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Domain-based effort distribution model for software cost estimation
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Domain-based effort distribution model for software cost estimation
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Thomas Tan
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2012
Copyright 2012 Thomas Tan
To my parents,
To my family,
And to my friends.
I would like to thank many of the researchers who worked alongside me through
the long and painful process of data cleansing, normalization, and analyses. These
individuals not only pushed me through the hardships but also enlightened me to find
better solutions: Dr. Brad Clark from Software Metrics Inc, Dr. Wilson Rosa from Air
Force Cost Analysis Agency, and Dr. Ray Madachy from Naval Post-graduate School.
Additionally, I like to acknowledge my colleagues from the USC Center of
Systems and Software Engineering for their support and encouragement. Sue, Tip, Qi,
and many others, you guys made most of my days in the research lab fun and easy and
were able to pull me out of those gloomy ones.
I would also like to thank my PhD committee members who always provide
insightful suggestions to guide through my research and helped me achieve my goals:
Prof. Nenad Medividovic, Prof. F. Stan Settles, Prof. William GJ Halfond, and Prof.
Richard Selby.
Most importantly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mentor and
advisor: Dr. Barry Boehm. Throughout my graduate school career at USC, Dr. Boehm
has always been there guiding me to the right direction, pointing me to the right answer,
and teaching me to make the right decision. His influences not only have helped me to
make through graduate school, but also will have a long lasting impact on me as a
professional and scholar in the field of Software Engineering.
Last, a special thanks to the special person in my life, Sherry, who supported me
with her whole heart in any way she can and provided many suggestions that proved to be
more than just useful, but also brilliant.
Dedication --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Acknowledgements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
List of Tables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
List of Figures --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi
Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 Motivation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Propositions and Hypotheses ------------------------------------------------------------ 3
1.3 Contributions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
1.4 Outline of the Dissertation --------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Chapter 2: Review of Existing Software Cost Estimation Models and Related Research
Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1 Existing Software Estimation Models -------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1.1 Conventional Industry Practice ---------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1.2 COCOMO 81 Model ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.1.3 COCOMO II Model ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.1.4 SLIM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.1.5 SEER-SEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
2.1.6 True S -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.2 Research Studies on Effort Distribution Estimations ------------------------------- 17
2.2.1 Studies on RUP Activity Distribution ------------------------------------------- 17
2.2.2 Studies on Effort Distribution Impact Drivers --------------------------------- 19
Chapter 3: Research Approach And Methodologies ------------------------------------------- 21
3.1 Research Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.2 Effort Distribution Definitions --------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.3 Establish Domain Breakdown ---------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.4 Select and Process Subject Data ------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.5 Analyze Data and Build Model -------------------------------------------------------- 32
3.5.1 Analyze Effort Distribution Patterns --------------------------------------------- 32
3.5.2 Build Domain-based Effort Distribution Model ------------------------------- 37
Chapter 4: Data Analyses and Results ----------------------------------------------------------- 39
4.1 Summary of Data Selection and Normalization ------------------------------------- 39
4.2 Data Analysis of Domain Information ------------------------------------------------ 41
4.2.1 Application Domains --------------------------------------------------------------- 41
4.2.2 Productivity Types ----------------------------------------------------------------- 48
4.3 Data Analysis of Project Size ---------------------------------------------------------- 53
4.3.1 Application Domains --------------------------------------------------------------- 53
4.3.2 Productivity Types ----------------------------------------------------------------- 59
4.4 Data Analysis of Personnel Capability ------------------------------------------------ 65
4.4.1 Application Domains --------------------------------------------------------------- 65
4.4.2 Productivity Types ----------------------------------------------------------------- 67
4.5 Comparison of Application Domains and Productivity Types -------------------- 69
4.6 Conclusion of Data Analyses ----------------------------------------------------------- 76
Chapter 5: Domain-Based Effort Distribution Model ----------------------------------------- 77
5.1 Model Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
5.2 Model Implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------ 79
5.3 Comparison of Domain-Based Effort Distribution and COCOMO II Effort
Distribution ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Chapter 6: Research Summary and Future Works --------------------------------------------- 88
6.1 Research Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 88
6.2 Future Work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
Appendix A: Domain Breakdown ---------------------------------------------------------------- 94
Appendix B: Matrix Factorization Source Code ---------------------------------------------- 101
Appendix C: COCOMO II Domain-Based Extension Tool And Examples -------------- 103
Appendix D: DCARC Sample Data Report --------------------------------------------------- 110
Table 1: COCOMO 81 Phase Distribution of Effort: All Modes [Boehm, 1981] ----- 8
Table 2: COCOMO II Waterfall Effort Distribution Percentages ---------------------- 11
Table 3: COCOMO II MBASE/RUP Effort Distribution Percentages ---------------- 11
Table 4: SEER-SEM Phases and Activities -------------------------------------------------- 15
Table 5: Lifecycle Phases Supported by True S --------------------------------------------- 16
Table 6: Mapping of SRDR Activities to COCOMO II Phases -------------------------- 23
Table 7: Comparisons of Existing Domain Taxonomies----------------------------------- 26
Table 8: Productivity Types to Application Domain Mapping -------------------------- 28
Table 9: COCOMO II Waterfall Effort Distribution Percentages ---------------------- 34
Table 10: Personnel Rating Driver Values --------------------------------------------------- 36
Table 11: Data Selection and Normalization Progress ------------------------------------- 40
Table 12: Research Data Records Count - Application Domains ----------------------- 42
Table 13: Average Effort Percentages - Perfect Set by Application Domains -------- 43
Table 14: Average Effort Percentages - Missing 2 Set by Application Domains ----- 45
Table 15: ANOVA Results - Application Domains ----------------------------------------- 47
Table 16: T-Test Results - Application Domains -------------------------------------------- 48
Table 17: Research Data Records Count - Productivity Types -------------------------- 49
Table 18: Average Effort Percentages - Perfect Set by Productivity Types ----------- 50
Table 19: Average Effort Percentages - Missing 2 Set by Productivity Types-------- 51
Table 20: ANOVA Results - Productivity Types -------------------------------------------- 52
Table 21: T-Test Results - Productivity Types ---------------------------------------------- 53
Table 22: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Communication (Perfect) ----------- 54
Table 23: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Mission Management (Perfect) ----- 55
Table 24: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Command & Control (Missing 2) - 57
Table 25: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Sensor Control (Missing 2) ---------- 57
Table 26: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – RTE (Perfect) -------------------------- 60
Table 27: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - VC (Perfect) ---------------------------- 60
Table 28: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - MP (Missing 2) ------------------------- 61
Table 29: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCI (Missing 2) ------------------------- 62
Table 30: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCP (Missing 2) ------------------------ 63
Table 31: Personnel Rating Analysis Results - Application Domains ------------------ 65
Table 32: Personnel Rating Analysis Results - Productivity Types --------------------- 67
Table 33: Effort Distribution Patterns Comparison --------------------------------------- 71
Table 34: Effort Distribution Patterns Comparison --------------------------------------- 71
Table 35: ANOVA Results Comparison ------------------------------------------------------ 73
Table 36: T-Test Results Comparison --------------------------------------------------------- 73
Table 37: Average Effort Percentages Table for the Domain-Based Model ---------- 79
Table 38: Sample Project Summary ----------------------------------------------------------- 83
Table 39: COCOMO II Estimation Results -------------------------------------------------- 84
Table 40: Project 49 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison ------------------------- 85
Table 41: Project 51 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison ------------------------- 85
Table 42: Project 62 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison ------------------------- 85
Figure 1: Cone of Uncertainty in Software Cost Estimation [Boehm, 2010] .............. 3
Figure 2: RUP Hump Chart........................................................................................... 18
Figure 3: Research Overview ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 4: Example Backfilled Data Set ......................................................................... 31
Figure 5: Effort Distribution Pattern - Perfect set by Application Domains ............ 43
Figure 6: Effort Distribution Pattern - Missing 2 Set by Application Domains ....... 45
Figure 7: Effort Distribution Pattern - Perfect set by Productivity Types ................ 50
Figure 8: Effort Distribution Pattern - Missing 2 Set by Productivity Types ........... 51
Figure 9: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Communication (Perfect) ............... 55
Figure 10: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Mission Management (Perfect)..... 56
Figure 11: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Command & Control (Missing 2) 57
Figure 12: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Sensor Control (Missing 2) ........... 58
Figure 13: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – RTE (Perfect) ................................ 60
Figure 14: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - VC (Perfect) .................................... 61
Figure 15: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - MP (Missing 2) ............................... 62
Figure 16: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCI (Missing 2)............................... 63
Figure 17: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCP (Missing 2) .............................. 64
Figure 18: Domain-based Effort Distribution Model Structure ................................. 78
Figure 19: Project Screen of the Domain-based Effort Distribution Tool ................ 81
Figure 20: Effort Results from the Domain-base Effort Distribution Tool ............... 82
In software cost estimation, effort allocation is an important and usually
challenging task for project management. Due to the Cone of Uncertainty effect on
overall effort estimation and lack of representative effort distribution data, project
managers often find it difficult to plan for staffing and other team resources. This often
leads to risky decisions to assign too few or too many people to complete software
lifecycle activities. As a result, projects with inaccurate resource allocation will generally
experience serious schedule delay or cost overrun, which has been the outcome of 44% of
the projects reported by the Standish Group [Standish, 2009].
Due to lack of data, most effort estimation models, including COCOMO II, use a
one-size-fits-all distribution of effort by phase and activity. The availability of a critical
mass of data from U.S. Defense Department software projects on effort distribution has
enabled me to test several hypotheses that effort distributions vary by project size,
personnel capability, and application domains. This dissertation will summarize the
analysis approach, describe the techniques and methodologies used, and report the results.
The key results were that size and personnel capability were not significant sources of
effort distribution variability, but that analysis of the influence of application domain on
effort distribution rejected the null hypothesis that the distributions do not vary by
domains, at least for the U.S. Defense Department sector. The results were then used to
produce an enhanced version of the COCOMO II model and tool for better estimation of
the effort distributions for the data-supported domains.
This opening chapter will reveal the motivation behind this research, state the
central question and hypothesis of this dissertation, list the contributions, and introduce
the organization of this dissertation.
1.1 Motivation
In most engineering projects, a good estimate does not stop when the total cost or
schedule is calculated: both management and engineering team need to know the details
in terms of resource allocations. In software cost estimation, the estimator must provide
effort (cost) and schedule breakdowns among the primary software lifecycle activities:
specification, design, implementation, testing, etc. Such effort distribution is important
for many reasons, for instances:
Before the project kick off, we need to know what types of personnel are
needed at what time.
When designing the project plan, we need to plan ahead the assignments and
responsibilities with respects to team members.
When overseeing the project’s progress, we need to make sure that the right
amount of effort is being allocated to different activities.
In the COCOMO II model, supporting both Waterfall and MBASE/RUP software
processes, an effort distribution percentages table is given as a guideline to help estimator
in calculating the detailed effort needed for the engineering activities. However, due to
the well-known Cone of Uncertainty [Boehm, 2010] effect, illustrated by Figure 1, the
early stage estimate of overall project effort is considerably questionable for project
management to design a reliable schedule for resource allocation.
Some progress has been made in concurrent USC-CSSE dissertation
[Aroonvatanaporn, 2012] in narrowing the Cone of Uncertainty. But the uncertainty in
effort distribution by activity still remains.
Due to lack of data, most effort estimation models, including COCOMO II, use a
one-size-fits-all distribution of effort by phase and activity. The availability of a critical
mass of data from U.S. Defense Department software projects on effort distribution has
enabled me to test several hypotheses that effort distributions vary by project size,
personnel capability, and application domains.
Figure 1: Cone of Uncertainty in Software Cost Estimation [Boehm, 2010]
1.2 Propositions and Hypotheses
The goal of this research work is to use information about application domain,
project size, and personnel capabilities in a large software project data set to enhance the
current COCOMO II effort distribution guideline in order to provide more accurate
resource allocation for software projects. In order to achieve this goal, hypotheses are
tested on whether different effort distribution patterns are observed from different
application domains, project size, and personnel capabilities.
1.3 Contributions
In this dissertation, I will present the analysis approach, describe the techniques
and methodologies that are used, and report the primary as summarized below:
1) Confirmed hypothesis that software phase effort distributions vary by domain.
Rejected hypotheses that the distributions vary by project size and personnel
2) Built a domain-based effort distribution model that can help to improve the
accuracy of estimating resource allocation guideline for the domains,
especially at the early stage of the software development lifecycle when
domain knowledge may be the only available piece of information for the
management team.
3) Provided a detail definition of application domains and productivity types as
well as their relationship to each other. Also performed a head-to-head
usability comparison to determine that domain breakdowns would be more
relevant and useful as model inputs than would productivity types.
4) Provided a guideline to process and backfill missing phase distribution of
effort data: use of non-negative matrix factorization.
1.4 Outline of the Dissertation
This dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter 1 introduces the research topic,
its motivation, and central question and hypothesis; Chapter 2 summarizes mainstream
estimation models and reviews their utilizations of domain knowledge; Chapter 3 outlines
the research approach and methodologies; Chapter 4 describes the analysis results and
discusses their implications and key discoveries; Chapter 5 presents the domain-based
effort distribution model with its design and implementation details; Chapter 6 concludes
the dissertation with a research summary and discussion on future work.
As effort distribution is an important part of software cost estimation, many
mainstream software cost estimation models provide guidelines to assist project managers
in allocating resources for software projects. In section 2.1, we will review some
mainstream cost estimation models and their approaches in providing effort distribution
guidelines. Additionally, in section 2.2, we will examine the results of several research
studies that are working toward refining the effort distribution guidelines.
