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MCOMA: A Multithreaded COMA Architecture
Halima M. El Naga
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
(Computer Engineering)
May 1999.
Copyright 1999 Halima El Naga
UMI Number: DP22903
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This dissertation, written by
Halima Makady El Naga
under the direction of h.e.v. Dissertation
Committee, and approved by all its members,
has been presented to and accepted by The
Graduate School, in partial fulfillment of re
quirements for the degree of
Dean of.C&adtiate Studies
J < *pr '
To my family.
I wish to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Jean-Luc Gaudiot for his continuous support
and encouragement through my research. Only with his advisement and friendship
have I been able to complete this work. My sincere thanks and deep gratitude to my
committee member Dr. Alice Parker. She was always there for me at the hardest
times. Without her continuous support, this work would have never been
completed. I also wish to thank Dr. Mary Hall who contributed much time towards
improving the final form of this thesis.
I also like to thank all the members of Parallel and Distributed Processing Center
for many interesting discussions and suggestions that contributed to the
improvement of this work. I am thankful to Joonho Ha for providing me with the
compiled running copy of the applications that I used in this research.
On a personal note, I like to thank my family for their understanding during the
course of my graduate study. In particular, I like to thank my husband, Nagi for
everything. Without his encouragement, I wouldn’t have started my study and
without his continuous love, help, support, patience, understanding, ... I wouldn’t
have been able to survive my graduate school.
MCOMA: A Multithreaded COMA Architecture
Shared memory multiprocessor architectures provide a flexible and powerful computing
systems. In current technology, the performance of these systems is limited by the large gap
between processors and the memory access speed. The interconnection network bandwidth is
another performance limiting factor. Data allocation affects the memory access latency and the
interconnection contention. Shared memory multiprocessor systems can be divided into two
main dominating architectures: the non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) and the cache
only memory architecture (COMA). In NUMA, data is associated with a fixed physical
address, which is known as the home node of the data, which is different from COMA that
allows data migration and replication.
The cache only memory architecture, COMA, exploits data locality by supporting automatic
data migration in hardware but suffers from long communication latencies. Multithreading is a
latency hiding technique that improves the processor utilization by activating a new thread
while other threads are waiting on events. By combining COMA and multithreading,
multithreading will benefits from the dynamic data migration of the COMA and, at the same
time, it will hide long communication latencies of COMA which will improve the overall
system performance.
In this thesis, we describe new cache only memory architecture, MCOMA, whose
performance supersedes any of the existing COMA architecture. The system consists o f a
number of nodes connected by a mesh interconnection network to move data between nodes.
Each group of nodes has a group directory. The group directories are connected by a separate
search interconnection to improve the data search.
To improve the performance further, the new architecture is combined with multithreading.
This architecture benefits from the data locality of COMA and the latency tolerance technique
of multithreading. We developed a simulator to evaluate and study the performance of the new
system. The simulator is execution driven, which is developed on top of MINT, a MIPS
interpreter. We evaluated the performance of the architecture using a subset of SPLASH
benchmark suite of parallel application programs covering different problem domains.
The performance evaluation has been done for a wide variation of architecture parameters. The
effect of multithreading on execution time, cache hit rates, attraction memory hit rates and
group hit rates of the system have been evaluated and the results have been discussed. The
effect of different cache sizes, as well as, the memory block length on system performance and
different system parameters has also been evaluated, analyzed and presented. The simulation
results show MCOMA has achieved a good overall speedup on all the used applications. All
the applications performance improved by the use of multithreading on the MCOMA which
proved that combining the benefits of dynamic data migration in COMA with multithreading
improved the overall system performance
Table of Contents
List of Figures......................................................................................................... ix
List O f Tables...................... xi
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Memory Latency..................................................... 3
1.1.1 Data Caching............................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Multithreading ....................................... 7
1.2 Research Contribution.................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Thesis Overview........................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................... 12
Multithreading and COMA Architectures.............................................. 12
2.1 Multithreading............................................................................................................ 12
2.1.1 Multithreading effect on system performance ................................................12
2.1.2 Multithreading Related Research.......................................... 13
2.2 COMA Architectures.................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 Existing COMA Architectures....................................................................................16
2.3 Combining Multithreading and COMA...................................................................18
Chapter 3 ........................................................... 21
MCOMA: A Multithreaded C O M A ......................................................................... 21
3.1 MCOMA Architecture............................................................................................. .. 21
3.1.1 MCOMA on a 2-D Mesh Interconnection................... 23
3.1.2 MCOMA Node Architecture............................................................................. 23
3.1.3 Thread scheduler.............................. .............................................................................. 25
3.1.4 Memory and Communication M anagement Processor........................................27
3.1.5 Data Processing Node A rchitecture................................................ 28
3.1.6 Group Directory Node.................................................................................................... 30
3.2 The Coherence Protocol................................................................................................. 31
3.2.1 Attraction Memory Protocol..........................................................................................35 Read Requests.............................................................................................................. 36 Write requests........................................................ 38 Replacement................................................................................................................. 39
3.2.3 Thread Cache Protocol....................................................................................................40
3.2.2 Synchronization............................................................................................................... 41
C h a p te r 4 ............................................................................................................................... 43
Q ualitative C om parison betw een M C O M A and C O M A -F ................................. 43
4.1 Introduction...................................................................... 43
4.2 Data L atency.....................................................................................................................43
4.2.1 COMA-F Latency....................... 44
4.2.2 MCOMA Latency...........................................................................................................46
4.2.3 Latency Comparison.......................................................................... 48
4.3 Memory O verhead...........................................................................................................49
4.3.1 Directory overhead for COMA-F.................................................................................. 50
4.3.2 Directory overhead for MCOMA.................................................................................. 50
4.4 Network C ontention........................................................................................................51
4.5 Summary............................................................................................................................ 54
C h a p te r 5 ............................................................................................................................... 55
M ethodology..................................................................... 55
5.1 The Simulation System............................. 55
5.1.1 Simulator Development................................................................................................ 56
5.1.2 The Architecture M odel............................................................... 58
5.1.3 The Simulator................................................ 59
5.2 Benchmark Applications..............................................................................................60
5.2.1 Barnes -H ut............................................... 61
5.2.2 Cholesky Factorization....................................................................................................62
5.2.3 Molecular Dynamics (MP3D)........................................................................................63
5.2.4 LocusRoute..................... ,................ 63
Chapter 6 ...........................................................................................................................66
MCOMA Performance Evaluation and Simulation Results...............................66
6.1 Introduction ............... 66
6.2 Architecture Speedup.............................. 67
6.3 Cache and Attraction Memory Performance........................................... 71
6.3.1 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rates...................................................................... 72
6.3.2 Attraction Memoiy Hit Rate.......................................................................................73
6.3.3 Group Hit Rate............................................................................................................ 75
6.3.4 Block Size Effect................................. 76
6.3.5 Cache Size Variation................................................................................................... 80
6.3.6Processor Speed Effect................................................................................................ 84
6.3.7Directory Bus Contention...........................................................................................86
6.4 Summary.............................................................................. 88
Chapter 7 ......................... 90
Conclusion and Future Direction .....................................................................90
7.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................90
7.2 Future Directions......................................................................................................... 91
7.2.1 Architecture Variations........................................... 92 Different Architecture Models:............................................................................92 Variation of Multithreading:................................................................................93
7.2.2 Software Development..............................................................................................94
Bibliography..................................................................................................................... 96
List of Figures
3.1 General Architecture of M COM A...................................................................................... 22
3.2 MCQMA A rchitecture...........................................................................................................24
3.3 Processing Node Architecture........................... 24
3.4 Directory Node Architecture ...........................................................................................25
3.5 Scheduling Q ueues...................... .........................................................................................27
3.6 Data Path for a modified RISC P ro cesso r........................................................................... 30
3.7 System C onventions.............................................................................................................. 36
3.8 Attraction Memory Protocol......................................... 38
3.9 Thread Cache P ro to co l...........................................................................................................41
4.1 Data Latency in COMA-F.......................................................................................................41
4.2 The Latency in M COM A........................................................................................................43
5.1 MCOMA Simulator Using M IN T ......................................................................................... 57
6.1 Bames-Hut S p e e d u p ..............................................................................................................68
6.2 Cholesky S p e e d u p ..................................................................................................................68
6.3 MP3D Speedup ..................................................................................................................... 69
6.4 LocusRoute Speedup.............................................................................................................. 71
6.5 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for One T h r e a d .......................................................... 73
6.6 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for 2 T h re a d s.................. 74
6.7 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for 4 T h re a d s ..............................................................74
6.8 AM Hit Rates for Various Numbers of T h re a d s ................................................................. 75
6.9 Group Hit Rates for Various Number of Threads.................................................................76
6.10 Cache Hit Rates for One Thread and Various Block Sizes................................................77
6.11 Cache Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block Sizes...............................................77
6.12 Cache Hit Rates for Four Threads and Various Block Sizes............................................. 78
6.13 AM Hit Rates for One Thread and Various Block Sizes....................................................78
6.14 AM Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block Sizes..................................................79
6.1 AM Hit Rates for Four Threads and Various Block Sizes................................................. 79
6.16 Group Hit Rates for One Thread and Various Block Sizes................................................80
6.17 Group Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block Sizes . ..................................... 80
6.18 Group Hit Rates for Four Threads and Various Block Sizes............................................. 81
6.19 Cache Hit Rates for One Thread and Various Cache Sizes................................................82
6.20 Cache Hit Rates for Two Thread and Various Cache Sizes...............................................82
6.21 Cache Hit Rates for One Thread and Various Cache Sizes................................................82
6.22 Normalized Execution Time for one Thread and Various Cache Sizes............................83
6.23 Normalized Execution Time for Two Threads and Various Cache S iz e s....................... 83
6.24 Normalized Execution Time for Four Threads and Various Cache Sizes........................83
6.25 Normalized Execution Time for one Thread for Different Processor Speeds . . . . .8 4
6.26 Normalized Execution Time for Two Threads for Different Processor Speeds . . . . 85
6.27 Normalized Execution Time for Four Threads for Different Processor Speeds . . . . 86
6.28 Bus Utilization for Various T h re a d s ...................................................................................87
List Of Tables
5.1 Application Characteristics....................................................................................................64
5.2 Problem Sizes Used in Simulation......................................................................................... 65
Chapter 1
Shared memory multiprocessor architectures provide flexible and powerful computing
architectures. In these architectures, a large number of processors communicate and
synchronize the execution of applications through shared memories. In general, the
architecture consists of a number of high performances processing nodes that share a single
global address space. These nodes are connected through an interconnection network. This
allows all processors to access and modify shared memory locations, which simplifies
intertask communication and eases the system programmability. In current technology, the
performance of these systems is limited by the large gap between processors and the memory
access speed. The interconnection network bandwidth is another performance limiting factor.
The simplest form of shared memory architecture is the uniform memory architecture (UMA).
These architectures mainly use a single bus to connect a number of processing nodes and a
global memory. All processing nodes have a uniform access time to all memory locations.
This architecture provides an easy programming model to the user. However, since the bus has
a limited bandwidth, the system can only support a small number of processing nodes.
Examples of this type of architecture include Encore Multimax and Sequent Symmetry.
Larger multiprocessor systems are built using a distributed memory organization. Sets of
processing nodes are connected through a scaleable interconnection network. Each processing
node has part of the global memory that can be accessed locally. In general, the access time to
different parts of the memory in distributed memory systems is non-uniform depending on the
location of the data. Therefore, data placement and movement on the interconnection network
can greatly affect the system performance.
Distributed memory systems can basically be divided into two main dominating architectures:
the non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) and the cache only memory architecture
(COMA). In NUMA, the system consists of a number of processors; each processor has a
portion of the shared memory. These processors are connected together through an
interconnection network. Each part of the distributed main memory is associated with a fixed
physical address, which is known as the home node of the data. Examples of this architecture
are the DASH and the Alewife [32,3].
The cache only memory architecture (COMA) such as the KSR1 and the Data Diffusion
Machine (DDM) [8,17,33] has a similar architecture to NUMA. However, in COMA the data
location is detached from its physical address. The portion of the shared memory associated
with each node acts as a large cache, which is called the attraction memory [17]. The attraction
memory of each processor attracts all the data that are used by that processor, and it may
contain some data from the shared address space. These data movement are supported by
hardware. These systems try to relieve the burden of data partitioning by allowing the data to
migrate and replicate in attraction memories depending on the data references.
1.1 Memory Latency
Remote memory access latency occurs when a processor accesses a data item in the shared
memory space that is located on different processing nodes. The processor has to send data
requests over the interconnection network to the memory module that has the requested data.
This memory module sends the requested data back to the requesting node. The time interval
between the sending of the request for the date until receiving the data is called the memory
access latency. This remote memory access latency negatively affects the processor utilization
since the processor would sit idle until the arrival of the requested data. For large distributed
shared memory machines, this memory access latency can grow to be hundreds of cycles,
which increase the processor stall time. Different approaches have been proposed to reduce,
avoid and tolerate large communication latencies in shared memory multiprocessors
[7,11,13,15,19,25,29], The two major approaches that are related to our work are data caching
and multithreading.
1.1.1 Data Caching
Cache memories are used to reduce both the average memory access time and the access
contention from different processors. It exploits the temporal locality of the application. Local
processor cache maintains a copy of different memory locations to be accessed by the
processor at the processor speed. Data is moved to the local cache of a processor where it can
be reused and the processor does not need to access this data through a remote data request.
The data stays in the local cache until invalidated or replaced. This reduces the need to
traverse the network for remote data accesses. Copying shared data to different caches
introduces the cache coherence problem [10,11,13,44]. All copies o f the same memory
location must be consistent. The problem arises when a processor shares a copy of a shared
data block with other processors caches. If this processor update its copy to a new value, it has
to update or invalidate all the other copies of the block in the shared memory as well as in the
other processors caches. A large number of schemes have been proposed to solve this problem.
