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Transmission tomography for high contrast media based on sparse data
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Transmission tomography for high contrast media based on sparse data
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Transmission Tomography for high contrast media based on
sparse data
Yenting Lin
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulllment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2013
Copyright 2013 Yenting Lin
To my Mon, Hui-ing Wu, who always support me and remains on my side through
this incredible journey.
To my godfather and godmother, Jhen-Chuan Gong and Yu-Ying Wu, who
always keep faith on me.
I would like to thank, rst and for most, to my dissertation adviser, Dr. Anto-
nio Ortega, for his support and guidance throughout my graduate studies at the
University of Southern California. I have been fortunate to work with him, who
shapes my ideas about research, and moreover, rene my approach on writing and
analytical thinking. I owe my gratitude to Dr. Iraj Ershaghi, for his support and
many insightful suggestions from the petroleum engineering aspects to strengthen
of my research. Thanks are also due to Dr. Richard Leahy for serving as members
in my dissertation committee. I also needs to thank to Dr. Alex Dimikis who in-
troduces and inspires me to work on compressed sensing, and serve as a committee
member in my qualifying exam. I would like to thank to Dr. Harry Hu, who serves
in my qualifying committee and valuable suggestions on medical imaging. Special
thanks to Dr. Robert Scholtz, for the insightful suggestions and discussion over
these years.
I would like to thank to several PhD students in Petroleum Engineering: Amir
Mohammad Nejad, and Tayeb Ayatollahy Tafti. They provide valuable suggestions
and do incredible work on reservoir simulations. I also need to thank to the sta
of the CiSoft project for their help and continuous support for these years.
For all the colleagues in our research group Group, it is a great pressure and
know and work with you. Especially, I would like to thank Kun-han Lee for unfor-
gettable years of collaborations and for all the sharing. I would also like to thank
Sungwon Lee, Sunil Kumar, Godwin Shen and Sean McPherson, for the wonderful
friendship that helps me strengthen my research and support for these years.
I would also like to thank my mother Hui-ing Wu, my godfather Jhen-Chuan
Gong and godmother Yu-Ying Wu for their endless love, patience, guidance and
support throughout my life. Finally, I would like to thank all my pets to accompany
me for all these years.
Table of Contents
Dedication ii
Acknowledgements iii
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Abstract xiii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Travel-time tomography for high contrast media with sparse data . 5
1.3 Water-
ooding Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Discrete X-ray Tomography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 2: Travel-time tomography for high contrast media with
sparse data 10
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Object based model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Forward step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Fast travel time/path nding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 Dijkstra path nding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.3 Relationship between object size and travel time . . . . . . . 24
2.4 Inverse step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.4.1 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.2 Proposed algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Accelerated random walk sampling . . . . . . . . . 30 Re-sampling by the monotonicity property . . . . . 33
2.5 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 3: Water
ooding Tomography 48
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2 Physical Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.1 Injection-Production model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.2 Travel time in a tight fractured reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.3 Estimation of CM parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.3.1 Injection Sequence Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.3.2 Model Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Multi-stage approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Direct Estimation Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.4 Tomographic Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.5 Experiment Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5.1 Numerical Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5.2 Field Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 4: X-Ray Discrete tomography 79
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.2 Problem Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.3 Dictionary Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.4 Proposed Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.4.1 Sparse recovery with known intensity levels . . . . . . . . . . 95 Reweighed L
minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Projection onto convex sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.4.2 Estimating the unknown intensity level . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.5 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Chapter 5: Conclusions 114
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Reference List 116
List of Tables
3.1 Table for the method comparison in simulations and eld trial . . . 78
List of Figures
2.1 The forward-inverse step of the velocity model and travel time . . . 16
2.2 (a) Grid based model: the HVS structure is approximated with cells
and assigns the same velocity inside each cell. (b) Object based
model with ellipse as the fundamental object: the structure is ap-
proximated with objects and assigns the same velocity inside each
ellipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 The travel path will be the faster one between the direct path or the
one through high velocity object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4 Graph representation of path tracking. (a) The distance between
objects (b) Graph and distance metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 The example for Dijkstra algorithm. Note in (b) the dist[
] is
dist[] +e(;
) = 5, and in (c) after we add
the dist[
] is
updated to dist[
] +e(
) = 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Change of the travel path with respect to the object size . . . . . . 26
2.7 The simulated state movement. Note the initial momentum is toward
left, driving to the high error region. Then it falls into low error
regions, and we can see the total energy is decreasing through the
simulation. Most of samples are near local minimum. . . . . . . . . 32
2.8 Change of travel time and error function with respect to the size of
one high velocity object. (a) The travel time function T
(b) The error functionE
( =kt
. The travel time is
monotonically non-increasing, therefore the error function is weakly
unimodal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.9 Sum of two unimodal functions. Note the sum of two unimodal
functions is not necessary a unimodal function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.10 Re-sampling comparison. (a) Re-sampling locations chosen by run-
ning the golden section search on f(x) (b) Locations chosen sepa-
rately onf
(x) andf
(x). The red \squares" are sampling locations
chosen fromf
(x), and black \dots" are fromf
(x). Note that choos-
ing from separate functions gives much better approximation because
each one is unimodal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.11 The (a) geometry of sensor settings and (b) (c) the PDF for experi-
ment 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.12 The HMC sampling and randomized re-sampling in experiment 1.
(a) The blue \dots" are samples from HMC. (b) The red \x" are re-
samples from random walk. Note it can only explores a small region
in parameter space. (c) The red \x" are re-samples from golden
section search. The re-sampling locations have the same but cover
the whole s axis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.13 The estimated PDF by (a) Randomized re-sampling (b) Golden sec-
tion search re-sampling. Note the randomized re-sampling only ex-
plores a small region of parameter space and most of PDF is unknown. 40
2.14 The PDF and our estimation in experiment 2. Note comparing to
experiment 1, the PDF has sharper changes which implies higher
model resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.15 (a) The ground truth and (b) the appearance probability map. It
shows several dierent models closed to ground truth all have high
probability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.16 (a) The ground truth and (b) the error metric for experiment 3. Note
that the error metric decreases when the number of sensor increases. 43
2.17 (a) The grid-based result with 25*25 transmitters/receivers and (b)
the appearance probability map for Experiment 3. Note the grid-
based model fails to recover the HVS location. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.18 (a) Ground truth and (b) error metric for experiment 4. Note the er-
ror metric does not decrease monotonically due to the vertical phan-
tom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.19 (a) Grid-based result and (b) appearance probability map for 1010
sensors in experiment 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.20 (a) Grid-based result (b) Appearance probability map for 25 25
sensors in experiment 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.1 With high permeability channel (a) the total control volume can be
viewed as cascade of small ones, and (b) the travel path is a combi-
nation of several line segments. Note that because the productivity
index in high permeability channel is very high, the time delay con-
stant inside can be ignored. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2 The multistage approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.3 Simulation 1 (a) injection rate in injector 1 (b) injection rate in
injector 2 (c) measured production rate in simulation 1. Note that
we vary the injection rate in injector 1 and 2 at the same time. . . . 68
3.4 Simulation 1, the estimated FIR model for four injection-production
pairs. After tting with CM, the time delay constants are
= 4:17,
= 1:87,
= 3:47,
= 3:96. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.5 Simulation 1, the reservoir model. (a) Ground truth and (b) esti-
mated probability map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.6 Simulation 2 (a) injection rate in injector 1 (b) injection rate in
injector 2 (c) measured production rate in producer. Note that only
one injection rate is changed at a time, thus we can estimate the
response with respect to the change of injection directly from the
increase of production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.7 Simulation 2 (a) The ground truth and (b) estimated probability
map. We successfully detect the high permeability channel between
injector 5 and producer 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.8 Field trial. We use the calibrated POC data and partition 1 70 as
training set, 7185 as testing set. BecauseL
norm is chosen as the
error metric, the predicted output is not aected severely by outliers. 74
3.9 Field trial, upper area. (a) The location of wells and (b) estimate
probability map. Note that the high probability areas is roughly
parallel to the installation of the wells, which is consistent to the
seismic survey for the nature fracture direction . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.10 Field trial, lower area. The (a) location of wells and (b) estimated
probability map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.11 Field trial, the estimated probability map with a known fault. Our
result shows the appearance probability is very low in the fault zone,
which agrees with the prior survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.1 Example for the Radon transform. The measurementP
(t) is a line
projection of f(x
) along angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.2 (a) Binary Phantom (b) Decomposition along the y axis (c) Decom-
position using the dictionary along both x and y axis (d) Another
possible representation when stripes are overlapping. Note that we
prefer a representation where stripes tend not to overlap with each
other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3 Sparse representation example: (a) The image we want to represent
(b,c) one possible representation of this image with non-overlapping
strips (d,e,f) Another possible representation, two over-lapping line
function and subtract the overlapping part. We prefer (b,c) as our
representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4 A multi-level phantom. We represent it by non-overlapping regions
with dierent intensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.5 Flowchart of our algorithm. We iteratively perform sparse recovery
and intensity estimation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.6 The feasible set for (a) intensity boundary constraint (b) data tting
constraint (c) intersection of data tting and boundary. Note that
the solution in DT must belong to the intersection to satisfy both
constraints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.7 The minimum L
solution for (a) noiseless case and (b) noisy case.
Note the solution will be on the inner boundary of feasible region. . 99
4.8 The reweighedL
minimization. Note that the feasible region is the
intersection of data tting y = ADu and1 u 1. (a) solution
with initial weights (b) after reweighing, the solution stays on the
boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.9 Alternating projection on two convex sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.10 The Simulation 1 results. (a) The binary testing phantom (b) Re-
construction result with noise variance = 0.1 (c) S. Weber's method
with same noise variance (d) Filtered back projection result with
same noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.11 Comparison of the mean square error with respect to dierent noise
level in Simulation 1. Note our method have perfect reconstruction
in noiseless case and outperform other methods in high SNR case. . 110
4.12 Simulation 2. (a) Test Shepp-Logan phantom (b) Histogram of the
reconstructed image after 1 iteration (c) Histogram after 2 iterations
(d) Histogram after 2 iterations. After few intensity updates, the
histogram is more concentrated on few spots. . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.13 Reconstruction mean square error with respect to the noise level with
f12; 18g number of projection views in Simulation 2. This shows that
our method outperform Total-Variation reconstruction in all cases. . 112
4.14 Projection onto convex set results in Simulation 3 (a) After projec-
tion onto the data tting set. Note that some pixels may be nega-
tive. (b) After projection onto boundary constraint set. All pixels
are within the range now. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.15 The reconstructed mean square error with respect to the number of
iterations in Simulation 3. The result shows the MSE decreases with
respect to number of iterations, and also re
ects the slow convergence
of POCS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Transmission tomography is a powerful tool to image the interior structure based on
measured data on the boundary. It provides a \non-destructive" imaging and widely
used in dierent areas. However, the reconstructed image quality degrades when
lower number of data is available. In this work, we consider tomography problems
involving detection of high contrast structures with limited amount of data, and
propose a sparse representation for the images of our interest. The sparse model is
useful to reduce the unknown variables for the tomographic reconstruction. In the
rst part, we propose an object-based model for high velocity structure in travel
time tomography. We focus on how to speed up the path tracking procedure on high
velocity object assumption. To estimate the object parameters, we use probabilistic
approach to dene the appearance probability of dierent models, and estimate the
probability distribution by accelerated random walk. The result can be viewed as
a \probability map", which represent the appearance of the high velocity structure
in dierent regions. Compared to the conventional grid-based model, our approach
provides stable results and superior reconstruction quality. As an application, we
use the high contrast tomography to detect fractures in a low permeability reservoir
under water-
ooding. In particular, we (i) propose to use the injected water as a
probe signal, where we are able to measure the travel time without shutting down
the usual operation, and (ii) formulate the fracture as high velocity objects and
do tomographic reconstruction. The results from commercial simulator show our
method can successfully identify the location of fractures, and the eld experiment
is consistent with the conclusion from experts in the eld engineering team. In
the second part, we study the X-ray transmission tomography where the object is
assumed to be made from few distinct materials. This problem is called discrete
tomography (DT). Such images arise in tomography problems where very high
contrast is expected, e.g., in angiography medical imaging or electron tomography.
We assume the image of interest can be segmented as several smooth boundary,
constant intensity regions. Moreover, we design transform which can represent
each region with sparse coecients, and formulate the tomographic reconstruction
as a sparse recovery. A common assumption for DT is that the set of possible
intensity levels is known in advance. However, determining the prescribed intensity
levels is a dicult problem, coupled with measurement calibration and the prior
knowledge of image. We introduce an unsupervised DT algorithm that jointly
reconstructs the image and estimates the unknown intensity levels. Our algorithm
alternates between (i) an L
sparse recovery step with a reweighed cost function
that search the sparse representation which ts the measurements, and (ii) an
estimation step for the most likely intensity levels. We experimentally demonstrate
that the proposed algorithm successfully estimates the unknown levels and leads to
high quality reconstruction of phantom images.
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
Transmission tomography aims to image the interior structure of an object based
on measuring the response of the penetrating wave through it. The penetrating
wave, which acts as a probe signal, can be X-ray, ultrasound or seismic wave. A
set of sensors are installed on the boundary of the object to measure the signal
response, which could be the attenuation or delay of the signal induced by the
object. Then, we would like the reconstruct the object model, which captures the
physical properties of the structure by material parameters (e.g., wave velocity,
attenuation) as a function of position. In tomographic inversion, we want to match
the measured data with the predicted ones from the reconstructed model. This
technique provides a \non-destructive" method to image the interior of the object,
and the idea can be traced back to Radon transform [21]. Although dierent
researchers made progress on tomographic imaging [72, 82], we have to wait for
the development of electronics and digital computers. In 1972, Hounseld [38]
developed the rst computed tomography scanner. Since then, the transmission
tomography has been widely used in many dierent areas, e.g., radiology [61],
biology [31], geophysics [23], oceanography [55], etc.
In this dissertation, we investigate two types of transmission tomography: Travel
time tomography and X-ray computed tomography. In travel time tomography, we
measure the delay of signals between sensors, which give us the rst arrival travel
times. The travel time is the path integral on the shortest path in the slowness
(reciprocal of velocity) model, where the travel path (shortest path) depends on
the velocity model and may not be a straight line between sensors. Thus, with
the travel time data, estimating the velocity model is a nonlinear inverse problem.
This technique is very useful in modeling geophysical structures, for example, re-
construction of velocity model of the Earth and monitoring the earthquake zone.
In X-ray computed tomography, series of X-ray sources are pointing to the object
from dierent directions, and we measure the X-ray energy from the sensors on the
boundary. Dierent from previous case, the travel path of X-ray can be assumed
as a straight line, and the energy decrease is characterized by the line integral of
the material attenuation coecients. Therefore, we have a linear inverse problem
when estimating the attenuation model with the X-ray energy measurements. It is
widely used in medical imaging, e.g., Angiography and cancer tumor detection.
To reconstruct the object model, it is an inverse problem and might be ill-posed.
But in many typical applications, for example, computed medical imaging, it is pos-
sible to increase the number of samples by putting more sensors. Thus, a sucient
number of samples can be acquired in order to reconstruct a high quality object
model. Many reconstruction algorithms have been developed for this scenario, e.g.,
simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique (SIRT) [35], ltered back projec-
tion algorithm (FBP) [43] and total variation reconstruction [65]. It is well known
that we will have better quality for reconstruction with more samples. However,
in some applications, it would be too costly to increase the number of sensors sig-
nicantly. In these scenarios, the measured data will be sparse and many of these
reconstruction tools will not provide good quality results. For example, in seismic
cross-borehole tomography [37] sensors are placed in a vertical wellbore to measure
the re
ection or refraction seismic waves. In such case, increasing the amount of
measured data means drilling new wells to place additional sensors. Similarly, in X-
ray computed tomography cardiac angiography [34], series of photon attenuations
are measured by capturing X-ray that travel through the object from dierent an-
gles. But taking more data means the patient is exposed to higher X-ray radiation
doses, which may increase the risk of cancer. In this dissertation, the primary focus
is to develop algorithms to reconstruct the object image when only sparse measured
data available.
Furthermore, we consider the cases where the structure has \high contrast"
property, which means that there are regions with sharp changes in the model pa-
rameters. For example, in hydraulic travel time tomography, the
ow conductivity
in a low permeability reservoir is very low, while the fractures provide fast path-
ways for the
uid. Also, in industrial computed tomography inspection, the testing
material is assumed to be homogeneous and high attenuation (e.g., metal), where
the cracks inside can be viewed as almost zero attenuation. The \high contrast"
property and the limited availability of data makes the reconstruction more di-
cult and typical reconstruction algorithms may not perform well. The high contrast
of the travel velocity will cause the travel paths bend severely near the high con-
trast regions. This violates the \almost straight travel path" assumption in most
iterative linearized reconstruction algorithms and leads to lack of convergence in
the solutions. For X-ray transmission tomography, the sharp changes of attenua-
tion will cause the standard Filter-Back projection reconstruction method generates
blur image near the high contrast boundary, which causes diagnostic ambiguity.
