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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Linking eyes to mouth: a schema-based computational model for describing visual scenes
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Linking eyes to mouth: a schema-based computational model for describing visual scenes
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Jinyong Lee
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2012
Copyright 2012 Jinyong Lee
I would like to thank Professor Michael A. Arbib for being an excellent advisor, a trusted
mentor, and a respectable role model throughout the Ph.D. program in USC. I have been mostly
benefited from his insight and knowledge on the nature of human and primate cognitive system.
I would also like to acknowledge the constant support and encouragement from my valuable
lab mates, Victor Barrés, Jimmy Bonaiuto, Brad Gasser, Rob Schuler, Arthur Simons, and Nader
Noori (in iLab). I am thankful for exciting discussions and enjoyable research atmosphere shared
with all of my colleagues.
I also like to show my gratitude to Dr. Laurent Itti for allowing me to use the eye-tracking
equipment with technical support and to Dr. Elsi Kaiser for her valuable advice throughout the
thesis writing.
This thesis would not have been possible without patient support from my family, my mother
Jungsim Boo and my brother Jinwon Lee. Most of all, I would like to give my biggest thanks to my
girlfriend Eunyoung Song, who offered her constant care, love, and trust.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
Abstract xvi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Schema-based System of Scene Perception 5
2.1. Schema Theory 5
2.2. VISIONS System 10
2.3. SemRep: Semantic Representation for Visual Scenes 13
2.4. Network of Semantics and Concepts 21
2.5. Semantico-syntactic Features 29
2.6. Indexing Entities 35
2.7. Network of Scene Perception 43
2.8. Hierarchical Scene Perception 50
2.9. Perception Beyond Fixations 59
2.10. Event and Episode Structure 69
Chapter 3. Schema-based System of Utterance Generation 72
3.1. Construction Grammar 72
3.2. Support for Construction Grammar 77
3.3. Template Construction Grammar 81
3.4. Production Process of TCG 97
3.5. Production Principles of TCG 111
3.6. Implementation of TCG 122
A. Development 123
B. Architecture 123
C. Data Format 139
D. Simulation 147
3.7. Other Language Models 156
Chapter 4. Temporal Unfolding of Scene Perception and Description 164
4.1. Interplay of Vision and Language 164
4.2. Experiment 1 169
A. Participants 171
B. Visual Stimuli 171
C. Apparatus 173
D. Procedure 173
E. Data Analysis and Results 175
4.3. Experiment 2 187
A. Participants 188
B. Visual Stimuli 188
C. Apparatus 189
D. Procedure 189
E. Data Analysis and Results 190
4.4. Two Views in Eye Movements and Speech Production 206
4.5. Case Study: Integrating Two Views 213
Chapter 5. Conclusion 222
References 226
Appendix A. Semantic Network 261
Appendix B. Construction Set 263
Appendix C. High and Low Threshold Cases 266
Appendix D. Simulation Demo 274
Appendix E. Simulation Result of High and Low Threshold (Cholitas Scene) 278
Appendix F. Two Opposing Examples of Kuchinsky (2009) 292
List of Tables
Table 3.1-1: Examples of constructions with different argument structures (adapted from Table
10.1 of Kemmerer, 2006). 76
Table 4.2-1: Examples of counted sentences from different styles of utterance. 177
Table 4.2-2: Example initial utterances of different description types. 185
Table 4.3-1: A cross-comparison of all scenes used in the experiment. The matching between
two scenes is marked with an “X” if the difference in the mean scale values is insignificant
whereas it is marked with an “O” if the values are significantly different (t-test, p < 0.05). The
shaded cells represent the comparisons between the scenes of the different categories. 192
Table 4.3-2: Examples of counted core words from different styles of utterance. 196
Table 4.3-3: Examples of counted embedded structures from different styles of utterance. 197
Table 4.3-4: The content and the proportion of agreement of the main event description
appeared in the initial utterances produced for each scene. 203
Table 4.5-1: All combinations of the relevant factors in the process of scene perception and
description in TCG. 219
Table 4.5-2: The percentage of response types split by event and character accessibility
(adapted from Table 7 of Kuchinsky, 2009). 220
List of Figures
Figure 2.1-1: An ambiguous figure which can be interpreted either as an ice cream cone or a
tree (A) with a schema assemblage formed to yield an interpretation (B) – perceptual schemas
for ice-cream and cone cooperate, as do those for foliage and tree-trunk (blue arrows) while
different schemas compete to interpret a given region (red arrows) (adapted from Figure 2.2.2
and Figure 2.2.3 of Michael A. Arbib, 1989). 9
Figure 2.2-1: The Visual Working Memory (WM) of VISIONS interprets the current scene by
a network of parameterized instances of schemas from Long Term Memory (LTM). These
schema instances are linked to the visual world via the intermediate database that offers an
updatable analysis of the division of the world into regions that are candidates for
interpretation as agents and objects, possibly in relation with each other. 12
Figure 2.3-1: An illustration of the two-way interaction between the vision and language
system. The role of the intermediate semantic representation is emphasized. It serves as a
“dynamic bridge” between the two systems through which updates and requests are frequently
exchanged. The upper (leftward) arrows indicate the requests from the language side asking
for more information in the cases such as when a question is given (e.g. who’s kicking the
ball?), or when an underspecified object is about to be described. The bottom (rightward)
arrows indicate the flow of such information delivered from the vision side to the language
side for the production of description. 14
Figure 2.3-2: A schematic view of a typical SemRep. A SemRep is basically a graph-like
structure that represents the semantics of a perceived scene. 17
Figure 2.3-3: An example of a visual scene and SemReps possibly generated from the scene.
(A) is a picture of a woman hitting a man (original image from: “Invisible Man Choi Jang
Soo”, Korean Broadcasting System), whose regions are segmented and labeled with perceptual
schemas (whose parameterization is not shown) through a stage like the Visual Working
Memory (Figure 2.2-1) of VISIONS (B). Note that although we use words to label these
regions, this is for our convenience – words are not parts of these schemas themselves. (C)
illustrates three example SemRep graphs that could be possibly generated for the events
illustrated in the scene, depending on the cognitive prominence of each event – one for the
event of the woman hitting the man, one for the woman’s wearing a blue dress, and the other
for the man and woman’s fight happening in an outdoor area. Again, the words on the nodes
are labels of convenience for yet-to-be-verbalized concepts. Theses SemReps might yield such
sentences as “a woman hits a man”, “a woman is wearing a blue dress”, or “people are
fighting outside”. 20
Figure 2.4-1: Modality-specific sensory and action systems (red) provide detailed
representations shaped through experiences while high-level temporal and inferior parietal
association areas (blue) store increasingly abstract conceptual representations. These two types
of areas form a LTM network provides a means to categorical access of conceptual entities.
Frontal (and maybe posterior parietal) regions (purple) control the goal-directed activation and
selection as well as maintenance of the information stored in those temporo-parietal cortices,
forming a WM network of concepts and semantics. 27
Figure 2.7-1: A schematized illustration of a WM network of visual scene perception with the
two visual streams highlighted. The dorsal stream (blue arrow) is associated with spatial
information, such as location, while the ventral stream (red arrow) is associated with non-
spatial properties. Both of the streams start from the primary visual areas (green) and conjoin
at PFC areas (purple). The PFC plays a primary role within this network by selecting and
integrating different types of visual information and mediating a coherent scene representation. 48
Figure 2.8-1: A schematic view of hierarchical perception process. As attentional focus moves
up (zoom out) and down (zoom in) the hierarchy, the early nonattentive and the later attentive
process are executed as a pair at each level, forming an iterative cycle through the whole-part
hierarchy (four cycles shown). A gist or a layout (shown as a SemRep) is perceived at each
level, guiding attentional focus. 55
Figure 2.9-1: Examples of subscenes that emphasize various aspects of a scene. (A) covers the
entire scene and it captures the layout of the filming event while (B) focuses on the hitting
action happening between the woman and man, conveying more detailed information in a
relatively smaller area. (C) is confined within the area of the woman while it delivers detailed
properties of the area, such as woman’s prettiness or the color of the dress. 62
Figure 2.9-2: A SemRep possibly generated by the scene shown in Figure 2.3-3. A particular
event of a woman hitting a man is represented in the whole subscene, which involves four sub-
level event structures that are also represented as subscenes. These structures are hierarchically
organized according to their cognitive significance with (A) at the top rank (depicted with
thick lines). (A) is treated as the “main event” of the whole subscene, resulting in such
produced sentences as “a pretty woman in blue is hitting a man”, “a pretty woman who’s
wearing a blue dress is hitting a man”, or “a man is hit by a pretty woman wearing a blue
dress”, etc. 65
Figure 2.9-3: An illustration of two cases of (sub)scene perception. (A) illustrates the case of
“specification” where a subscene is perceived by filling in details, whereas (B) illustrates the
case of “extension” where a subscene is perceived in an incremental manner. Yellow ovals
represent attention windows, red ovals represent subscenes, and red nodes represent detected
but unidentified entities of the subscene. See text for more detailed description. 68
Figure 3.3-1: A highly dynamic process of scene description in which the vision system and
the language system are concurrently running and constantly interacting. The Visuo-Linguistic
Working Memory (VLWM) provides a workspace where various types of schemas are
collaborating (according to the competition and cooperation paradigm) to produce a verbal
description of a scene. The vision and language system are continuously interacting with each
other as the vision system concurrently interprets the scene and updates the SemRep while the
language system occasionally generate requests for more details from the vision system. 82
Figure 3.3-2: An illustration of how a grammatical structure is built in TCG. When the
semantics of the “head” components (rather than the conventional sense of “head”, which is a
word) of a construction (represented as nodes with thick lines) is matched with the associated
semantics of the slot that the construction fills in (e.g. ENTITY and WOMAN in combination
of ADJ_NOUN and WOMAN construction) and the class of the construction is matched with
one of the classes specified in the slot (e.g. N of WOMAN construction and [NP, N] of the
second slot of ADJ_NOUN construction), syntactic combinations between constructions
(represented by the blue dashed-line) are made. The head components of the combining
constructions act as the “pivot” in the combination of the three constructions (WOMAN,
ADJ_NOUN, and SVO) as they play a role as the representative components of the
constructions that fill into the slot of other constructions (the ENTITY nodes are successively
replaced by the WOMAN node through the syntactic linkage as represented by the red dashed-
line) – e.g. in forming the phrase pretty woman, the head node WOMAN and the associated
construction becomes the head of the phrase, woman. 86
Figure 3.3-3: A schematic view of a typical construction in TCG. This particular construction,
named IN_COLOR, corresponds to an idiomatic expression to describe a person wearing an
outfit of a certain color (e.g. man in black, woman in blue, etc.). See text for more detail on
each field. 88
Figure 3.3-4: An example set of “complex” constructions that correspond to relatively
complex structures, such as sentences or clauses. The syntactic structures are represented by
the arrangement of slots and phonological notations in the Syn-Form and the coupled SemRep
elements in the Sem-Frame. The head elements are depicted with a thick line. Note that some
constructions have classes that also appear in one of their slots, whose coupled Sem-Frame
elements are the same as their heads (e.g. ADJ_NOUN, IN_COLOR, CNJ_WHILE, and
PP_IN). That feature allows those constructions to be recursively connected (e.g. ADJ_NOUN
can fill in the second slot of another ADJ_NOUN). 94
Figure 3.3-5: An example set of “simple” constructions that are mostly lexical items, such as
words. They are generally represented as simple pairing of the semantic meaning (represented
as a single node, which is as well the head element) and the corresponding phonetic
expressions. Note that the concept (i.e. signified) is not the same as the word (i.e. signifier) –
DRESS and TSHIRT construction illustrate such a difference. 95
Figure 3.4-1: A number of construction instances are invoked over parts of a SemRep,
covering the areas where they are invoked over (slightly colored red). These invoked instances
are matched with their covering areas both “semantically” (i.e. matching concepts of graph
elements) and “topographically” (i.e. matching graph structure). Note that some nodes are
denoted as “shared” (dashed lines), and it means that their covering is not “exclusive”. Some
details of constructions are omitted for clarity. 99
Figure 3.4-2: Invoked construction instances are combining into a group, forming a
hierarchical structure, which as a whole represents a grammatical expression (in this case, the
sentence “pretty woman hit man”). Constructions with the overlapping covering areas are
combined when their heads and classes match with the requirements specified by the slots
(although the classes are not shown in the figure). Note that some of Sem-Frame elements are
mearked as shared, thus allowing combination can be made by avoiding conflict between
constructions – e.g. in SVO, all nodes are denoted as shared, allowing ADJ_NOUN, HIT and
MAN are slotted in without conflict. 101
Figure 3.4-3: Two groups of construction instances (REL_SVO & INCOLOR and
ADJ_NOUN & SPA) are competing as their covering areas are in conflict (the red circles).
Conflict only happens for the regions covered by non-shared elements – areas covered by
shared elements are not in conflict. 103
Figure 3.4-4: A snapshot of the production process of TCG, in which invoked construction
instances are forming groups while some of them are competing at the same time. Through the
competitive and cooperative interactions between construction instances, the system reaches to
the solution – i.e. a verbal expression for describing a scene. 105
Figure 3.5-1: Example cases of the premature production of an utterance. (A) An utterance is
being produced (i.e. constructions are read out) even though not all constituents are figured out
– the patient of the action is still missing (represented as a node in red with an unidentified
concept). The system might produce an utterance without fragmentation by inspecting the
scene to identify the patient while reading out the prepared portion of the utterance. (B) A
similar situation where only the sentential structure is prepared while its only constituent is left
unidentified. The system is possibly under the pressure to produce an utterance only after
hardly figuring out there is an object, yet still unidentified, in the scene. (C) An opposite case
where only the constituent is prepared while the sentential structure is not ready yet. 115
Figure 3.5-2: Example cases of utterances produced in continuum with the previous utterances.
(A) REL_SPA_WHO is chosen from the competition because ADJ_NOUN and SPA are not
compatible with the syntactic structure of the previously spoken utterance (shown as the
shaded part in the SemRep) – i.e. for ADJ_NOUN, handsome should have been produced
earlier than man, and SPA represents another sentence-level structure which cannot be fit in
the previous SVO. (B) Only a single construction MAN is uttered, and it biases the sentential
structure of the following utterance – without the MAN construction already spoken, SVO (the
active voice) would have been chosen over PAS_SVO (the passive voice). PAS_SVO is
chosen because it allows the patient of the action, man, to be spoken first. 117
Figure 3.5-3: An example of a verbal representation guiding visual attention. SVO is being
produced, or prepared to be produced, prematurely while all the constituents for the agent, the
action, and the patient still are not identified enough (shown as red nodes). Since SVO
represents an active sentence, the agent, which corresponds to the node A, is more likely to be
attended first, even if the patient, which is represented as the node B, is perceptually more
salient. 119
Figure 3.5-4: An example of a high threshold case. High threshold allows the system to have
enough time to wait for a big SemRep to be formed and to fully formulate a relatively complex
sentential structure accordingly. See text for more detail. 120
Figure 3.5-5: An example of a low threshold case. Low threshold enforces the system to keep
producing utterances, even before the event is fully comprehended. The produced utterances
tend to be short and relatively fragmented. See text for more detail. 121
Figure 3.6-1: A schematic view of the semantic network used during the simulations presented
in the current work. Only “is-a” relation (depicted as an arrow) between conceptual entries is
used. 125
Figure 3.6-2: A schematic view of an example scene description where 5 regions are defined.
Some regions are associated with perceptual schemas – object schemas are represented as big
capital letters (e.g. HANDSOME, WOMAN, HIT) and relation schemas are shown as smaller
capital letters over faded lines connecting objects schemas (e.g. PATIENT, MODIFY).
Numerical values represent the saliency of regions. The yellow region, whose uncertainty is 0,
represents the gist of the scene (the uncertainty of other regions is all set to 1). 128
Figure 3.6-3: Illustrations of two possible approaches for implementing the competition and
cooperation processes between construction instances. (A) shows construction instances
invoked over a SemRep. These instances cooperate (shown as the blue lines) and compete
(shown as the red lines) with each other. (B) illustrates an algorithmic approach where all
possible cooperative combinations between construction instances (i.e. construction structures)
are considered and suitability of each instance is assessed based on those combinations. The
combination with the maximum suitability is selected during competition between
construction instances (e.g. for the REL_SPA construction, the construction structure for
“there is woman who is pretty” is selected as the most suitable one). (C) illustrates another
approach which is based on the network of cooperative and competitive connections between
construction instances. The solution of the system (i.e. produced utterance) is achieved by the
convergence through a number of iterative computations. 130
Figure 3.6-4: An illustration of the simulation result of a high threshold case. High threshold
allows the system to have enough time to wait for a big SemRep to be formed and to fully
formulate a relatively complex sentential structure accordingly. The yellow oval with a dashed
line represents the location of attention at the moment (as specified by the attended region of
the scene). Note that the uncertainty of almost all of the regions is set to 1, resulting in
attention shifting to another region at every simulation time (except for the boxing ring area
attended at simulation time 7 and 8, which is set to 2). 154
Figure 3.6-5: An illustration of the simulation result of a low threshold case. Low threshold
enforces the system to keep producing utterances, even before the event is fully comprehended.
The produced utterances tend to be short and relatively fragmented, especially due to the
elimination of the SemRep that has been described – e.g. at simulation time 7 and 9, newly
created nodes and relations are not properly connected with the previous SemRep. 155
Figure 4.2-1: A screenshot of an EyeChart generated by EyeParser. Four types of data are
represented along the time line: (1) the first row shows eye fixations superimposed on the
stimulus image, (2) the labeled names of the areas around each fixation are represented in the
second row, (3) key words (e.g. names of scene items) of utterances are linked with the
matching fixations in the third row, and (4) the fourth row displays the entire transcribed
utterances. 170
Figure 4.2-2: All the scenes used in Experiment 1. They are photographs of natural live-action
events that are grouped into four categories as represented by each pair of the examples. The
URL for the image sources are given under the names of scenes. 172
Figure 4.2-3: The mean word-sentence ratio (left) and the word-pause ratio (right) measured
from subjects’ utterance. Although both ratios were higher for the offline case, only the word-
sentence ratio showed a (marginally) significant difference depending on the task type. 179
Figure 4.2-4: The mean fixation time measured in comparison between the online and the
offline task, indicating that subjects fixated longer at objects during the online task. Since
scene display time for the online task was longer (15 sec.) than the offline task (10 sec.),
subjects generated more fixations during the online task (1089 fixations for total) than the
offline task (803 fixations for total). 182
Figure 4.2-5: The proportion of description type analyzed from subjects’ initial utterances –
both of the theme and actor/action description type represented for each scene type (left), and
only the theme description type was compared (right). Subjects generated initial utterances of
a significantly different description style depending on the scene type. 185
Figure 4.3-1: All the scenes used in Experiment 2. They are grouped into two categories – the
top row shows event scenes and the bottom row shows theme scenes. The URL for the image
sources are given under the names of scenes. 188
Figure 4.3-2: The mean scale value calculated from raters’ responses for each scene (left) and
collapsed for all event and theme scenes (right). The mean scale value for event scenes was
significantly distinctive from the mean value for theme scenes. 191
Figure 4.3-3: The measured mean utterance onset time during the free and quick task.
Utterances were produced faster during the quick task, indicating that subjects were under
more time pressure. 193
Figure 4.3-4: The mean score of the measured structural compactness (left) and the
grammatical complexity (right). Both of the metrics resulted in a significantly higher score for
the free task than for the quick task, indicating that the well-formedness of the produced
utterances was influenced by threshold. 198
Figure 4.3-5: The proportion of description type analyzed from subjects’ initial utterances –
both of the theme and actor/action description type represented for each scene type (left), and
only the theme description type was compared (right). Subjects generated initial utterances of
a significantly different description style depending on the scene type. 200
Figure 4.3-6: The marked regions of the actors/actions of the main event of each scene
represented by the highlighted areas. These regions were selected according to the initial
utterances of the actor/action description type. 202
Figure 4.3-7: The mean proportion of the fixation duration time measured from subjects’ initial
fixations that fell within the marked regions of the actors and/or actions in the main event. 204
Figure 4.5-1: Example scenes used by Kuchinsky (2009), which are categorized into four
types of depicted events depending on codability. The cuing effect was found only for type (B).
Figure 4.5-2: An illustration of “hypothesized” TCG processes in two cases of Kuchinsky
(2009)’s study (see Appendix F for the simulation output). (A) illustrates the case where the
sentence structure is specified first, resulting in a production process consistent with the
structural view (i.e. no cueing effect due to the verbal guidance principle; Section 3.5),
whereas (B) illustrates the case where a lexical item (“woman”) is specified earlier than the
sentential structure, resulting in a process consistent with the incremental view (i.e. cueing
effect). Since low threshold is assumed for both cases, utterances are being made intermittently.
Figure 4.5-3: Example stimulus scenes used by Griffin and Bock (2000) (A) and Gleitman et
al. (2007) (B). 221
The present thesis is part of a larger effort to locate the production and perception of language
within the broader context of brain mechanisms for action and perception more generally. As the
first step, we use the task of describing visual scenes to explore the suitability of the currently
proposed framework of a schema-based linguistics. We developed a new kind of semantic
representation, SemRep, which is an abstract form of visual information with an emphasis on the
spatial linkage of entities, attributes and actions. SemRep provides a compact graph-like structure
with enough formal semantics for verbal description of a scene, reducing the relatively complex
task of semantic processing to a graph matching task. The present thesis reports results on
implementing the production of sentences using Template Construction Grammar (TCG), a new
form of Construction Grammar distinguished by its use of SemRep to express semantics.
Constructions, represented as schema instances in our approach, compete and cooperate to cover
the SemRep to produce a description of the visual scene at hand. In our approach, the vision system
interprets a part of the scene under attention by creating or updating the corresponding SemRep
while the language system applies constructions on that part of SemRep by the principles of TCG.
The current work proposes specific mechanisms on how a representation (i.e. SemRep) is built
from the perceived visual scene and what influences the choice of constructions for the produced
utterances. More specifically, the complexity of a perceived event and the constraints on available
computational resources are hypothesized to be the main driving force of the resultant sentential
structure being produced. The former affects the coverage of the perceived subscene, which
represents a particular view on the scene at a certain moment, and the resultant formulation of
SemRep. The latter, which is parameterized as the threshold of utterance, limits the amount of time
and constructions used for formulating descriptions, resulting in different degrees of “well-
formedness” of produced sentences. To test hypotheses, we conducted a series of eye-tracking
experiments with experimental settings to induce various levels of event complexity (e.g. showing
scenes of different event structures) and threshold (e.g. imposing time pressure). Based on the
examination on the time-locked eye movements and recorded speech, the present thesis presents
supporting evidence for the proposed mechanisms. We conclude by demonstrating how the
combinations of various levels of threshold and event complexity in the framework of SemRep and
TCG can address both of the apparently opposing strategies in sentence production: the “structural
view” which asserts the preparation of sentential structure and the preparation of each constituent
are interleaved, and the “incremental view” that claims that those are separated in an orderly
Chapter 1. Introduction
The overall aim of this thesis is to provide clues on how linguistic processes relate to
mechanisms of visual perception and to propose an integrated framework of those two systems. As
an initial effort to do this, the current work describes a computational approach to the perception of
visual scenes and the production of the scene description. We propose “SemRep” as a unique form
of semantic representation of a visual scene. We also provide the detailed descriptions of a
theoretical framework and an implemented model of utterance production, Template Construction
Grammar (TCG). We propose SemRep as a type of graph-like representation that bridges between
the vision and language system while TCG as a conceptual model of the language (production)
system, which runs on input from the vision system, provided as SemRep. TCG is distinguished by
its explicit usage of schema theory and its computational paradigm – constructions are regarded as
schema instances that compete and cooperate with each other to converge on the solution, which is
in our case the description of a perceived scene.
The initial framework of our approach was described by Itti and Arbib (2006). They discussed
how perception of a “minimal subscene” associating an agent and an action to one or more objects
may underlie processes of scene description and question-answering, linking the schematic
structure of visual scenes to language structure – the question that dates back to the “two visual
system” model of visual perception (Didday & Arbib, 1975). Knott (Knott, 2003) proposed a model
based on a very similar framework – in his model, the sensorimotor sequence of attention to the
scene (the scanpath) is translated directly into the operations involved in constructing the syntactic
tree for its description. However, his approach differs from our approach of TCG in that it adopts a
version of the Minimalist approach (Chomsky, 1995) where the clause syntax is directly mapped
onto the sensorimotor model of action perception and execution. Moreover, the scene description is
built on the eye movements rather than the state of the symbolic WM since sensorimotor sequences
are directly linked to sentences. This is in contrast with TCG, which exhibits more capability in
processing complex sentential structures (with recursion) by its explicit usage of SemRep as the
symbolic WM.
Furthermore, we designed and conducted a series of eye tracking experiments to explore
possible explanations and solutions to linking of visual perception and utterance production.
Analysis of the experimental data provides findings and observations to test the hypotheses that we
have proposed during the development of SemRep and TCG. More specifically, we discuss
experimental evidence for supporting the notion of “subscene” and the mechanisms through which
a subscene is perceived and encapsulated into a SemRep. Moreover, we address the supporting
evidence for the threshold of utterance, which we propose as a theoretical construct that sets an
upper bound on available computational resources during utterance production. Experimental
evidence for the principles of utterance production, which are designed to capture the dynamics of
eye fixations and the related utterances in relation to the different levels of threshold, are also
The current thesis mainly consists of three big chapters. Chapter 2 provides the theoretical
background and the list of the relevant literature to SemRep. We do not model the specific
processes of building a SemRep, but instead focus on its role as an internal representation of a
perceived scene on which linguistic processes work to produce scene description. In this chapter,
we provide an account of the neural processes in the vision system whereby a SemRep may be
generated and the neurophysiological and behavioral evidence that supports different aspects of the
information encoded in a SemRep, which serves as input to the system of TCG, described in the
following chapter.
Chapter 3 provides a detailed account on TCG while highlighting how the compact, yet formal,
structure of SemRep is exploited by a schema-based approach. The theoretical framework of TCG
and the implementation details (with simulation results) of TCG are provided in a separate manner
in order to emphasize the generality of TCG in its application to the process of scene description
production. In this chapter, we relate TCG to the analysis of how descriptions of a scene may vary
under various constraints, such as time pressure, by testing the model with different levels of
threshold that limits computational resources spent in formulating utterances. We also propose
principles of utterance production during the task of scene description, which we claim provides
explanations for a number of particular patterns observed from speakers’ performance on utterance
production during scene perception.
Chapter 4 reports two eye-tracking experiments with detailed analysis results. We designed and
conducted a series of eye-tracking experiments to test our hypotheses on how semantic
representation is built from acquired visual information and how it influences the produced
utterances. Especially, the analysis results focus on providing evidence on the validity of the
threshold of utterance and its influence on the “well-formedness” of produced utterance. With
emphasis on various experimental circumstances that could induce different levels of threshold, we
propose that the combination of threshold and the principles of utterance production proposed in
TCG may provide a reconciliatory explanation for the two seemingly opposing views in the studies
of scene apprehension and linguistic formulation: (1) the incremental view, which claims that
perceptual salience affects sentence production, as reflected by the order of mention or structure of
the sentence, and (2) the structural view, which argues that perceptual saliency does not play a
significant role in utterance order as holistic apprehension of scenes precedes formulation of
sentences. We conclude the chapter by suggesting that those two views are not the results of two
mutually exclusive mechanisms, but outcomes of two extreme cases generated from a single
mechanism (as delineated by SemRep and TCG) with a change of policy.
Chapter 2. Schema-based System of Scene Perception
2.1. Schema Theory
In his influential book “The Organization of Behavior (1949)”, Hebb argued that higher brain
processes are realized as functional units above the level of the neuron. He regarded the basis of
cognition as the interference patterns of either individual neurons or their mass activity in the entire
cortex. In the present work of linking vision and language, our approach is based on a similar, yet
more computationally specified, framework – a version of schema theory in which schemas are a
type of distributed program that captures functions of neural networks in the brain (Michael A.
Arbib, 1981; Michael A. Arbib, Érdi, & Szentágothai, 1998) or else provides units for distributed
versions of technological computations. We must stress that a schema as a functional unit should
not be equated with a structural unit (e.g. a segregated neural circuit in the brain). In general, a
single schema may be implemented across several structural units while a single structural unit may
contribute to several schemas (Michael A. Arbib & Liaw, 1995).
In this approach to schema theory, schemas are generally defined in three types: perceptual
schemas, which are for recognizing objects or states of the world, motor schemas, which are for
interactions with those objects and states perceived by perceptual schemas, and more abstract
coordinating schemas, which are for mediating and coordinating schemas and their interactions.
Perceptual schemas can be coupled with motor schemas to form (possibly mediated by
coordinating schemas) coordinated control programs (Michael A. Arbib, 1981), an assemblage of
schemas which processes input via perceptual schemas and delivers its output via motor schemas,
interweaving the activations of these schemas in accordance with the current task and sensory
environment to mediate more complex behaviors (Michael A. Arbib, 2002).
Moreover, the notion of schema is “recursive”. A schema defined functionally may be analyzed
as a coordinated control program of finer schemas, and so on until such time as a secure foundation
of neural localization or technological implementation is attained. A schema is also “learnable”.
New schemas may be formed as assemblages of old schemas, but once formed, a schema may be
tuned by some adaptive mechanism, which allows them to start as composite but emerge as
primitive, much as a skill is honed into a unified whole from constituent pieces (Michael A. Arbib,
1995). When we learn how to peel an apple, for example, we may quickly approximate the skill by
marshaling a stock of existing schemas, such as rotating an object or skinning with a knife, and
then tune the resultant assemblage through experience to emerge with a new schema for skilled
performance of the task. These examples illustrate the case of motor schemas, but imply
improvement in perceptual schemas that provide data to guide the actions; a similar case can be
made for perceptual schemas too. A perceptual schema may consist of a number of subschemas that
capture different aspects of the perceived entity – e.g. the perception of an apple may involve a
number of perceptual schemas for its shape, texture, size, and smell – and a new perceptual schema
might emerge from a set of existing perceptual schemas that are grouped together over experience –
e.g. an experienced farmer may develop a perceptual schema for the specific species of an apple,
which generally requires a number of other perceptual schemas for the specific shape, texture, or
color of an apple.
Given that one of the main purposes of the present work is to establish the framework for the
coordinated mechanisms of perceiving a scene and producing a verbal description thereof,
perceptual schemas are of our main interest. Perceptual schemas can serve to pass parameters
describing the state of the world to motor schemas which will control the agent’s interaction with
the world. For instance, for a given motor schema of “peeling” an apple, the perceptual schema for
the apple not only specifies the perceptual properties of the apple, such as color, or smell, but also
specifies the parameters relevant for the motoric action of peeling, such as the size of the apple for
grasping, or the hardness of the peel. Thus, in the schema-theoretic approach, the perception of an
apple is not mere categorization of the apple as an “apple”, but may provide access to a range of
parameters relevant to interaction with the apple at hand (Michael A. Arbib, 2002).
However, one should note that recognizing an apple may be linked to many different courses of
action, such as “to place the apple on a table”, “to choose the apple in a market”, “to peel the apple”,
or “to eat the apple”. Each particular action requires a different set of parameters that should be
delivered from perception of the apple – some may only need more generic parameters, such as size
or shape, while others may need parameters more specific to the apple, such as ripeness or species
– and this may involve a number of perceptual schemas each of which captures a different aspect of
the apple – some may capture only the size of any spherical objects, some may capture smell of any
fruit, and some may categorize the species of an apple (only for a skilled farmer), etc. Therefore,
there is no one “grand apple schema” which links all “apple perception strategies” to “every act that
involves an apple”, but rather the “perception” of an apple is defined in terms of a set of perceptual
schemas that are invoked in necessity to provide the relevant information to the particular motor
schemas chosen under the current plan of action.
Thus, schema-based perception is action-oriented (see Michael A. Arbib, 1972 for more
detailed description on the framework of action-oriented perception). Action-oriented perception
asserts that the perception process should not be considered as a passive act, but as an active
process through which the perception system continuously interprets the sensory experience in
terms of performing the action goals set by the organism. However, in describing a scene, few of
the parameters that guide action need enter conscious awareness, and so we will specifically
address the case where a parameter is “promoted” to an explicit attribute which can form part of the
Schema-based modeling of perception emphasizes the role of a visual working memory
updating a schema assemblage (Michael A. Arbib, 1989) that combines the schema instances
encoding relevant aspect of, and plans for interaction with, the current environment. This
assemblage is dynamic, as certain schema instances are discarded from memory (“de-instantiated”
or “eliminated”) while others are added (“instantiated” or “invoked”). Long term memory, which
defines the world knowledge of the organism, provides the stock of schemas from which a schema
assemblage may be assembled.
Therefore, perception of a scene may be modeled as invoking instances of perceptual schemas
for certain aspects of the scene rather than simply tagging labels to the presented elements of the
scene. Once the perception of an object has been made, a separate schema instance is created in
one’s working memory for representing each instance of the object. Each schema instance is tuned
with appropriate parameters to represent the particularities of the object it represents (though, as
noted above, only a few of these may be “promoted” into the verbal description). Thus, a schema
instance acts as an “active copy” since a schema instance is a “parameterized” version of the base
schema in that it represents specific configurations of the object that are represented by more
general terms in the base schema which act as the “master copy”.
For example, in a scene where there are three chairs, three “chair” schema instances are
instantiated from the perceptual schema of a chair, and the particularities of each chair instance (e.g.
the orientation of the chair, the size of the seat, or height of the arm rest, etc.) are encoded as the
parameter values in each schema instance. These schema instances, created in the working memory,
form a schema assemblage as an internal representation of the perceived scene so far. Each schema
instance also has a confidence level so that during the early stages of scene recognition, alternative
schemas can compete to form part of the final interpretation.
Note that in the present thesis, we will use something akin to a tagged spatial structure as the
bridge from vision to language. Thus, the key for future research is that the language system to
access the dynamics of visual perception via this intermediary.
Figure 2.1-1: An ambiguous figure which can be interpreted either as an ice cream cone or a tree (A)
with a schema assemblage formed to yield an interpretation (B) – perceptual schemas for ice-cream and cone
cooperate, as do those for foliage and tree-trunk (blue arrows) while different schemas compete to interpret a
given region (red arrows) (adapted from Figure 2.2.2 and Figure 2.2.3 of Michael A. Arbib, 1989).
The schema assemblage is an emerging pattern of a schema network through extensive
processes of competition and cooperation among schema instances with various confidence levels
(the competition and cooperation paradigm), which may invoke schemas beyond those initially
associated with the scene. Cooperation occurs in the mutual increase of the confidence level of
schema instances for different regions of the image if each provides a plausible context for the other.
Competition occurs when there is conflict between schemas interpreting a particular region of a
scene. For example, in Figure 2.1-1, the schema for “foliage” gets a boost for interpreting the
region just above a region already interpreted as a tree “trunk”, and vice versa, while the confidence
level of the foliage schema may get reduced by the existing schema for “ice cream”. Thus, a
schema instance may initially become more active (i.e. assigned a higher confidence level) if it is
consistent with more features of a region which it is competing to interpret. Cooperation then yields
a pattern of “strengthened alliances” between mutually consistent schema instances that allows
them to achieve high activity levels to constitute the overall solution of a problem. As a result of
competition, instances which do not meet the evolving consensus lose activity, and thus are not part
of this solution. For a scene perception task, the solution would be the interpretation of the scene
where successful instances of perceptual schemas become part of the current representation in
working memory.
2.2. VISIONS System
Within the framework of schema-based visual perception, we focus on the way in which
perceptual schemas are associated with a visual scene to yield a semantic representation that can be
used as the basis for generating a verbal description of the scene. More specifically, we focus on the
role of vision in segmenting a scene and labeling the regions, or detecting characteristic patterns of
motion in a videoclip to provide a semantic representation which can challenge our research on
brain mechanisms of language. However, the thesis builds on the language system’s use of the
result of visual processing – we do not offer new contributions to the schema-based study of vision
An early example of schema-based interpretation for visual scene analysis is the VISIONS
system (Draper, Collins, Brolio, Hanson, & Riseman, 1989), which deploys a set of perceptual
schemas to label objects in a static visual scene. Although it has been several decades since the
introduction of the VISIONS and there have been more advanced models of scene analysis and
recognition (e.g. Li, Socher, & Fei-Fei, 2009; Sudderth, Torralba, Freeman, & Willsky, 2005), it
still remains relevant to cite such “ancient” work because the VISIONS system provided our
motivating example of how to build a system in which competition and cooperation between
schema instances can generate an interpretation of a static visual scene. Especially, we argue that
the approach to language via a large but finite inventory of constructions coheres well with the
notion of a large but finite inventory of “scene schemas” for visual analysis – each constituent
which expands a “slot” within a scene schema or verbal construction may be seen as a hierarchical
structure in which extended attention to a given component of the scene extends the complexity of
the constituents in the corresponding part of parse tree of a sentence. This is particularly important
when active “top-down” coupling from the language system back to the vision system is necessary
– e.g. answering a question, such as “what is it that John is holding?”, can be seen as identifying a
missing slot in a scene schema.
However, note that in the VISIONS system, the ability to recognize a visual scene was limited
in a sense that the general nature of the scene (e.g. a suburban scene with houses, trees, lawn, etc.)
is prespecified, and only those schemas are deployed which are relevant to recognizing this kind of
scene. Moreover, the current work extends the coverage of the original VISIONS system by
incorporating the interpretation of events extended in time, especially the crucial addition of actions.
Figure 2.2-1: The Visual Working Memory (WM) of VISIONS interprets the current scene by a network
of parameterized instances of schemas from Long Term Memory (LTM). These schema instances are linked
to the visual world via the intermediate database that offers an updatable analysis of the division of the world
into regions that are candidates for interpretation as agents and objects, possibly in relation with each other.
When a new image is presented to the VISIONS system for processing, low-level processes
akin to those at early stages of the mammalian visual cortex build a representation in the
intermediate database, including contours and surfaces tagged with features such as color, texture,
shape, size and location. An important point is that the segmentation of the scene in the
intermediate database is not static, but may change as the process of interpretation proceeds. This is
because it is based not only on bottom-up input (data-driven) but also on top-down hypotheses that
may drive low level processes to re-segment the previously processed regions of the scene. Then
the VISIONS system applies perceptual schemas across the whole intermediate representation to
form confidence values for the presence of objects like houses, walls and trees. The schemas are
stored in long-term memory (LTM), while the state of interpretation of the particular scene unfolds
in working memory (WM) as a network of schema instances. These schema instances are
associated with specific portions of the image to represent aspects of the scene.
As specified according to schema theory, schema instances may compete and cooperate to
determine which ones enter into the equilibrium schema analysis of a visual scene (Figure 2.1-1).
Each schema instance in WM has an assigned confidence level which changes on the basis of
interactions with other units in WM. Moreover, once several schema instances are active and make
a coherent cooperative network, they may instantiate other schemas in a “hypothesis-driven” way –
e.g. recognizing what appears to be a roof will activate an instance of the house schema that will
bias the system to seek a wall in the region below that of the putative roof. Schemas with
conflicting interpretations will compete for dominance over a certain region over the scene, and the
losers will eventually be eliminated when their confidence level drops below a certain threshold
level. The system iterates the process of adjusting the activity level of schemas linked to the image
through cooperation and competition until a coherent interpretation of (parts of) the scene is
2.3. SemRep: Semantic Representation for Visual Scenes
Although the coverage of the present work is to propose a computational model which mainly
addresses the description of a given scene, the range of speech acts happening with the perception
of a visual scene is vast: we can ask questions on specific aspects of the scene, make up a story, or
draw attention to a certain object, to name a few.
During such processes, it is obvious that the vision system should be tightly coordinated with
the language system regardless of the type of process – whether it is production or comprehension
of speech. Such processes require a type of representation compact enough to be shared between
the two systems via high-level cognitive processes but with enough details to be readily described
to and reconstructed from a string of words.
Moreover, such a representation needs to be dynamic, even for a static scene, in its nature. The
representation may be changed frequently by updates from the vision system if it perceives
different scene objects, or a new object has appeared within the view. Also, the language system
may send requests to the vision system for details of the scene that might have been overlooked
previously (e.g. what is it that John is holding?).
Figure 2.3-1: An illustration of the two-way interaction between the vision and language system. The
role of the intermediate semantic representation is emphasized. It serves as a “dynamic bridge” between the
two systems through which updates and requests are frequently exchanged. The upper (leftward) arrows
indicate the requests from the language side asking for more information in the cases such as when a question
is given (e.g. who’s kicking the ball?), or when an underspecified object is about to be described. The bottom
(rightward) arrows indicate the flow of such information delivered from the vision side to the language side
for the production of description.
Our first contribution, going beyond the VISIONS framework, is to find an economical
semantic representation of a visual scene that is directly related to the structure of schema
instantiations returned by neural processes akin to those of the VISIONS system, and yet can serve
as the basis for generating a sentence according to some grammar. For an initial effort, we
introduced SemRep (the abbreviation of Semantic Representation) (Michael A. Arbib & Lee, 2007,
2008) as an encapsulation of what is in visual working memory which is organized into a form that
is readily transferable for verbal expression. SemRep is basically defined as a hierarchical graph-
like representation of a visual scene, whether static or dynamical over time (i.e. an episode). The
semantics of an entity captured by perceptual schemas is reduced to a node or edge to which is
attached a concept while the semantics of a scene, also captured by perceptual schemas, is
represented by adding the connectivity between those components. Thus, SemRep is an abstraction
from the schema assemblages generated by the VISIONS system, which is explicitly designed to
link the semantics of sentences to the representation of visual scenes.
Since a SemRep graph is regarded as an abstract representation of what is being perceived by
vision, it only represents the semantics of “some” (not all) of the cognitively salient elements of the
scene. SemRep may be viewed as an “interpretation” of the scene, rather than a “snapshot”, as it is
unlikely to capture all the subtle details of objects and events present in the scene. Only a set of
perceptual schemas relevant to the current plans and goals for interaction with the environment are
instantiated into a schema assemblage, and among those, SemRep abstracts out only a few
“cognitively important” events, objects, and details. Even for the same scene, therefore, SemRep
may result in a different graph at each moment, by capturing different aspects of the scene
according to the given goals or the history of attention (e.g. from the event described in Figure
2.3-3, one might focus on the woman’s hitting the man whereas the other focuses on her prettiness
and the gaudy color of her dress).
A similar idea has been applied to the vision system proposed by Navalpakkam and Itti (2005).
They used a particular topographic map, the Task Relevance Map (TRM), which highlights
locations depending on their task-relevancy. The TRM acts as a top-down mask or a filter applied
to bottom-up activation such that the system’s sensitivity to perceptual salience of a location is
raised or reduced according to the possibility for task-relevant targets to be found within that
location. Although both SemRep and TRM share a common ground where only important
components of a scene are highlighted and both can be used as a topological representation of a
scene, the graph structure of SemRep allows a number of advantages over the simple overlay that
the TRM provides.
First of all, SemRep can extend beyond what appears in the current scene. The topology of
SemRep – i.e. the arrangement of conceptual entities and their connections – need not follow that
of a scene. A description of a man without an arm, for example, can be represented as a node for the
man and the node for the missing arm connected by an edge denoting the relationship as “missing”.
In fact, this representation does not exactly match an actual object setting since it “includes” a node
for an arm that is missing in the actual image.
Moreover, SemRep can represent an event (or even multiple events) that happens over a certain
time duration – i.e. a dynamic scene. The TRM, which is limited to a single depiction of a scene,
cannot represent such an event. Again, the structure of SemRep does not have to follow the actual
changes of the event, but it may contain only “conceptually significant” changes. For example, an
event describable by the sentence “Jack kicks a ball into the net” actually covers several time
periods: Jack’ s foot swings Jack’s foot hits a ball the ball flies the ball gets into the net.
Note that Jack’s foot swings and Jack’s foot hits a ball are combined into Jack kicks a ball, and the
ball flies is omitted. This taps into a schema network, which can use stored knowledge to “unpack”
items of SemRep when necessary. Note that this is a much more abstract level of description than
that of a sensorimotor representation, such as the one captured by perceptual schemas, where
continual tracking of task-related parameters is required.
Lastly, SemRep can be extended to represent an event happening in a 3-D space. Since SemRep
is an abstract graph representation, a node can be associated with any arbitrary point in the space,
representing an object set in a 3-D scene.
In sum, a prime motivation is to ensure that this representation be usable to produce sentences
that describe a scene of various situations, allowing SemRep to bridge between vision and language.
Moreover, as emphasized by comparing with the TRM, the use of SemRep shares basic principles
with other general approaches of semantic representation based on graphical structures, such as a
semantic network (Sowa, 2006). Thus, we are confident of its extensibility to other meanings,
especially since it includes actions and events extended in time.
Figure 2.3-2: A schematic view of a typical SemRep. A SemRep is basically a graph-like structure that
represents the semantics of a perceived scene.
As briefly mentioned earlier, a SemRep for a scene consists of a graph, which is basically a set
of nodes and edges. Nodes are linked to cognitively significant entities and their regions of the
scene, and their arrangements are configured by edges between them. As illustrated in Figure 2.3-2,
we provide the definition of SemRep as follows:
• A SemRep is a set of nodes and edges and their associated concepts, which are imposed on
a scene as an abstraction from the schema assemblages that are resulted through perception
of the scene.
• A node is associated with a “cognitive entity” of a scene (e.g. object, agent, action, or
attribute), and it is spatially “anchored” to the region occupied by the entity (see Section
2.6 for more detail).
• A link, or an edge, between nodes specifies a relation. A relation specifies the relationship
(e.g. spatial, possessive, componential, attributive, thematic, physical, or conceptual
relationships, etc.) between cognitive entities.
• A concept is what describes the interpreted meaning of a cognitive entity (shown as a node)
or a relationship between cognitive entities (shown as a relation). It is an abstraction of the
semantic and syntactic knowledge derived from perceptual schemas with enough (but not
more than enough) information to be translated into a verbal expression (see Section 2.5 for
more detail).
• A SemRep may be organized into a number of substructures, forming a hierarchy (see
Section 2.9 for more detail). Each substructure represents a particular subevent of the scene
captured within the SemRep while the conceptual hierarchy of substructures (e.g. “being a
sub-part of”, or “being less significant than”, etc.) is reflected within their organization.
• A node and a relation may be given a significance value which expresses the cognitive
importance of a particular aspect of the scene. Factors such as goal-relatedness, familiarity,
or perceptual salience may contribute to a significance value.
Consider the specific scene and SemRep shown in Figure 2.3-3. The visual system may initially
recognize a variety of aspects of the scene centered around the central figures of the man and
woman, while ignoring other aspects of the scene. This analysis may combine activation of a
number of schema instances together with activity in the intermediate database that could be used
to support further schema analysis, but has not yet done so. SemRep then abstracts from this pattern
of schema activation a set of nodes and relations which constitute one possible semantic structure
for the current scene – a given scene may be perceived in many different ways.
Figure 2.3-3: An example of a visual scene and SemReps possibly generated from the scene. (A) is a
picture of a woman hitting a man (original image from: “Invisible Man Choi Jang Soo”, Korean Broadcasting
System), whose regions are segmented and labeled with perceptual schemas (whose parameterization is not
shown) through a stage like the Visual Working Memory (Figure 2.2-1) of VISIONS (B). Note that although
we use words to label these regions, this is for our convenience – words are not parts of these schemas
themselves. (C) illustrates three example SemRep graphs that could be possibly generated for the events
illustrated in the scene, depending on the cognitive prominence of each event – one for the event of the
woman hitting the man, one for the woman’s wearing a blue dress, and the other for the man and woman’s
fight happening in an outdoor area. Again, the words on the nodes are labels of convenience for yet-to-be-
verbalized concepts. Theses SemReps might yield such sentences as “a woman hits a man”, “a woman is
wearing a blue dress”, or “people are fighting outside”.
