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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Habitat suitability modeling of Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in Gila National Forest, New Mexico
(USC Thesis Other)
Habitat suitability modeling of Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in Gila National Forest, New Mexico
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Andrew Isner
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2014
Copyright 2014 Andrew Isner
I would like to dedicate this document to my family for their constant support and
patience throughout this process.
First of all, I would personally like to thank my thesis advisor Dr. John P. Wilson and
the USC Spatial Sciences Institute staff for their patience, knowledge, and complete
support in helping me successfully complete this thesis. I would also like to
apologize to my other thesis committee members Drs Travis R. Longcore and
Jennifer N. Swift for not keeping in contact and reaching out for more assistance. I
greatly appreciate the advice you have given me and hope that you can appreciate the
work I have completed.
Dedication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii
Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
List of tables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
List of figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ viii
List of abbreviations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Habitat Suitability Modeling--------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.2 Description of the Study Area ------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.3 Thesis Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Chapter 2: Related work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.1 Deductive vs. Inductive Modeling ------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.2 Habitat Modeling Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------ 14
2.2.2 Generalized Linear Model (GLM) ------------------------------------------------- 17
2.2.3 Model Performance Measures ------------------------------------------------------ 18
2.2.4 Habitat Suitability Influencing Variables ----------------------------------------- 18
Chapter 3: Data and Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.1 Biological Input Data Management ----------------------------------------------------- 24
3.1.1 Species’ Presence Data Extraction ------------------------------------------------- 24
3.1.2 Species’ Absence Data Creation ---------------------------------------------------- 26
3.2 Environmental Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------ 29
3.3 Multicollinearity Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.4 Habitat Suitability Modeling Technique ------------------------------------------------ 48
3.4.1 Maximum Entropy (Maxent) -------------------------------------------------------- 49
3.4.2 Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) ----------------------------------------------- 54
3.5 Model Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.5.1 Threshold Dependent ----------------------------------------------------------------- 58
3.5.2 Threshold Independent --------------------------------------------------------------- 59
3.6 Mapping Habitat Suitability -------------------------------------------------------------- 60
3.7 Habitat Suitability Agreement ------------------------------------------------------------ 61
Chapter 4: Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
4.1 Multicollinearity Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------- 64
4.2 Maxent Habitat Suitability Modeling --------------------------------------------------- 66
4.2.1 Model Selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
4.2.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables ------------------------------- 69
4.2.3 Response of Environmental Variables to Mexican Spotted Owl Presence - 70
4.2.4 Model Validation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4.2.5 Habitat Suitability Maps ------------------------------------------------------------- 75
4.3 GLM Habitat Suitability Modeling ------------------------------------------------------ 77
4.3.1 Model Selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
4.3.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables ------------------------------- 78
4.3.3 Model Validation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
4.3.4 Habitat Suitability Maps ------------------------------------------------------------- 82
4.4 Habitat Suitability Model Agreement --------------------------------------------------- 85
Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------ 87
5.1 Model Selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87
5.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables------------------------------------- 87
5.3 Model Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88
5.4 Habitat Suitability -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
5.5 Modeling Limitations and Assumptions ------------------------------------------------ 91
5.6 Future Research ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
5.7 Final Thoughts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 93
References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
Table 1. Potential predictor variables and data sources used in modeling habitat
suitability of Mexican spotted owl in GNF------------------------------------- 30
Table 2. Raster settings used for NED mosiac -------------------------------------------- 32
Table 3. GNF percent canopy cover reclassification ------------------------------------ 36
Table 4. GNF tree size reclassification ----------------------------------------------------- 36
Table 5. Landsat 7 ETM+ scene reference data ------------------------------------------ 37
Table 6. TOA radiances, rescaled gains and biases -------------------------------------- 39
Table 7. Landsat 7 ETM+ scene values for day of the year, d, and θ
-------------- 40
Table 8. Landsat 7 ETM+ band specific solar irradiance ------------------------------- 41
Table 9. Linear regression parameters for identifying slope of soil line ------------- 43
Table 10. Tasseled cap coefficients for Landsat 7 ETM+ at-satellite reflectance --- 44
Table 11. Landsat 7 ETM+ thermal band atmospheric correction parameters ------- 45
Table 12. Confusion matrix for presence/pseudo-absence ------------------------------- 59
Table 13. Maxent and GLM combined grid confusion matrix for suitable and
unsuitable habitat-------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
Table 14. Highly correlated environmental variables (Pearson’s correlation
coefficient, r > 0.75) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Table 15. Correlated variable removal runs using VIF ----------------------------------- 65
Table 16. Multicollinearity analysis results for continuous environmental
variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66
Table 17. Pearson correlation of binary vegetation variables (Phi correlation
coefficient, r > 0.75) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 66
Table 18. Relative contributions of the environmental variables to Maxent
model-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
Table 19. Results of backward stepwise Maxent models with AICc ------------------- 68
Table 20. Error matrix of Maxent Model 9 validation using independent test data
presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) --------------------------------------------- 73
Table 21. Accuracy measures of Maxent Model 9 validation using independent
test data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) ---------------------------------- 73
Table 22. Habitat suitability class area and percent of total area ----------------------- 77
Table 23. The logistic regression best subset model results with AIC
values ------- 78
Table 24. Coefficients and Wald statistics of the environmental variables in the
best logistic regression model ---------------------------------------------------- 78
Table 25. Error matrix of best GLM model validation using independent test data
presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) --------------------------------------------- 81
Table 26. Accuracy measures of the GLM model validation using independent
test data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) ---------------------------------- 81
Table 27. Habitat suitability class area and percent of total area ----------------------- 84
Table 28. Error matrix of Maxent and logistic regression combined suitability
model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
Figure 1. GNF within New Mexico ----------------------------------------------------------- 5
Figure 2. General data flow of inductive and deductive GIS species
distribution/habitat models -------------------------------------------------------- 10
Figure 3. Training and testing presences for Mexican spotted owl in GNF ---------- 27
Figure 4. Training and test absences for Mexican spotted owl in GNF --------------- 28
Figure 5. Method for calculating profile and planimetric curvatures in a 3 x 3
matrix --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
Figure 6. Maxent habitat suitability modeling process ----------------------------------- 50
Figure 7. GLM logistic regression habitat suitability modeling process -------------- 55
Figure 8. Model validation and comparison process ------------------------------------- 57
Figure 9. Overlay of two input raster datasets. Syntax: outgrid = combine (Ingrid
1, Ingrid 2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
Figure 10. Maxent Model-1 jackknife test of variable importance in the
regularized training gain ----------------------------------------------------------- 68
Figure 11. Maxent Model-9 jackknife test of variable importance in the
regularized training gain ----------------------------------------------------------- 70
Figure 12. Response curves for the three environmental variable in Maxent
Model-9: (a) lst low, (b) elevation, and (c) sprox with 10% training
theshold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
Figure 13. ROC of Maxent Model-9 validation using independent test data
presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) --------------------------------------------- 74
Figure 14. Presence probability map of Mexican spotted owl in GNF predicted by
Maxent Model 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
Figure 15. Habitat suitability class map of Mexican spotted owl in GNF predicted
by Maxent Model 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 76
Figure 16. ROC of best GLM model validation using independent test data
presences/pseudo-absences (n=202) --------------------------------------------- 82
Figure 17. Presence probability map of Mexican spotted owl in GNF predicted by
best logistic regression model ---------------------------------------------------- 83
Figure 18. Habitat suitability class map of Mexican spotted owl in GNF predicted
by the best logistic regression model -------------------------------------------- 84
Figure 19. Maxent and logistic regression suitable habitat agreement map ----------- 85
Figure 20. Maxent habitat suitability model (a) and logistic regression habitat
suitability model (b) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 90
AIC Akaike Information Criteria
Akaike Information Criteria Corrected
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AOU American Ornithologists Union
AUC Area Under the Curve
BIOCLIM Bioclimatic Prediction and Modeling System
CSV Comma Separated Values
CT Classification Tree
CTI Compound Topographic Index
DN Digital Numbers
ENFA Ecological Niche Factor Analysis
ENMTools Ecological Niche Modeling Tools
ESA Endangered Species Act
ETM+ Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
FAC Flow Accumulation
FDR Flow Direction Raster
FN False Negative
FP False Positive
GAM Generalized Additive Model
GARP Genetic Algorithms for Rule Set Prediction
GIS Geographic Information System
GLM Generalized Linear Model
GPS Global Positioning System
HSI Habitat Suitability Index
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference Frame
MAHAL Mahalanobis
MAXENT Maximum Entropy Modeling
MCP Minimum Convex Polygon
MSAVI Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
NAD North American Datum
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NED National Elevation Dataset
NHD National Hydrography Dataset
NHDP National Hydrography Dataset Plus
NRIS Natural Resource Information System
PAC Protected Activity Center
PCA Principle Component Analysis
ROC Receiver Operator Curve
SAVI Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
SQL Structured Query Language
SWD Sample With Data
TN True Negative
TOA Top of Atmosphere
TP True Positive
USDI United States Department of the Interior
USFS United States Forest Service
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
WDVI Weighted Difference Vegetation Index
WGS World Geodetic System
WHR Wildlife Habitat Relationships
WRS World Reference System
Strix occidentalis lucida (Mexican spotted owl) is a threatened wildlife species under
the provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and in recent years Gila National
Forest (GNF), New Mexico has been a vital stronghold in providing suitable habitat
for remaining owl populations. Historical point call survey data provided by the U.S.
Forest Service (USFS) was processed to generate 405 presence points, which were
used to generate 405 pseudo-absences. For modeling purposes, 75% of the 405
presence and absence points were used for training habitat suitability models and 25%
were set aside for validation. Maxent and logistic regression were the methods
selected for modeling Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability. Several topographic,
water resource, vegetative, and climatic environmental variables were selected as the
potential environmental predictors. A stepwise Maxent model included the variables
land surface temperature low pass (lst low), elevation, and stream proximity (sprox),
resulting in a validation kappa of 0.370 and AUC of 0.777. The best logistic
regression model consisted of lst low, elevation, stream proximity, modified soil
adjusted vegetation index (msavi), and slope as the environmental variables with a
validation kappa of 0.267 and AUC of 0.750. Maxent and logistic regression habitat
suitability models had poor agreement when assessed using the habitat suitability
classes; however, they agreed substantially when comparing total suitable habitat
with a kappa of 0.655. The habitat suitability models both performed well, gave
similar accuracies, and may possibly aid future Mexican spotted owl surveys within
The Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) is one of three sub-species of
spotted owl recognized by the American Ornithologists Union (AOU). The other two
species are the Northern (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California spotted owl (Strix
occidentalis occidentalis), which are geographically isolated from the Mexican
spotted owl. In 1993, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) designated the
Mexican spotted as “Threatened” under the provisions of the Endangered Species
Act. Two primary reasons for its listing were alterations to its habitat due to
inadequate timber management practices and the continuation of these practices, and
catastrophic wildfires (USDI 1995).
At the time of its listing the USFWS developed a formal Mexican spotted owl
Recovery Plan which was completed in 1995. This Recovery Plan was the USFWS’s
attempt at restoring and conserving the population of Mexican spotted owls.
Management actions for the Mexican spotted owl recovery plan were specifically
designed to enhance the critical habitat of Mexican spotted owls. Critical habitat
refers to specific geographic locations vital for the conservation of threatened or
endangered species requiring special management actions. Critical habitat
designation only pertains to areas receiving federal funding, permits or authorization.
The Mexican spotted owl recovery plan proposed three levels of management: (1)
Protected areas; (2) Restricted areas; and (3) Other forests and woodland types.
Protected regions are considered the most important to the status of Mexican spotted
owls. Protected Activity Centers (PACs) include an area at least 243 hectares (600
acres) around known or historical nest or roost sites (generally slopes > 40% in
mixed-conifer and pine-oak forests that have not been harvested within the past 20
years) and adjacent foraging areas which may be in open Ponderosa pine (pinus
ponderosa) or even Piñon-Juniper stands.
The conservation and management of wildlife species is highly reliant on the
geographic location of potential habitat (Margules and Pressey 2000) that, in turn,
relies on research which clarifies the habitat preferences of the species. The Mexican
spotted owl recovery plan resulted in the designation of 4,629,883 acres of Mexican
spotted owl critical habitat. Of this total acreage, 1,125,955 acres are located within
Gila National Forest (GNF), comprising 24% of the total critical habitat in the U.S.
GNF contains three regions designated as critical habitat and 286 as Mexican spotted
owl protected activity centers (PACs). Despite these statistics, GNF has not been
entirely surveyed. The unsurveyed and remote locations may exhibit environmental
conditions suitable for Mexican spotted owl populations and as such may deserve
special management consideration.
The purpose of the study is to identify areas within GNF which may be
considered “suitable habitat” for use by the Mexican spotted owl. This work meets a
principal objective of the Mexican spotted owl Recovery Plan to identify and
delineate potential and occupied habitat (USDI 1995). Suitable habitat was predicted
using the presence-only and presence-absence statistical modeling methods of
maximum entropy and logistic regression. This study examines the accuracy of each
modeling method in predicting suitable habitat. In addition, this study seeks to
determine which potential environmental variables are most important to Mexican
spotted owl habitat. The level of agreement between the presence-only and presence-
absence habitat suitability models is calculated to determine if any differences exist
and if so to what degree.
1.1 Habitat Suitability Modeling
In terms of ecology, a habitat suitability model can be used to identify spatial aspects
or abiotic characteristics of habitat that affect the presence, abundance, or diversity of
organisms (Dzeroski 2009). These models use sets of environmental characteristics
to identify those spatial units most associated with the species of interest. They can
incorporate three different types of input data: abiotic, biotic, and resources variables
related to human activity and their impacts on the environment. Abiotic
environmental variables include terrain, geological composition (soil type, substrate),
physical and chemical properties of the soil, air and water, temperature, and
precipitation. Biological (i.e. biotic) input variables of the environment are coarser,
being more directly related to the species of interest. For example, modeling of
Mexican spotted owl habitat should include information such as snag density and
downed logs. Some environmental variables like land cover, exhibit abiotic and
biotic characteristics. The third group of environmental variables relates to human
impacts, such as fire, proximity to roadways, and adjacent development.
Habitat suitability models are developed through a variety of approaches.
