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Implementing spatial thinking with Web GIS in the non-profit sector: a case study of ArcGIS Online in the Pacific Symphony
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Implementing spatial thinking with Web GIS in the non-profit sector: a case study of ArcGIS Online in the Pacific Symphony
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Implementing Spatial Thinking with Web GIS in the Non-Profit Sector:
A Case Study of ArcGIS Online in the Pacific Symphony
Michelle Marie Lin
A Thesis Presented to the
Faculty of the USC Graduate School
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
(Geographic Information Science and Technology)
August 2016
Copyright ® 2016 by Michelle Marie Lin
I dedicate this document to my parents, who inspired me to work hard and pursue my goals
Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. ix
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... x
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xi
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 The Pacific Symphony Case Study ......................................................................................3
1.1.1. GIS Knowledge, Spatial Thinking, and Current Mapping and Data Software Use ..5
1.2 Proposed Esri Software ........................................................................................................7
1.3 Geography of Orange County ..............................................................................................8
1.3.1. Current Performance Venues .....................................................................................9
1.3.2. Moving to a new summer performance venue .........................................................11
1.3.3. Selecting performance venues for education and community engagement
programming ..............................................................................................................11
1.4 Potential benefits of Web GIS in small non-profit organizations ......................................13
1.5 Thesis Organization ...........................................................................................................13
Chapter 2: Background ................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 How Large Non-Profit Organizations Organize their GIS Department ............................16
2.2 GIS in Small to Medium Non-Profit Organizations ..........................................................18
2.2.1. Costs and Benefits of Web GIS ...............................................................................18
2.2.2. Consumerization of IT .............................................................................................19
2.3 Examples of Spatial-Light Organizations and Industries ..................................................19
2.4 GIS in the Arts Industry .....................................................................................................22
2.4.1. Scottsdale Cultural Council’s Community Cultural Assessment Mapping .............23
2.4.2. Newman Center’s Arts Audience Mapping Analysis ..............................................26
2.5 Using GIS to Strengthen Nonprofit Fundraising and Market Planning Site Selection ......28
2.6 Importance and Methods of Spatial Market Delineation ...................................................29
2.7 Marketing in the Performing Arts Industry........................................................................31
2.7.1. Understanding the Performing Arts Market ............................................................31
2.7.2. Audience Engagement .............................................................................................32
2.8 Finding the Target Audience .............................................................................................33
2.8.1. Identifying Market Segments and Target Markets ..................................................34
2.9 Understanding what Organizations are Looking to Accomplish with GIS .......................35
2.10 Importance of Having a GIS Champion ..........................................................................35
2.11 Project Planning and Execution .......................................................................................36
Chapter 3: Project Structure and Process ...................................................................................... 38
3.1 Identifying Organizational Goals and Spatial Needs .........................................................39
3.1.1. Kick-Off Meeting.....................................................................................................40
3.1.2. Assigned Tasks ........................................................................................................42
3.2 Integrating ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online .................................................44
3.3 Data ....................................................................................................................................45
3.2.1. Integrating Organization Data with ArcGIS Online ................................................45
3.2.2. Data Security Issues .................................................................................................46
3.3.3. Data Needed from ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online ...........................46
3.4 Training ..............................................................................................................................47
3.4.1. Creating Step-by-step Guides ..................................................................................48
3.4.2. Geocoding ................................................................................................................49
3.4.3. Sharing Data.............................................................................................................50
3.4.4. Identifying their Main Customer Base .....................................................................50
3.4.5. Locating a New Summer Home ...............................................................................51
3.4.6. Venues for Education/Community Engagement Programming Outreach Concerts 52
3.4.7. Attracting Current and Potential Donors .................................................................52
3.5 Rubric to Evaluate Success ................................................................................................53
3.6 Final Wrap-up Meeting with Project Team, Sean Sutton, and Alan Brown ......................54
Chapter 4 Project Implementations and Outcomes ....................................................................... 55
4.1 Working with the Project Team .........................................................................................56
4.1.1. Benefit of the Kick-Off Meeting ..............................................................................56
4.1.2. Staying in Touch with the Project Team..................................................................57
4.2 Training ..............................................................................................................................58
4.2.1. One-Hour Training Sessions ....................................................................................60
4.2.3. Newly Created Step-by-step Guides ........................................................................60
4.2.4. Learning Curve ........................................................................................................61
4.3 Feedback on Software ........................................................................................................62
4.4 Benefits of Having a GIS Champion .................................................................................62
4.5 Key Initial Strategic Findings from the Project Team .......................................................63
4.5.1. Summer Home Findings ..........................................................................................65
4.5.2. Community and Education Programming Findings ................................................72
4.5.3. Donors Findings .......................................................................................................73
4.6 Project Costs ......................................................................................................................78
4.7 Summary of Project Implementation and Outcomes .........................................................79
Chapter 5: Reflections on the Project ........................................................................................... 80
5.1 Value of Utilizing Web GIS in the Pacific Symphony ......................................................80
5.1.1. Technical Capacity of Non-Profits ..........................................................................81
5.1.1. MapInfo, Neilson SiteReports, and PRIZM vs. ArcGIS Online..............................81
5.2 Challenges and Limitations ...........................................................................................82
5.2.1. Interface between ArcGIS Online and Applications Feedback ...............................82
5.2.2. Bugs within ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online .....................................83
5.2.3 Precision in Demographic Data ................................................................................83
5.2.4. Potential Inaccuracies Due to Variations in Population Density .............................84
5.3 Training Feedback .........................................................................................................84
5.4 Errors in Maps and Data Collection by Project Team ...................................................85
5.5 Value of Targeted Marketing Strategy ..........................................................................86
5.6 Possible Future Work at the Pacific Symphony ............................................................87
5.7 Transition Plan ..............................................................................................................88
5.7.1. ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online Licensing .........................................89
5.7.2. Esri’s Non-Profit Program .......................................................................................89
5.7.3. Esri’s Standard Commercial Licensing ...................................................................91
5.7.4. Hiring Consulting Work ..........................................................................................91
5.8 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................92
References ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Appendix A: ArcGIS Online Step-by-step Guide – Finding Demographics/Tapestry Data based
off of Current Customer Data ................................................................................................ 99
Appendix B: ArcGIS Online Step-by-step Guide – Finding Demographic/Tapestry Data of
Donors – Attracting Potential Donors ................................................................................. 128
List of Figures
Figure 1 Orange County, California ............................................................................................... 4
Figure 2 Map of ticket buyers created within Tessitura by ZIP code ............................................. 6
Figure 3 Pacific Symphony’s list of venues ................................................................................. 10
Figure 4 Current vs. future summer home .................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 Educational Attainment in greater Phoenix, Arizona ..................................................... 25
Figure 6 Newman Center's patrons overlaid with population density .......................................... 27
Figure 7 An example of the first step-by-step guide created ........................................................ 59
Figure 8 Summer Venues map created by the Project Team ........................................................ 65
Figure 9 Heat Map of Summer Ticket buyers .............................................................................. 66
Figure 10 15-minute drive time created from Irvine Meadows Theatre overlaid with 2015
summer ticket buyers .................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 11 15-minute drive time created from the Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with the summer
audience ........................................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 12 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre overlaid with Boomburbs
tapestry segmentation……………………………………………………………………………………..……………….69
Figure 13 15-minute drive time from the Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with Boomburbs tapestry
Figure 14 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre overlaid with education and
income smart map layer………………………………………………………………………………………...…………71
Figure 15 15-minute drive time from Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with education and income
smart map layer…………………………………………….……………………………………………………...…………71
Figure 16 Community and education programming venues created by the project team ............ 72
Figure 17 Woodbridge Community Park vs. Eastgate Park overlaid on a heat map of ticket
buyers ............................................................................................................................................ 73
Figure 18 Donor map created by project team.............................................................................. 74
Figure 19 Donors within a 15-minute drive time from Paulariono School .................................. 75
Figure 20 15-minute drive time from Paularino overlaid on a heat map ...................................... 76
Figure 21 Tapestry map created by project team .......................................................................... 77
Figure 22 15- and 30-minute drive time from the Sergerstrom Center overlaid with the
Enterprising Professionals smart layer.......................................................................................... 78
Figure 23 15-minute drive time and Pacific Symphony Amphitheatre with 15-minute drive time
overlaid ticket buyers heat map .................................................................................................... 85
Figure 24 Irvine Meadows with 15-minute drive time and Pacific Symphony Amphitheatre with
15-minute drive time overlaid with education and income smart map layer ................................ 86
Figure 25 Summer ticket buyers overlaid with drive time and ZIP code boundaries ................... 87
Figure 26 Asian population in parts of Orange County ................................................................ 88
List of Tables
Table 1: Project team with associated job title ............................................................................. 41
Table 2: Assigned teams and tasks ............................................................................................... 43
Table 3: An overview of steps and tools needed to be used in the project based on assigned tasks
....................................................................................................................................................... 48
Table 4 Skill sets needed to complete task and shown by product in step-by-step guides ........... 58
Table 5 Confirmed and discovered facts based on the maps created by the project team ............ 64
Table 6 Tools and total amount of credits used by each user ....................................................... 79
Table 7 Training displayed with non-profit discount ................................................................... 90
Table 8 Pricing of majority of the training courses with non-profit discount .............................. 90
Table 9 Cost of project .................................................................................................................. 91
Table 10 Pricing of the project including GIS consulting services .............................................. 92
I am grateful to my thesis advisor, Dr. Vos, for his guidance and patience throughout this project.
I would also like to thank my committee members, Drs. Wilson and Sedano who gave me
assistance when I needed it. I thank my parents, sister, and brother for their constant support
throughout my entire student career. Also, my friend Tyler for his support and encouragement
throughout this process. I would also like to acknowledge, the Pacific Symphony and Alan
Brown for the data and insight they provided me for this project.
List of Abbreviations
GIS Geographic information system
IT Information technology
NDA Non-disclosure agreement
NHQ National Headquarters
USC University of Southern California
With the proliferation of online GIS starting around 2012, costs for running GIS have
come down so much that there are now many opportunities to spatially enable organizations like
those in the non-profit sector that could not access the technology before. This research
demonstrates how to administer a simple GIS system for a non-profit corporation in the
performing arts sector, the Pacific Symphony. It illustrates how the symphony developed a basic
pattern of spatial thinking and analysis that strategically aligned with their core organizational
objectives. This project shows that even though the symphony lack the resources to invest in a
professional GIS system, they were still able to utilize spatial technology by implementing a
cloud-based GIS system to make their organization more successful. Esri’s ArcGIS Online was
used for this project because it is a cloud-based, user-friendly GIS software geared to those with
little to no GIS experience. By overlaying the symphony’s data with ArcGIS Online content,
such as demographic data and tapestry segmentation, ArcGIS Online was able to help the
symphony choose ideal locations to market and select among alternative performance venues.
Additionally, it helped the symphony reduce costs by targeting the appropriate market and
customer base. Two key findings coming out of this project are the importance of a GIS
champion within the organization to make the GIS implementation successful, and the value of
hands-on experience of Web GIS for integrating patterns of spatial thinking in the organization.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Using GIS is a common practice for entities that are looking to integrate patterns of spatial
thinking and analysis to align with their core organizational objectives. Generally, companies or
government agencies that rely extensively on spatial data will invest in the resources necessary to
run an enterprise GIS system that includes hardware, software, and dedicated staff (Schardein
2015). However there are many organizations, such as the Pacific Symphony, for whom spatial
data is useful but not key to core organizational objectives. In such organizations the costs of
enterprise GIS may outweigh the benefits, but with more economical and user-friendly GIS
technologies, there is potential for spatial thinking and GIS to become ingrained in such
The Pacific Symphony is a non-profit orchestra organization that plays over a hundred
concerts a year (The Pacific Symphony 2015). Its budget is $17 million per year, with roughly
50% of revenue coming from ticket sales and 50% from donations. Their tickets are generally
sold at prices ranging from $20 - $190 per seat, depending on the event and seating location
(Pacific Symphony 2015). Their budget is used to pay their staff, musicians, rent venues, and
invest in marketing materials. Funding is heavily constrained, so they are not able to hire staff
dedicated to managing a GIS system. Without the budget to hire the GIS staff, the existing
Pacific Symphony staff must learn to use the software if the organization is to be spatially-
Even though the software may not be difficult to use, it does have a learning curve that
requires users to invest time to learn how to properly utilize it. Without the proper tutorials or
training, even simplified GIS software can be hard to use and may require several weeks or
months to learn how to properly use and apply it to their business (Schardein 2015).
Furthermore, GIS software is often only used within a small group of people who are familiar
with it or have any educational background in it. If there are others within the organization that
would like to utilize GIS, it may require them to learn to use the software, and they may not have
the time or resources to do so and can be easily discouraged (Schardein 2015).
Therefore, the goals of this research are to (1) develop basic patterns of spatial thinking
and analysis strategically aligned with Pacific Symphony’s core organizational goals; (2) enable
ArcGIS Online for use by staff in marketing, fundraising, operations, and site location for live
performances; and (3) evaluate and report on the effort as a case study of spatially enabling
organizations via the cloud. With the data provided, ArcGIS Online will be used to display their
customer base to assist in increasing revenue by choosing locations to market and selecting
different performance venues.
1.1 The Pacific Symphony Case Study
The Pacific Symphony is a small non-profit organization that holds a series of concerts
throughout the year at a variety of performance venues in Orange County, California (see Figure
1). It holds a wide range of concerts throughout the year at a variety of performance venues.
The orchestra is engaged in a series of projects during the first quarter of 2016 and is
hoping to use GIS to help them make better-informed decisions. Therefore, the Pacific
Symphony agreed to participate in the research to implement Web GIS into their workflow. They
are hoping to add a geographical element to their marketing and fundraising department to
support the following projects:
1. Analyze the demographics and tapestry segmentation of their new summer venue, the
Pacific Amphitheater, and compare it to their current summer venue, the Irvine Meadows
2. Discover four new, smaller performance venues for the winter season by better
understanding the location of the current audience and the location of potential audiences
in and near Orange County.
Figure 1 Orange County, California
3. Attract current and potential donors to Pacific Symphony’s events by understanding
where they are located in relation to outreach concerts and educational activities.
1.1.1. GIS Knowledge, Spatial Thinking, and Current Mapping and Data Software Use
The Pacific Symphony does not have any prior knowledge of or experience using GIS
software. Additionally, they have a small budget and are hoping to easily incorporate GIS
software into their workflows without have to spend too much money or time to learn how to use
it. Prior to being introduced to GIS and spatial thinking, the Pacific Symphony has been selecting
venues by the following criteria: the location is within Orange County, has adequate acoustics,
sufficient parking space, and is visually appealing (Brown 2015a). However, with GIS, the
Pacific Symphony could change their methods of selecting venues by basing its decision on
customer location and geographically selecting areas that have similar demographics and
tapestry as its current customers.
For their mapping and data needs, they were utilizing Tessitura and Mosaic. Tessitura is a
system of a records software often used in the arts industry that records, tracks, and manages all
of their customer and donor data. It also organizes marketing and fundraising requests, handles
all ticketing/membership transactions, and provides performance reports (Tessitura 2015). This
software is heavily used within the organization, and has one full-time staff member dedicated to
working with the software on a daily basis and another full-time staff member dedicated to
managing the software (Pacific Symphony 2015). Tessitura also contains a mapping component
that allows them to create simple maps as shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2, the maps are based on
ZIP codes and not individual addresses. Within the software, there is a “Map-it” tool that allows
the user to zoom in and out and pan around the map, there are no additional functionalities
included within the map component (Farma 2016).
Mosaic is a household-based consumer lifestyle segmentation provided by Experian
Marketing Services (Experian 2015). The symphony uses it to understand their ticket buyers’ and
donors’ lifestyle. Mosaic has a quasi-spatial aspect to it as in they are able to look up lifestyle
data by ZIP codes and addresses; however, users are unable to visualize it on a map or relate it to
performance venue locations (Experian 2015).
