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Improving the communication of water allocation decisions using interactive maps
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Improving the communication of water allocation decisions using interactive maps
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Andrew Levi Stickney
A Thesis Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2012
Copyright 2012 Andrew Levi Stickney
The author would like to express his sincere gratitude for the support of Dr.
Robert Vos, for his unending patience, frequent feedback, and advice on political and
public participation theory, Dr. Jennifer Swift, for her enthusiastic encouragement and
knowledge of information systems, and Dr. Darren Ruddell, for his expertise in water
resource management and public participation. Credit also goes to the seven individuals
who made time in their lives to provide expert feedback on the author’s interactive maps.
The author would also like to extend his thanks to the faculty of the Spatial
Science Institute at the University of Southern California, for an amazing one-year study
of geographic information science and technology, and to the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management’s Glasgow Field Office for a life-changing summer job that sparked my
interest in Montana water rights. Final thanks go to his family, both Reid and Stickney,
for their endless support, love, and encouragement, especially his wife Julienne Reid
Stickney. Without her support and strength, this thesis would not have been possible.
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. ii
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................v
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER 1: Introduction ...............................................................................................1
1.1 Topic Definition .....................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation ..............................................................................................................3
1.3 Study Overview ......................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2: Background ................................................................................................8
2.1 Theories of Public Participation .............................................................................8
2.2 GIS Roles and Allocation Decisions ....................................................................13
CHAPTER 3: Methodology ............................................................................................22
3.1 Themes of Water Allocation Decision .................................................................23
3.2 Creating the Maps ................................................................................................26
3.3 Structure of the Evaluation ...................................................................................32
CHAPTER 4: Results .....................................................................................................34
4.1 Presentation of Interactive Maps ..........................................................................34
4.2 Presentation of Interactive Features .....................................................................40
4.3 Presentation of Expert Feedback ..........................................................................43
CHAPTER 5: Discussion and Conclusion ......................................................................49
5.1 Can Maps Communicate Water Right Policies? ..................................................49
5.2 Directions for Future Study ..................................................................................55
References ..........................................................................................................................58
APPENDIX A: Geoprocessing Steps ................................................................................63
APPENDIX B: List of Individuals Providing Expert Feedback .......................................66
APPENDIX C: List of Questions for Feedback Interviews ..............................................67
APPENDIX D: A Note on the Cartographic Portfolio ......................................................68
APPENDIX E: Map Series of Beneficial Uses in Upper Ruby River Watershed ............69
APPENDIX F: Map Series of Beneficial Uses in Middle Ruby River Watershed ..........76
APPENDIX G: Map Series of Beneficial Uses in Lower Ruby River Watershed ...........83
APPENDIX H: Map Series of Beneficial Uses in Sweetwater Creek Watershed .............90
APPENDIX I: Map Series of Beneficial Uses in Alder Gulch Watershed .....................97
Table 1 Table of Thematic Layers for Water Allocation Use Model ............................... 27
Table 2 Table of Reference Layers for Water Allocation Model ..................................... 27
Table 3 Time Series Screenshots of Points of Use in the Lower Ruby River
Watershed ........................................................................................................... 40
Table 4 Time Series of Stock and Irrigation Points of Use in the Lower Ruby
River Watershed ................................................................................................. 42
Table 5 List of Individuals Providing Feedback ............................................................... 66
Figure 1 Map of the Missouri Hydrologic Region and Ruby River Drainage
Basin ....................................................................................................................6
Figure 2 Screenshot of Pictographic Symbol Set for Beneficial Use ............................... 30
Figure 3 Screenshot of Dot-Based Symbol Set based on Beneficial Use and
Year of Appropriation ...................................................................................... 30
Figure 4 State Overview Map Showing Major Rivers and the Study Area ...................... 35
Figure 5 Watershed Index Map of Study Area ................................................................. 37
Figure 6 Detail Map for Lower Ruby River Watershed with Pictographic
Symbol Set ....................................................................................................... 39
Figure 7 Detail Map for Lower Ruby River Watershed with Dot-Based Symbol
Set ..................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 8 Screenshot of Points of Use exhibiting “grid effect” ......................................... 46
Figure 9 Screenshot of Points of Use exhibiting “stacking effect” .................................. 47
Figure 10 Screenshot of Thesis Geodatabase Structure .................................................... 64
Figure 16 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 69
Figure 17 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 70
Figure 18 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Mining Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 71
Figure 19 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 72
Figure 20 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 73
Figure 21 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and
Garden Points of Use ........................................................................................ 74
Figure 22 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 75
Figure 23 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 76
Figure 24 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 77
Figure 25 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Mining
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 78
Figure 26 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 79
Figure 27 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 80
Figure 28 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and
Garden Points of Uses ...................................................................................... 81
Figure 29 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 82
Figure 30 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 83
Figure 31 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 84
Figure 32 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Mining Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 85
Figure 33 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 86
Figure 34 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 87
Figure 35 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and
Garden Points of Use ........................................................................................ 88
Figure 36 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 89
Figure 37 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Irrigation
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 90
Figure 38 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Domestic
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 91
Figure 39 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Mining Points
of Use ............................................................................................................... 92
Figure 40 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Stock Points of
Use .................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 41 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Commercial
Points of Use .................................................................................................... 94
Figure 42 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Lawn and
Garden Points of Use ........................................................................................ 95
Figure 43 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Other Points of
Use .................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 44 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Irrigation Points of
Use .................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 45 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Domestic Points of
Use .................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 46 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Mining Points of
Use .................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 47 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Stock Points of Use ........... 100
Figure 48 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Commercial Points
of Use ............................................................................................................. 101
Figure 49 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Lawn and Garden
Points of Use .................................................................................................. 102
Figure 50 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Other Points of Use ........... 103
There is a finite amount of fresh water available for use by water users (geologic
processes, plants, animals, and even humans). Thus, conflicts and disputes often arise
over water allocation, especially in the western United States, where water reserves are
already scarce. Water rights systems and policies are designed to allocate water fairly
even when water runs short. However, the science and legal principles behind these water
rights systems are difficult to communicate to stakeholders, leading to reduced
participation and legitimacy of policies (Priscoli 2004; Reisner 1993). Earlier work
suggests that interactive maps can support or enhance stakeholder knowledge creation or
refinement by promoting exploration of map data (MacEachren 2000; MacEachren and
Brewer 2004; Andrienko and Andrienko 1999). This study explores approaches to
visualizing water rights policies at multiple scales in communities and landscapes of the
Ruby River Basin in Montana. A series of interactive maps was created and shared with
stakeholders to obtain feedback based on expert local knowledge. The results suggest that
interactive maps are powerful vehicles for communicating water right policies to
stakeholders if careful attention is paid to applying cartographic design principles in maps
properly contextualized for local conditions. Results also suggest that interactive maps
are particularly useful in multiple representations of data that cannot be conveyed
effectively through symbology. Future research is needed to test whether such maps
actually improve stakeholder knowledge and perception, and in turn spur public
1.1 Topic Definition
There is a finite amount of fresh water available for use by water users (plants,
animals, and even humans). Since human society and the environment both rely on fresh
water for their survival, they must compete to use it. Consequently, political conflicts
often arise when one individual or group receives a larger share of water than another
does, even when decisions comply with the law and due process.
1.1.1 Sources of Water Conflict
Some political conflicts are centered over how water is used (e.g. agriculture,
recreational, or industry) and how water is stored and transported. As an example, federal
regulators clash with water users over acceptable levels of pollutants (e.g. fertilizers and
industrial waste) that can be discharged into rivers or lakes without affecting water
quality for other uses, like drinking, fishing, or swimming (Gerber and Poticha 2008;
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency n.d.).
Other conflicts focus on how water is stored. As the rate of diversion from natural
water sources began to exceed their recharge rates, dams and other hydrologic
infrastructures were developed by the government to manage the quantity and quality of
water. The use of these structures has dramatically increased our ability to live in
previously uninhabitable areas, such as the arid regions of the western United States
(Reisner 1993). Even so, their use and development has been controversial. An argument
over construction of the Parker Dam resulted in deployment of the Arizona National
Guard in 1934 (U.S. Department of the Interior n.d.).
Despite the benefits of these technological advances, they have not increased the
total amount of water available to water users. Although water stored in dams can be
released for permitted uses during periods of drought, Las Vegas is spending $800
million to build a new drinking-water intake for Nevada’s Lake Meade that can
accommodate projected diminishment of water flows from Utah’s Lake Powell reservoir
(Hollenhorst 2012). Lower water levels in the Western U.S. may become a reality soon
due to increased temperatures and reduced rainfall accumulations associated with climate
change (Anderson and Woosley 2005). Against this backdrop, it is clear that equitable
allocation is critical to the successful management of surface water resources.
1.1.2 A Solution for Allocating Water
In the United States, each state has developed a legal system, composed of policy,
law, science, and technology to allocate and distribute water. These are commonly called
water rights systems. Most western state water rights systems require users to obtain a
permit from the state to divert (i.e., “appropriate”) water from a public source for
beneficial uses. When resources run low, junior permit holders are required to stop using
water to conserve water for senior claims based on the permit, or priority date, a concept
known as “first in time, first in right”, or the prior appropriation doctrine. Permitted uses
vary among states but often include “consumptive economic uses” like agriculture
(Cosens 2009; Matthews et al. 2001). The goal of this study is to explore what roles
maps and geographic information systems (GIS) might play in improving the
communication of water allocation decisions made under these water rights systems to
1.2 Motivation
Many water rights systems are run using a combination of paper and legacy
computer systems, which can prove troublesome, for both water users and administrators
(Morse 2005; Solum 2005). Inefficient paper-based record-keeping systems can increase
the time needed to make allocation decisions or resolve disputes, resulting in frustrated
and confused stakeholders. Computerized decision support systems are not much better if
they rely on obsolete computer code, methods lacking scientific rigor, or incomplete
models of policy rules. These systems can be difficult to update in order to address
emerging challenges such as the practice of “water banking” (Barringer 2011).