Some of the earliest attempts to predict wildlife presence and relative abundance
included the Wildlife-Habitat Relationship System (WHR) and Habitat Suitability
Index (HSI). These habitat models have been used frequently; however, they are
literature based, usually do not pertain to well-defined populations, and lack any
statistical foundation (Dettmers and Bart 1999). The use of statistical models for
predicting the likely occurrence or distribution of species is fitting in wildlife
conservation and management (Pearce and Ferrier 2000b). Habitat suitability models
can be generated through several statistical analysis methods: linear regression,
logistic regression, discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, canocial
component analysis, and classification and regression tree analysis. Given that most
species exist in specific habitat conditions, the spatial distribution of many species
can be predicted by linking their occurrence patterns with selected environmental
parameters (Guisan and Zimmerman 2000). The most accurate habitat models are
derived from wildlife distribution data. However, collection of such data is often
expensive and labor intensive. Habitat suitability models using geographic
information systems (GIS) are cost effective in identifying and predicting suitable
habitat. GNF has been subjected to GIS modeling of Mexican spotted owl habitat,
but the model biological inputs were older and less cumbersome. Particular attention
is needed within this region, since it serves as a vital stronghold for Mexican spotted
owl populations (Ganey 2004).
1.2 Description of the Study Area
GNF is located in west-central New Mexico (Figure 1). The forest encompasses
approximately 3.3 million acres of public land, making it the sixth largest national forest
in the continental U.S. Its landscape is dominated by rocky mountain ranges dissected by
river valleys. Elevations range from 1,370 to 3,350 m. GNF also contains the largest
Figure 1. GNF within New Mexico
wilderness area within the Southwest, and vegetation ranges from semi-desert shrubland
and grasslands in lower elevations and to subalpine forest in higher elevations. Mid-
elevation regions are dominated by mixed woodlands of pinyon (Pinus edulis), juniper
(Juniperus spp.), and oak (Quercus spp.) and forests of ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa) intermixed with plains-mesa grasslands. Montane coniferous forests of white
fir (Abies concolor), blue spruce (Picea pungens), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii),
and southwestern white pine (Pinus strobiformis) occupy large expanses of the upper
elevations with the highest slopes and ridges dominated by subalpine coniferous forests
of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii).
Interspersion of broadleaf forests of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and gambel
oak (Quercus gambelii) occur throughout the montane and subalpine regions (Dahms and
Geils 1997).
GNF climate consists of dry mild winters and dry summers interspersed with a
monsoon season of about two months starting in mid-July. Average daily temperatures in
low elevation (< 2,500 m) areas range seasonally from 1.7°C to 21°C and higher
elevation areas (> 2,500 m) exhibit average daily temperatures from -5°C to 14°C.
Average annual precipitation can range from < 200 mm in the low elevation shrublands
to > 1,000 mm in the upper elevation subalpine forests.
This region contains large road-less areas, reducing the pressure of habitat loss
that can occur with regular land use. GNF contains a series of rocky mountain ranges
separated by river valleys and streams. The landscape within GNF has been highly
dissected by intense rainstorms which expedite erosion and geomorphological processes,
thus generating diverse topographic and biophysical settings.
1.3 Thesis Organization
The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 introduces habitat
suitability modeling using GIS and briefly discusses its increased usage in ecological
applications. Deductive and inductive modeling approaches will be described using
details about their processes and applications. A summary of the available habitat
suitability modeling techniques is provided as well as details about the most
commonly used techniques: maximum entropy and generalized linear models
(GLMs). Habitat suitability model performance measures and influencing variables
are also briefly discussed.
Chapter 3 describes the methodology used in this study, beginning with the
methods for generating presence and presence-absence data. The selection and
preparation of environmental variables will be described in detail here. The habitat
suitability modeling process for presence-only and presence-absence models also will
be explained in detail, including multicollinearity analysis among environmental
variables, model selection, validation, mapping, and comparison.
The results of this study are shown in Chapter 4, beginning with the
mulitcollinearity analysis of the selected environmental variables. The presence-only
and presence-absence modeling results are summarized next and the chapter
concludes with an assessment of the level of agreement between the presence-only
and presence-absence habitat suitability models.
Chapter 5 compares the results of the presence-only and presence-absence
modeling methods as they relate to previous research. The limitations and
assumptions of habitat suitability models are discussed along with recommendations
for future research. The significant findings resulting from this study are highlighted
in the final thoughts.
Ecological research has continually identified the habitat requirements of many
species of wildlife using species distribution, abundance, and suitability models
(Store and Jokimäki 2003). These habitat requirements vary among species and
entail the natural resources and environmental conditions present within a species
location. GIS applications are currently playing a pivotal role in ecological modeling,
by offering the capacity to generate habitat models derived from existing and
accessible data (vegetation surveys, remote sensing data, topographic maps, and
digital elevation models).
With the advent of GIS, predictive modeling of species niche requirements
and the spatial distribution of species has increased interest within wildlife
management related issues (Hirzel et al. 2006). Predictive models such as habitat
suitability models have been used for wildlife species distribution management
(Palma, Peja, and Rodrigues 1999), risk of biological invasion or endangered species
management (Guisan and Thuiller 2005), ecosystem restoration (Mladenoff et al.
1997), species reintroduction (Lenton, Fa, and Del Val 2000), population viability
analysis (Akçakaya, McCarthy, and Pearce 1995), and wildlife-human interfaces (Le
Lay, Clergeau, and Hubert-May 2001). Habitat suitability models have a variety of
uses with the utmost priority of predicting the presences or absences of species in an
area of interest based on the suitability of the species-environment relationships. In
addition, these models facilitate the rapid implementation of management decisions
with limited information (Palma, Beja, and Rodrigues 1999).
2.1 Deductive vs. Inductive Modeling
According to Stoms, David, and Cogan (1992), GIS technology is capable of
modeling species distributions and habitats through two main approaches-inductive
and deductive. Exclusively both approaches have proven to be effective in modeling
species distributions; however, deductive is implemented the most. Deductive
approaches are determined a priori and attempt to predict the species spatial
arrangement by selecting the ecological requirements considered the most important.
The process of deductive habitat modeling involves the selection of the most
favorable environmental conditions required for the species survival by specialists
with experience and knowledge of the species (Figure 2).
Figure 2. General data flow of inductive and deductive GIS species
distribution/habitat models
Source: adapted from Corsi, De Leeuw, and Skidmore (2000)
After identifying these environmental requirements a model can be generated
by logical or arithmetic map overlay processes (Jensen 1992; Congalton, Stenback,
and Barrett 1993). Results of these operations will produce a model indicating the
combined effects of all the environmental variables. Deductive approaches utilize
GIS layers in the analysis to create habitat models, since the species-environment
relationships are known.
Where species ecological requirements are unknown, inductive approaches
can be used. Inductive approaches use locations of species to identify their ecological
requirements. The end result of inductive habitat modeling is the same as deductive;
however, the analysis methods used in inductive models are more objectively driven.
Inductive approaches use GIS layers to both derive species-environment relationships
and to generate the habitat model (Figure 2). Both deductive and inductive
approaches can be implemented in an analytical or descriptive manner to derive
species-environment relationships. Deductive analytical approaches establish
variability by considering the advice of different specialists in order to define species-
environment relationships.
These approaches promote the inclusion of an acceptable range of
environmental variables based on species observation data. Analytical approaches
whether deductive or inductive can potentially identify which environmental
variables are the most important for species survival (Corsi, De Leeuw, and Skidmore
Deductive-analytical approaches are often implemented through methods such
as multi-criteria decision making or nominal group techniques, requiring inputs from
more than one specialist. Inductive-analytical approaches derive species-environment
relationships by using some type of statistical analysis such as classification trees,
generalized linear models (GLM), generalized additive models (GAM) (Guisan and
Zimmermann 2000), Bayes theorem approach (Grubb et al. 2003), discriminant
analysis, neural networks, logistic regression (Manel, Williams, and Ormerod 1999),
principal component analysis (PCA) (Singh et al. 2009), cluster analysis (Lazenby et
al. 2008), and mahalanobis distance (Hellgren et al. 2006).
Deductive-descriptive modeling uses prior specialist knowledge in a
deterministic manner, identifying associations of a species presence or absence with
environmental variables. Inductive-descriptive approaches typically involve overlay
of known species locations with the associated environmental variables. In
comparison, descriptive models whether deductive or inductive tend to incorporate
fewer environmental variables than analytical models and fail to identify variability
and relationships among the variables. Descriptive models lack information
indicating the importance of one variable over another (Corsi, De Leeuw, and
Skidmore 2000).
Deductive and inductive habitat modeling results can be classified as either
categorical-discrete or probabilistic-continuous. Categorical-discrete models are
typically polygon maps which classify each polygon in agreement with presence-
absence conditions or by nominal category. Discrete models are usually generated
using deductive modeling and link the presence of species to polygons of land unit
types (e.g., land-use, vegetation categories, and stewardship). Discrete model results
are static in illustrating species distribution, failing to account for species mobility.
Probabilistic-continuous models are continuous surfaces of an index illustrating
species presence in terms of relative importance of any given location with respect to
all the others. Examples of continuous model indices include suitability indices,
probability of presence, and ecological distances from optimum conditions.
Continuous models can identify and describe the randomness associated with locating
an individual of a species (Akçakaya 1993).
These predictive models typically are implemented to identify species-
relationships for predicting the occurrence of species in un-sampled locations (Hirzel
et al. 2006). Such models are very effective in modeling the habitat of threatened
species which are difficult to identify and locate (Store and Jokimäki 2003).
According to Guisan and Zimmermann (2000), predictive modeling involves
conceptual model formulation, calibration, and evaluation.
The conceptual model is composed of an ecological model and a data model.
Formulation of the conceptual model is achieved through descriptive data from
literature, field data, and laboratory experiments. Assumptions and theories to be
tested can also be incorporated into the ecological component of the conceptual
model. For instance, it may be assumed that Mexican spotted owl nest locations are
primarily determined by number of snags per acre rather than by forest species
composition. The methodology for the collection, measurement, and estimation of
data is vital to conceptual model formulation, since the majority of problems arise in
the data modeling process. Such problems include the selection of the appropriate
scale of observations and the ensuing positional accuracy when ecological field data
are used with GIS (Austin 2002).
Statistical model formulation or verification involves: (1) the selection of an
appropriate algorithm for predicting a particular type of response variable and estimating
the model coefficients; and (2) an optimal statistical approach with regard to the
modeling context (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000). Model selection requires extensive
knowledge about species-environment relationships and should only be performed after
acquiring such an understanding (Austin 2002). Statistical models can be effective in
providing a description of the realized niche of a species but conversely, poor in
representing a species fundamental niche (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000). Although
statistical models provide us with some underlying reasons why species prevail in certain
environmental conditions they fail to represent the realized niche that occurs in nature
(Silvertown 2004). The majority of statistical models is designed for specific purposes
and prior to usage should be tested to verify their adequacy for the intended research
goals. These models are accountable for the choice and format of the data and depend on
concrete assumptions about the data (Hirzel and Guisan 2002).
2.2. Habitat Modeling Techniques
Habitat suitability models can be generated using a variety of methods by either
utilizing presence-only or presence-absence species data. Generally these models
entail the counting of individuals of the target species within each plot. Plots are
considered the sampling units and variables are identified as either the number of
animals present or one or more habitat descriptors. According to this approach, zero
means “none present” and one represents “present”. When the quantity of a specific
species is recorded in this 0-1 binary format the data is referred to as presence-
absence data, which is not typical of most wildlife surveys. The majority of wildlife
surveys consist of presence-only data, where data is collected only from locations
where animals were actually observed. Presence-only data is frequently used for
surveying wildlife species which are highly mobile, and have the potential to use
other plots when the observer is not present. In such instances, an observer records
information of other plots used by the target species to alleviate the impossibility of
potential use (Dettmers and Bart 1999). Presence-only data models have performed
less accurately than presence-absence models and require more complex statistical
methods. Presence-absence data is generally incorporated into models using multiple
regression methods with generalized techniques and classification trees (GLM, GAM,
and CT; Guisan and Zimmermann 2000). Modeling techniques requiring presence-
only species data include ecological niche variable analysis (ENFA); e.g. Braunisch
et al. (2008), and Hirzel and Guisan (2002), environmental envelopes (BIOCLIM;
e.g. Beaumont, Hughes, and Poulsen 2005), maximum entropy modeling (MAXENT;
e.g. Phillips, Hughes, and Poulsen 2006), mahalanobis statistic (MAHAL; e.g.
Dettmers and Bart 1999), and Genetic Algorithms for Rule-Set Prediction (GARP;
e.g. Levin, Peterson, and Benedict 2004). One example from each class is examined
in more detail in the two subsections that follow.
2.2.1 Maximum Entropy Modeling
Maximum entropy is a well formulated statistical approach for making predictions or
assumptions about incomplete data. The idea of maximum entropy is to estimate a target
probability distribution by finding the probability distribution of maximum entropy (i.e.
that is most spread out, or closest to uniform), subject to a set of constraints that represent
our incomplete information about the target distribution. The information available about
the target distribution often presents itself as a set of real-valued variables, called
“features”, and the constraints are that the expected value of each feature should match its
empirical average (average value for a set of sample points taken from the target
distribution) (Phillips, Hughes, and Poulsen 2006).
Several advantages associated with maximum entropy modeling include:
(1) requires presence-only data; (2) can utilize continuous and categorical data,
and can include interactions between different variables; (3) implements
deterministic algorithms that ensure selection of the most optimal probability
distribution; (4) can use regularization to avoid over-fitting; (5) model outputs are
continuous, permitting improved classification of modeled habitat suitability; and
(6) can be applied to presence-absence data using conditional models (as in
Berger et al. 1996). Drawbacks of maximum entropy modeling are: (1) it
provides a general statistical method that lacks the error prediction techniques of
established methods such as GLM and GAM; (2) regularization is a relatively
new concept and requires further study; (3) it uses an exponential model for
probabilities, which is not confined to a range of values facilitating the prediction
of values for environmental conditions outside the range present in the study area
therefore attention is needed when extrapolating prediction data to another study
area or to future or past climatic conditions; and (4) special-purpose software is
required, as maximum entropy is not available in standard statistical packages
(Phillips, Hughes, and Poulsen 2006).
2.2.2 Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
Logistic regression is a statistical modeling tool employed for estimating event
probabilities when the response variable is present or absent (Zarri et al. 2008). The
response variable in a habitat suitability model is represented by the target species
and the exploratory variables are the influencing variables. These designations can be
both interval or categorical (such as percent canopy cover and vegetation type).