These schemes have wide variations of hardware and software supports.
A large number of hardware based cache coherence protocols choose to invalidate rather than
update shared data items [10,11,16,31]. These protocols require that invalidation be sent to all
copies of data over the interconnection network. In bus based systems, these coherence
messages are broadcasted over the bus. All processing nodes snoop on the bus to monitor any
changes done to a local cache copy. A shared copy of a data item is invalidated when a write
request for this item is observed on the bus. As the number of processors in the system
increases, contention on the bus would result in longer latencies. The cache protocols used in
these systems are called snoopy cache protocols.
In distributed-shared memory that uses general interconnection networks, consistency
commands can no longer be broadcasted to all processing nodes. Directories are used to track
different copies of a cache block. A directory keeps a record of all information about caches
that has copies of the cache block. Consistency commands are sent only to those nodes that
has copies of the data block rather than broadcasting them to all processing nodes. In a write
invalidate protocol, when a processor issues a write request to a shared cache block, the
request is sent to the directory of the portion of the shred memory that has the data block. The
directory sends invalidation to all nodes that has a copy of the block and an exclusive copy is
sent to the requester. Any request to the exclusive copy by any other node is forwarded by the
directory to the cache that has in exclusive state. Different cache coherence models were
developed to improve system performance. Relaxed memory consistency models reduces the
latency of remote data requests by buffering writes and allowing the reads to bypass them
In some existing NUMA architectures, each processor has an associated cache and a portion of
the shared memory These architectures, such as DASH and Alewife [32,3], uses directory-
based write-invalidate cache coherence protocols to maintain cache coherency. To handle a
cache miss on NUMA architecture, the home node of a block has a directory where the status
of its blocks is stored. Data is transferred to the local cache of the requesting processor and the
home directory is adjusted accordingly. The way of handling a cache miss depends on the
cache protocol used by the architecture.
In the cache only memory architecture (COMA), the portion of the shared memory associated
with each node acts as a large cache. Data is moved between attraction memories as cache
lines and data coherence must be maintained between different copies of data in the attraction
memories. Since the data has to be coherent on both the attraction memory and the processor
caches, this result in a coherence protocol that is more complicated than that used for NUMA
architectures [17,26,30].
The main advantage of COMA is the dynamic data migration and replication in attraction
memories at a fine granularity (cache line) which is supported by hardware. The user does not
have to explicitly distribute and move data among physical memories and initial data
allocation does not have the same impact on the system performance as in NUMA. As in any
cache memory system, COMA exploits locality, which improves its performance. In COMA,
when a data item is requested by a processor, it is copied into both the local processor cache
and the local attraction memory. The size of the attraction memory is usually large enough to
hold the working set of a processor. Therefore, if the data were replaced in the local cache
because of the limited cache size, it would be less likely replaced in the attraction memory.
This reduces the number of remote memory requests, which in turn reduces the average cache
miss latency and moves data to the processor’s local memory.
The performance of the system can also be improved by increasing the size of the attraction
memory, which is usually a cheaper alternative than increasing the size of the cache, as in
NUMA. In addition, the size of the working set does not have to be small to fit into the local
cache. Also, any possible integration of the processor and the data memory will further
improve the COMA performance.
However, COMA architectures have their disadvantages. First, they require a mechanism to
locate the data on a miss. Most COMAs use a hierarchical directory structure and/or snooping,
which causes large communication latencies [50]. Second, it needs more complicated
coherence protocols to ensure that at least one copy of a data item remains in the system and
not replaced. It also needs to ensure that the data is coherent on the processor cache as well as
the attraction memory. Third, a larger attraction memory is required to allow for data
replication, which contributes to the larger percentage of the memory overhead required by
COMA [24].
1.1.2 Multithreading
Multithreading is another technique that can be used to tolerate memory access latencies. It
masks these latencies and reduces the cost of synchronization by utilizing the processor and its
associated resources, while waiting on an event. A processor executes a program that consists
of one or more instruction stream, which is, called a thread. Instead o f allowing resources to be
idle during a memory latency operation of a thread, these resources are shared by switching
the processor to work on another ready thread, thus reducing the idle time of the processor.
The processor usually holds multiple contexts, one per active thread. One context is active at a
time. When a thread waits on a long latency operation, the processor context switches to the
another ready thread. The context switching time, which is the lost processor cycles to switch
between threads, should be minimized to improve the processor utilization [21,38].
Multithreaded architectures can be either fine grain or coarse grain depending on the context
switching used. Typically, fine grain architecture switches threads every processor cycle. This
allows the long latency operation to be completed before the rescheduling of the thread. This
model requires a large number of threads to hide the latencies. It also requires a large amount
of hardware support for these threads. The single thread performance is affected since each
thread has a limited fraction of the processor time. In coarse grain multithreading, or block
multithreading, a thread execute for many cycles before it is context switched when a multi
cycle operation is issued such as cache miss, memory miss or a synchronization failure. These
architectures usually tolerate larger context switching penalty and they require less parallelism
in the application. It requires a fewer threads to hide remote access latencies which reduces the
amount o f hardware required for multithreading.
Multithreading increases the processor utilization, however, the major concern of
multithreading is that a large number of threads are needed to hide a long latency operation.
This requires a considerable amount of parallelism in the application. A scheduling
mechanism is required to schedule different ready threads. A number of processor cycles
would be lost while the processor switches between different threads. As the number of
threads used per processor increases, the number of outstanding requests per processor in the
system increases. This would increase the bandwidth requirement of the system [46]. For the
systems that use caches, multithreading increases the cache conflict miss rate due to the
sharing of the cache between different threads. As the cache miss rate increases, the number of
remote data accesses increases and the number of threads needed to hide these long latencies
also increase. This effect would limit the benefit of multithreading on the system overall
1.2 Research Contribution
This thesis makes three important contributions. First, a new non-hierarchical cache only
memory architecture, MCOMA, has been developed. Second, to improve the performance, the
new architecture was modified and combined with multithreading. This architecture benefits
from the data locality of COMA and the latency tolerance of multithreading. Third, a simulator
has been developed to evaluate and study the performance of the new system. This simulator is
an execution driven simulator, which is developed on top of MINT [48], a MIPS interpreter. A
subset of SPLASH, a suite of parallel application programs, is used which covers different
problem domains.
The existing COMAs either use a hierarchy of rings, such as KSR1 [8], a hierarchy of buses,
such as the DDM [17] or assign a home node for the data as in COMA-F [23], Hierarchical
interconnections are used in COMA to trace copies of data blocks and to combine requests for
the same data blocks. These hierarchies cause large communication latencies, which is the
major disadvantage of the COMA. The size of the higher level directories in COMA grows
larger since each directory contains the information of all the directories underneath it. This
increases the directory search time, which results in longer latencies. The higher level of the
hierarchy also tends to create a bottleneck since requests from lower levels usually pass
through the higher levels. There are different design variations of DDM under current
research, all of which uses hierarchical network [34,35].
The new MCOMA architecture is different from all of the above mentioned architectures. On
one hand, it overcomes most of the disadvantages of these existing architectures. On the other
hand, it has hardware support for multithreading which none of these architectures offers. The
new COMA is a non-hierarchical COMA architecture that has a search interconnection
network, which is only used to search for and locate data. It also has an interconnection
network that connects the processing nodes and the directory nodes. This interconnection
network is used for data transfer. These two interconnections are non-hierarchical, and
therefor, they have less communication latencies compared to hierarchical COMA
The new architecture also supports block multithreading to hide the remote data access
latency. The use of caches helps avoiding remote memory latency. However, in a
multithreading architecture, sharing the cache between different threads can contribute to a
higher cache miss rate. In COMA, moving data to local memories would reduce the frequency
of thread switching. This in turn means longer thread run length and a fewer number of threads
are needed to hide remote access latency [46],
Since COMA has a large attraction memory, then switching between different threads in
multithreading will not have the same negative effect as that on small local caches. The data
used by an active thread will be migrated to the local attraction memory as well as the local
cache. When this thread is switched on a long latency operation, if part of its data in the cache
is replaced by a new active thread, this replaced part of data will probably still be in the local
attraction memory. Therefore, when this switched thread resumes execution, it would have
most o f its data available locally.
In block multithreading, a thread executes until a long latency operation causes context
switching. The use of block multithreading in COMA has its advantages. First, it does not
greatly affect the single thread performance [21]. The active thread can benefit from memory
localities as long as it is not switched out. Second, since the attraction memory works as a
large cache in COMA and data is migrated to the local memory as well as the local cache, the
performance degradation due to sharing the same cache between different threads is reduced.
This also reduces the number of remote memoiy access requests, compared to NUMA, which
in turn reduces the need for frequent context switching and fewer active threads are needed to
hide remote access latencies.
In this research, the impact of using multithreading on different architectural features such as
private caches and the attraction memory is investigated. Such investigation is a good
contribution towards a better understanding of the potential of multithreading. The results of
our research have proven that combining the benefits o f dynamic data migration in non-
hierarchical COMA with multithreading to hide long latencies in COMA improves the overall
system performance.
1.3 Thesis Overview
In Chapter 2, multithreading and COMA, architectures and the effect of combining both of
them are discussed. It also presents some existing COMA and multithreading architectures.
Chapter 3 introduces the new MCOMA architecture that combines both multithreading and
COMA. The coherence protocol for the system is also presented in this chapter. Chapter 4
presents a qualitative comparison between the MCOMA and COMA-F architectures and
discusses the expected performance of MCOMA. Chapter 5 describes the simulator developed
to evaluate the new architecture performance and its parameters. It also presents the
characteristics of the application programs used. Chapter 6 presents the performance
evaluation of MCOMA and the effect of multithreading on the system performance. It also
presents the effect of different cache variations on the system performance. Finally, Chapter 7
concludes this thesis and discusses directions for future work.
Chapter 2
Multithreading and COMA Architectures
2.1 Multithreading
Multithreading is a technique to tolerate the long latencies inherent in large scale shared
memory multiprocessors. These systems suffer from low processor utilization. Typically, a
processor execute instructions until it encounters a long latency operation that may require
many processor cycles depending on the type of the operation and the access time of the
interconnection network. Multithreading can tolerate these long latency operations by allowing
the processor to maintain multiple threads of execution. As one thread waits on a long latency
operation, the processor is switched to execute another ready thread. Multithreading is
efficient as long as there is enough parallelism in the application and the context-switching
overhead between threads is kept to the minimum [21].
2.1.1 Multithreading effect on system performance
Multithreading improves the processor utilization as well as the interconnection network by
hiding the remote access latencies. However, some factors limit this improvement. In a
multiprocessor system that supports caching, the cache is shared between multiple active
threads. This causes a higher cache miss rate due to the data conflict between threads using the
same cache. This, in turn, increases the network traffic as well as the number of context
switches. Since each processor would have multiple outstanding requests for multiple active
threads, this increases the demand on the network bandwidth. Another factor limiting the
performance of multithreading is the cost of thread switching. Some processor cycles may be
lost during the context switch, which should be smaller than the long latency operation that
caused the switch.
Multithreading also requires applications that have sufficient parallelism to allow multiple
active threads for each processor. Since some applications do not completely satisfy this
requirement, high single thread performance should be maintained in multithreaded
architectures. The block multithreading model allows for better processor utilization while
keeping high single thread performance. To exploit the benefits of multithreading, the
architecture design must address some issues such as the cache interference due to sharing the
cache among threads, the context switching overhead, and the network bandwidth and network
access overhead [4].
2.1.2 Multithreading Related Research
Multithreaded architectures are classified as fine grain or coarse grain, depending on the
context switching policy. Fine grain multithreading has a small context interval, typically
every cycle. This eliminates data dependencies between instructions in the processor pipeline
by interleaving different threads. This model requires a large number of threads and a large
amount of hardware to support them. A single thread is limited to a small fraction of the
processing power. A coarse grain multithreading model executes a thread for many cycles and
context switches only on long latency instructions such as memory access that does not hit in
cache. It requires less degree of parallelism to tolerate latencies and can tolerate a longer
context switch penalty [46], This model does not greatly alter the architecture performance of
the single thread model. It improves the processor throughput without relaying on the compiler
to extract additional parallelism from the existing programs.
There are several projects researching multithreaded architectures. The TERA machine is an
example of a fine-grain multithreaded multiprocessor [1,2]. It implements a shared memory
programming model with up to 256 processors, each designed for heavy interleaving of
memory operations. It has 128 contexts and switches context every cycle with zero cycle
penalties, ensuring that all instructions in the pipeline are from different threads. It has 16
protection domains with independent set of registers holding stream resource limits and
accounting information, i.e. each processor can be executing 16 different applications in
parallel. Tera’s memory is distributed and shared. It does not use cache and its memory system
does not implement any data migration technique.
An example of a coarse-grain multithreaded architecture is the MIT Alewife machine [3,12]. It
is also a distributed, shared memory machine. It uses a directory scheme to maintain coherence
between processors caches. It switches context only to avoid processor idling when a long
latency instruction is issued. Instructions from one thread keep executing until it encounters a
long latency access operation. Stream scheduling is done in software. Its context switching
time is longer than TERA. Its processor implements four hardware contexts with support for
only one executing application at a time. It is a NUMA architecture where threads can lose
some of its data while waiting on long latency event.
*T is another proposed multithreaded machine which has a separate synchronization processor
and a separate remote memory processor in addition to the main computing processor [37],
These processors are extended RISC with instructions for rapid creation and consumption of
network messages and for efficient synchronization and scheduling of lightweight threads. The
synchronization unit is user-programmable. *T does not have effective support of cache
coherence and does not discuss its implication on the design.
