 59.7 67.62 13.3 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip* - ft ) 568 676.2 19 Table 5 : 3 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 30 Floor* 360 HsIgM (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COUJUM MAX. SH EAR ( Kip* ) 118 138 16.9 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - n ) 891 828 -7 .1 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1180 1242 5.2 B E A M MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 71.9 81.42 13.2 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 684 814.2 19 Table 6 : 3 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Hsight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 138 161 16.7 COLUM N MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 1040 966 -7 .1 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RC E ( Kips ) 1590 1690.5 6.3 BEAM MAX. SHEAR { Kips ) 84 95.22 13.3 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 800 952.2 19 Table 7 : 3 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 NsIgM (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 158 184 16.4 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 1190 1104 - 7 . 2 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2070 2208 6.7 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 96.2 109.02 13.3 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 916 1090.2 19 Table 8 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 45 pGenera-l—I-nf ormabion-:--- ----------- I j X Dimension : 100 ft | Y Dimension : 150 ft I No. of Bays in X Direction : 5 j No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 i Dead Load : 0 psf ; Live Load : 0 psf | Lateral Force : 13.8 kips ; (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) j I I I I 5 Floors 60 Height (H) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Kfps ) 12.7 13.8 8.7 COLUMN M AX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 92.6 82.8 - 1 0 . 6 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) . 2 0 . 8 20.7 - 0 . 4 B E A M M AX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 6.82 7.45 9.2 B E A M M AX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 64.7 74.52 15.2 j Table 9 : 5 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR { Wp» ) 25.3 27.6 9.1 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 187 165.6 - 1 1 .4 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 81.7 82.8 1.3 B EAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 14.5 15.73 8.5 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 138 157.3 13.9 Table 10 : 5 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 46 15 Floor* 180 Haig hi (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. SH EAR ( l«P» ) 37.9 4 1 .4 9.2 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 282 24 8.4 - 1 1 .9 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip. ) 178 186.3 4.6 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Kip. > 22.1 24.01 8.6 B E A M M AX. M O M ENT ( Kips - H ) 210 240.12 14.3 Table 11 : 5 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 H.lght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. S H EA R ( Kfps ) 50.5 55.2 9.3 COLUM N M AX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 376 331.2 - 1 1 .9 COLUM N M AX. AXIAL FO RC E ( Kip. ) 307 331.2 7.9 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kip. ) 29.7 32.29 8.7 B E A M M A X. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 282 322.92 14.5 Table 12 : 5 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Floors 300 H.lght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 63.1 69 9.3 COLUM N M AX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 471 414 -1 2 .1 COLUM N MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip. ) 468 517.5 10.6 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 37.2 40.57 9.0 B E A M M AX. M OM ENT { Kfps - ft ) 354 405.7 14.6 Table 13 : 5 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 47 30 Floor* 360 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S M E A R ( Kip* ) 75.7 82.8 9.4 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip* - H ) 566 496.8 - 1 2 .2 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 659 7 4 5.2 13.1 B EAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 44.8 48.85 9.0 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 426 488.5 14.7 Table 14 : 5 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 H*lght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. SH EAR ( Kfpa ) 88.2 96.6 9.5 COLUMN M AX. M O M ENT ( Kipa — ft ) 661 57 9.6 - 1 2 .3 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 882 1014.3 15 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 52.4 57.13 9.0 B E A M M AX. M O M EN T ( Kip* - ft ) 498 571.3 14.7 Table 15 : 5 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Fleers 480 Height (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR ( Kip* ) 101 110.4 9.3 COLUMN M AX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 757 662.4 - 1 2 .5 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RC E ( Klpa ) 1130 1324.8 17.2 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 59.9 65.41 9.2 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 570 654.12 14.7 I .Table 16 : 5 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height j —General-—Information'—s — ------- i ! X Dimension : 140 ft ! Y Dimension : 150 ft | No. of Bays in X Direction : 7 j No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 ! Dead Load : 0 psf Live Load : 0 psf i Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) 5 Floor* 60 Holght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 9.59 9.86 2 . 8 COLUMN MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 69.5 59.14 - 1 4 .9 COLUM N MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 15.1 14.79 - 2 SEA M M AX. S H EA R ( Kips ) 5.05 5.32 5.3 B E A M MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 47.9 53 .23 11.1 | Table 17 : 7 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 HoIgM (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 18.8 19.71 4.8 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 139 118.29 - 1 4 .9 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 59.2 59.14 -0 .1 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 10.6 11.24 6.0 B E A M M AX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 99.5 112.37 12.9 j Table 18 : 7 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 49 15 Floor* 180 Haight (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR ( Kip* ) 28.1 29.57 5.2 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT { Klpa - ft ) 208 177.43 - 1 4 .7 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 127 133.07 4.8 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kip. ) 16.1 17.15 6.5 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT { Klpa - ft ) 153 171.51 12.1 Table 19 : 7 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. S H EA R ( Kips } 37.3 39 .43 5.7 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 277 236.57 - 1 4 .6 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip* ) 216 236.57 9.5 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 21.6 23.07 6.8 B E A M M AX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 206 230.66 11.9 Table 20 : 7 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Floors 300 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR ( Kip* ) 46.5 49.29 6.0 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 346 295.71 - 1 4 .5 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 326 3 6 9 .6 4 13.4 B E A M MAXt SHEAR ( Ktp* ) ‘ 27.1 2 8 .9 8 6.9 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 258 289.8 12.3 Table 21 : 7 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 50 30 Floors 360 Ho1gM (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 55.7 5 9 .1 4 6.2 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT { K ip , - H ) 416 35 4.86 - 1 4 .7 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kips ) 454 532.29 17.2 B EAM MAX. S M E A R ( Kfps ) 32.6 34 .89 7.0 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 310 3 4 8 .9 4 12.6 Table 22 : 7 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Hslght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. S H EA R { Kips ) 64.9 69 6.3 COLUMN M AX. M OM ENT ( Kips - H ) 485 414 - 1 4 .6 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 601 724.5 20.5 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 38.1 40.81 7.1 B E A M M AX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 362 408.09 12.7 Table 23 ; 7 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 Nslghl (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 74.2 7 8 .8 6 6.3 COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 555 4 7 3 .1 4 - 1 4 .7 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 767 946.29 23 .4 B E A M MAX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 1 43.6 4 6 .7 2 7.2 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 414 4 6 7.2 3 12.8 Table 24 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height si i I 4.2.2 Data Graphs The graphs show errors in Z (p’ er cent) of the Portal method compared with Frame Mac analysis. General Information : X Dimension (3 bays) : 60 ft X Dimension (5 bays) : 100 ft X Dimension (7 bays) : 140 ft Y Dimension (5 bays) : 150 ft Dead Load : 0 psf Live Load : 0 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Bay, per Floor in X direction) Variables : 3 Bays in X direction . 