Figure 2 Map of ticket buyers created within Tessitura by ZIP code
1.2 Proposed Esri Software
For their projects, they will be utilizing Esri’s Web GIS software, ArcGIS Online and
Business Analyst Online. ArcGIS Online, a relatively new technology Esri released in July 2012,
is a user-friendly, cloud-based GIS software package that allows those not familiar with GIS to
effectively instill the geographical element needed to make their entity successful (Esri 2015). It
enables users to create web maps they can share with others in their organization. Furthermore, it
includes online content and analysis tools that users can use if necessary for their maps. For
example, if they have an Excel spreadsheet of their customers’ location they can save it as a .csv
file and have ArcGIS Online map out their whereabouts. Additionally, there are premium
applications that are included within ArcGIS Online, such as Business Analyst Online, that can
be used to enrich their own data with up-to-date demographic data and tapestry segmentation
(ArcGIS Online 2016). Within Business Analyst Online, the demographic data can identify who
their customers are, while the tapestry segmentation can tell them how to reach their customers
(Schardein 2015) since it provides information on their lifestyle, occupation, what they like to do
on their free time, and where they like to shop (Esri 2016). These types of data sets can help with
identifying target audiences and where/who they should market to. For example, if within the
tapestry segmentation it states that majority likes to attend movies, then the Pacific Symphony
can provide flyers at local movie theaters. Additionally, Business Analyst Online allows users to
create smart map layers, which display the Census boundaries (i.e., tracts, counties) that fit a
user-defined criteria for up to five user-selected demographic variables (i.e., income, race,
gender, tapestry segmentation). Other functionalities include the ability to create story maps or
interactive web applications that can be hosted on its webpage or used as marketing material.
Esri claims that ArcGIS Online requires less of an investment in training compared to other GIS
software, especially professional-grade software like ArcGIS for Desktop (Pilarcik 2015).
ArcGIS Online’s simple user interface enables those who have not used GIS software
before to easily utilize GIS. Generally, within a company, there are dedicated groups of people
that use GIS and are in charge of the maintaining data, working with the data, and making maps
(Pilarcik 2015). Therefore, it only allows a small group of people to benefit from GIS. Enabling
an entire organization with GIS and its technology may help their employees use maps to make
decisions that can ultimately save them time and money. Organizations will be able to obtain the
same results as a world class company without the extensive cost (Brown 2016b).
ArcGIS Online allows users to create maps using up-to-date data, perform analysis, and
share the results with everyone within the organization via web browser links (Esri 2015). This
cloud-based software allows access to the data through browser-based devices like tablets and
smartphones. Therefore, anyone within the organization that has access to these devices and the
Internet will be able to pull up the information at anytime, anywhere, and on any device. For
example, the Pacific Symphony staff could create a map that shows education program coverage
and be able to view or update this information on their smartphone or tablet at any time.
1.3 Geography of Orange County
Unlike other counties like Los Angeles or San Diego County, Orange County does not
have one major city, monument, or symbol distinguishing the center of it (Hansen 2015). Instead,
it is filled with many different major cities including: Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach,
Irvine, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, and Laguna Hills. This can complicate the strategic
situation for organizations in the county because when the geographic center of the county loses
its meaning, there may be less sense of place overall (Hansen 2015). For instance, the Los
Angeles Angels of Anaheim baseball organization is known for their drawn-out, contradictory
name (Tully and Marroquin 2015). Before 2005, the team name was California Angels and was
based in Anaheim. In order to expand their market, Angel officials wanted to broaden it to Los
Angeles to create a larger fan base (Tully and Marroquin 2015). Although the counties are
connected, they are still two separate places. To have the officials approve the name shows that
there is not an identity Orange County can classify with. Furthermore, according to Marc Ganis,
president of SportsCorp, at a national level, the Angels are more identified with Los Angeles and
that has reduced visibility in Anaheim (Tully and Marroquin 2015).
1.3.1. Current Performance Venues
The Pacific Symphony currently performs mainly at four venues in the central and
southern coastal area of Orange County as shown in Figure 3. Though, it also at times perform a
large number of smaller concerts for the community at different events, like at parks and schools
for example.
10 Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall and the Samueli Theater
The Samueli Theater, which is within the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, is
where the Pacific Symphony holds their Classical, Pops, Family, Sunday Connections, and
Specials concerts. The concert hall opened in 2006 in Costa Mesa, California with a seating
capacity of 1,704 patrons and 200 orchestra performers (Segerstrom Center for the Arts 2015).
The Samueli Theater itself can seat about 600 patrons for general admission (Segerstrom
Center for the Arts 2015). Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre
The Pacific Symphony’s summer concerts will be held at the Irvine Meadows
Amphitheatre until the end of 2016. The venue was built in 1980 and opened for performances in
1981. It can seat 16,085 patrons.
Figure 3 Pacific Symphony’s list of venues
11 Soka Performing Arts Center
This performing arts center is used for events such as Sundays at Soka and Pacific
Symphony Youth Ensembles. It opened in 2011 at the Soka University of America in Aliso
Viejo, California. It can seat 1,000 patrons and features acoustics designed by Yasuhisa Toyota,
who is famously known for designing world-class performance venues such as Walt Disney
Concert Hall in Los Angeles and Suntory Hall in Tokyo (The Pacific Symphony 2015). Pacific Amphitheatre
The Pacific Amphitheatre is currently not a regular venue; however, they believe by the
year of 2017 it will become their summer home. It was originally built in 1983, but was not open
for community performances until 2003. It is an outdoor venue that includes 8,200 seats located
in Costa Mesa, California.
1.3.2. Moving to a new summer performance venue
The Pacific Symphony has performed a summer concert series at the Irvine Meadows
Amphitheatre in Irvine, California for over 20 years. It will be displaced in 2017 and is likely
moving to the Pacific Amphitheatre in Costa Mesa, California (Sutton 2015). It chose this venue
due to the ability to perform numerous concerts and because it is very easy for the symphony to
relocate there. Additionally, it had previous concerts that were very successful and brought in a
lot of revenue (Sutton 2015). However, the venue does not have as many seats and is not as
iconic or eye-pleasing compared to their previous venue. A major concern is whether its
customers from the southeast region of Orange County will follow them to a venue much further
north and west, as shown in Error! Reference source not found. (Sutton 2015).
1.3.3. Selecting performance venues for education and community engagement programming
The Pacific Symphony is looking to explore an increase in the frequency of performing
small concerts at numerous venues throughout different Orange County communities. It is
hoping to generate a regular audience, bring in more customers, and build a relationship with the
communities they perform in. For these concerts, it is hoping to branch out to a different set of
customers and make less formal events.
To accomplish this, they are wanting to identify four new venues in Orange County
(Brown 2015a). They are hoping GIS can help determine which four venues will be most
suitable for their audience. Additionally, they want to avoid cannibalization of their current
largest events and performance venues (Brown 2015a).
Figure 4 Current vs. future summer home
1.4 Potential benefits of Web GIS in small non-profit organizations
This study demonstrates whether and how a non-profit organization with a modest budget
and light spatial needs could still benefit from implementing a GIS system. Even without an
extensive GIS knowledge, will the Pacific Symphony still able to instill a geographical element
into its business intelligence to help make them successful? Additionally, with ArcGIS Online,
can the orchestra’s staff learn to create maps, add data layers, and do basic spatial analysis?
Having a location-based platform is significant to an organization like the Pacific
Symphony because it provides insight on where it should perform based on customers’ locations
and where it should market their shows. By implementing spatial analysis in its business
processes using simplified, web-based tools, it may be possible for many business processes
within the organization to be augmented. Utilizing ArcGIS Online may enable a large cross-
section of staff within the organization to discover, use, make, and share maps from any device,
anywhere, at any time (Esri 2015).
1.5 Thesis Organization
This thesis is organized into five chapters, each focused on different aspects of the
research. Chapter 2 is focused on the importance of this study and the background knowledge
needed to develop the project. It argues for the significance of utilizing Web GIS in
small/medium nonprofit organizations. Chapter 3 details the process used to develop spatial
thinking to meet the Pacific Symphony’s core objectives, the goals for spatially enabling the
organization, the analytical methods used to meet the goals, and the process for training the staff
and evaluating the success of the project. It provides the steps taken and shows how the maps
were produced. Chapter 4 reviews the project’s implementation, describes the outcomes, and
displays the end results of the project. It will include the maps created in ArcGIS Online. Chapter
5 reflects on what I learned from the project, similar implementations in other organizations, and
discusses the transition plan and future work for the Pacific Symphony.
Chapter 2: Background
Many large non-profit organizations such as disaster relief and humanitarian aid
organizations generally have large spatial needs and use GIS software in their everyday
workflow (Lue 2014). However, there are small and medium-sized non-profit organizations with
fairly light spatial needs. Such organizations only need GIS for a limited set of projects, tasks, or
contracts, not necessarily in their everyday workflow (Swenson 2015). For these smaller
organizations, it may be hard to justify the costs of implementing a traditional GIS system or
even consulting contracts to obtain the benefits of a GIS.
Today’s user-friendly cloud technology may make it possible to spatially-enable such
“spatially-light” organizations without having to purchase extensive hardware or hiring GIS
specialists. In general, the arts industry could be considered to be a spatially-light business,
where GIS is not often used in their day-to-day activities. Some possible uses in arts
organizations include marketing, fundraising, and site location. In the symphony orchestra
industry in particular, there does not appear to be an organization that heavily relies on GIS,
however there are potential benefits, like for audience engagement. Giving a geographical
element to this aspect can assist them in determining the best location for events such as meet
and greets or parties. Additionally, they can look into arts participation as a whole by mapping
the location of current and potential donors or ticket buyers to see who they should attract/market
to attend their events to increase business.
Spatially-light industries like the performing arts have a difficult time understanding the
benefits (i.e. increased efficiency, productivity, and revenue) of thinking spatially through GIS
technology. This can help increase efficiency, productivity, and revenue. Especially now that
GIS companies have created user-friendly cloud technology, organizations can quickly and
easily learn how to use it to help their organization.
2.1 How Large Non-Profit Organizations Organize their GIS Department
Large non-profit organizations that have mission-critical spatial needs are heavily reliant
on GIS and utilize GIS software every day. These organizations have a core purpose, mission,
and business processes that require GIS. They have seen that the benefits outweigh the costs of
GIS software and are able to afford the traditional GIS software and expertise. This includes the
necessary hardware and software, as well as staff training, specialist hiring, and consulting
contracts. Since they are large non-profits, their budget allows them to implement an enterprise
GIS system in their workflows. Additionally, in their GIS department, they have a core
professional staff that will work on their GIS needs and manage the software, especially those
who maintain an in-house GIS system may be better funded for GIS software/hardware (Craig,
Harris, and Weiner 2002). However, they are often still heavily reliant on volunteer labor.
The Red Cross is a large disaster relief non-profit organization that has an enterprise
license agreement with Esri (Lue 2013). An enterprise license agreement provides users within
an organization access to a wide range of licenses including ArcGIS for Desktop and up to
hundreds of user names to ArcGIS Online. A study done by Evan Lue (2014) shows how their
GIS departments are largely dependent on volunteers. Their National Headquarters (NHQ) has a
professional GIS staff and have utilized GIS software to help produce maps for chapters, regions,
divisions, or other NHQ departments (Lue 2013). One of the biggest challenges they face is
obtaining volunteers with the GIS skillsets needed to complete their project. Therefore, they
partner with different universities to have students work as volunteers or hire them through their
internship program and involve them with the Disaster Response team (Lue 2013). Red Cross is
able to freely pass out licenses to whomever will be working for them. They are also able to
provide hundreds of usernames for their volunteers to work on their web-based maps utilizing
ArcGIS Online (Swenson 2015).
Even some governmental organizations are dependent on volunteers and interns for their
GIS work. For example, the State of Wisconsin Natural Resources department does not have a
dedicated GIS staff. Instead, they have a small group of four people who know how to use the
GIS software, but were not hired to specifically do GIS work. They still are largely dependent on
volunteers and interns for their GIS work (Swenson 2015). A large portion of their volunteers is
retired and passionate about the environment (Swenson 2015). A majority of their interns are
students recruited from the Community Environmental Scholars Program through the University
of Wisconsin Madison. Students from the university work with the state (without pay or benefits)
and were able to take the work that they have done with the state and use it for their final project
at the end of the course (Swenson 2015). They had the budget to provide GIS software for all of
their volunteers and interns.
There are large non-profit organizations that have successfully integrated GIS as a
standard practice throughout their organization like Samaritan’s Purse, a large humanitarian non-
profit organization (Geo World 2015). Since they specifically work on disaster response, they
need to track fast-moving spatial information in order to make strategic decisions. An example of
this is when they worked during the post-Haiti earthquake and used GIS to select shelters for
victims and their volunteer workers (Geo World 2015). Since they are a large organization, they
had the necessary resource and budget to implement a full GIS system and provide GIS software
for their volunteers and employees.
2.2 GIS in Small to Medium Non-Profit Organizations
Similar to many of the large non-profit organizations, small to medium non-profit groups
also rely heavily on volunteers or even outsource their services to other non-profit organizations
that are familiar with GIS (Craig, Harris, and Weiner 2002). Unlike the large non-profit
organizations, they do not have an extensive budget and are dependent on grants and donations.
Generally, due to budget constraints, they do not have the resources to maintain a technical staff,
therefore they tend to share resources with one another including their GIS needs (Craig, Harris,
and Weiner 2002) or can look into signing up a GIS intern from a local university (Swenson
2.2.1. Costs and Benefits of Web GIS
To use a traditional pattern of GIS, it can require extensive hardware and software setup.
This can be expensive, especially when a company has to also purchase training for their staff or
hire a GIS specialist/team. However, with today’s Web GIS and cloud technology, they can keep
their current hardware and software setup and access GIS through the Internet, and store their
data in the cloud. Additionally, GIS software companies have now provided easy to use GIS
software for users inexperienced with GIS. The new pattern of GIS is opening up the world of
GIS to everyone through the use of web maps and related applications (GeoSpatial World 2014).
A Web GIS platform is part of the transformational shift of GIS into a services-based
platform. There are ready-to-use applications that allow any user to visualize, integrate, and
analyze geospatial data (GeoSpatial World 2014). For instance, Arby’s, an American fast food
restaurant, used four different desktop marketing systems (Grimshaw 2000, 279). Although the
cost of purchasing an effective GIS system was the same cost as maintaining their four
marketing desktop software, they were able to remove two of those marketing systems after three
years of using GIS, thus reducing their marketing costs overall by 20% (Grimshaw 2000, 279).
2.2.2. Consumerization of IT
Due to mobility and advances in technology (Dutta 2011), the consumerization of IT has
had a large impact on companies. Consumerization of IT is the blending of personal and business
technology, where employees want to use the same devices they use at home in the workplace. In
other words, technology has expanded outside of using the traditional desktop computer to look
up information, maps, and data. Employees now want to utilize devices like their smartphones
and tablets in the workplace in the same fashion they do at home. It has helped increase
efficiency and productivity, and even brought down the cost of hardware (Dutta 2011) because
employees can now use the devices they already own. With the consumerization of IT sweeping
across organizations, non-profit organizations are no exception and will be following this trend
as well.
Due to this phenomenon, Web GIS can make an impact on small/medium sized non-
profit organizations who no longer have to purchase extensive hardware to utilize GIS. Now they
are able to use all of their everyday devices such as their smartphones, tablets, and the standard
office computers.
2.3 Examples of Spatial-Light Organizations and Industries
The real estate industry often uses GIS as part of their everyday workflows (Esri 2015).
Ask any real estate agent to list the three most important things a property should have, and the
answer is “location, location, location” (DeSimone 2013). Although location is a very large part
of the work they do, they are not considered an industry with large spatial needs. This is because
finding a location to sell or show a house or a venue is only a small part of what they do. They
may not need any further spatial insight besides demographic data or tapestry segmentation.
Instead, a large part of what they do is marketing homes, negotiating prices, and building a
relationship with their clients (Brown 2016b).