EARTH-MANNA (Efficient Architecture for Running THreads) is another multithreaded
architecture that executes the synchronization operations and the computation operations using
different functional units [20]. The EARTH programming model is implemented on the
MANNA multiprocessor. A ready queue and an event queue interface the execution unit (EU)
and the synchronization unit (SU), which are implemented in local memory. The EU executes
a thread to completion before moving to another thread. SU manages the synchronization and
communication operations as well as thread scheduling. EARTH model does not support
caching of globally shared data in the nodes and rely on a software layer to maintain coherence
of shared data.
2.2 COMA Architectures
Cache only memory architectures have the ability to hide remote memory access latency by
reducing the number of these accesses. This is achieved by migrating or replicating the data
locally into the local attraction memory such that the initial data placement has minimal effect
on the execution time of the application. However, longer latency is introduced due to the
more complicated data search and data replacement protocols than those of NUMA.
COMA architectures support automatic data migration in hardware. The attraction memory is
organized as a large cache that attracts the data referenced by the processor. Data is not tied to
a special physical location as in NUMA. Attraction memory is kept coherent using a directory-
based coherency protocol. The directory contains the state of the coherence unit as well as an
identifying tag for the data. The major difference between the NUMA and COMA coherence
protocol is the way of handling data replacement in the attraction memory. In COMA, there is
no specific location to write back the data upon replacement. To replace a data item, it has to
make sure that it is not the last item in the system. If it is, it has to be moved to a different
node. Coherence protocols can be implemented in either hardware or software. In the
following discussion, only hardware COMA architectures are considered. None of the existing
COMA architectures supports multithreading.
2.2.1 Existing COMA Architectures
One of the existing COMA architectures is the Data Diffusion Machine (DDM) [17]. Data
migration and replication in attraction memories is supported in hardware at the granularity of
a cache. The architecture is organized as a hierarchy of snoopy buses. The processing nodes
are connected to the lower level of this hierarchy. A hierarchy of directories connected by
buses is used to maintain memory coherence. Directories store the state information about all
the data in the hierarchy below it. Data request traverses up the hierarchy until one of the
directories that are snooping on its bus responds to the request and directs it to the node that
has the requested item. This architecture suffers from contention at the root directory as well
as the long latency for data search through the hierarchy.
Another COMA architecture is KSR1 [8,39,41], which uses a hierarchy of rings instead of
buses as in DDM. The architecture can have up to two levels of rings. These rings have a
higher bandwidth than that of the buses. It allows for simultaneous communication between
the processing nodes on the same ring but it increases the remote memory access latency. The
data request has to be sent around part of the ring then the data reply has to be sent around the
rest of the ring to reach the requesting node. If the requested data were on another cluster, the
remote memory latency would greatly increase. For the request to be satisfied, it has to travel
across two lower level rings as well as the top-level ring. Another disadvantage of this
architecture is that the data allocation unit in the attraction memory is a 16K-byte page and the
cache line is 128 bytes. This large allocation size results in inefficient use of memory. It also
introduces false sharing as well as memory fragmentation.
COMA-F is a hybrid of the NUMA and COMA architecture [23,45], It combines the notion of
a home node location for directory information, as in NUMA, with the feature of replicating
data at the main memory level, as in COMA. This reduces the effect of initial data placement
but does not eliminate it. The home node still needs to be referenced and updated every time
the data status is changed in any node's memory regardless o f the current location of the data.
This would overload the home node since it has to manage data that doesn't necessarily reside
in its attraction memory in addition to managing its own active data. It may also introduce
more traffic on the network since a closer node, that has a copy of this data item, may have
fulfilled the data request. The advantage of such architecture is that data movement is more
flexible than in the regular NUMA architecture, but it is not as flexible as in COMA. It also
eliminates the need to search and locate data items over the network.
Another alternative architecture is the Simple COMA (S-COMA) [40]. It uses a software layer
to manage the cache space allocation at the page granularity. The shared memory coherence is
then maintained by hardware at the cache line granularity. Since the space of the attraction
memory is managed at the granularity of a page, this architecture suffers from memory
fragmentation. This is the main reason for the reported performance deterioration of S-COMA
over NUMA and other traditional COMAs once the problem size increases. The long latency
of page allocation using the operating system is another disadvantage of this system.
2.3 Combining Multithreading and COMA
The major concern in designing a new COMA architecture to improve the processor utilization
by hiding the latency associated with local data misses that require remote data searches.
Multithreading is a latency tolerance technique that improves processor utilization. A thread is
executed until it encounters a long latency operation. The thread is then switched out and
another thread starts execution.
Multithreading improves processor utilization by overlapping communication and
computation. Caching of data also improves multiprocessor performance by eliminating large
portions of remote memory access latency. However, the direct combination of both
techniques, multithreaded and COMA architectures, causes them to interfere with each other.
In a multithreaded architecture, sharing the cache between different threads can contribute to a
higher cache miss rate. An active thread may replace the data moved to the cache by previous
threads. By the time a switched thread is ready to resume execution, most of its data in the
cache has been replaced. This causes even more context switching and remote memory access
COMA architecture mitigates this problem of multithreading. COMA has a large attraction
memory that works as a large cache. Sharing it between different threads will have less
negative effect compared to that of small caches. The data used by an active thread will be
migrated to the local attraction memory as well as the local cache. When this thread is
switched on a long latency operation and a new active thread replaces part of its data in the
cache, this replaced data probably will still be available in the local attraction memory.
Therefore, when this switched thread resumes execution, it will have most of its data available
locally. This will reduce the number of remote memory accesses in multithreading.
Since COMA has a high local hit rate, less remote data access is needed. By increasing the
number of local memory accesses, the frequency of context switching is minimized. This
reduces the number of processor cycles wasted on context switching and improves the
processor utilization in a multithreaded architecture. Since most of the thread is working set
will be in the attraction memory where data can be easily cached, execution time of the thread
is expected to be longer. This, in turn, reduces the number of active threads required to hide
the remote data access latencies and the hardware needed to support these threads.
Another way to improve the performance of combining COMA with multithreading is by
dividing the processor cache into smaller private thread caches which can be organized as
either fully or set associative. Each thread cache is used by its thread and is preserved when
the thread is switched on a long latency operation. When a thread resumes execution, it would
have most of its data available in its cache as it was before thread switching. The only lost data
will be due to the data conflict in the attraction memory. The use of a smaller cache per thread
would not degrade the thread performance. All data replaced in the cache will probably still be
in the local attraction memory where it can be accessed locally.
Chapter 3
MCOMA: A Multithreaded COMA
In this chapter, the main features of the new COMA architecture are presented. A general
architecture o f the system is first described, then one design variation is considered for this
research. The combining of COMA and multithreading in the system design is presented. A
description of the different features of the system is discussed. Finally, the coherence protocol
is presented.
3.1 MCOMA Architecture
The MCOMA uses a scaleable non-hierarchical interconnection network to connect all
processing nodes and supports coarse grain multithreading (block multithreading). Each group
of these processing nodes duplicates its directories in one group directory node, which is also
connected to the same interconnection network. All group directories are connected together
by a dedicated search interconnection network for fast data search. Only short data requests
and coherence messages are sent on this interconnect, while all data movement is done on the
processors interconnection network. This system reduces the long latencies caused by
hierarchical search and reduces the amount of directory storage since multiple copies of
directories are not needed. It also eliminates the need to assign the data to a home node as in
NUMA and COMA-F. Since the directory size is smaller, the directory search time is less.
There are no high-level directories to cause bottlenecks; instead, data information is
distributed over the group directories. The overhead of duplicating the directory once is similar
to the overhead of having to keep a directory in the home node of the data, as in COMA-F
[23], However, the processing node only manages the data that resides in its attraction
memory, and the entire data search is done in the group directory nodes.
A group directory node manages the directory of the data in its group, locates the requested
data and directs each request to the proper node to answer it. This relieves the processing
nodes from managing data that does not exist in its local memory. It also reduces the
contention on the attraction memory, which improves its access time. It also reduces the effect
of remote memory requests on the local node resources. The general MCOMA architecture is
shown in Figure 3.1.
Interconnection Network
S e a r c h Interconnection
P: Processing node
D: Group directory node
Figure 3.1 General Architecture of MCOMA.
3.1.1 MCOMA on a 2-D Mesh Interconnection
In this section, the design of one possible implementation for MCOMA is discussed. This
design chooses a two-dimensional mesh interconnection to connect the processing nodes and
the directory nodes. All directory nodes are connected by a dedicated interconnect, in this case
a bus, to allow for fast data search between directories. Each processing node consists of a
processor (or a cluster of processors), attraction memory and its directory and a
communication and memory management processor. Each directory node contains all the
information about data items in all the nodes of its group. Figure 3.2 shows the block diagram
of the system. In this case, row nodes are grouped on the horizontal axis and the sum of its
directories is stored in the group directory node that is connected to its row. Data requests are
directed to the directory node to locate the data item. If the data does not exist on the group,
the request is sent on the search bus to other directory nodes to satisfy it.
3.1.2 MCOMA Node Architecture
The MCOMA machine consists of a number of processing nodes and directory nodes
connected by a mesh interconnection network. All processing nodes are identical. Each node
consists of one high performance RISC processor that support multithreading, a private cache,
an attraction memory, a memory and communication management processor (MCMP) and a
node controller. The node controller interfaces the node to the interconnection network. The
MCMP is a separate coprocessor that is used to handle the remote memory requests, manage
the attraction memory and handle the incoming coherence and synchronization messages. It
also manages different thread through the thread scheduler. It can also access the local
memory directly. The basic architecture of the MCOMA node is shown in Figure 3.3.
P: processing node
D: Directory node
Figure 3.2 MCOMA Architecture
Directory and
Figure 3.3 Processing Node Architecture
The group directory nodes are also identical to each other. They are dedicated to data search.
Each group directory node is connected to a row of the mesh interconnect. It is also connected
to other directory nodes through a dedicated bus for faster communication between them. Each
group directory node contains a directory for all data items that reside in the attraction
memories connected to its own row as shown in Figure 3.4. It also has a directory controller
that is interfaced to both the mesh and the bus interconnects. Each node snoops on the bus.
Figure 3.4 Directory Node Architecture
3.1.3 Thread scheduler
The main task of the scheduler is to determine which ready thread is to be executed. A thread
is ready to continue execution when a long latency memory load or store, or synchronization
event is satisfied. If multiple outstanding requests per thread are allowed, all these requests
should be satisfied before continuing execution. A counter of these requests must be included
to keep track of all outstanding requests. The scheduling policy should take into consideration
any priority status of a thread. If more than one ready thread has the same priority, a simple
first-in-first-out policy is used. A time out mechanism where a thread is forced to switch after
holding the processor for a certain number of cycles can be used to prevent high priority
threads from waiting long periods. The thread is switched out to the active ready queue and
may start execution according to its priority. To minimize contention for critical operations, a
thread should hold the lock for the shortest possible time. This thread should be given a higher
priority such that it can execute and exit the critical region and release locks quickly. When a
thread is switched out on a synchronization event, it is marked as a high priority thread and
scheduled accordingly.
Threads can be in one of the various existing queues shown in Figure 3.5. At the start, all
ready threads are in the ready new thread queue. There are two sets of ready queues, the
Active Ready Queue set and the Non-Active Ready Queue set. Each set consists o f more than
one queue; each has a different priority. A maximum o f four threads can be active at any time.
Each of these active threads is assigned one of the thread caches and a register set. To make
use of the locality formed for each active thread, the thread will stay active until it is
completely executed or a point is reached when all active threads get into a waiting state. At
that time, the last running active thread is transferred to the Non Active Waiting Buffer
(ATWB) and the highest priority non active thread is transferred to the Active Ready Queue
set out of the Non-Active Ready Queue set. This thread uses the thread cache and the register
set of the last running read. This design choice was done assuming that the other active
waiting threads have a great part of their outstanding long latency operation in progress and
they are ready to run soon.
New Threads
Ready N ew Thread Queue
Active Ready Queue Set
Running Ready Executed Thread Queue
Active Thread Ready Queue
High Priority Executed Ready Queue H i
Non-Active Ready Queue Set
ATWB is not fall
is full
Active Thread Waiting Buffer (ATWB)
None Active Thread Waiting Buffer
Figure 3.5 Scheduling Queues
3.1.4 Memory and Communication Management Processor
The memory and communication management processor is similar to the synchronization unit
used in *T and EARTH-MANNA [37,20], It is mainly for functionally separating the
execution of threads from the synchronization and communication between different
processing nodes as well as threads. It handles split phase transactions and the incoming
coherence messages. It also manages thread scheduling and synchronization. It can receive the
messages and load its value directly to its destination in the local attraction memory or the
processor cache. When all messages for a certain thread are received, it queues the thread into
the non-active ready queue. Since the network does not preserve the message order, a tag is
attached to each message. This tag identifies the requesting thread number and the location to
put the returned data.
3.1.5 Data Processing Node Architecture
The data processing node is the main processor. It executes threads from a ready queue. This
processor can be regarded as a conventional RISC processor with a few modifications that
supports multithreading. Since the processor is shared between different threads, all the
processor resources are also shared including the processor cache. As was discussed earlier,
sharing the cache between different threads reduces the cache-hit rate. However, dividing the
cache into separate parts, where each thread uses its own part, can solve this problem. When
the thread is switched on a remote memory access, its associated part of the cache is preserved
and the following thread uses a different part of the cache. This avoids losing the thread's data
during the time when other threads are executing. The use of a smaller cache by a thread
would not degrade the thread performance since all data replaced in the cache due to capacity
will probably still be in the local attraction memory. In this case, there would not be a need to
fetch this data from another remote location across the network. This reduces the degradation
of the cache performance because of sharing the cache between several threads.
