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Identification and analysis of future land-use conflict in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
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Identification and analysis of future land-use conflict in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
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Identification and Analysis of Future Land-Use Conflict
in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Antonio Cotroneo
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2015
2015 Antonio Cotroneo
I dedicate this document to my wife for her constant support, and to my son, who has inspired
me throughout this process.
I will be forever grateful to Professors Karen Kemp, Darren Ruddell, Robert Vos, and Jennifer
Swift for their mentorship. Thank you also to my family and friends, without whom I could not
have made it this far.
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. iii
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................................x
LIST OF EQUATIONS .............................................................................................................. xvii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... xviii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................xix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Research Goal ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Thesis Organization .............................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 8
2.1 Geodesign.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Alternative Futures Analysis and Scenario Planning………………………………..9
2.1.2 The LUCIS Model…………………………………………………………………11
2.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pairwise Comparison.................................................... 14
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 17
3.1 Study Area........................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Research Questions ............................................................................................................. 19
3.3 Software and Tools ............................................................................................................. 20
3.4 Data requirements/Data sources.......................................................................................... 21
3.5 Procedures/Analysis ............................................................................................................ 22
3.5.1 Representation Modeling…………………………………………………………..23
3.5.2 Process Modeling…………………………………………………………………..30
3.5.3 Evaluation Modeling……………………………………………………………….42
3.5.4 Change Modeling…………………………………………………………………..43
3.5.5 Impact and Decision Modeling……………………………………………………. 54
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 67
4.1 Preliminary Land-Use Suitability ....................................................................................... 67
4.2 Isolation and Quantification of Potential Future Land-Use Conflict .................................. 72
4.2.1 Isolation of Potential Future Land-Use Conflict…………………………………...72
4.2.2 Quantification of Potential Land-Use Conflict 80
4.3 Future Land-Use Scenarios ................................................................................................. 85
4.3.1 Baseline Land-Use Scenario………………………………………………………. 85
4.3.2 Urban Land-Use Scenario………………………………………………………….90
4.3.3 Conservation Land-Use Scenario…………………………………………………. 94
4.3.4 Agriculture Land-Use Scenario…………………………………………………… 98
4.3.5 Population Density, Projected Future Population, and Required Acreage 102
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................. 105
5.1 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 105
5.1.1 Structural Framework and Assumptions of Research…………………………….105
5.1.2 Visualizations……………………………………………………………………..106
5.2 Future Work ...................................................................................................................... 108
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 110
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................. 114
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................. 239
Table 1: Geodesign framework and LUCIS model equivalence .................................................. 11
Table 2: Major goals and objectives of the LUCIS model ........................................................... 19
Table 3: Required software to implement the LUCIS model ....................................................... 20
Table 4: Required datasets to complete the LUCIS model ........................................................... 22
Table 5: Value assignments for potential residential lands proximal to hospitals ........................ 35
Table 6: Suitability weights used to derive land-use category suitability surfaces. ..................... 42
Table 7: Standard deviation reclassification of the normalized urban suitability raster ............... 49
Table 8: Suitability categories used to create the conflict space diagram .................................... 51
Table 9: 27 unique conflict categories .......................................................................................... 53
Table 10: Preliminary urban land-use suitability data ranges and scores ..................................... 67
Table 11: Preliminary agriculture land-use suitability data ranges and scores ............................. 68
Table 12: Preliminary conservation land-use suitability data ranges and scores.......................... 68
Table 13: Collapsed agricultural suitability data ranges and scores ............................................. 72
Table 14: Collapsed conservation suitability data ranges and scores ........................................... 73
Table 15: Collapsed urban suitability data ranges and scores ...................................................... 73
Table 16: Potential future land-use conflict: in acres and percentage of total developable land .. 81
Table 17: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the base line scenario .................. 88
Table 18: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the urban scenario ....................... 90
Table 19: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the conservation scenario ............ 94
Table 20: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the agriculture scenario ............... 98
Table 21: Mecklenburg County’s current land-use acreage breakdown..................................... 107
Table 22: Crop yield ................................................................................................................... 115
Table 23: Existing cropland ........................................................................................................ 117
Table 24: Proximity to cropland markets.................................................................................... 121
Table 25: Existing livestock areas .............................................................................................. 125
Table 26: Proximity to livestock markets ................................................................................... 127
Table 27: Existing timber land ................................................................................................... 131
Table 28: Proximity to timber markets ....................................................................................... 133
Table 29: Identify lands with high biodiversity .......................................................................... 137
Table 30: Identify lands with relatively low road density .......................................................... 139
Table 31: Identify lands suitable for protecting water quality goal ............................................ 143
Table 32: Identify wetlands......................................................................................................... 145
Table 33: Identify rivers to protect their flood storage function ................................................. 147
Table 34: Identify open water to protect their flood storage function ........................................ 149
Table 35: Identify existing resource-based parks and recreation areas ...................................... 153
Table 36: Identify existing and potential trail corridors ............................................................. 155
Table 37: Identify all surface water features with the potential for use for outdoor recreation.. 159
Table 38: Identify railroad corridors for potential use as trail corridors..................................... 161
Table 39: Identify lands free of flood potential .......................................................................... 165
Table 40: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development ...................................... 171
Table 41: Identify lands proximal to schools .............................................................................. 173
Table 42: Identify lands proximal to hospitals............................................................................ 175
Table 43: Identify lands proximal to roads ................................................................................. 177
Table 44: Identify lands proximal to airports.............................................................................. 179
Table 45: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites ..................................................... 181
Table 46: Identify lands free of flood potential .......................................................................... 187
Table 47: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development ...................................... 193
Table 48: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits .......................................... 195
Table 49: Identify lands proximal to roads ................................................................................. 197
Table 50: Identify lands proximal to airports.............................................................................. 199
Table 51: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites ..................................................... 201
Table 52: Identify lands proximal to existing office/commercial land use................................. 203
Table 53: Identify lands free of flood potential .......................................................................... 209
Table 54: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development ...................................... 211
Table 55: Identify lands proximal to existing retail land use...................................................... 213
Table 56: Identify lands proximal to roads ................................................................................. 215
Table 57: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits .......................................... 217
Table 58: Identify lands free of flood potential .......................................................................... 223
Table 59: Identify lands away from existing residential development ....................................... 225
Table 60: Identify lands proximal to existing industrial land use ............................................... 227
Table 61: Identify lands proximal to roads ................................................................................. 229
Table 62: Identify lands proximal to railroads ............................................................................ 231
Table 63: Identify lands proximal to airports.............................................................................. 233
Table 64: Collapsed land-use classification process designations .............................................. 239
Figure 1: Mecklenburg County ....................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Carl Steinitz's geodesign framework ............................................................................... 4
Figure 3: Margaret Carr and Paul Zwick's LUCIS model framework ............................................ 5
Figure 4: Agricultural land-use goals, objectives, and sub-objectives models ............................. 12
Figure 5: Displays the LUCIS model as it appears collapsed within ArcCatalog ........................ 13
Figure 6: Simple AHP and pairwise comparison visualization .................................................... 15
Figure 7: Pairwise comparison values calculated to determine AHP weights.............................. 16
Figure 8: Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor .................................................................... 18
Figure 9: Research design ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 10: File geodatabase displaying the administrative boundaries. ....................................... 25
Figure 11: Feature class to feature class tool in ArcMap.............................................................. 26
Figure 12: Feature to raster tool execution example used during data processing ....................... 27
Figure 13: Clip raster tool used in data processing ....................................................................... 28
Figure 14: Collapsed land-use designation representation ........................................................... 29
Figure 15: Analysis model displaying the multiple levels of SUAs, MUAs, and CMUAs. ......... 30
Figure 16: Analysis model for the urban sub-objective “identify lands free of flood potential” . 32
Figure 17: Results of the SUA “identify lands free of flood potential" ........................................ 33
Figure 18: Analysis model for the urban sub-objective “identify lands proximal to hospitals”... 34
Figure 19: Zonal statistics applied to Euclidean distance from hospitals ..................................... 34
Figure 20: Results of the SUA “identify lands proximal to hospitals" ......................................... 36
Figure 21: Analysis model for the MUA “identify lands physically suitable for residential use” 37
Figure 22: Results of the MUA “identify lands physically suitable for residential use" .............. 38
Figure 23: Analysis model for the urban goal “identify lands suitable for residential use” ......... 40
Figure 24: Results of the CMUA “identify lands suitable for residential use" ............................. 41
Figure 25: Urban preference model .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 26: Developable land model .............................................................................................. 44
Figure 27: Developable land within the study area....................................................................... 45
Figure 28: Divide tool used to derive the normalized land-use class suitability surface .............. 46
Figure 29: Normalized urban suitability derived from divide tool ............................................... 47
Figure 30: Standard deviation used in normalized urban suitability raster reclassification ......... 48
Figure 31: Conflict space diagram model ..................................................................................... 50
Figure 32: Combination of normalized and collapsed suitability surfaces ................................... 51
Figure 33: Conflict types and raster yielded by the combination of suitabilities ......................... 52
Figure 34: Current and projected future population as well as projected population increase ..... 55
Figure 35: Allocate cells to urban land-use where urban wins ..................................................... 56
Figure 36: Model to allocate cells where urban conflict wins ...................................................... 57
Figure 37: Future urban land in the base line scenario ................................................................. 58
Figure 38: Model for the creation of the remaining lands 2030 mask .......................................... 59
Figure 39: Remaining future lands for land-use allocation........................................................... 60
Figure 40: Model for the allocation of cells where agriculture wins ............................................ 61
Figure 41: Land allocated to agriculture in the base line scenario................................................ 62
Figure 42: Model for the allocation of cells where conservation wins ......................................... 63
Figure 43: Land allocated to conservation in the base line scenario ............................................ 64
Figure 44: Model for allocation of agriculture and conservation lands that are in conflict.......... 65
Figure 45: Urban suitability results for the study area .................................................................. 69
Figure 46: Agriculture suitability results for the study area ......................................................... 70
Figure 47: Conservation suitability results for the study area ...................................................... 71
Figure 48: Collapsed agricultural suitability limited to developable lands .................................. 74
Figure 49: Collapsed conservation suitability limited to developable lands ................................ 75
Figure 50: Collapsed urban suitability limited to developable lands ............................................ 76
Figure 51: Bar graph showing the distribution of acreage over each land-use conflict category . 78
Figure 52: Future developable land with potential conflict or possessing no potential conflict .. 79
Figure 53: Percentage of developable land in conflict by category .............................................. 82
Figure 54: Potential land-use conflict; major conflict and conflict among land-use categories ... 83
Figure 55: Areas of potential major conflict and areas of land-use preference ............................ 84
Figure 56: Future Land-Use Baseline Scenario ............................................................................ 87
Figure 57: Allocation percentage of developable land for the base line scenario ........................ 89
Figure 58 : Allocation percentage of developable land for the urban scenario ............................ 92
Figure 59: Future Land-Use Urban Scenario ................................................................................ 93
Figure 60: Allocation percentage of developable land for the conservation scenario .................. 96
Figure 61: Future Land-Use Conservation Scenario..................................................................... 97
Figure 62: Allocation percentage of developable land for the agriculture scenario ................... 100
Figure 63: Future Land-Use Agriculture Scenario ..................................................................... 101
Figure 64: Density increase from current density needed to support projected population ....... 102
Figure 65: Population Density Needed to Support 2030 Projected Population .......................... 103
Figure 66: Urban acreage and projected population ................................................................... 104
Figure 67: AG1O11SO111 ......................................................................................................... 116
Figure 68: AG1O11SO112 ......................................................................................................... 118
Figure 69: Cropland physical suitability model .......................................................................... 119
Figure 70: AG1O11 .................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 71: AG1012 ..................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 72: Cropland suitability model ........................................................................................ 123
Figure 73: AG1 ........................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 74: AG3O31 .................................................................................................................... 126
Figure 75: AG3O32SO321 ......................................................................................................... 128
Figure 76: Livestock suitability model ....................................................................................... 129
Figure 77: AG3 ........................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 78: AG4O41 .................................................................................................................... 132
Figure 79: AG4O42SO422 ......................................................................................................... 134
Figure 80: Timber suitability model ........................................................................................... 135
Figure 81: AG4 ........................................................................................................................... 136
Figure 82: CG1O11..................................................................................................................... 138
Figure 83: CG1O12..................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 84: Identify lands suitable for protecting biodiversity model.......................................... 141
Figure 85: CG1 ........................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 86: CG2 ........................................................................................................................... 144
Figure 87: CG3O32SO321.......................................................................................................... 146
Figure 88: CG3O32SO322.......................................................................................................... 148
Figure 89: CG3O32SO323.......................................................................................................... 150
Figure 90: Flood process objective model .................................................................................. 151
Figure 91: CG3 ........................................................................................................................... 152
Figure 92: CG4O41SO411.......................................................................................................... 154
Figure 93: CG4O41SO412.......................................................................................................... 156
Figure 94: Identify existing areas used for resource-based recreation model............................. 157
Figure 95: CG4O41..................................................................................................................... 158
Figure 96: CG4O42..................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 97: CG4O43..................................................................................................................... 162
Figure 98: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation model ..................................... 163
Figure 99: CG4 ........................................................................................................................... 164
Figure 100: UG1O11SO112 ....................................................................................................... 166
Figure 101: Identify quiet areas model ....................................................................................... 167
Figure 102: UG1O11SO113 ....................................................................................................... 168
Figure 103: Determine lands physically suitable for residential land use model ....................... 169
Figure 104: UG1O11 .................................................................................................................. 170
Figure 105: UG1O12SO121 ....................................................................................................... 172
Figure 106: UG1O12SO122 ....................................................................................................... 174
Figure 107: UG1O12SO123 ....................................................................................................... 176
Figure 108: UG1O12SO124 ....................................................................................................... 178
Figure 109: UG1O12SO125 ....................................................................................................... 180
Figure 110: UG1O12SO126 ....................................................................................................... 182
Figure 111: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use model .................. 183
Figure 112: UG1O12 .................................................................................................................. 184
Figure 113: Identify lands suitable for residential land use model ............................................. 185
Figure 114: UG1 ......................................................................................................................... 186
Figure 115: UG2O21SO212 ....................................................................................................... 188
Figure 116: Identify quiet areas model ....................................................................................... 189
Figure 117: UG2O21SO213 ....................................................................................................... 190
Figure 118: Determine lands physically suitable for office/commercial land use model ........... 191
Figure 119: UG2O21 .................................................................................................................. 192
Figure 120: UG2O22SO221 ....................................................................................................... 194
Figure 121: UG2O22SO222 ....................................................................................................... 196
Figure 122: UG2O22SO223 ....................................................................................................... 198
Figure 123: UG2O22SO225 ....................................................................................................... 200
Figure 124: UG2O22SO226 ....................................................................................................... 202
Figure 125: UG2O22SO229 ....................................................................................................... 204
Figure 126: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use model...... 205
Figure 127: UG2O22 .................................................................................................................. 206
Figure 128: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use model ................................ 207
Figure 129: UG2 ......................................................................................................................... 208
Figure 130: UG3O31 .................................................................................................................. 210
Figure 131: UG3O32SO321 ....................................................................................................... 212
Figure 132: UG3O32SO322 ....................................................................................................... 214
Figure 133: UG3O32SO323 ....................................................................................................... 216
Figure 134: UG3O32SO327 ....................................................................................................... 218
Figure 135: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use model........................... 219
Figure 136: UG3O32 .................................................................................................................. 220
Figure 137: Identify lands suitable for retail land use model ..................................................... 221
Figure 138: UG3 ......................................................................................................................... 222
Figure 139: UG4O41 .................................................................................................................. 224
Figure 140: UG4O42SO421 ....................................................................................................... 226
Figure 141: UG4O42SO422 ....................................................................................................... 228
Figure 142: UG4O42SO423 ....................................................................................................... 230
Figure 143: UG4O42SO424 ....................................................................................................... 232
Figure 144: UG4O42SO425 ....................................................................................................... 234
Figure 145: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use model ................................ 235
Figure 146: UG4O42 .................................................................................................................. 236
Figure 147: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use model............................................... 237
Figure 148: UG4 ......................................................................................................................... 238
Equation 1: Conditional expression used to identify lands suitable for residential use................ 39
Equation 2: Calculates the acres of land needed to support human settlement ............................ 55
Equation 3: Expression selects urban land-use over agriculture and conservation land-uses ...... 57
LUCIS Land Use Identification Strategy
GIS Geographic Information Systems
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
FLUAM Florida Land Use Allocation Method
GDB Geodatabase
SUA Single Utility Unit
MUA Multiple Utility Unit
CMUA Complex Multi Utility Unit
AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process
UA Utility Assignment
CSD Conflict Space Diagram
Mecklenburg County is growing at an alarming rate and as a result the region is faced with the
threat of rapid land use change. Since 2000 the population of the region has grown by 32 percent
and the United Nations estimates an additional 71 percent population increase by the year 2030,
placing it amongst the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. This growth is driven
by sociodemographic, economic, and biophysical factors such as: an expanding young
professionals demographic, high quality of life, proximity to outdoor recreation, and booming
manufacturing, travel, energy, sports, and financial industries. Due to these trends it is crucial to
project the magnitude and location of future expansion for the region to aid and support
sustainable decision making. Visualizing how land-use change will be spatially distributed, and
where competing land-use classifications will be in conflict, leads researchers to examine
alternative scenarios and actions for the future of a region. This study isolated and quantified
land that will be in potential future conflict, and examined four future land-use scenarios for
Mecklenburg County, NC using an adaptation of Margaret Carr and Paul Zwick’s Land Use
Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS) model. LUCIS is a goal driven Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) model that produces a spatial representation of where agriculture, conservation,
and urban land‐use suitabilities will be in future conflict and helps illustrate potential future
alternative land-use scenarios (Carr and Zwick 2007). The analysis’ results highlighted the
escalating drive for future urban expansion into agricultural land, the persistent effort to conserve
only those lands currently in conservation, and the continued push of agricultural land to the
county’s periphery. In addition, the four future land-use scenarios provided a simulated, potential
view of the future through the lens of stakeholders who represent the interests of each land-use
designation. Overall, this study successfully yielded the requisite information products for
utilization by actual stakeholders to iteratively work through similar modeling efforts to assist
future planning efforts.
Mecklenburg County is growing at an alarming rate and as a result the region is faced with the
threat of rapid land-use change. The causes of land-use change are shared amongst a variety of
players, but in general, choices made by developers, businesses, and government entities lead to
the promotion of land-use decisions that serve their specific interests. Visualizing how land-use
change will be spatially distributed, and where competing land-use classifications will be in
conflict, leads researchers to actively engage in empirically based design to illustrate alternative
land-use scenarios for the future of the region.