To improve the handling of this dicult situation, dierent from typical grid-
based model, we propose an object based model to provide a \sparse" representation
for high contrast regions. This is useful to (i) reduce the dimensions of unknown
variables and (ii) provide a regularization for ill-posed inverse problem. In this
work, we mainly focus on designing object models and the corresponding tomo-
graphic reconstruction algorithms. The algorithms in this dissertation are toward
two applications: The rst one is fracture estimation in a low permeability reser-
voir under water-
ooding. In this application, estimating the location of fractures
is important to reservoir characterization, production optimization, etc. We model
the fractures as high velocity objects and use \injected water" as a probe signal,
then estimate the fractures based on injection-production response. Compared to
other methods (seismic, tracer testing), our method can be done based on current
infrastructure and without additional cost. The second application is X-ray dis-
crete tomography, where the object of interest is assumed to have several smooth
boundary, constant regions. We design a dictionary to represent the object in a
transformed domain and apply the \sparse recovery" technique. Thus, superior
reconstructed image quality is achieved with limited amount of measured X-ray
projection data. We give an overview of our work in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 then
provide an outline of this dissertation in Section 1.5.
1.2 Travel-time tomography for high contrast media
with sparse data
In travel time tomography, the rst arrival time between transmitters and receivers
is measured and then this data is used to reconstruct the velocity model for the
object, where each point in the object structure is characterized by its wave traveling
velocity. The transmitted signal can be a seismic wave, an acoustic sound wave,
and even a
uid pressure wave. This technique is important to characterize large
scale elastic media, in applications such as seismic geophysical exploration [58] and
acoustic tomography (for example, in the atmosphere's surface [77] or in the ocean
layers [55]). As we mentioned before, the \high contrast media" problem means
that the typical algorithms usually fail to provide a stable solution. Moreover, lack
of a sucient amount of measured data will introduce more uncertainty for the
reconstructed model, because multiple velocity models may t the measured travel
time data.
Without knowing the travel path, the reconstruction of a velocity model becomes
a nonlinear inverse problem. The reconstruction algorithm can be specied by
(i) a forward step, which calculates the travel time and path, based on current
estimated velocity model, (ii) an inverse step, which updates the velocity model
based on the travel path calculated in previous step. By Fermat's principle, the
travel path is the path traversed in the shortest time [11], and thus calculating the
travel path is very computationally intensive. In this dissertation, we describe how
to use object-based models to represent the high contrast velocity structure and
propose a probabilistic approach to reconstruct the possible models with sparse
data. The novel contributions are (i) an object representation which provides a
dramatic reduction in the complexity requirement to calculate the travel path in
the forward step, and (ii) development of a fast randomized algorithm to estimate
the probability distribution in model parameter space by using the monotonicity
property of high velocity objects.
1.3 Water-
ooding Tomography
We study the fracture estimation problem in a low permeability oil reservoir un-
der water-
ooding. Due to the high demand of crude oil, enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) technologies are introduced to boost the production. \Water-
ooding" is
one of the most widely used process to enhance the oil recovery, where water is
injected in the reservoir to provide pressure support and stimulate the oil produc-
tion. Water-
ooding requires a careful design of the amount of injection to use at
dierent locations because the heterogeneous structures (fracture or fault, which
act as fast pathways or barriers for the
uid) will aect the recovery eciency dra-
matically. Thus, to optimize the water-
ood eciency it is critical to identify these
heterogeneous structures in a reservoir.
Many reservoir characterization techniques have been proposed in the past few
decades, e.g., seismic cross-hole tomography [14,64], pulse testing [41,53] and tracer
tests [2, 3, 24]. A common aspect of these methods is that they all require extra
equipments and may disrupt normal operations. In this work, we only consider
fractures in a low permeability reservoir. Thus, we can model the fractures as high
velocity objects in a uniform low velocity background and apply our high contrast
travel time tomography technique. Moreover, we use the injected water as a signal
source and measure the change in production. By using the injection-production
wells as transmitters-receivers, we can estimate the response time between them.
This will eliminate the need for the extra equipment for the reservoir characteri-
zation, therefore making possible real-time reservoir monitoring based on current
infrastructure. We validate our approach by running simulations on a commercial
reservoir simulator from computer modeling group LTD. [50]. A eld experiment
is also conducted and it shows that our result is consistent with the known fault
location and the expectation from the eld engineers.
1.4 Discrete X-ray Tomography
The second type of transmission tomography we investigate in this dissertation is X-
ray computed tomography, which is widely used for noninvasive testing in medical
imaging and industrial material inspection. During the test, a series of X-rays
are sent targeting the object from dierent directions, and the decrease of X-ray
intensity is measured around the object. It is well known that the quality of the
reconstructed object image degrades if we have fewer projections angles. However,
in medical imaging we want to limit the number of X-ray projections, so that it is
as small as possible thus limiting the radiation dose for the patient. For example,
in Angiography [39] a typical cardiac CT scan needs to put the patient under CT
scan for the entire cardiac cycle, which means the patient is exposed to a high
energy X-ray radiation over a long period of time (about 60 90 seconds). Thus,
our goal is to study the problem of improving the reconstructed image quality when
a reduced amount of data is available.
In this dissertation, we consider the case where the image of interest can be
segmented into several smooth boundary, high contrast regions. The testing objects
are assumed to be made from few dierent materials, which correspond to distinct
attenuation levels of X-ray radiation. For example, in an industrial CT scan for
aw detection, we usually know the type of material compound for the
object (aluminum, plastic, etc) in advance and want to test if a cavity exists. A
cavity refers to empty space, which has almost zero X-ray attenuation. Thus, the
reconstructed image can be approximated by a binary intensity image where the
high pixel value accounts for the object and an almost zero value corresponds the
In this case, we want to recover a high contrast image where there are only few
dierent pixel values. With a limited amount of data, the image reconstruction
becomes an ill-posed integer inverse problem. This problem is called Discrete To-
mography (DT) [36] and many algorithms have been proposed [36]. However, none
of these algorithms has considered the sparsity in a transform domain. In recent
years a signicant amount of work, e.g., compressed sensing [18] has been devoted
to perfectly recover a sparse signal, even though the amount of measured data is
insucient. Following this concept, we propose to use the object based model to
represent the high contrast image, which leads to a sparse representation. This is
done by designing a dictionary that can represent the discrete image with very few
coecients in the transformed domain. Thus, with the designed dictionary we can
formulate the DT as a sparse recovery problem, and the quality of reconstruction
result is superior to standard reconstruction methods.
Another challenge is that for a high contrast image, the set of possible inten-
sity levels is not known in advance. In practice, determining the intensity levels
as a prior is very challenging and aected by other practical issues, such as mea-
surement calibration [16]. Therefore, we formulate an unknown intensity levels
DT problem and propose a completely unsupervised algorithm to reconstruct the
image. We rst address the binary DT problem for known intensity levels, then ex-
tend our algorithm by representing the multi-value image with the superposition of
binary images and adding a level-estimation step within each iteration. Thus, our
algorithm iteratively estimates the intensity level and reconstructs the nal image.
1.5 Outline
This dissertation is organized as follows. First we study the high contrast travel time
tomography problem and propose an object-based reconstruction in Chapter 2. As
an application, we propose the fracture estimation in a low permeability reservoir
under water-
ooding in Chapter 1.3. In Chapter 4 we propose a dictionary and use
sparse recovery to reconstruct the object in X-ray discrete tomography. Finally, in
Chapter 5 we conclude our work and point out some possible future work.
Chapter 2
Travel-time tomography for high contrast media
with sparse data
2.1 Introduction
Travel time tomography aims to reconstruct an interior velocity model by using
the measured rst-arrival times between transmitters and receivers. The velocity
model captures the physical properties of the region where the signal transmission
occurs. The transmitted signal can be a seismic wave, an acoustic sound wave,
and even a
uid pressure wave. This technique is important to characterize large
scale elastic media, in applications such as seismic geophysical exploration [58] and
acoustic tomography (for example, in the atmosphere's surface [77] or in the ocean
layers [55]). However, dierent from many other types of transmission tomography
(X-Ray CT, Positron emission tomography CT) where the straight-line travel path
assumption is commonly used, in this work we consider the \high contrast" velocity
model where the travel path may bend severely according to the velocity changes.
This phenomenon happens in all kinds of waveform inversion applications, with one
of the most studied cases being acoustic tomography. Instead of using the straight
line assumption, the travel path can be characterized by Fermat's principle: the
travel path observed is the path traversed in the shortest time [11], where the time
can be predicted as a path integral of the slowness function (reciprocal of velocity)
integrated along the travel path.
In many geophysical applications it is very common to have heterogeneous struc-
tures where the velocity contrast is high, e.g., a factor of two dierence in velocity
between dierent areas. Example of scenarios where this situation can be en-
countered arise in many applications: using seismic waves to nd fault zones [69],
monitoring the water/oil saturation in vegetable oil bio-remediation projects [47],
etc. The heterogeneous structure could be either fast or slow velocity structures. In
this work, we mainly focus on nding the high velocity structures in a homogeneous
background. Dierent from the case where the velocity distribution only has small
variations [77], the travel path near the boundary of high velocity structure not
only bends severely but is almost dominated by them that form high transmissive
channels. Because the straight line travel path approximation is not valid, the re-
construction of the velocity model becomes a nonlinear inverse problem. Note that
conventional reconstruction methods are based on iterative linearized algorithms to
approximate the travel path. Thus, given that in many practical situations we only
have sparse measured travel time data, these methods suer from problems due to
low ray-coverage and severe path bending in the high contrast velocity medium.
For a comprehensive review on this subject, we refer the reader to the overview by
Berryman [12].
Our initial motivation for this work comes from the
ow permeability charac-
terization in a fractured reservoir [73]. One of the most widely used enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) techniques, water-
ooding, involves injecting water in a controlled
manner in order to provide pressure support that can slowly sweep the oil into
the production wells [75]. During this process, the permeability (measurement of
ability to transmit
uid) of open fractures can be orders of magnitude higher than
that of surrounding tight rocks, providing fast pathways for the
ow. Thus, travel
time through a fracture (which could be modeled as a line in 2D or a plane in
3D) is much faster than through surrounding rocks. The
ow properties of the
reservoir are dominated by these highly \transmissive" fracture structures. If a
fracture is close to both an injection well and a production well, most water will
ow directly through the fracture and will fail to displace oil in nearby areas. This
is a phenomenon known as \water cycling", which signicantly reduces oil recov-
ery eciency. Thus, understanding the locations of fractures is critical in
characterization and enhancement of oil recovery eciency. The major challenge
to achieve this understanding is that travel time measurements are limited by the
borehole locations, which makes it dicult to reconstruct high resolution images
of fracture locations. The high permeability contrast property between open frac-
tures and surrounding rocks also increases the diculty of reconstructing accurate
velocity maps.
A similar situation also arises in bio-remediation problems, where the goal is to
map the hydraulic conductivity and predict the ground water
ow in the aquifer.
Borehole core samples and pollutant concentration data are available only from
the pumping wells, which are very sparsely located in the eld. Another interesting
application is network delay tomography [71], where the main goal is to identify the
nodes where congestion occurs. Instead of using internal measurements at many
nodes, which require high bandwidth resources, network tomography measures the
end-to-end delay in the network and estimates the delay in each link. When conges-
tion happens, the delay time may be very dierent from the typical values, which
would make this a \high contrast" tomography problem.
Many dierent models have been developed for problems that involve a struc-
tured velocity distribution. Grid-based methods [10], which divide the volume into
small cells and assign a constant velocity to each cell, are widely used because of
the freedom to represent the structure in any degree of detail by increasing the
number of cells. As an alternative, object-based methods [47] use predened ob-
jects to represent the velocity structure. Compared to grid-based methods, if the
pre-dened shape of those objects is chosen wisely, object-based methods have the
advantage of parameterizing the spatial velocity distribution with a small number
of objects instead of a large number of cells.
This paper focuses on nding high velocity structures (HVS) in a relatively slow
homogeneous background. Specically we consider the case where the travel veloc-
ity can only take one of several possible discrete values. We call this a \discrete"
travel time tomography problem. For example, a reservoir can usually be modeled
as a layered structure, where each layer has quite dierent hydraulic conductivity.
Only a limited amount of research has addressed the high contrast velocity prob-
lem in travel time tomography. Bai and Greenhalgh [6] proposed to add irregular
nodes on the boundary of cells to improve the stability when determining nonlinear
ray travel paths. Berryman [9] used Fermat's principle on the velocity model to
handle the case where high contrast velocity alters the travel path severely. Both of
these approaches are grid-based methods and use iterative linearized algorithms to
perform the tomographic reconstruction. Because the velocity contrast is so high,
grid-based models require a very ne grid to represent the velocity distribution at
the boundaries between areas of dierent velocity, and the corresponding iterative
linearized inversion algorithm will often fail to converge and determine the actual
travel path. A ner grid implies we need to estimate more unknown values (the
number of parameters to estimate grows linearly with the number of cells), some of
cells may not even be covered by any travel path. For these cells, we cannot deter-
mine the travel velocity because no travel path passes through the corresponding
cells. This is the well known \lack of ray coverage" phenomenon.
As an alternative, in this chapter, we use object-based models to represent the
HVS. The objects are chosen from pre-dened fundamental convex shapes, so that
the geometrical shape of HVS can be represented by a combination of these objects.
This approach has two main advantages. First, the problem of approximating an
arbitrary shape by multiple convex objects is well understood. Moreover, we can
incorporate the prior information about the HVS into object-based models. For
instance, in the fracture characterization problem we know that the geometrical
shape of fractures can be well approximated by lines in 2D models or planes in 3D
models. Thus, in these cases, we can dene the shape of our fundamental convex
object as a \line" or a \plane", respectively. With this formulation, only small num-
ber of objects is needed to well approximate the shape of HVS, which reduces the
dimensionality and uncertainty of the reconstruction problem. Second, the travel
path tracking procedure can be simplied by only considering the shortest path be-
tween objects instead of all cells in spatial domain. Because the elementary objects
are convex, the travel path is piecewise linear and the computational complexity for
nding the shortest path between objects is reduced. Compared to the methods we
mentioned before, our approach reduces the number of unknown variables (which is
equal to the number of object parameters) and avoids the \lack of path coverage"
problem arising in grid-based models, which leads to a more stable solution to the
To estimate the velocity model from the measured travel time, we need to solve
a nonlinear inverse problem. The major issue in all inverse problems is that the
solution, in this case the estimated velocity model, may not be unique for the
given measurements. One popular approach to handle the non-uniqueness issue is
to apply regularizations to favor certain properties in the model [28]. The regu-
larization methods can be viewed as model selection: they will lead to solutions
that balance data-tting and model-penalty. However, it is not easy to select the
weight for model-penalty and this usually requires cross validation in order to avoid
over-tting [57].
An alternative approach is to estimate the probability distribution for the model
space according to the data-tting [68]. This gives a full description of the relative
probabilities of the dierent models, so that we can explicitly consider all likely
solutions. However, estimating the probability density in a high dimensional model
space is very challenging and time consuming [52].
In this chapter, we choose the Bayesian approach and focus on estimating the
probability density in the model parameter space. Due to the large dimension of
the model parameter space, we develop an accelerated random walk algorithm to
explore the model space. Based on the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method (HMC),
we add an additional friction term to the generation of sampling points along the
simulated particle moving trajectory through the model parameter space. Our al-
gorithm will sample more frequently locally in low error regions, and re-sampling
will be used based on the HVS property to approximate the structure of the prob-
ability distribution. The results are presented as a probability map showing where
the high velocity objects are more likely to appear in the underlying structure of
the system.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the rst to use an object-based approach
to solve a high contrast, discrete velocity tomography problem. Our proposed algo-
rithm uses the HVS properties to simplify the path nding step, which makes the
HMC sampling process more ecient. Furthermore, we exploit the monotonicity
of the travel time as a function of high velocity object size to approximate the
probability distribution in the space of model parameters. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows: We dene the object based model to represent the structure
in the velocity model in Section 2.2, and introduce the forward step and dene the
mathematical formulation for the travel path nding problem in Section 2.3. In
Section 2.4 we give an overview of our proposed algorithm for probability density
estimation. Simulation results and conclusions are presented in Section 2.5 and 2.6.
2.2 Object based model
In this chapter, we addresses the problem of detecting high velocity structures in
low velocity background with sparse data. The relation between the travel time and
velocity model is illustrated in Figure 2.1, where the forward step predict the travel
time for a given velocity model. In the inverse step, a velocity model is estimated to
match the measured travel time data. In this section, we will introduce the object
based approach to represent the high contrast velocity model.
Figure 2.1: The forward-inverse step of the velocity model and travel time
To represent the high velocity structure with the object based model, we need
to dene the type of object that is appropriate for our application. In rendering
(computer graphics), it has been well studied that we can approximate an arbitrary
structure in any detail with few fundamental objects [4], for example, triangle or
ellipse. In this chapter, we use convex objects as our fundamental objects, where we
can dene the types of convex object shape by user's choice. For example, if we only
use one type convex object (ellipse) as the fundamental object, the ith object will
be parameterized by the scale (size of object), center location and the orientation
of the corresponding ellipse, leading to a vector of parameters
; c
where s
; c
denote the scale, center location and the orientation respectively
(see Figure 2.2(b)). We denotej
j the area inside theith object. This formulation
can be easily extended to multiple type of convex shapes, for example, the object
can be either a triangle or an ellipse with one additional parameter to identify the
type of shape.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.2: (a) Grid based model: the HVS structure is approximated with cells
and assigns the same velocity inside each cell. (b) Object based model with ellipse
as the fundamental object: the structure is approximated with objects and assigns
the same velocity inside each ellipse.
