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Advanced techniques for human action classification and text localization
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Advanced techniques for human action classification and text localization
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ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR HUMAN ACTION CLASSIFICATION AND TEXT LOCALIZATION by Harshad Kadu A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE USC GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulllment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) December 2015 Copyright 2015 Harshad Kadu Table of Contents List of Tables iv List of Figures v Abstract viii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Signicance of the Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Human Action Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 Text Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Review of Related Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.1 Human Action Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.2 Text Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3 Contributions of the Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.1 Human Action Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.2 Text Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.4 Organization of the Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 2: Background Review 11 2.1 Human Action Classication With Mocap Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1.1 Tree Structured Vector Quantization (TSVQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.2 Sux Array Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.3 Support Vector Machines (SVM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 Text Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.2.1 Stable Extremal Regions (SER) Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2.2 Stroke Width Transform (SWT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2.3 Gradient Orientation Histogram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2.4 Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) Codewords Histogram . 24 2.2.5 Adaboost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Chapter 3: Automatic Human Action Classication With Mocap Data 28 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.2 Review of Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.3 Proposed Classication Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.3.1 Method-A: Motion-String Similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ii 3.3.2 Method-B: Pose-Histogram Classier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.3.3 Method-C: Two-Step Score Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.3.4 Method-D: Two-Step SVM Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.4.1 Dataset Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.4.2 Classication Performance and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.5 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Chapter 4: Text Localization In Natural Scene Images 58 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4.2 Review of Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.3 Proposed Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.3.1 Multiple Channel Stable Extremal Region (SER) Detector . . . . . 63 4.3.2 Geometric Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Stripe Scan Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Scan-Line Stroke Width Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Plausibility Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.3.3 Context-Based Text Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Agglomerative Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Matching Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Merging Pairs Into Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Decimation Of Lines Into Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.3.4 Ensemble Classier and Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Gradient Prole Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Ensemble of Decision Tree Classiers . . . . . . . . . . . 77 View and Channel Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.5 Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work 90 5.1 Human Action Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.2 Text Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Bibliography 93 Appendix 101 iii List of Tables 2.1 The sux array for motion string: [25, 18, 87, 160, 98, 25, 18, $] . . . . . 14 3.1 Partitioning of a human skeleton for classication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.2 The sux array for motion string: [25, 18, 87, 160, 98, 25, 18, $] . . . . . 38 3.3 Comparison of classication results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.4 The standalone motion string similarity comparison results . . . . . . . . 52 3.5 The standalone pose histogram classication results . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 3.6 Decision fusion results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.7 Performance comparison of human mocap data classication algorithms. . 55 4.1 Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms with the evaluation method from ICDAR 2005 competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.2 Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms with the new evaluation method on ICDAR 2005 dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.3 Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms on ICDAR 2011 dataset using [WJ06] evaluation criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.4 Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms on ICDAR 2011 dataset using Yao's evaluation method [YBL + 12] . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.5 Statistical performance analysis of each stage of the framework . . . . . . 84 iv List of Figures 1.1 Illustration of ten consecutive poses of the running motion (top) and the teapot nursery rhyme rendition (bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1 TSVQ data splitting and the corresponding codeword tree . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2 Support Vector Machines (SVM) binary classier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.3 SER detector (a) Original image (b) Maximal regions in intensity image (c) Minimal regions in intensity image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4 Anti-parallel gradients (a) Gradient directions for bright text on dark background (b) Gradient directions for dark text on bright background . . 21 2.5 SWT or Stroke Width Transform (a) Section of image used for illustration of SWT (b) Edge pixels (c) Gradient magnitude and directions at the edge pixels (d) Traversal along the gradient direction to an anti-parallel edge (e) Dierent anti-parallel gradient pairs shown in dierent colors (f) Stroke width matrix M in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6 GOP or Gradient Orientation Pyramid features. (a)Training image I(`) (b)The Gradient Map I(`; 1) (c)Gradient Pyramid I(`;!);! = 1; 2; 3 . . . 24 3.1 Illustration of ten consecutive poses of the running motion (top) and the teapot nursery rhyme rendition (bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.2 An illustration of full-body multi-resolution TSVQ codebooks. . . . . . . 36 3.3 An illustration of the motion-string representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.4 Standalone action classication performance of the motion string similar- ity comparison method: (a) overall performance using the sim parameter, (b) overall performance using the max parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.5 A pose string representation of a mocap sequence based on body-part codewords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3.6 Standalone action classication performance of the pose histogram classi- er method with level-n codewords, where n = 3; 4; 5; 6. . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.7 (a) Group-wise performance using the sim and max parameters and (b) group-wise classication results for pose histogram classiers. . . . . . . . 50 4.1 Schematic diagram of the proposed text detection algorithm . . . . . . . . 62 4.2 SER detector (a) Original image (b) Maximal regions in intensity image (c) Minimal regions in intensity image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4.3 Multi-channel SER detection (a) Original image (b) Intensity Image (c) A* channel (d) B* channel. Overlapping regions are represented by dierent colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 v 4.4 Stripe scan feature for text component using horizontal stripes (top row) and vertical stripes (bottom row). The example is for explanation purpose only. ~ v = ~ h = 5, HSS = 0 and VSS = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.5 Stripe scan feature for non-text component using horizontal stripes (top row) and vertical stripes (bottom row). The example is for explanation purpose only. ~ v = ~ h = 5, HSS = 5 and VSS = 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.6 Scan-Line SWT (a), (c), (e) and (g) show the ray intersection process for the original and transposed components. The numbers at the end of the dotted arrows, represent the elements of array r or c . (b), (d), (f) and (h) depict the SL-SWT values for components and its transpose. The scan-line stroke width values for the pixels spanned by the solid red arrows are provided alongside. Only a selected scan-lines are shown for illustration purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.7 Connected components b C representing letters (left) and those representing word fragments (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 4.8 Stroke width values for connected component representing letter L. The squares with no numerical value are equal to +1. (a) Rays shot along the rows and the M r matrix (b) Rays shot along the rows of b C T and the M c matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 4.9 Geometric ltering (a) Sample image (b) Detected stable extremal regions (c) Output after geometric ltering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4.10 Context-based text grouping (a)Left and right neighborhood (b)Links between adjacent and similar components (c)Sub-graph with vertexes and internal edges that together represent a text line. The orange link has to be broken to form individual words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4.11 Context-based text grouping (a) Raw image (b) Blobs retained after geo- metric ltering (c) Bounding boxes generated after merging pairs into lines (d) Decimation of lines into words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4.12 The gradient prole features (a) Sample text image (b) G x and mean vectors along the rows and the columns (c) G y and mean vectors along rows and columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.13 The gradient prole features (a) Sample non-text image (b)G x and mean vectors along the rows and the columns (c) G y and mean vectors along rows and columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.14 Positive samples for training ensemble classier (left) and negative samples (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.15 View fusion (a) Original image (b) Bounding boxes for I (c) Bounding boxes for I inv (d) Fusion of I and I inv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.16 Channel fusion (a) Sample image (b) Bounding boxes for channel I (c) Bounding boxes for channel A (d) Bounding boxes for channel B (e) Fusion of I, A and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.17 Correct detections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.18 SER detection error (a) Sample image (b) Text blobs detected . . . . . . 85 4.19 Repeated patterns (a) Error image (b) Repeated patterns detected as words 86 vi 4.20 Partial occlusions (a) Flash light partially occludes the text (b) Text is wrongly discarded along with the ash light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.21 Grouping error (a) Sample image (b) Words wrongly grouped together . . 87 4.22 Incorrect detections (a) Eect of re ection and shadow (b) Broken text . 88 vii Abstract This thesis contains two main research topics: 1) automatic human action classication with mocap data and 2) text localization in natural scene images. The common theme of these two topics is the application of pattern recognition techniques to multimedia information processing as detailed below. Automatic classication of human action in motion capture (mocap) data has many commercial, biomechanical and medical applications and is the principal focus of the thesis. First, we propose a multi-resolution string representation scheme based on the tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) to transform the time-series of human poses into codeword sequences. Then, we take the temporal variations of human poses into account via codeword sequence matching. Furthermore, we develop a family of pose- histogram-based classiers to examine the spatial distribution of human poses. We analyze the performance of the temporal and spatial classiers separately. To achieve a higher classication rate, we merge their decisions and soft scores using novel fusion methods. The proposed fusion solutions are tested on a wide variety of sequences from the CMU mocap database using 5-fold cross validation, and a correct classication rate of 99.6% is achieved. Searching for text regions in natural images is a challenging task for many computer vision applications. In the second part of our research, we propose a novel text localiza- tion scheme based on multi-stage incremental region classication technique. The stable extremal region detector investigates peculiar characteristics of text to discover regions viii with possible textual content across dierent channels. The coarse decision stump clas- siers designed on geometric features and context-based text grouping stages eciently remove false positives and outline the regions of interest. An ensemble of trained decision tree classiers categorizes the remaining regions into text or non-text using the gradient prole features. Finally, the ROIs from dierent views and channels are fused together to procure a consolidated list of text regions. As per the experimental results, our suggested technique is among the top algorithms reported in the literature. ix Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis contains two main research topics: 1) automatic human action classication with mocap data and 2) text localization in natural scene images. The common theme of these two topics is the application of pattern recognition techniques to multimedia information processing. Research signicance, related previous work, contributions and content organization of these two topics are presented below. 1.1 Signicance of the Research 1.1.1 Human Action Classication The increasing demand for rendering smooth and plausible 3D motion is fueling the devel- opment of motion capture (mocap) systems. This new format of high quality 3D motion data has paved its way into animation movies, high-end computer games [CCY11], biome- chanics, robotics, gait analysis and rehabilitation [SSL02] and machine translation of sign languages [LKL + 04,YS04]. The diverse applications of mocap data and the rapid devel- opment of mocap systems have resulted in a large corpus of motion capture data in recent years. However, the large amount of raw data les makes it dicult to organize. It is desirable that both le names and the associated metadata should be able to provide a high level description of the contents of mocap sequences. Since manual annotation of mocap sequences is labor intensive, it is essential to develop an automated technique that can segment mocap data into homogeneous intervals, classify each interval into a basic action type, and index it for future retrieval. With such annotated mocap databases in place, a proper motion editing and authoring tool can be used to synthesize realistic motion sequences. 1 To develop ecient indexing and retrieval techniques for mocap databases, the rst step is to classify the data into subsets according to their similarities, which is known as the action classication problem. As far as the human full-body motion is concerned, the mocap system records the actions of human actors by placing several markers on their body. These markers and a grid of infrared cameras help determine the full- body movement of those actors in terms of joint orientations. This joint orientation information constitutes the mocap data used in our research. Human mocap data are essentially time series of human body poses (Fig. 3.1). Dierent human motions may be of dierent time duration, tempo and style. Motions from same action type, e.g. walking, can vary from person to person. Moreover, visually similar motions may start or end with dierent joint orientations or even with dierent human body postures. A robust classication algorithm has to compensate for these irregularities in the data. 1.1.2 Text Localization In recent years, the task of locating text in natural scene images is attracting attention of researchers and industrial community alike, due to its inherent complexity and vast range of applications. Text region detection is a precursor to many computer vision tasks such as, optical character recognition, robotic navigation, compound video compression, scene understanding, text-based image indexing, search and retrieval etc. The aim of our text localization research is to detect text regions in the image and draw bounding boxes around each and every word. Contrary to the scanned documents, text in natural images have dierent sizes, fonts, orientations, illumination and colors. The cluttered background also poses a serious threat to the localization accuracy. This diversity and irregularity makes text localization in these circumstances quite dicult. The fact that, no algorithm has yet been able to achieve a considerable accuracy on the benchmark datasets, further illustrates the challenging nature of the problem. 