Another concern of the multithreading is the overhead of a context switch. To reduce this cost,
the register file can be modified to improve the switch time. It can be divided into separate
register sets; each set is used by one of the active threads. This eliminates the need for saving
the register file of the current thread and the loading of a new set of register file for the next
thread. Other research suggests that hardware support for four to eight threads is sufficient to
hide remote memory access latencies and improve processor efficiency [4,6,33,38], COMA
has long remote access latency because data items need to be searched on different directories.
COMA also has high data hit rates, which improves thread run length, and fewer of threads are
needed to hide the remote access latency. In this architecture, the processor hardware will
support up to four active threads. If, at any time, all active threads are blocked, the highest
priority thread from a non-active ready queue set, will replace one of these active threads.
Threads from this non-active queue will continue executing until one of the active threads is
The processor used is based on a modified RISC architecture. Using a modified version of an
existing processor simplifies the design process and makes it easier to use the available
technology. It also permits the use of available software and allows for faster development
time for the new architecture. Coarse grain multithreading relies on the efficient execution of
sequential code, which is, supported by the available RISC processors.
The processor has a modified RISC instruction set. Extra instructions may be added to support
both COMA and multithreading. The processor supports four threads in hardware. The
processor has four register sets and its local cache is divided into four sections. Each active
thread uses a set of registers and a section of the processor cache. Each register set includes a
program counter, instruction register and a thread status registers. There is a frame pointer
associated with the running thread that points to the active register set and a cache section.
Some instructions are added to the RISC instruction set to support multithreading. The
instruction next terminates the current thread and loads a new thread from the current waiting
queue [7], If a thread is not available, the processor waits until one is available. Some
instructions may also be used to manipulate the current frame pointer such as increment,
decrement, and read or write the frame pointer. Some of the modification of the RISC
processor is shown in the simplified diagram of Figure 3.6.
Frame Register
Pointer Sets
Local Bus
MDR & MAR Sc.hedular
Figure 3.6 Data Path for a modified RISC Processor
3.1.6 Group Directory Node
A group directory node holds a directory for all the data items in the attraction memories of all
nodes of its group. It only holds the state information o f the data item, not the item itself. It is
interfaced to the mesh interconnect as well as the common bus, which connects all group
directories. It also has a directory controller that manages the directory and keeps track of the
memory consistency transactions. Each node snoops on the search bus. If the request on the
bus can be satisfied by the node, the node sends an answer to the requesting directory. It then
forwards the request to the appropriate node in the group. This node, in turn, sends the
requested data to the requester. To reduce network traffic, the group directory controller can
combine all read requests for the same data item. If an item is requested by more than one
node in the group, there is no need to send more than one request for the same data item. In
this case, all requests are combined together and the reply is sent to all requesting nodes. The
directory node can also send multiple invalidation to its group nodes.
The directory is organized as a set associative memory. It is a full map directory where each
node of the group is represented by one present bit in the status word of each data item. If the
item is in Exclusive State, the owner bit and one presence bit in the status word are set. Other
status bits represent different states of the item in different node group. To improve the system
performance, this directory can be implemented using a fast lookup memory.
3.2 The Coherence Protocol
The MCOMA coherence protocol, as any other COMA coherence protocol, must maintain
coherence between multiple copies of the same data item and must ensure that the last copy of
the data item is maintained in the system. To insure coherence between multiple copies, a
directory based write invalidate combined with a snoopy protocol is used. Each processing
node has a directory that stores the state information for the data blocks that reside in its local
attraction memory. Directories reside in a reserved area of the attraction memory that can not
be cached or replaced. The coherence unit is a cache line. The data item is kept coherent with
its other copies, and all the copies in the system reflect the last modification to the item.
When the cache and the attraction memoiy need to replace an existing data item to allocate
space for a newly requested item, a victim item is selected for replacement. In COMA,
replacing a data item in the attraction memory may cause the data to be lost if it is the last
copy of the data in the system. To ensure that the last copy of any item is never discarded out
of the system, one copy o f each item is marked as the owner. The owner copy is responsible
for responding to requests for copies and for finding a new owner on replacement [23,45]. If
this copy needed to be replaced at any time, a special replacement message that carries the
data to a new location is issued. This copy keeps its ownership until it is transferred to a new
copy of the data.
The coherence protocol keeps all the copies of the data item coherent by sending invalidation
messages to all other copies whenever a copy is modified. The state of all other data items are
kept in the local directories. For each group of nodes, the group directory node contains all the
information about all the data items and its state that exists on the group processing nodes.
Any change in the data item state will be reflected on the group directory node. The group
directory node manages data requests and invalidation and sends the appropriate message to
the corresponding node. It uses a snoopy protocol to search and locate the group that has the
requested data item.
The coherence protocol tries to minimize the network traffic by keeping the data movement
within the group as much as possible. The data request is sent to other groups only when it can
not be satisfied locally from the group nodes. The group directory also combines all requests
to minimize the network traffic. One requesting node will receive the data then distribute it to
the other requesting group nodes according to messages sent to it by the group directory.
In COMA, the processor’s cache always contains a subset of what the attraction memory
contains because of the inclusion property between the processor’s cache and the attraction
memory. If the data item in the attraction memory is also in the local cache, it is marked
cached in the attraction memory. Since the processor cache is divided into four separate
sections, one per thread, a presence bit is used for each of these sections. The data item in the
attraction memory can be in one of the following states:
-Invalid: Data is not valid.
-Shared: There is at least one other copy of this data item. This data is readable.
-Owner Shared: This node is the owner of the data item. The data item is readable and
there might be another valid copy of the item in the system.
-Owner Exclusive: This is the only valid instance in the system. It is readable and writable. It
can be cached to local processor caches.
- Pending: A read/write request is being sent for the item. A space is allocated for the
item. The data is not valid yet.
-Locked: Similar to Owner Exclusive. This is the only valid copy of the item. Data
is requested by the lock instruction to obtain a lock.
The local thread cache block state is a subset of the attraction memory state of a data block. A
cache block can also be in one of the following states:
- Invalid: Data is not valid.
- Shared: Data item is shared between this cache and any other cache or attraction
memory according to the status of the item in attraction memory (owner shared
or shared).
- Exclusive: The item is readable and writable and has to be written through to the attraction
memory when updated.
- Pending: A read or write request is being sent for the item. A space is allocated for it.
The states in the group directory nodes reflect the state of the block in the processor attraction
memory. The block can be in one of the following states:
- Invalid: Data does not exist.
- Shared: One or more group node has a copy o f this data item.
- Owner Share: One node in this group is the owner of the data item. It can also be shared
by other group nodes.
- Owner Exclusive: One node in the group has the only valid instance in the system.
- Pending: A read/write request is being sent for the item. A space is allocated for the
item in one or more of the group nodes.
-Locked: A lock is held by one of the group nodes.
The MCOMA coherence protocol and the interaction between the different directories in the
system is discussed in the following sections.
3.2.1 Attraction Memory Protocol
The attraction memory of a processing node is organized as a set associative cache with
moderate assocciativity (>4). The attraction memory coherence protocol is based on
distributed directories. It also uses snooping over the search interconnect to speed up the
search for data and provide coherence and synchronization operations. The local directory for
the data in the attraction memory resides in a reserved area and can not be cached or paged out
to disk. Each directory entry has a status information about the state of the data item. To keep
the inclusion property between the attraction memory and the local processor cache, an item in
the attraction memory is marked cached to the processor cache. The processor cache is a write
through cache. If the item is invalidated or moved from the attraction memory, it will be also
invalidated in the processor cache. On a cache miss, it is assumed that data items in local
attraction memory are accessed without thread switching since the items can be cached and
serviced locally.
In the following discussion of the attraction memory coherence protocol, the following
conventions are used. A local node (LN) is the node that issues the data request. A local group
node (LGN) is a node that belongs to the same group nodeas the local node belongs. Its
directory is also contained in the same local group directory node as the local node. A local
group directory (LGD) node is the group directory node to which the local node directory
belongs. A remote node (group directory, processing or group node) is any node that is not
local. These conventions are shown in Figure 3.7.
G C-
G C -
LGN: Local G roup n ode LGD: Local G roup Directory
LN : Local n ode GD: G roup Directory
Figure 3.7. System Conventions Read Requests
When a processor initiates a Read Share Request (load), the data item is first checked in the
cache and the attraction memory. If a read-hit in the thread cache, the request is simply
satisfied. If the data does not exist in the thread cache but exists in the local attraction memory,
the request is completed on the local node and no state transition or network traffic is needed.
If the data item existed as a Shared or Owner Shared in the attraction memory, the local
directory is modified to show that the new requesting thread has a copy of the item. If the item
was in Owner Exclusive State and it is cached to another thread on the same node, the state of
the data item is changed in the corresponding thread cache to Shared. The data item is then
cached to the new requesting thread in a Shared state. The attraction memory directory is
modified to be holding the item in the exclusive state and it is cached to more than one thread.
On a read-miss, space is allocated for the item in the attraction and processor cache memories
and the location is marked Pending. Any other request by a different thread for the same item
would allocate a pending space in its cache and wait until the first pending request is satisfied.
When the item is received, both pending locations are updated accordingly. A request for the
item is sent over the mesh to the local group directory node LGD. If the item is found on LGD,
i.e. it is in one of the local group nodes, the LGD directs the request to the LGN that has the
item and updates its directory. The LGN subsequently sends the requested data to the
requesting node and updates the directory. If the item in the LNG is in the Sharded State, it is
sent as a shared item to the requesting node. If the LGN has the item in Owner Shared, it
changes its state to Shared and the ownership of the item is transferred to the requesting node.
If the item exists as Owner Exclusive, its new state is Exclusive Shared and the requesting
node gets the item in the Shared State.
If the item is not on the LGD, the LGD sends the request on the search interconnect to other
GDs. The GD that has the item in owner status sends an answering reply to the LGD. It also
forwards the request to the appropriate node that has the item. This node sends the data to the
requesting node over the mesh. All directories are updated as necessary. The last node that
gets the data item from the owner node will have the ownership of the data item, i.e. the
requesting node will have the item in its attraction memory in owner shared state. This will
improve the chance of the item replacement in its new owner memory. A simplified attraction
memory protocol is shown in Figure 3.8. It includes the basic operations in the protocol.
Lock read/write
N d ata(0)
N data(s)
O wner
E xclv.
O wner
N r e a d
P: local processor request O: Owner
N: network request Ex: Exclusive
Inv: invalidation rpl: replacement
Figure 3.8 Attraction Memory Protocol
* > W rite requests
When a processor initiates a Write-request, the presence of the item is checked in the thread
cache and the attraction memory. If a write-hit occurs and the item is available locally in
Owner-Exclusive State, the local node can write it and keep the coherence between its cache
and attraction memory. The thread caches are write-through caches. If the item is cached to
any other thread on the same node, the other copy is invalidated and the directories are
updated before the write.
If the item is in either Shared or Owner Shared State, an invalidation of the item is sent to
other shared copies and the pending write is performed on the cache and the attraction
memory. The group directory nodes are responsible for sending invalidation to its local copies,
if it has any, and returning the acknowledgments. The group directory node that has the item in
one or more of its nodes sends invalidation to them and send one acknowledgment back to the
requesting directory node. The LGD collects all the acknowledgments from all group nodes
and sends one acknowledgment to the requesting node. The state of the data item is changed to
Owner-Exclusive when the invalidation acknowledgment is received.
If a Write-miss occurs and the data item is not in attraction memory, the write request is
performed as a Read-miss followed by a Write-hit. If there are multiple write requests for the
same data item, the one that wins the bus of the search interconnect is the winner of the race.
The other request has to be retried. Replacement
When the attraction memory does not have any empty space in a certain set to receive a
requested item, it selects an item to be discarded or displaced. The item to be replaced is
selected based on its state. The replacement priorities for different items are: Shared, Owner
Shared then Owner-Exclusive. The first candidate item for replacement should be the one in
shared state since at least one other valid copy which is the Owner Shared copy, exists
somewhere in the system. In this case, the item is simply discarded. When the victim item is in
Owner-Shared or Owner-Exclusive State, the item and its ownership must be displaced to a
new location in the system since it may be the only copy o f the item in the system. Swapping
the replaced item with the requested item on the remote node would guarantee a space for the
replaced item and would reduce the search time needed to find a space on a different attraction
memory to inject the item. The data item is transferred holding its original state to its new
location [23].
In MCOMA, when a data item is replaced, the protocol will try to place it in one of the
attraction memories that belong to the local group nodes. This would minimize the network
traffic due to replacement and the upgrading o f more than one group directory. If the item
were requested by the same node later, the item would be on one of the group nodes, which
improves the local group data locality. If logically related threads of the application are
assigned to the same group of nodes, this would keep the data used by these threads in the
group and minimize the number of remote data requests out o f this group.
3.2.3 Thread Cache Protocol
The thread cache protocol maintains the coherence between different thread caches in the
same node and the attraction memory. Since the processor cache is divided between four
different threads that are using the cache, the protocol is designed to maintain the coherence
between different running threads. The data item state in a thread cache is a subset of its state
in the local attraction memory. The thread cache protocol is shown in Figure 3.9.
When a thread cache accesses a data item, it should be moved to its cache in the appropriate
state. For a read request, the thread cache should have the item in shared state whether it is
Shared or Owner Shared. For a write request, the thread cache should have the item in
Exclusive State. If the block exists in the attraction as Owner Exclusive and is requested to be
shared by more than one thread cache on the same processing node, it is marked Exclusive and
Shared in the attraction memory and then cached to more than one thread cache.