Typically, the real estate industry uses GIS for site location and demographic studies
(Mackenzie 2013). Hence, ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online are heavily used in the
real estate industry. For example, Mackenzie Commercial Real Estate uses ArcGIS Online to
organize retail partner information so they are able to access the necessary information anywhere
on any device (Mackenzie 2013). Rather than being locked down to their office computer to
view the data or maps, they are now able to view all of their information from their home
computer, tablet, and smartphone. Additionally, they are able to update their data and maps in
real time. Otherwise, they would have to build their own web application to access the necessary
data. With ArcGIS Online, they were able to help their employees better understand and respond
to customer behavior and market conditions by being out in the field (i.e., looking at different
neighborhoods or homes) and collecting or updating data (Mackenzie 2013).
As a spatially-light industry, realtors were even able to use ArcGIS Online and Business
Analyst Online help save time and money by integrating data and maps into easy-to-use
software. As a replacement for working with third-party data providers and working with a
separate mapping technology, they are now able to easily access all data and mapping needs in
one place. Furthermore, this resulted in not having to hire a data specialist/GIS technician and
instead have realtors learn to use the software themselves (Brown 2016b). Additionally, it
enables them to understand markets, customers, and competitors because it helps them to find
schools, stores, etc. to compare data (DeMerrit 2009).
Retail industries have also used GIS for site location, demographic data, and marketing.
For instance, Lululemon Athletica is a small company that improved its understanding of its
customer base and store locations by using ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online (Esri
Australia 2014). Lululemon Athletica did not prioritize solely on business, but instead focused
more on community building and expanding yoga. They did not have any tools or data that could
help increase their business and were concerned about introducing a system that might disrupt
their workflow. Their company was not a technologically savvy and did not want complicated
and expensive software/technology. They needed something “fast and cheap” (Esri Australia
2014). Their ultimate goal was to learn about their customers, therefore, they looked into using
easy to use, cloud-based programs ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. Since they did
not want to disrupt their workflow and have their customers fill out extensive surveys to obtain
customer data, they asked for their ZIP code after every customer purchase. From that data,
Lululemon Athletica was able to input that data into Business Analyst Online and pull up the
demographic data to see who is in their customer base.
Before using GIS to understand their customer base, Lululemon Athletica thought their
typical customer was a 25-year old single woman (Esri Australia 2014). However after looking
into the demographic data based on the collected data, they found out that their general
customers were suburban moms (Esri Australia 2014). With this new insight, they made better
business decisions to help increase revenue. This included creating bigger stores so that moms
were able to push their stroller through, built stores in indoor, suburban malls instead of in
downtown malls, and created clothes in bigger sizes (Esri Australia 2014). Before utilizing
Business Analyst Online, they would build some of their stores in downtown areas expecting an
increase in revenue, but ended up not making any impacts on their sales (Esri Australia 2014).
Booth Babcock, director of store development strategy at Lululemon Athletica wanted
software that would be able to help increase their business. Babcock was a formerly a Senior
Market Planning Analyst and Senior Project Manager from Starbucks. Starbucks is a very large
and successful coffee retailer company, and when Babcock worked there he had a large budget at
his disposal. At Starbucks, they had their own dedicated GIS team and software. However, once
Babcock left Starbucks and went to Lululemon Athletica, the size of the company and budget
was reduced. With that, Babcock looked into obtaining software that is quick, cost effective, and
accurate (Esri Australia 2014). Therefore, he implemented ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst
Similar to Lululemon Athletica, the Pacific Symphony is a small non-profit organization
that does not have a large budget. Therefore, a good working hypothesis is that utilizing a fast,
economical, and precise software such as ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online may be
able to contribute benefits to the organization that outweigh costs. It should be particularly
effective for core organizational goals in marketing, audience engagement, and decisions about
concert locations.
2.4 GIS in the Arts Industry
Although little to no GIS has been used within the Arts industry, studies have been done
to measure arts participation and art-making in different areas around the United States. For
instance, a study was conducted by Jennifer J. Helzer (2014), a professor and director of
Geography at California State University Stanislaus, to measure the impact of the arts in
different regions and show art organizations how using GIS can help them better understand their
communities in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The purpose of this study was to see how
the impacts of art participation and art-making impacted San Joaquin Valley and compare those
with areas that have a similar demographics and socio-economic characteristics (Helzer 2014).
Within this study, the research team realized there was not a lot of artist location data publicly
available for them to use and the majority was collected through museums or events. After the
data was collected they were able to compare it to data such as US Census and American
Community Survey to map out where the artists are located and see how the multiple maps
compare to one another in terms of the number of artist versus factors such as educational
attainment or income (Helzer 2014).
With today’s Web GIS platform, a lot of the necessary data is already included within the
program itself, so users are not required to access content from third party vendors.
Organizations instead can collect the data of their consumers/artists locations and bring it into
software such as Business Analyst Online and automatically be able to map out variables such as
income, race, and educational attainment on one platform. The methods used by Helzer and her
team were implemented utilizing ArcGIS for Desktop, which would require more training and
someone who is well versed with the software, bringing in data, and manipulating it into a usable
file within the software. Web GIS is much more user friendly and will be able to supply the same
results in a shorter amount of time.
2.4.1. Scottsdale Cultural Council’s Community Cultural Assessment Mapping
GIS has also been used for community cultural assessment in Scottsdale, Arizona. The
Scottsdale Cultural Council, who manages the Scottsdale Center of Performing Arts and the
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, partnered with the arts management consulting firm
WolfBrown to perform a comprehensive community cultural assessment between January and
June 2007 (Brown 2007a). The purpose of this was to help them understand the current and
future trends of peoples’ experience with arts and culture, the local demographic and lifestyle
trends in arts participation, how current residents and visitors view the Scottsdale Center of
Performing Arts and Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, and inform them about where to
host events or possibly build a new venue (Brown 2007a). For their maps, they specifically
looked at population, educational attainment, and race. These maps helped confirm what they
suspected their target audience was and even helped discover new things about them. For
instance, Figure 5 displays an example of a map they created using MapInfo’s Desktop GIS to
display educational attainment in Phoenix, Arizona. From this map, they were able to confirm
that art participants generally come from areas where residents have a bachelor’s degree or
higher and that a large concentration of them are located in Tempe around Arizona State
University and Paradise Valley. In this area, at least 45% of residents have a bachelor’s degree or
higher (Brown 2007a). As they move further away from that area (20 miles out), the
concentration of high levels of educational attainment decreases (Brown 2007a). Therefore,
based on their findings on the map, they argue that Scottsdale and Paradise Valley are ideal areas
for arts facilities (Brown 2007a).
Additionally, based on the maps they have created, they were able to determine that
although there have been changes in demographics throughout the years in Scottsdale, it still has
the highest concentration of higher-education population and that they participate in a wide range
of arts activities (Brown 2007a). However, because other arts programming has opened new
facilities, competition has grown in the area, therefore they can better their efforts in promoting
their programs to anticipate the rapid changes in the area. MapInfo Pro – Desktop GIS
MapInfo Pro – Desktop GIS is a mapping software created by Pitney Bowes Corporation
that enables users to create custom maps and perform spatial analysis (PitneyBowes 2016).
MapInfo allows its users to incorporate demographic data from third party vendors such as the
Census website, Neilson SiteReports, and Prizm for further analysis (Brown 2007a), such as was
done for the Scottsdale Cultural Council (Brown 2007a). The Scottsdale Cultural Council, in
Figure 5 Educational Attainment in greater Phoenix, Arizona
particular, used Census data for their analysis with MapInfo, and overall found the tool effective
for simple mapping assignments (Brown 2007a). A comparison between MapInfo Pro – Desktop
GIS and ArcGIS Online is provided in Chapter 5.
2.4.2. Newman Center’s Arts Audience Mapping Analysis
The Newman Center conducted a study to better understand the marketplace of their
performing arts programs in Denver, Colorado, know where the audiences are located, and
whether or not their programs overlap with other Denver arts programs. They have included six
different organizations to participate in their study and each organization were required to
provide ticket buyer location from 2012-2014. They had over 30,000 records and used MapInfo
to create their maps and analysis, Nielsen SiteReports for geocoding and socioeconomic data,
and PRIZM to enhance the accuracy of the geocoded data. With the data, they overlaid it with
educational attainment, population density from the census, and the six organizations that
participated in the study.
From this study they were able to better understand their customer base and make better
business decisions by choosing ideal venues. They have confirmed that majority of their
customers have high levels of educational attainment, over 40% of the patrons come from areas
where most of the residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher (Brown 2014a). For instance, the
Newman Center’s patrons are usually within a twenty mile radius of densely populated areas or
close to the venue (Brown 2007a). As the radius increases (over 20 miles), the patrons decrease
(Brown 2007a). Therefore, when choosing a new venue they will choose within a 20 mile radius
of a densely populated area or venue. Figure 6 displays the map they have created to show this.
Figure 6 Newman Center's patrons overlaid with population density
28 Neilson SiteReports and PRIZM
Both Neilson SiteReports and PRIZM were used to enhance the data collected by
providing better accuracy for their geocoded address and gathering socioeconomic and lifestyle
data reports. Additional accuracy for the collected data was achieved by placing geocoded
addresses in a ZIP +4 layer so that they had better precision of their customer base. The lifestyle
dataset provided by Neilson SiteReports and PRIZM includes 66 segments split into social and
lifestyle groups (Nielson 2016). LifeStage groups include younger years, family life, and mature
years, and includes detailed segments of those groups (i.e., striving singles, sustaining families,
sustaining seniors) (Nielson 2016). Social Groups include urban, suburban, second city, and
town and county and are also broken down into additional segments (i.e., Urban Uptown, Inner
Subs burbs, City Centers, Middle America) (Nielson 2016). Further analysis of the data
compared to Esri’s Business Analyst Online will is provided in Chapter 5.
2.5 Using GIS to Strengthen Nonprofit Fundraising and Market Planning Site
I found no published studies on using GIS in the arts industry for marketing, fundraising,
and site selection. However there is a lot of potential in this industry. Within the nonprofit sector,
fundraising is typically a critical source of revenue. The two key aspects in fundraising include
finding the best donor prospects and communicating the appropriate message to them. Using GIS
data and maps can help enhance these aspects to improve fundraising methods (Reeser 2014).
There are five ways that GIS can be utilized to enhance fundraising techniques: (1) show the
location of existing donors to hosted events, (2) map out locations of competitors/partners to
understand the market and build partnerships, (3) create maps to show community needs in
proposals, (4) generate comparative maps to show how the organization has impacted
community needs, and (5) measure progress on the non-profits strategic goals for evaluation and
reporting (Reeser 2014).
The Pacific Symphony, like many other similar music organizations, does not have any
permanent locations, instead they to rent out venues for either several years or for a single event
or performance (Brown 2015b). Therefore, to pick out suitable places for events such as
community outreach programs or fundraising events it is important to select the right location
based on their target audience to increase their chances of having a large turnout.
Rodan and Fields Skincare is a multi-level marketing company that sells skin care
products and recruits a sales force. Similar to the Pacific Symphony, it does not have any
permanent locations and instead have to depend on marketing events. It is important for Rodan
and Fields Skincare to host the right event with the right people to increase business. Looking at
its main target audience by analyzing their current demographic data and tapestry segmentation,
it will choose hotels or community centers that are most optimal (Brown 2016b). Using GIS has
helped Rodan and Fields Skincare to generate report tables and data. The findings can be
delivered as a map and give the organization the benefit of a very high- level region territory
analysis (Brown 2016b).
2.6 Importance and Methods of Spatial Market Delineation
Although GIS software has become more common within different industries, it is still
seen as software that is meant for geographers and computer scientists. With this type of
reputation, it has become a big concern for managers wanting to implement this type of system
into their workflow (Pick 2005, 13). In spite of this, GIS has grown significantly in business and
has been successfully utilized in a variety of fields including site location and marketing in
different industries (Pick 2005, ix). The use of GIS in business and in marketing is growing and
will only continue to make a larger impact in the future (Pick 2005, 238). This is because it
provides a visual platform of the spatial relationships between the customers, suppliers, and
competitors (Azaz 2011).
In general, the marketing field has shown an interest in GIS, especially with GIS software
companies releasing user-friendly and easy to use systems (Pick 2005, 13). It is now being seen
as a critical component of marketing information systems (Pick 2005, 13).
According to Pick (2005), obtaining, organizing, and analyzing data plays a huge role in
marketing. Before GIS, people would have to sort through hundreds or thousands of columns and
rows of data. This makes it difficult to visualize spatial information and analyze distances
between venues or client locations. Now with GIS, this type of data can be easily visualized on a
map to quickly and effectively obtain and understand the information needed.
In marketing, it is also important to understand the customer and surrounding competitors
because profits are made and lost based on the ability the venue has to draw in customers (Gray
2013). According to Gray, it is significant to understand the physical location of customers as
well as the time it takes for each customer to travel. This includes whether or not the main
customer base is nearby or within an easy drive of a given company’s own facility or venue or
those of competitors. Therefore, she used this to understand where competitors are located and
what type of customer base surrounds certain areas or chosen venue.
GIS has been used previously to choose among new sports or concert venue locations,
typically by collecting data such as demographic, census, and income of the surrounding area.
For example, Martinez (2015) conducted a site suitability study for Major League Baseball’s
Tampa Bay Rays. He utilized data such as socioeconomic factors and drive times to help
determine the best location (Martinez 2015). Furthermore, he had to study how far people are
willing to drive for a baseball game. Mapping out customer and competitor location, drive times,
and demographics (i.e., tapestry segmentation) can all be done within ArcGIS Online. Since the
Pacific Symphony plays in multiple venues and the choice of concert venues is not a one-time
decision, it is important to see if the process of using ArcGIS Online to guide these decisions can
be integrated into the organization.
2.7 Marketing in the Performing Arts Industry
The performing arts industry flourished and grew in the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s
(Kotler and Scheff 1997). However, overtime the performing arts industry is facing serious
challenges. In general, for performing arts organizations such as symphonies, the number of
attendees has dropped (Vanhoenacker 2014). Between 1982 and 2002, the portion of concert
goers under the age of 30 fell from 27% to 9% (Vanhoenacker 2014). Due to these trends,
performing arts organizations must learn new ways to attract resources, increase and broaden
their audience base, and learn how to better meet the needs of audience segments and
contributors (Kotler and Scheff 1997).
2.7.1. Understanding the Performing Arts Market
To fully understand the performing arts market, it is vital to understand consumer
behavior (Kotler and Scheff 1997). Not only is it important to understand their behavior, but also
their preferences so that they are able to answer questions that include:
1. What encourages a person to purchase a ticket?
2. What motivates someone to purchase a single ticket or a subscription package?
3. What stimulates loyalty to a performing arts organization?
(Kotler and Scheff 1997, 75).
Other dynamics that they need to take in to consideration are cultural factors (nationality,
sub culture, and social class), social factors (social roles and family), psychological factors
(personality, beliefs and attitudes, and motivation), and personal factors (lifestyle, economic
circumstances, and occupation) because these greatly affect consumer behavior (Kotler and
Scheff 1997). Furthermore, these elements can affect a customer’s attendance beyond what is
being offered at live performances, and really taps into their lifestyle into answering questions
such as how much they spend or how much time they spend doing leisure activities (Kotler and
Scheff 1997).
2.7.2. Audience Engagement
According to Alan Brown, the marketing director for the Pacific Symphony, performing
arts organizations need to work beyond traditional marketing into a mode of audience
engagement because it provides a deeper and more meaningful experience for patrons. Although
each audience member sees the same performance, each has a unique experience. Audience
engagement is a foundational principle of artistic programming because this shows that the
institution is thinking about the audience members as central to the event (Brown 2015b).