This study identified and quantified the amount of land that will be in potential future
conflict, and examined four future land-use conflict scenarios for Mecklenburg County, NC
using an adaptation of Margaret Carr and Paul Zwick’s Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy
(LUCIS) model. LUCIS is a goal driven Geographic Information Systems (GIS) model that
produces a spatial representation of where agriculture, conservation, and urban land‐use
suitabilities will be in future conflict and helps illustrate potential future alternative land-use
scenarios (Carr and Zwick 2007).
GIS is an integrated collection of computer software and data used to view and manage
information about geographic places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial processes
(Wade and Sommer 2006). A GIS provided this study a framework for gathering and organizing
the requisite spatial data and land-use related information so that it could be displayed, analyzed,
and properly disseminated.
1.1 Motivation
Mecklenburg County, nestled in southern North Carolina along the South Carolina border, is
home to the city of Charlotte and a collection of expanding small to mid-sized cities (Figure 1).
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
that encompasses Mecklenburg County has grown by 32 percent since the year 2000. This
compared to the U.S. national average of 9.7 percent growth, places the region among the fastest
growing metropolitan areas in the country (Chesser 2012). In addition, the United Nations’
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division estimates an additional 71
percent population increase by the year 2030 (Chesser 2014).
Figure 1: Mecklenburg County
This growth is driven by sociodemographic, economic, and biophysical factors such as:
an expanding young professionals demographic, high quality of life, proximity to outdoor
recreation, and booming manufacturing, travel, energy, sports, and financial industries. Due to
these trends it is crucial to project the magnitude and location of future expansion for the region
to aid and support sustainable decision making. If left unmanaged, it could result in inefficient
land use designations. A solution to this problem is the geodesign framework, which provides
planners, designers, developers, and other community stakeholders a framework to make
thoughtful and informed decisions on how to best utilize or preserve land in the study area —
now and in the future.
More specifically, geodesign is a design framework and supporting technology that
leverages geographic information to create designs that more closely follow natural systems (Esri
2014). In recent history this design paradigm has evolved to include studies conducted in regions
around the world that expose relationships between humanity and geography. By integrating
design with a combination of science- and value-based information, geodesign uniquely supports
a better-informed communal decision making process that curates designer-public collaboration.
It brings people together so that participants from different backgrounds and points of view can
run what-if scenarios based on their assumptions and assess the consequences of those
assumptions (Esri 2014).
In practice, geodesign is performed by practitioners of varying positions along the
technological spectrum. There are those who leverage low-tech spatial workflows based on
analog information products, such as paper maps, to derive analytical products. And then there
are those who build their modeling capabilities on foundations of computation, such as GIS.
Both approaches are fundamentally rooted in the same process and functional theory, but choose
to execute their iterative methodologies in different manners. Those choices may be based on a
variety of factors from the collective knowledge and experience of a project’s participants to the
data or functionality requirements of a particular stakeholder group (Steinitz 2012).
Scholars across the technological spectrum have influenced the use of geodesign
techniques in scenario planning and alternative futures analysis. An example of one of those
individuals is Carl Steinitz. Steinitz’s (et al. 2003) Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes:
The Upper San Pedro River Basin in Arizona and Sonora set the standard for alternative futures
and scenario planning analyses by establishing the most concise and detailed geodesign
workflow to date (Figure 2). This workflow consists of six questions that are asked throughout
three iterations. Each question produces visualizations that ultimately comprise any number of
future scenarios for a particular study area. While Steinitz‘s model first appeared in his 1990
paper A Framework for Theory Applicable to the Education of Landscape Architects, it was the
Upper San Pedro River Basin project that saw the research framework function at a more mature
Figure 2: Carl Steinitz's geodesign framework (Steinitz 2013)
For example, this study produced ten distinct alternative futures for the region, each
comprised of a series of maps, charts, tables, and graphs that explicitly described the potential
changes that each scenario represented. Those outcomes were invaluable to the community and
other stakeholders who were able to digest each what-if scenario to best visualize the future in
which they wished to reside. And because geodesign is an iterative process, the scenarios
produced by Steinitz and his team were not set in stone. Conversely, each scenario could be
revisited and augmented to produce additional visualizations to aid the community in their
ongoing planning and design efforts.
In addition to Steinitz’s framework, Carr and Zwick’s LUCIS model has played a large
role in shaping geodesign’s core paradigm (Carr and Zwick 2007). Their framework, while
different from Steinitz, tackles the same tasks with a more regimented, goal oriented approach
(Figure 3). LUCIS produces spatial representations of probable patterns of future land-use
divided into a three different categories, making it efficient and effective in examining future
scenarios and selecting the most desired option.
Figure 3: Margaret Carr and Paul Zwick's LUCIS model framework (Carr and Zwick 2005)
Goals and
• Define goals and objectives that become criteria for
determining suitability.
• Identify data resources potentially relevant to each goal and
• Analyze data to determine relative suitability for each goal.
• Combine the relative suitabilities of each goal to determine
preference for the three main land-use categories.
• Compare the three land-use preferences to determine likely
areas of future land-use conflict
1.2 Research Goal
The overall goal of this research was to isolate and quantify future land-use conflict in
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and effectively create future land-use scenarios for the
year 2030.
Land-use conflict can be defined as the comparison of the level of suitability for each of
the differing land-use categories within a given land unit (Carr and Zwick 2007). A land unit is a
raster cell that represents at a minimum, one acre. Where a land unit’s suitability metric is equal,
land-use conflict is identified. If a specific land-use category has a higher suitability metric for a
given land unit than the other categories, then no conflict has been identified. In this case the
land unit should retain its current land-use. Using this approach, the potential land-use conflict
can be predicted for the entire region (Carr and Zwick 2007).
Implementing an adaptation of the LUCIS model facilitates the achievement of these
goals by revealing the impact of incremental land-use change over time. The analytical products
of the modeling effort provide insight into the location and magnitude of potential future land-
use conflict, and the derived future land-use scenarios offer a mechanism for trustworthy
collaboration between stakeholders, government entities, and development groups.
This study’s results can be utilized in community planning events as an aid to reach
consensus on critical decisions that affect land-use change or during envisioning sessions that
give stakeholders the ability to interactively choose where they would like to see future
development. Transparent, open efforts such as these may even yield value-based trends that can
then be used to create new, more community reflective future land-use scenarios. An example of
this approach can be seen in Alternative Futures for Monroe County, Pennsylvania, a study
conducted in 1993 by Harvard University Graduate School of Design researchers (Steinitz et al.
1994). This scenario-based futures study researched growth trends and prepared six alternative
futures for the year 2020. All models were mapped and used in public engagement efforts to
allow citizens to visualize the consequences of each scenario.
1.3 Thesis Organization
This thesis document is organized by a collection of chapters, each with its own unique purpose.
The study begins with a review of relevant academic and professional literature that have
shaped this study. This includes work focusing on the following concepts: geodesign, alternative
futures analysis, scenario planning, the LUCIS model, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP),
and pairwise comparison. The following chapter explains the methodology used to conduct this
study. Topics covered include the study area, research questions and design, software and data
requirements, and the procedures for analysis.
Results follow the methods chapter with the isolation, quantification, and visualization of
potential future land-use conflict and an analysis of the four land-use scenarios. The final chapter
discusses the conclusions drawn from the study, as well as future considerations of the work and
study region.
This chapter exposes requisite background information and an established literature review.
Geodesign, alternative futures analysis, scenario planning, the LUCIS Model, the Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP), and pairwise comparison are all inspected in the following chapter
sub-sections. At a high level geodesign is the theoretical framework that encompasses both
alternative futures analysis and scenario planning. The LUCIS model is a tool that facilitates
alternative futures analysis and scenario planning processes, and the AHP and pairwise
comparison are components of the LUCIS model.
2.1 Geodesign
Changing geography by design has been an ongoing practice for much of human history. The
ancient Chinese built their settlements close to mountains and rivers to manifest their idea of a
harmonious landscape (McElvaney 2012). The ancient Arabs built their cities to include narrow
streets in order to capture the benefits of shading during the hot summer months (McElvaney
2012). Strategic choices, such as these, have been made consistently over time to ensure human
safety and protection, sufficient access to resources, and a potential for future growth. The need
to make more calculated, analytical decisions in planning fields has escalated over human
Throughout the twentieth century the systematic geographic design and planning
methodology, now known as Geodesign, took theoretical shape by drawing from the work of
Richard Neutra, Ian McHarg, Carl Steinitz, and others (McElvaney 2012). Inherently geography
is concerned with place and processes, and design with the intent of creation, but only recently
was the term Geodesign coined by Esri founder and President Jack Dangermond (McElvaney
2012). This key action has become a part of an ongoing initiative to join the theoretical
knowledge of urban and regional planning with the systematic, computer-based science practice
of GIS to assist designers, planners, and stakeholders in making more well-informed decisions
for the future of their respective communities.
As mentioned, the ideologies that collectively form geodesign were forged over time.
One of these instances was the groundbreaking work, Survival through Design, published by
Richard Neutra in 1954. In the piece Neutra described his approach to design as the marriage of
both biological and behavioral sciences. This practice, which he coined biorealism, highlighted
the inseparable union of both man and nature, and draws attention to the values of incorporating
scientific expertise in community planning and landscape architectural practices. Neutra’s
contemporary Ian McHarg was forging similar ideas when he penned Design with Nature in
1969. It was here where McHarg promoted his framework for planning and design that
essentially creates harmony between nature and its human inhabitants by considering both
environmental and social factors during the decision making process.
2.1.1 Alternative Futures Analysis and Scenario Planning
An integral part of the well-informed decision making process is the ability to quickly
evaluate design alternatives, scenarios, and their impacts. Alternative futures analysis and
scenario planning have long been practices within the planning and design communities, but
recently have become core components of the geodesign process. Alternative futures analysis
and scenario planning methodologies have progressed significantly since 1990. In that time a
number of studies have been conducted that encompass the current research paradigm, most
notably Steinitz’s (et al. 2003) Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes: The Upper San
Pedro River Basin in Arizona and Sonora.
This study was performed by Steinitz and his colleagues from Harvard University’s
Graduate School of Design in 2003. The work explored alternative futures of the Upper San
Pedro River Basin. While the study produced ten alternative futures as well as a large amount of
critical analyses, the overwhelming importance of the study was the illustration of Steinitz’s
alternative futures methodology itself.
The overview of the approach is organized by the following; (1) the construction of a
literature review, (2) an establishment of the research workflow, (3) a description of how the
research is organized and in which manner data is obtained, (4) a brief natural and cultural
history of the region, (5) the creation of an inventory of issues to be investigated, (6)
identification of scenarios to be generated by the research, (7) assessment of the future impacts
of each scenario in terms of land use development, hydrology, vegetation, landscape ecology,
species and habitats, and visual preference, and (8) the summarization of the potential impacts
and conclusions.
Earlier in his career Steinitz was a part of similar studies, such as the Alternative Futures
for Monroe County, Pennsylvania study, which was conducted in 1993 by Harvard University
Graduate School of Design researchers in collaboration with the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and local Monroe County government officials (Steinitz et al. 1994). Researchers
concluded that due to natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and improved transportation
Monroe County, PA would experience large scale growth over the next three decades (Steinitz et
al. 1994). As a result, the county faced difficult decisions that pegged conservation efforts
against new urban development.
In an attempt to visualize the future, this scenario-based futures study researched growth
trends and prepared six alternative futures for the year 2020. These included; (1) following the
county’s comprehensive plan, (2) allowing development to be market-driven, (3) pursuing the
strategic development interests of each township, (4) adopting a policy of land conservation with
an emphasis on outdoor recreational opportunities, (5) concentration of new development in a
corridor served by public transportation, and (6) conserving all existing undeveloped land
(Steinitz et al. 1994). All models were mapped and used in public engagement efforts to allow
citizens to visualize the consequences of each scenario.
In addition to the Monroe County study, Biodiversity and Landscape Planning:
Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California was a study performed
between 1994 and 1996 by the Harvard University Graduate School of design, Utah State
University, the National Biological Service, the U.S Forest Service, the Nature Conservancy, and
the Biodiversity Research Consortium (Steinitz et al. 1996). Researchers indicated that the study
area was one of the most biologically diverse regions in the United States, and that major
environmental stressors on the region were being caused by urbanization. In response, the study
explored how rapid growth in the region of Camp Pendleton might influence the biodiversity of
the area over time (Steinitz et al. 1996).
To frame the research, future change was modeled at the regional level using six different
future scenarios, including; (1) a summarized local and regional plan projected over time, (2)
spread pattern of low density growth, (3) spread pattern with conservation strategy, (4) private
conservation strategy, (5) concentrating centers of development and new communities, and (6)
concentrated growth in a single new city (Steinitz et al. 1996). Stakeholders used the differing
models to assess their future development and conservation strategies.
While a small sample of the Geodesign paradigm, these studies exemplify the application
and relevance of alternative futures analysis and scenario planning. Through this integrated
approach, it is possible to extend traditional planning methods and how geography is viewed by
providing innovative contexts and provocative visualization that are steeped in quantitative,
science-based methodologies and results. Geodesign, alternative futures analysis, and scenario
planning provide a framework for understanding the comprehensive impacts of decisions,
allowing decision makers to logically reach conclusions, solve problems, and work towards a
more sustainable future.
2.1.2 The LUCIS Model
In essence, LUCIS is a GIS suitability analysis that divides the landscape into three differing
land-use classes based on potential future land-use conflict (Carr and Zwick 2005). The model
exhibits many of the same theoretical characteristics as geodesign, producing an equivalent to
each of Steinitz’s iterations (Table 1). The model was conceptually derived from the life’s work
of Eugene P. Odum, a twentieth century ecologist, who defined a simple compartmental model
that simulates human impact on the environment through land-use and ecosystem comparison
(McElvaney 2012).
Table 1: Geodesign framework and LUCIS model equivalence
Geodesign Framework LUCIS Model
Representation Models Develop goals and objectives
Representation Models Construct relevant data inventory
Process Models Determine suitabilities
Evaluation Models Combine suitabilities to represent preference
Change Models Visualize suitabilities as high, medium, and low,
high being the most suitable
Impact Models Compare areas of conflict to determine future
quantity and spatial distribution
Decision Models Conclusive results and stakeholder discussion
The LUCIS model was first introduced by
Zwick and Carr in their 2005 paper Using GIS
Suitability Analysis to Identify Potential Future
Land Use Conflicts in North Central Florida. The
paper introduced a six step process for land-use
modeling that included: (1) develop a hierarchical
set of goals and objectives that become suitability
criteria, (2) collect an inventory of available data,
(3) determine suitabilities, (4) combine suitabilities
to represent preference, (5) reclassify suitabilities
into categories of high, medium, and low, high
being the most suitable and (6) compare areas of
conflict to determine the quantity and spatial
distribution of potential land use conflict.
Following their initial publication, Zwick
and Carr published Smart Land-Use Analysis: The
LUCIS Model through Esri Press in 2007. This full
length text provided breakdown of the LUCIS
model from its theoretical framework to individual
project implementation strategies. Included with the
text was the model itself and sample data to test its
Once the model was officially released,
Zwick and Carr’s colleagues and students published
a number of studies. These papers exhibited the
malleability and cross-discipline relevance of
LUCIS. Most notably, Abdulnaser Arafat displayed
how LUCIS could be extended to include additional
allocation and statistical tools to build a more complex,
Figure 4: Displays the agricultural land-use
goals, objectives, and sub-objectives models
expanded as they appear in ArcCatalog
insightful model in successive papers published from 2010 to 2012 (Arafat 2010; Arafat 2011;
Arafat 2012A; Arafat 2012B).
Arafat highlights one of his innovative approaches for extending LUCIS in a highly
detailed and analytical piece entitled, Evaluating Accessibility and Travel Costs as Suitability
Components in the Allocation of Land Use. Here he offers the ability to automate the allocation
of land use process, and provides an alternative workflow for dealing with suitabilities that differ
in criteria from typical land use classifications and analyses. For example, the allocation of land-
use in regards to affordable housing instead of residential housing was specific to this study.
With this came a number of factors that augmented the overall LUCIS process, such as travel
costs, and required a series of customizations to implement.
In addition to Abdulnaser Arafat, other former students of Zwick’s continued to test the
LUCIS model further by using it as one of many models in a variety of studies. Yong Hong
Guo’s Using remote sensing and GIS to monitor and predict urban growth---Case study in
Alachua County, Florida (Guo 2012) used a combination of remotely sensed data and a LUCIS
derivative to identify and analyze the probability and predictability of land use change instead of
Elizabeth Thompson’s Envisioning Urban Growth Patterns that Support Long-Range
Planning Goals - A Comparative Analysis of Two Methods of Forecasting Future Land Use
Change (Thompson 2010) successfully evaluated the applicability and effectiveness of the
LUCIS and FLUAM (Florida Land Use
Allocation Method) models. Overall, it was
determined that when compared to FLUAM,
LUCIS provided a future land-use scenario where
a higher population density could be achieved
and those population centers would have greater
access to future transit. Accumulatively, this
scenario resulted in the potential conservation of
three times more energy and less travel time for
potential new citizens.
Figure 5: Displays the LUCIS model as it appears
collapsed within ArcCatalog
Emily Stallings’ Using GIS to Evaluate Land Use Conflict and Model Potential
Environmental Impacts of Future Development Patterns: A Case Study of Central Florida
(Stallings 2010) is a study that completely aligned itself with LUCIS, and stands as one of the
main sources of inspiration and guidance for this study. Stallings provided an in-depth walk
through of a baseline LUCIS implementation that effectively fills in gaps found in the workflow
provided by Zwick and Carr in their 2007 publication. For instance, she offers a methodology for
preparing land use data for initial representation mapping and subsequent analysis by using a
systematic approach to classify current land use codes within a parcel fabric.
Simultaneous to Arafat and others’ work, papers began to emerge that utilized the LUCIS
model for suitability analyses outside of land use change. For instance, Melanie Colavito and a
team of researchers from Arizona presented a paper at the 2010 Esri User Conference that
displayed the use of LUCIS for renewable energy site selection in Cochise County (Colavito et
al. 2010). The team expanded on original LUCIS principles by replacing the three land use types
of agriculture, conservation, and urban with solar, wind, and bio-energy.
Each of these studies and texts provide extensive insight into varied LUCIS
implementation strategies, and core principles such as the use of Single Utility Assignments
(SUAs), Multiple Utility Assignments (MUAs), Complex Multi Utility Assignments (CMUAs),
and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The model as it is implemented in this study is an
example of the geodesign framework at a county scale. Spatial decision making models, such as
LUCIS, are effective in managing complex decisions and determining compelling results that are
regionally flexible and community based (McElvaney 2012).