A second obstacle to equitable allocation is that decision-makers do not always
clearly explain the policies that govern water allocation decisions and water rights
systems. To be fair, some systems and policies are designed under a theory that a group
of experts relying on law and science can make better, more efficient decisions than
stakeholders could through participation (Molle 2004; Yates 1982). Nevertheless, a poor
understanding of water rights systems or policies decreases stakeholder participation and
increases the number of decisions whose equity is disputed (Priscoli 2004). As water
becomes scarcer, increased stakeholder understanding is critical to ensure that equitable
allocations are made, whether by a group of experts or through participation.
Several GIS methods have been developed to address design challenges that
contribute to inefficient or erroneous administration of water rights (Allen et al. 2005;
Morse, et al. 1990; Sheng and Wilson 2009; Wurbs 2005). This study explores methods
for improving communication of water right policies to stakeholders.
1.3 Study Overview
To explore ways to increase stakeholder understanding, this study developed a
portfolio of interactive maps using a geospatial PDF format. The interactive maps
visualize the historical allocation of water under the prior appropriation system
commonly used in the western United States, and demonstrate the role of beneficial use
under that system. Several individuals with expert local knowledge of water rights and
allocation decisions provided feedback on the cartographic design, technical content, and
interactive features (i.e., the ability to toggle visibility of layers in the geospatial PDF
map format) of the portfolio.
Evaluating the interactive features is important because there are few examples in
the literature (Cervantes 2009) and none with water resource applications. Dix and Ellis
(1998) offer one of the earliest arguments for including interactivity in maps. In essence,
they argue that adding interactivity adds value to an existing visualization method,
whether it is two-dimensional maps or three-dimensional pie charts. For example, they
suggest that the ability to click on an element of a stacked histogram, have the other
elements “sink”, and extend below the baseline makes it easier to perceive relationships
between that particular element and the others.
1.3.1 Study Area
The study focused on the Ruby River drainage basin in Montana, a prior-
appropriation state with characteristics that have contributed to serious water disputes in
the recent past. The state contains a land area of 145,546 square miles and a population of
989,415 (U.S. Census Bureau 2012).
The Ruby River drainage basin is located in the Missouri River hydrologic region
in southwestern Montana ( Figure 1). The state is known for its natural beauty, and draws
numerous many visitors to its two national parks, Glacier National Park and Yellowstone
National Park. Other historic economic activities include logging, mining, fishing, and
agriculture (Diamond 2004).
Like many Western states, the state’s climate is generally arid and experiences
low annual rainfall levels. Therefore, the use of dams and intensive irrigation has played
an extensive role in the state’s ability to support both its natural and human populations
and produce crops (Reisner 1993). Although water rights were claimed as early as the
1800s, a formal water rights system was not established until 1972, making it tough to
verify the accuracy of these claims (Legislative Environmental Quality Council 2009).
The Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC), which administers the
water rights system, has divided the state into several drainage basins whose boundaries
closely correspond to those of the United States Geological Survey’s Fourth-Level Coded
Hydrologic Units (HUCs) (U.S. Geological Survey 2012). Fourth-Level HUCs provide a
standard representation of river sub-basins. Each sub-basin is divided into Fifth-Level
HUCs that represent individual watersheds.
The DNRC identifies the Ruby River drainage basin as area 41C (Figure 1). It
was selected as the study area for this study because of its small size and manageable
number of water rights. The Ruby River drainage basin has an area of 973.3 square miles
(622, 974 acres) and is lightly appropriated relative to other drainage basins in Montana
(Ruby Valley Conservation District and Ruby Valley Watershed Council 2012).
Figure 1 Map of the Missouri Hydrologic Region and Ruby River Drainage Basin
Within the drainage basin, there are currently 4,321 unique active water rights, of
which 2,471 are diverted from surface water resources (Montana State Library 2012). For
perspective, one heavily appropriated sub-basin within the 40J drainage basin, located in
northeastern Montana, contains at least 7,000 surface water rights (Stickney et al 2010)
and the Clark Fork river basin contains 26,274 surface water rights spread across eight
drainage basins (Shively and Mueller 2010). In concentrating on the Ruby River basin,
the case study focuses less on data processing, and more on developing solid methods for
visualizing water rights
Section 2 reviews existing research on the role of beneficial use in allocation
decisions and stakeholder understanding of a water rights system. The review assesses
how interactive maps can potentially help stakeholders better understand policies of
water allocation decisions, providing a theory for how stakeholder understanding might
be increased. The historical tension between democracy and efficiency in American
government policymaking is described using a model from Yates (1982). This model
serves as an organizational framework for the review. Following the discussion of Yates
(1982), the review provides definitions for beneficial use and water rights. Then it
explores how beneficial use and water rights influence allocation decisions. Next, it
discusses the need for stakeholders to understand these decisions. Finally, potential roles
for GIS in water allocation decisions are reviewed and their connection to stakeholder
understanding of water allocation decisions is established. This section concludes by
summarizing the purpose of this study and the hypotheses in this particular context.
2.1 Theories of Public Participation
Two competing theories have historically driven the creation of American
government and the formation of stakeholder policy: pluralism theory and efficiency
theory (Yates 1982). These theories are relevant for understanding how public
participation is included in water right policy development and program administration.
They also influence how GIS is used to communicate information about water right
policies and programs to stakeholders. The following section discusses their definitions
and impact on stakeholder policies and programs.
2.1.1 Pluralism and Efficiency
Pluralism theory envisions a constitution and democratic government structure in
which power is distributed among multiple competing groups. Stakeholder participation
is important to ensure the groups check and balance each other. This theory was
developed in opposition to the practices of Britain, and grounded in two beliefs: (1)
distributing power throughout government structure reduces the risk of corruption; (2)
politicians and citizens are the best administrators or policymakers in a democratic
society while presidents and kings are not to be trusted. By creating a government with
access for stakeholder participation and competing power centers, proponents of this
theory believe that all stakeholder and minority interests would have an equal voice in
creating policy. Through compromise and negotiation, the resulting government policy
accommodates the greatest number of interests (Yates 1982).
Efficiency theory envisions a system in which government operations are removed
from messy politics. A strong executive with centralized power and control presides over
operations run by a cadre of specialized, nonpolitical, professional experts and analysts
who efficiently administered policies based on rational thought, science, and law (Yates
1982). In efficiency theory, stakeholder interests are discovered through expert judgment
of their needs rather than through negotiation between competing interest groups.
The theories are in tension with each other (Yates 1982). Pluralists worry about
corruption and misuse of power under a centralized government structure and restrictions
on stakeholder participation in policy development and program administration.
Efficiency proponents believe that distributed power, excessive stakeholder
participation, and policy development through negotiation lead to a fragmented
government that is inefficient, fiscally irresponsible, and unable to address stakeholder
needs in a timely manner. The result is a hybrid government that at times demonstrates
the best and worst of these theories. The rest of this review illustrates how these theories
affect water policies and stakeholder participation in allocation decisions.
2.1.2 Approaches to Beneficial Use and Water Rights Allocation
In response to the increased potential for resource conflict and unauthorized
diversions from natural and artificial water sources, state governments implemented
prescriptive systems of water rights with market-based approaches to allocation. These
were similar to other property right systems already in use, such as real estate (Johnson et
al. 1981). The features of this approach resemble those from the efficiency approach to
government, including rational, efficient allocations based on law and science (Yates
1982). For example, the Montana Water Use Act of 1973 (Doney and Noble 2010)
enumerates the permitted beneficial uses for which water can be allocated under that
state’s water rights system. The prior appropriation doctrine determines the seniority of a
claim based on the date when water was first legally diverted under the claim, also known
as the priority date. The Act was established during the 1972 Montana Constitutional
Convention (Legislative Environmental Quality Council 2009). Prescriptive approaches
are presumed to be fair and impartial since they rely on science, law, rational thought,
and non-political, highly educated civil servants (Yates 1982).
Unfortunately, the scientific and legal complexity of prescriptive approaches may
prevent water users from challenging the equity of disputed decisions. In addition,
prescriptive approaches limit independent verification of models, methods, and
assumptions, which may result in incorrect calculations of water availability based on
inappropriate models or overly optimistic assumptions (Priscoli 2004). Molle (2004)
asserts that prescriptive approaches used by government bureaucracies often reflect the
power structures and distributions in society and give preference to water users with
greater social or political status. As a result, methods that determine permitted beneficial
uses often promote traditional economic interests, such as agriculture, over other uses.
(Matthews et al. 2001).
Moreover, these approaches do not easily accommodate alternative methods or
values used to determine equity (Postel 2008). Common examples include (1) historical
pluralistic agreements within a water community, (2) moral or religious beliefs, (3)
concern for threatened ecosystems, plants, or animals (Molle 2004; Brown 2004; Pradhan
and Meinzen-Dick 2001). The resulting inflexibility and potential inequity of prescriptive
approaches can lead to lawsuits, polarization, and a tendency to dispute resource conflicts
rather than resolve them (Norton 2005).
In contrast, negotiated rights are developed between individual or group water
users, gradually and iteratively, over a longer temporal period, based on available
resources and collective needs. This system is more informal than prescriptive
approaches and specific to a community of users. Consequently, the negotiated rules may
vary between communities within a region and between regions.
Likewise, as the needs of a water user community grow and change, new rules
may be established and existing rules modified on a regular (e.g. monthly, annual, or very
decade) or ad-hoc basis.
State agencies are not usually involved since the user community assumes
responsibility for development of water allocation rules, definition of permitted beneficial
uses, and maintenance of negotiated rights. When the state becomes involved, it usually
serves as a mediator between user groups, rather than as an administrator or enforcement
agent (Molle 2004). As with the pluralist approach to government, negotiated rights
emphasize stakeholder participation and policy development through negotiation or
bargaining (Yates 1982).