2.1 Existing Software Estimation Models
2.1.1 Conventional Industry Practice
Many practitioners use a conventional industry rule-of-thumb for distributing
software development efforts across a generalized software development life cycle
[Borysowich, 2005]: 15 to 20 percent toward requirements, 15 to 20 percent toward
analysis and design, 25 to 30 percent toward construction (coding and unit testing), 15 to
20 percent toward system-level testing and integration, and 5 to 10 percent toward
transition. This approach is adapted by many mainstream software cost estimation models
producing effort distribution percentage means tables through different activities or
phases in the software development process.
2.1.2 COCOMO 81 Model
The COCOMO 81 Model is the first in the series of the COCOMO (COnstructive
COst MOdel) models and was published by Barry Boehm [Boehm, 1981]. The original
model is based on an empirical study of 63 projects at TRW Aerospace and other sources
where Boehm was Director of Software Research and Technology in 1981. There are
three sub models of the COCOMO 81 model: basic model, intermediate model, and
detailed model. There are also three development modes: organic, semidetached, and
embedded. The development mode is used to determine the development characteristics
of a project and their corresponding size exponents and project constants. The basic
model is quick and easy to use for a rough estimate, but it lacks accuracy. The
intermediate model provides a much better overall estimate with effects from impacting
cost drivers. The detailed model further enhances the accuracy of the estimate by
projecting phase level with a three-level product hierarchy and adjustment of the phase-
sensitive effort multipliers. The project phases supported by the COCOMO 81 model are
similar to the waterfall process: including plan and requirements, product design,
programming (detailed design, coding, and unit testing), and integration and test.
All three models use the effort distribution percentages table to guide resources
allocation for estimators. The percentages table, as shown in Table 1, provides effort
percentages for each of the development mode separated by five size groups.
Table 1: COCOMO 81 Phase Distribution of Effort: All Modes [Boehm, 1981]
Effort Distribution Size
Mode Phase Small
Very Large
Organic Plan & requirements 6 6 6 6
Product design 16 16 16 16
Programming 68 65 62 59
Detailed design 26 25 24 23
Code and unit test 42 40 38 36
Integration and test 16 19 22 25
Plan & requirements 7 7 7 7 7
Product design 17 17 17 17 17
Programming 64 61 58 55 52
Detailed design 27 26 25 24 23
Code and unit test 37 35 33 31 29
Integration and test 19 22 25 28 31
Embedded Plan & requirements 8 8 8 8 8
Product design 19 19 19 19 19
Programming 60 57 54 51 48
Detailed design 28 27 26 25 24
Code and unit test 32 30 28 26 24
Integration and test 22 25 28 31 34
The general approach for determining the effort distribution is simple: the
estimator can calculate the total estimate using the overall COCOMO 81 model and
multiply by the given effort percentages to calculate the estimated effort for the specific
phase of the given development mode and size group. This approach is the same for the
basic and intermediate model but somewhat different in the detailed model where the
complete step-by-step process is documented in Chapter 23 of Boehm’s publication
[Boehm, 1981]. The detailed COCOMO model is based on the module-subsystem-system
hierarchy and phase sensitive cost drivers, which the driver values are different by phases
and/or activities. Using this model, practitioners can calculate more accurate estimates
with specific details on resource allocations. However, because this process is somewhat
complicated especially considering the various cost driver values in common projects,
normal practitioners often find it exhaustive to perform the detailed COCOMO
estimation and would fall back on the intermediate model. Overall, use of the effort
distribution percentages table is straightforward, and the approach to developing such a
table sets a significant example for our research.
With regard to application types, the COCOMO 81 model eliminates the use of
application types due to lack of data support and possible overlapping with other cost
drivers, although Boehm suggests that application type is a useful indicator that can help
to shape estimates at an early stage of a project lifecycle and a possible influential factor
for effort distribution patterns. However, the notion to use the development mode is
similar to using domain information: the three modes are chosen based on features that
we can also use to define domain. For example, the Organic mode was applied primarily
to business data processing projects. Although there are only three development modes to
choose from, COCOMO 81 provides substantial assurance that domain information is
carried into the calculation of both the total ownership cost and effort distribution
2.1.3 COCOMO II Model
The COCOMO II model [Boehm, 2000] inherits the approach from the
COCOMO 81 model and is re-calibrated to mediate the issues in estimating costs of
modern software projects such as those developed in newer lifecycle processes and
capabilities. Instead of using the project modes (organic, semidetached, and embedded) to
determine the scaling exponent for the input size, the COCOMO II model suggests
calculating the exponent from a set of scale factors that are identified as precedentedness,
flexibility, architecture/risk resolution, team cohesion, and process maturity. These scale
factors are replacements for the development modes and are meant to capture domain
information in early stages: precendentedness indicates see how well we understand the
system domain and flexibility to determine the domain’s conformance with requirements.
The model also modifies the four sets of cost drivers to cover more aspects in modern
software development practices. Equation 1 and 2 [Boehm, 2000] are the basic estimation
formulas used in the COCOMO II model. The model does not take in any input of
application types or environment; this information is captured by the product and
platform factors (total of eight effort multipliers).
(EQ. 1)
where ∑
(EQ. 2)
The COCOMO II model outputs total effort, schedule, costs, and staffing as in
COCOMO 81. It also continues the use of effort distribution percentages table for
resource allocation guidance. The COCOMO II model replaces the original phase
definition with two activity schemes: Waterfall and MBASE/RUP, which stands for
Model-based Architecting and Software Engineering and was co-evolved with Rational
Unified Process, or RUP [Kruchten, 2003]. The Waterfall scheme is essentially the same
as defined in the COCOMO 81 model. The MBASE/RUP scheme is for the newer
development lifecycle that covers the Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and
Transition phases. Although the model acknowledges the variation of effort distribution
due to size, the general effort distribution percentages are not separated by size groups as
they were in the COCOMO 81 model. The use of the effort distribution percentages table
is similar to that in COCOMO 81; the following tables are the effort distribution
percentages tables used by the COCOMO II model.
Table 2: COCOMO II Waterfall Effort Distribution Percentages
Phase/Activities Effort %
Plan and Requirement 7 (2-15)
Product Design 17
Detailed Design 27-23
Code and Unit Test 37-29
Integration and Test 19-31
Transition 12 (0-20)
Table 3: COCOMO II MBASE/RUP Effort Distribution Percentages
Phases (End Points) MBASE Effort % RUP Effort %
Inception (IRR to LCO) 6 (2-15) 5
Elaboration (LCO to LCA) 24 (20-28) 20
Construction (LCA to IOC) 76 (72-80) 65
Transition (IOC to PRR) 12 (0-20) 10
Totals 118 100
2.1.4 SLIM
SLIM (Software Lifecycle Model) is developed by Quantitative Software
Management (QSM) based on analysis of staffing profiles and the Rayleigh distribution
in software projects published by Lawrence H. Putnam in the late 1970s. SLIM can be
summarized as the following equation:
(EQ. 3)
where B is a scaling factor and is a function of the project size. [Putnam, 1992]
In QSM’s recent release of the SLIM tool, the SLIM-Estimate [QSM] (the
estimation part of the complete package) takes the primary sizing parameter of
Implementation Units that can be converted from a variety of sizing metrics such as
SLOC, function points, CSCI, interfaces, etc. The tool also needs to define a Productivity
Index (PI) in order to produce an estimate. The Productivity Index can be derived from
historical data or the QSM industry standard. It can also be adjusted by additional factors
that cover software maturity to project tooling. Additional inputs such as system types,
languages, personnel experiences, management constraints, etc. can also be calculated in
the equation to produce the final estimate. Another important parameter for SLIM-
Estimate is the Manpower Buildup Index (MBI), which is hidden from user input but
derived from various user inputs on project constraints. The MBI is used to reflect the
rate at which personnel are added to a project: higher rate indicates higher cost with
shorter schedule, whereas lower rate results in lower cost with longer schedule.
Combined with PI and size, SLIM-Estimate is able to draw the Rayleigh-Norden curve
[Norden, 1958] which describes the overall delivery schedule for a project. The output of
the SLIM-Estimate is usually illustrated by a distribution graph that depicts the staffing
level throughout the user-defined project phases. Overall schedule, effort, and costs are
produced along with a master plan that applies to both iterative and conventional
development process.
SLIM-Estimate outlines the staffing resource distribution by four general phases:
Concept Definitions, Requirements and Design, Construct and Test, and Perfective
Maintenance. Additionally, it provides a list of WBS elements for each phase while
offering users the ability to change names, work products, and descriptions for both
phases and WBS elements. Looking through SLIM-Estimate's results, we cannot find any
direct connection between effort distribution and the application types input. It seems
application types may be a contributor to PI or MBI for calculating the overall effort and
schedule. From the overall effort and schedule, SLIM-Estimate will calculate effort
distribution based on user flexibility, a parameter that SLIM-Estimate uses to choose
from user-defined historical effort distribution profiles. In summary, SLIM-Estimate
acknowledges that application domains or types are important inputs for its model, but
does not provide specific instructions on translating application domains into estimate
effort distribution patterns.
2.1.5 SEER-SEM
The System Evaluation and Estimation Resources – Software Estimation Model
(SEER-SEM) is a parametric cost estimation model developed by Galorath Inc. The
model is inspired by the Jensen Model [Jensen, 1983] and has evolved as one of the
leading products for software cost estimation.
SEER-SEM [Galorath, 2005] accepts SLOC and function points as its primary
size inputs. It incorporates a long list of environment parameters, such as complexity,
personnel capabilities and experiences, development requirements, etc. Based on the
inputs, the model is able to predict effort, schedule, staffing, and defects. The detail
equations of the model are proprietary and we can only study the model from its inputs
and outputs.
To simplify the input process, SEER-SEM allows users to choose preset scenarios
that automatically populate input environment factors. The tool calls these pre-
determined sets “knowledge bases,” and users can change them to fit their own needs. To
determine which knowledge base to use, users need to identify the project’s platform,
application types, development method, and development standard. Development
methods describe the development approach such as object-oriented design, spiral,
prototyping, waterfall, etc. The development standards summarize the standards for
various categories such as documentation, tests, quality, etc. Platforms and application
types are used to describe the product's characteristics compared with existing systems.
Platforms include system built for avionics, business, ground-based, manned space,
shipboard, and more. Application types cover a wide spectrum of applications from
computer-aided design to command and control, and so on.
The output of the SEER-SEM tool includes overall effort, costs, and schedule.
There are also a number of different reports such as estimation overview, trade-off
analyses, decision support information, staffing, risks, etc. If given the work breakdown
structure, SEER-SEM will also map all the estimate costs, effort, and schedule to the
WBS. It is able to export out the master plan in Microsoft Project. In term of effort
distribution, SEER-SEM covers eight development phases and all major lifecycle
activities, as shown in Table 4. It allows full customization of these phases and activities.
Effort and labor can be displayed by phases as well as by activities.
Table 4: SEER-SEM Phases and Activities
Phases Activities
System Requirements Design
Software Requirements Analysis
Preliminary Design
Detailed Design
Code / Unit Test
Component Integrate and Test
Program Test
System Integration Through OT&E
Software Requirements
Data Programming
SEER-SEM uses application types as contributors to find appropriate historical
profiles for setting its cost drivers and calculating estimates. The model does not provide
any specific rules to link application types and effort distribution patterns.
2.1.6 True S
The Programmed Review of Information for Costing and Evaluation (PRICE)
model was first developed for internal use by Frank Freiman in the 1970s at. Modified for
modern software development practices in 1987, PRICE Systems released PRICE S for
effort and schedule estimation for computer systems. True S [PRICE, 2005] is the current
product of the PRICE S model.
True S takes a list of inputs including sizing input in SLOC, productivity and
complexity factors, integration parameters, and new design/code percentages, etc. It also
allows users to define application types selecting from seven categories: mathematical,
string manipulation, data storage and retrieval, on-line, real-time, interactive, or operating
system. There is also a platform input that describes the operating environments, structure,
and reliability requirements. From the size inputs and application types, the model is able
to compute the “weight” of the software. Combined with other factors, effort in person
hours or months is calculated and schedule is produced to map the nine DOD-STD-
2167A phases: System Concept through Operational Test and Evaluation, detail phases
shown in Table 5. TruePlanning®, the commercial suite that contains True S and the
COCOMO II model, produces a staffing distribution that depicts the number of staff
needed by category throughout the project lifecycle, i.e. the number of test engineers or
design engineers needed as the project progresses. Additionally, True S also calculates
support effort in three support phases: maintenance, enhancements, and growth.
Table 5: Lifecycle Phases Supported by True S
DoD-STD-2167A Phases Other Support Phases
True S
System Requirements
Software Requirements
Preliminary Design
Detailed Design
Code/Unit Test
Integration & Test
Hardware/Software Integration
Field Test
System Integration and Test
Similar to SEER-SEM and SLIM, it is difficult to trace the connection between
application type input and effort distribution guideline as there is little known about the
model or how total effort is distributed to each phase. From the surface, we can only see
the end results, in which a cost schedule is produced according to the engineering phases.
2.2 Research Studies on Effort Distribution Estimations
In addition to the mainstream models’ proposed effort distribution guidelines,
some recent studies also focus on effort distribution patterns.
2.2.1 Studies on RUP Activity Distribution
A number of the studies are related to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) for its
clear definitions in project phases and disciplines as well as straightforward guidance on
effort distribution.