In response to the trend of focusing on audience engagement, some arts organizations
have even established dedicated groups whose sole purpose is to plan and implement
engagement programs and activities (Brown 2015a). Better understanding and more careful
choice of concert locations can be a key part of the focus on audience engagement. On the one
hand, bringing concerts closer to loyal customers can help increase ticket buying. On the other
hand, the symphony might choose new places to play for purposes of audience diversification or
A good example of the importance of location for audience engagement is the Brave
Theatre in San Francisco, California. Brave Theatre hosts parties after a play reading, also
known as The Kitchen Series, where audience members are invited to meet their dancers at a
local bar/restaurant by using Twitter to tweet their location immediately following their
performances. With these types of meet and greets, participants cover their own expense for
food. Also, because it is in a casual setting, it gives both the performers and audience a chance to
engage and socialize. By having them tweet their location, it encourages social media followers
to re-post, help gain new followers, and most importantly help create a closer relationship and
stronger connection with the organization, which can ultimately encourage repeat attendance.
2.8 Finding the Target Audience
Finding the target audience is key to increasing revenue for the art industry’s
performances (Harlow 2015). The organization must address questions that include:
1. Is the audience likely to be receptive?
2. Do leaders agree the audience is important to the organization?
It is important to find a receptive audience so that the organization performs and holds
events at locations surrounded by a demographic that would most likely attend. However, the
spatial dimensions of target audiences are not well understood in the performing arts industry.
Typically, the organizations rely on media segmentation to find target audiences. For example,
an Opera group in Minnesota noticed that a large group of their current audiences listened to the
local classical music radio station. They decided to offer free tickets to their concerts for
whomever listened in. On the night of their performance, they ended up with a full house and
gained many new loyal fans to attend their monthly performances.
Since finding the target audience is fundamental in this industry, adding a geographical
element can assist in analysis for marketing, fundraising, and site selection. The performing arts
organization can take a list of their customer locations and display it on a map to create a heat
map to show where the largest density of their customers is located. Knowing where most of
their customers are located will show where they should advertise their performances or hold
their events or performances. Furthermore, they can pull up data such as demographics and
tapestry segmentation to show what type of customers they are attracting and find areas with
similar demographics to perform to possibly receive a larger profit than in areas with a dissimilar
2.8.1. Identifying Market Segments and Target Markets
One task that a strategic marketer for the performing arts industry does is aggregate
consumers into similar groupings (Kotler and Scheff 1997). Consumers can be grouped
geographically, demographically, or “psychographically” (i.e. lifestyle, activities, and interests)
(Kotler and Scheff 1997). Even though each consumer may be unique, it is important for them to
identify broad groups or categories to market to in order to receive the best possible turn out.
The most common segmentation used in the arts industry is demographics (Kotler and
Scheff 1997). It plays a significant role in identifying current and potential audiences (Kotler and
Scheff 1997). Lifestyle data has also played an important role because it shows the organization
which consumer segmentation to market to and how to reach them.
Before GIS software was available, marketers could print up reports and data tables and
compare and contrast the results. GIS gives them a clear visual of a map that shows where these
consumers groups are located. With the software, they can either have one or more variables to
display where their current and potential audiences are located. For example, they can create a
map with demographic variables such as male, white, college educated, and has an income of
$75,000, and add in a lifestyle variable such as “Boomburbs” and the results will be displayed on
a map to show where these types of demographics are located in a region. The more variables the
organization adds and looks into, the more enriched their data will be.
2.9 Understanding what Organizations are Looking to Accomplish with GIS
In order to successfully implement a GIS system into an organization, it is paramount to
understand what the organization is looking to use GIS to accomplish and have a plan on how to
implement it. Over 50% of GIS is not understood within an organization (Douglas 2008, 33),
which can lead to either the GIS software never being used or fully implemented or limiting the
benefits to just one department. It is significant to know what they are trying to achieve and how
to measure it, so that they are able to communicate that to the rest of the organization. To avoid
this issue, it is important to have a plan and clear understanding of the company’s needs. This
includes: identifying project requirements, setting up clear and feasible objectives and
deliverables, putting together a realistic time frame to complete the project, and providing
enough resources for the staff to successfully complete it (Croswell 2009, 185). Although this is
a traditional list of tasks to follow, it fits well in the context of this project with the Pacific
Symphony because its users are new to GIS, it gave clear expectations, and defined what could
be completed on time.
2.10 Importance of Having a GIS Champion
Having a GIS champion within the organization can make or break a project’s success
(Francica 2014). Anyone can be a GIS champion, and it does not have to be someone that is a
GIS technician (Sensors and Systems 2011). However, this person should put in the time and
effort to gain hands-on experience and learn to use the software properly (Schardein 2015). This
is so that he/she could understand how the technology is used and know the language and
terminology so that the project can be steered in the right direction and run smoothly (Sensors
and Systems 2011). Additionally, he or she needs to be able to drive the project forward and
make sure the team and project stay on the right path (Sensors and Systems 2011).
Many GIS projects can head in different directions, therefore it is also important for the
GIS champion to ensure that everyone is on the same path and that the project is completed
successfully (Sensors and Systems 2011). For example, both Time Warner Cable and Ordnance
Survey Ireland each had a huge GIS project to complete, but did not know the best method to
implement it (Francica 2014). Time Warner Cable has 32 separate design sites and their project
manager, Lucius Brooker, became their GIS champion and took charge of their project by
constraining their budget and centralizing their GIS software and storage (Francica 2014). With
his assistance, they were able to complete this project successfully (Francica 2014). Similar to
Time Warner Cable, Ordnance Survey Ireland has been utilizing GIS for over forty years, but
needed to reevaluate how to manage their spatial data (Francica 2014). Like Time Warner Cable,
their Senior Operations Manager, Andy McGill, took charge as the GIS champion and began
converting all of their spatial data into a single geospatial system making the information usable
in their new system (Francica 2014). In both cases, the GIS champions became someone who
drove the project forward, had hands-on GIS experience, and made GIS key to a successful
project (Francica 2014).
2.11 Project Planning and Execution
A well thought out project is formed in different stages that consist of initiating, planning,
controlling, executing, closing, and ongoing cross project improvement (Croswell 2009, 190).
The initiating stage establishes the overall objectives. The planning stage discusses the
assumptions, constraints, resources needed, and deliverables of the project. Controlling requires
project monitoring, reporting, and change/risk management. Executing occurs when the project
is completed and resources are managed. The closing stage includes evaluations and results of
the project. Lastly, the ongoing cross project improvement consists of any enhancements that
need to be made to make the project more successful (Croswell 2009, 190).
Chapter 3: Project Structure and Process
I worked directly with the Pacific Symphony to identify needs for spatial intelligence in
their business and implement a Web GIS system into their organization. The project relied
specifically on Esri’s ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. During this process, I worked
closely with their Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Sean Sutton, Marketing
Consultant, Alan Brown, and a selected group of staff members to incorporate the software into
their projects. The selected group of staff members (project team) included staff from the
marketing, fundraising, and sales departments.
As a first step, there was a wide-ranging discussion of how spatial thinking and tools
might support the business strategy of the symphony. Goals in marketing (ticket sales) and
fundraising were identified as paramount. From this discussion, the following tasks were
identified to enable symphony staff to accomplish their goals: (1) Check the demographic
composition and Esri tapestry segmentation of potential audiences within 10-15 minute drive
time of the service area around a concert venue; (2) Take this newly collected demographic and
tapestry data and compare it to ticket buyers at existing venues from 2010 to 2015; (3) Identify
current/potential donors within 10-15 minute drive time of education or community outreach
concerts in Orange County. These three goals were carefully aligned with the GIS skills that the
symphony needed the most so it can be repeated again and again to support decisions and
operations at the Pacific Symphony.
To complete these tasks and implement Web GIS, I developed a process to train the
project team to use ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. This process included multiple
conference calls, in-person meetings at their facility, slide-decks, step-by-step guides tailored to
their specific use case, and software demonstrations using remotely shared screens. This was
designed to ensure that the appropriate data was pulled from their databases and that they took
the appropriate steps to obtain the information necessary to achieve their objectives.
3.1 Identifying Organizational Goals and Spatial Needs
Prior to this project’s initiation of work with the Pacific Symphony staff, the orchestra’s
board, staff, and musicians were engaged in a long term strategic planning process. That process
evolved into discussions regarding the need for a new summer home, how to select the best
venues to serve the entire Orange County community with educational programming and
concerts, and how to attract current and potential donors to the orchestra. Coincidentally, USC’s
Spatial Sciences professor, Dr. Bob Vos was involved in this discussion and suggested adopting
more sophisticated patterns of spatial thinking and the use of GIS technology. Dr. Vos passed
along information about these initial strategic planning discussions to me to continue working
with the orchestra as a case study.
I worked directly with the Pacific Symphony to implement ArcGIS Online and Business
Analyst Online into their organization. First, I asked Sean Sutton and Alan Brown a series of
questions to see how familiar they are with GIS and their ultimate goals for their organization.
The questions asked were the following:
1. What are your core organizational objectives?
2. For your marketing needs, are you utilizing any maps? If so, how?
3. How are you currently marketing your performances?
4. How are you looking to use maps to fit into your goals and objectives?
5. What type of demographics are you targeting?
6. You are targeting different venues; does this mean you are targeting different
A lot of what the symphony was looking to do involved finding new venues and
discovering where their target audiences and donors are located. At the start of this project,
symphony staff were not using any maps and instead focused on addressing customer behavior
using spreadsheets with data based on ZIP codes through Mosaic and Tessitura. However, one
goal was to visualize their data and see on a map where they should be marketing or holding
their performances. Furthermore, they are hoping to look at demographic data and tapestry
segmentation based on hot spots of their current customer location. The majority of the
symphony’s customer base includes those that have a higher income ($75,000 and up), education
(Bachelor’s degree or higher), and are within a 15-minute drive time of the venue (Brown
2015a). With the data, the symphony’s staff is also looking to target the Chinese community and
hoping the data can provide that type of information as well.
Knowing that all three of their main goals and objectives were based on the symphony’s
current customer data, a lot of the steps and tools necessary to complete the project were similar
to one another. There is a particular interest in enabling the team that will be finalizing the
summer home and finding 3-4 more new performance venues. These tasks can use the same
workflow pieces listed above.
3.1.1. Kick-Off Meeting
After a couple of meetings with Alan Brown and Sean Sutton, I thought it would be best
to set up a kick-off meeting with the Pacific Symphony staff to confirm their goals and
objectives, introduce Web GIS, give an overall overview of the capabilities of Esri’s ArcGIS
Online and Business Analyst Online, relate their situation to the Lululemon Athletica’s case
study, and provide a short demonstration of the products.
I set up an in-person meeting on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. at their
facility in Santa Ana, California. Table 1 shows which staff members participated in the meeting.
Christopher Adriance and Kay Dalton specifically work with patron and donor information,
where they were also in charge of inviting patrons and donors to their events. Jean Oelrich and
Frank Terraglio were specifically involved with the summer home venues. Susan Farma was in
charge of their Tessitura software and managed the data for it. Lorraine Caulkin was focused on
marketing campaigns and was also involved with finding 3-4 new venues for their outreach
Table 1: Project team with associated job title
Name Position
Christopher Adriance Patron Advancement Manager
Lorraine Caulkin Director of Sales
Kay Dalton Associate Vice President of Development
Susan Farma Interim Tessitura Projects Manager
Jean Oelrich Director of Marketing and Loyalty Program
Sean Sutton Chief Operating Officer
Frank Terraglio Vice President of Marketing and Public
In preparation for the meeting, I put together a presentation that included a series of
PowerPoint slides to describe the project and a software demonstrate to show the intended results
the project. During the software demonstration, I logged in, geocoded a set of addresses,
generated drive time buffers based on those addresses, created heat maps that highlighted the
clustering of those addresses, and pulled up demographic data and the tapestry segmentation
within the area I was focusing on. This introduced them to some of the basic functionalities and
data they can obtain and use. They were trained in greater detail later in these processes later in
the project.
42 Applied Spatial Thinking
The Pacific Symphony had 2011-2016 ticket buyer location data, but did not have the
appropriate tools to help display their data on a map and pull up additional data. Adding a
geographical element to the data assembled from ArcGIS Online and ticket sales helped the
symphony’s staff visualize where their customer base is located. ArcGIS Online includes data
such as demographic, census, and tapestry that clearly showed what type of audience they are
attracting. It told where they should market their performances and perform live music to receive
the largest turn out.
Before using GIS, the Pacific Symphony selected venues by the following criteria: the
location is within Orange County, has adequate acoustics, sufficient parking space, and is
visually appealing (Brown 2015a). However, with GIS, the Pacific Symphony has changed its
methods of selecting venues by basing its decision on customer locations and geographically
selecting areas that have similar demographics and tapestry as its current customers.
3.1.2. Assigned Tasks
After the presentation, I discussed expectations at the end of the project. I was looking for
a team of two to three people, two from Marketing and one from Fundraising. By the end of the
meeting, everyone wanted to take part in the study and have access to the software. Following
the meeting, we reached a consensus to assign the following members of the project team to
different goals. Table 2 shows the assigned tasks.
Table 2: Assigned teams and tasks
Team Task
Jean Oelrich and Frank Terraglio Discover 4 smaller new potential venues in
Orange County by analyzing data collected from
current customer locations and at the following
potential venues: Soka University of America,
California State University Fullerton, Chapman
University, and parks at Newport Beach,
Mission Viejo, and Irvine for outreach concerts
and education/community engagement
Lorraine Caulkin and Susan Farma Analyze existing ticket buyer data by looking
into the demographic, tapestry, and historic
traffic data. Analyze the demographic, tapestry,
and historic traffic data of the possible summer
venues: Pacific Amphitheater, Great Park, and
Mission Viejo
Christopher Adriance and Kay Dalton Attract current and potential donors to
community outreach and education
events/concerts by looking at their demographic
data and tapestry segmentation
This will help answer the following questions:
1. Out of the three performance venues, the Pacific Amphitheatre, Great Park, and Mission
Viejo, which would be the most optimal venue for the symphony?
2. Out of the following venues: Soka University of America, Cal State Fullerton (Meng
Hall), Chapman University (Musco Hall), and the community parks at Newport Beach,
Mission Viejo, and Irvine, which four venues would be the most optimal for free outreach
concerts for education/community engagement programming?
3. Which current or potential donors are within the area of an event that the symphony can
send invitations to?
Additionally, we discussed the necessary training to accomplish these tasks. They asked
for step-by-step guides and to set up training dates in the future via web cast or in person. I
suggested that once I received the login credentials based on USC’s ArcGIS Online license that I
distribute the information along with step-by-step guides. The purpose was to encourage them to
try to get a feel for the software and attempt the project themselves before setting up a training
3.2 Integrating ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online
After identifying the Pacific Symphony’s needs, we were able to move forward to
implementing the software into the organization. The first step was for the project team to gain
access to ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. I had to work with USC’s IT
administrator to set them up with usernames and passwords. Each member had his or her own
username set up by the IT administrator and then set up their own password. A group was
created so that no one else, including USC’s IT administrator, could access or view the data and
The next step was to assign service credits, which are the currency within ArcGIS Online.
Credits are charged when any tools are used or data stored within ArcGIS Online. In the Pacific
Symphony’s case, a lot of the service credits were allocated for geocoding; for every 1,000
geocodes it cost 40 service credits (Esri 2016).
Within USC’s ArcGIS Online subscription, service credits are assigned per username and
not put into a pool where everyone can share the service credits. Besides the team member that
was geocoding, each user was assigned 400 service credits. The member who geocoded all of the
data into ArcGIS Online was given 3,000 service credits.
3.3 Data
The data necessary for this project included the location of customers’ based on the ticket
sales from 2010-2015, the current and potential performance venue sites, the whereabouts of
existing donors, demographic and income data, and tapestry segmentation. Utilizing Web GIS,
the Pacific Symphony aims to integrate these datasets to achieve the project objectives.
Since they had such a large dataset, it was suggested that we do a random sampling of
13,028 addresses and still receive 99% accuracy with ± 1% confidence interval of the data
(Creative Research Systems 2016). However, due to the nature of the project that included
attracting current and potential donors, they have decided not to do a random sampling and
instead use their entire dataset. It is necessary to have complete data to identify donors to invite
to outreach concerts.