5 Bays in X direction ------------------------ 7 Bays in X direction_________ ____ _ ________ _ _ __ Compared Item : Column max. shear (Fig. 4.1) Column max. moment (Fig. 4.2) Column max. axial force (Fig. 4.3) Beam max. shear (Fig. 4.4) Beam max. moment (Fig. 4.5) 52 COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. SHEAR c DIFFERENCE (X) go BO 70 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 25 15 20 30 35 40 10 ( NUM BER OF STO RIES > | Fig. 4.1 Column max. shear (Portal method only) COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. MOMENT DIFFERENCE (X) 90 BO 70 60 50 40 20 10 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 1 5 20 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 10 ( NUM BER OF STORIES > 4.2 Column max. moment (Portal method only) COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE DIFFERENCE (X) B O B O 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -20 ■30 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 4 0 2 5 3 5 20 3 0 ( NUM BER OF STORIES > j Fig. 4.3 Column max. axial force (Portal method only) 55 COMPARED ITEM : BEAM MAX. SHEAR DIFFERENCE (X) S O B O 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 { NUMBER OF STORIES > Fig. 4.4 Beam max. shear (Portal method only) COMPARED ITEM : BEAM MAX. MOMENT DIFFERENCE <X) 90 80 70 60 50 40 - 1 0 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 15 20 25 35 40 30 10 { NUM BER OF STORIES > 4.5 Beam max. moment (Portal method only) 4.3 ACCURACY OF GRAVITY METHOD 4.3.1 Data Tables General Information : X Dimension : 60 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 3 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 0 kips 5 floors 60 HtigM (ft) ITEM FR A M E M A C C A F A D IFFEREN C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Klp» ) COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip* - ft ) 54.1 4 0 .5 -2 5 .1 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kip* ) 392 3 9 0 - 0 . 5 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 4 6 .4 45 - 3 . 0 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 156 81 - 4 8 Table 25 : 3 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 H.igM (tl) ITEM FR A M E M A C C A F A DIFFERENCE % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) COLUMN MAX. MOMENT ( Kip* - ft ) 56 4 0 .5 - 2 7 . 6 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kip* ) 8 1 6 84 0 2.9 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 45.9 45 - 1 . 9 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - n ) 150 81 - 4 6 Table 26 : 3 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 58 15 Ficon ISO Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) COLUM N MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 57.1 4 0 .5 -2 9 .1 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1200 1290 7.5 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 45.5 45 -1 .1 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 147 81 - 4 4 .9 Table 27 : 3 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) COLUMN M AX. M O M EN T ( Klpa - ft ) 57.8 40.5 - 2 9 . 9 COLUM N M A X. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1 5 7 0 1 7 4 0 1 0 .8 B E A M M AX. S H EA R ( Klpa ) 4 5 . 4 4 5 - 0 . 9 B E A M MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft.) 1 4 5 81 - 4 4 . 1 Table 28 : 3 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Fleers 300 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) COLUM N MAX. M O M ENT { Klpa - ft ) 58.1 40.5 - 3 0 .3 COLUM N M AX. AXIAL FO RC E ( Kips ) 1920 21 90 14 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 45.3 45 - 0 .6 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 144 81 - 4 3 .7 iTable 29 ; 3 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 30 Floor* 360 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. SHEAR ( Kfpt ) COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 58.2 40.5 - 3 0 .4 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( KI|>* ) 2270 2 6 40 16.3 B E A M MAX. SHEAR { Klpa ) 45.2 45. - 0 . 4 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT < Kips - ft ) 144 81 - 4 3 .7 Table 30 : 3 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height I 35 Floors 420 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. SHEAR ( Kips > COLUMN M AX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 58.3 40.5 - 3 0 .5 COLUM N M A X. AXIAL FO RC E ( Kips ) 2610 3090 18.4 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kip* ) 45.2 45 - 0 .4 B E A M MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 144 81 - 4 3 .7 ' Table 31 : 3 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height I 40 Floors 480 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SHEAR ( Klpa ) COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 58.3 40.5 - 3 0 .5 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2940 3540 20.4 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 45.2 45 - 0 . 4 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 144 81 - 4 3 .7 ’Table 32 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height .6.0. General Information : X Dimension : 100 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 5 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 0 kips 5 Floors 60 Hsight (ft) new FRAME MAC CAFA DIFFERENCE % COLUMN WAX. SHEAR ( Kfps ) COLUMN MAX. MOMENT ( Kips - « ) 5 4 .7 4 0 .5 - 2 5 .9 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kips ) 392 3 9 0 - 0 . 5 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 4 6 .4 45 - 3 . 0 BEAM MAX. MOMENT ( Kips - f t ) 156 81 - 4 8 Table 33 : 5 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 HsigM (ft) ITEM FRAME MAC CAFA DIFFERENCE % COLUMN MAX. SHCAR ( Kips ) COLUMN MAX. MOMENT { Kips - « ) 5 6 .7 4 0 .5 - 2 8 . 6 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kips ) 815 84 0 3 .0 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 45.9 4 5 - 1 . 9 BEAM MAX. MOMENT ( Kips - f t ) 150 81 - 4 6 Table 34 : 5 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 61 1S Floor* 180 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S H C A R ( WP» > COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT < Klpa - H ) 58 40.5 - 3 0 .2 COLUMN M AX. MIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 1210 1290 6 . 6 B E A M MAX. SH EAR < *fp» ) 45.5 45 -1 .1 B E A M MM. M OM ENT { Klpa - ft ) 147 81 - 4 4 .9 Table 35 : 5 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N MM. S H C A R ( Klp» ) COLUMN MM. M O M ENT { Kip* - ft ) 58.8 40.5 -3 1 .1 COLUMN MM. MIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1600 1740 8.7 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Klpa ) 45.3 45 - 0 . 7 B E A M MM. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 145 81 -4 4 .1 Table 36 : 5 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Floors 300 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MM. S H C A R ( Kfpa ) COLUMN MM. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 59.3 40.5 - 3 1 .7 COLUMN MM. MIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1980 21 90 10.6 B E A M MM. SH EAR ( Kip* ) 45.2 45 - 0 . 4 B E A M MM. MOM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 144 81 - 4 3 .7 Table 37 : 5 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 62 30 floor* 36d' Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S H C A R ( Kips > COLUM N MAX. M OM ENT { Klpa - ft ) 59.6 40.5 - 3 2 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 2350 2640 12.3 B E A M MAX. SH EAR { Klpa > 45.1 45 - 0 . 2 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT { Klpa - ft ) 143 81 - 4 3 .3 Table 38 : 5 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. S H C A R ( Kfps ) COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT { Klpa - ft ) 59.7 40.5 - 3 2 .2 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2730 3090 13.2 B E A M MAX. S H EA R ( Klpa ) 45.1 45 - 0 .2 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 143 81 - 4 3 .3 Table 39 : 5 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 Haight (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S H C A R ( Klpa ) COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 59.8 40.5 - 3 2 .3 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Klpa ) 3100 3540 14.2 B EAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kfps ) 45 45 0 .0 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 142 81 - 4 3 Table 40 : 5 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 63 ^-General” Inf ormation : — ~ | X Dimension : 14 0 ft i Y Dimension : 150 ft: No. of Bays in X Direction : 7 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 . Dead Load : 100 psf j Live Load : 50 psf ! Lateral Force : 0 kips i j , it j ! 5 Floors 60 H.ighi (11) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S H C A R ( Kip. ) COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - « ) 55.2 40.5 - 2 6 .6 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip. ) 392 390 - 0 . 5 B E A M M AX. SH EAR ( Kfp. ) 46.4 45 - 3 . 0 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - H ) 156 81 - 4 8 t ’Table 41 : 7 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height | j to floors 120 HttgM ( * ) F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % ITEM COLUMN MM. S H C A R ( Kip. ) COLUMN MAX. M0MCNT 57.8 40.5 - 3 0 COLUMN FORCE ( Kips ) I. AXIAL 815 840 3.0 B EAM M A ( Kfp. ) 45.6 45 BEAM MAX. MOMENT 149 45.6 Table 42 : 7 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height ! 64 IS Floor* 180 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. SH EAR ( Kip* ) COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT < Kip* - H ) 58.6 40.5 - 3 0 .8 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1210 1290 6.6 B E A M M AX. SHEAR ( Klpa ) 45.5 45 -1 .1 B E A M M AX. M OM CNT ( Klpa - ft ) 147 81 - 4 4 .9 Table 43 : 7 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floor* 240 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. SH EAR < Kip* ) COLUM N M AX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 59.5 40.5 -3 1 .9 COLUMN M A X. AXIAL FO RC E ( Kips ) 1600 1740 8.7 BEAM M AX. SHEAR ( Kfp* ) 45.3 45 - 0 .7 B E A M MAX. M O M C N T { Kips - ft ) 145 81 -4 4 .1 Table 44 : 7 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Fleers 300 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUM N MAX. S H EA R ( Kip. ) COLUMN MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip* - ft ) 60 40.5 - 3 2 .5 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FORCE ( Klpa ) 1980 2190 10.6 B E A M MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. ) 45.2 45 - 0 .4 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip* - ft ) 143 81 - 4 3 .3 Table 45 : 7 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 65 30 Floor* 360 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. S M E A R ( Kips > COLUMN MAX. M O M C N T ( Kip. - ft ) 60.4 40.5 - 3 2 .9 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip. ) 2360 2640 1 1.8 SEA M MAX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 45.1 45 - 0 .2 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 143 81 - 4 3 .3 Table 46 : 7 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) COLUMN M AX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 60.6 40.5 - 3 3 .2 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2750 3090 12.4 SEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kips ) 45 45 0.0 B E A M MAX. M O M ENT ( Klpa - ft ) 142 81 - 4 3 Table 47 : 7 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 Haight (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) COLUMN MAX. M O M C N T ( Kips - ft ) 60.8 40.5 - 3 3 .4 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kips ) 3140 3540 12.7 BEAM M AX. SH EAR ( Klpa ) 45 45 0.0 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ff ) 142 81 - 4 3 Table 48 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 66 4.3.2 Data Graphs The graphs show errors in X (per cent) of the Gravity method compared with Frame Mac analysis. General Information : X Dimension (3 bays) : 60 ft X Dimension (5 bays) : 100 ft X Dimension (7 bays) : 140 ft Y Dimension (5 bays) : 150 ft Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 0 kips (per Bay, per Floor in X direction) Variables : 3 Bays in X direction.