The Rational Unified Process [Kruchten, 2003] is an iterative software
development process that is commonly used in modern software projects. The RUP hump
chart, as shown in Figure 2, is famous for setting a general guideline of effort distribution
for the RUP process. The “humps” in the chart represent the amount of effort estimated
for a particular discipline over the four major life cycle phases in RUP. There are six
engineering disciplines: business modeling, requirements, analysis and design,
implementation, test, and deployment. There are also three supporting disciplines:
configuration and change management, project management, and environment.
Figure 2: RUP Hump Chart
Over the years, there have been many attempts to validate the RUP hump chart
with sample data sets. A study by Port, Chen, and Kruchten [Port, 2005] illustrates their
experiment that assessed 26 classroom projects that used the MBASE/RUP process and
found that their results do not follow the RUP guideline.
Similarly, Heijstek investigates Rational Unified Process effort distribution based
on 21 industrial software engineering projects [Heijistek, 2008]. In his study, Heijstek
compared the phase effort measured against several other studies and found that his
industrial projects spent less time during elaboration and more during transition. He also
produced visualization of his effort data to compare against the RUP hump chart. He
observed similarities in most major disciplines, but noted discrepancies in supporting
disciplines such as configuration and change management and environment. He also
extended his research in modeling the impact of effort distribution on software
engineering process quality and concluded that effort distribution can serve as a predictor
of system quality.
2.2.2 Studies on Effort Distribution Impact Drivers
In addition to studies on RUP, there are also works that investigate the influential
factors that impact effort distribution patterns. These works also use extensive empirical
analyses to back their findings.
Yang et al. [Yang, 2008] conducted a research study on 75 Chinese projects to
investigate affecting factors of variant phase effort distribution. They compared the
overall effort distribution percentages against the COCOMO II effort percentages and
found disagreements between the two in plan/requirement and design phases. They also
performed in-depth analyses on four candidate factors: development lifecycle (waterfall
vs. iterative), development type (new development, re-development, or enhancement),
software size (divided into 6 different size groups), and team size (four different team
size groups).
For each of the candidate factors, Yang et al. compared the effort distribution
between the sub-groups visually and then verified the significance of the differences
using simple ANOVA tests. Their results indicate that factors such as development type,
software size, and team size have visible impacts on effort distribution pattern, and they
can be used as supporting drivers when making resource allocation decisions.
Kultur et al conducted a similar study with application domain as an additional
factor in development type and software size [Kultur, 2009]. In their study, they filtered
out 395 ISBSG data points from 4106 software projects, where each data point is given a
clear application domain along with development type (new development, re-
development, or enhancement) and software size. The application domains used in this
research include banking, communications, electricity/gas/water, financial/property/
business services, government, insurance, manufacturing, and public administration.
The researchers compared the overall effort distribution by domains with the
COCOMO II effort percentages, and suggested that some domains follow COCOMO II
distribution whereas others present visible differences. Additionally, they cross-examined
application domains, development types, and software size for each phase in order to
uncover more detailed effort distribution patterns. They applied these distribution
patterns to the sample data sets and calculated MMRE value between use of domain-
specific distribution and no use of domain-specific distribution. Their results indicate
obvious improvements for various domains and phases and therefore call to encourage
the use of domain-specific effort distribution for future analysis. However, unlike Yang’s
analysis, their reports are not enclosed with detail definitions of the application domains
and software process phases, which will need further investigation into the validity of
their results.
This chapter documents the main approach used to achieve the research goal
including descriptions of various methodologies and techniques for different analyses.
3.1 Research Overview
In order to achieve the research goal of improving the COCOMO II effort
distribution guideline, I began by addressing the most complex hypothesis: the variation
of effort distribution by application domain. Subsequently, I addressed the simpler
hypotheses on variation by project size and personnel capability. Three smaller goals are
defined to accomplish this: 1) determine the domain definitions (or domain breakdown)
to be supported by the improved model; 2) find a sufficient data set; and 3) find solid
evidence of different effort distribution patterns for improved effort distribution
percentages for the COCOMO II model. For the smaller objectives, the following
separated yet correlated studies are conducted:
1) Establish domain breakdown definitions.
2) Select and process subject data set.
3) Analyze data and build model.
Note that these studies are not necessarily done sequentially. For instance, the
tasks of establishing the domain breakdown are generally done in parallel with data
processing tasks so that the right domain breakdown can be generated to cover all the
data points. Subsequently, I tested the variation hypotheses for project size and personnel
capability, and found no support for the variation hypotheses. Figure 3 depicts the
relationships between domains, project size, personnel capability, and the subject data set
for this research. It also provides an overall guidance that lists detailed tasks for each
smaller study.
Figure 3: Research Overview
3.2 Effort Distribution Definitions
In order for this research to run smoothly, a unified set of effort distribution
definitions must be established before conducting any analysis. There are two sets of
standard definitions that are considered for this research: development activities defined
in the data dictionary from the data source [DCRC, 2005] and the COCOMO II model
definitions on lifecycle activities and phases. Both sets hold their edge as the favorite for
this research. Data dictionary is used by all the data points and COCOMO II model
definition is well-known and widely used by all industry leaders. Still both are not perfect
on their own. Therefore, a merging effort takes place to map the overlapping activities,
namely plan & requirements, architecture & design, code & unit testing, and integration
& qualification tests. The result of this mapping is shown in Table 6. Using this mapping,
the two sets of definitions can be connected to form a unified set that facilitates data
analyses in this research. Note that because the data does not cover any transition
activities, the transition phase from the COCOMO II model is excluded from this
Table 6: Mapping of SRDR Activities to COCOMO II Phases
COCOMO II Phase SRDR Activities
Plan and Requirement Software requirements analysis
Product Design and
Detail Design
Software architecture and detailed design
Coding and Unit Testing Coding, unit testing
Integration and testing
Software integration and system/software
Qualification/Acceptance testing
3.3 Establish Domain Breakdown
Another important set of definitions is the domain breakdown – definitions for the
domains or types that are used as the input of the domain-based effort distribution model.
Establishing such domain breakdown from scratch is extremely challenging. It will
require years of effort summarizing distinctive features and characteristics from many
different software projects with valid domain information. Then, it will need a number of
Delphi discussions among various experts to establish the best definitions. A number of
independent reviews will also take place in order to finalize the definitions. Any of these
tasks will take a long time to complete and the results of the new breakdown may arise
from a dissertation of its own.
An alternative and rather simple approach is to research well-established domain
taxonomies and use either an appropriate taxonomy or a combination of several
taxonomies that have enough domain definitions to cover the research data. The
following tasks outline the approach to completing the establishment of the domain
Select the appropriate domain taxonomies.
Understand how these taxonomies describe the domains, i.e. the
dimension that these taxonomies are using to come up with domain
Make a master domains list and group the similar domains.
Select those that can be applied to the research data set.
Note that this part of the research is done with researchers from my sponsored
program [AFCAA, 2011], with whom we are building a software cost estimation manual
for the government. In this joint research, we have reviewed a long list of domain
taxonomies and selected the following seven taxonomies that can cover both government
and commercial projects, and are applicable to our data set:
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
IBM’s Work-group Taxonomy
Digital’s Industry and Application Taxonomy
MIL-HDBK-881A WBS Standard
Reifer’s Application Domains
Putnam’s Breakdown of Application Types by Productivity
McConnell’s Kinds of Software Breakdown
Among these taxonomies, NAICS [NAICS, 2007] is the official taxonomy to
categorize industries based on goods-producing and service-providing functionalities of
businesses. It is a rather high-level categorization, yet does provide a quality perspective
on industry taxonomy. IBM [IBM, 1988] and Digital’s [Digital, 1991] taxonomies focus
primarily on commercial software projects from the perspectives of both industry and
system capability. Both provide comprehensive guideline in determining the software
project’s domain using cross references on its industry and application characteristics.
The Mil-HDBK-881A standard [DoD HDBK, 2005] is used by the US government to
provide detailed WBS guideline for different military systems. The first two levels of the
WBS structure provide the description of the system’s overall operating environment and
high-level functionalities, thus giving us a breakdown in terms of domain knowledge.
This standard is especially useful because it provides a broad view of government
projects which we have not received explicitly from the previous three taxonomies. Both
Putnam’s [Putnam, 1976] and McConnell’s [McConnell, 2006] application type
breakdowns are based on productivity range and size divisions. This tells us that
application types may contain certain software product characteristics that have direct
relationships with productivity. Confirming this approach, Reifer [Reifer, 1990] also
indicates the importance of productivity in relation to application domains, which he
summarized from real-world data points to cover a wide range of software systems
ranging from government to commercial projects. The following table shows a
comparison between our subject taxonomies.
Table 7: Comparisons of Existing Domain Taxonomies
Number of
Breakdown Rationale
Size Effect
NAICS 10 industries
Categorizing goods-
producing industries and
service-providing industries.
No No
IBM 46 work groups;
8 business
Use work groups as
horizontal perspective and
business functions as
vertical perspective to pin-
point a software project.
No No
Digital 18 industry
18 application
Combines domain
characteristics with industry
No No
Reifer’s 12 application
Summarized from 500 data
points based on project size
and productivity range.
Yes Yes
Mil-881A 8 system types. Provide WBS for each
system type. Level 2 in
WBS describes the
application features.
No No
Putnam’s 11 application
Using productivity range to
categorize application types.
Yes Yes
McConnell’s 13 kinds of
Adopted from Putnam’s
application types, refined
the taxonomy with software
size groups.
Yes Yes
After careful review and study of these taxonomies, we have also come to a
common understanding that there are two main dimensions we can look to determine
domains — platform and capability. Platform describes the operating environment in
which the software system will reside. It provides the key constraints of the software
system in terms of physical space, power supplies, data storage, computing flexibility, etc.
Capability outlines the intended operations of the software system and indicates the
requirements of the development team in terms of domain expertise. Capability may also
suggest the difficulties of the software project given nominal personnel rating of the
development team.
With a prepared master list of domain categories and the notion to use both
platform and capability dimensions, we put together our domain breakdown in terms of
operating environment (8) and application domains (21). Each can describe a software
project on its own terms. Operating environment defines the platform and product
constraint of the software system whereas application domains focus on the common
functionality descriptions of the software system. We can use them together or separately
as they do not interfere with each other. A detailed breakdown of the operating
environment and application domains is documented in Appendix A.
Although this initial version of the domain breakdown is sufficient to differentiate
software project, we can do more. We have not applied productivity ratings for this
breakdown. We have analyzed further breakdown using productivity rate. Upon further
comparisons of these taxonomies and data analysis, a proposal was filed for a more
simplified domain breakdown.
In this newer version of the domain breakdown, the 21 application domains are
grouped by its productivity range. We call this new group “productivity types” or “PT”.
Detailed definitions of productivity types can also be found in Appendix A. The eight
operating environments are essentially the same as the previous version but split into 10
operating environments. The following table shows a mapping between our application
domains and the productivity types. Note that there are some application domains that
can be mapped to more than one productivity type. This is because the application
domains are covering more than one major capability that spreads across more than one
productivity range.
Table 8: Productivity Types to Application Domain Mapping
Productivity Types Application Domains
Sensor Control and Signal Processing (SCP) Sensor Control and Processing
Vehicle Control (VC) Executive
Spacecraft Bus
Real Time Embedded (RTE) Communication
Controls and Displays
Mission Planning
Vehicle Payload (VP) Weapons Delivery and Control
Spacecraft Payload
Mission Processing (MP) Mission Management
Mission Planning
Command & Control (C&C) Command & Control
System Software (SYS) Infrastructure or Middleware
Information Assurance
Maintenance & Diagnostics
Telecommunications (TEL) Communication
Infrastructure or Middleware
Process Control (PC) Process Control
Scientific Systems (SCI) Scientific Systems
Simulation and Modeling
Training (TRN) Training
Test Software (TST) Test and Evaluation
Software Tools (TUL) Tools and Tool Systems
Business Systems (BIS) Business
In this research, both application domains and productivity types are candidates
for support by the domain-based effort distribution model. Both breakdowns will be
thoroughly analyzed, compared, and contrasted according to the analysis procedure
documented in Section 3.5.
3.4 Select and Process Subject Data
The data is primarily project data from government funded programs collected
through Department of Defense’s Software Resource Data Report [DCRC, 2005]. Each
data point consists of the following sets of information: a set of effort values such as
person hours for requirements to qualification testing activities; a set of sizing
measurements such as new size, modified size, unmodified size, etc.; and a set of project
specific parameters such as maturity level, staffing, requirement volatility, etc.
Additionally, each data point is attached with its own refined data dictionary. Our
program sponsor, the Air Force Data Analysis Agency, sanitized the data set by removing
all project identity information and helped us define the application domains and
operating environment for these projects.
The original data sets are not perfect: missing data points, unrealistic data values,
and ambiguous data definitions are common in our data sets. As a result, normalizing and
cleansing of data points is needed for the data analyses. First, records with significant
defects need to be located and eliminated from the subject data set: defects such as 1)
missing important effort or size data; 2) missing data definitions on important effort or
size data, i.e. no definition indicating whether size is measured in logical or physical lines
of code; and 3) duplicated records. Second, abnormal and untrustworthy data patterns
need to be reviewed and handled in the subject data set: patterns, which are made of huge
size with little effort or vice versa. For example, there is a record with one million lines
of code, produced in 3 to 4 person months with all lines of code as new size. After
removing all problematic records, two additional tasks need to be performed: 1) backfill
missing effort of remaining activities and 2) test for overall normality of the data set.
There are two approaches to backfilling effort data. The first uses simple averages
of the existing records to calculate the missing values. The second uses matrix
factorization to approximate missing values [Au Yeung; Lee, 2001]. After a few attempts,
the first approach proved to be less effective than the second and produced with large
margins of errors. Therefore, the second approach, matrix factorization, is the best choice.