Here, agents and an action are represented as nodes and both nodes and relations are labeled
with concepts (in capital letters) – i.e. the recognized or interpreted meanings are attached to the
node for that instance of the object, and the semantics of an action are attached to an action node.
We also use nodes to represent attributes since they also capture independent concepts from those
of objects that they decorate (but they may occupy the same regions). A node for action generally
has relations with other multiple nodes, each playing a different thematic role of the action event.
For example, except for a node for the action itself, a transitive action involves two other nodes that
are the agent and the patient of the action, respectively. A more complex form of action, such as
expressed in English using the ditransitive case, may have more relations with entities of different
thematic roles.
When the nodes and relations of a SemRep are translated into words by the language system,
the attached concepts help resolve the lexical selection process by providing semantic clues.
However, one should not confuse the concepts of the SemRep graph with specific word labels since
concepts are more abstract descriptors of semantics which eventually allow the same graph to be
expressed in multiple ways within a given language. Thus, the concept YOUNG FEMALE could be
translated into “girl”, “woman” or even “kid” and the action concept HITTING WITH HAND
could be translated into “hit”, “punch” or “slap”. Again, the configuration where object A is placed
vertically higher than B can be expressed as “A is above B”, “B is below A”, “A is on B”, etc.
Moreover, the same SemRep can be the basis for description in any language once the appropriate
grammar and lexicon are deployed.
Some of these processes may be directly perceptual, possibly generated immediately by the
visual system, while others may be more inferential, possibly drawn from the involvement of
further world knowledge through the propagation of activation through the semantic network.
2.4. Network of Semantics and Concepts
While the layout of the perceived scene is captured by the graphical components (i.e. nodes and
edges) of SemRep, the more specific semantics of the entities or their relationships are represented
by the “concepts” that are tagged with the corresponding nodes and relations. Although the current
work implements the computation of concepts through simulation of a symbolically represented
schema network rather than through simulation of the brain’s neural networks, we propose that
each concept is associated with one or more perceptual schemas whose processing is claimed to be
instantiated in neural activities.
A number of lesion studies on conceptual knowledge reported that the loss of conceptual
knowledge of various categories follows a certain topographical pattern, implying that the
knowledge of various concepts is distributed all over the brain in a category-specific manner.
Especially, the conceptual knowledge of objects was reported to be generally structured around two
primary categories of living things (e.g. animals or plants) and non-living things (e.g. tools or
artifacts) (Caramazza & Shelton, 1998; Lambon Ralph, Lowe, & Rogers, 2007; Tyler & Moss,
2001; Warrington & Shallice, 1984). Gainotti (2000) sought the reason of such topographical
distribution of conceptual knowledge from distinctive brain areas associated with the process of
corresponding categorical properties, arguing that the category-specific disorder is crucially related
to the kind of semantic information processed by the damaged areas – deficits in living things are
due to lesions in sensory and perception areas (e.g. the inferior temporal cortex) as the concepts of
animals are more dependent on their perceptual features (mostly visual) whereas deficits in non-
living things are attributed to lesions in the motor-related areas (e.g. the fronto-parietal cortex) as
the concepts of non-living things are defined more in terms of their functional properties. This
categorical distinction in conceptual knowledge, especially between animals and tools, has been
further supported by the studies based on linguistic tasks (e.g. naming) on concrete objects
(Beauchamp & Martin, 2007; Chouinard & Goodale, 2010; H. Damasio, Grabowski, Tranel,
Hichwa, & Damasio, 1996; H. Damasio, Tranel, Grabowski, Adolphs, & Damasio, 2004; A. Martin,
Wiggs, Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1996).
Moreover, a number of studies also reported dissociation between linguistic processes of object
words (typically nouns) and action words (typically verbs), arguing for neural separability between
object concepts and action concepts (A. R. Damasio & Tranel, 1993; Pulvermüller, Mohr, &
Schleichert, 1999; Vigliocco, Vinson, Druks, Barber, & Cappa, 2010). In another study, the lesions
of subjects with impaired retrieval of conceptual knowledge for actions showed the highest overlap
in the distinct brain regions for action-related processes, such as the left premotor/prefrontal, the
left parietal, and the posterior middle temporal regions (Tranel, Kemmerer, Adolphs, Damasio, &
Damasio, 2003), which are different from the brain regions that are generally associated with
deficits in the concept of concrete objects. Furthermore, it has been reported that linguistic tasks on
verbs or action-related sentences correlate in activation of the motor and premotor cortex
(Kemmerer, Gonzalez-Castillo, Talavage, Petterson, & Wiley, 2008; Tettamanti et al., 2005) while
the activation was suggested to happen in a somatotopic fashion (Buccino et al., 2001; Hauk,
Johnsrude, & Pulvermüller, 2004) – for example, reading action words referring to face, arm, or leg
actions (e.g., “to lick”, “pick”, or “kick”) or observation of such actions differentially activated
areas along the motor strip that either were directly adjacent to or overlapped with areas activated
by performing actual movement of the tongue, fingers, or feet. This line of studies suggest that the
neural distinction in conceptual knowledge is not limited to the categories of concrete objects but
also extended to more general categorical levels, such as action and object. Also, they further
support the claim that conceptual knowledge is topographically distributed and grounded in the
actual neural circuits that process the corresponding concepts in the brain.
However, one should note that conceptual knowledge is not necessarily modality-specific
although it is grounded in the neural areas of specific sensory and motor processes. Rather, it was
suggested that semantic memory consists of both modality-specific and supramodal representations,
the latter supported by the gradual convergence of information throughout higher-order association
areas (Binder & Desai, 2011). Such areas are a type of convergence zones (A. R. Damasio, 1989),
which are proposed as neurally manifested spaces where stimulus patterns of feature maps in
primary and early sensory/motor cortices are integrated and shared across different modalities, and
such shared features are captured by conjunctive neurons in convergence zones. Convergence zones
are claimed to be hierarchically organized as the conjoined features of instances of a certain
category level are captured by conjunctive neurons in the convergence zone of that level, whose
commonalities are successively captured by conjunctive neurons of another higher-level
convergence zone, thus establishing a foundation for abstract concept representation (Simmons &
Barsalou, 2003).
Large regions of frontal, temporal, and inferior parietal cortex are suggested to be such higher-
order association areas. Especially, a body of studies suggested that the anterior temporal pole is a
place where increasingly abstract representations are stored (H. Damasio, et al., 1996; H. Damasio,
et al., 2004; A. Martin & Chao, 2001; Murray & Richmond, 2001; Rogers et al., 2004; Vargha-
Khadem, Gadian, & Mishkin, 2001). Emphasis has been given on the temporal pole based on the
neuroanatomical evidence that massive multimodal inputs converge on the anterior medial
temporal regions, particularly the perirhinal cortex, forming a caudal-rostral gradient within the
temporal lobes (A. Martin & Chao, 2001). Moreover, Rogers and colleagues (Rogers, et al., 2004)
proposed that the regions act as a cross-modal “hub” where modality-specific perceptual, linguistic
and motor representations communicate with one another. Other studies highlighted the inferior
parietal cortex and relatively wide areas of the inferior and middle temporal cortex as possible
candidate sites for higher-level convergence zones (Binder & Desai, 2011; Chouinard & Goodale,
2010; Desai, Binder, Conant, Mano, & Seidenberg, 2011).
As our work should be interpreted within a bigger framework of the coupling of scene
perception and speech production, we highlight the mechanisms for integration of perceptual and
motor schemas across systems of various modalities and abstraction levels. The implication of the
neural substrates supporting concepts and semantics as outlined so far is that the SemRep, more
specifically the concepts of the SemRep, are based on well-localized representations of objects and
actions while higher-level association areas (or convergence zones) provide bidirectional links
between those representations, allowing formation of abstract conceptual representations with
cross-modal properties. For instance, the perception of an apple may involve invoking a number of
perceptual schemas of various modalities, such as visual, tactile or olfactory systems. These
activated perceptual schemas are then integrated over associative areas to form a relatively abstract
schema of an “apple”, which may be in turn encoded within the concept of the SemRep – recall that
a SemRep is basically proposed as an abstraction of schemas for perception of a particular aspect of
the current scene.
If the current plan of action requires more information, conversely, further activation of
schemas may happen through the cross linkages of such associative network. Perception of an
object for a particular course of action might invoke schemas that are not available from the
immediate perception – e.g. perceiving of an apple for eating may invoke motor schemas for jaw
movements or perceptual schemas of how an apple tastes or so. Conceptual representations of an
abstract level, like the ones encoded within the SemRep, can be “fleshed out” by invoking lower-
level schemas of modality-specific representations when more detailed information is required. For
example, Desai and colleagues (2011) reported a case where the involvement of sensory-motor
systems in metaphor understanding showed an inverse-proportional relation with the familiarity of
the metaphors – detailed simulations are used for understanding unfamiliar metaphors while these
simulations become less detailed as familiarity and contextual support increases. They proposed the
anterior inferior parietal lobule as a high-order interface between sensory-motor and conceptual
In both cases where more concrete representations are integrated to yield more abstract
representations and processing of such abstract representations are supported by those concrete
representations, higher-order association areas act as a neural foundation for integrating schemas
across systems of various modalities and abstraction levels, laying a ground for categorical
Figure 2.4-1: Modality-specific sensory and action systems (red) provide detailed representations shaped
through experiences while high-level temporal and inferior parietal association areas (blue) store increasingly
abstract conceptual representations. These two types of areas form a LTM network provides a means to
categorical access of conceptual entities. Frontal (and maybe posterior parietal) regions (purple) control the
goal-directed activation and selection as well as maintenance of the information stored in those temporo-
parietal cortices, forming a WM network of concepts and semantics.
The mechanisms of schema activation mediated through association areas, as outlined so far,
have implications of a particular working memory (WM) system for conceptual representations. In
his account of “active memory”, Fuster (1997) emphasized the transient activation of the
associative network of perceptual memory fragments that are reactivated from networks of long-
term memory (LTM). Similarly, Ericsson and Kintsch (1995) proposed a type of working memory
system which is extended to include storage in LTM while they viewed information kept in WM as
a type of “retrieval cue” through which the knowledge acquired from experiences or activities can
be directly accessible from long-term memory. Inspired by this, moreover, a specific form of
working memory system has been proposed that the contents of WM are understood as “activated”
representations from LTM, which are currently within the focus of attention (Cowan, 1999;
Oberauer, 2002).
Since all of these studies share the view point that WM is established by an activation of
patterns stored within LTM, they are intrinsically consistent with the stance we take in the
framework of schema theory, where a dynamic assemblage of schema instances that are
temporarily activated from LTM forms the WM of an organism. The WM contains a set of schemas
whose activation and de-activation continuously happen according to the dynamically changing
action goals and needs of the organism. Different types of schemas in various degree of
abstractness are accessed by the spreading of activation in the network of semantics and conceptual
knowledge, which is neurally grounded in sensory and motor systems of different modalities
distributed over the brain, while higher-order association areas act as the network hub.
However, we would also like to emphasize that WM does not consist of simply activated
schemas, but rather it consists of “activated and parameterized” instances of schemas. As Baddeley
(2003) emphasized while insisting the necessity of the episodic buffer, simply activating
representations within LTM seems insufficient, especially when manipulating and creating new
representations are required. This requires WM to maintain active copies of schema instances
throughout the processing, a type of dynamic representations of concepts and semantics, such as
Frontal and parietal areas are reported to be responsible for “top-down” mechanisms to mediate
retrieval of object representations from LTM and their maintenance (Ishai, Ungerleider, Martin, &
Haxby, 2000). More specifically, regions in the vertrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) around the
pars orbitalis (BA 45) and the pars triangularis (BA 47) are claimed to be involved in semantic
retrieval, recollection of contextual details, and resolution of interference in WM and task switching
(Badre & Wagner, 2007; Gold et al., 2006) – BA 47 is for facilitation of semantic information while
BA 45 is involved in sematic selection processes. Regions in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC),
furthermore, may support an active working memory buffers by dynamically directing attention to
internal and mnemonic representations dependent on the medial temporal lobe (Wagner, Shannon,
Kahn, & Buckner, 2005).
The type of WM system for conceptual representations proposed in the current work is
illustrated in Figure 2.4-1. The LTM network of semantics and concepts consists of neural areas of
specific sensory and motor processes as well as association areas for cross-modal integration and
abstraction. Schemas of various modalities and abstraction levels are activated (and parameterized)
from the LTM network while top-down bias signals from the frontal areas mediate and maintain the
assemblages of those schemas, yielding a SemRep.
2.5. Semantico-syntactic Features
Conceptual representations, which are associated with schemas and their abstraction as
captured within the concept of the SemRep, are proposed to be neurally grounded in sensory and
motor systems of different modalities (see Section 2.4 for the detailed account on the
neurophysiological establishment for semantics and concepts). Especially, the perceptual states
across modalities (e.g. visual, tactile, or olfactory, etc.) and their integrations that are shaped
through sensorimotor experiences are captured and delivered by perceptual schemas, and the role of
these perceptual schemas within the action-oriented perception framework is to provide relevant
perceptual states to motor schemas that control the agent’s embodied interaction with the world.
Therefore, the concepts encoded within SemRep are not mere symbols that are detached from
sensorimotor representations but rather “perceptually grounded” in the sense that their meanings
are associated with specific perceptual experiences and the coupled motor actions, highlighting the
“embodiedness” of such representation.
Glenberg (1997) proposed a very similar view to our action-oriented perception framework,
arguing that memory and conceptualization work in the service of perception and action – being
guided by memory, conceptualization is the encoding of patterns of possible physical interaction
with a three-dimensional world. His view is essentially “embodied” because it is implied that how
we perceive and conceive of the world is determined by the types of bodies we have. These so
called “embodied” theories are recently getting more popularity as supporting empirical evidence is
increasingly reported (Kan, Barsalou, Solomon, Minor, & Thompson-Schill, 2003; Pecher,
Zeelenberg, & Barsalou, 2003). Among those theories, for example, the perceptual symbols
approach (Barsalou, 1999; Barsalou, Simmons, Barbey, & Wilson, 2003) emphasized the use of
sensorimotor representations and embodied experiences to ground “perceptual symbols” in the
human cognitive system. Association areas in the brain that capture bottom-up patterns of
activation in sensorimotor areas during perceptual experience partially reactivate sensorimotor
areas to implement perceptual symbols in a top-down manner. This “re-enactments” or
“simulation” of states in modality-specific systems, which is claimed to implement basic
conceptual processing, is also emphasized as the key component of the system.
However, although we generally agree with the importance of sensorimotor experience in
grounding our conceptual representation, we do not totally agree with the strong version of the
embodied view. In his critique of Gallese and Lakoff’s (2005) claim, Arbib (2008) argued that
semantics and grammar have their roots in specific sensorimotor experience but have developed
(both historically and ontogenetically) through layer upon layer of abstraction to handle concepts
which are not embodied save through their history, thus allowing even descriptions of
counterfactual events like “Pegasus is flying through the winds of Jupiter”. He further argued that
although some conceptual distinctions indeed arise from motor and perceptual discontinuities,
others are still imposed top-down by some type of “symbolic overlay”, such as language, serving to
anchor conventionalized distinctions – e.g. the base-level category WHALE does not entirely
depend on embodiment or our human existence, but rather it depends on the knowledge of
biological science such that we place WHALE under the MAMMAL hierarchy rather than under
FISH. Similarly, Mahon and Caramazza (2008) also pointed out the limited scope of the embodied
cognition framework, suggesting that an embodied theory of cognition would have to admit
“disembodied” cognitive processes in order to account for the representation of abstract concepts,
such as JUSTICE, ENTROPY, BEAUTY or PATIENCE, whose “meaning” corresponds to no
sensory or motor information in any reliable or direct way.
Thus, we share our position for the conceptual representation with the studies mentioned earlier
such that there is a level of conceptual representation that is abstract and symbolic enough to be
“compositional” (Michael A. Arbib, 2008; Mahon & Caramazza, 2008) yet is complemented, or
even enhanced (Fischer & Zwaan, 2008), by the information represented in the sensory and motor
systems. Recently, Negri and colleagues (2007) reported a case of stroke patients whose ability to
recognize actions (including pantomimes) and objects dissociates from the ability to use those same
objects, rejecting the strong form of the embodied cognition hypothesis. Furthermore,
neurophysiological data supports the existence of high-order association areas (Binder & Desai,
2011; H. Damasio, et al., 1996; H. Damasio, et al., 2004; A. Martin & Chao, 2001; Murray &
Richmond, 2001; Rogers, et al., 2004; Vargha-Khadem, et al., 2001), implying that the cognitive
system might employ abstract and even symbolic representations to some extent.
The embodied theories were originally proposed – while unfortunately ignoring the action-
oriented approach already in place from schema theory – in reaction to the “disembodied” theories
(e.g. Fodor, 1998; Pylyshyn, 1984; Smith & Medin, 1981), and the debate between the disembodied
and embodied approaches has recently heated up (Gallese & Lakoff, 2005; Mahon & Caramazza,
2005). The disembodied theories assume that conceptual representations are amodal and symbolic
and they operate according to different principles than representations in modality-specific systems,
and that knowledge resides in a modular semantic system separate from modality-specific systems
for perception, action and emotion. On the other hand, the embodied theories, especially in their
strong form, propose that the sensorimotor system satisfies all principal criteria for characterizing
both sensorimotor and more abstract concepts (Gallese & Lakoff, 2005). The debate between the
two arguments is centered around a dichotomy between states in modality-specific systems and
redescriptions of these states in amodal representational languages to represent knowledge
(Barsalou, et al., 2003).
However, one should note that our concerns of the present work differ from the debate; our
approach taken here does not focus on the judgment of whether “concept” is an abstract and
symbolic representation detached from sensory and motor systems. Rather, we emphasize multi-
modal and context-dependent integration across sensory and motor systems and the resulting
assemblages of perceptual and motor schemas over the single concept. The action-oriented
perception framework claims that the type of information available within the schema assemblage
being formed in an agent’s WM is dependent on the particular type and course of actions that are
deployed to meet the goals of the interaction that the agent is to perform. Therefore, depending on
context, the perceived concept of an “apple” may mean many different things – e.g. an apple as the
fruit to be eaten, an apple to be picked up, or even an apple to be verbally described. The
implication is that among all the possible APPLE concepts (if these can be counted), only a few
concepts contribute to the meaning of the apple at a certain moment.
Given the role of SemRep as the mediating representation between the vision and language
systems, we can claim that the semantic information encoded within a SemRep comprise mainly
the particular type of information required for the action of verbal description. Thus, here we
propose that a concept mostly encodes the “semantico-syntactic” knowledge of an entity; the
concept of a perceived entity represents an encapsulation of the semantic and syntactic knowledge
derived from perceptual schemas, which is compact but detailed enough to allow application of
lexical constituents and sentential structures and eventual translation into a verbal expression.
Although the specific type of features encoded within a concept may vary depending on the
language to be spoken, a concept generally conveys semantics-oriented features such as animacy,
categorical knowledge (e.g. TIGER is-a ANIMAL), and thematic role (e.g. AGENT does ACTION
to PATIENT), as well as syntax-oriented (yet still semantically grounded) features such as gender,
person, number, tense, and definiteness.
However, one should note that application of SemRep is not limited to scene perception for
description but also could be extended to more general cases of scene perception. As the type of
information contained within a concept varies according to the task, the semantico-syntactic
knowledge is chosen only because the particular type of action for the task is verbal description.
Thus, in an extreme case where no linguistic action is required, such as free-viewing of a scene or
searching for a particular object, concepts within a SemRep may only contain semantic features
rather than any syntactic features. Moreover, even during the task of scene description, SemRep
may contain more perceptually-detailed semantic features when necessary – e.g. when the identity
of an object needs to be further resolved.
The concept as we propose here for verbal action appears to be similar to lexical
representations like lemma (Bock & Levelt, 1994; Roelofs, 1992) or prominence (Bornkessel-
Schlesewsky & Schlesewsky, 2008; Bornkessel & Schlesewsky, 2006). As opposed to the lemma,
however, the concept encodes more semantically defined features, such as categorical knowledge.
While the lemma level specifies syntactic properties, such as grammatical class (noun, verb, etc.),
gender, and auxiliary type (be or have), semantic features are encoded in an independent level (the
conceptual level) dedicated for lexical “concepts”. Moreover, prominence has been proposed to
contain “rigorous” knowledge of syntactic structure, such as morphological case marking or
constituent order, whereas the concept within our framework does not contain such syntactic
information (although it contains some of syntactic features). As will specified in Section 3.3, such
information is handled within the level of construction, not in the level of semantic constituent or
object concept. Most crucially, the semantico-syntactic knowledge encoded in a concept is
proposed to be “language-specific” as opposed to prominence whose development is claimed to be
cross-linguistically motivated.
Since the processing of the concept may frequently be augmented with more detailed
conceptual knowledge or sensorimotor representations, and the concept may include more or less
semantic information depending on the type of language and the linguistic task, it is difficult to set
a hard boundary as to how much semantic information is encoded within a concept. Nevertheless, a
distinction needs to be made between the type of information represented within a concept and
more generic conceptual knowledge like world knowledge. Compared to the latter, the former is
“shallower” in that it comes with just an enough amount of information to be translated into a
verbal expression or to be used in linguistic processes. On the other hand, the latter is “deeper” in
the sense that it provides more ample knowledge of the world and sensorimotor information, thus
allowing us to draw an analogy such that the latter representations are like entries with detailed
descriptions in an “encyclopedia” while the former representations resemble more concise and
language-oriented entries in a “dictionary”.
However, we do not propose that those two types of representation either exist in a distinctive
manner or should be treated separately; the former type of information may be constantly
complemented by, or may even incorporate, the latter type of information when required as specific
sensory and motor representations provide rich contextual information during linguistic processing
of a concept. Moreover, within the framework of schema theory, both type of information is
represented in terms of schema assemblages (mostly of perceptual schemas in the level of the
SemRep) that are activated from a schema network, and “further activation” of the schema network
enriches the processing when necessary.
2.6. Indexing Entities
Even though the initial work on the visual pathways can be exemplified as specifying “what”
object is “where” (Mishkin & Ungerleider, 1982), Milner and Goodale (1995) claimed that it is
more appropriate to call the dorsal pathway the “how” pathway because the distinction of the visual
pathways is not between subdomains of perception (“where” and “what”), but between perception
(“what”) and the guidance of action (“how”). They argued that the purpose of the dorsal pathway is
to visually guide actions by providing many properties needed to determine how to interact with an
object, with location (“where”) being only one of those properties. This idea was initially proposed
by Goodale and colleagues (1991) who emphasized the distinction between the neural substrates of
visual perception and those of visual control of actions.
Milner and Goodale’s claim has been further supported by lesion studies on the patients with
impairments in these pathways. There were reported cases where a patient (DF) with a ventral
lesion was able to carry out a variety of object manipulations even though unable to verbally report
or pantomime the object parameters used to guide these actions (Goodale, Jakobson, & Keillor,
1994; Goodale & Milner, 1992). For example, when she was asked to pick up objects with various
sizes or orientations, she could preshape the hand accordingly, but she could not indicate the size or
the orientation of the objects verbally or manually. Conversely, another patient (AT) with a lesion in
the dorsal pathway exhibited the opposite deficit (Jeannerod, Decety, & Michel, 1994). While she
was able to pantomime the size of a cylinder, she could not preshape appropriately when asked to
grasp it.
Based on the ventral and dorsal dissociation described above, Fagg and Arbib (1998) proposed
that the dorsal pathway provides affordances of a visually perceived object, noting that the purpose
of the dorsal pathway is to provide parameters for how to interact with the object while the ventral
pathway provides the specific context presented by the object. Affordances (Gibson, 1986) are
basically parameters for motor interaction that are signaled by sensory cues from vision or other
modalities (Greeno, 1994) without invocation of high-level object recognition processes. In fact, in
a primate study, Murata and colleagues (2000) reported that during grasping tasks on 3D objects,
information like affordances, such as the shape, size, or orientation of the objects, were encoded in
a portion of neurons in the anterior intraparietal area (AIP).
Therefore, in terms of schema-based visual perception, we can divide the types of information
conveyed through perceptual schemas broadly in two categories: the “ventral” parameters for
recognizing and identifying objects, and the “dorsal” parameters (or affordances) for guiding motor
actions on objects. Within the current framework where perceptual schemas are abstracted into a
SemRep, the concepts are thought to encode the type of information corresponding to the ventral
parameters since they represent the semantic properties of the associated entities. But where are the
dorsal parameters encoded within a SemRep? Since the SemRep is currently proposed as a
semantic representation for verbal description of a scene and the type of information required in
linguistic processes is mainly “conceptual”, we highlight concepts and their associations with
perceptual schemas while emphasizing semantico-syntactic features that are encoded within
concepts (Section 2.5). Thus, it seems unlikely that a SemRep encodes any “dorsal-like” parameters
that are directly relevant to motoric actions for verbal description – e.g. specific phonetic
information or articulatory commands for naming elements in a scene.
However, the type of task addressed in the current framework is not merely linguistic but rather
“visuo-linguistic”, and this implies that not only the language system but also the vision system is
involved in the process. The visual representation that we form is far from complete and it
continuously needs to be updated when more detail is required (Ballard, Hayhoe, & Pelz, 1995;
Hayhoe, Bensinger, & Ballard, 1998; O'Regan, 1992; Spivey, Richardson, & Fitneva, 2004) – the
visual world paradigm. During the perception task, the eyes need to frequently “peek back” to the
entities under recent attention to extract more information, making some type of object locating
mechanism crucial. This type of mechanism is even more important when the task involves a
relatively long discourse where a number of different entities need to be referred to frequently (e.g.
“there is a boy and a girl…”, “he is …”, “but the girl is …”, etc.), or when a dynamic scene, such as
a videoclip, is being described, where objects are constantly moving, occluded or reappearing.
Therefore, there is necessity for locating and tracking entities, and we propose that SemRep
provides not only the conceptual knowledge of entities but also some type of “location coordinates”
of those entities (moving or nonmoving) – if you recall that each node in SemRep is “spatially
anchored” (Section 2.3). We may view such coordinates as a type of “affordances for visual
actions”. Similar to affordances for grasping actions, these affordances provide a set of parameters,
such as spatial coordinates with respect to the perceived entities, for oculomotor actions or attention
shifts. Once an entity is recognized and represented as a node in a SemRep, the entity is bound with
the node through a type of indexing mechanism so that subsequent processes can reliably access the
entity for more information, establishing a full association between the node and the entity (i.e.
dorsally and ventrally). This type of indexing mechanism can be used for such cases as gaze
fixation, directing attention, or object pursuing. All of those cases are not necessarily limited to a
scene description task, implying that SemRep can be used for a more generic framework of action-
oriented perception (e.g. perceiving a scene for a grasping action).
A number of studies also emphasized the importance of such indexing apparatus, arguing for
the visual world paradigm. These studies claimed that during visual perception, spatial indices are
allocated to the regions of the perceived scene in order to aid in sorting and separating the events
that took place in them, with eye movements being the accessing method (Altmann, 2004;
Richardson & Spivey, 2000; Spivey, et al., 2004). The perceived scene is transformed into an
internal image constructed in a “visual buffer” (i.e. visual WM) where the access to the certain parts
and aspects of the scene is done by shifting attention to those locations (Kosslyn, 1994). It appears
that such an internal representation is in principle compatible with the SemRep.
As briefly mentioned earlier on the dorsal-ventral distinction, the parameters for guiding visual
actions (e.g. shifting attention, saccades, etc.) are more “dorsal” while the parameters that provide
information on the semantics and concepts of perceived objects are considered to be more “ventral”.
These two sets of parameters are supported through the two distinctive streams of visual perception
(see Section 2.7 for more on the visual perception network proposed in the current framework).
Especially, the dorsal parameters (or visual affordances) are processed by the circuitry within the
dorsal stream, such as the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) or the frontal eye field (FEF) – given the
involvement of these regions in controlling attention shifts and eye movements, it seems reasonable
to associate these regions with the indexing mechanism.
Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that the indexing mechanism subserves orienting
attention, rather than occulomotor actions per se, with those actions being produced as the outcome
of attention shifts. According to the results from the multiple object tracking (MOT) experiments
reported by Pylyshyn and Storm (1988), most subjects were able to continuously keep track of as
many as 4 or 5 targets over several seconds, and they seemed to have used a type of visual indexes
that are assigned to the items being tracked (FINSTs; see Pylyshyn, 2001 for more details).
Although the detailed nature of this indexing mechanism is still unclear, it seems highly unlikely
that eye movements alone can explain the tracking capability of multiple targets (Cavanagh &
Alvarez, 2005), strongly suggesting that the indexing mechanism does not directly guide eye
movements, but rather it is more related to attentional processes. In fact, some evidence indirectly
supports this view – e.g. attentional pursuit (indexing or tracking) is substantially faster than
successive saccades between objects, suggesting different supporting machineries (Horowitz,
Holcombe, Wolfe, Arsenio, & DiMase, 2004).
Moreover, evidence suggests that areas in the dorsal pathway, especially posterior parietal
regions, are implicated in controlling attention shifts (Corbetta, Kincade, Ollinger, McAvoy, &
Shulman, 2000), and some studies further associated these regions with “motor attention (i.e.
directing attention to manual or more general movements)” (Kawashima et al., 1996; Rushworth,
Johansen-Berg, Göbel, & Devlin, 2003). Especially, results from monkey studies strongly indicate
that the spatial locations represented by neurons in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of the PPC
reflect the locations of attentional focus (e.g. cognitively salient locations, where the animal’s
intention is directed, etc.) rather than simple saccade coordinates (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003;
Gottlieb, Kusunoki, & Goldberg, 1998; Snyder, Batista, & Andersen, 1997; Williams, Elfar,
Eskandar, Toth, & Assad, 2003).
Further evidence comes from lesion studies on patients with “simultanagnosia” who have
disruption in the dorsal pathway (bilateral parietal damage that sometimes extends to occipital
regions) that is associated with the inability to perceive simultaneous events or objects in their
visual field – they cannot see more than one object at a time while their perception of individual
objects remains intact, resulting in failure to grasp the overall meaning of the image (Farah, 1990).
Various neurophysiological and behavioral studies have suggested that the deficit mainly originates
from failure in attention control and the related mechanisms. More specifically, it is caused by the
inability to establish or maintain the linkages between perceived objects and the appropriate
location (Coslett & Saffran, 1991), the inability to keep track of spatial locations of perceived
objects (Dehaene & Cohen, 1994), the inability to inhibit attentional bias toward irrelevant (but
salient) stimuli (Karnath, Ferber, Rorden, & Driver, 2000), or the inability to bind visual feature
information (e.g. binding color and form) into a coherent, perceptual unit (McCrea, Buxbaum, &
Coslett, 2006).
Therefore, the SemRep not only represents the semantics and concepts of the perceived entities
in a scene but is grounded in spatial indexes relevant for guiding attention to those entities. In that
sense, the locational information encoded in the SemRep can be regarded as a type of affordances
as they are distinct from mere spatial coordinates – i.e. more of “how” than just “where”. Moreover,
emphasis has been given to attention orienting and control, rather than to physical eye movements,
as the process that is guided by such indexing mechanism.
Moreover, as evidenced by neurophysiological and behavioral studies so far, the type of spatial
information for the indexing mechanism and guiding attention is grounded in the dorsal system.
This necessitates a distinction from the type of spatial information subserved by the ventral system,
which is generally represented as spatial configurations between entities in the SemRep (i.e.
relations and associated concepts). Kosslyn (1987) has proposed that the visual system uses two
types of spatial relations – “categorical” representations capture general properties of the spatial
structure of a visual stimulus (e.g. “this line is ‘above’ the two dots”), without defining the exact
metric properties, while “coordinate” representations specify precise spatial locations of objects or
parts in terms of metric units (e.g. “these two dots are 1.6 cm apart” or “this line can be fit in
between the two dots”), and this claim is supported by a number of subsequent studies (Jacobs &
Kosslyn, 1994; Jager & Postma, 2003). Although the specific nature of the claim is not certain yet,
we see this claim emphasizes the different between the two types of spatial information delivered
within a SemRep – one is more conceptual (ventral) and may be view-point invariant (i.e. allo-
centric) while the other is more motor-oriented (dorsal) as it provides more precise metric
parameters (i.e. object- or ego-centric).
In a series of non-human primate studies with his colleagues, Ma (2011; 2004; 2003) suggested
a neurophysiological distinction between these two types of spatial information, claiming that the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the medial prefrontal cortex encode the ego-centric
spatial frame which provides a frame of reference for attention deployment whereas the
hippocampus is the region related to the allo-centric spatial frame apparently for reflecting
geometrical relationships between environmental cues to identify spatial location.
This neural separation in processing two types of spatial information is further supported by
other studies. For example, it has been suggested that areas around the LIP encode locations and
objects of interest in several ego-centric reference frames (Colby, Duhamel, & Goldberg, 1995;
Colby & Goldberg, 1999; Gottlieb, et al., 1998; Mullette-Gillman, Cohen, & Groh, 2009), which
are claimed to be a hybrid of different reference frames that are dynamically transformed (e.g.
between receptor surfaces and effectors) according to the type of the required action. On the other
hand, the hippocampus has been suggested to support viewpoint manipulation (King, Burgess,
Hartley, Vargha-Khadem, & O'Keefe, 2002) and building relational structure (O'Keefe, 1999;
Pierrot-Deseilligny, Müri, Rivaud-Pechoux, Gaymard, & Ploner, 2002) in spatial memory, and the
parahippocampal place area (PPA) has been suggested to be a locus in processing spatial layouts
(Epstein, Graham, & Downing, 2003; Epstein, Harris, Stanley, & Kanwisher, 1999; Epstein &
Kanwisher, 1998). Moreover, the perirhinal cortex was claimed to play a primary role in object
identification, binding the different views of an object with its attributes into a reliable
representation, and associating objects with other objects (Murray & Richmond, 2001).
Therefore, the spatial information encoded within a SemRep may be divided into two separate
types: the “ventral” type, which provides, sometimes viewpoint-invariant, spatial context, and the
“dorsal” type, which provides relatively direct means to locate and access entities. Despite this
distinction in their nature, both types of coordinate systems are necessary in building a scene
representation as one provides a constant spatial frame where object positions are contextually
defined relative to the other objects while the other helps locate and direct attention to objects for
visual perception.
2.7. Network of Scene Perception
Although it is probably an over-simplification of the true state of affairs in the visual cortex, the
perception task of a visual scene was claimed to be basically comprised of “locating” and
“identifying” (Ingle, Schneider, Trevarthen, & Held, 1967). The dichotomy of locating and
identifying was later linked to primate cortical anatomy in the work of Mishkin & Ungerleider
(1982) who distinguished two streams of visual process in the striate and extrastriate cortex in the
monkey brain, and since then, the idea of separate pathways for visual processing has been widely
In primates, both streams originate from the primary visual cortex (V1/V2) but one extends
ventrally from V1 through V4 to the inferior temporal (IT) cortex while the other extends dorsally
from V1 to the posterior parietal (PP) cortex. The former stream is generally assumed to subserve
object recognition (i.e. identifying) whereas the latter is characterized as mediating spatial memory
(i.e. locating). Therefore, the ventral pathway is called the “what” pathway since lesion to this
pathway in monkey impaired the performance of visual pattern discrimination and recognition but
not object location tasks. On the other hand, the dorsal pathway is called the “where” pathway since
quite the opposite results were observed in monkeys with lesions to this pathway (Mishkin,
Ungerleider, & Macko, 1983). Moreover, it has been suggested that similar to nonhuman primates,
multiple visual areas in the cortex of the human brain are organized into two functionally
specialized and anatomically segregated processing pathways (Ungerleider & Haxby, 1994).
Most of the evidence supporting this dichotomy comes from visuo-spatial WM studies. Wilson
and colleagues (1993) segregated WM components for the spatial location of visually presented
objects and the visual characteristics of those objects – WM for the spatial location involves the
posterior parietal cortex (PPC; where spatial vision is processed) and its connections with the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), while WM for object characteristics relies on connections
between the inferior temporal (IT) lobe (where object features are processed) and the inferior
convexity of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Similarly, Sala and his colleagues (2003) directly
compared the patterns of response during WM tasks for face identity, house identity, and spatial
location, and reported that the superior PFC produced the greatest response during spatial WM
tasks while the middle and inferior PFC produced the greatest response during object WM tasks,
independent of the object type. Finally, Irwin (2004) reported that cognitive operations requiring
visuo-spatial processing (e.g. mental rotation) were suppressed during saccades while saccades did
not interfere with stimulus recognition and identification tasks. All of these studies suggest the
dorsal-ventral functional segregation for spatial and non-spatial information.
The dorsal stream has been reported to be grounded in the regions for guiding saccadic
movements and visual attention deployment. More specifically, the dorsolateral part of the PFC,
including the frontal eye fields (FEF), and a portion of the PPC were suggested to be significantly
involved in guiding eye movements and attention deployment (Curtis, 2006; Curtis & D'Esposito,
2003; Dominey & Arbib, 1992), implying a tight relationship of these regions with visuo-spatial
processes. In fact, a number of studies emphasized the primary role of these frontoparietal regions
in spatial memory (Ma, et al., 2011; Ma, et al., 2004; Ma, et al., 2003; Pierrot-Deseilligny, et al.,
2002; Sawaguchi & Iba, 2001).
On the other hand, the ventral stream has been reported to be based on the neural circuitry for
encoding and retrieving visual features and identity of objects. Especially, strong connectivity
between the PFC and the IT cortex has been implicated in object memory processes, and it has been
suggested that the PFC and the IT cortex forms a WM circuit where the PFC is a source of
feedback inputs to the IT cortex, biasing activity in favor of behaviorally relevant stimuli
(Desimone, 1998; Miller & Desimone, 1994; Miller, Erickson, & Desimone, 1996; Ranganath,
DeGutis, & D'Esposito, 2004).
Two distinct types of information conveyed through these separate streams presumably join at
frontal areas. During WM tasks, neurons in PFC showed both object-tuned (“what”) and location-
tuned (“where”) delay activity (Rainer, Asaad, & Miller, 1998; Rao, Rainer, & Miller, 1997; White
& Wise, 1999), suggesting that the perceived visual information – spatial and non-spatial – is
integrated in the PFC. Moreover, a number of studies suggested that there is dorsal-ventral
segregation in processing visuo-spatial information even within this area – the dorsolateral part of
the PFC is responsible for processes in spatial information while the ventrolateral part is more
involved in selection and retrieval of object identity and features (Munk et al., 2002; Ninokura,
Mushiake, & Tanji, 2004; Sala & Courtney, 2007; Sala, et al., 2003). This spatial and non-spatial
dissociation may be “multisensory” and may be applicable beyond the vision system to the systems
of more general domain, such as the auditory system (Romanski, 2007). However, the implication
of functional dissociation in the PFC is somewhat controversial (e.g. Rao, et al., 1997; White &
Wise, 1999). In any ways, the PFC seems to be crucial in integrating visual information of different
characteristics and forming a coherent scene representation.
The evidence on visuo-spatial WM reviewed so far has implications on a particular role of the
PFC in sustaining visual representations. As mentioned in the account of the dorsal stream above,
the frontal-parietal network is implicated in sustaining spatial memory. Curtis and his colleagues
(2005), for example, claimed that the network of the FEF, the dorsolateral PFC, and the PPC
supports spatial WM by sustaining covert attention at a particular location. Simiarly, Sawaguchi
and Iba (2001) argued that specific visuo-spatial coordinates are represented in a topographical
memory map in the DLPFC. Although regions in both the PPC and the PFC were associated with
WM, evidence suggests that the PFC plays a prime role in preserving and maintaining processes of
visuo-spatial representations as the PPC is more involved in providing a capacity-limited store (Qi
et al., 2011; Todd & Marois, 2004). In fact, it has been reported that that only regions in the PFC
(regions in the FEF) showed sustained delay period activity for both of the working memory and
the attention task while the PPC (areas around the intraparietal sulcus) did not show any delay
period activity (Offen, Gardner, Schluppeck, & Heeger, 2010).
As briefly mentioned in the earlier account on the ventral stream, moreover, the network
formed between the PFC and the IT cortex has been suggested to be an object memory circuit
where bias from the PFC works in favor of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Desimone and Duncan
(1995) highlighted the similarity of top-down mechanisms in both object and spatial selection, and
later Desimone (1998) reported that biasing of IT neurons in a WM task was remarkably similar to
the biasing effects on the extrastriate cortex during visual search and spatially directed attention.
Both of the studies pointed out the PFC as a main source of top-down feedback.
Moreover, the PFC also has been associated with selection processes in visual perception.
Patients with unilateral frontal brain damage exhibited greater difficulty in shift from one aspect of
an ambiguous figure to the other than did normal subjects (Ricci & Blundo, 1990). Similarly,
activity in frontal and parietal regions was claimed to be associated with perceptual alternation
during a phenomenon called binocular rivalry, which happens when dissimilar images are presented
to the two eyes simultaneously (Lumer, Friston, & Rees, 1998), or conscious change perception (of
human faces) (Turatto, Sandrini, & Miniussi, 2004). Moreover, a number of studies reported that
the amount of cognitive load (as inflicted by requiring subjects to memorize a sequence of digits or
to subtract numbers, etc.) showed a strong correlation effect with perceptual selection processes (de
Fockert, Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 2001; Pinsk, Doniger, & Kastner, 2004; Schwartz et al., 2005;
Spinks, Zhang, Fox, Gao, & Tan, 2004; Yi, Woodman, Widders, Marois, & Chun, 2004);
increasing cognitive load, which is followed by increased prefrontal activity, was associated with
the behavioral performance of a selective attention task where subjects are required to ignore a
distractor stimulus presented to the periphery of a visual field, thus implying that the PFC plays a
significant role in perceptual selection (see Lavie, 2005 for more detailed review on the relationship
between cognitive load and attentional selection).
Therefore, the role of the PFC seems crucial in visual perception processes – it is involved in
perceptual selection, integrating visual information, and preserving perceived representations.
Figure 2.7-1: A schematized illustration of a WM network of visual scene perception with the two visual
streams highlighted. The dorsal stream (blue arrow) is associated with spatial information, such as location,
while the ventral stream (red arrow) is associated with non-spatial properties. Both of the streams start from
the primary visual areas (green) and conjoin at PFC areas (purple). The PFC plays a primary role within this
network by selecting and integrating different types of visual information and mediating a coherent scene
Given all the implications of the PFC’s primary role in visual perception, we propose a visuo-
spatial WM network for visual scene perception which comprises areas in the dorsal and ventral
pathway that are centered around the PFC (Figure 2.7-1). The spatial information (i.e. location) and
non-spatial information (i.e. identity and properties) of visually perceived objects and entities are
processed and delivered through the dorsal and ventral stream, then they are integrated within the
PFC, forming a unified representation of a visual scene. In our framework, both types of
information are captured by a graph component (i.e. a node or a relation) and the concept of the
corresponding component, respectively, and then both of them are bound each other to build a
SemRep of the perceived scene.
This coherent representation of the perceived scene is “dynamically” built and maintained in
the form of the SemRep within the network of visuo-spatial WM. Emphasis has been given to the
dynamicity of the process since we view the SemRep as a very active representation which keeps
changing over time, even for a static scene (as emphasized in Section 3.3). Scene perception is
dynamic in its nature as only entities of enough cognitive significance (e.g. by task relevancy, or
perceptual saliency, etc.) would be perceived to build components (nodes or relations) of the
SemRep while some components may be changed or removed as more information is perceived or
their activity level diminishes due to the loss of task relevancy or the temporal decay.
Moreover, although higher-level cognitive areas and their vision- and memory-related
processes are of our main focus, we would also account for their influences on earlier perception
areas and their functions. Especially, evidence suggests that visual perception can be guided and
even enhanced by the top-down bias from higher areas of memory and attention (Treue, 2003). For
example, it has been reported that memorizing the shape of the target or target templates enhances
performance in a visual search task (Oh & Kim, 2003; Soto, Humphreys, & Heinke, 2006) and
directing attention enhances visual perception, such as resolution (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003;
Carrasco & Yeshurun, 2009; Kastner, Pinsk, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999). This top-
down bias is presumably inflicted in a hierarchical manner organized along the back-to-front axis in
the vision system (Grill-Spector & Malach, 2004).
Therefore, the visuo-spatial WM network we are proposing here is not mere a storage buffer for
visual representations, such as the SemRep in our framework, but rather a complex of visual
perception and dynamic maintenance mechanisms. As Levedev and his colleagues (2004) argued,
the PFC’s function may go beyond the simple storage of visuo-spatial representations to include
aspects of attention, such as the monitoring and selection of information. In fact, the overlap
between the current WM network of scene perception with the earlier-proposed WM network of
semantics and concepts (Section 2.4) does not appear to be coincidental. In both of the WM
networks, the PFC and the IT cortex are involved in processing object-related representations, and
the regions involved in attention control (i.e. the PFC and the PPC) support maintenance processes.
This may suggest an integrative framework of WM where the PFC plays a prime function in
control and mediating processes.
In addition to the areas in the scene perception network delineated so far, some studies
suggested the rostral part of the superior temporal cortex (STC) as a site for multimodal sensory
convergence for both object-related and space-related information, addressing its polysensory
projections from both ventral and dorsal streams (Karnath, 2001; Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2005).
2.8. Hierarchical Scene Perception
In an experiment, Duncan (1984) showed subjects a brief display of two pairs of a box with a
single line drawn through it. Both the box and the line varied in two dimensions: the box could be
tall or short with a small gap on its left or the right side, and the line could be either dotted or
dashed while leaning slightly to the left or the right. Interestingly, subjects were less accurate at
reporting two properties from separate objects (e.g. the size of the box and the orientation of the
line) than reporting two properties of a single object (e.g. the size of the box and the side of its gap),
showing a same-object advantage. Based on this result, Duncan proposed that there are parallel
preattentive processes that serve to segment the field into separate objects, followed by a process of
focal attention that deals with only one object at a time. The implication of Duncan’s proposal is
twofold: (1) visual selection is an object-based (not space-based) serial mechanism, and (2) there
are two separate stages in the processes of visual perception.
In this section, we first address Duncan’s proposal and subsequently discuss its implications in
the processes of visual attention and scene perception.
Visual attention is thought to be a selective mechanism concentrated to a specific area of the
visual scene while its processing is performed in a serial fashion (Cave & Bichot, 1999; M.-S. Kim
& Cave, 1995). The area covered by visual attention seems to be flexible (i.e. zoom-in and -out)
with loss of resolution or efficiency for a larger size (zoom lens model; Eriksen & St. James, 1986)
and tightly correlated with planning and performing saccades (Deubel & Schneider, 1996). As
Duncan (1984) proposed, the area of visual attention is likely to be delineated in terms of objects
rather than locations (Chen, 2003; Duncan, 1984; Nissen, 1985) although there has been a debate
on this issue (Cave & Bichot, 1999). In fact, studies suggested that visual attention is directed not to
just simple collections of features (Scholl, Pylyshyn, & Feldman, 2001) but to discrete, yet non-
rigid objects (Yantis, 1992) that are not even necessarily fully identified (Kahneman, Treisman, &
Gibbs, 1992).