2.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process and Pairwise Comparison
The AHP is a multi-criteria decision-making approach introduced by Thomas Saaty in 1980
(Saaty 1980). By utilizing a series of pairwise comparisons, or the process of comparing two or
more elements in regards to their general preference, the AHP helps digest subjective and
objective information and systematically evaluate that information against specific criteria. The
resulting metrics aid decision makers in selecting the best possible alternatives to their complex
Figure 6: Simple AHP and pairwise comparison visualization
The AHP generates a weight for each evaluation criterion based on its creator’s pairwise
comparisons (Figure 6). A higher generated weight for one criteria signifies greater importance
when compared to its corresponding criterion. The AHP then assigns a score to each alternative
in agreement with the pairwise comparisons of the scenarios depending on that specific criterion.
Similar to the weighting procedure, a higher score represents superior performance in regards to
a particular criterion with respect to a specific scenario. To conclude the process, the AHP
Goal 1
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Alternative 3
calculates an ultimate value score by combining the criteria weights and scenario scores. From
the resulting score a final ranking can be conceived from which a decision can be made.
The benefit of leveraging the AHP is its ease of use and ability to support a large
audience. When utilized in the LUCIS model the AHP enables stakeholders from a diverse
participant pool to capture community values and align themselves fully with the geodesign
Figure 7: Example of pairwise comparison values calculated to determine AHP weights, which are then used to determine land -
use suitabilities (Carr and Zwick 2007)
LUCIS uses the AHP to derive weights that determine the strength individual goals and their
associated suitability rasters exert on the final land-use surfaces (Carr and Zwick 2007). For
example, if a stakeholder group places an AHP weight of .62 on an urban residential goal,
(Figure 7), then each raster cell in the final urban surface will receive 62% of the value from the
urban residential goal surface.
This chapter reviews the study area, research questions, software/tool requirements, and the
procedural and analytical methodology used to implement an adaptation of the LUCIS model. In
addition, this chapter includes data sources used to capture metrics of land-use conflict and the
conceptual framework for conducting a thorough analysis of that conflict.
3.1 Study Area
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina was established on November 6
, 1762 in commemoration
of the marriage between King George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Its favorable
climate and topography have made settlement and growth advantageous to its inhabitants.
Located less than a few hundred miles from both the Blue Ridge Mountains and Atlantic Ocean
(to the west and east respectively), Mecklenburg County’s residents enjoy mild winters and
warm summers. According to the U.S. Census’ decennial and historical reports, the county has
seen its population consistently rise since its inception, growing from approximately 11,000 to
over 1,000,000 citizens since 1790. In recent years Mecklenburg County has benefited
economically from a diverse group of industry leaders, such as Bank of America and Duke
Energy, both of whom are headquartered in the region. Companies within manufacturing,
energy, sports, and particularly banking have collectively driven the overall economic success of
the region.
The Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor was an area within Mecklenburg County
that was of particular interest when considering this study. This corridor north of Charlotte
connects the towns of Huntersville, Cornelius, and Davidson through Interstate 77 (Figure 8).
This highway corridor runs directly down the center of the county, and passes into Charlotte’s
Uptown. Much of the county’s available land is located on either side of this corridor. North
Carolina’s Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration have
proposed a plan to widen the highway, and build a new North Corridor commuter rail line
(Boykin and Cheney 2014). These transportation additions, in connection with available land,
make this area of the county a prime growth zone target. Along with this growth, potential future
land-use conflict can be expected.
Figure 8: Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor
3.2 Research Questions
As stated, LUCIS is a goal driven GIS model that produces a spatial representation of where
land‐use suitabilities will be in future conflict and illustrates alternative land-use futures (Carr
and Zwick 2007). In order to successfully implement an adaptation of the LUCIS model, a
collection of goals, objectives, and sub-objectives must be defined. These definitions serve to
frame the overall research questions and eventual suitability models that are utilized during the
analysis process.
Land-use conflict is defined as the state of equal interest in the same land by different
groups (Carr and Zwick 2007). Land, or land units, were represented by 50-acre raster cells that
masked the entirety of the study area. This study determined the lands suitable for (1)
conservation, (2) urban growth, and (3) agricultural use in Mecklenburg County and compared
the resulting surfaces to derive the most likely locations for future land-use conflict. The suitable
locations for conflict were allocated to one of the three broad land-use classifications to create
four unique future land-use scenarios: the baseline scenario, agricultural scenario, conservation
scenario, and urban scenario (Carr and Zwick 2007).
The baseline scenario weighed each of the land groups equally during pairwise
comparison to produce a land-use conflict constant that was later utilized in scenario comparison.
Each of the other three scenarios highlights one of the three land groups by weighing it heaviest
to account for the adoption of land-use decisions that are in alignment with that land group. The
overall research questions were outlined by the following goals and objectives (Table 2) derived
from a larger set used by Carr and Zwick in their North-Central Florida case study (Carr and
Zwick 2007).
Table 2: Major goals and objectives of the LUCIS model
Statement of intent Identify lands most suitable for agricultural use
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for croplands/row crops
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for livestock
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for timber
Statement of intent Identify lands most suitable for permanent protection through the application of
conservation strategies
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for protecting native biodiversity
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for protecting water quality
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for protecting important ecological processes
Goal 4 Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Statement of intent Identify lands most suitable for urban development
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for residential land-use
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land-use
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for retail land-use
Goal 4 Identify lands suitable for industrial land-use
3.3 Software and Tools
The hardware, software, and tools used to complete this study reflect previous implementations
of the LUCIS model, and other studies that exercise alternative futures and scenario planning
analyses. Such requirements are organized below in Table 3 by software, software extensions,
and models.
Table 3: Required software to implement the LUCIS model
Software Type Use
ArcGIS for
Software A series of GIS software programs that collect, store, analyze, map, and
visualize geographic data. ArcGIS for Desktop is comprised of ArcMap,
ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, and ArcScene, as well as complimentary
administrative and programming tools.
Extension Augments capabilities of ArcGIS for Desktop by adding a range of spatial
modeling and analysis tools.
Model Geospatial model intended to project future land-use conflict and allocate
land-use based on measures of suitability.
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.2 was used as the sole facilitator for data management,
mapping, and analysis throughout this study. All data obtained to conduct this study (see Section
3.4) was processed, cataloged, and managed (see Section 3.5) using the ArcCatalog window
within ArcMap. The Spatial Analyst extension to ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2.2 was used as a
requirement to implement this adaptation of the LUCIS model. The LUCIS model relies heavily
on analyses such as Euclidean distance, reclassification, and raster calculation, all of which
require the Spatial Analyst extension.
The LUCIS model itself was purchased, along with Smart Land-Use Analysis: The
LUCIS Model (its accompanied text), as a disc. This disc provides the model, sample data,
practice exercises, and usage recommendations. Built using an older version of ArcGIS for
Desktop and ModelBuilder, the LUCIS model could not be used as is, requiring this study to use
the model as a guide. While the same modeling structure and steps were used, this study’s
adaptation of the LUCIS model built each modeling component independent of its originator (see
Section 3.5).
3.4 Data requirements/Data sources
A number of different datasets were required to complete this study, all of which were sourced
directly from both the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County using their newly created open
data portals, Open Charlotte and Mecklenburg County Open Mapping. These data warehouses
are one-stop-shops for the most current and accurate city and county datasets. The only
exceptions to this rule were the two datasets sourced for the North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources, the Biological Wildlife Habitat Assessment and the state
Agricultural Assessment. Using Ian McHarg’s broad dataset categories described in Design with
Nature, data were categorized as geophysical, biological/ecological, demographic, economic,
political, cultural, and infrastructure.
Table 4: Required datasets to complete the LUCIS model
Data Category Datasets
Geophysical Soils, Floodplain, Rivers, Greenways, Lakes and Ponds, Wells,
Streams, Watershed, Agricultural Assessment
Biological/Ecological Wetlands and Biological Wildlife Habitat
Cultural Land Cover, Historic Sites, Parks, and Public Art
Infrastructure Airport, Bike Lanes, Bus Stops and Routes, Streets and
Highways, Railroads, Light Rail, Public Transit, Grocery,
Hospitals, Libraries, Post Offices, Recreation Centers, and
Building Footprints
Political County Boundary, City Zoning, County Parcels, Town Zoning,
Historic Districts, Fire Departments, and Police Departments
3.5 Procedures/Analysis
This study aligned itself with the procedural and analytical design workflow developed by
Steinitz, and implemented an adaptation of the LUCIS model. From the LUCIS model, this
adaptation borrowed: the data model, goal and objective naming conventions and definitions, and
the hierarchical modeling process and structure. A detailed breakdown of each component in the
design overview (Figure 9) is reviewed in the following sub-sections.
Figure 9: Research design
3.5.1 Representation Modeling
The definition of goals and objectives, the isolation and collection of software and data, the
creation of a data management structure, and the mapping of the current study area were
collectively equivalent to the representation modeling component of the geodesign framework.
These steps, like all steps in the LUCIS model, were accumulative. The definition of goals,
objectives, and sub-objectives established the required data and suitability criteria for use later in
the process. Data discovery and collection drove the study’s data management rules and database
structure, and allowed for data that represent the present state of the study area to be mapped.
This study began with a concise statement of intent and a clear definition of goals and
objectives that became the criteria in which the overall model was built. Goals and objectives
included the isolation of the following land-use suitabilities; (1) lands most suitable for
agricultural use, (2) lands most suitable for permanent protection through the application of
conservation strategies, and (3) lands most suitable for urban development (Carr and Zwick
2005). The goals, objectives, and sub-objectives used in this study (see Section 3.2 and Appendix
A) reflect the basic criteria laid out by Carr and Zwick in Smart Land-Use Analysis. This choice
was made to ensure that the adapted model could produce baseline land-use conflict and future
land-use scenario visualizations to be shared with the community. In the future the community
can refine the goals, objectives, and sub-objectives, if necessary, to meet their specific needs.
The establishment of goals and objectives was followed by the isolation and collection of
the necessary software, tools, and data to execute the model (Sections 3.3 and 3.4). A data
management structure (Figure 10) was created to store and manage the data that was collected. A
file geodatabase (GDB) was chosen as the storage and management system for all of the study’s
geographic information. A GDB is a database or file structure used primarily to store, query, and
manipulate spatial data. Geodatabases store geometry, a spatial reference system, attributes, and
behavioral rules for data. Various types of geographic datasets can be collected within a
geodatabase, including feature classes, attribute tables, raster datasets, network datasets,
topologies, and many others (Wade and Sommer 2006). The GDB used in this study was given
the NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet projected coordinate system and
North American Datum of 1983 as its spatial reference system. This reference system was
chosen because it is a North Carolina standard and all of the data collected for this study were in
this spatial reference system.
Figure 10: File geodatabase displaying the administrative boundaries feature dataset and its associated feature classes.
The majority of the data collected was in formats that required processing to store and
manage within a GDB, such as shapefile format. Each shapefile was converted into a feature
class to be stored in the GDB alongside similar data, in a feature dataset, using the Feature Class
to Feature Class tool in ArcMap. An example of this process can be seen Figure 11 below.
Figure 11: Feature class to feature class tool in ArcMap
Once all of the requisite data was stored in the GDB, preparation for later analysis was
performed. The extraction of necessary data from larger authoritative datasets was executed first
(i.e. collapsed land-use classifications from parcel fabric). The collapsed land-use classification
process was the most critical of all data processing tasks. This task ensured that parcel data was
reclassified into a handful of manageable categories that could be used to develop Utility
Assignments (UAs). This process was achieved manually using recommendations found in
Emily Stallings’ Using GIS to Evaluate Land Use Conflict and Model Potential Environmental
Impacts of Future Development Patterns: A Case Study of Central Florida (Stallings 2010).
Each land-use code within the parcel fabric was parsed and designated to a specific collapsed
land-use class field that was added to the parcels feature class (Appendix B).
Other vital data processing tasks included the conversion of datasets from vector to raster
(i.e. floodplain polygons to surfaces), and the limiting of larger datasets to the spatial study
extent using surface masks. The first of these two tasks required the use of the Feature to Raster
tool (Figure 12). For example, the 100-year floodplain dataset was converted from vector to
raster to create a surface that covered the entire study area. The floodplain raster surface was
then reclassified to display the land within the floodplain as 1 and all other land as 0. This task
did not apply to each and every feature class in the GDB. The majority of the datasets were used
to create derivative raster surfaces during the Utility Assignment (UA) phase.
Figure 12: Feature to raster tool execution example used during data processing
The second of these two tasks was accomplished by using the Clip Raster tool to limit
statewide datasets, like the agricultural assessment, to the study area (Figure 13). Each of these
data processing tasks were completed and integrated into the data management structure before
the study transitioned into the suitability modeling (or process modeling) phase.
Figure 13: Clip raster tool used in data processing
The prepared data was mapped to display the results of the representation modeling
component of the geodesign framework. These maps expressed the state of the landscape and
how it is currently functioning. This provided a comprehensive understanding of the underlying
geography, exposing interesting patterns and trends, for example the current distribution of
collapsed land-use classifications (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Collapsed land-use designation representation
3.5.2 Process Modeling
The utility assignment analyses followed the steps that comprised representation modeling,
collectively representing an equivalent to process modeling component of the geodesign
framework. At a high level these steps transformed the collected data from a series of attribute
values contained in their original features, to utility values that could be ranked and assigned to a
single land unit (or raster cell). The values created in this process were plugged into land-use
suitability models, which were executed and analyzed to determine the relative suitability for
each goal (CMUA), objective (MUA), and sub-objective (SUA) defined at the study’s onset.
Figure 15: Analysis model displaying the multiple levels of SUAs, MUAs, and CMUAs use to create final suitability surface (Carr
and Zwick 2007).
tools (for
distance or
Figure 15 takes a more detailed, theoretical look at how the suitability modeling process
functioned. The model had a bottom-up hierarchical structure that began by determining the
suitability of each of the defined sub-objectives (SUAs), which in turn affected the determination
of objectives (MUAs), and eventually goals (CMUAs). The blue boxes at the bottom of Figure
15 represent the input datasets used to determine a utility assignment. Input datasets were data
collected at the study’s onset or were derived utility assignments depending on the hierarchical
level of the model being executed.
The blue boxes at the lowest level in Figure 15 were, in this case, the datasets as they
appear in the GDB in Figure 10. The captured data was transformed through the use of tools, like
ArcGIS’ Reclassify Tool, to rank and measure suitability. Suitability measures were passed up
the model’s hierarchy as utility assignments were combined to progressively create more
complex suitability surfaces. This process eventually yielded three suitability surfaces each
representing one of the broad land-use classifications. A description of each goal, objective, and
sub-objective, and the theoretical reasoning for including them into this analysis can be found in
the Appendix A. Single Utility Assignment
Since the model was performed from the bottom up, the first step in execution was the
establishment of single utility assignments (SUAs). The first example of this process can be seen
in Figures 16 and 17. This SUA required the identification of potential residential lands free of
flood potential. A floodplain dataset was used to create a surface depicting areas unfit for
residential housing. Residential housing cannot be built in a floodplain in this scenario. Lands
that were in a floodplain were reclassified to possess an SUA value of one (not suitable),
whereas lands that were not within a floodplain were designated an SUA value of nine (highly
Figure 16: Analysis model for the urban sub-objective “identify lands free of flood potential”
A more complex example of an SUA can be seen in the sub-objective that required the
identification of potential residential lands proximal to hospitals. This sub-model (Figure 18)
took the point locations of all the Mecklenburg County hospitals and performed a Euclidean
Distance analysis. Zonal statistics (Figure 19) were run on the Euclidean Distance’s analytical
product to determine the mean distance and standard deviation of existing residential area from
hospitals. The resulting zonal statistics were used as the measure in which suitability values were
assigned to the SUA using the Reclassify tool. Raster cells with values of 0 to the mean (13,614
feet) were assigned a suitability value of 9, because they are closer than the average existing
residential parcel to county hospitals. The remaining raster cells were assigned suitability values
from 8 to 2 (decreasing suitability), in standard deviation increments.
Figure 17: Results of the SUA “identify lands free of flood potential"
Figure 18: Analysis model for the urban sub-objective “identify lands proximal to hospitals”
Figure 19: Zonal statistics applied to Euclidean distance from hospitals
The standard deviation determined by the zonal statistics tool was 2,226 feet. Raster cells located
between the mean distance from hospitals (13,614 feet) and the mean plus a standard deviation
(13,614 feet + 2,226 feet = 15,840 feet) were assigned a suitability value of 8. This process was
used throughout this reclassification process to account for raster cells at all increments away
from hospitals (Table 5). For a complete compilation of data ranges and suitabilty assignments
for all goals, objectives, and sub-objectives, see Appendix A.
Table 5: Data range and suitability value assignments for potential residential lands proximal to hospitals based on zonal stats
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 13,614 9
13,615 – 15,840 8
15,841 – 18,066 7
18,067 – 20,292 6
20,293 – 22,518 5
22,519 – 24,744 4
24,745 – 26,970 3
26,971 – 29,196 2
29,197 – all remaining 1
Figure 20: Results of the SUA “identify lands proximal to hospitals"
37 Multiple Utility Assignment
Once each SUA suitability surface was created for all of the sub-objectives, they were combined
to create MUAs. Each MUA was created using the same process, the only difference between
them being: the number of SUAs used to derive each MUA, and the weights given to the set of
SUAs used in that sub-model. An example of this process is the urban objective that determined
lands physically suitable for residential land-use. Figure 21 displays the sub-model used to
accomplish this task. Residential flood suitability and residential quiet suitability were the two
SUAs used as input datasets in this sub-model. The Raster Calculator tool multiplied each input
dataset by a weight, derived from the modeler’s intuition, and added them together. The rationale
for these choices was that flood potential was far more critical than quiet areas, because of a
direct correlation to increased building costs and access to insurance. In the future these weights
could be improved by utilizing community and stakeholder input.
Figure 21: Analysis model for the urban objective “identify lands physically suitable for residential use”
Figure 22: Results of the MUA “identify lands physically suitable for residential use"
39 Complex-Multi Utility Assignment
The relative suitability MUAs were then combined to create CMUAs. Each CMUA fulfilled the
goals established during the study’s goal and objective definition phase. An example of this
process is Urban Goal 1 (Figures 23 and 24), which was to identify lands suitable for residential
land-use. This sub-model used the physical and economic suitability of residential land MUAs as
its input datasets. The MUAs were multiplied by equal weights and then added together using the
Raster Calculator tool. This too was an intuitive decision based on the belief that physical and
economic suitability were equally important in determining where residential development will
This process was coupled with a complementary analysis that functioned under the
assumption that current residential land is highly suitable for future residential land-use, and
should receive the highest suitability values possible. The current residential parcels were
converted to raster using the Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify
tool. Land that contained residential parcels was given a suitability value of 9 and land that did
not contain residential parcels was designated a value of 1.