2 1.2 Review of Related Previous Work 1.2.1 Human Action Classication Dierent methods have been proposed to synthesize realistic human motions by reusing existing mocap data via data-driven motion editing and authoring, e.g., Kovar and Gle- icher [KG04], Safonova et al. [SHP04], Ren et al. [RSH + 05], Lee et al. [LCR + 02], Zordan et al. [ZMCF05], and Pullen and Bregler [PB02]. In order to reuse existing mocap data, ecient searching, indexing and browsing techniques are required. So the rst step is to group motion clips into subsets based on their similarities, which is the focus of our current research. Identifying similar action types in a mocap database has been considered a challeng- ing problem. Most of the previous work on motion comparison adopted features that were close to the raw data. For example, Liu and Popovi c [LP02] included the principal component analysis (PCA) reduced raw data, 3D point clouds, joint angles, 3D positions, etc. Forbes and Fiume [FF05] used the weighted PCA for motion comparison. The per- formance was further enhanced by integrating the weighted PCA with other features such as characteristic points, seed points, etc. Kovar and Gleicher [KG04] proposed a numerical similarity technique to nd similar motion clips from a large data set. Motion similarity is a semantic concept. The raw numerical data may dier a lot even for two visually similar motions. Hence these types of features do not work well in practice. Liu et al. [LZWP03] used automatically extracted key frames and a hierarchical tree of clusters of motions to search similar actions in the database. Sakamoto et al. [SKK04] proposed a motion map method that trains the self-organizing-map (SOM) with motion data and indexes clips by SOM nodes. The motion map transforms the N-dimensional data to a 2D map and computes similarity using this map. However, this scheme lacks higher level data indexing and demands exact node-to-node matching in search. Human motion is typically a long time series with no overt segmentation informa- tion so the dynamic time warping (DTW) based motion comparison techniques (e.g., 3 Chiu et al. [CCW + 04], Kovar and Gleicher [KG04], Wu et al. [WCYL03]) suer from the complexity of nding the corresponding start/end points of motion data series for motion similarity comparison. Hsu et al. [HPP05] used an iterative motion warping (IMW) technique, which is an improvement over the traditional DTW technique, to nd the correspondence by minimizing an objective function with dynamic programming. Generally speaking, these features work well only for certain applications. Several algorithms were developed to identify locally similar segments in the motion dataset, for example, Arikan and Forsythe [AF02], Kim et al. [KPS03], Kovar and Gle- icher [KG03], Lee et al. [LCR + 02], and Wang and Bodenheimer [WB03]. Arikan et al. [AFB03] proposed a semi-automatic annotation technique using SVM classiers. Car- dle et al. [CVB + 03] used the GEMINI framework to search mocap data sets. Yang and Shahabi [YS04] proposed a method called EROS to calculate similarity using PCA and eigenvalues. Li et al. [LZP07] used the kWAS method to measure similarity of motion clips via singular value decomposition. Relational features [MRC05a,MRC05b,MR06,RKM08], built upon the Boolean rela- tions between various body parts, are more suitable for generic applications. Common relational features include: the position of joints with respect to a certain plane, the angle between two limbs, the angular velocity of joint angles, the position of joints with respect to other joints, the direction of motion, touch, etc. Such features are more robust to pose distortion and other small aberrations in action sequences. Although relational features provide a good alternative, automatic selection of a good set of relational fea- tures for a wide range of motion types is not straightforward. This imposes a limitation on the utility of these features. Wu et al. [WXWL09] presented a cluster-based scheme for mocap data indexing and retrieval, where temporal variations were accounted for while spatial variations were not captured eectively. Later, Wu et al. [WWX09] incorporated the spatial complexity of mocap data using hierarchical clustering. But this scheme cannot eectively dierentiate between perceptually similar motions, such as running and marching. The dierent 4 variations of the same action type (e.g. cartwheel) were also not clustered correctly. The SOM representation used in their scheme transforms the 62 dimensional mocap data into a crude 2D representation, which suers from self occlusions. This signicantly hinders its capability to categorize complex motions. The main contribution of our work is automatic classication of perceptually similar mocap sequences based on the \multi-resolution string representation" that incorporates both spatial and temporal information eectively. It will be shown later in the experi- mental section that the proposed algorithm oers a correct classication rate of 99.6% for a database consisting of 30 dierent action types. To the best our knowledge, no other algorithm with better performance on such a diverse dataset has been reported in the literature. Although our solution is promising, it has some limitations. For example, it might not work well on a clip containing actions from dierent categories, e.g. a clip with walking motion followed by running. However, with mocap data segmentation as the pre-processing step, this problem can be mitigated. The proposed solution was not thoroughly tested on categories with minor variations, such as, get up from the oor without the hands touching the oor and get up from the oor by pushing hands against the oor. As these categories are practically the same, we combined them into a single category in the experiment. Researchers from the computer vision community have proposed a variety of meth- ods for action recognition in unconstrained video databases such as UCF11 and UCF50. These methods used template matching, nite state models, bag of features, face detec- tion, context, speech and text information etc. for action recognition [SC12,KS13]. But here, we work directly on the human skeleton posture information, which is available with the mocap data. 5 1.2.2 Text Localization The techniques for text localization in scanned document can be broadly classied into three main categories: top-down, bottom-up and hybrid approaches [ODP99]. The top- down approach [LCC00], [KNSV93], [IKA87], [CYWM03] starts by detecting the page schematic and then successively splits up the cells to reach lower levels. For instance, Khedekar [KGS03] proposed a projection prole based algorithm using this top-down approach to separate images and text in the Devnagri documents. However, due to the dependence on page layout information, these methods are suitable only for the scanned document images. The bottom-up approach [Bix98], [Mak83] on the other hand, starts merging together the components at the lowest level and forms larger structures as it goes up. Though these methods are exible, they suer from accumulation errors [KGS03]. The hybrid approach based methods [JZ95], [CLKH96] and [JB92] try to allow some leeway in the above two approaches. As opposed to scanned document, the natural scene images do not have a xed layout. Text can appear anywhere in the image and the orientation, font-size or color may vary from one region to the other. For these reasons, the techniques for scanned documents cannot be easily extended to natural images. One group of text localization schemes for natural scene images use sliding win- dow technique to search for relevant texture patterns. The sliding window meth- ods [CY04], [LW02], [GEF04], [LDK00], [YHGZ05] employ local features within the windows of varying sizes and resolution, to classify windows as text or non-text. Apart from limiting text search to specic window sizes or orientations, these methods have high computational complexity due to dierent possible choices of image scales, window sizes and aspect ratios. Following this school of thought, Chen [CY04] devised a pro- cedure of detecting regions of text in the city scenes. The approach is similar to the face detection framework proposed by Viola-Jones [VJ01a], [VJS05]. Chen used weak classiers to build the strong text/non-text classiers using AdaBoost machine learning algorithm [FS96]. An adaptive binarization and extension algorithm was then applied to the selected regions in order to mark out the text. This paper used the block features 6 similar to the ones described in [VJ01b] and was designed specically for reading the text on the signboards, billboards etc. The other group of techniques detect regions of interest by merging similar pixels into connected components [NM13], [NM12], [LDL05], [JKJ04], [JY98], [Kim96], [YI06]. These methods are not constrained by orientation of text, font size or resolution. They are computationally tractable and the text segmentation is precise to the granularity of individual letters. This aids in subsequent character recognition using OCR techniques [BMP01], [GRL + 98], [RWH96]. Major disadvantages include false alarms, threshold selection, spurious connections, sensitivity to noise and background clutter. One such method is the stroke width transform (SWT) [EOW10], [HLYW13] that leverages the fact that letters in images have constant stroke width. The gradients on either side of the stroke are anti-parallel. Pairing those anti-parallel gradients help in nding the regions of interest. Neumann and Matas [NM12] proposed maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) based technique for detecting text regions. It relies on the fact that pixels within the text have similar intensities. Our proposed framework builds on the stable extremal region detector, but diverges signicantly thereafter. 1.3 Contributions of the Research 1.3.1 Human Action Classication In our tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) based scheme, the dynamics of human motion is represented by a sequence of multi-resolution codewords. Apparently, two motions are similar if their corresponding codeword sequences are similar. To lever- age this similarity, we analyze the distribution of these codewords in the temporal and spatial domains separately. Then, to overcome the individual limitations of these two approaches, we fuse their outcomes and soft scores to make nal decision. We examine the proposed solutions on a wide range of motions from the CMU mocap dataset [CMU07]. These motions are recorded in a controlled environment with only 7 one performer per clip. Furthermore, the clips are assumed to be homogeneous, wherein every motion clip belongs to only one motion category. Figure 1.1: Illustration of ten consecutive poses of the running motion (top) and the teapot nursery rhyme rendition (bottom) It is worthwhile to mention that a mocap data classication technique using hierar- chical codewords was described in [KKK11], which is a 2-page summary of some inter- mediate results of our research. The algorithmic description was brief and experimental results were preliminary. Compared to [KKK11], the current work has a more complete treatment on this topic. Specically, it has the following major contributions: Development of an advanced temporal domain approach to mocap data classica- tion using codeword sequence matching; Development of a novel spatial domain approach for human mocap data classica- tion with pose-histogram-based SVM classiers; Performance evaluation on a larger dataset containing 278 human motion clips ( 0.5 million frames) spanning 30 action categories; Achieving a correct classication rate of 99.6% for a data set comprising of simple, complex as well as perceptually similar action types. The spatial domain approach takes the human skeleton structure into account so that it is restricted to human motions only. In contrast, the temporal domain approach does not assume any inherent structure in the data so it is more generic in this sense. 8 Moreover, other formats of marker-based mocap data can be handled with the proposed algorithms if they can provide the 3D pose information. We will describe these new approaches, their implementations, fusion and experimental results in greater detail to oer readers a complete picture of our solution and its superior performance. 1.3.2 Text Localization Text regions have some peculiar properties which distinguish them from the non-text regions. For example, text has sharp edges, interior pixels have consistent color, related component have distinct spatial alignment etc. Based on these observations, we propose a multi-stage region classication model, that systematically detects individual words in the images. This multi-stage design for text localization enhances eciency and reduces complexity. After detecting probable candidates in the rst stage, the task of eliminating false alarms is distributed across subsequent stages of the framework. Each stage targets specic properties of text to come up with its own set of discriminative features. The commendable performance justies the eectiveness of this incremental approach. The stable extremal region (SER) detector [MCUP04], [CTS + 11] explores intra- component color similarity, to discover potential text candidates. But these detected regions may contain several false positives. Geometric ltering phase removes most of these false alarms. Later on, the context-based text grouping stage combines the remain- ing components into words, by exploiting the inter-component consistency and spatial alignment information. The text-like false positives are gradually phased out of the pipeline. An ensemble of decision tree classiers, then decides the fate of these newly formed word candidates. These weak decision tree classiers are built on gradient pro- le features and combined into an ensemble using the Adaboost framework. The whole process is repeated for dierent channels of the image and the detected words are aggre- gated. Experimental results on the ICDAR dataset [LPS + 03], [Luc05] show that our performance score is comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms. The major contributions of our research are listed below: 9 Designed the stripe-scan features for removing text-like false positives Proposed the scan-line stroke width transform technique for ecient computation of stroke width values on binary components Developed a robust text grouping mechanism which is immune to missing compo- nents Built the novel gradient prole features that capture the peculiarities of text regions Demonstrated the eectiveness of the approach by achieving excellent results on publicly available datasets 1.4 Organization of the Dissertation Rest of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 reviews some prominent tools in these elds. The advanced techniques for automatic human action classication are presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 entails detailed discussion on the proposed text localization framework. Finally, conclusions and future work items are listed in Chapter 5. 10 Chapter 2 Background Review This chapter reviews some well-known tools used in our human action classication and text localization research. It also presents some relevant techniques that are widely used by other researchers in these elds. The chapter serves as a vignette for the methods brie y mentioned in the main chapters. 2.1 Human Action Classication With Mocap Data The increasing demand for rendering smooth and plausible 3D motion is fueling the devel- opment of motion capture (mocap) systems. This new format of high quality 3D motion data has paved its way into animation movies, high-end computer games [CCY11], biome- chanics, robotics, gait analysis and rehabilitation [SSL02] and machine translation of sign languages [LKL + 04,YS04]. The diverse applications of mocap data and the rapid devel- opment of mocap systems have resulted in a large corpus of motion capture data in recent years. It is essential to develop an automated technique that can segment mocap data into homogeneous intervals, classify each interval into a basic action type, and index it for future retrieval. With such annotated mocap databases in place, a proper motion editing and authoring tool can be used to synthesize realistic motion sequences. To develop ecient indexing and retrieval techniques for mocap databases, the rst step is to classify the data into subsets according to their similarities, which is known as the action classication problem. Human mocap data are essentially time series of human body poses. Dierent human motions may be of dierent time duration, tempo and style. Motions from same action type, e.g. walking, can vary from person to person. Moreover, visually similar motions may start or end with dierent joint orientations 11 or even with dierent human body postures. A robust classication algorithm has to compensate for these irregularities in the data. In our tree-structured vector quantization (Sec. 2.1.1) based classication scheme, the dynamics of human motion is represented by a sequence of multi-resolution code- words. Apparently, two motions are similar if their corresponding codeword sequences are similar. To leverage this similarity, we analyze the distribution of these codewords in the temporal and spatial domains separately. Sux array technique (Sec. 2.1.2) serves the purpose by nding similar subsequences within longer codeword sequences. These similarities can later be utilized for action classication. A short summary of these methods is provided in the following sections. 2.1.1 Tree Structured Vector Quantization (TSVQ) The human action classication algorithm categorizes actions in the mocap sequences. A frame in the mocap sequence is inherently a high dimensional vector of 3D rotation angles. For compact representation of such multi-dimensional vectors, they can be clus- tered together and represented by cluster centroids. Tree Structured Vector Quantiza- tion provides an elegant and fast way of clustering data while maintaining the codeword hierarchy. TSVQ performs clustering of the data vectors by repeated application of the Gen- eralized Lloyd Algorithm (GLA). Initially all the vectors are considered to be a part of a single cluster. Iteratively, each cluster is split into two using LBG splitting and ne tuned with the repeated application of the GLA to the perturbed centroids. After con- vergence, the parent codeword spawns two child codewords in the tree structure. Finally, a balanced binary tree-like structure is obtained. For example, consider the 2D vectors represented by crosses in Fig. 2.1. Initially all the vectors are considered to be the part of a single cluster. The cluster centroid is represented by the level-0 node. The centroid is split into two points. The new child centroids thus obtained are ne tuned with repeated application of the GLA until 12 convergence, to get two child codewords. Fig. 2.1 represents those child codewords with the two nodes at level-1 in the tree structure. Two green lines from the node at level- 0 to nodes at level-1 emphasize the parent-child hierarchy. The points in the parent cluster are split among the two child centroids based on their distances from those new centroids. The split of the data points is represented by the green line. Similarly, the yellow, red and blue lines partition the points into smaller clusters. The stable centroids are depicted by nodes in the adjoining tree structure. Figure 2.1: TSVQ data splitting and the corresponding codeword tree The codewords or nodes at a certain level constitute the codebook at that specic level. For example, the four nodes at level-2 in the tree structure of Fig. 2.1 form level-2 codebook. To encode the data vectors, a level-n codebook is chosen from the tree structure and the vector is mapped to the nearest node or codeword. 13 2.1.2 Sux Array Technique In the human action classication research, the action sequences are represented using multi-resolution motion strings. Two actions are similar if their corresponding motion strings are similar. The problem of nding similarity between two motion strings can be reformulated to a string matching problem. The latter can be eciently solved by using the sux array technique [AKO04,KS03,KLA + 01]. In this technique, all suxes of a string, S, are sorted in an ascending order. The sorted suxes for a sample motion string, S = [25; 18; 87; 160; 98; 25; 18], are shown in the last column of Table 2.1. Note that the end of the string is denoted by a unique symbol `$'. The `$' symbol is assigned to have the highest value among all codeword indices in the motion string. The sux notationS q represents the sub-sequence ofS starting fromS[q] till the end of the string, followed by $. Only the starting point i.e. index `q' is enough to represent this sux S q . The array of indices `q' denes the \sux array", denoted by suftab in Table 2.1. We have suftab[ ~ i] =q for sux S q that is at the ~ i th position in the sorted list starting with ~ i = 0. To give an example,S 4 represents the sub-sequence starting from S[4] = 98, which is [98; 25; 18; $]. The sux S 4 is at the fth location ( ~ i = 5) in the sorted list. Therefore, suftab[5] = 4 in Table 2.1. ~ i suftab[ ~ i] lcptab[ ~ i] bwttab[ ~ i] S suftab[ ~ i] orS q 0 1 0 25 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 1 6 1 25 18 $ 2 0 0 - 25 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 3 5 2 98 25 18 $ 4 2 0 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 5 4 0 160 98 25 18 $ 6 3 0 87 160 98 25 18 $ 7 7 0 18 $ Table 2.1: The sux array for motion string: [25, 18, 87, 160, 98, 25, 18, $] For a sequence of length p, the sux array can be built inO(p logp) time using an appropriate sorting algorithm. Besides, Kim et al. [KSPP05] proposed a linear time 14 complexity algorithm for generating the sux array. Other supplementary arrays are also constructed to enhance and optimize the string matching functionality. These arrays include: 1. The Burrows Wheeler Transform array, denoted by \bwttab", that stores the ele- ment before the rst element of the corresponding sux S q . The ~ i th element of bwttab is bwttab[ ~ i] = S[suftab[ ~ i] 1] = S[q 1]. For example, bwttab[5] = S[suftab[5] 1] =S[3] = 160. 