W /inv
P: local processor W: Write
sh: Shared R: Read
rpl: replacement inv: invalidate
Figure 3.9 Thread Cache Protocol
3.2.2 Synchronization
Multithreaded processors use a non-spinning synchronization technique when requesting a
lock [28]. When the lock is available, the processor is notified. When the lock is released, it
should notify any waiting thread. Synchronization variables are accessed through
synchronization instructions rather than regular load and store memory reference instructions.
The MCOMA processor has a special instruction for synchronization support. The lock
instruction gets the data in a locked form and sets the thread to a high priority status. The
unlock instruction releases the lock and changes its state to Owner Exclusive on the local
attraction memory as well as the group directory node.
Since there is no home node for the data in MCOMA, the lock waiting list is implemented as a
distributed list. One way of implementing this list is to allow only one pointer per node
pointing to the next node requesting the lock. When a node requests a lock, it sends a lock
request to its group directory node, which sends the request to other groups. If the lock is free, „
a remote node satisfies the request and the lock is granted to the requesting node. If the lock is
not free, and there is no outstanding request for it on its group directory node, the request is
attached to the lock at that node. When the lock is released, it is forwarded to the waiting
requesting node by the directory node that has the lock. When there is at least one outstanding
request for the lock, the pending request list is distributed over the directory nodes that are
requesting it. To minimize the network traffic, each directory node satisfies all the requests of
its processing nodes for a lock before it releases the lock to the following requesting group
directory node.
Chapter 4
Qualitative Comparison between MCOMA and COMA-F
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, an analytical comparison between MCOMA and COMA-F is presented. There
are two main differences between MCOMA and other COMA architectures. First, MCOMA is
a non-hierarchical COMA that does not require a home node to be assigned for the data.
Second, MCOMA is the only COMA that uses multithreading as a latency tolerance
technique. A comprehensive comparison between COMA-F and hierarchical COMA as well
as NUMA architectures was done by other researchers [23,41,45], and it was concluded that
COMA-F architecture outperformed both NUMA and hierarchical COMA architectures. In the
following sections, a comparison between MCOMA and COMA-F architectures is presented.
In this comparison, it is assumed that both architectures have the same common system
parameters such as the memory overhead needed to realize the COMA architecture and the
same memory organization which includes the size of both caches and attraction memory, the
data block size and the cache line size.
4.2 Data Latency
In cache coherent shared memory multiprocessors that use write invalidation protocols, cache
misses can be divided into three main types: cold miss, capacity miss and coherence miss. A
cold miss is the cache miss that occurs when the processor references the data for the first
time. Capacity miss is the data miss due to the finite size of the processor cache. Coherence
miss is due to the loss of data because of a coherence operation, such as the invalidation o f the
data item in one node when it is updated by another node
In NUMA architectures, each cache miss requires a remote memory reference to the home
node of the data. The capacity miss is present since the processor cache is not usually large
enough to capture the working set of an application. The effect of these types of misses almost
vanishes in COMA architectures. In COMA, the attraction memory, which works as a large
cache, is usually large enough to hold a large working set. The inclusion property between the
attraction memory and the processor cache always holds true. If the data is replaced in the
processor cache due to a capacity miss, it is very likely that, when the processor references this
data again, the data will still be in the attraction memory and can be accessed locally. This is
the main reason for the reduced number of remote memory accesses in COMA compared to
that in NUMA. In the following section, the data latency in both COMA-F and MCOMA are
4.2.1 COMA-F Latency
In COMA-F, a data request that misses in the local cache and attraction memory is sent to the
home node of the data. At the beginning of the application execution, there is only one copy of
each data item, which resides in the attraction memory o f its home node. When the first read
or write request is made to the data, the ownership of the data is transferred to the requesting
node. Since the owner node is the node that answers any later request for the data, it is veiy
unlikely to have the data request answered by the data home node after the initial request of
the data. In a COMA-F that uses an N mesh interconnection, the probability of such a
condition is 1/N . Thus, most of the data requests would be forwarded to a third node in the
system; thus, three hops on the network are expected to get the requested data.
For a load request, the processor cache is first checked for the data (Tcac^e), followed by a
check of the attraction memory through the local bus (Tmem + T^u§). The request is then sent
to the network through the local bus to the home node (Tnet+ T^ug). The home node checks
its directory and sends the request to the owner node (2Tj;)U S + Tmem + T t). The request is
satisfied by the owner node, and the data is sent to the requesting node [T^u + Tmem + (T ^
+ 2Tb u s W ’ The total data latency is [Tcache +5Tbus + 3Tmem + 2Tnet+ < Tnet +
2^bus^data^’ These stePs are shown in Figure 4.1.
c 0 C
'bus Tnet
1)U S
^ networkj
M Tnet
^ network^
: cache access time
^mem : memory access time
Tnet : network access time
Tbus - local bus request or reply time
Figure 4.1 Data Latency in COMA-F
Since the probability that a data request needs two hops is 1/N and that the request requires
three hops is (1 - 1/N ), then the latency for a load request in COMA-F is:
TCOMA-F = 1/n2 t Tcache + Tbus + Tmem + Tbus + Tnet + Tbus + Tmem + ( Tnet +
2Tbus >data3 + C -1/n2) t Tcache + Tbus + Tmem + Tbus + Tnet + Tbus + Tmem + Tbus +
Tn et+ Tbus + Tmem + < Tnet + 2Tbus >data ^
Assuming that the time required to transfer a data request is similar to the time required to
transfer the data (this assumption is being used for both COMA-F and MCOMA where data is
transferred on similar networks), then T ^ Q jy ^ p can be reduced to
TCOMA-F = Tcache+ < 7' ^ Tbus + < 3 ' 1/n2> Tmem +< 3 ' 1/n2) Tnet
4.2.2 MCOMA Latency
The latency of a general model of MCOMA is shown in Figure 4.2. A load request is first
checked in the processor cache as well as the local attraction memory (Tcacjie+
Tbus+^mem)’ ^ ^ ie data is not local, the request is sent to the group directory node ( Tpug +
Tenet)- The local directory checks the availability of the data in any of the group nodes and if
the data is found, the request is forward to the group node that has the data ( T^-r +TQnet).
The probability that a local group node has the data is 1/N for a system that has N nodes. If
the data is not in the local group, it is searched in the other group directories through the
search network (T pbug +Tdjr ). The group that has the owner copy answers and forwards the
request to its local node that has the data (TQnej+ Tbug). This node would send the requested
data to the requesting node through the network [ Tbus+ Tmem+ (Tnet +2Tbus)data]. As for
COMA-F, it is assumed that the time required transferring a data request is similar to the time
for data transfer. Then the total latency to satisfy this request is
^MCOMA ~ ~ ^ ^cache+ ^ b u s + ^ m e m + 2TGnet + Tdir^ + 0 ' ^ ) [ Tcache + ^Tbus +
2Tmem + 2TG net+ 2Tdir + TDbus + Tnet 1
TMCOMA = Tcache + 5Tbus +( M /N )TDbus+ 2Tmem + (2' 1/N) Tdir+ 2TGnet + Tnet
. Dir.
Dir. Bus
Interconnection network
bus lem
^ c h e ' cache access time
l-riem : memory access time
T dir : directory ac ce ss time
T"net : network ac ce ss time
TGnet : network ac ce ss time for a group
Tbus : l°cal bus request or reply time
Dbus ■ directory bus request or reply time
Figure 4.2 The Latency in MCOMA
4.2.3 Latency Comparison
To compare between the two architectures, it is assumed that for a medium scale system, e.g.
N = 64 processing nodes, T ^ Q jy ^ p can be simplified to:
^COMA-F “ ^cache+ 2 Tbus + ^ ^mem + ^ ^net ^
In addition, ^ivfCOMA can re^uced to:
^MCOMA ~ ^cache + ^Tbus + ^Dbus+ 2Tmem + 2 Tdir+ 2TG net+ Tnet ^
This assumption favor COMA-F since its latency is reduced by factors of 1/N not factors of
1/N as in MCOMA. Comparing (I) and (2), COMA-F needs three memory accesses per
request while MCOMA requires two memory accesses and two directory accesses. In most
COMA implementations, such as DDM, the tag memory is implemented in SRAM, which
reduces the time to check the tags in the directory to less than the time of a full DRAM
memory cycle. For the existing technology, the fastest access time for a DRAM is 60 ns, while
the access time for the SRAM is between 4 to 10 ns. Assuming a processor running at a 200
MHz ( 1 cycle = 5 ns), the difference in memory access time between COMA-F and MCOMA
is, at least, 8 cycles.
COMA-F requires three hops on the interconnection network while MCOMA requires one hop
on the interconnection and two hops on the group interconnection. These two hops on the
group interconnection are, on the average, requires less time than the two hops on the
interconnection network. The average distance between two arbitrary nodes for a two-
dimensional mesh interconnection with N processing nodes is (N-l). For the group nodes,
grouped on the horizontal axis as in MCOMA, the average distance between two nodes in the
same group is 1/2(N-1). This means that the time a message spends on the network of
MCOMA is, on the average, less by one hop than the time of a message spends on COMA-F.
For a 200 MHz processor, the clock cycle is 5ns. Assuming that the access time for a DRAM
is 60 ns (12 clock cycles), the SRAM access time is 10ns (2 clock cycles) and the processor
cache access time is 1 clock cycle. The directory bus clock is assumed to be 50 MHz (4
cycles) and the local bus is assumed to be clocked at 100 MHz (4 clock cycles). Each mesh
interconnection is assumed to cost 1 clock cycle.
The latency for a data load request in COMA-F l^ Q jy j^ p can be calculated from (1) to be,
on the average, 72 clock cycles. The latency for MCOMA from (2) T m c o M A 's calculated to
be, on the average, 57 clock cycles. From this comparison, it is shown that the data request
latency on the MCOMA is better than that of COMA-F.
4.3 Memory Overhead
In COMA, the system requires additional physical memory to allow for data replication and
migration. Each memory block also requires tag and state information in addition to the
directory memory. Both COMA-F and MCOMA have the same requirement of the physical as
well as the tag and state information. The two systems differ mainly in the directory
requirement, which is discussed in the following section.
4.3.1 Directory overhead for COMA-F
In COMA-F, the home node of the data should have a set of status bits; a presence bit vector
for all the system nodes and the ID for the processing node that has the master copy.
Number of presence bits = N
Number of bits for master copy ID = log2 N
The number of bits that is required per directory entry to store the information of one memory
line is:
Directory bit per entry ( COMA-F) = N^ + log2 N^
4.3.2 Directory overhead for MCOMA
Each directory entry in MCOMA should have a set of status bits; a presence bit vector and an
ID o f the processing node that has the master copy. Since the group directory node has the
presence bits of the nodes in its group, then for a mesh interconnection that has N nodes each
directory entry has
Number of presence bits = Number of nods per group
= N
Number of bits for master copy ID = log2 N
The number of bits required per group directory entry to store the information of one memory
line is:
Directory bit per entry (MCOMA) = N + log2 N
This analysis shows that the directory overhead for COMA-F is higher than that of MCOMA
because the directory node of MCOMA has presence bits for the group nodes only. This
reduces the size of the presence bit vector as well as the number of bits required to store the
master copy ID. However, if the data item is shared by more than one group, the time required
to access the directory would increase since the directory information is repeated through
different directories, but its upper bound is N + N log2 N.
4.4 Network Contention
The COMA performance is greatly affected by the cache as well as the attraction memory hit
rate. The COMA architecture is mainly dominated by coherence misses since capacity misses
are reduced to the minimum by the large attraction memory and the inclusion property
between this memory and the processor cache. As long as this property holds true, any data
replaced in the processor cache because of its limited capacity, the data would most likely
remain in the attraction memory. Since most data requests can be serviced locally, this would
result in lower memory access latency and less network traffic.
Cold misses usually have little effect on the system performance assuming a good initial data
placement for the application. These misses are very small, typically 0.1 - 0.3 % for different
applications [45], and are not considered to have a large effect on the total system
performance. COMA-F suffers from the extended effect of initial data placement as compared
to MCOMA since the home node of the data is fixed through the execution time of an
application. For MCOMA, initial data placement effects only last until the data is referenced
for the first time by the node using it. The optimization of the initial data placement would not
have any further effect through the execution of an application.
In MCOMA, the separation of the search interconnection from the interconnection network
relieves the later from the data search traffic. The search interconnection deals with data
requests, which are short messages that do not carry data. The group directory node would try
to satisfy the data request first before passing it to the other groups. This reduces the number
of requests serviced by the search interconnection. MCOMA, unlike COMA-F, can exploit
request combining on the directory nodes. This would further limit the traffic on the search as
well as the interconnection networks.
Reducing the potential traffic on the search interconnection allows for the use of a fast and
wide shared bus to implement it. For larger systems, as the machine scalebility is limited by
bandwidth of the shared bus, the search interconnection can be implemented using a higher
bandwidth interconnection such as a crossbar interconnection. This search network would
allow for searching the groups closer to the requesting processor first. In this case, the searches
of the group directory nodes are done sequentially for different directory nodes, but more than
one request can be served simultaneously by the search interconnection. For shared data
requests, the protocol can be modified such that the first node that locates any shared copy
would answer the data request. This will reduce the search time and the node closer to the
requesting node would answer the request, which would reduce the traffic on the
interconnection network even more. For larger systems, more aggressive interconnections,
which can afford a high bandwidth such as optical interconnection, can be used to implement
this search interconnection.
The network throughput can also be limited by hot spots resulting from concentrated data
accesses for heavily shared data items. MCOMA does not suffer from hot spots as COMA-F.