___________________________________________ 5 Bays in X direction ------------------ ---------------- 7 Bays in X direction _____ _ _ ________ __ __ Compared Item : Column max. moment (Fig. 4.6) Column max. axial force (Fig. 4.7) Beam max. shear (Fig. 4.8) Beam max. moment (Fig. 4.9) 67 COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. MOMENT DIFFERENCE (*> 0 0 BO 70 60 SO 40 30 2 0 10 - 1 0 -20 -30 -40 -SO -60 -70 - 8 0 -80 15 20 25 30 40 35 ( NUM BER OF STORIES ) Fig. 4.6 Column max. moment (Gravity method only) 68 COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE DIFFERENCE (* ) B O B O 70 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -BO -90 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( NUM BER OF STORIES ) | Fig. 4.7 Column max. axial force (Gravity method only) i' f j | i \ I \ I 69 COMPARED ITEM : BEAM MAX. SHEAR DIFFERENCE (X) go B O 70 60 S O 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 - S O -60 -70 -80 -90 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( NUM BER OF STORIES ) Fig. 4.8 Beam max. shear (Gravity method only) J 4.4 ACCURACY OF COMBINED PORTAL AND GRAVITY METHODS 4.4.1 Data Tables General Information : X Dimension : 60 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 3 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 100 psf | Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) 5 Floors 60 Height (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 19.8 23 16.1 COLUM N MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 144 138 -4 .1 COLUM N MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 395 390 - 1 .3 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 57.2 57.42 0.0 B E A M MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 258 205.2 - 2 0 .5 Table 49 : 3 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Fleers 120 Height (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 39.3 46 17 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 291 276 -5 .1 COLUM N M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 818 840 2.7 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Kips ) 68.9 71.22 3.4 B EAM MAX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 369 343.2 - 7 .0 Table 50 : 3 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 71 IS Floor* 180 Height (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SHEAR ( Kip* ) 58.9 69 17.1 COLUMN M AX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 440 414 - 5 .9 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE ( Kip* ) 1190 1290 8.4 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( l«P» ) 80.8 85.02 5.2 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 482 481.2 - 0 . 2 Table 51 : 3 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 Haight (N) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. S H E A R ( KIP* ) 78.5 92 17.2 COLUMN MAX. M O M EN T ( Kip. - « ) 590 552 - 6 .4 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1530 1740 13.7 B E A M MAX. S H EA R ( K'P» ) 92.8 98.82 6.5 B E A M MAX. M O M EN T ( Kips - ft ) 597 619.2 3.7 Table 52 : 3 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 2S Floors 300 Haight (ft) ITEM F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COLUMN MAX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 98.3 115 17 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kips - ft ) 740 690 - 6 . 7 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 1830 2 1 90 19.7 B E A M MAX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 105 112.62 7.3 B EAM MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 712 757.2 6.3 Table 53 : 3 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 72 30 Floor* 360 Holght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % COUIMN M AX. S M E A R ( Kip* ) 118 138 16.9 COLUMN MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - H ) 890 828 - 6 .9 COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2 1 1 0 2640 25.1 B E A M MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. > 117 126.42 8 . 1 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 828 895.2 8 . 1 Table 54 : 3 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Holght (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUM N M AX. SH EAR { Kip. ) 138 161 16.7 COLUM N M AX. M O M ENT ( Kips - ft ) 1040 966 -7 .1 COLUMN M A X. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kips ) 2360 3090 30.9 B E A M M AX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 129 140.22 8.7 B E A M MAX. M OM ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 944 1033.2 9.4 Table 55 : 3 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 HalgM (ft) ITE M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % COLUMN M AX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 157 184 17.2 COLUMN M AX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 1190 1104 - 7 . 2 COLUMN M AX. AXIAL FO RCE ( Kip. ) 2590 3540 36.7 B EAM M AX. SH EAR ( Kip. ) 141 154.02 9.2 B EAM MAX. M O M ENT ( Kip. - ft ) 1060 1171.2 10.5 Table 56 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 73 General Information : X Dimension : 100 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 5 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) S Floors 60 Holght (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 12.8 13.8 7.8 CO LU M N M A X . M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 92.6 82.8 - 1 0 .6 C O LU M N M A X . AXIA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 394 390 - 1 .0 B E A M M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 53.3 52.45 - 1 .6 B E A M M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 221 155.52 - 2 9 .6 Table 57 : 5 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 rieera 120 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips > 25.2 27.6 9.5 C O LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 186 165.6 -1 0 .9 CO LU M N MAX. AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 817 840 2.8 B E A M M AX. S H E A R { Kips ) 60.3 60.73 0.7 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 288 238.32 - 1 7 Table 58 : 5 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 15 risen 180 Height (fl) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N M AX. S H E A R ( K'P* ) 37.6 41 .4 10.1 C OLU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - « ) 280 248.4 - 1 1 .3 C OLU M N MAX. AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 1210 1290 6.6 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 67.6 69.01 2.1 B E A M M A X. M O M E N T { Kips - ft ) 357 3 2 1.1 2 - 1 0 .0 Table 59 : 5 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 Height (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 50 55.2 10.4 C O LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 374 331.2 - 1 1 .4 C O L U M N M A X . AXIA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 1600 1740 8.7 S E A M M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 75.1 77.29 2.9 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T { Kips - ft ) 426 40 3.92 - 5 . 2 Table 60 : 5 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Fleers 300 Height (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFFE R E N C E % C O LU M N MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 62.5 69 10.4 C O LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - H ) 468 414 - 1 1.5 C O LU M N M AX. AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 1910 2190 14.6 B E A M M A X. S H E A R ( Kfps ) 82.4 85.57 3.8 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 498 4 8 6.7 2 - 2 . 3 Table 61 : 5 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 75 30 risers 360 Height (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % C O LU M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 75 82.8 10.4 C O LU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 563 496.8 - 1 1 .7 C O LU M N M A X . AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 2230 2640 18.4 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Klp» ) 89.9 93.85 4.4 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 569 5 6 9.52 0 . 0 Table 62 : 5 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 87.6 96.6 10.3 C O LU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 658 579.6 - - 1 1 .9 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 2540 3090 21.6 BEAM MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 97.4 102.13 4.8 B E A M M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 641 652.32 1.8 Table 63 : 5 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 Haight (ft) IT E M FRAME MAC CAFA DIFFERENCE % C O LU M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 100 110.4 10.4 C O LU M N M A X . M O M E N T ( Kips - « ) 753 662.4 - 1 2 .0 C O LU M N M A X . AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 2830 3540 25.1 B E A M M AX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 105 110.41 5.1 B E A M M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 715 73 5.12 2.8 Table 64 : 5 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 76 General Information : X Dimension : 140 ft Y Dimension : 150 ft No. of Bays in X Direction : 7 No. of Bays in Y Direction : 5 Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Floor, per Bay in X Direction) 5 Floors 60 Hoighl (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O L U M N M AX. S H E A R ( Kips > 9.59 9.86 2 . 