In matrix factorization, we start with two random matrices, W and H, whose dot product
equals the dimension of our data set, X
. By iteratively adjusting values of W and H, we
can find the closest approximation such that W x H X, where X is an approximation of
. This process typically sets a maximum iteration number to be at least 5,000 to 10,000
in case W x H never reach close enough to X
. This algorithm is applied to three subsets:
a subset missing 2 out of 5 activities at most; a subset missing 3 out of 5 activities, and a
subset missing 4 out of 5 activities. Setting approximation exit margin to 0.001 and run
for 10,000 iterations, backfilled data with very small margin of errors is produced,
usually with 10% of the original (when comparing against existing data values). Figure 4
shows an example of the resulting data.
Figure 4: Example Backfilled Data Set
Notice that few records are observed with huge margin of errors. This typically
results when a value for one activity is extremely small, while the values for other
activities are relatively large. Although this discrepancy seems harmful to the data
process results, a low number among a large collection of data points lowers the
possibility of entering large error. On the positive side, this discrepancy can help us
identify possible outliers in our data set if we experience situations when we need to
analyze outlier effects.
The last step is to run basic normality tests on the data set. These tests are crucial
because they validate the initial assumption which states that all of the data points are
independent from each other and therefore normally distributed. The initial assumption is
made because there is no known source information or detailed background information
for all projects in the data set. We can only assume that they are not correlated in any way,
and are thus independent from each other.
Since the subject data fields are effort data, it is only necessary to run the tests on
this data. Both histogram and Q-Q diagrams [Blom, 1958; Upton, 1996] are produced to
visualize the distribution. Several normal distribution tests such as Shapiro-Wilk test
[Shapiro, 1965], Kolmogorov-Smirnov test [Stephens, 1974], and Pearson’s Chi-square
test [Pearson, 1901] are performed to check the distribution normality and to determine
whether the data set is good for analysis.
In addition to checking, eliminating, and backfilling, calculating the equivalent
lines of code, converting person-hours to person months, summing up the schedule in
calendar months, and calculating the equivalent personnel ratings for each project are
also taken place as part of the data processing.
3.5 Analyze Data and Build Model
The final piece of this research focuses on answering the central question and
building an alternative model to the current COCOMO II Waterfall effort distribution
guideline. There are two major steps in this part of the study: 1) calculate and analyze
effort distribution patterns and 2) build and implement the model. These two steps are
described in full detail in the following sub sections.
3.5.1 Analyze Effort Distribution Patterns
In studying effort distribution patterns, two rounds of analyses are conducted. In
the first round, we analyze the initial version of domain breakdown with 21 application
domains. In the second round, we analyze the refined version of 14 productivity types.
Each round follows the same analysis steps, as described below. The results from each
round will be analyzed and compared. Based on the comparison, one domain breakdown
is determined as the domain information set that will be supported by the new effort
distribution model.
Effort Distribution Percentages:
From the data processing results, effort percentages by activity groups can be
calculated for each project. Percentage means of each domain can also be found by
grouping the records. By looking at the trend lines, simple line graph can help us
visualize the distribution patterns and find interesting points. Although the plots may
indicate large gaps of percentage means between domains, the evidence will not be solid
enough to prove the difference significant. Statistical proofs are also needed. Single
factor of variance (ANOVA) can be used for this proof. We line up all the data points in
each domain and use the ANOVA test to determine whether the variance between
domains is caused by mere noise or truly represents differences. The null hypothesis for
this test is that all domains will have the same distribution percentage means for each
activity. The alternative hypothesis is that domains have different percentage means,
which is the desired result because this will prove that domains have their effect over
effort distribution patterns.
Once the ANOVA tests conclude, a subsequent test must be performed to find out
if the domains’ percentage means are different from COCOMO II Waterfall effort
distribution guideline’s percentage means. This is important because if the domains
percentage means are no different from the current COCOMO II Waterfall model, then
this research will have no ground in enhancing the COCOMO II model in effort
distribution. Table 9 shows the COCOMO II Waterfall effort distribution percentages.
Table 9: COCOMO II Waterfall Effort Distribution Percentages
Phase/Activity Effort %
Plan and Requirement 6.5
Product Architecture & Design 39.3
Code and Unit Testing 30.8
Integration and Qualification Testing 23.4
Note that COCOMO II model’s percentage means have been divided by 1.07
because the original COCOMO II model’s percentage means sum up to 107% of the full
effort distribution.
In order to find out if there are any differences, the independent one-sample t-test
[O’Connor, 2003] is used. The formula for the t-test is shown as follows:
(EQ. 4)
Statistic t in the above formula is to test the null hypothesis that sample average ̅
is equal to a specific value
, where s is the standard deviation and n is the sample size.
In our case,
would be the COCOMO II model’s effort distribution averages and ̅ is a
domain’s distribution percentage average for each activity group. The rejection of the
null hypothesis in each effort activity can provide a conclusion that the domain average
does not agree with the COCOMO II model’s effort distribution averages. Such an ideal
result may indicate that the current COCOMO II model’s effort distribution percentages
are not sufficient for accurate estimation for effort allocation and thus it is necessary to
find an improvement.
In both ANOVA and t-tests, 90% significance level to accept or reject the null
hypothesis is used because the data is from real world projects and the noise level is
rather high. If the tests indicate a mix between rejections and acceptances, a consensus of
the results can be used to determine a final call on rejection or acceptance. Comparison of Application Domains and Productivity Types
The final step in data analysis is a comparison analysis of the results from
application domains and productivity types. The purpose of this comparison is to evaluate
the applicability of these domain breakdowns as the main domain definition set to be
supported by the domain-based effort distribution model.
In this comparison, general effort distribution patterns are compared to find out
which breakdown provides stronger trends that show more differences between domains
or types. Similarly, the statistical test results are analyzed for the same reason. Lastly, the
characteristics and behaviors of application domains and productivity types are analyzed
to compare their identifiability, availability, and supportability. Project Size
To study project size, data points are divided into different size groups. Effort
distribution patterns for each size group are produced and analyzed. The goal of this
analysis is to find possible trends within a domain or type that is differentiated by project
size. Since size is a direct influential driver of effort in most estimation models, a direct
and simple relationship that proportionally increases or decreases project size and effort
percentages is expected. Again, statistical tests are necessary if such a trend is found to
prove its variance significance level.
The challenge of this analysis is the division of size groups. Some domains/types
may not have enough total data points to be divided into size groups and some
domains/types may not have enough data points in one or more size groups. Either case
can inhibit determination of the best size driver on effort distribution patterns. Personnel Capability
For the personnel rating, the SRDR data supplies three personnel experience
percentages: Highly Experienced, Nominally Experienced, and Inexperienced/Entry
Level. The experience level is evaluated by the years of experience the staff has worked
on software development as well as the years of experience the staff has worked within
the mission discipline or project domain. Given these percentages, an overall personnel
rating can be calculated using the three COCOMO II personnel rating driver values:
Application Experience (APEX), Platform Experience (PLEX), and Language and Tool
Experience (LTEX). The following formula is used to calculate personnel ratings for
each data point. Table 10 shows the driver values of APEX, PLEX, and LTEX of
different experience levels.
) (
) (EQ.5)
Table 10: Personnel Rating Driver Values
Driver Names High (~3 years) Nominal (~1 year) Low (~6 months)
APEX 0.81 1.00 1.10
PLEX 0.91 1.00 1.09
LTEX 0.91 1.00 1.09
PEXP 0.67 1.00 1.30
Using the calculated personnel ratings, data points can be plotted as personnel
ratings versus effort percentages for each activity group in a domain/type. Trends can be
observed from these plots if increases in personnel ratings results in decreasing in effort
percentages or vice versa. For simplicity, the end result for the personnel rating will be
kept in linear adjustment factor (at least as close to linear as possible).
3.5.2 Build Domain-based Effort Distribution Model
From the analyses of effort distribution patterns by application domains and
productivity types, project size, and personnel ratings, the variations by size and
personnel ratings were negligible, and the effort distribution model was based on domain
variation. A set of effort distribution percentages by application domains, and the domain
definitions set to be used in the model were collected and readied to build the domain-
based effort distribution model.
The key guideline for designing the model is that it has to be similar to the
current COCOMO II model design. Both Waterfall and MBASE effort distribution
models use average percentage tables in conjunction with size as partial influential factor.
This compatibility must be established in the new model. Additionally, procedures for
using the model should not be more complicated than what are currently provided by the
COCOMO II model. That is, without any more instruction than to input all the
COCOMO II drivers and necessary information, the model should produce the effort
distribution guideline automatically as part of the COCOMO II estimates. The only
additional input required may be the domain information. Comparison of the effort
distribution guideline produced by the COCOMO II Waterfall model and the new model
can also be added as a new feature to make this model more useful.
When the design of the model is complete, it is important to provide an
implementation instance of the model to demonstrate its features. In order to accomplish
this, an instance of the COCOMO II model must be selected with source code as the
implementation environment for the new model. After the new model implementation is
complete, a comparison of results between COCOMO II Waterfall model and the
domain-based effort distribution model must be conducted to test the new model’s
This chapter summarizes the key data analyses and their results conducted in
building the domain-based effort distribution model and testing the domain-variability
Section 4.1 provides an overview of the data selection and normalization results
that defines the baseline data sets for the data analyses. Section 4.2 and 4.3 reports the
data analyses performed on the data sets grouped by application domains and
productivity types respectively. Section 4.4 reviews the analyses results and compares the
pros and cons between application domains and productivity types. Finally, Section 4.5
discusses the conclusions drawn from the data analyses.
4.1 Summary of Data Selection and Normalization
Data selection and normalization are completed before most data analyses are
started. A set of 1,023 project data points was collected by our data source and research
sponsor, the AFCAA, and given to us for initiation of the data selection and
normalization process. As discussed in Section 3.4, simple and straight forward browsing
through data points helped us eliminate most defective (missing effort, size, or important
data definitions such as counting method or domain information) and duplicated data
points. Further analysis of abnormal data patterns also identified and removed more than
a dozen data points. A total of 530 records remains in our subject data set to begin the
effort distribution analysis.
Although these 530 records are completed with total effort, size, and other
important attributes, they need further processing to ensure sufficient phase effort data.
Some records do not have all the phase effort distribution data that we need for the effort
distribution analysis. Having eliminated those without phase effort distribution data, we
are left with 345 total data points that we can work with. The table below illustrates the
overall data selection and normalization progress.
Table 11: Data Selection and Normalization Progress
Data Set
Record Count
Action Results
1023 Browsing through data records:
looks for defective and
duplicated data points.
Eliminated 479 defective and
duplicated data points.
544 Look for abnormal or weird
Eliminated 14 data points.
530 Remove records with
insufficient effort distribution
Eliminated 185 data points.
345 Divide data set by the number
of missing phase effort fields.
Ready to create 3 sub sets,
namely “missing 2”, “missing 1”,
and “perfect” sets. Missing 4 and
Missing 3 are ignored because
they still miss too much
information to be persuasive.
257 Backfilled the two missing
phase effort fields.
Created “Missing 2” set.
221 Backfilled the only one missing
phase effort field.
Created “Missing 1” set.
135 None. Created “Perfect” set.
“Missing 2” and “Missing 1” sets were created as comparison sets against the
“Perfect” set in order to 1) increase the number of data points in the sample data set, and
2) outlook the data pattern as more data points become available in the future. The
method for backfilling is very effective in predicting continuous and correlated data
patterns such as the effort distribution patterns we are focusing on. Therefore, the
resulting data sets are sufficient for our data analysis. Since there is little difference
between the “Missing 2” and “Missing 1” sets, we have used only the “Missing 2” set.
Two copies are created for each of the “Missing 2” and “Perfect” sets. One copy
is grouped by Application Domains, and the other copy is grouped by Productivity Types.
We are now ready for our main data analyses.
4.2 Data Analysis of Domain Information
4.2.1 Application Domains
The following table is the records count by application domains. Note the
highlighted rows are the domains with sufficient number of data points in all three sub
sets. The threshold for sufficient data points count is five.
Table 12: Research Data Records Count - Application Domains
Research Data Records Count
Application Domains Missing 2 Missing 1 Perfect Set
Business Systems 6 6 5
Command & Control 31 25 15
Communications 51 47 32
Controls & Displays 10 10 5
Executive 3 3 3
Information Assurance 1 1 1
Infrastructure or Middleware 8 3 1
Maintenance & Diagnostics 3 1 1
Mission Management 28 26 19
Mission Planning 14 13 10
Process Control 4 4 0
Scientific Systems 3 3 3
Sensor Control and Processing 27 22 10
Simulation & Modeling 19 18 11
Spacecraft BUS 9 9 5
Spacecraft Payload 2 2 0
Test & Evaluation 2 1 1
Tool & Tool Systems 7 7 2
Training 1 1 0
Weapons Delivery and Control 28 19 10
Total 257 221 135
Overall Effort Distribution Patterns:
For each of the highlighted Application Domains, average effort percentages of
each activity group are calculated from the data records and then plotted to visualize the
effort distribution pattern. Table 13 and Figure 5 illustrate the “Perfect” set whereas
Table 14 and Figure 6 illustrate the “Missing 2” set.