In previous discussions, we talked about USC creating a secured FTP site so that the data
can be in a secure location instead of sending it through email or using other types of cloud
storage (e.g., Drop Box). Nevertheless, instead of creating the FTP site, I had the Pacific
Symphony upload its own ticket buyer data directly to ArcGIS Online so that the data will never
have to leave their hands. This partly ameliorated concerns over data security.
3.2.1. Integrating Organization Data with ArcGIS Online
The Pacific Symphony organizes its customer data within Tessitura. Generally, the data is
organized by year and it includes customer name, location, subscription type, donation amount,
and concert series purchased. Pacific Symphony’s Tessitura Projects Manager, Susan Farma,
selected the data necessary for this project, extracted them, and organized them manually on an
Excel spreadsheet.
3.2.2. Data Security Issues
I worked with Susan Farma and Sean Sutton to pull the necessary data from their
database to upload it into ArcGIS Online. However, they were not comfortable with uploading
their ticket buyer location and donation information in the cloud. They were concerned
specifically about a possible data breach and client data confidentiality. Due to their concern, I
sent information on the security of Esri’s cloud system:, and
ensured them that Esri has experience in hosting sensitive data (Esri 2016).
After several phone calls, the Pacific Symphony required me, my faculty thesis advisor,
and USC to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The NDA was drafted by the Pacific
Symphony and sent through the general counsel at USC. After about a week, the NDA was
approved and signed and we were able to move forward with the project.
It was stated in the agreement that no one outside of the staff of the Pacific Symphony,
excluding me, would be able to view the data and that the data would only be used for academic
purposes. To protect client confidentiality, we agreed to withdraw names of donors and ticket
buyers from the dataset on ArcGIS Online, as they are not necessary for the project.
Additionally, the Pacific Symphony has final approval of any maps used in any project
3.3.3. Data Needed from ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online
The data necessary for their project includes demographic data and tapestry segmentation
focusing in areas within ten to twenty-five minute drive times of a performance venue,
specifically focusing on demographics with higher income and education.
3.4 Training
Within ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online, the symphony staff used the
following tools to complete the project: geocoding, changing symbols, creating map notes,
creating smart map layers, and creating drive times.
First, I completed the assigned tasks on my own using sample analysis within ArcGIS
Online and Business Analyst Online. Afterwards, I trained the symphony staff to use them. The
training resources used to complete this project included step-by-step guides and webcasts
through Each team was assigned different training days to best accommodate
everyone’s schedule. Each team was assigned a leader so that in case we were unable to schedule
everyone on a certain day, at least one person was trained up on the software and be able to move
forward with the project. The leaders of this project were determined in consultation with Sean
Sutton and they were Jean Oelrich, Lorraine Caulkin, and Christopher Adriance.
Customized training sessions were held on different days with different teams within a
week utilizing Each session took about an hour and team members were guided step-by-
step through each exercise. To ensure they were comfortable with the software, before the
training session was over, I had the team lead do the exercise by him/herself. They also took
away the step-by-step guides on the exercises we just did together. I also provided my direct
contact information in case they needed any additional assistance or if they had any questions.
After week one of training, I followed up with them every week to check on their progress and
made sure they were taking the proper steps to complete their project and most importantly,
receiving the correct information or data.
3.4.1. Creating Step-by-step Guides
In order to create effective step-by-step guides, I created guides based on their project
and objectives for each team. This not only included steps, but also screen shots, and a video of
how to geocode addresses and upload them as a feature service. The guides included the
following tutorials for both ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. Table 3 shows an
overview of the steps at a high level.
Table 3: An overview of steps and tools needed to be used in the project based on assigned tasks
Objective Process
Comparing current and potential summer
Import geocoded layer
Create map notes around the most
concentrated area
Bring layer into Business Analyst
Pull up demographic data and tapestry
Create a 5-, 10-, 15-minute drive time
radius around the potential summer
Pull up demographic and tapestry
Create smart map layer
Bring layer back into ArcGIS online for
further analysis
Discovering 3-4 new venues for
community and education outreach
Take existing data pulled from current
ticket buyers
Geocode potential new venues
Create map notes around the most
concentrated area
Bring layer into Business Analyst
Pull up demographic data and tapestry
Create a 5-, 10-, 15-minute drive time
radius around the potential summer
Pull up demographic and tapestry
Create smart map layer
Bring layer back into ArcGIS online for
further analysis
Attract potential donors to community
outreach and education events/concerts
Import geocoded layer
Create map notes around the most
concentrated area
Bring layer into Business Analyst
Pull up demographic data and tapestry
Create a 5-, 10-, 15 minute drive time
radius around the potential summer
Pull up demographic and tapestry
Create smart map layer
Bring layer back into ArcGIS online for
further analysis
Attract current donors to community
outreach and education events/concerts
Import geocoded layer
Geocode community outreach and
education event/concerts
Create desired drive time buffers to see
which donor falls within that buffer
3.4.2. Geocoding
Before I began working with the project team on data analysis, we first had to upload and
geocode the data into ArcGIS Online. The project team geocoded 58,000 records from 2010-
2015. We set up a webcast to show the initial steps of how to geocode a sample of 100 addresses.
Once geocoded, they felt confident enough to geocode the remainder of the data on their own.
However, there were errors in the data where some of the donors’ data in the Excel spreadsheet
did not upload into ArcGIS Online. After a couple of days of a lot of trial and error, I was able to
figure out that the root of the problem was from the Excel spreadsheet. The donor data, for
example, labeled starting with a number, “2016_Donation”, while all of the other fields were
labeled starting with a letter, “Address_”. For that reason, for all of the donation data we added
the letter "A” in front of the label, “A2016_Donation”, and all of the data from the donation
fields were successfully uploaded into ArcGIS Online. During this time, we used up about 1,000
service credits and had to add service credits to their user names so we could continue
3.4.3. Sharing Data
After all of the data was geocoded within ArcGIS Online, I sent a step-by-step guide to
teach them how to share layers and maps within the group. They were able to easily share data
within minutes.
3.4.4. Identifying their Main Customer Base
In order to discover Pacific Symphony’s main customer base, the project used Business
Analyst Online. The symphony’s staff took their ticket buyer location data and created a heat
map to see where their customers are mostly concentrated. From there, they drew polygons,
using the Map Notes tools, around the areas where it had the highest density and moved the layer
to Business Analyst Online and pulled up demographic data and tapestry segmentation. How Heat Maps are Calculated within ArcGIS Online
The heat maps created in ArcGIS Online show the highest density based on location
(Dempsey 2012). ArcGIS Online, by default, does not take into account the value of other
attribute fields in the data, such as ticket sales (Esri 2016) and operates very similarly to the
Kernel Density tool found in the Spatial Analyst extension in Esri’s ArcGIS for Desktop
(Pilarcik 2016). Kernel Density is a popular approach for estimating probability distribution (i.e.,
ticket buyer distribution) and has been widely used for spatial analysis (Stewart 2009). The tool
generalizes the address points in an area, provides a density estimate at any location (Levine
2013), and displays it as a smooth surface (Stewart 2009). To do this, it first calculates the search
radius, the distance between each address point (Esri 2016), and the standard distance, the
measurement of the degree of features that are concentrated or disbursed around a geometric
mean center (Esri 2016). Then, it generates a series of buffers based on the standard distances,
overlays them on one another, and converts the data into a raster format, giving each cell a value
based on how many buffers are overlaid at its particular location. Once the raster is symbolized
based on the value of the cells, a heat map is created (Esri 2016).
3.4.5. Locating a New Summer Home
Even though the orchestra plans to have annual summer concerts at the Pacific
Amphitheater in the immediate future, they are also looking at other possible venues to see if
would be a better fit in the long term. Other potential venues include the Great Park in Irvine or
to build their own venue at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. The information received from
this project and the skills they learn may influence decisions on future summer venues. Summer Home’s Procedure and Analysis
In an Excel spreadsheet, the assigned project team listed the physical address of all three
locations. Once the spreadsheet was saved, they went into Business Analyst Online and
geocoded the data. Then, they went to each point and created 5-, 10-, and 15-minute drive times
and generated demographic data and tapestry segmentation reports. The 5-, 10-, and 15-minute
drive times were set by Alan Brown and are the times the Pacific Symphony would like to
continue to use throughout the project.
After data was pulled, they compared the results to the data they received from the main
customer base study and determined which potential summer venue had the greatest overlap with
the location of the current customer base.
3.4.6. Venues for Education/Community Engagement Programming Outreach Concerts
The project team listed the physical addresses of all of the buildings in an Excel
spreadsheet and geocoded the data into Business Analyst Online. However for the parks, they
added the points individually by doing a geosearch within Business Analyst Online. After all of
points were added, they created 5-, 10-, and 15-minute drive times around each potential venue
and pulled up the demographic data and tapestry segmentation reports.
After data was pulled, they compared the results to the data they received from the main
customer base study to determine the four venues with the greatest overlap with the demographic
characteristics of the current customer base.
3.4.7. Attracting Current and Potential Donors
The project team first created a new map and added the ticket buyer data and changed the
symbols to display who were donors and the amount the client donated within ArcGIS Online.
Then they imported known outreach concerts and events throughout the year and created 5-, 10-,
and 15-minute drive times to see which donors fell within the buffer. From there they were able
to clearly see whom they should invite to their concerts/events. The identified records were then
extracted from ArcGIS Online where the donors could be identified and invited using the
symphony’s main database and its tools.
Using Business Analyst Online, they took the donors’ location data from ArcGIS Online
and imported it into the application. Once imported, they created 5-, 10-, and 15-minute drive
times and pulled up demographic data and tapestry segmentation. Using the same process, they
geocoded known event locations and created another set of 5-, 10-, and 15-minute drive times
and generated demographic data and tapestry segmentation. Taking the reports created, they
compared the results to see which areas would be a good fit for marketing their performances
and events to potential donors.
3.5 Rubric to Evaluate Success
After all of the maps and data were created and pulled, surveys were passed out to gain a
general idea of how the project team felt about using the software and how useful they think it is.
The questions asked are listed below:
1. Did you find this software user friendly? Please explain why it was or was not.
2. How long did it take you to learn how to use the software? What in particular was hard to
do or understand?
3. During the training, which method of training was the most useful to you: step-by-step
guides, web cast training, or working with the other project team members? Was there a
particular person on the team that understood it better than the others?
4. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the most useful and one being the least useful, how
would you rate the usefulness of the software in terms of decision making in the task that
was assigned to you?
5. What were your findings based on your assigned tasks?
6. What did you discover about your customer base that you didn’t know before?
7. Did any of the data you collected from the software help shape decisions for the
objectives you were assigned to?
8. From the data you pulled, was there anything in particular you learned about the county?
Could this benefit or change the way you choose venues for performances?
9. With the maps you have created (ex: heat maps), did the 5-, 10-, 15 minute drive time
hold true (claim of where most of your customers are located)? Would it have been more
beneficial to your organization to extend it to 20-25 or more minutes? Did you notice
there was there a drop off after a certain minute of drive time?
10. Do you think there would be any value in using this software in other aspects/goals
within your organization? Why or why not?
11. Is this something you would like to use in the future moving forward? Please explain why
or why not.
Although Susan Farma and Chris Adriance were the only ones really working with the
software, the entire group still sat with each other to talk about what kind of data they needed
and what kind of maps they were looking for. Therefore, it was still important to gain everyone’s
perspective of the software. Though, due to their workload, not everyone was able to provide
feedback. Three out of the group of six were able to fill out the surveys.
3.6 Final Wrap-up Meeting with Project Team, Sean Sutton, and Alan Brown
After the completion of the project, I had a final meeting with the project team, Sean
Sutton, and Alan Brown to gather feedback. This included feedback on the value of the results
they received from using ArcGIS Online and the ease of use of the software itself. We also
discussed the commercial cost of the software and whether or not the benefits would outweigh
the costs and if Sean Sutton feels that his team is now able to use the tools effectively without
my continued support.
Chapter 4 Project Implementations and Outcomes
In order to work with a team that has not used or even heard of GIS before, I had to help
the project team see the value of using Web GIS and how it can help increase their business.
Additionally, I had to modify some of the workflows and training sessions so that they were able
to properly and successfully use the software. This included in-person meetings, software
demonstrations, and phone calls. After two months, the Pacific Symphony’s project team was
able to create several maps and pull up data that assisted in comparing the two summer homes,
finding new venues for their community and education concerts, selecting venues to attract more
donors, and understanding their ticket buyers/donors better. Most importantly, they had become
spatially aware of their audiences, venues, and the way the organization engages with donors and
potential audiences in Orange County.
When the project team was utilizing ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online, they
ran into complications that created significant barriers in using the software for several team
members, especially given the project’s time constraint. Needless to say, there was a big learning
curve for the project team and it took those who were successful roughly 16 hours each to be
able to produce maps and receive the data they needed.
However, even with some of the issues they ran into using the software, they found the
software useful and beneficial for their organization. This project illustrates the power of using
Web GIS and identifying the problems within the business strategy that it address so they are
able to know who and where to reach out for assistance (Brown 2016a). They were able to
visualize and discover many new things about their customers and venues, and using ArcGIS
Online in a hands-on fashion even helped spur new questions (Caulkin 2016). As reported at the
project’s closing meeting, for the Pacific Symphony, the experience of using the software
spurred spatial thinking about their strategic plan. According to staff, this was more important
than gaining the actual technical skills to operate it. The technical aspect of learning how to use
the software would actually be more time consuming due to the required training necessary to
accomplish certain tasks. Even though they ran into several difficulties, it was more
understandable to do this work hands on as a first project, and someone might be hired later to
assist with detailed technical work (Farma 2016).
4.1 Working with the Project Team
During this development, it was important to work closely with the project team to ensure
that they understood how GIS can help them increase audiences and raise money. This included
several in-person meetings, phone calls, and web casts.
4.1.1. Benefit of the Kick-Off Meeting
The kick-off meeting made a large impact on the symphony in understanding the role of
Web GIS in their core strategies. Additionally, it was a great way for me to confirm and
understand their goals and objectives. Before the initial kick-off meeting, there were several
phone calls to confirm an agenda and their objectives. However, it still changed slightly by the
time we had the kick-off meeting. Some of the changes included only looking at existing and
potential venues within the Orange County borders. Also, instead of looking at just one summer
venue, the Pacific Amphitheatre, they also wanted to look at two other potential venues for the
During the meeting, it seemed as though they were most receptive when I did a quick ten-
minute software demonstration of some of the workflows they would later attempt on their own.
It really helped put in perspective what the software is capable of and most importantly how is
can assist them within their organization. Although I had a slide deck of information, the
software demonstration helped ease their minds on how user friendly the software can be.
Immediately after the software demonstration, the project team got excited about the capabilities
of the software and started a conversation about how they can use the software for their current
and future projects.
4.1.2. Staying in Touch with the Project Team
When implementing a product into the organization, it was vital to keep in touch with the
project team and Sean Sutton. There were times when they did not move forward with their work
due to complications they ran into with the software and did not have the time to reach out to me
for additional support or help. First, the initial guides that I provided the team were not helpful to
them, and because of that they did not know how to work with the data. Once I was aware that
the guides were not as helpful, I was able to modify the training methods to include one-on-one
webcasts and more detailed guides. The one-on-one training was the most crucial thing that
helped them move forward with the project and the guides were useful being used as references
(Adriance 2016).
Second, when geocoding their ticket buyer and donors address data into ArcGIS Online,
they ran into the 1,000 feature limit. Knowing that they had this problem, I taught them a work
around by uploading the data as a feature service and explained that the error pop up is just
notifying them that there is a browser limitation of 1,000 features, but all points are still on the
map even if it is not displayed. Lastly, a few weeks after the kick-off meeting, I realized that they
were uncomfortable putting their data into the cloud without a Non-Disclosure Agreement
(NDA) drafted and signed by all parties. Eventually, we were able to put together an NDA and
push it through the appropriate channels at both USC and Pacific Symphony very quickly. This
required close coordination on language and consideration of data security issues.