Pluralistic approaches appear to overcome many flaws of their prescriptive
counterparts. The negotiation-based approach encourages transparency and inclusion of
multiple values and interests (Pradhan and Meinzen-Dick 2001). Since all parties
participate in the development of decision criteria and rules, this approach promotes
mutual awareness, agreement, maintenance, and enforcement by all parties and reduces
conflict resulting from misunderstanding the rules (Trawick 2002). Moreover, rules,
policies, and models can be further refined to improve water availability and quality as
knowledge of the geographic area’s hydrology, climate, and environment is collectively
shared and distributed within the water community. Developing rules and models used to
allocate and enforce water rights using an entire community’s knowledge may be
superior to a prescriptive approach’s sole use of science-based quantitative knowledge,
which can be incomplete or inaccurate (Molle 2004).
Despite these benefits, pluralistic approaches have their setbacks. They can be
affected by inequities or power imbalances within a community’s culture and societal
norms, although the negotiation-based process may offer a method for resolving them.
Moreover, adoption of a pluralistic approach requires a much higher level of community
interest, participation, knowledge sharing, money, and time to implement (Molle 2004).
In summary, neither approach to water allocation decisions is perfect. Despite
their inflexibility and potential for inequity in allocation decisions, prescriptive
approaches are widely used today by bureaucratic governments. Even so, pluralist
approaches are gaining popularity because of their inclusive, flexible, negotiation-based
approach and greater support for stakeholder education and participation.
2.2 GIS Roles and Allocation Decisions
Under both the prescriptive and pluralistic approaches, water right administrators
face many challenges. Geographic information systems (GIS) can act as a powerful tool
for managing water allocation decisions (Tsihrintzis et al. 1996). The predominant role of
GIS in water rights is providing decision-support to administrators. The current study
explores an emerging role for GIS as a tool for visualizing policies. This section provides
examples of each role, discusses how they support public participation, and provides a
theoretical framework for this study’s methodology.
2.2.1 GIS as a Decision Support Tool
The Texas Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) was designed to model water
availability, improve water management decisions, and make the Texas water permitting
system more efficient (Wurbs 2005).
WRAP calculates estimates using hydrologic parameters and control points for
each river basin assessed. It relies on two independent models to calculate natural stream
flows (WRAP-HYD) and simulate their appropriation (WRAP-SIM). Simulations
performed with this software are based on Texas water right regulations under one or
more management scenarios, such as varying degrees of drought (Wurbs 2005). The
simulation results provide the amount of un-appropriated water remaining for future
water right claims and several summary statistics (Wurbs 2005).
Developing comprehensive decision support systems is a complex process
because of the need to model a large number of variables. WRAP modeled water rights
regulations, water use agreements, compacts, permits, hydrologic storage, transport, flow
parameters, and many other parameters (Wurbs 2005). Since the funding and expertise to
develop such systems is not always available, most research focuses on development and
implementation of GIS tools and methods to address individual components of a
comprehensive decision support system.
Rosenthal et al. (1995) describe how the Geographic Resource Analysis Support
System (GRASS) was linked to the Surface and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a
popular hydrological model, for a continuous simulation of water quality assessments on
the Lower Colorado River Basin in Texas (Neteler et al. 2012; Neitsch et al. 2002). This
reportedly reduced the time needed to develop the large amount of input data and
parameters required for an assessment at the river-basin scale.
Sheng and Wilson (2009) describe a recent example of integrating the MIKE-
BASIN hydrological model to ArcGIS in order to perform a water quality and watershed
health assessment for the Santa Monica Bay Watershed in Southern California. This
integration allowed the researchers to perform hydrology and water quality simulations
with MIKE-BASIN while letting ArcGIS and the ArcHydro extension (Maidment 2002)
handle data management and visualization tasks (Sheng and Wilson 2009).
One challenge that developers of tools like WRAP, SWAT, or MIKE-BASIN face
is collecting data to calculate input parameters. When parameters cannot be derived from
a high-quality dataset at a scale appropriate for the study, they are estimated from general
equations and regional models. The problems of estimation are documented in the
literature (Inskeep et al. 1996; Macur et al. 2000; Lindahl, et al. 2008; Clark 1998).
Allen et al. (2005) describe one remote sensing model, Mapping
Evapotranspiration at High Resolution and with Internalized Calibration (METRIC), for
calculating evapotranspiration (ET) on irrigated land. Measurement of ET from irrigated
land allows states to assess whether they comply with legal compacts and agreements that
specify how many hectares they can irrigate using water diverted and allocated from a
shared resource. Evaporation measures water that is absorbed from earth’s surface, over
land or water. Transpiration is what evaporates from plants on the landscape.
Evapotranspiration, a component of many water-balance models, is a composite
measurement of both evaporation and transpiration from the earth’s surface.
Using METRIC, the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) calculated ET on
the Bear River in eastern Idaho using Landsat satellite imagery.
The improved quality of the ET calculations resulted in refined estimates of rates for
groundwater flow, groundwater recharge, and crop yield. Improved estimates led to
increased enforcement of water shut-off orders and water allocation limits under water
right permits (Allen et al. 2005).
Morse et al. (1990) describe another application of GIS and remote sensing to
support the adjudication of water rights in Idaho’s Snake River Basin. The intent of the
project was to create an accurate dataset of land-cover that would enable water rights
administrators to calculate the acreage of each land cover class per quarter-quarter
section, the smallest spatial unit legally describing water rights claims in Idaho using the
Public Land Survey System (PLSS). A remote-sensing package was used to create a land-
cover dataset showing six different classes, including irrigated land. GIS was used to
digitize the PLSS from 1:100,000 scale Mylar maps and then overlay it on top of the
Landsat classification grid. This overlay allowed the Idaho Department of Water
Resources to calculate the acreage of each land cover class for each quarter-quarter
section. Morse et al.(1990) used regression analysis methods to estimate the accuracy of
the Landsat land-cover classification and reported an average r
of 0.90 for the first five
counties, indicating a good linear fit between classified and actual land cover values.
2.2.2 GIS as a Visualization Tool
GIS-based decision-support tools have improved some of the technical problems
that contribute to inefficient and error-prone water rights systems, but suffer from a
common shortcoming: They are designed, developed, and implemented without
awareness of how they affect a stakeholder’s understanding of the decision process.
A newer GIS role that incorporates this awareness requires the visualization of
water right policies. Many water resource management decisions are challenged because
water users question their equity and fairness. In part, decision equity and parity is
influenced by the competing efficient or pluralistic approaches to government structure
and prescriptive or negotiated policy for allocating water rights (Yates 1982; Molle
2004). Additionally, stakeholders often do not understand the decision process,
underlying methods, or data, leading to concerns about its equity and lack of interest in
increasing their scientific knowledge (Priscoli 2004).
Some scholars argue that research should be directed towards developing “spatial
understanding systems” that communicate the structure, policy, and rationale behind
decisions rather than acting as decision support systems (Ramsey 2009; Couclelis and
Monmonier 1995; Elwood 2006). They argue that GIS has the power to visualize
decision results and the deliberation process through maps. Consequently, visualizing
water allocation decisions with GIS would go a long way towards improving stakeholder
understanding and participation.
The water allocation decision process is inextricably linked to an underlying
community of users who embed the social value of water in their culture (Pradhan and
Meinzen-Dick 2001), a social and administrative structure for managing water rights
(Yates 1982; Molle 2004) and, ultimately, the physical structure of the landscape with
which water resources and users interact (Cosens 2009). Visualizing these complex
relationships and interactions using GIS is likely to be far more efficient and powerful
than describing them in narrative text.
There are five different types of resource ownership for most water rights systems
in the United States (Matthews 2004) or twelve permitted beneficial uses of water in the
state of Montana (Legislative Environmental Quality Council 2009). What may be more
useful to a stakeholder is visualizing where these characteristics of water right claims
occur on the landscape with respect to other features. For example, examining the
proximity of places where water is used for irrigation to the locations of farms may help
stakeholders better understand who uses water diverted for this purpose.
Matthews et al. (2001) highlight another important spatial relationship between
the direction of water flow in a river basin based on gravity and the hydrological regime,
and the historical allocation of that flow under a “prior appropriation” system. Surface
water generally flows downstream from higher to lower elevations. In contrast, over time,
points of diversion used to appropriate water from a river or other source can mimic the
downstream flow, move upstream in the opposite direction, or in both directions at once.
Thus, the temporal hierarchy of water right claims may not match the physical
hydrological structure, resulting in cases where a junior appropriator may be upstream
from a senior appropriator. In a period of drought or water shortage, this junior
appropriator may be confused as to why they must let water flow freely by their diversion
structure to satisfy the needs of the downstream senior appropriator unless this fact is
clearly explained to them. Likewise, the complexity of these “mismatches” may be
frustrating to claim examiners attempting to determine whether to deny a new or
amended permit application because it injures the rights of other existing appropriators
along the same river or water source.
In both cases, a map that symbolizes diversion points, using their appropriation
date and the direction that water flows over the landscape, may be a useful vehicle not
only for clarifying these relationships but also for communicating decisions to permit
The scenarios provided above demonstrate why mapping the allocation and use of
water resources under a water rights system may be useful for improving stakeholder
understanding of allocation decisions. In a recent report, MacEachren (2000) suggests a
two-part process for developing visualization tools that support collaborative decision-
making processes. First, a theoretical framework should be developed to model the
decision-making process and identify the relevant support roles for GIS. Second, GIS
applications should be extended or developed in order to fulfill that role. Several models
of the decision-making process can be found in recent papers (MacEachren and Brewer
2004; Armstrong and Densham 2008; Jankowski and Nyerges 2001)
Of these, Maceachren and Brewer (2004) offer the most detailed description,
including several roles for GIS. They divide their framework into two parts that describe:
1) the human components of the decision-making process, and 2) the computing
infrastructure available. First among the human components is the problem context of the
decision-process, which the authors enumerate as knowledge construction or refinement
(i.e., learning something from data), conceptual design (i.e. designing something, e.g. a
park), decision-support, or training and education. They also enumerate the collaboration
tasks required of the group during the process, namely brainstorming, refining, selecting,
and executing a solution.