2. The longest common prex array, denoted by \lcptab", that stores at the ~ i th loca- tion, the length of the longest common prex between S suftab[ ~ i] and S suftab[ ~ i1] . For example, the longest common prex of S suftab[31] (i.e. S 0 ) andS suftab[3] (i.e. S 5 ) is [25; 18]. Therefore, lcptab[3] = 2. The value stored in lcptab[ ~ i] is the length of unique repeated sub-sequence when we have, bwttab[ ~ i 1]6=bwttab[ ~ i]: (2.1) Thus, there is only one unique repeated sub-sequence in this example, which is of length 2 and the sub-sequence is [25; 18]. In this manner, all unique matches within string S can be found using the sux array technique. To nd similarity between two strings S1 and S2, they are concatenated into a new string S c , denoted by S c = S1#S2$, where symbol `#' is a unique logical separator between S1 and S2 but dierent from `$'. Symbol `#' is assigned the second largest value in stringS c after `$'. The same technique used to nd the repeated sub-sequences for a single string is now applied to new string S c with additional care. That is, one of the matching sub-sequence should begin before the `#' symbol in S c and the other should begin after the `#'. It ensures that the match is not within S1 or S2 itself, but across strings S1 and S2. This additional constraint can be expressed in the following form: 15 suftab[ ~ i 1]<jS1j<suftab[ ~ i]; or suftab[ ~ i]<jS1j<suftab[ ~ i 1] (2.2) wherejj is the cardinality of string S1. 2.1.3 Support Vector Machines (SVM) To analyze the distribution of codewords in the spatial domain, encoded sequence are transformed into multi-resolution codeword histograms. These histograms are the fea- tures for training the SVM classiers. Support vector machines [Wik04] are supervised learning models for regression analysis and binary classication. Assume the classi- cation labels y j 2f+1;1g8j; the decision rule e C(x j ) = sign(w T (x j ) +b); x j to be the input feature vector for the j th connected component, () the mapping function, classier e C() andw to be the parameter vector. Then the optimization algorithm trains the SVM classier by minimizing the hinge loss function as shown. min w;b X j max(0; 1y j (w T (x j ) +b)) + 2 kwk 2 2 (2.3) min w;b C X j max(0; 1y j (w T (x j ) +b)) + 1 2 kwk 2 2 (2.4) n =max(0; 1y j (w T (x j ) +b)) 8n (2.5) The last term in the above equation is the regularizer coecient. SVM constructs a hyperplane with the largest separation between the two classes. Fig. 2.2 shows the case with linearly separable data. The vectors belonging to category-x and category-y are displayed in gray and yellow color respectively. The points lying on the dotted lines are the support vectors. 16 Figure 2.2: Support Vector Machines (SVM) binary classier The objective function can be rewritten in the well-known form as demonstrated in Eq. 2.4, whereC parameter is equivalent to 1 . The equation inside the summation sign can be replaced by n or the slack variable. This gives the primal formulation of the SVM introduced in Eq. 2.6 with the large margin constraints. In case of non-separable data, slack variables can still satisfy the large margin constraints. min w;b C X j n + 1 2 kwk 2 2 such that; n n8n 1y j (w T (x j ) +b) n 8n (2.6) 2.2 Text Localization In recent years, the task of locating text in natural scene images is attracting attention of researchers and industrial community alike, due to its inherent complexity and vast range of applications. Text region detection is a precursor to many computer vision tasks such as, optical character recognition, robotic navigation, compound video compression, 17 scene understanding, text-based image indexing, search and retrieval etc. A well-known strategy is to narrow down the search space by nding candidate text regions, which requires ecient text segmentation techniques. Text regions have some peculiar properties which distinguish them from the non- text regions. For example, text has sharp edges, interior pixels have consistent color, related component have distinct spatial alignment etc. Based on these observations, researchers have proposed several methods for text segmentation in natural images, such as, stable extremal regions detector (Sec. 2.2.1), stroke width transform (Sec. 2.2.2), morphological detectors etc. These detectors reduce the search space, but on the ip side, there are number of false positives to be dealt with. Gradient based features like gradient orientation histogram, gradient proles and scale invariant feature transform codeword histogram can be used with the Adaboost enhanced decision tree classiers to separate out the false positives. These features can be used for recognition task as well. The following sections provide a brief overview of some of these methods. 2.2.1 Stable Extremal Regions (SER) Detector An ecient way of localizing text in natural scene images is to narrow down the search space by detecting Region Of Interest (ROI). Stable Extremal Region operator is per- haps the most widely used ROI detection tool in the text localization eld. The pixels belonging to the same text region have similar intensities. SER operator tries to clus- ter those pixels together which constitute our ROIs. Suppose image I is a mapping I : D Z 2 ! S for S 2f0; 1; ; 255g. Then the region Q with boundary Q is an extremal region, if it satises either the maximum or the minimum intensity region property: QD such that 8p2Q;q2Q :I(p)>I(q) (maximum) QD such that 8p2Q;q2Q :I(p)<I(q) (minimum) (2.7) 18 LetQ 1 Q i1 ;Q i be a sequence of nested extremal regions, i.e. Q i Q i+1 . q(i) be mathematically represented by Eq. 2.8, where42S denotes the step size andjj is the cardinality. The extremal region Q i is maximally/minimally stable if and only if, q(i) has a local minimum at i. q(i) =jQ i+4 nQ i4 j=jQ i j (2.8) (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.3: SER detector (a) Original image (b) Maximal regions in intensity image (c) Minimal regions in intensity image For visual interpretation, consider an intensity image I and a variable threshold t. A binary imageI t is obtained by setting pixels p to black ifI(p)<t or white otherwise. Suppose t is varied from 0 to 255 and the resultant images I 0 to I 255 are viewed as 19 frames in a video, at rst, only white pixels are seen. Subsequently, black spots will appear at the locations of local minima. These spots will grow and combine till the whole image becomes black. The connected components formed by those black pixels at various stages in the video are the extremal regions. Those extremal regions which do not grow rapidly over a wide range of thresholds are maximally stable. Repeating the process on an inverted image I inv will fetch the minimally stable regions. For more details, refer to [MCUP04]. Text components generally have at color tones and sharp contrast compared to the background. In other words, they are precisely the stable extremal regions, as they have at color tones and sharp contrast. Fig. 2.3 shows the maximal extremal text regions like, \Database" and \C. J. Date" along with the minimal regions \Sixth" and \Edition". 2.2.2 Stroke Width Transform (SWT) Stroke Width Transform or SWT is another widely used ROI detection technique in the text localization eld. As the name suggests, stroke width transform [EOW10] computes the width of the stroke associated with each pixel. Stroke is the thickness of the brush used to draw the letters in the text. Letters within a word have similar thickness of the stroke. The pixels associated with these letters have the same stroke width values. These pixels can be grouped together to form ROIs. Text components usually have sharp contrast with the background. So the gradient intensity values on the outline of the text regions are signicantly higher than in the background or the interior regions. Fig. 2.4 depicts the gradient intensity at each pixel locations in the regions containing text. The length of the vector is proportional to the gradient intensity. It is evident from the gures that the pixels along the outline of the text have larger gradient values compared to the pixels in the background or the interior. Moreover, the gradients on the opposite edges of the stroke are anti-parallel. If it is a bright text component on a dark background as in Fig. 2.4(a), the gradients point towards each other. On the contrary, with dark text on bright background, the 20 (a) (b) Figure 2.4: Anti-parallel gradients (a) Gradient directions for bright text on dark back- ground (b) Gradient directions for dark text on bright background gradients are pointing away from each other. Refer to Fig. 2.4(b) for illustration. These key observations help us to compute the stroke width values at each pixel location. The process of stroke width transform is depicted pictorially in Fig. 2.5. The top left section of the letter \D" (red box in Fig. 2.5(a)) is expanded in the subsequent images for demonstration. The Canny edge detector nds edge points in the image. Refer to Fig. 2.5(b). The gradient magnitudes and directions for those edge points are presented in Fig. 2.5(c). The stroke width transform matrix M in has the same size as the input image. The initial values in the SWT matrix M in are set to +1. For each edge pixel, we traverse along the direction of the gradient until an anti-parallel gradient is reached. The black pixels in Fig. 2.5(d) represent the pixels encountered during one such traversal. The process is repeated for other edge pixels in the image. The traversal paths for all the gradient pairs can be seen in dierent colors in Fig. 2.5(e). Finally all the pixels encountered during the traversal are replaced by the length of traversal in the SWT matrix M in . This is the stroke width value for that pixel. If the traversal for a certain edge point does not lead to an anti-parallel edge, then that edge pixel is discarded and the corresponding stroke width values in the matrix are left unchanged. 21 The blank pixels of Fig. 2.4(f) have value of +1. The whole process is repeated again, but this time traversing in the direction opposite to the gradient. This gives another SWT matrixM opp . The matrix obtained after taking the element-wise minimum ofM in andM opp is the stroke width transform for that image. The pixels having similar stroke width values are grouped together to form ROIs. 2.2.3 Gradient Orientation Histogram Gradient-based features are widely used in computer vision and pattern recognition for object classication. In the face recognition algorithms, gradients at the corresponding locations in dierent facial images are compared to detect facial similarities. But in text region classication, we are only interested in the histogram distribution of the gradient orientations and their magnitudes. The Gradient Orientation Pyramid (GOP) Magnitude Histogram feature serves this purpose. Consider an image I(`), where` represents the two-dimensional location of the pixel. The pyramid of the image I(`) is dened as }(I) = I(`;!) p !=0 at each scale ! [LSRJ10], I(`; 0) = I(`) (2.9) I(`;!) = [I(`;! 1) (`)]# 2 ;! = 1; 2p (2.10) with denoting the convolution operation and (`) is the Gaussian kernel with the standard deviation of 0.5.# 2 denotes the down-sampling by a factor of 2 and p denotes the number of pyramid levels. For visual illustration refer to Fig. 2.2.3. In the traditional GOP approach, the gradients for all the pixel position at all the scales of the image are normalized to a unit vector. This 2-dimensional normalized gradient image pyramid is stacked to create d 2 vector where d is the total number of pixels in the image at all scales. But in our approach, we compute the magnitude and the angle of the gradients of all the pixels in the image at all the scales. The angles are 22 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 2.5: SWT or Stroke Width Transform (a) Section of image used for illustration of SWT (b) Edge pixels (c) Gradient magnitude and directions at the edge pixels (d) Traversal along the gradient direction to an anti-parallel edge (e) Dierent anti-parallel gradient pairs shown in dierent colors (f) Stroke width matrix M in 23 (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.6: GOP or Gradient Orientation Pyramid features. (a)Training image I(`) (b)The Gradient Map I(`; 1) (c)Gradient Pyramid I(`;!);! = 1; 2; 3 rounded o to the nearest integer between (0, 360 ). The GOP Magnitude Histogram feature is then the histogram consisting 360 bins, one for every possible orientation angle, with the element in the bin weighted by the magnitude of the gradient. 2.2.4 Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) Codewords Histogram Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is also a widely used gradient-based approach in computer vision for object and category classication [Low99], [Low04]. The SIFT extracts 128 dimensional local feature descriptors that are invariant to illumination, rotation and scaling. These features are especially useful in modeling the appearance of letters. The images are convolved with Gaussian lters G(x;y;) of dierent scales as expressed mathematically in Eq. 2.11. denotes the convolution operation. The 24 dierence between the adjacent Gaussian blurred images (Eq. 2.12) or Dierence Of Gaussian (DoG) images i.e. D(x;y;) are searched for candidate points. The candidate points correspond to the extrema of DoG images across adjacent scales. The points with low contrast are eliminated. Each keypoint is assigned an orientation by computing a gradient orientation histogram in the neighborhood of that point. To provide rotation invariance, all the properties of the keypoint are measured with respect to its orientation. L(x;y;) = I(x;y) G(x;y;) (2.11) D(x;y;) = L(x;y;k) L(x;y;) (2.12) SIFT codeword histogram feature computation technique is described below. These features are used with the classiers like Support Vector Machines, Decision Tree or Random Forests. The 128 dimensional SIFT key-point descriptors are computed for all the training images using the procedure outlined above. The keypoints from all the training images are analyzed to compute the princi- pal component axes that capture maximum variance. The dimensionality of the keypoints is reduced by projecting those features to a lower dimensional sub-space spawned by the principal components. All the keypoints from all the training images are grouped together into distinct clusters using K-means clustering algorithm. Each cluster centroid is a codeword. For every image, each keypoint is matched to the nearest codeword. The histogram of these codewords is the SIFT codewords histogram for that image. 25 2.2.5 Adaboost Adaboost is a meta-algorithm that combines many weak classiers to arrive at complex decision boundaries. The algorithm can be used with any classier. In the text localiza- tion framework, the decision tree classiers are the weak classiers used to build a strong ensemble classier with Adaboost technique. SupposeN training pairsfx n ;y n g are pro- vided, wherex n denotes the feature vector andy n 2f+1;1g be the classication label. Let thet th weak classier be depicted byh t (x) and all the training samples be initialized with equal weights i.e. w 1 (n) = 1 N 8n. During thet th iteration, a weak classier h t (x) is trained to minimize the classication error t based on the current weightsw t (n). The classication error t is represented as, t = X n w t (n)1[y n 6=h t (x)] (2.13) 1[] is the indicator function. The weight t for combining the weak classier h t (x) is a function of the classication error as given by Eq. 2.14. Updates to the weights for next iteration are made according to the Eq. 2.15. The incorrectly classied samples get more weights in the next iteration. The new weights are normalized after every iteration so as to sum up to 1. Adaboost minimizes exponential loss function related to the classication error. The current classier is constructed such that it minimizes the exponential loss. t = 1 2 log 1 t t (2.14) w t+1 (n)/w t (n)e tynxn (2.15) h[x] =sign T X t=1 t h t (x) (2.16) 26 The nal output classier (Eq. 2.16) is weighted combination of all the weak classiers learned in the T iterations. The output classier weighs in the predictions of the weak classiers to make a nal decision. 27 Chapter 3 Automatic Human Action Classication With Mocap Data Abstract Automatic classication of human action in motion capture (mocap) data has many commercial, biomechanical and medical applications and is the principal focus of this chapter. First, we propose a multi-resolution string representation scheme based on the tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) to transform the time-series of human poses into codeword sequences. Then, we take the temporal variations of human poses into account via codeword sequence matching. Furthermore, we develop a family of pose-histogram-based classiers to examine the spatial distribution of human poses. We analyze the performance of the temporal and spatial classiers separately. To achieve a higher classication rate, we merge their decisions and soft scores using novel fusion methods. The proposed fusion solutions are tested on a wide variety of sequences from the CMU mocap database using 5-fold cross validation, and a correct classication rate of 99.6% is achieved. 3.1 Introduction The increasing demand for rendering smooth and plausible 3D motion is fueling the devel- opment of motion capture (mocap) systems. This new format of high quality 3D motion data has paved its way into animation movies, high-end computer games [CCY11], biome- chanics, robotics, gait analysis and rehabilitation [SSL02] and machine translation of sign 28 languages [LKL + 04,YS04]. The diverse applications of mocap data and the rapid devel- opment of mocap systems have resulted in a large corpus of motion capture data in recent years. However, the large amount of raw data les makes it dicult to organize. It is desirable that both le names and the associated metadata should be able to provide a high level description of the contents of mocap sequences. Since manual annotation of mocap sequences is labor intensive, it is essential to develop an automated technique that can segment mocap data into homogeneous intervals, classify each interval into a basic action type, and index it for future retrieval. With such annotated mocap databases in place, a proper motion editing and authoring tool can be used to synthesize realistic motion sequences. To develop ecient indexing and retrieval techniques for mocap databases, the rst step is to classify the data into subsets according to their similarities, which is known as the action classication problem. As far as the human full-body motion is concerned, the mocap system records the actions of human actors by placing several markers on their body. These markers and a grid of infrared cameras help determine the full- body movement of those actors in terms of joint orientations. This joint orientation information constitutes the mocap data used in our research. Human mocap data are essentially time series of human body poses (Fig. 3.1). Dierent human motions may be of dierent time duration, tempo and style. Motions from same action type, e.g. walking, can vary from person to person. Moreover, visually similar motions may start or end with dierent joint orientations or even with dierent human body postures. A robust classication algorithm has to compensate for these irregularities in the data. In our tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) based scheme, the dynamics of human motion is represented by a sequence of multi-resolution codewords. Appar- ently, two motions are similar if their corresponding codeword sequences are similar. To leverage this similarity, we analyze the distribution of these codewords in the tem- poral and spatial domains separately. Then, to overcome the individual limitations of these two approaches, we fuse their outcomes and soft scores to make nal decision. 