Next we dene the velocity model in terms of the objects. Letf
be the set ofN high velocity objects, we denotev
the velocity in the homogeneous
background, and v
the velocity inside object
. Thus, the velocity model can be
represented by the objects as:
V (x;y) =
; if (x;y)2j
; otherwise.
Obviously the spatial velocity distribution is determined by the objects. We use
the notation V (
) to indicate the velocity distribution when we have N
objects with parameters
in the model.
We used(
) to represent the distance between two objects, which is dened
) = min
; 2j
j; 2j
j (2.2)
and the corresponding path is denoted by
P (
). The same notation can be
used for the distance between point and object, or point to point, i.e., d(;) and
P (;) are the distance and path between points and, etc.
2.3 Forward step
In this section, we introduce the forward step: Given the velocity model as input,
the forward model predict the corresponding travel time between arbitrary trans-
mitters and receivers. We use the mathematical formulation proposed in [12] to
calculate the travel time, where the travel path is dened as the direction of wave-
front propagation. Based on Fermat's principle, the actual travel path is the one
with minimum time cost from all possible travel paths connecting the transmitter
and the receiver. Let V (x;y) represent the velocity at position (x;y). The time
cost of an arbitrary path P connecting two pointsf;g based on velocity model
V is dened by the path integral:
(V;;) =
V (x;y)
; with P
=; P
=: (2.3)
The travel path,P
, is dened as the path with minimum time cost
. Therefore,
we can dene the travel time
between two pointsf;g as:
(V;;) = min
(V;;) = min
V (x;y)
; (2.4)
and the path P
will be:
(V;;) = arg min
(V;;): (2.5)
Finding the analytical solution for the travel time
and travel path P
is a
classical problem in calculus of variations [20]. Conventional methods, including the
shotgun ray-tracing method [12] or the level set method [63], tend to be all very
computationally expensive. In what follows, we will show that simple solutions
exist if we consider the case of a homogeneous background containing high velocity
convex objects.
2.3.1 Fast travel time/path nding
With the object based velocity model we proposed in Section 2.2, we now propose
a fast travel path nding algorithm and prove it can be built using induction on the
number of objects included in the model. For now, in order to reduce the complexity,
we assume that all objects have the same velocity and consider the high contrast
velocity case, i.e., v =v
= =v
and velocity ratio v=v
!1. With the high
velocity contrast assumption, we can ignore the time spent passing through an
object, which provides a way to nd the fastest travel path by considering the path
between objects recursively, thus greatly reducing the computational complexity.
We build our path-nding algorithm by induction. We start by assuming there
is only one object in the velocity model, V (
), then the travel path between a
transmitter and a receiver will be either the direct path connecting transmitter-
receiver points and or the one passing through the object, whichever is faster
(see Fig. 2.3(a)). Thus, the travel time function for any two points and with
a single object
in the model is the fastest of two possible travel paths:
(V (
);;) = min
( d(;
) +d(
;) ) + 1=v
; are the closest points to; inj
j, which are dened as:
= arg min
k; = arg min
j: (2.7)
The travel path passing through the object is the combination of the shortest dis-
tance from toj
j, a path insidej
j and the shortest distance fromj
j to.
Because of the background is homogeneous, the shortest distance from toj
is a straight line and we use
P (;
) to represent it (likewise for
P (;)). And
the shortest path insidej
j connecting
and is also a straight line, because
the object is convex shape. This travel path can be viewed as
describes the order of objects passing through. From the high velocity object as-
sumption, the travel time insidej
j is negligible, thus, the travel time function in
the one-object case becomes:
(V (
);;) = min
( d(;
) +d(
;) )
: (2.8)
Figure 2.3: The travel path will be the faster one between the direct path or the
one through high velocity object
Next, we consider the two-object case, N = 2. Now the fastest travel path
will be either the path using less than two objects, or the path passing through
both objects. From (2.8) we know how to compute the travel path/time for the
one-object cases, which are
. Thus, all we need to do now
is to compute two new paths which pass through bothj
j andj
j, and compare
them to the previous results.
We notice that the path
includes the shortest paths from to
, from object
to object
, and from object
to. Similar to (2.8),
the corresponding travel time will be 1=v
) +d(
) +d(
;) ). But
) has been calculated in the previous step when nding the path
and likewise d(
;) is also available. Thus d(
) is the only new quantity to
be calculated. Now it is clear that the travel path
can be found
eciently based on previous results. Similarly for
, only d(
would be needed, but d(
) = d(
) and thus no new distance needs to be
Now the forward model for calculating the travel time given two objects in
velocity model
(V (
);;) can be simplied as
(V (
);;) = 1=v
) +d(
) +d(
) +d(
) +d(
) +d(
) +d(
: (2.9)
Note that compared to the single object case in (2.8), in (2.9) we only need to
compute three new terms d(;
), d(
) and d(
;). By induction, it follows
that when we add theNth object
the new terms that need to be computed will
) andd(
;). That is, the number of new
distances to be computed increases linearly with the number of objects. Therefore,
the overall computational complexity of path tracking becomes O(N
2.3.2 Dijkstra path nding
Note that in (2.9), as well as in successive cases with additional objects,N > 2, the
optimal result is obtained by comparing dierent combinations of pairwise distance
(between points and/or objects). Based on this fact, we can convert the path
tracking problem into a shortest distance problem on a graph.
To do so, we can dene a graph where the transmitter and receiver act as source
and destination vertices and the objects are intermediate vertices. The weight of
edges between the vertices is the distance between the corresponding objects dened
in (2.2) (sources, destinations or objects, see Figure 2.4). Thus, this undirected
graphG = (v;e) will be fully connected with nonnegative weights and the shortest
path from source to destination can be found by running the Dijkstra algorithm [22]
(see Algorithm 1).
Algorithm 1 Dijkstra algorithm for path tracking
for v2G do . Initialization
dist[v] =1 . Unknown distance from source to v
previous[v] =; . Previous node in optimal path from source
dist[source] = 0 . Distance from source to source
Q :=8v2G . Put all nodes in Q to be scanned
end for
while Q6=; do . The main update loop
u :=v2 Q with minimum dist[v] . Start node in rst case
Q = Qnu . remove u from Q
if dist[u] =1 then
break ; . all remaining vertexes are inaccessible from source
for8 neighbor v of u do . where v is still in Q
alt = dist[u] +e(u;v)
if alt dist[v] then . update the distance for v
dist[v] = alt
previous[v] =u
end if
end for
end if
end while
For example, in Figure 2.4b we can construct the corresponding fully connected
graph for velocity model V (
) with 4 nodes as shown in Figure 2.4(b). We
show the update of the path tracking algorithm from the source to each node
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4: Graph representation of path tracking. (a) The distance between objects
(b) Graph and distance metric
for a numerical example with the same topology as the example of Figure 2.4(b) in
Figure 2.5.
2.3.3 Relationship between object size and travel time
For high velocity convex objects, we note that there is a monotonicity property
between the travel time function and the size of the objects. This will play an
important role in the inverse step to be presented later. To see this, we assume
two high velocity convex objects,f
g, wherej
j is a dilation ofj
j. In other
is a convex object with larger size but with the same overall shape as
j is a subset ofj
j (as shown in Figure 2.6).
From previous discussion, the travel path depends on the distance between the
objects. If one object expands, the distance between this object and others must
be shorter. Thus, all the edge weights (distance metric) in the graph will be smaller
than or equal to the weights before expansion, thus, the travel time must be faster.
This leads to the following lemma:
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2.5: The example for Dijkstra algorithm. Note in (b) the dist[
] is dist[]+
) = 5, and in (c) after we add
the dist[
] is updated to dist[
] +
) = 4
Figure 2.6: Change of the travel path with respect to the object size
Lemma 1. Consider two high velocity objects,f
g, wherej
j is a dilation of
j. With the otherN1 objects xed, consider two alternative velocity
models V (
) and V (
) using
respectively. For
the travel time function, we have
(V (
(V (
8;. Thus, the travel time is monotonically non-increasing with respect to the size
of high velocity object.
Proof. The proof is straight forward, given that weights in the graph are smaller
or equal with the same topology, the shortest path will be shorter.
2.4 Inverse step
In the forward step we just presented, we can predict the travel time when the
velocity model is given. Then, in the inverse step the goal is to estimate the velocity
model when the travel time data is observed. With limited travel time measured
data, this inverse problem becomes ill-posed and the solution may not be unique.
Thus, searching one single most possible model provides limited information for
This property still holds for any evenj
j, evenj
j andj
j have dierent shapes.
this inverse problem. Instead, we formulate it as a statistical inference problem
and estimate the probability distribution of the velocity model in the parameter
space [68]. We start this section by introducing some notations.
2.4.1 Notations
The input data is obtained by measuring the travel time between the set of transmit-
tersA =f
g and receiversB =f
g. We denote the measured
travel time for all transmitter-receiver pairs (
) as a vector t =ft
where n = txrx. Assuming that there are at most N objects in the velocity
model, we can cascade all object parameters and dene a vector of model parame-
ters, =f
g, thus the velocity model V (
) can be represented
simply byV (). Then we dene the travel time function from the forward model,
T(;A;B), as a vector function representing the travel time between each pair of
transmitters and receivers based on the velocity model with parameter :
T(;A;B) = (T
(;A;B)); (2.10)
where 8
(;A;B) =
(V (
(;A;B) =
(V (
We then dene an error function as a quadratic data-tting error between the travel
time predicted from the forward model and the measured travel time:
E() =kt T(;A;B)k
: (2.12)
We use the Bayesian approach [68], which leads us to update the belief for dierent
models after accounting for the observations. The likelihood function L(), which
is modeled as a Gaussian uncertainty of the error, measures the condence on
dierent models:
L() =
; (2.13)
k is a normalization constant. From Bayes' rule, the posterior probability
density function (PDF) () is proportional to the prior probability distribution
() multiplied by the likelihood function L(). The prior probability (),
which may come from previous experience, can provide useful information to select
possible models after the data is observed:
() =k()L(); (2.14)
where k is again a normalization constant. For the rest of this paper, we assume
a uniform distribution for the prior probability (), so that the posterior PDF
is equal to the likelihood function. Estimate the posterior PDF is equivalent to
estimating the error function, where the most possible models correspond to the
global minima in the error function E(). In the next section, we will introduce
our algorithm to estimate the error function.
2.4.2 Proposed algorithm
Because the travel time function is nonlinear, the error function E() will have a
complex and multi-modal shape. We can \sample" the error function at any point
by calculating the mismatch between the measured travel times and the ones
predicted from the forward model based on parameter . However, even with the
fast path tracking approach of Algorithm 1, calculating the travel time is still very
computationally expensive.
A naive approach to estimate the error function would be running a brute-force
uniform sampling in the whole parameter space. For example, consider the 2D case
where each object needs one parameter for the size, two parameters for the center
location and one for the rotation angle. If we choose 3 objects in the velocity model,
there will be 12 parameters, so that if we uniformly sample 10 possible values for
each parameter, this will require a total of 10
samples, which clearly makes this
uniform sampling approach impractical.
We note that in (2.13) the high probability models correspond to the regions
with low error in the parameter space. Thus, when sampling the error function,
we would like to have more sample points in these low error regions. However, the
error function is multi-modal and the gradient based method (steepest descend) can
only search and sample near the closest local minima. Thus, in order to search and
sample in the whole parameter space, we choose a random walk sampling scheme.
While this is a popular approach to nd multiple minima, the main drawback is
that its computational time could be very high, especially when the dimension of
the parameter space is high [52]. Thus, when we consider a velocity model with
many objects, the dimension of the model parameter space grows with the number
of objects which implies an exponential growth in the number of samples. To
overcome this problem, we propose an accelerated sampling algorithm to speed up
the random walk sampling and achieve denser sampling in the low error regions.
To further accelerate the sampling, we make use of known properties of the error
function. Specically, in the second part of our algorithm we use the monotonicity
property in Lemma 1 which implies that each error function (corresponding to one
measured travel time) is a unimodal function with respect to changes in the size
of one object. This allows us to re-sample along the dimension corresponding to
the object size (with all other parameters xed). These re-sampling location are
chosen by running golden section search on each error function (which is unimodal).
Compared to other sampling methods, our method signicantly reduces the compu-
tational time and provides a suciently good approximation of the error function.
The two parts of our algorithm are described in the next section. Accelerated random walk sampling
In the rst part of our algorithm, we want to sample the error function and em-
phasize the sampling in the low error regions. We modify the \Hamiltonian Monte
Carlo" (HMC) method [25], which is a Metropolis method but includes the gradient
information to reduce the random walk behavior. HMC uses the dynamical system
concept to draw samples by simulating a particle movement on the surface of the
error function. We introduce a new \friction" term, which is closely related to the
cooling schedule in simulated annealing [45], to draw more samples near the local
In HMC, we dene a dynamical system where the model parameter is aug-
mented by a momentum variable p, where p; have the same size. The total energy
H(; p) of the dynamical system is dened as the sum of \kinetic energy" and the
\potential energy", where the \potential energy" is equal to the error functionE()
and the \kinetic energy" is given byK(p) =kpk
=2, i.e,H(; p) =E() +K(p).
The changes in and p will be determined by the following equations:
= p; (2.15)
_ p =
p: (2.16)
To sample the error function, we simulate and record the states of particle
movement. With a randomized momentum p, we solve the Hamiltonian dynamics
in (2.15) during a simulated time of duration t. In the dynamical movement, the
momentum variable p determines where the parameter goes, and the gradient
of potential function determines the change of momentum p. The friction term p
decides the loss of total system energy.
Starting with the initial value
, we dene the simulation timet and steps t,
then use (2.15) to identify the successive steps in the walk through parameter space.
During the simulated time t, we can record the state variables [(t); p(t)],
[(2t); p(2t)], ::: , [(t); p(t)] which describes the variable movement on the
error function. Then we take all the (t);:::; (t) as new sampling points for
the error function.
In Fig 2.7 we show an example of the particle movement. The initial momen-
tum drives the particle to the high potential region, then it falls back because the
momentum is changed by the gradient of the potential function. And the total
energy decreases during the simulation, which causes the particle to settle down in
one local minima.
Then we decide whether to accept the last sampling point (t) as a new starting
point for the next round of simulation by the Metropolis rule [54]. This acceptance
rule is based on the change of the error function, E() = E((t))E((0)),
where (0) is the current starting point. If E() 0, the new sample reaches
a lower error state and we always accept it as a new starting point. Otherwise, we
draw a random number r between [0; 1] and accept it if exp(E()) r. We
iteratively simulate this dynamic systemL times, and the detail algorithm is shown
in Algorithm 2.
Figure 2.7: The simulated state movement. Note the initial momentum is toward
left, driving to the high error region. Then it falls into low error regions, and we
can see the total energy is decreasing through the simulation. Most of samples are
near local minimum.
This sampling scheme provides some useful properties for exploring the param-
eter space in our inverse problem:
The random momentum provides the ability to jump out of current local
minima, and makes it possible to travel through all parameter space and
sample in multiple low error regions.
The additional friction term decreases the total system energy at each simu-
lation proceeds, which \cools down" the system and allows the state to stay
near a local minimum. This property leads to more samples in the low error
The exploration speed is linearly related to the number of iterations, instead
of being related to its square root, as in the typical random walk. This makes
Algorithm 2 Modied Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method
(0) =
. Initialize
for l = 1 :L do . loop L times
g =rE((0)) . set gradient using initial parameter
E =E((0)) . set error function value
p randn( size((0)) ) . initialize momentum
= (0); g
= g
for t
= 0 : t :t do . Use \leapfrog" steps to simulate the dynamics
p = p g
+ p
Sample list
. Record the state samples
) . Update the gradient and momentum
p = p g
=2 p
end for
) . Find the nal value of error function
E =E
E . Use Metropolis rule to decide the new starting point
if E < 0 then
(0) = (t) . Accept the new starting point
if exp(E) rand() then
(0) = (t) . Accept the new starting point if exp(E) a
random number
end if
end if
end for
our sampling scheme much more ecient in a high-dimensional parameter
space. Re-sampling by the monotonicity property
In the rst part of our algorithm, an accelerated random walk leads to sample
points concentrated in the low error regions. However, if we want to understand the
structure of the error function in the whole parameter space, it will not be sucient
if we only sample in the low error regions. In the second part our algorithm, we
want to re-sample the error function and build a linear approximation for it.
Because the shape of error function is complicated and multi-modal, without
any prior information there is no easy way to eciently choose \good" sampling
locations to approximate it. One possible approach would be using the samples
from HMC step as starting points to run a pure random walk to explore and re-
sample the error function. However, the exploration speed in a pure random walk
would be roughly equal to the Nth root of the number of samples, where N is
the dimension of parameter space. This would be too slow and we would require
exponential samples to cover the whole parameter space. We now show how to use
some properties of the error function in order to choose the re-sampling locations
We note that the error function is dened by the sum of mismatches correspond-
ing to each measured travel time:
E() = ktT (;A;B)k
= kt
+::: (2.18)
= E
() +E
() +:::; (2.19)
where each separate error function has a quadratic formE
() =kt
Consider the change in the travel time functionT
(;A;B) with respect to the size
of object j, while all other parameters are left unchanged. By Lemma 1, the
travel time between two arbitrary points will always be non-increasing as the size of
a high velocity object increases. Thus, given its quadratic form the change of each
individual error function, E
(), will be a weakly unimodal function with respect
to the change of a single object size(see Figure 2.8).