Table 13: Average Effort Percentages - Perfect Set by Application Domains
Average Effort Percentages – Perfect Set
Business Biz 20.98% 22.55% 24.96% 31.51%
Command & Control CC 21.04% 22.56% 33.73% 22.66%
Communications Comm 14.95% 30.88% 28.54% 25.62%
Control & Display CD 14.72% 34.80% 24.39% 26.09%
Mission Management MM 15.40% 17.78% 28.63% 38.20%
Mission Planning MP 17.63% 12.45% 44.32% 25.60%
Sensors Control and Processing Sen 7.78% 45.74% 22.29% 24.19%
Simulation Sim 10.71% 39.11% 30.80% 19.38%
Spacecraft Bus SpBus 33.04% 20.66% 30.00% 16.30%
Weapons Delivery and Control Weapons 11.50% 17.39% 29.82% 41.29%
Figure 5: Effort Distribution Pattern - Perfect set by Application Domains
Among the average effort percentages, it is clear that none of the application
domains produce a similar trend as indicated by the COCOMO II averages, which are 6.5%
Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
Average Effort Percentages Distribution
for Requirements & Planning, about 40% for Architecture & Design, about 30% for Code
& Unit Testing, and roughly 23.5% for Integration & Qualification Testing. The closest
application domain to the COCOMO II averages is Simulation, which suggests more time
should be dedicated to Requirements & Planning, while less time should be dedicated
toIntegration & Qualification Testing. All other application domains seem to request a
significant increase in time for Requirements & Planning, except Sensors Control and
Process which seems to allocate most of its time to Architecture & Design. Since most
application domains spend more time on Requirements & Planning, most of them spend
less on Architecture & Design. A few application domains show huge differences for
Code & Unit Testing. Only Mission Planning seems to allocate a significant amount of
time to Code & Unit Testing, perhaps because it tends to do less architecting (only
12.45%). Sensor Control and Processing, on the other hand, spends less time on coding
and unit testing due to more effort in designing the system. Overall, the gap between the
minimum and the maximum average effort percentages for each activity group is
significant, and the average percentages from the application domains are evenly spread
across these gaps, which will be reflected in testing the hypothesis. For the domains with
sufficient data, the domain-specific effort distributions are better than the COCOMO II
distributions, although this also needs statistical validation, which is explored next.
Table 14: Average Effort Percentages - Missing 2 Set by Application Domains
Average Effort Percentages – Missing 2
Business Biz 18.51% 23.64% 27.85% 30.00%
Command & Control CC 19.41% 23.70% 34.59% 22.31%
Communications Comm 14.97% 27.85% 27.89% 29.28%
Control & Display CD 14.67% 26.66% 27.72% 30.95%
Mission Management MM 16.59% 17.60% 25.74% 40.07%
Mission Planning MP 14.41% 16.42% 43.47% 25.69%
Sensors Control and Processing Sen 7.75% 31.84% 25.32% 35.09%
Simulation Sim 13.73% 29.09% 30.33% 26.85%
Spacecraft Bus SpBus 36.38% 17.23% 27.90% 18.50%
Weapons Delivery and Control Weapons 11.73% 17.79% 28.97% 41.51%
Figure 6: Effort Distribution Pattern - Missing 2 Set by Application Domains
Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
Average Effort Percentages Distribution
Similar to what has already been observed from the “Perfect” set, data points
from the “Missing 2” set produce effort distribution patterns that show wide gaps
between the minimum and the maximum for each activity group, while scattering average
percentages from application domains somewhat evenly. One thing to notice is that for
Requirements & Planning, Spacecraft Bus pushed the maximum to over 35% while most
of the other application domains stayed below 20%. This could have resulted because the
Spacecraft Bus domain needs to satisfy the requirements for a family of spacecraft
ANOVA and T-Test:
Although the plot shows obvious differences between the distribution patterns of
application domains, more mathematical evidence is needed to fully support use of the
domain-based effort distribution patterns. Using ANOVA to test the significant level of
the differences between application domains can help us confirm the hypothesis. We
need to reject the null hypothesis that all application domains will produce the same
effort distribution pattern. Table 15 lays out the results for both the “Perfect” and
“Missing 2” set. F and P-value are calculated for each activity group to evaluate whether
the variances between application domains are produced by noise or patterns that dictate
the differences. With strong rejections for every activity group, the ANOVA results favor
the hypothesis and ensure the differences between different application domains are not
merely coincidental.
Table 15: ANOVA Results - Application Domains
Activity Group
“Perfect” Data Set
“Missing 2” Data Set
Results F P-
Plan &
2.9461 0.0035
Reject 7.2908 0.0000 Reject
Architecture &
4.5656 0.0000
Reject 3.5347 0.0004 Reject
Code & Unit
2.1018 0.0350 Reject 3.3470 0.0007 Reject
Integration and
3.7787 0.0003 Reject 7.2467 0.0000 Reject
Given strong support from the ANOVA results for the hypothesis, the T-Test
results also provide encouraging evidence that domain-based effort distribution is a good
alternative to the conventional COCOMO Averages. As shown in Table 16, most
application domains are far from the COCOMO average in Plan & Requirements and
Architecture & Design activity groups, and are somewhat apart in Integration &
Qualification Testing. However, only few application domains disagree with the
COCOMO average in Code & Unit Testing. This may be because most of COCOMO II’s
calibration data points are completed with Code & Unit Testing effort data, while lacking
quality support from other activity groups, particularly in Plan & Requirement and
Architecture & Design. In summary, the results favor three out of the four activity groups;
and therefore, add support for using domain-based effort distribution patterns.
Table 16: T-Test Results - Application Domains
Activity Group
“Perfect” Data Set “Missing 2” Data Set
Plan &
6.5% All domains reject
except Control and
Display, Sensor
Control, and
Simulation domains.
All domains reject except
Sensor Control.
Architecture &
39.3% All domains reject
except Control and
Display, Sensor
Control, and
Simulation domains.
All domains reject except
Control and Display.
Code & Unit
30.8% Only Mission
Planning rejects.
Communication, Mission
Management, Mission
Planning, and Sensor Control
reject, other six domains do
Integration and
23.4% Only Mission
Spacecraft Bus, and
Weapon Delivery
domain reject.
Communications, Mission
Management, Sensor
Control, Spacecraft Bus, and
Weapons Delivery domains
reject; other five domains do
4.2.2 Productivity Types
The following table illustrates the records count by productivity types. Note the
highlighted rows are the types with a sufficient number of data points in all three sub sets.
Again, the threshold count of sufficient data points is five.
Table 17: Research Data Records Count - Productivity Types
Research Data Records Count
Productivity Types Missing 2 Missing 1 Perfect Set
C&C 8 3 0
ISM 14 14 6
MP 28 23 14
PC 7 6 3
PLN 10 9 7
RTE 57 49 33
SCI 22 21 16
SCP 35 28 12
SYS 27 23 15
TEL 4 4 4
TRN 4 4 3
TST 2 2 1
TUL 4 3 2
VC 26 25 15
VP 9 7 4
Total 257 221 135
Overall Effort Distribution Patterns:
For each of the highlighted Productivity Types, average effort percentages of each
activity group are calculated from the data records and then plotted to visualize the effort
distribution pattern. Table 13 and Figure 5 illustrate the “Perfect” set whereas Table 14
and Figure 6 illustrate the “Missing 2” set.
Table 18: Average Effort Percentages - Perfect Set by Productivity Types
Average Effort Percentages – Perfect Set
Productivity Type Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
ISM 11.56% 27.82% 35.63% 24.99%
MP 20.56% 15.75% 28.89% 34.80%
PLN 16.22% 12.27% 50.78% 20.73%
RTE 15.47% 26.65% 26.71% 31.17%
SCI 7.38% 39.90% 32.05% 20.67%
SCP 10.80% 45.20% 20.34% 23.66%
SYS 17.61% 21.10% 28.75% 32.54%
VC 18.47% 23.60% 31.32% 26.61%
Figure 7: Effort Distribution Pattern - Perfect set by Productivity Types
The average effort percentages are very similar to those from application domains.
This is expected since several Productivity Types are essentially the same as their
application domains counterparts (for instance, SCI = Scientific and Simulation Systems,
PLN = Systems for Planning and Support Activities, and SCP = Sensor Control and
Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
Average Effort Percentages Distribution
Processing). Again, the gaps between minimum and maximum average percentages is
easy to spot in the plot, and average percentages from Productivity Types are spreading
across these ranges following the same even fashion.
Table 19: Average Effort Percentages - Missing 2 Set by Productivity Types
Average Effort Percentages – Missing 2
Productivity Type Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
ISM 12.34% 25.32% 32.81% 29.53%
MP 22.43% 15.06% 26.11% 36.40%
PLN 14.99% 14.15% 49.23% 21.62%
RTE 15.43% 24.02% 28.84% 31.70%
SCI 7.40% 34.98% 30.47% 27.15%
SCP 12.50% 29.07% 24.11% 34.32%
SYS 15.74% 20.87% 32.61% 30.79%
VC 18.02% 21.36% 30.02% 30.59%
Figure 8: Effort Distribution Pattern - Missing 2 Set by Productivity Types
Requirement Arch&Design Code&Unit Test Integration & QT
Average Effort Percentages Distribution
The percentage distributions from the “Missing 2” set are essentially the same as
those from the “Perfect” set except: 1) the gap is smaller for Integration & Qualification
Testing and Requirement & Planning; 2) most of the Productivity Types suggest around
30% effort on Code & Unit Testing while PLN pushes that to almost 50%. Regardless of
the differences, both the “Perfect” set and the “Missing 2” set produce favorable results
and anchor a great foundation for out-looking further statistical analyses.
ANOVA and T-Test:
Similar to the results of Application Domains, the ANOVA results for
Productivity Types also positively support the hypothesis that the difference between
effort distribution patterns by Productivity Types cannot be neglected as noise. Table 25
summarizes the ANOVA results below.
Table 20: ANOVA Results - Productivity Types
Activity Group
“Perfect” Data Set
“Missing 2” Data Set
Results F P-
Plan & Requirements
1.9431 0.0694
4.0141 0.0003 Reject
Architecture &
4.9696 0.0000
Reject 4.7831 0.0000 Reject
Code & Unit Testing
3.8851 0.0008 Reject 5.2205 0.0000 Reject
Integration and
Qualification Testing
1.9848 0.0634 Weak
1.8849 0.0733 Reject
The T-Test results suggest better evidence that the effort distribution patterns by
Productivity Types are very different from the COCOMO averages, with more
disagreements in the Code & Unit Testing activity group. These disagreements provide
strong support for using productivity types to further enhance the COCOMO II model in
term of effort distribution.
Table 21: T-Test Results - Productivity Types
Activity Group
“Perfect” Data Set “Missing 2” Data
Plan & Requirements
6.5% All types reject except
ISM, SCI, and SCP.
All types reject
except SCI.
Architecture & Design
39.3% All types reject except
SCI and SCP.
All types reject
except SCI.
Code & Unit Testing
30.8% Only PLN, RTE, and
SCP reject.
Only MP, PLN, and
SCP reject.
Integration and
Qualification Testing
23.4% Only MP, RTE, and
SYS reject.
All types reject
except PLN and
4.3 Data Analysis of Project Size
4.3.1 Application Domains
Since the data includes other possible sources of variation in effort distribution,
such as size, a study on project size was performed to provide a further in-depth look at
the effort distribution by application domains. As discussed earlier in Chapter 3, data
from each application domain is divided into size groups (providing at least five data
points for each size group). Using the average effort percentage from each size group, we
can observe possible effects of size upon the effort distribution patterns. In this study,
three size groups are drawn to divide application domains: 0 to 10 KSLOCs, 10 to 32
KSLOCs, and 32 plus KSLOCs. ANOVA is also performed on each domain where 90%
confidence level is used. Using the ANOVA will help measuring the variability strength
of project size on effort distribution patterns, and compare this strength level against that
resulting from application domains. The following tables show the project size analysis
results for Communication and Mission Management application domains for the
“Perfect” set.
Table 22: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Communication (Perfect)
0 to 10 6 10.7% 50.5% 17.3% 21.5%
10 to 36 12 18.6% 25.2% 31.1% 25.1%
36 + 14 13.7% 27.4% 31.1% 27.8%
ANOVA Results
F 1.364 6.993 4.668 0.582
P-Value 0.272 0.003 0.017 0.565
Result Can’t Reject Reject Reject Can’t Reject
Figure 9: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Communication (Perfect)
Table 23: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Mission Management (Perfect)
0 to 10 6 16.7% 23.4% 27.1% 32.9%
10 to 36 6 15.5% 14.8% 26.2% 43.5%
36 + 7 14.2% 15.6% 32.0% 38.2%
ANOVA Results
F 0.067 1.071 0.510 0.913
P-Value 0.935 0.366 0.610 0.421
Result Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Communication
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 10: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Mission Management (Perfect)
In addition to the two application domains from the “Perfect” set, Command &
Control and Sensor Control & Process application domains from the “Missing 2” set are
also analyzed with the same size groups. Note that no duplicated analysis is done for
Communication and Mission Management domains even though there are enough data
points for those domains in the “Missing 2” set. Results from the “Perfect” set will be
used for those two domains. The following tables and figures provide the results from
those two application domains.
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Mission Management
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Table 24: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Command & Control (Missing 2)
0 to 10 6 26.1% 23.2% 28.6% 22.0%
10 to 36 5 15.3% 20.6% 38.6% 25.5%
36 + 20 18.4% 24.6% 35.4% 21.6%
ANOVA Results
F 1.221 0.193 0.973 0.232
P-Value 0.310 0.825 0.390 0.795
Result Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject
Figure 11: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – Command & Control (Missing 2)
Table 25: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Sensor Control (Missing 2)
0 to 10 7 9.8% 45.8% 14.6% 29.8%
10 to 36 15 6.6% 28.1% 29.1% 36.2%
36 + 5 8.2% 23.6% 29.0% 39.2%
ANOVA Results
F 0.449 3.258 3.861 0.649
P-Value 0.643 0.056 0.035 0.532
Result Can’t Reject Weak Reject Reject Can’t Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Command and Control
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 12: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - Sensor Control (Missing 2)
The following observations can be found from the analysis results:
1) Code & Unit Testing and Integration & Qualification Testing effort seems to
increase as size grows in Communication domain.