29 We examine the proposed solutions on a wide range of motions from the CMU mocap dataset [CMU07]. These motions are recorded in a controlled environment with only one performer per clip. Furthermore, the clips are assumed to be homogeneous, wherein every motion clip belongs to only one action category. It is worthwhile to mention that a mocap data classication technique using hierar- chical codewords was described in [KKK11], which is a 2-page summary of some inter- mediate results of our research. The algorithmic description was brief and experimental results were preliminary. Compared to [KKK11], the current work has a more complete treatment on this topic. Specically, it has the following major contributions: Development of an advanced temporal domain approach to mocap data classica- tion using codeword sequence matching; Development of a novel spatial domain approach for human mocap data classica- tion with pose-histogram-based SVM classiers; Performance evaluation on a larger dataset containing 278 human motion clips ( 0.5 million frames) spanning 30 action categories; Achieving a correct classication rate of 99.6% for a data set comprising of simple, complex as well as perceptually similar action types. The spatial domain approach takes the human skeleton structure into account so that it is restricted to human motions only. In contrast, the temporal domain approach does not assume any inherent structure in the data so it is more generic in this sense. Moreover, other formats of marker-based mocap data can be handled with the proposed algorithms if they can provide the 3D pose information. We will describe these new approaches, their implementations, fusion and experimental results in greater detail to oer readers a complete picture of our solution and its superior performance. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Related previous work is reviewed in Section 3.2. Our advanced action classication techniques are described in Section 30 3.3. Experimental results are presented and analyzed in Section 3.4. Finally, concluding remarks and possible future extensions are summarized in Section 3.5. The readers are hereby informed that the words action and motion, are used interchangeably throughout the chapter. Figure 3.1: Illustration of ten consecutive poses of the running motion (top) and the teapot nursery rhyme rendition (bottom) 3.2 Review of Previous Work Dierent methods have been proposed to synthesize realistic human motions by reusing existing mocap data via data-driven motion editing and authoring, e.g., Kovar and Gle- icher [KG04], Safonova et al. [SHP04], Ren et al. [RSH + 05], Lee et al. [LCR + 02], Zordan et al. [ZMCF05], and Pullen and Bregler [PB02]. In order to reuse existing mocap data, ecient searching, indexing and browsing techniques are required. So the rst step is to group motion clips into subsets based on their similarities, which is the focus of our current research. Identifying similar action types in a mocap database has been considered a challeng- ing problem. Most of the previous work on motion comparison adopted features that were close to the raw data. For example, Liu and Popovi c [LP02] included the principal component analysis (PCA) reduced raw data, 3D point clouds, joint angles, 3D positions, etc. Forbes and Fiume [FF05] used the weighted PCA for motion comparison. The per- formance was further enhanced by integrating the weighted PCA with other features such as characteristic points, seed points, etc. Kovar and Gleicher [KG04] proposed a 31 numerical similarity technique to nd similar motion clips from a large data set. Motion similarity is a semantic concept. The raw numerical data may dier a lot even for two visually similar motions. Hence these types of features do not work well in practice. Liu et al. [LZWP03] used automatically extracted key frames and a hierarchical tree of clusters of motions to search similar actions in the database. Sakamoto et al. [SKK04] proposed a motion map method that trains the self-organizing-map (SOM) with motion data and indexes clips by SOM nodes. The motion map transforms the N-dimensional data to a 2D map and computes similarity using this map. However, this scheme lacks higher level data indexing and demands exact node-to-node matching in search. Human motion is typically a long time series with no overt segmentation informa- tion so the dynamic time warping (DTW) based motion comparison techniques (e.g., Chiu et al. [CCW + 04], Kovar and Gleicher [KG04], Wu et al. [WCYL03]) suer from the complexity of nding the corresponding start/end points of motion data series for motion similarity comparison. Hsu et al. [HPP05] used an iterative motion warping (IMW) technique, which is an improvement over the traditional DTW technique, to nd the correspondence by minimizing an objective function with dynamic programming. Generally speaking, these features work well only for certain applications. Several algorithms were developed to identify locally similar segments in the motion dataset, for example, Arikan and Forsythe [AF02], Kim et al. [KPS03], Kovar and Gle- icher [KG03], Lee et al. [LCR + 02], and Wang and Bodenheimer [WB03]. Arikan et al. [AFB03] proposed a semi-automatic annotation technique using SVM classiers. Car- dle et al. [CVB + 03] used the GEMINI framework to search mocap data sets. Yang and Shahabi [YS04] proposed a method called EROS to calculate similarity using PCA and eigenvalues. Li et al. [LZP07] used the kWAS method to measure similarity of motion clips via singular value decomposition. Relational features [MRC05a,MRC05b,MR06,RKM08], built upon the Boolean rela- tions between various body parts, are more suitable for generic applications. Common relational features include: the position of joints with respect to a certain plane, the 32 angle between two limbs, the angular velocity of joint angles, the position of joints with respect to other joints, the direction of motion, touch, etc. Such features are more robust to pose distortion and other small aberrations in action sequences. Although relational features provide a good alternative, automatic selection of a good set of relational fea- tures for a wide range of motion types is not straightforward. This imposes a limitation on the utility of these features. Wu et al. [WXWL09] presented a cluster-based scheme for mocap data indexing and retrieval, where temporal variations were accounted for while spatial variations were not captured eectively. Later, Wu et al. [WWX09] incorporated the spatial complexity of mocap data using hierarchical clustering. But this scheme cannot eectively dierentiate between perceptually similar motions, such as running and marching. The dierent variations of the same action type (e.g. cartwheel) were also not clustered correctly. The SOM representation used in their scheme transforms the 62 dimensional mocap data into a crude 2D representation, which suers from self occlusions. This signicantly hinders its capability to categorize complex motions. The main contribution of our work is automatic classication of perceptually similar mocap sequences based on the \multi-resolution string representation" that incorporates both spatial and temporal information eectively. It will be shown later in the experi- mental section that the proposed algorithm oers a correct classication rate of 99.6% for a database consisting of 30 dierent action types. To the best our knowledge, no other algorithm with better performance on such a diverse dataset has been reported in the literature. Although our solution is promising, it has some limitations. For example, it might not work well on a clip containing actions from dierent categories, e.g. a clip with walking motion followed by running. However, with mocap data segmentation as the pre-processing step, this problem can be mitigated. The proposed solution was not thoroughly tested on categories with minor variations, such as, get up from the oor without the hands touching the oor and get up from the oor by pushing hands against 33 the oor. As these categories are practically the same, we combined them into a single category in the experiment. Researchers from the computer vision community have proposed a variety of meth- ods for action recognition in unconstrained video databases such as UCF11 and UCF50. These methods used template matching, nite state models, bag of features, face detec- tion, context, speech and text information etc. for action recognition [SC12,KS13]. But here, we work directly on the human skeleton posture information, which is available with the mocap data. 3.3 Proposed Classication Methods We consider four mocap sequence classication methods. Method-A: Motion-string similarity The information about the temporal order of the poses is exploited in motion string similarity comparison using the sux array technique. But due to the coarse quantization used, Method A is rigid and less robust. To overcome this problem, Method-B incorporated ner details. Method-B: Pose-histogram classier TSVQ helps to compute the multi-resolution pose histogram for each motion clip. Multiple binary SVM classiers, trained using these histograms, are used to gen- erate soft scores for each test motion clip. One weakness of this method is that it does not use the temporal information at all. But Method-A compensates for that. Method-C: Two-Step Score Fusion The soft decision scores obtained from methods A and B are combined to make the nal decision. 34 Method-D: Two-Step SVM Fusion A more advanced SVM based fusion is used to combine the soft scores of methods A and B. The details are given in the following subsections. 3.3.1 Method-A: Motion-String Similarity Human mocap data is a high-dimensional time series where the data at each time instance (called a frame) represents the spatial location of markers in the 3D space [WWX09]. To eliminate the eect of bone sizes, this spatial data is converted to the rotational angles of joints. In simplied terms, the 3D trajectory of placed markers is stored as the trajectory of each degree of freedom (DOF) of the joint, over time [KCK10b,KCK10a]. Suppose that r(t) is the 3D position of the root joint at time t, a i is a scalar or vector representing the orientations of all the DOFs of joint i and N is the total number of joints in the human skeleton (N = 29). Then, a frame f(t) corresponding to time t in the mocap sequence is a 62 dimensional vector which can be mathematically represented as f(t) =fr(t);a 1 (t);a 2 (t); ;a N (t)g;t = 1; 2; (3.1) The rst three dimensions (index range 1-3) representing the position of the root joint are neglected, as they are irrelevant to the 3D pose. The remaining 59 elements of vector f(t) (index range 4-62) together form the \full-body" data vectors as shown in Table 3.1. We apply the Tree-Structured Vector Quantization (TSVQ) technique [E98, NK88] to the full-body data vectors in order to generate a full-body multi-resolution codebook as described below. The TSVQ performs clustering of full-body data vectors by repeated application of the Generalized Lloyd Algorithm (GLA). Iteratively, each cluster is split into two and ne tuned with another round of repeated application of the GLA to the perturbed centroids. After convergence, the parent codeword spawns two child codewords 35 in the tree structure. Finally, a balanced binary tree-like structure is obtained. Fig. 3.2 shows the full-body level-n codebooks obtained using the TSVQ technique up to level n = 3. Owing to balanced binary tree structure, level n in the tree has 2 n codewords. All the full-body codewords at level-n together form the level-n codebook. Figure 3.2: An illustration of full-body multi-resolution TSVQ codebooks. Methods Parts No. of DOFs Index Range Method-A Full-body 59 4-62 Method-B Torso 21 4-24 Right hand 12 25-36 Left hand 12 37-48 Right leg 7 49-55 Left leg 7 56-62 Table 3.1: Partitioning of a human skeleton for classication. 36 This full-body level-n codebook encodes the mocap sequence by replacing each full- body pose vector with a codeword that is closest to it in terms of the Euclidean distance. For example, ten consecutive full-body poses of the running motion are shown in the top row of Fig. 3.1. If this partial sequence is encoded using a full-body level-9 codebook, each pose will be mapped to a codeword. Due to quantization, the mapped codewords can be the same for a set of consecutive frames. As a result, the mocap sequence can be compactly represented by a series of triplets (namely, a full-body codeword index number and the frame range). This series of codeword indices is called the \motion string". An illustration of the motion string representation is given in Fig. 3.3, which shows all frames in the aforementioned running motion sequence. The black horizontal segments indicate the group of consecutive frames that are mapped to the same full-body level-9 codeword. For the level-9 codebook, the codeword index ranges from 0 to 511 (=2 9 1). Figure 3.3: An illustration of the motion-string representation. 37 Apparently, two actions are similar if their corresponding motion strings are similar. The problem of nding similarity between two motion strings can be reformulated to a string matching problem. The latter can be eciently solved by using the sux array technique [AKO04, KS03, KLA + 01]. In this technique, all suxes of a string, S, are sorted in an ascending order. The sorted suxes for a sample motion string, S = [25; 18; 87; 160; 98; 25; 18], are shown in the last column of Table 3.2. Note that the end of the string is denoted by a unique symbol `$'. The `$' symbol is assigned to have the highest value among all codeword indices in the motion string. The sux notation S q represents the sub-sequence ofS starting fromS[q] till the end of the string, followed by $. Only the starting point i.e. index `q' is enough to represent this sux S q . The array of indices `q' denes the \sux array", denoted by suftab in Table 3.2. We have suftab[ ~ i] =q for suxS q that is at the ~ i th position in the sorted list starting with ~ i = 0. To give an example, S 4 represents the sub-sequence starting from S[4] = 98, which is [98; 25; 18; $]. The sux S 4 is at the fth location ( ~ i = 5) in the sorted list. Therefore, suftab[5] = 4 in Table 3.2. ~ i suftab[ ~ i] lcptab[ ~ i] bwttab[ ~ i] S suftab[ ~ i] orS q 0 1 0 25 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 1 6 1 25 18 $ 2 0 0 - 25 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 3 5 2 98 25 18 $ 4 2 0 18 87 160 98 25 18 $ 5 4 0 160 98 25 18 $ 6 3 0 87 160 98 25 18 $ 7 7 0 18 $ Table 3.2: The sux array for motion string: [25, 18, 87, 160, 98, 25, 18, $] For a sequence of length p, the sux array can be built inO(p logp) time using an appropriate sorting algorithm. Besides, Kim et al. [KSPP05] proposed a linear time complexity algorithm for generating the sux array. Other supplementary arrays are also constructed to enhance and optimize the string matching functionality. These arrays include: 38 1. The Burrows Wheeler Transform array, denoted by \bwttab", that stores the ele- ment before the rst element of the corresponding sux S q . The ~ i th element of bwttab is bwttab[ ~ i] = S[suftab[ ~ i] 1] = S[q 1]. For example, bwttab[5] = S[suftab[5] 1] =S[3] = 160. 2. The longest common prex array, denoted by \lcptab", that stores at the ~ i th loca- tion, the length of the longest common prex between S suftab[ ~ i] and S suftab[ ~ i1] . For example, the longest common prex of S suftab[31] (i.e. S 0 ) andS suftab[3] (i.e. S 5 ) is [25; 18]. Therefore, lcptab[3] = 2. The value stored in lcptab[ ~ i] is the length of unique repeated sub-sequence when we have, bwttab[ ~ i 1]6=bwttab[ ~ i]: (3.2) Thus, there is only one unique repeated sub-sequence in this example, which is of length 2 and the sub-sequence is [25; 18]. In this manner, all unique matches within string S can be found using the sux array technique. To nd similarity between two strings S1 and S2, they are concatenated into a new string S c , denoted by S c = S1#S2$, where symbol `#' is a unique logical separator between S1 and S2 but dierent from `$'. Symbol `#' is assigned the second largest value in stringS c after `$'. The same technique used to nd the repeated sub-sequences for a single string is now applied to new string S c with additional care. That is, one of the matching sub-sequence should begin before the `#' symbol in S c and the other should begin after the `#'. It ensures that the match is not within S1 or S2 itself, but across strings S1 and S2. This additional constraint can be expressed in the following form: 39 suftab[ ~ i 1]<jS1j<suftab[ ~ i]; or suftab[ ~ i]<jS1j<suftab[ ~ i 1] (3.3) wherejj is the cardinality of string S1. In our experiments, all training and testing action sequences are converted to their motion strings. A test motion string is compared with all training motion strings individ- ually, using the sux array technique discussed above and the following three parameters are computed for each testing-training string pair: MLM: the product of ratios of the Maximum Length Matches to the total length, for the test and the training strings. The maximum length sequence `l' is the maximum value in the lcptab array that satises Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3). TEM: the Total number of Elements that Match in the two strings. The total number of elements `t' is the sum of all the non-zero values in lcptab array that satisfy Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3). SRP: The Product of Similarity Ratios of the test string and the training string. For example, thei th test string hasf codeword indices in its motion string while thej th training string has g codeword indices. The t codeword indices in these two strings are identical and the largest common sequence is of length l. Then TEM i;j =t and MLM i;j = (l=f 100)(l=g 100); SRP i;j = (t=f 100)(t=g 100): (3.4) As the calculation of MLM i;j and SRP i;j has its bottleneck in the sux array for- mulation, their computational complexity is similar to that of the sux array, with p = f +g. On the average, it takes around 0.5 ms to compare two strings using the 40 sux array technique on a 64-bit Windows Vista operating system with 4GB RAM and Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T6500 2.10 GHz. For the i th test string, the following two metrics are calculated with respect to a given action category k using the parameters in Eq. (3.4): 1. max-parameter: the average of MLMs of all training motions in category k; 2. sim-parameter: the average of the similarity product of all training motions in category k. For the k th category, we have MAX k i = P j2k MLM i;j P j2k 1(j2k) ; SIM k i = P j2k SRP i;j P j2k 1(j2k) ; (3.5) where 1() is the indicator function. In standalone Method-A, the category with the highest parameter value wins. Alter- natively, for each test motion, all categories are pitted against each other, one-on-one, and the category with the higher value for the parameter wins the vote. All category- specic votes are aggregated together and, then, normalized to get the soft scores. That is, we have Vote k i;MAX = X 8m6=k 1(MAX k i >MAX m i ); Vote k i;SIM = X 