Based on various findings on visual attention, however, Scholl (2001) argued that objects and
locations should not be treated as mutually exclusive since attention may be object-based in some
contexts, location-based in others. For instance, the units of selection seem to be complex enough
to include spatiotemporal properties as well – targets can be tracked when they disappear behind an
occluder or even when all objects disappear from view as in an eye blink (Horowitz, Birnkrant,
Fencsik, Tran, & Wolfe, 2006; Scholl & Pylyshyn, 1999). Similarly, even 10-month-old infants
were able to use spatiotemporal information to set up representations of distinct objects (Xu &
Carey, 1996), and a group of objects moving in a common direction were reported to be treated as a
single global object representation in an object tracking task (Suganuma & Yokosawa, 2006).
Therefore, the “objecthood” of an attentional focus need not be specific to a particular property but
it may become a broader notion, which might have been shaped through the perception experiences
of the observer (Pylyshyn, 2001).
Most evidence supporting the object-based view of attention came from the experimental
results of a multiple object tracking (MOT) paradigm, in which subjects are required to track
specific target objects among a number of distractor objects that are moving simultaneously
(Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988). It has been reported that people are generally able to follow 4 or 5
targets by using some type of a preattentive indexing mechanism (see Section 2.6 for related
accounts within the current framework of SemRep), and each tracked target can receive focal
attention in a serial fashion when further processing is required (Pylyshyn, 2001).
Although emphasis has been given to the unit of attentional selection, the results of MOT
experiments also imply separate processing stages in visual perception as Duncan (1984) proposed
– the preattentive parallel processing stage for indexing multiple targets and the successive
processing stage of serial focal attention.
Moreover, a number of studies based on a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm –
stimuli such as letters, digits or pictures are presented successively at a single location at rates
between 6 ~ 20 items per second – also suggested a similar separation of the process: at the first
preattentive level, targets and nontargets are distinguished in a parallel fashion, and then at the
second attentive level, only the selected target is stored and processed within a limited capacity
system (i.e. visual WM) (Chun & Potter, 1995; Potter, 1976). The selection and identification of
targets were reported to take 200 ~ 500ms as presentation of another target within that duration
impaired detection performance, resulting in a phenomenon known as the attentional blink (AB;
Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992). Similarly, Awh and colleagues (2006) argued that the
processes of selective perception are composed of multiple stages of processing including both
early sensory (enhancement and inhibition of sensory features) and postperceptual processes (active
maintenance of information in working memory) with attention acting as a gatekeeper to the later
A line of studies on “subitizing” also suggest a distinction between the preattentive process and
the successive attentional process. Subitizing refers to the process of effortless and rapid
recognition of the number of items within the visual scene, when the number of items falls within a
certain range, which is generally capped around 4 (Trick & Pylyshyn, 1994). Subitizing is
contrasted to counting, which involves serial deployment of attention on each item. The
experimental result on patients with simultanagnosia, who have deficits in attentional processes,
indicated that subitizing and counting are supported by different mechanisms – patients showed
relatively spared performance in subitizing with smaller sets of 1, 2, or sometimes 3 items while
they are impaired with counting larger sets (Dehaene & Cohen, 1994). A study on a working
memory task reported a similar dissociation where subjects’ working memory task score was only
associated with their performance on the attention-demanding counting portion of the enumeration
task (Tuholski, Engle, & Baylis, 2001). The suggestion is that subitizing is supported by
preattentive parallel processes, which might be of limited capacity (e.g. Lavie & Cox, 1997), while
counting is performed by postperceptual attention processes in a serial manner.
Note that subitizing and the indexing mechanisms in MOT tasks are both claimed to be
preattentive, with their maximum capacity around 4, and this might suggest a strong connection
between those two processes. In fact, Pylyshyn (2001) emphasized the similarity and claimed that
subitizing is supported by the indexing mechanism for MOT tasks – he proposed a special kind of
direct connection to items in the visual field, which he named as FINSTs (FINgers of
INSTantiation), for such an indexing mechanism.
Rensink (2000a, 2000b) proposed a model of scene perception based on an architecture which
basically consists of three components, one for processing volatile low-level features to form
structures (proto-objects), one for non-attentional processes that provide a gist or a layout to guide
attention, and the other one for attentional processes to build a coherent representation of a scene or
an object. The key feature of his proposal is a notion of “coherence field”, which is a dynamic form
of representation where attention provides detailed, coherent descriptions of an object through the
established “links” that are attached to properties of the object (e.g. low-level visual features, proto-
objects, object parts, etc.). These links are intrinsically similar to the type of spatial anchors that
ground the indexing mechanism (e.g. FINSTs) since they provide the more stable viewer- (or
object-) centered coordinates from the ever-changing retinotopic coordinates, through which the
captured low-level structures (proto-objects) can be managed. His architecture is also based on the
idea of the preattentive-attentional dissociation discussed so far since it involves an initial extract of
gist and subsequent refinement of detail with a coherence field acting as an intermediate
representation bridging the two processing stages.
An interesting aspect of Rensink’s proposal is that a coherence field forms a local “hierarchy”
with two levels (object- and part-level) of description. The links are assigned to parts of an object
being represented within a coherence field and attentional processes can traverse up and down
through these links, thus establishing a whole-part hierarchy of the object. As Marr (1983) insisted,
such whole-part hierarchy is a natural way to represent (visual) objects, and it has been exploited in
several models of visual perception (e.g. Deco & Schürmann, 2000).
Figure 2.8-1: A schematic view of hierarchical perception process. As attentional focus moves up (zoom
out) and down (zoom in) the hierarchy, the early nonattentive and the later attentive process are executed as a
pair at each level, forming an iterative cycle through the whole-part hierarchy (four cycles shown). A gist or a
layout (shown as a SemRep) is perceived at each level, guiding attentional focus.
In fact, the early-late dissociation in the process of visual perception, as addressed by the
studies covered so far, is intrinsically “iterative” – the early preattentive process (for “whole”) and
the later attentive process (for “part”) form an iterative cycle of processing through the whole-part
hierarchy (as illustrated in Figure 2.8-1). More specifically, visual perception of an object is done in
such an iterative manner that the early parallel processes deliver the layout of the object based on
the information of the object parts, which are presumably captured by the indexing mechanism,
while each of these parts will be successively focused (zooming in) when further processing is
required, and then the focused part will be again processed by the early parallel processes as a
whole, and some of its parts in turn get thorough examination under attentional focus. Once a close
inspection on a part is done, attentional focus may move up to the whole-object level (zooming out)
possibly to focus on another aspect.
Hochstein and Ahissar (2002) proposed a similar framework (Reverse Hierarchy Theory) in
which they defined two divided processes: the initial “vision at a glance”, which is automatic,
wide-scale, and implicit bottom-up processing, and the later “vision with scrutiny”, which is more
indirect conscious perceptual constructs by focused attention. They argued that these two processes
cooperate during visual perception in such a way that the initial process builds a basic-category-
level coherent percept by spreading attention and guessing at details, which is error-prone, while
the later process explores details and resolves conflicting features, eventually building a
subordinate-category-level perception. Similarly, Henderson and Hollingworth (1999) argued that
initial fixations are controlled by global visual features or concept of a scene, but as viewing
progresses, fixations are controlled by the visual and semantic properties of the local regions.
This dissociation of processing stages in the vision system seems to reflect how our cognitive
system perceives and stores visual representations. Our cognitive system exploits the whole-part
hierarchy of vision to reduce the workload for building and storing perceived visual representations
while minimizing processing of unnecessary details. As the visual world paradigm (Ballard, et al.,
1995; Hayhoe, et al., 1998) insists, the visual representation that we form is extremely scant with
only minimal information carried in while the details are collected as they become necessary for the
current task or goal.
“Change blindness” (for a review, see Simons & Rensink, 2005), which is defined as the failure
of observers to detect large, sudden changes in a display, well exemplifies such “sparseness” of
visual representations, and a number of studies suggested that information worth only a few
(around 4 or 5) objects is stored in visual short-term memory at one time (Irwin & Zelinsky, 2002;
Luck & Vogel, 1997). Especially, the preattentive processes presumably grounding for subitizing
and the indexing mechanism was reported to lack detailed features of items, such as colors or
shapes (Scholl, Pylyshyn, & Franconeri, 2004).
Thus, the vision system should be supported by processes with more focused attention in order
to fully “scrutinize” the details of an important aspect of the scene, especially in the cases where
information delivered from the preattentive processes is not enough. Kowler and Anton (1987)
conducted an experiment to show that if an object is not identifiable at a first glance, probably due
to unfamiliarity, narrowed attention with fixations is required – in their experiment, alterations to
the customary visual appearance of words, produced by changing letter order or orientation, slowed
reading as saccades were made to look at every letter in sequence. Similarly, it has been reported
that attending to the location of a change can overcome change blindness – i.e. changes were
detected almost perfectly (Tse, Sheinberg, & Logothetis, 2003), and directing attention enhances
visual perception of the corresponding location – e.g. lowered sensory thresholds, enhanced
resolution, etc. (Bisley & Goldberg, 2003; Carrasco & Yeshurun, 2009; Kastner, et al., 1999).
Thus, our cognitive system utilizes both types of processes during perceiving a scene as those
processes form an iterative cycle. It suggests that the perception of a visual scene is not only
performed by focused attention but also constantly supported by nonattentive processes which
provide the layout of an entity in a scene to which attention is directed. Since we proposed that
visual perception happens at various levels of whole-part hierarchy, the currently attended entity
might be an object, a part of an object, or even a group of objects in a certain relationship (e.g. the
actor and the object in an action event) – recall the earlier discussion that the area of attentional
focus need not be confined to a visual “object” but it can be defined in a much wider sense. The
implication is that the layout provided from nonattentive processes would vary just as much, from a
single object to the entire scene, depending on the coverage of current attention. In other words,
nonattentive processes may provide the layout of not only the entire scene but also an event, a
person, or an object that the person is holding, etc.
Therefore, even though the term “gist” has been typically used for addressing a holistic
(covering the entire visual field) and fast (happening in about 100ms) recognition of a “scene”
(Greene & Oliva, 2009; Oliva & Torralba, 2001), we need to define a broader sense of gist. The
idea is that not only can we analyze the entire scene for gist, but also we can segment a part of the
scene and get the gist of that – gist works at all levels. Perception of an entity, whether it a single
part, an object, an event, or the entire scene, instantly produces a gist when recognized (by
preattentive processes), and the successive examination (through focused attention) is guided by the
gist which provides the layout of the entity (from scene/object schema, world knowledge, etc.).
Note that sometimes instant recognition of an entity might not be possible, especially when the
complexity of the entity is high or the entity itself is ambiguous. In that case, the gist (and the
resulting layout) is not available until more thorough inspection of the entity, possibly with multiple
attentional focuses, is carried out – and then it might not be appropriate to call it a “gist” anymore.
Conversely, the universality of gist also blurs out the distinction between a scene and an object,
highlighting a unified scene perception process happening at various hierarchical levels. Thus, what
is a scene at one level of analysis may be an object at another.
Although we propose a unified view of the gist for objects and scenes, their processing is not
necessarily supported by the same neural circuitries. Rather, our proposal emphasizes the cognitive
aspect of processing and the resulting conceptual framework benefited by such unified processes.
In fact, a body of studies suggested a neural dissociation in processing objects and scenes.
Encoding a layout of wide space has long been associated with the parahippocampal place area
(PPA) – in fact, this is how it acquired such a name – and a number of studies reported that activity
within this area selectively responded to spatial layout of a room or a scene (Epstein, et al., 2003;
Epstein, et al., 1999; Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998). On the contrary, the lateral-occipital cortex
(LOC) has been associated with recognition of objects and storing object templates in number of
studies (Epstein, et al., 2003; Grill-Spector, Kourtzi, & Kanwisher, 2001; Peelen, Fei Fei, &
Kastner, 2009). However, a recent study suggested that the gist of a scene may be processed by a
similar early mechanism for the gist of an object (J. G. Kim & Biederman, 2010) by showing that
object pairs shown as interacting (e.g. a bird perching on a birdhouse), compared with their side-by-
side depiction (e.g., a bird simply put besides a birdhouse), elicited greater activity in the LOC.
2.9. Perception Beyond Fixations
In our proposal of hierarchical scene perception, in which attentive and nonattentive processes
form an iterative cycle through the levels of the whole-part hierarchy (Section 2.8), we highlighted
the variety of scales that the attended entity can take – it might be a part of an object, a group of
objects, an event, or even the entire scene. Each of these scales is characterized by the size of
coverage and the degree of integrity for the required perceptual processes – e.g. narrow coverage
with high integrity for perceiving a part of an object (fine detail), and wide coverage with low
integrity for perceiving an event happening among people (coarse layout). This is a good deal of
reminiscent of the zoom lens model (Eriksen & Yeh, 1985), in which attentional resources can be
distributed over the visual field, but with low resolving power, or continuously constricted to small
portions of the visual field with a concomitant increase in processing power. Here we propose an
attention window to encompass the area occupied by the entity under the current attentional focus.
An attention window delineates a certain area on a scene where (attentive and nonattentive)
perceptual processes are performed to build a coherent representation of the entity in the area. Thus,
the attention window acts as the unit of scene perception process, whose “receptive field”
constantly adjusts according to the entity to which attention is directed. In fact, the entity perceived
through an attention window comes with a variety of scales as attentional focus traverses up (zoom-
out) or down (zoom-in) the perceptual hierarchy, and the depth (i.e. level of detail) and the size of
an attention window vary accordingly – the attention window gets narrower and deeper as attention
zooms in, whereas it gets wider and shallower as attention zooms out.
As other approaches consistent with the zoom lens model asserted (e.g. Castiello & Umilta,
1990), the key assumption of the attention window is that the area covered by visual attention is
flexible. In fact, a number of studies provided evidence supporting flexibility in the size of visual
attention. Müller and colleagues (2003), for example, provided neurophysiological data indicating
the zoom-lens-like modulation on activity in multiple retinotopic visual areas (V1, V2, VP, and V4)
in association with the size of the attended region. Rolls and colleagues (2003) demonstrated that
the receptive fields of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex of the monkey brain differ according
to the scene complexity. Hopf and colleagues (2006) showed that the receptive fields in visual areas
(the LOC and V4) generally match the size of attending objects and they are adjusted rapidly
(within 250~300ms) in response to moment-by-moment changes of scale. Moreover, results from
behavioral experiments also suggested that subjects adjust the size of their attentional focus:
depending on the task (Cave & Kosslyn, 1989; Oliva & Schyns, 1997), or according to the
perspective scale (Jefferies, Gmeindl, & Yantis, 2011).
However, as Wright and Ward (2008) claimed that mental focus (“covert” attention) should be
differentiated from the act of directing sense organs towards a stimulus source (“overt” attention),
one should not equate an attention window with a fixation of eye gaze. According to Wright and
Ward, (covert) attention is thought to be a neural process that enhances the signal from a particular
part of the sensory panorama. An attention window defines an area of such neural enhancement of
sensory perception (i.e. a receptive field), and it may comprise one or more gaze fixations. Many
studies have suggested such a separation, especially the dissociation between neural systems for
endogenous attention and oculomotor planning (Belopolsky & Theeuwes, 2009; Posner, 1980).
Other studies also reported subjects’ unawareness of involuntary saccades to unattended locations
(Deubel, Irwin, & Schneider, 1999; Mokler & Fischer, 1999).
Figure 2.9-1: Examples of subscenes that emphasize various aspects of a scene. (A) covers the entire
scene and it captures the layout of the filming event while (B) focuses on the hitting action happening
between the woman and man, conveying more detailed information in a relatively smaller area. (C) is
confined within the area of the woman while it delivers detailed properties of the area, such as woman’s
prettiness or the color of the dress.
The implication of the account on the attention window and the hierarchical vision process as
discussed so far is that a visual scene is perceived neither as a whole nor as pieces, but rather as
entities of various scales that are apprehended by attention windows of diverse size, shape, and
depth. Given that the representation built from a scene can never be complete or in exhaustive
detail, only the objects or events with cognitive significance are perceived through attention
windows. In other words, the vision system selectively deploys attention windows to capture a
certain aspect of the scene, which serves the current interests and goals. For example, for the
question “what is it John holding in his hand?”, a wider attention window is distributed over the
scene to position John and his hand, and then a narrower attention window is employed to extract
details of the object held in the hand. The set of entities perceived through such attention windows
may form a scene where John is holding a book, which serves the current task of identifying the
object held in John’s hand. The formed scene represents the cognitively important (i.e. task-
relevant) aspect of the scene at this moment, which is generally described in terms of an event
structure, such as the event that a book is held in John’ s hand. We use the term subscene to describe
such an aspect of the scene.
Itti and Arbib (2006) proposed a notion of “minimal subscene”, which contains the “minimal”
amount of information to describe a single action-related event – e.g. an amount of information to
relate an agent, action, and a patient. Once an object or action has captured attention, it will act as
an “anchor” to search for other related elements in the scene to complete a minimal subscene. One
or more elements in a minimal subscene may in turn become an anchor for linking other elements
in the scene, extending the minimal subscene into a bigger structure – an “anchored subscene”. Itti
and Arbib proposed a minimal subscene to be the basic unit of action event recognition, in which an
agent interacts with objects or other agents.
However, the type of events we are dealing with extends beyond a simple action event since in
the current framework, the SemRep has been proposed to be a middle-ground representation
between the observation and description of a natural scene. This necessitates the extension of the
notion of minimal subscene. Therefore, we define a subscene as a more general construct that
captures a cognitively significant event of various types during scene perception. A subscene is a
partial view of the scene covered by entities – agents and/or objects that are linked via actions
and/or other relationships – that are delimited (and perceived) by one or more attention windows.
Within the framework of action-oriented perception, we propose that the vision system perceives a
scene in terms of subscenes that come in various event types and covering areas, representing a
particular view on the scene at a certain moment.
Depending on the size and depth of attention windows involved in forming a subscene,
qualitatively different descriptions of the scene are possible, from “a fist bumps on a face”, to “the
woman is hitting the man”, or even to “people are fighting” (B in Figure 2.9-1). This means that
information contained in two subscenes may vary even if they cover the same area. Holsanova
(2008) also emphasized such a subtlety in scene perception as she claimed that concrete objects can
be viewed differently (at different levels of specificity) on different occasions as a result of our
mental zooming in and out.
By the nature of subscenes which take diverse event structures and coverage areas that extend
from a part of an item to the entire scene, a conceptual hierarchy may be formed among subscenes
– i.e. a subscene may be conceptually “subordinate” to another subscene. When the vision system
builds a SemRep of the perceived scene, the event structures captured within subscenes are
hierarchically organized according to their cognitive importance, such as task relevancy, perceptual
salience, or temporal arrangement. Such an organization results in a SemRep, which can too be
viewed as representing a subscene as a whole, being divided into a number of substructures, each of
which represents a particular event of the scene delivered through a subscene (see Figure 2.9-2 for
an example). The hierarchical structure of a SemRep may influence the description process by
imposing priority to the event ranked at a higher level (see Section 3.4 for detailed processes of
utterance production).
Moreover, given that a subscene represents a cognitive construct of a coherent event structure,
the hierarchical organization of subscenes may subserve the chunking mechanism of visual memory.
A subscene may be treated as a flexible unit of cognitive processing, especially the process of scene
perception and description, which may exploit the mechanism of chunking in accessing and storing
perceived visual items. In fact, Cowan (2000) claimed that during short-term memory tasks, a
coherent scene (or a chunk) is formed in the focus of attention and that scene can have about four
separate parts (also as chunks) in awareness at any one moment while the focus of attention shifted
back and forth between the hierarchical levels of these scenes. But further research is required for a
clearer view on this account.
Figure 2.9-2: A SemRep possibly generated by the scene shown in Figure 2.3-3. A particular event of a
woman hitting a man is represented in the whole subscene, which involves four sub-level event structures
that are also represented as subscenes. These structures are hierarchically organized according to their
cognitive significance with (A) at the top rank (depicted with thick lines). (A) is treated as the “main event”
of the whole subscene, resulting in such produced sentences as “a pretty woman in blue is hitting a man”, “a
pretty woman who’s wearing a blue dress is hitting a man”, or “a man is hit by a pretty woman wearing a
blue dress”, etc.
There are basically three types of attentional procedures: zooming-in, zooming-out and shifting.
When zooming-in, the attentional focus traverses down the perceptual hierarchy, making the
attention window narrower and deeper (extracting fine details), whereas when zooming-out, the
attentional focus traverses up the hierarchy, making the attention window wider and shallower
(scanning a coarse layout). Shifting does not involve traversing the attention hierarchy but moves
attention window to another location. The vision system deploys these procedures to build a
SemRep in a manner depending on the scene property and task goals.
For all the possible steps that a subscene is perceived and encapsulated into a SemRep, we
propose two broad scenarios as illustrated in Figure 2.9-3. The first scenario (perception by
specification) covers the types of perception process where the gist is specified first and the
successive fixations add more details within the boundary of a scene representation, whereas the
second scenario (perception by extension) covers the types of perception process where a scene
representation is built by extending its boundary as more information is perceived. In real cases,
scene perception process may combine the two.
We now examine in detail how a subscene is perceived in either of the basic cases, as illustrated
in Figure 2.9-3. We assume that an attention window is initially placed on the most perceptually
and cognitively salient area, which is in this case, about the area of the hitting event between the
man and the woman.
In the first case (A in Figure 2.9-3), the event perceived through the initial attention window is
assumed to be clear enough to provide a gist, or a layout, of the event, which is a transitive action
event, although specific details are not yet provided (recall gist works at all levels in Section 2.8).
Note that the event structure (with missing components) has been already specified at the first stage.
Thus, the vision system can be guided by the layout to fill in missing components in the event
structure. At the second stage, an attention window has been placed on the woman’s face (zooming-
in) to identify the actor of the action event. In this case, various factors might come into play in
selecting the component to attend to, such as perceptual salience (e.g. the woman’s face is most
prominent among other components in the subscene), linguistic bias (e.g. an active sentence
requires the actor to be produced first; Section 3.5), or cognitive preference (e.g. the actor is
generally the most significant component in an action event). At the third and the fourth stage, the
missing components, the hitting action and the man, have been identified consecutively (shifting),
completing the subscene of the hitting event between the man and the woman. In this case, the
subscene is perceived by “specification” since the layout is initially available and the successive
stages specify the details of the subscene.
On the other hand, in the second case (B in Figure 2.9-3), the event perceived through the
initial attention window is assumed to be not clear enough to provide a layout of the event. Thus, at
the first stage, nothing has been specified out, so the vision system focuses on more specific entities
in the scene. At the second stage, an attention window has been placed on the man’s face (zooming-
in), resulting in creating a node for the man. Currently, the subscene only contains the man node as
its existence in the scene is the main event of the subscene. The perception of the man’s face leads
to the perception of the fist, thus resulting in placing an attention window over the fist (shifting) at
the third stage. At this stage, the hitting action has been identified and the man is specified as the
patient of that action, extending the subscene to now contain the passive action event of the man
being hit. At the fourth stage, the actor of the action has been identified as an attention window has
been placed on the woman’s face (shifting), completing the subscene of the hitting event between
the man and the woman. In this case, the subscene is perceived by “extension” since the subscene is
built incrementally as more components are perceived.
Figure 2.9-3: An illustration of two cases of (sub)scene perception. (A) illustrates the case of
“specification” where a subscene is perceived by filling in details, whereas (B) illustrates the case of
“extension” where a subscene is perceived in an incremental manner. Yellow ovals represent attention
windows, red ovals represent subscenes, and red nodes represent detected but unidentified entities of the
subscene. See text for more detailed description.
The key difference in the earlier examples is the availability of an immediate layout. Especially
during complex and natural scene viewing, only a limited amount of information is carried across
saccades (e.g. Henderson & Hollingworth, 1999; Hollingworth & Henderson, 1999), leading to
temporally dissociative (but not so clearly) processes for perceiving an abstract layout and
inspecting missing object details. The layout availability and the subsequent temporal dissociation
in perception have a significant implication in the process of scene perception and description as
described in the detailed exposition in Chapter 4. The interplay between the layout availability and
the resource constraints given to the system will drive the system to produce various patterns of
gaze fixation and produced utterance. However, as far as we know, there is unfortunately no direct
data addressing this issue of the layout availability under different conditions – see Section 4.2 and
Section 4.3 for relevant experimental findings.
2.10. Event and Episode Structure
Although it is not rigorously considered in the current work, it should be worth addressing
some of the implications of episode structure in the framework of SemRep since the notion of
subscene (Section 2.9) has an intrinsic relationship with an episode structure. A subscene delineates
a cognitively significant event, which can be interpreted as a type of episode, especially when a
number of subscenes are formed over time. More specifically, a series of snapshots of subscenes
being formed over a certain temporal period may be concatenated into a series of event structures,
each of which may present an episode. Recall that subscenes are hierarchically organized and one
of the criteria for the hierarchy is temporal order. In the case of episodes, a causal relationship
might also be considered as such a criterion.
Moreover, the SemRep has been originally proposed to be used not only for static scenes but
also dynamic scenes. This eventually requires a SemRep to represent a series of events happening
over a certain time period while they actually form a type of a story. Rumelhart (1977) argued that a
story is encoded as an episodic structure or an event that could be traced to an “actor-action-goal”
sequence, and this is quite consistent with the underlying idea in the proposal of the notion of
minimal subscene – a minimal subscene defines an action event representation involving an agent
interacting with objects or other agents. Although it goes beyond the range of the current work, the
SemRep should eventually factor into such an episode structure encapsulated for an action or more
general event. A group of those episodic structures could be connected by links expressing various
types of spatial, temporal and causal relations.
Although there have been efforts among philosophers, linguists and psychologists to develop a
classification of event types that accurately captures logical entailments (e.g. Zacks & Tversky,
2001), they still appear far from converging on what constitutes an event. However, perceiving
boundaries of events seems to be somewhat universal. It has been suggested that there is a
significance overlap in detecting action and movement segments during perceiving action
sequences (Hanson, Hanson, Halchenko, Matsuka, & Zaimi, 2007), and the concept of event seems
to be already developing in a very early age as 10-month-olds could distinguish relevant elements
in events involving “giving” and “hugging” (Gordon, 2003). Moreover, it has been suggested that
spatiotemporal, rather than specific sensory (e.g. shape), information is necessary in forming
episodic object representations (Henderson, 1994).
Burgess and colleagues (2001) and Shastri (2002) asserted the role of the hippocampus system
in storing episodic memory by highlighting its computational role as a “content-addressable”
associate memory. According to their claims, the hippocampal system is the storage unit for
patterns, which can retrieve complete patterns from partial cues. In their models of episodic
memory, memory traces persist in the hippocampal system as long as remembered, and these
memory traces are represented and accessed by implicit neural circuits that are rapidly formed
inside the hippocampus, as a result of long-term potentiation (Shastri, 2002) or Hebbian learning
(Burgess, et al., 2001). The former focused on the relational event structure whereas the latter
emphasized the spatial context or configuration as the key component of the memory. Nyberg and
colleagues (1996) also suggested the existence of general encoding and retrieval networks of
episodic memory centered around the hippocampus.
Moreover, areas around the perirhinal cortex were also suggested to be associated with longer
mnemonic performance in visual recognition tasks. Patients with complete damage to the perirhinal
cortex exhibited intact visual recognition capability for immediate memory span (0 ~ 2 sec.) but
showed impaired performance for a longer period of time (more than 25 sec.), which was much
worse than other amnesic patients with lesions in different brain areas (Buffalo, Reber, & Squire,
Although both remembering events (episodes) and remembering object semantics require
memory for a longer duration, there appears a qualitative distinction between episode recall and
semantic recognition. Aggleton and Brown (1999) argued that impairment in encoding and
recalling of episodic memory (anterograde amnesia) is due to damage in the hippocampal system
whereas familiarity judgment reflects an independent process that depends distinctly on the
perirhinal cortex. Similarly, Vargha-Khadem and colleagues (2001) also argued such a distinction
between recollection-based versus familiarity-based judgments, while reporting that patients with
hippocampal pathology showed severe impairment in episodic memory (recall) although their
semantic memory (recognition) was relatively preserved.
Thus, the distinction between storing episodic information and object semantics suggests that in
order to fully handle episode structures, the neural substrates for the SemRep eventually need to
extend beyond the network of concept and semantics (Section 2.4) and the network of visual
perception (Section 2.7) to include the network of the hippocampal cortex and the adjacent areas.
These areas were claimed to encode abstract multi-modal information (Epstein, et al., 2003; Epstein,
et al., 1999; Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998; King, et al., 2002; O'Keefe, 1999; Pierrot-Deseilligny, et
al., 2002), which is appropriate for representing event structures of episodic memory as they
intrinsically require multi-modal and abstract encodings of object representations.
Chapter 3. Schema-based System of Utterance
3.1. Construction Grammar
The generative description as represented by Generative Grammar (Chomsky, 1965) seeks to
explain language structure in terms of general syntactic rules, with any idiosyncratic properties
derived from the lexicon. But how should linguistics treat idiomatic expressions like kick the bucket,
shoot the breeze, take the bull by the horns or pull strings? Rather than taking their meanings as a
supplement to general rules of the grammar, Fillmore, Kay, and O’Connor (1988) suggested that
the tools they used in analyzing idioms could form the basis for a new model of grammatical
organization, Construction Grammar, with constructions ranging from lexical items to idioms to
rules of quite general applicability (Croft & Cruse, 2005). Thus, Constructionist approaches aim to
account for the full range of facts about language, without assuming that a particular subset of the
data is part of a privileged “core” (Goldberg, 2003).
There are a number of different versions of Construction Grammar (Croft, 2001; Fillmore, et al.,
1988; Michaelis & Lambrecht, 1996), and they may differ in many ways, depending on the specific
stances that they take. However, they all converge on a few basic tenets each of which represents a
major divergence from the mainstream generative approach. Especially, a major tenet of most
approaches to Construction Grammar is that “all” levels of description, including morphemes or
A number of sentences in this section are written based on the lecture slides presented at Conceptual Stucture,
Discourse and Language (CSDL) Conference – Arbib, M. A. (2010). Construction Grammar: A tutorial.
words, idioms, partially lexically filled and fully abstract phrasal patterns, are understood in terms
of constructions (Croft, 2001; Goldberg, 2003). Constructions are form-meaning pairings which
serve as basic building blocks for grammatical structure, each providing a detailed account of the
pairing of a particular syntactic pattern with a particular semantic pattern. Constructions, like items
in the lexicon, thus combine syntactic, semantic and even in some cases phonological information.
Thus, unlike the generative approach, Construction Grammar denies any strict distinction between
the syntax and semantics – i.e. there is no principled divide between “lexicon” and “rules”. Rather,
it proposes a “syntax-lexicon continuum”, which is intrinsically the same as the “lexicon-grammar
continuum” of Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, 1987, 1991), while blurring out the distinction
between simplex (lexicon) and complex (syntax) symbolic units – either kind may account as a
However, the claim is not to discard the distinction (e.g. we can recognize words as distinct
from phrases or sentences) but instead to suggest that we should extend the lexicon “upward” and
syntax “downward” with no hard boundary but nevertheless with a different emphasis in each case.
This is to acknowledge that we may treat a whole linguistic expression as the way we treat a
lexeme while syntax provides a means to analyze it into finer components. This is similar to vision,
where seeing the gist of a scene is akin to treating the scene as an object (c.f. see Section 2.8 for a
detailed explication of this issue) while we still need other mechanisms to integrate perception of
separate objects into the scene. We may understand some sentences with little or no syntactic
processing while others require more subtle constituent analysis. For example, the exclamatory
sentence “I am sorry”, especially when spoken out after stepping on someone’s foot, is never
understood as “Noun Be-verb Adjective” but rather as a whole as an apologetic expression,
whereas the sentence “the dress is blue” may be. An important point is that even when a phrase has
syntactic structure, we may remember it as a whole, with its associated meaning – just as we may
remember words whether or not we know their etymology. The construction in Construction
Grammar is proposed to capture such subtleties in holistic semantics and structural configurations
in linguistic expressions.
Thus, the argument so far rejects a strong form of “compositionality”, whose principle is that
the meaning of a complex expression is fully determined by the meanings of its components and
the way they are combined. Although a scene consists of a number of objects, a simple combination
of those objects is not necessarily equal to what the scene represents. The emphasis is that words do
contribute some, but not all the meaning, as evidenced in the following example
(1) Bill hit the jackpot, the lucky bastard.
(2) Bill hit Mary, the poor waitress.
The semantics of (1) and (2) are significantly different although they share almost the same
surface structure – especially, the constituent Bill hit represents a very different meaning in each
case. Thus, the “construction” refers to the more abstract structural template of grammatical
features (the type) rather than to the specific complex constituent (the token) – e.g. sentence-level
constructions may have their own schematic meanings, which are independent of those of the verbs
and other constituents combined.
This is a modified version of the original example in the lecture slides presented at Conceptual Structure,
Discourse and Language (CSDL) Conference – Arbib, M. A. (2010). Construction Grammar: A tutorial:
Bill hit Mary, the cad.
Bill hit the jackpot, the lucky bastard.
This is to be contrasted with approaches based on Generative Grammar, in which autonomous
syntactic rules put words together in very general ways and without regard for the meaning of the
result. The meanings of idiomatic expressions, such as “he pulled strings to get the job”, cannot be
predicted on the basis of its parts. Like what Generative Grammar argues for, if such “exceptional”
expressions were fixed in form, it would be conceivable to add them to the lexicon. However, many
of them also have grammatical structure. For example, the X’s way construction, such as “Bill
kicked his way through the crowd”, consists of a particular syntactic structure, which is roughly
“Subject Verb X’s way Oblique”. According to Kemmerer (2006), this syntactic structure is paired
with a particular semantic structure, which roughly means “X makes progress along path Y by
Goldberg (2006) argued that the well-known sentence “Pat sneezed the foam off the
cappuccino” exemplifies the case more clearly. The meaning of the sentence cannot be understood
solely by the typical meaning of the verb “sneeze”, which only contains intransitive sense as used
in the sentence “Pat sneezed”. However, “sneeze” in this case appears in a “syntactic” construction
like the former case, with the syntactic structure of “Subject Verb Object Oblique”, whose meaning
roughly corresponds to “X causes Y to move from Z by Verb-ing”. If we regard the sense of “cause
to move something by sneezing” as a property of the verb “sneeze”, then it should have at least two
different senses, one for the typical intransitive sense and the other specialized for this case.
However, it seems quite implausible, at least in English. Thus, the burden of explanation should not
be entirely placed on the verb itself (Evans & Green, 2006) – it should also be on the syntactic
construction and the related semantic knowledge (e.g. sneezing carries plosive force).
In fact, it has been claimed that verb meaning should also be interpreted in terms of the highly
schematic sense which goes beyond the concrete meaning unique to particular verbs (Iwata, 2005;
Rappaport Hovav & Levin, 1998), and indeed action verbs often occur in constructions describing a
wide range of action events. For example, even though kick is usually considered to be a
prototypical transitive verb, it occurs in at least nine distinct constructions, each of which describes
a different “scene” involving a different number/type of arguments (Goldberg, 1995).
Table 3.1-1: Examples of constructions with different argument structures (adapted from Table 10.1 of
Kemmerer, 2006).
Example Sentence Construction Form Meaning
Bill kicked the ball. Transitive Subject Verb Object X acts on Y
Bill kicked the ball into
the lake.
Caused motion Subject Verb Object
X causes Y to move
along path Z
Bill kicked at the ball. Conative Subject Verb Oblique
X attempts to contact Y
Bill kicked Bob the
Ditransitive Subject Verb Object
X causes Y to receive Z
Bill kicked Bob black
and blue.
Resultative Subject Verb Object
X causes Y to become Z
Bill kicked Bob in the
Subject Verb Object
X contacts Y in/on body-
part Z
Bill kicked his foot
against the chair.
Subject Verb Object
X causes Y to contact Z
Bill kicked his way
through the crowd.
X’s way Subject Verb X’s way
X makes progress by
performing action
Horses kick. Habitual Subject Verb X performs action
Thus, a purely “bottom-up” or lexically driven model of grammar fails to provide the whole
picture, but rather sentence- or clause-level constructions themselves carry meaning, to some extent
independently of the words in the sentence. Constructions are themselves theoretical primitives
rather than “taxonomic epiphenomena (Chomsky, 1991)” as they should be understood in terms of
the “whole-self” that goes beyond the surface form of the expression, such as grammatical category
or a particular word order.
3.2. Support for Construction Grammar
In Radical Construction Grammar, Croft (2001) argued that we cannot assume the existence of
language-independent universal categories (e.g. noun, verb, adjective) as providing the grounding
for grammar, but instead, categories are derived from the construction(s) in which they appear. He
pointed out that the criteria used for grammatical categories in some languages are either
completely absent in others or are employed in ways that seem bizarre for those brought up on
English. For example, Vietnamese lacks all inflection, and Makah has inflection but employs it in a
surprising manner – e.g. it applies aspect and mood markers not only to words for actions that are
translated into English as verbs, but also to words for things and properties that are translated into
English as nouns and adjectives (Kemmerer & Eggleston, 2010).
Although we may cross-linguistically identify prototypical nouns as specifying objects and
prototypical verbs as specifying actions, it appears that human languages contain an open-ended
spectrum of historically shaped, constructionally based, hierarchically organized, and
distributionally learned grammatical categories. In other words, languages evolved culturally as the
collectivity of many properties through a process of “tinkering” that added, combined and modified
This idea is in sheer contrast to the notion of Universal Grammar (Chomsky, 1965), which
basically asserts that there are “innate” (not learned through “tinkering”) properties that all possible
natural human languages have. According one version of UG, a particular language is a collection
of structures with properties resulting from the interaction of fixed principles with parameters set
one way or another in the child’s environment (Chomsky, 1991).
However, studies on language acquisition demonstrate that all linguistic knowledge is
constructed by learning within a language community as the child’s constructions (including
lexicon) are shaped through experience to better approximate usage within the community.
Constructions are “incrementally” constructed during the language learning period as more
substantial and complex patterns of construction (e.g. embedded clauses) emerge from a source of
relatively simple patterns of construction (Diessel & Tomasello, 2001; Israel, Johnson, & Brooks,
For example, the child may first acquire what the adult perceives as two-word utterances as a
holophrase “want-milk”, which the child later develops into a more general construction “want X”,
in which X can be replaced by the name of any “wantable thing” (Michael A. Arbib, Conklin, &
Hill, 1987; Hill, 1983). With further experience, the child will develop more subtle constructions,
such as “Verb Object”, with word classes like “verb” or “noun”, which are defined by their abstract
thematic roles rather than particular meanings in a particular situation, such as “wanting” and
“wantable thing”. Similarly, Matthei (1982) tested understanding of the phrase “second green ball”,
and found young children interpreted the phrase “as the ball which is second and green”, as
opposed to the adult interpretation which is “the second of all the green balls”. The children’s
misinterpretation was attributed to children’s tendency to use of “flat” structures, which would be
replaced by hierarchical ones later in language acquisition. Again, the suggestion is that at a
different developmental stage, the structural complexity of learned constructions varies, even for
simple phrasal structures, refuting the innateness of grammatical knowledge.
Furthermore, Verhagen (2010) argued that the capacity for dealing with center-embedding
patterns (i.e. recursion) is not built into humans (with the maximum of only two or three embedded
structures; Lewis, 1996), but rather it has a cultural foundation, especially from the development of
writing systems which might have facilitated the recursive use of grammatical patterns by
providing an extension of memory. This suggests that even a highly elaborate linguistic capability,
such as recursion, might not be “innate” in human but rather acquired later as necessary.
Kemmerer (2000, 2006) was among the first to make explicit the relevance of Construction
Grammar to neurolinguistics by presenting the major semantic properties of action verbs and
argument structure constructions. In a lesion study, Kemmerer (2000) reported a double
dissociation in the impairment of the pure verb semantics and the constructional meaning; two
patients performed well, but one patient performed poorly, on a word-picture matching test that
required them to discriminate between verb triplets that differed only in semantic features
attributable to the lexical meaning of the verbs (e.g. spill-pour-sprinkle), whereas the first two
patients performed poorly, but the other patient performed well, on a second test that required them
to judge the grammaticality of sentences containing the very same verbs (e.g. “Sam spilled beer on
his pants” vs. “Sam spilled his pants with beer*”). Similarly, Kemmerer (2003) also reported
experiment results where two patients demonstrated a dissociation in judging subtle aspects of the
pure verb meaning and the grammar-relevant constructional meaning in the English body-part
possessor ascension construction – e.g. “Sam hit Bill on the arm” vs. “Sam broke Bill on the arm*”.
Patients passed a verb-meaning test (again, word-picture matching tasks) while they failed a
grammaticality judgment test on constructions with the same verbs. Based on these findings,
Kemmerer concluded that the neural substrates of constructional meanings are separate from those
for verb meanings, arguing for the existence of constructional knowledge in the brain.
Recently, Allen and colleagues (2012) demonstrated that the dative construction (e.g. “Sally
gave the book to Joe”) and the ditransitive construction (e.g. “Sally gave Joe a book”) were
distinguished (through Region-of-interest MVPA analyses) by the activation patterns within areas
of left BA 47 and anterior BA 22. Since the distinction does not rely on traditional language areas,
such as the left BA 44/45 or the left posterior BA 22, they argued that the distinction was not based
on syntactic differences, especially involving the word “to”. Rather, they claimed that particular
grammatical constructions that shared the same content words, propositional meaning, and degree
of surface complexity can be distinguished based on neural correlates. Such separability appears to
lend support to neural substrates for distinctive construction types.
Moreover, it has been claimed that grammatical constructions affect mental representations (i.e.
meaning) of described events. Bergen and Wheeler (2010) reported that progressive sentences (e.g.
“John is closing the drawer”) generated a significant Action-sentence Compatibility Effect (ACE;
Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002) – facilitatory priming of manual actions by sentences denoting similar
actions (e.g. “close the drawer” implies action away from the body) – while perfect sentences (e.g.
“John has closed the drawer”) did not. These two types of sentences were identical in every way
except for their aspect as they shared the same content words that are arranged in the same order,
thus allowing Bergen and Wheeler to conclude that constructional meaning contributes to the
higher-order semantics of a described event, which goes beyond what is provided from the
semantics of content words.
3.3. Template Construction Grammar
We now present our own version of Construction Grammar, Template Construction Grammar
(TCG) (for the earlier version, see Michael A. Arbib & Lee, 2007, 2008), as the linguistic
framework. Since the main purpose of the current work is to provide a computational model that
explains certain phenomena related to describing a visual scene, TCG is proposed to capture the
dynamics of scene perception and generation of verbal expression. As addressed in detail in
Chapter 4, findings from studies on scene perception and speech production as well as the results
from eye-tracking experiments we conducted indicated that the process of scene description
requires constant interaction between the vision and language system so that the tight coordination
between the two systems becomes crucial. During the scene description process in TCG, a number
of constructions are activated simultaneously as “schema instances”, and they cooperate and
compete in order to produce a verbal description of a scene. This process is proposed to be highly
dynamic in that:
(1) The SemRep is constantly updated based on the current foveation, which both depends on
and helps drive interpretation by the vision system,
(2) the verbal structure for the utterance is formed in an incremental way as more constructions
are attached, building atop those constructions which link directly to the current SemRep,
(3) the verbal output need not be a fully formed sentence and can be generated at any moment.
Figure 3.3-1: A highly dynamic process of scene description in which the vision system and the language
system are concurrently running and constantly interacting. The Visuo-Linguistic Working Memory (VLWM)
provides a workspace where various types of schemas are collaborating (according to the competition and
cooperation paradigm) to produce a verbal description of a scene. The vision and language system are
continuously interacting with each other as the vision system concurrently interprets the scene and updates
the SemRep while the language system occasionally generate requests for more details from the vision
The key idea of the proposed process is that basically two systems, the vision and the language
system, are running in parallel while the SemRep is acting as a “middle-ground” representation of
the two. The language system applies constructions on a SemRep and reads off the formed
sentences or sentence fragments that result while the vision system concurrently interprets the
scene and updates the SemRep. The processes of these two systems are tightly correlated such that
the vision system provides the interpretation of the current scene on which the language system
works on, driving the scene description process, while the language system sometimes generates
requests for more details to the vision system, biasing the scene perception process.
Both the vision system and the language system are proposed here to be schema-based: the
vision system (presumably a system similar to the VISIONS) generates a SemRep, which is an
abstraction of perceptual schemas, and the language system (currently TCG) deploys constructions,
which are implemented as schemas, to produce verbal expressions. During the process, both of the
systems develop a shared working memory space, the Visuo-Linguistic Working Memory (VLWM),
in which the SemRep is constantly updated to represent the “current” interpretation of the scene,
constructions are applied on the SemRep updated at the moment, and a partial or full syntactic
structure that are formed so far are read out. The scene description process of TCG is both: (1)
“incremental” since new constructions are constantly applied according to the updates on the
SemRep, and (2) “hierarchical” since constructions may be applied to bind other constructions
already attached to the SemRep, forming a more complex syntactic structure. During the process,
the SemRep acts a type of an “anchoring” system by which different types of conceptual and
cognitive representations are organized, accessed, and associated with each other.
Thus, the production process of TCG (see Section 3.4 for more detailed accounts) is performed
in such a highly interactive and dynamic manner that new construction instances are constantly
invoked as the SemRep keeps getting updated while some of the instances are connecting to other
instances, and others are competing with each other. As a whole, the system reaches to the solution
through the competitive and cooperative interactions between construction instances.
Given that the purpose of the present work is to propose a schema-based computational model
for scene perception and description production, selecting Construction Grammar appears suitable
in a few aspects.
Firstly, constructions, which are basically defined as pairs of form and meaning, provide a
detailed account of the mapping between a particular syntactic pattern (as low as phonological
ordering) and a particular semantic pattern (as high as event structure). Constructions of various
levels of grammatical complexity and semantic coverage can be manifested as a set of encapsulated
processing units linking the semantics of a perceived scene (provided as perceptual schemas) to the
production of the corresponding utterance (performed via motor schemas). Thus, from our schema
theory point of view (Section 2.1), constructions in our framework can be regarded as a type of
“coordinated control program (Michael A. Arbib, 1981)”, or more simply coordinating schemas,
since each of them acts as such a processing unit mediating the coupling of perceptual and motor
Secondly, in the current work, we provide the SemRep as a unique approach for representing
the semantics of a perceived visual scene. The semantics of the scene, such as objects, actions, and
their relations, are represented in a form of graph structure (i.e. nodes and edges), and transforming
it to a verbal expression requires a particular type of linguistic framework. We regard Construction
Grammar as a suitable framework since the construction as a whole accounts for the abstract
structural template of semantics and syntax, which can be directly mapped to a certain subpart of
SemRep and the corresponding linguistic structure. A construction, especially a complex one, such
as a sentence-level construction, may go beyond the surface form of the expression as it means
more than a simple combination of the meanings of its constituents (see Table 3.1-1 for example
constructions associated with particular event themes exceeding the lexical meaning of the verb). In
an analogy with vision, a construction may be matched with a subscene (Section 2.9) as the
“meaning” of the construction represents the gist of the subscene while the “form” represents the
event structure by which separate items of the subscene are integrated into a coherent scene.
Considering the tight correlation between vision and language emphasized in the current work,
Construction Grammar may provide the most straightforward conceptual foundation for translating
visually perceived events (i.e. SemRep) into linguistic expressions.
However, one should note that TCG is not necessarily to be bound to the Construction
Grammar framework as the notion “construction” is not particular for Construction Grammar. In
fact, although TCG adopts two major policies of conventional Construction Grammar (i.e. each
construction specifies the mapping between form and meaning, and the systematic combination of
constructions yields the whole grammatical structure), TCG also differs from other Construction
Grammar approaches in some important aspects. As indicated earlier, constructions are
implemented as “schemas” which cooperate and compete to reach an overall resolution on verbal
description production, and the semantics of constructions are defined as subgraphs of the SemRep,
which are directly mapped to the representation of a perceived scene. Most of all, a crucial feature
of TCG is its capability to form complex grammatical structures, especially recursive combinations
among constructions, such as the embedment of relative clauses.