The reclassified surface and the equally weighted MUAs were then used as input datasets
in a conditional expression. Using the Raster Calculator the sub-model conditionally chose all
raster cells from the reclassified residential parcels surface that had a value of 9 and assigned
them a value of 9 in the new Urban Goal 1 raster. For all other raster cells the sub-model
assigned the value derived from the equally weighted MUAs raster (Equation 1). All CMUAs
were derived in similar fashion, the only differences being the specific MUAs and land-use
parcels used in the sub-model.
Equation 1: Conditional expression used to derive the urban goal; identify lands suitable for residential use
𝐶𝑜𝑛 (“𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 ” == 9, 9, 𝑈𝐺 1_𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔 ℎ𝑡 )
Figure 23: Analysis model for the urban goal “identify lands suitable for residential use”
Figure 24: Results of the CMUA “identify lands suitable for residential use"
3.5.3 Evaluation Modeling
In this adaptation of the LUCIS model, pairwise comparison and goal weighting analyses were
equivalent to evaluation modeling in the geodesign framework. This process weighed and
combined the CMUAs for each land-use category to establish final collapsed suitability rasters.
Typically, CMUAs are weighted by the AHP using stakeholder rationale. This study differed in
its approach due to a lack of resources and access to stakeholder involvement. Instead, CMUAs
were weighted equally (with the exception of urban goal 1, identify lands suitable for residential
land-use) to accommodate this change (Table 6). Urban Goal 1 was given a heavier weight to
accommodate the growing need to house existing and projected citizens under the assumption
that the desire for urban residential land logically outweighs the desire for alternative urban land,
such as urban industrial. Because weights were used to determine which goals were valued more
than others within a specific land-use type, the preference of urban residential land over other
forms of urban land only affected the urban land-use classification.
Table 6: Suitability weights which are in turn used to derive urban, agriculture, and conservation suitability surfaces.
Goal Description
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for croplands .34
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for livestock .33
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for timber .33
Total 1.0
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for protecting native biodiversity .25
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for protecting water quality .25
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for protecting important ecological processes .25
Goal 4 Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation .25
Total 1.0
Goal 1 Identify lands suitable for residential land-use .40
Goal 2 Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land-use .20
Goal 3 Identify lands suitable for retail land-use .20
Goal 4 Identify lands suitable for industrial land-use .20
Total 1.0
Figure 25: Urban preference model
CMUAs and their derived weights were combined using the Raster Calculator tool (Figure 25) to
create three final land-use suitability surfaces, one for each classification (see Section 4.1). This
sub-model multiplied each CMUAs (or goals) by their respective pairwise comparison weight
and added the results together to produce a single suitability surface for each land-use class.
3.5.4 Change Modeling
There were three main tasks that were required to isolate and quantify potential land-use conflict:
(1) remove land within the study area whose use will not change, (2) normalize and collapse
suitability results, and (3) combine the normalized and collapsed suitability results to identify
and measure areas of conflict.
44 Developable Land
When calculated within a GIS, land-use suitability is an indication of the degree to which
any given unit of land (i.e. raster cell) is suitable for a land-use category (Carr and Zwick 2007).
But regardless of the degree of suitability found from the application of LUCIS, in reality the
uses of certain land units are highly unlikely to change. For instance, there is very little
likelihood that a unit of land currently classed urban industrial will be converted to conservation
over time. To accommodate this phenomenon a raster mask consisting of existing urban land,
open water, and major roads was created.
First, urban parcels were converted into raster cells using the Feature to Raster tool and
then reclassified using the Reclassify tool. Land units that contained current urban land were
reclassified to NoData, and all other land was reclassified to 1. Similarly, a hydrology feature
class containing all open bodies of water was converted to raster using the Feature to Raster tool.
All lands that were considered open water were reclassified to NoData, and all other land was
reclassified to 1. Finally, a major roads feature class was converted to raster using the Feature to
Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool. All land units that contained major
roads were reclassified to NoData and all other land units were reclassified to 1. Each mask was
multiplied together using the Raster Calculator tool and the resulting surface exposed only
developable land within the study area (Figures 26 and 27).
Figure 26: Developable land model
Figure 27: Developable land within the study area
46 Isolation and Quantification of Future Land-Use Conflict
In order to isolate, quantify, and visualize potential future land-use conflict, the three final land-
use suitability surfaces were normalized and combined. This was accomplished by dividing each
final land-use suitability surface, which contained values between 1 and 9, by 9 using the Divide
tool. The resulting surfaces were limited to the development mask and contained values between
0 and 1. For example, the final urban suitability surface was divided by 9 (Figure 28) and
resulted in a normalized suitability surface with values ranging from 0 to 1 (Figure 29).
Figure 28: Divide tool used to derive the normalized land-use class suitability surface
Figure 29: Normalized urban suitability derived from divide tool
Each surface was then reclassified using the standard deviation classification
methodology to create three normalized classes that corresponded with high (3), moderate (2),
and low (1) suitability. To achieve this task, each surface was reclassified using the Reclassify
tool. For example, the normalized urban suitability surface was used as an input dataset in Figure
30 and Table 7. In the Reclassify tool the standard deviation classification method was selected.
Because three normalized classes were desired, an interval size that resulted in a number of
classes devisable by three was sought out. A quarter standard deviation was chosen because it
resulted in 18 classes that could be reclassified into three classes, six data ranges per class. This
process was used for each normalized suitability surface resulting in three normalized and
collapsed suitability surface.
Figure 30: Standard deviation classification methodology used in normalized urban suitability raster reclassification
Table 7: Data range and values for standard deviation reclassification of the normalized urban suitability raster
Data Range Reclassification Value
0.2 - 0.397166 1
0.397166 - 0.430144 1
0.430144 - 0.463121 1
0.463121 - 0.496099 1
0.496099 - 0.529077 1
0.529077 - 0.562054 1
0.562054 - 0.595032 2
0.595032 - 0.628009 2
0.628009 - 0.660987 2
0.660987 - 0.693965 2
0.693965 - 0.726942 2
0.726942 - 0.75992 2
0.75992 - 0.792897 3
0.792897 - 0.825875 3
0.825875 - 0.858852 3
0.858852 - 0.89183 3
0.89183 - 0.924808 3
0.924808 - 0.955556 3
The strength of mapping “collapsed suitability” is that suitable values may be easily
combined to show different relationships among the three categories (Carr and Zwick 2007).
Collapsed suitability surfaces (see Section 4.2.1) did not differ greatly from before they were
normalized, collapsed, and limited in size, but a more refined picture of where land-use classes
were suitable and at what magnitude was clearer.
Figure 31: Conflict space diagram model
See Figure 32
for more
The collapsed suitability surface values were changed from (1) low, (2) moderate, and (3)
high, to three categories that could be easily combined to create the conflict space diagram.
Table 8: Suitability categories used to create the conflict space diagram
Land-Use Class Multiplied by Low Moderate High
Agriculture 100 100 200 300
Conservation 10 10 20 30
Urban 1 1 2 3
This was achieved by combining the suitability surfaces using the Raster Calculator tool (Figures
32 and 33). The resulting conflict raster was composed of 27 unique conflict categories, which
collectively make up the conflict space diagram. Each category is examined in Table 9.
Figure 32: Combination of normalized and collapsed suitability surfaces to create the conflict space diagram that segments
conflict in 27 unique categories
Figure 33 depicts this modeling process in relation to the physical raster cells that contained each
inherited suitability value. From left to right, the suitability preference surfaces were multiplied
by 100, 10, or 1 and then added from top to bottom starting with agriculture. The resulting
conflict raster was made up of raster cells that contained a specific code that corresponded with a
conflict type within the conflict space diagram. For instance, the circled raster in the bottom left
of the conflict raster reads 333. This means that the agriculture raster cell contained a value of
300, the conservation raster cell contained a value of 30, and the urban raster cell contained a
value of three. This code corresponded with the conflict type “major conflict”, where each land-
use classification holds both high and equal preferred interest in that specific land-unit.
Figure 33: Conflict types and raster yielded by the combination of normalized and collapsed suitabilities
Table 9: 27 unique conflict categories
Areas of Conflict Areas of No Conflict
Code Description Code Description
111 All in Conflict, all low preference 112 Urban Preference
122 Moderate Conservation preference conflicts with
moderate urban preference
113 Urban Preference
133 High conservation preference conflicts with high urban
121 Conservation preference
233 High conservation preference conflicts with high urban
123 Urban Preference
221 Moderate agricultural preference conflicts with moderate
conservation preference
131 Conservation preference
212 Moderate agricultural preference conflicts with moderate
urban preference
132 Conservation preference
222 All in conflict, all moderate preference 211 Agricultural preference
313 High agricultural preference conflicts with high urban
213 Urban Preference
323 High agricultural preference conflicts with high urban
223 Urban Preference
331 High agricultural preference conflicts with high
conservation preference
231 Conservation preference
Areas of Conflict Areas of No Conflict
332 High agricultural preference conflicts with high
conservation preference
232 Conservation preference
333 All in conflict, all high preference 311 Agricultural preference
312 Agricultural preference
321 Agricultural preference
322 Agricultural preference
The identification and quantification of future land-use conflict was charted and mapped (see
Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2) using a series of conflict space diagram visualizations. These results
were then used in further analysis to create a baseline future land-use scenario and three class
specific scenarios.
3.5.5 Impact and Decision Modeling
The results of implementing an adaptation of the LUCIS model have the potential to be used for
many purposes, one being the creation of future land-use scenarios. This study derived four
future land-use scenarios from the land-use conflict modeling results discussed in the previous
section: the baseline scenario, agricultural scenario, conservation scenario, and urban scenario.
The baseline scenario weighed each of the land groups equally during pairwise comparison to
produce a land-use conflict constant that was later utilized in scenario comparison. Each of the
other three scenarios highlights one of the three land groups by weighing it heaviest to account
for the adoption of land-use decisions that are in alignment with that land group. In terms of the
geodesign framework, future land-use scenario mapping was equivalent to impact modeling. The
results of impact modeling can then be used in the future by designers, planners, developers, and
other community stakeholders to execute the decision modeling component of the geodesign
framework. The Baseline Scenario
The baseline scenario began with a calculation of acres necessary to support the increase
in human settlement (Equation 2 and Figure 34). With 456,813 projected new citizens and a
current gross population density of approximately three people per acre, Mecklenburg County
will need 152,271 additional urban acres to support the estimated population of the year 2030.
That is approximately 96% of the 158,038 acres of future developable land.
Equation 2: Fundamental land-use equation that calculates the acres of land needed to support human settlement (Carr and
Zwick 2007)
𝑃𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑈𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝐴𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐻𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
Figure 34: Current and projected future population as well as projected population increase
2030 Projected Current
Population Population Increase
Using the conflict space diagram, future land-use was visualized by allocating population
based acreage to their most suitable locations, beginning with future urban land that did not
demonstrate conflict with other land-uses.
Figure 35: Allocate cells to urban land-use where urban wins
Additional land was allocated to future urban land from conflict space diagram (CSD) results
that displayed moderate and major conflict with agriculture or conservation land (CSD codes:
122, 133, 233, 212, 313, and 323). This was achieved by reclassifying the CSD to create a
conflict mask that identified any conflict between agriculture, conservation, and urban land-uses.
This mask was then used as the environment in which the Raster Calculator tool conditionally
chose raster cells that had higher normalized urban suitability when compared to other
normalized land-use suitabilities (Equation 3, and Figures 36 and 37).
Equation 3: Conditional statement used to choose where urban land-use preference wins over agricultural and conservation
land-uses based on higher normalized suitability values
𝐶𝑜𝑛 (𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑈𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛 ≥ 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑢𝑟 𝑒 , 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑈𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛 , 𝐶𝑜𝑛 (𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑈𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛 ≥ 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 , 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑑 𝑈𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑛 , 𝑁𝑜𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑎 ))
Figure 36: Model to allocate cells where urban conflict wins
Figure 37: Future urban land in the base line scenario
The lands allocated to future urban land in the baseline scenario were removed from the
development mask to reveal the remaining lands available for future land-use allocation (Figures
38 and 39).
Figure 38: Model for the creation of the remaining lands 2030 mask
Figure 39: Remaining future lands for land-use allocation
From the available remaining land, acres were allocated to agriculture where agriculture
was preferred and not in conflict with other land-uses. In addition, acres that had higher
normalized agricultural suitability when compared to other land-uses were also allocated to
future agriculture (Figures 40, 41, and 44).
Figure 40: Model for the allocation of cells where agriculture wins
Figure 41: Land allocated to agriculture in the base line scenario
Similarly, acres were allocated to conservation where conservation was preferred and not
in conflict with other land-uses. In addition, acres that had higher normalized conservation
suitability when compared to other land-uses were also allocated to future conservation (Figures
42, 43, and 44).
Figure 42: Model for the allocation of cells where conservation wins
Figure 43: Land allocated to conservation in the base line scenario
As mentioned above, additional land-units were allocated to both agriculture and
conservation based on conditional statements (all allocated land-units are included in Figures 41
and 43). This was achieved by first reclassifing the conflict space diagram to display agriculture
and consevation conflict as 1, and all other cells as NoData, using the Reclassify tool. This
reclassified surface was then used as a mask for two conditional statements that were executed
using the Raster Calculator tool. These statements selected normalized suitability raster values
for agriculture and conservation that were higher than each other for a given raster cell (Figure
44). The higher valued raster cells were allocated to their respective land-use class.
Figure 44: Model for allocation of agriculture and conservation lands that are in conflict
This modeling effort collectively yielded the baseline scenario (see Section 4.3.1). The
baseline scenario was then used to derive three land-use class specific scenarios: the urban,
conservation, and agriculture scenarios. Urban, Conservation, and Agriculture Scenarios
Each land-use class specific scenario was created using the same process. Land that was
allocated to a specific land-use in the baseline scenario was reevaluated manually, and
reallocated according to that reevaluation. The reallocation process simply remapped raster cells
that were previously allocated to one land-use to their new reevaluated land-use designation. The
acreage was then recalculated and documented in that scenario’s results.
The future urban land-use scenario was the first of three alternative future scenarios that
was built from the baseline results. This scenario used the established trend of urban land
consuming agriculture land for future expansion as the driver for acreage revaluation and
reallocation. Acreage previously allocated to agriculture with and without conflict was
reallocated to urban.
The conservation land-use scenario reallocated land previously allocated to agriculture
with conflict to conservation. The scenario also reallocated acreage of developable land
previously in major conflict, and urban with moderate conflict to conservation. This was
achieved by taking all conservation lands that were in moderate conflict with urban lands, and
allocating them to conservation.
In the most unlikely of the scenarios, the agriculture land-use scenario reallocated land
previously allocated to conservation with conflict to agriculture. This scenario also reallocated
acreage of developable land previously in major conflict, and urban with moderate conflict to
agriculture. This was achieved by taking all agriculture lands that were in moderate conflict with
urban lands, and allocating them to agriculture.
This chapter presents the results of applying an adaptation of the LUCIS model to Mecklenburg
County, North Carolina. The results are broken down into three categories; (1) preliminary land-
use suitability, (2) isolation and quantification of potential future land-use conflict, and (3) future
land-use scenarios. Maps, tables, charts, and graphs within each sub-section facilitate the
visualization of results, and expose patterns and trends that can guide stakeholders in making
critical decisions about the future of their communities.
4.1 Preliminary Land-Use Suitability
The model developed for this study derived three preliminary land-use suitability surfaces, one
for each land-use class, by combining each of the land-use category goals using their pairwise
comparison weights (see Section 3.5.3). Each surface (Figures 45, 46, and 47) represents the
culminating product of that modeling effort. The color ramp used in each surface map depicts a
range of suitability scores from high-to-low (green to red) for every land-unit in the study area
(Tables 10, 11, and 12).
Table 10: Preliminary urban land-use suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
7-9 High
4-6 Moderate
1-3 Low
The urban suitability surface exposed the majority of the study area as suitable for urban
development. Areas in proximity to current urban areas were found most suitable for urban
development. This pattern is consistent with previous studies that have observed a correlation
between new urban development suitability and the policies that produced existing urban
development. Only areas of existing open water and conservation were found to have low
Table 11: Preliminary agriculture land-use suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
7-9 High
4-6 Moderate
1-3 Low
The agricultural suitability surface revealed a much different story. The western border of
the county presented very low suitability due to existing open water and land in conservation,
whereas the majority of the remaining areas in the county had moderate to low suitability
because of the existing metropolitan landscape. Areas north and southeast of Charlotte, such as
Huntersville and Mint Hill, had the only large collection of lands highly suited for agriculture.
Table 12: Preliminary conservation land-use suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
7-9 High
4-6 Moderate
1-3 Low
The conservation suitability surface differed greatly from the other land-use class
surfaces. As a whole, the surface represented primarily suitable or unsuitable conservation land,
with little-to-no moderately suitable conservation land-units. In fact, conservation suitability was
at its highest in areas where urban suitability was at its lowest due to existing bodies of water and
wetlands that are not suited for development. Areas surrounding Lake Norman and Lake Wylie
(both along the western border of the county) were predominantly suitable for conservation
because of high concentrations of biodiversity. This was also the case for the number of stream
beds that pass through the county, which create a network of interconnected areas suited for
Figure 45: Urban suitability results for the study area
Figure 46: Agriculture suitability results for the study area
Figure 47: Conservation suitability results for the study area
4.2 Isolation and Quantification of Potential Future Land-Use Conflict
As discussed in Section 3.5.4, there were three main tasks that were required to isolate and
quantify potential land-use conflict: (1) remove land within the study area whose use will not
change, (2) normalize and collapse suitability results, and (3) combine the normalized and
collapsed suitability results to identify and measure areas of conflict. The results of successfully
accomplishing steps 2 and 3 can be seen in the following sub-sections.
4.2.1 Isolation of Potential Future Land-Use Conflict
In order to isolate, quantify, and visualize potential future land-use conflict, the three class-
specific suitability surfaces were normalized, combined, and collapsed. The strength of mapping
collapsed suitability is that suitable values may be easily combined to show different
relationships among the three categories (Carr and Zwick 2007). Collapsed suitability surfaces
(Figures 48, 49, and 50) were limited to the developable lands mask and mapped to represent
each land-use classification. The color ramp used in each surface map depicts the range of
collapsed suitability scores from high-to-low (green to red) for every land-unit in the study area
(Table 13, 14, and 15).