8 C O L U M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - « ) 68.9 59.14 - 1 4 .2 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 393 390 - 0 .7 B E A M M AX. S H E A R < Kips ) 51.5 50.32 - 2 .3 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 204 134.23 - 3 4 .2 Table 65 : 7 Bays / 5 Floors / 60 ft Height 10 Floors 120 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 18.7 19.71 5.4 C O LU M N M A X . M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 141 118.29 -1 6 .1 CO LU M N MAX. AXIA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 817 840 2.8 B E A M M A X . S H E A R ( Kips ) 56.5 5 6 .24 - 0 . 4 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 251 193.37 - 2 3 Table 66 : 7 Bays / 10 Floors / 120 ft Height 77 15 Floor. 160 Height (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N MAX. S H E A R ( Kip. > 27.6 29.57 7.1 C O LU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Kip. - ft ) 205 177.43 - 1 3 .4 C O LU M N MAX. AXIAL F O R C E ( Kips ) 1210 1290 6.6 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kip. ) 61.6 62.15 0.9 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kip. - ft ) 300 252.51 - 1 5 .8 Table 67 : 7 Bays / 15 Floors / 180 ft Height 20 Floors 240 H.ighl (fl) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IF F E R E N C E % C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( i c r P . ) 36.7 39.43 7.4 C O L U M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 274 23 6.5 7 - 1 3 .7 C O L U M N M AX. AXIA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 1580 1740 10.1 BEAM MAX. SHEAR ( Kip. > 66.9 68.07 1.7 B E A M M AX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 351 311.66 - 1 1 .2 , Table 68 : 7 Bays / 20 Floors / 240 ft Height 25 Floors 300 Holght (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % CO LU M N MAX. S H E A R ( Kip. > 45.8 49.29 7.6 CO LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips — ft ) 343 295.71 - 1 3 .8 C O LU M N M AX. AXIAL FO R C E ( Kips ) 1940 2190 12.9 B E A M MAX. S H E A R < Kip. ) 72.3 73.98 2.3 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kip. - ft ) 402 3 7 0 .8 - 7 . 8 1 Table 69 : 7 Bays / 25 Floors / 300 ft Height 78 30 Floors 360 Haig hi (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N MAX. S H E A R ( Klpa ) 54.9 59.14 7.7 C O LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Kip. - H ) 412 354.86 - 1 3 .9 C O LU M N M AX. AXIA L F O R C C ( Kips ) 2280 26 40 15.8 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Kips ) 77.7 79.89 2 . 8 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T { Kips - H ) 453 42 9 .9 4 - 5 .1 Table 70 : 7 Bays / 30 Floors / 360 ft Height 35 Floors 420 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N M A X . S H E A R ( Kip* ) 64.1 69 7.6 C O LU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Klpa - ft ) 481 414 - 1 3 .9 C O L U M N M A X . AXIA L F O R C E ( Kips ) 2620 3090 17.9 B E A M M A X. S H E A R ( Kip. ) 83.1 85.81 3.3 B E A M MAX. M O M E N T ( Kips - ft ) 505 489.09 - 3 .2 Table 71 : 7 Bays / 35 Floors / 420 ft Height 40 Floors 480 Haight (ft) IT E M F R A M E M A C C A F A D IFF E R E N C E % C O LU M N M AX. S H E A R ( Klpa ) 73.2 78.86 7.7 C O LU M N MAX. M O M E N T ( Klpa - ft ) 550 4 7 3.14 - 1 3 .9 C O LU M N MAX. AXIA L F O R C E ( Klpa ) 2950 * 3540 20 .0 B E A M MAX. S H E A R ( Klpa ) 88.6 91.72 3.5 B E A M M AX. M O M E N T ( Klpa - ft ) 556 548.23 - 1 . 4 Table 72 : 3 Bays / 40 Floors / 480 ft Height 79 4.4.2 Data Graphs The graphs show errors in % (per cent) of combined Portal and Gravity methods compared with Frame Mac analysis. General Information : X Dimension (3 bays) : 60 ft X Dimension (5 bays) : 100 ft X Dimension (7 bays) : 140 ft Y Dimension (5 bays) : 150 ft Dead Load : 100 psf Live Load : 50 psf Lateral Force : 13.8 kips (per Bay, per Floor in X direction) Variables : 3 Bays in X direction_______________________________________ 5 Bays in X direction ----------------------------- 7 Bays in X direction _____ _ ________ _ _________ _ Compared Item : Column max. shear (Fig. 4.10) Column max. moment (Fig. 4.11) Column max. axial force (Fig. 4.12) Beam max. shear (Fig. 4.13) Beam max. moment (Fig. 4.14) 80 COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. SHEAR D IFFE RE N C E ( * ) 00 B O 70 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( N U M B E R OF S TO R IE S > Fig. 4.10 Column max. shear (Portal and Gravity methods) a i COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. MOMENT DIFFERENCE (X ) 90 8 Q 70 60 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( NUMBER OF STORIES > Fig. 4.11 Column max. moment (Portal and Gravity methods) COMPARED ITEM : COLUMN MAX. AXIAL FORCE D IFFE RE N C E (X ) 80 B O 70 50 40 30 20 -10 -20 -30 -S O -60 -80 -80 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( N U M B E R OF S TO R IE S > 4.12 Column max. axial force (Portal and Gravity methods) COMPARED ITEM : BEAM MAX. SHEAR DIFFERENCE (X> 90 B O 70 60 S O 40 30 20 10 -10 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 - B O -90 40 30 35 15 20 25 ( N U M B E R OF STORIES ) Fig. 4.13 Beam max. shear (Portal and Gravity methods) COMPARED ITEM : BEAM MAX. MOMENT D IFFE RE N C E (X ) B O B O 60 50 20 1 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( N U M B E R OF S TO R IE S > Fig. 4.14 Beam max. moment (Portal and Gravity methods) 85 CONCLUSIONS The aim of the work described in this thesis to evaluate the accuracy of the Portal and Gravity methods for frames of various heights and configurations. Tables 73-81 list the accuracy of these methods and comparing three levels of heights (low, mid and high- rise) and give average differences of shear, moment and axial forces in the frames. Based on these average differences, we can apply the following formula to obtain a better accuracy for member forces : Accurate value = a / (1 + b/100%) a = A member force from CAFA program b = Average difference This adjustment will be helpful to get more accurate values in the structural calculation with the Portal method. The improvement of Portal method for column axial force: From Fig. 4.3, the accuracy of the column axial force calculated by the Portal method is suitable to lower and less bay structure. When the structure is above 15 stories, then the difference increases linearly. The formula described behind will reduce the percentage of the difference for column axial force, thus 86 | Improved value = A - [3(N-15/5) + 2]L/(4B) l I A = Column axial force value from CAFA program | N = Number of stories > 15 \ L = X dimension : B = Number of bays in X direction ! The improved value for column max axial force is shown as Table 82-84 and Fig. 4.15. Red lines represent ! improved lines. s I i The improvement of Gravity method for beam end moment: ) | In Sec. 1.5 the formula of the beam end moment I Me = -.045(w)LxL is based on the assumption 1, assumed that the points of inflection of beams are at 10% of the span at each end, I | but from Fig. 4.9, the average accuracy of beam max. moment is 44.7%. If change the inflection points of ! beams from 10% to 20% of the span at each end, we will reduce 42.9% difference for the average accuracy of beam | max. moment (Table 85-87 and Fig. 4.16), that is j I w(.6L) (,2)L \ Me = - ■ ------(-2L) - w(.2) x ------ I 2 2 | = - .08(w)LxL | Red lines in Fig. 4.16 represent improved linens. 87 There are still several ways to extend the research of this thesis, such as extend the application to frames for eighty or ninety stories. Furthermore, to compare the accuracy of the Portal method for frames with unequal spans. 88 (ft) IT E M A R M S N F IB S M E (X ) OMptnd « B ) FUME MAC prtjran 1 1 0 lliMt (Up H *W rl) 1 5 -3 0 flaw* ( M M * N g M ) 3 3 . « nta* ( H th - r fr * H « * H } C O L U M N M A X . S M E A R ( Wp* ) 1 7 .6 1 6 .9 1 1 6 .6 C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( K lp « - ft > - 4 . 4 - 6 . 6 - 7 . 2 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( K F p * ) 2 .6 4 .5 6 .5 Beam max. shear ( Mp* ) 15.1 1 3 .4 1 3 .3 BEAM MAX. MOMENT ( Kipp - « ) 2 0 .7 19.1 1 9 .0 Table 73 :: Accuracy of Portal method ( 3 Bay In X Direction ) («) AVERAGE M FTBKXCE (X ) w n rjw p d pMi F R A Iff MAC p n p ip m ITEM 3 , 1 0 n*M (L # P M lg M ) 1 5 -1 0 flMTP (MOM HM gM ) 3 S , 4 0 Haan (H tg h -iM * H *l(p ti) C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( ) 6 .9 9 .3 9 .4 C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( Klpa - n > - 1 1 . 0 - 1 2 . 0 - 1 2 . 4 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( Kip* ) 0 .5 9 .1 16.1 B E A M M A X . S H E A R „ ( "P* ) 8 .9 Q S f 9-1 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( Kipp - I t ) 14.B 1 4 .5 1 4 .7 Table 74 : Accuracy of Portal method ( 5 Bay in X Direction ) ( f t ) ITEM A M B U S W T T K H flf 0 0 p o n p tn rf « 0 h R U M S MAC p n g m n 1 10 FMm (Up Mfri) 1 5 -3 0 fl*M (MM* IWgM) B. 40 n*M Ht^M) C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( Wp« ) 3 .8 5 .8 6 .3 C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( t a p . - ft y - 1 4 . 9 - 1 4 . 6 - 1 4 . 7 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( Kipp ) - 1 . 1 1 1 .2 2 2 .0 B E A M M A X . S H E A R ( K ip . ) 5 .7 6 .8 7 .2 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip p - ft ) 1 2 .0 1 2 .2 1 2 .8 Table 75 : Accuracy of Portal method ( 7 Bay in X Direction ) 89 (ft) ITEM AVERAOE B O T O B ttX (X ) ttn fw r a d « th F A M E MAC p n g ra m J , t o m a t ft*. IM tfr f) IWO Flur* QMflf HMpM) 3 5 . 