8m6=k 1(SIM k i >SIM m i ); (3.6) for the k th category with m2f1; 2 30g. The standalone Method-A classication results are presented in Fig. 3.4. The full-body level-n codebooks that oer the best 41 classication results in standalone Method-A are short-listed for fusion to yield the nal decision. (a) (b) Figure 3.4: Standalone action classication performance of the motion string similar- ity comparison method: (a) overall performance using the sim parameter, (b) overall performance using the max parameter 3.3.2 Method-B: Pose-Histogram Classier Dynamic human behaviors are intrinsically low dimensional since legs and hands work in a coordinated fashion [SHP04]. According to biomechanics, a human skeleton can be decomposed into ve functionally independent body-parts: right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg and torso. The mocap data inherently provides a clear demarcation between these body-parts. In other words, dierent portions of the mocap data vectors f(t) can be associated with dierent body-parts. The rst 3 elements give the root joint location. The next 21 elements (i.e. with index number 4-24) provide the information about the angular orientations of joints in the torso, the next 12 elements (i.e. with index number 25-36) for right hand and so on. The number of DOFs for each body-part and their associated index range in the vector f(t), are shown in Table 3.1. To leverage the spatial symmetry of human bodies, we propose a scheme that par- titions a human skeleton into ve body-parts using the information from Table 3.1. Then, TSVQ is applied to the DOF vectors of each body-part separately to generate 42 ve balanced tree structured codebooks, one for each limb (i.e. right hand, left hand, right leg and left leg) and one for the torso. These ve body-part codebooks provide a multi-resolution description of the pose for each body-part. As opposed to the previous method which analyzes the entire body together using the \full-body" codebooks, this method analyzes \body-parts" separately using separate codebooks. For each frame of a mocap sequence, every body-part is encoded using the corre- sponding level-n codebook, to get a string of ve codewords. Because of the quantization eect, these strings do not change for a chunk of consecutive frames. This chunk can be represented by a set of ve body-part codeword indexes as well as the frame range through which this chunk exists. For instance, Fig. 3.5 shows the frames in the bend down and pick up a box motion sequence encoded using level-5 body-part codebooks. The black portions in the time-line indicate the frames that have the same set of ve body-part poses. Three frames selected from each of the chunks are shown above the time-line, and the level-5 codeword indices are shown below, where RH, LH, RL, LL and TR represent the Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Leg, Left Leg and Torso codewords, respectively. The codeword index numbers are in the range, 0 to 31 i.e. (2 5 1) for each of the level-5 codebooks. All the frames in each chunk are represented collectively using a set of ve body-part codeword indexes and the corresponding frame range. This compact notation is called the \pose string representation". The pose string representation is used to obtain the body-part codeword histograms. The level-n histograms obtained for each body part (namely, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg and the torso) for the j th motion clip are concatenated to get the level-n pose histogram vector, denoted by ! x j . If ! h j TR is the level-n torso histogram for the j th clip, ! h j RH is the level-n right hand histogram, and so on, then ! x j =f ! h j TR ; ! h j RH ; ! h j LH ; ! h j RL ; ! h j LL g: (3.7) 43 Figure 3.5: A pose string representation of a mocap sequence based on body-part code- words. The pose histograms of motions belonging to the same action category are expected to be similar. The level-n pose histogram vector oers the information about the fre- quency of occurrence of level-n codewords for four limbs and the torso in the pose string representation of a given motion clip. Higher TSVQ levels in these histograms corre- spond to a higher resolution in the spatial domain. Motions belonging to the same type show similarity up to higher levels while motions of dierent types begin to dier at lower levels of the histogram. The number of levels can be gradually increased to get a better match between motions. However, a compromise has to be made, since similar motions will show dierences if the level becomes too high. In other words, we start to see the characteristics of an individual motion clip rather than that of a action category. 44 Support vector machines [Wik04] are supervised learning models for regression anal- ysis and binary classication. Assume the classication labels y j 2f+1;1g8j; the decision rule C(x j ) = sign(w T (x j ) +b); x j to be the input feature vector for the j th motion, () the mapping function, classier C() and w to be the parameter vector. Then the optimization algorithm trains the SVM classier by minimizing the hinge loss function in form of min w;b X j max(0; 1y j (w T (x j ) +b)) + 2 kwk 2 2 ; (3.8) where the last term is the regularizer coecient. SVM constructs a hyperplane with the largest separation between the two classes. For multi-class classication with ~ m classes, ~ m( ~ m 1)=2 binary SVM classiers are built. Every binary SVM classierC ab distinguishes between a pair of classes (a;b) where a;b2f1; 2 ~ mg and a6=b. C ab (x i ) = 8 < : +1 if x i 2a or 1 if x i 2b (3.9) In our case, ~ m = 30. LIBSVM [CL11] trains these multiple binary SVM classiers using the level-n pose histogram feature vectors and Gaussian RBF kernel. Refer to Eq. (3.7) for the interpretation of pose histogram vectors. The hyper-parameters of SVM classiers are carefully tuned using cross validation on the training set. Regularization, careful tuning of hyper-parameters and cross validation help avoid overtting. Every classier then categorizes the test motion into one of two classes. The winning class gets that classier's vote. For the k th category and the i th test motion, the total votes are calculated as Vote k i = X b>k max(0;C kb (x i )) + X a<k 1 max(0;C ak (x i )): (3.10) 45 In standalone Method-B, the class that gets the maximum number of votes wins. The standalone Method-B classication results are depicted in Fig. 3.6. Alternatively, the votes of all classes are normalized to get ~ m soft decision scores (one for each category) for that test motion. The performance of standalone Method-B which uses the spatial domain information is presented in Section 3.4. The classication results at various levels are analyzed to choose the best performing levels in the multi-resolution tree histograms. These shortlisted levels are then used in the decision fusion step. Figure 3.6: Standalone action classication performance of the pose histogram classier method with level-n codewords, where n = 3; 4; 5; 6. The motion string similarity (Method-A) inspects the order of the full-body poses while the pose histogram classier (Method-B) examines the frequency of body-part poses. The two methods use completely dierent information to analyze the mocap data. These diverse perspectives complement each other in the fusion step to enhance the overall performance. It is worthwhile to point out that the codebooks for Method-A demand deeper levels (n = [10; 11; 12; 13]) in TSVQ as compared to that for Method-B (n = [3; 4; 5; 6]). This is because Method-A considers the full-body codebook and its level has to be deep enough to oer sucient discriminant power. In contrast, Method-B uses 46 specialized body-part codebooks that can reach sucient discriminating capability with shallower levels in TSVQ. 3.3.3 Method-C: Two-Step Score Fusion For simplicity, we use the following nomenclature to represent the selected algorithm and its parameter setting: A (or B): Method-A (or Method-B) classication algorithm; MLn: Max-parameter with Level-n TSVQ full-body codebooks (associated with Method-A only); SLn: Sim-parameter with Level-n TSVQ full-body codebooks (associated with Method-A only); PLn: Pose histograms with Level-n TSVQ body-parts codebooks (associated with Method-B only). The top two algorithms in Method-A (A-SL12, A-SL13) and Method-B (B-PL04, B-PL06), are shortlisted for fusion, in Method-C. Refer to the Tables 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 for details. Given the individual outcomes of these four algorithms and their soft scores, Method-C makes the nal decision on the action category using a two-step procedure as outlined below. Step 1: Hard Decision Fusion The individual outcomes of the above-mentioned four algorithms (for a certain test motion) are taken together. If these outcomes are biased towards a specic category, then the test motion is classied into that category. Otherwise, we move on to the second step. For example, if algorithms A-SL12, B-PL05 and B-PL06 classify the motion into category-M while A-SL13 classies the motion into category-N. Then, Method-C classies the motion into category-M since this category has the maximum number of votes. If there is any tie of some sorts, we proceed to the second step to break the tie. 47 Step 2: Soft Score Fusion If there is a tie, soft scores of all these four algorithms are merged together as (A) k i;Soft = P n2f12;13g (A-SLn) k i;Soft ; (B) k i;Soft = P n2f4;6g (B-PLn) k i;Soft ; (3.11) where k2f1; 2 ~ mg and i denote an action category and a test motion sequence, respectively, and subscript Soft indicates soft scores. The category getting the maximum score is assigned to that of test motion i; namely, C i = max k2f1;2~ mg f(A) k i;Soft +w (B) k i;Soft g: (3.12) where weightw can be determined heuristically by analyzing the variance of the soft scores and the standalone classication outcomes. For simplicity, w is set to 1 in our experiments. The performance results of Method-C are given in Table 3.6. 3.3.4 Method-D: Two-Step SVM Fusion To improve the performance further, we developed another two step fusion approach based on SVM classiers, a.k.a. Method-D. The details of this two step approach are given below. Step 1: Hard Decision Fusion Similar to Method-C, the individual outcomes of four algorithms A-SL12, A-SL13, B-PL04 and B-PL06 (for a certain test motion) are taken together. If these outcomes are biased towards a specic category, the test motion is classied into that category. If there is a tie, we proceed to the second step. Step 2: SVM Fusion For Method-D, we adopt a new mechanism to compute soft scores of Method-A and Method-B. For Method-A, we use the normalized SIM parameter values as the soft scores. For Method-B, we use the `one-versus-rest' SVM classier C k fx i g =w T (x i ) +b; (3.13) 48 where () is the mapping function, b is a constant and k2f1; 2 ~ mg, to yield the soft score for feature vector x i with respect to category k. A higher absolute positive score implies a higher possibility of test motion i belonging to class k while a higher absolute negative scores imply otherwise. The soft scores, computed in this fashion for the four aforementioned algorithms i.e. A-SL12, A-SL13, B-PL04 and B-PL06, are combined to form the following four dimensional feature vectors: ! p k i =f(A-SL12) k i;Soft ; (A-SL13) k i;Soft ; (B-PL04) k i;Soft ; (B-PL06) k i;Soft g (3.14) Supposej is the training motion. In the training phase, feature vectors p k j belonging to class k are used to build new `one-versus-rest' SVM classiers N k for class k. In the testing phase, the four dimensional feature vectors p k i and the corresponding classiers N k are used to nd the SVM scores N k fp k i g for i and its corresponding class k. Then, in Method-D, the category having the maximum SVM score, i.e., D i = max k2f1;2~ mg fN k fx i gg; (3.15) is the category of test motion i. The performance results of Method-D are presented in Table 3.6. 3.4 Experimental Results 3.4.1 Dataset Description Our experimental dataset contains a total of 278 high quality labeled motion clips ( 0.5 million frames) belonging to 30 distinct action categories taken from the CMU mocap database [CMU07]. 33 dierent subjects were involved in recording these motions. The 49 captured data has 62 dimensions of freedom (DOFs). The rst three dimensions give the 3D position of the centroid of the human skeleton while the remaining 59 DOFs describe the angular positions of the joints as shown in Table 3.1. These 59 DOFs together dene a full-body pose in the 3D space. The pre-processing step irons out the kinks in the full-body raw data le and also separates it into ve body-part les for Method-B. The generated TSVQ codebooks are used to classify the motions from the dataset using n-fold cross validation process. The n-fold cross validation method is adopted to evaluate the performance of the proposed classication algorithms. In this procedure, all motion clips of the same cat- egory are divided into n subsets. We choose an arbitrary subset as the test data and the other n 1 subsets as the training data, and conduct the experiment to get the classication performance. Following the same procedure, we can perform n such tests using each subset as a test subset once. Finally, the classication results for all n tests are aggregated together. We set n = 5 in our experiment. Fig. 3.7 shows the cross validation results for each of the ve groups. (a) (b) Figure 3.7: (a) Group-wise performance using the sim and max parameters and (b) group-wise classication results for pose histogram classiers. 50 3.4.2 Classication Performance and Discussion We compared the performance of the four classication methods: 1) Standalone Method- A, 2) Standalone Method-B, 3) Method-C and 4) Method-D. The overall correct classi- cation results for 278 test motions using the 5-fold cross validation with dierent level TSVQ codebooks and parameter settings are summarized in Table 3.3. More detailed classication results are listed in Tables 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Stage Features Accuracy Method-A only A-ML12 82.3% A-ML13 80.5% A-SL12 95.6% A-SL13 95.6% Method-B only B-PL03 92.8% B-PL04 95.6% B-PL05 95.3% B-PL06 95.6% Method-C Score Fusion 98.2% Method-D SVM Fusion 99.6% Table 3.3: Comparison of classication results. In contrast with the pose histogram classication approach (Method-B), the motion string similarity comparison approach (Method-A) examines the transition of \coarsely quantized poses" in the temporal domain. Though there is an approximation, the tem- poral information helps in classifying some of the motions correctly, which the pose histograms missed. For instance, the misclassied Kickball motions are all correctly categorized by the temporal domain approach, indicating the fact that the sequence of poses do matter. Please check A-SL12 and B-PL06 columns in Tables 3.4 and 3.5, respectively. In addition, the temporal domain approach reinforces the condence in the correctly classied motions. On the ip side, due to the coarse quantization used in the temporal domain approach, a lot of motions from the Cock Robin category are misclas- sied as shown in column A-SL13, Table 3.4. However, the ner resolution of the pose histogram classication algorithms give us correct results for those motions as shown in 51 Sr:No: Category(#Motions) A ML12 A ML13 A SL12 A SL13 1 Run(27) 26(96%) 26(96%) 27(100%) 26(96%) 2 Walk(47) 40(85%) 40(85%) 46(97%) 47(100%) 3 Forward Jump(9) 8(88%) 8(88%) 8(88%) 9(100%) 4 Forward Dribble(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5 Cartwheel(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 6 Kickball(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 7 Boxing(7) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(85%) 7(100%) 8 Mickey Walk(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 9 Sit and Stand(5) 4(80%) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 10 Laugh(6) 4(66%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 11 Sweep Floor(5) 2(40%) 2(40%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 12 Wash Windows(5) 3(60%) 3(60%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 13 Climb Ladder(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 14 Steps(7) 4(57%) 6(85%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 15 Eating(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 16 Tiptoe(5) 5(100%) 3(60%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 17 Pick Box/Bend Waist(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 5(83%) 6(100%) 18 Limp(5) 5(100%) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 19 Balancing Walk(12) 10(83%) 9(75%) 12(100%) 12(100%) 20 Get Up From Chair(5) 4(80%) 4(80%) 5(100%) 4(80%) 21 Breast Stroke(6) 3(50%) 1(16%) 5(83%) 5(83%) 22 Hop on Left Foot(6) 4(66%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 23 Bouncy Walk(6) 4(66%) 4(66%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 24 Marching(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 10(100%) 9(90%) 25 Rhyme Tea Pot(16) 13(81%) 13(81%) 12(75%) 12(75%) 26 Rhyme Cock Robin(15) 9(60%) 6(40%) 13(86%) 13(86%) 27 Swing(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 9(90%) 10(100%) 28 Placing Tee(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 4(80%) 29 Salsa Dance(15) 13(86%) 11(73%) 15(100%) 14(95%) 30 Get Up From Floor(5) 4(80%) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) Total(278) 229(82.3%) 224(80.5%) 266(95.6%) 266(95.6%) Table 3.4: The standalone motion string similarity comparison results column B-PL06 of Table 3.5. In this manner, these two diverse approaches complement each other. Both the temporal and the spatial domain approaches have their own strengths and shortcomings. Due to this diversity, it is desired to combine them so as to improve the classication accuracy even further. Both the fusion approaches are able to do so. For example, the Run and the Walk motions which were not classied by either Method-A or Method-B are correctly classied by both the fusion approaches. This demonstrates the signicance of proper fusion. Within these two fusion approaches, the SVM fusion 52 Sr:No: Category(#Motions) B PL03 B PL04 B PL05 B PL06 1 Run(27) 26(96%) 27(100%) 26(96%) 26(96%) 2 Walk(47) 46(97%) 46(97%) 46(97%) 46(97%) 3 Forward Jump(9) 8(88%) 8(88%) 7(77%) 9(100%) 4 Forward Dribble(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5 Cartwheel(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 6 Kickball(6) 5(83%) 5(83%) 5(83%) 5(83%) 7 Boxing(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 8 Mickey Walk(7) 6(85%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 9 Sit and Stand(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 4(80%) 10 Laugh(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 11 Sweep Floor(5) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 12 Wash Windows(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 13 Climb Ladder(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 14 Steps(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 7(100%) 15 Eating(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 16 Tiptoe(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 17 Pick Box/Bend Waist(6) 5(83%) 5(83%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 18 Limp(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 19 Balancing Walk(12) 10(83%) 12(100%) 11(91%) 11(91%) 20 Get Up From Chair(5) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 3(60%) 21 Breast Stroke(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 5(83%) 5(83%) 22 Hop on Left Foot(6) 6(100%) 5(83%) 6(100%) 6(100%) 23 Bouncy Walk(6) 3(50%) 4(66%) 5(83%) 6(100%) 24 Marching(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 10(100%) 10(100%) 25 Rhyme Tea Pot(16) 12(75%) 14(87%) 14(87%) 14(87%) 26 Rhyme Cock Robin(15) 14(93%) 13(86%) 12(80%) 15(100%) 27 Swing(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 10(100%) 10(100%) 28 Placing Tee(5) 4(80%) 4(80%) 5(100%) 4(80%) 29 Salsa Dance(15) 15(100%) 15(100%) 15(100%) 15(100%) 30 Get Up From Floor(5) 4(80%) 5(100%) 5(100%) 4(80%) Total(278) 258(92.8%) 266(95.6%) 265(95.3%) 266(95.6%) Table 3.5: The standalone pose histogram classication results (Method-D) outperforms the score fusion (Method-C). This is mainly due to the fact that Method-C weighs all the features equally while Method-D is able to put more emphasis on the relevant features. This eect is more pronounced for the Tea Pot nursery rhyme category as shown in Table 3.6. The performance results of the state-of-the-art mocap classication algorithms, tested on similar datasets, are presented in Table 3.7. Our classication results are better than the other. However, the direct comparison of all these algorithms with ours is dicult due to the following reasons. 