Table 13: Collapsed agricultural suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
3 High
2 Moderate
1 Low
While the resulting surfaces did not differ greatly from before they were normalized,
collapsed, and limited in size, a more refined picture of where land-use classes were suitable and
at what magnitude emerged. The collapsed agricultural suitability surface validated previous
notions that current agricultural land holdings exist mostly north of Charlotte toward the
Mecklenburg and Iredell County border. These concentrations of highly suitable agricultural
lands are located on either side of the Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor that runs directly
down the center of the study area.
Table 14: Collapsed conservation suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
3 High
2 Moderate
1 Low
The collapsed conservation suitability surface highlighted predominately low suitability
throughout the study area. Areas in proximity to Lake Norman (northwest border), Lake Wylie
(southwest border), existing conservation lands and parks, as well as local streams held the
highest suitability for future conservation. Another pattern was also emerging. There was an
overlap of agricultural and conservation suitable lands in a number of northern Mecklenburg
County towns like Huntersville and Davidson. Some conflict will exist between the two land-use
Table 15: Collapsed urban suitability data ranges and scores
Data Range Score
3 High
2 Moderate
1 Low
The urban collapsed suitability surface showed the effects of a large, existing urban
landscape. Of the developable land, very little was unsuitable for future urban development.
Dense high suitability can be seen in proximity to major highways and interstates, a traditional
early indicator of sprawl (Carr and Zwick 2007). Lands within immediate proximity to center
city possessed high urban land-use suitability.
Figure 48: Collapsed agricultural suitability limited to developable lands
Figure 49: Collapsed conservation suitability limited to developable lands
Figure 50: Collapsed urban suitability limited to developable lands
The collapsed suitability surfaces were reclassified from high (3), moderate (2), and low
(1), into three categories that could be easily combined to create the conflict space diagram
(CSD) described in Section 5.4.2. The CSD exposed 27 unique conflict categories that were
analyzed and mapped to visualize the distribution of land-use conflict and preference. The simple
conflict map, in Figure 52, aggregated all of the areas of conflict and no conflict into two
separate categories (no conflict and conflict), to provide a high level understanding of these
An examination of the acreage of each conflict category (Figure 51) revealed a few patterns,
particularly the following:
65,162 acres, or 41%, of future developable land were in potential conflict (Figure 52).
62,806 acres, or 40%, of future developable land were urban suitability dominant.
41,540 acres, or 64%, of future developable land in conflict (26% of total future
developable land) was in moderate or major conflict between agriculture and urban
suitabilities. This shows that more often than not, when land-uses were in conflict, that
conflict was shared by agriculture and urban suitabilities.
Figure 51: A bar graph showing the distribution of acreage over each land-use conflict category
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Figure 52: Future developable land having potential conflict or possessing no potential conflict
4.2.2 Quantification of Potential Land-Use Conflict
A more detailed view of the location and magnitude of future land-use conflict can be seen in
Table 16 and Figure 53. Four categories of potential conflict and three categories of dominant
suitability, or preference, were derived from the 27 unique conflict categories. Each category was
described in terms of acres of conflict and the percentage of total developable land that those
acres may consume. It became more evident that urban suitability dominates the landscape when
compared to the other aggregated conflict categories. This can be observed in the next largest
category in acres being agriculture/urban conflict, exposing that not only was the majority of
land suitable for potential urban development, but that the majority of land that may be suitable
for agriculture also possess high urban suitability. This also has an effect on the amount of land
that was agriculture preference dominant. If most of the suitable agriculture land was in conflict
with urban land, then agriculture preference dominant land would be expected to be limited. The
smallest portions of acreage in conflict belonged to agriculture/conservation, major conflict, and
agriculture preference. Currently there is a small amount of land in conservation within this
study area making a lack of both agriculture/conservation conflict and major conflict predictable.
Without sizeable amounts of land suitable for conservation it was highly unlikely that conflict
between conservation and the other land-uses would occur.
As seen in Figure 54, areas of conflict were evenly distributed across the study area, with
the exception of dense conservation/urban conflict near the northern county boundary. This area
near Lake Norman has seen significant residential growth in recent years as affluent families
from Charlotte and other surrounding areas have moved to lakeside homes with larger lot sizes.
This area of the county may continue to experience high volumes of land contention in the
coming years amongst differing conservation and development groups.
In Figure 55, it can be observed that the majority of the study area holds urban
preference. This was especially true along major highways and interstates, like the Huntersville-
Cornelius-Davidson corridor, and in Uptown Charlotte where the largest concentration of
existing urban land is located within the county (i.e. center of study area). But around the outer
ring of this space some intermittent conservation and agriculture land was preferred. This may be
because of the location of streams and surrounding greenways, transportation corridors (i.e.
railroads), and existing open or wooded land.
Table 16: Areas of potential future land-use conflict, described in acres and percentage of total developable land
Conflict or Preference Type
Acres of Conflict or
Percentage of Total
Developable Land
Agriculture/Urban Conflict (Conflict Codes:
212, 313, and 323)
33418 21%
Agriculture/Conservation Conflict (Conflict
Codes: 221, 331, and 332)
5332 3%
Conservation/Urban Conflict (Conflict Codes:
122, 133, and 233)
19964 13%
Major Conflict (Conflict Codes: 111, 222, and
8122 5%
Agriculture Preference (Conflict Codes: 311,
312, 321, 322, and 211)
12586 8%
Conservation Preference (Conflict Codes: 121,
131, 132, 231, and 232)
15810 10%
Urban Preference (Conflict Codes: 112, 113,
123, 213, and 223)
62806 40%
Figure 53: Percentage of developable land in conflict by category
Conflict, 21%
Conflict, 3%
Conflict, 13%
Major Conflict, 5%
Preference, 8%
Preference, 10%
Urban Preference,
Figure 54: Areas of potential land-use conflict, specifically major conflict and conflict among the three land-use categories
Figure 55: Areas of potential major conflict and areas of land-use preference
4.3 Future Land-Use Scenarios
Thus far this study has isolated and quantified potential future land-use conflict. The resulting
conflict surfaces from the previous section were used to create future land-use scenarios that can
assist local stakeholders in smart growth and planning. To accomplish this task a baseline
scenario was developed to demonstrate how land-use may be allocated based on status quo land-
use policies and the existing gross urban density (Carr and Zwick 2007).
4.3.1 Baseline Land-Use Scenario
With 456,813 projected new citizens and a current gross population density of approximately
three people per acre, Mecklenburg County will need 152,271 additional urban acres to support
the estimated population of the year 2030. That is approximately 96% of the 158,038 acres of
future developable land. 123,132 acres (78%) of that developable land was allocated to urban
land, leaving a need of an additional 29,139 acres of urban land to fully support the projected
future population for the year 2030.
For the baseline scenario these acres were not reallocated from other land-uses to meet
the needs of the future population, instead an adjustment to gross population density was
calculated. For Mecklenburg County alone (this study does not account for urban acreage
expanding outside of the county) to support the projected future population with 123,132
additional urban acres the population density would need to increase by 0.7 people per acre to
3.7 people per acre.
The remaining future developable land amounts to 34,906 acres (22%). The majority of
that land lies in the Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor north of Charlotte. From the
available remaining land, acres were allocated to agriculture where agriculture was preferred and
not in conflict with other land-uses. 13,888 acres in total were allocated to agriculture,
amounting to 9% of all developable land. The majority of future agriculture allocation was
located just east of Mint Hill and along the Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor.
Similarly, acres were allocated to conservation where conservation was preferred and not
in conflict with other land-uses. 19,840 acres in total were allocated to conservation, amounting
to 13% of all developable land. The majority of future conservation allocation was along the
shores of Lake Norman and to the southwestern regions of the county toward Lake Wylie.
This scenario is one of many possible future outcomes for Mecklenburg County. Through
the LUCIS process this study isolated and quantified potential future land-use conflict, and
subsequently used those results to create a baseline future land-use scenario (Figure 56). In this
scenario, conservation was allocated nearly 20,000 acres (13%) of future developable land.
Agriculture was the least preferred and allocated land-use class, holding only 1% (1,302 acres) of
allocated land that was in conflict (Table 17). While unsurprising, this pattern highlights the fact
that much of the newly allocated urban land was almost entirely comprised of acreage that was in
conflict with agriculture. Agricultural land is more often than not consumed to accommodate the
need for further urban development and expansion.
Even with the large amount of land allocated to urban land-use, there was still a clear
disparity in this scenario between the needs of the future projected population, gross population
density, and available developable land. This poses the question, to what end is additional land
developed to accommodate urban expansion? How much conservation or agricultural land is the
community willing to part with to make room for more urban land? To answer this question,
alternative future scenarios were created to reevaluate land-use allocation to visualize the effects
of weighting specific land-uses heavier than each of the others.
Figure 56: Future Land-Use Baseline Scenario
Table 17: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the base line scenario
Future Land-Use Baseline Scenario: Land-Use Allocation
Allocation Type Acres Percentage of Developable Land
Agriculture Allocation
Future Agriculture Land (No Conflict) 12586 8%
Future Agricultural Land (With Conflict) 1302 1%
Agriculture Subtotals 13888 9%
Conservation Allocation
Future Conservation Land (No Conflict) 15810 10%
Future Conservation Land (With Conflict) 4030 3%
Conservation Subtotals 19840 13%
Urban Allocation
Future Urban Land (No Conflict) 62806 40%
Future Urban Land (With Major Conflict) 8122 5%
Future Urban Land (With Moderate Conflict) 52204 33%
Urban Subtotals 123132 78%
Totals 156860 100%
*Note: Acreage allocation error of 1178 acres not allocated during baseline scenario analysis due to resampling.
Figure 57: Allocation percentage of developable land for the base line scenario
Future Agriculture Land
(No Conflict)
Future Agriculture Land
(With Conflict)
Future Conservation
Land (No Conflict)
Land (With
Future Urban Land (No
Future Urban Land
(With Major Conflict)
Future Urban Land
(With Moderate
4.3.2 Urban Land-Use Scenario
The future urban land-use scenario was the first of three alternative future scenarios that was
built from the base line results. This scenario (Table 18 and Figures 58 & 59) used the
established trend of urban land consuming agriculture land for future expansion as the driver for
acreage revaluation and reallocation. Acreage previously allocated to agriculture with and
without conflict were reallocated to urban, adding an additional 13,888 acres of developable land
to urban use. In doing so, future urban land in this scenario topped out at 137,020 acres (87%) of
developable land, falling just short of the 152,271 additional urban acres needed to support the
projected population for the year 2030. To reach the required acreage, 15,251 acres of urban land
would still be needed. For Mecklenburg County to support the projected future population with
137,020 additional urban acres the population density would need to increase by 0.5 people per
acre to 3.5 people per acre.
This scenario revealed a surge of urban development spreading north from Charlotte into
the Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor. Land in these northern towns are highly coveted
by real estate developers due to their proximity to Lake Norman and Charlotte. This trend could
potentially raise land prices and theoretically drive agricultural practices out of the area.
Table 18: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the urban scenario
Future Land-Use Urban Scenario: Land-Use Allocation
Allocation Type Acres
Percentage of
Developable Land
Acreage Change from
Base Line Scenario
Agriculture Allocation
Future Agriculture Land (No Conflict) 0 0% - 12586
Future Agricultural Land (With
0 0% - 1302
Agriculture Subtotals 0 0% - 13888
Conservation Allocation
Future Conservation Land (No
15810 10% 0
Future Conservation Land (With
4030 3% 0
Conservation Subtotals 19840 13% 0
Urban Allocation
Future Urban Land (No Conflict) 62806 40% 0
Future Urban Land (With Major
8122 5% 0
Future Urban Land (With Moderate
52204 33% 0
Future Urban Land (Reallocated from
Agriculture No Conflict)
12586 8% + 12586
Future Urban Land (Reallocated from
Agriculture With Conflict)
1302 1% + 1302
Urban Subtotals 137020 87% + 13888
Totals 156860 100%
Figure 58 : Allocation percentage of developable land for the urban scenario
Land southwest and east-southeast of Charlotte also showed an expanding urban landscape. The
town of Pineville, along the South Carolina border, had a cluster of newly allocated urban land.
This area is not only growing into Charlotte, it is also being sandwiched from the south by Rock
Hill, SC, a trend that can be explored in future work that takes a larger regional approach.
Future Conservation
Land (No Conflict); 10%
Future Conservation
Land (With Conflict); 3%
Future Urban Land (No
Conflict); 40%
Future Urban Land (With Major Conflict);
Future Urban Land
(With Moderate
Conflict); 33%
Future Urban Land
(Reallocated from
Agriculture No Conflict);
Future Urban Land
(Reallocated from
Agriculture With
Conflict); 1%
Figure 59: Future Land-Use Urban Scenario
4.3.3 Conservation Land-Use Scenario
The conservation land-use scenario (Table 19 and Figures 60 & 61) reallocated land previously
allocated to agriculture with conflict, adding an additional 1,302 acres of developable land to
conservation use. The scenario also reallocated 8,122 acres of developable land previously in
major conflict, and 18,786 acres of developable land previously allocated to urban with moderate
conflict to conservation. This was achieved by taking all conservation lands that were in
moderate conflict with urban lands, and allocating them to conservation. 48,050 acres (31%) of
developable land were allocated to future conservation in this scenario, an increase of 28,210
acres from base line.
Table 19: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the conservation scenario
Future Land-Use Conservation Scenario: Land-Use Allocation
Allocation Type Acres
Percentage of
Developable Land
Acreage Change
from Base Line
Agriculture Allocation
Future Agriculture Land (No Conflict) 12586 8% 0
Future Agricultural Land (With
0 0% - 1302
Agriculture Subtotals 12586 8% - 1302
Conservation Allocation
Future Conservation Land (No Conflict) 15810 10% 0
Future Conservation Land (With
4030 3% 0
Conservation Allocation Cont’d
Future Conservation Land (Reallocated
from Agriculture With Conflict)
1302 1% + 1302
Future Conservation Land (Reallocated
From Urban Major Conflict)
8122 5% + 8122
Future Conservation Land (Reallocated
From Future Urban Land Moderate
18786 12% + 18786
Conservation Subtotals 48050 31% + 28210
Urban Allocation
Future Urban Land (No Conflict) 62806 40% 0
Future Urban Land (With Major
0 0% - 8122
Future Urban Land (With Moderate
33418 21% - 18786
Urban Subtotals 96224 61% - 26908
Totals 156860 100%
Figure 60: Allocation percentage of developable land for the conservation scenario
Future urban land in this scenario consumed 96,224 acres (61%) of developable land,
falling well short of the 152,271 additional urban acres needed to support the estimated
population for the year 2030. To reach the required acreage, 56,047 acres of urban land would
still be needed. For Mecklenburg County to support the projected future population with 96,224
acres additional urban acres the population density would need to increase by 1.7 people per acre
to 4.7 people per acre.
While the majority of land was still dominated by future urban land, the adoption of a
conservative approach to the county’s landscape was quite evident. Newly allocated conservation
land was dispersed throughout the study area, with significant clusters in proximity to each of the
area markets. The gross population density would increase in this scenario, but larger amounts of
conserved land would be enjoyed by Mecklenburg County as a whole.
Future Agriculture Land
(No Conflict), 8%
Future Conservation
Land (No Conflict); 10%
Future Conservation
Land (With Conflict);
Future Conservation
Land (Reallocated from
Agriculture With
Conflict); 1%
Future Conservation
Land (Reallocated from
Urban Major Conflict);
Future Conservation
Land (Reallocated from
Urban Moderate
Conflict); 12%
Future Urban Land (No
Conflict); 40%
Future Urban Land
(With Moderate
Conflict); 21%
Figure 61: Future Land-Use Conservation Scenario
4.3.4 Agriculture Land-Use Scenario
In the most unlikely of the scenarios, the agriculture land-use scenario (Table 20 and Figures 63
& 62) reallocated land previously allocated to conservation with conflict, adding an additional
4,030 acres of developable land to agricultural use. The scenario also reallocated 8,122 acres of
developable land previously in major conflict, and 33,418 acres of developable land previously
allocated to urban with moderate conflict to agriculture. This was achieved by taking all
agriculture lands that were in moderate conflict with urban lands, and allocated them to
agriculture. 59,458 acres (38%) of developable land were allocated to future agriculture in this
scenario, an increase of 45,570 acres from baseline.
Table 20: Tabulation of future land-use allocation results for the agriculture scenario
Future Land-Use Agriculture Scenario: Land-Use Allocation
Allocation Type Acres
Percentage of
Developable Land
Acreage Change from
Base Line Scenario
Agriculture Allocation
Future Agriculture Land (No
12586 8% 0
Future Agricultural Land (With
1302 1% 0
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated From Conservation
With Conflict)
4030 3% + 4030
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated From Urban Major
8122 5% + 8122
Agriculture Allocation
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated From Urban Moderate
33418 21% + 33418
Agriculture Subtotals 59458 38% + 45570
Conservation Allocation
Future Conservation Land (No
15810 10% 0
Future Conservation Land (With
0 0% - 4030
Conservation Subtotals 15810 10% - 4030
Urban Allocation
Future Urban Land (No Conflict) 62806 40% 0
Future Urban Land (With Major
0 0% - 8122
Future Urban Land (With Moderate
18786 12% - 33418
Urban Subtotals 81592 52% - 41540
Totals 156860 100%
Figure 62: Allocation percentage of developable land for the agriculture scenario
Future urban land in this scenario was 81,592 acres (52%) of developable land, a figure
that failed to meet the 152,271 additional urban acres needed to support the estimated population
for the year 2030. To reach the required acreage, 70,679 acres of urban land would still be
needed. For Mecklenburg County to support the projected future population with 81,592 acres
additional urban acres the population density would need to increase by 3.4 people per acre to
6.4 people per acre.
The contentious Huntersville-Cornelius-Davidson corridor was mainly allocated to
agriculture in this scenario. This would be an agricultural revival for one of the areas of the
county that was once driven economically by agriculture. Lands east of Mint Hill also saw an
increase in agricultural land. With Union County, a rural community in close proximity, this area
would potentially see that influence along the border.
Future Agriculture Land
(No Conflict), 8%
Future Agriculture Land
(With Conflict), 1%
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated from
Conservation With
Conflict); 3%
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated from
Urban Major Conflict);
Future Agriculture Land
(Reallocated from
Urban Moderate
Conflict); 12%
Future Conservation
Land (No Conflict); 10%
Future Urban Land (No
Conflict); 40%
Future Urban Land
(With Moderate
Conflict); 12%
Figure 63: Future Land-Use Agriculture Scenario
4.3.5 Population Density, Projected Future Population, and Required Acreage
Resulting scenario data (Figures 64, 65, and 66) was charted to better understand the population
density changes and required acreage to support the estimated future population for 2030. The
necessary gross population density for each scenario was quite varied in regards to the respective
acreage each had allocated to accommodate the population increase. The baseline and urban
scenarios share similar results requiring only a 0.7 and 0.5 persons per acre increase to 3.7 and
3.5 people per acre density. This was in contrast to the conservation and agriculture scenarios
that required more dense areas of human settlement with 1.7 and 3.4 persons per acre increases
to 4.7 and 6.4 people per acre respectively.