Since all requests of a data item must go through the home node o f the data, COMA-F can
suffer from the hot spot effect for certain data items. The home node of the data has to receive
the. entire data request then forward them to the master node that has the data. This is not the
case in MCOMA since data is not tied to any specific location in the system and the node that
has the master copy is the node that responds to the data request. The master copy status is
then forwarded to the new node that requested the data. This new node handles the following
request for the data. MCOMA can also use request combining on the directory nodes, which
further reduces the effect of the hot memory spots.
The above discussion shows that COMA-F can suffer from potential interconnection
contentions due to the unnecessary access to the home node of the data. Unlike MCOMA, its
performance can also suffer from the hot spot effects. On the other hand, the separation of the
search traffic from the data traffic in MCOMA relieves the interconnection network from
possible traffic contention. The search interconnection that deals only with short messages
would facilitate a fast data search without the tie up of any processing nodes. It also allows
request combining to reduce the amount of network traffic. This search interconnection should
be, depending on the size of the system, fast and efficient to reduce the possibility of
4.5 Summary
In this section, it was argued that the expected performance of the MCOMA architecture could
exceed that of COMA-F due to the reduced data latency and the possible reduction of
contention on the interconnection network. Since COMA-F outperformed other existing
architectures such as DDM and the DASH architectures, MCOMA has a good potential for
good system performance.
The improved data latency of MCOMA is mainly due to the reduction of the number of hops
on the interconnection, which is done by using the search interconnection to locate the
requested data. The search interconnection mainly supports global communication between
different groups, which is lacking in the mesh interconnection. This support of global
operations reduces the data search time, the data search traffic on the mesh, as well as the
effect of memory hot spots in the system. To avoid the saturation of this search
interconnection, the processing nodes in one group can be assigned related tasks. This
increases the probability of having local communication within the group nodes and reduces
the communication between the different groups in the system. This, in turn, would decrease
the data latency in the system since data requests would be answered locally by the group
nodes. The traffic on the interconnection network would also be reduced.
Chapter 5
Architecture simulation has been chosen as a method for evaluating the performance
of MCOMA. The system simulator is tested using the SPLASH benchmarks, which
provides broad coverage of scientific and engineering applications [42]. This chapter
discusses the important details about the developed simulator and its use for the study
conducted in the following parts. The benchmark applications used for the evaluation
of the system model are also presented.
5.1 The Simulation System
As the complexity of multiprocessor architectures has increased, it has become more difficult
to model their behavior analytically. Simulation is an essential tool for the design and
evaluation of new multiprocessor architectures and their performance. It can help to predict the
performance and identify the bottleneck of unavailable hardware. This enables the evaluation
and the behavior of applications running on more powerful architectures than currently
available. Architecture simulation can basically be divided into trace driven simulation and
execution driven simulation. Trace-driven simulation allows a timing simulator to estimate the
timing o f a program, presented by a trace of execution-events, on the target machine.
Execution-driven simulation allows realistic simulation to be performed. It allows for the
actual direct execution of real application programs. It also speeds up the experimental process
by allowing rapid feedback from simulation results. The next three sections describe the MINT
multiprocessor memory hierarchy simulation environment, based on execution-driven
simulation, that is used to develop the MCOMA simulator and the main simulation parameters
used to simulate the MCOMA.
5.1.1 Simulator Development
Execution driven simulation is divided into two main parts: the front end, which is the
memory reference generator, and the back end, which is the target system simulator. The front
end executes the application on a number of processors. When the program executes a
memory reference instruction, an event is generated and sent to the back end, which models
the system memory hierarchy and the interconnection. When the event is performed, the back
end signals the front end to continue executing the application.
The MCOMA simulator represents the back end for the front end MINT (MIPS Interpreter)
hierarchy simulator [48]. MINT is an execution-driven simulator for modeling the memory
hierarchy in multiprocessor systems. It provides a set of simulated processors that run standard
UNIX executable files compiled for a MIPS R3000 based multiprocessor and has some
support for the MIPS R4000 instruction set. It uses a novel hybrid technique of native
execution and software interpretation to minimize the overhead of processor simulation. The
target processor state is kept in memory as much as possible. It uses a form o f code synthesis
to encapsulate a block o f code that does not generate events (no branches or memory
references). This reduces the cost of loading registers from memory on every instruction. The
synthesized function loads the necessary operand register and executes the target instruction
natively then stores the register modification into memory. This allows MINT to interpret the
instruction at native speed and eliminate unnecessary context switching overhead.
I ^
c Link
Executable Code
Object Code
Options Controling Events
Statistics and
Output Results
Figure 5.1. MCOMA Simulator Using MINT
MINT simulates a collection of processors and provides support for spinlocks, semaphores,
barriers, shared memory and most of UNIX system calls. It runs on Silicon Graphics
computers, DEC stations and SPARC workstations. Each instruction of the target machine can
be executed in a single simulated cycle. When the front end performs a memory reference
operation, it sends the event to the MCOMA simulator and the processor that generated the
memory reference is stalled. The MCOMA simulator then determines the latency required in
performing the memory reference operation. When it completes the generated event, it signals
the MINT to continue the execution of the stalled processor.
The application program to be run on the simulator does not need to be modified. It is
compiled separately, as it would be for a real parallel processor, and then linked with any
libraries that it uses. The linked object code module is treated as input data to the simulator.
The block diagram of the MCOMA simulator using MINT is given in Figure 5.1.
5.1.2 The Architecture Model
The MCOMA architecture being modeled for this study simulates a moderate sized machine
that runs applications chosen from benchmark the SPLASH suite [42], The basic machine
consists of 32 processing nodes and four directory nodes. The processor is assumed to be a
high performance microprocessor based on the MIPS instruction set [36], The processor clock
rate is assumed to be 200 MHz (5ns clock cycle). Each processor has an 8 Kbytes of processor
write-through cache per thread, with one cycle access time for read hits and two cycles access
time for write hits. The cache per thread is assumed to be small since it only captures the
thread locality. The attraction memory is modeled as 2 Mbytes DRAM with an access time of
60nsec (12-clock cycles). A tag memory is modeled as SRAM with access time of 10ns (2-
clock cycles). The directory is assumed to be accessed in parallel with the attraction memory
so it does not increase the memory access latency. The local bus is assumed to be clocked at
100 MHz and the group directory bus is clocked at 50 MHz. All latency numbers assumed for
modeling this architecture are based on currently available technology and are consistent with
other parameters used by other research groups [27]. The interconnection network is modeled
as a pair of wormhole routed meshes each with 32-bit wide channels. The mesh
interconnection is assumed contention free.
The use of a second level cache should not have a great impact on the present architecture. As
this architecture intends to study the impact of combining multithreading and the new COMA
organization, this relies mainly on the organization of the attraction memories and their
coherence protocols. Hence, no second level cache is assumed.
5.1.3 The Simulator
The MCOMA simulator is developed to study the performance of the MCOMA architecture
and the effect of using multithreading to tolerate latency on the total system performance.
Different system parameters are used as simulation options to enable the study of different
design variations on the overall system performance. The processor used is assumed to have a
set of instructions similar to that the MIPS R3000. The register files are assumed to be
replicated, and each active thread is using its own set of registers. It is also assumed that each
thread has its own cache such that the thread would not loose its data locality while switched
on long remote data access. These allow for a short context switch time, which assumed to be
four processor cycles.
The interconnection network consists of a pair of wormhole routed meshes, each with 32-bit
wide channels. One mesh is dedicated to request messages and the other to replies. Each
routing node in the interconnection has 5 ports; 2 ports to connect nodes on the x-axis, 2 ports
to connect nodes on the y-axis and one port connected to the processing node.
There are two types of messages: request messages (such as read and invalidation requests)
and reply messages (such as read reply and invalidation acknowledgments). Each message
consists of a message header and message trailer. The header represents the routing
information of the message and is deleted lfom the message upon its arrival to the destination
node. Messages are divided into flits to be sent on the network. Each flit is 32-bit long, which
is the width of data path of the network. The header occupies one flit. In case of a request
message, the message address, the message type, the requesting thread number and other
information requires another two flits. For reply messages that include data, an additional flit
is required for every 32 bits of data. This depends on the length of the cache line. The time
delay to send one flit between two adjacent route points is assumed to be one cycle. The search
interconnection is modeled as a 64 bit wide bus with a clock rate o f 50MH. The contention on
the directory node bus is simulated. Requests are scheduled on the bus only when the bus is
free. If the bus is busy, the request is retried.
Threads are switched on an attraction memory miss. Threads are scheduled using a round-
robin policy. The context switching time is assumed to be four cycles. Once a thread is
switched out on a data miss, it is put in a blocked state. When the requested data becomes
available, the thread is put in a ready state and added to the ready queue. It does not resume
execution until all other ready threads are executed.
5.2 Benchmark Applications
The SPLASH suite consists of a mixture of complete applications and computational kernels
[42]. The programs present a variety of scientific, engineering and graphics applications that
have different communication requirements. Four programs are used in this study, Bames-Hut,
Cholesky, MP3D and Locus route. The programs used were chosen to represent a variety of
important applications. Each of the benchmark applications used has some unique
characteristics. The following subsections have a brief description of each of these
5.2.1 Barnes -H u t
This application simulates the evaluation of a system of bodies in three dimensions under the
influence of gravitational forces. Each body is modeled as point mass and extracts forces on all
other bodies in the system. The simulation proceeds over a number of time steps, using the
Bames-Hut hierarchical N-body method. Each step computes the net force on every body and
thereby updates each body’s position and other attributes.
The Bames-Hut algorithm is based on a hierarchical octree representation of space in three
dimensions. The root of the tree represents a space cell containing all the bodies of the system.
The tree is built by adding particles into the initially empty root cell and subdividing a cell into
its eight children as soon as it contains more than a single body. The tree is traversed once per
body to compute the net force acting on that body. If the center of mass of the cell is far
enough away from the body, the entire subtree under that cell is approximated by a single
particle at the center of mass of the cell. If the center of mass is not far enough away, the cell
must be “opened” and each body is computed. Therefore, a body computes interactions
directly with other bodies that are close to it. This algorithm reduces the complexity o f force
computation among N bodies from O (N2 ) to O (NlogN).
The program executes each of the phases within a time step in parallel, but it does not
explicitly exploit parallelism across phases or time-steps. The tree building and center of mass
computation phases require both interprocessor communication and synchronization.
Communication patterns are dependent on the particle distribution and are quite unstructured.
Excellent data locality is achieved mainly due to temporal reuse of cached data. Because of the
nature of the tree traversal, most of the interactions computed are between bodies on the same
5.2.2 Cholesky Factorization
This program performs parallel Cholesky factorization of a positive sparse definite matrix. It
factors a sparse matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its transpose. Given a
positive definite matrix A, the program finds a lower triangular matrix L, such that A = LLT .
Cholesky factorization typically proceeds in three steps. The first step is the ordering of the
rows and columns of A to reduce the amount of fill in the factor L. The second step is the
symbolic factorization, which determine the non-zero structure of the factor matrix. The third
step is the numeric factorization, which determines the actual numeric values of the non-zero
entries in L. This program does no reordering, and the input matrix is a reordered matrix. The
numeric factorization is the most time-consuming computation and is performed using a
dynamic version of the supemodal fan-out method.
Several processors may modify a supemode before it is placed on the task queue. It is then
read and used by one processor to modify other supemodes. After the processor completes all
the modifications to other super nodes, it is no longer referenced by any processor. This
application has large communication to computation ratio for comparable problem sizes.
5.2.3 Molecular Dynamics (MP3D)
MP3d solves a problem in rarefied fluid flow simulation. It models particle flow in extremely
low-density medium. Under such conditions, the traditional fluid flow models that assumes
continuous medium, such as Navier-Stokes, are not reliable. MP3D uses the Monte Carlo
method as an alternative. It simulates the trajectories of a collection of representative
molecules, subject to collisions with boundaries of the physical domain, with object under
study, and with other molecules. In each time step, particles are moved according to their
velocity vectors and collisions are modeled. After a steady state is reached, analysis of the
trajectory data produced is used to estimate the flow field for the configuration under study.
This method is compute intensive.
The molecules are statically scheduled on processors and are not related to their position in
space, which changes with time. Data is actively being updated and references are relatively
random depending on the location of the particle being moved. Access patterns to the space
array therefore exhibit lower processor locality, which severely degrade parallel performance.
5.2.4 LocusRoute
LocusRoute is a commercial quality VLSI standard cell router. It evaluates the standard cell
circuit placements by routing them efficiently and determining the area of the resulting layout.
The program routes the wires through regions, which have few wires running through them.
Routing a wire segment requires the evaluation of several routes then choosing the best path.
A cost function is evaluated for each path based on the number of wires the segment will pass
through. Several possible routes can be evaluated in parallel. This route evaluation involves
reading and comparing linear sequences of vertical and horizontal array elements. This
application has limited parallelism and high data access rate. One lock per task is used to
guarantee mutual exclusion. It uses barrier synchronization to separate between iterations of
wire routing, but no barriers are used within iteration.
Application Description Main Characteristics
Locus Route
Hierarchical N-body Simulato
Cholesky factorization of spac
Fluid flow simulation
VLSI standard cell router
Very low miss rate,
Global synchronization
Moderate miss rate, long
local synchronization
Very low data reuse,
High data access rate
High data reuse
Low data miss rate,
Table 5.1 Application Characteristics
The characteristics of the application used are summarized in Table 5.1. The performance of
multithreading is affected by the data access rate of the applications. In our system model, the
threads are switched on a remote memory accesses. Applications that have high data access
rates are expected to benefit from multithreading with a larger number of threads. Applications
with high data reuse can have a good performance with less number of threads. Barrier
synchronization is also expected to affect the multithreading performance. Table 5.2 lists the
input data sets used for the different application.