Finally, the authors describe the group’s mutual perspective on the decision
process as either cooperative or conflicted. Each perspective has a goal of communicating
shared understanding or resolving conflicts through negotiation (MacEachren and Brewer
2004, 7–8).
Within the human and computational environment, Maceachren and Brewer
(2004) suggest two potential visualization roles for GIS, which vary slightly depending
on individual situations. First, GIS can provide a shared representation of an object or
concept (e.g. water rights) that allows collaborators to explore the data together and thus
promotes brainstorming, analysis, and negotiation of ideas, perspectives, and solutions
related to it. Second, GIS can provide an illustration of the decision-making process
itself, allowing collaborators to visualize their role in the process as well as its outcomes.
The first component of the computing infrastructure is the spatial and temporal
context of the process. Group members can collaborate at a distance or within the same
space, either asynchronously or in real-time. These spatial and temporal contexts affect
the choice of tools used to support the decision process. The second component is the
interaction characteristics of the stakeholders, including: the size of each group and
potential sub-groups within them, the topology of connections between individuals, and
technical or social constraints on information form and flow between collaborators
(MacEachren and Brewer 2004, 9–10).The authors conclude by applying the framework
to two case studies where GIS was used and highlight how current software limitations
constrain the usefulness of GIS for assisting stakeholders in making decisions.
Both case studies explored geo-visualization applications for group exploration of
spatio-temporal environmental data. The first study used a desktop-based tool for
visualizing and animating data in 2.5 dimensions. The second study used a “semi-
immersive” large screen to integrate three-dimensional space-time views of
environmental data (MacEachren and Brewer 2004, 17).
It is clear that in previous studies, GIS has helped address some of the technical
and scientific deficiencies of existing water rights systems by enhancing data collection,
modeling hydrological processes, and providing decision-support (Morse et al. 1990;
Sheng and Wilson 2009; Wurbs 2005). Even so, these existing applications have not
improved administrators’ ability to communicate decision processes to stakeholders. The
next section describes a method used in the case study for this research to investigate the
ability of GIS to improve the communication of water allocation decisions by
visualization of water right policies.
The barriers to communication and understanding inherent in existing water rights
systems hamper the ability of water resource administrators to resolve issues of decision
equity. This is especially true for prescriptive water rights approaches, such as prior
appropriation systems used in the Western United States. The research question
underlying this study is: “Can GIS enhance the communication of water allocation
decisions to stakeholders?”
In Montana, information on the structure and process of water allocation decisions
is available to stakeholders in the form of a written document (Legislative Environmental
Quality Council 2009). Visualizing this information through maps could be far more
accessible to stakeholders because it connects abstract systems of permits, policies, and
rules to the landscapes, people, and environment to which they apply. In other words, “It
is this ability to link the territory with what comes with it that has made maps so valuable
to so many for so long”(Wood and Fels 1992, 10).
This study strives to visualize several components of water allocation decisions
(e.g. beneficial use or prior appropriation). Following Maceachren and Brewer’s (2004)
conceptual framework of GIS roles in group decision-making processes, this study
hypothesizes that visualizing these components of water allocation will support a
stakeholder’s ability to refine or create knowledge of water right policies in Montana.
To test this claim, several interactive maps were created to illustrate the role of these
components in water allocation decisions. These maps were shared with stakeholders
with expert, local knowledge of water rights and the study area.
The stakeholders evaluated and provided feedback on the maps’ ability to support the
creation and refinement of knowledge related to water allocation decisions.
3.1 Themes of Water Allocation Decisions
For this study, a series of spatial layers that represent selected components of
water allocation decisions were compiled. These layers were used to create several
interactive thematic maps that visually communicate the components to stakeholders in
order to improve their understanding of water allocation decisions. The first step in
developing these maps was to enumerate the water allocation themes that they
represented so that they could be developed appropriately. Several individual themes
come first, followed by combinations of those themes that illustrate their inter-
3.1.1 Upstream Appropriation Affects Downstream Users
This thesis, while focused upon the Ruby River drainage basin in southwestern
Montana, cannot discuss it in isolation. Water flows from this drainage basin as the
Jefferson River and joins with the Madison and Gallatin rivers to form the Upper
Missouri Headwaters. The Missouri River itself then traverses north and east through
much of Montana and parts of North and South Dakota and Nebraska before entering the
Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri (Missouri River Natural Resources Committee
and US Geological Survey, n.d.). Therefore, excessive appropriation of water resources
within the study area can reduce water availability for downstream users, not just in
Montana but also in other states. Thus, illustrating the connection between the study area
and downstream communities within the largest common watershed is important.
3.1.2 Water Rights Reflect the Values of a Place
During the process of developing water rights, rules are established for how
water is used by the community of users, otherwise known as “beneficial uses”.
Visualizing water rights on a map may help stakeholders better understand allocation
decisions by telling a story of how a community uses water, both historically and in the
present. For example, if water used for irrigation is located close to farms or open fields,
this may illustrate the primary users of water for that purpose. Similarly, showing where
water is currently used in relationship to where it comes from may show what forms of
transportation are used to deliver that water from source to destination. Finally, showing
how the pattern of beneficial use has changed over time may provide insight to
stakeholders on the historical development of that community of water users.
3.1.3 Water Rights Have a Hierarchy
If beneficial use were the sole determinant of a claim to use water, there would
still be conflict over whose beneficial use was more important. In the western United
States, as previously stated, most water rights systems have resolved this conflict by
using time to determine whose use is more important, otherwise known as the doctrine of
“prior appropriation” (Matthews et al. 2001).
Under these systems, appropriators whose claims were recognized first have
greater priority over those appropriators with later claims. Thus a farmer whose claim
was established in the year 1975 would have a claim over a mining company whose
claim was established in 1995, regardless of whether its beneficial use was deemed more
useful or not.
Likewise, if an appropriator would like to file a new claim or change an existing
claim, they must demonstrate that the new or amended claim does not harm the rights of
existing senior appropriators.
3.1.4 Water Rights are Linked to a Physical Landscape
Water rights link to physical locations on the earth where water is diverted from a
source and put to use. The location of water rights is determined in part by where water
can be diverted, the community that uses it, and the story of a place in time.
Visualizing water rights on a map shows how the landscape ties these aspects
together. For example, overlaying surface hydrology and the appropriation of water over
time may show how the hierarchy of water right claims does or does not match the
direction of hydrological flow over the landscape (Matthews et al. 2001). Furthermore,
visualizing beneficial use and the hierarchy of water right claims may demonstrate how
conflicts over the use of water are settled using the date of appropriation. Finally,
visualizing beneficial uses of water in relation to the community of users may reveal to
stakeholders any disagreement or disconnect in the social value of water between the
community and the state.
Using this model to explore these aspects of beneficial use and water rights may
inspire stakeholders to discuss the ethics and equity of allocation decisions, increase their
cumulative understanding, and potentially move them to collaborate on a solution to any
perceived inequities. This addresses the concerns of several scholars in the literature on
the use of GIS to enhance stakeholder knowledge of water allocation decisions (Elwood
2006; Priscoli 2004; Postel 2008; Matthews et al. 2001).
3.2 Creating the Maps
The maps created for this study are limited in scope to visualizing water rights
and beneficial use, relying solely on the free GIS datasets made available through the
Montana GIS Portal. This allows the method to be easily repeated within the state and
avoids time and cost constraints associated with extracting data from remote-sensing or
hardcopy sources. Even so, creating defensible and informative maps that clearly
visualize and communicate water allocation decisions to stakeholders requires attention
to both technical and cartographic detail. The first step to creating the maps was to
identify appropriate layers for use in their development.
3.2.1 Selecting Model Layers
To effectively communicate the role that beneficial use plays in water allocation
decisions, two different types of layers must be selected: thematic and reference.
Thematic layers focus on geographic features and phenomena related to water allocation,
such as water rights or surface hydrology. Reference layers provide context to a
stakeholder or other map viewer, helping them situate thematic layers on the landscape.
Table 3-1 lists the thematic layers and Table 3-2 lists the reference layers selected for this
model and describes their purpose in the model. Each layer was chosen and assessed
based on its completeness, geographic coverage, and relevance for that purpose.
Using the listed data sources, three base maps were created utilizing Esri’s
ArcGIS: (1) a state overview map, (2) a watershed index map, and (3) detailed watershed
maps. Together, these maps implemented each of the water allocation decisions themes.
Appendix A contains a detailed description of the geoprocessing steps for each layer.
Table 1 Table of Thematic Layers for Water Allocation Use Model
Name Thematic
Geographic Description Scale Source
Water Rights
This dataset contains
information about
water right claims,
including beneficial
use, appropriation
date, and places of
This dataset contains a
point location representing
the centroid of the area
where water is diverted
from a source and put into
use, based on its legal
1:100,000 (Montana State
Library 2011)
Dataset Plus
This dataset contains
information about the
hydrological regime
of the landscape,
including surface
water features, and
direction of flow.
This dataset contains
several layers related to
surface hydrology,
including linear features,
an elevation raster grid,
and basin area boundaries.
1:100,000 (Horizon
Major Rivers
and Water
This dataset displays
labeled major rivers,
water bodies, and
hydrologic landmarks
This map service contains
linear and area features and
annotations showing major
rivers and water bodies
1:100,000 (U.S.
Agency n.d.)