53 Sr:No: Category(#Motions) Method C Method D 1 Run(27) 27(100%) 27(100%) 2 Walk(47) 47(100%) 47(100%) 3 Forward Jump(9) 9(100%) 9(100%) 4 Forward Dribble(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 5 Cartwheel(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 6 Kickball(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 7 Boxing(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 8 Mickey Walk(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 9 Sit and Stand(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 10 Laugh(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 11 Sweep Floor(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 12 Wash Windows(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 13 Climb Ladder(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 14 Steps(7) 7(100%) 7(100%) 15 Eating(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 16 Tiptoe(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 17 Pick Box/Bend Waist(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 18 Limp(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 19 Balancing Walk(12) 12(100%) 12(100%) 20 Get Up From Chair(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 21 Breast Stroke(6) 5(83%) 6(100%) 22 Hop on Left Foot(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 23 Bouncy Walk(6) 6(100%) 6(100%) 24 Marching(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 25 Rhyme Tea Pot(16) 12(75%) 15(93%) 26 Rhyme Cock Robin(15) 15(100%) 15(100%) 27 Swing(10) 10(100%) 10(100%) 28 Placing Tee(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) 29 Salsa Dance(15) 15(100%) 15(100%) 30 Get Up From Floor(5) 5(100%) 5(100%) Total(278) 273(98.2%) 277(99.6%) Table 3.6: Decision fusion results Most of state-of-the-art algorithms tested their approach on their own datasets (or a mixture of CMU and self-generated datasets). We have no access to their datasets. Our approach uses the motions from the freely available online CMU mocap database [CMU07] only as listed in the Appendix. We adopted a stricter classication performance evaluation metric. For example, Wu et al. [WWX09] clustered the running and marching motions into one group as these motions are similar. In contrast, our evaluation metric requires that, if the labels of motions are dierent, they should be categorized into separate 54 groups. Apart from that, some motions belonging to the same category are clus- tered into separate sub-groups in [WWX09]. As long as samples in each sub-group are homogeneous, it is treated as correct clustering. However, they are treated as misclassication in our performance metric. We have more action categories as compared to others. For example, our dataset contains both simple and complex motions from 30 categories while Wu's dataset had only simple motions from 14 categories. Although we do not have a direct performance comparison because of dierent datasets, evaluation metrics and action categories used. The results in Table 3.7 still oer a rough idea of the performance of prior art. Algorithms Accuracy Dataset D-SBGPLVM [NPP + 13] 72.9% CMU dataset EROS [YS04] 87.5% 1 Self generated kWAS [LZP07] 90.3% 1 Self generated Wu et al. [WXWL09] 97.0% 1 CMU + Self generated Kadu et al. [KKK11] 97.0% 2 CMU dataset Wu et al. [WWX09] 98.1% 1 CMU + Self generated Proposed Method 99.6% CMU dataset Table 3.7: Performance comparison of human mocap data classication algorithms. 3.5 Conclusion and Future Work A technique for automated mocap data classication was presented in this work. The TSVQ method was adopted to approximate static human poses with codewords while a 1 Refer to Wu et al. [WWX09] for clustering accuracy. 2 Refer to Kadu et al. [KKK11]. 55 dynamic human motion was represented by a sequence of codewords. Fusion approaches were proposed to classify mocap data into dierent categories. We tested the proposed algorithms on the CMU mocap database using the 5-fold cross validation procedure and obtained a correct classication rate of 99.6%. The proposed algorithm can be extended to various tasks required by mocap database management such as segmentation, indexing and retrieval, without much eort. We only sketch the basic ideas below. Segmentation If a complex motion clip contains multiple basic motions, then the sequence of these basic motions will be present in the sequence of that complex motion. By using string matching, we can nd out the location of sequences of all basic motions in the complex motion. This corresponds to the segmentation of a complex action sequence into multiple basic action sequences. Indexing After running the classication algorithm, unknown motion clips can be classied into one of the known categories and indexed accordingly. Consider a mixed motion that has running, jumping and bending actions one after the other. Using the string matching and the database of sequences, the location of all these basic motions in that mixed motion can be determined and these basic actions can be indexed accordingly. Retrieval The retrieval problem can be solved using sux array technique. To be more specic, for a given test motion, we would like to extract motion clips or parts of motion clips from the database that are similar to the query. To perform this retrieval task, we convert the test motion into a sequence and use the string match- ing algorithm to search the motion clips or portions of the motion clips that have the same sequence. Those clips can then be retrieved. 56 There are several algorithms for extracting human skeleton from depth images pro- duced by Microsoft Kinect [SSK + 13, AD13]. The data generated by these algorithms are similar to the mocap data [CK13]. It is interesting to explore whether the proposed methodology can be extended to the Kinect sensor data as well. High quality 3D ren- dering can be achieved by blending stored mocap data with the pose information from the Kinect sensor inputs. 57 Chapter 4 Text Localization In Natural Scene Images Abstract Searching for text regions in natural images is a challenging task for many computer vision applications. In this research, we propose a novel text localization scheme based on multi-stage incremental region classication technique. The stable extremal region detector investigates peculiar characteristics of text to discover regions with possible tex- tual content across dierent channels. The coarse decision stump classiers designed on geometric features and context-based text grouping stages eciently remove false posi- tives and outline the regions of interest. An ensemble of trained decision tree classiers categorizes the remaining regions into text or non-text using the gradient prole features. Finally, the ROIs from dierent views and channels are fused together to procure a con- solidated list of text regions. As per the experimental results, our suggested technique is among the top algorithms reported in the literature. 4.1 Introduction In recent years, the task of locating text in natural scene images is attracting attention of researchers and industrial community alike, due to its inherent complexity and vast range of applications. Text region detection is a precursor to many computer vision tasks such as, optical character recognition, robotic navigation, compound video compression, scene understanding, text-based image indexing, search and retrieval etc. The aim of 58 our text localization research is to detect text regions in the image and draw bounding boxes around each and every word. Contrary to the scanned documents, text in natural images have dierent sizes, fonts, orientations, illumination and colors. The cluttered background also poses a serious threat to the localization accuracy. This diversity and irregularity makes text localization in these circumstances quite dicult. The fact that, no algorithm has yet been able to achieve a considerable accuracy on the benchmark datasets, further illustrates the challenging nature of the problem. Text regions have some peculiar properties which distinguish them from the non-text regions. For example, text has sharp edges, interior pixels have consistent color, related component have distinct spatial alignment etc. Based on these observations, we propose a multi-stage region classication model, that systematically detects individual words in the images. This multi-stage design for text localization enhances eciency and reduces complexity. After detecting probable candidates in the rst stage, the task of eliminating false alarms is distributed across subsequent stages of the framework. Each stage targets specic properties of text to come up with its own set of discriminative features. The commendable performance justies the eectiveness of this incremental approach. The stable extremal region (SER) detector [MCUP04], [CTS + 11] explores intra- component color similarity, to discover potential text candidates. But these detected regions may contain several false positives. Geometric ltering phase removes most of these false alarms. Later on, the context-based text grouping stage combines the remain- ing components into words, by exploiting the inter-component consistency and spatial alignment information. The text-like false positives are gradually phased out of the pipeline. An ensemble of decision tree classiers, then decides the fate of these newly formed word candidates. These weak decision tree classiers are built on gradient pro- le features and combined into an ensemble using the Adaboost framework. The whole process is repeated for dierent channels of the image and the detected words are aggre- gated. Experimental results on the ICDAR dataset [LPS + 03, Luc05, SSD11] show that our performance score is comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms. 59 The major contributions of our research are listed below: Designed the stripe-scan features for removing text-like false positives Proposed the scan-line stroke width transform technique for ecient computation of stroke width values on binary components Developed a robust text grouping mechanism which is immune to missing compo- nents Built the novel gradient prole features that capture the peculiarities of text regions Demonstrated the eectiveness of the approach by achieving excellent results on publicly available datasets The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Related previous work is summarized in Sec. 4.2. Sec. 4.3 presents the intricate details of our proposed text localization framework. Experimental results are provided in Sec. 4.4 along with the performance analysis. Finally, Sec. 4.6 has the concluding remarks and future research directions. 4.2 Review of Previous Work The techniques for text localization in scanned document can be broadly classied into three main categories: top-down, bottom-up and hybrid approaches [ODP99]. The top- down approach [LCC00], [KNSV93], [IKA87], [CYWM03] starts by detecting the page schematic and then successively splits up the cells to reach lower levels. For instance, Khedekar [KGS03] proposed a projection prole based algorithm using this top-down approach to separate images and text in the Devnagri documents. However, due to the dependence on page layout information, these methods are suitable only for the scanned document images. The bottom-up approach [Bix98], [Mak83] on the other hand, starts merging together the components at the lowest level and forms larger structures as it goes up. Though these methods are exible, they suer from accumulation errors [KGS03]. 60 The hybrid approach based methods [JZ95], [CLKH96] and [JB92] try to allow some leeway in the above two approaches. As opposed to scanned document, the natural scene images do not have a xed layout. Text can appear anywhere in the image and the orientation, font-size or color may vary from one region to the other. For these reasons, the techniques for scanned documents cannot be easily extended to natural images. One group of text localization schemes for natural scene images use sliding win- dow technique to search for relevant texture patterns. The sliding window meth- ods [CY04], [LW02], [GEF04], [LDK00], [YHGZ05] employ local features within the windows of varying sizes and resolution, to classify windows as text or non-text. Apart from limiting text search to specic window sizes or orientations, these methods have high computational complexity due to dierent possible choices of image scales, window sizes and aspect ratios. Following this school of thought, Chen [CY04] devised a pro- cedure of detecting regions of text in the city scenes. The approach is similar to the face detection framework proposed by Viola-Jones [VJ01a], [VJS05]. Chen used weak classiers to build the strong text/non-text classiers using AdaBoost machine learning algorithm [FS96]. An adaptive binarization and extension algorithm was then applied to the selected regions in order to mark out the text. This paper used the block features similar to the ones described in [VJ01b] and was designed specically for reading the text on the signboards, billboards etc. The other group of techniques detect regions of interest by merging similar pixels into connected components [NM13], [NM12], [LDL05], [JKJ04], [JY98], [Kim96], [YI06]. These methods are not constrained by orientation of text, font size or resolution. They are computationally tractable and the text segmentation is precise to the granularity of individual letters. This aids in subsequent character recognition using OCR techniques [BMP01], [GRL + 98], [RWH96]. Major disadvantages include false alarms, threshold selection, spurious connections, sensitivity to noise and background clutter. One such method is the stroke width transform (SWT) [EOW10], [HLYW13] that leverages the fact that letters in images have constant stroke width. The gradients on either side of the 61 stroke are anti-parallel. Pairing those anti-parallel gradients help in nding the regions of interest. Neumann and Matas [NM12] proposed maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) based technique for detecting text regions. It relies on the fact that pixels within the text have similar intensities. Our proposed framework builds on the stable extremal region detector, described next, but diverges signicantly thereafter. Refer to Fig. 4.1 for the schematic representation, whereR e stands for estimated rectangles while T and NT represent text and non-text components respectively. Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of the proposed text detection algorithm 4.3 Proposed Algorithm The four main stages of the proposed text localization algorithm are outlined below. The detailed description is included in the subsections that follow. 1. Multiple Channel Stable Extremal Region (SER) Detector: In natural scene images, the pixels belonging to a letter or word component have consistent gray scale intensity or color tone. These regions are eectively detected by the stable extremal region operator. Multiple color channels improve detection results, but the number of false alarms also increase. 2. Geometric Filtering: Second stage examines the structural characteristics of text to get rid of false detections. Bulk of the false positives are eciently removed in this stage without signicant computational overhead. 62 3. Context-Based Text Grouping: The spatial distribution of text blobs in an image is constrained by the syntax of the script. In general cases, text is laid out hori- zontally. Components belonging to a given line of text have similar size, font, color and stroke widths. This alignment and similarity information helps to discover text lines in the image. On the other hand, the non-text blobs neither have a specic spatial arrangement nor the neighborhood similarity. Such scattered components can be regarded as non-text and removed. 4. Ensemble Classier and Fusion: To prune the false positives further, an ensemble of decision tree classiers is trained on samples from the training dataset using the gradient prole features. Finally the detections from multiple views and channels are concatenated together to get the aggregated list of bounding boxes. In the algorithm description that follows, the terms components, blobs and objects are used interchangeably. 