4 0 nt en O U g h -ilH h * m ) C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( K ip * ) C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip * “ ff ) -26.4 -29.9 -30.5 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( K ip * ) 1.2 12.1 19.4 SCAM MAX. SHEAR ( K ip * ) -2 .5 -0 .8 -0 .4 BEAM MAX. MOMENT ( K ip * - f t ) -4 7 -44.1 -43.7 Toble 76 : Accuracy of Gravity method ( 3 Bay In X Direction ) ( H ) IT E M AVERAGE M fT B O W E (X ) w n p o n d «S h R U N E MAC m m 9 , 10 R a m (L a * tM g tit) 1 5 -3 0 U r n (H M D * H rtg M ) 3 5 , 4 0 F Im i* ( M g ti- ilN W IN } C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R < kin ) C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip * - f t ) -27.2 — 31.3 -32.3 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( K ip * ) 1.3 9.6 13.7 B E A M M A X . S H E A R ' ( K 'N ) -2 .5 -O f - 0 . 1 S E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip * - f t ) -4 7 -4 4 .0 -4 3 .2 Table 77 : Accuracy of Gravity method ( 5 Bay in X Direction ) — ( f t ) IT E M AVERM E n m X E N C E (X ) oonmnd « f i FRAME MAC p n g ra m X to n * M ( L n 19- 30 n tm (HUM M rig M ) 3 9 . 4 0 n m (M g W llM H * t|M } C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( « P * ) C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip . - ft ) -2 8.3 -32.0 -33.3 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( K ip * ) 1.3 9.4 ^ 12.6 R E A M M A X . S H E A R ( K » P * ) -2 .2 -0 .6 0.0 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip * - n ) -4 6.8 -43.9 -4 3 Table 78 ; Accuracy of Gravity method ( 7 Bay in X Direction ) 90 *'■"— (ft) it e m ^ AVtUK D ffF E R E K C E (*) aenp*(«d trth F U M E UK p ra g ra m L H Ih M 0«| MgM) 15-30 FlM* (|flMI« MgM) 35. «t Ftot O flgh-rfn IW g M ) C O LU M N M AX. S H E A R ( KlP* ) 1 6 .6 1 7.1 i 1 7 .0 C O LU M N M AX. M O M E N T ( Kin - f» ) - 4 . 6 - 6 . 5 - 7 . 2 C O LU M N M AX. AXIA L FO R C E ( Kfp» ) 0 .7 1 6 .7 3 3 .8 Beam ma x. shear ( Wp. ) 1 .7 6 .8 9 .0 BEAM MAX. MOMENT < Hp* - It ) - 1 3 . 8 4 .5 1 0 .0 Table 79 : Accuracy of combined Portal and Gravity methofd? ( 3 Bay in X Direction ) — — («) IT E M 1 — AVOMCE K F ra ffX C C 0 1 ) mmni « flh fM M C UK p n g ra m P. tO n o o n ( Iat iM g M ) 1 S -J 9 A m * (KMCBa H M ght) 4 0 fbart (M g rt-d ra H d g M ) C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R < > 8.7 1 0 . 3 1 0 . 4 C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip . - f t ) - 1 0 . 8 - 1 1 . 0 -1 Z .0 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L F O R C E ( K lp a ) 0.9 1 2 . 1 2 3 . 4 S E A M M A X . S H E A R ( ) - 0 .5 3 , 3 5,0 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( K ip . - f t ) - 2 3 . 3 - 4 . 4 2 . 3 Table 80 : Accuracy of combined Portal and Gravity methofd? ( 5 Bay in X Direction ) (ft) ITEM AVD M dE W r a f f lt t t 0 0 amptrarf wth A M S MAC p n g r m 5 . Id IMmb ( I m HKptt) 15-30 flMM (HAM IWgM) XL 40 FV*» (Mg*-*. HtlgM) C O L U M N M A X . S H E A R ( ) 4.1 7 .5 ^ 7 .7 C O L U M N M A X . M O M E N T ( |Clp« - ft ) - 1 5 . 2 - 1 3 . 7 - 1 3 . 9 C O L U M N M A X . A X IA L FORCE ( Klpa ) 1.1 1 1 .4 1 9 .0 B E A M M A X . S H E A R ( ) - 1 . 4 1 .9 3 .4 B E A M M A X . M O M E N T ( tap. - f t ) - 2 8 . 6 - 1 0 . 0 - 2 . 3 Table 81 ; Accuracy of combined Portal and Gravity methofd? ( 7 Bay In X Direction ) 91 FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % •1 .. 33.5 34.5 3.0 10 135 138 ' 2.2 15 300 300.5 0.0 20 529 527 0.0 25 821 822.5 0.0 30 1180 1187 0.6 35 1590 1620.5 2.0 40 2070 2123 2.5 Table 82 : Improved value for column axial force (Portal method only, 3 bays) i FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % 5 20.8 20.7 -0.4 10 81.7 82.8 1.3 15 178 166.3 -6.5 20 307 306.2 0.0 25 468 477.5 2.0 30 659 690.2 4.7 35 882 944.3 7.0 40 1130 1239.8 9.7 Table 8 3 : Im p ro ved value fo r colum n axial fo rc e (P o rta l m eth o d only, 5 bays) 92 FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % 5 .156 144 -8.0 10 150 144 -4.0 15 147 144 -2.0 20 145 144 0.0 25 144 144 0.0 30 143 144 0.0 35 143 144 0.0 40 142 144 1.0 Table 86 : Improved value for b e a m max. m o m e n t (Gravity method only, 5 bays) FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % 5 156 144 -8.0 10 149 144 -3.3 15 147 144 -2.0 20 145 144 0.0 25 143 144 0.0 30 143 144 0.0 35 142 144 1.0 40 142 144 1.0 Table 8 7 : Im p ro ved valu e fo r b eam m ax , m o m e n t (G ravity m eth o d only, 7 bays) 93 FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % '5 15.1 14.79 -2.0 10 59.2 59.14 -0.1 15 127 123.07 -3.0 2Q 216 211.57 -2.0 25 326 329.64 1.1 30 454 477.29 5.0 35 601 654.5 8.0 40 767 831.29 8.3 Table 84 : Improved value for column axial force (Portal method only, 7 bays) FLOORS FRAME MAC IMPROVED VALUE DIFFERENCE % G 156 144 -3.0 10 150 144 -4.0 15 147 144 -2.0 20 145 144 0.0 25 144 144 0.0 30 144 144 0.0 \J\j 144 144 ° d 4 Q 144 144 0.0 Table 8 5 - Im p ro ved value fo r b e a m m ax , m o m e n t (G ravity m eth o d only, 3 bays) 94 DIFFERENCE (X) 90 B O 70 60 50 40 30 20 - 1 0 -20 -30 -50 -60 -70 - 6 0 -90 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ( N U M B E R OF STO RIES ) Black lines represent original lines. Red lines represent improved lines. Fig. 4.15 The improvement for column max. axial force (Portal method only) 95 DIFFERENCE (X> 90 B O 70 60 50 40 2 0 20 1 0 -to -20 - 3 0 -so -so 25 30 35 40 20 15 { N UM B ER OF STO RIES ) Black lines represent original lines. Red lines represent improved lines. Fig. 4.16 The improvement for beam max. moment. (Gravity method only) BIBLIOGRAPHY : A. Structural Analysis Lin, T.Y. and Stotesbury, Sidney D. (1988) Structural Concepts and Systems for Architects and Engineers, Kansas State University. COMPUneering Inc. (1989) Frame Mac version 1.12, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. Firmage, D. Allan (1971) Fundamental Theory of \ Structures, Professor of civil Engineering, Brigham Young University. Norris, Charles H., Wilbur, John B. and Utku, Senol (197 6) Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York. Cowan, Henry J. and Wilson, Forrest (1981) Structural Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Schueller, Wolfgang (1977) High-Rise Building Structures, Wiley, New York. McCormac, Jack C. (1975) Structural Analysis, Intext Educational. Bakos, Jr. Jack D. (1973) Structural Analysis for Engineering Technology, Merrill. 97 Salvadori, Mario and Levy, Matthys (1967) Structural Design in Architecture, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs., N.J. Schodek, Daniel L. (1980) Structures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Benjamin, Bezaleel S. (1974) Structures for Architect, Ashnorjen Bezaleel Publishing Company. Uniform Building Code (1985) International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, Cal. B. Computer Program Design Hergert, Douglas (1987) Turbo Basic Instant Reference, SYBEX Publishing Company. Miller, Alan R. (1987) Turbo Basic Programs for Scientists and Engineers, SYBEX Publishing Company. Mosher, Frederick E. and Schneider, David I. (1987) Using Turbo Basic, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. Mitchell, William J., Liggett, Robin S. and Kvan, Thomas (1987) The Art of Computer Graphics Programming, A Structured Introduction for Architects and Designers, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, N.Y. 98 APPENDIX: CAFA program 1. Source code: CAFA.BAS SCREEN 9 COLOR 15, 1 OPTION BASE 1 DEFINT I-N $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE $INCLUDE "ShrGRAPH.BAS" "MotGRAPH.BAS" "ShrCAL.BAS" "MotCAL.BAS" "CHOICE1.BAS" "CHOICE2.BAS" "CHOICE3.BAS" "MAINMENU.BAS" "DATAMENU. BAS " "Col-S.BAS" "Col-M.BAS" "Col-AL.BAS" "BEAM-S.BAS" "BEAM-M.BAS" "InpData.BAS" "InpLate.BAS" "B-Dsg.BAS" "EC-Dsg.BAS" "IC-Dsg.BAS" %false = 0 %true = NOT %false LOCATE 3, 18:PRINT_ " UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA" LOCATE 6, 18:PRINT_ " Computer Aided Frame Analysis " LOCATE 8, 18:PRINT_ " (By Using PORTAL METHOD to Analyze)" LOCATE 12,18:PRINT_ "A Comprehensive Examination Submitted LOCATE 14,18:PRINT_ " in Partial Satisfaction of the LOCATE 16,18:PRINT_ " Requirements for the Degree" LOCATE 18,18:PRINT_ " Master of Architecture" LOCATE 21/18:PRINT_ " by LOCATE 23,18:PRINT_ " Weiyi Wu, 1990" LOCATE 25,18,1,0:INPUT_ " Press <Enter> to continue.",V$ done% = %false DO UNTIL done% SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 CALL Menu (done%) LOOP END source code: MAINMENU. BAS SUB Menu (quitMenu%) LOCAL choice%, continues V i quitMenu% = %false CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 PRINT LOCATE 2,4: PRINT f i MENU" LOCATE 4, 4: PRINT l l 1. INPUT" LOCATE 6, 4: PRINT I t 2. DATA" LOCATE 8,4: PRINT I I 3. SHEAR DIAGRAM" LOCATE 10,4: PRINT I I 4. MOMENT DIAGRAM LOCATE 12,4: PRINT I I 5. PRINT" LOCATE 14,4: PRINT I I 6. HELP" LOCATE 16,4: PRINT ■ I 7. QUIT" PRINT choice% = FN GetChoice% (1,10) SELECT CASE choice% CASE 1 CALL InputValue CASE 2 CALL ForceCal CALL SecModulusCal CALL ForceMenu(done%) CASE 3 CALL ForceCal CALL ShrGRAPH CASE 4 CALL ForceCal CALL SecModulusCal CALL MotGRAPH CASE 5 CALL PrintList CASE 6 CALL HELP1 CASE 7 quitMenu% = %true CLS END SELECT END SUB 104 3. source code:CH0ICE1.BAS DEF FN Getchoice% (first%, last%) LOCAL goodChoice%, horizPos%, choiceStr$, inLength%, choiceNum% goodChoice% = %false DO WHILE NOT goodChoice% horizPos% = POS LINE INPUT; " SELECT OPTIONS ", choiceStr$ inLength% = LEN (choiceStr$) choiceNum% = VAL(LEFT$(choiceStr$,2)) IF choiceNum% < first% OR choiceNum% > last% THEN LOCATE , horizPos% PRINT SPACE$(inLength% + 4); LOCATE , horizPos% ELSE goodChoice% = %true END IF LOOP FN GetChoice% = choiceNum% END DEF 106 source code:INPDATA.BAS SUB InputValue LOCAL choice%, C$, CL,S$, V$ SHARED XLen, YLen, XBay%, YBay%, H, NumFl%, DWRf, LWRf, DWF1, LWF1 DIM D (21) KEY OFF: WIDTH 80: CLS :SCREEN 0: COLOR 15,1 D(3)=60: D (5)=150: D(7)=3: D(9)=5: D(ll)=60: D(13)=5: D(15)=30: D(17)=20: D(19)=100: D(21)=50 CL=3: S$=" LOCATE 2,2,1,0: INPUT_ "Enter Title (max 45 char) -- ", Title$ \ \ CLS LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT Title$ PRINT PRINT USING " X Dim (feet) [##.##]:";D(3) LOCATE 3,15: PRINT "............................." PRINT PRINT USING ” Y Dim (feet) [###.##]:";D (5) LOCATE 5,15: PRINT "............................." PRINT PRINT USING " Number of Bays in X Direction [#] : ";D (7) LOCATE 7,32: PRINT "................ " PRINT PRINT USING " Number of Bays in Y Direction [ # ] : " ; D (9) LOCATE 9,32: PRINT ”................ " PRINT PRINT USING " Height of Building (feet) [##.##]:";D (11) LOCATE 11,28: PRINT "................ ” PRINT PRINT USING " Number of Floors [#] : ";D (13) LOCATE 13,19: PRINT "............................." PRINT PRINT USING " Dead Load of the Roof (psf) [###.##]:";D(15) 108 LOCATE 15,30: PRINT "............. " PRINT PRINT USING ” Live Load of the Roof (psf) [###.##]:";D (17) LOCATE 17,30: PRINT "............. " PRINT PRINT USING " Dead Load for Each Floor (psf) [###.##]:";D (19) LOCATE 19,33: PRINT "........... " PRINT PRINT USING " Live Load for Each Floor (psf) [###.##]: "; D (21) LOCATE 21,33: PRINT "..........." LOCATE CL, 55, 1,0 140 GOSUB 340: GOSUB 160: GOTO 140 160 IF LEN(C$)=2 THEN ON INSTR("HP",RIGHT$(C$,1) GOTO 290,310 170 IF ASC(C$)=13 AND CL<23 GOTO 270 180 IF CL>21 THEN GOTO 190: ELSE GOTO 260 190 XLen=D(3) YLen=D(5) XBay%=D(7) YBay%=D(9) H=D(11) NumFl%=D(13) DWRf=D(15) LWRf=D(17) DWF1=D(19) LWFl=D(21) 200 PRINT " SELECT 1. PROCEED 2. REDO 3. MORE INPUT 4. HELP" PRINT choice% = FN GetChoice%(1,4) SELECT CASE Choice% CASE 1 CALL Latforce CASE 2 CALL InputValue CASE 3 CALL MoreInput CASE 4 CALL Help2 END SELECT 260 265 266 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 SUB LOCATE CL,55: PRINT C$+S$ LOCATE CL,56: INPUT "",V$ D(CL)=VAL(C$+V$) LOCATE CL,55: PRINT USING "#######.##";D(CL) CL=CL+2: GOTO 320 CL=CSRLIN-2: IF CL<3 THEN CL=21 LOCATE CL:RETURN CL=CSRLIN+2 IF CL>21 THEN PRINT: GOTO 190 LOCATE CL,55,1,0: RETURN C$=INKEY$: IF C$=, , , , GOTO 340 ELSE RETURN 110 I S 5. source code:INPLAT.BAS 111 SUB Latforce \ CLS COLOR 15/1 SHARED Force( ) SHARED XLen, YLen, XBay%, YBay%/ H, NumFl%, DWRf, LWRf, DWF1, LWF1 LOCAL Fl%, i%, ip%, j%, k%, kp%, 1%, m%, mp%, n% DIM Force(45) LOCATE 1, 5: PRINT "« LATERAL FORCE INPUT »" F1% = NumFl% IF Fl% = 1 THEN LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "1. Lateral force input to 1st floor ........" LOCATE 3,50: INPUT,Force(1) ELSEIF F1% = 2 THEN LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "1. Lateral force input to 1st floor ........" LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT "2. Lateral force input to 2nd floor ........" LOCATE 3,50: INPUT, Force(1) LOCATE 4,50: INPUT, Force(2) ELSEIF Fl% >= 3 AND Fl% <= 9 THEN LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT " 1 . Lateral force input to 1 st floor ......." LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT " 2 . Lateral force input to 2 nd floor ......." FOR i% =1 TO Fl% - 2 STEP 1 LOCATE i%+4,2: PRINT i%+2;”. Lateral force input to" i%+2;"th floor ....... " NEXT FOR ip% =1 TO Fl% STEP 1 LOCATE ip%+2, 50: INPUT, Force(ip%) NEXT ELSEIF Fl% >=10 AND Fl% <= 20 THEN LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT " 1 . Lateral force inj>ut to 1 st floor ......." LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT " 2 . Lateral force inpur to 2 nd floor ......." FOR j% =1 TO 7 STEP 1 112 LOCATE j%+4,2: PRINT j%+2;". Lateral force input to j%+2;"th floor ......." NEXT FOR k% =1 TO Fl%-9 STEP 1 LOCATE k%+ll,1: PRINT k%+9;". Lateral force input to" k%+9;"th floor ......." NEXT FOR kp% =1 TO Fl% STEP 1 LOCATE kp%+2, 51: INPUT, Force(kp%) NEXT ELSEIF Fl% >=21 AND Fl% <=40 THEN LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT " 1 . Lateral force input to 1 st floor " LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT " 2 . Lateral force input to 2 nd floor " FOR 1% =1 TO 7 STEP 1 LOCATE l%+4,2: PRINT l%+2;". Lateral force input to l%+2;"th floor ......." NEXT FOR m% =1 TO 11 STEP 1 LOCATE m%+ll,l: PRINT m%+9;". Lateral force input to";_ m%+9;"th floor ......." NEXT FOR mp% =1 TO 20 STEP 1 LOCATE mp%+2, 51: INPUT, Force(mp%) NEXT PRINT LINE INPUT "Press <Enter> to continue others floors input.", continue$ CLS FOR n% =1 TO Fl%-20 STEP 1 LOCATE n%+2,1: PRINT n%+20;". Lateral force input to";_ n%+20;"th floor ....... " NEXT FOR mp% =21 TO Fl% STEP 1 LOCATE mp%-18, 51: INPUT, Force(mp%) NEXT 113 END IF PRINT PRINT * t END SUB SELECT 1. PROCEED 2. REDO 3 PRINT choice% = FN GetChoice%(1,3) SELECT CASE choice% CASE 1 CALL Menu(done%) CASE 2 CALL Latforce CASE 3 CALL Help3 END SELECT . HELP" \ 114 source code:SHRCAL.BAS SUB ForceCal CLS SHARED XLen, YLen, XBay%, YBay%, H, NumFl%, DWRf, LWRf, DWF1, LWF1, HFL# SHARED Force( ), NF# ( ), BS#( ), BM#( ),L#, HFL, CS#< ), BSL#( ), GravLd#( ) SHARED BSR#( ) , RfW#,F1W#,FlBMdM#,RfBMdM# LOCAL i%, j%, k%, 1%, m%, n% DIM NF#(45) DIM BS#(45) DIM BM#(45) DIM CS#(45) DIM BSL#(45) DIM BSR#(45) DIM GravLd#(45) DIM TolForce(0:45) TolForce(O) = 0 TolForce (1) = Forced) FOR j% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 TolForce(j%) = Force(j%) + TolForce< j %—1) NEXT FOR i% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 CS#(i%)= TolForce(NumFl%)/XBay%_ - TolForce(i%-l)/XBay% NEXT \ V HFL=H/NumF1% HFL#=H/(NumFl%*XLen) FOR k%' = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 NF#(k%)=0 FOR 1% = k% TO NumFl% STEP 1 NF#(k%)=NF#(k%)+Force(1%)*(l%-k%+0.5)*HFL# NEXT 1% NEXT k% TolLdRf=DWRf + LWRf TolLdFl=DWFl + LWF1 Lx# = XLen/XBay% Ly# = YLen/YBay% RfW# = TolLdRf*Ly#/1000 F1W# = TolLdFl*Ly#/1000 116 VFl#=FlW#*Lx#/2 VRf#=RfW#*Lx#/2 FOR m% = 1 TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 BS# <m%)=NF#(m%)-NF#(m%+l) BSL#(m%)=BS#(m%)+VF1# BSR#(m%)=BS#(m%)-VF1# NEXT m% BS#(NumFl%)=NF#(NumFl%)-NF# <NumFl%+l) BSL#(NumFl%)=BS#(NumFl%)+VRf# BSR#(NumFl%)=BS#(NumFl%)-VRf# FOR n% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 L#=XLen/XBay% BM#(n%)=BS#(n%)*L#/2 NEXT n% TriArea# = Lx# * Ly# TolRfLd# = (DWRF + LWRF) * TriArea# TolFILd# = (DWF1 + LWF1) * TriArea# FOR p%=l TO NumFl% STEP 1 GravLd#(p%) = (TolRfLd# + (NumFl%-p%) * TolFILd#)/1000 NEXT p% END SUB 117 source code:MOTGRAPH.BAS SUB SecModulusCal CLS SHARED XLen, YLen, XBay%, YBay%, H, NumFl%, DWRf, LWRf, DWFl, LWFl, HFL# SHARED Force( ), NF#( ), BS# ( ), BM#( ),L#, HFL/CS#( .), Lx#, Ly# SHARED MaxRfuM#, MaxRfdM#, BSM36Rf#, BSM50Rf#, MaxFluM#( ), MaxFldM#( ) SHARED BSM36F1#( ), BSM50F1#( ),FlBMdM#,RfiJMdM#,RfW#, F1W# LOCAL i% DIM FBMF1#(45) TolLdRf=DWRf + LWRf TolLdFl=DWFl + LWF1 Lx# = XLen/XBay% Ly# = YLen/YBay% RfW# = TolLdRf*Ly#/1000 F1W# = TolLdFl*Ly#/1000 RfBMdM# = 0 .'045*RfW#*Lx#*Lx# RfBMuM# = 0.08*RfW#*Lx#*Lx# FlBMdM# = 0.045*FlW#*Lx#*Lx# FIBMuM# = 0.08*FlW#*Lx#*Lx# MaxRfuM# = RfBMuM# MaxRfdM# = RfBMdM# + BM#(NumFl%) FBMRf# = 0 IF MaxRfuM# - MaxRfdM# >= 0 THEN FBMRf# = MaxRfuM# ELSE FBMRf# = MaxRfdM# END IF BSM36Rf# = FBMRf# * 12 / (36 * 0.6) BSM50Rf# = FBMRf# * 12 / (50 * 0.6) FOR i% = 1 TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 MaxFluM#(i%) = FIBMuM# MaxFldM#(i%) = FlBMdM# + BM#(i%) IF MaxFluM#(i%) - MaxFldM#(i%) >= 0 THEN 119 FBMF1#(i%) ELSE FBMF1#(i%) END IF BSM36F1#(i%> BSM50F1#(i%) NEXT i% END SUB = MaxFluM#(i%) = MaxFldM#(i%) = FBMF1#(i%) * 12 = FBMF1#(i%) * 12 (36 * 0.6) (50 * 0.6) 120 s ource code:DATAMENU.BAS SUB ForceMenu(quitMenu%) CLS SHARED XLen, YLen, XBay%, YBay%, H, NumFl%/. DWRf, LWRf , DWFl, LWF1, HFL# SHARED Force( ), NF#( ), BS#( ), BM#( ),L#, HFL, CS#(),choice% SHARED GetChoice2%( ) LOCAL continues, divLineS quitMenu% = %false DIM GetChoice2% (1, 14) CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 4 LOCATE 1,1,1,0:PRINT_ "DATA l.COL-S 2.COL-M 3.COL-AL 4.BEAM-S_ 5.BEAM-M 6.? 7.EXIT" SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 choice% = FN GetChoice2% (1, 7) SELECT CASE choice% CASE 1 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL SamColShr CASE 2 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL SamColMot CASE 3 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL ColAxForce CASE 4 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL SamBShr 122 CASE 5 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL SamBMot CASE 6 CALL Help? CASE 7 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 CALL Menu(done%) END SELECT END SUB 9: source code:SHRGRAPH.BAS 124 SUB ShrGRAPH SHARED XLen, H, XBay%, NumFl%, BS#( ), CS#( ), BSL#(), BSR#( ) CLS SCREEN 9 COLOR 15,1 DIM BSLMin#(40) DIM CSMin#(40) DIM BSRMin#(40) DIM CBMin#(40) IF XLen>H THEN MAX=1.5*XLen IF XLen<=H THEN MAX=1.5*H END IF WINDOW (-0.7*MAX,-0.85*MAX/2)-(0 . 7*MAX, 0 . 85*MAX/2) LINE (XLen/2, -H/2) - (XLen/2, H/2) , 4 LINE (XLen/2,H/2)-(-XLen/2,H/2),4 LINE (-XLen/2,H/2)-(-XLen/2,-H/2),4 DB=XLen/XBay% DF=H/NumFl% FOR i=l TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LINE (-XLen/2 + i*DB,H/2)-(-XLen/2 + i*DB,-H/2),4 NEXT i FOR j=l TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 LINE (-XLen/2,H/2 - j*DF)-(XLen/2,H/2 - j*DF),4 NEXT j IF DB > DF THEN Min#=DF*0.4 IF DB <= DF THEN Min#=DB*0.4 END IF FOR j%=NumFl% TO 1 STEP -1 BSLMin#(j%)=Min#*BSL#(j%)/(BSL#(1)+CS#(1)) CSMin#(j%)=Min#*CS#(j%)/(BSL#(1)+CS#(1)) BSRMin#(j%)=Min#*BSR#(j%)/(BSL#(1)+CS#(1)) FOR p=0 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 125 FOR 1=1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 FOR n= 0 TO DB STEP 1 FOR m= 0 TO -DF STEP -1 CBMin#(j%)=(BSLMin#(j%)-BSRMin#(j%)) *n/DB LINE (-XLen/2 +CSMin#(j%)/2, H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF)-_ (-XLen/2 +CSMin#(j%)/2,H/2-(NumFl%-j%+l)*DF),15 LINE (-XLen/2 , H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF+m)-_ (-XLen/2 +CSMin#(j%)/2,H/2-(NumFl%-j%)*DF+m),7 LINE (-XLen/2+l*DB+CSMin#(j%), H/2-(NumFl%-j%)*DF) (-XLen/2+l*DB+CSMin#(j%),H/2-(NumFl%-j%+l)*DF),15 LINE (-XLen/2 +1*DB, H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF+m)-_ (-XLen/2 +l*DB+CSMin#(j%),H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF+m),7 LINE (-XLen/2+XBay%*DB+CSMin#(j%)/2,H/2-(NumFl%-_ j%)*DF)-(-XLen/2 +XBay%*DB+CSMin#(j%)/2,H/2 -_ (NumFl%-j%+l)*DF),15 LINE (-XLen/2 +XBay%*DB, H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF+ra)-_ (-XLen/2 +XBay%*DB+CSMin#(j%)/2/H/2 -(NumFl%-_ j%)*DF+m),7 LINE (-XLen/2 +p*DB, H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF-_ BSLMin#(j%))-(-XLen/2 +(p+1)*DB,H/2 -(NumFl%-_ j%)*DF-BSRMin#(j%)),15 LINE (-XLen/2 +p*DB+n, H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF)-_ (-XLen/2 +p*DB+n,H/2 -(NumFl%-j%)*DF-_ BSLMin#(j%)+CBMin#(j%)),7 NEXT i n NEXT n NEXT 1 NEXT p NEXT j% LOCATE 23,2:INPUT_ "Press <ENTER> return to MENU.", continues CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 CALL Menu(done%) END SUB 126 source code:MOTGRAPH.BAS SUB MotGRAPH SHARED XLen, H, XBay%, NumFl%, CS#( ), FlBMdM#, RfBMdM#, BM#( ) CLS SCREEN 9 COLOR 15,1 DIM ELCM#(40) DIM ERCM#(40) DIM ICM#(40) DIM NEL#(40) DIM NER#(40) DIM NI#(40) DIM Y# (40) DIM YMin#(40) IF XLen>H THEN MAX=1.5*XLen IF XLen<=H THEN MAX=1.5*H END IF WINDOW (-0.7*MAX,-0.85*MAX/2)-(0.7*MAX, 0.85*MAX/2) LINE (XLen/2,-H/2)-(XLen/2,H/2),4 LINE (XLen/2,H/2)-(-XLen/2,H/2),4 LINE (-XLen/2, H/2) - (-XLen/2, -H/2) , 4 DB=XLen/XBay% DF=H/NumFl% FOR 1=1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LINE (-XLen/2 + i*DB,H/2)-(-XLen/2 . + i*DB,-H/2),4 NEXT i FOR j=l TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 LINE (-XLen/2,H/2 - j*DF)-(XLen/2,H/2 - j*DF),4 NEXT j IF DB > DF THEN Min#=DF*0.4 IF DB <= DF THEN Min#=DB*0.4 END IF FOR i%=l TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 ELCM#(i%)=Min#*(CS#(i%)*DF/4 +FlBMdM#/2)/_ (CS# (1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) 128 ERCM#(i%)=Min#*(CS#(i%)*DF/4 -FlBMdM#/2)/ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM?(l)) NEXT i% ELCM#(NumFl%)=Min#*(CS#(NumFl%)*DF/4 +RfBMdM#)/_ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) ERCM#(NumFl%)=Min#*(CS#(NumFl%)*DF/4 -RfBMdM#)/_ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) LINE (-XLen/2 + ELCM#(NumFl%), H/2)-(-XLen/2 -_ ELCM#(NumFl%-l),H/2-DF),15 LINE (XLen/2 + ERCM#(NumFl%) , H/2)-(XLen/2 -_ ERCM#(NumFl%-l), H/2-DF),15 FOR jj%=0 TO DF STEP 1 NRL#=j j%*(ELCM#(NumFl%)+ELCM#<NumFl%-l))/DF NRR#=jj%*(ERCM#(NumFl%)+ERCM#(NumFl%-l))/DF LINE (-XLen/2, H/2-jj%) - (-XLen/2+ELCM# (NumFl%).-_ NRL#,H/2-jj%),7 LINE (XLen/2,H/2-jj%)-(XLen/2 +ERCM#(NumFl%)-NRR#, H/2-j j%),7 NEXT jj% FOR k%=NumFl%-l TO 1 STEP -1 FOR kk%=0 TO DF STEP 1 LINE (-XLen/2 + ELCM#(k%), H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF)-_ (-XLen/2 - ELCM#(k%), H/2 -(NumFl%-k%+l)*DF),15 LINE (XLen/2 + ERCM#(k%), H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF)-_ (XLen/2 - ERCM#(k%), H/2 -(NumFl%-k%+l)*DF),15 NEL#(k%)=kk% *2 *ELCM#(k%)/DF NER#(k%)=kk% * 2 *ERCM#(k%)/DF LINE (-XLen/2 , H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF-kk%)-_ (-XLen/2+ELCM#(k%)-NEL#(k%),H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF-kk%),7 \ LINE (XLen/2, H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF-kk%)-_ (XLen/2+ERCM#(k%)-NER#(k%),H/2-(NumFl%-k%)*DF-kk%),7 NEXT kk% NEXT k% 129 FOR l%=NumFl% -TO 1 STEP -1 FOR pl%=l TO XBay%-l STEP 1 FOR ll%=DF/2 TO -DF/2 STEP -1 ICM#(1%)=Min#*(CS#(1%)*DF/2)/(CS#(1)*DF/2+FlBMdM#/2+_ F1W#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) \ NI#(1%)=2*ICM#(1%)*11%/DF LINE (-XLen/2 +pl%*DB+ICM#(1%), H/2-(NumFl%-l%)*DF) (-XLen/2+pl%*DB-ICM#(1%),H/2-(NumFl%-l%+l)*DF),15 LINE (-XLen/2 +pl%*DB, H/2-(NumFl%-l%)*DF+ll%-DF/2)-_ (-XLen/2+pl%*DB+NI#(1%),H/2-(NumFl%-l%)*DF+ll%-DF/2),7 NEXT 11% NEXT pl% NEXT 1% FOR X=0 TO DB STEP 0.2 FOR MP%=0 TO DB STEP 1 FOR mm%=NumFl%-l TO 1 STEP -1 FOR n%=0 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 FOR m%=NumFl%-l TO 1 STEP -1 Y#(NumFl%)=-RfW#*X*X/2+(RfW#*DB/2+2*BM#(NumFl%)/DB)_ *X(RfW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(NumFl%)) YMin#(NumFl%)=Min#*Y#(NumFl%)/_ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) PSET(-XLen/2+X+n%*DB,H/2+YMin#(NumFl%)),15 Y#(mm%)=-RfW#*MP%*MP%/2+(RfW#*DB/2+2*BM#(NumFl%)/DB)_ *MP%-(RfW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(NumFl%)) YMin#(ram%)=Min#*Y#(mm%)/_ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) LINE (-XLen/2+MP%+n%*DB,H/2)-_ (-XLen/2+MP%+n%*DB/H/2+YMin#(mm%)),7 Y#(m%)=-FlW#*X*X/2+(FlW#*DB/2 + 2*BM#(m%)/DB)*X - (F1W# *DB*DB/12+BM#(m%)) YMin#(m%)=Min#*Y#(m%)/_ (CS# (1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+F1W#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) PSET(-XLen/2+X+n%*DB,H/2+YMin#(m%)-(NumFl%-m%)*DF),15 Y#(mm%)=-FlW#*MP%*MP%/2+(FlW#*DB/2 +_ 2*BM#(m%)/DB)*MP%-(F1W#*DB*DB/12+BM#(m%)) 130 YMin# (ram%) =Min#*Y# (mm%) /_ (CS#(1)*DF/2 + FlBMdM#/2+FlW#*DB*DB/12+BM#(1)) LINE (~XLen/2+MP%+n%*DB,H/2-(NumFl%-m%)*DF) (~XLen/2+MP%+n%*DB,H/2+YMin#(mm%)-(NumFl%-m%)*DF),7 NEXT m% NEXT n% NEXT mm% NEXT MP% NEXT X LOCATE 23,2:INPUT_ "Press <ENTER> return to MENU.", continue$ CLS \ SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 CALL Menu(done%) END SUB 131 11. source code:CH0ICE2.BAS 132 DEF FN Getchoice2% (first%, last%) LOCAL goodChoice%, horizPos%, inLength%, choiceNum% SHARED Getchoice2%( ) goodChoice% = %false DO WHILE NOT goodChoice% horizPos% = POS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,59,1,0: INPUT; "-- ", choiceStrS inLength% = LEN (choiceStr$) choiceNum% = VAL(LEFT$(choiceStr$, 2)) IF choiceNum% < first% OR choiceNum% > last% THEN LOCATE , horizPos% PRINT SPACES(inLength% + 4); LOCATE , horizPos% ELSE goodChoice% = %true END IF LOOP FN GetChoice2% = choiceNum% END DEF 133 12. source code:COL-S.BAS SUB SamColShr CLS SHARED XBay%, NumFl%, Force( ), CS#( ),choice% LOCAL divLine$/ Lx%, i%, j%, k%, 1% SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,1: PRINT "DATA l.COL-S 2.COL-M 3.COL-AL 4.BEAM-S 5.BEAM-M 6.? 7.EXIT " SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRING$ < 75, ) LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT_ ..**** x - DIRECTION COLUMN SHEAR * * * * " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 3, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT divLine$ IF NumFl% <20 THEN FOR k% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 4+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%)/2 LOCATE 4+k%,11 + 9*1%:PRINT USING "####.##";CS# (k%) LOCATE 4+k%,20+9*1%:PRINT USING "####. ##",*CS# (k%) /2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 5+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ ELSEIF NumFl%=20 THEN ' % CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 135 divLine$ = STRING$ ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ «* * * * x - DIRECTION COLUMN SHEAR ****** FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%)/2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%)/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choice$ ELSEIF NumFl% >20 AND NumFl% <=4 0 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRING$ ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ h* * * * x _ DIRECTION COLUMN SHEAR ****** FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS# (k%)/2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##V; CS#(k%)/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue other floors.",choice$ CLS 136 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ ..**** x _ DIRECTION COLUMN SHEAR ****•• FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2 . : PRINT divLine$ FOR kc% =1 TO NumFl%-20 STEP 1 FOR lc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+kc%, 2: PRINT kc%+20;" FI." LOCATE 3+kc%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(kc%+20)/2 LOCATE 3+kc%,ll+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,20+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (kc%+20)/2 NEXT lc% NEXT kc% LOCATE 4+NumFl%-20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choices END IF CALL ForceMenu(quitMenu%) END SUB 137 13. source code:COL-M.BAS 138 SUB SamColMot CLS SHARED XBay%, NumFl%, CS#{ ), H, HFL,. FlBMdM#, RfBMdM# LOCAL divLineS, Lx%, k%, 1% SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT_ "DATA l.COL-S 2.COL-M 3.COL-AL 4.BEAM—S 5.BEAM-M_ 6.7 7.EXIT " SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT_ ..**** x - DIRECTION COLUMN MOMENT * * * * » FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 3, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K')M LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT divLine$ IF NumFl% <20 THEN FOR k%.= 1 TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 4+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 LOCATE 4+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(k%) * HFL/2 LOCATE 4+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% FOR m% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+NumFl%, 2: PRINT NumFl%;" FI." LOCATE 4+NumFl%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(NumFl%)/2 * HFL/2+RfBMdM# LOCATE 4+NumFl%,ll+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(NumFl%) * HFL/2 LOCATE 4+NumFl%,20+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.##"; 139 CS#(NumFl%)/2 * HFL/2+RfBMdM# NEXT m% LOCATE 5+NumFl%, 2,1,0: INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ ELSEIF NumFl%=20 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ ..**** x _ DIRECTION COLUMN MOMENT * * * FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K')" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS# (k%) * HFL/.2 LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% FOR m% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+NumFl%, 2: PRINT NumFl%;" Fl." LOCATE 3+NumFl%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(NumFl%)/2* HFL/2+RfBMdM# LOCATE 3+NumFl%,ll+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.## CS#(NumFl%) * HFL/2 LOCATE 3+NumFl%,20+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.## CS#(NumFl%)/2 * HFL/2+RfBMdM# NEXT m% LOCATE 4+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ ELSEIF NumFl% >20 AND NumFl% <= 40 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ ..**** x - DIRECTION COLUMN MOMENT * * *■* " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K')" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLineS FOR k% = 1 TO 20-1 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" Fl.” LOCATE 3+k%, 11: PRINT USING "####. ##'•;_ CS#(k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (k%) * HFL/2 LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(k%)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% FOR m% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+20, 2: PRINT 20;" Fl." LOCATE 3+20,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (20)/2 * HFL/2 +FlBMdM#/2 LOCATE 3+20,ll+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (20) * HFL/2 LOCATE 3+20,20+9*m%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS# (20)/2 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 NEXT m% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue other floorschoices CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ .i * * * * x - DIRECTION COLUMN MOMENT * % * * " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT 141 LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K')" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR kc% = 1 TO NumFl%-21 STEP 1 FOR lc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+kc%, 2: PRINT kc%+19;" Fl." LOCATE 3+kc%,ll: PRINT USING "####.