Specific examples of logistic regression include GLMs and GAMs. GLMs are
logistic regression models which relate a linear combination of environmental
variables (exploratory variables) to the predicted variable (response variable) by use
of a logistic link function which limits the predicted variable to a probability of 0 to 1
(Guisan and Zimmermann 2000). GAMs are an extension of GLM but have the
ability to deal with highly non-linear and non-monotonic relationships between the
predicted variable and the environmental variables (Hirzel et al. 2006). Logistic
regression has been extensively used to predict the occurrence and habitat use by an
assortment of different wildlife species including gopher tortoise (Gopherusp
olyphemus) (Baskaran et al. 2006), Greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)
(Keating 2004), Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) (Bian and West 1997),
roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) (Pompilio and Meriggi 2001), Bonelli’s eagle
(Hieraaetus fasciatus) (Lopez-Lopez et al. 2006), and Mexican spotted owl (Hathcock
and Haarman 2008).
2.2.3 Model Performance Measures
Model validation is an important part in model building and is used to test the
performance of modeling approaches (Vaughn and Ormerod 2005). Model
performance can be accessed through a variety of methods; the most commonly used
are the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve and Cohen’s Kappa Statistic, i.e.
kappa statistic. ROC curves are built by using all conceivable thresholds to arrange
scores into confusion matrices, acquiring sensitivity and specificity for each matrix
and then plotting all sensitivity values (true positive fraction) on the y axis against
their equivalent (1 - specificity) values (false positive fraction) on the x axis (Fielding
and Bell 1997). The ROC can be summarized by the area under the curve (AUC) as a
measure of overall accuracy that is threshold independent and values range from 0.5
to 1.0. Values close to 0.5 indicate a fit no better than random expectance, while a
value of 1.0 indicates a perfect fit (Baldwin 2009).
The kappa statistic is a threshold dependent performance measure which
compares the agreement against that which might be expected by random chance, i.e.
chance-corrected proportional agreement. Kappa statistic values range from -1 complete
disagreement) through 0 (no agreement above that expected by random chance) to +1
(complete agreement).
2.2.4 Habitat Suitability Influencing Variables
Though GIS technology has increased the efficiency of modeling wildlife habitat, it is
important to keep in mind that underlying variables constantly influence the
predictability of these models in terms of wildlife habitat use and suitability.
Research indicates the use of presence-absence data produces the most accurate
habitat suitability model; however, the quality of this data ultimately determines the
level of accuracy. Two common problems associated with presence-absence data are
those of commission and omission. Commission errors are a result of predicting
species where they do not occur, whereas omission errors fail to predict where a
species does occur (Guisan and Thuiller 2005). The quality of presence-absence data
relies on the sampling size of the observation data, i.e. the number of occurrences,
which can drastically impact modeling accuracy (Stockwell and Peterson 2005). The
sample size is directly related to the modeling technique to be implemented. For
example, Stockwell and Peterson (2005) found that surrogate logistic regression
models produced the least accurate results at lower sampling sizes, while accuracy
was greatest when sample size was maximized. In addition, Stockwell and Peterson
(2005) concluded that GARP requires half the sampling size of logistic regression to
achieve the same level of accuracy.
To improve modeling accuracy the sampling design should consider the method
of presence-absence data collection. The majority of habitat models which implement
observational data lack appropriate sampling designs (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000).
An effective sampling design should designate an appropriate spatial scale (Fitzgerald
and Lees 1994), set of ecologically meaningful variables (Guisan and Zimmermann
2000), and a sampling strategy that identifies all the influencing variables and satisfies
modeling objectives (Wessels et al. 1998). To maximize habitat modeling accuracy, the
sampling design needs to embrace the resource, direct, and indirect ecological gradients
related to the target species (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000).
Accuracy in modeling of wildlife habitat suitability is significantly impacted by
the quality and quantity of species presence data; however, accurate absence data is
equally important. Confirmation of species absences is difficult and is a result of the
survey failing to detect a species that is currently residing within that location; even if the
species is roosting or residing elsewhere within its home range (MacKenzie 2005).
The assumption that species are absent due to unsuitable habitat may be invalid
for the following-reasons habitat population dynamics, fragmentation, rate of dispersal or
history-which may force species to use least optimal habitats (Brotons et al. 2004; Araujo
and Williams 2000). If absences are correlated to low suitable habitat the information
derived from them should enhance model accuracy (Hirzel et al. 2006). As with
presence-absence data that exhibit omission and commission errors, absences can be
either true of false. True absences are those occurring in locations that are deemed
unsuitable and false absences refer to instances in which the survey fails to detect the
species in habitat it is currently using. MacKenzie (2005) suggests that conducting
multiple surveys in a location within a short time frame can minimize the frequency of
false absences.
Survey detection of a species is influenced by many variables including the
sampling methods, environmental conditions, population density, and species-specific
characteristics. Species-specific characteristics are vitally important, especially when
species of wildlife change their activity patterns according to the time of day and the
seasons. For instance, species such as Mexican spotted owl are nocturnal, thus the
majority of surveys are conducted at night. Population density also has an influence. The
more individuals present, the greater the probability of detection. Accurate collection of
absence data can be achieved through sampling methods that guarantee high probability
of detection and sufficient sampling effort. Some effective sampling methods of species
occupancy include standard design, double sampling, and removal sampling. Removal
sampling designs are identified as the most efficient methods for determining species
occupancy especially when detection probability is constant (MacKenzie and Royle
MacKenzie (2005) indicates that detection probability should be a high priority in
collecting presence-absence data and is vital to making informed management decisions.
MacKenzie and Royle (2005) suggest that low probability of false absences should
incorporate more sampling units rather than increasing surveys per sampling unit. When
the probability of detecting a false absence is high, supplementary surveys need to be
performed. Prior to developing a sampling strategy, the why, what, and how of the
intended study need to be fully addressed: why collect the data, what type of data to
collect, and how should the data in field be collected and analyzed (Yoccoz, Nichols and
Boulinier 2001).
Uncertainty about presence-absence data can significantly impact modeling
accuracy; however, other variables can influence habitat suitability modeling success as
well. The spatial scale or resolution of models can affect the relationships that are
identified between the habitat variables and species presence-absences (see Graf et al.
2005). Model accuracy is affected by the spatial scale of habitat variables, for example,
Graf et al. (2005) identified that some habitat variables explained species occurrences
better at small scales, while others performed better at large scales. The type of habitat
analysis being conducted is ultimately going to determine the appropriate scale to use.
For instance, if the research objective is to model suitable habitat patches of a target
species, the model should be developed at a relatively small scale. If the research aim is
to model the population distribution and connectivity, implementation of large scale
models is more appropriate (Graf et al. 2005). Research has indicated that multi-scaled
approaches are effective tools in modeling wildlife habitat at small and large scales (e.g.
Graf et al. 2005, Store and Jokimäki 2003). In addition, spatial scale influences the
impact spatial autocorrelation has on a model. Characteristically species distributions are
positively autocorrelated, thus indicating that nearby locations are exhibiting more
similar characteristics than would be expected by random chance (Lichstein et al. 2002).
Spatial autocorrelation results may be exacerbated when the sampling locations are
positioned too close together, voiding the independence of species observations, hence
potentially overestimating the effects of habitat variables, which themselves are
autocorrelated (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000; Gumpertz, Graham, and Ristaino 1997).
Using sampling distances larger than the minimum distances at which autocorrelation
occurs can help avoid autocorrelation. In situations where sampling distance is too low
to avoid autocorrelation, an autocorrelative model can be used (Guisan and Zimmermann
2000; Roxburg and Chesson 1998).
Accuracy in habitat suitability modeling is also influenced by the choice of habitat
variables, the method by which they are selected, and level of model complexity.
Research by Duff and Morrell (2005) shows that specific habitat variables such as
elevation are better in predicting silver haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and big
brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), while distance from lakes and ponds is better for
predicting presence of Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis). Since habitat variables make
or break the modeling process, proper methodology needs to be used in selecting these
variables. Ideally the selected habitat variables need to produce the best suitability model
for the target species in terms of predictive accuracy, within the limits of biological
knowledge and data (Pearce and Ferrier 2000b).
According to Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989) the selection of habitat variables
needs to incorporate: (1) a plan of action to select the habitat variables; and (2)
methods for assessing the sufficiency of the model both in terms of individual
variable and collective variable modeling accuracy. When generating habitat
suitability models, in which the target species is not well understood or the
importance of individual habitat variables and associations are not known, stepwise
selection should be used (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989).
In this chapter, the methodology used to construct spatial models of Mexican spotted
owl habitat suitability using different techniques is discussed in detail. This
methodology is organized and discussed using the following subsections: (1)
biological input data management; (2) multicolinearity analysis; (3) modeling and
analysis; (4) model validation; and (5) agreement between predictive models.
3.1 Biological Input Data Management
The first procedure details the processes used to generate the biological input data
needed for model formulation. The biological input data are divided into two parts:
(1) species’ observation data extraction; and (2) environmental variable selection and
3.1.1 Species’ Presence Data Extraction
Mexican spotted owl presence data were derived from the Natural Resource
Information System (NRIS) geodatabase provided by the U.S. Forest Service Region
3, GNF. Two point feature classes identified as NRIS Wildlife Observations and
NRIS Wildlife Sites were used from the geodatabase which consisted of: (1) Global
Positioning System (GPS) point locations of wildlife survey observations and
historical records; and (2) wildlife site visits. These point feature classes contained
survey observations and site visit observations for all wildlife species surveyed within
the GNF administrative bounds, which included a section of Apache National Forest.
To include only point presences within the study area, Esri ArcMap 10.0 was used to
clip both feature classes to the boundary of the study area.
After clipping to the study area, both presence feature classes still contained point
locations of species that were not of interest. To select only presences of Mexican
spotted owl, ArcMap ‘Select by Attributes’ was used to perform the following Structured
Query Language (SQL) query:
SELECT * FROM NRIS Wildlife Observations
NRIS Wildlife Sites
WHERE: “COMMON NAM” = Mexican Spotted Owl.
Each selection output was exported into a new point shapefile containing observations
(Mexican spotted owl Observations) and site visits (Mexican spotted owl Site Visits) of
Mexican spotted owl. The NRIS Wildlife Observation and NRIS Site Visit selection
layers were exported into shapefiles because ‘Select by Attributes’ will not work on
layers created from selections unless the layer is exported and saved as a shapefile or
feature class. Although the Mexican spotted owl observation dataset contained extensive
historical records, ‘Select by Attributes’ was used to select only observations collected
from 1990 through 2009. To prepare the Mexican spotted owl SiteVisit dataset, the
sampling point locations were deleted, leaving the nest and roost locations for model
development. The preceding clipping and select by attribute operations of the presence
data resulted in 1,535 visual/aural observations, 108 nests, and 102 roosts.
The Mexican spotted owl presence data displayed a clustered distribution pattern
with significant spatial autocorrelation, which is typical of ecological data. Spatial
autocorrelation indicates a lack of independence between pairs of observations at given
distances in space or time (Legendre 1993). To ensure independence and reduce spatial
autocorrelation, 182 ha buffers were applied to all presence locations using the
ArcToolbox ‘Buffer’ tool, to enforce a minimum distance of 761.13 m between
presences. Collection date and type of presence was used in eliminating locations failing
to meet these minimum distances. The priority of presence types followed sequentially,
nests, roosts, and observations. The most recent presences meeting minimum distance
requirements were retained for training and testing the models. Results of the minimum
distance analysis yielded a total of 320 owl observations, 54 nest, and 31 roost sites.
Processed Mexican spotted owl Observation and Mexican spotted owl Site Visit
presences were merged into a single Mexican spotted owl presence shapefile and
assigned XY coordinates using the spatial reference system selected for this research:
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), North American Datum 1983 (NAD83), Zone 12
North (12N), meters. The Mexican spotted owl presence dataset was used to directly
train and test the habitat suitability models. The ArcMap Geostatistical Analyst ‘Subset
Features’ tool was used to split the 405 Mexican spotted owl presences into 304 (75% of
405) for training and 101 (25% of 405) for testing (Figure 3).
3.1.2 Species’ Absence Data Creation
Appropriate selection of presence data is essential for presence-only and presence-
absence habitat suitability modeling; however, the appropriate selection of pseudo-
absences or background locations is equally important. Instead of generating random
pseudo-absences throughout the study area, random sampling was confined to the convex
hull of all the presences and excluded from the 182 ha buffers of all the presences. This
selection was designed to compensate for the spatial bias associated with the presences.
Figure 3. Training and testing presences for Mexican spotted owl in GNF
Figure 4. Training and test absences for Mexican spotted owl in GNF
The Esri ArcToolbox was used to generate a minimum convex polygon (MCP) of
all 1,745 presences prior to presence data preparation. The MCP of all presences was
then clipped to the boundary of GNF. Using the MCP as the input feature and 182 ha
presence buffers as the erase features, the ArcToolbox ‘Erase’ function was executed to
generate the pseudo-absence sampling area. The pseudo-absence sampling area was then
used for generating random pseudo absence points for training and testing the Maxent
and GLM models.
Using the pseudo-absence sampling area polygon as the constraining feature
class, 10,000 as the number of points, and 30 m as the linear threshold between points,
the ArcToolbox ‘Create Random Point’ function was used to create the Maxent training
pseudo absences or the target background. Maxent and GLM validation was performed
using the same independent pseudo-absences. Unlike Maxent, GLM required pseudo-
absences for training as well as validation. A total of 405 pseudo-absences were
generated using the same procedures for generating the Maxent target background. The
405 pseudo-absences were split into 304 (75% of 405) for training the GLM and 101
(25% of 405) for testing Maxent and GLM using the same procedure as was used for the
presence data (Figure 4). The pseudo-absence data sets were assigned XY coordinates
using the same coordinate system as the presence data. Preparation of the pseudo-
absence datasets was complete aside from extracting the environmental variable values.
3.2 Environmental Variables
Sixteen environmental variables were selected as potential predictor variables of
Mexican spotted owl distribution according to the scientific literature and expert’s
hypotheses. These variables were categorized into four groups: topographic, water
resources, vegetation, and climatic variables. Table 1 lists the units and data sources
for the potential environmental variables.