Table 2 Table of Reference Layers for Water Allocation Model
Name Reference
Scale Source
Public Land
Survey System
This dataset provides
the legal description
of where water is
diverted and used
This dataset contains a
hierarchal series of
rectangles, square, and
other irregularly shaped
area layers that describe the
location of a diversion
point or place of use to
within 1/16
1:24,000 (U.S. Bureau of
This dataset provides
an image of the
terrain and relief
within the study area
landscape, showing
locations of peaks,
valleys, and other
generalized features.
This dataset provides a
snapshot of the study area’s
relief and elevation in a
raster format as a basemap.
up to
(Esri 2012b)
These layers situate
water right claims
within the
community of water
users and
infrastructure of the
study area.
These point, line and area-
based datasets describe
major forms of
infrastructure on the
Various (Montana State
Library n.d.)
Major Cities
Each map was exported as a geospatial PDF from ArcMap. This format enables
easy distribution and viewing of the map while preserving a limited set of tools that allow
the user to interact with the map, such as turning layers on and off and identifying
attributes (Esri 2012a).
3.2.2 Basemaps
The state overview map placed the Ruby River drainage basin into the hydrologic
context of the Missouri River and the geographic context of Montana. It used an inset
technique to provide a small zoomed in overview of the study area next to the large
overview map of the state. The watershed index map was designed as an inverse of the
state overview map, focusing on the Ruby River drainage basin while retaining a smaller
inset map of the state for context. One detail map was created for each major watershed
(Upper, Middle, and Lower Ruby River, Alder Gulch Creek, and Sweetwater Creek) in
the study area. Each map focused on a particular watershed and displayed places of use
associated with surface water right claims within the study area and all landmark features
shown on the watershed index map.
3.2.3 Implementing the Water Allocation Themes
The theme 3.1.1 (Upstream Appropriation Affects Downstream Users) was
achieved on the state overview map by describing the hydrologic connection between the
Ruby River drainage basin and the Missouri River, visually and through narrative text.
Symbology and Adobe Reader’s interactive visibility tools were used to visualize themes
3.1.2 (Water Rights Reflect the Values of a Place) and 3.1.3 (Water Rights Have a
Hierarchy) on the watershed detail maps.
The goals of theme 3.4 (Water Rights are Linked to a Physical Landscape) were
achieved on the watershed detail maps. Points of use associated with surface water right
claims were visualized within the context of the major social and natural features of the
Ruby River drainage basin. By toggling the visibility of various combinations of
beneficial use and priority year groups, map users can observe how the distributions and
patterns changed with respect to the study area’s communities and landscape. The
watershed index map enhanced theme 3.4 by providing an overview of the major physical
and social landmarks and features of the Ruby River drainage basin.
Two different methods were tested for symbolizing water right beneficial uses
and seniority based on priority year. In the first method, black-and-white pictographic
symbols that represented each beneficial use were selected from the ArcGIS Stylesheets
(Figure 2). The symbolized layer was then subdivided into twelve sub-layers that
represented each decade from 1900 to the present year, 2012, based on each point of
use’s year of appropriation. One of those sub-layers contained all points of use dated
earlier than the year 1900. A thirteenth sub-layer contained all points that lacked an
enforceable priority date and thus were undated. The pictography symbology set was
applied to all sub-layers for consistent display. This method allows readers to toggle the
visibility of each decade and visualize changes in both seniority and geographic
distribution for each beneficial use over time using Adobe Reader’s layer visibility tools.
These tools are provided as part of Adobe Reader’s support for the geospatial PDF format
and do not require additional plug-ins or use of Adobe Acrobat.
Figure 2 Screenshot of Pictographic Symbol Set for Beneficial Use
The second method was symbolized using uniform small dots to reduce visual
clustering and overlap in areas of high density. The points of use layer was then
subdivided into thirty-six group layers representing the seven most common beneficial
uses in the study area (including an “other” category) and five sub-groupings based on
year of appropriation. A sixth sub-group was created for undated points of use.
Figure 3 Screenshot of Dot-Based Symbol Set based on Beneficial Use and Year of Appropriation
As shown in Figure 3, the members of the five symbol classes in each group layer
were determined by applying a natural breaks (Jenks) classification to each beneficial use
group layer’s year of appropriation field. The dots in each sub-layer were then assigned
one of thirty-six unique colors that varied based on beneficial use and the year of
appropriation classification. This allows map users to toggle the visibility of both
beneficial uses group layers and priority use sub-layers.
3.2.4 Expert Evaluation
Eleven individuals with a professional interest in the Ruby River drainage basin
and its water rights were asked to voluntarily evaluate the maps produced from the model
and provide verbal feedback. Six of the eleven individuals were selected based on their
membership in organizations known to have an interest in Ruby River drainage basin,
specifically the Ruby Watershed Council, the Montana Department of Natural Resources,
Project Water Education for Teachers (WET), and Madison County government. The
other five individuals were referred by one of the five initial respondents. All were
initially contacted by phone to gauge their interest in providing feedback.
If the experts contacted indicated interest or no response was received, they were
sent a follow-up email message containing more information about the project and the
role of their feedback before making a final decision. Of the eleven individuals contacted,
seven expressed interest in reviewing the maps and confirmed their availability
(Appendix B). After reviewing the email, interested individuals contacted the author to
set up a 1-2 hour phone interview. Interviews occurred between May 4 and 11, 2012.
During the interviews, each individual was asked to visit the website and enter a code provided by the author. This code enabled them to view
the author’s computer screen, upon which each of the maps were displayed using Adobe
Reader. Each respondent then provided verbal feedback, which the author transcribed on
screen using Microsoft OneNote to ensure accuracy.
3.3 Structure of the Evaluation
The request for feedback on the cartographic portfolio was structured around
three categories: (1) the cartographic design, (2) communication of the water allocation
decision themes identified above in section 3.1, and (3) interactivity (toggling visibility).
The questions posed to each reviewer can be found in Appendix C. Map design principles
were used to evaluate cartographic design feedback while several sources were used to
evaluate the interactive features of each map.
Robinson et al. (1995) offer several map design principles that can be used to
evaluate a map’s cartographic design. A map should be legible: the fonts and graphic
symbols should be large enough to be seen clearly. It must also have visual contrast,
allowing map users to distinguish between symbols and feature, not only using size, but
also using color, texture, and shape, among other examples. Finally, a map must have
good figure-ground organization. This refers to the map user’s ability to differentiate
features or layers that are more important (i.e., figure), based on the cartographer’s
objectives. In addition to these principles, cartographers must be aware of several
constraints that affect map design, including its purpose, the geographic reality,
availability of spatial data, map scale, audience, conditions of use, and technical
Lobben’s (2003) classification of cartographic animations and MachEachren’s
(1994) paradigm of cartographic visualization, as discussed in Andrienko and Andrienko
(1999), can be used to evaluate this study’s interactive maps. According to Lobben
(2003), the maps falls most closely into the time-series class because the map area is held
constant, while one or more geographic variables are represented dynamically as they
change over time. Lobben (2003) suggests that the temporal rate of change be made as
constant as possible (e.g. by decade, not sporadically by one, three, and then two year
According to Adrienko and Adrienko (1999), interactive maps can support, and
even enhance, a map user’s ability to “reveal unknowns” about the map data. To do so,
interactive maps should promote interactive exploration of map data. One method for
doing so is providing multiple representations of map data that enable map readers to see
changes in spatial patterns or distributions. Peterson (1999) adds that map legends should
become dynamic access points for interacting with the map. Linking interactive map
legends to the display of map content enhances their explanatory power.
This section presents several of the maps created as part of this study. Each map
was selected because it illustrates one or more of the themes from section 3.1. Other
examples of the maps can be found in Appendices E through J. This section also presents
the expert feedback obtained from the individuals contacted for this study.
4.1 Presentation of Interactive Maps
The state overview map shown in Figure 4 achieved the goals of theme 3.1
(Upstream Appropriation Affects Downstream Users). Its accomplishments include
presenting the connection between the Ruby River drainage basin and its downstream
neighbors graphically and narratively, and displaying the study area at multiple scales. It
also serves to introduce an unfamiliar reader to both the state and to the study area. The
map consists of three primary components: (1) a large view of the state of Montana, (2) a
smaller inset showing the study area and its watersheds, and (3) a narrative text
description of the connection between the study area and its downstream neighbors. The
large view displays the major rivers of Montana, such as the Clark Fork, Bitterroot,
Madison, Milk, Missouri, Sun, and Yellowstone. It also frames the study area and its two
counties, emphasizing that the Ruby River flows through it. The smaller inset map zooms
in on the study area and displays the major watersheds, Ruby River, county boundaries,
and major rivers surrounding it: Big Hole, Beaverhead, and Madison. Using a shade of
gray for the county boundaries and strong bold colors for the other features creates a
strong visual contrast and visual hierarchy on the state overview map. Transparency and a
mixture of light and dark colors achieved the same effect on the study area inset.
Figure 4 State Overview Map Showing Major Rivers and the Study Area
The watershed index map shown in Figure 5 contributed to the goals of theme 3.4
by introducing the map reader to the major physical and social features, and the physical
landscape of the study area that is governed by Montana water right policies and claims.
Its major accomplishment is to present a select number of landmarks and major features
within the study area to orient the map reader without introducing significant clutter to
the map. As with the previous map, the watershed index map consists of three primary
components: (1) a large view of the study area, (2) a smaller inset showing the state of
Montana, the study area, and major rivers, (3) a narrative text description of the purpose
of the map.
The inset displays a smaller view of the state from the previous map, as a
reminder of the study area’s context. The larger map provides a more detailed view of the
study area’s social and natural features. Examples include major towns (e.g. Sheridan and
Virginia City), watersheds (Upper, Middle, and Lower Ruby River, Sweetwater Creek,
and Alder Gulch), and county boundaries. One of the more important additions to this
map is the townships, each six miles on a side and thirty-six square miles in area. They
are the largest areal unit in the Public Land Survey System used in a legal description of
the location of water right claims, both for points of use and for points of diversion. On
the map, they serve as a coarse graticule and provide a tangible sense of scale. A shaded
relief background provides a sense of the terrain and elevation change within the study
area. Transparency and a mixture of light- and dark-colored symbols were used to
provide visual contrast and create a visual hierarchy. For example, the Ruby River’s
bright blue symbol is very distinct from the darker purple watershed boundaries.