We make use of this property to choose the re-sampling locations in the param-
eter space. The basic idea is to re-sample only along the dimensions corresponding
(a) (b)
Figure 2.8: Change of travel time and error function with respect to the size of one
high velocity object. (a) The travel time function T
(;A;B) (b) The error func-
tion E
( =kt
. The travel time is monotonically non-increasing,
therefore the error function is weakly unimodal.
to size parameters,s
;::: . We choose one size parameter each time and use the
above property. BecauseE
() is unimodal with respect to the change ofs
, it can
be well represented by linear interpolation if we sample more frequently in large
curvature regions. Thus, we select one axiss
at a time corresponding to the size of
objectj and use the golden section search [44] to perform selection on re-sampling
locations along that axis, while leaving parameters along the other dimensions un-
changed. We use these probing points as re-sampling locations, with more locations
chosen in the large curvature regions (minima). Thus, compared to the random or
uniform sampling, the golden section search sampling is more ecient because it
puts few samples in the almost constant regions and focuses on the large curvature
regions in the parameter space.
To illustrate our approach, consider an example where we have two objects
in the velocity model =f
g and two measured data points t =ft
the error function is dened as E() = E
() +E
(). Given an initial sam-
ple (0), the parameters can be re-ordered as (0) =fs
(0)g. To
nd the re-sampling locations on the s
axis, we run the golden section search k
times along the s
dimension on E
() and E
(). The re-sampling locations
will befs
(0)g, ::: ,fs
(0)g andfs
(k + 1);s
::: ,fs
(0)g where the rstk points are chosen by running the golden
section search on E
and the next k points are on E
. Likewise, we run the same
procedure to choose the re-sampling locations on the s
Note that to re-sample on the s
axis, we choose 2k re-sampling locations for
the error function based on E
and E
separately. If we run the golden section
search directly on the error functionE(), which is the sum of each separate error
function E() = E
() +E
() and may not be unimodal (sum of unimodal
functions is not necessary unimodal, see Figure 2.9), the direct search is unlikely
to give us good sampling locations. Since each separate function is unimodal and
we know how to eciently sample it, we divide the sampling \budget" and choose
the sampling locations based on each separate function. Because the error function
is the sum of each separate error function, the large curvature regions for the error
function should belong to the union of large curvature regions of each separate error
function and our approach selects more samples in the regions where one of the two
error functions has large curvature. In Figure 2.10 we show an example of how
this approach works better than choosing sampling locations directly on the total
2.5 Simulation Results
Following our previous assumptions, in our simulations we use a velocity ratio
!1 and choose \line" as the pre-dened convex geometrical object to model
the HVS. The model parameters
; c
g will be the length, line center and
Figure 2.9: Sum of two unimodal functions. Note the sum of two unimodal functions
is not necessary a unimodal function.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.10: Re-sampling comparison. (a) Re-sampling locations chosen by running
the golden section search on f(x) (b) Locations chosen separately on f
(x) and
(x). The red \squares" are sampling locations chosen from f
(x), and black
\dots" are from f
(x). Note that choosing from separate functions gives much
better approximation because each one is unimodal.
angle for the line object. The scenario we choose for our experiments is motivated
by the problem of modeling a fractured reservoir, where the fractures are usually
represented by lines in 2D or planes in 3D.
To visualize the object based model in spatial domain, after we samplef
N points in the parameter space, we dene a mapping function f() which maps
the object parameters into object shapes in spatial domain. Then we calculate the
): (2.20)
Becausef() represents the high velocity structure in spatial domain,M
can be
viewed as the \appearance probability map" of the high velocity in dierent region.
In simulations, we need to choose the random momentum p and friction p.
We draw the momentum from a normal distribution N(0;), where is equal to
the 10% of the maximum possible value of . The friction coecient is chosen
to be 1=t in our experiments .
In Experiment 1, we illustrate the sampling process. Assuming there is only
one measured data point (one travel time between transmitter-receiver pair), and
the center of \line" object is xed. Thus, in this case we only have two parame-
tersfs; g which represent the length and angle of the line object. We show the
geometry of the line object, sensor locations and the ground truth PDF (which is
multi-modal because only one measured data point) in Figure 2.11. Now we apply
our algorithm to sample and estimate the PDF: The samples from the HMC step
are listed as blue circles, which are concentrated in high probability regions. The
results of randomized re-sampling and golden section search are shown in Figure
2.12, where the randomized re-sampling only explores a very narrow region near
the starting points and golden section search re-samples along the whole s axis.
Figure 2.11: The (a) geometry of sensor settings and (b) (c) the PDF for experiment
The estimated PDF from the two dierent approaches are shown in Figure 2.13,
which shows that our proposed method has much better estimated PDF than the
result from randomized re-sampling. Because the randomized re-sampling only
explores a small region near the initial samples, most of the structure of the PDF
remains unknown. Our approach choose the re-sampling locations which lead to
better approximation of PDF structure.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2.12: The HMC sampling and randomized re-sampling in experiment 1.
(a) The blue \dots" are samples from HMC. (b) The red \x" are re-samples from
random walk. Note it can only explores a small region in parameter space. (c) The
red \x" are re-samples from golden section search. The re-sampling locations have
the same but cover the whole s axis.
In Experiment 2, we increase the number of measured data (2 transmitters and
2 receivers, total 4 measured travel time between transmitter-receiver pairs). The
(a) (b)
Figure 2.13: The estimated PDF by (a) Randomized re-sampling (b) Golden section
search re-sampling. Note the randomized re-sampling only explores a small region
of parameter space and most of PDF is unknown.
PDF and our estimation are shown in Figure 2.14. Comparing to the Experiment
1, the change of PDF is much sharper which implies the model uncertainty is less
if we have more data. For example, if we dene the acceptable model asE(),
then the corresponding region in the parameter space is much narrow for the large
data case.
We show the ground truth model and the estimated probability map in Figure
2.15. The result shows that we have high probability areas near the ground truth.
Note the center has highest probability - the reason is that in this simple example
we x the center for all HVS models. Thus, when we calculate the appearance
probability, all models have a common center point and we will have the highest
probability near the center area.
In Experiment 3, the transmitters and receivers are placed on the boundary
and the HVS is near the center lower area. In the inverse step, we use one line
object in the HVS model and all object parameters (center position, length, angle)
can be changed freely, so that the parameter space has 4 dimensions.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.14: The PDF and our estimation in experiment 2. Note comparing to
experiment 1, the PDF has sharper changes which implies higher model resolution.
Figure 2.15: (a) The ground truth and (b) the appearance probability map. It
shows several dierent models closed to ground truth all have high probability.
To quantify the reconstructed model error, we dene the error metric as the
dierence between each sampled HVS model and the ground truth, weighted by
the probability of each estimated HVS model. We use the Hausdor distance to
characterize the dierence of two HVS models. The Hausdor distance for two
objects X; Y is dened by:
(X; Y) = max
d(;); sup
; (2.21)
where d(;) is the distance function of (2.2).
In our result, we map the high velocity model into 2D spatial domain, then
discretize the result into a set of points. The Hausdor distance can be viewed as
the maximum distance among all points in a set to the nearest point in the other
set [60] and is widely used in computer vision to measure the dierence between
3D curves or binary images [40]. It also has an interesting property in that when
(X; Y) = 0 then X and Y have the same closure. In our case, because we
use convex object models, if the Hausdor distance is zero it implies that the two
objects are equal X = Y. From previous discussion, for a given model parameter
,f() is the function that represents the shape of the corresponding high velocity
structure in spatial domain. Then, the error metric with respect to the true HVS
can be written as
E() =
))()d (2.22)
); (2.23)
are sampled models.
Figure 2.16: (a) The ground truth and (b) the error metric for experiment 3. Note
that the error metric decreases when the number of sensor increases.
We list the error metric for 5 5, 10 10, 25 25, 50 50 transmitter-receiver
pairs (see Figure 2.16). Our results show that the error metric decreases as the
number of sensors increases. We also list the result with grid-based model and
linearized reconstruction algorithm for comparison. Due to the travel paths only
covering very few cells, most of the cell's velocity remain unknown and the linearized
reconstruction algorithm will assign the high velocity to cells which give the most
signicant changes for the error function, which usually are the cells closed to
sensors. (see Figure 2.17)
In Experiment 4, we use the same sensor constellation as in Experiment 3 with
a more complicated HVS. For the inversion, we use 3 line objects and the result
shows some diculties to resolve the vertical structure of HVS. In Figure 2.19 and
2.20, it shows that increasing the number of measured data points does not increase
the vertical resolution. This is an inherent limitation of travel time tomography,
which comes from the relative location of the sensors and the HVS. If the \line"
HVS is orthogonal to the travel path, it will not aect the travel time at all. In
this case most of the transmitter-receiver pairs are in the horizontal direction, so
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 2.17: (a) The grid-based result with 25*25 transmitters/receivers and (b)
the appearance probability map for Experiment 3. Note the grid-based model fails
to recover the HVS location.
that the vertical resolution is very limited. This is the reason we have \phantoms"
in the vertical direction and the error metric (see Figure 2.18) does not decrease
when we increase the number of measured data points.
From the above experiments, we show that our algorithm can estimate the
PDF and recover possible models for high contrast travel time tomography with
sparse data. Our algorithm is robust to noise because we estimate the PDF from
all measured data. For example, if one measured travel time is aected by shot
noise, the corresponding error function E
will be signicantly changed. But the
error function is dened as the sum of all individual error functions (see equation
(2.12)), thus, the eect of shot noise will be \averaged" out by other good measure
data points which provides the robustness for estimation.
2.6 Conclusion
The main purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach for the reconstruction
of high contrast discrete velocity models in travel time tomography. To image the
(a) (b)
Figure 2.18: (a) Ground truth and (b) error metric for experiment 4. Note the
error metric does not decrease monotonically due to the vertical phantom.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
(a) (b)
Figure 2.19: (a) Grid-based result and (b) appearance probability map for 10 10
sensors in experiment 4
(a) (b)
Figure 2.20: (a) Grid-based result (b) Appearance probability map for 25 25
sensors in experiment 4
high contrast media, we take advantage of the high velocity structures and prove
that the travel trajectory is piecewise linear when we consider convex object model.
We show that our travel path nding method is able to compute the correspond-
ing travel time much faster than the conventional ray-tracing method because we
consider the number of objects as \nodes" instead of number of cells in grid model.
Thus, the complexity scales with the number of objects, instead of the (much larger)
number of cells in a grid.
A model based approach for high velocity structures (HVS) is studied and the
error function is dened by the mist between the predicted travel time based on
current model and the measurements. We develop a reconstruction algorithm to
eciently sample the error function in the model parameter space. After we map
the corresponding model parameters back to the object shape in spatial domain,
we can obtain the HVS appearance probability in dierent areas. In our simula-
tions, we show how our algorithm samples and approximates the error function,
nding set of possible HVS models. The results also show our algorithm has better
reconstructions compared to the typical grid-based model.
Future work will be to explore how to rene the idea of object based model
to achieve an ecient representation of the HVS structure. For example, we are
looking at how to dene or adaptively change the shape of objects to have a sparse
representation. And the optimum number of objects for the model is another
interesting question. Increasing the number of objects will provide a better detail
representation of structure, but also increase the dimension of parameter space.
We plan to explore the trade-o between the number of objects and computational
complexity of our randomized sampling algorithm.
Chapter 3
ooding Tomography
3.1 Introduction
Recently, due to the high demand of crude oil, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) tech-
niques have been widely used to boost oil production. The most commonly used
EOR approach is
uid e.g., gas or water injection in order to maintain the pres-
sure of the reservoir and increase the amount of oil that can be extracted. In this
chapter, we consider the \water-
ooding" process where water is injected to the
reservoir to stimulate production. In a water-
ooding project, we would like the in-
jected water to uniformly increase the pressure through the reservoir and \push" the
residual oil toward the production wells. The
ow through a porous medium
is described by Darcy's law, which states that the
ow rate is proportional to the
permeability. Therefore, it is critical to control the injection amount in dierent
locations because the heterogeneous structures aect the sweep eciency dramat-
ically. Heterogeneous structures could be fractures or faults, which act as a high
permeability channels or barriers for the
ow. For example, if a high permeability
channel is very close to the injection-production well pair, most injected water will
ow through it and fail to sweep the oil in other regions. This phenomenon is
called \water cycling", since much of the water injected is later produced. Water
cycling decreases the sweep eciency and increases the water cut (the ratio of wa-
ter produced compared to the volume of total liquids produced), and high water
cut requires special treatment in the oil-water separation. Moreover, when the oil
production eciency is low, the overall cost (per barrel of oil produced) increase
signicantly because it includes lifting, separation, ltering, pumping and injection
of water. Another example is that if an injection well is near a fault, very little
water can
ow through the barrier, which will also decrease the sweep eciency
dramatically. To handle this situation, many authors have considered production
optimization as an approach to compensate the impact of heterogeneity and im-
prove sweep eciency [5, 15, 67]. Thus, to optimize the water-
ood eciency it is
critical to identify these heterogeneous structures in a reservoir.
Many reservoir characterization methods have been proposed in the past few
decades. The most widely used one might be seismic cross-hole tomography, which
provides very detailed geological structures [14,64]. However, it is dicult to use the
seismic results to infer
ow properties directly. In early work, pulse testing [41,53]
was used to measure the pressure build-up curve in nearby wells. This method
provides a direct measurement of the pressure wave propagation time, but eld
operations need to be interrupted (because the eld needs to be shutdown to enable
accurate measurements) Moreover, downhole pressure gauges are hard to maintain.
Another popular method is tracer testing [2,3,24], which injects a tracer chemical
at one well and monitors the concentration at all the production wells to estimate
the diusion process between injector-producer pairs and provide a direct estimate
ow permeability distribution. Vasco [73] also proposed combining the dynamic
data obtained from tracer tests and that obtained from productions rates in order
to generate a high-resolution representation of the reservoir.
A common aspect of these methods is that they all require extra equipment and
may interrupt day-to-day operations. Seismic cross-hole testing needs to induce
seismic waves and deploy sensors to monitor the re
ected signals, which requires
additional equipment and manpower. In tracer tests, chemicals or radioactive mate-
rials are injected and the concentration changes are monitored to map the inter-well
ow properties. But repeating the testing is dicult - either a dierent tracer is
used or we need to wait a signicant amount of time for the tracer concentration
to return back to the background level.
In this chapter, we consider the case where water-
ooding is applied to an oil
reservoir where wells are equipped with automatic measurements and control valves,
which gives us the freedom to control the rates of injection and monitor the result-
ing production changes in real time. Thus, we propose to vary the injection rate
and use these variations as a \probe" signal then measure the resulting changes
in production. The variation of injection rates will induce a pressure wave passing
through the eld, so that the injection/production wells can be treated as trans-
mitting/receiving sensors as described in Chapter 2. Then we estimate the travel
time between well pairs (the time it takes for a producer to respond to a change
in an injector), and apply the travel time tomography techniques we developed in
Chapter 2 to characterize the permeability of the reservoir. The main advantage
over other methods (e.g., seismic and tracer test) is that this technique can be
applied based on current infrastructure without additional cost.
We treat the reservoir as a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system and
use the capacitance model (CM) [80] to model the injection-production response.
We design the variation of injection rates based on the previously proposed sys-
tem identication techniques [49], which allow the injection rates to be chosen to
maintain a constant average rate, so that we can keep the same overall average pro-
duction level and estimate the CM parameters from the production rate changes at
individual wells. The \time delay constant" in CM is used as an estimate of travel
time between well pairs.
In this chapter, we mainly focus on identifying fractures in a low permeability
reservoir, where the fractures act as high permeability channels in low permeability
background. The permeability contrast can be assumed to be very high - open
fractures are about 10
times more permeable than the host rock. Thus, the travel
time for the pressure wave to propagate through high permeability channels can
be considered to be almost negligible. Note that travel times can only be esti-
mated for the existing injection-production well-pair locations, which are sparsely
located in the eld. In computed tomography, it is well known that the quality
of the reconstructed results is related to the density of travel ray-path. Thus, the
reconstructed reservoir image resolution is fundamentally limited by the spatial
distribution of well locations.
Based on these conditions, we can formulate a high contrast travel time tomog-
raphy problem with the goal to characterize these high permeability channels in a
low permeability fractured reservoir. If we use a grid-based model and apply the
conventional iterative least-squares methods [12], the reconstruction results will be
very poor in general. To identify these high permeability channels, following the
approach in Chapter 2, we use an object-based model, with \lines" as fundamental
objects to represent fractures in 2D. We use the algorithm described in Chapter 2
to estimate the probability distribution of the model parameters, directly pointing
to the location of high permeability channels. We can also map the result into
the spatial domain and view it as a probability map to represent the probability
of appearance for high permeability channels in dierent regions. We validate our
approach by running simulations on a commercial reservoir simulator [50], and also
report the results of a eld experiment. The results show very good model estima-
tion in our simulations, and the eld trial result was seen to be consistent with the
known fault location as well as the expectations from eld production engineers.
The rest of this chapter is structured as follows: in Section 3.2, we introduce
the system model to treat the reservoir as a linear MIMO system. We use the
capacitance model to characterize the injection-production response, and explain
why we can use the time delay constant in CM as the travel time in a tight reser-
voir. With the system model, in Section 3.3 we describe how to estimate the CM
parameters from historical data and formulate the tomography problem in Section
3.4. In Section 3.5 we describe the simulation results using CMG, as well as the
eld trial result. We conclude this chapter in Section 3.6.