Figure 64: Population density increase from current density needed to support 2030 projected population
Base Line Urban Conservation Agriculture
Population Density Increase from Current Density (people per acre)
Figure 65: Population Density Needed to Support 2030 Projected Population
The baseline and urban scenarios represented futures that threaten to become expansive,
low-density sprawl over time, lending themselves to the prioritization of urban development to
accommodate the ever-growing population. Differing from these future scenarios, both the
conservation and agriculture scenarios tended to be higher-density urban core focused
alternatives with land-use specific visions for the county’s peripheral lands. In the case of
conservation, focus was placed on the conservation of lands with high levels of native
biodiversity and recreation potential, whereas the agriculture scenario prioritized feeding the
large local market with more local food.
Base Line Urban Conservation Agriculture
Population Denisty (people per acre)
Figure 66: Urban acreage and projected population
In a complementary trend, urban acreage necessary to support the estimated population of
2030 at current gross population density was a constant of 152,271 acres of future developable
land. The urban and baseline scenarios provided more acres to accommodate the future need
with 152,271 and 123,132 acres each, while conservation and agriculture provided successively
less acreage with 96,224 and 81,592 apiece.
Base Line Urban Conservation Agriculture
Urban Acres Needed to Support 2030 Projected Population at Current Population Density
Urban Acres Provided by Scenario to Support 2030 Projected Population at Current Population Density
Additional Urban Acres Needed by Scenario to Support 2030 Projected Population at Current Population Density
This chapter summarizes insights gained from the study, and suggests future work that could
potentially improve upon the study’s overall process and results.
5.1 Conclusions
As mentioned in chapter 1, Mecklenburg county’s population has grown by 32 percent since the
year 2000, and is estimated to grow an additional 71 percent by the year 2030 (Chesser 2012 and
2014). As a result, this region is faced with the threat of rapid land-use change. This study
implemented an adaptation of Carr and Zwick’s LUCIS model in response, to better assist
community members and stakeholders identify, quantify, and visualize the location and
magnitude of potential future land-use conflict. The model’s results were then used to derive
multiple potential future land-use scenarios. A resulting baseline scenario featured the spatial
significance of status quo land-use decisions, and each of the remaining three scenarios
highlighted the comparative effects of potential agriculture, conservation, or urban centric land-
use decisions.
5.1.1 Structural Framework and Assumptions of Research
The LUCIS model employs a classification system that is an intentional oversimplification of
reality. Based on concepts developed by Odum in the late 1960’s, the broad land-use categories
used in this study are purposefully designed to be applied at local and regional scales. With that
said, to implement such a broad classification system involves a liberal land-use designation
process that is less than systematic. As a whole the model is quite flexible and modifiable, but to
fully consider the results of this study, land-use designations must be taken into full
For example, open water sources such as lakes, ponds, and streams are designated as
future conservation areas within the parameters of this study and provide additional acreage to
the conservation land-use category that may not have been considered by the county’s parcel
fabric. In this case the designation process may skew acreage from parcel specific calculations,
but ultimately assists in curating an executable and repeatable model.
In addition to land-use designations, other assumptions have also contributed to the
holistic framework of this study. As mentioned in chapter 3, the weighting of CMUA’s to derive
penultimate suitability surfaces was achieved through the application of equal suitability weights
with the exception of the urban residential land goal. This suitability goal was weighted higher to
accommodate the growing need to house existing and projected citizens, and assumes that the
desire for urban residential land logically outweighs the desire for alternative urban land, such as
urban industrial. Because weights are used determine which goals are valued more than others
within a specific land-use type, the preference of urban residential land over other forms of urban
land only affects the urban land-use classification. This aspect of the study diverges furthest from
the original LUCIS model. Typically the AHP is used to generate the weights used to create final
land-use suitability surfaces, but due to a lack of resources and access to stakeholder rationale,
the weights were simulated.
Each of these assumptions solidifies the notion that the scenarios created in this study are
intended to be utilized as a guide in shaping future land-use decisions, and as a visualization tool
that allows community members and stakeholders to envision differing paths for the future of
their region. In doing so, community members and stakeholders can actively educate themselves
and participate in the land-use decisions that mold their county, city, town, or neighborhood.
5.1.2 Visualizations
Integral to this study is the ability to identify, quantify, and visualize the location and magnitude
of future land-use conflict with the intention of deriving future land-use development scenarios.
In chapter 4 an acreage breakdown for each scenario was provided, giving community members
and stakeholders multiple views of how the county’s developable land may be effected by
growth. For comparison purposes a breakdown of Mecklenburg County’s current land-use
acreage, as it stands today, is provided below in Table 21.
Table 21: Mecklenburg County’s current land-use acreage breakdown
Current Land-Use Acres of Land Percentage of Total Land
Urban 837,086 93%
Agriculture 15,827 2%
Conservation 9,315 1%
Unassigned 33,106 4%
Total Total
895,334 100%
Each of these categories was subject to the previously discussed designation
methodology. Any parcel that did not have a clear land-use was given an unassigned designation.
The unassigned category was systematically distributed amongst the land-uses during the various
allocation processes, with an unsurprising pull towards future urban use. Other land that was
deemed developable either changed land-uses or was reassigned to its current land-use. To view
full breakdowns of developable land in regards to each land-use development scenarios revisit
chapter 4.
There is of course no guarantee that land-uses will fall into conflict in this manner or that
development will follow these specific patterns, but from each scenario a variety of insights can
be gleaned. Both the baseline and urban land-use development scenarios are most likely to occur
due to their ability to provide developable acreage to the growing population. However in reality,
even more land-use conversion to urban could occur depending on local initiatives. The
conservation and agriculture scenarios on the other hand are both quite optimistic, highlighting
the adoption of necessary policies to achieve such an aggressive swing in development.
Overall, agriculture is positioned to lose the most acreage going forward. Noted earlier is
the patterns and trends that expose themselves north of Charlotte in the Huntersville-Cornelius-
Davidson corridor along the I-77 and southeast in proximity to Mint Hill. In both of these sub-
regions contention amongst land-use groups were extremely likely. The I-77 corridor will
predictably garner interest from developers, but with Mint Hill’s proximity to Union County (a
predominately agricultural community), one can assume that agricultural production will not
completely fizzle out.
5.2 Future Work
Going forward this study has the ability to improve upon itself in a number of ways. Because
stakeholder feedback was not used in this study, engaging community members and critical
stakeholders directly, during the land-use goal weighting process would ensure that the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is executed properly. In doing so, a more accurate view of
community priorities and desires would be achieved, allowing planners and legislators to better
meet the needs of their respective constituents. The results of this model currently provide a
balanced, yet simulated view of community priorities, which ultimately yield approximated,
theoretical scenarios. Instead, this study could potentially arm Mecklenburg County’s upper level
decision makers with actionable information products that drive successful planning efforts with
the help of a working group of community members.
Expanding the study area to include surrounding counties could also improve this study’s
scope and potential outcomes. The migration and growth of urban areas and their associated
future population in counties that are intimately linked to the current study area geographically,
are not taken into consideration when limiting the study area to a predominately urban county.
Regional land-use conflict and development scenarios can be identified, quantified, and
visualized as an extension of the products of this study. A regional modeling effort would more
effectively consider the flow of development and population. To achieve this endeavor, data and
analysis would be required for counties such as Union, Gaston, Iredell, and York.
Finally, Dr. Zwick and his colleagues are in the process of publishing an updated version
of the LUCIS model known as LUCIS plus. This newest iteration will provide users with a more
robust toolset for modeling and allocating future population to specific land-use classifications.
Access to the A4 tools created by Arafat (Chapter 2), as well as more refined land-use
designation methodologies could be opened to those with access to the model. In addition, the
updated model could allow for more accurate examination and development of land-use
scenarios by equipping implementation groups with a more complete framework and a larger
catalog of use cases to guide them through the process (Zwick 2014).
Each of these suggestions to future work provide a higher degree of alignment with
Steinitz’s geodesign framework, and collectively comprise a more educated and focused
approach to land-use planning. Producing land-use scenarios periodically will be an essential
practice moving forward. As the community and its stakeholders observe unwanted changes they
can mold their policies to accommodate their true desired future. By not focusing on geodesign,
alternative futures analysis, and scenario planning the community may experience changes that
were undesired, completely diminishing their future options for change.
The analytical products of this study can now provide the community with insight into
potential future land-use conflict, and the derived future land-use scenarios can offer a
mechanism for collaboration between stakeholders, government entities, and development
groups. The results can be potentially utilized in planning events as an aid to reach consensus on
critical decisions that affect land-use change or during envisioning sessions that give
stakeholders the ability to interactively choose where they would like to see future development.
Efforts such as these may even yield value-based trends that can then be used to create new,
more community reflective future land-use scenarios.
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GeoDesign Summit, Esri Headquarters, Redlands, CA, January 12.
This appendix provides a description of each suitability surface and results for agriculture,
conservation, and urban sub-objectives, objectives, and goals referenced throughout the text.
(*Content begins on the next page.)
Land-Use: Agriculture
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for cropland
Objective 1.1: Identify lands physically suitable for cropland
Sub-objective 1.1.1: Identify soils most suitable for cropland
Input: Agricultural Assessment – NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources
Rationale: The higher the crop yield, the higher the suitability.
Output: Crop Yield SUA (AG1O11SO111)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Cells with crop yields were assigned values from 2–9, based
on an equal interval classification of crop yield score. All cells without crop yield were assigned
the value of 1.
Table 22: Crop yield sub-objective data range and UA value
Data Range Utility Assignment
NoData 1
22-24.88 2
24.89-27.75 3
27.76-30.63 4
30.64-33.50 5
33.51-36.38 6
36.39-39.25 7
39.26-42.13 8
42.14-45 9
Figure 67: AG1O11SO111
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for cropland
Objective 1.1: Identify lands physically suitable for cropland
Sub-objective 1.1.2: Identify current cropland as suitable
Input: Agricultural Assessment – NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources
Rationale: If it is currently cropland, it is physically suitable.
Output: Existing Cropland SUA (AG1O11SO112)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Areas of existing croplands were assigned a value of 9; all
other areas were assigned a value of 1.
Table 23: Existing cropland sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
NoData 1
Cropland 9
Figure 68: AG1O11SO112
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for cropland
Objective 1.1: Identify lands physically suitable for cropland
Inputs: Crop Yield SUA (AG1O11SO111), Existing Cropland SUA (AG1O11SO112)
Rationale: If land is currently used for crops, then the suitability is high; for all other land, crop
yield is used to determine suitability.
Output: Cropland Physical Suitability MUA (AG1O11)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The inputs were combined using the Raster Calculator tool’s
conditional statement function. Cells currently used for crops were given a value of 9; for all
other cells, the Crop Yield value was used.
Figure 69: Cropland physical suitability model
Figure 70: AG1O11
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for cropland
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for cropland
Input: City and Town Limits
Rationale: The closer to markets for row crops the better.
Output: Proximity to Cropland Markets SUA (AG1012)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run against City and Town Limits.
Zonal statistics were then run on the Euclidean Distance from City and Town Limits to
determine the mean and standard deviation. Cells with a Euclidean distance less than or equal to
the mean were assigned a value of 9 (0-662 ft.); cells within the next quarter standard deviation
were assigned a value of 8, and so on, until 2. All the remaining cells were assigned a value of 1.
Table 24: Proximity to cropland markets objective data ranges and values
Data Range (in feet) Utility Assignment
0-662 9
663-2208 8
2209-3753 7
3754-5298 6
5299-6843 5
6844-8388 4
8389-9933 3
9934-11478 2
11479-(All other distances) 1
Figure 71: AG1012
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for cropland
Inputs: Cropland Physical Suitability MUA, Cropland Economic Suitability MUA
Rationale: Physical and economic suitability are equally important in determining agricultural
Output: Cropland Suitability MUA (AG1)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were weighted and combined using the Raster
Calculator. Physical suitability was weighted 50 percent, and economic suitability was weighted
50 percent.
Figure 72: Cropland suitability model
Figure 73: AG1
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 3: Determine lands suitable for livestock activities
Objective 3.1: Identify lands physically suitable for livestock activities
Input: Land Cover
Rationale: If it is currently used for livestock, it is physically suitable.
Output: Existing Livestock Areas SUA (AG3O31)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Areas of existing livestock production were assigned a value
of 9; all other areas were assigned a value of 1.
Table 25: Existing livestock areas objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
NoData 1
Pasture/Hay 9
Figure 74: AG3O31
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 3: Determine lands suitable for livestock activities
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for livestock activities
Sub-objective 3.2.1: Identify lands proximal to markets for livestock
Inputs: City and Town Limits
Rationale: The closer to markets the better, based on the proximity of existing livestock areas to
Output: Livestock Economic Suitability SUA (AG3O32SO321)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run for City and Town Limits. Zonal
statistics were run on the Euclidean Distance from City and Town Limits to determine the mean
and standard deviation. Cells with a Euclidean distance less than or equal to the mean were
assigned a value of 9 (0-662 ft.); cells within the next quarter standard deviation were assigned a
value of 8, and so on, until 2. All the remaining cells were assigned a value of 1.
Table 26: Proximity to livestock markets sub-objective data ranges and values
Data Range (in feet) Utility Assignment
0-662 9
663-2208 8
2209-3753 7
3754-5298 6
5299-6843 5
6844-8388 4
8389-9933 3
9934-11478 2
11479-(All other distances) 1
Figure 75: AG3O32SO321
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 3: Determine lands suitable for livestock activities
Input: Livestock Physical Suitability MUA, Livestock Economic Suitability MUA
Rationale: Physical and economic suitability are important in determining agricultural
Output: Livestock Suitability MUA (AG3)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were weighted and combined using the Raster
Calculator. Physical suitability was weighted 50 percent and economic suitability was weighted
50 percent.
Figure 76: Livestock suitability model
Figure 77: AG3
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for timber
Objective 4.1: Determine lands physically suitable for timber
Input: Land Cover
Rationale: If it is currently used for timber, it is physically suitable.
Output: Timber Physical Suitability MUA (AG4O41)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Areas of existing timber land were assigned a value of 9; all
other areas were assigned a value of 1.
Table 27: Existing timber land objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
NoData 1
Timber 9
Figure 78: AG4O41
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for timber
Objective 4.2: Determine lands economically suitable for timber
Sub-objective 4.2.2: Identify lands proximal to markets for timber
Inputs: City and Town Limits
Rationale: The closer to timber markets, the better for lands where timber is produced.
Output: Timber Economic Suitability SUA (AG4O42SO422)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run for City and Town Limits. Zonal
statistics were run on the Euclidean Distance from City and Town Limits to determine the mean
and standard deviation. Cells with a Euclidean distance less than or equal to the mean were
assigned a value of 9 (0-662 ft.); cells within the next quarter standard deviation were assigned a
value of 8, and so on, until 2. All the remaining cells were assigned a value of 1.
Table 28: Proximity to timber markets sub-objective data ranges and values
Data Range (in feet) Utility Assignment
0-662 9
663-2208 8
2209-3753 7
3754-5298 6
5299-6843 5
6844-8388 4
8389-9933 3
9934-11478 2
11479-(All other distances) 1
Figure 79: AG4O42SO422
Land use: Agriculture
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for Timber
Input: Timber Physical Suitability MUA, Timber Economic Suitability MUA
Rationale: Physical and economic suitability are important in determining agricultural
Output: Timber Suitability MUA (AG4)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were weighted and combined using the Raster
Calculator. Physical suitability was weighted 50 percent and economic suitability was weighted
50 percent.
Figure 80: Timber suitability model
Figure 81: AG4
Land use: Conservation
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for protecting biodiversity
Objective 1.1: Identify lands with high biodiversity
Inputs: Biological Wildlife Habitat Assessment
Rationale: Existing conservation lands identified by the North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources all have potentially high biodiversity, and are suitable areas
for high biodiversity suitability.
Output: Biodiversity MUA (CG1O11)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The Biological Wildlife Habitat Assessment was converted to
raster using the Feature to Raster tool. Once in raster format the layer was reclassified using the
Reclassify tool to designate all existing conservation lands a suitability value of 9, and all other
land a 1.
Table 29: Identify lands with high biodiversity objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Existing Conservation Land 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 82: CG1O11
Land use: Conservation
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for protecting biodiversity
Objective 1.2: Identify lands with relatively low road density
Input: Road Density
Rationale: Lower road density leads to less disturbance of biodiversity.
Output: Low Road Density SUA (CG1O12)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Line Density was run on County Roads. The resulting road
densities per square miles were assigned values of 9–1 based on 9 equal intervals, with lowest
road density receiving a value of 9 and highest road density receiving a value of 1.
Table 30: Identify lands with relatively low road density objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
0-5.15 9
5.16-10.31 8
10.32-15.46 7
15.47-20.62 6
20.63-25.77 5
25.78-30.93 4
30.94-36.08 3
36.09-41.23 2
41.24-46.39 1
Figure 83: CG1O12
Land use: Conservation
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for protecting biodiversity
Inputs: Native Biodiversity MUA (CG1O11), Low Road Density SUA (CG1O12)
Rationale: Measures of suitability are equal measures of biodiversity.
Output: Biodiversity Protection Suitability SUA (CG1)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were weighted and combined using the Raster
Calculator. High biodiversity was weighted 50 percent and low road density was weighted 50
Figure 84: Identify lands suitable for protecting biodiversity model
Figure 85: CG1
Land use: Conservation
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for protecting water quality
Input: Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Ponds
Rationale: Surface water must be conserved, and thus runoff into surface water needs to be free
of contamination.
Output: Surface Water Feature Buffer SUA (CG2)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean Distance was run on rivers, streams, lakes, and
ponds. The Euclidean Distances were then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate all
land within a body of water and within 100 m (328 ft.) of a body of water as 9 and all other land
as 1.
Table 31: Identify lands suitable for protecting water quality goal data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Land Within or Within 100m of a Body of
All Other Land 1
Figure 86: CG2
Land use: Conservation
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for protection of important ecological processes
Objective 3.2: Identify lands important for flooding and flood storage in the landscape
Sub-objective 3.2.1: Identify wetlands
Input: Wetlands
Rationale: Wetlands are important to flooding processes.
Output: Wetlands SUA (CG3O32SO321)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The wetlands layer was converted to raster using the Feature
to Raster tool, and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate all wetlands as 9 and
all other land as 1.