2) Nothing noteworthy from the Mission Management and Command & Control
3) Architecting and Designing effort seems to decrease as size grows while Code
& Unit Testing and Integration & Qualification Testing efforts increase as size
grows from the Sensor Control & Processing domain.
4) No uniform trend was found across the analyzed domains and therefore no
conclusion can be drawn from analyzing these domains.
Although analysis results from these application domains provide limited
information indicating whether project size influences effort distribution patterns, there
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Group - Sensor Control and
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
are a fair number of other application domains that have not been analyzed. The main
reason for the absence of analysis of other application domains is that there are not
enough data points to divide the domain into size groups. There are two scenarios in
which application domain is dropped due to lack of data points:
1) The overall data points are below the minimum threshold of 15 data points (5
for each size group).
2) There are not enough data points for one or more size groups. For instance,
Command and Control has 15 data points, but there are only 2 data points
with a size less than 10 KSLOCs.
There were attempts to bypass the second scenario by using different divisions of
size groups, but none of these attempts were successful in providing more application
domains to analyze. The current division is a better choice than most of the other
4.3.2 Productivity Types
The same project size analysis is done for the productivity types. Size groups are
divided as 0 to 10 KSLOCs, 10 to 36 KSLOCs, and 36 plus KSLOCs. Again, 90%
confidence level is used for the ANOVA test for measuring the variability strength of
project size. There are two productivity types, namely Real Time Embedded (RTE) and
Vehicle Control (VC), with enough data points from the “Perfect” set. The following
tables and figures summarize the results.
Table 26: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – RTE (Perfect)
0 to 10 13 12.9% 34.7% 23.8% 28.5%
10 to 36 13 11.7% 26.3% 31.9% 30.2%
36 + 7 27.2% 12.4% 22.5% 37.9%
ANOVA Results
F 6.475 2.910 4.061 0.846
P-Value 0.005 0.070 0.027 0.439
Result Reject Weak Reject Reject Can’t Reject
Figure 13: Effort Distribution by Size Groups – RTE (Perfect)
Table 27: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - VC (Perfect)
0 to 10 5 29.2% 26.7% 31.5% 12.6%
10 to 36 5 14.2% 23.6% 32.6% 29.7%
36 + 5 12.0% 20.6% 29.9% 37.5%
ANOVA Results
F 1.261 0.190 0.040 3.457
P-Value 0.318 0.829 0.960 0.065
Result Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Weak Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - RTE
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 14: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - VC (Perfect)
Three other productivity types can be analyzed from the “Missing 2” set. They are
Mission Processing (MP), Scientific and Simulation Systems (SCI), and Sensor Control
and Processing (SCP). Their results are illustrated in the following tables and figures.
Table 28: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - MP (Missing 2)
0 to 10 6 20.5% 16.9% 27.4% 35.1%
10 to 36 10 19.6% 17.0% 21.7% 41.7%
36 + 12 25.8% 12.5% 29.1% 32.6%
ANOVA Results
F 1.601 1.726 0.707 2.734
P-Value 0.222 0.198 0.503 0.084
Result Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Weak Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - VC
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 15: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - MP (Missing 2)
Table 29: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCI (Missing 2)
0 to 10 6 2.2% 53.4% 26.5% 17.8%
10 to 36 5 9.3% 25.6% 21.5% 43.6%
36 + 11 9.4% 29.2% 36.7% 24.7%
ANOVA Results
F 3.674 5.797 2.538 6.037
P-Value 0.045 0.011 0.105 0.009
Result Reject Reject Can’t Reject Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - MP
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 16: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCI (Missing 2)
Table 30: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCP (Missing 2)
0 to 10 17 15.7% 30.2% 19.5% 34.7%
10 to 36 13 11.0% 27.0% 29.3% 32.8%
36 + 5 5.7% 30.7% 26.5% 37.1%
ANOVA Results
F 1.444 0.097 2.558 0.103
P-Value 0.251 0.908 0.093 0.903
Result Can’t Reject Can’t Reject Weak Reject Can’t Reject
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCI
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
Figure 17: Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCP (Missing 2)
From these results, the only detected trends are 1) Architecture & Design efforts
decrease with size growth as Integration and Qualification Testing efforts increase with
size growth in the Real Time Embedded productivity type; and similarly, 2) Integration &
Qualification Testing efforts increase in the Vehicle Control productivity type with size
growth while both Planning & Requirements and Architecture & Design efforts drop as
size increases. There are no additional interesting points found in the three productivity
types from the “Missing 2” set.
Although the total number of productivity types that can be analyzed is higher
than that of application domains, the overall quality of the analysis results is not much
better. Again, the lack of data points may be the main contributor to inhibiting results.
Increasing the data count seems to be the only strategy for improving this analysis.
Average Effort Percentages
Effort Distribution by Size Groups - SCP
0 to 10
10 to 36
36 +
4.4 Data Analysis of Personnel Capability
4.4.1 Application Domains
Unlike analysis of project size, analysis of personnel rating does not lack data
points. Data points are not divided into smaller groups and each application domain can
be studied with all of its data points together. Following the guideline described in
Section 3.5.1, each data point is attached with an overall personnel rating. For each
activity group of each application domain, the personnel ratings are plotted against the
effort percentages, and a calculated regression line represents the correlation between
personnel rating and effort distribution. The following table summarizes the results. Note
that Spacecraft Bus is ignored because its personnel ratings are all the same.
Table 31: Personnel Rating Analysis Results - Application Domains
Perfect Set Missing 2 Set Remark
Business Regression lines have
notable slope for
Architecture & Design
and Code & Unit
Testing activity groups.
is about 30%. Flat
for the other activity
groups (R
< 2%).
drops for all
activity groups and
regression lines
become more
Not a lot of data
points to take in
account of
analysis. Chances
of noise in
significant results
are high.
Command &
Flat regression lines for
all activity groups. Low
below 10%.
Same as in the
Perfect Set.
Data points almost
double from the
Perfect Set to the
Missing 2 Set.
Communication Flat regression lines for
all activity groups. Low
below 5%.
Same as in the
Perfect Set.
Table 31, Continued
Control and
Strong correlation
with notable
regression lines. High
above 80%.
Flatter regression
lines and significant
drop of R
Personnel ratings
are basically
same in the
Perfect Set to
create strong
correlation. Once
become different
in the Missing 2
Set, regression
lines become
Flat regression lines for
all activity groups. Low
below 10%.
Same as in the
Perfect Set.
Notable regression line
for Requirements &
Planning. Others are
poor (Low R
Improves regression
lines for Code & Unit
Testing and
Integration &
Qualification Testing.
Sensor Control
and Processing
Notable regression
lines (Fair R
20%) except Code &
Unit Testing.
Flatter regression
lines result a drop of
to below 10%.
Data points almost
double from the
Perfect Set to the
Missing 2 Set.
Simulation Good regression lines
for Architecture &
Design and Code &
Unit Testing (R
Same as in the
Perfect Set.
Delivery &
Strong correlation
indicated for Code &
Unit Testing and
Integration &
Qualification Testing
around 50%). Good
regression line for
Requirements &
Planning (R
35%) and fair for
Architecture & Design
around 18%).
Much flatter
regression lines and
significant drop of R
(below 10%).
Data points almost
double from the
Perfect Set to the
Missing 2 Set.
As shown in the table above, most application domains produce below-par
regression results that reject the use of personnel ratings as an extra factor in the effort
distribution model. The only strong result is from Weapons Delivery & Control, yet the
significant drop of R
in the Missing 2 Set eliminates it as favorable evidence.
In summary, the results of analyzing Project Size and Personnel Rating provide
more information about application domain’s characteristics and behaviors regarding
effort distribution patterns. However, because of the limitations in either data point
counts or correlation determination values, neither factor can be used with high
confidence to further enhance the domain-based effort distribution model. Thus, neither
will be included in the model architecture if application domains are to be used as the
final domain breakdown.
4.4.2 Productivity Types
Mimicking the approach for the application domains analysis, the following table
lays out the results from analyzing productivity types with regard to personnel ratings.
Table 32: Personnel Rating Analysis Results - Productivity Types
Perfect Set Missing 2 Set Remark
Strong correlation for
Architecture & Design
and Code & Unit
Testing (R2 above
60%). However, poor
for Requirements &
Planning and
Integration &
Qualification Testing
below 3%).
All activity groups
produce flatter
regression line. R
drops below 3%.
Data points double
from Perfect Set to
Missing 2 Set.
MP (Missing
All activity groups
produce flat regression
Same as the Perfect
Data points double
from Perfect Set to
Missing 2 Set.
Table 32, Continued
PLN (Planning
and Support
Most activity groups
produce good
regression lines (R
above 30%) while
Integration &
Qualification Testing
results poor
regression line (R
below 3%).
Requirements &
Planning and Code
& Unit Testing stay
good (R
25%). Architecture
& Design become
flatter (R
drops to
below 1%).
Integration &
Testing improves
the regression
result (R
to 13%).
RTE (Real-Time
All activity groups
produce flat regression
Worse results than
the Perfect Set.
SCI (Scientific) All activity groups
produce flat regression
Worse results than
the Perfect Set.
SCP (Sensor
Control and
All activity groups
produce flat regression
lines except Code &
Unit Testing with a
relatively better line (R
hits 18%).
Worse results than
the Perfect Set.
Data points double
from Perfect Set to
Missing 2 Set.
SYS (System) Good regression
results for Architecture
& Design and Code &
Unit Testing (R
22%). Poor for the
others (R
below 2%).
Worse results than
the Perfect Set:
Architecture &
Design becomes
flatter (R
drops to
VC (Vehicle
Good regression
results for
Requirements &
Planning and
Integration &
Qualification Testing
above 30%). Poor
for the others (R
Slightly change in
Integration and
Qualification Testing
drops to 38%).
Similar to Application Domains, there no strong evidence to back the use of
personnel ratings for the effort distribution model. Most productivity types suggest poor
correlation between personnel ratings and effort percentages as indicated by the low R
Again, productivity types provide no better conclusion than application domains,
and eliminating the project size and personnel rating as additional factors for the effort
distribution model seems reasonable. Overall, by analyzing productivity types, we are
able to produce a list of comparable evidence that we can use to decide which breakdown
is best for the final model. The full detail of this comparison is covered in the next section
and a final decision can be made thereafter.
4.5 Comparison of Application Domains and Productivity Types
In order to build the domain-based effort distribution model, one of the domain
breakdowns must be selected and used as the primary domain definition set, which is to
be supported by the model. In this section, the comparison analysis is described in detail
to show the evaluation of the two analyzed domain breakdown. This analysis will help to
determine the best breakdown based on the following dimensions:
1) Effort distribution patterns and trends.
2) Statistical tests results.
3) Other non-tangible advantages.
Before exploring the detailed comparisons, note that the actual number of
analyzed data points is slightly different between application domains and productivity
types. This is mainly because application domains have more domains that reach the
minimum number of records to analyze (10 domains with 5 or more data points) than
productivity types (8 types with 5 or more data points). To sum up this statistic, the total
numbers of data points analyzed for application domains are 122 and 223 for the “Perfect”
set and “Missing 2” set respectively. The total numbers for productivity types are 118 and
219 for the “Perfect” set and “Missing 2” set respectively. Since the “Missing 2” set is a
predicted set that does not fully represent the actual distribution, the comparison analysis
will be conducted solely on the results produced from the “Perfect” set.
Effort Distribution Patterns:
In effort distribution patterns, there are three factors to investigate for application
domains and productivity types:
1) How big are the gaps between the minimum and the maximum average effort
percentages for each activity group? A wider gap indicates larger differences
between domains or types that provide better evidence as strong candidate to
use for the model.
2) How are the trend lines spread between these gaps? Evenly distributed trend
lines indicate that the difference between domains or types is normally
distributed; thus it makes more sense to use this breakdown.
3) How is the general shape of the trend lines different between application
domains and productivity types? If the general shape is the same, there is no
reason to use a separate breakdown.
The following two tables summarize the size of the gaps between the minimum
and maximum average effort percentages for all activity groups. Notice that the gap for
Planning & Requirements of productivity types is almost half the size of the gap for
application domains. There is a similar difference for Integration & Qualification Testing,
in that application domains have a much larger gap compared to that of the productivity
types. On the other hand, a wider gap is found for Code & Unit Testing from productivity
types than that of the application domains. However, the magnitude of the gap is not as
wide as we observed in Planning & Requirements or Integration and Qualification
Testing. Therefore, its advantages for productivity types are limited.
Table 33: Effort Distribution Patterns Comparison
Activity Group
Plan & Requirements Architecture & Design
Min Max Diff Min Max Diff
Application Domain
7.78% 33.04% 25.26% 12.45% 45.74% 33.29%
Productivity Type
7.38% 20.56% 13.18% 12.27% 45.20% 32.93%
Table 34: Effort Distribution Patterns Comparison
Activity Group
Code & Unit Testing Integration and QT
Min Max Diff Min Max Diff
Application Domain
22.29% 44.32% 22.03% 16.30% 41.29% 24.99%
Productivity Type
20.34% 50.78% 30.44% 20.67% 34.80% 14.13%
Trend lines from both application domains and productivity types are evenly
distributed between the gaps for almost all activity groups. Most application domains are
below 22% for Plan & Requirements, while Spacecraft Bus goes beyond 30%. Most
productivity types squeeze in between 35% and 25% for Code & Unit Testing, while
PLN hits 50%, and MP drops to 20%. In general, the distribution suggests that both
application domains and productivity types are good candidates to produce different
effort distribution patterns.