Table 1. Potential predictor variables and data sources used in modeling habitat
suitability of Mexican spotted owl in GNF
Environmental variable Units Data source
Compound topographic
index (cti)
USGS 1-arc second NED
Eastness (e) --
Elevation (elev) m
Northness (n) --
Planimetric Curvature
Slope º
Stream Proximity (sprox) m USGS NHD (1:24,000)
Percent Canopy Cover (cc)
% canopy
USFS Region 3 mid-scale
vegetation geodatabase
Tree Size (ts)
DBH size
Normalized difference
vegetation index (ndvi)
USGS Landsat 7 ETM+
Bands 3 and 4
Modified soil adjusted
vegetation index (msavi)
Tasseled Cap Brightness
USGS Landsat 7 ETM+
Bands 1-5 and 7
Tasseled Cap Greenness
Tasseled Cap Wetness
Land surface temperature
low pass (lst low)
º C
USGS Landsat 7 ETM+
Band 6 low and high pass Land surface temperature
high pass (lst high)
º C
Unlike the wildlife distribution data which required special use permits from the
USFS, the data sources used for all the environmental variables are freely available
through public access websites. Topographic variables were taken from National
Elevation Dataset (NED) snapshots obtained from the National Hydrography Dataset
Plus (NHDP) website accessible at The
NHDP contains water resources variables in low resolution (1:100,000); however, high
resolution (1:24,000) hydrology data was preferred for model formulation. The high
resolution hydrology data and categorical vegetation data (% canopy cover, tree size)
used for this study is available through the USFS GNF GIS data portal. Data sources for
generating Landsat derived vegetation indices and climatic variables are freely available
from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) LandsatLook Viewer.
3.2.1 Topographic Variables
Topographic variables were derived from snapshots of the 1 arc-second NED. The 1
arc-second NED was selected because it matched the 30 m by 30 m cell size that was
used for all of the other environmental variables. The NED was authored in
December, 2011 from the USGS, yet was obtained from the Horizon Systems
Corporation NHDP Version 2 hydrologic data. The NHDP data is distributed by
major drainage areas of the U.S. GNF is located within the Colorado and Rio Grande
drainage areas. These drainage areas are divided into vector processing units,
containing several raster processing units. This study required 1 arc-second NED
snapshot grids of raster processing units 15a and 13a. The vertical measurement
unit of the NED was centimeters and prior to mosiacing, the grid measurements were
converted to meters. The NEDs were mosiacked into one raster grid using Esri’s
‘Mosiac to New Raster’ function with specific settings (Table 2).
Table 2. Raster settings used for NED mosiac
Settings Values
Spatial reference UTM NAD83 Zone 12N
Pixel type 32-bit float
Cell size 30
Number of bands 1
Mosiac operator Mean
Mosiac colormap mode First
Before calculation of topographic derivatives, the NED mosaic was clipped to the
study area using the ArcToolbox ‘Extract by Mask’ tool to reduce computation time. The
imperfections of the NED were then removed, by using Esri’s ‘Fill sinks’ function.
Using the NED, three topographic derivatives (eastness, northness, and slope) were
calculated using Esri’s ArcGIS Desktop 10.0 Spatial Analyst Extension. Slope was
calculated in degrees and provided a measurement of terrain steepness; the greater the
value the steeper the terrain. Aspect is a circular measure of degrees from north and can
cause misleading results. For instance, a cell with an aspect of 359° would be assigned a
much different value than a cell with an aspect of 1° even though in reality their
orientations are similar. Hence, aspect was divided into two linear components of
eastness and northness by calculating the sine (eastness) and cosine (northness) of the
original aspect values using Esri’s ‘Raster Calculator’. Both eastness and northness
ranged from -1 to 1, with negative values indicating west and south facing aspects and
positive values indicating east and north facing aspects, respectively.
The compound topographic index (CTI), also referred to as compound terrain
index or topographic wetness index, is a steady-state wetness index that is calculated as a
function of both slope and upstream contributing area (Yang et al. 2008):
λ=ln= �
tan β
where λ is the CTI, α is the specific catchment area expressed as m
per unit width
orthogonal to the flow direction, and β is the slope angle expressed in radians. The CTI
was calculated using the Geomorphometry and Gradient Metrics toolbox version a1.01
for ArcGIS 10.0. This toolbox contains various python scripts for calculating gradient
and geomorphometric metrics used for surface analysis. The CTI python script used the
NED as the input layer to implement the following processes: (1) calculating the flow
direction raster (FDR); (2) the use of FDR to calculate flow accumulation (FAC); (3) the
calculation and conversion of slope to degrees radians using the tangent of slope; (4)
processing the tangent of slope to remove any zeros to prevent any undefined cells in the
CTI output; (5) calculating the upslope contributing area α by multiplying (FAC + 1) *
cell size; and (6) using Equation (2) to calculate the CTI values.
The CTI indicates the wetness of the topography; high CTI values indicate the
wettest conditions, while low CTI values suggest drier conditions. More advanced
methods are available for generating FDR, FAC, and CTI, but usually are implemented
for in-depth hydrologic modeling analysis. The methods used for this study were deemed
suitable according to the intended project goals. The final NED derivative variable,
planimetric curvature was derived using Esri’s ‘Curvature’ function, which is based on
Zevenbergen and Thorne’s (1987) methods for fitting a local quadratic surface in a 3 x 3
matrix, around a given point z
(Figure 5). Planimetric curvature can be derived using
Equation (3):
-2 �dh
+ eg
- fgh �
+ h
where z is the elevation of the cell center, d = [(z
+ z
, e = [(z
+ z
, f
= [(-z
+ z
+ z
– z
, g = (-z
– z
)/2L, h = (z
– z
)/2L, and L = Cell size. The
planimetric curvature reveals the curvature of the surface perpendicular to the slope
All resulting topographic variable grids were then resampled using Esri’s
‘Resample’ tool and bilinear interpolation. The resampled topographic variables were
later used for logistic regression analysis and converted to the American Standard Code
for Information Interchange (ASCII) format using Esri’s ‘Raster to ASCII’ function for
use in Maxent.
Figure 5. Method for calculating profile and planimetric curvatures in a 3 x 3 matrix
Source: adapted from Zevenbergen and Thorne (1987)
3.2.2 Water Resources
The water resources variable (stream proximity) was created from the high resolution
NHD that the USFS Service Region 3 provided. This hydrology dataset contained many
hydrologic features and the ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial stream features were
chosen for use in this study. The ArcMap ‘Select by Attributes’ and ‘Create Layer From
Selection’ functions were used to generate a hydrology dataset containing only these
stream features. The Spatial Analyst ‘Euclidean Distance’ function was used to produce
a stream proximity grid with a 30 m cell size. This grid measured the proximity to the
nearest water source, such that low values are closer to the water source and high values
are further away. The geographic bounds, geographic projection, resampling method,
and data format (Esri Grid and ASCII) of the stream proximity variable were uniformly
defined to match those of all other variables.
3.2.3 Vegetation Variables
The vegetation variables percent canopy cover and tree size were derived from the
USFS Region 3 mid-scale vegetation geodatabase. These data sources provided the
most current vegetation data for GNF. The mid-scale vegetation data were vector-
based; however, the modeling software required gridded datasets. The ArcToolbox
‘Feature to Raster’ tool was run to convert both mid-scale vegetation datasets to Esri
grid format using the description attribute field for assigning values to the output
raster and a 30 m cell size. The resulting percent canopy cover and tree size grids
were classified into eight description classes. Both mid-scale vegetation grids were
reclassified into four descriptive classes (Tables 3 and 4).
Table 3. GNF percent canopy cover reclassification
Table 4. GNF tree size reclassification
Mid-Scale Percent Canopy Cover Reclassified
Raster Value Description Raster Value Descriptions
1 Tree, dia 0-4.9 in 1 Tree, dia 0-4.9 in
2 Tree, dia 5-9.9 2 Tree, dia 5-9.9 in
3 Tree, dia 10-19.9 in 3 Tree, dia > 10 in
4 Tree, dia 20+ in 3
Sparsley Vegetated
5 Grass/Forb 4
6 Sparsely vegetated 4
7 Water 4
8 Shrub, all hts 4
These mid-scale vegetation grids were then clipped to the study area using the
same methods as when processing the topographic variables. The Esri grid outputs were
retained for the logistic regression analysis and converted to ASCII format for use in
Maxent. Resampling of mid-scale vegetation grids was not necessary because the default
nearest neighbor interpolation is recommended for categorical variables.
Mid-Scale Percent Canopy Cover Reclassified
Raster Value Description Raster Value Descriptions
1 Tree cc 10-29.9% 1 Tree cc 10-29.9%
2 Tree cc 30-59.9% 2 Tree cc 30-59.9%
3 Tree cc 60+% 3 Tree cc 60+%
Sparsely vegetated,<10%
vegetative cover
Sparsley Vegetated
Grass/Forb, Tree cc<10%,
Shrub cc <10%
6 Shrub cc 10-29.9% 4
7 Shrub cc 30+% 4
8 Water 4
The remaining vegetation variables (NDVI, MSAVI, tasseled cap-brightness,
greenness, and wetness) were derived from cloud free Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic
Mapper Plus (ETM+) scenes downloaded from the USGS EarthExplorer website. The
acquisition dates, Landsat reference system, and projected coordinate system of the
Landsat 7 level 1G scenes that were used are provided in Table 5. Landsat 7 ETM+
derived vegetation indices were generated by individual scenes using ArcMap and later
mosiacked using Clark Labs Idrisi Selva software.
Table 5. Landsat 7 ETM+ scene reference data
Reference system/Path/Row Coordinate System
05/09/2003 WRS-II/34/37 WGS84 UTM Zone 13N
05/16/2003 WRS-II/35/37 WGS84 UTM Zone 12N
05/16/2003 WRS-II/35/36 WGS84 UTM Zone 12N
05/25/2003 WRS-II/35/38 WGS84 UTM Zone 12N
The Landsat 7 level 1G products were radiometrically and geometrically
corrected at the source, georeferenced and stored as GeoTIFF files. Each level 1G scene
provides 30 m resolution GeoTIFF images for bands 1-8 and a metadata file (mtl).
Processing of Landsat data began by projecting the band images into datum NAD83 and
coordinate system UTM Zone 12N. Conversion from World Geodetic System (WGS) 84
to NAD83 required the use of the WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983 geographic
transformation. Analysis of the projected images indicated slight offset of Landsat scene
WRS-II/34/37 relative to the remaining images, even when projecting these images to
either UTM Zone 12N or 13N. To align this scene’s images with the remaining images,
ArcMap was used to shift the images into place by snapping the images to the WRS-
II/35/37 scene images.
The projected Landsat images were next clipped by scene using polygon
shapefiles extending just inside the edge of the scene backgrounds containing values
of zero. This ensured that the calculation of reflectance and vegetation indices would
not occur on sections with missing data.
The Landsat derived vegetation variables first required the conversion of
digital numbers (DN) to top of atmosphere (TOA) radiance. During Landsat 7 level
1G product rendering, image pixels are converted to units of absolute radiance using
32 bit floating-point calculations and scaled to 8 bit values for media output. The
original DN of the ETM+ images were converted to TOA radiance based on methods
provided by the Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook (NASA 2004). The
following equation was used to convert the DN back to TOA radiance:
= G
* Q
+ B
which can also be expressed as:
= �
- L
� �DN - QCAL
�+ L
where L
is TOA radiance at the sensor's aperture in W m
and QCAL
=0 are the highest and lowest DN values of the rescaled radiance range,
and L
and L
are the TOA radiances that are scaled to the QCAL
in W m
The G
(gain) and B
(bias) numbers used in Equation (4) were
obtained from Chander, Markham, and Helder (2009) (Table 6). These post-
calibration dynamic ranges are band-specific rescaling factors normally provided in
the Level 1 product header file. In some instances, the Level 1 product header file
may contain slightly different rescaling factors than provided in Table 6. In these
cases, the user should use the product header file information to convert image pixel
DNs to TOA radiance. TOA radiance was calculated for bands 1-7.
Table 6. TOA radiances, rescaled gains and biases
Band L
(Gain = High,Low)
1 -6.2 191.6 0.778740 High -6.98
2 -6.4 196.5 0.798819 High -7.20
3 -5.0 152.9 0.621664 High -5.62
4 -5.1 241.1 0.969291 Low -6.07
5 -1.0 31.06 0.126220 High -1.13
6 L 0.0 17.04 0.067087 Low -0.07
6 H 3.2 12.65 0.037205 High 3.16
7 -0.35 10.80 0.043898 High -0.39
While spectral radiance is the measure quantified by Landsat sensors, a
conversion to TOA reflectance was needed to reduce scene to scene variability.
Reflectance removes differences caused by the position of the sun and the differing
amounts of energy output by the sun in each band. The TOA reflectance was
calculated with the following equation:
π *L
- sin(θ
where P
is the TOA reflectance, L
is TOA radiance (W m
), d is the earth
to sun distance in astronomical units at the acquisition date, ESUN
is the band
specific solar irradiance (W m
), and θ
is the solar zenith angle in degrees.
In addition to L
, three other pieces of information were required for calculating
reflectance. The first two were d, the earth-sun distance, and θ
, the solar elevation
angle. Both values are scene dependent, specifically the day of the year and the time
of the day when the scene was captured. The day of the year and solar elevation
angle were stored in the Landsat scene Level I header files ending with _MTL.txt.
These header files were searched to identify the day of the year labeled
“Date_Hour_Contact_Period” and solar elevation angle labeled “Sun Elevation”. The
date was in the following format “YYDDDHH” where the three “D” digits identify
the day of the year and solar elevation angle was in degrees. After acquiring the day
of the year, Table 7 from Chander, Markham, and Helder (2009) was used to find the
earth-sun distance for that day. The third piece of information ESUN
, the band
specific solar irradiance, was also obtained from Chander, Markham, and Helder
(2009) (Table 8).