4.2 Training
In the beginning, basic training guides were provided for ArcGIS Online and Business
Analyst Online. As Table 4 illustrates, the guides were fairly general, showing the main
functionality they will be using in their assigned tasks. Instead of showing exact steps they would
need to take, I provided a general idea of what they needed to do to complete the task with data
from 2013-2014. For example, rather than telling them when to create a heat map, I just provided
steps on how to create a heat map. In the end, they were unsure when to actually generate it.
Table 4 Skill sets needed to complete task and shown by product in step-by-step guides
As shown in Table 1, I provided tutorials on how to use basic functionalities within
ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online. An example of the guide is shown in Figure 7.
Within this guide, it does not indicate when it is appropriate or best to create a heat map or when
to create a smart map layer. Therefore, it caused a lot of confusion for the project team because
they have never been exposed to GIS software before, it was difficult for them to understand
when to use certain tools or which type visualization was best for different types of data or
Product Tutorial Included
ArcGIS Online Logging in/out, creating/saving map, changing a
basemap, view/edit previously created maps/data,
geocoding, changing symbols/colors, and creating a
heat map
Business Analyst Online Logging in/out, viewing reports, pulling up layers
previously created, pulling up imported data,
searching for a business or a facility, creating a PDF
map, clearing data off of the map, creating drives
times, defining areas by drive time/state/polygon/file
for reports, creating color coded map, and creating
smart map layers
One of the first steps to begin the project was to geocode all of the data. For the
geocoding portion, I had asked them to follow the instructions on the guides. However, they
requested to do it together through a screen share via because they felt that the guides
were not user intuitive and too general for them to understand how to use properly use it.
Additionally, this was a task that was added on top of their existing role, and so they felt
overwhelmed, especially on a quick timeline. They felt more comfortable utilizing the software
with someone to walk them through step-by-step using a screen share.
Figure 7 An example of the first step-by-step guide created
4.2.1. One-Hour Training Sessions
Each group was to do a one-hour training session to help them get started on using the
software and pulling up the necessary data. Of the three groups, only two were able to set up a
time. The third group, tasked with the summer home analysis, was unavailable at the time, so I
sent a new detailed step-by-step guide and they said it should be sufficient enough to get started. Donors Group’s One Hour Training Session
During this training session, only Christopher Adriance (team lead) was able to attend.
We worked with the data available and went through the exact steps he needed to take to
complete his objective/task. Though, at the time of this training session, we had to use
hypothetical data and were unable to show what the results should have looked like. He stated
that those additional step-by-step guides would be helpful and felt that he had a good grasp of the
software after the training session. Education/Community Programing Group’s One Hour Training Session
For this session, Lorraine Caulkin and Susan Farma were able to participate. Unlike the
donors group, at the time of the training we had all of the appropriate data loaded up and ready to
work with. Therefore, we were able to go through the exact steps to show what their maps should
look like based on the criteria they chose. Again, I also created step-by-step guides on the steps
that we had gone through so that they are able to reference back to it when needed.
4.2.3. Newly Created Step-by-step Guides
The second set of step-by-step guides were created to show the exact steps of what they
needed to do and were done through the one-hour training sessions. The guides were intuitive
and detailed enough for the groups to follow through with the project, and we did not need to set
up any additional training sessions.
4.2.4. Learning Curve
Although ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online claim to be user-friendly, there is
still a learning curve that requires users to take the time to understand how to utilize it. However,
the interface of ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online is much simpler than more-complex
GIS software like ArcGIS for Desktop and require much less time to learn how to use it.
Especially when working with a team that has no experience using GIS, the process to
learn how to use it required much detailed instruction, walking them through the process step-to-
step. With the original guides that were given to them, the project team did not utilize or even
touch the software. Though once I did the one-hour training sessions and created new detailed
guides, they were able to quickly move forward with the project without any additional
assistance from me. Overall, the group and individual training sessions with me took about six
hours. It took them another 14 hours to create the maps and pull up the data on their own.
The original plan for this thesis was to have everyone in the project team work on the
maps and data for each assigned objective. However, because the majority of the team members
were having trouble utilizing the software and were unable to add it on top of their current
workload, only two people were really able to use the software. Instead of having each team
member work on a specific topic, Susan Farma and Chris Adriance were the main people
creating maps and pulling up data. They all worked together as a group to pull up the necessary
information needed to complete their objective, but Susan was the only one that created the maps
and Chris helped alongside her. The other team members felt that the software itself was not
user-friendly enough to add on top of their existing workflow.
4.3 Feedback on Software
In general, the project team did not find the software to be as user friendly as hoped. The
biggest issue with it was the time allotted for them to work with the software and the inability to
add it on top of their current workload. Susan Farma, who worked with the software the most,
found that the software took too much time and steps to add data to the maps and the geocoding
portion of the project was too confusing, especially when some of the data would not import.
There were many limitations they ran into when it came to cropping, resizing, and changing the
style of the maps.
Even though they ran into trouble utilizing the software, everyone agreed that the
software is powerful and useful, but wished it could be easier to use and more intuitive.
Furthermore, they feel that it has good potential for improving marketing and fundraising based
on regions and data.
4.4 Benefits of Having a GIS Champion
From this process, it is clear that it is still beneficial to have someone working with the
software that is familiar with GIS or at least someone willing to take the time to become their
main point of contact for their GIS needs. Furthermore, this person ensures that the GIS portion
of this project stays on track and keeps it moving forward. For the Pacific Symphony, Susan
Farma took charge of working with the software and was able to help everyone create maps
based on their needs. Additionally, she ensured that everyone came together by setting up
meetings to come to a consensus on what type of maps and data everyone was looking for based
on the assigned tasks. Once she took the lead, many maps were being produced daily.
Altogether, during the project, Susan Farma produced eleven maps. Although it may have taken
hours to learn how to use the software, the project team had no experience with GIS and in the
end was still able to produce maps and weigh venue locations by choices based on customer
location rather than physical attributes such as size of parking structures or number of seats.
From the surveys, all members agreed that having Susan as a point of contact made the process
of utilizing the software much easier especially with their current workload.
4.5 Key Initial Strategic Findings from the Project Team
From the maps they created, the project team created some initial findings that either
confirmed their conceptions of their audience or discovered something new within their ticket
buyers or donors. Table 5 displays some of the findings that they were able to confirm and
Table 5 Confirmed and discovered facts based on the maps created by the project team
Confirmed Discovered
Audience Location Most of their customers
are located within Orange
There were more summer
audiences coming from the
city of North Tustin and
Orange than they had
originally thought (see
Figure 8 below)
Most of the customers
within Orange County are
predominantly along the
Income is not the only
factor they should highly
consider when marketing
their performances. For
example, one of their major
hot spots was a retirement
home neighborhood where
it was at a much lower
income where the ages
range from 60 and up
Fundraising Donors are largely based
in Orange County
Donors fell off after the 30
minute drive time mark and
an even more significant
drop off at 60 minutes
Overall, a couple of the maps were created correctly and others were completed
differently than what was done through the web casts and shown on the study guides. For
instance, they felt that the 5-, 10-, 15-minute drive time was too small and expanded their drive
time to up to 60 minutes. In addition, they did not create the heat maps properly or create any
smart map layers.
4.5.1. Summer Home Findings
For this task, they geocoded the potential and current summer venues and overlaid it with
the summer audiences from 2014 and 2015. However, they included different summer venues
than what we had previously discussed. They incorporated Irvine Meadows Theater, Pacific
Amphitheatre, Great Park Irvine, Back Bay Amphitheater in Newport Beach, and Historic
Mission San Juan Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano. Also, instead of using a heat map, they
created a map using circles where the size determines how many tickets were bought from a
particular address. Figure 8 displays this map, which turned out to be a jumble of overlapping
points that are very hard to discern.
Figure 8 Summer Venues map created by the Project Team
In their findings, based on the map they have created in Figure 8, they noticed that the
summer audiences for both single ticket buyers and subscribers skewed slightly towards the
south of the county (e.g., Irvine, Mission Viejo, etc.), but that there were also more summer
subscribers from the cities of North Tustin and Orange than they have expected.
66 Complications with the Summer Home Maps
Due to their current workload, they were unable to determine if moving the summer
venue would affect them in any way. I believe it largely had to do with the map they have
created as it was hard to read and very unclear, therefore risking the chance of gathering the
wrong information from the map.
Since they are looking to see the new summer venue in comparison to their current
customer base, there was a clearer way to depict the map. Instead of using graduated symbols on
individual address points, they could have filtered out the data they wanted to see using the
“Filter” tool to create a heat map. Figure 9 shows the map that I created using the original
Figure 9 Heat Map of Summer Ticket buyers
From there, they could have created a 30- and 60-minute drive time to see if their main
customer base would still be within the hot spot of existing customers. Ultimately, the answer
here depends on the length of the drive time that is believed to be necessary to attract audiences.
If one assumes a 30-minute drive time, based on my own findings, moving the summer venue
over to the Pacific Amphitheatre should not have a major effect because hot spots of current
summer single ticket buyers and subscribers still fits very well within the 30-minute drive time.
However, per Alan Brown, majority of the performing arts customers are generally within 15
minutes of the venue, and this is also the case for the concentration of existing summer audience
hot spots around the current summer venue. Figure 10 displays the map I have created, where the
Irvine Meadows 15-minute drive time covers the major hot spots of their current summer ticket
If they were to move to the Pacific Amphitheatre, the 15-minute drive time only covers a
small portion of their major hot spots. Figure 11 shows the 15-minute drive time from the Pacific
Amphitheatre only covers half of the hot spot in Irvine and excludes the other portions of Irvine,
Laguna Woods, and Mission Viejo. It shows that they risk losing a large portion of their current
summer ticket buyers without a larger marketing effort in the areas missed. Also, it indicates that
Figure 10 15-minute drive time created from Irvine Meadows Theatre overlaid with 2015
summer ticket buyers
they may have to expand marketing efforts to attract new audiences to the north (e.g., Huntington
Beach, Fountain Valley, etc.) in areas that are within the 15-minute drive time of the Pacific
Amphitheater. Tapestry and Demographics for the new Summer Home
During the project, the Pacific Symphony team was unable to pull up the appropriate
tapestry segmentation and demographic data to compare and contrast their current summer
home, Irvine Meadows Theatre, and their new summer home, Pacific Amphitheatre. Based on
my original instructions, I found that the dominant tapestry segmentation for the neighborhoods
that the summer audiences came from was the Boomburbs. Figure displays a map where I
created a 15-minute drive time around the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre and found it covered a
small portion of this particular tapestry segmentation within the 15-minute drive time. Figure
Figure 11 15-minute drive time created from the Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with the
summer audience
show that the 15-minute drive time area for the Pacific Amphitheatre covers an even smaller
portion of this tapestry segmentation.
Figure 12 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre overlaid with
Boomburbs tapestry segmentation
Figure 13 15-minute drive time from the Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with
Boomburbs tapestry segmentation
When I pulled up the demographic data of the ticket buyer’s neighborhoods, I discovered
trends that aligned with Alan Brown’s statement that majority of the audience members have
higher income and higher education. The data that I mapped showed 64.8% of their summer
ticket buyers (including both subscribers and single ticket buyers) came from census tracts with a
median household income of $75,000 and above and 43.3% of their residents having at least a
bachelor’s degree. To depict this on a map for comparison of the summer venues, I created a
smart map layer to highlight the Census tracts with these criteria and brought it into ArcGIS
Online for further analysis. Figure shows the smart map layer created for education and income
overlaid with a 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre. Error! Reference
ource not found. illustrates a 15-minute drive time from the Pacific Amphitheatre. As shown by
comparing these two maps, the current summer venue covers more census tracts with people
with high incomes and high levels of educational attainment than the proposed Pacific
Amphitheatre Venue.
This presents challenges for the Pacific Symphony and poses a significant bind for it
since the largest turnout is for the summer concerts. Moving from the Irvine Meadows Theatre to
the Pacific Amphitheatre would take the symphony further away from their major hotspots in
Irvine, Orange, and Tustin and closer towards Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Fountain
Valley, and Costa Mesa where there is not as large of a presence of ticket buyers as cities within
a 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre.
Figure 14 15-minute drive time from Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre overlaid with
education and income smart map layer
Figure 15 15-minute drive time from Pacific Amphitheatre overlaid with education and
income smart map layer
4.5.2. Community and Education Programming Findings
When looking for four new venues, the project team only focused on the summer
audiences rather than potential locations of additional concerts in the winter season. To complete
this task, they looked up Orange County’s cities and parks that held free summer concerts,
geocoded these parks in ArcGIS Online, and overlaid it with summer ticket buyers from the
years 2014 and 2015. Similar to their summer venue map, they symbolized their summer ticket
buyers using different sized circles. Due to their workload, they were unable to identify the best
four venues for their community and education programming. Again, similar to their summer
venue issue, I believe the map made it difficult to visualize their findings and could have
discouraged them to move forward. Figure 16 displays the map they created.
Figure 16 Community and education programming venues created by the project team
With very similar steps to the summer venue task, because they are looking to see which
venues to choose based on their current customer base, they could have created a heat map
instead. They could have filtered out the data they wanted to see using the Filter tool and created
a heat map. From there, they could have created a 30- and 60-minute drive time to see if their
main customer base would still be within the hot spot of customers. Figure 17 displays an
example, Woodbridge Community Park, being a clear choice because it lies right in the middle
of a major hot spot of their current ticket buyers and Eastgate Park in Cerritos would not be a
good choice because it was located further out from their current summer ticket buyers.
Figure 17 Woodbridge Community Park vs. Eastgate Park overlaid on a heat map of ticket
4.5.3. Donors Findings
The project team was able to create maps depicting the location and number of typical
annual fund donors relative to their Class Act performance events, evening concerts for parents
and children related to the Pacific Symphony’s elementary school educational programs. They
were able to geocode the schools in their Class Act educational program and created a 15-minute
drive time to see which donors fell within the drive time buffer to clearly depict who they can
invite. Figure 18 displays the map the project team created displaying typical annual fund
donors, excluding major funders.
Figure 18 Donor map created by project team
From here, they were able to do some additional analysis and discovered that there was a
drop off of donors at the 30-minute drive and a huge drop of at the 60-minute drive time. One
factor they discovered was that a large portion of their donors are located in the retirement
community in Laguna Woods. They found that income in this area is not as high as the area
where most of their other typical annual fund donors live. This helped them determine that
income is not the only factor that should be looked at when it comes to donations or for classical
music preferences, but that age should also be considered.
However, to make the map much clearer they could have omitted the donors that donated
$0 in 2015 by using the Filter tool. Additionally, they could have filtered out each Class Act
school location individually to clearly depict how many donors they are able to attract and
prioritize it by the amount of donors or donation amount. Furthermore, I selected the lightest
color to show the smallest amount and used a darker variation of that color as the donation
amount got higher since people usually associate lower numbers with lighter colors and are
typically associate darker colors with higher numbers (Brown 2016a). Figure 19 shows the map I
created for one such school, excluding any major donors.
Figure 19 Donors within a 15-minute drive time from Paulariono School
Figure 20 displays an example of if they were just looking to see where most of their
donors were located, regardless of the amount of the donation. In this case, they could have just
created a heat map and created drive times for each school and filter out as necessary.
76 Donors’ Tapestry Segmentation
To look at the tapestry segmentation of the donors, the project team created a map that
showed the tapestry segmentation for the state of California, added their ticket buyer
information, placed a point for the Segerstrom Center, and created drive times of 15, 30, and 60
minutes from the Segerstrom Center. The purpose of this map was to find the dominant tapestry
segmentation of their donors based on the neighborhoods they came from. Although study guides
were provided and a web cast was conducted to show them how to accomplish this task, the
project team ran into complications and was unable to complete it successfully. Figure 21
Figure 20 15-minute drive time from Paularino overlaid on a heat map
illustrates the map they have created.