As for the general trend line shapes, these two breakdowns are quite different.
Application domains seem to have wide gaps for all activity groups, whereas productivity
types generates large gap for Architecture & Design and Code and Unit Testing while
closer together for Plan & Requirements and Integration and Qualification Testing.
Statistical Tests Results:
The statistical tests results are straight forward. Tables below outline the
comparison between application domains and productivity types in terms of ANOVA and
T-Test results.
Table 35: ANOVA Results Comparison
Activity Group
Application Domain Productivity Type
Results F
Plan & Requirements
2.9461 0.0035 Reject 1.9431 0.0694 Reject
Architecture & Design
4.5656 0.0000 Reject 4.9696 0.0000 Reject
Code & Unit Testing
2.1018 0.0350 Reject 3.8851 0.0008 Reject
Integration and
Qualification Testing
3.7787 0.0003 Reject 1.9848 0.0634 Reject
Table 36: T-Test Results Comparison
Activity Group
Application Domain
Plan &
All domains reject except
Control and Display, Sensor
Control, and Simulation
All types reject
except ISM, SCI,
and SCP.
Architecture &
All domains reject except
Control and Display, Sensor
Control, and Simulation
All types reject
except SCI and
Code & Unit
Only Mission Planning
Only PLN, RTE,
and SCP reject.
Integration and
Only Mission Management,
Spacecraft Bus, and
Weapon Delivery domain
Only MP, RTE,
and SYS reject.
In terms of ANOVA results, application domains are more favorable because of
the low P-values for all activity groups, which give us a 95% confidence level to support
the hypothesis. On the other hand, productivity types perform very well in the T-Test,
giving more rejections to differentiate against the COCOMO II averages – especially in
Code & Unit Testing.
Non-tangible advantages:
There are three subject areas where we study the characteristics and behaviors of
the domain breakdowns:
1) Identifiability: How are domains or types identified? Is the way to identify
domains or types consistent and/or easy?
2) Availability: When can we identify the domain or type in the software
3) Supportability: How much data can we collect for each breakdown now and in
the future?
Application domains are identified based on the project’s primary functionalities
or capabilities. Since most projects start off with higher level requirements that focus on
functionalities or capabilities, application domain can be easily identified based on the
initial operation description, thus making application domain available before further
requirement analysis and/or design. This early identification also contributes to shrinking
the Cone of Uncertainty effect. Additionally, since the application domains are
categorized by functionalities, the domain definitions are more precise and easier to
understand. Many people can relate to the functionalities to draw boundaries between
domains; and therefore, eliminate confusion and overhead between application domains.
On the other hand, in order to identify productivity type, we need both
identification of the application domain and estimation of productivity rate. The
additional estimation may delay the overall identification time since there are no straight
forward references to append productivity rate to a given application domain. Projects
from the same application domain may have a wide range of productivity rates that
depend on additional estimation parameters such as size and personnel information.
Moreover, because a given productivity type may contain several application domains
that summarize a range of functionalities or capabilities, the definition of a productivity
type may not be easily interpreted by project managers who are not familiar with its
In summary, application domains are more uniform in term of definition clarity
and determination factor. Both revolve around project functionality or capability;
whereas productivity types may jump around between functionality, size, personnel
information, and other necessary parameter to estimate its productivity rate.
Lastly, application domain will have more data support since it is widely used by
many organizations as standard meta-information for software projects and attached to
data collection surveys. In contrast, productivity types are fairly novel such that many
people are not familiar with them, and therefore, project data are not collected with
productivity type information.
4.6 Conclusion of Data Analyses
After analyzing the application domains and productivity types, three important
findings emerge:
1) Effort distribution patterns are impacted by project domains.
2) Project size was not confirmed as a source of effort distribution variation.
3) Personnel capability was not confirmed as a source of effort distribution
With these important findings, I am confident that the domain-based effort
distribution model is a necessary alternative to enhance the overall effort distribution
guidance that is currently available in the COCOMO II model.
Having compared the application domains and productivity types, I’ve concluded
that application domains are more relevant and usable as the key domain definition set (or
breakdown structure) to be supported by the domain-based effort distribution model as it
is more uniform to use and has better data support over the productivity types.
This chapter presents detailed information about the domain-based effort
distribution model. Section 5.1 provides a comprehensive description of the model
including its inputs and outputs, general structure, and key components. Section 5.2
outlines an implementation instance of the model and its connection to a copy of the
COCOMO II model implementation. This section also provides a simple guide to using
the implemented tool to estimate effort distribution of a sample project.
5.1 Model Description
As depicted in the following figure, the domain-based effort distribution model
takes project effort (in person-month) and application domain as the primary inputs and
produces a suggested effort distribution guideline as its main output. It is designed as an
extension model for the COCOMO II model and follows a similar reporting fashion to
display the output effort distribution. Effort distribution is reported in a tabular format in
terms of development phase (or activity group), phase effort percentages, and phase effort
in person-months.
Figure 18: Domain-based Effort Distribution Model Structure
The suggested effort distribution is a product of total project effort and average
effort percentages. Average effort percentages are determined using a look up table of
application domains and activity groups. This table is shown below. If no application
domain is provided with the project, the suggested effort distribution will fall back to the
standard COCOMO II waterfall effort distribution.
Table 37: Average Effort Percentages Table for the Domain-Based Model
Average Effort Percentages
Application Domains Requirement
Arch &
Code & Unit
Integration &
Business 20.98% 22.55% 24.96% 31.51%
Command & Control 21.04% 22.56% 33.73% 22.66%
Communications 14.95% 30.88% 28.54% 25.62%
Control & Display 14.72% 34.80% 24.39% 26.09%
Mission Management 15.40% 17.78% 28.63% 38.20%
Mission Planning 17.63% 12.45% 44.32% 25.60%
Sensors Control and
7.78% 45.74% 22.29% 24.19%
Simulation 10.71% 39.11% 30.80% 19.38%
Spacecraft Bus 33.04% 20.66% 30.00% 16.30%
Weapons Delivery and
11.50% 17.39% 29.82% 41.29%
These above listed application domains have a sufficient number of data points in
the “Perfect” set, and their average effort percentages are also calculated from the
“Perfect” set. Additionally, we can add those with enough data points in the “Missing 2”
set, namely Infrastructure and Middleware and Tool and Tool Systems. We can note
these application domains as predicted domains, and we need to be aware of their
limitation of data support when using the suggested effort distribution.
5.2 Model Implementation
In order to demonstrate how the model works, I developed an implementation
instance of the model. This instance is built on top of a web-based COCOMO II tool that
was developed earlier for demonstration. This tool runs on Apache web server, using
MySQL database, and written in PHP and JavaScript.
The mathematical formulation used for this implementation is as follows:
From the COCOMO II model, the total project effort (PM) is computed as
(EQ. 5)
where ∑
(EQ. 6)
EM is the COCOMO II effort multiplier and SF is scale factor.
For each supported application domain AD
, effort can be computed as
) (EQ. 7)
) (EQ. 8)
) (EQ. 9)
) (EQ. 10)
The percentage for each equation comes from Table 37.
Figure 19 captures the main screen of a sample project. The general information
of the project is displayed in the top portion including project name, application domain,
operating environment, development method, scale factors, and schedule constraints.
Modules can be added to the project using the add module button. Each module will need
input of language, labor rate, size, and EAF. Size can be calculated in three modes:
adapted code, function point conversion, and simple SLOCs. EAF is calculated by setting
values for 16 effort multipliers from the COCOMO II model. The estimation results are
displayed at the bottom. Effort, schedule, productivity, costs, and staff are calculated
based on the project input. Three levels of estimates are produced: optimistic, most likely,
and pessimistic. An effort distribution link is available next to the Estimation Results
label. Clicking on it will bring the effort distribution screen to the user.
Figure 19: Project Screen of the Domain-based Effort Distribution Tool
The following figure shows the suggested domain-based effort distribution of a
Weapon Delivery and Control project. The total project effort is 24.2 PM, and the
suggested percentages and actual PM for each activity group is listed at the bottom
portion of the display area. A column graph is also produced to illustrate the effort
distribution visually. Both COCOMO II Waterfall and MBASE effort distribution are
also available for the user to compare results.
Figure 20: Effort Results from the Domain-base Effort Distribution Tool
5.3 Comparison of Domain-Based Effort Distribution and COCOMO
II Effort Distribution
This section will validate and compare the results produced using the domain-
based effort distribution against the results from the COCOMO II model.
Data Source:
Three sets of sample projects are used for this comparison. The sample projects
come from the original COCOMO II calibration data which contains sufficient
information including domain information, project size, COCOMO II drivers’ values, and
schedule constraints. The sample projects are also attached with most of the actual effort
distribution data in PM for each activity group or waterfall phase.
The details of these sample projects are described in the following table. Note that
there are no requirements or planning effort data for project 51 and 62. In fact, the only
data points that I can find with requirements & planning effort data is from project 49.
The requirements and planning effort data was not required in the earlier data collection
survey, therefore, most projects submitted the survey without that effort data.
Table 38: Sample Project Summary
ID Application Domain Size (KSLOC) Effort (PM)
Phase Effort (PM)
49 Command and Control 142.8 631 90 136 273 132
51 Communication 127.05 499 NA 145 199 155
62 Simulation 171 812.1 NA 303.7 406.7 101.7
Comparison Steps:
The procedure for the comparison analysis is straight forward. For each sample
project, the following steps are performed to collect a final result that I can use to
evaluate the performance of the domain-based effort distribution model:
1) Create a project with necessary information (domain information, size, name,
etc.) using the tool; add COCOMO II drivers’ value accordingly.
2) Collect the output effort distribution for both COCOMO II Waterfall and
Domain-based effort distribution model.
3) Compare the effort distributions with the actual effort distribution of the
4) Calculate the errors of each estimated effort distribution and determine which
produces the best results.
Analysis Results:
Using the tool, the following estimated total efforts are produced from the
COCOMO II model for the sample projects:
Table 39: COCOMO II Estimation Results
ID Actual Effort (PM) Estimated Effort (PM) Estimation Error
49 631 1094.3 +73.4%
51 499 856.7 +71.7%
62 812.1 586.6 -27.8%
Next, I produced a series of comparison tables that compares the COCOMO II
Waterfall effort distribution results against results produced using the domain-based
effort distribution model.
Project 49 (Command and Control):
Table 40: Project 49 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison
COCOMO II Domain-based Effort Distribution
Activity Group Est. PM Error Est. PM Error
Requirements 87.54 -2.70% 229.8 153.30%
Architecture 196.97 44.80% 247.31 81.80%
Code & Unit Test 556.78 103.90% 368.78 35.10%
Integration & QT 340.55 158.00% 248.41 88.20%
Total Error 194.00% 199.00%
Project 51 (Communications):
Table 41: Project 51 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison
COCOMO II Domain-based Effort Distribution
Activity Group Est. PM Error Est. PM Error
Requirements 68.54 NA 128.51 NA
Architecture 154.21 6.40% 290.42 100.30%
Code & Unit Test 437.17 119.70% 244.16 22.70%
Integration & QT 265.32 71.20% 219.32 41.50%
Total Error 139.39% 110.88%
Project 62 (Simulations):
Table 42: Project 62 Effort Distribution Estimate Comparison
COCOMO II Domain-based Effort Distribution
Activity Group Est. PM Error Est. PM Error
Requirements 35.2 NA 62.77 NA
Architecture 93.86 -69.10% 229.36 -24.50%
Code & Unit Test 346.09 -14.90% 180.67 -55.60%
Integration & QT 146.65 44.20% 113.8 11.90%
Total Error 83.38% 61.88%
In each result table, the estimated efforts are produced for each Waterfall phase or
activity group by its respective effort distribution model. Error for each activity group is
calculated against the actual efforts. The total error is the sum of the individual error and
can be used as the final evaluation value for this comparison.
The results suggest that COCOMO II Waterfall produces slightly better results in
project 49 (194% total error vs. 199% total error), but somewhat worse results in project
51 and project 62 (generally +20% worse than the domain-based effort distribution
results). In the COCOMO II Waterfall’s defense, missing the requirements and planning
phase results may cause a drop in performance in project 51 and project 62. The counter
argument is that the COCOMO II effort distribution does not take account of the
requirements and planning effort in general, as it was not part of the COCOMO II model
calibration (also a reason the effort data was not required in the data collection survey).
This may also undermine the better results from project 49. The good results for
estimated requirements and planning effort may have been produced merely by chance. If
only considering the other three activity groups, the results are 194% vs. 125%. The
domain-based effort distribution model produces a much better estimate. Another
important point is that these sample projects are selected from the calibration data points
for the COCOMO II model, and therefore should fit the COCOMO II Waterfall better
since the domain-based effort distribution model is based on an entirely different data set.
To sum up, the domain-based effort distribution model produces a better estimate
if we ignore requirements and planning effort (less error if we only sum up errors from
Architecture & Design, Code & Unit Testing, and Integration & Qualification Testing).
Although the evaluation result suggests that the domain-based effort distribution model
performs fairly well against the COCOMO II Waterfall, at least for three of the four
activity groups, there is definitely need for further validation tests to confirm the
6.1 Research Summary
The central theme of this research revolves around finding the relationship
between software project information and effort distribution patterns, particular project
domain, size, and personnel rating. Such a relationship was discovered for domain
information, but was not for size and personnel rating. Since the domain is usually easy
to define in the early stage of a project lifecycle, it can provide substantial improvement
in preparing resource allocation plans for the different stages of software development.