When Hill (Michael A. Arbib, et al., 1987; Hill, 1983) developed a computational language
model based on her observation on the child’s acquisition of a general construction “want X”
developed from an initial holophrase-like expression “want-milk”, she used the term “template” for
addressing such a general construction, highlighting its role of providing a standardized pattern that
defines the categorical constraints on its components (e.g. X in “want X” template is replaced by
any “wantable thing”). We adopt Hill’s conception of the term template in naming our approach as
“Template” Construction Grammar, focusing on the role of constructions as semantic and syntactic
templates. TCG’s ability to form complex grammatical structures is accomplished by encoding
categorical constraints in both the semantics and syntax within the template of a construction,
especially a construction of a complex structure.
Figure 3.3-2: An illustration of how a grammatical structure is built in TCG. When the semantics of the
“head” components (rather than the conventional sense of “head”, which is a word) of a construction
(represented as nodes with thick lines) is matched with the associated semantics of the slot that the
construction fills in (e.g. ENTITY and WOMAN in combination of ADJ_NOUN and WOMAN construction)
and the class of the construction is matched with one of the classes specified in the slot (e.g. N of WOMAN
construction and [NP, N] of the second slot of ADJ_NOUN construction), syntactic combinations between
constructions (represented by the blue dashed-line) are made. The head components of the combining
constructions act as the “pivot” in the combination of the three constructions (WOMAN, ADJ_NOUN, and
SVO) as they play a role as the representative components of the constructions that fill into the slot of other
constructions (the ENTITY nodes are successively replaced by the WOMAN node through the syntactic
linkage as represented by the red dashed-line) – e.g. in forming the phrase pretty woman, the head node
WOMAN and the associated construction becomes the head of the phrase, woman.
Such a complex construction is mostly distinguished by its usage of syntactic “slots”. A
construction may contain one or more slots that can be filled by other constructions of less
grammatical complexity – constructions without slots (similar to the WOMAN or PRETTY
construction shown in Figure 3.3-2) just act as simple lexical items, such as words, that can “fill
into” constructions with slots that represent relatively complex grammatical structures, such as
phrases, clauses, or even sentences (similar to the SVO or ADJ_NOUN construction in Figure
3.3-2). In TCG, through this combinatorial mechanism, the syntactic hierarchy between
constructions is established and complex sentential structures (even with recursion) are built. Such
complex constructions provide abstract structural templates of the grammatical and semantic
features of the language. Their slots, which constrain the semantic meaning as specified by the
coupled SemRep elements and the syntactic category as specified by the marked classes, represent
“generic features” that will be specified thereafter. For example, the concept ENTITY in SVO in
Figure 3.3-2 limits the semantics of the “head” of the combining construction with the first slot of
SVO to be an entity rather than an action or a property while the marked classes, NC, NP, and N,
limit the syntactic category of the combining construction to be one of those classes that are
equivalent to the conventional noun clause, noun phrase or noun. In combination with the
specification of the head components of a construction, the slots allow the system to formulate
grammatical structures with different types of constructions, eventually enabling the system to
exhibit the full-fledged capability for dealing with recursive structures. Through the slots,
constructions are combined with other constructions, thematic roles are assigned, and grammatical
hierarchy is formed.
Such an approach seems quite similar to other theories of syntax that put emphasis on the
syntactic head in building grammatical structure – i.e. the so-called “head-driven” approaches.
According to those approaches, such as Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) (Levine &
Meurers, 2006; Pollard & Sag, 1994) or X-Bar theory (Chomsky, 1970; Jackendoff, 1977), phrasal
structures are defined by the heads of the phrases (e.g. the noun for a noun phrase). These
approaches are based on the idea that linguistic structure is organized around lexical entries, so it is
necessary to highlight a certain lexical item to be the head (i.e. the dominant item) in order to build
the syntactic hierarchy among them. Thus, the head is the key constituent to build the sentential
hierarchy by bundling other lexical items together. However, although we generally agree on the
importance of the head, the position that we take in TCG differs such that the significance of the
head in TCG is not only syntactic but also semantic – a slot imposes constraints on the semantic
meaning (through the concept of the associated SemRep elements) as well as the syntactic category
(through the specified classes).
Figure 3.3-3: A schematic view of a typical construction in TCG. This particular construction, named
IN_COLOR, corresponds to an idiomatic expression to describe a person wearing an outfit of a certain color
(e.g. man in black, woman in blue, etc.). See text for more detail on each field.
As illustrated in Figure 3.3-3, a construction in TCG is defined by a triple (name, class, and
template) with a few subfields where:
I. A construction is assigned with a name, which is not involved in the language process – it
is only there for reference purposes.
II. Class specifies the “category” of the result of applying the construction, which could serve
as a specifier in combination with other constructions. In general, class is not the same as
the conventional syntactic category, such as noun or verb, since it represents a more-or-less
subtle combination of the syntactic and semantic type of a construction.
III. Template defines the form-meaning pair of a construction, and it has two subcomponents,
Sem-Frame and Syn-Form, that correspond to the meaning and form part of the
construction, respectively.
IV. Sem-Frame (semantic frame) of template defines the meaning part of the construction. Its
meaning is defined by the part of a SemRep graph that the construction will “cover” – the
literal meaning of covering since TCG produces verbal description by basically having
constructions cover subregions of a SemRep (see Section 3.4 for more detail). Some
elements can be coupled with the syntactic slots defined in the Syn-Form, constraining the
semantics of the head components of the constructions that fill in. Added to that, Sem-
Frame also specifies the “head” components which act as the representative of the whole
construction when forming hierarchy with other constructions.
V. Syn-Form (syntactic format) defines the form part of the construction. It consists of a series
of phonetic notations, which represent words or morphemes, and slots, which specify the
type of constructions that will be combined within (see Section 3.4 for more detail). A slot
acts as a “generic” syntactic component, whose semantic meaning is constrained by the
coupled SemRep element in the Sem-Frame, and whose syntactic category is constrained
by the specified classes associated with the slot.
VI. A construction may be given a preference value which incorporates a various personal and
linguistic factors (e.g. expression frequency, personal preference, or priming effects, etc.)
Consider the construction IN_COLOR illustrated in Figure 3.3-3. The class NC roughly
corresponds to a noun clause in the conventional sense as the construction contains a subject-
centered event description (i.e. noun-like) that fits into the syntactic structure of a clause. The head
component (emphasized with the thick line), which is the HUMAN node in the Sem-Frame,
specifies the representative meaning of the whole construction during syntactic combination (i.e. in
the phrase woman in blue, the word woman is the head). Moreover, although an element defined in
the Sem-Frame is generally a typical SemRep graph element and its formatting follows that of a
conventional SemRep, it may have extra features than an ordinary SemRep element. The HUMAN
node illustrates such an example – its concept is specified as inclusive (represented by a “+” sign
after concept) while its covering region is specified as shared (represented by the dashed line). A
concept specified as “inclusive” acts as a generic semantic type as HUMAN+ is judged to be
matched with all subcategory level concepts, such as MAN, WOMAN, BOY, or VICTOR.
Moreover, an element specified as “shared” can be overlapped with other elements (of other
constructions) without conflict when covering a SemRep, allowing combination between
constructions to happen at that overlapped area (see Section 3.4 for more detail). For this reason, all
of the Sem-Frame elements coupled with slots are specified as shared. Furthermore, the first slot of
IN_COLOR specifies NP and N as the possible classes of the constructions to be filled in,
indicating that the slot can be replaced by only the constructions with the matching classes (i.e.
constructions of either N or NP class). Combining with the coupled concept HUMAN+, the
constraint imposed on the type of constructions that can fill in this particular slot is that the class of
the construction should be N or NP while the concept of its head element should be defined as a
subcategory-level concept of HUMAN, such as WOMAN. Through slots, a construction imposes
semantic and syntactic constraints during grammatical formulation.
Thus, a construction acts as a syntactic template as well as a semantic template – the Syn-Form
specifies the syntactic structure of the construction and constraints on its grammatical combination
with other constructions while the Sem-Frame posits constraints on semantic categories that the
construction should represent. The implication of this particular feature of TCG is that the
application of constructions in TCG is intrinsically “bi-directional”. Although only the production
process is considered in the current work, the same construction set can be used for comprehension
too. As opposed to the production procedure where the Sem-Frame initially acts as a template for
selecting proper constructions by constraining the semantic categories and the topological structure
of the SemRep graph, the Syn-Form becomes the template imposed on the verbal expressions
provided as the input during the comprehension procedure. The selection of constructions is done
by matching the phonetic information of the input words as well as their grammatical positions (e.g.
sequential order in English) as constrained by plausible semantics.
Another particular feature to note in TCG is that the information encoded in a concept is
considered as the “semantico-syntactic knowledge” of the associated entity (see Section 2.5 for the
detailed exposition). It is basically a combination of syntax-oriented features and semantics-
oriented features, which includes the conceptual meaning of the entity (i.e. the capitalized label
attached to a SemRep element, such as WOMAN) as well as other semantic and syntactic
properties, such as gender, person, number, definiteness, and tense. Although these properties are
not represented in concepts in Figure 3.3-2 or Figure 3.3-3 (only the conceptual meanings are
shown), they are also necessary in judging similarity between concepts during the process of TCG.
The following provides some example concepts appeared in the figures above:
WOMAN concept (in
Figure 3.3-2)
WEAR concept (in
Figure 3.3-3)
HUMAN+ concept (in
Figure 3.3-3)
Meaning: WOMAN
Gender: female
Person: 3
Number: 1
Definiteness: no
Tense: unspecified
Meaning: WEAR
Gender: unspecified
Person: 3
Number: unspecified
Tense: present
Meaning: HUMAN+
Gender: unspecified
Person: unspecified
Number: unspecified
Tense: unspecified
As mentioned earlier, the HUMAN+ represents an inclusive concept, which is designed to be
used in a complex construction for providing a generic semantic type (only in a construction) as
opposed to the regular concept (i.e. specific), which is to represent the conceptual meaning of an
entity (both in a SemRep and a construction). Generally in TCG, inclusive concepts are in
superordinate category levels whereas regular concepts are specified in basic category levels – they
are claimed to be the most codable, most coded, and most necessary categories in language (Rosch,
Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976).
Theoretically, each concept is considered to be an abstract representation of assemblages of
perceptual schemas that deliver parameterized information for the properties and conceptual
meaning while the entire conceptual knowledge is represented as a schema network where semantic
processes (e.g. retrieval or comparison) are done through activations of schemas within the network.
Thus, for example, judging semantic similarity between LAD and HUMAN is done through a chain
of activations within the schema network, starting from both the LAD and HUMAN schema.
Although the current version of TCG does not provide further details on such a network of schemas
and the currently implemented version adopted (Section 3.6) a purely symbolic approach, we
propose that the schema network of TCG should be implemented in a neurophysiologically
plausible way, such as a connectionist network. In fact, Shastri and Ajjanagadde (1993)
demonstrated a high-performance inference machine (performing a class of inferences with
millions of facts and rules in a few hundred milliseconds) based on a connectionist network.
Furthermore, the Syn-Form of a construction in the current version of TCG is defined as a
simple sequence of words and slots since the word order is the major characteristic of English
syntactic structure. However, for other languages, the Syn-Form needs not be such a simple
sequence but may be a much more complex structure. For example, in Korean or Japanese, the
subject and object are specified by the grammatical particles while the order is relatively less
important. In this case, the Syn-Form might include the information of the particles too. The order
information should be represented in a less strict manner than English as the positions of the subject
and the object in a typical Korean or Japanese sentence are interchangeable – sometimes, even the
verb, which generally appears at the final position, can come to the head of the sentence without
damaging grammatical and semantic integrity.
Figure 3.3-4: An example set of “complex” constructions that correspond to relatively complex
structures, such as sentences or clauses. The syntactic structures are represented by the arrangement of slots
and phonological notations in the Syn-Form and the coupled SemRep elements in the Sem-Frame. The head
elements are depicted with a thick line. Note that some constructions have classes that also appear in one of
their slots, whose coupled Sem-Frame elements are the same as their heads (e.g. ADJ_NOUN, IN_COLOR,
CNJ_WHILE, and PP_IN). That feature allows those constructions to be recursively connected (e.g.
ADJ_NOUN can fill in the second slot of another ADJ_NOUN).
Figure 3.3-5: An example set of “simple” constructions that are mostly lexical items, such as words.
They are generally represented as simple pairing of the semantic meaning (represented as a single node,
which is as well the head element) and the corresponding phonetic expressions. Note that the concept (i.e.
signified) is not the same as the word (i.e. signifier) – DRESS and TSHIRT construction illustrate such a
Although Construction Grammar does not distinguish lexicon from grammar in principle,
constructions defined in TCG can be broadly categorized into two types, based on the information
that each construction encodes. Simple constructions (Figure 3.3-5) mostly encode lexical
information, and they are the ones that generally associate words with concepts. On the other hand,
complex constructions (Figure 3.3-4) encode more abstract syntactic information, and they
generally correspond to sentential or phrasal structures. They may also add words that do not
directly label elements of the corresponding portion of the SemRep, such as function words – e.g.
EXIST_S in Figure 3.3-4 contains the words there is, which are not directly matched with any of
the nodes in the Sem-Frame (the only node is matched with the slot). In his Grammatically
Relevant Semantic Subsystem Hypothesis (GRSSH), Pinker (1989) argued that there is a
distinction between two large-scale components of meaning: (1) a set of fairly abstract semantic
features that are relevant to grammar insofar as they tend to be encoded by closed-class items as
well as by morphosyntactic constructions; and (2) an open-ended set of fairly concrete semantic
features that are not relevant to grammar but instead enable open-class items to express an
unlimited variety of idiosyncratic concepts. Similarly, Talmy (2000) suggested that the cognitive
representation provided by language can be divided into lexical and grammatical subsystems.
However, our position taken in TCG is separable from the conventional lexicon-grammar
dichotomy even if the account on such a distinction appears to conform to the generative grammar
point of view. We would argue that the distinction between the simple and complex construction
does not originate from any innate judgment, but it is built quite arbitrarily depending on the
empirical function of a construction shaped through linguistic experiences – i.e. it is tacit
knowledge. For example, the IN_COLOR construction does not conform to categorization in the
conventional sense as it contains both highly grammatical components (slots) and semantic
components (specific semantic requirements for the noun and the specifier). Thus, we would rather
relate the grouping of constructions (as denoted by their classes) shown in Figure 3.3-4 and Figure
3.3-5 to ontogenetic factors rather than to the conventional grammatical structures and categories.
Croft (2001) also emphasized such empirical factors in defining construction categories – for him,
the category of a word seems to be the set of slots it can fill across all constructions. Similarly, in
his account of distributional analysis, Verhagen (2009) argued that words and phrases do not form
large, distributionally uniform classes (e.g. noun, verb, adjective, etc.) with which major classes are
differentiated from subclasses, but rather word classes are language-specific and cannot be
identified cross-linguistically on formal grammatical grounds. Thus, the classes of constructions
and their resultant groupings in TCG need not follow the conventional sense of syntactic category
while they might be fine-grained in some places and coarsely defined in other places.
For example, the ditransitive construction, whose schematic meaning is “X causes Y to receive
Z”, puts subtle restrictions on the acceptable verb categories – verbs of instantaneous causation of
ballistic motion are acceptable (e.g. “I kicked / tossed / rolled / bounced him the ball”), but verbs of
continuous causation of accompanied motion are not (e.g. “I carried / hauled / lifted / dragged him
the box*”) (Pinker, 1989). However, the ditransitive construction is not sensitive to the more fine-
grained contrasts between the verbs within each set, meaning that the restriction is construction-
specific. Moreover, Pinker (1989) pointed out that some speakers find the sentences with verbs of
accompanied motion to be acceptable, suggesting dialectal or idiolectal differences in dativizability.
Although the argument so far emphasizes the ad-hoc nature of word categories, it would also be
nonsense to imagine that every word must have “yes-no” data for every slot of every construction.
It seems more likely that we have a fairly large category and a branch of the category is learned
where a particular word varies from the slot-set for that category, establishing an inheritance
relationship, and enough encounters with the subcategory may define a new category. Class in TCG
is proposed to capture such established categories.
3.4. Production Process of TCG
The production process of TCG consists of three subprocesses: the invocation, cooperation, and
competition process. During the invocation process, the system invokes new construction instances
based on the SemRep maintained in the VLWM. The Sem-Frame of a construction in the repertoire
is matched with the currently updated part of the SemRep, and when matched, a schema instance of
the construction is created and attached to the matching part of the SemRep. When invoked, a
construction instance is attached to a certain region of the SemRep, and this region is considered to
be “covered” by the instance. The goal of the system is to cover as much area of the SemRep
without conflicts. These newly invoked instances are maintained within the VLWM until their
activation values are faded below a certain level. Through the cooperation process, construction
instances are combined with other construction instances when their syntactic and semantic
structures are compatible, eventually forming a group of instances (i.e. forming a hypothesis).
Construction instances in the same group strengthen each other’s “suitability” for the solution,
eventually allowing the larger group to have more chances (yet not always) to be chosen for the
solution. The suitability of a construction instance represents how suitable the instance is to be
included in the finally produced utterance. Construction instances, or groups of instances, also
compete with each other if they are in conflict through the competition process. A conflict happens
when a construction instance tries to cover the region which is already covered by other
construction instances. When there is a conflict, the system tries to assess the suitability for the
conflicting instances by measuring a number of factors including the semantic coverage and
closeness, the ease of production (mostly by the syllable length), personal preference and other
semantic and syntactic constraints. The suitability of an instance is assessed in terms of the whole
group of the connected instances. When competing, construction instances with lower suitability
will lose the competition and lower their activation level, eventually getting eliminated from the
Now we focus on a more detailed description of each of the invocation, cooperation and
competition processes.
Figure 3.4-1: A number of construction instances are invoked over parts of a SemRep, covering the areas
where they are invoked over (slightly colored red). These invoked instances are matched with their covering
areas both “semantically” (i.e. matching concepts of graph elements) and “topographically” (i.e. matching
graph structure). Note that some nodes are denoted as “shared” (dashed lines), and it means that their
covering is not “exclusive”. Some details of constructions are omitted for clarity.
The invocation process mainly concerns the creation of new construction instances. The
SemRep maintained within the VLWM is constantly updated as new information is perceived from
the scene. The system matches the Sem-Frame of constructions with the SemRep, and when
matched, instances of the matching constructions are created, or “invoked”. These newly created
instances are attached to the matched regions of the SemRep, and they are called to “cover” those
regions. Basically, the production process of TCG is to cover as much area of the SemRep as
When a construction is being matched with a certain region of the SemRep, a few conditions
are in consideration, which are outlined as follows:
• The topology of the Sem-Frame of a construction needs to be matched with the area of the
SemRep that the construction is going to cover. Topology means the arrangement of nodes
and relations.
• The concepts of all elements in the Sem-Frame of a construction need to be matched with
the elements in the region of the SemRep. In order to be matched, the conceptual meanings
of the concepts need to be “similar enough” (based on the activation of the schema
network) and all of the subfields (e.g. gender, number, etc.) need to conform.
Newly invoked instances are assigned with a certain initial activation value, and they are
maintained within the VLWM while being attached to their covering regions until the activation
values drop below a certain level – construction instances with activation values below that level
are eliminated.
Figure 3.4-2: Invoked construction instances are combining into a group, forming a hierarchical structure,
which as a whole represents a grammatical expression (in this case, the sentence “pretty woman hit man”).
Constructions with the overlapping covering areas are combined when their heads and classes match with the
requirements specified by the slots (although the classes are not shown in the figure). Note that some of Sem-
Frame elements are mearked as shared, thus allowing combination can be made by avoiding conflict between
constructions – e.g. in SVO, all nodes are denoted as shared, allowing ADJ_NOUN, HIT and MAN are
slotted in without conflict.
Active construction instances can be combined with each other, forming a group of instances,
which as a whole is a type of syntactic structure representing a verbal expression, such as a phrase
or a sentence. The cooperation process in TCG concerns such a combination between instances
since construction instances increase their suitability for the solution by combining with other
construction instances, extending the covering area of the entire group (i.e. representing more
semantics). Cooperation between construction instances happens when their covering areas overlap
without any conflict, which is possible through the usage of the shared elements in the Sem-Frame.
The shared elements are supposed to cover the regions of the SemRep in a nonexclusive manner.
When the covering areas overlap, the system checks the class as well as the head of the
construction instances to see if any of them can be inserted into others’ slots.
More precisely, when a construction instance is combining with another construction instance,
the following conditions should be met:
• A construction instance covers an area which overlaps with another construction instance’s
covering area. The overlapping areas do not conflict – i.e. the covering elements (nodes or
relations) of either of the instances are defined as “shared” in the overlapping area.
• The class of one of the instances is matched with the class specified in the slot of another
instance, which is associated with the Sem-Frame element(s) covering the overlapping area.
• The overlapping element(s) of the instance that fills in another instance’s slot is specified as
the “head”.
Figure 3.4-3: Two groups of construction instances (REL_SVO & INCOLOR and ADJ_NOUN & SPA)
are competing as their covering areas are in conflict (the red circles). Conflict only happens for the regions
covered by non-shared elements – areas covered by shared elements are not in conflict.
Construction instances compete with each other if their covering areas are in conflict. Conflict
happens when a construction instance tries to cover the region that is already covered by another
construction instance. The rationale of the competition process is to filter out construction instances
representing “redundant” meanings (i.e. covering the same areas of the SemRep), and only the
winning construction instances are selected for the final solution (i.e. the produced utterance).
When there is conflict between instances, the suitability of the conflicting instances is
calculated by assessing various semantic and syntactic factors. When the suitability of an instance
is being assessed, it is done for the whole group that the instance is connected (i.e. cooperation of
instances) rather than for the particular instance. If the instance is connected to more than one
group, the best suitability is taken.
The following provides specific measurement factors for assessing suitability:
• Among other measurement factors, the semantic similarity receives the most priority. It
measures how much and close the semantic meaning of an instance represents the semantic
meaning of the SemRep. It is basically a combination of counting the number of covering
SemRep elements and assessing the similarity of the element concepts.
• Yet with less priority, the expression preference is considered as well. As Flores d’Arcais
(1975) indicated, people tend to show structural preference in producing utterance.
Although not rigorously considered in the current version of TCG, a construction may be
assigned with a preference value – e.g. the active voice (SVO) is more favorable than the
passive voice (PAS_SVO), or a sentence-level construction is preferred over other
constructions (as the system favors to produce a proper sentence), etc.
• The ease of production is also taken into account. The simplest way for measuring is to
count the number of syllables that the construction, or the group of the constructions as a
whole, would produce, and it may extend to address the ease of articulatory muscle
movements as well.
• Other syntactic and semantic constraints, such as the priming effect or the task
requirements, may be put in the decision.
When two constructions compete, the construction instance with a lower suitability value will
lose the competition, and its activation level is decreased. An instance with an activation level
lower than a certain threshold will be eliminated.
Figure 3.4-4: A snapshot of the production process of TCG, in which invoked construction instances are
forming groups while some of them are competing at the same time. Through the competitive and
cooperative interactions between construction instances, the system reaches to the solution – i.e. a verbal
expression for describing a scene.
Although the invocation, cooperation and competition processes have been so far described in a
separate manner, these processes are actually performed simultaneously during the scene
description process. The vision system constantly updates the SemRep in the VLWM as more
information is perceived from the scene while the language system continuously applies
construction schemas on the update part of the SemRep. At the same time, some of construction
instances cooperate, forming a group of instances, while the others compete or get eliminated from
the VLWM. Some of the grouped construction instances are read out intermittently during the
process when conditions are met. Thus, the production process described here is a dynamic blend of
diverse traces of processes whose interactions are established through the shared working memory.
The following is a series of illustrations of an example simulation of the production procedure
in TCG, based on the construction set depicted in Figure 3.3-4 and Figure 3.3-5. In real cases, the
simulation output is much more dynamic, with constant SemRep updates and interleaving
cooperation and competition processes between construction instances, but it should be worth
considering a static (and unreal) case to better understand how the system works. Note that
although the three processes of invocation, cooperation, and competition are represented in separate
illustrations, they perform concurrently in real simulation.
(1) A SemRep is provided from the vision
system and stored in the VLWM. In fact,
this is hardly the case that such a big
SemRep like this has been provided at once
since the vision system interprets the scene
in an incremental manner, possibly in terms
of subscenes (Section 2.9). The SemRep
represents two events, woman is hitting man
and woman is wearing a blue dress. Some
details are omitted for clarity.
(2) Construction instances are invoked over the
SemRep. Not all of invoked constructions
are shown (e.g. EXIST_S constructions are
supposed to be invoked over the WOMAN,
MAN and DRESS nodes) and some details
are omitted for clarity (e.g. the covering of a
construction instance, which is shown as
green lines, are shown only for nodes, and
only the names of constructions are shown).
(3) Construction instances are combining each
other when the conditions for cooperation
are met (e.g. covering the same area, classes
matched, etc.). Note that some instances
(e.g. WOMAN) are combined with multiple
groups of instances as all possible
combinations are under consideration during
the cooperation process. They represent
partial solutions (i.e. hypotheses) that the
system forms at the moment (e.g. woman
who wear dress hit man, woman in blue hit
man, blue dress is worn by woman who hit
man, etc.).
(4) Since some of construction instances are
covering the same area of the SemRep
where their Sem-Frame elements are not
marked as “shared” (e.g. SVO,
REL_SVO_WHO and PAS_SVO all cover
the nodes MAN, HIT, WOMAN and the
relations between those nodes, which are not
specified as shared), competition happens.
Competition is done in terms of groups of
instances rather than individual instances in
conflict, meaning that the suitability values
of those conflicting instances are assessed in
terms of the cooperative structures that they
belong to.
(5) After competition, some construction
instances are eliminated as their suitability
values have been turned out lower than
those of their competitors. As addressed
earlier, various factors affect the assessment
of suitability. For example, IN_COLOR
wins the competition with REL_SVO_WHO
and others mostly due to its succinctness –
i.e. woman in blue is much shorter than
woman who wear blue dress. Moreover,
SVO wins over PAS_SVO since the active
voice is more preferable than the passive
(6) This is a snapshot when an “equilibrium
state” has reached, where no more
meaningful change is detected for
construction instances (and obviously in the
SemRep). Construction instances that lost in
competition have all been eliminated, and
the rest of the instances represent the
solution that the system came up to for the
current SemRep, which is “woman in blue
hit man”.
From a computational point of view, the competition and cooperation paradigm described so
far in this section may be understood as a distributed approach applied in the classic search problem.
Construction instances can be regarded as independent computing units that encode computational
constraints of a certain domain of interaction with a limited scope (i.e. production of linguistic
expressions on a part of the SemRep). The invocation process of construction instances roughly
corresponds to exploring the search space of the problem, which is in this case, all possible
utterances for the given semantics. Similarly, the elimination process corresponds to reducing the
search space in a way that the candidates without any possibility leading to the best solution are
excluded from the solution pool. The assessed suitability of a construction, or a group of
construction, acts as an evaluation function.
However, the amount of the required computation and resources (e.g. the number of
construction instances kept in WM, maintenance of connections between instances, the amount of
semantic and topographic matching to be done, etc.) in the earlier example may appear to be
excessive, especially considering the number constructions invoked for the example (only 16
constructions). In a real situation, when the number of constructions is well above a few hundred
thousands, and the scene being described is much more complex, the production process might
become intractable due to a combinatorial explosion.
Although there exists the possibility of such an uncontrollable status within the system and it
cannot be totally avoided, we would also like to emphasize that it may not be a significant
drawback of TCG for a few reasons. Firstly, the process of scene perception is incremental,
meaning that the amount of SemRep being built (or updated) at one time is much less than what is
shown in the above example (e.g. during simulation described in Section 3.6, the number of
constructions updated at once is less than four). Thus, a SemRep of such a size requires several
phases to be built, and during those phases, the number of construction instances is likely kept
under control (through constant competition processes). Secondly, although the current version of
TCG is implemented as a symbolic system, the TCG system can be implemented by using
alternative methods, such as a connectionist network. This may alleviate the problems related to
huge vocabulary of constructions (e.g. serial access of constructions for matching or invoking).
Especially, the storage component for constructions can be implemented in such a way that the
access time to the entries is kept constant, independent from the total number of entries stored – e.g.
a Hopfield network (Hopfield, 1982).
3.5. Production Principles of TCG
A task of scene description is highly dynamic and complex in its nature as scene perception and
utterance production are interleaving through the process. Especially, the current work addresses
the description of natural scenes, and this involves even more complex interactions between
perception and production. Even for a static scene – let alone for a dynamic scene, such as a video-
clip – a variety of patterns of perception and production can be yielded, depending on diverse
situational and behavioral factors. Among other factors, the question of “when” an utterance is
being made, or more precisely, how much information is perceived and processed before
production of an utterance, seems to be the key factor in deciding the patterns of the outcomes of
the process. In fact, very the same question has long been a hotly debated issue in the studies of
apprehension and linguistic formulation – it dates back most notably to Lashley (1951) and Osgood
(1977) that more recent studies, such as Bock et al. (2004) and Gleitman et al. (2007), discussed
with literature reviews and experimental findings (see Section 4.4 for the more detailed exposition).
Observations from subjects’ utterance production after scene comprehension suggest that even
for a similar semantics that the utterances convey, the well-formedness of the utterances (e.g.
sentence grammaticality, complexity, etc.) varied subject by subject, and case by case. Generally,
more well-formed utterances, especially with a complex sentence structure, were produced in less-
constrained situations (e.g. under less time pressure) even though there was some degree of subject
variability. Although how exactly a well-formed utterance is defined and what kind of properties
constitute the well-formedness of an utterance are not yet clear, Section 4.2 and Section 4.3 provide
experimental analysis in which a number of different metrics were employed for assessing the well-
formedness of utterances from subjects.
This observation leads to the proposal of the threshold of utterance, or simply threshold, which
posits a limit for a speaker to produce an utterance as soon as reached. We propose the threshold of
utterance as a theoretical property which sets an upper bound on the “computational resources”
spent in interpreting a scene and formulating a sentence before speaking out. This necessitates the
distinction of an “utterance” from a “sentence” since the implication of low threshold is that an
utterance can be made before completion of a proper sentence. In the current framework of TCG,
we define an utterance as a group of constructions that are concurrently read out when threshold
reaches. Thus, a single utterance may or may not be equated with a single sentence – it may vary
from a single word or a phrase to one or more sentences.
The computational resources involved in the production process of TCG generally include the
amount of time for building and updating the SemRep and invoking the corresponding construction
instances, and the number and the combinatorial depth of activated construction instances within
the WM. Simply, threshold in TCG can be reduced to the following formula:
Threshold = min (available Time, available Memory).
The first term (available time) addresses the allowed computational time for producing
utterance. In fact, an experiment finding indicates that people generally feel obliged to fill pauses
which are getting excessively long, as indicated by their frequent production of verbalized pauses
or pause-fillers (e.g. “uh…”, and “um…”, etc.) even when they are not under pressure to produce
utterances (Section 4.2). The second term (available memory) addresses the upper limit on the
available storage used for formulating utterances, such as working memory or phonological loop. A
number of studies reported a fairly limited capacity on both working memory (Lewis, 1996) and
phonological loop (Baddeley, 1996, 2003) during linguistic processes. This can be administered by
limiting the number of invoked construction instances or the (syllabic) length of the formulating
utterance. In combination, both of the terms address the computational overhead and structural
complexity that the system is allowed to sustain in formulating the description of a perceived scene.
In real situations, threshold can be set by various factors, such as individual preference (e.g.
whether the speaker is talkative or not), scene complexity (e.g. how much time is required to
comprehend the scene), task requirements (e.g. whether the speaker is under time pressure to
produce utterances), or utterance priority (e.g. an exclamation from the discovery of a surprising
Whenever the system reaches threshold, it is forced to produce an utterance by reading out the
mostly “suitable” construction instances, possibly the structure of construction instances with the
highest suitability value, at that moment. Given that TCG currently allows an utterance to be
produced even before threshold is reached, the produced utterance tends to be more “fragmented”
with low threshold (as fewer constructions are available for reading out), whereas high threshold
results in more well-formed sentences. Moreover, if the system enters to an “equilibrium state”
where there is no more update on construction instances with the SemRep at the moment (i.e. an
utterance is “ready”), the system produces an utterance. Thus, the effect of threshold would be more
prominent if the sentential structure to be produced is more complex – i.e. for a very simple
sentential structure, low threshold would still result in a complete sentence, whereas complex
sentences with low threshold may result in ill-formed or incomplete sentence fragments.
One particular thing to note in relation to utterance production in TCG is that the status of an
utterance as being “produced” need not be the actual articulation of the utterance. Rather, it is
defined as being stored in the phonological output buffer (Jacquemot & Scott, 2006) or as being
finished with phonological encoding (Levelt, 1989; Levelt & Meyer, 2000). Thus, the process of
reading out addresses the “intention” or the “plan” to produce a certain utterance rather than the
state of having finished the production. Although this distinction is not significant in general cases,
it may play a crucial role in some cases where specific temporal transitions of the model are
important – however, in this thesis, such an aspect is not addressed.
In relation to utterance generation in TCG, there are a few important principles that come into
play, especially when various levels of threshold are considered. As briefly mentioned earlier, low
threshold may result in a fragmented utterance. In TCG, an utterance can be made “before” the
sentential structure is completely prepared or all of its constituents are figured out. This leads to the
premature production of an utterance (examples in Figure 3.5-1).
Figure 3.5-1: Example cases of the premature production of an utterance. (A) An utterance is being
produced (i.e. constructions are read out) even though not all constituents are figured out – the patient of the
action is still missing (represented as a node in red with an unidentified concept). The system might produce
an utterance without fragmentation by inspecting the scene to identify the patient while reading out the
prepared portion of the utterance. (B) A similar situation where only the sentential structure is prepared while
its only constituent is left unidentified. The system is possibly under the pressure to produce an utterance only
after hardly figuring out there is an object, yet still unidentified, in the scene. (C) An opposite case where
only the constituent is prepared while the sentential structure is not ready yet.
In fact, a number of studies suggested that speakers do not preplan the whole sentence before
the utterance but rather they do it in such an incremental manner that they speak out a partially
planned part first and the subsequent planning may continue during the articulation of the first part
(Griffin & Bock, 2000; Griffin & Garton, 2003; Griffin & Mouzon, 2004). The range of planning
before the sentence onset seems to vary as speakers may preplan for a single phrase structure (R. C.
Martin, Crowther, Knight, Tamborello II, & Yang, 2010; R. C. Martin & Freedman, 2001) or until
the verb (Bock & Cutting, 1992), or the range may exceed a single syntactic phrase (Schnur, Costa,
& Caramazza, 2006) and even span a whole simple sentence (Oppermann, Jescheniak, & Schriefers,
2010). The suggestion is that the scope of preplanning depends on the phonological properties of
phrasal words (Schnur, 2011) and their syntactic and thematic relations (Allum & Wheeldon, 2007).
Moreover, the prosodic structure of the sentence was also claimed to influence the planning range
(Ferreira, 1993; Selkirk, 1984). Griffin (2003) suggested that there is a tradeoff between fluency
and incrementality of the production process and speakers try to find the balance point between
them – they try to maximize the length of prepared words and the time needed for preparing
subsequent words while minimizing the overhead for word buffering. Thus, it seems natural that
speakers produce partially prepared utterances, and the premature production principle is supposed
to capture such an aspect.
Another important aspect involved in a prematurely produced utterance is that a prematurely
produced utterance does not always result in a grammatically or semantically fragmented sentence.
Depending on the situation, such an utterance may or may not end up being fragmented, and
especially when the prepared portion of the utterance is enough to cover the temporal gap to fill in
the missing parts, the utterance may be spoken out smoothly (e.g. A in Figure 3.5-2). The proposed
concurrency between the vision and language processes in TCG lays the ground for the smooth
development of prematurely spoken utterances as the coordinated processes of vision and language
allow the system to articulate an utterance while the vision system gathers information to prepare
for the successive utterances.
The implication is, in a more formal statement, that there is the utterance continuity in the
production process in that the previously produced utterance influences the later process of
utterance formulation in a way that those two become a continuous expression as a whole. By this
principle, subjects can produce utterances with grammatical continuity even if there are pauses in
between (Section 4.2). This is not a special extension from the regular production process of TCG
since it can be simply regarded as allowing the construction instances that are already read out to
stay a little longer in the WM and to be treated as regular instances in the cooperation and
competition process – i.e. they too can be combined with other (newly invoked) instances, forming
groups, and participating in competition when there is a conflict. Through this mechanism, for
example, the case (A) in Figure 3.5-1 can successfully produce “woman hit … man” (if we assume
that the newly identified constituent is MAN) rather than the fragmented utterance “woman hit …
there is man”, which is the case where the already read out constructions, including the sentential
structure, are removed from the memory, so a new sentential structure, EXIST_S, is invoked for
describing MAN.
Figure 3.5-2: Example cases of utterances produced in continuum with the previous utterances. (A)
REL_SPA_WHO is chosen from the competition because ADJ_NOUN and SPA are not compatible with the
syntactic structure of the previously spoken utterance (shown as the shaded part in the SemRep) – i.e. for
ADJ_NOUN, handsome should have been produced earlier than man, and SPA represents another sentence-
level structure which cannot be fit in the previous SVO. (B) Only a single construction MAN is uttered, and it
biases the sentential structure of the following utterance – without the MAN construction already spoken,
SVO (the active voice) would have been chosen over PAS_SVO (the passive voice). PAS_SVO is chosen
because it allows the patient of the action, man, to be spoken first.
Another principle in the process of TCG addresses the process of the vision system as well –
the highly dynamic and interactive nature of scene description process allows the language system
to bias the vision system. Such type of bias is classified as the verbal guidance, which denotes the
case where the utterance structure under formulation guides visual attention. Especially combined
with prematurely produced utterances, the constituent being produced next, if unidentified yet, is
more likely to be attended firstly among others. The perceptual salience of another constituent may
be overridden too (an example in Figure 3.5-3).
In fact, a tight link between visual attention and speech production has been demonstrated from
a number of studies: the order of speakers’ eye movement directly matched with the order of
mentioning of constituents in an adjective noun phrase (e.g. “the large red ball is next to the
mouse”) and a prepositional phrase (e.g. “the ball, next to the mouse, is large and red”) (van der
Meulen, 2001), and speakers looked back at the previously inspected object for describing its
property, such as the color, even when the property was not displayed any more (Meyer, Van der
Meulen, & Brooks, 2004). Moreover, it has been reported that during the verbal description task,
speakers’ eye movements generated significant cross-language differences (English speakers tend
to attend more on the manner component of the action compared to Greek speakers) even during
the first second of motion onset. This was clearly contrast to the free-viewing task, in which
speakers allocated attention similarly regardless of the language difference (Papafragou, Hulbert, &
Trueswell, 2008). Webb, Knott and MacAskill (2010) also suggested that visual attention may be
guided by non-perceptual factors, such as event representations. They reported that during
observing a reach-to-grasp action, there was a sequential pattern of saccades, with the agent being
fixated first, and then the target, following the order of an active event representation.
Figure 3.5-3: An example of a verbal representation guiding visual attention. SVO is being produced, or
prepared to be produced, prematurely while all the constituents for the agent, the action, and the patient still
are not identified enough (shown as red nodes). Since SVO represents an active sentence, the agent, which
corresponds to the node A, is more likely to be attended first, even if the patient, which is represented as the
node B, is perceptually more salient.
With the above three principles, different levels of threshold together can manifest a variety of
utterance and fixation patterns in scene description as highlighted in Chapter 4. Here we provide
two example cases where different levels of threshold result in extreme patterns of scene
description – the extreme cases of high and low threshold – to demonstrate how the interplay of
vision and language works within the current framework of TCG.
In Figure 3.5-4 and Figure 3.5-5, a series of computational stages of TCG for a high and low
threshold case are illustrated, which are based on the construction set depicted in Figure 3.3-4 and
Figure 3.3-5. Those stages are an abridged version of real simulation results, which highlight
important procedural details (see Appendix C for the actual outputs of the implemented system
equivalent for each case). For producing these examples, two sets of parameters (i.e. available time
and available memory) tuned accordingly for a high and low threshold case, respectively. Moreover,
exactly the same SemRep is assumed to be provided as input to the system – i.e. the SemRep is
updated with the same elements in exactly the same temporal order and duration for both of the
cases. At the top left corner of the figures is the representation of the state of visual attention for
generating the SemRep at each stage (a dashed red oval represents a subscene), whose operations
are explained in detail in Section 2.9.
Figure 3.5-4: An example of a high threshold case. High threshold allows the system to have enough
time to wait for a big SemRep to be formed and to fully formulate a relatively complex sentential structure
accordingly. See text for more detail.
In Figure 3.5-4, a high threshold case is represented as a series of illustrations of each
procedural stage. Firstly, the woman is perceived first (in terms of a subscene), and the
corresponding SemRep is built. Since threshold is set to be high, the system does not need to
produce utterance yet. In the second stage, the initial subscene is extended to include the hitting
event happening between the woman and the man (a subscene is built incrementally by “extension”
as discussed in Section 2.9). At the third stage, attention zooms into the woman and the detail of the
woman, her prettiness, is perceived. Again, the perception is done in terms of a subscene, which is
this time as a substructure of the initial subscene (shown as a faded oval). Still no utterance has
been made. The fourth stage extends the subscene by perceiving another aspect of the scene, which
is the woman’s apparel. Next in the final stage, attention zooms in and the color of the woman’s
dress is perceived and included. Now the utterance “pretty woman in blue hit man” is finally
produced by reading out constructions applied so far, either due to reaching threshold or achieving
an equilibrium state – in the real simulation, the latter reason caused the production since threshold
was set well higher than required. Note that throughout the stages of simulation, constructions are
constantly applied to the SemRep although the intermediate details (e.g. invocation, cooperation, or
competition among construction instances) are omitted from the figures for clarity and only the end
result is shown at the last stage.
Figure 3.5-5: An example of a low threshold case. Low threshold enforces the system to keep producing
utterances, even before the event is fully comprehended. The produced utterances tend to be short and
relatively fragmented. See text for more detail.
On the other hand, Figure 3.5-5 shows a low threshold case with a series of illustrations of each
procedural stage. Since the SemRep is updated by exactly the same schedule as the high threshold
case, at the first stage, the woman is again perceived first (again, in terms of a subscene), and the
corresponding SemRep is built. However, in this case, threshold is set to be low, the system is now
forced to produce an utterance already, by reading out available constructions at the moment
(EXIST_S and WOMAN), which result in the utterance of “there is woman”. At the second stage,
the subscene has been extended to include the hitting event and again the system is forced to
produce an utterance. But at this stage, the produced utterance is not an independent sentence but a
continuous clause (i.e. “who hit man” rather than “woman hit man”) – the utterance continuity
principle. Note that the previously read-out components are shown slightly faded in the figure. At
the third and the fourth stage, the SemRep is updated again (the part that is already verbally
described is shown faded) and the corresponding utterances are made – in this case, the utterances
are independent sentences (“woman is pretty” and “woman wear dress”) since concatenation with
the previously spoken utterances is not possible. At the final stage, an utterance is made, again as a
continuous clause, and the simulation finishes. Note that in this case of low threshold, a new
subscene is perceived at each stage (i.e. no substructure is made inside the previous subscene) as
opposed to the high threshold case, where the initial subscene is being extended at every stage
while the newly perceived subscenes are included in as substructures (the red ovals with the faded
dashed line in Figure 3.5-4).
3.6. Implementation of TCG
This section provides explicit details on the implemented version of TCG, whose theoretical
framework is explained in the earlier sections. The implemented model receives a conceptual
representation of a perceived scene (through a scene description file) as input, which describes
regions of events and objects with the associated perceptual schemas assumed to be perceived from
the scene, and generates utterances that describe the semantics of the perceived scene. The system
simulates the production process of TCG as described in Section 3.4 while applying the production
principles introduced in Section 3.5. A primitive version of the vision system is also implemented
in the model in order to simulate the attention mechanism for perception of the scene (through
regions defined in the scene description file). The user can set a number of parameters, such as
threshold, or simulation time.
A. Development
The model is implemented in C++ by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the simulation
results were produced on Windows 7 platform. However, the code for the implemented model is
written following the convention of the standard C++ (e.g. GCC), and the application is designed to
run on the command prompt. Thus, the implemented model can be compiled and run on other
platforms, such as UNIX, or MacOS.
B. Architecture
The following provides specific details of the architecture and the relevant components of the
implemented model of TCG. Although most of them sincerely follow the theoretical framework of
TCG discussed so far, some differ in certain details and some have extra features that are not
Visuo-Linguistic Working Memory
The most basic component of the implemented model of TCG is the Visuo-Linguistic Working
Memory (VLWM) (see Figure 3.3-1 for the schematic view of the system). The VLWM provides a
workspace where: the SemRep is formulated, construction instances are invoked, construction
instances cooperate and compete with each other, and the verbal description of a perceived scene is
The VLWM includes the term of vision and language within its name because it contains all
types of element necessary for the task of scene description. The VLWM contains nodes and
relations of the current SemRep (in the implementation, they are defined as SemRep instances),
construction instances, and combined structures of construction instances that represent partially or
fully complete utterance fragments (i.e. construction structures). SemRep instances and
construction instances are assigned with activation levels. They remain (or they are maintained) in
the VLWM until the activation levels drop to 0. Note that different from SemRep and construction
instances, construction structures are stored in the VLWM temporarily as they are all reset at each
simulation time – they are used only temporarily for the competition and the utterance production
Semantic Network
The semantic network of the implemented model of TCG provides the basic definition of all the
semantic concepts and categorical knowledge required in running the system – it defines the
semantic meanings of all of the concepts specified in perceptual schemas perceived from a scene,
SemRep elements built from perceptual schemas, constructions defined in the repertoire, and
construction instances resulted from the invocation process.
In theory, such a network is supposed to be implemented as a type of the schema network of
conceptual knowledge. However, the current implementation of the semantic network is reduced to
a set of literal symbols that represent conceptual meanings and categories (e.g. ENTITY, HUMAN,
WOMAN, MAN, etc.) and a set of relations between those symbols (e.g. TURTLE is-a ANIMAL).
Similar to a typical semantic network, concepts in the current implementation of the semantic
network are defined in terms of relations with other concepts. Currently, only “is-a” relation is used,
but more relation types will be included as more examples with complex constructions are covered
by the model.
Figure 3.6-1: A schematic view of the semantic network used during the simulations presented in the
current work. Only “is-a” relation (depicted as an arrow) between conceptual entries is used.
The semantic network is stored in the system in a form of graph structure where each node
represents a concept and an edge, which is directed (from the subordinate level concept to the
superordinate level concept), represents a relation between concepts. Due to its simplicity, the
semantic process in the semantic network is reduced to the simple logical inference between
conceptual entries (i.e. concepts represented as literal symbols). Categorical judgment between
concepts is simply done by checking a relational connection between them – i.e. check if traversing
from a concept to another concept is possible. For example, according to Figure 3.6-1, WOMAN is
in the category of HUMAN (connection exists) but not in the category of MALE (no connection
exists). In the current implementation, similarity between concepts, which can be done by
measuring the relational distance between concepts, is not seriously considered during matching
two concepts (e.g. invocation process) because only the concepts with exactly the same symbol (i.e.
the relational distance of 0) are supposed to be “matched”. However, if either of the comparing
concepts is defined as “inclusive” (as denoted by an attached “+” sign), all of the subordinate
category level concepts are judged to be matched – e.g. according to Figure 3.6-1, OBJECT+ is
matched all with HUMAN, MAN, and DRESS.