Table 32: Identify wetlands sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Wetlands 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 87: CG3O32SO321
Land use: Conservation
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for protection of important ecological processes
Objective 3.2: Identify lands important for maintenance of the process of flooding
Sub-objective 3.2.2: Identify rivers to protect their flood storage function
Input: Rivers
Rationale: Rivers are important for protecting flooding processes.
Output: Rivers SUA (CG3O32SO322)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from rivers. The results were
reclassified using the Reclassify tool. Land within a river or within 100 m (328) of a river were
designated a suitability value of 9; all other areas were assigned a value of 1.
Table 33: Identify rivers to protect their flood storage function sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Land Within or Within 100m of a River 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 88: CG3O32SO322
Land use: Conservation
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for protection of important ecological processes
Objective 3.2: Identify lands important for maintenance of the process of flooding
Sub-objective 3.2.3: Identify open water to protect their flood storage function
Input: Lakes and Ponds
Rationale: Open water is important for protecting flooding processes.
Output: Open Water SUA (CG3O32SO323)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The Lakes and Ponds layers were joined to create an Open
Water layer. The Open Water layer was converted to raster using the Feature to Raster tool, and
then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate all Open Water as 9 and all other land as
Table 34: Identify open water to protect their flood storage function sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Open Water 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 89: CG3O32SO323
Land use: Conservation
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for protection of important ecological processes
Input: Wetlands SUA (CG3O32SO321), Rivers SUA (CG3O32SO322), Open Water SUA
Rationale: People and nature benefit from the protection of storm storage or natural flooding
Output: Flood Process MUA (CG3)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The three SUAs were combined using a conditional statement
within the Raster Calculator tool. If an input cell had a suitability value of 9, the resulting cell
was designated a value of 9; otherwise a value of 1 was designated to all other cells.
Figure 90: Flood process objective model
Figure 91: CG3
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Objective 4.1: Identify existing areas used for resource-based recreation
Sub-objective 4.1.1: Identify existing resource-based parks and recreation areas
Input: Parks
Rationale: All existing resource-based parks and recreation areas should be protected.
Output: Existing Recreation Areas SUA (CG4O41SO411)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Existing Resource-based Parks and Recreation Areas were
converted to raster using the Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool
to assign a value of 9 to all park land; all other land was assigned a 1.
Table 35: Identify existing resource-based parks and recreation areas sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Existing Resource-based Parks and
Recreation Areas
All Other Land 1
Figure 92: CG4O41SO411
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Objective 4.1: Identify existing areas used for resource-based recreation
Sub-objective 4.1.2: Identify existing and potential trail corridors
Input: Trails
Rationale: Protection of existing and proposed trail corridors is of high priority.
Output: Trail Corridors SUA (CG4O41SO412)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Existing trails were converted to raster using the Feature to
Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to trail land; all
other land was assigned a 1.
Table 36: Identify existing and potential trail corridors sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Existing trails 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 93: CG4O41SO412
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Objective 4.1: Identify existing areas used for resource-based recreation
Input: Existing Recreation Areas SUA (CG4O41SO411), Trail Corridors SUA
Rationale: These features have the potential to contribute to recreation.
Output: Existing Recreation Features MUA (CG4O41)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs were combined using a conditional statement
such that if a cell had a value of 9 from any of the input SUAs, it was assigned a value of 9;
otherwise it was assigned a value of 1.
Figure 94: Identify existing areas used for resource-based recreation model
Figure 95: CG4O41
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Objective 4.2: Identify all surface water features with the potential for use for outdoor recreation
Input: Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Ponds
Rationale: Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds are important locations for recreation and
Output: Open Water Recreation SUA (CG4O42)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds were converted to raster
using the Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value
of 9 to rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds; all other land was assigned a 1.
Table 37: Identify all surface water features with the potential for use for outdoor recreation objective data ranges and UA
Data Range Utility Assignment
Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 96: CG4O42
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Objective 4.3: Identify railroad corridors for potential use as trail corridors
Input: Railroads
Rationale: Railroad corridors have the potential to become trail corridors.
Output: Railroad Corridors MUA (CG4O43)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Railroads were converted to raster using the Feature to Raster
tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to railroad corridor land;
all other land was assigned a 1.
Table 38: Identify railroad corridors for potential use as trail corridors objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Railroad Corridors 9
All Other Land 1
Figure 97: CG4O43
Land use: Conservation
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation
Input data layers: Existing Recreation Features MUA (CG4O41), Open Water Recreation SUA
(CG4O42), Railroad Corridors MUA (CG4O43)
Rationale: If an input was highly suitable, then it is inherited.
Output: Recreation Suitability MUA (CG4)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input MUAs were combined using a conditional statement
within the Raster Calculator tool. Where the existing recreation feature values were 9, or the
open water recreation values were 9, or the railroad corridor values were 9, the resulting cells
were designated a suitability value of 9; otherwise all other land was designated a 1.
Figure 98: Identify lands suitable for resource-based recreation model
Figure 99: CG4
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.1: Determine lands physically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.1.2: Identify lands free of flood potential
Input: 100 Year Floodplain
Rationale: Building within wetlands or open water is costly and risky.
Output: Flood Construction Suitability SUA (UG1O11SO112)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The 100 year floodplain was converted to raster using the
Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to land
outside of the floodplain and 1 to land within the floodplain.
Table 39: Identify lands free of flood potential sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Lands free of a floodplain 9
Land within a floodplain 1
Figure 100: UG1O11SO112
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.1: Determine lands physically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.1.3: Identify quiet areas
Input: Major Roads, Airports, Railroads
Rationale: Quiet is beneficial to residential developments.
Output: Residential Quiet MUA (UG1O11SO113)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from major roads, airports, and
railroads. Euclidean distance from major roads was reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate land 0–200 meters away from major roads a value of 1, 200–350 meters a value of 2,
and all remaining distances a value of 9. Euclidean distance from airports was reclassified using
the Reclassify tool in 1,000 meter increments with the closest increment being designated a value
of 1 and all other increments beyond 8,000 meters designated a value of 9. Euclidean distance
from railroads was reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designated land 0–500 meters from
railroads a value of 1, 500–1,000 meters a value of 6, and all other lands was designated a value
of 9. The resulting SUAs were combined and weighted using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 101: Identify quiet areas model
Figure 102: UG1O11SO113
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.1: Determine lands physically suitable for residential land use
Input: Flood Construction Suitability SUA (UG1O11SO112), Residential Quiet MUA
Rationale for value assignment: Areas physically suitable for residential development are
quiet. Flooding was considered critical to determining physical suitability because of increased
insurance costs.
Output: Residential Physical Suitability MUA (UG1O11)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs and MUAs were weighted and combined
using the Raster Calculator.
Figure 103: Determine lands physically suitable for residential land use model
Figure 104: UG1O11
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.1: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development
Input: Existing Residential Land (Parcels)
Rationale: People prefer to live near one another.
Output: Residential Proximity to Residential SUA (UG1O12SO121)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from existing residential parcels.
The resulting Euclidean distance results were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate
all land within 495 feet of current residential land a value of 9, and all land beyond 496 feet were
designated a value of 1.
Table 40: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (feet) Utility Assignment
0-495 9
496-All other land 1
Figure 105: UG1O12SO121
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.2: Identify lands proximal to schools
Input: Schools
Rationale: People prefer to live near schools.
Output: Residential Proximity to Schools SUA (UG1O12SO122)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on schools and then zonal statistics
were run on the Euclidean distance results to determine the mean distance of existing residential
parcels from schools and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were
designated a value of 9. The remaining lands were designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation
intervals. The remaining land was designated a value of 1.
Table 41: Identify lands proximal to schools sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 4860 9
4861 – 8443 8
8444 – 12,026 7
12,027 – 15,609 6
15,610 – 19,192 5
19,193 – 22,775 4
22,776 – 26,358 3
26,359 – 29,941 2
29,942 – all remaining 1
Figure 106: UG1O12SO122
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.3: Identify lands proximal to hospitals
Input: Hospitals
Rationale: People prefer to live near hospitals.
Output: Residential Proximity to Hospitals SUA (UG1O12SO123)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on hospitals and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from hospitals
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 42: Identify lands proximal to hospitals sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 13,614 9
13,615 – 15,840 8
15,841 – 18,066 7
18,067 – 20,292 6
20,293 – 22,518 5
22,519 – 24,744 4
24,745 – 26,970 3
26,971 – 29,196 2
29,197 – all remaining 1
Figure 107: UG1O12SO123
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.4: Identify lands proximal to roads
Input: Major Roads
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to major roads.
Output: Residential Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG1O12SO124)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on major roads and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from major
roads and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9.
Then land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was
assigned the value of 1.
Table 43: Identify lands proximal to roads sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 3875 9
3876 – 7515 8
7516 – 11,155 7
11,156 – 14,795 6
14,796 – 18,435 5
18,436 – 22,075 4
22,076 – 25,715 3
25,716 – 29,355 2
29,356 – all remaining 1
Figure 108: UG1O12SO124
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.5: Identify lands proximal to airports
Input: Airport
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to regional airports.
Output: Residential Proximity to Airports SUA (UG1O12SO125)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the airport. The results were
then reclassified using the Reclassify tool at natural breaks, with the closest interval to the airport
being designated a value of 9 and the furthest a value of 1.
Table 44: Identify lands proximal to airports sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 11,321 9
11,322 – 22,643 8
22,644 – 33,964 7
33,965 – 45,286 6
45,287 – 56,608 5
56,609 – 67,929 4
67,930 – 79,251 3
79,252 – 90,573 2
90,573 – all remaining 1
Figure 109: UG1O12SO125
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Sub-objective 1.2.6: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites
Input: Parks and Historic Sites
Rationale: People like to live near parks and historic sites.
Output: Residential Proximity to Parks/Cultural and Historic Sites SUA (UG1O12SO126)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the airport and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from the airport
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 45: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 5377 9
5378 – 8907 8
8908 – 12,437 7
12,438 – 15,967 6
15,968 – 19,497 5
19,498 – 23,027 4
23,028 – 26,557 3
26,558 – 30,087 2
30,088 – all remaining 1
Figure 110: UG1O12SO126
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Objective 1.2: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use
Input: Residential Proximity to Residential SUA (UG1O12SO121), Residential Proximity to
Schools SUA (UG1O12SO122), Residential Proximity to Hospitals SUA (UG1O12SO123),
Residential Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG1O12SO124), Residential Proximity to Airports
SUA (UG1O12SO125), Residential Proximity to Parks/Cultural & Historic Sites SUA
Rationale: Areas economically suitable for residential development are close to existing
residential areas, schools, hospitals, roads, airports, parks and historic sites.
Output: Residential Economic Suitability MUA (UG1O12)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs were weighted and combined the Raster
Calculator tool.
Figure 111: Determine lands economically suitable for residential land use model
Figure 112: UG1O12
Land use: Urban
Goal 1: Identify lands suitable for residential land use
Input: Residential Physical Suitability MUA (UG1O11), Residential Economic Suitability MUA
(UG1O12), Existing Residential Areas (Parcels)
Rationale: If an area is currently residential, it is suitable for residential land use. If it is not
residential, then its suitability is derived from equally weighted physical and economic
Output: Residential Suitability MUA (UG1)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were combined and weighted equally using the
Raster Calculator tool. Existing residential parcels were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate a value of 9, and all other areas assigned a value of 1. Then a conditional statement
was ensured that all existing residential land retained their value of 9 and that all other land was
assigned the weighted value resulting from the Raster Calculator equation.
Figure 113: Identify lands suitable for residential land use model
Figure 114: UG1
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.1: Determine lands physically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.1.2: Identify lands free of flood potential
Input: 100 Year Floodplain
Rationale: Building within wetlands or open water is costly and risky.
Output: Flood Construction Suitability SUA (UG2O21SO212)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The 100 year floodplain was converted to raster using the
Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to land
outside of the floodplain and 1 to land within the floodplain.
Table 46: Identify lands free of flood potential sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Lands free of a floodplain 9
Land within a floodplain 1
Figure 115: UG2O21SO212
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.1: Determine lands physically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.1.3: Identify quiet areas
Input: Major Roads, Airports, Railroads
Rationale: Quiet areas are beneficial to office/commercial developments.
Output: Office/Commercial Quiet SUA (UG2O21SO213)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from major roads, airports, and
railroads. Euclidean distance from major roads was reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate land 0–200 meters away from major roads a value of 1, 200–350 meters a value of 2,
and all remaining distances a value of 9. Euclidean distance from airports was reclassified using
the Reclassify tool in 1,000 meter increments with the closest increment being designated a value
of 1 and all other increments beyond 8,000 meters designated a value of 9. Euclidean distance
from railroads was reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designated land 0–500 meters from
railroads a value of 1, 500–1,000 meters a value of 6, and all other lands was designated a value
of 9. The resulting SUAs were combined and weighted using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 116: Identify quiet areas model
Figure 117: UG2O21SO213
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.1: Determine lands physically suitable for office/commercial land use
Input: Flood Construction Suitability SUA (UG2O21SO212), Office/Commercial Quiet SUA
Rationale: Areas physically suitable for residential development are those that are quiet.
Flooding was considered critical to determining physical suitability because of increased
building and insurance costs.
Output: Office/Commercial Physical Suitability MUA (UG2O21)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs were weighted and combined as follows
using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 118: Determine lands physically suitable for office/commercial land use model
Figure 119: UG2O21
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.1: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Office/Commercial development success increases with proximity to residential land
Output: Office Commercial Proximity to Residential SUA (UG2O22SO221)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from existing residential parcels.
The resulting Euclidean distance results were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate
all land within 495 feet of current residential land a value of 9, and all land beyond 496 feet were
designated a value of 1.
Table 47: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (feet) Utility Assignment
0-495 9
496-All other land 1
Figure 120: UG2O22SO221
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.2: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits
Input: City Limits
Rationale: Office/commercial development success increases in urban areas.
Output: Office/Commercial Proximity to City Limits SUA (UG2O22SO222)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on city limits and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from city limits
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 48: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 819 9
820 – 2928 8
2929 – 5037 7
5038 – 7146 6
7147 – 9255 5
9256 – 11,364 4
11,365 – 13,473 3
13,474 – 15,582 2
15,583 – all remaining 1
Figure 121: UG2O22SO222
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.3: Identify lands proximal to roads
Input: Euclidean Distance from Major Roads (preprocessed in residential model
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to major roads.
Output: Office/Commercial Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG2O22SO223)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on major roads and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from major
roads and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9.
Then land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was
assigned the value of 1.
Table 49: Identify lands proximal to roads sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 3875 9
3876 – 7515 8
7516 – 11,155 7
11,156 – 14,795 6
14,796 – 18,435 5
18,436 – 22,075 4
22,076 – 25,715 3
25,716 – 29,355 2
29,356 – all remaining 1
Figure 122: UG2O22SO223
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.5: Identify lands proximal to airports
Input: Airports
Rationale: It is convenient for office and commercial areas to be close to airports.
Output: Office/Commercial Proximity to Airports SUA (UG2O22SO225)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the airport. The results were
then reclassified using the Reclassify tool at natural breaks, with the closest interval to the airport
being designated a value of 9 and the furthest a value of 1.
Table 50: Identify lands proximal to airports sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 11,321 9
11,322 – 22,643 8
22,644 – 33,964 7
33,965 – 45,286 6
45,287 – 56,608 5
56,609 – 67,929 4
67,930 – 79,251 3
79,252 – 90,573 2
90,573 – all remaining 1
Figure 123: UG2O22SO225
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.6: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites
Input: Parks and Historic Sites
Rationale: Proximity to parks and historic sites is an amenity for office/commercial
Output: Office/Commercial Proximity to Parks/Cultural & Historic Sites MUA
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the airport and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from the airport
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 51: Identify lands proximal to parks and historic sites sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 5377 9
5378 – 8907 8
8908 – 12,437 7
12,438 – 15,967 6
15,968 – 19,497 5
19,498 – 23,027 4
23,028 – 26,557 3
26,558 – 30,087 2
30,088 – all remaining 1
Figure 124: UG2O22SO226
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Sub-objective 2.2.9: Identify lands proximal to existing office/commercial land use
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Office/commercial developments benefit from being close to other
office/commercial developments.
Output: Office/Commercial Proximity to Office/Commercial SUA (UG2O22SO229)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the commercial parcels and
then zonal statistics were run to determine the mean distance and the standard deviation. Land
with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then land was designated values 8–2
in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned the value of 1.
Table 52: Identify lands proximal to existing office/commercial land use sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 2136 9
2137 – 4341 8
4342 – 6546 7
6547 – 8751 6
8752 – 10,956 5
10,957 – 13,161 4
13,162 – 15,366 3
15,367 – 17,571 2
17,572 – all remaining 1
Figure 125: UG2O22SO229
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Objective 2.2: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use
Input: Office Commercial Proximity to Residential SUA (UG2O22SO221), Office Commercial
Proximity to City Limits SUA (UG2O22SO222), Office/Commercial Proximity to Major Roads
SUA (UG2O22SO223), Office/Commercial Proximity to Airports SUA (UG2O22SO225),
Office/Commercial Proximity to Parks/Cultural & Historic Sites MUA (UG2O22SO226),
Office/Commercial Proximity to Office/Commercial SUA (UG2O22SO229)
Rationale: Areas economically suitable for office/commercial development are inside or close to
city limits; close to existing residential areas, major roads, airports, parks, historic sites, and
existing office/commercial areas.
Output: Office/Commercial Economic Suitability MUA (UG2O22)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs and MUAs were weighted and combined
using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 126: Determine lands economically suitable for office/commercial land use model
Figure 127: UG2O22
Land use: Urban
Goal 2: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use
Input: Office/Commercial Physical Suitability MUA (UG2O21), Office/Commercial Economic
Suitability MUA (UG2O22)
Rationale: Physical and economic criteria are important in determining office/commercial
Output: Office/Commercial Suitability MUA (UG2)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were combined and weighted equally using the
Raster Calculator tool. Existing commercial parcels were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate a value of 9, and all other areas assigned a value of 1. Then a conditional statement
was ensured that all existing commercial land retained their value of 9 and that all other land was
assigned the weighted value resulting from the Raster Calculator equation.
Figure 128: Identify lands suitable for office/commercial land use model
Figure 129: UG2
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.1: Determine lands physically suitable for retail land use
Input: 100 Year Floodplain
Rationale: Building within a floodplain or open water is costly and risky.
Output: Retail Physical Suitability MUA (UG3O31)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The 100 year floodplain was converted to raster using the
Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to land
outside of the floodplain and 1 to land within the floodplain.
Table 53: Identify lands free of flood potential sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Lands free of a floodplain 9
Land within a floodplain 1
Figure 130: UG3O31
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use
Sub-objective 3.2.1: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Retail development success increases with proximity residential land uses.