3.2 Physical Model
3.2.1 Injection-Production model
The recently introduced capacitance model (CM) [79,80] has generated signicant
interest in the reservoir modeling community. Dierent from traditional complex
reservoir models, it treats injection and production as inputs and outputs of the
system, respectively, and uses signal processing techniques to estimate the unknown
system parameters, which relate to reservoir physical properties. CM uses a linear
multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system to model the response between injec-
tion/production rate. Yousef et al. [81] show how to extract reservoir physical
properties from historical data based on the parameters of the capacitance model
and use this model to optimize the water-
ooding recovery eciency. CM pro-
vides a powerful tool to model the
ow properties of a reservoir and evaluate the
ooding performance.
The mathematical formulation for one injection-production well pair in CM can
be written as:
dP (t)
+P (t) =I(t)J
; (3.1)
whereI(t) is the water injection rate andP (t) is the
uid production rate. P
resents the
owing bottom hole pressure (BHP) and J stands for the productivity
index. If we consider the case where the reservoir is mature with xed bottom-hole
pressure, we can ignore the production induced by initial pressure and the change
of BHP. Under this assumption, the production rate only depends on the injection
rate and can be simplied as follows:
P (t) =
I(t) d: (3.2)
The corresponding discrete form will be
P [n] =
I[nk]; (3.3)
where k = 0; 1;:::;n. The impulse response is controlled by the \time delay con-
stant" , which is dened by the total compressibility c
, the productivity index
J, and the pore volume V
associated with the control volume between injector-
producer well pair:
: (3.4)
The formulation in (3.3) can be extended to cases with multiple injection-production
well pairs. For a MIMO system, additional inter-well connectivity parameters
are introduced to represent the
ow distribution from injectori to producerj. Then
the output
ow rate in producer j is the sum of contribution from all dierent in-
[n] =
[k]: (3.5)
According to the conservation of mass, the output
ow cannot be greater than the
ow, which implies the sum of
ow distribution for an injector is less than or
equal to one. Thus, the sum of inter-well connectivities for any injector should be
less than or equal to one. Moreover, for a MIMO system, the time delay constant
is controlled by the reservoir property of the region corresponding to well pairij:
: (3.6)
Thus, we model the reservoir as a MIMO system, where the impulse response is
related to the reservoir properties. In the next section, we will explain the relation
between the time delay constant
and the
ow paths, and also justify why we
can use
as a proxy for the travel time time between well pair ij in a low
permeability fractured reservoir.
3.2.2 Travel time in a tight fractured reservoir
From the above discussion, we know that the time delay constant is determined
by the control volume and productivity index. If the reservoir is homogeneous, the
ow should be uniform and the travel path will be a straight line between
injector and producer. In particular, we can assume that the control volume is
proportional to the distance between the corresponding well pair if the region is
If the the reservoir is not homogeneous, we need to take into account the perme-
ability variations between well pairs. One possible approach is to apply a grid-based
model to parameterize the permeability distribution, which assigns the same per-
meability value to the area within one cell in the grid. Then we can obtain the CM
parameters and cascade all the responses in each cell to model the total response
between injection i and producer j [62]. However, solving and cascading CM for
every cell is very computationally expensive. When we consider a tight fractured
reservoir, which has tight rocks as background embedded with open fractures, we
can assume that these fractures have much higher permeability than the back-
ground. Thus, the open fractures in a tight reservoir mean that the permeability
model is \high contrast", where we assume the tight rock to be homogeneous and
low permeability, and fractures to be very high permeability objects.
In such case, the
ow path is dominated by these fractures because they have
much higher permeability, and provide a fast pathway for the
uid (see Figure 3.1).
Moreover, the total control volume can be modeled as a cascade of a few control
volumes along the
ow path connecting injector i and producer j. Each control
volume is either a region in the high permeability channel or in the background.
Note that the control volume in the background is proportional to the length of
ow path through it because the background is uniform. (see Figure 3.1).
Thus, the time delay constant can also be viewed as the \sum" of dierent parts,
each of which is proportional to the corresponding control volume divided by the
local productivity index. Because the productivity index in the high permeability
channel is much higher than the value in the background, when we calculate the
time delay constant, we can ignore the part of time delay constant corresponding
to these high permeability channels.
We use the travel time denition in Chapter 2, where the travel time is the
length of travel path divided by travel velocity. In the high contrast object based
velocity model, the travel path can be approximated by straight line segments
between objects. We denotel
as the travel path andv
as the travel velocity in the
ith object. With the assumption that the velocity in high permeability channels
is much higher than in the background, we can ignore the cost time to travel
through the channels and the travel time is dominated by the path and velocity in
background v
Following these assumptions, the time delay constant will be proportional to
the travel time in a tight fractured reservoir. As an example, when we have an
injection well and a production well with a fracture as high velocity object, we use
, l
, l
to represent the path from injector to object, the path inside object, and
the path from object to producer (see Figure 3.1b). The time delay constant can
be represented as:
= (
) + (
) + (
) (3.8)
= ht (3.12)
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1: With high permeability channel (a) the total control volume can be
viewed as cascade of small ones, and (b) the travel path is a combination of sev-
eral line segments. Note that because the productivity index in high permeability
channel is very high, the time delay constant inside can be ignored.
is theith control volume, andc
are corresponding compressibility and
productivity index (see Figure 3.1a). If the control volume belongs to the back-
ground region, we use c
and j
to represent the compressibility and productivity
in the homogeneous background. The constant h can be estimated from lab exper-
iments or eld data. In particular, (3.7) allows us to use the time delay constant
as the corresponding travel time and solve the fractured reservoir characterization
problem as a high contrast travel time tomography.
3.3 Estimation of CM parameters
From the previous discussion, we use CM to model the response between injection
and production rate, then take the \time delay constant" as the travel time between
wells. In this section, we explain how to estimate the time delay constant from
historical injection-production data. To formulate the CM parameter estimation
problem, we dene the tting error for a certain model with parameters# by:
"(t;#) =P (t)
P (tj#); (3.13)
P (tj#) is the predicted production rate based on model#. When the pro-
duction rate P (t) is measured for t = 1;:::;N, the tting error can be computed.
To estimate the CM parameters, one approach is to run an optimization directly
on the CM parameters to minimize the tting error. In this approach, the number
of unknown variables is equal to the number of CM parameters, but the estimated
result may not be stable and may depend on how the minimization is initialized [62].
This is because the CM parameters are not linearly related to the production data,
thus, estimating the CM parameters becomes a nonlinear optimization. Another
approach is a \multi-stage" strategy: Instead of estimating CM directly, in the rst
stage we use a nite impulse response (FIR) model as an intermediate model and
estimate FIR coecients (see Figure 3.2). This has the advantage that the FIR
parameters are linearly related to the data and the estimated coecients are always
stable. Then, in the second stage, we estimate the time delay constant by nding
the CM parameters that best t the FIR model obtained in the rst stage.
The trade-o between these two approaches is that when we choose the multi-
stage approach, we need to estimate the FIR model, which has many more pa-
rameters than CM. Thus, to achieve the same condence level, it requires more
data (longer experiment duration). For example, when the amount of injection-
production data is limited, the multi-stage approach may not be a good choice
because the FIR model estimation requires the amount of data to be at least the
same as the length of the impulse response. In this situation, we may need to
estimate the FIR coecients based on insucient data, which makes this problem
ill-conditioned. Thus, when insucient data is available, we choose to perform the
CM parameter estimation directly by solving a nonlinear optimization.
In conclusion, the choice between direct estimation or multi-stage approach
depends on the length of experiment duration. When the experiment duration is
long enough to provide sucient data, we can choose multi-stage approach to have
a stable estimation result. Otherwise, we prefer the direct estimation approach to
avoid using FIR as an intermediate model.
Figure 3.2: The multistage approach
3.3.1 Injection Sequence Design
To get a reliable estimate of the model parameters, the input sequences must have
enough \richness" of information to distinguish the response of all possible models.
For example, if we apply a constant input to a linear system, the output will also be
constant and there is no way that we can estimate the model parameters from this
dataset. This leads to the problem of \input design", which has been well-studied
in system identication literature [49]. Based on system identication concepts, we
choose the pseudo-noise (PN) sequences as the inputs. It is well known that PN
sequences have the lowest average correlations, which implies that the estimated
FIR parameters will have the lowest error variance [33]. This procedure has been
proposed to determine the inter-well connectivity in reservoir modeling by Lee et
al. [48].
However, in practice the amplitude and length of input sequences are two major
constraints to design PN sequences. For example, higher input energy will provide
a better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the estimated results can achieve lower
variance. But in a reservoir, the physical
ow property is characterized by Darcy's
law [76], where the input-output response is highly nonlinear. When we use a linear
model to approximate the reservoir response, we assume the reservoir is operating in
a region of almost linear response. If the input variation is too large, it may drive
the physical system far away from the previous condition and the linear system
response model may not be longer valid. On the other hand, if we choose a small
variation for the input amplitude, the system response should be almost linear.
However, the small change amplitude in input will result in low SNR and degrade
the estimation results.
Another issue is the experiment time duration, which is related to the length of
input sequences. It is well known that the length of PN sequence will determine the
lowest input frequency and the cross correlation function, where longer sequences
will provide better estimation results. For example, when we work with a very low
permeability reservoir, the impulse response is very slow and it requires low fre-
quency input to correctly estimate the model. In such cases, short input sequences
cannot provide enough low frequency contents and the estimate reservoir response
is very unreliable. Rezapour et al. [1] have studied the problem of injection design
from a system identication perspective, and have analyzed the physical constraints
and developed empirical design rules.
For our application, we use eld knowledge and an ad-hoc approach to design
the input amplitude and testing period. In the trial run, we use the PN sequences
as input with maximum variation to be 50% of the average amplitude, and try
dierent variation levels for PN sequences, then estimate the response. The goal is
to nd the maximum allowable input amplitude to provide enough SNR while the
system still has the same response. Moreover, the testing period can be predicted
according to prior knowledge of the reservoir. For example, we may use the core
sample drilled from reservoir to estimate the background permeability, then use the
distance between wells to predict the maximum possible time delay. In particular,
the testing period should be chosen to be longer than the maximum possible time
3.3.2 Model Estimation
With the designed injection schedule as the input signal, we use the production
rates as the system outputs and formulate the model estimation problem. We
assume that there areA = (a
) injectors andB = (b
) producers
in the eld, where I
[t] represents the injection rate for ith well and P
[t] is the
production rate forjth well. Thus, we can model the inter-well response as a MIMO
system with I
[t] as input and P
[t] as output. As we mentioned before, when we
consider a mature reservoir, the system follows the material balance property, which
implies that the total
uid output is less than or equal to the
uid input. Thus,
the impulse response coecient should be non-negative and the sum of impulse
response should be less than one. This property provides us additional constraints
to help us estimate the model parameters.
61 Multi-stage approach
In the multi-stage approach, we rst estimate the parameter of an FIR model
that is used as an intermediate step. The predicted output can be dened by the
convolution of the FIR and the input signal:
[t] =
[tk]: (3.14)
where we assume the FIR lters have length up toM andh
[k] represents the FIR
coecients corresponding to the ij well pair. When we choose the L
norm as
data tting metric, then the FIR parameter estimation can be formulated as an
optimization problem:
[k] = arg min
subject to h
[k] 0;
[k] 1 (3.16)
where the constraints correspond to the non-negative response and material balance
properties. Note that the FIR lter length should be longer than the maximum
possible time delay between wells, which can be estimated from the prior knowledge
of reservoir. For example, the maximum possible time delay can be estimated
from reservoir core sample, tracer testing, even previous pilot water-
ooding. In
particular, if the FIR length is too short, the FIR will not model the reservoir
response correctly. On the other hand, longer FIR length always provides a more
accurate model of the reservoir response, but it requires more data to estimate the
FIR parameters reliably.
In the second stage, we want to estimate the CM parameters and this is done
by selecting the CM parameters that provides a best t of the FIR model we
estimated in the previous stage. The impulse response curve in CM, described in
(3.3), is dened by the inter-well connectivity
and time delay constant
. To
, we formulate a constrained optimization for the curve tting:
g = arg min
subject to 0
0: (3.18)
Note that we estimatef
g based on the FIR coecients h
[k] corresponding
to the i j well pair. Thus, each time we only need to solve a curve tting
problem for one input-output pair with two unknown parameters. Compared to the
direct estimation described in the next section, we break down a complex nonlinear
optimization into many small ones, which makes the multi-stage approach very
eective. Direct Estimation Approach
If we choose to estimate the CM parameters directly from the data, the predicted
output from the CM will be:
[t] =
[tk]: (3.19)
will be chosen to minimize the error between predicted and measured
g = arg min
subject to 0
0: (3.21)
Note that in this case, the constraint
1 is not separable, thus, we need to
solve a nonlinear optimization with 2txrx unknown parameters, where tx;rx
are the number of injectors and producers, respectively. This implies that we may
face a high dimensional nonlinear optimization problem which is very dicult to
handle. The benet is that does not require using FIR as an intermediate model,
which would have a number of unknown parameters growing linearly with the length
of the impulse response.
3.4 Tomographic Reconstruction
In the previous section, we explain how to estimate the \time delay constant"
between wells from injection/production data. Thus, we can use injection and
production wells as sensors and the estimated time delay constant as the equivalent
travel time between them, then model the fractures as objects, i.e., \lines" in 2D
or \planes" in 3D. Because the travel velocity of
uid through fractures is assumed
to be much higher than through the tight rocks in the background, detecting the
fractures can be formulated as a high contrast travel time tomography problem.
Thus, we apply the object based reconstruction algorithm described in Chapter 2
to estimate the location of fractures.
In our approach, fractures are modeled by line objects which are parameterized
by length l, center c and rotation angle . We dene a parameter vector
g to represent ith line object. Assuming that there are at most K objects
in the reservoir model, we can cascade all object parameters and dene a vector of
model parameters, =f
We use the travel time function T(;A;B) dened in Chapter 2, which is
a vector function representing the predicted travel time between each injector-
producer pair based on the velocity model with parameter :
T(;A;B) = (T
)): (3.22)
We can cascade all estimated travel times as a vector, t =ft
g and
dene the error function as a quadratic data-tting error between the travel time
predicted from the forward model and the measured travel time:
E() =kt T(;A;B)k
: (3.23)
Thus, the probability density function (), which is modeled as a Gaussian un-
certainty of the error, measures the condence on dierent models:
() =ce
; (3.24)
wherec is a normalization constant. To visualize the result, we dene the mapping
function f : ! X Y, which maps the object parameters into corresponding
high velocity areas in 2D spatial domain. The weighted average of dierent models
in 2D is dened as:
(x;y) =
()f()d: (3.25)
(x;y) can be viewed as the appearance probability of the high permeability
channels in dierent regions. We use the randomized sampling method in Section
2.4.2 to estimate the probability density in the model parameter space and calculate
3.5 Experiment Results
3.5.1 Numerical Simulations
To validate our proposed method, we run numerical simulations on a commercial
reservoir simulator [50]. In our simulated reservoir model, we place a high perme-
ability channel in very low permeability background to simulate a tight fractured
reservoir. Moreover, to simulate a mature reservoir, we rst apply constant injec-
tion rates until the production rates become stable. Then we apply our designed
injection schedule, where the purpose of our method is to detect the direction of
fracture without stopping regular operation. In particular, we assume the
production is observed on the daily basis. Because we have the freedom to choose
the length of testing period, we can collect enough data and use the multi-stage
approach which estimates the FIR model rst. Then we estimate the time delay
constant and inter-well connectivity in CM by running the curve tting between
FIR and CM.
With the estimated time delay constant, we use the object-based reconstruction
algorithm to estimate the locations of fracture. In this case, we model the fracture as
a \line" object, and run the PDF estimation. Moreover, we calculate the estimated
probability map and compare it with the ground truth in simulator.
In Simulation 1, the well installation pattern is a 5-spot with 4 injectors located
on the corners and 1 producer in the center. For the reservoir model, we place a high
permeability channel on the producer to simulate the eect of hydraulic fracturing.
In this case, the fracture must pass through the production well, thus, we choose
the number of \line" objects to be equal to 1 and add the constraint that the line
object must pass through the location of producer,P2l
, whereP is the location
of producer and l
is the line with length, center and angle parametersfl
We use the PN sequences for the injection rates at each injector, which roughly
keeps the same average injection rate (see Figure 3.3). We set the frequency of
injection rate changes to be to 1 day, and the total length of the testing period to
be 63 days. Thus, according to the material balancing rule, the average production
is almost at the same level as before the test, which implies our method does not
stop or decrease the daily production as many other methods do.
After running the multi-stage estimation, the result shows the time delay con-
stant between injector 2 and producer 1 is signicantly less than others, which sug-
gests possible existence of high permeability channels along that direction. More-
over, we provide the estimated probability map in Figure 3.5, which shows high
appearance probability for the high permeability channel is near the ground truth.