Figure 5 Watershed Index Map of Study Area
The watershed detail map for The Lower Ruby River Watershed is shown in
Figure 6 (pictographic symbol set) and Figure 7 (dot-based symbol set). They visualize
theme 3.4 (Water Rights are Linked to a Physical Landscape) by relating points of use for
water right claims within the context of the physical landscape, natural, and social
features. Themes 3.2 (Water Rights Reflect the Values of a Place) and 3.3 (Water Rights
Have a Hierarchy) are discussed separately below since they have different presentations
on each map. Design components common to Figures 6 and 7 include a large view
centered on a single watershed and narrative text that briefly describes the purpose of the
map, lists the primary agency and legislation governing Montana water rights and defines
the permitted, or beneficial, uses of water. Figure 7 adds a small inset map to the left of
the map’s title that displays the outline of the highlighted watershed within the drainage
basin, continuing the tradition of displaying information at multiple scales.
This map also expands the number of reference and thematic layers used to
provide context to the water right points of use layer. In addition to the layers shown on
the watershed index map, this map displays the major roads, streams, lakes, ponds,
canals, and ditches within the study area. Points of use were shown using both symbols
(Figure 6) and dots (Figure 7). Labels were both automatically and manually generated
for selected features in an attempt to balance highlighting important landmarks and
avoiding overcrowding of the map. The visibility of all layers could also be toggled to
limit overcrowding. Bright colors were used to highlight the linear hydrologic features
and roads to make them stand out from the darker background fills. A strong maroon
color was used to make the highlighted watershed for each map stand out from the others.
Figure 6 Detail Map for Lower Ruby River Watershed with Pictographic Symbol Set
Table 3 Time Series Screenshots of Points of Use in the Lower
Ruby River Watershed
4.2 Presentation of Interactive Features
The first symbol set uses a single
set of symbols to represent the
beneficial use of each point of
use and groups the points by
decade according to their priority
date. Using the layer visibility
tools, one is able to view the
historical progression of water
right allocation by beneficial use
(Table 3). Readers can make
observations like, “many claimed
points of use were either undated
or established before 1900”, but
may find it difficult to observe or
infer the progression of a single beneficial use, e.g. stock due to the size and crowding of
All Points Hidden Undated Points Only
Pre-1900s Points Added 1900s Points Added
1910s Points Added 1920s Points added
Figure 7 Detail Map for Lower Ruby River Watershed with Dot-Based Symbol Set
Table 4 Time Series of Stock and Irrigation Points of Use
in the Lower Ruby River Watershed
In contrast, the second symbol
set uses dots to represent all points of
use and differentiates between both
the beneficial use and priority year
using color. Compared to the
pictographic symbol set, the dot-
based symbol set makes it easier for
the map reader to observe the
progression of points of use over
time for a particular beneficial use
and compare the progression of two
or more beneficial uses. In Table 5,
one can observe that for both stock
and irrigation, the majority of claims
were established between 1850 and
1876 and that some stock points of
may be associated with claims that
are senior to claims associated with irrigation points of use. Another observation is that
irrigation points of use are more clustered than stock points of use.
All Stock Points Hidden All Irrigation Points Hidden
1858-1874 Points Added 1863-1876 Points Added
1875-1893 Points Added 1877-1895 Points Added
1894-1919 Points Added 1896-1920 Points Added
4.3 Presentation of Expert Feedback
Each map is evaluated below based on expert (local) knowledge according to its
cartographic design, communication of water allocation themes, and interactive features,
using the feedback obtained in response to the interviewer’s questions (Appendix C).
4.3.1 State Overview Map
The purpose of this map (Figure 4) was to place the Ruby River drainage basin
into the hydrologic context of the Missouri River and the geographic context of Montana,
and communicate the theme 3.1(Upstream Appropriation Affects Downstream Users).
Since the map’s content was static, the reviewers did not evaluate the interactive features
of this map.
Sarchet’s (2012) general impression of the map spoke for the other reviewers:
“It’s a good reference map and puts things in context.” Sarchet (2012) also liked the
description of the Ruby River’s hydrologic connection to the Missouri River: “The text
description is helpful to tell the story of the map and its purpose.” The map content and
design were also critiqued. Kruer (2012) had trouble with some of the map symbology:
“[The] inset map colors cause confusion - blue for river is hard to distinguish from blue
for watershed boundaries.” Fechter (2012), Kruer (2012), and Schwend et al. (2012)
jointly identified a mistake in the default label for an area river, noting that “Beaverhead
Creek should be labeled Beaverhead River.” When asked how the map could be
improved, Fechter (2012) offered this suggestion: “Add boundaries for Wyoming; Idaho;
Dakotas for [added] emphasis on Bakken [oil field] and Yellowstone National park.”
4.3.2 Watershed Index Map
The purpose of this map was to show the watersheds and major social and
physical landmarks within the Ruby River drainage basin and communicate theme 3.14
(Water Rights are Linked to a Physical Landscape). Since the map’s content was static,
the reviewers did not evaluate the interactive features of this map.
Constructive criticism comprised much of the feedback for this map. Many of the
comments focused on the color and hierarchy of map symbols, and the map design, as
this example shows: “The highway stands out too much if watersheds are the primary
theme” (Fechter 2012; Sarchet 2012). Other criticisms focused on how map features were
labeled, the presence or absence of important landmarks, and the cartographic symbols
used, as illustrated by this quote from Fechter (2012): “Ruby Reservoir needs to be
labeled; [it is an] important landmark for people.” Gilman (2012) and Schwend et al.
(2012) challenged the displayed watershed boundary definitions using the Ruby
Reservoir as a reference. In Gilman’s (2012) words: “Local residents refer to anything
‘above’ the Ruby Reservoir as ‘upper ruby’ and anything ‘below’ the reservoir as the
‘lower ruby’.” To improve the map, Fechter (2012) recommended adding local tributaries
and Schwend et al. (2012) suggested adding some basic information about the study area,
such as its size or population.
4.3.3 Watershed Detail Maps
The purpose of these maps was to show the points of use associated with Montana
surface water right claims in the study area, their permitted use, and seniority, within the
context of the others layers listed in Tables 1 and 2, some of which were visualized on the
previous maps.
Additionally, the maps were intended to communicate themes 3.1.2 (Water Rights
Reflect the Values of a Place), 3.1.3 (Water Rights Have a Hierarchy), and 3.1.4 (Water
Rights are Linked to a Physical Landscape).
The reviewers were highly engaged by interacting with the maps and observing
changes in the geographic distribution of points of use (and their beneficial use) over
time. Sarchet (2012) was enthusiastic about the layer visibility tools built in to Adobe
Reader: “There is a lot of information on these maps, but the ability to turn on/off them
off makes it [the maps] flexible enough.” Both Kruer (2012) and Gilman (2012)
identified the approximate locations of their water right claims and points of use. Most of
the reviewers knew that mining was a common beneficial use of water rights in the Alder
Gulch watershed, but Kruer (2012) was surprised by the density of irrigation points of
use in the Lower Ruby River watershed.
Unfortunately, the detail maps suffered from many cartographic flaws affecting
the other maps since they shared the same data sources and symbology sets. Reviewers
also critiqued the natural breaks (Jenks) classification used to derive the colors for the
dot-based symbol set. This was a problem unique to the detail maps. As Sarchet (2012)
put it: “The dot colors are difficult to tie to the legend. The variety of colors and years
make it difficult to remember what's on the legend when looking at the maps.”
Simply visualizing the points of use associated with Montana surface water right
claims revealed certain limitations and errors with the water rights source data that were
not always known to the reviewers.
For example, the precision of the legal description used to locate points of use
varies markedly between different points of use. This can result in several points of use
being stacked at the same location, since the DNRC places each point at the geographic
center of the area covered by the legal description, such as a section (Montana State
Library 2011). This problem was only apparent with the use of a GIS, but was explained
to reviewers during each interview.
In Figure 8, six points of
use are stacked at the same
location, shown by the
highlighted blue circle. A related
effect is that the points assume a
regular grid pattern when they
are ascribed only to a township,
range, and section. Each point is placed at the center of the section. This effect was
clearly visible in the Upper Ruby River watershed (Figure 9). Kruer (2012) was frustrated
with the inaccuracy of the points of use data: “[His] big wish was correcting accuracy of
water right locations...the current data is not useful.” Schwend et al. (2012) also noted
that the current grouping of “other” beneficial uses lumped in fly-fishing, one of the
“three main industries” in the Ruby Valley, with other less important beneficial uses.
Figure 8 Screenshot of Points of Use exhibiting “grid effect”
As with previous maps, the
reviewers had a solution for every
critique they offered. Schwend et
al. (2012) recommended displaying
fly-fishing as a separate beneficial
use category and offered an
alternative to the natural breaks
(Jenks) classification: “Simplify
water right priorities to useful
classes and tie them to history -
e.g. 1910 homestead act, 1973 water use act”. Gilman (2012) agreed with the second
suggestion and offered a small vignette to illustrate a real-world example of this
The 1910 homestead act patents were often used as a proof for
1900s era water rights to show when irrigation ditches were dug and
water was claimed...When [the] 1973 water use act was
established...this was the method used in order to grandfather in an
older water right.
Despite their imperfect design, it was clear the reviewers thought the maps had
great potential for communicating their intended water right themes to stakeholders.