Scene Perception
Since TCG is supposed to address the dynamics of scene perception and the corresponding
utterance production, the utterance production processes of TCG described in the earlier sections
assumes a tight correlation with mechanisms of the vision system (e.g. the verbal guidance
principle). Thus, it is necessary to include a certain type of vision process that can establish the
inter-related functional link between the vision and language systems, and the current
implementation of TCG contains “preliminary” mechanisms of the vision system.
The implemented mechanisms of the vision system mostly concern attention shifts during
scene perception. The system receives a conceptual description of a perceived scene, which consists
of the regions of the scene and the associated perceptual schemas. Currently, a region is defined as
an oval of a certain size (i.e. vertical and horizontal radii) at a certain location (specified in terms of
the center point).
Except for the description of the associated perceptual schemas and the location and size
information, each region has two parameters: saliency and uncertainty. The saliency of the region
specifies how perceptually salient the region is, whereas the uncertainty specifies how “difficult” to
perceive the region. The system places attention on one of the regions which has the highest
saliency value unless another region is biased to be attended first (e.g. the verbal guidance principle
drives attention to the region associated with the construction instance to be produced next). The
“inhibition of return” is applied so that already perceived region is not going to be attended again.
The uncertainty is defined in terms of the required simulation time until which the inspection on the
region has to be maintained to perceive the region – e.g. a region with the uncertainty of 2 requires
attention to stay on that region for 2 simulation times to be perceived. Thus, a region with
uncertainty of 0 is perceived immediately without the necessity of placing attention on that region,
implying that the region is considered to provide the gist of the scene. When a region is “perceived”,
the associated perceptual schemas are regarded to be perceived as well. The system creates or
updates SemRep elements according to the type of perceived perceptual schemas.
Figure 3.6-2: A schematic view of an example scene description where 5 regions are defined. Some
regions are associated with perceptual schemas – object schemas are represented as big capital letters (e.g.
HANDSOME, WOMAN, HIT) and relation schemas are shown as smaller capital letters over faded lines
connecting objects schemas (e.g. PATIENT, MODIFY). Numerical values represent the saliency of regions.
The yellow region, whose uncertainty is 0, represents the gist of the scene (the uncertainty of other regions is
all set to 1).
Perceptual schemas associated with a region specify the semantics that the region represents –
e.g. a region covering the face of a man in a scene may be associated with perceptual schemas that
specify the properties of the man’s face, such as his handsomeness. We currently define two types
of perceptual schemas for the implemented system: object schema and relation schema. An object
schema is defined by the associated region and the concept that it conveys. A relation schema too is
defined by the associated region and the concept, but it also contains links to the object schemas
that it connects (i.e. specifies the relation between those schemas). Note that the concepts specified
within perceptual schemas are the ones defined in the semantic network used by the system.
Object and relation schemas are directly mapped to the nodes and relations of SemRep,
respectively. When system perceives an object schema, a SemRep node is created in the VLWM of
the system whereas the perception of a relation schema yields a new relation. If the node or relation
associated with the perceived schema already exists, only update on that component is made.
Therefore, by deploying attention to the regions specified in the scene description provided to the
system, perception of the scene – i.e. building the SemRep – is performed. The scene description
provides dynamics in SemRep formulation, in which the saliency of the region specifies the order
in creating (and updating) SemRep components in the VLWM while the uncertainty defines the
delay during the process.
Invocation of Construction Instance
When there is a new or an updated piece of the SemRep in the VLWM, a number of
construction instances are “invoked”. All of the constructions defined in the vocabulary of the
system are matched with the updated part of the SemRep. When a construction is judged to be
“matched” – i.e. the topology of the Sem-Frame of the construction overlaps and the concepts of
the corresponding SemRep elements are judged to be matched after consulting the semantic
network (see Section 3.4 for the detailed conditions) – a construction instance is invoked over that
area of the SemRep. The invoked construction instance “covers” the region of the SemRep by
being associated with the components (i.e. nodes and relations) of the covering area of the SemRep.
Currently, the invocation process is being done only over the updated region of the SemRep – a
construction instance can be invoked over a wider region than the updated area, but the covering
area has to contain at least one updated or newly created element.
Once invoked, a construction instance is assigned with an activation level and remains in the
VLWM of the system until the activation level drops to 0. Construction instances with the
activation levels of 0 are eliminated from the VLWM.
Competition and Cooperation Paradigm
The theoretical description of TCG provided in the earlier sections does not address the specific
details on how the competition and cooperation paradigm should be implemented. There are
broadly two types of implementation style that are possible as shown in Figure 3.6-3.
Figure 3.6-3: Illustrations of two possible approaches for implementing the competition and cooperation
processes between construction instances. (A) shows construction instances invoked over a SemRep. These
instances cooperate (shown as the blue lines) and compete (shown as the red lines) with each other. (B)
illustrates an algorithmic approach where all possible cooperative combinations between construction
instances (i.e. construction structures) are considered and suitability of each instance is assessed based on
those combinations. The combination with the maximum suitability is selected during competition between
construction instances (e.g. for the REL_SPA construction, the construction structure for “there is woman
who is pretty” is selected as the most suitable one). (C) illustrates another approach which is based on the
network of cooperative and competitive connections between construction instances. The solution of the
system (i.e. produced utterance) is achieved by the convergence through a number of iterative computations.
One approach, which has been taken for the current version of implementation, is based on an
algorithmic method that searches all the possible connections between cooperating construction
instances. During the cooperation process, the system builds all possible construction structures
that are resulted from combinations between construction instances. A construction structure is a set
of construction instances that meet the requirements for the combination through slots, such as
class matching, overlapping in covering regions (see Section 3.4 for the detailed conditions). The
created construction structures are (temporarily) stored within the VLWM of the system with other
construction instances and SemRep elements. Each of the construction structures represents a
partial syntactic structure of the utterance being formulated (i.e. an utterance fragment), which is
considered to be one possibility to the final solution of the system (i.e. produced utterance). Among
the instances SPA, PRETTY, and WOMAN in Figure 3.6-3, for example, a total of 6 combinations
PRETTY) and the system creates 6 construction structures (although the first five would be
removed immediately since they are subparts of the last one). Each of the created constructions
structures is assessed for its suitability, and the structure with the highest suitability is chosen as the
solution when threshold reaches (i.e. read out). When construction instances compete, each of the
instances is assigned with the maximum suitability among all of the construction structures that it
belongs to (i.e. the best solution is selected), and the instance with lower suitability decreases its
activation level and eventually eliminated – currently, the construction instance that loses
competition is immediately eliminated without setting its activation level to 0. In this approach, the
competition and cooperation between construction instances are done in terms of construction
structures as each of them represents the “global suitability” of an instance assuming that it ends up
in that particular structure.
On the other hand, another approach, which calculates the suitability of each construction
instance based on the cooperative and competitive network, is also possible. In this approach,
construction instances form a network by having cooperative (excitatory) and competitive
(inhibitory) connections with other instances when the requirements for the cooperation and
competition are met (see Section 3.4 for the detailed conditions). The strength of each connection
made between construction instances is proportional (whether it is excitatory or inhibitory) to the
suitability of each construction instance. Through these connections, the activation level of each
construction instance converges as excitatory connections gradually increase the activation level
while inhibitory connections decrease it. The system iterates for a reasonable number of
computation phases (e.g. 10,000 times of iteration) and the activation level of each construction
instance keeps adjusting according to the number and type of connections that it has during the
iteration. Construction instances with activation levels below a certain level (say, 0) would be
eliminated and the remaining instances are chosen for the solution. In this approach, the
competition and cooperation between construction instances are done simultaneously through the
network connections.
In the current implementation, the first approach has been taken because the range of the scene
description task that the current framework of TCG addresses requires considerations on the global
structure of the produced utterance – e.g. the utterance continuity principle requires the sentential
structure of the to-be-produced construction instances since the construction structure of a
grammatically continuous structure with the previously produced utterance is assigned with higher
suitability than others with uncontinuous structures. Taking the global features into account in the
second approach is extremely difficult because such features are an emergent outcome of
distributed computation through the network. Moreover, the second approach is practically difficult
to manage as convergence is not always guaranteed. The whole process is very sensitive to the
setting of the parameter values, such as the initial activation levels of construction instances, or
connection weights, and sometimes the system does not reaches to a stable state even after a fairly
large number of iterations (e.g. oscillation happens).
Assessment of Suitability
When construction instances are combined to yield a construction structure, the suitability of
that structure is calculated. The suitability of a construction structure represents how “suitable” the
construction instances within the structure as a whole are to be chosen as the produced utterance.
After the cooperation process, each of the construction instances within the VLWM of the system is
assigned with the maximum suitability selected from all of the construction structures that the
instance is registered as a member. Suitability is used for competition between construction
instances (i.e. the instance with higher suitability wins) and selection of the construction structure
to be uttered (i.e. the structure with the highest suitability is chosen).
The suitability of a construction instance is calculated by the following formula:
Suitability = (# of non-shared covering SemRep elements) × W
– (# of syllables in
phonetic notations) × W
+ (preference value) × W
, W
and W
all represent weight values that are set to 100, 1, and 50, respectively. As
clearly seen from the formula, suitability is proportional to the covering area of the SemRep (i.e.
wider covering area means more semantics is represented) and the preference value, whereas it is
inverse-proportional to the length of verbal expression to take the ease of production into account
(i.e. longer expression is harder to articulate). The suitability of a construction structure is simply a
sum of the suitability of all of its member instances.
When the utterance continuity principle (Section 3.5) is set to be applied, the suitability of each
of the construction structures is adjusted in the way that the structures that grammatically conform
to the previously produced utterance are “rewarded” while the structures with un-continuous
syntactic structures are “penalized”. In the current implementation, if the beginning of an utterance
is exactly overlapped with the ending of another utterance and the syntactic structure of one of
those utterance is totally included in that of the other, those two utterances are considered to be
grammatically continuous – e.g. the utterance “woman hit man” and “man who is handsome” are
grammatically continuous. The number of overlapped “syntactic components” between the
previously read out construction structure and the current construction structure (i.e. the overlapped
construction instances and the cooperative connections between those instances) is counted, and it
is used to adjust the suitability by the following formula:
Adjustment (continuous) = Suitability + (# of overlapped syntactic components) × W
Adjustment (uncontinous) = Suitability - (# of overlapped syntactic components) × W
represents a weight value for redundancy, which is set to 100. Thus, a construction
structure (and a construction instance) is penalized or rewarded as much grammatical redundancy
as it has compared to the already produced utterance. For example, if the previously produced
utterance was “woman hit man”, the utterance “woman is pretty” will be more preferable to the
utterance “pretty woman hit man” since both of them are not grammatically continuous but the
former (only woman is redundant) has less redundancy than the latter (woman, hit, and man are
Utterance Production
When threshold is reached, the system produces an utterance by reading out the construction
structure with the highest suitability. Since a construction structure is a type of tree structure, the
system produces an utterance by visiting the construction instances in inorder. When an empty slot
is reached during the traversal (i.e. the slot of the visiting construction instance is not connected to
another instance), the system stops utterance production at the moment. If some utterance has been
made, an ellipsis (“…”) is appended to indicate that there is more utterance to be produced left. If
no utterance has been produced before the process halts due to an empty slot, the system produces a
pause-filler (“uh…”) rather than remaining silent. When the verbal guidance principle is in effect,
the scene region associated with the missing constituent is assigned as the region to be attended in
the next simulation time. This is possible since a region is associated with perceptual schemas
which spawn SemRep elements when perceived, and these SemRep elements are associated with
construction instances when being covered while some of them are linked with slots in the Syn-
Form of the constructions.
Once an utterance is produced, the construction instances in the read-out construction structure
and the elements of the SemRep that those instances are covering are all marked as old. Old
instances and SemRep elements are soon to lose their activation levels and will be eliminated
unless read out again. Currently, old instances and elements drop their activation levels to 0 at the
next simulation time, and the instances and elements with the activation levels of 0 are eliminated
from the VLWM during the maintenance process. Thus, the instances and elements marked as old
can survive at least for “one” simulation time. Producing an utterance resets the activation levels of
all of the construction instances in the read-out construction structure and the SemRep elements
that they cover, lengthening their life time for one simulation time. Note that the reason of keeping
old construction instances (and their covering SemRep elements) in the VLWM at least for one
simulation time is to support the utterance continuity principle.
Threshold of Utterance
In Section 3.5, we have provided a formal definition of the threshold of utterance and a simple
formula defined in terms of available computational resources. As indicated by the formula,
threshold is bound by two aspects of computational resources, time and memory, and we define the
following three parameters for threshold in the current implementation.
• The simulation time elapsed since the last production of utterance.
• The total number of syllables that can be kept in the system – i.e. the sum length of the
syllables of all of the construction instances in the VLWM. Note that a slot is counted as 0
• The total number of construction instances in the VLWM.
The first one addresses the time aspect and the latter two address the memory aspect. Whenever
the system reaches the upper limit set by any of the three parameters, the system is forced to
produce an utterance. If there is no available construction structure at the moment, the system skips
utterance production.
The system also produces utterance even if threshold is not reached when there is no more
update on the SemRep (i.e. no more scene region is perceived).
Simulation Cycle
The current implementation of TCG uses a “relative” time frame in which a single cycle of
processes completes one simulation time. Since it is relative, one simulation time is not directly
matched with any real time unit, such as a second, or a minute, but rather it generally corresponds
to a cognitively important transition of the conceptual status of a speaker. Thus, when compared to
the real data, the order of events is preserved, but the relative temporal duration is not necessarily
matched – e.g. an event which takes two simulation times does not mean that it is twice as long in
real time as another event taking a single simulation time. In fact, the relative length of each event
(e.g. perception of certain information from a scene) is totally dependent on how long the user
defines the event to take, especially by assigning the uncertainty value for a scene region.
In the current implementation, a single simulation cycle performs as follows:
1) The system performs the maintenance process, during which construction instances and
SemRep elements (i.e. nodes and relations of the SemRep) whose activation levels are 0 or
below are eliminated. Construction instances that lost competition during the previous
simulation time are eliminated too. “Old” construction instances and SemRep elements also
drop their activation levels to 0, but it happens “after” the elimination phase so that they
stay in the VLWM until the next simulation cycle.
2) The vision process is done by deploying attention and perceiving a scene. Attention shifts
to the region with the highest saliency unless forced to move to a certain region (e.g. by the
verbal guidance principle). Attending to a region lowers its uncertainty, and when it
becomes 0 perception of the region is performed, which results in updating the SemRep.
3) Construction instances are invoked over the updated areas of the SemRep.
4) The cooperation process is performed, during which construction instances combine with
each other to create construction structures (all possible combinations are considered), and
their suitability is assessed. Before the cooperation process begins, all of the previously
made construction instances are removed from the VLWM.
5) Construction instances compete with each other when there is conflict between them. The
loser construction instances (i.e. the ones with lower suitability than their competitors) are
marked to be eliminated. Constructions structures that contain the loser construction
instances are eliminated too.
6) The system produces an utterance when threshold is reached by reading out the
construction structure with the highest suitability among all the construction structures
created at the current simulation time.
7) The internal state of the system (construction instances, SemRep elements, competition
trace, etc.) is printed out.
8) The next simulation cycle begins – go back to (1).
The simulation stops if there is no more activity in the VLWM and no more regions to perceive.
It also stops when the simulation time exceeds a preset value.
Production Principles
The production principles explained in Section 3.5 are also implemented in the system. Each of
them can be set on and off before simulation begins.
The premature production principle is implemented in such a way that before utterance
production, the system checks the construction structure selected to be read out to see if it contains
a missing slot. If the premature production principle is set to “off” and not all of the slots of the
selected construction structure are filled in, the production of utterance at that simulation time is
The utterance continuity principle is implemented simply by allowing the adjustment of
suitability to be effective or not. If the utterance continuity principle is set to “on”, the suitability of
construction structures is adjusted according to their grammatical continuity with the previously
produced utterance.
The verbal guidance principle is simply implemented by directing attention to the region that is
associated with the missing slot of the read out construction structure. At the next simulation time,
attention is placed on that region, allowing the system to update the SemRep to eventually invoke
construction instances that will fill in the slot.
C. Data Format
The current implementation model receives three types of input. They are provided in a text
format. The system reads the data files for the semantic network, construction vocabulary, and the
scene description file, and produces the simulation output, which is also in a text format.
Before we take a look at the data files and their formats used in the system, there are several
things to keep in mind. Firstly, when reading data files, the system does not distinguish line-change
characters from other blank letters, thus equating a multi-line statement to a single-line statement.
Moreover, all blank letters (e.g. spaces, tabs, etc.) are treated as the same, and the number of blanks
does not count. This means that all of the following statements are treated as the same statement.
Secondly, data files can contain comment lines, and a comment line is denoted as the symbol
“#”. Any letters that come after the symbol are skipped until a new line starts.
The following is an excerpt from the data file that defines the semantic network (Figure 3.6-1)
used in the system (see Appendix A for the complete data used for the simulations presented in the
current work) – the excerpted part defines the object-related semantics.
# object-related semantics
is_a MALE { MAN BOY }
As specified earlier, only “is-a” relation is implemented. The is_a keyword shown above
specifies the “is-a” relationship between a superordinate concept and its subordinate concepts. The
convention of the statement is as follows:
is_a [superordinate concept] { [subordinate concept 1] [subordinate concept 2] … }.
Thus, the statement “is_a HUMAN { MAN WOMAN }” defines two “is-a” relations, MAN is-
a HUMAN and WOMAN is-a HUMAN. The statement can be written recursively as follows:
is_a [concept A1] { [subordinate concept B1 of concept A1] { [subordinate concept C1 of
concept B1] … } … }.
Note that the keyword is_a is used only at the beginning of the statement and it is not necessary
again within the recursive field. Thus, the statement “is_a OBJECT { HUMAN { MAN
WOMAN } }” defines three relations, HUMAN is-a OBJECT, MAN is-a HUMAN and WOMAN
is-a HUMAN.
Another input data file required in the system is the construction vocabulary file, which defines
all constructions used for running simulation. The following is an excerpt from the vocabulary file
(see Appendix B for the complete data used for the simulations presented in the current work),
which defines the IN_COLOR construction.
# the definition of IN_COLOR construction
construction IN_COLOR
class: NP
node HUMAN { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node WEAR { concept: WEAR }
node CLOTH { concept: CLOTHING+ }
node COLOR { concept: COLOR+ shared }
relation HUMAN_WEAR { concept: AGENT from: WEAR to: HUMAN }
relation CLOTH_WEAR { concept: PATIENT from: WEAR to: CLOTH }
relation COLOR_CLOTH { concept: MODIFY from: COLOR to: CLOTH }
[HUMAN: NP N] 'in' [COLOR: A]
The name of the construction (in this case, IN_COLOR) is given next to the keyword
construction in the first line. The keyword node and relation are used to define a node and a
relation that belong to the Sem-Frame of the construction, and the name of a node or a relation
comes after the corresponding keyword. The names are necessary because they are used as pointers
in the definition of a node, which needs the names of nodes that it connects, and a slot, which is
linked to a Sem-Frame element. A node or a relation also contains a concept that it represents. The
keywords shared and head specify whether the element is defined as “shared” or the head of the
The definition of a slot specifies the name of a Sem-Frame element that it is linked with and a
list of the classes of other constructions that can fill in the slot. The convention of the definition is
as follows:
[ (Sem-Frame element name) : (class 1) (class 2) (class 3) … ].
A phonetic notation is defined between apostrophes (“’”). The order between slots and phonetic
notations are preserved in the Syn-Form of the construction – what is defined first is considered to
be what is going to be produced first during utterance production.
The last input data file provided to the system is the scene description file, which defines the
regions and perceptual schemas that are going to be perceived during simulation. The following is
an excerpt from the scene description file that defines two regions (the yellow and red region)
depicted in Figure 3.6-2.
# the gist of the scene
region GIST
location: 216, 117 size: 150, 100
saliency: 0 # saliency doesn't matter
uncertainty: 0 # instantly perceived
# layout
# hitting area
region HIT_AREA
location: 213, 110 size: 60, 20
saliency: 90
uncertainty: 1
object HIT { concept: HIT }
relation HIT_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: HIT to: WOMAN }
relation HIT_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: HIT to: MAN }
The name of a region is defined next to the keyword region (in this case, GIST and
HIT_AREA). Each region has fields for location, size, saliency, and uncertainty, which are
specified by the corresponding keywords. Except for these fields, the definition of a region can also
contain definition of the perceptual schemas associated with the region, whose definition
convention is very similar to the definition of the Sem-Frame of a construction described above.
Note that a perceptual schema (whether it is an object or relation schema) can be referred to from
other regions (e.g. HIT, HIT_AGENT, and HIT_PATIENT schemas, which are defined in the
region HIT_AREA, are referred to in the region GIST).
The keyword perceive specifies the perceptual schemas that are going to be “perceived” when
attending to the region is finishes during simulation. The concept of the referred perceptual schema
is allowed to be replaced by a temporary concept in order to support the gist perception mechanism.
During perception of the gist of a scene, some objects in the scene might not be fully identified, and
such ambiguity in the identification is implemented as replacing the concept of a perceived
perceptual schema with a superordinate level concept – e.g. in the region GIST, the concept of
WOMAN and MAN schema are temporarily replaced with ENTITY, implying that WOMAN and
MAN are not fully identified at the moment when the GIST region is perceived. The convention of
the definition of perceived schemas is as follows:
perceive [perceptual schema 1], [perceptual schema 2], [perceptual schema 2] …
perceive [perceptual schema 1] = [replacing concept for perceptual schema 1], [perceptual
schema 2] = [replacing concept for perceptual schema 2] …
Upon receiving the types of data files given above, the system runs simulation and produces
output. Currently, the output consists of the iterations of simulation time, in which four types of
information are represented: current attention location, VLWM status (the current SemRep and
construction instances), competition history, construction structures, produced utterance, and next
attention location. The following is an example output of the system (only simulation time 3 is
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
KICK_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N BOY_0
[ @] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering BOY_0 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11]
[ @] Construction BOY_2 covering BOY_0 for 'boy'
[!@] SemRep-N KICK_3
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from KICK_3 to BOY_0
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from KICK_3 to HUMAN_6
[!O] SemRep-N HUMAN_6
[!X] Construction SVO_7 covering HUMAN_6 BOY_0 KICK_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [KICK_12]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering HUMAN_6 BOY_0 KICK_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_4 for [BOY_2] 'is'
[KICK_12] '-ed by' [ ]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering HUMAN_6 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering HUMAN_6 BOY_0 KICK_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_4 for [ ]
'who' [KICK_12] [BOY_2]
[!@] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 covering HUMAN_6 BOY_0 KICK_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_4 for
[BOY_2] 'who is' [KICK_12] '-ed by' [ ]
[!@] Construction KICK_12 covering KICK_3 for 'kick'
> Competition Traces
SVO_7(343) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(287)
SVO_7(343) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_10(333)
REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11(627) eliminated SVO_7(343)
> Construction Structures
[X] 343: SVO_7 [ ] [KICK_12 'kick'] [BOY_2 'boy']
[X] 287: PAS_SVO_8 [BOY_2 'boy'] 'is' [KICK_12 'kick'] '-ed by' [ ]
[*] 627: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 [BOY_2 'boy'] 'who is' [KICK_12 'kick'] '-
ed by' [ ]]
[X] 333: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [ ] 'who' [KICK_12 'kick'] [BOY_2 'boy']]
> Produced Utterance
"who is kick-ed by..."
> Next Attention
GIRL_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
The Schema Instances field shows the content of the VLWM at the current simulation time –
with construction instances, the elements of the SemRep are also treated as schema instances as
SemRep-N represents a node of the SemRep and SemRep-R represents a relation of the SemRep. A
schema instance is represented by its name attached with an ID number (e.g. KICK_3) whose name
is set to be the meaning of the concept for a SemRep element and the name of the construction for a
construction instance. In front of each instance, the status of an instance is shown, which is
represented by a combination of symbols that are specified as follows:
• “!” – the instance is updated or newly created.
• “O” – the instance is in the normal condition.
• “X” – the instance is dead (soon to be eliminated).
• “@” – the instance is old.
The Competition Traces field shows the record of all competitions (between construction
instances) that happen during the current simulation time. The numeric value appears next to the
name of a construction instance is the suitability that the instance is assigned (a construction
instance can belong to multiple construction structures and the maximum suitability among them is
The Construction Structures field lists the construction structures that are left after the pruning
process has been done. Construction structures are initially created based on all possible
combinations among construction instances at the moment, but most of them are immediately
“pruned” if they are a subpart of other construction structures. Only a few are left after the pruning
process, and each of those left construction structures represents a unique syntactic structure (e.g. a
different root or combination of construction instances). In front of each construction structure is
the status of the structure, which is represented by a combination of symbols that are specified as
• “X” – the structure contains a dead construction instance (i.e. invalid construction
• “*” – the structure is selected to be read out for producing an utterance (i.e. the highest
The numeric value appears next to the status is the suitability of the construction structure, and
what appears next is the content of the structure, the recursively represented connectivity of the
construction instances in the structure.
D. Simulation
Now we turn our focus to the specific steps, through which simulation is performed in the
current implementation of TCG. The following is a series of illustrations of an example simulation,
which is a type of low threshold case (the time parameter is set to 1, and the number of construction
instances and syllables are set to infinite). All of the production principles are set to be effective,
and the scene description file corresponding to Figure 3.6-2 is provided to that system (see
Appendix D for the entire simulation result).
> Current Attention
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!O] SemRep-N ENTITY_0
[!O] SemRep-N ACTION_1
[!O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_2
[!@] Construction SVO_5 covering ENTITY_0 ENTITY_2
ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_6 covering ENTITY_0
ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ]
'-ed by' [ ]
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(250) eliminated PAS_SVO_6(194)
> Construction Structures
[*] 250: SVO_5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
[X] 194: PAS_SVO_6 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [ ]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time 1: The layout of the event is provided first, and based on that the SVO construction
is initially invoked. Since the system has to produce utterance in every single simulation time (the
threshold time is set to 1), the system tries to produce an utternace. Currently, only “uh…” is
produced because the first slot of SVO is empty – the premature production principle allows such an
incomplete utterance to be produced. Due to the verbal guidance principle, the next attending region
is set to WOMAN_AREA, which is associated with the missing first slot of SVO. According to the
scene description provided to the system (although not shown currently), the region with the highest
saliency is MAN_AREA.
> Current Attention
WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N ACTION_1
[ O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2
ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2
ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by'
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for
'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering WOMAN_0
'who' [ ] [ ]
[!@] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(445) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(289)
SVO_5(445) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_10(335)
> Construction Structures
[*] 445: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [ ] [ ]
[X] 289: PAS_SVO_8 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 335: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10
[WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [ ] [ ]]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
HIT_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time 2: The system produces the utterance “woman” as WOMAN_AREA and the
associated WOMAN schema are perceived, updating the WOMAN node in the SemRep. Again, the
next region to be attended is set to HIT_AREA, not MAN_AREA, due to the verbal guidance
> Current Attention
HIT_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-N HIT_1
[ O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to ENTITY_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2
HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for
'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_14]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_13 covering WOMAN_0
ENTITY_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is'
[HIT_15] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_14 covering WOMAN_0
ENTITY_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who'
[HIT_15] [ ]
[!@] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(742) eliminated PAS_SVO_13(286)
SVO_5(742) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_14(332)
> Construction Structures
[*] 742: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit'] [ ]
[X] 286: PAS_SVO_13 [ ] 'is' [HIT_15 'hit'] '-ed by'
[WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 332: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_14
[WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_15 'hit'] [ ]]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
MAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time 3: HIT_AREA and the associated HIT schema are perceived, updating the HIT
node and the two relations in the SemRep, eventually invoking the HIT construction instance that can
fill in the second slot of SVO. The system now produces the corresponding utterance, “hit …”
> Current Attention
MAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N HIT_1
[!@] SemRep-N MAN_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to MAN_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1
AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15] [MAN_21]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for
'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_19]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for
[ @] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_17 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2
HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MAN_21] 'is' [HIT_15] '-
ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_18 covering MAN_2 for
'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_19 covering WOMAN_0
MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who'
[HIT_15] [MAN_21]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20 covering WOMAN_0
MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MAN_21] 'who is'
[HIT_15] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!@] Construction MAN_21 covering MAN_2 for 'man'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(1039) eliminated PAS_SVO_17(283)
SVO_5(1039) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_19(329)
SVO_5(1039) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20(323)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [MAN_21 'man']
[*] 1039: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit']
[MAN_21 'man']
[X] 283: PAS_SVO_17 [MAN_21 'man'] 'is' [HIT_15
'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 329: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_19
[WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_15 'hit'] [MAN_21
[X] 323: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20
[MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HIT_15 'hit'] '-ed by'
[WOMAN_11 'woman']]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
MAN_FACE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time 4: The system completes the full SVO sentence by producing the utterance “man”
after perceiving MAN_AREA.
> Current Attention
MAN_FACE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N HIT_1
[ @] SemRep-N MAN_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to MAN_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1
AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for
'there is' [ ]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for
[ @] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_18 covering MAN_2 for
'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_26]
[ @] Construction MAN_21 covering MAN_2 for 'man'
[!@] SemRep-N HANDSOME_22
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_23 from HANDSOME_22 to MAN_2
[!X] Construction SPA_24 covering MAN_2 HANDSOME_22
MODIFY_23 for [MAN_21] 'is' [HANDSOME_27]
[!@] Construction REL_SPA_WHO_25 covering MAN_2
HANDSOME_22 MODIFY_23 for [MAN_21] 'who is'
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_26 covering MAN_2
[!@] Construction HANDSOME_27 covering HANDSOME_22
for 'handsome'
> Competition Traces
REL_SPA_WHO_25(1326) eliminated SPA_24(237)
SPA_24(237) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_26(232)
> Construction Structures
[X] 237: SPA_24 [MAN_21 'man'] 'is' [HANDSOME_27
[ ] 227: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHO_25
[MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HANDSOME_27 'handsome']]
[X] 232: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_26
[HANDSOME_27 'handsome'] [MAN_21 'man']]
[*] 1326: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit']
[REL_SPA_WHO_25 [MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HANDSOME_27
[X] 131: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit']
[ADJ_NOUN_26 [HANDSOME_27 'handsome'] [MAN_21 'man']]
> Produced Utterance
"who is handsome"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time 5: As the details of the man’s face (the HANDSOME node and the modifying
relation) has been specified by perceiving MAN_FACE_AREA, the system now produces the clause
“who is handsome” in continuation of the already produced sentence “woman hit man”. In this case,
the utterance continuity principle plays a significant role as other possible syntactic structures, such as
“man is handsome (the first construction structure)” and “there is handsome man (the third
construction structure)”, are all eliminated. They score significantly low suitability (237 and 232)
compared to the selected construction structure (1326) since their grammatical continuity has been
Although it is still in a preliminary stage, the example simulation illustrated so far demonstrates
how much of variety the production principles of TCG and the different levels of threshold together
can manifest in the patterns of fixation and utterance. Chapter 4 addresses this issue in more detail
with findings from eye-tracking experiments. The key idea of the study is that a different level of
threshold may result in an utterance with a different degree of well-formedness – high threshold
tends to produce relatively well-formed utterances while low threshold is more likely to produce
more fragmented utterances. In fact, evidence suggests that threshold induced by time pressure may
affect the well-formedness of speakers’ utterance (Section 4.3), as demonstrated by the following
utterances collected from the actual speech made by subjects during an eye-tracking experiment.
Subject JI, Low Threshold Case
there are two women
one of them is wearing a really big
dress that's green
and she is kicking the other woman
who is wearing a blue dress
this looks like some kind of boxing
because they're in a ring
and there are people watching them
Subject KF, High Threshold Case
a woman in a green dress
is kicking
a woman in a blue dress
what looks like a boxing ring
with many people watching the show
The grammatical competence, or well-formedness, of the above utterances is quite different –
JI’s utterances are relatively fragmented, which are mainly short sentences and clauses interleaved
with pauses, whereas KF’s utterances are comparatively “intact” as they form a single complex
sentence with a few embedded clauses. The difference in the experimental settings applied on each
case is time pressure elicited by task requirements – the former case required subjects to produce
utterances as quickly as possible while the latter did not impose any speed requirements.
Although the above addresses only a particular example and the current implementation of
TCG is yet far from mimicking the performance of human speakers, it should be worthwhile to run
simulation that results in the contrasting utterance pattern highlighted in the above example.
In the following (Figure 3.6-4 and Figure 3.6-5), we provided visualized illustrations of two
simulation results (see Appendix E for the actual simulation outputs) where high and low threshold
induced by different levels of time pressure result in utterances of different degrees of well-
formedness, similar to what is shown above. Thus, only the time parameters are tuned accordingly
– for thigh threshold, the time parameter is set to infinite, whereas for low threshold, it is set to 1.
The other parameters, the number of construction instances and syllables, are set to infinite. All of
the production principles (utterance continuity, premature production and verbal guidance) are set
to be effective. The same scene description, which is based on the scene used in the eye-tracking
experiment that the subjects JI and KF participated in, is provided to both of the cases.
Figure 3.6-4: An illustration of the simulation result of a high threshold case. High threshold allows the
system to have enough time to wait for a big SemRep to be formed and to fully formulate a relatively
complex sentential structure accordingly. The yellow oval with a dashed line represents the location of
attention at the moment (as specified by the attended region of the scene). Note that the uncertainty of almost
all of the regions is set to 1, resulting in attention shifting to another region at every simulation time (except
for the boxing ring area attended at simulation time 7 and 8, which is set to 2).
Figure 3.6-5: An illustration of the simulation result of a low threshold case. Low threshold enforces the
system to keep producing utterances, even before the event is fully comprehended. The produced utterances
tend to be short and relatively fragmented, especially due to the elimination of the SemRep that has been
described – e.g. at simulation time 7 and 9, newly created nodes and relations are not properly connected with
the previous SemRep.
Simulated Utterance, Low Threshold Case
woman wear dress
which is green
woman kick...
woman who wear dress
which is blue
it is boxing ring
there is people
who watch
Simulated Utterance, High Threshold Case
woman in green kick woman in blue in
boxing ring while people watch
As shown above, the produced utterances from the simulation for both of the cases are similar
to the actual utterances from subjects – the simulated utterances with low threshold are relatively
fragmented short clauses and sentences (but connected smoothly in a grammatically appropriate
manner as the utterance continuity principle is in effect), whereas the utterance with high threshold
is a well-formed single sentence with a few embedded clauses. As we intended in designing the
scene description provided to the system, the order and the semantics of the simulated utterances
well match with the real utterances.
However, the scene description, which specifies the dynamics of eye movements and the
availability of scene semantics, is designed in an ad-hoc manner – the fixation patterns of speakers’
eye movements gathered from eye-tracking experiments are not thoroughly considered. In future
work, general patterns of subjects’ fixations need to be analyzed, and the simulation results should
provide a wide variety of cases with different conditions to explain the experiment data.
3.7. Other Language Models
We are currently implementing a parsing for our own version of construction grammar,
Template Construction Grammar (TCG). In some sense, TCG may be seen as a variant of other
computational models of Construction Grammar. However, TCG exhibits a number of distinctive
characteristics. Firstly, TCG grounds its approach to language by using SemRep as the format for
its semantics, which is explicitly designed to link the semantics of sentences to the representation of
visual scenes. The use of SemRep involves a sufficiently general graphical structure that we are
confident of its extensibility to other meanings. Moreover, each concept in a SemRep, which is
itself an abstraction of schema assemblages, is associated with a perceptual schema whose
processing is claimed to be instantiated in neural activities, which lays groundwork for multi-modal
integration across sensory and motor systems (Section 2.1). Especially, cooperative computation
through direct simulation of schemas (i.e. the competition and cooperation processes among
schema instances) is proposed to capture neural activities in the brain at a functional and structural
level (Michael A. Arbib, 1981; Michael A. Arbib, et al., 1998). Furthermore, our emphasis on the
Construction Grammar framework lies in the aspect of constructions acting as the abstract
structural template of syntax and semantics, which eventually allows TCG to handle complex
sentential structures of multi-level hierarchy, such as sentences with embedded clauses (Section
One effort to implement a computational model based on the Construction Grammar formalism
is Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG) (De Beule & Steels, 2005; Steels & De Beule, 2006a,
2006b). According to Steels (2006b), FCG is a fully operational formalism for Construction
Grammar, which utilizes a uniform mechanism for parsing and production, implying that all the
rules and constructions are “bi-directionally” defined, hence usable both for parsing and production.
As it is expected from the name, “Fluid” Construction Grammar, the process is proposed to be
highly flexible in the sense that it can cope with partially ungrammatical or incomplete sentences.
The focus of FCG is on the origins of linguistic evolution based on the premise that language users
constantly change and update their grammars. FCG adopts predicate structure for representing
constructions and their (syntactic and semantic) constraints while using logical deduction as the
basis for processes of comprehension and production.
In contrast to TCG, however, there are a few shortcomings in the approach of FCG. Firstly, due
to the nature of its approach, FCG uses complex representations (i.e. logical predicates) with
multiple structure types, which renders FCG very difficult and unintuitive to use – constructions in
FCG are basically defined in a form of various types of rules, each of which is defined as an exact
transformation process between the verbal expression and the meaning, in order to capture the
categorical divergence in the semantic and syntactic hierarchy. On the other hand, TCG adopts a
single format for all types of constructions (although we conceptually separate constructions into
simple and complex) regardless of the syntactic or semantic level of a construction. And the
representational format of the semantic and syntactic structure of a construction (i.e. the Sem-
Frame and the Syn-Form), as well as their application rules, are much simpler and more intuitive.
Another shortcoming of FCG from the Cognitive Grammar point of view is that FCG is inherently
symbolic, leaving the formalism not best suitable for addressing how embodied knowledge is
related to process of language understanding.
Another approach which seeks to place Construction Grammar in a computational framework
related to an agent’s interaction with the external world is Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG)
(Bergen & Chang, 2005). ECG is a comprehension model which adopts the basic constructionist
definition of a grammatical construction, but emphasizes the relation of constructional semantic
content to embodiment and sensorimotor experiences. A central claim is that the content of all
linguistic signs involve mental simulations and are ultimately dependent on motor-schema-like
entities, which are called X-schemas (Narayanan, 1997, 1999). Although ECG tries for an
embodied approach in language understanding, it is fundamentally symbolic. The semantic
meanings of constructions are defined by symbolic schemas with variable pre-defined parameters
that can be inherited from and assigned to other schemas and constructions. Although these
parameters later act as inputs to the simulation by X-schemas, the analytic process for construction
manipulation is done on the level of symbolic schemas, not X-schemas, leaving the model symbolic.
In contrast to TCG, again, there are a few shortcomings in the approach of ECG. ECG is
simpler than FCG in its format of constructions, but it also taps on different construction types that
are represented as inheritance among schemas and constructions. As do the rules of FCG, the
inheritance strategy in ECG is proposed to define the categorical hierarchy in the semantics and
syntax of language, and this requires multiple constructions and schemas defined in advance in
order to define a new construction entry. In TCG, the whole process of inheritance, if there is any,
is reduced to the definition of the concept and class, resulting in a much simpler definitional and
representational format. Moreover, ECG does not address the issue of the sentential hierarchy
explicitly as the given example only covers a simple ditransitive event – “Mary tossed me a drink”.
Moreover, there are a few language models of Construction Grammar based on a connectionist
approach. Among others, Dominey and colleagues (2006; 2009) proposed a production model
based on the role of corticostriatal function in sentence comprehension and non-linguistic
sequencing. Especially, this model relies on a neural network constrained by the cortico-striato-
thalamo-cortical (CSTC) neuroanatomy of the human language system, which connects Brodmann
Area (BA) 47, caudate, thalamus and BA 45 and BA44/6. This CSTC circuit is implemented as a
recurrent neural network (RNN), which learns construction patterns based on structural cues – i.e.
closed class words. The model inserts lexical semantic information (represented as open class
words) into the learned sentential structures to produce sentences. This model specifies the roles of
various neural areas in relation with the components of the model in very fine detail, but it fails in
providing an account on how sentence with grammatical hierarchy can be processed – the examples
addressed by the model are simple transitive sentences.
Similarly, Chang and colleagues (2006) proposed a model which makes use of error-based
learning to acquire and adapt sequencing mechanisms and meaning-form mappings to derive
syntactic representations. This model is also implemented as an RNN, whose operation, which is to
learn the syntactic structure, is supported by a separate route of neural network that processes the
semantic aspect of the language. The XYZ structure, which may be regarded as a type of a
construction, has been proposed for mapping between the event semantics and the sentential
structure. Although this model can address a number of psycholinguistic findings, especially in
related to the priming effect, it also fails in providing an account on grammatical hierarchy.
Except for the shortcomings in dealing with complex sentences with embedded clauses, the
connectionist approaches taken by the above models have another problem – they assume that the
system is already given with the syntactic categorical structure of the language. Dominey et al.’s
model receives input words during the learning phase through two separate routes, one for function
words and the other for content words, but it fails to provide specific accounts on how the system is
capable of distinguishing function words (or morphemes) from content words. Similarly, Chang et
al.’s approach also assumes such a separation in the input to the model, as they provide the event
semantics (in a form of the XYZ structure) directly to the model. This is a necessary condition
because what their RNNs learn is the structures of syntactic (and/or sematic) categories of various
sentence types rather than the sequences of actual words. As it has been claimed that RNNs can
only learn the sentence structure with already learned words (if there is a new word in the input
sentence, then they fail to learn the structure) (van der Velde, van der Voort van der Kleij, & Kamps,
2004), it should have been inevitable for them to provide the categorical information to their
models. However, the crucial piece is still missing in their approaches since the mechanism for
extracting the categorical information from words is not explicitly specified (see Miikkulainen &
Dyer, 1991 for a previous effort to develop “invariant” categorical representations based on a
connectionist network).
Lastly, the U-Space model (Vosse & Kempen, 2000, 2009) appears to be worth mentioning
here as TCG and the U-Space model share a number of common properties that are interesting to
compare although the U-Space model is a comprehension model. Despite of the different linguistic
frameworks of TCG and the U-Space model (U-Space model is based on a generative grammar
framework, the head-driven approach), they both operate on the competition and cooperation
paradigm – they both focus on the activation, or frequency-based competition, between alternative
attachment possibilities offered by syntactic building blocks retrievable from the mental lexicon.
These blocks are defined as construction instances in TCG, whereas they are defined as lexical
frames in the U-Space model. Lexical frames are partial-tree-like structures with syntactic
configurations only. They can be connected to other lexical frames during comprehension process,
eventually forming a full parse tree of the input sentence – this is what the model produces as an
interpretation of the sentence. Similar to TCG, lexical frames cooperate (by forming links between
lexical frames) and compete (by inhibiting links of other conflicting lexical frames) with each other.
During the comprehension process, links are made between lexical frames if their syntactic
structures are compatible, and only a few links are left at the end of the process as other links are
eliminated due to the inhibition process between those links. The model produces a parse tree by
simply following those links, and that is considered to be the interpretation of the current sentence.
However, TCG and U-Space model differ in a few important ways. Firstly, the grammatical
approach adopted by the U-Space model (Performance Grammar) is “lexicalized” in such a way
that the information needed to build grammatically correct sentences is claimed to be associated
with the individual lexical items. This is in contrast with a Construction Grammar approach taken
in TCG, which is more “global” in the way that a single construction may cover a sentential
structure, or even a bigger structure in a discourse level. This lexicalized approach limits the U-
Space model’s capability of parsing to be “myopic”, especially when dealing with patterns that
stretch over a number of lexical items, such as idioms. For example, the expression like kick the
bucket needs to be interpreted as a whole since a regular verb argument, where the bucket is treated
as the direct object of the verb kick, cannot properly interpret the meaning. The U-Space model
adopts an ad-hoc method to address such expressions – it solves the problem by tuning parameters
in advance for specific links between lexical frames in each case. The downside of this method is
that those parameters need to be set again every time the model deals with a different expression.
This leads the parsing process of the U-Space model to be very sensitive to different types of
parameters, such as the initial link strengths, activation rate, or decay constant. A subtle change in
those parameters results in a very different outcome. Thus, the model runs after setting up the
parameter values (by simulated annealing) for specific sentence types that the model will parse – if
the sentences are changed, then the model needs to set up those parameters again. This makes it
impossible for the model to build a stable repertoire of lexical items (i.e. vocabulary) that can be
applied to general cases since the model needs to be set up with parameters at every single time
when a new type of sentence is to be parsed.
Another property of the U-Space model, which differs from TCG, is that no semantics is
considered during parsing sentences. At the end of parsing, the judgment on the correctness of
interpretation is done only by inspecting the resultant parse tree. It is one of the most notable
properties of the generative grammar framework, but semantics plays an important role even for
parsing a simple sentence. Sentences with global ambiguity, such as “the woman hits the man with
stick”, may be such an example. The prepositional phrase with stick can be interpreted as either
modifying the man (low attachment) or describing the instrument of the action hits (high
attachment). Without semantic information, the judgment cannot be made – in this case, the high
attachment case seems semantically more plausible. The U-Space model solved this problem, again,
by manipulating parameter values on the link between with and hits, but this is still ad-hoc because
the model cannot address the opposite case (the low attachment case) without adjusting the
parameter values and running again. Although it is beyond the coverage of the current work, TCG
may solve such a problem by putting the global-level semantics in consideration since the processes
of TCG are intrinsically based on semantics (i.e. SemRep). For example, we can just define two
different prepositional constructions defined specific for a hitting action with appropriate semantic
variations in the meaning of the second object (i.e. the object comes after the word with) – for high
attachment, “HittingAction Object with InstrumentalObject”, and for low attachment,
“HittingAction Object with NoninstrumentalObject”. The semantic concept of
“InstrumentalObject” and “NoninstrumentalObject” differ in the way that the former is defined as a
type of an object that is generally used as a tool of a stretched length (e.g. stick, bat, racket, hammer,
etc.) while the latter is an object that lacks such a property. This type of approach is possible in
TCG since constructions are defined in terms of both the semantic and syntactic structure.
Chapter 4. Temporal Unfolding of Scene Perception and
4.1. Interplay of Vision and Language
Given its dynamic nature, analyzing the task of scene description requires a detailed assessment
of the interplay between the vision and language systems. A valuable window on this interplay is
provided by the relationship between eye fixations and the related utterances. We have investigated
the time course of this relationship to gain insight into the nature of the internal representation
being formed in the speaker’s mind as well as the cognitive processes that the speaker undergoes.
In this chapter, we describe two eye-tracking experiments that we designed and conducted in an
effort to test our hypotheses on how semantic representation is built from acquired visual
information and how it influences the produced utterances.
Before describing these experiments, we first review a number of key aspects of TCG and
SemRep that we asserted when introducing a computational model of scene description in the
earlier chapters. These aspects were proposed to capture the subtlety of the interactive processes
linking vision and language.
One of the highlighted aspects regarding the perception of a scene and the successive formation
of a SemRep is the notion of subscene (Section 2.9). A subscene is defined as a cognitive construct
that captures a partial view of the scene covered by a cognitively significant event and entities. A
subscene may come in various event types and covering areas, representing a particular
interpretation of the scene at a certain moment. An important point is that a subscene is perceived
and encapsulated into a SemRep through different procedural steps depending on the perceptual
and conceptual properties of the scene.