##";_ CS#(kc%+19)/2 * HFL/2 +FlBMdM#/2 LOCATE 3+kc%,ll+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(kc%+19) * HFL/2 LOCATE 3+kc%,20+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS# <kc%+19)12 * HFL/2+FlBMdM#/2 NEXT lc% NEXT kc% FOR mc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+NumFl%-20, 2: PRINT NumFl%;" Fl." LOCATE 3+NumFl%-20,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; CS#(NumFl%)/2 * HFL/2 +RfBMdM# LOCATE 3+NumFl%-20,ll+9*mc%:PRINT USING_ "####.##";CS#(NumFl%) * HFL/2 LOCATE 3+NumFl%-20/20+9*mc%:PRINT USING_ "####.##";CS#(NumFl%)/2*HFL/2+RfBMdM# NEXT mc% LOCATE 4+NumFl%-20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ END IF CALL ForceMenu(quitMenu%) END SUB 142 14. source code:COL-AL.BAS 143 SUB ColAxForce CLS SHARED XBay%, NumFl%, Force( ), NF# ( ), XLen, H, HFL#,GravLd#( ) LOCAL divLineS, Lx%, i%, j%, k%, 1%, m% SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT "DATA l.COL-S 2.C0L-M 3.C0L-AL 4.BEAM-S_ 5.BEAM-M 6.? 7.EXIT— " SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT_ '•**** COLUMN AXIAL FORCE ****<> FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 3, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR${ Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "AXIAL-F(K)" LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT divLine$ IF NumFl% < 20 THEN FOR k% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 FOR 1% * 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 4+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%)/2 LOCATE 4+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; GravLd#(k%) LOCATE 4+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##"; NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%)/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 5+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue,choice$ ELSEIF NumFl%=20 THEN CLS 144 SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRING$ ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ ..**** COLUMN AXIAL FORCE * * * * " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "AXIAL-F(K)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%)/2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.## GravLd#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING ”####.## NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%)/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ ELSEIF NumFl% >20 AND NumFl% <=40 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 divLine$ = STRING$ ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ ••**** COLUMN AXIAL FORCE ****•• FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "AXIAL-F(K)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%) /2 LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ GravLd#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF#(k%)+GravLd#(k%)/2 NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue other floors.",choices CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT_ * * * COLUMN AXIAL FORCE ****** FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "AXIAL-F(K)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR kc% = 1 TO NumFl%-20 STEP 1 FOR lc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+kc%, 2: PRINT kc%+20;" Fl." LOCATE 3+kc%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF#(kc%+20)+GravLd#(kc%+20) /2 LOCATE 3+kc%,ll+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ GravLd#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,20+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ NF# (kc%+20)+GravLd#(kc%+20)/2 NEXT lc% NEXT kc% LOCATE 4+NumFl%-20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoices END IF CALL ForceMenu(quitMenu%) END SUB 146 15. source code:BEAM-S.BAS SUB SamBShr CLS SHARED XBay%/ NumFl%, Force ( ), NF# ( ), XLen, H, HFL#, BS# ( ) ,BSL#( ) LOCAL divLine?, Lx%, i%, j%, k%, 1%, m% SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT "DATA l.COL-S 2.COL-M 3.COL-AL 4.BEAM-S_ 5 . BEAM-M 6.? 7. EXIT " SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine? = STRING? < 75, ) LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT ****** BEAM SHEAR * *■ * * " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 3, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR?( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT divLine? IF NumFl% <20 THEN FOR k% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 4+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) LOCATE 4+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) LOCATE 4+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 5+NumFl%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choice? ELSEIF NumFl%=20 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine? = STRING? ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT ****** BEAM SHEAR ****.. 148 FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 * FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL# (k%) LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,l,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choiceS ELSEIF NumFl% >2 0 AND NumFl% <=40 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, "-" ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT ****** BEAM SHEAR ****** FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLineS FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%, 20 + 9*1%: PRINT USING "####.##*';BSL# (k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue other floors.",choiceS CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, "-" ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT ****** BEAM SHEAR ****** 149 FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "SHEAR(Kips)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR kc% = 1 TO NuraFl%-20 STEP 1 FOR lc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+kc%, 2: PRINT kc%+20;" FI." LOCATE 3+kc%,11:PRINT USING "####.##";BSL#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,ll+9*lc%:PRINT USING "####.##";_ BSL#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,20+9*lc%: PRINT USING "####.##";_ BSL#(kc%+20) NEXT lc% NEXT kc% LOCATE 4+NumFl%-20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continuechoice$ END IF CALL ForceMenu(quitMenu%) END SUB 150 source code :BEAM-M. BAS SUB SamBMot CLS SHARED XBay%, NumFl%, Force ( ), NF# ( ), XLen, H, HFL#, BS# ( ), BM#< ),L# SHARED MaxRfuM#, MaxRfdM#, MaxFluM#( ), MaxFldM#( ), TBM#( ) LOCAL divLine$, Lx%, i%, j%, k%, 1%, m%, n% DIM MaxFluM#(45) DIM MaxFldM#(45) DIM TBM#(45) SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,4 LOCATE 1,1 PRINT "DATA l.COL-S 2.COL-M 3.COL-AL 4.BEAM-S 5.BEAM-M 6.? 7.EXIT " SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRING$ ( 75, ) LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT •'**** BEAM MOMENT ****** FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 3, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K")" LOCATE 4, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR n% = 1 TO NumFl%-l STEP 1 TBM#(n%)=MaxFldM#(n%) NEXT TBM# (NumFl%) =MaxRfdM# IF NumFl% <20 THEN \ y FOR k% = 1 TO NumFl% STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 4+k%, 2: PRINT k%;” FI." LOCATE 4+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) LOCATE 4+k%,11+9*1% PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) 152 LOCATE 4+k%,20+9*1% PRINT USING * ’####. ##"; TBM#(k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 5 +NumF1%,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choice$ ELSEIF NumFl%=20 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLine$ = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT '•**** BEAM MOMENT * * * * " FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT (KM " LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLineS FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%,11: PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1% PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1% PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choiceS ELSEIF NumFl% >20 AND NumFl% <=40 THEN CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15, 1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT ««**** BEAM MOMENT ****'• FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT \ LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(K')" 153 LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLine$ FOR k% = 1 TO 20 STEP 1 FOR 1% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+k%, 2: PRINT k%;" FI." LOCATE 3+k%/ll: PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,11+9*1% PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) LOCATE 3+k%,20+9*1% PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(k%) NEXT 1% NEXT k% LOCATE 4+20,2,1,0:INPUT_ \ "Press <Enter> to continue other floors.",choiceS CLS SCREEN 0 COLOR 15,1 divLineS = STRINGS ( 75, ) LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT "* * * * BEAM MOMENT ****'» FOR Lx% = 0 TO XBay% STEP 1 LOCATE 2, 17+9*Lx%: PRINT CHR$( Lx% + 65 ) NEXT LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "MOMENT(Kf)" LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT divLineS FOR kc% = 1 TO NumFl%-20 STEP 1 FOR lc% = 1 TO XBay%-l STEP 1 LOCATE 3+kc%, 2: PRINT kc%+20;" FI." LOCATE 3+kc%,ll:_ PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,ll+9*lc%:_ PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(kc%+20) LOCATE 3+kc%,20+9*lc%:_ PRINT USING "####.##"; TBM#(kc%+20) NEXT lc% NEXT kc% LOCATE 4+NumFl%-20,2,1,0:INPUT_ "Press <Enter> to continue.",choiceS END IF CALL ForceMenu(quitMenu%) END SUB 154
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Asset Metadata
Wu, Weiyi
Core Title
The Portal method: Accuracy analysis by computer
Master of Building Science
Degree Program
Building Science
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
engineering, architectural,OAI-PMH Harvest
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Wu, Weiyi
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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engineering, architectural