For data and domains analyzed, the hypothesis test strongly confirms such a relationship.
And as a result, a new domain-based effort distribution model is drafted and we are one
step further in improving the already-popular COCOMO II model for the data-supported
application domains.
In this research, two sets of domain breakdowns, namely application domains and
productivity types, are analyzed for their correlations to effort distribution patterns. A
data support of 530 project records is used for this analysis. Both visual and statistical
tests are conducted to prove the significance of domain as an influential driver on effort
distribution patterns. Project size and personnel rating are studied to determine additional
factors that may cause distinguishable trends within domain or type. Comparison between
application domains and productivity types helps to determine the domain breakdown
that can be used for the domain-base effort distribution model, which is designed and
implemented as a prototype to attach to the COCOMO II model as a new extension
model. Finally, estimation results produced from several sample projects are compared
against those produced from the original COCOMO II Waterfall effort distribution
guideline to test the performance of the domain-based effort distribution model. Although
the results of this comparison do not favor any model in a huge fashion, it is encouraging
to see desirable numbers produced from the domain-based effort distribution model.
6.2 Future Work
After this research, the main goal is to continue refining the domain-based effort
distribution model. There are several known improvements that are beneficial to
1) Refine the overall effort distribution patterns of the existing supported
application domains when more data points become available.
2) Support more application domains when more data points become available.
3) Test hypotheses about whether similar results will emerge in sections other
than the defense industry.
Other than improvement works on existing model features, the following studies
can be completed to add valuable extension features to the model:
1) Expand the model to include the schedule distribution patterns available in the
current COCOMO II model for Waterfall and MBASE distribution guideline.
2) Study the effects of operating environments, which state the physical
constraint of software systems; and explore the possibility of adding operating
environment as a new dimension to influence both effort distribution patterns
and schedule distribution patterns.
3) Study the relationships between COCOMO II drivers and domain information;
seek possible correlations that can help to enhance the domain-based effort
distribution model.
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Application Domains:
Name Definition
Business Systems Software that automates business functions, stores and retrieves data,
processes orders, manages/tracks the flow of materials, combines
data from different sources, or uses logic and rules to process
Management information systems (Personnel)
Financial information systems
Enterprise Resource Planning systems
Logistics systems (Order Entry, Inventory)
Enterprise data warehouse
Other IT systems
Internet Software developed for applications that run and utilize the Internet.
Typically uses web services or middleware platforms (Java, Flash) to
provide a variety of functions, e.g. search, order/purchase and multi-
Web services
Search systems like Google
Web sites (active or passive) that provide information in multi-
media form (voice, video, text, etc.)
Tool and Tool Systems Software packages and/or integrated tool environments that are used
to support analysis, design, construction and test of other software
Integrated collection of tools for most development phases of the
life cycle
Rational development environment
Scientific Systems Software that involves significant computational and scientific
analysis. It uses algorithmic, numerical or statistical analysis to
process data to produce information.
Seismic survey analysis
Experiments run on supercomputers to unravel DNA
Name Definition
Simulation and Modeling Software used to evaluate scenarios and assess empirical
relationships that exist between models of physical processes,
complex systems or other phenomena. The software typically
involves running models using a simulated clock in order to mimic
real world events.
Guidance simulations
Environment simulations
Orbital simulations
Signal generators
Test and Evaluation Software used to support test and evaluation functions. This software
automates the execution of test procedures and records results.
Test suite execution software
Test results recording
Training Software used to support the education and training of system users.
This software could be hosted on the operational or a dedicated
training system.
On-line courses
Computer based training
Computer aided instruction
Command and Control Software that enables decision makers to manage dynamic situations
and respond in real time. Software provides timely and accurate
information for use in planning, directing, coordinating and
controlling resources during operations. Software is highly
interactive with a high degree of multi-tasking.
Satellite Ground Station
Tactical Command Center
Battlefield Command Centers
Telephone network control systems
Disaster response systems
Utility power control systems
Air Traffic Control systems
Mission Management Software that enables and assists the operator in performing mission
management activities including scheduling activities based on
vehicle, operational and environmental priorities.
Operational Flight Program
Mission Computer
Flight Control Software
Name Definition
Weapons Delivery and Control Software used to select, target, and guide weapons. Software is
typically complex because it involves sophisticated algorithms, fail-
safe functions and must operate in real-time.
Target location
Payload control
Guidance control
Ballistic computations
Communications Software that controls the transmission and receipt of voice, data,
digital and video information. The software operates in real-time or
in pseudo real-time in noisy environments.
Microwave controller
Large telephone switching systems
Network management
Controls and Displays Software that provides the interface between the user and system.
This software is highly interactive with the user, e.g. screens, voice,
keyboard, pointing devices, biometric devices.
Heads Up Displays
Tactical 3D displays
Infrastructure or Middleware Software that provides a set of service interfaces for a software
application to use for control, communication, event handling,
interrupt handling, scheduling, security, and data storage and
retrieval. This software typically interfaces to the hardware and other
software applications that provide services.
Systems that provide essential services across a bus
Delivery systems for service-oriented architectures, etc.
Middleware systems
Tailored operating systems and their environments
Executive Software used to control the hardware and operating environment
and to serve as a platform to execute other applications. Executive
software is typically developed to control specialized platforms
where there are hard run-time requirements.
Real-time operating systems
Closed-loop control systems
Information Assurance Software that protects other software applications from threats such
as unauthorized access, viruses, worms, denial of service, and
corruption of data.
Includes sneak circuit analysis software. A sneak circuit is an
unexpected path or logic flow within a system that, under certain
conditions, can initiate an undesired function or inhibit a desired
Intrusion prevention devices
Name Definition
Maintenance and Diagnostics Software used to perform maintenance functions including detection
and diagnosis of problems. Used to pinpoint problems, isolate faults
and report problems. It may use rules or patterns to pinpoint solutions
to problems.
Auto repair and diagnostic systems
Software used for scenario generation, feasibility analysis, route
planning, and image/map manipulation. This software considers the
many alternatives that go into making a plan and captures the many
options that lead to mission success.
Route planning software
Tasking order software
Process Control Software that provides closed-loop feedback controls for systems that
run in real-time. This software uses sophisticated algorithms and
control logic.
Power plant control
Oil refinery control
Petro-chemical control
Closed loop control-systems
Sensor Control and Processing Software used to control and manage sensor transmitting and
receiving devices. This software enhances, transforms, filters,
converts or compresses sensor data typically in real-time. This
software uses a variety of algorithms to filter noise, process data
concurrently in real-time and discriminate between targets.
Image processing software
Radar systems
Sonar systems
Electronic Warfare systems
Spacecraft Bus Spacecraft vehicle control software used to control and manage a
spacecraft body. This software provides guidance, attitude and
articulation control of the vehicle.
Earth orbiting satellites
Deep space exploratory vehicles
Spacecraft Payload Spacecraft payload management software used to manage and
control payload functions such as experiments, sensors or
deployment of onboard devices.
Sensors on earth orbiting satellites
Equipment on deep space exploratory vehicles
Productivity Types:
Name Definitions
Sensor Control and
Signal Processing
Software that requires timing-dependent device coding to enhance, transform,
filter, convert, or compress data signals.
Ex.: Bean steering controller, sensor receiver/transmitter control, sensor
signal processing, sensor receiver/transmitter test.
Ex. of sensors: antennas, lasers, radar, sonar, acoustic, electromagnetic.
Vehicle Control (VC) Hardware & software necessary for the control of vehicle primary and
secondary mechanical devices and surfaces.
Ex: Digital Flight Control, Operational Flight Programs, Fly-By-Wire Flight
Control System, Flight Software, Executive.
Real Time Embedded
Real-time data processing unit responsible for directing and processing sensor
Ex: Devices such as Radio, Navigation, Guidance, Identification,
Communication, Controls And Displays, Data Links, Safety, Target Data
Extractor, Digital Measurement Receiver, Sensor Analysis, Flight
Termination, Surveillance, Electronic Countermeasures, Terrain Awareness
And Warning, Telemetry, Remote Control.
Vehicle Payload (VP) Hardware & software which controls and monitors vehicle payloads and
provides communications to other vehicle subsystems and payloads.
Ex: Weapons delivery and control, Fire Control, Airborne Electronic Attack
subsystem controller, Stores and Self-Defense program, Mine Warfare
Mission Package.
Mission Processing
Vehicle onboard master data processing unit(s) responsible for coordinating
and directing the major mission systems.
Ex.: Mission Computer Processing, Avionics, Data Formatting, Air Vehicle
Software, Launcher Software, Tactical Data Systems, Data Control And
Distribution, Mission Processing, Emergency Systems, Launch and Recovery
System, Environmental Control System, Anchoring, Mooring and Towing.
Command & Control
Complex of hardware and software components that allow humans to manage
a dynamic situation and respond to user-input in real time.
Ex: Battle Management, Mission Control.
System Software (SYS) Layers of software that sit between the computing platform and applications
Ex: Health Management, Link 16, Information Assurance, Framework,
Operating System Augmentation, Middleware, Operating Systems.
Transmission and receipt of voice, digital, and video data on different
mediums & across complex networks.
Ex: Network Operations, Communication Transport.
Process Control (PC) Software that controls an automated system, generally sensor driven.
Scientific Systems
Non real time software that involves significant computations and scientific
Ex: Environment Simulations, Offline Data Analysis, Vehicle Control
Training (TRN) Hardware and software that are used for educational and training purposes
Ex: Onboard or Deliverable Training Equipment & Software, Computer-
Based Training.
Test Software (TST) Hardware & Software necessary to operate and maintain systems and
subsystems which are not consumed during the testing phase and are not
allocated to a specific phase of testing.
Ex: Onboard or Deliverable Test Equipment & Software.
Software Tools (TUL) Software that is used for analysis, design, construction, or testing of computer
Ex: Integrated collection of tools for most development phases of the life
cycle, e.g. Rational development environment
Business Systems (BIS) Software that automates a common business function
Ex: Database, Data Distribution, Information Processing, Internet,
Entertainment, Enterprise Services, Enterprise Information
Operating Environments:
Name Definition
Fixed Ground Manned and unmanned fixed, stationary land sites (buildings) with access to
external power sources, backup power sources, physical access to systems,
regular upgrades and maintenance to hardware and software, support for
multiple users.
Computing facilities
Command and Control centers
Tactical Information centers
Communication centers
Mobile Ground Mobile platform that moves across the ground. Limited power sources.
Computing resources limited by platform’s weight and volume constraints.
Upgrades to hardware and software occur during maintenance periods.
Computing system components are physically accessible.
Artillery systems
Mobile command vehicles
Reconnaissance vehicles
Name Definition
Shipboard Mobile platform that moves across or under water.
Aircraft carriers
Supply ships
Avionics Manned airborne platforms. Software that is complex and runs in real-time in
embedded computer systems. It must often operate under interrupt control to
process timelines in the nanoseconds.
Fixed-wing aircraft
Unmanned Airborne Unmanned airborne platforms. Man-in-the-loop control.
Remotely piloted air vehicles
Missile Very high-speed airborne platform with tight weight and volume restrictions.
Air-to-air missiles
Strategic missiles
Manned Space Space vehicle used to carry or transport passengers. Severe power, weight and
volume restrictions.
Space shuttle
Space passenger vehicle
Manned space stations
Unmanned Space Space vehicle used to carry payloads into space. Severe power, weight and
volume restrictions. Software in this environment is complex and real-time.
Software is subject to severe resource constraints because its platform may
have memory and speed limitations due to weight restrictions and radiation.
Orbiting satellites (weather, communications)
Exploratory space vehicles
Matlab™ Program Source Code:
Main routine:
Matrix_fact function:
Program Screen Shots:
Opening Screen:
Start a project:
Project Scale Drivers:
Module Detail:
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Project Estimate:
Effort Distribution:
Sample Projects Results for COCOMO II Waterfall and Domain-based Effort
Distribution Model Comparison:
Project 49:
Project 51:
Project 62:
SRDR form DD 2630-3
Abstract (if available)
In software cost estimation, effort allocation is an important and usually challenging task for project management. Due to the Cone of Uncertainty effect on overall effort estimation and lack of representative effort distribution data, project managers often find it difficult to plan for staffing and other team resources. This often leads to risky decisions to assign too few or too many people to complete software lifecycle activities. As a result, projects with inaccurate resource allocation will generally experience serious schedule delay or cost overrun, which has been the outcome of 44% of the projects reported by the Standish Group. ❧ Due to lack of data, most effort estimation models, including COCOMO II, use a one-size-fits-all distribution of effort by phase and activity. The availability of a critical mass of data from U.S. Defense Department software projects on effort distribution has enabled me to test several hypotheses that effort distributions vary by project size, personnel capability, and application domains. This dissertation will summarize the analysis approach, describe the techniques and methodologies used, and report the results. The key results were that size and personnel capability were not significant sources of effort distribution variability, but that analysis of the influence of application domain on effort distribution rejected the null hypothesis that the distributions do not vary by domains, at least for the U.S. Defense Department sector. The results were then used to produce an enhanced version of the COCOMO II model and tool for better estimation of the effort distributions for the data-supported domains.
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Asset Metadata
Tan, Thomas
Core Title
Domain-based effort distribution model for software cost estimation
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest,software cost estimation,software domains,software effort distribution,software engineering
Electronically uploaded by the author
Boehm, Barry W. (
committee chair
), Medvidović, Nenad (
committee member
), Settles, F. Stan (
committee member
Creator Email
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
usctheses-c3-94005 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Tan, Thomas
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Access Conditions
The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
software cost estimation
software domains
software effort distribution
software engineering