4.3.1 Multiple Channel Stable Extremal Region (SER) Detector Suppose image I is a mapping I :DZ 2 !S for S2f0; 1; ; 255g. Then the region Q with boundary Q is an extremal region, if it satises either the maximum or the minimum intensity region property: QD such that 8p2Q;q2Q :I(p)>I(q) (maximum) QD such that 8p2Q;q2Q :I(p)<I(q) (minimum) (4.1) LetQ 1 Q i1 ;Q i be a sequence of nested extremal regions, i.e. Q i Q i+1 . q(i) be mathematically represented by Eq. 4.2, where42S denotes the step size andjj is the cardinality. The extremal region Q i is maximally/minimally stable if and only if, q(i) has a local minimum at i. q(i) =jQ i+4 nQ i4 j=jQ i j (4.2) 63 For visual interpretation, consider an intensity image I and a variable threshold t. A binary imageI t is obtained by setting pixels p to black ifI(p)<t or white otherwise. Suppose t is varied from 0 to 255 and the resultant images I 0 to I 255 are viewed as frames in a video. Then at rst, only white pixels are seen. Subsequently, black spots will appear at the locations of local minima. These spots will grow and combine till the whole image becomes black. The connected components formed by those black pixels at various stages in the video are the extremal regions. Those extremal regions which do not grow rapidly over a wide range of thresholds are maximally stable. Repeating the process on an inverted image I inv will fetch the minimally stable regions. For more details, refer to [MCUP04]. Text components are generally the stable extremal regions, as they have at color tones and sharp contrast. Fig. 4.2 shows the maximal extremal text regions like, \Database" and \C. J. Date" along with the minimal regions \Sixth" and \Edition". In order to incorporate color information, the A and B channels of the CIELAB color space are examined along with the gray scale intensity image I. The A and B channels have a dierent range from the gray scale images i.e. S =f128; ; +127g but the procedure is same as before. Apart from being device independent, the CIELAB is the most complete space which describes all the colors perceptible to the human eye. The non-linear mapping and wider gamut allows better dierentiation between basic colors, which facilitates text detection even under adverse illumination conditions. The detection results from three channels, each with two views i.e. I, I inv , A , A inv , B and B inv are considered in our approach. Fig. 4.3 demonstrates the signicance of multiple channels. Even as the intensity image fails, A and B channels are able to detect the text \Royal London" in the image. But on the contrary, multiple channels tend to increase the number of false positives as well. 64 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.2: SER detector (a) Original image (b) Maximal regions in intensity image (c) Minimal regions in intensity image 4.3.2 Geometric Filtering The text components exhibit a peculiar structure, continuity and compactness that is seldom perceptible in the non-text components. The geometric ltering stage leverages this fact to remove a majority of false positives. Each binary component is cropped and examined individually to compute the following analytical features. Owing to the large number of false positives, there features are purposely designed for fast processing. Stripe Scan Feature The binary component is broken down into non-overlapping vertical and horizontal rect- angular sections a.k.a. stripes. For instance, the component b C is segmented into ~ v 65 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.3: Multi-channel SER detection (a) Original image (b) Intensity Image (c) A* channel (d) B* channel. Overlapping regions are represented by dierent colors. vertical stripes S v , where v2f0; ; ~ v 1g. These stripes are disjoint i.e. S i \S j = for all distincti;j2f0; ; ~ v1g and cover the entire component S ~ v1 v=0 S v = b C. There- after the number of disjoint fragments within each stripe is computed and stored at the corresponding index of a ~ v dimensional vector F v . The L 1 norm of the rst order dierence of elements in F v (Eq. 4.3) gives the Vertical Stripe Scan feature or VSS. VSS = ~ v2 X n=0 jF v (n)F v (n + 1)j (4.3) For text components, the numbers in the sequence F v vary in a gradual and pre- dictable manner as depicted in Fig. 4.4. The fragments within the stripes are highlighted using yellow circles. The text has a low score for the VSS feature. On the contrary, the 66 variation is random and unpredictable for the non-text components as shown in Fig. 4.5. That randomness yields a high score for the VSS feature. The steps are repeated for ~ h horizontal stripes S h , where h2f0; ; ~ h 1g to evaluate the Horizontal Stripe Scan or HSS feature. In our experiments, both ~ v and ~ h are set to 10. Figure 4.4: Stripe scan feature for text component using horizontal stripes (top row) and vertical stripes (bottom row). The example is for explanation purpose only. ~ v = ~ h = 5, HSS = 0 and VSS = 0 Figure 4.5: Stripe scan feature for non-text component using horizontal stripes (top row) and vertical stripes (bottom row). The example is for explanation purpose only. ~ v = ~ h = 5, HSS = 5 and VSS = 5 67 Scan-Line Stroke Width Transform The stroke of a pen or a brush on a piece of paper or canvas has uniform thickness called stroke width. Text can be viewed as a set of ordered and connected strokes having constant width. Following this intuition, Epshtein et. al. [EOW10] proposed the popular stroke width transform method for text detection. The technique can be greatly simplied for a given binary connected component b C. The proposed customized version for binary component is called the scan-line stroke width transform, abbreviated as SL-SWT. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 4.6: Scan-Line SWT (a), (c), (e) and (g) show the ray intersection process for the original and transposed components. The numbers at the end of the dotted arrows, represent the elements of array r or c . (b), (d), (f) and (h) depict the SL-SWT values for components and its transpose. The scan-line stroke width values for the pixels spanned by the solid red arrows are provided alongside. Only a selected scan-lines are shown for illustration purpose. Consider component b C to be enclosed within a rectangular bounding box having ~ r pixel rows and ~ c pixel columns. The proposed method shoots a ray along every row of b C in a scan-line fashion. For each of these rays, it computes the number of intersections with the component and stores it in the corresponding index of an ~ r dimensional array, r . A ray entering the component and leaving it is counted as one intersection. Review Figs. 4.6 (a) and (e) for pictorial representation. The parameter VRI or Vertical Ray 68 Intersections is the L 1 norm of the rst order dierence of elements in the array, formulated mathematically in Eq. 4.4. As illustrated in the Figs. 4.6(c) and (g), Horizontal Ray Intersection or HRI parameter is similarly calculated on transpose of b C. VRI = n=~ r2 X n=0 j r (n) r (n + 1)j HRI = m=~ c2 X m=0 j c (m) c (m + 1)j (4.4) Text blobs have low values for ray intersection parameters, while the non-text blobs exhibit higher values. For example, VRI and HRI parameters for the text component in Fig. 4.6 (top row) are 1 and 0 respectively. On the contrary, the non-text component (bottom row) has higher values i.e. 10 and 25. Note that, only a subset of the scan- lines are shown in Fig. 4.6. For explanation purpose, the previously stated values of ray intersection parameters are computed on those selected rays only. These values are normalized with respect to the dimensions of the component for a fair comparison across components of varying sizes. The ray intersection parameters VRI and HRI can be viewed as ne grained version of the stripe scan features, but both of them are equally important. Ray intersection features give wrong classication for text with noisy background. While stripe scan features might miss some false positives due to its coarseness. Taking into account all these features together helps in avoiding such mistakes. Besides, the ray intersections is used to compute more relevant features as described next. The component b C can be a letter or word fragment as demonstrated in Fig. 4.7. We follow a conservative assumption, that a letter component cannot have aspect ratio more than unity. Based on this hypothesis, the aspect ratio gives a lower bound on the number of letters contained in the word fragment. For example, the text component with an aspect ratio of 5.0 is expected to have at least ve letters. Most of the rays shot along the rows of such a component should intersect at least ve times. In other words, 69 median( r ) should be greater than or equal to ve, i.e. the aspect ratio. If this value is less than the aspect ratio, then that component is too smooth to be text and should be discarded. Figure 4.7: Connected components b C representing letters (left) and those representing word fragments (right) The scan-line stroke width value matrix M, corresponding to b C is generated as follows. Suppose the component is tightly enclosed within a rectangle having ~ r rows and ~ c columns and M r , M c be two matrices with all elements initialized to +1. To compute matrix M r , rays are shot along the rows of b C. The number of pixels a ray encounters during an intersection with b C is determined. As illustrated in Fig. 4.8, all the corresponding elements in the matrix M r are replaced by the number of intersecting pixels. The process is repeated for b C T and the values are stored in M c . Superscript T denotes the transpose operation. The SL-SWT matrix for the component b C is then the element-wise minimum of those two matrices, i.e. M = min(M r ; M T c ). The most frequently occurring value in M is the stroke width value of b C. For instance, the value of stroke width for the letter \L" in Fig. 4.8 is 3. The components having consistent stroke width values resemble text, while the objects having non-uniform widths are false positives. The blobs having relatively small stroke width value, compared to the dimensions of the circumscribing rectangle, are also 70 discarded. Figs. 4.6 (b), (d), (f) and (h) are some examples. Apart from geometric ltering, the matrix M is extensively used in Sec. 4.3.3 for grouping the components. (a) Matrix M r (b) Matrix M c Figure 4.8: Stroke width values for connected component representing letter L. The squares with no numerical value are equal to +1. (a) Rays shot along the rows and the M r matrix (b) Rays shot along the rows of b C T and the M c matrix Plausibility Constraints The stable extremal regions that do not satisfy the following plausibility constraints are cleaned up. Low Occupancy Ratio: Text has high compactness, as it is closely packed in the circumscribing bounding box. Consider a text component enclosed in a rectangular bounding box and also circumscribed by a convex contour. The ratio of area enclosed within the contour to the area of the bounding box is called the occupancy ratio. This ratio is close to unity for text. All the components with this ratio less than half can be safely removed. Long Vertical Blobs: The text is usually laid out horizontally. Hence, the long vertical components that mostly resemble poles, iron bars, printed designs etc. can be removed. Massive Blobs: It is highly unlikely for the natural scene images to have text covering more than 95% of a certain image dimension. These extremely large components are discarded. 71 Tiny Blobs: The blobs with ~ r 10 pixels can be ignored since they are practically imperceptible in a normal resolution image. For all the features described above, decision stumps classiers are chosen for text/non-text categorization. Thresholds are learned heuristically from the examples in the training dataset. These thresholds are generous enough to retain most of the text components, even if that leads to reduction in false positive removal rate. Collec- tively, these features overcome the weakness of generous thresholds. Fig. 4.9 justies this hypothesis. Most of the false positives in Fig. 4.9 (b) are removed after geometric ltering due to multitude of features, while all the true positives are retained thanks to the generous thresholds. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.9: Geometric ltering (a) Sample image (b) Detected stable extremal regions (c) Output after geometric ltering 72 4.3.3 Context-Based Text Grouping The previous stage eliminates a considerable number of non-text regions without any extensive processing. Then the context-based text grouping stage clusters the remaining components into words. First, the components are linked together into text lines and then those text lines are broken down into words. As a by-product, this stage can also prune some text-like false positives, which are otherwise dicult to remove. It can also recover some letters or words which were wrongfully rejected by the earlier stages. These wrongfully rejected components are synonymously referred to as missing components. These grouping, pruning and self-correcting mechanisms are explained here in detail. Text is laid out horizontally, as if, it is resting on an invisible baseline. Moreover, the letters or words belonging to the same line of text have similar spatial properties. Especially, their heights, stroke widths and color palettes are similar. The components that are spatially consistent to their horizontally aligned neighbors, can be paired. Most probably these component pairs represent text. On the contrary, non-text components pop up randomly in the image. The probability of nding a similar blob in the neighbor- hood of a non-text region is considerably low. Even if there happens to be a matching blob, it might not be aligned properly. In this way, these spatial and alignment cues serve a dual-purpose. They help to pair the related text regions and detect the isolated components as non-text. Agglomerative Clustering Let N l and N r be the left and the right neighborhood of a component b C. Suppose h represents the height of that component, while (c x ;c y ) are the coordinates of the centroid in the image space and is the extent of the region. ThenN l andN r can be formulated as, N l =f8(x;y) :x2 (c x ;c x ) and y2 (c y h=2;c y +h=2)g N r =f8(x;y) :x2 (c x ;c x + ) and y2 (c y h=2;c y +h=2)g (4.5) 73 In the above equation, (x;y) denotes a 2D point in the image space. The closest blob in each of these neighborhoods N l and N r , that matches the component b C is linked to it. In this manner, b C can have a maximum of two links; one on the left and other on the right hand side. Please refer to Fig. 4.10(a) for illustration. The blue box is the left neighborhood of p and the green box is the right neighborhood. The matching process is described next. Matching Criteria The aforementioned spatial features of the component b C, namely, heighth, stroke width s, color c and horizontal baseline b, where b = c y +h=2, can be stored in the form of a vector S =fb;c;h;sg. If these vectors are viewed as points in a higher dimensional space, then components that match with b C would lie in a hyper-rectangle centered at point S. The dimensions of the hyper-rectangle along b and h axes are proportional to height of the component. This allows invariance to the size of the component. In c and s directions, the dimensions are xed. This constraints the color and stroke width of the matching components to lie within a specic range. Fig. 4.10(b) shows some matching components in the neighborhood. The blob p links to r and a. In turn, component r matches with p and a, while a pairs with p and r. Merging Pairs Into Lines Consider a graph,G = (V;E) with every component in the image represented by a vertex and the links corresponding to the edges in G. In this representation, the components belonging to the same line of text have edges among them. While the components belonging to dierent lines are not connected. Each sub-graph in such a disconnected graph, represents a text line. A sub-graph is connected section in the graph that has no edges coming out or going into it. Depth-rst or breadth-rst search can separate out those sub-graphs to get text lines. The sub-graphs containing less than three nodes are 74 discarded. The matching pairs in Fig. 4.10(b) are linked together to form the text line \car park" (Fig. 4.10(c)). Decimation Of Lines Into Words Every component in the text line has two links; one to the component in the left neigh- borhood and other to the right. Exceptions being the rst and the last components in the line. As far as components within a word are concerned, they can be categorized into three types, namely, (i) starting component (ii) intermediate components and (iii) ending component. Consider L left and L right to be the lengths of the left and the right links respectively. The disparity of these lengths is large for the starting (L left L right ) and the ending components (L left L right ) of a word. On the contrary, the ratio of these lengths is close to unity for intermediate components. Put dierently, intra-word gaps are smaller compared to inter-word gaps. This property helps to segment out the words from those text lines. In Fig. 4.10(c), the brown link that describes the inter-word gap has to be broken down. To mitigate the eect of missing components, the output of the stable extremal regions stage is checked to verify that the inter-word gap is indeed empty. (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.10: Context-based text grouping (a)Left and right neighborhood (b)Links between adjacent and similar components (c)Sub-graph with vertexes and internal edges that together represent a text line. The orange link has to be broken to form individual words. 75 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.11: Context-based text grouping (a) Raw image (b) Blobs retained after geomet- ric ltering (c) Bounding boxes generated after merging pairs into lines (d) Decimation of lines into words Fig. 4.11 demonstrates the grouping procedure for a sample image. It must be noted that the isolated false positives that survived after geometric ltering in Fig. 4.11 (b) are all removed in the grouping stage, i.e. Fig. 4.11 (c). After drawing bounding boxes around the tentative words in the image, the next stage inspects their contents to classify the boxes as text or non-text. The text boxes are retained, while the others are removed. 4.3.4 Ensemble Classier and Fusion The inherent properties of text are markedly dierent from the non-text regions. The features which exploit these properties are better suited for region classication. Such features include, Gradient Orientation Histogram, Scale Invariant Feature Transform 76 Codewords Histogram etc. Refer to Sec. 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 for details. Taking these things into account, we developed novel gradient prole features to train an ensemble of decision tree classiers using the Adaboost framework. After region classication, the bounding boxes from dierent views, namely, I, I inv , A , A inv , B and B inv were fused together to get the consolidated list of bounding boxes. Gradient Prole Features The text regions have sharp edges with consistent blank spaces between consecutive letters or words. On the contrary, non-text regions seldom have sharp edges and certainly, there is no consistent spacing throughout. Gradient proles of these regions, help to exploit these peculiar properties of text for classication purpose. The regions within the bounding boxes are resize to xed size of 96 32, followed by gradient computations along the X and Y direction, i.e. G x and G y respectively. The mean vector along the rows of the matrix,G x is termed as the horizontal gradient prole ofG x . Similarly, the mean vector along the columns ofG x is the vertical gradient prole of G x . Then the gradient prole feature vector GP is the concatenation of horizontal and the vertical gradient prole vectors ofG x andG y as shown in Eq. 4.6. The gradient prole features for a sample text and non-text region are shown in Figs. 4.12 and 4.13 respectively. The peaks in the proles of text regions are interleaved with valleys. The spacing between those valleys is fairly consistent. On the contrary, the proles for non- text regions do not usually have such consistent spacing. GP =f( X i G x (i;j)) T ; X j G x (i;j); ( X i G y (i;j)) T ; X j G y (i;j)g (4.6) Ensemble of Decision Tree Classiers Decision tree classiers are used as weak classiers in the Adaboost framework. An ensemble of these weak classiers is trained on the normalized gradient prole features. 77 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.12: The gradient prole features (a) Sample text image (b)G x and mean vectors along the rows and the columns (c) G y and mean vectors along rows and columns Training dataset for the ensemble classier consists of 1391 positive and 1278 negative samples taken from the ICDAR [LPS + 03,Luc05,SSD11,KSU + 13] training dataset. Some images from the dataset are displayed in Fig. 4.14. The positive samples are cropped from the text regions using semi-automatic techniques, while the negative samples are randomly picked. The positive and negative samples are distributed into ve equal sized sets. During cross validation, one set is used for training while the remaining four constitute the test set. The training data is purposely chosen to be smaller compared to the test data in order to simulate real word scenario. After ve iterations, the average accuracy is 90.46%. The input to the ensemble classier is the list of bounding boxes accrued after the grouping stage and the output is a probability value2 [0; 1]. The cuto is the midway point and the rectangles with probability less than the threshold are ltered out. 78 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4.13: The gradient prole features (a) Sample non-text image (b) G x and mean vectors along the rows and the columns (c)G y and mean vectors along rows and columns Figure 4.14: Positive samples for training ensemble classier (left) and negative samples (right) View and Channel Fusion The whole localization process is repeated for both the views in each channel, namely, I, I inv , A , A inv , B and B inv ; to obtain six dierent lists of bounding boxes. The objects detected in the complementary views, such as I and I inv , are mutually exclusive i.e. I\ I inv =. So the corresponding lists from these complementary views are appended 79 with minimal processing. Fig. 4.15 illustrates the concept of view fusion. In this case, no processing is required to aggregate the bounding boxes from I and I inv . View fusion leaves us with three distinct lists, one for each channel. The bounding boxes from all these lists are categorized as overlapping or non-overlapping, based on the amount of intersection of those bounding boxes with the boxes from other channels. The rectangles from the non-overlapping pool are directly inducted into the nal list of estimated rectangles R e . The overlapping boxes are either merged together or pruned. The decision to merge or prune an overlapping box is contingent on the amount of overlap, aspect ratio and number of components enclosed. This decision is delegated to an objective function that weighs in all those factors before making a decision. These merged rectangles are then appended to the list of estimated rectangles R e . Refer to Fig. 4.16 for an example of channel fusion. The bounding boxes from the channels I, A and B are merged together to get a single rectangle enclosing the whole word. 4.4 Experimental Results The ICDAR database is the most popular for text localization in natural scene images. This dataset was used in ICDAR 2003 [LPS + 03] and ICDAR 2005 [Luc05] text local- ization competitions. The competing algorithms are evaluated on the basis of three parameters, namely, precision, recall and f-parameter. The list of ground truth rectan- gles is denoted by R t and the competing algorithm is expected to output a similar list of estimated rectangles R e . Consider the match m p (r;r 0 ) as the area of intersection of r and r 0 divided by the area of minimum rectangle circumscribing both these rectan- gles. Then the valuem(r e ;R t ) =max r 0 2Rt m p (r;r 0 ) gives the matching score forr e 2R e with the best t rectangle in the set R t . Based on these scores, the precision and the recall parameters are computed as shown in Eq. 4.7. With set to 0.5 in Eq. 4.8, the f-parameter is a non-linear combination of precision and recall. A detailed description of the evaluation parameters can be found in [LPS + 03]. 