Once all of the necessary pieces of information for each individual scene were
obtained, the ArcMap raster calculator was used to compute reflectance for bands 1-5
and 7 using:
π *L
- sin �θ
Table 7. Landsat 7 ETM+ scene values for day of the year, d, and θ
Date Hour
Contact Period
WRS-II/34/37 0312917 1.00952 63.6195766
WRS-II/35/37 0313617 1.01108 64.7472745
WRS-II/35/36 0313617 1.01108 64.2585779
WRS-II/35/38 0314517 1.01286 66.0676183
Source: from Chander, Markham, and Helder (2009)
Table 8. Landsat 7 ETM+ band specific solar irradiance
W m
1 1997
2 1812
3 1533
4 1039
5 230.8
7 84.9
Source: from Chander, Markham, and Helder (2009)
In some cases, calculation of reflectance from radiance can result in small
negative reflectances, which are not realistic and as a consequence, these were set to
zero. Negative reflectances were identified and set to zero in the same ArcMap raster
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a reflectance-derived
vegetation index that is frequently used for quantifying productivity and the above-
ground biomass of ecosystems (Niamir et al. 2011). The NDVI states the ratio
between red and near-infared reflectance captured by satellite sensors and is
calculated by using the following equation:
– R
+ R
Band 4 – Band 3
Band 4 + Band 3
where R
and R
indicate reflectance in the near-infared and red wavebands. The
NDVI values range from -1.0 to + 1.0. The negative values of NDVI (< 0) typically
correspond to water and urban features. NDVI values ranging from 0 to 0.1 represent
barren areas of rock, sand or snow. Moderate NDVI values (0.1 to 0.2) represent
grasslands and shrubs, while high values (0.2 to 1) indicate dense green leaf
vegetation (Lu et al. 2004). The ArcMap raster calculator was used to calculate
The Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) is a modified version
of the soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) that reduces the sensitivity of the NDVI
soil background by incorporating a self-adjusting soil factor. MSAVI was selected
because it has constant sensitivity over all ranges of vegetative cover making it quite
useful for general-purpose vegetation classification (Rondeaux, Steven, and
Baret.1996). To decrease the sensitivity to soil noise, MSAVI incorporates an
empirical L function into the NDVI equation:
� *(1+L)
where L = 1-2α * NDVI * Weight Difference Vegetation Index (WDVI), WDVI =
- αR
(i.e. the weighted difference vegetation index), and α is the slope of the
soil line.
Calculating L, the soil adjustment factor, involved finding α, the slope of the
soil line. To find α, the NDVI grid was reclassified into a bare soil grid where NDVI
values ranging from 0 to 0.1 were assigned a value of 1, indicating bare soils, and all
NDVI values outside this range were assigned a value of 0, indicating not bare soil.
The bare soil grid was converted to an Esri point shapefile using the grid code as the
assigning value. To extract R
and R
values from locations identified as bare
soils, ArcMap was used to generate a shapefile containing points classified as 1, bare
soils. The bare soils point data were used to extract R
and R
values using the
extract multi-values to points tool within ArcMap. The bare soil attribute table was
then exported into a database file for linear regression analysis using the Microsoft
Excel add-in XL-Stats. Experimental studies have indicated that for a given type of
soil variability, the soil reflectance at the R
wavelength is functionally related to
the reflectance in the R
wavelength (Rondeaux. Steven, and Baret 1996). This
relationship was approximated using the following simple linear equation:
p (R
)= α p (R
) + b
where α, the slope and b, the intercept are coefficients dependent on both wavelengths
, R
) and the type of variability. The linear regression parameters that were
used to determine the slope of the line in XL-Stats are provided in Table 9.
Table 9. Linear regression parameters for identifying slope of soil line
Parameters Values
Explanatory Variable / X R
Dependent Variable / Y R
Confidence Interval % 95
Tolerance 0.0001
The slope (α = 1.06) value derived from linear regression was entered into the
WDVI equation to obtain the final parameter for calculating L. After calculating L,
the ArcMap raster calculator was used to calculate MSAVI using Equation (9).
L usually ranges from 0 to 1; but small negative L values may occur with high
vegetation percentage cover (Qi et al. 1994). Vegetated areas show positive MSAVI
values up to 1, while non-vegetated areas will show negatives value down to -1.
The tasseled cap transformation is a channeled and scaled Principle
Component Analysis, which compresses the six Landsat ETM+ bands (1-5, and 7)
into three bands associated with soil brightness, vegetation greenness, and
soil/vegetation wetness. Essentially, tasseled cap transformations of Landsat ETM+
are either DN or reflectance factor based. Tasseled cap transformations for this study
were based on at-satellite reflectance, to eliminate the need for atmospheric
correction. The decision to use tasseled cap transformations was justified because
linear-based vegetation indices can provide better measures of forest stand parameters
than ratio-based indices (Lu et al. 2004). The tasseled cap transformations
measuring brightness, greenness, and wetness were calculated using the following
linear equation:
where tas.cap
is the tasseled cap index for brightness, greenness, or wetness
depending on the coefficients used, R
is the TOA reflectance, and the coefficients
for Landsat 7 ETM+ are as summarized in Table 10.
Table 10. Tasseled cap coefficients for Landsat 7 ETM+ at-satellite reflectance
Index Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 7
Brightness 0.3561 0.3972 0.3904 0.6966 0.2286 0.1596
Greenness -0.3344 -0.3544 -0.4556 0.6966 -0.0242 -0.2630
Wetness 0.2626 0.2141 0.0926 0.0656 -0.7629 -0.5388
Source: from Huang et al. (2002)
Tasseled cap brightness, greenness, and wetness provided unitless measures
with values ranging from -1 to 1. Brightness measured overall reflectance, and was
used to differentiate the levels of soil exposure where -1 to 1 indicates the least
exposed to most exposed soil surface. Greenness is the difference between near-
infrared and visible reflectance and served as an index of vegetative cover density and
vigor, similar to NDVI, however it used six ETM+ bands instead of two. The value
range (-1, 1) of greenness indicates lowest density to highest density of vegetation.
Wetness is a contrast between shortwave-infrared and visible/near-infrared
reflectance and provided a measure of soil moisture and vegetation density, where the
value range (-1, 1) indicates driest to wettest soil or vegetation moisture content.
3.2.4 Climatic Variables
Similar to bands 1-5 and 7, Landsat ETM+ band 6 imagery can also be converted
from spectral radiance to a more useful variable, such as land surface temperature
(LST). To obtain quality LST estimates three kinds of corrections are required: (1)
correction for atmospheric absorption and re-emission; (2) correction for surface
emissivity; and (3) spectral radiance conversion to at-satellite brightness temperature
(Voogt and Oke 2003). The first step involved atmospherically correcting the low
and high gain band 6 radiances. Atmospheric correction of the band 6 radiances
required local values of the meteorological parameters; transmittance, upwelling
radiance, and downwelling radiance. These parameters were obtained from a web-
based atmospheric correction tool (ACT) ( developed by
NASA for Landsat TM and ETM+ thermal data (Table 11).
Table 11. Landsat 7 ETM+ thermal band atmospheric correction parameters
Landsat Scenes
Band 6 Low and High
L↑ L↓ ε t
WRS-II/34/37 0.24 0.43 0.95 0.96
WRS-II/35/37 0.66 1.14 0.95 0.91
WRS-II/35/36 0.64 1.11 0.95 0.91
WRS-II/35/38 0.53 0.94 0.95 0.93
Data are currently available from 2000 to the present. Using the values
obtained from the ACT, scene-specific atmospheric corrections were applied using
the equation:
= �
- L↑
� - �
1- ε
� L↓
where CV
is the atmospherically corrected cell value radiance, CV
is the cell
value of radiance from band 6 low or high gain, L↑ is the upwelling radiance, L↓ is
the downwelling radiance, ε is emissivity, and t is the transmittance. Once the band
6 radiance grids were atmospherically corrected, the inverse of the Planck function
was applied to derive temperature values. The inverse of the Planck function
converts the atmospherically corrected spectral radiance to LST using pre-launch
calibration constants. The conversion equation using atmospheric correction is:
ln �
+ 1 �
where LST
is the land surface temperature in degrees Kelvin, L
is spectral radiance
in W m
; and K
and K
are pre-launch calibration constants. For Landsat 7
= 1282.71 K, and K
= 666.09 W m
. A further subtraction of
273.15 K from both low and high gain derived LST was made to provide LST
measurements in degrees Celsius.
Further processing of Landsat derived vegetation indices was needed because
the Esri ArcToolbox ‘Mosiac to New Raster’ function did not level the grey scales
across all scenes. To generate mosaics of each vegetation index, the Esri grids were
converted to ASCII format and imported into Clark Labs Idrisi Selva software as
Idrisi raster files (.rst). The Idrisi raster files of each scene were input into the image
processing tools mosaic operation, where all default settings were used except the
overlap method which was changed to the average method. Mosiacked vegetation
indices were exported from Selva in Esri ASCII format and imported into ArcMap as
floating point grids. These grids were then clipped to the study area, resampled using
bilinear interpolation, and converted to ASCII format to provide raster grids for GLM
and Maxent.
3.3 Multicollinearity Analysis
Before habitat modeling, a multicollinearity test was conducted to denote the
presence of a linear relationship or near linear relationship among environmental
variables. Multicollinearity analysis is essential in habitat suitability modeling, for
checking if the environmental variables in the model are correlated, which negatively
affects model performance (Peason et al 2007). Multicollinearity among continuous
variables was assessed using the most preferred method, the calculation of the
variance inflation factor (VIF) as shown in Equation (14) below:
1- R
where R
is the coefficient of determination obtained after regressing the i
variable on
the remaining variables. Based on the above equation, if R
is 0, then VIF will be 1, if R
is 1, then VIF will approach infinity. VIFs higher than 10 indicate the presence of strong
multicollinearity. Correlation among the categorical variables (percent canopy cover and
tree size) was tested using the Phi coefficient from Pearson correlation among binary
Calculating VIFs and Phi coefficients of the environmental variables required the
use of Esri’s ‘Band Collection Statistics’ function, to generate ASCII text files containing
basic statistics and correlation matrices of environmental variable grids. Correlation
matrices of continuous and categorical variables were opened in Microsoft Excel as space
delimited text files. In Excel, the ‘MINVERSE’ function was used on correlation
coefficients of continuous variables to solve for Equation (14), while Phi coefficients of
categorical variables were analyzed for correlation. VIFs of continuous environmental
variables can be identified in the respective diagonal cells of the ‘MINVERSE’ output.
Variables with correlation coefficients > 0.75 were considered redundant and as
candidates for removal.
The correlated continuous variables with the highest VIFs were removed and
operations were repeated until the remaining variables had VIFs less than 10. Categorical
variables were binary for testing the correlation among percent canopy cover and tree
size classes; hence, the presence of correlated classes meant removal of an entire dataset.
3.4 Habitat Suitability Modeling Technique
Many different modeling techniques and algorithms exist for predicting the
probability of species occurrences by using environmental variables as limiting
factors for species’ survival. Two modeling algorithms: Maximum Entropy (Maxent)
and Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) were used to predict the habitat suitability
for Mexican spotted owl in GNF. Maxent used presence-only data to train the model,
while GLM trained the model with presence/pseudo absence data, and both were
validated using an independent presence/pseudo absence dataset.
Maxent and GLMs both have their advantages and disadvantages. The
advantage of Maxent is that it requires only presence data of a species, while GLMs
require presence and absence data. Maxent is also able to fit complex relationships
between the species and the environmental variables, including interactions between
variables, unlike GLMs. On the other hand, GLMs and Maxent are useful for
analyzing predictor variable importance, and interpreting the response of the species
to each predictor. An equation derived from the Maxent algorithm is a “black box”;
such that it is not easy to understand how the algorithm is operating, whereas a GLM
can be expressed in a predictive equation. Maxent is deficient in that it extrapolates
the algorithm blindly from sample to population without user-customizable statistical
analysis. Conversely, users can statistically analyze data when GLMs are built.
Maxent is designed to make predictive maps of the area of interest, while GLMs are
not. Both model algorithms can utilize continuous and categorical environmental
3.4.1 Maximum Entropy (Maxent)
Habitat suitability was modeled with Maxent version 3.3.3 k and the procedure shown
in Figure 6 was used for this thesis research project. Maximum entropy is a general
purpose machine learning technique, which predicts the probability distribution of a
target species based on presence-only data points and certain environmental variables
Phillips, Anderson, and Schapire 2006; Elith et al. 2011). It incorporates the
maximum entropy principle to estimate a target probability distribution by finding the
probability distribution closest to uniform, or spread out, subject to the constraints of
the environmental values from the sampled species presence points (Phillips,
Anderson, and Schapire 2006; Elith et al. 2011). The data available about the target
species distribution serves as a set of real-valued variables or features, and the
constraints are the expected values of each feature that should match its empirical
average (average value for a set of sample points taken from the target species
distribution) (Yost et al. 2008).
Figure 6. Maxent habitat suitability modeling process
To run models with Maxent, the Mexican spotted owl presence samples and
environmental variable layers were prepared in the “samples with data” (SWD) format to
expedite model processing and to avoid masking operations. For input of the Mexican
spotted owl training presence sample, a CSV file was created to contain only columns of
species common name, X and Y coordinates, and the extracted values of the
environmental variables to those point locations.
As input for the environmental layers, the target background of 10,000 point
locations was used to extract the values of the environmental variable layers to those
points using ArcMap 10.1. A new CSV file containing the columns of the
background label, X and Y coordinates and environmental values of each
environmental variable layer was prepared.
To reduce computational demand and model complexity, only the variables
remaining from multicollinearity analysis were extracted and used in modeling. Maxent
can utilize both categorical and continuous data; therefore, within the model settings
interface the environmental variable layers were identified as such (Phillips, Anderson,
and Schapire 2006). Since a targeted background was used both the Mexican spotted owl
and background samples had to be in SWD format. Because the SWD format does not
produce pictures or output grids, the model was trained on the SWD data, and then
projected onto full grids using ASCII layers of the environmental variables to generate a
probability map for each 30 by 30 m cell throughout the study area.
Maxent model runs used regularization (i.e. response curve smoothing) and the
sample bias mitigation techniques, recommended by Phillips, Anderson, and Schapire
(2006), using a target background. By using a target background the models will not
focus on sample selection bias, but will focus on any differentiation between the
distribution of presences and that of the background. In other words, if the species
occupies specific habitats within the study area, the model will highlight these habitats,
rather than just areas that are intensely sampled (Phillips et al. 2009). Since traditional
implementation of maximum entropy is prone to over-fitting, Maxent uses a smoothing
procedure called regularization, which constrains the estimated distribution so that the
average value of a given predictor is close to the empirical average rather than equal to it.
For detailed explanation of the mathematical formulas, see Phillips, Anderson, and
Schapire (2006).
All default parameters of Maxent were used except for increasing the maximum
number of iterations from 500 to 5,000 to allow the models to converge. Default settings
included: regularization multiplier = 1, convergence threshold = 0.00001, maximum
number of background points = 10,000, replicates = 1, replicated run type = cross
validate, and feature type = “Auto features”. By default, regularization and selection of
features are carried out automatically, following default rules dependent on the number of
samples and sample size. These default parameters were used; in part due to Phillips and
Dudík (2008), who concluded that Maxent defaults are applicable to a wide range of
presence-only datasets, prominently datasets with 11-13 environmental variables and >
100 presences. To achieve statistically consistent results, Maxent was run with the “add
samples to background” option enabled as the presence data was from field survey
studies that are sampled with spatial bias. In contrast, if the presence data were simulated
from a true model without spatial bias, the “add samples to background” option must be
disabled to achieve dependable results (Warren and Seifert 2011).