Sarchet (2012) thought the maps could be useful for illustrating themes as part of a
presentation, perhaps “showing locations/distribution of water use by beneficial use
Figure 9 Screenshot of Points of Use exhibiting “stacking effect”
Kruer (2012) found a potential advantage to the errors and inaccuracies in the
study’s visualization of water right data. By making users aware of such errors, “maps
can be used to increase the equity and fairness of the water rights system” (Kruer 2012).
To further improve the maps, several reviewers suggested adding content to make
the maps even more informative. Kruer (2012) suggested adding points of diversion as an
additional layer. Gilman (2012) affirmed this suggestion, saying it might highlight “the
‘up the ditch right’.” As he explained: “Sometimes junior right holders who are upstream
of a senior right holder get first preference. It’s not legal, but [it] sometimes happens
anyway.” Schwend et al. (2012) also expressed interest in adding groundwater rights to
the map: “Showing the relationship between surface water and groundwater rights would
be very useful for water users and planners.”
This study aims to improve stakeholder understanding of the policy and science
that drive water allocation decisions. Following Maceachren and Brewer‘s (2004)
framework of GIS roles in group decisions, the study hypothesized that visualizing
components of water allocation would support a stakeholder’s ability to refine or create
knowledge of water right policies in Montana. To test the hypothesis, a portfolio of
interactive maps that visualized beneficial uses and prior appropriation was created and
shared with a group of individuals familiar with Montana water rights. This section
discusses the study’s results in the context of the hypothesis and supporting literature.
5.1 Can Maps Communicate Water Right Policies?
The goal of this study was to determine whether interactive maps were an
appropriate method for communicating water right policies. Wood and Fels (1992)
believe that the power of maps is in their ability to connect abstract things such as water
right policies with physical landscapes and communities. Ramsey (2009), Couclelis and
Monmonier (1995), and Elwood (2006) believe that GIS has the power to visualize
decision results and the deliberation process through maps. Adrienko and Adrienko
(1999) state that interactive maps can support a user’s ability to “reveal unknowns” about
a map by promoting interactive exploration of its data. One method for doing so is
providing multiple representations of map data that enable map readers to see changes in
spatial patterns or distributions.
Following these authors, this study built a theoretical framework that described:
(1) existing social and administrative structures for managing water rights (Yates 1982;
Molle 2004); (2) social value of water that water users might embed in their community
culture (Pradhan and Meinzen-Dick 2001); (3) the physical structure of the landscape
with which water resources and users interact (Cosens 2009).
This study then applied this framework to a study area, formulating four spatial
themes that illustrate how beneficial use and prior appropriation policies are connected to
the physical landscape of the Ruby River drainage basin in Montana. The map portfolio
provided multiple representations of water rights policies, via these themes, and their
connection to the study area’s landscape.
The maps also demonstrated the advantages and disadvantages of prescriptive and
negotiated approaches to cartography and stakeholder participation. The maps were
developed based on knowledge of cartographic design principles, water rights, and the
study area, reflecting the tenets of the prescriptive approach, according to Yates (1982).
Some of those decisions were incorrect due to incomplete knowledge of the study area.
Following a pluralistic approach to creating the maps might have incorporated local
knowledge of important landmarks and improved the initial quality of the maps. The
process used to solicit feedback for this study achieved many of that approach’s goals by
allowing stakeholders to interact with and review the maps. Although the feedback
generally indicates that the maps have the potential to enhance communication of water
right policies to stakeholders, some themes and cartographic techniques were successful
while others needed improvement.
5.1.1 Assessment of the State Overview Map
The state overview map’s success lay in its simplicity. Its purpose was
straightfoward: to introduce unfamiliar readers to the basic geography of Montana,
display the study area at multiple scales, and remind readers that upstream actions have
downstream consequences. Often, stakeholders are so concerned with the impact of local
allocation decisions that they forget that water shortages and equitable water allocation
are national, even global, problems. Yet current events remind us that these problems are
real and that local actions have consequences at smaller scales than the local geography
(Hollenhorst 2012; Nagourney and Barringer 2012).
In this respect, the map succeeded in visualizing the study area and its connection
to the Missouri River. Sarchet (2012), in particular, appreciated the narrative description
of the Ruby River’s connection to the Missouri River as a companion to the map
representation. Unfortunately, its achievement was dampened by a lack of visual contrast,
confusion of map themes within the main frame, and illegible fonts in the smaller frame.
5.1.2 Assessment of the Watershed Index Map
The watershed index map’s goal was more complex than the previous map. This
map was designed to introduce the reader to the study area’s watersheds, highlight
important physical and social landmarks, and act as an index for watershed detail maps.
In service of this goal, the map consisted of a large frame containing the study area, its
watersheds, and several layers representing social and physical landmarks: major towns,
major roads, lakes and ponds, the Ruby River, townships, and county boundaries. A
smaller inset frame of the state served as a reminder of the study area’s larger context.
This map successfully demonstrated contrasts between the prescriptive and
pluralistic approaches to cartography and water right policy development. A pluralistic
approach might have obtained local knowledge of landmarks prior to or during map
development rather than presenting “finished” maps for feedback as the prescriptive
approach did. Regardless of approach, this study underscores Priscolli’s (2004) argument
that stakeholder participation is critical to ensure that water rights systems account for
local conditions. The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), used to populate
the names of hydrography features in the National Hydrography Dataset, takes such an
approach. The GNIS support the U.S. Board of Geographic Names, which determines
feature names used on federal cartographic products (U.S. Geological Survey 2011).
Local, state, and federal government agencies submit proposed feature names to
the Geographic Names Office, which reviews the proposals and enters them into the
GNIS if approved. Molle (2004) notes that such pluralistic efforts require a greater
investment of time and money and GNIS bears this out: its database is still incomplete
despite having collected data for over twenty-five years (U.S. Geological Survey 2011).
5.1.3 Assessment of Watershed Detail Maps
The watershed detail maps had the most complex goal within the portfolio. These
maps were designed to visualize water right points of use, their beneficial use, and
seniority. In addition, they were intended to show how the geographic distributions and
patterns of these attributes change over time. The final goal was to show how the water
right policies of beneficial use and prior appropriation were connected to the
communities of water users and the physical landscapes within the study area.
To achieve these goals, these maps were constructed with several design features.
A large frame focused on an individual watershed, and a small inset frame displayed the
watershed’s location within the study area. The large frame contained the points of use
symbolized according to one of two symbol sets discussed previously and several
supporting reference layers: lakes, streams, irrigation ditches, major towns, roads,
watersheds, and county boundaries. Narrative text supported the maps by briefly
describing their purpose, significant Montana water right legislation, and permitted
beneficial uses. Finally, interactive layer visibility tools available within Adobe Reader
enabled map readers to interact with the map and explore multiple views of the data.
Cartographically, the maps met with only mixed success in communicating the
water policy themes to the map readers. The pictographic symbol set successfully
communicated the beneficial use of water rights but failed to account for the high density
in some watersheds (e.g. the Lower Ruby River), and reviewers were overwhelmed. The
dot-based symbol set handled point of use density more adeptly and made an admirable
attempt to visualize the seniority of each point simultaneously. Unfortunately, too many
classes of seniority were used to symbolize the points of use, resulting in a color scheme
that was too complex and left the reviewers confused and unable to clearly identify either
the beneficial use or seniority of a point of use without frequent use of the map legend.
Nevertheless, the layer visibility tools in Adobe Reader overcame many of the
maps’ cartographic limitations and supported the successful communication of the water
right policy themes, particularly when using the dot-based symbology set.
The tools allowed reviewers to simulate time-series animations of beneficial use
and seniority, revealed patterns not apparent with static representations of these themes,
and highlighted several problems with the current water rights system. For example,
imprecise or erroneous legal descriptions are a large factor in the dense clusters of points
of use in the Lower and Middle Ruby River and the grid effect visible in the Alder Gulch
watersheds. Many of these errors are associated with pre-1973 water rights claims that
were established simply by putting water to beneficial use, with no paperwork required.
The state is actively adjudicating all pre-1973 rights to determine water availability with
greater accuracy and better defend these claims (Legislative Environmental Quality
Council 2009). During this process, the state could use a GIS-based data collection
method like Mapping Evapotranspiration at High Resolution and with Internalized
Calibration (METRIC) (Morse, et al. 1990). It could also increase stakeholder
participation to increase the accuracy and precision of its legal descriptions, as an answer
to the frustration of users like Kruer (2012) , who expected better representations of
points of use on this study’s maps.
5.2 Directions for Future Study
This study was designed to determine whether interactive maps could be an
appropriate method for communicating water right policies and support a stakeholder’s
ability to create or refine knowledge about water rights systems. The results of the study
strongly suggested that the cartographic portfolio succeeded in achieving these goals.
Moreover, the feedback confirmed Dix and Ellis’ (1998) and Andrienko and
Andrienko’s (1999) assertion that interaction adds value to static representations by
promoting exploration of data and providing multiple representations from which the user
may choose. Even so, it is clear that the cartographic quality of the maps needs to be
improved to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the map purposes. Future scholars
are encouraged to use the reviewer’s suggestions to guide development of better
cartographic methods for representing beneficial use and seniority of water right points of
use. Cartographers are also encouraged to explore the potential value of Peterson’s
(1999) active legends in these maps and advanced geospatial PDF features as described
in Cervantes (2009).
Further suggestions from the reviewers include adding points of diversion (Kruer
2012) and both points of use and diversion for groundwater water rights to make the
maps more comprehensive in scope (Schwend et al. 2012). Points of diversion are just as
important for determining seniority of water right claims and highlighting inequities in
water rights systems. One example is the “up the ditch right,” where a junior water claim
is located upstream of a senior water right claim, yet receives greater priority (Gilman
It is also increasingly clear from the literature that groundwater rights are integral
to determining the impact of water shortages on surface water rights and total water
availability (Clark Fork River Basin Task Force 2008; Shively and Mueller 2010).
Consequently, GIS-based tools used in water rights systems and for maps communicating
water right policies should recognize their importance.