80 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.15: View fusion (a) Original image (b) Bounding boxes for I (c) Bounding boxes for I inv (d) Fusion of I and I inv precision = P re2Re m(r e ;R t ) jR e j ; recall = P rt2Rt m(r t ;R e ) jR t j ; (4.7) f = 1 precision + 1 recall ; (4.8) Lucas et. al. [Luc05] reported the performance of the few top-ranked text localization algorithms from those competitions. The precision, recall and f-parameter scores were separately computed on individual images and then averaged over all the images in the dataset. Several other algorithms proposed thereafter propose a dierent method for calculating the overall performance score. They compute a single precision, recall and f-parameter value on the entire dataset. The results on ICDAR 2005 and 2011 datasets 81 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 4.16: Channel fusion (a) Sample image (b) Bounding boxes for channel I (c) Bounding boxes for channel A (d) Bounding boxes for channel B (e) Fusion of I, A and B are tabulated in Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. As evident from these tables, our proposed scheme is among the the state-of-the-art algorithms. To demonstrate the eectiveness of individual stages of the proposed framework, a comparative analysis on a subset of the training data is performed. Table 4.5 lists the number of objects that are retained after every stage. These objects can be letters, words or false positives. The table also reports the percentage of components removed by the current stage, when compared to the output of the previous stage. For this analysis, the 82 Algorithms Precision Recall f-parameter Proposed Method 0.70 0.62 0.64 Neumann and Matas [NM11] 0.65 0.64 0.63 Hinnerk Becker 0.62 0.67 0.62 Alex Chen 0.60 0.60 0.58 Ashida 0.55 0.46 0.50 HWDavid 0.44 0.46 0.45 Wolf 0.30 0.44 0.35 Quiang Zhu 0.33 0.40 0.33 Table 4.1: Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms with the eval- uation method from ICDAR 2005 competition Algorithms Precision Recall f-parameter Proposed Method 0.76 0.62 0.68 Neumann and Matas [NM11] 0.72 0.62 0.67 Chen et. al. [CTS + 11] 0.73 0.60 0.66 Epshtein et. al. [EOW10] 0.72 0.60 0.66 Yi and Tran [YT13] 0.71 0.62 0.63 Table 4.2: Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms with the new evaluation method on ICDAR 2005 dataset Algorithms Precision Recall f-parameter Neumann and Matas [NM13] 0.79 0.66 0.72 Proposed Method 0.76 0.61 0.68 Yi and Tran [YT13] 0.76 0.68 0.67 Gonzalez et. al. [EOW10] 0.73 0.56 0.63 Yi and Tran [YT11] 0.67 0.58 0.62 Neumann and Matas [NM11] 0.69 0.53 0.60 Table 4.3: Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms on ICDAR 2011 dataset using [WJ06] evaluation criteria Algorithms Precision Recall f-parameter Huang et. al. [HLYW13] 0.82 0.75 0.73 Proposed Method 0.81 0.64 0.72 Table 4.4: Performance comparison of various text localization algorithms on ICDAR 2011 dataset using Yao's evaluation method [YBL + 12] 83 dataset is carefully chosen such that almost all of the true positives survive till the end. So the percentage of components removed is a reliable indicator of the false positive removal rate of that particular stage. The geometric ltering and context-based text grouping stages show a high removal percentage. On the contrary, region classier stage has a low percentage because there are hardly any false positives left by the time this stage is reached. Stages Components Retained Components Removed Stable Extremal Regions 1685 Not Applicable Geometric Filtering 974 42.20% Context-Based Text Grouping 387 60.27% Ensemble Classier and Fusion 374 3.36% Table 4.5: Statistical performance analysis of each stage of the framework 4.5 Error Analysis The proposed text localization pipeline is able to detect words of dierent fonts, colors and sizes, even in the presence of re ection and background clutter. For instance, in Fig. 4.17(a) the textured brick pattern can be potentially misinterpreted as text due to its structural similarity with low resolution small font words. Our algorithm is able to correctly discarded those patterns with the help of geometric ltering. Fig. 4.17(b) shows that the re ection of vegetation on the transparent glass window can be eectively dealt with. The context-based text grouping stage is able to remove this vegetation as the spatial distribution of those blobs is drastically dierent from that of the text. Similar is the case with the background clutter in Fig. 4.17(c). The window patterns in Fig. 4.17(d) pass the grouping stage but they are cleaned up by the ensemble classier. The algorithm is reliable, but under adverse circumstances it shows its weaknesses. For example, in Fig. 4.18 the Stable Extremal Region (SER) operator fails to detect some text in the image. The intensity values of the pixels within the text are similar to the values of the pixels in the background. Due to the background blending, those text 84 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 4.17: Correct detections regions are not detected in the rst stage itself. The regions lost at such an early stage in the algorithm cannot be recovered thereafter. Incorporating edge information in the SER operator functionality might alleviate the problem. (a) (b) Figure 4.18: SER detection error (a) Sample image (b) Text blobs detected 85 In some cases, the repeated background patterns might be misinterpreted as text. As it can be seen in Fig. 4.19(b), the small non-text blobs at the top are mistaken as small font text. These blobs are passed on as text by the geometric ltering, context-based text grouping and ensemble classier stages. A technique that can take care of such repeated patterns will be helpful in getting rid of these false positives. (a) (b) Figure 4.19: Repeated patterns (a) Error image (b) Repeated patterns detected as words The text is dicult to recover in the images with partial occlusion. Fig. 4.20 has a strong camera ash that partially wiped out the underlying text. The SER operator coalesces the text and ash light together to form a big heterogeneous blob. The geo- metric ltering treats the whole blob as one entity and discards it as non-text. To avoid this problem, the camera ash should be removed in the pre-processing step. If the words are not separated out correctly from the text lines, then the performance score can get aected. In Fig. 4.21, the words \Good" and \Year" are detected correctly, but the icon in between the two words causes them to be wrongly classied as a single word. The root cause of the problem is that, the multi-stage incremental region classi- cation technique was unable to remove the icon. But removing these blobs is inherently dicult for any region classication technique. If text recognition is incorporated in the framework then probably we might be able to correct such errors as well, using a feedback mechanism. 86 (a) (b) Figure 4.20: Partial occlusions (a) Flash light partially occludes the text (b) Text is wrongly discarded along with the ash light (a) (b) Figure 4.21: Grouping error (a) Sample image (b) Words wrongly grouped together The other potential problems are shadow, re ection and orientation of the words. The characters \ADT" that are oriented at a specic angle to the camera are not detected in Fig. 4.22 (a). Shadow and re ection prevents the SER operator from detecting the words, \Dollar", \Golf" and \Club". Partial detections due to occlusions or incomplete detections may lead to missing text. In the example of Fig. 4.22(b), the letter \S" is broken down into two connected components and fails to form a coherent group with \TOP". The grouping stage considers it as an isolated blob and removes it. 87 (a) (b) Figure 4.22: Incorrect detections (a) Eect of re ection and shadow (b) Broken text 4.6 Conclusion In this research, we proposed a novel text localization framework based on multi-stage incremental region classication technique. The probable text regions detected by multi- channel stable extremal region detector are passed on to the geometric lters. Text context-based grouping stage combines the related text regions into words. A signicant amount of false positives are removed in the process. We also developed a decision tree based ensemble classier that categorizes the detected regions into text or non-text using the gradient prole feature information. Then the bounding boxes from dierent channels and views are merged together to get a consolidated list of estimated rectangles. A region adaptive step selection can improve the accuracy of the stable extremal region detector. The properties of the area being processed can be used to determine the appropriate step-size for the detector. This would assist the subsequent stages by reducing the number of false alarms. Next step would be to recognize words in the bounding boxes with an integrated optical character recognition system. This OCR system can also be used as a feedback mechanism to improve the localization results further. No algorithm can detect text that is occluded by ash light illumination or the foreground objects. So we plan to incorporate an intelligent dictionary based system 88 which might be able to reconstruct the whole word with this partial information at hand. 89 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work The conclusions of our research and future research prospects are summarized in the sections ahead. 5.1 Human Action Classication A technique for automated mocap data classication was presented in this work. The TSVQ method was adopted to approximate static human poses with codewords while a dynamic human motion was represented by a sequence of codewords. Fusion approaches were proposed to classify mocap data into dierent categories. We tested the proposed algorithms on the CMU mocap database using the 5-fold cross validation procedure and obtained a correct classication rate of 99.6%. The proposed algorithm can be extended to various tasks required by mocap database management such as segmentation, indexing and retrieval, without much eort. We only sketch the basic ideas below. Segmentation If a complex motion clip contains multiple basic motions, then the sequence of these basic motions will be present in the sequence of that complex motion. By using string matching, we can nd out the location of sequences of all basic motions in the complex motion. This corresponds to the segmentation of a complex action sequence into multiple basic action sequences. Indexing After running the classication algorithm, unknown motion clips can be classied into one of the known categories and indexed accordingly. Consider a mixed motion 90 that has running, jumping and bending actions one after the other. Using the string matching and the database of sequences, the location of all these basic motions in that mixed motion can be determined and these basic actions can be indexed accordingly. Retrieval The retrieval problem can be solved using sux array technique. To be more specic, for a given test motion, we would like to extract motion clips or parts of motion clips from the database that are similar to the query. To perform this retrieval task, we convert the test motion into a sequence and use the string match- ing algorithm to search the motion clips or portions of the motion clips that have the same sequence. Those clips can then be retrieved. There are several algorithms for extracting human skeleton from depth images pro- duced by Microsoft Kinect [SSK + 13, AD13]. The data generated by these algorithms are similar to the mocap data [CK13]. It is interesting to explore whether the proposed methodology can be extended to the Kinect sensor data as well. High quality 3D ren- dering can be achieved by blending stored mocap data with the pose information from the Kinect sensor inputs. 5.2 Text Localization In this research, we proposed a novel text localization framework based on multi-stage incremental region classication technique. The probable text regions detected by multi- channel stable extremal region detector are passed on to the geometric lters. Text context-based grouping stage combines the related text regions into words. A signicant amount of false positives are removed in the process. We also developed a decision tree based ensemble classier that categorizes the detected regions into text or non-text using the gradient prole feature information. Then the bounding boxes from dierent channels and views are merged together to get a consolidated list of estimated rectangles. 91 A region adaptive step selection can improve the accuracy of the stable extremal region detector. The properties of the area being processed can be used to determine the appropriate step-size for the detector. This would assist the subsequent stages by reducing the number of false alarms. Next step would be to recognize words in the bounding boxes with an integrated optical character recognition system. 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Walk: 35 01, 35 02, 35 03, 35 04, 35 05, 35 06, 35 07, 35 08, 35 09, 35 10, 35 11, 35 12, 35 13, 35 14, 35 15, 35 16, 35 28, 35 29, 35 30, 35 31, 02 01, 02 02, 07 01, 07 02, 07 03, 07 06, 07 07, 07 08, 07 09, 07 10, 07 11, 08 01, 08 02, 08 03, 08 06, 08 08, 08 09, 08 10, 12 01, 12 02, 12 03, 16 15, 16 16, 16 21, 16 22, 16 31, 16 32. 3. Forward Jump: 16 05, 16 06, 16 07, 16 09, 16 10, 13 11, 13 13, 13 19, 13 32. 4. Forward Dribble: 06 02, 06 03, 06 05. 5. Cartwheel: 49 06, 49 07, 49 08. 6. Kickball: 10 01, 10 02, 10 03, 10 05, 10 06, 11 01. 101 7. Boxing: 13 17, 13 18, 14 01, 14 02, 14 03, 15 13, 17 10. 8. Balance: 49 18, 49 19, 49 20. 9. Sit and Stand up: 13 01, 13 02, 13 03, 14 27, 14 28. 10. Laugh: 13 14, 13 15, 13 16. 11. Sweep Floor: 13 23, 13 24, 13 25. 12. Wash Windows: 13 20, 13 21, 13 22, 14 10, 14 11. 13. Climb Ladder: 13 33, 13 34, 14 33, 14 34, 14 35. 14. Steps: 13 35, 13 36, 13 37, 13 38, 14 21, 14 22, 14 23. 15. Mop: 14 13, 14 15. 16. Tiptoe: 13 10, 13 12, 14 07, 14 08, 14 09. 17. Pick Box Bend Waist: 115 01, 115 02, 115 03, 115 04, 115 05, 115 10. 18. Pick Box Bend Knees: 115 06, 115 07, 115 08, 115 09. 19. Fly Stroke: 126 06, 126 07, 126 08, 126 09. 20. Free Style: 126 10, 126 11, 126 12, 125 06. 21. Breast Stroke: 125 01, 125 02, 125 04, 126 03, 126 04, 126 05. 22. Hop on Left Foot: 132 23, 132 24, 132 25, 132 26, 132 27, 132 28. 23. Bouncy Walk: 132 29, 132 30, 132 31, 132 32, 132 33, 132 34. 24. Marching: 138 01, 138 02, 138 03, 138 04, 138 05, 138 06, 138 07, 138 08, 138 09, 138 10. 25. Nursery Rhyme Tea Pot: 24 01, 25 01, 26 03, 26 04, 27 03, 27 07, 28 02, 28 06, 29 03, 29 08, 30 02, 30 08, 31 02, 31 06, 32 04, 32 08. 102 26. Nursery Rhyme Cock Robin: 26 07, 26 08, 27 05, 27 10, 28 04, 28 08, 29 06, 29 10, 30 05, 30 06, 30 10, 31 04, 31 08, 32 06, 32 10. 27. Swing: 64 01, 64 02, 64 03, 64 04, 64 05, 64 06, 64 07, 64 08, 64 09, 64 10. 28. Placing Tee: 64 16, 64 17, 64 18, 64 19, 64 20. 29. Salsa Dance: 60 01, 60 02, 60 03, 60 04, 60 05, 60 06, 60 07, 60 08, 60 09, 60 10, 60 11, 60 12, 60 13, 60 14, 60 15. 30. Get Up From Floor: 111 06, 111 07, 111 08. 103
Abstract (if available)
This thesis contains two main research topics: 1) automatic human action classification with mocap data and 2) text localization in natural scene images. The common theme of these two topics is the application of pattern recognition techniques to multimedia information processing as detailed below. ❧ Automatic classification of human action in motion capture (mocap) data has many commercial, biomechanical and medical applications and is the principal focus of the thesis. First, we propose a multi-resolution string representation scheme based on the tree-structured vector quantization (TSVQ) to transform the time-series of human poses into codeword sequences. Then, we take the temporal variations of human poses into account via codeword sequence matching. Furthermore, we develop a family of pose-histogram-based classifiers to examine the spatial distribution of human poses. We analyze the performance of the temporal and spatial classifiers separately. To achieve a higher classification rate, we merge their decisions and soft scores using novel fusion methods. The proposed fusion solutions are tested on a wide variety of sequences from the CMU mocap database using 5-fold cross validation, and a correct classification rate of 99.6% is achieved. ❧ Searching for text regions in natural images is a challenging task for many computer vision applications. In the second part of our research, we propose a novel text localization scheme based on multi-stage incremental region classification technique. The stable extremal region detector investigates peculiar characteristics of text to discover regions with possible textual content across different channels. The coarse decision stump classifiers designed on geometric features and context-based text grouping stages efficiently remove false positives and outline the regions of interest. An ensemble of trained decision tree classifiers categorizes the remaining regions into text or non-text using the gradient profile features. Finally, the ROIs from different views and channels are fused together to procure a consolidated list of text regions. As per the experimental results, our suggested technique is among the top algorithms reported in the literature.
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Asset Metadata
Kadu, Harshad
Core Title
Advanced techniques for human action classification and text localization
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering (Multimedia and Creative Technology)
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
motion capture (mocap),OAI-PMH Harvest,pose histogram,scan line stroke width transform,stable extremal regions,stripe scan,support vector machines,tree structured vector quantization
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motion capture (mocap)
pose histogram
scan line stroke width transform
stable extremal regions
stripe scan
support vector machines
tree structured vector quantization