The Maxent model runs used the 10
percentile training presence as a suitability
threshold, as suggested by Phillips and Dudik (2008). The 10
percentile threshold has
been more commonly used because it provides a highly conservative estimate of a
species’ tolerance to each predictor, considering the environmental complexity of the
area; hence, this threshold provides more ecologically significant results (Brito et al.
2008; Lobo, Jiménez-Valverde, and Hortal 2010; Moreuta-Holme, Flojgaard, and
Svenning 2010). This threshold has been widely used because the true absence data have
been unavailable (Brito et al. 2008).
The main outputs of Maxent included jackknife tests of variable importance, an
ROC curve, response curves, and probability maps in ASCII formats of both in raw and
logistic values. The jackknife test of variable importance explains the importance of each
environmental variable to the distribution of Mexican spotted owl. The ROC curve
provides a measure of the model’s accuracy, the response curves show how each
environmental variable affects the model prediction, and the probability maps show the
spatial distribution of the predicted presence probability.
Maxent model runs were performed using a backward stepwise method based on
the jackknife tests results, specifically the environmental variables’ percent contributions.
The environmental variable contributing the least to the model was removed and the
model was rerun with the remaining variables. Model runs were performed using both
logistic and raw outputs; logistic outputs were used for generating the habitat suitability
models and raw outputs were used for model selection. Warren and Seifert (2011)
concluded that successful use of model selection requires suitability scores to be in raw
The results in raw format were used for selecting the best model using the
corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AIC
). AIC
model selection was performed
using a Perl script graphical user interface that is part of the Ecological Niche Modeling
Tools (ENMTools) version 1.3 developed by Warren, Glor, and Turelli (2010). The
ENMTools require a script file containing a CSV file of all presences along with ASCII
raw value probability maps and .lambdas files for the models being compared. As
indicated by Warren and Siefert (2011), the training and test presences were combined
into a CSV file to calculate the likelihood. The model resulting in the lowest AIC
was chosen as the more parsimonious and best fit model. The lower the AIC
value the
better the fit. Area under the curve (AUC) was not used for model selection because it
ignores the predicted probability values and the goodness-of-fit of the model (Lobo,
Jiménez-Valverde, and Real 2008).
3.4.2 Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
GLMs are the most widely used technique to model species distributions based on
presence-absence data (Guisan, Edwards, and Hastie 2002) and when applied with binary
dependent variables they are called logistic regression models. In addition, GLMs built
with random pseudo absences are not expected to perform as well as those with real
absences, yet can yield useful results. Once the Mexican spotted owl habitat was
predicted using the Maxent approach, a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) was created
using the same data in addition to random pseudo-absences. The processes used in GLM
modeling are briefly outlined in Figure 7.
As the dependent variable used in the GLM was binary (Mexican spotted owl
presence and absence), the GLM incorporated logistic regression wherein the
relationship between the species occurrence and its dependency on several variables
can be quantitatively expressed using the logit link function:
p =
where p is the probability of an event occurring. For this analysis, the value p is the
estimated probability of Mexican spotted owl occurrence and ranges from 0 to 1 on a
sigmoid curve. The linear model, z, is computed as:
z = b
+ b
+…+ b
Figure 7. GLM logistic regression habitat suitability modeling process
where b
is the intercept of the model, the b
(i-0, 1, 2, …, n) are the slope coefficients of
the model, and the x
(i = 0, 1, 2, …, n) are the independent variables.
Using Microsoft Excel XL-Stats add-in package, a logistic regression analysis
incorporating a best subset model selection method was used to relate the presence or
absence of Mexican spotted owl to the environmental variables. The best subset method
was preferred over stepwise methods because it assesses all possible models and presents
users with the best candidates. Best subset selection included a minimum of one
independent variable to as many variables remaining from the multicollinearity analysis.
For consistency, similar to Maxent, the best GLM was selected using AIC
Defaults of XL-stats logistic regression were used except for the stop conditions
which included changing the iterations from 100 to 5,000 and the convergence from
0.000001 to 0.00001, to match the settings of Maxent. Defaults included setting the
tolerance = 0.001, confidence interval = 95%, number of iterations = 100, and the
convergence = 0.000001. To handle categorical environmental variables, the XL-stats
constraints option was used so that the parameter of the first category of each categorical
variable was set to 0. All outputs of XL-stats were executed. The key outputs included a
summary of variables, goodness of fit statistics, Type III analysis, model coefficients, the
equation of the model, predictions and residuals, ROC, and a confusion matrix.
3.5 Model Validation
The best models of Maxent and GLM were compared on the basis of their
performance and were validated with the same independent test dataset consisting of
101 presences and 101 pseudo-absences. Validation was assessed using threshold
dependent and independent methods. The process of model validation and
comparison is summarized in Figure 8.
Within ArcMap the independent test dataset was used to extract the pixel
values of the habitat suitability maps produced by the different algorithms. This test
dataset was then used to generate a spreadsheet containing columns with the
presence-pseudo absence data (presence = 1, pseudo-absence = 0) as the ground truth,
and predicted values by Maxent and GLM. All threshold dependent and independent
performance measures were calculated using the test data spreadsheet. In addition to
Figure 8. Model validation and comparison process
evaluating individual model performance, a combination of Maxent and GLM habitat
suitability classes was generated to evaluate their levels of agreement.
3.5.1 Threshold Dependent
Model validation was performed using the most implemented threshold dependent
measures: confusion matrices, along with calculating Cohen’s kappa statistics values
from these matrices (McKinney et al. 2012; Hirzel et al. 2006; Stohlgren et al. 2010). A
confusion matrix compares predicted observations with the actual observations, yielding
percentages of correct observations, while kappa statistic takes this further by correcting
for expected accuracy due to chance (Allouche, Tsoar, and Kadmon 2006). Using the
percentile training presence threshold resulting from Maxent as the cutoff point for
presence and absence, the confusion matrix (Table 12) accompanied by the following
equations (Equation 17) were used to calculate sensitivity, specificity, overall accuracy,
and the kappa statistic. The most accurate models exhibit high sensitivity and specificity,
and therefore indicate high overall accuracy. The accepted performance rating of kappa
is as follows: 0 to 0.2 = slight, 0.21 to 0.4 = fair, 0.41 to 0.6 = moderate, 0.61 to 0.8 =
substantial and 0.81 to 1 = near perfect agreement (Landis and Koch 1977; Manel,
Williams and Ormerod 2001). As kappa is sensitive to prevalence (the proportion of
presence points) in the testing dataset, the decision to use an equal number of presences
and pseudo-absences in the independent test dataset was valid, thus reduced any bias.
Table 12. Confusion matrix for presence/pseudo-absence
Recorded Totals
presence (+) absence (-)
presence (+) true positive (TP) false positive (FP) TP +FP
absence (-) false negative (FN) true negative (TN) FN + TN
Totals TP + FN FP + TN Total
3.5.2 Threshold Independent
In the threshold-independent method, a ROC curve and its AUC were used to evaluate
the predictive performance of the models. ROC is widely used for evaluating model
performance and has proved to be highly correlated with other statistical tests such as the
kappa statistics (Manel, Williams, and Ormerod 2001). The AUC of the ROC measures
the ability of models to discriminate between observed presence and absence (Elith and
Graham 2009). The automated ROC output for Maxent was not used for validation,
because the same background points would have been used to train and test the model.
XL-stats gives users the option to output ROC curves; however, it only generates ROC
curves for the training data. The ROC curves and AUC of both modeling approaches
were calculated in the MedCalc statistical software using the test data spreadsheet.
Sensitivity =
Specificity =
Overall Accuracy =
Kappa =
� -
1 -
Maxent ROC analysis using presence only data calculates AUC using random
background cells rather than absence data, indicating a measure of the ability of the
algorithm to differentiate between suitable ecological conditions and a random analysis
pixel (background). Logistic regression ROC analysis using presence/pseudo-absence
data can distinguish between suitable and unsuitable conditions by developing an AUC
from measured absences (Phillips, Anderson, and Schapire 2006). AUC values range
from 0 to 1 and the AUC from ROC analysis results was interpreted using the following
classifications: AUC = 0.5, no discrimination, 0.7 to 0.8, acceptable, 0.8 to 0.9, excellent,
and > 0.9, outstanding (Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000).
3.6 Mapping Habitat Suitability
For Maxent, the logistic output of the Maxent probability map was converted from ASCII
format to a floating point raster grid using the ArcToolbox ‘ASCII to raster’ function.
The default logistic output was used because it is the easiest to conceptualize: it gives an
estimate between 0 and 1 of probability of presence. For the logistic regression, the
ArcToolbox ‘Raster Calculator’ was used for: (1) summing the products of the
environmental variable coefficients and their associated raster grids along with the model
intercept (e.g. y = - 5.163 + (0.003 × elevation) + (8.903 × msavi) + (0.033 × slope) + (-
0.006 × sprox) + (-0.118 × lst low): and (2) transforming the result by the logit link
function. Maxent and logistic regression probability maps indicate the probability of
occurrence for each cell within the study area. For example, the grid cell that is predicted
as having the best conditions for the species, according to the model, will have a logistic
value of 1, while logistic values close to 0 indicate predictions of unsuitable conditions.
To effectively distinguish unsuitable habitat from suitable habitat, reclassification
of the probability maps was performed using a crisp threshold. The threshold should
identify the point at which suitable habitat becomes unsuitable, and provides a prediction
of presence and absence. Several methods have been developed to select this threshold,
and the majority of them rely on balancing false-positive and false-negative predictions
typically in presence-absence data models (Lui et al. 2005).
The threshold selection of habitat suitability models was based upon the Maxent
percentile training presence threshold (0.222) (Pearson et al. 2007). Habitat
suitability models were reclassified into four classes; unsuitable, low, medium, and high.
Unsuitable identified any areas exhibiting habitat suitability scores lower than the 10
percentile training presence threshold (0.222). The remaining suitability classes
reflecting low, medium, and high were (0.222-0.30), (0.30-0.70), and (0.70-1.0), as
suggested by Hathcock and Haarmann (2008). Initially, the minimum presence threshold
was going to be 30%, which is indicative of suitable reproductive and nesting habitat.
However, many owls not having a mate, justified the choice of the lower threshold value
(i.e. 0.222). Implementing such a high threshold would have reduced the total amount of
Mexican spotted owl habitat, by reclassifying all areas <30% as unsuitable, despite
known inhabitance of single owls in poorer conditions.
3.7 Habitat Suitability Agreement
In addition to assessing the predictive potential of each modeling approach, this study
investigated how well the models agreed by determining the spatial overlap between
the areas where the Maxent and GLM models predicted suitable habitat. Maxent and
GLM level of agreement was calculated using the kappa statistic and was assessed for
total suitable habitat only. The Maxent and GLM habitat suitability maps were
reclassified into binary raster grids representing suitable (1) and unsuitable habitat
(0). Habitat suitability classified as low, medium, and high were assigned a value of
1 for suitable, while unsuitable habitat was coded 0.
The kappa statistic calculation required the ‘Combine’ function which is an
overlay operation within the ArcToolbox raster calculator. The combine function
combined the Maxent and GLM binary cell values into one output raster dataset,
assigning a new unique value to each unique combination of values at each location.
The original value items, or the alternative field values if specified, are added to the
output rasters’ attribute table: one for each input raster (Figure 9). Using the Maxent
Figure 9. Overlay of two input raster datasets.
Syntax: outgrid = combine (Ingrid 1, Ingrid 2)
Source: from ArcGIS
and GLM combined grid along with the confusion matrix provided in Table 13, the
kappa statistic was calculated.
Table 13. Maxent and GLM combined grid confusion matrix for suitable and
unsuitable habitat
GLM Totals
suitable (1) unsuitable (0)
suitable (1) true positive (TP) false positive (FP) TP +FP
unsuitable (0) false negative (FN) true negative (TN) FN + TN
Totals TP + FN FP + TN Total (n)
This chapter presents the results from both the Maxent and GLM habitat suitability
modeling approaches. The multicollinearity analysis results are presented first,
followed by the Maxent and GLM model selection, relative importance and response
of environmental variables, model validation, and habitat suitability map results. The
final section of this chapter presents the results of the level of agreement between the
Maxent and GLM habitat suitability models.
4.1 Multicollinearity Analysis
Based on the potential biological relevance to the presence of Mexican spotted owl and
ease of interpretation, only one environmental variable from a set of highly cross-
correlated variables was included in the models. Any multicollinearity was reduced by
eliminating the correlated (r > 0.75) variable with the highest VIF. Pearson correlation
coefficient results indicated the highest degree of collinearity among the Landsat derived
vegetation indices and climatic variables, specifically the high and low pass land surface
temperature variables (Table 14).
The variable for land surface temperature high pass (lst high) had the highest VIF.
This variable was the main contributor to the multicollinearity problem and as a
consequence was eliminated first. After removing the variable lst high, mulitcollinearity
was reduced; however, the environmental variables (green, msavi, ndvi, bright, and wet)
still had VIF’s > 10 indicating high correlation between environmental variables. As a
result, the variable elimination process was repeated three more times where the
correlated variable with the lowest VIF was retained (Table 15). The VIF analysis
eliminated the variables lst high, green, ndvi, and bright.
Table 14. Highly correlated environmental variables (Pearson’s correlation
coefficient, r > 0.75)
Variable bright green msavi ndvi lst high lst low wet
bright 1.000
green -0.769 1.000
msavi -0.421 0.890 1.000
ndvi -0.738 0.975 0.907 1.000
lst high 0.751 -0.808 -0.620 -0.800 1.000
lst low 0.750 -0.808 -0.619 -0.799 0.999 1.000
wet -0.906 0.815 0.504 0.751 -0.740 -0.739 1.000
*Variables and associated VIFs in bold were eliminated
Table 15. Correlated variable removal runs using VIF
1st Run 2nd run 3rd run 4th run
Variable VIF Variable VIF Variable VIF Variable VIF
bright 30.43 bright 30.40 bright 16.46 bright 8.30
green 111.20 green 110.87 msavi 26.15 msavi 1.78
msavi 91.63 msavi 91.43 ndvi 49.78 lst low 4.07
ndvi 53.59 ndvi 53.55 lst low 4.44 wet 8.06
lst high 437.63 lst low 4.89 wet 8.10
lst low 434.37 wet 12.22
wet 12.23
*Variables and associated VIFs in bold were eliminated
None of the topographic or water resource variables (cti, elev, curve, slope, east,
north, sprox) showed significant correlation (r>0.75) with each other or with the Landsat
derived variables (lst high, lst low, ndvi, msavi, green, bright, wet). Only 10 of the 14
continuous variables resulted in VIFs < 10 (Table 16). The Phi coefficients of the
categorical environmental variables (canopy cover and tree size) indicated high
correlation (r>0.75) among the sparsely vegetated classes (Table 17). As a result, the
variable representing tree size class was eliminated based on literature implicating
canopy cover as a stronger correlate of spotted owl habitat.