Output: Retail Proximity to Residential SUA (UG3O32SO321)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from existing residential parcels.
The resulting Euclidean distance results were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate
all land within 495 feet of current residential land a value of 9, and all land beyond 496 feet were
designated a value of 1.
Table 54: Identify lands proximal to existing residential development sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (feet) Utility Assignment
0-495 9
496-All other land 1
Figure 131: UG3O32SO321
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use
Sub-objective 3.2.2: Identify lands proximal to existing retail land use
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Retail developments benefit from being close to other retail developments.
Output: Retail Proximity to Retail SUA (UG3O32SO322)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run from existing retail parcels. The
resulting Euclidean distance results were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to designate all
land within 25,899 feet of current retail land a value of 9, and all land beyond 25,899 feet were
designated a value of 1.
Table 55: Identify lands proximal to existing retail land use sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (feet) Utility Assignment
0 – 25,899 9
25,899 – All other land 1
Figure 132: UG3O32SO322
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use
Sub-objective 3.2.3: Identify lands proximal to roads
Input: Euclidean Distance from Major Roads (preprocessed in residential model
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to major roads.
Output: Retail Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG3O32SO323)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on major roads and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from major
roads and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9.
Then land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was
assigned the value of 1.
Table 56: Identify lands proximal to roads sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 3875 9
3876 – 7515 8
7516 – 11,155 7
11,156 – 14,795 6
14,796 – 18,435 5
18,436 – 22,075 4
22,076 – 25,715 3
25,716 – 29,355 2
29,356 – all remaining 1
Figure 133: UG3O32SO323
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use
Sub-objective 3.2.7: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits
Input: City Limits
Rationale: Retail development success increases in urban areas.
Output: Proximity to City Limits SUA (UG3O32SO327)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on city limits and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from city limits
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 57: Identify lands within and proximal to existing city limits sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 819 9
820 – 2928 8
2929 – 5037 7
5038 – 7146 6
7147 – 9255 5
9256 – 11,364 4
11,365 – 13,473 3
13,474 – 15,582 2
15,583 – all remaining 1
Figure 134: UG3O32SO327
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Objective 3.2: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use
Input: Retail Proximity to Residential SUA (UG3O32SO321), Retail Proximity to Retail SUA
(UG3O32SO322), Retail Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG3O32SO323), Retail Proximity to
City Limits SUA (UG3O32SO327)
Rationale: Areas economically suitable for retail development are inside or close to city limits;
close to existing residential areas, and major roads.
Output: Retail Economic Suitability MUA (UG3O32)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs and MUAs were weighted and combined
using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 135: Determine lands economically suitable for retail land use model
Figure 136: UG3O32
Land use: Urban
Goal 3: Identify lands suitable for retail land use
Input: Retail Physical Suitability MUA (UG2O21), Retail Economic Suitability MUA
Rationale: Physical and economic criteria are important in determining retail suitability.
Output: Retail Suitability MUA (UG3)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were combined and weighted equally using the
Raster Calculator tool. Existing commercial parcels were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate a value of 9, and all other areas assigned a value of 1. Then a conditional statement
was ensured that all existing commercial land retained their value of 9 and that all other land was
assigned the weighted value resulting from the Raster Calculator equation.
Figure 137: Identify lands suitable for retail land use model
Figure 138: UG3
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands for industrial land use
Objective 4.1: Determine lands physically suitable for retail land use
Input: 100 Year Floodplain
Rationale: Building within a floodplain or open water is costly and risky.
Output: Industrial Physical Suitability MUA (UG4O41)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The 100 year floodplain was converted to raster using the
Feature to Raster tool and then reclassified using the Reclassify tool to assign a value of 9 to land
outside of the floodplain and 1 to land within the floodplain.
Table 58: Identify lands free of flood potential objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range Utility Assignment
Lands free of a floodplain 9
Land within a floodplain 1
Figure 139: UG4O41
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use
Sub-objective 4.2.1: Identify lands away from existing residential development
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Industrial development success increases with distance from residential land uses.
Output: Industrial Distance from Residential SUA (UG4O42SO421)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on residential parcels and then
zonal statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from
industrial parcels and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated
a value of 1. Then land was designated values 2-9 in standard-deviation intervals.
Table 59: Identify lands away from existing residential development sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 408 1
409 – 1097 2
1098 – 1786 3
1787 – 2475 4
2476 – 3164 5
3165 – 3853 6
3854 – 4542 7
4543 – 5231 8
5332 – 5920 9
Figure 140: UG4O42SO421
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Determine lands economically suitable for industrial land use
Sub-objective 4.2.2: Identify lands proximal to existing industrial land use
Input: Parcels
Rationale: Industrial development success increase in proximity to other industrial areas.
Output: Industrial Proximity to Industrial SUA (UG4O42SO422)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on industrial parcels and then
zonal statistics were run to determine the mean distance and the standard deviation. Land with
values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then land was designated values 8–2 in
standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned the value of 1.
Table 60: Identify lands proximal to existing industrial land use sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 4328 9
4329 – 8237 8
8238 – 12,146 7
12,147 – 16,055 6
16,056 – 19,964 5
19,965 – 23,873 4
23,874 – 27,782 3
27,783 – 31,691 2
31,692 – all remaining 1
Figure 141: UG4O42SO422
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use
Sub-objective 4.2.3: Identify lands proximal to roads
Input: Euclidean Distance from Major Roads
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to major roads.
Output: Industrial Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG4O42SO423)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on major roads and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing residential parcels from major
roads and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9.
Then land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was
assigned the value of 1.
Table 61: Identify lands proximal to roads sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 3875 9
3876 – 7515 8
7516 – 11,155 7
11,156 – 14,795 6
14,796 – 18,435 5
18,436 – 22,075 4
22,076 – 25,715 3
25,716 – 29,355 2
29,356 – all remaining 1
Figure 142: UG4O42SO423
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use
Sub-objective 4.2.4: Identify lands proximal to railroads
Input: Distance from Railroads
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to railroads in order to transport goods.
Output: Industrial Proximity to Railroads SUA (UG4O42SO424)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on railroads and then zonal
statistics were run to determine the mean distance of existing industrial parcels from major roads
and the standard deviation. Land with values of 0 to the mean were designated a value of 9. Then
land was designated values 8–2 in standard-deviation intervals. The remaining land was assigned
the value of 1.
Table 62: Identify lands proximal to railroads sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 9604 9
9605 – 17,523 8
17,524 – 25,442 7
25,443 – 33,361 6
33,362 – 41,280 5
41,281 – 49,199 4
49,200 – 57,118 3
57,119 – 65,037 2
65,038 – all remaining 1
Figure 143: UG4O42SO424
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use
Sub-objective 4.2.5: Identify lands proximal to airports
Input: Airports
Rationale: It is convenient to be close to airports in order to transport goods.
Output: Industrial Proximity to Railroads SUA (UG4O42SO425)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: Euclidean distance was run on the airport. The results were
then reclassified using the Reclassify tool at natural breaks, with the closest interval to the airport
being designated a value of 9 and the furthest a value of 1.
Table 63: Identify lands proximal to airports sub-objective data ranges and UA values
Data Range (in feet) Suitability Value Assignment
0 – 11,321 9
11,322 – 22,643 8
22,644 – 33,964 7
33,965 – 45,286 6
45,287 – 56,608 5
56,609 – 67,929 4
67,930 – 79,251 3
79,252 – 90,573 2
90,573 – all remaining 1
Figure 144: UG4O42SO425
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Objective 4.2: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use
Input: Industrial Distance from Residential SUA (UG4O42SO421), Industrial Proximity to
Industrial SUA (UG4O42SO422), Industrial Proximity to Major Roads SUA (UG4O42SO423),
Industrial Proximity to Railroads SUA (UG4O42SO424), Industrial Proximity to Airports SUA
Rationale: Areas economically suitable for industrial development are close to major roads,
shipping points, existing industrial areas, and at a distance from residential areas.
Output: Industrial Economic Suitability MUA (UG4O42)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The input SUAs and MUAs were weighted and combined
using the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 145: Identify lands economically suitable for industrial use model
Figure 146: UG4O42
Land use: Urban
Goal 4: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use
Input: Industrial Physical Suitability MUA (UG4O41), Industrial Economic Suitability MUA
Rationale: Both physical and economic criteria are important in determining industrial
Output: Industrial Suitability MUA (UG4)
Criteria for Utility Assignment: The MUAs were combined and weighted equally using the
Raster Calculator tool. Existing industrial parcels were reclassified using the Reclassify tool to
designate a value of 9, and all other areas assigned a value of 1. Then a conditional statement
was ensured that all existing industrial land retained their value of 9 and that all other land was
assigned the weighted value resulting from the Raster Calculator equation.
Figure 147: Identify lands suitable for industrial land use model
Figure 148: UG4
This appendix provides a description of each land-use code, its description, and the equivalent
collapsed land-use category
Table 64: Collapsed land-use classification process designations
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
1000 Rural Homesite Agriculture
5000 Use Value Homesite Agriculture
5310 Agricultural - Commercial Production Agriculture
6100 Forest - Commercial Production Agriculture
6210 Woodland - Excess on AG PCL Agriculture
6711 Horticultural - Commercial Production Agriculture
7000 Institutional Urban Commercial
7100 Church Urban Residential
7200 School, College, Private Urban Residential
7300 Hospital, Private Urban Commercial
7400 Home for the Aged Urban Residential
7401 Nursing Home Urban Residential
7500 Orphanage Urban Residential
7600 Funeral (Mortuary, Cemetery, Crematorium, Maus) Urban Commercial
7700 Club, Lodge, Union Hall, Swim Club Urban Commercial
7800 Country Club Urban Commercial
7801 Par '3' Golf Courses
7802 Miniature Golf Courses Urban Commercial
7803 Public Golf Course – Regulation Conservation
7900 Airport Urban Commercial
8000 Marina Urban Commercial
8100 Military Urban Industrial
8200 Recreation Area Conservation
8300 School – Public Urban Residential
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
8400 College – Public Urban Residential
8500 Hospital – Public Urban Commercial
8600 Other County Property Other
8601 Water Plant Urban Industrial
8602 Fire Department Urban Commercial
8603 Recycling Urban Industrial
8604 Disposal Urban Industrial
8700 Other State (Marshland) Conservation
8701 State Port Urban Commercial
8800 Other Federal Other
8900 Other Municipal Other
8901 Municipal Education Urban Residential
8902 Municipal Airport Urban Commercial
8903 Municipal Housing Authority Urban Residential
9000 Leasehold Interest Other
9010 No Land Interest Other
9100 Utility (Gas, Electric, Telephone, Telegraph, Rail) Urban Industrial
9101 Utility Urban Industrial
9200 Mining Urban Industrial
9300 Petroleum and Gas Urban Industrial
9400 Right of Way Other
9401 Roadway Corridor Conservation
9402 Utility Easement Other
9500 Submerged Land, Rivers and Lakes Conservation
9501 Island Conservation
9600 Wasteland, Slivers, Gullies, Rock Outcrop Conservation
9610 Buffer Strip Other
9611 Wetland Conservation
9612 100 Year Flood Plain – AC Conservation
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
9613 100 Year Flood Plain – LT Conservation
9614 FLUM/SWIM Floodway (No Build Zone) Conservation
9699 Unsuitable for Septic Other
9700 Mineral Rights Other
9710 Less Mineral Rights (Taxed Elsewhere) Other
9800 Owner Unknown Other
9900 New Parcel Other
9901 Transfer, Corrections Other
9902 AC Change Only Other
9904 Combination Other
9905 Split Other
9910 Deleted Parcel Other
A500 Multi Family Urban Residential
A501 Multi Family Common Area Urban Residential
A503 Multi Family River Urban Residential
A510 Multi Family Rural Acreage Urban Residential
A512 Multi Family Water Frontage Urban Residential
A513 Multi Family Golf Course Frontage Urban Residential
A514 Multi Family Water Access Urban Residential
A560 Multi Family Garden Urban Residential
A561 Multi Family Townhouse Urban Residential
A562 Multi Family Duplex/Triplex Urban Residential
A563 Multi Family High Rise Urban Residential
C700 Commercial Urban Commercial
C701 Commercial Water Frontage Urban Commercial
C703 Commercial Common Area Urban Commercial
C711 Convenience Store Urban Retail
C712 Car Wash Urban Industrial
C713 Department Store Urban Retail
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
C714 Supermarket Urban Retail
C715 Shopping Center – Mall Urban Retail
C716 Shopping Center – Strip Urban Retail
C721 Restaurant Urban Retail
C722 Fast Food Urban Retail
C723 Bank Urban Retail
C725 Commercial Service (Laundry, TV, Radio, Etc.) Urban Commercial
C726 Service Station Urban Commercial
C727 Auto Sales and Service Urban Retail
C728 Parking Urban Industrial
C731 Commercial Condominium Common Area Urban Commercial
C732 Theatre Urban Commercial
C733 Lounge, Night Club, Bar Urban Commercial
C734 Bowling Alley, Skating Rink Urban Commercial
C735 Commercial Condominium Urban Commercial
C736 Business Park Urban Commercial
C737 Hotel/Motel >6 Floors Urban Commercial
C738 Furniture Store Urban Retail
C739 Hotel/Motel <7 Floors Urban Commercial
C780 Marina Land Urban Commercial
GC01 Golf Course Class 1 - Championship Conservation
GC02 Golf Course Class 2 - Private Club Conservation
GC03 Golf Course Class 3 - Semi-Private & Municipal Conservation
GC04 Golf Course Class 4 - Minimum Quality Conservation
I600 Industrial Urban Industrial
I601 Fertilizer Plant Urban Industrial
I602 Seafood Processing Urban Industrial
I603 Industrial Common Area Urban Industrial
I628 Mini Warehouse Urban Industrial
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
I630 Laboratory / Research Urban Industrial
I640 Warehouse Condominium Common Area Urban Industrial
I641 Light Manufacturing Urban Industrial
I642 Heavy Manufacturing Urban Industrial
I643 Lumber Yard Urban Industrial
I644 Packing Plant Urban Industrial
I645 Cigarette Manufacturing Urban Industrial
I646 Brewery, Bottler, Cannery, Winery Urban Industrial
I647 Warehouse Condominium Urban Industrial
I648 Warehousing Urban Industrial
I649 Steel Frame Warehouse Urban Industrial
I651 Cold Storage Urban Industrial
I652 Truck Terminal Urban Industrial
I653 Service Garage Urban Industrial
I655 Stadium Urban Commercial
NEW New Parcel Other
O400 Office Urban Commercial
O418 Office High Rise > 6 Stories Urban Commercial
O419 Medical Office Urban Commercial
O420 Medical Condominium Urban Commercial
O421 Medical Condominium Common Area Urban Commercial
O424 Office Condominium Urban Commercial
O425 Office Condominium Common Area Urban Commercial
O431 Day Care Center Urban Commercial
R100 Single Family Residential Urban Residential
R111 Single Family Residential – Common Urban Residential
R113 Single Family Residential – River Urban Residential
R120 Single Family Residential - Rural Acreage Urban Residential
R122 Single Family Residential – Waterfront Urban Residential
Collapsed Land-Use Classification Process
Land-Use Code Description Collapsed Land-Use
R123 Single Family Residential – Golf Urban Residential
R124 Single Family Residential - Water View Urban Residential
R150 Patio Home Urban Residential
R151 Patio Home – Common Urban Residential
R153 Patio Home – River Urban Residential
R160 Patio Home - Rural Acreage Urban Residential
R162 Patio Home – Waterfront Urban Residential
R163 Patio Home – Golf Urban Residential
R164 Patio Home - Water View Urban Residential
R200 Mobile Home Subdivision Urban Residential
R201 Mobile Home HS Urban Residential
R210 Mobile Home Park Urban Residential
R220 Recreational Vehicle Park Urban Residential
R300 Condominium Urban Residential
R306 Condominium High Rise Urban Residential
R309 Town House SFR Urban Residential
R311 Condominium Common Area Urban Residential
R313 Condominium River Urban Residential
R320 Condominium Rural Acreage Urban Residential
R322 Condominium Water Frontage Urban Residential
R323 Condominium Golf Course Frontage Urban Residential
R324 Condominium Water View Urban Residential
R371 Town House Common Area Urban Residential
R382 Town House Water Frontage Urban Residential
R383 Town House Golf Course Frontage Urban Residential
R384 Town House Water Access Urban Residential
RSVD Reserved Other
Abstract (if available)
Mecklenburg County is growing at an alarming rate and as a result the region is faced with the threat of rapid land use change. Since 2000 the population of the region has grown by 32 percent and the United Nations estimates an additional 71 percent population increase by the year 2030, placing it amongst the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the country. This growth is driven by sociodemographic, economic, and biophysical factors such as: an expanding young professionals demographic, high quality of life, proximity to outdoor recreation, and booming manufacturing, travel, energy, sports, and financial industries. Due to these trends it is crucial to project the magnitude and location of future expansion for the region to aid and support sustainable decision making. Visualizing how land-use change will be spatially distributed, and where competing land-use classifications will be in conflict, leads researchers to examine alternative scenarios and actions for the future of a region. This study isolated and quantified land that will be in potential future conflict, and examined four future land-use scenarios for Mecklenburg County, NC using an adaptation of Margaret Carr and Paul Zwick’s Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS) model. LUCIS is a goal driven Geographic Information Systems (GIS) model that produces a spatial representation of where agriculture, conservation, and urban land‐use suitabilities will be in future conflict and helps illustrate potential future alternative land-use scenarios (Carr and Zwick 2007). The analysis’ results highlighted the escalating drive for future urban expansion into agricultural land, the persistent effort to conserve only those lands currently in conservation, and the continued push of agricultural land to the county’s periphery. In addition, the four future land-use scenarios provided a simulated, potential view of the future through the lens of stakeholders who represent the interests of each land-use designation. Overall, this study successfully yielded the requisite information products for utilization by actual stakeholders to iteratively work through similar modeling efforts to assist future planning efforts.
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Asset Metadata
Cotroneo, Antonio
Core Title
Identification and analysis of future land-use conflict in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
alternative futures,geodesign,GIS,Landscape Architecture,LUCIS,mapping,Mecklenburg County,Modeling,North Carolina,OAI-PMH Harvest,scenario planning,spatial analysis
Electronically uploaded by the author
Ruddell, Darren (
committee chair
), Swift, Jennifer N. (
committee member
), Vos, Robert O. (
committee member
Creator Email,
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-CotroneoAn-3856.pdf (filename),usctheses-c40-173255 (legacy record id)
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Document Type
application/pdf (imt)
Cotroneo, Antonio
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
alternative futures
Mecklenburg County
scenario planning
spatial analysis