Figure 21 Tapestry map created by project team
Instead, they should have created a heat map within ArcGIS Online and used the Map
Note tool to draw a polygon around the hot spots. From there, they will be able to bring the map
note layer into Business Analyst Online and combine all of the polygons to pull up the tapestry
segmentation data. Once pulled, they will be able to clearly see which tapestry segmentation is
dominant within the neighborhoods that their ticket buyers are from. In this case, it was the
Enterprising Professionals segmentation. From there, they would have been able to create a
“Smart Map” that allows you to add variables to show where these variables are located on a
map. Thus, they can add the Enterprising Professionals segmentation and clearly depict where
they segmentations are located on a map. Then, they would have been able to add a point for the
Segerstrom Center and create 15-, 30-, and 60-minute drive times to see how much of their target
audience they can reach. Figure is an example of the map they should have made, shown with
15- and 30-minute drive times.
Figure 22 15- and 30-minute drive time from the Sergerstrom Center overlaid with the
Enterprising Professionals smart layer
4.6 Project Costs
ArcGIS Online’s service credits played a large role in terms of cost for their project.
Within Esri’s licensing, subscriptions to ArcGIS Online will include a certain number of credits
that expire after twelve months (Esri 2015). Any additional service credits purchased expire after
24 months (Esri 2015). Service credits are sold in blocks of 1,000 and cost $100 for every block
(Esri 2015).
During the time of the project, the project team used a total of 5,675.94 service credits.
Table 6 shows the breakdown of service credits by user and tools.
Table 6 Tools and total amount of credits used by each user
User Tools Credits Used
Susan Farma Geocoding, drive times,
report generating, and storage
Christopher Adriance Report generating and storage 36.08
Total: 5,675.94
Roughly 4,000 service credits, $400 worth, were used in error while geocoding the data
into ArcGIS Online. Before geocoding such a large amount of data, I had suggested that they
geocode in subsections of ten, however due to miscommunication the data was uploaded all at
once multiple times. Errors included, they would have had to purchase at least $600 worth of
service credits on top of an initial subscription.
In Chapter 5, below, discusses the benefits that the Pacific Symphony could expect to
receive from using Web GIS relative to these costs.
4.7 Summary of Project Implementation and Outcomes
Utilizing Web GIS within the non-profit sector is not only possible, but also brings in
value and a different perspective of their data that they may not have been aware of before. Web
GIS is an easier way for non-profit organizations to add a geographical element to their research
because they do not have to worry about purchasing extensive hardware or software and most
importantly, not having extensive GIS knowledge. Although it may still require training, as
shown through the Pacific Symphony case study, putting together maps and being able to
perform analysis were possible even though the staff had never even heard of GIS. It not only
provided new insight for them, but also spurred new questions that encouraged them to add
additional data for further spatial analysis.
Chapter 5: Reflections on the Project
During this project, the Pacific Symphony was able to become spatially aware and
partially enabled utilizing Web GIS. Although the symphony’s staff may have never used the
software and ran into some difficulties, they were able to still produce maps and visualize their
data. Even in spatially-light organizations, such as the performing arts industry, GIS can be of
importance and provide valuable insight to help make better business decisions. However, in
spite of user friendly web-based software, it was clear that for the project to succeed expert
assistance was required in setting up the program and consultant support would be needed for
continued work on this project. From the maps they created, they were both able to confirm what
they already knew and discover new patterns of their audiences. This final chapter will discuss
the Pacific Symphony’s experience with Web GIS, possible future work, and transition plan.
5.1 Value of Utilizing Web GIS in the Pacific Symphony
This project was able to illustrate the power of using Web GIS and identifying the
problems that it can and does solve so they are able to know who and where to reach out to
(Brown 2016a). The symphony’s staff was able to visualize and discover many new things about
their customers and venues and this hands-on work even helped spur new questions (Caulkin
2016). For the Pacific Symphony, the experience of using the software is the value of this project
rather than the actual technical skills to operate it. The technical aspect of learning how to use the
software would actually be more time consuming due to the required training necessary to
accomplish certain tasks. Even though the staff ran into several difficulties, it was more
understandable to do it hands on rather than hire someone to do the work for them (Farma 2016).
5.1.1. Technical Capacity of Non-Profits
Although many non-profit organizations use volunteers to assist them with GIS work, it
is most beneficial for the organization to learn how to implement and use GIS software
themselves. Even though larger non-profit organizations rely on volunteers, they still have a
dedicated staff running their GIS program. With Web GIS, it will make it much easier for
smaller non-profit organizations to run their own GIS program without having extensive GIS
knowledge and without having to put in the budget for additional staff and hardware. In general,
smaller non-profits may rely on volunteers, but often times they have a lot of turnover so it is
difficult for them to build the institutional capacity for handling software (Brown 2016a). This
can result in a large need for professional development and covering job transitions. Even the
Pacific Symphony would need to establish monthly workflows and standard-operating practices
to ensure that the software is learned, used, and integrated efficiently. Therefore, instead of
relying on volunteers to come through and having to take the time to train them, it would be
much more beneficial to learn and use the software themselves. Like the Pacific Symphony,
having a single person be the GIS champion would be highly beneficial to a smaller
organization. Their skillsets and job description does not have to be dedicated to just GIS, but it
should be part of their regular workflow. This could include creating the necessary maps and
maintaining data.
5.1.1. MapInfo, Neilson SiteReports, and PRIZM vs. ArcGIS Online
After interacting with MapInfo Pro – Desktop GIS’s free trial, I noticed a similar
interface to Esri’s ArcGIS for Desktop that may not be geared towards GIS novices. In order to
create the maps that Pacific Symphony’s project team has accomplished, it would require other
third party data vendors, such as Census and Neilson SiteReports, to import the necessary data
into the software. Unlike MapInfo Pro – Desktop GIS, ArcGIS Online has all of its data
centralized in one area where users can find whatever demographic information that is required.
However, with PRIZM, users are able to easily obtain and utilize the ZIP+4 layer that is
currently not available within ArcGIS Online. Nevertheless, a ZIP+4 layer can be obtained from
United State Postal Service and imported into ArcGIS Online for an annual subscription fee
(USPS 2016).
Although similar to Business Analyst Online’s Tapestry segmentation data, the datasets
provided by Nielsen’s Site Reports and PRIZM are broken into different categories, provides
visuals such as pie charts, and includes occupation categories in demographic data.
5.2 Challenges and Limitations
When utilizing the software, the Pacific Symphony ran into some complications that
ultimately made them feel that the software was not user friendly. Although they found the
software to be powerful and useful to its needs, with the staff’s overall workload during the
project, they were unable to set aside the time to use the software and create the maps and pull up
the data that they were hoping for.
5.2.1. Interface between ArcGIS Online and Applications Feedback
The project team felt that the interface between ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst
Online was clunky and having to switch back and forth between the software was tedious and
difficult. Even with the step-by-step guides, they found the icons hard to understand and wished
it could be more obvious (Ardriance 2016). Furthermore, they did not use the heat maps
extensively because it seemed inconsistent in the way it produced maps at different scales
(Farma 2016). Instead they used different sized circles and color scales that made it difficult to
really understand their data.
5.2.2. Bugs within ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online
With the software, there were two particular bugs that the project team ran into. One was
limits with map notes. When they had to draw a map note over the heat map, it would
automatically default back to its original display, black dots. This made it extremely difficult for
the project team to draw the map notes. Instead, they had to memorize the locations, making it
tedious and time consuming for them. Second, they had to combine all of the different map notes
together. However, when combining all of the map notes it could take several times or even
having to restart the software before even being able to move forward.
5.2.3 Precision in Demographic Data
The demographic data and tapestry segmentation used for this project was not collected
from individual surveys taken by ticket buyers, but instead was a generalization of the
neighborhoods the ticket buyers came from. Therefore, the data collected from Business Analyst
Online could result in an ecological fallacy, which occurs if relationships or characteristics
observed in groups are incorrectly held to be the same for individuals within those groups
(Freedman 1999). For example, if we determined that the symphony has a majority its audience
members coming from neighborhoods with a bachelor’s degree, it still might not be the case that
a majority of individuals who attend the symphony must have a bachelor’s degree. In this case,
determining individual behaviors based on aggregated data can yield incorrect conclusions
(Freedman 1999). For more accurate studies in the future, although very difficult, it is best to
collect individual surveys of each audience member and map those instead, rather than guessing
which demographic and tapestry segmentation they are a part of based on their neighborhood.
5.2.4. Potential Inaccuracies Due to Variations in Population Density
The maps made for this study display hot spots of ticket buyers, but there may be
potential inaccuracies due to variations in population density in Orange County. Because the
ticket-buyer data was not normalized for underlying population density, the hot spots of ticket
buyers might in reality just represent particularly dense neighborhoods. This would be a greater
concern if the analysis was performed for study areas with notable variations in population
density, such as the metropolitan regions of Los Angeles or New York (Brasuell 2012).
However, the Orange County landscape is different because it is filled with more single homes
and families and further away from commercial areas. Unlike places like Los Angeles and New
York, commercial areas are grouped in one area and residential neighborhoods are grouped in
other areas with relatively low variation in population density within the residential areas.
Therefore, the hot spots in this study are based kernel density with non-weighted points. Though,
this could be an issue in the future as population increases in Orange County. If the population
does increase and concentrations of residential density emerge, a different hot spot analysis may
need to take place and would likely need to be done within ArcGIS for Desktop.
5.3 Training Feedback
Both Christopher Adriance and Susan Farma were the ones utilizing the software and felt
that the web casts were the most helpful, but they also used the written guides as reference and
they found these particularly useful for reviewing concepts from the web tutorials. The software
they are currently using to manage subscriber and donor database, Tessitura, has a “recipe book”
of how to pull data for its analysis function called “T-Stats.” They felt that if Esri’s ArcGIS
Online has something similar to that for the performing arts industry, using ArcGIS Online
would be very helpful (Adriance 2016).
5.4 Errors in Maps and Data Collection by Project Team
Whether due to the project team’s workload or the project’s ambitious goals for GIS
novices, there were many errors made on the maps that resulted in some incorrect data collection
and analysis. For instance, they stated that there was nothing shown that they already knew for
the summer venues except that they had more customers in the north than they previously
thought. However, when I created the maps with a 15-minute drive time, the Irvine Meadows
Amphitheatre covered all the major hot spots while the Pacific Amphitheatre only covered a
small portion of it as shown in Figure . This also aligned with the tapestry segmentation and
demographic data (income and education) as shown in Figure .
Figure 23 15-minute drive time and Pacific Symphony Amphitheatre with 15-minute drive time
overlaid ticket buyers heat map
5.5 Value of Targeted Marketing Strategy
The Pacific Symphony spends about $1.5 million per year on marketing and being able to
target those dollars more effectively would be a very wise investment (Sutton 2016). The
benefits fairly outweigh the costs in terms of the licensing costs of the software because although
there are some costs in staff time and training, these are fixed costs anyway because the staff is
on salary. Also, there is more precise geographic targeting possible with Internet advertising than
with newspapers, and so new advertising technologies offer greater opportunities for
geographical targeting. Currently, the Pacific Symphony also sends out a lot of large, colorful
postcards to promote concerts, therefore with more precise geographic targeting, it would
extremely beneficial in targeting such direct mail. To accomplish this, it would need to be able to
get a layer to import into ArcGIS Online of ZIP code +4 boundaries, point of different venues,
audience hotspots, and tapestry segmentation. An example is shown in Figure where the summer
ticket buyers hot spots are overlaid on top of ZIP codes in comparison to the Pacific
Amphitheatre 15-minute drive time. From this map, because it is missing a major hotspot, it
Figure 24 Irvine Meadows with 15-minute drive time and Pacific Symphony Amphitheatre
with 15-minute drive time overlaid with education and income smart map layer
shows that the Pacific Symphony will have to improve their marketing efforts in Irvine and can
possibly send flyers for their performances in that ZIP code area. Once it is ready to pull up the
addresses within the boundary, it will have to zoom in to that particular spot and extract the data
into a .csv file using the “Extract Data” tool. To use a more precise ZIP +4 layer, the Pacific
Symphony would have to create its own layer and upload it into ArcGIS Online or see if another
user created and shared the layer within ArcGIS Online.
Figure 25 Summer ticket buyers overlaid with drive time and ZIP code boundaries
5.6 Possible Future Work at the Pacific Symphony
Since the Pacific Symphony has decided to move forward with utilizing Web GIS within
their organization, it would need to not only sign up for Esri’s non-profit program, but also need
to establish a robust set of criteria for their analysis on specific candidate venues (Brown 2016a).
The staff is looking to utilize Web GIS for site suitability analysis in a light sort of way, as Sean
Sutton calls it, “A strategy of ‘regionality.” The idea behind this strategy is to expand audiences
by broadening the Pacific Symphony’s footprint around Orange County. The role of GIS would
be mostly based on spatially delineating prospects for audience and donors, but a comprehensive
site suitability analysis could also include features of the venues, such as acoustics, parking,
rental costs, etc.
One project in particular included attracting the Asian population to their concerts. Using
ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online, they will be able to easily create this map. An
example of a map containing the Asian population that they can create and add layers to is
shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 Asian population in parts of Orange County
5.7 Transition Plan
Since this project has concluded, the Pacific Symphony no longer has access to USC’s
academic ArcGIS Online account. Therefore, if the staff wishes to continue utilizing the Esri’s
ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online, they will need to purchase their own subscription
and service credits for commercial use.
Due to Esri’s software licensing, they have a couple of different options to choose from
depending on their non-profit status. Since the organization is a 501(c) 3 non-profit, they may be
able to qualify for Esri’s non-profit program. However, if they do not qualify, they will need to
purchase the license at standard commercial price.
5.7.1. ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online Licensing
The licensing for ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online are to be used within the
organization only. For example, organizations are unable to print out reports and sell them to
other entities. In order to use Business Analyst Online, they must have a subscription to ArcGIS
Online. When purchasing Business Analyst Online user names, it co-exists with the current
usernames to ArcGIS Online. For example, if they have a 5 user names subscription to ArcGIS
Online they are unable to have a 10 user name subscription to Business Analyst Online. They
would only be able to have a 5 user name subscription to ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst
Online (Esri 2016). Additionally, each user must have their own username and password and are
not allowed to share usernames (Esri 2015).
5.7.2. Esri’s Non-Profit Program
Esri currently has a non-profit program in place for non-profit organizations that are a
501(c)3 humanitarian/conservation entity. Although the non-profit program may expand in the
near future, currently only environmental conservation establishments can qualify for the
program (Esri 2015). Esri’s non-profit program may soon accept art, culture, and humanities
organizations (Swenson 2016).
In order to become part of Esri’s non-profit program, they must apply online at and it may take up to 2-3 weeks to find out their eligibility. If
qualified, they will be able to obtain Esri licenses at no cost and only have to pay the
administrative fee (Esri 2015). Although depending on the license, the administrative fee will
vary (Swenson 2015). Esri does not have a published price list for the non-profit licenses and the
only way to receive pricing is to apply for the program. If they qualify, they will receive an email
with pricing information for some of the licenses and if they had any further questions, they can
contact their local Esri non-profit representative.
To apply for the program, they must provide the following information: tax exemption
status, employer identification number, and their Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 category, and
national taxonomy of exempt entities code (Esri 2016). Esri’s Non-Profit Program Training Pricing
If the organization is qualified for the non-profit program, they will be able to purchase
training courses offered through Esri at a significant discount shown in Table 7.
Table 7 Training displayed with non-profit discount
Type of Training Discount
Virtual Campus 40%
Instructor Led 40%
Client site and private classes 30%
Table 8 shows an example of the cost of majority of virtual campus and instructor led
training courses with the non-profit discount. Client site and private classes are not published
Table 8 Pricing of majority of the training courses with non-profit discount
Type of Training Standard Commercial Cost Non-Profit Cost
Virtual Campus $32 or $224 $19.20 or $134.40
Instructor-Led $1,070 or $1,605 $642 or $963
5.7.3. Esri’s Standard Commercial Licensing
If the Pacific Symphony does not qualify for Esri’s non-profit program, it will have to
purchase the software at standard commercial price. For both ArcGIS Online and Business
Analyst Online, it is an annual subscription fee. Table 9 displays the costs of the licenses if it
were to purchase the license the way they used it in the project.