More specifically, we proposed two scenarios in scene perception as illustrated in Figure 2.9-3,
in which the coverage of the immediately perceived subscene plays a crucial role in the diversity of
the process. The initial coverage of a perceived subscene depends on whether or not a certain event
(or gist) of the scene is immediately recognizable – if an event is easily recognizable, then the event
layout (e.g. hitting event) is immediately perceived and is encapsulated into a SemRep but with
some details missing, whereas if an event is not immediately recognizable, a subscene is formed on
a smaller and more easily recognizable region (e.g. man’s face), resulting in a more detailed
SemRep but with a smaller covering area. The event of the scene may be more fully perceived later
as successive fixations fill in the missing details of the already created event structure, or the event
structure is incrementally figured out as more constituents are discovered by successive fixations.
Thus, depending on the immediate availability of the layout of the event, subscenes covering the
same event are perceived in broadly two styles: the case of subscene “specification” where a
subscene is perceived by filling in details, and the case of subscene “extension” where a subscene is
perceived by extending its extent in an incremental manner.
Therefore, the implication is that the type and style of a scene play a significant role in the
scene description process by affecting the perceived subscene as well as the following SemRep
formation process. The purpose of our experiments on this aspect is to show that the properties of
the scene (e.g. thematic complexity, perceptual prominence of scene items, etc.) affect the
immediate availability of a layout and the area of recognition. Although directly addressing these
issues is very unlikely, we used some indirect methods, such as the semantics of an utterance, to
measure the effects in the experiments. The idea is that if the layout of a scene is easily
recognizable, a speaker is more likely to perceive the scene through a larger subscene, eventually
producing utterances describing a wide region of the scene (e.g. the theme of the scene), whereas a
subject viewing a scene with an uneasily recognizable layout might end up describing a relatively
smaller area of the scene (e.g. an object) since the scene is perceived via a smaller subscene.
Moreover, when we described the computational mechanisms of the scene description process
within the framework of TCG, we also made a number of assumptions and hypotheses. Especially,
we proposed a few principles that ground the production process of TCG (Section 3.5) – the
premature production, the utterance continuity and the verbal guidance principles. The premature
production addresses the situation where an utterance is made “before” the sentential structure is
completely prepared or all of its constituents are figured out. A prematurely produced utterance
may not always result in a fragmented or broken utterance since the utterance continuity principle
allows the later produced utterance to be in grammatical continuity with the earlier produced
utterance (even with some pause in between). Moreover, the verbal guidance principle covers the
case where a prematurely produced utterance biases the visual attention process as the order of
attention for identifying missing constituents is biased by the order of production of those
constituents – e.g. the object corresponding to the subject of the sentence is more likely to be
attended first.
These principles are interconnected around the notion of the threshold of utterance, which we
defined as an upper bound on the available computational resources for producing sentences in
TCG. Assuming that the premature production principle is already in effect, low threshold may
cause an utterance to be produced prematurely, setting the stage for the utterance continuity and the
verbal guidance principles to come into play. Thus, threshold is one of the key theoretical
constructs of the production process of TCG and the interplay of the principles with threshold is
tightly related to different degrees of the “well-formedness” of a produced utterance. Low threshold
is proposed to be generally associated with production of more fragmented utterances while high
threshold yields more complete sentences.
Thus, our focus is to show experimental support for the threshold of an utterance and assess the
effects of various levels of threshold in the patterns of subjects’ perceptual and verbal responses.
Among various factors that influence threshold (e.g. individual preference, scene complexity, task
requirements, etc.), we used time pressure to manipulate threshold in the experiments, using limited
time as the means to lower threshold while allowing longer time to raise threshold. By examining
the well-formedness of an utterance in various aspects under a different level of time pressure, we
demonstrated (although indirectly) that threshold acts as a significant factor in the process of scene
description. Although the well-formedness of an utterance may address many different properties,
we mainly focused on the structural aspects, such as grammatical complexity (e.g. sentential length,
embedded clauses, etc.) and production fluency (e.g. pauses, mumblings, filler sounds, etc.). This is
based on the idea that when threshold is too low, utterances may be produced prematurely with an
incomplete sentential structure or unprepared constituents, resulting in shorter, grammatically
simpler sentences produced less fluently.
Experiment 1 (Section 4.2) provides empirical evidence for threshold based on eye-tracking
data. In order to inflict a difference in time pressure, we used two independent tasks, the online and
the offline, in which time pressure is applied in an all or nothing manner – the former requires
subjects to describe a scene quickly while viewing a photo, whereas the latter requires subjects to
inspect a scene first and then describe the scene after its image disappears. We provide results on
simple measurement on subjects’ utterance to highlight the effect of threshold supposedly imposed
by the two different tasks, whose assessment is extended subsequently to Experiment 2. Another
focus of Experiment 1 is to empirically address the validity of the proposed principles of utterance
production in TCG. Analysis result on the effect of the properties (or types) of the scene is also
In Experiment 2 (Section 4.3), the difference in time pressure is elicited by two different
requirements, in which subjects are asked either to describe a scene as quickly as possible or to
describe the scene by taking as much time as needed. Both tasks are online as subjects produce the
description while watching the scene. The collected utterance data were analyzed by measuring two
factors, structural compactness and grammatical complexity. The former basically measures how
compact the produced utterances are in terms of the ratio of the number of sentential structures to
produce content words while the latter measures the complexity of grammatical structure. The
effect of the different time pressures on these factors was measured. In addition, the effect of the
scene style is also discussed in more detail than in Experiment 1. Subjects’ initial utterances and
gaze fixations before the utterance onset were analyzed in an effort to provide objective evidence
for the proposed mechanisms for perceiving a subscene and the successive formation of SemRep.
Moreover, different levels of threshold, combined with the subscene perception process as
specified above, may result in various patterns of gaze fixation and utterance production. The
interplay between the resource constraints imposed by threshold and the layout availability of the
perceived event may drive the system to generate different cases of scene description, even
including some extreme ones – the system produces a highly time-locked pattern between fixation
and utterance in certain cases while it produces utterances that bear the least correlation with the
order of fixations in other cases.
In fact, there are two opposing views in the literature with regard to scene perception and
speech production as discussed in detail in Section 4.4. One of these views claims that holistic
conceptual structure governs the language production process (the structural view) whereas the
other claims that the order of perceptual and conceptual input directly influences the linguistic
output (the incremental view). We demonstrate these two views highlight two extreme patterns
resulted from certain combinations of threshold and subscene. The idea is that one can elicit
different eye gaze and utterance patterns through manipulating threshold (by imposing different
levels of time pressure) and the coverage of a perceived subscene (by using scenes with different
perceptual and conceptual properties). Although it is generally implausible to categorize a real case
into a certain pattern, the specific conditions to result in extreme patterns within a limited
circumstance are discussed in detail in Section 4.5.
4.2. Experiment 1
In our experiments, we used complex and natural scenes for visual stimuli with basically no
restrictions on the syntactic format or style of speakers’ utterance (except for the constraints
naturally imposed by the experimental tasks). This is to explore various fixation and utterance
patterns and observations that are not easily discerned from the highly constrained experimental
settings used in most earlier experiments – controlled line drawings of simplified scenes were used
as stimuli and the produced utterances were restricted to a certain simple sentence structure (e.g.
Gleitman, et al., 2007; Griffin, 2004; Griffin & Bock, 2000; Meyer, 2004; van der Meulen, 2003).
Unlike those studies, our experiment mainly concerns the global-level relation of eye
movements and utterances during scene description. Especially, the conventional type of statistical
analysis is less helpful due to the large variation between individuals in this type of experiment
with natural settings. Thus, the analysis of experiment data requires a specialized tool, and we have
designed new analysis software, EyeParser, for this specific purpose. Upon receiving raw eye-trace
data and transcribed speech (manually transcribed with time stamps and some annotations),
EyeParser generates various types of representations, such as a time-lined chart, text table, fixation
distribution map, or a real-time movie clip.
Figure 4.2-1: A screenshot of an EyeChart generated by EyeParser. Four types of data are represented
along the time line: (1) the first row shows eye fixations superimposed on the stimulus image, (2) the labeled
names of the areas around each fixation are represented in the second row, (3) key words (e.g. names of scene
items) of utterances are linked with the matching fixations in the third row, and (4) the fourth row displays
the entire transcribed utterances.
Among others, the time-line chart, which we call EyeChart, displays superimposed eye
fixations with transcribed utterances from one or more subjects, which are charted along the time
line (see Figure 4.2-1 for a screenshot of EyeChart from one data set). Although there are several
other similar types of charts available (e.g. the multimodal time-coded score sheet by Holsanova,
2008), EyeChart enables the experimenter to cross-compare experiment data between subjects,
visual stimuli or data types in relation to the passage of time, thus providing a “big picture” of the
result. Moreover, an EyeChart is produced as a regular HTML file that can be read by any web
browser and accessed in a highly interactive way – e.g. the experimenter can rearrange items in
real-time, scroll the chart, or position the mouse cursor to enlarge thumbnail images and texts.
In addition, we thank Brenda Yang, a former undergraduate student of USC, for her help in
hiring subjects and transcribing recorded speeches.
Now we provide a detailed account of the conditions and results for the experiment.
A. Participants
Eight native or quasi-native English-speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision
participated for course credit or complementary cash of $10. They were all undergraduate students
of the University of Southern California (USC).
B. Visual Stimuli
We used photographs of natural indoor or outdoor live-action scenes (in full color) which
include (but are not limited to) people making explicit transitive actions or implicit interactions
between them. Each of these scenes captures a snapshot of an interesting and complex situation in
which multiple events or aspects of an event at a certain moment are depicted (e.g. a guy is
punching another guy while surrounded by a bunch of friends in a bar, who are laughing at the
happening) in order to elicit variety of eye movement and utterance patterns. Only scenes which
prominently included events happening between humans were selected.
Figure 4.2-2: All the scenes used in Experiment 1. They are photographs of natural live-action events that
are grouped into four categories as represented by each pair of the examples. The URL for the image sources
are given under the names of scenes.
Eight scenes were chosen (except for practice scenes), which were then grouped into four types
depending on the semantics and structure of the events in order to inspect the influence of the event
structure to the patterns of eye movement and utterance. The scene types were specified as follows:
(1) actors of the scene casually interact each other with some sub-events happening in the
background (e.g. people having a conversation in a kitchen),
(2) actors interact rather implicitly so that subjects need to infer what is going on (e.g. two
groups of people gather together in a track meet),
(3) close inspection reveals another (rather shocking) fact which is not easily perceivable at a
first glance (e.g. a race scene from the Paralympics),
(4) a very simple transitive action happens between actors (e.g. a guy punched by another guy).
Figure 4.2-2 illustrates all of the scenes used in this experiment. Each of the top-bottom pair of
the illustrated scenes in the figure forms a category group – e.g. Conversation and Pool are in the
category (1).
C. Apparatus
Visual stimuli were displayed on a 46-inch LCD monitor (Sony Bravia XBR-III, 1,016 ×
571.5mm), 97.8cm in front of participants (corresponding field of view is 54:7 ˚ × 32:65 ˚). The
height of the seat was adjusted and a fixed helmet was worn over the participant’s head to keep the
position of the head fixed relative to the screen. The helmet was used instead of a chinrest in order
to allow participants to move their mouths during scene description. Eye position was tracked by an
ISCAN RK-464 (ISCAN) in pupil-CR mode (240Hz) to right eye following a 9-point calibration
procedure. Participants’ speech was recorded through a microphone placed in front of their mouths.
We thank Dr. Laurent Itti (and the members of iLab) of USC for the use of this equipment and
technical assistance.
D. Procedure
Before the experiment, it was explained to subjects that their eye movements and speech would
be recorded, but nothing was specified about a form for the description or the types of scenes they
would describe in order to elicit as natural responses as possible. Subjects were also asked to keep
their head position still even if they were speaking. Subjects were asked to describe aspects of the
displayed scene, but with different timing required depending on the tasks. The specifications are as
• Online Task: Subjects were asked to describe the displayed scene while viewing the
photograph. They were also asked to describe the scene as quickly as possible.
• Offline Task: Subjects were asked to describe the displayed scene after it had disappeared.
There were no instructions on the speed of description.
The timing for display and description is set out below. The time course of fixation on and
mentioning of objects were recorded for each trial.
Each subject completed a total of 10 trials (2 for practice, and 8 for stimulus scenes), and the
two types of task were distributed randomly (uniform distribution) among the trials, 4 for each type.
Before starting a trial, an instruction was displayed at the center of the screen – for the online task,
“Describe what you are seeing AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE”, and for the offline task, “Describe
what you HAVE SEEN AFTER the scene disappears”. The instruction remained on the screen until
the experimenter clicked the mouse button, and then the trial began.
At the beginning of the experiment, subjects were properly positioned by installing the helmet
over their heads with adjustment of the height of the seat. The eye-tracker was then calibrated while
they fixated 15 successive positions across the screen as indicated by a blinking crosshair.
Calibration typically took about 2 minutes. At the beginning of each of the experiment trials, after
the instruction was displayed, a crosshair blinked for a brief period (1 sec.) at the center of the
screen, followed by the display of a scene. For the online task, a scene was displayed for 15 sec.,
and during this time, subjects described the scene. For the offline task, a scene was displayed for 10
sec. while subjects refrained from speaking. After that, the scene disappeared and a blank screen
was shown. For the online task, it was for 5 sec., and subjects may continue on the description if
they did not finish although the speech recorded during this period was omitted from analysis. For
the offline task, a blank screen was shown for 10 sec., and during this time, subjects described the
scene from their memory. The instruction for the next trial appeared after the blank screen display.
E. Data Analysis and Results
For analysis, two types of data were collected: raw eye-trace data and recorded speech. Eye-
trace data consisted of the horizontal and vertical position of the eye, which after a preliminary
analysis were tagged with the status information (e.g. whether it is a saccade or fixation). Subjects’
speech was recorded as audio bit-stream files, which later were transcribed manually into a text
format with time-stamped and annotated words and phrases by using a standard audio file player –
we used Audacity 2.0 ( for transcription. The experimental results
provided in this section were firstly processed by EyeParser (mostly with EyeCharts) and then went
through more specific analyses according to the type of measurement.
Utterance Well-formedness
As noted earlier, the effect of different levels of threshold on the produced utterance is one of
our main concerns in this experiment. More specifically, our analysis focuses on whether or not low
threshold caused the production of premature utterances. In fact we found that, even when subjects
produced utterances for the same scene under the same task and their utterances represent very
similar semantics, the sentential structure and the grammatical competence of their utterances may
vary significantly. The followings are two example utterances produced by the subjects AM and TH
during the online task for the same scene (the Relay scene in Figure 4.2-2).
Subject: ER
uh... this...
uh... looks like a-...
at track meet or something
uh... uh... a relay race
it's a bunch of um...
runners standing together
after a race
there are two teams
one has won and one has...
Subject: TH
um there're
runners again
in the baton pass
there's a team of black women
who're huddling together
seem like they
won a match
the other women
seem very upset
most likely that they lost
Their semantics are very similar – they both describe the entire theme of the scene first, and
then move to the group on the right side, and then to the left group. However, their grammatical
competence, or well-formedness, is quite different. ER’s utterances were relatively fragmented
(shorter sentences and more pauses) and grammatically inappropriate (missing subjects or
unfinished sentences), whereas TH’s utterances were comparatively “intact” in such a way that the
sentences were longer with more complex structures, such as embedded clauses. Therefore,
subjects’ utterances indeed exhibit various levels of well-formedness, and we posit threshold as
such a property that determines how much grammatical competence an utterance would exhibit.
Although the subsequent experiment described in Section 4.3 addresses it in further detail, here
we briefly inspect whether or not the scene description process can be influenced by certain factors.
Among such factors, we chose task requirements, as specified by the online and offline tasks in this
experiment, to manipulate the level of threshold and simply compared the counted numbers of
words, sentences, and pauses from the utterance recorded under the different task requirements.
This is basically to measure the effect of time pressure induced by the task requirement on the
structure of the produced utterances.
We define a sentence as a group of words that form a grammatical structure that corresponds to
a sentence with syntactic consistency and appropriateness. Clauses connected with conjunctions are
considered as a single sentence only when they form relational connections (e.g. causal, logical),
and this excludes the case where two clauses connected via a conjunction “and” without any strong
relationship. Similarly, simple named object names are counted as separate sentences as they lack
relational connections. Moreover, unfinished sentences (e.g. due to the change of plan) are
excluded from counting. The following table (Table 4.2-1) summarizes a few example cases of
counted sentence for analysis.
Table 4.2-1: Examples of counted sentences from different styles of utterance.
Utterance Sentences
the man’s falling down... while the other’s kicking
1 sentence – two clauses are
combined into a coherent sentence
by the conjunction while.
there’s a bright yellow car and there’s
photographers taking pictures
2 sentences – two clauses are
simply uttered without any
relational connection.
there’s a person who’s fallen down and she is...
they’re handicapped
2 sentences – the unfinished clause
she is… is excluded from counting.
uh... a woman in white dress a man in white tux
2 sentences – simple consecutive
phrases for the woman and man are
counted separately.
Similarly, we specified the definition of a “pause” for our own purpose – a pause is defined as
an uncontinous delay within a sentence structure that lasts at least 300ms. This means breaks
between sentences are not counted as pauses since we see them as a type of natural delay unrelated
to the fluency of speech. Pauses include silent pauses, prolonged sounds (e.g. “people are…”), and
verbalized pauses (e.g. “uh…”, “um…”), and they are represented as three consecutive dots (“…”)
in the utterance examples of ER and TH.
As mentioned earlier, we are interested in the effect of threshold imposed by the type of task on
the degree of well-formedness of the produced utterance. Our measure is defined as ratios between
three factors of subjects’ utterance – the number of words, sentences, and pauses. We used the
ratios because simple comparisons between the numbers of words or sentences is not appropriate
mainly due to the different time duration between the online and offline task – scene description
time for the online task was 15 sec. and that for the offline task was 10 sec.
The number of words was simply measured by counting all grammatically appropriate words,
except for the words in unfinished sentences since those sentences were also excluded from
counting sentences. The numbers of other factors were measured as specified earlier. The ratio
between words and sentences, the word-sentence ratio, which was calculated by the number of
words divided by the number of sentences, is expected to provide an estimate on how structurally
compact the produced utterance is (i.e. more words per sentence) while the ratio between pauses
and sentences, the word-pause ratio, which was calculated by the number of pauses divided by the
number of words, is expected to provide an estimate on how fluently the utterance is produced (i.e.
more words per pause). For example, the word-sentence ratio of ER’s utterance (32 words, 7
sentences, 8 pauses) was 4.57 and the word-pause ratio was 4.0, whereas the word-sentence ratio of
TH’s utterance (34 words, 4 sentences, 3 pauses) was 8.5 and the word-pause ratio was 11.33 –
according to this measurement, TH’s utterance is highly more well-formed than ER’s.
Figure 4.2-3: The mean word-sentence ratio (left) and the word-pause ratio (right) measured from
subjects’ utterance. Although both ratios were higher for the offline case, only the word-sentence ratio
showed a (marginally) significant difference depending on the task type.
As shown in Figure 4.2-3, the result showed that the word-sentence ratio for the offline task
was significantly higher than that for the online task (the mean ratio was 11.67 for the offline task
and 9.17 for the online task, t-test, p = 0.047). This implies that subjects generally made longer
sentences during the offline task, and this supports our hypothesis that a high threshold allows the
system to produce more well-formed utterances since the sentence length is associated with the
grammatical complexity and sentential formality. We also tried to analyze the ratios in the subject-
wise, but none of the result showed a significant difference, mainly due to the lack of the number of
samples – each subject produced only 4 utterances for each task type (8 utterances total) and this is
too few to draw any statistical conclusion.
On the other hand, analysis on the word-pause ratio did not show any significant difference
between the offline and online task. Although the mean ratio was higher for the offline task, the
comparison between the two task types did not yield statistically significant different word-pause
ratios (the mean ratio was 10.42 for the offline task and 9.89 for the online task, t-test, p = 0.68).
Thus, the implication is that subjects produced as many pauses during the offline task as they did
during the online task, and threshold may not be a significant factor in determining the frequency of
pause – it may be a personal characteristic of each individual speaker. In fact, Ferreira and Swets
(2002) reported that compared to the case when they were instructed to speak as quickly as possible,
subject showed more “incrementality” (more inter-word delays) in producing utterances when a
drastic means for imposing time pressure was taken – a timing bar was displayed on the screen, and
if utterance was not made before the timing bar counted all the way down, a loud “beep” sound was
produced. Thus, applying such a measure may produce a significant difference in subjects’
frequency in making pauses.
Although the results were limited, the indication is that the produced sentences were influenced
by the task type to some extent – longer sentences were produced during the offline cases, which
are associated with high threshold, while online cases, which are associated with low threshold,
yielded shorter sentences. More analysis on this aspect is given in the subsequent experiment in
Section 4.3.
Utterance Production Principles
Among the hypothesized principles of TCG, the principles that are especially in close relation
with the notion of threshold are premature production and utterance continuity. Premature
production addresses the case where an utterance is made before the sentential structure is
completely prepared, and it is generally caused by too low a threshold. The utterance continuity
principle allows the prematurely produced utterance to be smoothly connected with the successive
utterance with an appropriate grammatical integrity.
Although we did not find a strong tendency in subjects to produce more pauses and breaks
during the online task compared to the offline task, we found that they did produce reliably frequent
pauses during production – 4.52 pauses per trial, the standard error of the mean (SEM) = 0.20, and
one pause in every 10.15 words, SEM = 0.59. However, despite these pauses, the frequency of
utterance incontinuity was pretty low (0.35 incontinuities per trial, SEM = 0.076) and only 7.7% of
the pauses (22 out of a total 285 pauses) resulted in grammatically incongruent sentences – most of
the time, subjects produced a gerundial or relative clause for appending a new clause. Thus, these
results suggest that principles of the premature production and utterance continuity, or any other
similar principles, may come into play when subjects produce utterances – during the scene
description task, they indeed produced pauses and breaks intermittently while they managed to
maintain the grammatical congruency between broken utterances.
Moreover, the last principle that we hypothesized for the production process of TCG is the
verbal guidance, which addresses the case where the utterance structure under formulation guides
visual attention in the way that an object mentioned next is more likely to be attended first among
other objects even if it is perceptually less salient. Direct validation of this effect in real situations is
highly improbable since it is difficult to judge whether an object is attended first because it will be
mentioned next or it is mentioned first because it has been already attended. Thus, we used an
indirect approach in the analysis, in which we measured the duration of fixations made during the
scene display period and compared the mean durations in different task types. Since the online task
required subjects to produce utterances while watching a scene whereas the offline task allowed
subjects to focus on examining a scene without any verbal interference, we expect the mean
fixation duration measured from the online task to be different from that of the offline task. The
basic idea is in line with the finding of Papafragou and colleagues (2008) where speakers’ eye
movements generated significant cross-language differences during a verbal description task, which
is in contrast to a free-viewing task where no such language-dependent differences were found.
Figure 4.2-4: The mean fixation time measured in comparison between the online and the offline task,
indicating that subjects fixated longer at objects during the online task. Since scene display time for the
online task was longer (15 sec.) than the offline task (10 sec.), subjects generated more fixations during the
online task (1089 fixations for total) than the offline task (803 fixations for total).
As we expected, there was a statistically significant difference in the durations of subjects’
fixation time depending on the task type (the mean fixation time for the offline task was 0.20sec.
while it was 0.22sec for the online task, t-test, p = 0.043) – they generally fixated longer at objects
in the scene during the online task. The task requirements that made subjects produce verbal
expressions during visual inspection seems to be the reason for the longer fixation time; in addition
to the time for identifying an object, subjects may need to fixate on the object longer for retrieving
the verbal information, such as phonological form of object names (Meyer, Sleiderink, & Levelt,
1998). In fact, speakers were reported to view an object more than twice as long when complex
noun phrases were produced (e.g. the big red scooter) compared to simple noun phrases (e.g. the
scooter), indicating that subjects’ eyes remain on the referent object until they have fully planned
the phrase to the point of initiating the phrase-final word (Levelt & Meyer, 2000; Meyer, 2004).
Similarly, it has been reported that speakers allocated visual attention both less often and for shorter
periods to objects for pronouns than for full noun phrases (van der Meulen, Meyer, & Levelt, 2001).
Although the evidence presented here is indirect and limited, the indication is that verbal
requirements can bias the process of visual attention and eye movement, supporting the verbal
guidance principle – the requirement of producing a verbal description during the online task might
have biased the vision processes to generate longer fixations on the perceived objects, possibly for
retrieving the verbal information in addition to the basic identification of the objects.
Subscene and Scene Perception
One of the most important concepts proposed for the scene perception process within the
framework of SemRep and TCG is the notion of subscene and the relevant visual perception
mechanisms. It is proposed that a scene is perceived in terms of subscenes, which capture
cognitively significant aspects of a scene, and the system forms a SemRep in accordance with the
events and entities delineated by those perceived subscenes. The key point in perceiving a subscene
and the formation of a SemRep is that the process can be executed through different procedural
steps depending on the perceptual and conceptual properties of a scene – a scene with a difficult
event may be perceived by extending a subscene incrementally while a scene with an easy event
may be perceived by a wide subscene covering the entire event, whose details are filled in
subsequently. The area of coverage and the level of detail of an immediately perceived subscene are
the determinant factors of the proposed scene perception process, and these factors are proposed to
be affected by the properties of a viewed scene.
Although the subsequent experiment described in Section 4.3 addresses in further detail, our
analysis focus here is to briefly assess the influence of the properties of a scene, such as event
difficulty, to the perception process. Since the direct measurement of either the size of subscene or
its level of details is not possible, we inspect the initial utterances of subjects as an indirect method.
The underlying idea is that if the layout of a scene is easily recognizable, a speaker perceives the
scene more likely through a larger subscene, possibly producing utterances describing a wide area
of the scene (e.g. the theme of the scene), whereas a subject viewing a scene with an uneasily
recognizable layout might end up describing a relatively smaller area of the scene (e.g. an action or
actors of the scene) as the scene is perceived via a smaller subscene.
We chose two groups of scenes in this analysis: one for events with ambiguous relationships
between actors, which are not easily recognizable (theme scenes), and the other for events with
very clear and simple actions (event scenes). The Relay and Boxing scene were selected for the
former group and the Punch and Cat-Paw scene were selected for the latter. Subjects’ initial
utterances were also analyzed into two categories, theme description and actor/action description,
depending on the semantic coverage and the level of description details. Utterances corresponding
to the theme description generally describe the theme of the entire scene without mentioning much
detail whereas utterances corresponding to the actor/action description generally focus on certain
aspects of the depicted event in a relatively detailed manner. Specific examples are summarized in
the following table.
Table 4.2-2: Example initial utterances of different description types.
Initial Utterance Description Type
oh wow we have a cage fighting match
Theme description
in this scene it looks like it's a boxing match
Theme description
the cat touching a man's head
Actor/action description
(ok) looks like two guys are... pretend punching
each other
Actor/action description
Figure 4.2-5: The proportion of description type analyzed from subjects’ initial utterances – both of the
theme and actor/action description type represented for each scene type (left), and only the theme description
type was compared (right). Subjects generated initial utterances of a significantly different description style
depending on the scene type.
Since we chose two scenes for each scene type and the total number of subjects was eight, 16
initial utterances were analyzed. The result indicated that subjects produced more utterances
corresponding to the theme description for theme scenes while more utterances corresponding to
the actor/action description for event scenes (75% of the total initial utterances were of the theme
description for theme scenes, and 87.5% of utterances were of the actor/action description for event
scenes). As hypothesized, a clear tendency of subjects to produce initial utterances that match with
the scene type was observed, and the observed tendency was statistically significant (for theme
scenes, 75% of the total initial utterances were of theme description, SEM = 11.1%, while only
12.5% of the utterances were of theme description for event scenes, SEM = 8.5%, t-test, p =
One particular thing to note about this analysis is that the utterances from both of the tasks were
analyzed altogether and the effect was found to be significant. In fact, separate analyses on the
utterances from the online and offline tasks yielded significant tendencies (analysis on the online
and offline tasks resulted in exactly the same result as 75% of the total initial utterances were of
theme description and 12.5% of the utterances were of theme description for event scenes, t-test, p
= 0.0095). Thus, the initial utterances recorded not only from the online task but also from offline
task yielded significantly different description coverage. The implication of the result is two-fold:
(1) the effect of scene properties was strong enough to last over a relatively long period (10 sec.),
and/or (2) the formation of the sentential structure was done in a deterministic way such that the
selection made for the earlier utterance was not influenced by the selection of the subsequent
utterances. In any case, the influence of the scene properties seemed to be significantly strong in
formulating utterances.
Although we took an indirect measurement, the implication of the results is that an initially
perceived subscene may be affected by the conceptual and perceptual properties of a watched scene
as illustrated by the different description coverage and detail of subjects’ initial utterances induced
by different scene types.
An experiment with a similar paradigm was conducted previously by Fei-Fei and her
colleagues (2007). They showed gray-scale photographs of natural scene to subjects and asked
them to produce descriptions while randomly varying the presentation time (from 27 to 500ms).
They analyzed the produced descriptions by assigning individual scores to different attributes
appeared in the description (e.g. indoor/outdoor, object animacy, event types, etc.). In contrast to
our claim, they argued that there is little evidence for bias toward either scene-level or object-level
recognition. However, despite the similarity in the approach, the implication of their findings is
intrinsically incompatible with ours since our analysis focused only on the perception of an
immediate subscene as reflected in the initial utterance while their analysis covered the entire
4.3. Experiment 2
Experiment 2 differs from Experiment 1 in a few ways. Firstly, we focus on the threshold of
utterance and the perception of subscene, and provide analysis results in further detail. Secondly,
the difference in time pressure was again elicited by two types of task but with different
requirements. In this experiment, subjects are asked to describe a scene either as quickly as possible
or while viewing the scene for as much time as needed. Both tasks are “online” in that subjects
produced a description while watching a scene. Thirdly, only two types of scene were used (but the
total number of the scenes, eight, was identical) to allow simpler inspection of the effect of scene
properties. Depending on the thematic and perceptual characteristics of the depicted events, scenes
were categorized as either event or theme, namely one for events with ambiguous relationships
between actors, which are not easily recognizable, and the other for events with very clear and
simple actions, as discussed earlier in Experiment 1. Lastly, more subjects participated in the
experiment. It was not only convenient for statistical analysis as more data samples are available
but also helpful for providing a variety in subject responses.
Now we provide a detailed account of the conditions and results for the experiment.
A. Participants
15 native or quasi-native English-speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision
participated for course credit or complementary cash of $10. They were all undergraduate students
of the University of Southern California (USC).
B. Visual Stimuli
Identical to Experiment 1, full-color photographs of complex, natural live-action scenes were
used while some of the scenes in Experiment 1 were used again in this experiment (with some
retouches). Again, only the scenes with interesting and complex situations in which multiple events
or aspects of an event at a certain moment are depicted were chosen.
Figure 4.3-1: All the scenes used in Experiment 2. They are grouped into two categories – the top row
shows event scenes and the bottom row shows theme scenes. The URL for the image sources are given under
the names of scenes.
A total of eight scenes were used (in addition to practice scenes), which were grouped into two
different types depending on the thematic and perceptual characteristics of the depicted events.
(1) A “theme” scene: the “theme” is more prominent than each individual’s action or
interactions between them – the overall atmosphere or layout of the scene is more salient
and prominent.
(2) An “event” scene: the “event” is more prominent than the theme of the scene – the action
of each individual or the interaction between individuals is more salient and prominent.
Figure 4.3-1 shows all of the scenes used in this experiment. The top row contains event scenes
(Punch, Bull-Run, Cholitas, and Kisses) while the bottom row contains theme scenes (Boxing, Car-
Expo, Wedding, and Soccer).
C. Apparatus
The same experiment settings as Experiment 1 have been used.
D. Procedure
As in Experiment 1, it was explained to subjects that their eye movements and speech would be
recorded, but nothing was specified about a form for the description or the types of scenes they
would describe. Subjects were also asked to keep their head position still even if they were
speaking. Similarly to Experiment 1, subjects were asked to describe aspects of the displayed scene,
but with different time pressure imposed by instructions in an effort to manipulate their threshold of
utterance. Two task types were specified as follows:
• Quick Task: Subjects were asked to describe the displayed scene as quickly as possible
while viewing the photograph.
• Free Task: Subjects were asked to describe the displayed scene taking as much time as
they needed while viewing the photograph.
Both tasks were “online” in the sense that subjects described the scene as they watched it. This
was to enable inspection of the temporal correlation between eye movements and utterances. The
quick task is to elicit a low threshold whereas the free task is to elicit a high threshold, and time
pressure was imposed by specifically instructing subjects of the speed requirement.
Each subject completed a total of 12 trials (4 for practice, and 8 for stimulus scenes), and the
two types of task were distributed randomly (uniform distribution) among the trials, 4 for each type.
Before starting a trial, an instruction was displayed at the center of the screen – for the quick task,
“Describe what you are seeing AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE”, and for the free task, “Describe what
you are seeing while TAKING AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED”. The instruction remained on the
screen until the experimenter clicked the mouse button, and then the trial began.
In both tasks, subjects were allowed to keep describing as much as they wanted (i.e. there was
no time constraint), but they were advised to attend to most highlighted events or aspects of a scene
rather than exhaustive details. The scene was displayed until the experimenter clicked the mouse
button after subjects notified that the description had been finished. The time course of fixation on
and mentioning of people and objects were recorded for each trial.
Other experiment procedures were identical to Experiment 1.
E. Data Analysis and Results
Identically to Experiment 1, eye-trace data and transcribed speech were used for analysis.
These data were initially processed by EyeParser (mostly with EyeCharts) and then went through
more specific analyses according to the type of measurement.
Scene Type
Before we begin, we should address the details of a brief survey on the categorization of the
scenes used in this experiment. Since the scene types are an important variable along with the task
types, we conducted a quick poll to estimate whether the scenes are fitted with the already set up
categories in an objective manner. 19 participants volunteered in the survey, all of whom were
graduate students of USC. We asked participants to rate each of the scenes according to a scale that
marks the characteristics of the depicted events with a numerical value that ranges from 1 to 5 (1:
very event, 2: event, 3: hard to say, 4: theme, 5: very theme).
Figure 4.3-2: The mean scale value calculated from raters’ responses for each scene (left) and collapsed
for all event and theme scenes (right). The mean scale value for event scenes was significantly distinctive
from the mean value for theme scenes.
As Figure 4.3-2 shows, participants’ response generally conformed to the proposed division –
all event scenes (Punch, Bull-Run, Cholitas, and Kisses) were rated on average below 3.0, which is
the median of the scale, while all theme scenes (Boxing, Car-Expo, Wedding, and Soccer) rated
above 3.0 on average. In fact, the mean scale value of event scenes was significantly lower than the
mean value of theme scenes, validating the classification of scenes in the current experiment (the
mean scale value was 2.25 for event scenes, SEM = 0.17, and 3.70 for theme scenes, SEM = 0.16,
t-test, p < 10
). Moreover, Table 4.3-1 represents the results of a cross-comparison of all scenes,
which exhibited the boundary of division that generally fitted with the current grouping of scenes.
The mean scale values of the scenes in different groups were significantly different while those of
the scenes among the same group did not show a significant difference.
Table 4.3-1: A cross-comparison of all scenes used in the experiment. The matching between two scenes
is marked with an “X” if the difference in the mean scale values is insignificant whereas it is marked with an
“O” if the values are significantly different (t-test, p < 0.05). The shaded cells represent the comparisons
between the scenes of the different categories.
Punch Cholitas BullRun Kisses Boxing Wedding CarExpo Soccer
Punch - X X O O O O O
Cholitas - - X X O O O O
BullRun - - - X X X O O
Kisses - - - - X X O O
Boxing - - - - - X X X
Wedding - - - - - - X X
CarExpo - - - - - - - X
Soccer - - - - - - - -
Effect of Time Pressure
Differently from Experiment 1, the current experiment elicited the effect of threshold by giving
subjects instructions that presumably caused different levels of time pressure. Since the effect of
threshold is one of the key factors that this experiment addresses, it is crucial that subjects indeed
followed the instructions specified by different task types. We analyzed the onset time of utterances
produced by subjects to estimate the effectiveness of the task difference.
Figure 4.3-3: The measured mean utterance onset time during the free and quick task. Utterances were
produced faster during the quick task, indicating that subjects were under more time pressure.
For each task type, 60 utterance data (15 subjects with 8 scenes divided by two tasks) were
examined. The result showed a clear difference in the utterance onset time between the free and
quick task. Subjects produced utterances significantly later during the free task than during the
quick task (the mean onset time was 3.93 sec. for the free task, SEM = 0.38, and the 1.66 sec. for
the quick task, SEM = 0.076, t-test, p < 10
), confirming that the given instructions were effective
in yielding the expected time pressure.
Utterance Well-formedness
As discussed in Experiment 1, the effect of different levels of threshold on the produced
utterance is one of our main issues. In fact, the analysis on threshold in Experiment 1 suggested that
low threshold may cause the production of less well-formed utterances. Although threshold did not
appear to have any effect on producing pauses or breaks during utterance, the sentence length did
seem to be affected by threshold – the word-sentence ratio for the offline task was significantly
higher than that for the online task. We suspected that a high threshold allows the system to produce
more well-formed utterances as the sentence length is generally associated with the grammatical
complexity and sentential formality. Compared to Experiment 1, especially, both of the tasks were
designed as “online” in order to ensure higher credibility in the direct comparison of utterance
structures from the two types of task.
In this analysis, we examined the structural aspect of the produced utterance more closely to
estimate the extent to which threshold influences the well-formedness of utterances. There are a
number of structural factors to be considered involved in the assessment of sentences with different
degrees of well-formedness. For example, a scene where a woman who is wearing a blue dress is
hitting a man can be described by very different styles of utterance, such as “the pretty woman in
blue hits the man” or “the woman hitting the man... she’s pretty… and wearing a blue dress”. The
former utterance may be the result of a high threshold where careful planning is possible with a
higher working memory load and more constructions allowed, whereas the latter may result from a
low threshold where the sentence formulation process happens with less computational resources
available. Due to the insufficiency of the allowed computational resources, the utterances in the
latter case may be produced in a highly incremental fashion, which generally ends up in
grammatically simpler and shorter utterances, such as phrases. Thus, the difference between the
former and the latter utterances, although their semantic meanings are almost identical, should be
mostly reflected by the arrangement of semantic components and the complexity of the
grammatical structure. In the former utterance, there is one big component, the woman is hitting the
man, which “embeds” other subordinate components, the woman being pretty and the woman
wearing a blue dress, inside. On the contrary, the latter utterance exhibits a plainer grammatical
structure where the three components are simply concatenated one after another. The former is
more well-formed than the latter as it conveys the meaning more compactly (more words in fewer
sentences) with higher formality (more complex grammatical structures with embedded
To capture these aspects, we define two metrics, the structural compactness and the
grammatical complexity of utterance, which are a more elaborate version of the metric (i.e. word-
sentence ratio) used in Experiment 1 to provide an estimate on how structurally compact the
produced utterance is. The formulas are specified as follows:
Sentences of Number
Structures Embedded of Number
Complexity l Grammatica
Sentences of Number
Words Core of Number
s Compactnes Structural
Core words are basically content words that are closely related to the semantics of the scene
and objects being described. Not all content words in utterances are counted as core words while
some function words (especially pronouns) might be since our main concern in this analysis is the
measurement of how much of scene semantics, not all semantics in general, is delivered through
utterances. In fact, subjects often produced expressions that are not really meaningful in terms of
the scene semantics – e.g. in the utterance “so in this scene, it seems like there’ s a man”, only the
word man is counted as a core word even though there are other content words, such as scene or
seem (see Table 4.3-2 for more examples).
Embedded structures are clausal, prepositional, or other sentential structures that are
structurally “embedded” within another structure. Embedded structures are of particular interest to
us since they reflect the computational efforts (especially higher working memory overhead) of the
production process of TCG. A high threshold allows the system to formulate utterances by
populating multiple grammatical structures (in terms of constructions) at the same time, which
generally result in sentential structures of higher grammatical complexity with multiple levels of
relative clauses or other sentential structures. Not all relative clauses are counted as embedded
because an embedded structure in our definition needs to appear “within” another structure – e.g. in
the utterance “a woman wearing a green dress is kicking a woman wearing a blue dress”, the
relative clause wearing a green dress is counted as embedded while it is not in the utterance
“people are watching the woman wearing a green dress” because it is possible that the clause is
simply appended at the end of the main sentential structure rather than embedded within it (see
Table 4.3-3 for more examples).
The definition of a sentence is the same as the one described in Experiment 1 (see Table 4.2-1
for examples).
Table 4.3-2: Examples of counted core words from different styles of utterance.
Utterance Core Words
it looks like there's a cameraman… filming… the man
in blue on the side
cameraman, filming, man, blue,
um looks like maybe… like a rare romantic… day I
rare, romantic
there are other two people in the background who…
um… seem to be helping… with the event
other, two, people, background,
help, event
this is taking place within a soccer game in which
an opponent is… um… well accidentally attacked… uh
his opponent
take place, soccer, opponent,
accidentally, attacked, his,
Table 4.3-3: Examples of counted embedded structures from different styles of utterance.
Utterance Embedded Structures
one guy on the orange team just kicked a guy on the
blue team in the chest
2 structures – orange team, blue
all of his friends behind him are laughing
1 structure – behind him
the main man… who's the largest and the… the image
is running
1 structure – the largest
there a racing model who's being employed to stand…
next to one of the vehicles is being photographed by
uh… onlookers
1 structure – employed to stand
next to vehicle
Thus, the structural compactness and the grammatical complexity are supposed to provide
simple numerical measures of the well-formedness of an utterance as the former measures how
compactly represented the meaning of an utterance is while the latter measures how complex the
grammatical structure of an utterance is. In the earlier example for the utterances “the pretty woman
in blue hits the man” and “the woman hitting the man... she’s pretty… and wearing a blue dress”,
both metrics score much higher for the former (structural compactness = 5/1 = 5.0, grammatical
complexity = 1/1 = 1.0) than for the latter (structural compactness = 8/3 = 2.67, grammatical
complexity = 0/3 = 0.0). The following is an example analysis of the actual utterances from a
Utterance from subject AT (for Punch scene)
this could… potentially be like a joke
one man is… punching or making the
action like he's punching the other man
looks like the man with the yellow
shirt is reacting to the punch
uh though there's a very enthusiastic
man in the green shirt in the
who's laughing at the whole ord- ordeal
Analysis Result
potentially, joke
one, man, punch, action, he, punch,
other, man
man, [yellow, shirt], react, punch
enthusiastic, man, [green, shirt],
background, laugh, ordeal
Core Words = 22, Embedded Structures = 2,
Sentences = 4
Structural Compactness = 5.5
Grammatical Complexity = 0.5
Two raters analyzed a total of 120 utterances (15 subjects for 8 scenes, 60 utterances for each
task type) gathered from the experiment for the measurement of the structural compactness and the
grammatical complexity. Then the metric scores from both of the raters were averaged to yield the
final analysis result.
Figure 4.3-4: The mean score of the measured structural compactness (left) and the grammatical
complexity (right). Both of the metrics resulted in a significantly higher score for the free task than for the
quick task, indicating that the well-formedness of the produced utterances was influenced by threshold.
Analysis was basically done by counting core words. The dashed line represents the sentence boundary, and the words
within square brackets (“[ ]”) represent the core words within an embedded structure.
As shown in Figure 4.3-4, both of the measured metrics rated significantly higher for the free
task than for the quick task (for the free task, the mean score of the structural compactness was 5.60,
SEM = 0.29, and the grammatical complexity was 0.28, SEM = 0.07, whereas for the quick task,
the mean score of the structural compactness was 3.91, SEM = 0.19, and the grammatical
complexity was 0.11, SEM = 0.03, t-test, p < 10
for the structural compactness and p = 0.038 for
the grammatical complexity). This indicates that the task with lower time pressure (i.e. the free
task) results in more well-formed utterances, suggesting that the sentential structure of the produced
utterance is influenced by the threshold level. The comparison between the mean score of the
structural compactness for theme scenes and that for event scenes did not show any significant
difference (4.92 for theme scenes and 4.59 for event scenes, t-test, p = 0.38), confirming that the
difference was in fact caused by the task difference rather than the scene difference.
Moreover, compared to the structural compactness, the result of grammatical complexity was
marginally significant (p < 10
for the structural compactness, and p = 0.038 for the grammatical
complexity). In fact, the scene-type-wise analysis for the structural compactness yielded a
significant difference (for theme scenes, free task = 5.54, quick task = 4.2, p = 0.007, and for event
scenes, free task = 5.7, quick task = 3.7, p = 0.0005) whereas the grammatical complexity for both
of the scene types did not show any significant difference (for theme scenes, free task = 0.29, quick
task = 0.11, p = 0.12, and for event scenes, free task = 0.26, quick task = 0.12, p = 0.17). Thus, the
effect of threshold appears to be stronger in the structural compactness than in the grammatical
complexity – i.e. subjects reliably spoke out longer sentences when threshold was higher, but the
sentential structures were not necessarily more complex, especially with more embedded structures.
Subscene and Scene Perception
As addressed in Experiment 1, the notion of subscene with its related visual perception
mechanisms is one of our main concerns along with the threshold. In fact, the results on this aspect
in Experiment 1 suggested that the area of coverage and the level of detail of an immediately
perceived subscene could be affected by conceptual and perceptual properties of a viewed scene.
In this analysis, we examined more closely the influence of two different types of scene, which
were theme and event, in order to assess to what extent the scene properties induce the change in
the level of coverage and detail of a perceived subscene. Identical to Experiment 1, we again
analyzed the initial utterances produced from subjects (but with more number of subjects and
scenes) in both task types. A total of 120 utterances (15 subjects for 8 scenes, 60 utterances for each
task type) were analyzed.
Figure 4.3-5: The proportion of description type analyzed from subjects’ initial utterances – both of the
theme and actor/action description type represented for each scene type (left), and only the theme description
type was compared (right). Subjects generated initial utterances of a significantly different description style
depending on the scene type.
As in Experiment 1, we found a clear tendency for subjects to produce more utterances
corresponding to the theme description for theme scenes while more utterances corresponding to
the actor/action description for event scenes (68.33% of the total initial utterances were of the
theme description for theme scenes, and 66.67% of utterances were of the actor/action description
for event scenes). The tendency was not as strong as what was found in Experiment 1 (75% for the
theme description for theme scenes and 87.5% for the actor/action description for event scenes),
possibly due to more variety in the actions and events depicted in the scenes used in the experiment
– e.g. in Experiment 1, only the type of transitive action with the extension of an arm (a guy’s
punching and a cat’s pawing) was depicted in event scenes whereas in Experiment 2, more various
transitive actions, such as kissing and chasing, were used. However, the observed tendency was still
statistically significant (for theme scenes, 68.33% of the total initial utterances were of theme
description, SEM = 6.05%, while only 33.33% of the utterances were of theme description for
event scenes, SEM = 6.1%, t-test, p < 10
Additionally, the tendency was significantly strong for both tasks. During the free task, 72.73%
of the total initial utterances were about the theme for theme scenes while 44.44% of the initial
utterances were about the theme for event scenes, and the difference was significant (t-test, p =
0.028). Similarly, during the quick task, 62.96% of the initial utterances were about the theme for
theme scenes while 24.24% of the initial utterances were about the theme for event scenes, and the
difference was also significant (t-test, p = 0.0024). The indication is that subjects produced more
descriptions on the theme during the free task than the quick task (72.73% and 44.44% for the free
task vs. 62.96% and 24.24% for the quick task) while the tendency of subjects to produce
utterances of the matching style with the viewing scene was stronger during the quick task than the
free task (p = 0.028 for the free task vs. p = 0.0024 for the quick task). It appears that during the
free task, subjects had enough time to scan through a scene and plan the best sentential structure to
describe the scene, and this might have resulted in greater production of thematic descriptions. On
the other hand, the time constraint during the quick task enforced subjects to focus on the most
salient aspect in the scene and immediately produce an utterance, and this might have yielded a
more distinctive tendency in the styles of the produced utterances, which reflected the properties of
the scene.