The model with highest probability is very close to the ground truth - the angle
dierence between the estimated most likely line and the ground truth is within 5
In Simulation 2, we test a case where the well installation pattern is a line
drive with 5 injectors and 5 producers. For the reservoir model conguration, there
is a high permeability channel between injector 5 and producer 3. To compare
with dierent input sequences, we apply step functions as the change of injection
rate in this simulation, which involves only changing one injection rate at each time.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.3: Simulation 1 (a) injection rate in injector 1 (b) injection rate in injector
2 (c) measured production rate in simulation 1. Note that we vary the injection
rate in injector 1 and 2 at the same time.
(a) h
[k] (b) h
(c) h
[k] (d) h
Figure 3.4: Simulation 1, the estimated FIR model for four injection-production
pairs. After tting with CM, the time delay constants are
= 4:17,
= 1:87,
= 3:47,
= 3:96.
Figure 3.5: Simulation 1, the reservoir model. (a) Ground truth and (b) estimated
probability map.
Compared to the PN sequences in Simulation 1, the response can be easily estimated
from the change of production rate, because we only change one injection rate at
each time that enables us to isolate the response of each well pair. However, the
drawback is that it requires higher average injection rate, which might be limited
by the pumping facility and the pressure limit. Moreover, the experiment duration
is much longer because we have to change the injection and estimate the response
one by one.
Dierent from the Simulation 1, now we have multiple producers, thus, the
injected water can
ow to any one them. In our reconstruction algorithm, we only
use the travel time data such that corresponding inter-well connectivity is greater
than 10%, i.e., the
ow from injectori to producerj corresponds to at least 10% of
total injection in injectori. Thus, the measured travel timest
are not
considered because their corresponding inter-well connectivities are too low. In the
object model, we choose the number of objects is equal to 3, which implies there
are at most 3 fractures in the led.
We show the estimated probability map in Figure 3.7, which gives high proba-
bility in the region between injector 5 and producer 3. Note that the probability
map also shows the possible existence of high permeability channels in the region
between injector 3 and producer 2, which is dierent from the ground truth in sim-
ulator. This comes from the non-uniqueness of the solution to our inverse problem -
many dierent velocity models may all t the measured travel time data well. Our
algorithm can identify several possible models: in this case, one possible model
is a single high permeability channel from injector 5 passing through the region
between producer 2 and 3. Another possible model has a combination of one high
permeability channels from injector 5 passing through the region between producer
3 and 4, and a shorter one in the region between injector 3 and producer 2. We can
apply additional regularization criteria to choose between possible solutions. For
example, we can select the model that ts the measurements with minimum frac-
ture length, or use prior probability to favor some models. In this case, if we choose
minimum length as additional regularization, the result will be a single fracture
between injector 5 and producer 3.
In Simulation 1 and 2, we use PN sequences and step functions as injection
rates, respectively. We are able to estimate the travel time in both cases, moreover,
the estimated probability maps are consistent with the reservoir model in simula-
tors. The major dierence is that when we use the step function as input, we only
change one injection rate at a time. Thus, we can use the change of production to
map the response between well pairs directly. However, in such case we estimate
the response for each injector one by one, thus, it takes much longer for experiment
duration. On the other hand, by using PN sequences as the input, we can do a
MIMO system identication and estimate the response between all well pairs at the
same time, which dramatically reduces the experiment duration.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3.6: Simulation 2 (a) injection rate in injector 1 (b) injection rate in injector
2 (c) measured production rate in producer. Note that only one injection rate is
changed at a time, thus we can estimate the response with respect to the change
of injection directly from the increase of production
Figure 3.7: Simulation 2 (a) The ground truth and (b) estimated probability map.
We successfully detect the high permeability channel between injector 5 and pro-
ducer 3.
3.5.2 Field Experiment
We also conducted a eld experiment in a a mature, low permeability fractured oil
reservoir, which has been under water-
ooding for many years. The pilot area had
12 injection, 3 production wells and the well installation pattern was a line-drive,
which is roughly parallel to the direction of natural fractures estimated from seismic
Two types of systems were used in the eld to measure the
uid production:
One is \well-testing", which diverts the production from a well to a three phase
separator. After a period of time, the accumulated
uid level can be measured
in the separator and the average production rate is estimated. However, due to
the cost, many wells share the same separation facility and these wells are tested
sequentially. This fact limits the sampling frequency of the production rates: the
system must measure each well one by one, and the system sampling period will
be the sum of each testing period for dierent production wells. In this eld, we
usually have one measurement point every two weeks when well-testing is used,
which makes the sampling rate for production data very low.
Another data source is the pump-o control (POC) data, which measures the
load of each pumping unit. If we continuously monitor the load change in every
stroke, we can calculate the daily production
ow in real time [32]. However,
the POC data needs to be calibrated with other references, because the pumping
eciency may change over time. In this application, we estimate the pumping
eciency by calculating the ratio of POC and well-testing data every two weeks,
and use it to calibrate the POC data. The calibrated POC data is used as the daily
production in the eld.
For the eld trial, we choose to estimate the CM parameters with the direct
approach. The reason is that the amount of injection-production data is very
limited, thus, the multi-stage approach is not appropriate because the number of
FIR coecients will be much larger than the measured data. In some days, due
to the power outage or loss of data transmission, we do observe unusually low
production rates and should treat them as outliers. Thus, to reduce the eect of
these outliers, we chooseL
instead usingL
norm as the data tting error metric.
It is well known that L
norm is severely in
uenced by these outliers, while the
norm provides a better balance between tting good data points and outliers.
From the above discussion, we know that the direct estimation has fewer unknown
variables but requires to solve a nonlinear optimization. Thus, the estimated CM
might lead to a local minimum and not model the system response well. To verify
the estimated result, we use cross-validation [27] which divides the measured data
into two parts. The rst part is the training set, which is used to estimate the
CM parameters. The second part is the testing set, where we use the estimated
CM to predict the production rate and compare with the measurements (see Figure
3.8). If the prediction error is too high, we claim that this estimated CM is not
accurately modeling the system response and re-do the nonlinear optimization with
a dierent initialization until the error is below a threshold.
To simplify the problem, we partition the pilot area into upper and lower areas
and estimate the travel time between the well pairs separately. The reason we
did not perform the estimation for well pairs in the whole eld is that this would
require solving a nonlinear optimization with many more unknown variables. In a
line drive water-
ooding scenario, it can be assumed that the produced
uid is only
aected by the injections from the nearest two rows of injection wells. Thus, we
divide the whole eld into two sub-elds and solve two smaller problems instead.
Figure 3.8: Field trial. We use the calibrated POC data and partition 1 70 as
training set, 71 85 as testing set. Because L
norm is chosen as the error metric,
the predicted output is not aected severely by outliers.
After estimating the CM parameters, we follow the same approach in Simula-
tion 2 and use only these travel times corresponding to at least 10% of interwell
connectivity. In the upper part of pilot area, the reliable estimated travel times are
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
, t
. We show the probability map
in Figure 3.9, which indicates that the high permeability channels are very closed
to the production well 2 and roughly parallel to the installation of wells. This
prediction is consistent with the fact that production well 2 is a 24 hours run, high
production well, which implies there could be high permeability channels in nearby
areas. In the lower part, the estimated travel times are t
and we show the results in Figure 3.10.
The combination of the two results is shown in Figure 3.11, with the comparison
of the known fault location provided by previous seismic survey. Note that in the
upper/lower area, we only estimate the probability map for the region between the
wells (transmission tomography can only estimate the interior structure between
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9: Field trial, upper area. (a) The location of wells and (b) estimate
probability map. Note that the high probability areas is roughly parallel to the
installation of the wells, which is consistent to the seismic survey for the nature
fracture direction
sensors). For instance, we see a sudden \cut" for possible fracture models in the
right side area of injection 8. The reason is that area is already \out of bound", thus
the probability is set to zero. When we compared with the seismic survey, our result
shows that the high probability areas are roughly parallel to the well installation,
which agrees with prior knowledge. Also, we note that there is a known fault near
injector 12 and our result also shows low appearance probability in that area.
3.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we propose a novel method to detect high permeability channels
in a water-
ooding reservoir without additional instrument or altering the average
daily production. This method uses the change of injection rate as the active
probing signal and detects the eld production changes in real-time, then estimates
the equivalent travel time from the injection-production data. With the estimated
travel time, we can formulate the detection of the high permeability channels as a
(a) (b)
Figure 3.10: Field trial, lower area. The (a) location of wells and (b) estimated
probability map.
high contrast travel time tomography and apply the algorithm described in Chapter
2 to solve it.
We validate our approach using both a simulator and also a eld experiment. In
order to apply our algorithm to real eld data, we note some practical issues. First,
the data sampling frequency and the data quality need to be considered. Limited by
the eld measuring system, we usually have very reliable daily injection rates, but
production rates are often obtained from bi-weekly well-testing. The low sampling
frequency of production rate reduces the time resolution of estimated travel times.
Therefore, we try to increase the sampling rate by using the POC data (calibrated
with well-testing data) to get the daily production rate.
The second issue we encounter in practical applications is the distribution of
well locations, which is related to spatial resolution. It is well known that the
spatial resolution for the reconstructed image is proportional to the density of travel
paths. For a small variation velocity model, the travel path is almost a straight line
between transmitter-receivers, thus, the density of travel paths can be calculated
by the location of wells. However, in the high velocity contrast case the travel path
Figure 3.11: Field trial, the estimated probability map with a known fault. Our
result shows the appearance probability is very low in the fault zone, which agrees
with the prior survey.
bends severely near the high velocity objects, thus the density of travel paths cannot
be estimated as in the previous case. In particular, the travel path may show a
\jump" eect depending on the location of high velocity objects, which makes the
estimation spatial resolution dicult. For example, assuming there is a small high
velocity object near the transmitter-receiver pair, in such case the travel path is a
straight line. When the object size increases, the travel path will \jump" from a
straight line to a bent path through the object, thus, this object is \invisible" until
it reaches certain size. In order to detect the high permeability channel in arbitrary
direction, we prefer for the wells to be uniformly located in the eld and to cover
all angles, which may not be the case in a real eld. We are currently studying this
problem, and plan to address it in the future work.
Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Field trial
Injection schedule PN sequences step functions PN sequences
Experiment duration 64 days 400 days 90 days
Production data type Exact Exact POC
Estimation approach Multi-stage Multi-stage Direct
Table 3.1: Table for the method comparison in simulations and eld trial
The estimated result is presented as a probability map to visualize the prob-
ability of the appearance for high permeability channels in dierent area. Future
work needs to focus on how to combine the geological information in the result,
and consider not only the natural fractures, but also the faults in the eld.
Chapter 4
X-Ray Discrete tomography
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we investigate high contrast transmission X-ray tomography, which
is widely used for noninvasive testing in medical imaging and industrial material
inspection. In these applications, a series of X-rays target the object from dierent
directions, and the X-ray energy is measured along the object boundary. The travel
path of an X-ray can be assumed to be a straight line, and the decrease of energy
is modeled as a line integral of the attenuation along the travel path. With the
measured energy data, an image of the attenuation distribution within the object
can be computed through the reconstruction algorithm.
It is well known that if we increase the amount of measured data, we can always
achieve better reconstructed image quality. But for X-ray medical imaging, we want
to keep the number of X-ray projections as small as possible. The major concern
is the radiation doses for the patient: in angiography [39], a typical cardiac CT
scan needs to be coupled with ECG-gating to synchronize the recording of data,
which means that the patient is exposed to high energy X-ray for the entire cardiac
cycle. To lower the radiation dose, we would need to reduce the number of X-ray
projections, which limits the amount of data. Another scenario is when we can only
measure the object from certain angles, e.g, in dental CT [59] the scanning angle
is limited. Thus, we want to study the problem of how to improve the quality of
reconstructed image based on a limited amount of data.
In this chapter, we consider the case where the object is assumed to be made of
a few dierent materials (corresponding to very dierent X-ray attenuation coe-
cient). Thus, the target image can be segmented into several high contrast regions,
and we can approximate the target image by assigning the same value inside a given
region. We state our problem as follows: with limited amount of data, we want to
reconstruct a high contrast image where there are only few distinct pixel values.
This problem is called discrete tomography (DT) [36]. Note that in many prob-
lems of interest, we apply tomography techniques to reconstruct a digital image:
the main dierence in our case is that we expect that only a few of those levels
may appear in the reconstruction. For example, we may have 8 bit resolution in
intensity levels, but only a small subset of the 256 possible ones can be found in
the reconstructed image. There are many practical examples of discrete tomogra-
phy: For example, in industrial CT scanning to detect material
aws, we know the
material compound of the object (aluminum, plastic, metallic composite, etc) and
want to detect the existence of possible fractures in a reduced time (less amount
of sampled data). In such case, the attenuation coecients of the materials are
known as a prior, and the fracture can be viewed as an empty space (almost zero
attenuation for air). The reconstructed image can be approximated by a image
with a few dierent intensity values, where the high pixel values correspond to the
composite materials in the object, while near zero values correspond to the back-
ground or fracture parts. As another example, in angiography, we want to reduce
the radiation doses and a contrast agent (Iodine) is injected to the blood vessel.
Thus, the area where blood
ows through will have much higher X-ray attenuation
compared to other body tissues and the result is also close to a two level intensity
Dierent from typical X-ray tomography, which can be formulated as a linear
inverse problem, in DT the possible intensities are limited to a few discrete values.
When the possible intensity levels are known as a prior, DT becomes a linear integer
inverse problem, for which many algorithms have been proposed. One approach is
to start from continuous reconstruction methods then force the solution to converge
into discrete values. Batenburg [7] proposed a discrete algebraic reconstruction al-
gorithm (DART) to iteratively update the object boundary. Fishburn [30] and
Weber [74] used linear programming (LP) relaxation for this integer programming
problem, and use a convex-concave regularization to enhance the discrete value
solution. Another approach is to work on the discrete values directly: In combi-
natorics, researchers [46] are interested in reconstructing a special class of images,
hv-convex objects, with only horizontal, vertical, and diagonal projection angles.
For a comprehensive review, we refer to [36].
However, none of the above methods has exploited the sparse nature of images
having only a few distinct intensity values, with each region having a constant in-
tensity and smooth boundary. We propose to solve DT problem in the transform
domain by exploiting sparseness properties of reconstructed images of interest in
the transform domain. Specically, we observe that piecewise constant images with
a few gray levels have a sparse representation as linear combinations of unit step
functions. For example, we can decompose these images in terms of step functions
in vertical or horizontal axis. The step functions form a dictionary, which can be
used to represent these images with sparse set of coecients because step functions
are needed only at the boundaries between regions.
In recent years a signicant amount of work has been devoted to sparse signal
recovery, e.g., in the context of compressed sensing [18]. It has been proved that
with high probability, a sparse image can be perfectly reconstructed by a small
amount of random projection data. But only limited eort has addressed scenarios
where the data to be reconstructed is discrete in terms of intensity levels [66]. In
particular, no work has considered how to take advantage of the potential sparseness
of 2D images with only a few distinct intensity levels under certain transformations.
In this chapter, we start by considering a binary, known-level DT problem.
We design a dictionary with step functions on \stripes" along dierent angles,
thus, these atoms can form rectangles for dierent angles and positions by using
two atoms to represent the boundary. If a binary image has smooth boundaries,
this dictionary should provide a sparse representation, namely, only a few non-
zero coecients (few rectangles) will be required when representing images using
the dictionary. Moreover, we prefer a specic type of representation: we want to
represent a image with \non-overlapping" rectangles. The main reason is that we
know the intensity levels as a prior. Thus, if each pixel is represented only by one
rectangle, the coecient for the dictionary representation also belongs to one of the
known few discrete levels. For example, if we use step function on horizontal stripes
as dictionary to represent a binary image with intensity levelsf0; 1g, the intensity
of the horizontal rectangle should be equal to 1. Thus, the coecients in dictionary
will belong tof0;1; 1g to form a rectangle with intensity 1. In particular, if the
pixel intensity belongs tof0;k
g, the coecients in the dictionary should belong to
g which preserve the \few discrete level" property.
From the above discussion, we can formulate the binary DT as a sparse recovery
problem, in which the goal is to recover a sparse coecient vector within known
possible values. To reconstruct a binary image that ts the measured data, we have
two constraints: (i) data tting, and (ii) binary pixel intensity. Based on the linear
programming (LP) relaxation, we relax the binary pixel intensity constraint,f0; 1g
into a convex region [0; 1]. With the designed dictionary, we use L
norm of the
coecients as a heuristic regularization for searching a sparse representation. The
cost function will be convex, which implies that we can solve the problem eciently
using convex optimization.
Because we use linear relaxation to convert an integer programming problem
into a linear programming problem, the reconstructed image may not have exactly
binary intensity levels. To encourage the reconstructed image to reach binary inten-
sity and have a sparser representation, we modify the reweighed L
algorithm [19]. The reweighed L
algorithm uses majority-minimization to search
a sparse representation in the transformed domain. From above discussion, we
prefer a sparse representation with coecients having intensity levels inf0;1; 1g.
Thus, if the representation has coecients with non-integer value, we randomly
modify the weight of the reweighed L
norm for those coecients corresponding
to non-integer values. This will help the solution jump out of a current local min-
imum and search for our preferred integer solution. By running this randomized
reweighing, the solution has higher chance to converge to an integer solution. Simu-
lation results show that our method does reconstruct an image with sparser, integer
representation compared to the results without randomized reweighing.
Next, we extend our approach from the binary DT problem to a multi-level DT
problem. This can be done by dening a multi-level image as a superposition of
several binary-level images, which can be represented by rectangles. In particular,
we prefer a representation that all the rectangles will not overlap with each other.