Table 9 Cost of project
Product Standard Commercial Cost
ArcGIS Online Level 1: 5 user names and
2,500 service credits
Additional 5 user names $2,500/year
Business Analyst Online: 5 user names $500/year
Additional Business Analyst Online’s 5 user
(6) Block of Service Credits $600
Total: $6,600/year
5.7.4. Hiring Consulting Work
If the Pacific Symphony staff decides to hire a consultant to do the Web GIS work for
them, due to Esri’s licensing, they will still need to purchase their own subscription. The
consultant is unable to purchase an ArcGIS Online and Business Analyst Online subscription and
publish maps out for different organizations. If they decide to purchase their own subscription,
they will be able to dedicate one of their logins to their consultant to create the maps for them.
Table 10 shows the general idea of cost is listed in the table below:
Table 10 Pricing of the project including GIS consulting services
Product/Services Cost
ArcGIS Online Level 1: 5 user names and
2,500 service credits
Additional 5 user names $2,500/year
Business Analyst Online: 5 user names $500/year
Additional Business Analyst Online’s 5 user
(6) Block of Service Credits $600
Average rate for a GIS Consultant (80 hours) $5,000-6,000
Total: $11,600 - $12,600
The costs to further develop the program would be higher in the first and second years of
the program. Once the work in ArcGIS Online is embedded in the standard-operating procedures
of particular staff members, the costs would be limited to maintaining software licenses.
5.8 Conclusions
Although not all organizations are heavy users of GIS, there are many spatial-light
organizations and industries that can highly benefit from GIS. Spatial-light organizations now
have an opportunity to use a cloud-based, user-friendly software to support business decisions.
Industries such as the performing arts may not be heavy users, but as shown with the Pacific
Symphony case study, the staff was able to develop spatial information that can help better target
marketing efforts, select sites for performances, and choose fundraiser locations. While the
software was not as user-friendly as anticipated by the symphony, it brought in valuable data that
their current mapping platform was unable to do. Furthermore, it stirred up additional questions
that may be able to improve their business. From using Web GIS, they are able to see how they
need to increase marketing efforts for their summer home audience, see which Class Act schools
are near particular donors, and better understand who their target audiences are and best ways to
reach them. It has also assisted them in being able to market to a target audience. The benefits
very likely outweigh the costs because after the first year with consultant work, there will be less
of need for consultant support since the Web GIS could be integrated within their standard work
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PitneyBowes. 2016. MiPro v15.0/15.2 (32-bit/64-bit) Standard Edition (English). Accessed April
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Sensors and Systems. 2014. What Does it Mean to be a GIS ‘Champion’?. Accessed May 17,
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Appendix A: ArcGIS Online Step-by-step Guide – Finding
Demographics/Tapestry Data based off of Current Customer Data
This appendix contains complete copies of the step-by-step guides given to the project
team that show the appropriate steps needed to complete the maps that the project teams were
assigned. Once completed, these maps should be able to display the necessary information
needed to do the visual analysis described in this manuscript. The text on the images from the
screen shots below are hard to discern because of the paper and margin limits for a thesis
manuscript. However, the text listed in the guides themselves shows the exact steps necessary to
generate the maps. Also, since the images give a general idea of the menus and display in
ArcGIS Online at each step, this information is provided here in case it is of use to the reader in
developing step-by-step guides for similar projects.
Log into ArcGIS Online
1. Go to
2. Click “Log in” on the top right hand corner
3. Log in with your credentials
Bringing in Donor layer
1. Click on “Map”
2. Click on “Add”
3. Click “Search for Layers”
4. Uncheck “Within map area”
5. Under “In” click the drop down menu and select “Pacific Symphony Group”
6. Find the “California Ticketing” layer and click “Add to map”
7. Click “Done Adding Layers”
8. When you see this pop up (pictured below), select “Don’t show this message again for
this layer” and click OK
9. Save map
Creating a Heat Map
1. Under your “California Ticketing” layer click (Change Style) (pictured below)
2. Under “1 Choose an attribute to show” select “Show location only”
3. Under “2 Select a drawing style” click “Select” under Heat Map
4. Click “Done”
5. Save map
Drawing Map Notes
1. Zoom into Orange County by holding the “Shift” key on your keyboard and taking your
mouse and drawing a box around the yellow spot.
2. After you zoom in, your map should look like the picture below
3. Click “Add”
4. Click “Add Map Notes”
5. Name your layer and click “Create”
6. Click “Freehand Area”
7. When you click map notes, it will automatically default back to its original symbol (black
dots). Therefore, you will have to remember where your hot spots are and draw
a. If you are having difficulty with this, I already created the map notes and you can
load in the layer saved as “Ticketing”
8. Press down and trace around the hot spots
9. Click “Close” when the pop up comes up
10. Click anywhere within the map to finish the drawn map note
11. Repeat steps 4-7 to draw more map notes (Should look similar to the picture below)
12. Once all of your map notes are drawn, click “Edit”
13. Save map
Transitioning Map Notes into Business Analyst Online
1. Log into Business Analyst Online:
2. Click “Map” tab
3. Click “Create Maps from Data”
4. Click “Web Maps”
5. Hover over the map you just created within ArcGIS Online and click “Add this to map”
6. Hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard and select all the map notes
7. A popup should display asking “Combine selected sites into one site?” Click Yes (Should
look like the screen shots below)
a. There is a bug within the software where it may not ask you this right away.
Please repeat this step until you see it (may take several times)
8. To rename the title, click “rename”
Printing out Data Reports
1. Within the pop up, click “Get reports”
2. Select the report you are looking to analyze
3. Click “Run Report”
4. Once it’s finished processing, click “Open Report”
5. Save PDF within your own computer for your records
6. To print out additional reports, repeat steps 1-5
Creating a Smart Map
1. After analyzing your data, you will know what variables you would like to add and view
on your map
a. The variables I have chosen are: education (Bachelor’s: 37.6%), Tapestry
(Boomburbs: 21.1%), and income ($75,000 - $200,000+)
2. Click “Maps”
3. Click “Create Maps from Data”
4. Click “Smart Map Search”
5. Click “Get Started”
6. Type in the variable you are looking to add to your map
a. I did: income, tapestry, and education
7. Click the magnifying glass
8. Select your desired variables
9. Click Categories on the upper left hand corner to search for additional variables
10. Click “Apply”
11. Input your ranges (your map should look similar to the one pictured below)
a. Drag the sliders – there is a bug in the software that will not let you type in the
desired numbers Income is best left as #
b. Tapestry segmentation, education attainment, and race are best applied as %
Move Smart Map Layer Over to ArcGIS Online
1. Click “Clear Map” symbol
2. Clear everything EXCEPT the Smart Map Search result
a. To clear other layers, select the layer(s) and click Clear
b. Should look like the picture below
3. Click “Share map to ArcGIS Online”
4. Under “Layers on the map”, make sure ONLY the “Smart Map Search result” and
“Basemap layer 1” is selected – Clear everything else
5. Type in desired title
a. Should look like the picture below
6. Click “Share”
7. A popup will appear stating that your map has been shared to ArcGIS Online
Transitioning Back to ArcGIS Online
1. Go back to your previous tab where you had ArcGIS Online or log back in
2. Click on “My Content”
3. Click on the folder to the left “BAO – My Maps”
4. Click on the map
5. Click on the map again
6. Under “Smart Map Search results” click Change Style
7. Under “2 select a drawing style” click “Options” under “Types (Unique symbols)
8. Click the red square
9. Under “Fill” and “Outline” select “No color”
10. Click OK
11. Click Ok
12. Click Done
13. Under “Smart Map Search results” select More Options
14. Click “Save Layer”
15. Add Title and tags
16. Click “Create Item”
17. Save map
18. Click “Home” and click “My Content”
19. Go back to your original map (ex: CA Ticketing) under your folder
20. Click “Add”
21. Click “Search for Layers”
22. Uncheck “Within map area”
23. Go to “My Content”
24. Go to “Smart Map Search result” and click “Add”
25. Click “Done Adding Layers”
26. Uncheck your map notes layer
27. If you would like, you can change your heat map back to regular dots on a map to make
the map more clear
a. Under Donors, click Change Symbols
b. Under “2 Select a drawing style” click Select
c. Click “Done”
28. Save map
29. Analyze map to see areas that you can potentially target that you may not have targeted
Creating an Excel Spreadsheet of Potential Venues
1. Create an Excel spreadsheet that includes: name of venue, address, city, state, and ZIP
2. Save the file as a .csv
3. Go back to ArcGIS Online and into the map you created earlier
4. Click “Add”
5. Click “Add Layer to File”
6. Click “Browse”
7. Select the .csv file you saved earlier
8. Click “Import Layer”
9. Make sure all fields match the columns of the Excel spreadsheet
10. Click “Add Layer”
11. Under “2 Select a drawing style” Click “Select” under “Location (single symbol)
12. Click “Options”
13. Click “Symbols”
14. Select the red symbol shown below and change the size to 35
15. Click “OK”
16. Click “Done”
17. Your map should look similar to the picture below
18. Save map
Creating Drive Time Buffers
1. Under your Venues layer, click “Perform Analysis”
2. Click “Use Proximity”
3. Click “Drive-Time Areas”
4. Ensure that “1 Choose point layer to calculate drive-time areas around” ensure that the
Venues layer is selected
5. Under “2 Measure” select Drive Time and type in 15 (or desired time) and ensure
Minutes is selected
6. Uncheck “Use current map extent”
7. Click “Run Analysis”
8. Save map (Should look something like this depending on your venues and drive time
Appendix B: ArcGIS Online Step-by-step Guide – Finding
Demographic/Tapestry Data of Donors – Attracting Potential Donors
Log into ArcGIS Online
4. Go to
5. Log in with your credentials
Bringing in Donor layer
10. Click on “Map”
11. Click on “Add”
12. Click “Search for Layers”
13. Uncheck “Within map area”
14. Under “In” click the drop down menu and select “Business Analyst Online Group”
15. Find the “CA Donors” layer and click “Add to map”
16. Click “Done Adding Layers”
17. Save map
18. Click “Save Map
Creating a Heat Map
6. Under your Donors layer click (Change Style) (pictured below)
7. Under “1 Choose an attribute to show” select “Show location only”
8. Under “2 Select a drawing style” click “Select” under Heat Map
9. Click Done
10. Save map
Drawing Map Notes
14. Zoom into Orange County by holding the “Shift”key on your keyboard and taking your
mouse and drawing a box around the yellow spot
15. After you zoom in, it should look something like this
16. Click “Add”
17. Click “Add Map Notes”
18. Name your layer and click “Create”
19. Click “Freehand Area”
20. Press down and trace around the hot spots
21. Click “Close” when the pop up comes up
22. Click anywhere within the map to finish the drawn map note
23. Repeat steps 4-7 to draw more map notes (Should look similar to the picture below)
24. Once all of your map notes are drawn, click “Edit”
25. Save map
Transitioning Map Notes into Business Analyst Online
9. Log into Business Analyst Online:
10. Click “Map” tab
11. Click “Create Maps from Data”
12. Click “Web Maps”
13. Hover over the map you just created within ArcGIS Online and click “Add this to map”
14. Hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard and select all the map notes
15. A popup should display asking “Combine selected sites into one site?” Click Yes (Should
look like the screen shots below)
a. There is a bug within the software where it may not ask you this right away.
Please repeat this step until you see it (may take several times)
Printing out Data Reports
1. Within the pop up, click “Get reports”
2. Select the report you are looking to analyze
3. Click “Run Report”
4. Once it’s finished processing, click “Open Report”
5. Save PDF within your own computer for your records
6. To print out additional reports, repeat steps 1-5
Creating a Smart Map
2. After analyzing your data, you will know what variables you would like to add and view
on your map
a. The variables I have chosen are: income ($75,000 – 200,000+), Tapestry
(Enterprising Professionals), and ages 25 - 74
3. Click “Maps”
4. Click “Create Maps from Data”
5. Click “Smart Map Search”
6. Click “Get Started”
7. Type in the variable you are looking to add to your map
8. Click the magnifying glass
9. Select your desired variables
10. Click Categories on the upper left hand corner to search for additional variables
11. Click “Apply”
12. Input your ranges (your map should look similar to the one pictured below)
a. Drag the sliders – there is a bug in the software that will not let you type in the
desired numbers
b. Income is best left as #
c. Tapestry segmentation, education attainment, and race are best applied as %
Move Smart Map Layer Over to ArcGIS Online
1. Click “Clear Map” symbol
2. Clear everything EXCEPT the Smart Map Search result
a. To clear other layers, select the layer(s) and click Clear
3. Click “Share map to ArcGIS Online”
4. Under “Layers on the map”, make sure ONLY the “Smart Map Search result” and
“Basemap layer 1” is selected – Clear everything else
5. Type in desired title
6. Click “Share”
7. A popup will appear stating that your map has been shared to ArcGIS Online
Transitioning Back to ArcGIS Online
30. Go back to your previous tab where you had ArcGIS Online or log back in
31. Click on “Home”
32. Click on “My Content”
33. Click on the folder to the left “BAO – My Maps”
34. Click on the map
35. Click on the map again
36. Under “Smart Map Search results” click Change Style
37. Under “2 select a drawing style” click “Options” under “Types (Unique symbols)
38. Click the red square
39. Under “Fill” and “Outline” select “No color”
40. Click OK
41. Click Ok
42. Click Done
43. Under “Smart Map Search results” select More Options
44. Click “Save Layer”
45. Add Title and tags
46. Click “Create Item”
47. Save map
48. Click “Home” and click “My Content”
49. Go back to your original map (ex: Donors)
50. Click “Add”
51. Click “Search for Layers”
52. Uncheck “Within map area”
53. Go to “My Content”
54. Go to “Smart Map Search result” and click “Add”
55. Click “Done Adding Layers”
56. Uncheck your map notes layer (optional, but recommended)
57. If you would like, you can change your heat map back to regular dots on a map to make
the map more clear
a. Under Donors, click Change Symbols
b. Under “2 Select a drawing style” click Select
c. Click “Done” (Pictured below)
58. Save map
Abstract (if available)
With the proliferation of online GIS starting around 2012, costs for running GIS have come down so much that there are now many opportunities to spatially enable organizations like those in the non-profit sector that could not access the technology before. This research demonstrates how to administer a simple GIS system for a non-profit corporation in the performing arts sector, the Pacific Symphony. It illustrates how the symphony developed a basic pattern of spatial thinking and analysis that strategically aligned with their core organizational objectives. This project shows that even though the symphony lack the resources to invest in a professional GIS system, they were still able to utilize spatial technology by implementing a cloud-based GIS system to make their organization more successful. Esri’s ArcGIS Online was used for this project because it is a cloud-based, user-friendly GIS software geared to those with little to no GIS experience. By overlaying the symphony’s data with ArcGIS Online content, such as demographic data and tapestry segmentation, ArcGIS Online was able to help the symphony choose ideal locations to market and select among alternative performance venues. Additionally, it helped the symphony reduce costs by targeting the appropriate market and customer base. Two key findings coming out of this project are the importance of a GIS champion within the organization to make the GIS implementation successful, and the value of hands-on experience of Web GIS for integrating patterns of spatial thinking in the organization.
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Asset Metadata
Lin, Michelle Marie
Core Title
Implementing spatial thinking with Web GIS in the non-profit sector: a case study of ArcGIS Online in the Pacific Symphony
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
AGOL,ArcGIS Online,BAO,business analyst online,Esri,Geographic Information Science,geographic information systems,GIS,non profit,OAI-PMH Harvest,Performing arts,spatial thinking,symphony,Web GIS
Electronically uploaded by the author
Vos, Robert (
committee chair
), Sedano, Elisabeth (
committee member
), Wilson, John P. (
committee member
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etd-LinMichell-4545.pdf (filename),usctheses-c40-269026 (legacy record id)
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Lin, Michelle Marie
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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Repository Location
USC Digital Library, University of Southern California, University Park Campus MC 2810, 3434 South Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90089-2810, USA
ArcGIS Online
business analyst online
geographic information systems
non profit
spatial thinking