Table 16. Multicollinearity analysis results for continuous environmental
Variable VIF
cti 1.522895
elev 1.605714
curve 1.165871
slope 1.638945
east 1.000015
north 1.000016
wet 2.300558
sprox 1.058977
msavi 1.658277
lst low 3.954105
Table 17. Pearson correlation of binary vegetation variables (Phi correlation
coefficient, r > 0.75)
Variable cc-1 cc-2 cc-3 cc-4 ts-1 ts-2 ts-3 ts-4
cc-1 1.000
cc-2 -0.669 1.000
cc-3 -0.220 -0.326 1.000
cc-4 -0.217 -0.321 -0.106 1.000
ts-1 0.056 0.019 -0.023 -0.097 1.000
ts-2 0.188 -0.029 -0.083 -0.164 -0.152 1.000
ts-3 -0.057 0.207 0.146 -0.411 -0.382 -0.645 1.000
ts-4 -0.217 -0.321 -0.106 1.000 -0.097 -0.164 -0.411 1.000
4.2 Maxent Habitat Suitability Modeling
This section presents the outputs of the Maxent habitat suitability modeling using
presence only Mexican spotted owl data. The Maxent model selection, relative
importance of environmental variables, model validation, presence probability map, and
habitat suitability map outputs are described in separate subsections below.
4.2.1 Model Selection
The backward stepwise approach to Maxent modeling was based on the relative
contribution of the environmental variables resulting from the jackknife test of Maxent
Model 1 (Table 18 and Figure 10).
Table 18. Relative contributions of the environmental variables to Maxent
Model 1
Variable Percent Contribution
lst low 47.71
elev 19.40
sprox 18.56
slope 4.26
msavi 3.78
cc 2.57
wet 1.04
north 1.03
cti 0.77
curve 0.63
east 0.24
The environmental variable with the least contribution was removed and the
model was rerun until only one variable remained. The least contributing variable was
east (0.24%), it contributed the least amount of useful information by itself and decreased
model gain the least when removed (Table 18 and Figure 10). As a result east was
removed for the next Maxent model run. This process was repeated until the last
variable. The backward stepwise Maxent results and associated AIC
model selection
values are summarized in Table 19.
Table 19. Results of backward stepwise Maxent models with AICc
Model Environmental variables AIC
1 cc, cti, curve, elev, east, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox, wet 12759.87
2 cc, cti, curve, elev, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox, wet 12734.44
3 cc, cti, elev, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox, wet 12691.59
4 cc, cti, elev, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox 12680.44
5 cc, cti, elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 12635.07
6 cc, elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 12636.08
7 elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 12626.46
8 elev, lst low, slope, sprox 12612.79
9* elev, lst low, sprox 12610.87
10 elev, lst low 12649.43
11 lst low 12738.35
*best fit Maxent model
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
lst low
Regularized training gain
Envionmental variable
With all variables With only this variable Without variable
Figure 10. Maxent Model-1 jackknife test of variable importance in
the regularized training gain
Table 19 shows the goodness of fit of each Maxent model using AIC
Model 1 had the highest AIC
(12759.87), indicating it provided the least fit of all the
models. The AIC
values continually decreased from Models 2-9, indicating an
improvement in the goodness of fit when removing additional variables that were limited
in their contributions (Tables 18 and 19).
Models 8 and 9 had similar AIC
values; however, Model 9 was considered the
best fit because the AIC
was slightly lower and included fewer variables. Model 9
included the variables elev, lst low, and sprox, which contributed the most useful
information according to the jackknife test of variable importance of Model 1. The
removal of the variables sprox and elev in Models 10 and 11 indicated decreases in
model fit further signifying the importance of these variables to the fit of the model.
4.2.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables
lst low was the most important predictor of Mexican spotted owl presence with a total
contribution of 57.6% followed by elevation (21.3%) and sprox (21.1%). Figure 11
shows the results of the jackknife test of variable importance for Maxent Model 9. The
environmental variable lst low had the highest training gain when used in isolation, which
therefore appears to provide the most useful information by itself. In isolation, this
variable is followed by elev and sprox in terms of training gain values. The
environmental variable that decreases the gain the most when omitted from the model is
lst low, which therefore appears to provide the most useful information that is not present
in any other variables. In omitting variables from the model lst low is followed by sprox
and elev in terms of training gain decreases.
4.2.3 Response of Environmental Variables to Mexican Spotted Owl Presence
The marginal response curves for Maxent Model 9 show how each environmental
variable affected the Maxent prediction (Figures 12 a-c). These curves show how the
logistic prediction changes as each environmental variable is varied, keeping all other
environmental variables at their average sample values. The response curve for lst low
(Figure 12a) shows the highest probability of Mexican spotted owl presence between 4
and 20°C. After lst low exceeds 20°C the probability of presence drastically decreases.
By using a 10% training presence threshold (0.222), Mexican spotted owls potentially
occur in areas experiencing temperatures as cold as 4°C and as warm as 34°C. The
response curve for elevation (Figure 12b) resembles a bell-shape, starting its ascent at
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
lst low
Regularized training gain
Environmental variable
With all variables With only this variable Without variable
Figure 11. Maxent Model-9 jackknife test of variable importance in the
regularized training gain
approximately 1,550 m, climaxing around 2,525 m, and culminating its bell-shape around
3,200 m. By applying a threshold of 0.222, Mexican spotted owl presence is expected in
the elevation range of 2,087 to 2,860 m, which is a significantly smaller elevation range
than if a threshold was not applied. The response curve for sprox (Figure 12c) shows a
nearly linear relationship between probability of Mexican spotted owl presence and
proximity to streams. Mexican spotted owl probability of presence increases as the
distance from streams or water sources decreases. By using a threshold of 0.222,
Mexican spotted owl presence probability is the lowest beyond 770 m and further from
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Logistic output (probability of presence)
lst low (C°)
10% training presence threshold
Figure 12. Response curves for the three environmental variable in Maxent
Model-9: (a) lst low, (b) elevation, and (c) sprox with 10% training theshold
Figure 12. Continued
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
Logistic output (probability of presence)
elevation (m)
10% training presence threshold
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100011001200
Logistic output (probability of presence)
sprox (m)
10% training presence threshold
4.2.4 Model Validation
The accuracy of Maxent Model 9 using the 10% training presence threshold can be
described by the threshold dependent measures of sensitivity, specificity, overall
accuracy, and kappa statistics calculated from the error matrix summarized in Table 20.
Table 20. Error matrix of Maxent Model 9 validation using independent test
data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
presence (+) absence (-)
presence (+) 84 47 131
absence (-) 17 54 71
Totals 101 101 202
Overall accuracy of the Maxent model was 0.683. This means the model
correctly predicted 68.3% of the presence and pseudo-absence points to either be
included in predicted Mexican spotted owl habitat or excluded from predicted Mexican
spotted owl habitat. It is key to indicate that the model performed better in correctly
predicting Mexican spotted owl habitat where presences occurred (sensitivity = 83.2%)
than it did in predicting non-Mexican spotted owl habitat where pseudo-absences
occurred (specificity = 53.5%) (Table 21).
Table 21. Accuracy measures of Maxent Model 9 validation using independent
test data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
Measures Values
Sensitivity 0.832
Specificity 0.535
Overall accuracy 0.683
Kappa statistic 0.370
This implies the model poorly distinguished between Mexican spotted owl habitat
and non-Mexican spotted owl habitat by accentuating the prediction of Mexican spotted
owl habitat. The kappa statistic indicated that Maxent Model 9 had only fair (0.21 to 0.4)
agreement with the testing dataset (0.37; Table 21).
The success of Maxent Model 9 can also be recognized from the threshold
independent measure of the ROC curve and the AUC (Figure 13). The ROC curve plots
sensitivity (true positive rate) against 1-specificity (false positive rate) for each threshold
point (Phillips, Dudík, and Schapire 2004). According to Baldwin’s (2009) AUC
classification the Maxent Model 9 training and test data resulted in AUC’s indicating a
good model (AUC = 0.7 to 0.9). The AUC for the test data was 0.777 and the AUC for
the training data was 0.844.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Sensitivity (1-omission Rate)
1-Specificity (Fractional Predicted Area)
Train AUC (0.844)
Test AUC (0.777)
Figure 13. ROC of Maxent Model-9 validation using independent test
data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
4.2.5 Habitat Suitability Maps
Figure 14 shows the presence probability map of Mexican spotted owl predicted by
Maxent Model-9. The presence probability map indicates more suitable predicted
conditions with warmer (i.e. red) colors and less suitable conditions with cooler (i.e.
blue) colors. Figure 14 shows better predicted conditions within drainages at higher
elevations, while the least suitable conditions are in the lower elevations far from
streams and creek bottoms.
Figure 14. Presence probability map of Mexican spotted owl
in GNF predicted by Maxent Model 9
Using the 10% training presence threshold and Mexican spotted owl habitat
suitability class designations proposed by Hatchcock and Haarmann (2008), the
presence probability map in Figure 14 was reclassified into four habitat suitability
classes (Figure 15).
Figure 15. Habitat suitability class map of Mexican spotted owl in GNF
predicted by Maxent Model 9
A visual inspection of Figure 15 shows the highest quality habitat within the Gila
and Aldo Leopold Wilderness Areas. Using the habitat suitability class designations,
approximately 33% of the total area is classified as suitable spotted owl habitat, while the
remaining 67% is unsuitable. Of the 33% classified as suitable habitat, 8% is low
suitability, 22% is medium suitability, and only 3% is high suitability (Table 22).
Table 22. Habitat suitability class area and percent of total area
Habitat Suitability Class km
Percent of Total Area
Unsuitable (0 - 0.222) 7458.5826 67%
Low (0.222 - 0.30) 947.9061 8%
Medium (0.30 - 0.70) 2425.2165 22%
High (0.70 - 1.0) 357.7437 3%
4.3 GLM Habitat Suitability Modeling
The following subsections present the results of the GLM habitat suitability modeling
using presence and pseudo-absence Mexican spotted owl data. The GLM model
selection, relative importance of environmental variables, model evaluation, presence
probability map, and habitat suitability map results are described in separate subsections
as was done with the Maxent model results.
4.3.1 Model Selection
The best candidate model resulting from best subset logistic regression are summarized in
Table 23. The seventh model from the logistic regression analysis, (Model 7) was
selected as the best fit GLM because it provided the lowest AIC
. The lowest AIC
means the lowest adjusted residual deviance with the number of predictors. The AIC
decreases until Model 7, and then increases for Models 8 through 11.
Table 23. The logistic regression best subset model results with AIC
Model Environmental variables AIC
1 cc, cti, curve, elev, east, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox, wet 628.17436
2 cti, curve, elev, east, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox, wet 624.98724
3 cti, curve, elev, east, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox 622.94972
4 cti, curve, elev, lst low, msavi, north, slope, sprox 621.19328
5 cti, curve, elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 619.78585
6 cti, elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 618.34085
7* elev, lst low, msavi, slope, sprox 616.95075
8 elev, lst low, slope, sprox 618.66927
9 elev, lst low, sprox 623.39634
10 lst low, sprox 655.04678
11 lst low 692.63392
* best fit logistic regression model
4.3.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables
The coefficients and Wald statistics of Model 7’s variables indicate their relative
importance or influence to the presence probability of Mexican spotted owl (Table 24).
Table 24. Coefficients and Wald statistics of the environmental variables in the
best logistic regression model
Variables β
Significance at α = 0.5
Intercept -5.1635 1.943 7.062 0.008 Very significant
elev 0.003 0.001 33.413 < 0.0001 Very significant
msavi 8.903 4.623 3.709 0.054 Not significant
slope 0.033 0.012 7.497 0.006 Very significant
sprox -0.006 0.001 50.292 < 0.0001 Very significant
lst low -0.118 0.031 14.779 0.0001 Very significant
* β = Beta coefficient; SE = standard error; Wald = Wald statistic;
Exp (β) = exponential function of β
Using the model coefficients, a logistic regression equation using the logit link
function in XL-stats:
p =
1+ 𝑒 −( − 5. 1 6 3 5 +( 0. 0 0 3× 𝑋 1) +( 8. 903× 𝑋 2) +( 0. 0 3 3× 𝑋 3) −( 0. 0 0 6× 𝑋 4) −( 0. 1 1 8× 𝑋 5)
where p is the presence probability of Mexican spotted owl. The intercept of -5.1635 is
the logit of presence probability when all the environmental variables are equal to zero.
This is equal to the presence probability of 0.00572 and can be considered as the zero
probability. The relative importance of each environmental variable is described by the
coefficients and Wald statistics within Table 24.
Elevation (elev) showed a positive influence (β = 0.003) on Mexican spotted owl
presence. As the elevation increases, the presence probability of Mexican spotted owl
increases; in fact, the logit of presence probability will increase 0.003 with every one
meter increase in elevation. Elevation is very significant at α = 0.05, indicating a
significant effect of elevation on the logit of presence probability. The Wald statistic of
elevation (33.413) indicated it was the second most influential variable (Table 24).
The modified soil adjusted vegetation index (msavi) indicated a positive
relationship (β = 8.903) to Mexican spotted owl presence probability. The higher the
msavi, the higher the presence probability of Mexican spotted owl will be. Based on the
p-values msavi (p = 0.053) is borderline significant and not significant at α = 0.05. The
Wald statistics of msavi (3.709) was the lowest, indicating it was the least influential
variable (Table 24).
The slope was the last variable that had a positive relationship (β = 0.033) with
Mexican spotted owl presence probability. The logit of Mexican spotted owl presence
probability will increase 0.033 with every one degree increase in slope. At α = 0.05,
slope’s p-value of 0.006 made it very significant, indicating a significant effect of slope
to the logit of Mexican spotted owl presence probability. Slope had a Wald statistic of
7.497, which indicated it was more influential than msavi, but less influential than the
other variables (Table 24).