Following the same approach as we proposed before, each binary level image will
have a sparse representation under the dictionary. Thus, to extend a binary DT
problem to anM+1 level DT problem, we increase number of coecients toM times
from the case in binary DT to recovery aM + 1 level image with a superposition of
M binary level images. For example, in a M + 1 level DT problem with intensity
g, we can represent the image asI = k
+ +k
and we recover the sparse representation for binary imagesI
at the same
time by running a sparse recovery with M times of unknown variables.
A common assumption for DT algorithms is that the set of possible intensity
levels is known in advance. However, in practice determining the intensity levels
is very challenging and coupled with other aspects of the problem, such as mea-
surement calibration. For example, in angiography the target image will be very
high-contrast, but the intensity level of blood vessels is very hard to determine a
priori since it is related to the blood
ow and the chosen contrast agent [16].
To the best of our knowledge, only a few authors explicitly address the unknown
intensity discrete tomography problem. Dierent from known intensity DT prob-
lems, the unknown intensity increases the diculty of reconstruction signicantly.
Not only we need to identify the discrete intensity level corresponding to each pixel,
but we also need to estimate the set of possible levels. One possible approach is
to build the intensity estimation based on the existing known level DT algorithms:
Batenburg et al. [8] proposed a semi-automatic algorithm for intensity level estima-
tion, which requires the user to select manually regions that are expected to belong
to the same gray level. Another approach is to modify the cost function in DT to
encourage it to converge to few intensity levels: Luki c [51] combined the multi-well
potential function into the object function in order to encourage the solution stay-
ing on gray level values, but it is not easy to design the potential function without
the solution being trapped in a local minimum.
We propose a completely unsupervised estimation algorithm for the unknown
intensity level case that jointly reconstructs the image and estimates the intensity
levels. We extend our binary DT reconstruction algorithm by (i) adding a level-
estimation step within each iteration and (ii) allowing the superposition of multiple
levels. For the ideal reconstructed discrete image, the histogram of pixel intensity
levels should only have a few peaks. Thus, our proposed level-estimation step is
essentially a clustering algorithm on the histogram of the reconstructed image.
In our DT reconstruction algorithm, we need to solve a convex optimization for
sparse recovery which could be very computational expensive for high resolution im-
ages (corresponding to many unknown variables). The state of art convex solvers
usually use second-order optimization methods (e.g, interior point method [56])
which require calculating the Hessian matrix. In high dimensional problems, this
leads to very large time and memory requirements to store and compute the Hessian
matrix (which has a size ofN
, whereN is the number of variables) and makes the
second order solver impractical. Thus, we use a rst order gradient method, pro-
jection onto convex sets [29] (POCS), to solve this problem with reduced memory
requirements. The rst order methods only use the gradient of the cost function,
and thus, the memory required grows linearly with respect to the number of un-
known variables. The drawback is that POCS requires many more iterations to
converge to the global minimum.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: In Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we
present the formulation of the discrete tomography problem and the proposed dic-
tionary representation. In Section 4.4 we explain our sparse reconstruction algo-
rithm with the intensity level estimation. In Section 4.5, we present our recon-
struction results from noiseless and noisy measurements and provide performance
comparisons. In Section 4.6 we conclude this work and discuss some further direc-
4.2 Problem Denition
In this section, we formulate the DT problem in the 2D case. Extension to the 3D
case will be straightforward. Let f(x
) represent the attenuation distribution
of a 2D object we want to estimate, and assume we measure the energy decrease
along parallel X-ray projections with dierent angles. Because the travel path of
X-rays can be assumed to be a straight line, the measurements can be viewed as
the integral of f along a straight line (see Figure 4.1). The relationship between
the measurements and object f is modeled by Radon transform:
(t) =
) (x
sin() +x
cos()t) dx
: (4.1)
Note that the Radon transform is a linear transform. If we discretize the object
using a grid-based model, namely, assigning the same parameter within a given
cell, we can represent the object by an image, where each pixel value corresponds
to the physical property inside one cell. We assume the measured X-ray energy
decreases as a function of the sum of all pixels in the given ray passes through,
and a trigonometric interpolation is used for the non-grid points. If the image has
pq pixels, we can reshape the 2D image f into a 1D vector x with dimension
n =pq. For each projection angle, the sampling distance between parallel X-rays
(t in Figure 4.1) is set equal to the length between neighboring pixel centers. If
Figure 4.1: Example for the Radon transform. The measurement P
(t) is a line
projection of f(x
) along angle .
we take
samples, the measured data for one specic angle will be a
vector. In particular, we can write this operation into a matrix form as:
x = p
; (4.2)
where W
is a
n line projection matrix with angle . If we have d dierent
viewing angles, we can cascade the projection matrices and measurements as:
Ax = y; (4.3)
A =
; y =
: (4.4)
A will be a line projection matrix with size mn that maps x into measured
data y, where m =
d. A given entry A
represents the eect of pixel j on
measurementi, and corresponds to the path length of the projection line inside the
square region of pixel i.
The reconstruction problem is: Given the projection matrix A and measure-
ments y, where the number of measurements is far less than the number of un-
known variables, m n, we would like to nd a solution that has few distinct
intensity levels, x
g, such that its predicted projection will match
the measurements Ax = y, where k
is unknown and needs to be estimated, but
the number of distinct intensity levels is known. Note that the possible solution
set is discrete so that this is an linear integer inverse problem. In the next section,
we will describe how to dene a sparse representation for an image with only few
distinct intensity levels and use this as regularization to solve the inverse problem.
4.3 Dictionary Representation
In the previous section, we dene the reconstruction in DT as an inverse problem.
However, we mainly focus on the cases when only limited data is available, thus,
this inverse problem is ill-posed. The key to solve an ill-posed inverse problem
is to nd ways to constrain the possible solutions in order to favor solutions with
desirable properties, based on available prior knowledge. In particular, we will iden-
tify representations such that the objects of interest can be described with a small
number of coecients (i.e., the representation is sparse). Once a representation
that favors sparsity has been dened, we can use it as an additional regularization
constraint to obtain a better solution. In our problem, we focus on images that
have only few distinct intensity levels, and are composed of regions with constant
intensity levels and smooth boundaries. Thus, we want to design a dictionary that
can represent this type of images with very few pre-dened atoms. To characterize
the \few distinct intensity levels" and \smooth boundary" properties, we choose
unit-step functions along dierent directions as atoms and decompose the image on
the discontinuities, which provides a sparse representation.
We dene the 2D continuous basis function
) as the unit-step func-
tions along the parallel lines, x
cos() +x
sin() = , with the angle , spacing
distance between parallel lines , and the shift on the discontinuity of unit step
function. With the delta function and step function, the basis function can be
written as:
) =(x
cos() +x
cos()) (4.5)
(x) =
+1; x = 0
0; x6= 0;
(x)dx = 1; U(x) =
1; x 0
0; x< 0:
In other words, we represent a image f(x;y) with parallel \stripes" along the an-
gle , where the stripes is dened by the unit step functions. The mathematical
formulation can be written as:
) =
Following the same concept, we can also dene the atoms for a 2D function with
discrete variables, namely, f(x
2N. Then we can represent a image with
unit step functions along arbitrary angle. For example, if we choose angle
= 0,
the decomposition of the 2D binary image f will be:
) =
) (4.7)
): (4.8)
In particular,g
) along thex
axis with unit step function,
thus, it \marks" the discontinuities along the horizontal direction.
Since vector x is a reshape of image f, we can also reshape the coecients
into a 1D vector u
in the same way. Following the same approach, we can
dene two basis with dierent angles
. These two transforms are linear and
invertible, that is x = T
= T
which provide decomposition of x along
two dierent angles
. Moreover, we can cascade two basis to form our
over-complete dictionary, D = [T
; T
], and the signal x can be represented by
an even sparse vector u = [u
; u
x = [T
; T
= Du: (4.9)
This dictionary can be extended to include more basis along dierent angles to have
a sparser representation.
When we have an over-complete dictionary, we will have multiple possible rep-
resentations for a binary image. In particular, we prefer the representation that
the binary image is represented by disjoint stripes. The reason is since the possible
intensity level isf0; 1g and every pixel is represented only by one stripe, under
this representation the intensity for stripes must be 1 and the possible coecients
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.2: (a) Binary Phantom (b) Decomposition along the y axis (c) Decompo-
sition using the dictionary along both x and y axis (d) Another possible represen-
tation when stripes are overlapping. Note that we prefer a representation where
stripes tend not to overlap with each other.
must belong tof0;1; 1g. Thus, this presentation may not provide the most sparse
representation, but it preserves the possible intensity levels (see Figure 4.3). This
property imposes additional constraints on the selection of an image model.
From the above discussion, we show how to represent a binary image eciently
with our designed dictionary. Next, we extend our approach to represent images
with a few distinct intensity levels. Note that a multi-level image can be represented
as a combination of many non-overlapping two level images. For example, if the
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 4.3: Sparse representation example: (a) The image we want to represent
(b,c) one possible representation of this image with non-overlapping strips (d,e,f)
Another possible representation, two over-lapping line function and subtract the
overlapping part. We prefer (b,c) as our representation.
image pixel intensity belongs tof0;k
g, the signal x can be represented as
a combination of at most M two-level signals:
x = k
where x
is the segmentation of dierent intensity levels and each entry of x
tof0; 1g. From (4.9), we know that a binary signal x
can be represented by a
dictionary D with a sparse coecient vector u
, where the stripes that represent
do not overlap with each other. In particular, x can be represented by non-
overlapping two level regions, where each region can also be represented by non-
overlapping stripes (see Figure 4.4). The advantage of choosing this representation
is that it preserves the \few distinct level" property for the coecients. However,
the drawback is that a coecient of dimension M is needed to represent each pixel.
Figure 4.4: A multi-level phantom. We represent it by non-overlapping regions
with dierent intensity.
4.4 Proposed Algorithm
In the previous section, we show how to eciently represent a smooth boundary
image with a few discrete intensity levels, using a pre-dened dictionary. Thus, if we
are interested in this type of images, we can formulate the DT as a sparse recovery
problem and use the dictionary representation as regularization in solving inverse
problem. Our proposed algorithm iteratively recovers the sparse representation of
the signal and estimates the possible intensity levels. It can be separated into two
parts: In the rst part, for given possible intensity levels, we recover the coecients
in dictionary representation by solving the reweighted L
minimization. In the
second part, we run a clustering algorithm on the histogram of the reconstructed
image to update the set of possible intensity levels, then return to the rst step.
Figure 4.5 shows the
owchart of our algorithm.
Figure 4.5: Flowchart of our algorithm. We iteratively perform sparse recovery and
intensity estimation.
4.4.1 Sparse recovery with known intensity levels
Given intensity levels, we start to build our sparse recovery algorithm in a binary
case, then we extend this algorithm to multi-level scenarios. When the intensity
levels are known, namely, a binary image has intensity levels inf0; 1g. With the
dictionary we described in Section 4.3, we can transform the image of interest
and represent it with very few coecients. Therefore, DT can be formulated as a
sparse recovery problem, where the reconstructed image is binary and has a sparse
representation using the dictionary. However, the \binary pixel" constraint means
that the solution space becomes discrete, and the recovery problem will be an
integer programming problem. Thus, we use linear relaxation to relax the integer
constraint into a convex region constraint, and transform the NP-hard optimization
(integer programming) into a related problem which can be solved in polynomial
time (linear programming). Instead of searching for an integer solution, we search
for a solution in a continuous feasible region. With our designed dictionary, we can
transform the possible intensity region into [1; 1] in the transformed domain. In
particular, the possible intensity region will be a hypercube (see Figure 4.6a). For
the data tting constraint, because the X-ray projection is linear and modeled by
the measurement matrix, the feasible region for data tting will be a hyperplane
(see Figure 4.6b). Then the feasible region can be dened as the intersection of data
tting and intensity boundary constraints (see Figure 4.6). Now, this problem can
be formulated as a sparse signal recovery with a new measurement matrix
A = AD.
min kuk
subject to
Au = y;
A = AD
0 x 1; 1 u 1; Du = x
(a) (b)
Figure 4.6: The feasible set for (a) intensity boundary constraint (b) data tting
constraint (c) intersection of data tting and boundary. Note that the solution in
DT must belong to the intersection to satisfy both constraints.
Cand es and Tao [18] have shown that if the measurement matrix
A has the
restricted isometry property (RIP), it is guaranteed that a perfect reconstruction
of sparse signal u can be obtained. However, in DT the RIP property of the
measurement matrix
A depends on the number of viewing angles and the chosen
When we design the dictionary, we would like to choose D such that the signal
x has sparse representation and the combined sensing matrix
A = AD also has
low coherence. In [26] joint learning of the dictionary and sensing matrix is con-
sidered. However, in the X-ray tomography problem, the sensing matrix is a line
projection matrix and the coherence of the sensing matrix is xed by the number of
projections. In the joint learning approach, the learned dictionary will be a balance
between the vectors that diagonalize the sensing matrix and the principal compo-
nents of the training images. Thus, the atoms in the learned dictionary usually
have non-zero entries all over the space and fail to provide a representation that
preserve the \discrete intensity level" property. In our approach we rather choose
a deterministic dictionary that can lead to reconstructed images with discrete in-
tensity levels and use reweighed L
minimization to recover a sparse solution even
for the high correlation of the combined sensing matrix.
Next, we extend this approach to images with multi-level discrete intensity.
When the possible intensity levels k
are given, in (4.10) we can represent a multi-
level image x as the linear combination of several two-level signals: Thus, if k
given, the sparse reconstruction problem for multi-level DT can be written as
subject to y = Ax; x =
1 u
1; 0 xU (4.16)
where k
represents the region with intensity k
and U is the boundary of
feasible intensity values. The feasible region for the intensity values U
is initialized
with the maximum possible intensity valuefmax
g, and will be updated iteratively
as the estimated intensity levels change.
After the sparse recovery, we will have the coecients u
corresponding to the
intensity valuek
. Thus, we can deneM segments as z
;j = 1; 2;:::;M,
which maps the coecients in the dictionary back to the 2D spatial domain. We
say that pixel i belongs to segment z
if the ith entry in z
is greater than a small
constant . Note that under this denition, it is possible for one pixel to belong
to several dierent segments. For perfect reconstruction, all the pixels in the jth
segment will have the same intensity k
and segments will not overlap with each
other (which implies every pixel only belongs to one segment). Thus, if a pixel
belongs to only one segment, x
2 z
, the intensity boundary for a pixel can be
assigned as U
However, when the sparse recovery is not perfect, it is possible that some seg-
ments are overlapping. Under this circumstance, a pixel x
may belong to more
than one segment. Thus, we use a \soft" decision rule and choose the intensity
boundary as the maximum of intensity levels for all segments covering that pixel,
namely, U
= maxk
if x
2 \
. By choosing a loose intensity boundary, we
guarantee the existence of solution in the sparse recovery.
With the presence of noise, the measurements will be y =
Au + z, where z is
the noise with powerkzk
. In order to operate with noisy measurements, we
change the feasible region in (4.13) from y = Ax toky Axk
, where is
the search allowance for noisy measurements. This approach is closely related to
LASSO [70] and sparse Bayesian learning [78], where the goal is to achieve a good
trade-o between data tting and model complexity. Without knowing the noise
power , selecting an appropriate is non-trivial. If we choose to be too large,
then the hyper ballky Axk
will contain the origin x = 0. In that case, the
solution will be a zero vector which is the global minimum for reweighed L
On the other hand, if is too small, the intersection of data ttingky Axk
boundary constraint 0 x 1 may be empty. Thus, no solution can be found.
Boufounos et al [13] have proposed a cross validation method to estimate noise
power. With a good choice of , we can assume that the hyper ballky Axk
contains the actual solution we want to recover. For the noisy case, because we use
norm as regularization, the solution is the one with minimum L
norm within
feasible region. Moreover, even with correct search allowance , the solution will
still not be exactly all integer. It will always to be on the inner bound of the
feasible region because it has lower L
norm compared to the ground truth (see
(a) (b)
Figure 4.7: The minimum L
solution for (a) noiseless case and (b) noisy case.
Note the solution will be on the inner boundary of feasible region.
Figure 4.8). Thus, for the noisy case our algorithm is likely to recover a solution
with non-discrete levels. In such case, additional regularization constraint may be
needed to prefer a solution with discrete levels. Reweighed L
To recover a sparse solution, we modify the reweighed L
minimization algorithm
proposed by Cand es et al. [19]. We rst introduce our algorithm for the binary
case, with known intensity levelsf0; 1g, then extend it into multi-level cases. Given
the measured projection data y, our algorithm can be described in Algorithm 3.
Our algorithm nds the minimum weightedL
norm (which can be viewed as a
ball) that satises the constraints. The solution will be the intersec-
tion of the minimumL
ball and the convex feasible sets for the constraints, where
the shape of the L
ball is determined by the weights, and is updated iteratively.
This is one type of majority minimization: After we get the solution from the initial
condition, we will modify the corresponding weights. Then, in the next iteration,
Algorithm 3 Reweighed l
norm minimization for binary DT
1: Dene the maximum iteration numbert
and set the iteration numbert = 0.
Initialize a weight vector w(t) = 1, where the dimension is equal to u. Set a
small positive constant .