Figure 4.3-6: The marked regions of the actors/actions of the main event of each scene represented by the
highlighted areas. These regions were selected according to the initial utterances of the actor/action
description type.
In this experiment, moreover, we extended the previous version of analysis on the effect of the
scene properties by measuring the locations of the gaze fixations made “before” the onset of the
utterance. We define those fixations as initial fixations. Since the locations of speakers’ eye gazes
are tightly linked with the produced utterance (Levelt & Meyer, 2000; Meyer, 2004; Spivey, et al.,
2004; van der Meulen, 2001) and even with typing (Andersson et al., 2006), initial fixations are
expected to convey crucial information for forming initial utterances. Especially given the
importance of the initial utterance in this analysis, close inspection in the initial fixations of
subjects would be worthwhile in finding clues in the effect of scene properties and the formation of
a subscene. We suspect that the locations of initial fixations would differ depending on the type of
scenes as did the description coverage of the initial utterances presented earlier.
For measuring the difference in the locations of initial fixations, we marked all of the scenes
used in the experiment with the regions of the actors and/or actions of the “main event”. Figure
4.3-6 illustrates the marked regions of all scenes. The regions were selected by analyzing subjects’
initial utterances for the description of actions or actors (i.e. the actor/action description) in terms of
core words. Even for theme scenes, the actors and actions being described by subjects’ initial
utterances corresponding to the actor/action description were highly consistent such that only a few
utterances described differently from the majority of the utterances, resulting in 89.8% of
consistency overall (see Table 4.3-4 for more detail).
Table 4.3-4: The content and the proportion of agreement of the main event description appeared in the
initial utterances produced for each scene.
Punch Cholitas BullRun Kisses Boxing Wedding CarExpo Soccer
We then measured the proportion of the durations of the initial fixations that fell within the
marked regions for each scene type – since the utterance onset time varied by subjects and cases,
measuring and comparing the total or mean time of the fixation duration were inappropriate. Only
the duration of fixations, which excludes the time for saccades, was counted into the proportion.
Figure 4.3-7: The mean proportion of the fixation duration time measured from subjects’ initial fixations
that fell within the marked regions of the actors and/or actions in the main event.
We found that subjects fixated on the actor and action regions significantly more for event
scenes than for theme scenes (the mean proportion of the fixation duration time was 0.51, SEM =
0.028, for theme scenes and 0.63, SEM = 0.031, for event scenes, t-test, p = 0.005), confirming the
effect of the properties of scene during the initial phase of scene perception suggested from the
initial utterance analysis.
Interestingly, only the initial fixations during the free task yielded the desired effect with
statistical significance as opposed to the quick task (during the free task, the mean proportion of the
fixation duration time was 0.46, SEM = 0.036, for theme scenes and 0.59, SEM = 0.038, for event
scenes, t-test, p = 0.021). It appears that during the quick task, subjects tended to fixate more on
salient objects (mostly the actors/actions of the main event) even for theme scenes to extract
enough information for the description as they were forced to produce an utterance as quickly as
possible, and this might have resulted in a less significantly distinctive pattern of initial fixations.
Combined with the previous result, which suggests that during the quick task, subjects’ initial
utterances showed a stronger tendency in matching the description style with the scene type, the
interpretation is that speakers form a subscene for the description of the theme of a perceived scene
based on the “gist” rather than the detailed inspection on the entire scene with multiple fixations,
especially when they are under time pressure. This is because when subjects produced utterances of
the theme description during the quick task, they still tended to fixate more at the limited regions,
suggesting that the information of the theme was acquired through some other means than thorough
fixations. However, more research is needed to thoroughly address this issue.
Although the current finding does not directly address how a subscene is perceived or how
much information is contained in a subscene at a first glance at a scene, an important implication is
that the properties of a scene as well as the event of the scene actually affected the content of initial
utterances and the patterns of fixations before those utterances. As addressed earlier, we propose
that the area of coverage and the level of detail of an initially perceived subscene are reflected
within those initially observed factors. Thus, the analysis results on initial utterances and fixation
locations, in which we found a significant influence from the properties of a perceived scene,
suggest that those properties influence the establishment of a subscene and the subsequent
perception processes. However, more research is needed to fully address the validity of the scene
perception mechanisms proposed in the current work (see Section 2.9 for the detailed exposition of
the proposed process).
4.4. Two Views in Eye Movements and Speech Production
In recent years, many psycholinguists have used eye movements to study how speech and
language are understood, to learn about the processes involved in language production, and even to
shed light on how conversations are managed (Henderson & Ferreira, 2004). Given that the
language model proposed in the present study accounts for production of speech, eye tracking
studies on language production are of our main concern here.
Griffin and Bock (2000) monitored the eye movements of speakers while describing black-and-
white line drawings of simple transitive events with single sentences. They found an orderly
linkage between successive fixations in viewing and word order in speech. Especially, a similarity
between speakers’ initial eye movements and those of observers performing a nonverbal event-
comprehension task was found, indicating that response-relevant information was rapidly extracted
from scenes, allowing speakers to select grammatical subjects based on comprehended events
rather than salience – i.e. people do not always start a sentence with what captures their eyes first.
In fact, it has been reported that speakers do not readily give up a structural preference in order to
put a perceptually salient element into the subject position (Flores d'Arcais, 1975).
From their findings, Griffin and Bock proposed that “apprehension precedes formulation”,
arguing that a holistic process of conceptualization sets the stage for the creation of a to-be-spoken
sentence. According to them, the language production process begins with apprehension and
generation of a message (a context that language conveys) and proceeds through incremental
formulation, with eye movements indicating the temporal relationship between these transitions.
More precisely, Griffin and Bock divided the process of speech production upon scene perception
into three temporal stages: (1) event apprehension (extracting a coarse understanding of the event
as a whole), (2) sentence formulation (the cognitive preparation of linguistic elements, including
retrieving and arranging words), and (3) speech execution (overt production). The first stage is
proposed to happen fairly quickly, within 300ms from the perception of a scene to describe (Bock,
Irwin, Davidson, & Levelt, 2003), which might be attributable to the type of visual stimuli they
used – in the cases where scenes with more complex events are used (as in our experiments), the
required time for the first stage would be longer.
This view has been further supported by Levelt and Meyer (2000) (for a similar study, see
Meyer, 2004) who showed speakers pictures of objects appearing in different sizes and colors.
Speakers named the objects in simple noun phrases such as the scooter and the ball, or in a
different block of trials, mentioned the size and color of the objects together, as in the big red
scooter and the ball. Although the speech onset latencies for the two phrase types did not differ
significantly (713ms for the simple phrase, 755ms for the complex one), the mean viewing time for
the target objects (e.g. scooter) was more than twice as long when complex rather than simple noun
phrases were required (559ms for the simple phrase and 1229ms for the complex one). This
indicates that when speakers produce complex noun phrases, their eyes remain on the referent
object until they have fully planned the phrase to the point of initiating the phrase-final word. Here
it seems that planning of sentential structure precedes production of speech.
Nonetheless, the work of Levelt and Meyer indicates that speech production may also be an
incremental process. The similar speech onset time for the two phrase types suggests that speakers
may initiate uttering complex phrases before having planned all of their constituents. In fact,
another line of studies has emphasized the incrementality of language production.
Tomlin (1997) repeatedly showed participants short cartoons of one fish eating another while
an arrow pointed to a particular fish, and participants were instructed to keep their eyes on that fish
during the presentation. Participants tended to mention the indicated fish first, choosing it as the
subject even when they had to use the disfavored passive structure (e.g. “The red fish is being eaten
by the blue fish”), suggesting that at least in some highly constrained situations, visual attention
influences sentence formulation.
Griffin (2001), moreover, conducted an experiment where speakers were required to produce
the sentence frame “The A and the B are above the C” to describe three pictured objects while
object B or C varied in codability (i.e. a measurement of the distribution and frequency of
alternative names) and in frequency (i.e. how often the name is used). Although speakers gazed
longer at objects with lower codability and lower frequency, their naming onset latency of A was
not affected, suggesting that speakers began utterance once a name had been prepared for A, before
selecting names for B and C. This implies that a highly incremental process of language production
has been used for the task.
More recently, Gleitman and her colleagues (2007) offered a similar account. Contra the earlier
mentioned study by Griffin and Bock (2000), they argued that there is no evidence for an initial
visual apprehension stage during which the language processing system is disengaged. The authors
showed simple pictured events to subjects, which are line drawings of simple transitive and
intransitive events similar to the visual stimuli used by Griffin and Bock (2000), and asked them to
describe the events while their eye movements were recorded. The subject’s initial attention was
directed to one character or the other in the events by briefly flashing (60~80ms) a spatial cue just
before the onset of each image. The authors examined how manipulations of visual attention
affected speakers’ linguistic choices when describing scenes, and reported that word order choices
appeared to be influenced by early endogenous shifts in attention. They concluded that there is a
reliable relationship between initial looking patterns and speaking patterns (i.e. what is attended
first is likely to be described first), supporting the incrementality of language production.
However, one should note that the extent to which all of the above studies support
incrementality in speech production is somewhat limited. Firstly, Tomlin (1997) used highly
restricted experimental settings where subjects were required to focus on the marked fish during the
experiment. The sentence frame and the object arrangement in the display used by Griffin (2001)
were fixed throughout the experiment, and this might have encouraged subjects to use incremental
strategies. Finally, the findings by Gleitman and her colleagues (2007) demonstrated a correlation
between looking patterns and speaking patterns only at the “initial” stage of production, without
further assessing whether the relationship extended to the entire production period.
These two positions on the relation between perception and language production – one claims
that the holistic conceptual structure mediates the language production process whereas the other
claims that the order of perceptual and conceptual input directly influences the linguistic output –
have long been debated. We may summarize those two camps as follows:
• Structural view: Scene comprehension comes before sentence formulation in the way that
the sentential structure is determined by the conceptual structure of a scene rather than the
perceptual prominence of individual items (e.g. Bock, et al., 2004; Griffin & Bock, 2000;
Lashley, 1951).
• Incremental view: Sentence formulation is done concurrently with scene comprehension so
that the sentential structure is built in an incremental manner, while potentially influenced
by the perceptual status of each individual item in a scene. (e.g. Gleitman, et al., 2007;
Osgood, 1977; Tomlin, 1997).
The two views seemingly describe mutually exclusive principles. However, language
production may generally involve both an incremental and a preplanning mechanism (e.g. Levelt,
1989), and the production system may shift between these mechanisms based on the perceived
information (Brown-Schmidt & Tanenhaus, 2006).
For instance, Ferreira and Swets (2002) reported experiment results indicating the flexibility of
the language system in selecting different policies. In the experiments, they asked subjects to report
the sum of digits in three different utterance types: the sum only, “X is the sum”, and “the sum is X”.
Although subjects can use the third type to spare time for calculating the sum after the utterance
onset, the utterance latencies were the same for all three utterance types. Instead, the difficulty of
the calculation affected the latencies as well as the duration of the utterance, suggesting that
planning precedes speaking in this task. However, they conducted a successive experiment where
subjects were instructed to use only the third sentence type while they were pressured to begin to
speak quickly – a timing bar was displayed on the screen, and if the sum is not uttered before the
timing bar counted all the way down, a loud “beep” sound was produced. In this case, interestingly,
both the latencies and the durations were influenced by the difficulty, suggesting that subjects
adopted a strategy of simultaneous planning and speaking. Ferreira and Swets concluded that the
language production system is not architecturally incremental, but it also at least partly has a
capacity to allow planning to occur during articulating.
Moreover, it has been suggested that the language production system is neither solely
incremental nor solely structural, based on a study using the Odawa language (Christianson &
Ferreira, 2005). Odawa has a rich inventory of verb forms which allows constituents to be freely
ordered within the clause, making all logical word orders possible (e.g. VSO, VOS, SVO, OVS,
SOV, OSV). In order to examine the production process in Odawa, the authors conducted an
experiment in which native Odawa speakers were asked to answer questions that would emphasize
different constituents in simple transitive events as the topic (e.g. “what is happening here?”, “what
is the boy doing?”, “what is happening to the girl?”). The experiment results were compatible with
a “weaker” version of incrementality; subjects appeared to prefer making highlighted constituents
the syntactic subjects by varying verb forms according to the types of questions, but at the same
time, they appeared to avoid simply placing those constituents in the sentence-initial position as
shown by their preference for the canonical word order (SVO) even if they had to resort to a less
frequent verb form (passive). The authors concluded that the production system strives to encode
agents, topics, and humans as subjects while choosing a syntactic frame that will allow for as close
as possible to a full alignment of these features to obtain.
Therefore, the stance taken here is that the structural and incremental views do not address two
mutually exclusive principles, but rather they are outcomes of two extreme cases. Various
perceptual and linguistic factors can drive the language system to switch between or stay in the
middle of these two cases. Within the range of the current framework, as we demonstrate in our
discussion of TCG in the next section, the relevant factors include a variety of scene properties and
task requirements, such as perceptual properties of a scene, scene display time, sentential structure
requirements, or time pressure in formulating a sentence. Depending on the combinations of such
factors, the system may manifest different styles of behavior which range from a radically
incremental style to a strictly structural style – the eye gaze and utterance patterns produced by the
system can be controlled by manipulating those perceptual and linguistic factors.
A number of studies indeed demonstrated such variations. Bock and colleagues (2003) reported
an effect of perceptual properties on linguistic production by using eye-tracking measures. They
showed clock displays in either the number-free analog format or the digital format to subjects and
assessed their responses in two categories – the “relative” system includes such expressions as ten
past two and quarter (or fifteen) to four, whereas the “absolute” system includes the corresponding
expressions of two-ten and three forty-five. The results indicated that when subjects produced
absolute expressions, they used an incremental strategy (i.e. the speech onset latencies were shorter,
and the fixation location and the produced terms showed a tight temporal correlation) whereas
when they produced relative expressions, they appeared to prepare the whole expression in advance
(i.e. the speech onset latencies were longer with little correlation between the fixation location and
the produced terms). It was reported that subjects more easily (less eye-voice span) produced
absolute expressions with displays of digital clocks while relative expressions were more easily
produced with analog clock displays, thus implying that the perceptual and linguistic compatibility
played a role in the choice of the production strategy. In a similar experiment where only analog
clock displays were used (Bock, et al., 2004), relative expressions were triggered when the minute
hand was in the upper-left quadrant. The result of this experiment also implies the perceptual
influence in the selection of the utterance structure and the following incrementability.
A more crucial example is an experiment conducted by van der Meulen (2003). In her
experiment, speakers viewed four pictured objects arranged in a square. When the bottom two
objects were identical, plural nouns were used (“A and B are above Cs”) whereas different objects
at the bottom called for a two-clause construction (“A is above B and C is above D”). When the two
types of displays were presented in separate blocks of the experiment (i.e. subjects were sure which
sentential structure was to be used), speakers immediately gazed at the first object without scanning
the other, resulting in a tight temporal relationship between the gaze and utterance. On the other
hand, if the types of displays were intermixed in the same experiment block (i.e. subjects could not
be sure which sentential structure was to be used), speakers looked at the bottom objects before
starting a name-related gaze on the first object to be mentioned, indicating that speakers employ a
flexible strategy in event apprehension and sentence formulation. Thus, the implication is that
speakers’ perceptual and linguistic policy in scene description is influenced by the task and the
settings of the perceived scene.
Recently, moreover, Kuchinsky (2009) claimed that conceptual properties of perceived events
matter in the formulation of descriptive utterances at least at the initial stage. She examined the
effectiveness of briefly flashing a spatial cue at a character in an event in relation to utterance
formulation – i.e. whether or not the cued character is mentioned in the subject position. She
divided depicted events into four categories depending on the character and event codability: easy
event with easy objects, easy event with difficult objects, difficult event with easy objects, and
difficult event with difficult objects. Interestingly, the effect of cuing was found to be significant
only for scenes with a difficult event with easy objects. Given that the cuing effect can be
interpreted as an incremental strategy in language production (Gleitman, et al., 2007), the
implication is that the selection of the strategy makes use of rich perceptual or conceptual
information provided by a scene.
4.5. Case Study: Integrating Two Views
In this section, we discuss detailed accounts on various combinations of perceptual and
linguistic factors that drive the production system, especially in regard to the two opposing views
addressed in Section 4.4. More specifically, we focus on how eye gaze and utterance patterns
corresponding to the incremental and the structural view are generated by the production system of
TCG while emphasizing how various experimental constraints and perceptual factors interacting to
yield different outcomes.
Among all the relevant factors, we focus on two types of experimental parameters, which are
the (conceptual and perceptual) properties of a presented scene and the time pressure given to
speakers. This is because we explore distinctive aspects in the process of describing a natural scene
by using different settings of eye-tracking experiments in this chapter, and these two parameters are
proposed to affect the formation of a SemRep and the production process of TCG (see Section 4.2
and 4.3 for details).
Firstly, it is proposed that the availability of an immediate layout of a perceived scene – i.e.
whether or not a certain event (or gist) of the scene is immediately recognizable – determines the
process by which a subscene is perceived and encapsulated into a SemRep (Section 2.9). Although
it did not directly address the immediate availability of a layout, an analysis of the experiment data
suggested that the event complexity and the thematic arrangement of a presented scene affected an
initially perceived subscene as reflected by the content of initially made utterances. This implies
that the availability of an immediate layout (or gist) can be influenced by the conceptual and
perceptual properties of a perceived scene, thus suggesting that the process of building a SemRep is
also influenced by these properties.
Moreover, the time pressure given to speakers is proposed to affect their threshold of utterance
(Section 3.5), which is one of the key factors of the production process of TCG. Given that
threshold is defined as the upper bound of computational resources for generating utterances, the
association between threshold and time pressure seems straight forward. The formula of threshold
indeed contains a time term, highlighting the linkage between threshold and time pressure. An
analysis of the data suggested the close relationship between the well-formedness of an utterance
and threshold – low time pressure generally yielded more well-formed utterances whereas high
time pressure often resulted in the production of more fragmented (or less well-formed) utterances.
In order to provide detailed accounts on how the system of TCG can address the incremental
and structural views, we now analyze an example case of each of view in terms of the perception
process of a subscene and the level of threshold.
(A) Easy event with
easy characters
(B) Difficult event with
easy characters
(C) Easy event with
difficult characters
(D) Difficult event with
difficult characters
Figure 4.5-1: Example scenes used by Kuchinsky (2009), which are categorized into four types of
depicted events depending on codability. The cuing effect was found only for type (B).
Specifically, we examine the study by Kuchinsky (2009) as it previously provided an overall
account on the two opposing views, in which she addressed Griffin and Bock (2000) for the
structural view and Gleitman et al. (2007) for the incremental view. In her study, Kuchinsky
discussed the effects of conceptual and perceptual properties of a perceived event in the early-stage
of the production strategy by examining the effect of briefly flashing a spatial cue at a character in a
depicted event in utterance formulation (cue flashed 120ms before the display onset). She
categorized scenes into four different types depending on the event and character codability (Figure
4.5-1), and found the effect of cuing – i.e. the cued character is mentioned in the subject position –
only when the depicted event was difficult to comprehend while event characters were easy to
name. During experiments, subjects were asked to “describe the scene with a single complete
sentence as quickly and accurately as possible while avoiding disfluencies”, and only single
transitive sentences (e.g. “the woman is talking to an audience”) were counted into the results while
other forms of sentences were discarded.
Kuchinsky’s finding indicates that speakers choose an incremental strategy (as evidenced by
the cuing effect) in describing a scene when the scene is difficult to comprehend while characters in
the scene are easy to recognize, and in other cases, speakers stick to a structural strategy (as
indicated by no cuing effect) in which they preplan the sentence structure before starting utterance.
From the perspective of the current framework of TCG and SemRep, the case where speakers
choose an incremental strategy can be interpreted as follows:
1) The threshold value for the production process during the experiment is assumed to be set
relatively low. Considering that the task given to subjects is to produce utterance “as
quickly as possible”, we may assume that the high time pressure is given during the
experiments, and it is generally associated with a low threshold value.
2) The layout of the event is not immediately available since the event is not easy to
comprehend. This may lead to building a subscene in an incremental manner by focusing
on each characters of the event (subscene extension; Figure 2.9-3). This is supported by a
significantly high rate of the intransitive sentence production for difficult event cases
(Table 4.5-2).
3) Since characters are easily recognizable, attending to a character immediately results in the
recognition of the character. This leads to creating a node in a SemRep, and the successive
invocation of a construction instance (possibly a name) attached to the node.
4) A low threshold value drives the system to produce an utterance (possibly a name) once a
construction instance is attached. Note that TCG allows an incomplete sentence to be
produced (the premature production principle; Section 3.5).
5) The production of the following utterance (possibly a sentential structure from higher-level
construction instances) is biased to cope with the already produced utterance in (4),
resulting in an incremental process (the utterance continuity principle; Section 3.5).
As shown above, all three conditions (i.e. low threshold, a difficult event, and easy characters)
are needed to be met in order for the system to demonstrate a pattern similar to an incremental
strategy. Other combinations of the conditional factors (e.g. low threshold, an easy event, and
difficult characters) are not guaranteed to yield an incremental pattern, but rather may result in a
structural pattern.
Figure 4.5-2: An illustration of “hypothesized” TCG processes in two cases of Kuchinsky (2009)’s study
(see Appendix F for the simulation output). (A) illustrates the case where the sentence structure is specified
first, resulting in a production process consistent with the structural view (i.e. no cueing effect due to the
verbal guidance principle; Section 3.5), whereas (B) illustrates the case where a lexical item (“woman”) is
specified earlier than the sentential structure, resulting in a process consistent with the incremental view (i.e.
cueing effect). Since low threshold is assumed for both cases, utterances are being made intermittently.
Table 4.5-1 summarizes the behaviors of the system with all possible combinations of the
relevant factors. The perceptual difficulty column represents the relative difficulty between an
event and characters – e.g. difficult event with difficult characters is represented as “Event =
Characters”, and easy event with difficult characters is represented as “Event < Characters”, etc.
Note that the outcome pattern of the system is specified as “structural” when the difficulty of an
event and characters are the same. This is based on a general tendency of speakers towards a
structural strategy (especially when they have a sentential structure available at the moment) –
people don’t start what they can’t finish (Bock, et al., 2004). All high threshold cases yield a
structural pattern due to the same reason.
Table 4.5-1: All combinations of the relevant factors in the process of scene perception and description in
Threshold Perceptual Difficulty
Event < Characters Specification
Sentential structures
Event > Characters Extension Lexical items first Incremental
Event = Characters
Depending on
Lexical items and
sentential structures
Event < Characters Specification
Sentential structures
Event > Characters Extension Lexical items first Structural
Event = Characters
Depending on
Lexical items and
sentential structures
Generally speaking, the difficulty of an event relative to the difficulty of its characters decides
the “order” in which the lexical items and the sentential structures are ready – e.g. an easy event
coupled with difficult characters may result in the sentential structure being ready first, whereas for
a difficult event coupled with easy characters, the lexical items may be ready first. Moreover,
threshold decides the “time” to produce an utterance – e.g. if threshold is low, the system produces
fragmented lexical items even if the sentential structure is not ready yet, whereas if threshold is
high the system does not produce an utterance even if lexical items are ready first, allowing the
later-specified high-level constructions to decide the sentential structure.
Table 4.5-2: The percentage of response types split by event and character accessibility (adapted from
Table 7 of Kuchinsky, 2009).
Response Type
Two-Event Intransitive
Single Transitive
Event (Scored)
High (Easy)
High (Easy) 4.11% 8.90% 86.99%
Low (Hard) 3.49% 16.86% 79.65%
Low (Hard)
High (Easy) 7.78% 34.44% 57.78%
Low (Hard) 10.34% 52.79% 36.87%
Transitive (scored): “The woman is speaking to an audience.”
Two-event: “The woman is speaking and men are watching.”
Intransitive: “The woman is speaking.”
Moreover, Kuchinsky reported a significantly high rate of the intransitive sentence production
for difficult event cases than easy event cases (Table 4.5-2), even though subjects were instructed to
refrain from producing such sentences. Similar to what is indicated in the analysis of the
experiment data presented in Section 4.3, this data can also be interpreted in terms of the influence
of the scene properties on the perception process of a (initial) subscene since the intransitive
sentence (e.g. “The woman is speaking”) involves less detail compared to the transitive sentence
(e.g. “The woman is speaking to an audience”) or the two-event sentences (e.g. “The woman is
speaking and men are watching”), implying the smaller conceptual and perceptual coverage of
subscenes for more difficult events.
Figure 4.5-3: Example stimulus scenes used by Griffin and Bock (2000) (A) and Gleitman et al. (2007)
The studies of Griffin and Bock (2000) and Gleitman et al. (2007) differed most in their scene
properties. Griffin and Bock mostly used scenes with easily recognizable events, which are
proposed to be associated with a structural strategy, whereas Gleitman et al. used scenes with
somewhat ambiguous settings, proposed to be associated with an incremental strategy (Figure
4.5-1). In particular, the event structure of most of Gleitman et al.’s stimuli (even transitive events)
does not appear to strictly constrain the voice of the sentence. Although it cannot be said exactly
how much such a difference mattered in the analysis of each of these studies (e.g. event/character
properties were not analyzed, and there was no time pressure to subjects in both of the studies, etc.),
subjects’ production strategy might have been affected to some extent.
So far, we have addressed studies with specific examples in an account for the structural view
and the incremental view. Although these studies well address each of these views in an early stage
of the process, the coverage of these studies are fairly limited when it comes to the entire duration
of the scene description process. In order to fully address the implications of the specific strategies
that speakers take, the current study needs to be extended beyond the “starting point” to include the
eye gaze and utterance patterns covering the entire process of scene description.
Chapter 5. Conclusion
Throughout the thesis, we have explored the possible mechanisms of the vision system, through
which a SemRep is encapsulated from a perceived scene, and addressed the theoretical framework
and the implementation details of TCG, which we propose as the language model that exploits the
structural characteristics of the particular representation format of SemRep. We have also related
TCG to the experimental analysis of how descriptions of a scene may be influenced under different
time constraints and perceptual properties.
Although the current work provides a detailed account on the dynamic interplay between the
visual perception and speech production, we envision several interesting extensions for future work.
Firstly, the implemented model runs on a relative time frame, without making any strong
argument on actual temporal transitions involved in processing perceived visual information and
applying constructions. The current model avoided the question by simply assuming that the
simulation time used in the implemented system is generally assumed to correspond to a
“cognitively important” transition of the conceptual status of a speaker. In future work, however,
specific details on the time scales of the procedures, through which the perceived visual
information (i.e. scene) is translated into a verbal expression, will be more fully discussed – a
number of recent studies suggested fine-grained details in speech planning and its scope (Allum &
Wheeldon, 2007; R. C. Martin, et al., 2010; Oppermann, et al., 2010). Moreover, as proposed by
other studies (Andersson, et al., 2006; Griffin & Bock, 2000; van der Meulen, et al., 2001), we also
found a general pattern of “apprehension-production cycle” from the experimental data, in which
speakers tend to look at the object just before naming the object. However, this has not been
discussed in the current work. Therefore, the future extension of TCG will address this issue more
fully and provide specific computational mechanisms that can work in the real-time domain.
Moreover, the simulation results presented in Section 3.6 are still “preliminary” in the sense
that the analysis results in the temporal dispositions of subjects’ eye movements are not reflected in
designing the scene description files used for simulations. This is partly due to the fact that the
current implementation model uses a relative time frame, which is the shortcoming of the current
model addressed earlier. In future work, we will perform detailed measurements on the temporal
transitions in subjects’ performance during the task of scene description and find a general pattern
of subjects’ fixations in relation to the produced utterances (e.g. apprehension-production cycle).
By doing so, we will be able to provide both a good general argument and a more compelling set of
simulation output that shows how different conditions can be seen to explain the data in a way
consistent with the currently proposed assessment on how to bridge the divide between the
structural and incremental view.
Another aspect of the current version of TCG that can be a candidate for future extension is its
computational framework. Motivated by the VISIONS system and schema theory, TCG is currently
built as a system in which competition and cooperation between schema instances (i.e.
constructions) generate a verbal description of a perceived visual scene. The HEARSAY speech
understanding system (Erman, Hayes-Roth, Lesser, & Reddy, 1980) provides a very similar
cooperative computation view of sentence parsing/interpretation which operates in the time domain,
proceeding from the spectrogram for a spoken sentence to a possible syntactic analysis and
semantic interpretation of the utterance. Arbib and Caplan (1979) discussed how this serial
architecture might be converted into a “neuro-HEARSAY” based on the competition and
cooperation of schemas in the brain. This neuro-HEARSAY may provide one inspiration for the
direction, via which future work should move beyond the current work in developing neural models
of the interaction of SemRep and TCG in the process of producing an utterance of the given
semantics (SemRep), or vice versa.
Lastly, although only production is addressed in this paper, a similar mechanism based on the
competition and cooperation framework can be used for comprehension in TCG as well. During
production of utterances, a given graph is compared with a number of constructions for similarity.
Only the winner is to be chosen to produce utterances. On the other hand, in comprehension mode,
a textual form, which is considered to be “heard” by the system, activates constructions by an
inverse matching mechanism. When proper constructions are chosen by matching the Syn-Froms of
constructions, a new SemRep graph, which is regarded as the end-production of the comprehension
process, would be built from the Sem-Frames of the constructions. In this case, the same set of
constructions can be used as well. However, this requires an extension on a computation paradigm
for semantic processing (in terms of SemRep) to go beyond the linguistic domain. Such extension
is basically to address a well-known psycholinguistic fact that we are often capable of
understanding sentences even when we have not mastered the constructions needed to generate
them. Moreover, analysis results on agrammatic aphasics also revealed that they can still correctly
process aspectual and complement coercion operations, thought to be purely semantic in nature,
while ignoring syntactic cues (Piñango & Zurif, 2001). Indeed, Piñango (2006) stresses that
comprehension can take place despite syntactic impairment, but only if the sentence’s semantic
structure is rich enough.
Therefore, we introduce a theoretical distinction between the world knowledge “heavy
semantics” that survives in agrammatic aphasics and the “light semantics” of syntactico-semantic
categories that corresponds to the semantics of slot-fillers in grammatical constructions in
constructions grammar. The comprehension model of TCG will be a two-route model where the
light semantics path interprets an utterance through a parsing process which yields a pyramid of
constructions from which a SemRep may be read off, whereas the heavy semantics path exploits
the same processes that can build a SemRep during perception and action planning. A process of
competition and cooperation will couple the two paths to constrain heavy semantics by
grammatical cues so that a SemRep which has a few nodes created by recognition of content words
can be expanded to add missing nodes and edges suggested by world knowledge.
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Appendix A. Semantic Network
The following is the full definition of the semantic network used for the simulations in the
current work.
# TCG Semantic Network definition
# relation-related semantics
# object-related semantics
is_a MALE { MAN BOY }
# action-related semantics
# property-related semantics
Appendix B. Construction Set
The following is the entire construction definitions used for the simulations in the current work.
# TCG Construction Vocabulary
# sentence structures
construction CNJ_AND
class: S
node EVT1 { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
node EVT2 { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
relation EVT1_EVT2 { concept: SUCCESSIVE from: EVT1 to: EVT2 }
[EVT1: S] 'and' [EVT2: S]
construction CNJ_WHILE
class: S
node EVT1 { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
node EVT2 { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
relation EVT1_EVT2 { concept: CONCURRENT from: EVT1 to: EVT2 }
[EVT1: S] 'while' [EVT2: S]
construction SVO
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node SUBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared head }
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
node ACT { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
relation ACT_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACT to: SUBJ }
relation ACT_OBJ { concept: PATIENT from: ACT to: OBJ }
construction PAS_SVO
class: S
node SUBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared head }
node ACT { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
relation ACT_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACT to: SUBJ }
relation ACT_OBJ { concept: PATIENT from: ACT to: OBJ }
[OBJ: NC NP N] 'is' [ACT: VP V] '-ed by' [SUBJ: NC NP N]
construction EXIST_S
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node SUBJ { concept: OBJECT+ shared head }
'there is' [SUBJ: NC NP N]
construction THEME_S
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node SUBJ { concept: PLACE+ shared head }
'it is' [SUBJ: NC NP N]
construction SPA
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared head }
node ATTR { concept: PROPERTY+ shared }
relation ATTR_OBJ { concept: MODIFY from: ATTR to: OBJ }
[OBJ: NC NP N] 'is' [ATTR: A]
construction SV
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node SUBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared head }
node ACT { concept: INTRANSITIVE+ shared head }
relation ACT_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACT to: SUBJ }
construction PP_IN
class: S
preference: 1 # sentential structure preference
node EVT { concept: ACTION+ shared head }
relation EVT_PP { concept: IN from: EVT to: PLACE }
node PLACE { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
[EVT: S] 'in' [PLACE: NC NP N]
# complex constructions
construction REL_SVO_WHO
class: NC
node SUBJ { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
node ACTION { concept: ACTION+ shared }
relation ACTION_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACTION to: SUBJ }
relation ACTION_OBJ { concept: PATIENT from: ACTION to: OBJ }
[SUBJ: NP N] 'who' [ACTION: VP V] [OBJ: NC NP N]
construction REL_SVO_WHICH
class: NC
node SUBJ { concept: ITEM+ shared head }
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
node ACTION { concept: ACTION+ shared }
relation ACTION_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACTION to: SUBJ }
relation ACTION_OBJ { concept: PATIENT from: ACTION to: OBJ }
[SUBJ: NP N] 'which' [ACTION: VP V] [OBJ: NC NP N]
construction REL_SV_WHO
class: NC
node SUBJ { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node ACTION { concept: INTRANSITIVE+ shared }
relation ACTION_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACTION to: SUBJ }
[SUBJ: NP N] 'who' [ACTION: VP V]
construction REL_SV_WHICH
class: NC
node SUBJ { concept: ITEM+ shared head }
node ACTION { concept: INTRANSITIVE+ shared }
relation ACTION_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACTION to: SUBJ }
[SUBJ: NP N] 'which' [ACTION: VP V]
construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO
class: NC
node SUBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared }
node OBJ { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node ACTION { concept: ACTION+ shared }
relation ACTION_SUBJ { concept: AGENT from: ACTION to: SUBJ }
relation ACTION_OBJ { concept: PATIENT from: ACTION to: OBJ }
[OBJ: NP N] 'who is' [ACTION: VP V] '-ed by' [SUBJ: NC NP N]
construction REL_SPA_WHO
class: NC
node OBJ { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node ATTR { concept: PROPERTY+ shared }
relation ATTR_OBJ { concept: MODIFY from: ATTR to: OBJ }
[OBJ: NP N] 'who is' [ATTR: A]
construction REL_SPA_WHICH
class: NC
node OBJ { concept: ITEM+ shared head }
node ATTR { concept: PROPERTY+ shared }
relation ATTR_OBJ { concept: MODIFY from: ATTR to: OBJ }
[OBJ: NP N] 'which is' [ATTR: A]
construction ADJ_NOUN
class: NP
node OBJ { concept: ENTITY+ shared head }
node ATTR { concept: PROPERTY+ shared }
relation ATTR_OBJ { concept: MODIFY from: ATTR to: OBJ }
construction IN_COLOR
class: NP
node HUMAN { concept: HUMAN+ shared head }
node WEAR { concept: WEAR }
node CLOTH { concept: CLOTHING+ }
node COLOR { concept: COLOR+ shared }
relation HUMAN_WEAR { concept: AGENT from: WEAR to: HUMAN }
relation CLOTH_WEAR { concept: PATIENT from: WEAR to: CLOTH }
relation COLOR_CLOTH { concept: MODIFY from: COLOR to: CLOTH }
[HUMAN: NP N] 'in' [COLOR: A]
# lexicons
# verbs
construction HIT { class: V node NODE { concept: HIT head } 'hit' }
construction KICK { class: V node NODE { concept: KICK head } 'kick' }
construction WEAR { class: V node NODE { concept: WEAR head } 'wear' }
construction LAUGH { class: V node NODE { concept: LAUGH head } 'laugh' }
construction WATCH { class: V node NODE { concept: WATCH head } 'watch' }
construction TALK { class: V node NODE { concept: TALK head } 'talk to' }
construction SQUIRT { class: V node NODE { concept: SQUIRT head } 'squirt at' }
# adjectives
construction BLUE { class: A node NODE { concept: BLUE head } 'blue' }
construction BLACK { class: A node NODE { concept: BLACK head } 'black' }
construction GREEN { class: A node NODE { concept: GREEN head } 'green' }
construction SMALL { class: A node NODE { concept: SMALL head } 'small' }
construction BIG { class: A node NODE { concept: BIG head } 'big' }
construction HANDSOME { class: A node NODE { concept: HANDSOME head } 'handsome' }
construction PRETTY { class: A node NODE { concept: PRETTY head } 'pretty' }
# nouns
construction WOMAN { class: N node NODE { concept: WOMAN head } 'woman' }
construction MAN { class: N node NODE { concept: MAN head } 'man' }
construction GIRL { class: N node NODE { concept: GIRL head } 'girl' }
construction BOY { class: N node NODE { concept: BOY head } 'boy' }
construction PEOPLE { class: N node NODE { concept: PEOPLE head } 'people' }
construction MOUSE { class: N node NODE { concept: MOUSE head } 'mouse' }
construction TURTLE { class: N node NODE { concept: TURTLE head } 'turtle' }
construction DRESS { class: N node NODE { concept: DRESS head } 'dress' }
construction TSHIRT { class: N node NODE { concept: TSHIRT head } 't-shirt' }
construction BOXINGRING { class: N node NODE { concept: BOXINGRING head } 'boxing ring' }
construction PARK { class: N node NODE { concept: PARK head } 'park' }
Appendix C. High and Low Threshold Cases
In Section 3.5, two sets of computational stages of the TCG process for a high and low
threshold case are illustrated. This appendix provides the simulation results corresponding to each
of those cases.
The following is the scene description file used for the simulation, in which the perceptual
schemas for the semantics WOMAN, WOMAN-HIT-MAN, PRETTY-WOMAN, WOMAN-
WEAR-DRESS, and BLUE-DRESS are successively perceived for updating the SemRep.
# TCG Scene: Woman-hit-man
# the famous "pretty woman in blue hit man" example
image: "woman hits man.jpg"
resolution: 400 * 326
location: 283, 205 size: 50, 150
saliency: 100
uncertainty: 1
object WOMAN { concept: WOMAN }
perceive WOMAN
region HIT_AREA
location: 213, 110 size: 60, 20
saliency: 90
uncertainty: 1
object MAN { concept: MAN }
object HIT { concept: HIT }
relation HIT_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: HIT to: WOMAN }
relation HIT_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: HIT to: MAN }
location: 283, 205 size: 50, 150
saliency: 70
uncertainty: 1
object PRETTY { concept: PRETTY }
relation PRETTY_MODIFY { concept: MODIFY from: PRETTY to: WOMAN }
location: 283, 205 size: 50, 150
saliency: 50
uncertainty: 1
object DRESS { concept: DRESS }
object WEAR { concept: WEAR }
relation WEAR_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: WEAR to: WOMAN }
relation WEAR_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: WEAR to: DRESS }
location: 283, 205 size: 50, 150
saliency: 40
uncertainty: 1
object BLUE { concept: BLUE }
relation BLUE_MODIFY { concept: MODIFY from: BLUE to: DRESS }
The following is the simulation output for the high threshold case. In this case, all of the
threshold parameters are set to infinite.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'TCG.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_womanhitman.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = infinite, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
> Next Attention
HIT_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
HIT_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!O] SemRep-N HIT_3
[!O] SemRep-N MAN_4
[!O] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[!O] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [WOMAN_2] [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [MAN_13] 'is' [HIT_12] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [WOMAN_2] 'who' [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [MAN_13] 'who is' [HIT_12] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[!O] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
> Competition Traces
SVO_7(539) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(483)
SVO_7(539) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_10(529)
SVO_7(539) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11(523)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [MAN_13 'man']
[ ] 539: SVO_7 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 483: PAS_SVO_8 [MAN_13 'man'] 'is' [HIT_12 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[X] 529: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']]
[X] 523: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 [MAN_13 'man'] 'who is' [HIT_12 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
> Next Attention
WOMAN_FACE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
WOMAN_FACE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N HIT_3
[ O] SemRep-N MAN_4
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[ O] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [ADJ_NOUN_18] [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [MAN_13]
[ O] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[ O] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
[!O] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[!O] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[!X] Construction SPA_16 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [WOMAN_2] 'is' [PRETTY_19]
[!X] Construction REL_SPA_WHO_17 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [WOMAN_2] 'who is' [PRETTY_19]
[!O] Construction ADJ_NOUN_18 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [PRETTY_19] [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
> Competition Traces
REL_SPA_WHO_17(728) eliminated SPA_16(337)
ADJ_NOUN_18(733) eliminated REL_SPA_WHO_17(728)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 337: SPA_16 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']
[X] 327: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHO_17 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']]
[ ] 332: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
[ ] 539: SVO_7 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 728: SVO_7 [REL_SPA_WHO_17 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[ ] 733: SVO_7 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
> Next Attention
DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N HIT_3
[ O] SemRep-N MAN_4
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[ O] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [REL_SVO_WHO_27] [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [MAN_13]
[ O] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[ O] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
[ O] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction ADJ_NOUN_18 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [PRETTY_19] [WOMAN_2]
[ O] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
[!O] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[!O] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[!O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[!X] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [ADJ_NOUN_18] [WEAR_28] [DRESS_29]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_25 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [DRESS_29] 'is' [WEAR_28] '-ed by' [ADJ_NOUN_18]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [DRESS_29]
[!O] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_27 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [ADJ_NOUN_18] 'who' [WEAR_28] [DRESS_29]
[!O] Construction WEAR_28 covering WEAR_20 for 'wear'
[!O] Construction DRESS_29 covering DRESS_21 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(730) eliminated PAS_SVO_25(674)
REL_SVO_WHO_27(1121) eliminated SVO_24(730)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [MAN_13 'man']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [DRESS_29 'dress']
[ ] 332: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
[ ] 539: SVO_7 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 536: SVO_24 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_25 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_28 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[ ] 733: SVO_7 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 730: SVO_24 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']
[X] 674: PAS_SVO_25 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_28 'wear'] '-ed by' [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
[ ] 526: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]
[ ] 720: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29
[ ] 927: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[ ] 1121: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']] [HIT_12
'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
> Next Attention
DRESS_FOCUS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
DRESS_FOCUS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_35]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N HIT_3
[ @] SemRep-N MAN_4
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[ @] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [IN_COLOR_35] [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [MAN_13]
[ @] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[ @] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
[ @] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[ @] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction ADJ_NOUN_18 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [PRETTY_19] [WOMAN_2]
[ @] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_34]
[ X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_27 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [ADJ_NOUN_18] 'who' [WEAR_28] [ADJ_NOUN_34]
[ X] Construction WEAR_28 covering WEAR_20 for 'wear'
[ X] Construction DRESS_29 covering DRESS_21 for 'dress'
[!@] SemRep-N BLUE_30
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_31 from BLUE_30 to DRESS_21
[!X] Construction SPA_32 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [DRESS_29] 'is' [BLUE_36]
[!X] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_33 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [DRESS_29] 'which is' [BLUE_36]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_34 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [BLUE_36] [DRESS_29]
[!@] Construction IN_COLOR_35 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_20 DRESS_21 BLUE_30 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 MODIFY_31 for [ADJ_NOUN_18] 'in' [BLUE_36]
[!@] Construction BLUE_36 covering BLUE_30 for 'blue'
> Competition Traces
IN_COLOR_35(1327) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_27(1317)
IN_COLOR_35(1327) eliminated WEAR_28(1317)
IN_COLOR_35(1327) eliminated DRESS_29(1317)
REL_SPA_WHICH_33(1310) eliminated SPA_32(339)
ADJ_NOUN_34(1317) eliminated REL_SPA_WHICH_33(1310)
IN_COLOR_35(1327) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_34(1317)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [DRESS_29 'dress']
[X] 339: SPA_32 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'is' [BLUE_36 'blue']
[ ] 332: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [IN_COLOR_35 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_36 'blue']]
[ ] 539: SVO_7 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 327: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36 'blue']]
[X] 334: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]
[ ] 733: SVO_7 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[ ] 1133: SVO_7 [IN_COLOR_35 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_36 'blue']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 526: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]
[ ] 926: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [IN_COLOR_35 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'in' [BLUE_36 'blue']]
[X] 720: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29
[X] 715: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is'
[BLUE_36 'blue']]]
[X] 722: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29
[X] 927: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[*] 1327: SVO_7 [IN_COLOR_35 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'in' [BLUE_36 'blue']] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 1121: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']] [HIT_12
'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 1116: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36
'blue']]] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 1123: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]] [HIT_12
'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 909: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear']
[REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36 'blue']]]
[X] 916: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_34
[BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]]
[X] 1310: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29
'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36 'blue']]] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 1317: SVO_7 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36
'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
> Produced Utterance
"pretty woman in blue hit man"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 7
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N HIT_3
[ x] SemRep-N MAN_4
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[ x] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[ x] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
[ x] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[ x] Construction ADJ_NOUN_18 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [ ] [ ]
[ x] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] SemRep-N BLUE_30
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_31 from BLUE_30 to DRESS_21
[ x] Construction IN_COLOR_35 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_20 DRESS_21 BLUE_30 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 MODIFY_31 for [ ] 'in' [ ]
[ x] Construction BLUE_36 covering BLUE_30 for 'blue'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 8
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
The following is the simulation output for the low threshold case. Note that only the time
parameter is tuned to “1” while the others are left to be infinite.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'TCG.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_womanhitman.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = 1, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!@] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [WOMAN_2]
[!@] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
> Construction Structures
[*] 138: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
> Produced Utterance
"there is woman"
> Next Attention
HIT_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
HIT_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!@] SemRep-N HIT_3
[!@] SemRep-N MAN_4
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[!X] Construction SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [WOMAN_2] [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [MAN_13] 'is' [HIT_12] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11]
[!@] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [WOMAN_2] 'who' [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [MAN_13] 'who is' [HIT_12] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2]
[!@] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[!@] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
> Competition Traces
SVO_7(439) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(383)
REL_SVO_WHO_10(729) eliminated SVO_7(439)
SVO_7(439) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11(423)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 439: SVO_7 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']
[X] 383: PAS_SVO_8 [MAN_13 'man'] 'is' [HIT_12 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[*] 729: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']]
[X] 423: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_11 [MAN_13 'man'] 'who is' [HIT_12 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
> Produced Utterance
"who hit man"
> Next Attention
WOMAN_FACE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
WOMAN_FACE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] Construction EXIST_S_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N HIT_3
[ x] SemRep-N MAN_4
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_5 from HIT_3 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_6 from HIT_3 to MAN_4
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering MAN_4 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_4 HIT_3 AGENT_5 PATIENT_6 for [WOMAN_2] 'who' [HIT_12] [MAN_13]
[ x] Construction HIT_12 covering HIT_3 for 'hit'
[ x] Construction MAN_13 covering MAN_4 for 'man'
[!@] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[!@] Construction SPA_16 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [WOMAN_2] 'is' [PRETTY_19]
[!X] Construction REL_SPA_WHO_17 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [WOMAN_2] 'who is' [PRETTY_19]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_18 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [PRETTY_19] [WOMAN_2]
[!@] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
> Competition Traces
SPA_16(237) eliminated REL_SPA_WHO_17(127)
SPA_16(237) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_18(132)
> Construction Structures
[*] 237: SPA_16 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']
[X] 127: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHO_17 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']]
[X] 132: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']]
[X] -77: EXIST_S_1 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [ADJ_NOUN_18 [PRETTY_19 'pretty'] [WOMAN_2 'woman']] 'who' [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']]
[ ] 28: SPA_16 [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_12 'hit'] [MAN_13 'man']] 'is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']
> Produced Utterance
"woman is pretty"
> Next Attention
DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N PRETTY_14
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_15 from PRETTY_14 to WOMAN_0
[ x] Construction SPA_16 covering WOMAN_0 PRETTY_14 MODIFY_15 for [REL_SVO_WHO_27] 'is' [PRETTY_19]
[ x] Construction PRETTY_19 covering PRETTY_14 for 'pretty'
[!@] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[!@] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[!@] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [WOMAN_2] [WEAR_28] [DRESS_29]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_25 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [DRESS_29] 'is' [WEAR_28] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [DRESS_29]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_27 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [WOMAN_2] 'who' [WEAR_28] [DRESS_29]
[!@] Construction WEAR_28 covering WEAR_20 for 'wear'
[!@] Construction DRESS_29 covering DRESS_21 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(436) eliminated PAS_SVO_25(380)
SVO_24(436) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_27(325)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [DRESS_29 'dress']
[*] 436: SVO_24 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']
[X] 380: PAS_SVO_25 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_28 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_2 'woman']
[X] 325: SPA_16 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_28 'wear'] [DRESS_29 'dress']] 'is' [PRETTY_19 'pretty']
> Produced Utterance
"woman wear dress"
> Next Attention
DRESS_FOCUS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
DRESS_FOCUS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[ @] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [WOMAN_2] [WEAR_28] [REL_SPA_WHICH_33]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_34]
[ @] Construction WEAR_28 covering WEAR_20 for 'wear'
[ @] Construction DRESS_29 covering DRESS_21 for 'dress'
[!@] SemRep-N BLUE_30
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_31 from BLUE_30 to DRESS_21
[!X] Construction SPA_32 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [DRESS_29] 'is' [BLUE_36]
[!@] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_33 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [DRESS_29] 'which is' [BLUE_36]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_34 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [BLUE_36] [DRESS_29]
[!X] Construction IN_COLOR_35 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_20 DRESS_21 BLUE_30 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 MODIFY_31 for [WOMAN_2] 'in' [BLUE_36]
[!@] Construction BLUE_36 covering BLUE_30 for 'blue'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(1325) eliminated IN_COLOR_35(589)
REL_SPA_WHICH_33(1325) eliminated SPA_32(239)
SPA_32(239) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_34(234)
> Construction Structures
[X] 589: IN_COLOR_35 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_36 'blue']
[X] 239: SPA_32 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'is' [BLUE_36 'blue']
[ ] 227: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36 'blue']]
[X] 234: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]
[*] 1325: SVO_24 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [WEAR_28 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_33 [DRESS_29 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_36 'blue']]
[X] 132: SVO_24 [WOMAN_2 'woman'] [WEAR_28 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_34 [BLUE_36 'blue'] [DRESS_29 'dress']]
> Produced Utterance
"which is blue"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 7
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] Construction WOMAN_2 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_20
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_21
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from WEAR_20 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_23 from WEAR_20 to DRESS_21
[ x] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_21 WEAR_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_23 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering DRESS_21 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WEAR_28 covering WEAR_20 for 'wear'
[ x] Construction DRESS_29 covering DRESS_21 for 'dress'
[ x] SemRep-N BLUE_30
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_31 from BLUE_30 to DRESS_21
[ x] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_33 covering DRESS_21 BLUE_30 MODIFY_31 for [ ] 'which is' [ ]
[ x] Construction BLUE_36 covering BLUE_30 for 'blue'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 8
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
Appendix D. Simulation Demo
This appendix provides the entire simulation result as well as the scene description file
presented in Section 3.6.D. The following is the scene description file used for the simulation.