This study also established a new direction and role for GIS within water resource
management, as many existing GIS applications act in a decision-support role
(MacEachren and Brewer 2004). Examples include the Texas decision-support system
(Wurbs 2005), water quality models (Rosenthal, et al. 1995; Sheng and Wilson 2009) and
data collection methods (Allen et al. 2005; Morse, et al. 1990).
The feedback from the reviewers generated several hypotheses related to maps
and public participation that further researcher should test. First, Kruer (2012) suggested
that the ability to explore and interact with the spatial data using the interactive maps
inadvertently increased the transparency of the water rights system used in Montana by
communicating the errors and imprecision of water right claim records to stakeholders.
Second, maps overcame the limitations of the prescriptive approach used to develop the
Montana water rights system and encouraged stakeholder participation through their
interactions with the maps during the review process. Third, the element of interactivity
transformed these maps from static representations of water rights systems to prototype
spatial understanding systems, following Couclelis and Monmonier (1995).
A pre-test/post-test design is commonly used to test whether knowledge has
increased in order to control for effects of the cartographic design, user perceptions, or
interactions with the maps. Examples of these tests abound in the literature (Jankowski
and Nyerges 2001; Jankowski 2009; MacEachren 2000). Researchers are encouraged to
verify claims for interactive maps in the water rights domain using these methods.
A final suggestion is to extend the design and application of interactive maps to
other areas of the United States with similar characteristics. This may include most of the
western states (e.g. Colorado), which use beneficial use policies to regulate how water is
used and the prior appropriation doctrine to prioritize water right claims during water
shortages. However, researchers should take care to incorporate local feedback early on
to ensure that these future maps are designed well and recognize the landmarks and
community values that are important to local residents. Researchers should also be aware
that the structure and content of water right GIS data for other states may vary
significantly from the datasets used in this study and make appropriate adjustments.
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This appendix describes the steps used to prepare the spatial layers used in the
interactive maps produced for this study (see Section 3.2, Tables 1 and 2).
Downloading the Data
The ESRI shaded relief basemap and the major rivers and streams map service
were added to ArcMap using the appropriate functions. The Public Land Survey System
dataset for Montana was downloaded from the Bureau of Land Management’s download
website (2009). The hydrographic layers were downloaded from the Montana Digital
Atlas (Natural Resource Information System, Montana State Library n.d.), which
automatically clipped the datasets to the study area. The county boundary layer was
downloaded directly from the Montana GIS Portal ( in a
geodatabase containing all Montana counties.
Geoprocessing the Data
A geodatabase was created to store and manage the shapefiles downloaded from
the Montana State Library and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. The geodatabase’s
structure (Figure 9) was designed to keep each source dataset in its original spatial
reference and organize them by theme. The major rivers map service, shaded relief
basemap, counties, roads, streams, lakes, watershed, and major town layers were not
The Select by Location and Select Feature tools were used to clip the townships and
sections layers to the study area.
Points of use associated with surface water rights were selected with the Select By
Attribute tool using the WRTYPE field and the following values: “exempt right,
irrigation district, provisional
permit, statement of claim,
stockwater permit.”
Feature classes to hold
the points of use in each decade
were created using a model
(Figure 10). A new field was
added to the surface water right
points of use layer to hold the
priority year of each point, which
was extracted from the priority
date field using the Field
Calculator tool. Points of use
were selected and added to the
feature classes using the Select by
Attribute, priority year field, and Append tools. The pictographic symbol set was
applied to these feature classes to create the first series of watershed detail maps. To
create the dot-based symbol set, the original surface water right points of use layer was
duplicated to create a layer for each beneficial use.
Figure 10 Screenshot of Thesis Geodatabase Structure
Each of those layers was duplicated five more times for each class in the natural
breaks (Jenks) classification, and group layers were created to organize the sub-layers by
beneficial use. A sixth layer was added to hold undated claims when needed. Definition
queries were used to ensure that the correct beneficial uses were shown in each layer.
Most colors were selected from the default palette provided by, Esri while a few were
created using the RGB color system.
Table 5 List of Individuals Providing Feedback
Name Occupation Professional Interest
C. Fecter
Planning Director
Madison County
Trained as a geographer
Has held several jobs related to water
rights in Alaska, Nevada, and New
Currently determines water availability
and quality during subdivision reviews
A. Fiaschetti
Montana Department
of Natural Resources
Works in the Water Management
Serves as a liaison between water users
and decision-makers
Assists in developing Montana Water
L. Gilman
generation rancher
and ranch manager;
Rancher on family ranch held for 102
Manages ranches for absentee owners
around Montana
Owns senior water rights with priority
date of ~1865
C. Kruer
Holds senior water rights on Wisconsin
Creek in Ruby River drainage basin
Advocates for water conservation and
transparency in water rights
J. Robinson
Montana Department
of Natural Resources
Works in the Water Management
Serves as a liaison between water users
and decision-makers
Assists in developing Montana Water
A. Sarchet
Extension Agent
Montana State University
Extension Service
Serves Madison and Jefferson counties
Primary responsibilities are 4-H and
Gets 4-5 questions per year about water
rights or irrigation
A. Schwend
Montana Department
of Natural Resources
Works in the Water Management
Serves as a liaison between water users
and decision-makers
Assists in developing Montana Water
Previous Watershed Coordinator for the
Ruby Watershed Council
This appendix contains a list of the questions used to obtain feedback from expert
reviewers on the cartographic portfolio created for this study.
Introductory Questions
1. Do you have any questions about this study that were not answered by the
email I sent to you previously?
2. Could you tell me a little bit about your current position and your interest in
the Ruby Valley and water rights?
General Questions for all Maps
3. Do you have any feedback on the map’s design?
4. Do you have any feedback on the map’s contents?
5. Does this map communicate its purpose well?
6. Do you think that anything could be added to this map to improve it?
7. Do you think that anything could be removed from this map to improve it?
Specific Questions for Watershed Detail Maps
8. Do you think the interactive layer visibility tools are useful?
9. Do these maps communicate the three water right themes?
Closing Question
10. Do you have any general comments on these maps or other feedback that I
may have missed earlier?
The maps presented in the following appendices and the body of this text have been
altered from the original versions presented to the reviewers. The alterations were made
both to improve the quality of the maps and to present the interactive maps in a static
format for print publication. In appendices E-I, each map series displays the thematic
layers individually to simulate the layer visibility tools available with the digital maps.
The following changes were made to each map:
Remove the publication date and author from each map
Remove the data sources for each map. The original text displayed was:
Data Sources:
Montana State Library
US Bureau of Land Management
Montana Department of Natural Resources
Environmental System Research Institute (Esri)
Remove three paragraphs of explanatory text from the watershed detail maps
The purpose of this map is to display the approximate places of use and
beneficial uses of surface water, associated with Montana water right
claims, in the Ruby River Sub-Basin and its watersheds.
Montana water right claims are regulated by the Montana Department
of Natural Resources and the Montana Water Court according to
the Montana Water Use Act of 1973 and other related legislation
The "beneficial uses" of water
allowed by law generally include
agricultural (including stock water),
domestic, fish and wildlife, industrial,
irrigation, mining, municipal, power,
and recreational uses.
Removed the blue background color from the page
Rearranged map components to achieve the following benefits:
o Minimize wasted space
o Maximize map size
o Increase font size for legibility
o Increase screen and print resolution
o Change color of drainage basin on detail maps for contrast
Figure 11 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation Points of Use
Figure 12 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic Points of Use
Figure 13 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Mining Points of Use
Figure 14 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points of Use
Figure 15 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial Points of Use
Figure 16 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and Garden Points of Use
Figure 17 Detail Map of Upper Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points of Use
Figure 18 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation Points of Use
Figure 19 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic Points of Use
Figure 20 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Mining Points of Use
Figure 21 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points of Use
Figure 22 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial Points of Use
Figure 23 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and Garden Points of Uses
Figure 24 Detail Map of Middle Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points of Use
Figure 25 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Irrigation Points of Use
Figure 26 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Domestic Points of Use
Figure 27 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Mining Points of Use
Figure 28 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Stock Points of Use
Figure 29 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Commercial Points of Use
Figure 30 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Lawn and Garden Points of Use
Figure 31 Detail Map of Lower Ruby River Watershed showing Other Points of Use
Figure 32 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Irrigation Points of Use
Figure 33 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Domestic Points of Use
Figure 34 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Mining Points of Use
Figure 35 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Stock Points of Use
Figure 36 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Commercial Points of Use
Figure 37 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Lawn and Garden Points of Use
Figure 38 Detail Map of Sweetwater Creek Watershed showing Other Points of Use
Figure 39 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Irrigation Points of Use
Figure 40 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Domestic Points of Use
Figure 41 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Mining Points of Use
Figure 42 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Stock Points of Use
Figure 43 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Commercial Points of Use
Figure 44 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Lawn and Garden Points of Use
Figure 45 Detail Map of Alder Gulch Watershed showing Other Points of Use
Abstract (if available)
There is a finite amount of fresh water available for use by water users (geologic processes, plants, animals, and even humans). Thus, conflicts and disputes often arise over water allocation, especially in the western United States, where water reserves are already scarce. Water right systems and policies are designed to allocate water fairly even when water runs short. However, the science and legal principles behind these water right systems are difficult to communicate to stakeholders, leading to reduced participation and legitimacy of policies (Priscoli 2004
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Asset Metadata
Stickney, Andrew Levi
Core Title
Improving the communication of water allocation decisions using interactive maps
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
Cartography,interactive maps,OAI-PMH Harvest,stakeholder engagement,water rights policy
Electronically uploaded by the author
Vos, Robert O. (
committee chair
), Ruddell, Darren M. (
committee member
), Swift, Jennifer N. (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
usctheses-c3-92158 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Stickney, Andrew Levi
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Access Conditions
The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
interactive maps
stakeholder engagement
water rights policy