Application Input Data Set
Locus Route
8192 particles.
1806-by-1806 with 30,824 non-zeros (bcsstkl4)
10K molecules, 50 steps, test.geom
Primary 1.grin, with 1266 wires and 481-by-481
Coast array
Table 5.2 Problem Sizes Used in Simulation
Chapter 6
MCOMA Performance Evaluation and Simulation Results
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the performance evaluation of the MCOMA architecture and the effectiveness
o f multithreading are presented. As was discussed in chapter 3, there are some advantages and
disadvantages of combining COMA and multithreading. While multithreading hides the long
remote data access time of the COMA, it may cause more data displacement and more remote
accesses on a processing node. Our results, which are presented, in the following sections,
show that combining the new MCOMA architecture and multithreading improved the overall
performance of the architecture.
The performance evaluation of the MCOMA architecture is done by using the simulator
described in chapter 5. The simulated model assumes 32 processing nodes, each with a
separate cache per thread and has no second level cache. The model assumes a multithreading
support for up to 4 threads per processor. The processing nodes are connected by an 8x4-mesh
interconnection. A common bus connects the group directory nodes. In the simulated model,
threads are switched on a remote data access. The contention on the directory node bus is also
A subset of the SPLASH suite has been used to evaluate the MCOMA. The simulation results
of the architecture are presented in the following sections. The multithreading effect on data
locality in the attraction memories, the group nodes and the global bus traffic is also presented.
It is assumed that threads that are allocated to a processor stay on this processor for its
In this performance evaluation, unless otherwise specified, each processor is assumed to have
8Kbyte fully associative cache per thread. The cache block size is 32bytes. The attraction
memory is assumed 2Mbytes per processor with a set assocciativity o f eight. The attraction
memory block size is 32 bytes.
6.2 Architecture Speedup
In this section, the speedup of the four different applications for the MCOMA architecture is
presented. Each application has been run on various numbers of nodes between 1 and 32 nodes
and for different number of threads 1, 2, and 4. The speedup of the application is defined as
the speed up of a given number of processors relative to the fastest single processor, single
thread processing node. The fastest single processor is assumed to have a 100% attraction
memory hit rate.
The performance of Bames-Hut is shown in Figure 6.1. For a single thread, MCOMA speeds
up to 23 on 32 processing nodes. The two-thread speedup increases to 38 and up to 52 for 4
threads. When the speedup is calculated relative to the single processor with four threads, the
speedup of the architecture with 32 processor nodes each executing four threads is limited to
18. Since Bames-Hut has many long synchronization stalls, it spends a long time on global
communication during which time the threads are waiting for synchronization events and the
processors are not utilized. This limits the benefits o f multithreading, which is only useful
during the computation phase of the application.
60 - i
50 -
40 -
*§ 30 -
Q .
20 -
10 -
0 8 16 24 32
p ro cesso r
Figure 6.1 Bames-Hut Speedup
70 T
60 -
50 -
a 4 0 -
1 30 -
24 32 8 16 0
Figure 6.2 Cholesky Speedup
Cholesky speeds up is relatively better with multithreading on MCOMA. Figure 6.2 shows a
steady speedup for the different number of threads. The speedup of the application was limited
by the large number of coherence misses. As the number of processors increased, the
coherence miss rate also increased. The performance of multithreading was affected by the
synchronization waiting time. The BCSSTK14 is a relatively small matrix, which was used to
limit the simulation time. Using a large number of threads limits the available concurrency on
such a matrix, and threads tends to spend more time waiting for synchronization events, which
limits the overall system speedup. The use a of large matrix for this application usually reports
better speedup results [50],
■ a
0 )
0 8 16 24 32
Figure 6.3 MP3D Speedup
The MP3D speedup is shown in Figure 6.3. This application has a high data miss rate that
limits the gain of this application on parallel processors. Since the molecules are assigned
statically to threads, there is no attempt to assign nearby molecules to the same thread. The
molecules are continuously moving, thus the interaction between them is changing. The space
cells are referenced in a relatively random manner depending on the location of the particle
being moved. This causes poor data locality for this application. This application also suffers
from a low data reuse rate. Data moved to local memory is used but would not be reference
gain in the near future because of the continuous data and molecules movement. A remote
memory access is costly in COMA architecture since it involves a long data search, but since
the application has poor locality, it does not make use o f the data moved to its attraction
memory. As multithreading is added, it hides some o f these remote memory latencies, which
improves the system performance, but it introduces more data conflicts in the attraction
memory used by all threads.
The MP3D has a limited speedup for one thread. Similar limited performance has been
reported on parallel machines due to the shared-memory workload [3,33]. The use of
multithreading slightly improved the performance of the application. When multithreading is
used, the number of data accesses per node increases. The speedup gain for 1, 2, and 4 threads
is almost linear for up to 8 processors, where all the accesses were within the group nodes. As
the number of nodes increased, more node groups were formed, and the remote data accesses
must use the global bus. The high traffic on the search bus slows the system speedup since the
number of remote accesses for this application is high. This explains the sudden drop in
system performance for more than eight nodes.
Figure 6.4 shows that LocusRoute has a good speed up on MCOMA relative to other reported
architectures. LocusRoute has a high data access rate with high data reuse. The limited
improvement in speedup with multithreading is due to the higher number of lock
synchronizations. If a thread is switched out on a remote data miss while holding a lock, the
local processor utilization might be improved but the other threads, if waiting on the same
lock, are delayed until the lock is released. As the number of threads increased, threads are
switched more often due to conflict misses in the attraction memory. The threads holding
locks are expected to resume execution sooner. This improves the total system performance
with larger number of threads.
S " 30
16 24 32 0 8
p ro c e sso rs
Figure 6.4 LocusRoute Speedup
The above results shows that the performance of the MCOMA architecture achieved a good
speedup compared to other systems speedups reported in [3, 33]. It also shows that
multithreading improved the overall system speedup for all applications even though these
applications were not optimized to be used on MCOMA. MP3D is the only application with
limited speedup but this is consistent with its performance on other architectures where it
tends to have the lowest speedup of all the applications due to its very low locality.
6.3 Cache and Attraction Memory Performance
The performance of MCOMA is greatly dependent on the processor cache and its attraction
memory performance. It is also dependent on the group organization and the localities on the
neighboring nodes. In this section, the impact of the capacity and coherence misses on the
system performance is discussed. Different cache size variations as well as its organization and
its effect on both the attraction memory and the group hit rate is presented. The impact of the
variation of these parameters on the processor execution time is evaluated. Then, the impact of
using multithreading on different variation of the application parameters of the architecture
parameter is also presented.
6.3.1 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rates
Capacity miss rate of a node is defined as the fraction of cache data misses due to the
insufficient space in the cache. When data is displaced from the cache due to limited cache
space in COMA architecture, it is still available on the local attraction memory. Since the
attraction memory is usually large enough to capture the working set of most applications, the
data movement due to cache capacity can still be accessed locally from the attraction memory.
The coherence miss is defined as the data miss in cache due to data invalidation. A future
access to these missed data has to request the data from remote nodes. These types of data
miss affects the performance of the COMA architecture, since the remote data access involves
long data search on different processing nodes.
Figure 6.5 shows the different cache miss rates for the four applications, for a single-thread
processor. There is a large variation on the capacity and coherence misses for different
applications. MP3D has a high coherence rate and measurable capacity miss rate, which
explains the low application speedup due to remote accesses, as discussed in the pervious
section. Bames-Hut has a high hit rate in the simulated result despite of the dynamic change in
the problem domain. The high miss rate is because of the hierarchical tree traversed which
allows for interacting bodies to be assigned to the same node. Cholesky and LocusRoute have
a moderate coherence miss rate and relatively good cache hit rate, which is reflected in these
applications’ speedup.
94% -
□ cap. Miss
con. Miss
cache hit
Barn Choi mp3d locus
Figure 6.5 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for One Thread
As multithreading is added to the system, Figure 6.6 and Figure 6.7 show that the MP3D
capacity miss rate is further increased due to the data conflict of multiple threads using the
attraction memory. Although, different threads have separate caches, the data conflicts as well
as invalidation in the local attraction memory cause more cache misses in the threads’ caches.
Increasing the number of threads caused LocusRoute to suffer from higher capacity misses due
to its high data access rate.
6.3.2 Attraction Memory Hit Rate
Attraction memory in COMA works as a large secondary cache that accumulates data used by
the local processor. Most of the data lost from local cache due to its limited size is kept in the
local attraction memory unless it is invalidated by another processor or replaced by a new data
item. Figure 6.8 shows that the attraction memory used in our simulation usually was
sufficient to hold the working set of all the applications except for MP3D, due to its poor data
locality. Increasing the number of threads reduces the attraction memory hit rate, due to the
data conflicts from different threads.
92% T
□ cap. Miss
■ coh. Miss
cache hit
Barn Choi mp3d locus
Figure 6.6 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for 2 Threads
Barn Choi mp3d locus
Figure 6.7 Capacity and Coherence Miss Rate for 4 Threads
S t2
□ t4
Bam Choi mp3d locus
Figure 6. 8 AM Hit Rate For Various Number o f Threads
6.3.3 Group Hit Rate
The group-hit rate is defined as the percentage of remote data requests that is satisfied from the
group nodes. The higher the group hit rate, the less request messages are sent over the search
bus. This will depend mainly on the application data access pattern and the allocation of
related threads on the same group nodes. In our simulation, there was no allocation scheme
used to ensure any thread allocation. The threads were allocated mainly at random.
The group hit rate varied for all applications as shown in Figure 6.9. For Bames-Hut, the
Group hit rate is high since the application organizes the bodies as a tree data structure. This
allows for better data allocation on the neighboring processors. Consequently, the data is more
likely to be found on the group nodes. This lowers the remote access time for this application.
As the simulation results show, this application has the lowest remote access time with respect
to the total execution time.
For LocusRoute the group locality improved by adding multithreading. Locus uses geographic
scheduling, where regions of the circuit are associated with a task queue and processes are
assigned to regions as part of the initialization. As the number of processes increase, several
processes are assigned to the same region. This improves the data locality of the program on
the group nodes. The MP3D group hit rate is the lowest of the applications due to its poor data
locality. Increasing the number of threads per processor causes the group hit rate to deteriorate
32 T
Bam Choi mp3d locus
Figure 6.9 Group Hit Rates for Various Number o f Threads
6.3.4 Block Size Effect
As the block size increases, more data is prefetched on a data miss. This improves the
performance of applications that have good spatial locality. On the other hand, it increases the
remote memory access time since the number of flits per message increases. It also reduces the
cache hit rate due to false sharing of data. The number of blocks per cache is reduced, which
causes more blocks to be replaced. The results reported so far used a block size of 32bytes and
a cache size of 8Kbytes per thread.
The effect of the block size on the cache-hit rate for one, two, and four threads is shown in
Figure 6.10, Figure 6.11 and Figure 6.12, respectively. Overall, the cache hit rates improved
by increasing the cache block size. The same was true with multithreading, except for MP3D,
where the cache hit rate decreased for 4 threads and 128-byte blocks size. This can be due to
the effect of the false data sharing. This can also be observed from the decrease in the
attraction memory hit rate for this application with the increase in the number of threads.
Barnes Cholesky MP3D Locus
Figure 6. 10 Cache H it R ates for one Thread and Various B lock Sizes
B arnes C holesky M P 3D Locus
Figure 6.11 Cache Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block
B B L 3 2
■ B L64
□ B L128
H BL32
■ BL64
□ BL128
■ BL32
H B L 64
□ B L 128
Barnes Cholesky M P3D Locus
Figure 6.12 Cache Hit Rates for Four Threads and Various Block
Figure 6.13, Figure 6.14 and Figure 6.15 show the attraction memory hit rate for different
block sizes and different number of threads. Checking the attraction memory hit rate for the
different applications, the hit rate improved as the locality improved with the increase of block
size. Figure 6.16, Figure 6.17 and Figure 6.18 show the group hit rate for different block sizes
and different numbers of threads. The group hit rate is reduced when the block length is
increased because the nodes have a smaller number of lines per attraction memory which is
mainly used by the local working sets. The attraction memory needs to replace most o f the
unused local data, hence, it tends to lose data that might be used by the neighboring nodes.
n BL32
■ BL64
□ BL128
Barnes Cholesky MP3D Locus
Figure 6.13 AM Hit Rates for one Thread and Various Block
Barnes Cholesky M P3D Locus
Figure 6.14 AM Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block
The effect of the variable block length on the execution time was not very significant in our
architecture since the improvement of the local node hit rate, in both the cache and the
attraction memory, is affected by the decrease in the group hit rate. This causes longer remote
access latencies.
■ BL32
H B L 64
□ BL128
B B L 3 2
B B L 6 4
□ BL128
Barnes Cholesky MP3D Locus
Figure 6.15 AM Hit Rates for Four Threads and Varios Block
32 T
B BL32
B BL64
□ BL128
Barnes Cholesky MP3D Locus
Figure 6.16 Group Hit Rates for one Thread and Various
Block Sizes
6.3.5 Cache Size Variation
To improve the cache hit rate, capacity and coherence misses should be reduced. Since the
coherence misses are mainly due to invalidation, it is dependent on the application and the
scheduling of threads. To reduce the capacity misses, the cache size can be increased. This
improves the performance of the applications that have this type of miss as the dominant miss.