2: Solve the reweighed L
minimization problem
u(t) = arg minkw(t) uk
subject to y =
Au(t); x = Du(t)
0 x 1
where the operator is dened as the element-by-element product of two vectors
(Hadamard Product), (w u)
3: Update the weights according to the previous solution: for each entry, i =
1;:::;n, modify the weight by
(t + 1) =
(t)j +
: (4.17)
4: Reset the weights for non-integer solutions: Every 5 iterations, we reset w
corresponding to non-integer u
(t) by a random number that is uniformly dis-
tributed between [0; 2=]
(t) U(0; 2=) (4.18)
5: Terminate the iteration if the solution converges or reach the maximum number
of iteration. Otherwise, increase t!t + 1 and go to step 2.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.8: The reweighed L
minimization. Note that the feasible region is the
intersection of data tting y = A Du and1 u 1. (a) solution with initial
weights (b) after reweighing, the solution stays on the boundary
the large entries of w
will force those solution to concentrate on the dimensions
where w
is small [19]. The updated L
ball becomes a closer approximation to
the L
norm, where the reweighing scheme is in charge of \choosing" the non-zero
The key dierence in our DT algorithm is that we know the possible values as
a prior. With the designed dictionary, we preserve the \discrete level" property in
transformed domain. In a typical sparse recovery, we need to identify the non-zero
entries and estimate the values. However, in DT the value belongs to few possible
levels, and we use it as an additional constraint to enhance the sparse recovery.
We show the geometrical interpretation in Figure 4.8. The feasible region is the
intersection of the data tting y = ADx and the intensity boundary1 u 1.
In particular, the reweighed scheme will make the L
ball sharper, increasing the
chances that the solution will be on the intensity boundary which corresponds to
the possible discrete levels.
Moreover, we can encourage the solution to reach the known intensity levels by
randomized modication of the weights. When the reconstruction is not perfect, it
is possible that the solution will be trapped in the non-integer regions. In order to
jump out from these non-integer regions, every 5 iterations we check the solution
and identify the non-integer entriesu
and reset the corresponding weightsw
a random value from the uniform distribution U(0; 2=). This induces a \random
search" for the non-integer entries, making it possible to converge to integer points.
The reason we draw the weight from U(0; 2=) is that we want to randomize the
slope of theL
ball, and make sure this entry still has weight less than the all-zero
entries (otherwise this entry will become zero from next iteration). Our randomized
algorithm tends to nd solutions with more integer values, while a non-randomized
method will stop after a few iterations providing solutions with fewer integer values. Projection onto convex sets
To solve the convex optimization in (4.14), the state of art second order methods
(e.g., interior point method) use the Hessian matrix, which requires space ofN
storage. When we consider a typical 512 512 image, the Hessian matrix requires
more than 6 10
variables which makes impractical for current computers. Thus,
we switch to the rst order method to solve the convex optimization with limited
memory usage. In convex optimization, we need to search the solution in a convex
feasible region, we use projection onto convex sets (POCS) [17] to project to solution
from unconstrained optimization onto feasible region. The feasible region of the
original convex problem can be separated as two constraints:
Subject to C
1:Data tting
: Ax = y
where x =
. The convex set and projection operator for C
and C
well-dened (C
is a hyper-plane of null space A, and C
is a hyper-cube). But,
directly projecting the solution onto the feasible region C =C
is not an easy
task, thus, we move one constraint into cost function and alternately solve these
two smaller problems. The rst one is:
(x) (4.19)
Subject to u
1:Data tting
And the second one is:
+kAx bk
Subject to u
where we usekAx bk
as the cost function for data tting, and
(x) as the
cost function for the boundary constraints. Each entry of
(x) is dened as:
0; L
j; x
j; x
Figure 4.9: Alternating projection on two convex sets
We use POCS to alternate solving these two small problems. In the rst step, we
solve the rst problem by running an unconstrained minimization for cost function
in (4.19), then we project the solution onto the convex set in (4.20) to satisfy
the data-tting constraint. The unconstrained minimization is done by rst order
method (gradient based), which only requires space of size N to store the gradient
information. In the second step, we use the result from the previous step as an
initial point, then solve the second problem by the same unconstrained minimization
- projection onto convex set procedure. We do this iteratively until the solution
Because the original problem is convex, the convergence of the solution is guar-
anteed. In POCS, we separate the original convex problem into two smaller prob-
lems, and use basic operations to solve it iteratively. Each operation (unconstrained
optimization, projection) can be done with reduced space requirement, however, the
drawback is that compared to second order convex optimization, although POCS
converges to global optima, it does require much more time to converge.
4.4.2 Estimating the unknown intensity level
In Section 4.4.1, we proposed how to solve a DT problem with known intensity
level. Now, we want to move forward to the unknown intensity level case. Based
on our previous algorithm, we add the intensity level estimation step, and alternate
these two steps iteratively. In this step, we will estimate the unknown intensity
g based on the solution from the sparse recovery step. We use
the histogram of pixel values and run clustering algorithm on it. We only choose
partial data, which have intensity values greater than a small constant , and run
the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based clustering to cluster the histogram of
data intoM groups. We only use pixel values greater than for clustering because 0
is a prior known level, whose intensity does not need to be estimated. Furthermore,
the Gaussian distribution used in GMM is symmetrical and pixel intensities are non-
negative, thus if we performed GMM clustering on all pixel values we would never
obtain a cluster with mean 0. In summary, we use simple thresholding to assign
small pixel values to the cluster with intensity 0, while using GMM to estimate the
remaining intensities from pixel data above the threshold.
After GMM clustering, the result will be G
, with their mean c
, variance
and cardinalityjG
j. Then we update the possible intensity level k
based on the
mean c
and variance
of each cluster:
) (k
): (4.24)
The new intensity estimate k
is chosen so that it moves closer to the mean c
clusterj: the coecient function
(x) is dened as minf
;xg to control the update
speed. We use the ratio of the variance and cardinality
to dene the step size,
which implies large average variance will speed up the convergence. After updating
the intensity estimate k
, we use it as the input for the sparse reconstruction step
and run it iteratively.
4.5 Simulation Results
In this section, we show the simulation results for our algorithm. The testing image
is a simplied Shepp-Logan phantom, and the measurements are taken with equally
spaced projections. The projection angles are chosen to be uniform in the range
[0; 180] degree. In order to test the noisy measurement, we add white Gaussian
noise with zero mean and dierent variance to the measured data, and the search
allowance is chosen to be equal to the noise variance.
In Simulation 1, we assume the intensity levels are given, and the testing
image is a binary level Shepp-Logan phantom with size 3232. The measurements
are taken with 5 dierent angles uniformly distributed in [0; 180], and the added
Gaussian noise is zero mean with variancef0; 0:1; 0:25; 0:5; 1g. Because the intensity
level is known, we just show the results from sparse recovery step in Figure 4.10. For
comparison, we list the mean square error achieved by the method from Weber [74]
and by a ltered back-projection reconstruction. The results show that in the
noiseless case, our algorithm achieves a perfect reconstruction with only 5 dierent
viewing angles. For high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) cases, our algorithm shows
superior performance to the other two methods. However, in low SNR, because
the measurements are corrupted by noise and we choose the search allowance to be
equal to the noise variance, the solution will always stays on the inner bound of
feasible region which means the solution is closer to the origin than the high SNR
cases. One extreme example is if the noise variance is very high and the feasible
region contains the origin, the minimum weighed L
solution will be 0 because it
gives the lowest possible L
norm and also inside the feasible region. Thus, for
very low SNR cases, we may need other regularization technique to combine with
reweighed L
norm to solve DT.
In Simulation 2, we use a 64 64 simplied Shepp-Logan phantom with three
intensity levels as the testing image. The intensity levels aref0; 16; 80g, which cor-
respond to the background, left lobe and outer circle, respectively. The maximum
possible intensity value is set to 100. For the measurements,f12; 18g dierent pro-
jection angles are taken uniformly between [0; 180] and zero mean Gaussian noise
is added with variance =f0; 0:1; 0:2; 0:5; 1; 2; 5g.
We show the histogram of the reconstructed image through iterations in Figure
4.12. After we update the intensity level, the distribution of histogram becomes
more concentrated and nally converges to a few peaks. The result shows that most
of the non-zero entries x
stay on the boundary of feasible region, as we expected.
The mean square error of the reconstructed image with dierent noise variance and
number of projections is shown in Figure 4.13. We compare the results with the
standard ltered back-projection [42], and total variation (TV) reconstruction [65].
Results show that our method has much better reconstructed image quality than
the other two approaches, and even outperforms the TV method in the case with
same noise variance, fewer measurements. Even though unknown the intensity level
case is a more dicult problem, the overall results still show good performance.
In Simulation 3, we use a testing image with size 256 256. The number of
variables is over 50; 000 and the second order method can not be used to solve the
convex optimization due to the requirement for the large memory space to store
the Hessian matrix. We switch to the rst order algorithm, projection onto convex
sets (POCS) [17] method to solve it with limited memory requirement.
When we alternate solving these two small problems in (4.19), after we project
the solution onto the data tting feasible set, some pixels may become negative
(see Figure 4.14). In the next step, after we nish the minimization and project the
solution onto the convex set for boundary constraint, all pixels go back to greater
than zero in order to satisfy the boundary constraint but with slightly higher data
tting error. The change of MSE with iterations is listed in Figure 4.15, and the
result shows it iteratively converges to the ground truth.
4.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have presented a new sparse reconstruction formulation for
discrete tomography, which focuses on reconstruction of few level intensity images
that have a sparse representation using a well designed dictionary. Our binary
reconstruction algorithm uses LP to relax the integer solution condition and also
search the the sparse representation. We introduce a randomized reweighed L
(a) (b)
5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 4.10: The Simulation 1 results. (a) The binary testing phantom (b) Recon-
struction result with noise variance = 0.1 (c) S. Weber's method with same noise
variance (d) Filtered back projection result with same noise
Figure 4.11: Comparison of the mean square error with respect to dierent noise
level in Simulation 1. Note our method have perfect reconstruction in noiseless case
and outperform other methods in high SNR case.
minimization to enhance convergence to an integer solution. We also present a new
automatic intensity level estimation algorithm adding the binary reconstruction al-
gorithm. Our algorithm iterates between reweighed L
minimization and GMM
histogram clustering steps to estimate the unknown intensity levels, and it has very
good performance in our preliminary experimental evaluations for multi-level DT
problems. It outperforms the conventional TV method even with fewer measure-
ments. For large image reconstruction, we use POCS to handle the problem. but
this algorithm suers from the slow convergence speed.
Future work involves understanding the performance of the proposed algorithm
under dierent noise and image models, for example using Poisson models for the
noise statistics of the X-ray detector. We also plan to use the discrete value property
to enhance signal recovery from noisy measurements. The speed of convergence for
the rst-order method in our DT problem is also very interesting. Finally, we want
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.12: Simulation 2. (a) Test Shepp-Logan phantom (b) Histogram of the
reconstructed image after 1 iteration (c) Histogram after 2 iterations (d) Histogram
after 2 iterations. After few intensity updates, the histogram is more concentrated
on few spots.
to develop a method on top of our current work to handle the unknown number of
intensity levels case.
Figure 4.13: Reconstruction mean square error with respect to the noise level with
f12; 18g number of projection views in Simulation 2. This shows that our method
outperform Total-Variation reconstruction in all cases.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.14: Projection onto convex set results in Simulation 3 (a) After projec-
tion onto the data tting set. Note that some pixels may be negative. (b) After
projection onto boundary constraint set. All pixels are within the range now.
Figure 4.15: The reconstructed mean square error with respect to the number of
iterations in Simulation 3. The result shows the MSE decreases with respect to
number of iterations, and also re
ects the slow convergence of POCS.
Chapter 5
A high contrast transmission tomography problem has been proposed and studied
for sparse data scenario. In Chapter 2, an object based model is proposed to rep-
resent the high velocity structure in travel time tomography. This model provides
a sparse representation and greatly reduces the number of parameters needed for
the model. A fast path tracking algorithm is proposed in Section 2.3 that provides
a ecient way to nd the travel path in the high velocity object model. To do to-
mographic reconstruction, we suggest to use the probabilistic approach to estimate
the probability distribution of model space. Moreover, we propose an accelerated
random walk algorithm to explore multiple minima and generate the probability
map. The result can be interpreted as a \appearance" probability map of high ve-
locity structures in dierent areas. The probability map describe the most possible
models and cover the non-uniqueness nature of the solution, where the user can
add prior knowledge or personal expertise to choose between possible models.
In Chapter 3, fracture detection problem is proposed and the tomographic re-
construction algorithm is used for a low permeability reservoir under water-
Based on the current infrastructure, we use the \injected water" as a probe sig-
nal and injection-production wells as transmitters-receivers. Compared to existing
reservoir characterization methods, our approach has benet that it won't inter-
rupt the usual production and be able to detect the dynamical change of reservoir
on-line. The conditions of designing injection schedule are provided in Section 3.3,
and we show how to estimate reservoir response and travel time from production
data. The result of eld experiment is shown in Section 3.5.
For X-ray transmission tomography, piecewise-constant dictionary is proposed
to represent the type of image for our interest, e.g., high contrast images which can
be segmented to several smooth boundary regions with same intensity. This pro-
vides a very sparse representation since only boundaries and intensity values of each
region needs to be coded. We formulate this problem as a discrete sparse recovery
and propose an algorithm to alternating recovering the boundary and estimating
the intensity level of each region in Section 4.4. Moreover, the reconstructed image
quality outperform conventional reconstruction algorithms (total-variation mini-
mization and lter-back projection) when the measured data is sparse, and it leads
to better interpretation of image in applications that number of X-ray projections
is limited.
5.1 Future Work
There are several interesting directions for the future work. One is to consider
the very low velocity structure in the travel time tomography. The heterogeneous
structure could be either high or low velocity, and the path nding algorithm should
be extended to cover both cases where the object may speed up or slow down the
travel time. Currently, the shape and number of objects in our algorithm pre-
dened. In particular, if the object shape is closed to the natural shape of the
high contrast structure, our method can have superior reconstructed image quality
comparing to grid-based methods. However, in many situations the geometrical
shape of structure is unknown, and there is no guarantee that our pre-dened
number of objects will provide a good approximation for it. Thus, adaptively
modifying the shape and number of the object could be a new way to achieve
better reconstructed image quality.
In X-ray tomography, the dictionary with unit-step functions as atoms is ca-
pable of representing the smooth boundary, few intensity level image eciently.
However, this dictionary also has high coherence, which increase the uncertainty
for sparse recovery. This scheme can be improved by considering dierent type of
dictionary, e.g., graph based transform should be very ecient to smooth edge im-
ages. Moreover, the transform can be adaptive, which based on the sparse recovery
result. The combination of dictionary design and sparse recovery could lead to a
more ecient representation and better reconstruction quality.
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Abstract (if available)
Transmission tomography is a powerful tool to image the interior structure based on measured data on the boundary. It provides a "non-destructive" imaging and widely used in different areas. However, the reconstructed image quality degrades when lower number of data is available. In this work, we consider tomography problems involving detection of high contrast structures with limited amount of data, and propose a sparse representation for the images of our interest. The sparse model is useful to reduce the unknown variables for the tomographic reconstruction. In the first part, we propose an object-based model for high velocity structure in travel time tomography. We focus on how to speed up the path tracking procedure on high velocity object assumption. To estimate the object parameters, we use probabilistic approach to define the appearance probability of different models, and estimate the probability distribution by accelerated random walk. The result can be viewed as a "probability map", which represent the appearance of the high velocity structure in different regions. Compared to the conventional grid-based model, our approach provides stable results and superior reconstruction quality. As an application, we use the high contrast tomography to detect fractures in a low permeability reservoir under water-flooding. In particular, we (i) propose to use the injected water as a probe signal, where we are able to measure the travel time without shutting down the usual operation, and (ii) formulate the fracture as high velocity objects and do tomographic reconstruction. The results from commercial simulator show our method can successfully identify the location of fractures, and the field experiment is consistent with the conclusion from experts in the field engineering team. In the second part, we study the X-ray transmission tomography where the object is assumed to be made from few distinct materials. This problem is called discrete tomography (DT). Such images arise in tomography problems where very high contrast is expected, e.g., in angiography medical imaging or electron tomography. We assume the image of interest can be segmented as several smooth boundary, constant intensity regions. Moreover, we design transform which can represent each region with sparse coefficients, and formulate the tomographic reconstruction as a sparse recovery. A common assumption for DT is that the set of possible intensity levels is known in advance. However, determining the prescribed intensity levels is a difficult problem, coupled with measurement calibration and the prior knowledge of image. We introduce an unsupervised DT algorithm that jointly reconstructs the image and estimates the unknown intensity levels. Our algorithm alternates between (i) an L₁ sparse recovery step with a reweighed cost function that search the sparse representation which fits the measurements, and (ii) an estimation step for the most likely intensity levels. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed algorithm successfully estimates the unknown levels and leads to high quality reconstruction of phantom images.
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Asset Metadata
Lin, Yenting
Core Title
Transmission tomography for high contrast media based on sparse data
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
high contrast,OAI-PMH Harvest,sparse data,tomography
Electronically uploaded by the author
Ortega, Antonio K. (
committee chair
), Ershaghi, Iraj (
committee member
), Leahy, Richard M. (
committee member
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Permanent Link (DOI)
Unique identifier
etd-LinYenting-1952.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-315223 (legacy record id)
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application/pdf (imt)
Lin, Yenting
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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high contrast
sparse data