# TCG Scene: Woman-hit-man
# layout of the hitting event is given first
image: "woman hits man.jpg"
resolution: 400 * 326
# scene gist
region GIST
location: 216, 117 size: 150, 100
saliency: 100 # saliency doesn't matter
uncertainty: 0 # instantly perceived
# layout
region MAN_AREA
location: 164, 204 size: 80, 180
saliency: 100 # most salient region: possibly fixated first
uncertainty: 1
# associated perceptual schema
object MAN { concept: MAN }
perceive MAN
region HIT_AREA
location: 213, 110 size: 60, 20
saliency: 90
uncertainty: 1
object HIT { concept: HIT }
relation HIT_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: HIT to: WOMAN }
relation HIT_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: HIT to: MAN }
location: 283, 205 size: 50, 150
saliency: 70
uncertainty: 1
object WOMAN { concept: WOMAN }
perceive WOMAN
location: 164, 204 size: 80, 180
saliency: 50
uncertainty: 1
object HANDSOME { concept: HANDSOME }
relation HANDSOME_MODIFY { concept: MODIFY from: HANDSOME to: MAN }
The following is the simulation output, which is a type of low threshold case (the time
parameter is set to 1, and the number of construction instances and syllables are set to infinite).
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'TCG.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_demo.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = 1, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!O] SemRep-N ENTITY_0
[!O] SemRep-N ACTION_1
[!O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_2
[!@] Construction SVO_5 covering ENTITY_0 ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_6 covering ENTITY_0 ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [ ]
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(250) eliminated PAS_SVO_6(194)
> Construction Structures
[*] 250: SVO_5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
[X] 194: PAS_SVO_6 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [ ]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N ACTION_1
[ O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_1 to ENTITY_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_10 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 ACTION_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [ ] [ ]
[!@] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(445) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(289)
SVO_5(445) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_10(335)
> Construction Structures
[*] 445: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [ ] [ ]
[X] 289: PAS_SVO_8 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 335: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_10 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [ ] [ ]]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
HIT_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
HIT_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-N HIT_1
[ O] SemRep-N ENTITY_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to ENTITY_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_14]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_13 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [HIT_15] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_14 covering WOMAN_0 ENTITY_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [HIT_15] [ ]
[!@] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(742) eliminated PAS_SVO_13(286)
SVO_5(742) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_14(332)
> Construction Structures
[*] 742: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit'] [ ]
[X] 286: PAS_SVO_13 [ ] 'is' [HIT_15 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 332: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_14 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_15 'hit'] [ ]]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
MAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
MAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N HIT_1
[!@] SemRep-N MAN_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to MAN_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15] [MAN_21]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_19]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_17 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MAN_21] 'is' [HIT_15] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_18 covering MAN_2 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_19 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [HIT_15] [MAN_21]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MAN_21] 'who is' [HIT_15] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!@] Construction MAN_21 covering MAN_2 for 'man'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(1039) eliminated PAS_SVO_17(283)
SVO_5(1039) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_19(329)
SVO_5(1039) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20(323)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 140: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [MAN_21 'man']
[*] 1039: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit'] [MAN_21 'man']
[X] 283: PAS_SVO_17 [MAN_21 'man'] 'is' [HIT_15 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 329: EXIST_S_9 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_19 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [HIT_15 'hit'] [MAN_21 'man']]
[X] 323: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_20 [MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HIT_15 'hit'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
MAN_FACE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
MAN_FACE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N HIT_1
[ @] SemRep-N MAN_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to MAN_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [HIT_15] [REL_SPA_WHO_25]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_18 covering MAN_2 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_26]
[ @] Construction MAN_21 covering MAN_2 for 'man'
[!@] SemRep-N HANDSOME_22
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_23 from HANDSOME_22 to MAN_2
[!X] Construction SPA_24 covering MAN_2 HANDSOME_22 MODIFY_23 for [MAN_21] 'is' [HANDSOME_27]
[!@] Construction REL_SPA_WHO_25 covering MAN_2 HANDSOME_22 MODIFY_23 for [MAN_21] 'who is' [HANDSOME_27]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_26 covering MAN_2 HANDSOME_22 MODIFY_23 for [HANDSOME_27] [MAN_21]
[!@] Construction HANDSOME_27 covering HANDSOME_22 for 'handsome'
> Competition Traces
REL_SPA_WHO_25(1326) eliminated SPA_24(237)
SPA_24(237) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_26(232)
> Construction Structures
[X] 237: SPA_24 [MAN_21 'man'] 'is' [HANDSOME_27 'handsome']
[ ] 227: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHO_25 [MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HANDSOME_27 'handsome']]
[X] 232: EXIST_S_18 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_26 [HANDSOME_27 'handsome'] [MAN_21 'man']]
[*] 1326: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit'] [REL_SPA_WHO_25 [MAN_21 'man'] 'who is' [HANDSOME_27 'handsome']]
[X] 131: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [HIT_15 'hit'] [ADJ_NOUN_26 [HANDSOME_27 'handsome'] [MAN_21 'man']]
> Produced Utterance
"who is handsome"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-N HIT_1
[ x] SemRep-N MAN_2
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from HIT_1 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from HIT_1 to MAN_2
[ x] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 MAN_2 HIT_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_9 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] Construction HIT_15 covering HIT_1 for 'hit'
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_18 covering MAN_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction MAN_21 covering MAN_2 for 'man'
[ x] SemRep-N HANDSOME_22
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_23 from HANDSOME_22 to MAN_2
[ x] Construction REL_SPA_WHO_25 covering MAN_2 HANDSOME_22 MODIFY_23 for [ ] 'who is' [ ]
[ x] Construction HANDSOME_27 covering HANDSOME_22 for 'handsome'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 7
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
Appendix E. Simulation Result of High and Low
Threshold (Cholitas Scene)
In Section 3.6.D, visualized illustrations of the simulation of high and low threshold cases are
presented. This appendix provides the actual simulation results corresponding to the illustrations.
The following is the scene description file used for the simulation, which is based on the scene
(Cholitas scene) used in the eye-tracking experiment.
# TCG Scene: Cholita scene
image: "cholitas.jpg"
resolution: 1024 * 768
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 100
uncertainty: 1
object WOMAN_L { concept: WOMAN }
object DRESS_L { concept: DRESS }
object WEAR_L { concept: WEAR }
relation WEAR_AGENT_L { concept: AGENT from: WEAR_L to: WOMAN_L }
relation WEAR_PATIENT_L { concept: PATIENT from: WEAR_L to: DRESS_L }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 90
uncertainty: 1
object GREEN { concept: GREEN }
relation GREEN_MODIFY { concept: MODIFY from: GREEN to: DRESS_L }
region KICK_AREA
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 80
uncertainty: 1
object KICK { concept: KICK }
relation KICK_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: KICK to: WOMAN_L }
relation KICK_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: KICK to: WOMAN_R }
perceive WOMAN_R = HUMAN
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 70
uncertainty: 1
object WOMAN_R { concept: WOMAN }
object DRESS_R { concept: DRESS }
object WEAR_R { concept: WEAR }
relation WEAR_AGENT_R { concept: AGENT from: WEAR_R to: WOMAN_R }
relation WEAR_PATIENT_R { concept: PATIENT from: WEAR_R to: DRESS_R }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 60
uncertainty: 1
object BLUE { concept: BLUE }
relation BLUE_MODIFY { concept: MODIFY from: BLUE to: DRESS_R }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 50
uncertainty: 2 # assume that it takes a bit longer to figure out
object BOXINGRING { concept: BOXINGRING }
relation IN_BOXINGRING { concept: IN from: KICK to: BOXINGRING }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 40
uncertainty: 1
object PEOPLE { concept: PEOPLE }
perceive PEOPLE
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 30
uncertainty: 1
object WATCH { concept: WATCH }
relation WATCH_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: WATCH to: PEOPLE }
relation WHILE { concept: CONCURRENT from: KICK to: WATCH }
The following is the simulation output for the high threshold case. In this case, all of the
threshold parameters are set to infinite.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'TCG.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_cholita.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = infinite, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
LEFT_WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
LEFT_WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[!O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[!O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[!O] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [WEAR_10] [DRESS_12]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_6 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [DRESS_12] 'is' [WEAR_10] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_9]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [DRESS_12]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_9 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [WEAR_10] [DRESS_12]
[!O] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[!O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!O] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(536) eliminated PAS_SVO_6(480)
SVO_5(536) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_9(526)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [DRESS_12 'dress']
[ ] 536: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_6 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_10 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 526: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_9 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
> Next Attention
LEFT_DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
LEFT_DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [WEAR_10] [ADJ_NOUN_17]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17]
[ O] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
[!O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[!O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[!X] Construction SPA_15 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [DRESS_12] 'is' [GREEN_19]
[!X] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_16 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [DRESS_12] 'which is' [GREEN_19]
[!O] Construction ADJ_NOUN_17 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [GREEN_19] [DRESS_12]
[!O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[!O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
> Competition Traces
REL_SPA_WHICH_16(724) eliminated SPA_15(338)
ADJ_NOUN_17(731) eliminated REL_SPA_WHICH_16(724)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 338: SPA_15 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'is' [GREEN_19 'green']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 326: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_16 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'which is' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 333: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
[ ] 536: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 724: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_16 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'which is' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 731: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
> Next Attention
KICK_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
KICK_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ X] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [REL_SVO_WHO_27] [WEAR_10] [ADJ_NOUN_17]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17]
[ X] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ X] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_17 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [GREEN_19] [DRESS_12]
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[!O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[!O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to HUMAN_23
[!O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-N HUMAN_23
[!O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_25 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] 'is' [KICK_29] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering HUMAN_23 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_27 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [KICK_29] [ ]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] 'who is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
> Competition Traces
IN_COLOR_18(1034) eliminated SVO_5(1024)
IN_COLOR_18(1034) eliminated WEAR_10(1024)
IN_COLOR_18(1034) eliminated DRESS_12(1024)
IN_COLOR_18(1034) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_17(1024)
SVO_24(1034) eliminated PAS_SVO_25(978)
SVO_24(1034) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_27(1024)
SVO_24(1034) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28(1018)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 138: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [DRESS_12 'dress']
[ ] 441: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]
[X] 385: PAS_SVO_25 [ ] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 431: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]]
[X] 333: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
[X] 536: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 425: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28 [ ] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[ ] 1034: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]
[X] 978: PAS_SVO_25 [ ] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 731: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
[X] 829: SVO_5 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 1024: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]]
[X] 1018: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28 [ ] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in'
[GREEN_19 'green']]]
[X] 1024: SVO_5 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green']
[DRESS_12 'dress']]
> Next Attention
RIGHT_WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
RIGHT_WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [REL_SVO_WHO_41]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42]
[ O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[!O] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[!O] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[!O] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[!O] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[!X] Construction SVO_35 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42] [WEAR_43] [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_36 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [REL_SVO_WHO_41] 'is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_37 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [DRESS_45] 'is' [WEAR_43] '-ed by'
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_40 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] 'who' [KICK_29]
[!O] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_41 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [WOMAN_44] 'who' [WEAR_43] [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_44] 'who is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!O] Construction WEAR_43 covering WEAR_30 for 'wear'
[!O] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[!O] Construction DRESS_45 covering DRESS_31 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(1517) eliminated PAS_SVO_36(1461)
SVO_24(1517) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_40(1507)
SVO_24(1517) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42(1511)
SVO_35(1511) eliminated PAS_SVO_37(1455)
REL_SVO_WHO_41(1517) eliminated SVO_35(1511)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [DRESS_45 'dress']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 536: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_36 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 536: SVO_35 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_37 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_43 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 1129: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[X] 1073: PAS_SVO_36 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 526: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']]
[X] 1119: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44
[X] 520: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[ ] 526: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 1113: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11
'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]]
[ ] 924: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 868: PAS_SVO_36 [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by'
[WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 918: SVO_35 [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']] [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45
[X] 1511: SVO_35 [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in'
[GREEN_19 'green']]] [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']
[X] 862: PAS_SVO_37 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_43 'wear'] '-ed by' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick']
'-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[X] 1455: PAS_SVO_37 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_43 'wear'] '-ed by' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick']
'-ed by' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]]
[ ] 1517: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 1461: PAS_SVO_36 [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by'
[IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 914: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
[X] 1507: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick']
[REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
> Next Attention
RIGHT_DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
RIGHT_DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_50]
[ X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_41 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [WOMAN_44] 'who' [WEAR_43] [ADJ_NOUN_50]
[ X] Construction WEAR_43 covering WEAR_30 for 'wear'
[ O] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ X] Construction DRESS_45 covering DRESS_31 for 'dress'
[!O] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[!O] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[!X] Construction SPA_48 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [DRESS_45] 'is' [BLUE_52]
[!X] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_49 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [DRESS_45] 'which is' [BLUE_52]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_50 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [BLUE_52] [DRESS_45]
[!O] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[!O] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
> Competition Traces
IN_COLOR_51(1723) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_41(1713)
IN_COLOR_51(1723) eliminated WEAR_43(1713)
IN_COLOR_51(1723) eliminated DRESS_45(1713)
REL_SPA_WHICH_49(1706) eliminated SPA_48(339)
ADJ_NOUN_50(1713) eliminated REL_SPA_WHICH_49(1706)
IN_COLOR_51(1723) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_50(1713)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[X] 138: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [DRESS_45 'dress']
[X] 339: SPA_48 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [BLUE_52 'blue']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 536: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[X] 327: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_49 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[X] 334: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52 'blue'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[ ] 1129: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 1130: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[X] 526: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 715: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_49 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is'
[BLUE_52 'blue']]]
[X] 722: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52 'blue'] [DRESS_45
[ ] 1723: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52
[X] 924: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 1113: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_49
[DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_52 'blue']]]
[X] 1120: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52
'blue'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
[X] 1517: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 1706: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_49 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_52 'blue']]]
[X] 1713: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52 'blue'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
> Next Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 2)
Simulation Time: 7
> Current Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[ O] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 536: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 1129: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 1130: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 1723: SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52
> Next Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 8
> Current Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[ O] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
[!O] SemRep-R IN_54 from KICK_20 to BOXINGRING_53
[!O] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57]
[!O] Construction PP_IN_56 covering KICK_20 IN_54 BOXINGRING_53 for [SVO_24] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57]
[!O] Construction BOXINGRING_57 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 136: THEME_S_55 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 774: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1367: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'in'
[BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1368: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'in'
[BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1961: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman']
'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
> Next Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 9
> Current Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ O] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ O] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ O] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ O] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ O] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ O] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ O] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ O] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ O] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ O] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[ O] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
[ O] SemRep-R IN_54 from KICK_20 to BOXINGRING_53
[ O] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57]
[ O] Construction PP_IN_56 covering KICK_20 IN_54 BOXINGRING_53 for [SVO_24] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57]
[ O] Construction BOXINGRING_57 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
[!O] SemRep-N PEOPLE_58
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_59 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'there is' [PEOPLE_60]
[!O] Construction PEOPLE_60 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'people'
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 136: THEME_S_55 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 137: EXIST_S_59 'there is' [PEOPLE_60 'people']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 774: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1367: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'in'
[BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1368: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'in'
[BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 1961: PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman']
'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
> Next Attention
PEOPLE_FOCUS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 10
> Current Attention
PEOPLE_FOCUS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ @] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ @] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[ @] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ @] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ @] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [IN_COLOR_18] [KICK_29] [IN_COLOR_51]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ @] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ @] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ @] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[ @] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
[ @] SemRep-N BOXINGRING_53
[ @] SemRep-R IN_54 from KICK_20 to BOXINGRING_53
[ O] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57]
[ @] Construction PP_IN_56 covering KICK_20 IN_54 BOXINGRING_53 for [SVO_24] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57]
[ @] Construction BOXINGRING_57 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
[ @] SemRep-N PEOPLE_58
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_59 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'there is' [REL_SV_WHO_66]
[ @] Construction PEOPLE_60 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'people'
[!@] SemRep-N WATCH_61
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_62 from WATCH_61 to PEOPLE_58
[!@] SemRep-R CONCURRENT_63 from KICK_20 to WATCH_61
[!@] Construction CNJ_WHILE_64 covering KICK_20 WATCH_61 CONCURRENT_63 for [PP_IN_56] 'while' [SV_65]
[!@] Construction SV_65 covering PEOPLE_58 WATCH_61 AGENT_62 for [PEOPLE_60] [WATCH_67]
[!X] Construction REL_SV_WHO_66 covering PEOPLE_58 WATCH_61 AGENT_62 for [PEOPLE_60] 'who' [WATCH_67]
[!@] Construction WATCH_67 covering WATCH_61 for 'watch'
> Competition Traces
SV_65(2395) eliminated REL_SV_WHO_66(329)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 43: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ ]
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 136: THEME_S_55 'it is' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']
[ ] 137: EXIST_S_59 'there is' [PEOPLE_60 'people']
[ ] 731: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 732: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[X] 329: EXIST_S_59 'there is' [REL_SV_WHO_66 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] 'who' [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 970: CNJ_WHILE_64 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67
[ ] 1563: CNJ_WHILE_64 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'while'
[SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 1564: CNJ_WHILE_64 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'while'
[SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 1208: CNJ_WHILE_64 [PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']]
'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 1801: CNJ_WHILE_64 [PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']]
'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']] 'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 1802: CNJ_WHILE_64 [PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]]
'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']] 'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[ ] 2157: CNJ_WHILE_64 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman']
'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
[*] 2395: CNJ_WHILE_64 [PP_IN_56 [SVO_24 [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51
[WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]] 'in' [BOXINGRING_57 'boxing ring']] 'while' [SV_65 [PEOPLE_60 'people'] [WATCH_67 'watch']]
> Produced Utterance
"woman in green kick woman in blue in boxing ring while people watch"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 11
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ x] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [ ] 'in' [ ]
[ x] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[ x] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ x] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ x] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [ ] 'in' [ ]
[ x] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
[ x] SemRep-N BOXINGRING_53
[ x] SemRep-R IN_54 from KICK_20 to BOXINGRING_53
[ O] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [ ]
[ x] Construction PP_IN_56 covering KICK_20 IN_54 BOXINGRING_53 for [ ] 'in' [ ]
[ x] Construction BOXINGRING_57 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
[ x] SemRep-N PEOPLE_58
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_59 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction PEOPLE_60 covering PEOPLE_58 for 'people'
[ x] SemRep-N WATCH_61
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_62 from WATCH_61 to PEOPLE_58
[ x] SemRep-R CONCURRENT_63 from KICK_20 to WATCH_61
[ x] Construction CNJ_WHILE_64 covering KICK_20 WATCH_61 CONCURRENT_63 for [ ] 'while' [ ]
[ x] Construction SV_65 covering PEOPLE_58 WATCH_61 AGENT_62 for [ ] [ ]
[ x] Construction WATCH_67 covering WATCH_61 for 'watch'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 12
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
The following is the simulation output for the low threshold case. Only the time parameter is
tuned to “1” while the others are left to be infinite in order to simulate the time pressure induced
threshold effect.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'TCG.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_cholita.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = 1, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
LEFT_WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
LEFT_WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[!@] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[!@] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [WEAR_10] [DRESS_12]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_6 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [DRESS_12] 'is' [WEAR_10] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_9]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [DRESS_12]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_9 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [WEAR_10] [DRESS_12]
[!@] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[!@] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!@] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(536) eliminated PAS_SVO_6(480)
SVO_5(536) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_9(526)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [DRESS_12 'dress']
[*] 536: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_6 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_10 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 526: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_9 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
> Produced Utterance
"woman wear dress"
> Next Attention
LEFT_DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
LEFT_DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_11] [WEAR_10] [REL_SPA_WHICH_16]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17]
[ @] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
[!@] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[!X] Construction SPA_15 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [DRESS_12] 'is' [GREEN_19]
[!@] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_16 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [DRESS_12] 'which is' [GREEN_19]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_17 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [GREEN_19] [DRESS_12]
[!X] Construction IN_COLOR_18 covering WOMAN_0 WEAR_1 DRESS_2 GREEN_13 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 MODIFY_14 for [WOMAN_11] 'in' [GREEN_19]
[!@] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(1324) eliminated IN_COLOR_18(631)
REL_SPA_WHICH_16(1324) eliminated SPA_15(238)
SPA_15(238) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_17(233)
> Construction Structures
[X] 238: SPA_15 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'is' [GREEN_19 'green']
[X] 631: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [IN_COLOR_18 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'in' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[ ] 226: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_16 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'which is' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 233: EXIST_S_8 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
[*] 1324: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_16 [DRESS_12 'dress'] 'which is' [GREEN_19 'green']]
[X] 131: SVO_5 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_17 [GREEN_19 'green'] [DRESS_12 'dress']]
> Produced Utterance
"which is green"
> Next Attention
KICK_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
KICK_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_1
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_2
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from WEAR_1 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from WEAR_1 to DRESS_2
[ x] Construction SVO_5 covering WOMAN_0 DRESS_2 WEAR_1 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [REL_SVO_WHO_27] [WEAR_10] [DRESS_12]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_8 covering DRESS_2 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WEAR_10 covering WEAR_1 for 'wear'
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] Construction DRESS_12 covering DRESS_2 for 'dress'
[ x] SemRep-N GREEN_13
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_14 from GREEN_13 to DRESS_2
[ x] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_16 covering DRESS_2 GREEN_13 MODIFY_14 for [DRESS_12] 'which is' [GREEN_19]
[ x] Construction GREEN_19 covering GREEN_13 for 'green'
[!@] SemRep-N KICK_20
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to HUMAN_23
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[!O] SemRep-N HUMAN_23
[!@] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] [KICK_29] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_25 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] 'is' [KICK_29] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11]
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering HUMAN_23 for 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_27 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [KICK_29] [ ]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] 'who is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!@] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(341) eliminated PAS_SVO_25(285)
SVO_24(341) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_27(331)
SVO_24(341) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28(325)
> Construction Structures
[*] 341: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]
[X] 285: PAS_SVO_25 [ ] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 331: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]]
[X] 325: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_28 [ ] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[X] 329: SVO_5 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [DRESS_12 'dress']
[X] 17: SVO_5 [REL_SVO_WHO_27 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [ ]] [WEAR_10 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_16 [DRESS_12 'dress']
'which is' [GREEN_19 'green']]
> Produced Utterance
"woman kick..."
> Next Attention
RIGHT_WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
RIGHT_WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ @] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] [KICK_29] [REL_SVO_WHO_41]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41]
[ @] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[!@] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[!@] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[!X] Construction SVO_35 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42] [WEAR_43] [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_36 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [REL_SVO_WHO_41] 'is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_37 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [DRESS_45] 'is' [WEAR_43] '-ed by'
[!O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_40 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] 'who' [KICK_29] [REL_SVO_WHO_41]
[!@] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_41 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [WOMAN_44] 'who' [WEAR_43] [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_44] 'who is' [KICK_29] '-ed by'
[!@] Construction WEAR_43 covering WEAR_30 for 'wear'
[!@] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[!@] Construction DRESS_45 covering DRESS_31 for 'dress'
> Competition Traces
SVO_24(1424) eliminated PAS_SVO_36(668)
SVO_24(1424) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_40(714)
SVO_24(1424) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42(718)
SVO_35(718) eliminated PAS_SVO_37(662)
REL_SVO_WHO_41(1424) eliminated SVO_35(718)
> Construction Structures
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[ ] 138: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [DRESS_45 'dress']
[ ] 1036: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[X] 280: PAS_SVO_36 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 536: SVO_35 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']
[X] 480: PAS_SVO_37 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_43 'wear'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_44 'woman']
[X] 326: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [WOMAN_44 'woman']]
[X] 320: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[ ] 526: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[*] 1424: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 668: PAS_SVO_36 [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']] 'is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by'
[WOMAN_11 'woman']
[X] 718: SVO_35 [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']] [WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45
[X] 662: PAS_SVO_37 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [WEAR_43 'wear'] '-ed by' [REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_42 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who is' [KICK_29 'kick']
'-ed by' [WOMAN_11 'woman']]
[X] 714: EXIST_S_7 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_40 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] 'who' [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who'
[WEAR_43 'wear'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
> Produced Utterance
"woman who wear dress"
> Next Attention
RIGHT_DRESS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
RIGHT_DRESS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ @] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ @] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [WOMAN_11] [KICK_29] [REL_SVO_WHO_41]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51]
[ @] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ @] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ @] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_50]
[ @] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_41 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [WOMAN_44] 'who' [WEAR_43]
[ @] Construction WEAR_43 covering WEAR_30 for 'wear'
[ @] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ @] Construction DRESS_45 covering DRESS_31 for 'dress'
[!@] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[!@] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[!X] Construction SPA_48 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [DRESS_45] 'is' [BLUE_52]
[!@] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_49 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [DRESS_45] 'which is' [BLUE_52]
[!X] Construction ADJ_NOUN_50 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [BLUE_52] [DRESS_45]
[!X] Construction IN_COLOR_51 covering WOMAN_23 WEAR_30 DRESS_31 BLUE_46 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 MODIFY_47 for [WOMAN_44] 'in' [BLUE_52]
[!@] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
> Competition Traces
REL_SVO_WHO_41(2313) eliminated IN_COLOR_51(632)
REL_SPA_WHICH_49(2313) eliminated SPA_48(239)
SPA_48(239) eliminated ADJ_NOUN_50(234)
> Construction Structures
[X] 239: SPA_48 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'is' [BLUE_52 'blue']
[X] 632: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 227: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [REL_SPA_WHICH_49 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[X] 234: EXIST_S_39 'there is' [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52 'blue'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]
[X] 530: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [IN_COLOR_51 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'in' [BLUE_52 'blue']]
[ ] 115: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_49 [DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is'
[BLUE_52 'blue']]]
[X] 122: EXIST_S_26 'there is' [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52 'blue'] [DRESS_45
[*] 2313: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [REL_SPA_WHICH_49
[DRESS_45 'dress'] 'which is' [BLUE_52 'blue']]]
[X] -80: SVO_24 [WOMAN_11 'woman'] [KICK_29 'kick'] [REL_SVO_WHO_41 [WOMAN_44 'woman'] 'who' [WEAR_43 'wear'] [ADJ_NOUN_50 [BLUE_52
'blue'] [DRESS_45 'dress']]]
> Produced Utterance
"which is blue"
> Next Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 2)
Simulation Time: 7
> Current Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_7 covering WOMAN_0 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction WOMAN_11 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N KICK_20
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_21 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_23
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_22 from KICK_20 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_23
[ x] Construction SVO_24 covering WOMAN_0 WOMAN_23 KICK_20 AGENT_22 PATIENT_21 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_26 covering WOMAN_23 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction KICK_29 covering KICK_20 for 'kick'
[ x] SemRep-N WEAR_30
[ x] SemRep-N DRESS_31
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_32 from WEAR_30 to WOMAN_23
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_33 from WEAR_30 to DRESS_31
[ O] Construction EXIST_S_39 covering DRESS_31 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_41 covering WOMAN_23 DRESS_31 WEAR_30 AGENT_32 PATIENT_33 for [ ] 'who' [ ] [ ]
[ x] Construction WEAR_43 covering WEAR_30 for 'wear'
[ x] Construction WOMAN_44 covering WOMAN_23 for 'woman'
[ x] Construction DRESS_45 covering DRESS_31 for 'dress'
[ x] SemRep-N BLUE_46
[ x] SemRep-R MODIFY_47 from BLUE_46 to DRESS_31
[ x] Construction REL_SPA_WHICH_49 covering DRESS_31 BLUE_46 MODIFY_47 for [ ] 'which is' [ ]
[ x] Construction BLUE_52 covering BLUE_46 for 'blue'
> Next Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 8
> Current Attention
BOXINGRING_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N BOXINGRING_53
[!X] SemRep-R IN_54 from ?? to BOXINGRING_53
[!@] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [BOXINGRING_56]
[!@] Construction BOXINGRING_56 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
> Construction Structures
[*] 136: THEME_S_55 'it is' [BOXINGRING_56 'boxing ring']
> Produced Utterance
"it is boxing ring"
> Next Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 9
> Current Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N BOXINGRING_53
[ x] Construction THEME_S_55 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'it is' [ ]
[ x] Construction BOXINGRING_56 covering BOXINGRING_53 for 'boxing ring'
[!@] SemRep-N PEOPLE_57
[!@] Construction EXIST_S_58 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'there is' [PEOPLE_59]
[!@] Construction PEOPLE_59 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'people'
> Construction Structures
[*] 137: EXIST_S_58 'there is' [PEOPLE_59 'people']
> Produced Utterance
"there is people"
> Next Attention
PEOPLE_FOCUS_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 10
> Current Attention
PEOPLE_FOCUS_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N PEOPLE_57
[ @] Construction EXIST_S_58 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'there is' [REL_SV_WHO_64]
[ @] Construction PEOPLE_59 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'people'
[!@] SemRep-N WATCH_60
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_61 from WATCH_60 to PEOPLE_57
[!X] SemRep-R CONCURRENT_62 from ?? to WATCH_60
[!X] Construction SV_63 covering PEOPLE_57 WATCH_60 AGENT_61 for [PEOPLE_59] [WATCH_65]
[!@] Construction REL_SV_WHO_64 covering PEOPLE_57 WATCH_60 AGENT_61 for [PEOPLE_59] 'who' [WATCH_65]
[!@] Construction WATCH_65 covering WATCH_60 for 'watch'
> Competition Traces
REL_SV_WHO_64(529) eliminated SV_63(239)
> Construction Structures
[X] 239: SV_63 [PEOPLE_59 'people'] [WATCH_65 'watch']
[*] 529: EXIST_S_58 'there is' [REL_SV_WHO_64 [PEOPLE_59 'people'] 'who' [WATCH_65 'watch']]
> Produced Utterance
"who watch"
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 11
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N PEOPLE_57
[ x] Construction EXIST_S_58 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'there is' [ ]
[ x] Construction PEOPLE_59 covering PEOPLE_57 for 'people'
[ x] SemRep-N WATCH_60
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_61 from WATCH_60 to PEOPLE_57
[ x] Construction REL_SV_WHO_64 covering PEOPLE_57 WATCH_60 AGENT_61 for [ ] 'who' [ ]
[ x] Construction WATCH_65 covering WATCH_60 for 'watch'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 12
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
Appendix F. Two Opposing Examples of Kuchinsky (2009)
Figure 4.5-2 illustrates two cases of scene perception and description production. This appendix
provides the simulation results corresponding to the structural case (A) and the incremental case
(B). Threshold is set to “low” (the time parameter is tuned to “1”) for both of the cases.
The following is the scene description file used for the structural strategy (case A), in which the
gist of the event (MOUSE-SQUIRT-TURTLE) is provided first.
# TCG Scene: structural strategy
# Kuchinsky's example of easy event with difficult objects
image: none
resolution: 0 * 0
region GIST
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 0
uncertainty: 0 # instantly perceived
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 100 # cued object
uncertainty: 1
object TURTLE { concept: TURTLE }
perceive TURTLE
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 70
uncertainty: 1
object SQUIRT { concept: SQUIRT }
relation SQUIRT_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: SQUIRT to: MOUSE }
relation SQUIRT_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: SQUIRT to: TURTLE }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 50
uncertainty: 1
object MOUSE { concept: MOUSE }
perceive MOUSE
The following is the simulation output for the structural strategy.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'tcg.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary_exp.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_structural.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = 1, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!O] SemRep-N OBJECT_0
[!O] SemRep-N OBJECT_1
[!O] SemRep-N ACTION_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_2 to OBJECT_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_2 to OBJECT_1
[!@] Construction SVO_5 covering OBJECT_0 OBJECT_1 ACTION_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_6 covering OBJECT_0 OBJECT_1 ACTION_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [ ]
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(250) eliminated PAS_SVO_6(194)
> Construction Structures
[*] 250: SVO_5 [ ] [ ] [ ]
[X] 194: PAS_SVO_6 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [ ]
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
MOUSE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
MOUSE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N MOUSE_0
[ O] SemRep-N OBJECT_1
[ O] SemRep-N ACTION_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from ACTION_2 to MOUSE_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from ACTION_2 to OBJECT_1
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering MOUSE_0 OBJECT_1 ACTION_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MOUSE_9] [ ] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_8 covering MOUSE_0 OBJECT_1 ACTION_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9]
[!@] Construction MOUSE_9 covering MOUSE_0 for 'mouse'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(445) eliminated PAS_SVO_8(289)
> Construction Structures
[*] 445: SVO_5 [MOUSE_9 'mouse'] [ ] [ ]
[X] 289: PAS_SVO_8 [ ] 'is' [ ] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9 'mouse']
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
SQUIRT_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
SQUIRT_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N MOUSE_0
[ O] SemRep-N OBJECT_1
[!@] SemRep-N SQUIRT_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from SQUIRT_2 to MOUSE_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from SQUIRT_2 to OBJECT_1
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering MOUSE_0 OBJECT_1 SQUIRT_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MOUSE_9] [SQUIRT_12] [ ]
[ @] Construction MOUSE_9 covering MOUSE_0 for 'mouse'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_11 covering MOUSE_0 OBJECT_1 SQUIRT_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [SQUIRT_12] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9]
[!@] Construction SQUIRT_12 covering SQUIRT_2 for 'squirt at'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(737) eliminated PAS_SVO_11(281)
> Construction Structures
[*] 737: SVO_5 [MOUSE_9 'mouse'] [SQUIRT_12 'squirt at'] [ ]
[X] 281: PAS_SVO_11 [ ] 'is' [SQUIRT_12 'squirt at'] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9 'mouse']
> Produced Utterance
"squirt at..."
> Next Attention
TURTLE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
TURTLE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N MOUSE_0
[!@] SemRep-N TURTLE_1
[ @] SemRep-N SQUIRT_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from SQUIRT_2 to MOUSE_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from SQUIRT_2 to TURTLE_1
[ @] Construction SVO_5 covering MOUSE_0 TURTLE_1 SQUIRT_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [MOUSE_9] [SQUIRT_12] [TURTLE_15]
[ @] Construction MOUSE_9 covering MOUSE_0 for 'mouse'
[ @] Construction SQUIRT_12 covering SQUIRT_2 for 'squirt at'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_14 covering MOUSE_0 TURTLE_1 SQUIRT_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [TURTLE_15] 'is' [SQUIRT_12] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9]
[!@] Construction TURTLE_15 covering TURTLE_1 for 'turtle'
> Competition Traces
SVO_5(1031) eliminated PAS_SVO_14(275)
> Construction Structures
[*] 1031: SVO_5 [MOUSE_9 'mouse'] [SQUIRT_12 'squirt at'] [TURTLE_15 'turtle']
[X] 275: PAS_SVO_14 [TURTLE_15 'turtle'] 'is' [SQUIRT_12 'squirt at'] '-ed by' [MOUSE_9 'mouse']
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N MOUSE_0
[ x] SemRep-N TURTLE_1
[ x] SemRep-N SQUIRT_2
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from SQUIRT_2 to MOUSE_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from SQUIRT_2 to TURTLE_1
[ x] Construction SVO_5 covering MOUSE_0 TURTLE_1 SQUIRT_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ x] Construction MOUSE_9 covering MOUSE_0 for 'mouse'
[ x] Construction SQUIRT_12 covering SQUIRT_2 for 'squirt at'
[ x] Construction TURTLE_15 covering TURTLE_1 for 'turtle'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
The following is the scene description file used for the incremental strategy (case B), in which
the event is perceived in an incremental manner.
# TCG Scene: incremental strategy
# Kuchinsky's example of difficult event with easy objects
image: none
resolution: 0 * 0
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 100 # cued object
uncertainty: 1
object WOMAN { concept: WOMAN }
perceive WOMAN
region TALK_AREA
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 70
uncertainty: 1
object TALK { concept: TALK }
relation TALK_AGENT { concept: AGENT from: TALK to: WOMAN }
relation TALK_PATIENT { concept: PATIENT from: TALK to: PEOPLE }
location: 0, 0 size: 0, 0
saliency: 50
uncertainty: 1
object PEOPLE { concept: PEOPLE }
perceive PEOPLE
The following is the simulation output for the incremental strategy.
Template Construction Grammar (TCG) Simulator v2.5
Jinyong Lee (, June 23. 2012
USC Brain Project, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California (USC)
Loading Initialization File 'tcg.ini'...
Loading Semantic Network 'TCG_semantics.txt'...
Loading Construction Vocabulary 'TCG_vocabulary_exp.txt'...
Loading Scene 'scene_incremental.txt'...
Initializing Simulator...
- Max Simulation Time: 20
- Premature Production: on
- Utterance Continuity: on
- Verbal Guidance: on
- Threshold of Utterance: Time = 1, CNXs = infinite, Syllables = infinite
Beginning Simulation...
Simulation Time: 1
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
WOMAN_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 2
> Current Attention
WOMAN_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[!@] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[!@] Construction WOMAN_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
> Construction Structures
[*] 95: WOMAN_1 'woman'
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
TALK_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 3
> Current Attention
TALK_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction WOMAN_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[!@] SemRep-N TALK_2
[!@] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from TALK_2 to WOMAN_0
[!@] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from TALK_2 to HUMAN_5
[!O] SemRep-N HUMAN_5
[!@] Construction SVO_6 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_1] [TALK_10] [ ]
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_7 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'is' [TALK_10] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_8 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_1] 'who' [TALK_10] [ ]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_9 covering WOMAN_0 HUMAN_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] 'who is' [TALK_10] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1]
[!@] Construction TALK_10 covering TALK_2 for 'talk to'
> Competition Traces
SVO_6(539) eliminated PAS_SVO_7(283)
SVO_6(539) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_8(486)
SVO_6(539) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_9(280)
> Construction Structures
[*] 539: SVO_6 [WOMAN_1 'woman'] [TALK_10 'talk to'] [ ]
[X] 283: PAS_SVO_7 [ ] 'is' [TALK_10 'talk to'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1 'woman']
[X] 486: REL_SVO_WHO_8 [WOMAN_1 'woman'] 'who' [TALK_10 'talk to'] [ ]
[X] 280: REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_9 [ ] 'who is' [TALK_10 'talk to'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1 'woman']
> Produced Utterance
"talk to..."
> Next Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (uncertainty left: 1)
Simulation Time: 4
> Current Attention
PEOPLE_AREA (perception done)
> Perceived Regions
> Schema Instances
[ @] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ @] Construction WOMAN_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ @] SemRep-N TALK_2
[ @] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from TALK_2 to WOMAN_0
[ @] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from TALK_2 to PEOPLE_5
[!@] SemRep-N PEOPLE_5
[ @] Construction SVO_6 covering WOMAN_0 PEOPLE_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_1] [TALK_10] [PEOPLE_15]
[ @] Construction TALK_10 covering TALK_2 for 'talk to'
[!X] Construction PAS_SVO_12 covering WOMAN_0 PEOPLE_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [PEOPLE_15] 'is' [TALK_10] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1]
[!X] Construction REL_SVO_WHO_13 covering WOMAN_0 PEOPLE_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [WOMAN_1] 'who' [TALK_10] [PEOPLE_15]
[!X] Construction REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_14 covering WOMAN_0 PEOPLE_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [PEOPLE_15] 'who is' [TALK_10] '-ed by'
[!@] Construction PEOPLE_15 covering PEOPLE_5 for 'people'
> Competition Traces
SVO_6(1033) eliminated PAS_SVO_12(277)
SVO_6(1033) eliminated REL_SVO_WHO_13(280)
SVO_6(1033) eliminated REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_14(274)
> Construction Structures
[*] 1033: SVO_6 [WOMAN_1 'woman'] [TALK_10 'talk to'] [PEOPLE_15 'people']
[X] 277: PAS_SVO_12 [PEOPLE_15 'people'] 'is' [TALK_10 'talk to'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1 'woman']
[X] 280: REL_SVO_WHO_13 [WOMAN_1 'woman'] 'who' [TALK_10 'talk to'] [PEOPLE_15 'people']
[X] 274: REL_PAS_SVO_WHO_14 [PEOPLE_15 'people'] 'who is' [TALK_10 'talk to'] '-ed by' [WOMAN_1 'woman']
> Produced Utterance
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 5
> Current Attention
> Schema Instances
[ x] SemRep-N WOMAN_0
[ x] Construction WOMAN_1 covering WOMAN_0 for 'woman'
[ x] SemRep-N TALK_2
[ x] SemRep-R AGENT_3 from TALK_2 to WOMAN_0
[ x] SemRep-R PATIENT_4 from TALK_2 to PEOPLE_5
[ x] SemRep-N PEOPLE_5
[ x] Construction SVO_6 covering WOMAN_0 PEOPLE_5 TALK_2 AGENT_3 PATIENT_4 for [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ x] Construction TALK_10 covering TALK_2 for 'talk to'
[ x] Construction PEOPLE_15 covering PEOPLE_5 for 'people'
> Next Attention
Simulation Time: 6
> Current Attention
> Next Attention
Simulation complete: inactivity termination.
Abstract (if available)
The present thesis is part of a larger effort to locate the production and perception of language within the broader context of brain mechanisms for action and perception more generally. As the first step, we use the task of describing visual scenes to explore the suitability of the currently proposed framework of a schema-based linguistics. We developed a new kind of semantic representation, SemRep, which is an abstract form of visual information with an emphasis on the spatial linkage of entities, attributes and actions. SemRep provides a compact graph-like structure with enough formal semantics for verbal description of a scene, reducing the relatively complex task of semantic processing to a graph matching task. The present thesis reports results on implementing the production of sentences using Template Construction Grammar (TCG), a new form of Construction Grammar distinguished by its use of SemRep to express semantics. Constructions, represented as schema instances in our approach, compete and cooperate to cover the SemRep to produce a description of the visual scene at hand. In our approach, the vision system interprets a part of the scene under attention by creating or updating the corresponding SemRep while the language system applies constructions on that part of SemRep by the principles of TCG. The current work proposes specific mechanisms on how a representation (i.e. SemRep) is built from the perceived visual scene and what influences the choice of constructions for the produced utterances. More specifically, the complexity of a perceived event and the constraints on available computational resources are hypothesized to be the main driving force of the resultant sentential structure being produced. The former affects the coverage of the perceived subscene, which represents a particular view on the scene at a certain moment, and the resultant formulation of SemRep. The latter, which is parameterized as the threshold of utterance, limits the amount of time and constructions used for formulating descriptions, resulting in different degrees of ""well-formedness"" of produced sentences. To test hypotheses, we conducted a series of eye-tracking experiments with experimental settings to induce various levels of event complexity (e.g. showing scenes of different event structures) and threshold (e.g. imposing time pressure). Based on the examination on the time-locked eye movements and recorded speech, the present thesis presents supporting evidence for the proposed mechanisms. We conclude by demonstrating how the combinations of various levels of threshold and event complexity in the framework of SemRep and TCG can address both of the apparently opposing strategies in sentence production: the ""structural view"" which asserts the preparation of sentential structure and the preparation of each constituent are interleaved, and the ""incremental view"" that claims that those are separated in an orderly fashion.
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Asset Metadata
Lee, Jinyong
Core Title
Linking eyes to mouth: a schema-based computational model for describing visual scenes
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
construction grammar,eye-tracking,language model,neurolinguistics,OAI-PMH Harvest,psycholinguistics,schema theory
Electronically uploaded by the author
Arbib, Michael A. (
committee chair
), Itti, Laurent (
committee member
), Kaiser, Elsi (
committee member
Creator Email,
Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
usctheses-c3-85951 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
Document Type
Lee, Jinyong
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the a...
Repository Name
University of Southern California Digital Library
Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
construction grammar
language model
schema theory