B B L 3 2
B B L 6 4
□ BL 128
Bames Cholesky MP3D Locus
Figure 6.17 Group Hit Rates for Two Threads and Various Block
B B L 3 2
■ BL64
□ BL128
Barnes Cholesky M P3D Locus
Figure 6.18 Group Hit Rates for Four Threads and Varios Block
Figure 6.19, Figure 6.20 and Figure 6.21 show the cache hit rate for different thread numbers
and various cache sizes. It is obvious that some applications benefit more from the large cache
size, especially those that have a high reuse of data such as LocusRoute and MP3d where
capacity misses are the high. The attraction memory hit rate was not noticeably affected by the
variation in cache size since the data in the attraction memory stayed the same unless
invalidated or replaced. Therefore, the cache size variation did not affect the attraction
memory. The application execution time was affected by the cache size change since more
data accesses are satisfied from the cache. Figure 6.22, Figure 6.23 and Figure 6.24 show the
effect of different cache sizes on the applications execution time for different number of
□ 16K
barnes Cholesky m p3d Locus
Figure 6.19 Cache Hit Rate For One Threads and Various
Cache Sizes
□ 16K
B 9 4 -
barnes Cholesky m p3d Locus
Figure 6.20 Cache Hit Rates For Two Threads and Various
Cache Sizes
P i
< u
c i
H 2K /t4
■ 4K/t4
□ 8K/t4
El 16K/t4
barnes Cholesky m p3d Locus
Figure 6.21 Cache Hit Rates For Four Threads and Various
Cache Sizes
Normalized Execution Time Normalized Execution Time
barnes Cholesky m p3d
□ 2K/t 1
■ 4 K /tl
H 8 K /tl
□ 16K/t4
Figure 6.22 Normalized Execution Time for one Thread and
Various Cache Sizes
barnes Cholesky m p3d Locus
□ 2K /t2
■ 4K/t2
H 8K/t2
□ 16K/t4
Figure 6.23 Normalized Execution Time for Two Threads and
Verious Cache Sizes
r u '
- - - 1
n r rn
I 1 1
□ 2K /t4
■ 4K /t4
H 8K /t4
□ 16K /t4
barnes Cholesky m p3d Locus
Figure 6.24 Normalized Execution Time for Four Threads and
Various Cache Sizes
6.3.6 Processor Speed Effect
With the advancement in technology, processor speed is improving at a much faster rate than
the improvement in both memory and the interconnection network. Processor speed is
doubling every eighteen months (according to Moore’s Law) and the memory access time of
DRAM is advancing very slowly. This gap in performance between the processor and the rest
of the architecture limits the benefits of the improvement in the processor area. As the
processor speed increases, more instructions are executed, which increases the rate of data
access requests, which increases the contention on the memory as well as the interconnection
network. This effect will be more visible as multithreading is added to the system and more
requests are sent to memory and over the network.
1 0.4
O 0 . 2 -
B 200MH
■ 400MH
□ 600MH
0 800MH
chol Barn locus MP3D
Figure 6.25 Normalized Execution Time for One Thread for Different P rocessor
To study the effect of improving the processor speed on the overall system performance, the
execution time of different application was measured assuming different processor clock speed
with the memory access time and the interconnection time delay remaining the same. Figure
6.25 shows the execution time of different benchmark applications on MCOMA for 200, 400,
600 and 800 MHz processor clock rates. The execution time is normalized to the execution
time of the 200 MHz processor clock rate. As the processor speed doubled from 200 to 400
MHz, a considerable improvement in the execution time was noticeable for all applications.
This rate of improvement did not hold steady as the processor speed improved. The limited
performance was due to the effect of the memory and interconnection network delays.
Figure 6.26 and Figure 6.27 show the execution time for different applications for two and
four threads respectively. The execution time is normalized to the execution time of the same
number o f threads for a processor speed 200. From these two figures, it is clear that the
relative performance of MCOMA with multithreading would gain from the processor speed
increase. This improvement is leveled due to the magnified effect of the interconnection as
well as the increased data conflicts in the attraction memory, which further increase the
contention on the search bus.
< u 0.4
H 200MH
■ 400MH
□ 600MH
□ 800MH
chol Barn locus MP3D
Figure 6.26 Normalized Excution Time for Two Threads for Different Processor
" 3
T 3
J =
B 200MH
■ 400MH
□ 600MH
□ 800MH
chol Barn locus MP3D
Figure 6.27 Normalized Excution Time for Four Threads for Different Processor
6.3.7 Directory Bus Contention
The search interconnection in MCOMA deals with data request messages, which are short
messages. The group directory satisfies part of the total data requests and only those requests
that can not be satisfied locally from the group are passed to the search interconnection. When
data is to be replaced from one node, this cache protocol tries to place the data in one of the
group node to minimize the search time and to reduce the traffic on the search bus. This also
reduces the data transfer time between nodes and reduces the network and the search bus
For those applications that have, high node hit rates and a high group hit rate, bus traffic is
kept very low. The bus utilization is defined as the percentage of the time that the bus was
busy as a percentage o f the total execution time. The bus utilization for different applications
is shown in Figure 6.28. For Bames-Hut, the application has the highest attraction memory hit
rate and group hit rate. This kept the bus utilization to the minimum. MP3D has the worst data
locality in all applications. This reflects on the bus utilization that reached around 30%.
Adding multithreading increased the bus utilization for all applications except for MP3D, it
slightly improves due to locating the data on neighboring nodes. For larger problem size, the
bus utilization is expected to be higher and as discussed before, a wider and faster bus should
be considered. Better data and thread allocation would also improve the bus performance.
Using logically related threads on the same node and the neighboring nodes would improve
the search bus utilization, which, in turn, improves the overall system performance. As
reported by other research groups [3,32], using a modified version of MP3D that alter the
random scheduling of molecules on the processing nodes noticeably improved the application
performance. This is expected to be true for the MCOMA where improving the group locality
improves the system overall performance and reduces the traffic on the search bus.
0.35 T
bames Cholesky mp3d Locus
Figure 6.28 Bus Utilization for Various Threads
6.4 Summary
The simulation results of MCOMA have been very promising. The system achieved a good
overall speedup on all four applications, especially the ones with good data locality. For
MP3D, which has limited locality, the system showed an improvement in the speedup
especially with the use of multithreading. The performance of the system has improved with
the use of multithreading where all applications showed improvement in execution time. The
performance of MCOMA is affected by many factors such as the thread cache size, the block
size, arid the interconnection network. The effect of all these has been evaluated. Increasing
the cache size improved the system performance. The system captured the data locality of the
applications. The directory interconnection affected the performance of MP3D only where the
search bus contention approached 30%.
The results of single thread are consistent with those obtained by other research groups. The
use of multithreading significantly improved the performance of MCOMA. The system
speedup for MCOMA outperformed the reported speedup of other systems for the same
applications under similar assumptions [3,33,46]. Results reported for MP3D use an
unmodified version of the application (without code restructuring).
Both Alewife and the DDM reported results [3,35] using block multithreading as a latency
tolerance mechanism. The DDM assumed the use of a multithreaded processor that switched
on every memory access without performance penalty. Other reported results [7] used fixed
network latency. These results also assumed an ideal machine that has zero latency and no
contention on accesses to shared memory. However, the MCOMA simulator considered the
shared memory latency as well as the interconnection latency including the search
interconnection contention. All latencies assumed in the simulation reflect actual existing
technology. Thread switching was supported in hardware and the context switching time was
simulated. It was assumed that threads switch on remote access only. Switching threads on
different bases could further improve the MCOMA performance.
Chapter 7
Conclusion and Future Direction
7.1 Conclusion
The main goal of this research was to develop a new multithreaded COMA architecture and
evaluate the performance of this architecture and the effect of multithreading on improving the
system overall performance. COMA attracts the local working data set to the local memory,
which results in fewer remote memory accesses on a data miss, but COMA suffers from long
data search time. By switching to another thread while one thread is waiting on a remote
access, the performance of COMA was noticeably improved.
The new MCOMA architecture has been presented and simulated. Different variations of the
main design were considered. The system overall performance was tested by a subset of the
applications from the SPLASH benchmark suite and the results compared favorably to
MCOMA. The model of MCOMA assumes a multithreaded processor that supports fast
context switching. It has a separate cache per thread so threads do not lose locality while
waiting on a remote reference. The architecture supports up to 4 threads at a time. In general,
the architecture can be implemented for different interconnection networks. The simulated
architecture assumes a mesh interconnection to connect the processing nodes. This
interconnection carries request messages to directory nodes and data reply messages to the
requesting node. The directory of a group of nodes has its dedicated fast interconnection that
carries request messages between directories. In the simulated MCOMA, a wide bus was used.
The results show that the architecture speedup was higher than those reported by other
research groups under the same assumptions. It also showed that the performance of all the
applications improved by using multithreading on the MCOMA.
Using a separate cache per thread improved the multithreading performance. Since threads did
not lose locality while waiting on a remote data access, the negative effect of multithreading
on the cache was almost eliminated. The data conflict occurred mainly in the attraction
memory that was reflected, with a small degree, on the cache-hit rate. Since any displacement
of data from the attraction memory was moved to the closest node with available space in its
attraction memory, the data can be reused with smaller delay penalty, if needed. Varying the
cache size showed some effect on the applications execution time. Execution time of all
applications increases with the cache size reduction.
7.2 Future Directions
A multithreaded COMA architecture offers a great potential for performance improvement
over other existing shared memory multiprocessor systems. Since multithreading can hide the
COMA long latency and COMA can improve thread localities, they both allow limited
multithreading to be more effective. As parallel processors grow in size, interconnection
network latencies grow longer. Moving the working set for a processor to the local or the
surrounding nodes will improve overall system performances.
This dissertation research leads to many other areas of future work, which include the area of
hardware and software development for MCOMA to study and enhance the system
7.2.1 Architecture Variations
In this research, one variation of the MCOMA architecture has been simulated to evaluate the
expected performance of MCOMA. Many hardware areas need to be further investigated. Different Architecture Models:
Looking at the general architecture for the MCOMA, many other architectures that use
different efficient interconnections can be developed. Different system configuration would
yield a completely different multithreaded COMA architectures depending on the type of
interconnection used and the way the processing nodes are grouped. Some o f these
configurations would be interesting to investigate. The results presented in this research
showed that the search interconnection has a considerable effect .on the overall system
performance. The design of an efficient system is an overall design problem, which the
interconnection networks, is an important part of it. In current MCOMA simulation, the
contention o f the interconnection network was not simulated. The effect of this contention
becomes more important as the machine size increases and as the processor speed doubles in
the near future. Efficient search interconnection also has the potential of improving the system
performance. As processor speed improves with new technology, the interconnection latency
will be the dominating factor in determining the performance of large machines. Faster
processors tend to generate more data requests. Unless those data requests are satisfied locally
or from the neighboring nodes, the interconnection will suffer from high contention that will
deteriorate the system performance. More aggressive search interconnection should be
considered. Optical interconnection can be a good candidate for the search interconnection. Variation of Multithreading:
The presented system supports block multithreading. The processor was modified to have
support for up to four threads. The number of threads supported per processor is limited by the
chip area since it involves the duplication of the thread cache and the set of registers used per
thread. In the simulated system, the performance of the used applications continued to improve
by increasing the number of threads. As the number of threads needed to hide remote access
latencies increases, a careful tradeoff between adding extra hardware or the use of thread
scheduler; such as the one presented in chapter 4; should be considered. Different thread
scheduling techniques will affect the system performance since the number of threads sharing
the attraction memory will increase which will increase the conflict misses in the attraction
memory. If more than one thread is allowed to share a cache section, this will again increase
the conflict misses in the cache and threads will start losing locality while waiting on events. A
more careful study to reach the optimum number of threads per processor and the best
scheduling technique will improve the system performance.
Other multithreading techniques can also be investigated on the MCOMA, such as the
conditions on which threads are switched and the consideration of having the processor to
switch after every cycle. Each of these modifications would require the pipeline to be modified
to allow instructions to carry its register set identification number down the pipeline as
proposed in [7], Threads can then be switched on cache miss not only on attraction memory
miss since the switching penalty would be minimized. This modification will further improve
the processor utilization. Another interesting variation of MCOMA that would have a good
potential for improvement is the use of simultaneous multithreaded processors, which would
allow multiple threads to run at the same time. Simultaneous multithreading has proven to be
successful in other architectures [1,3], combining it with the data migration technique of
COMA will be interesting to investigate.
7.2.2 Software Development
An important area for future work is the software development for the MCOMA. One of the
main areas that should be addressed is the compiler support for this system. From the
simulation results, it was clear that MCOMA could achieve a good performance with the use
of existing applications without major modifications. All the programs used were parallel
programs for shared memory multiprocessors, which adapted to MCOMA architecture without
any change. This performance can be greatly improved by exploiting data localities in the
applications and improve thread scheduling [47]. In the current simulation, the allocation of
threads was done at random. Allocating related threads to the same node and neighboring
nodes will improve the locality of each node and the group locality. Improving the thread
allocation on the proposed architecture should be considered.
Many research groups have already developed compiler techniques that can benefit the
MCOMA. The SUIF compiler at Stanford University, tried to reduce the cache misses by
making the data accessed by each processor contiguous in the shared memory space. It also
ensured that processors re-use the same data as much as possible [18]. These techniques, if
applied to MCOMA can greatly improve the system performance since remote access latencies
in COMA is the major limiting factor on the overall system performance. MCOMA would
benefit from having the data used by processors available locally, as much as possible, or on
the neighboring group nodes.
It is also useful to include other promising technology developed for existing multithreading
systems such as Tera to further develop MCOMA [1,2,3]. Many recent researches have
developed techniques to expose fine-grain parallelism and enhance locality. Partitioning the
application programs at compile time would improve program localities and reduce the
communication overhead. Multithreading is a valuable means to hide these latencies but more
should be done to fully exploit the parallelism in the applications and use it to improve the
multithreading performance.
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