Stream proximity (sprox) had a negative relationship (β = -0.006) to Mexican
spotted owl presence probability. The logit presence probability of Mexican spotted owl
decreases 0.006 with every one meter increase in distance from streams. According to
the p-value (<0.0001) at α = 0.05, sprox was very significant. The variable sprox had the
highest Wald statistic (50.292) indicating it as the most important or influential variable
(Table 24).
The final variable low pass land surface temperature (lst low) also had a negative
relationship (β = -0.118) to Mexican spotted owl presence probability. As the lst low
temperatures increase one degree Celsius the logit of presence probability will decrease
0.118. This variable was also considered very significant at α = 0.05, obtaining a p-value
of 0.0001. In terms of overall importance, lst low was indicated as the third most
important variable based on its Wald statistic (14.779) (Table 24).
4.3.3 Model Validation
The accuracy of the GLM model was assessed using the same testing dataset, 10%
training presence threshold, and threshold dependent measures as Maxent. Threshold
dependent measures for the GLM model were calculated from the error matrix in Table
Table 25. Error matrix of best GLM model validation using independent test
data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
presence (+) absence (-)
presence (+) 95 68 163
absence (-) 6 33 39
Totals 101 101 202
The best GLM model had an overall accuracy of 0.634, indicating it correctly
predicted 63.4% of the presence and pseudo-absence points to either be included in
predicted Mexican spotted owl habitat or excluded from predicted Mexican spotted owl
habitat. Similar to Maxent, the GLM model performed better in correctly predicting
Mexican spotted owl habitat where presences occurred (sensitivity = 94.1%) than it did in
predicting non-Mexican spotted owl habitat where pseudo-absences occurred (specificity
= 32.7%) (Table 26). The GLM model also poorly distinguished between Mexican
spotted owl habitat and non-Mexican spotted owl habitat by accentuating the prediction
of Mexican spotted owl habitat, although to a greater extent than Maxent. According to
the Kappa statistic (0.267) the best logistic regression model had a fair agreement with
the testing dataset, yet resulted in less agreement than Maxent (Table 26).
Table 26. Accuracy measures of the GLM model validation using independent
test data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
Measures Values
Sensitivity 0.941
Specificity 0.327
Overall accuracy 0.634
Kappa statistic 0.267
The success of the GLM model can also be evaluated using the ROC curve and
the AUC of the test data (Figure 16). The AUC of the test data is 0.750 and the ROC
curve is above the diagonal, indicating the prediction is much better than a random one
(AUC = 0.5). According to the classification proposed by Baldwin (2009) the AUCs of
the GLM model training and test datasets indicated good models
4.3.4 Habitat Suitability Maps
Figure 17 shows the presence probability map for Mexican spotted owl predicted by the
GLM model. Warmer colors (reds) indicate higher probabilities that conditions are
suitable, while cooler colors (blues) specify low probabilities that conditions are suitable.
Visual inspection of Figure 17 reveals a similar distribution of presence probability as
Maxent; however, the GLM model appears to have predicted more suitable habitat.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Sensitivity (1-ommission rate)
1-Specificity (Fractional Predicted Area)
Train (0.848)
Test (0.750)
Figure 16. ROC of best GLM model validation using independent
test data presences/pseudo-absences (n=202)
Figure 18 further indicates the majority of suitable Mexican spotted owl is located in the
Gila and Aldo Leopold Wilderness Areas.
In terms of habitat suitability, 48% of the total area is classified as suitable
habitat, whereas the remaining 51% is unsuitable. The 48% classified as suitable habitat
is composed of 9% low, 28% medium, and 12% high suitability (Table 27).
Figure 17. Presence probability map of Mexican spotted
owl in GNF predicted by best logistic regression model
Table 27. Habitat suitability class area and percent of total area
Habitat Suitability Class km
Percent of Total Area
Unsuitable (0 - 0.222) 5,767.9335 51%
Low (0.222 - 0.30) 989.6931 9%
Medium (0.30 - 0.70) 3,091.2282 28%
High (0.70 - 1.0) 1,340.9604 12%
Figure 18. Habitat suitability class map of Mexican spotted
owl in GNF predicted by the best logistic regression model
4.4 Habitat Suitability Model Agreement
Agreement between the Maxent and logistic regression suitable habitat maps was
assessed with the kappa statistic calculated from the error matrix in Table 28.
Table 28. Error matrix of Maxent and logistic regression combined suitability
GLM Totals
suitable (1) unsuitable (0)
suitable (1) 4,021,956 123,451 4,145,407
unsuitable (0) 2,001,950 6,285,364 8,287,314
Totals 6,023,906 6,408,815 12,432,721
Figure 19. Maxent and logistic regression suitable habitat agreement map
The values within Table 28 were produced from the attribute table of the Maxent
and logistic regression combined suitable habitat map. The calculated kappa statistic of
0.655 indicates that the suitable habitat maps of Maxent and GLM are in substantial
agreement. Figure 19 shows the spatial pattern of the agreement and disagreement
between the Maxent and GLM suitable habitat maps.
This study revealed that despite the differences between presence-only and presence-
absence based modeling methods, each method is capable of producing accurate and
useful habitat suitability models. The next sections address these differences and
their implications for previous and future research.
5.1 Model Selection
Although model selection for both Maxent and logistic regression used AIC
different models were selected. According to the model AIC
values the best Maxent
model only included three environmental variables, while the logistic regression
model included five variables. This presumably is a result of the underlying
assumptions and complexity of the different modeling methods. For instance,
Maxent calculated AIC
using all the presences, while logistic regression only
included the training presence-absence data. Additionally Maxent considered linear,
non-linear, and interaction effects, whereas GLM only considered linear responses.
selection is known to reduce model complexity; hence, the reason why so few
environmental variables are included in either model. By using AIC
instead of AUC
for model selection both Maxent and logistic regression models were less subject to
over or under-parameterization (Warren and Seifert 2011).
5.2 Relative Importance of Environmental Variables
Maxent and logistic regression models considered the environmental variables lst
low, elevation, and sprox important environmental variables in terms of Mexican
spotted owl habitat. Surprisingly, neither Maxent nor the logistic regression best fit
models included the environmental variable percent canopy cover, notwithstanding
the conventional logic by which it is considered a critical element for suitable spotted
owl habitat. The environmental variables in both models including the slope and
msavi of the logistic regression model are all influencing factors of vegetation
composition (canopy cover), which suggests these variables are more influential than
percent canopy cover itself. Environmental variable importance varied between
Maxent and logistic regression as well. For instance, Maxent considered lst low the
most important variable according to percent contribution, while the logistic
regression identified sprox as the most influential variable using the Wald statistic.
These habitat suitability models differ in their distributions because Maxent explains
environmental variable relationships in a non-linear approach, whereas the GLM uses
a linear approach. Based on the Maxent response curves and GLM coefficients of the
environmental variables suitable Mexican spotted owl habitat is located in the mid-to-
high elevations, and close to streams or water sources. These findings support several
research efforts assessing Mexican spotted owl habitat (Ganey et al. 2005; Ganey
2004; Zwank et al. 1994).
5.3 Model Validation
Model validation using the threshold dependent measure of the kappa statistic showed
that both Maxent and GLM models were in fair agreement with the test dataset, but
that Maxent performed slightly better. This supports the findings of other presence-
only and presence-absence habitat suitability model research in which Maxent
outperforms logistic regression according to the kappa statistic (Kumar et al. 2009).
Sensitivity is the only threshold dependent measure for which Maxent did not
outperform logistic regression. The specificity of logistic regression was surprisingly
lower than Maxent’s considering it was generated using presence-absence data.
Specificity is the fraction of correctly predicted absences, one would assume that if
generated with absence data model specificity would improve. The Maxent model
performed better than logistic regression because of its intricate underlying algorithm
and its ability to model the complex shapes of the owls’ responses to the
environmental variables (Kumar et al. 2009). Using the test dataset and the resulting
threshold independent measure of AUC, Maxent again outperformed the logistic
regression model. This signifies that valid and resourceful habitat suitability models
can be constructed using fewer environmental variables.
5.4 Habitat Suitability
In analyzing the model validation performance measures of both models, minor
differences exist between their threshold dependent and independent performance
measures, giving an indication of how well they potentially agree with one another.
Regardless of the similar model validation performance measures, the Maxent and
logistic regression habitat suitability models exhibited differing distributions of
Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability classes. The logistic regression habitat
suitability model predicted the highest percentage (48%) of suitable habitat, though it
included two more environmental variables (slope, msavi) than the Maxent model.
Potentially these two additional variables are the cause of the habitat suitability
differences between the models. Using only three environmental variables, the
Maxent model managed to predict 33% of GNF as suitable habitat. These models
differed greatly in their distributions of habitat suitability classes. The Maxent model
showed highly suitable habitat in closest proximity to streams (Figure 20a), while
logistic regression showed highly suitable habitat further at distances from streams
(Figure 20b).
Figure 20. Maxent habitat suitability model (a) and logistic
regression habitat suitability model (b)
When comparing the Maxent and logistic regression models using the four habitat
suitability classes, the models display poor agreement. However, when comparing
available suitable habitat, the models are in substantial agreement resulting in a kappa
statistic of 0.655. These results are significant because it signifies that presence-only
methods can produce useful habitat suitability models if absence data are not
available (Babar et al. 2012; Millar and Blouin-Demers 2012; Lui et al. 2011).
5.5 Modeling Limitations and Assumptions
This study produced useful habitat suitability models for Mexican spotted owl within
GNF, although not without some limitations. These models incorporated
environmental variables considered important for Mexican spotted owl habitat, but
excluded some other important variables such as snag density and canopy structure
(Ganey et al. 2005). Microhabitat characteristics such as these play critical roles in
Mexican spotted owl, yet are difficult to collect and represent spatially.
Comparison of the Maxent and logistic regression models which contained
different environmental variables could prove to be invalid; however, this study
sought to compare the Maxent and logistic regression methods, and not just to
compare habitat suitability models using the same environmental variables. If the
Maxent and logistic regression best models contained the same environmental
variables a more valid comparison might be made (Stohlgren et al. 2010). In
analyzing the habitat suitability models it appears that Maxent underestimated the
area of suitable habitat, while logistic regression overestimated the area of suitable
The habitat suitability models also contain some bias as a result of the data
collection methods. For instance, many point observations included in the presence
data were aural observations, which means their locations had to be estimated. In
addition to using estimated point locations, the surveys occurred along designated
trails restricting presence locations to the easily accessible areas. By implementing a
target background some of this bias was expected to be reduced but not eliminated
(VanDerWal 2009).
Bias is also evident in the generation of the absence data used for model
validation and GLM training. The absences used were randomly selected outside
known presence locations; however, without field verification, it is impossible to
know whether these sites contain owls or potential suitable habitat. To improve
absence data, one should determine true absence points in the field, by marking
coordinates for locations where Mexican spotted owls have not been detected or in
areas considered not suitable habitat. This raises a concern of true habitat
unsuitability or merely that owls have not been detected at that location due to
random chance. Even if certain habitat is suitable for Mexican spotted owl, they
potentially may not occupy or use that entire suitable habitat (Gu and Swihart 2004).
5.6 Future Research
The results of this study raise additional questions that have been addressed by
previous research. For instance, this study could assess the impact of using target
backgrounds in habitat suitability modeling, potentially providing useful insights to
research conducted by VanDerWal et al. (2009). To improve predictive performance
of habitat suitability models for Mexican spotted owl in GNF, future ground surveys
could be designed to account for absence as well as presence during each season of
the year. Such research could potentially determine whether true absences are
significantly better than pseudo-absences in generating presence-absence habitat
suitability models (Wise and Guisan 2009). The biological input data for this study
could be implemented for accessing the other pseudo-absence selection methods and
their impact on model generation and selection (Lütolf, Kienast, and Guisan 2006;
MacKenzie 2005). Future research might involve evaluating the impacts of changing
the threshold probabilities indicative of species presence. This study only
implemented the 10% training presence threshold, and it would be beneficial to
understand what impacts other threshold criteria such as minimum presence threshold
(MPT) or fixed thresholds have on habitat suitability models (Jiménez-Valverde,
Lobo, and Hortal 2008).
5.7 Final Thoughts
This study compared presence-only and presence-absence modeling methods using
model selection, variable importance, model validation, and habitat suitability. In
conclusion, the AIC
model selection results indicated Maxent and logistic regression
differ in their methods of selecting the most appropriate combination of
environmental variables for modeling Mexican spotted owl habitat.
Both models included the environmental variables lst low, sprox, and
elevation; however, the importance of each variable varied between Maxent and
logistic regression. Maxent considered the variable lst low the most important,
whereas logistic regression considered sprox the most influential. These models vary
in their methods for selecting variables and how they determine relative importance
or influence.
Maxent and logistic regression were nearly identical according to the
threshold dependent and independent performance measures, still Maxent performed
slightly better. When comparing the models using habitat suitability classes, the
Maxent and logistic regression models significantly differ, but when comparing total
suitable habitat the models showed substantial agreement. Results of this study like
previous research indicate how powerful and useful presence-only or presence-
absence models can be in predicting the habitat of sensitive species such as the
Mexican spotted owl (Meynard and Quinn 2007).
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Abstract (if available)
Strix occidentalis lucida (Mexican spotted owl) is a threatened wildlife species under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and in recent years Gila National Forest (GNF), New Mexico has been a vital stronghold in providing suitable habitat for remaining owl populations. Historical point call survey data provided by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) was processed to generate 405 presence points, which were used to generate 405 pseudo-absences. For modeling purposes, 75% of the 405 presence and absence points were used for training habitat suitability models and 25% were set aside for validation. Maxent and logistic regression were the methods selected for modeling Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability. Several topographic, water resource, vegetative, and climatic environmental variables were selected as the potential environmental predictors. A stepwise Maxent model included the variables land surface temperature low pass (lst low), elevation, and stream proximity (sprox), resulting in a validation kappa of 0.370 and AUC of 0.777. The best logistic regression model consisted of lst low, elevation, stream proximity, modified soil adjusted vegetation index (msavi), and slope as the environmental variables with a validation kappa of 0.267 and AUC of 0.750. Maxent and logistic regression habitat suitability models had poor agreement when assessed using the habitat suitability classes
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Asset Metadata
Isner, Andrew Lynn
Core Title
Habitat suitability modeling of Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in Gila National Forest, New Mexico
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
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Geographic Information Science and Technology
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University of Southern California
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environmental variables,generalized linear model,habitat suitability modeling,maximum entropy,Mexican spotted owl,OAI-PMH Harvest
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environmental variables
generalized linear model
habitat suitability modeling
maximum entropy
Mexican spotted owl