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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
Alignment-free sequence comparison methods and applications to comparative genomics
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Supplemental Material for Ren et al. “VirFinder: a novel k-mer based tool for
identifying viral sequences from assembled metagenomic data”
Table S1. VirFinder and VirSorter prediction results for n=45 RefSeq prokaryotic virus
genomes sequenced after 1/1/2014 that have no significant blastn similarity (E-value >
) to RefSeq prokaryotic virus genomes sequenced before 1/1/2014.
Virus genome
VirFinder (VF)
and VirSorter
(VS) results
Oenococcus phage phi9805
NC_023559_1 46145 0.060 0.422 II VS but not VF
Oenococcus phage phiS11
NC_023571_1 46243 0.065 0.407 II VS but not VF
Oenococcus phage phiS13
NC_023560_1 43454 0.094 0.345 II VS but not VF
Eel River basin
pequenovirus isolate c22476
NC_026665_1 6083 0.255 0.187 II VS but not VF
Mycobacterium phage Adler
NC_023591_1 95705 0.401 0.120 Cat. VI
Vibrio phage X29
NC_024369_2 41569 0.565 0.073 II VS but not VF
Uncultured phage WW-
nAnB strain 3
NC_026613_1 5210 0.657 0.054 N Neither
Shewanella sp. phage 1/41
NC_025458_1 43510 0.686 0.049 II VS but not VF
Rhizobium phage
NC_023566_1 56024 0.696 0.047 II VS but not VF
Psychrobacter phage
NC_023734_1 35725 0.704 0.045 II VS but not VF
Erwinia phage Ea35-70
NC_023557_1 271084 0.765 0.034 II VS but not VF
Arthrobacter phage
NC_026606_1 71200 0.803 0.028 II VS but not VF
Vibrio phage VpKK5
NC_026610_2 56637 0.894 0.014 II VS but not VF
Microviridae IME-16
NC_026013_1 5755 0.917 0.012 III Neither
Croceibacter phage P2559Y
NC_023614_1 43153 0.924 0.010 II VS but not VF
Lactoccocus phage WP-2
NC_024149_1 18899 0.934 0.009 II Both
Aeromonas phage pAh6-C
NC_025459_1 53744 0.944 0.008 II Both
Rhizobium phage
NC_023502_1 109558 0.946 0.008 II Both
Rhodococcus phage
NC_023694_1 78064 0.948 0.007 II Both
Erwinia phage PhiEaH1
NC_023610_1 218339 0.951 0.007 II Both
Uncultured phage WW-
nAnB strain 2
NC_026612_1 5077 0.954 0.007 N VF but not VS
Rhodococcus phage
NC_023735_1 76797 0.957 0.007 II Both
Idiomarinaceae phage
NC_025471_1 36844 0.957 0.007 II Both
Shewanella sp. phage 3/49
NC_025466_1 40161 0.963 0.006 II Both
Idiomarinaceae phage 1N2-
NC_025439_1 34773 0.966 0.005 II Both
Clavibacter phage CN1A
NC_023549_1 56789 0.969 0.005 II Both
Uncultured phage WW-
NC_026582_1 4817 0.972 0.005 N VF but not VS
Ruegeria phage DSS3-P1
NC_025428_1 59601 0.973 0.005 II Both
Vibrio phage CHOED
NC_023863_2 66316 0.975 0.004 II Both
Shewanella sp. phage 1/44
NC_025463_1 49640 0.975 0.004 II Both
NC_025431_1 45718 0.976 0.004 II Both
Shewanella phage Spp001
NC_023594_1 54789 0.979 0.004 II Both
Enterococcus phage
NC_025467_1 17972 0.980 0.004 II Both
Uncultured phage
NC_024711_1 97065 0.983 0.003 II Both
Rhizobium phage
NC_025429_1 156446 0.986 0.003 II Both
Vibrio phage SHOU24
NC_023569_1 77837 0.988 0.003 III VF but not VS
Acinetobacter phage
NC_023590_1 43050 0.990 0.002 II Both
Rhodococcus phage
NC_023706_1 75772 0.992 0.002 II Both
Microbacterium phage
NC_023859_1 59254 0.991 0.002 II Both
Shewanella sp. phage 1/40
NC_025470_1 139004 0.991 0.002 II Both
Shewanella sp. phage 1/4
NC_025436_1 133824 0.993 0.002 II Both
Acinetobacter phage
NC_025462_1 99730 0.996 0.001 Cat. V
Pseudomonas phage
NC_023718_1 26499 0.997 0.001 III VF but not VS
Vibrio phage phi-A318
NC_025822_1 42544 0.999 0.000 II Both
Anabaena phage A-4L
NC_024358_1 41750 1.000 0.000 II Both
a – VirSorter prediction result (category I, II, or III, for viruses and IV, V, and VI for category 1, 2, 3
results for detected proviruses). N = no prediction made by VirSorter.
b – Summary of the results comparing the VirFinder (VF, p-value < 0.01) and VirSorter (VS, only cat. I &
II predictions) results. “Neither” = neither method predicted the genome as viral, “Both” = both VF and VS
predicted it as viral, “VF but not VS” = VF predicted it as viral but VS did not, and “VS but not VF” = VS
predicted it as viral but VF did not
Table S2. NCBI accession numbers for prokaryotic host and viral genomes used in the
training and evaluation of VirFinder. This table is available as supplemental online
Table S3. Table of abundances of 1,562 possible virus and 2,698 complete prokaryotic
genomes as determined by read mapping of human gut microbiome metagenome sample
SRR061166 from Vázquez-Castellanos et al. 2014. These abundances were used to
generate simulated metagenomes. This table is available as supplemental online material.
Table S4. Information about the 2,657 top-scoring predicted viral contigs assembled
from 78 human gut microbiome samples from the liver cirrhosis study of Qin et al. 2014.
The table includes general information about the size of contigs and to which bin they
belong, VirFinder and VirSorter prediction results, and whether or not those contigs have
significantly similarity to other sequences in NCBI’s nucleotide nt and protein nr
databases. This table is available as supplemental online material.
Supplemental Figure Legends
Figure S1. Area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC) (A) and Area under
precision-recall curves (AUPRC) (B) for predictions results made with VirFinder on
varying mixtures of viral and host contigs subsampled from viral and host genomes
sequenced after 1/1/2014. VirFinder was trained using contigs equal numbers of viral and
host contigs subsampled from genomes sequenced before 1/1/2014 as in the results for
Fig. 1. Bars depict mean values for 30 replicate bootstrap samples and error bars depict
the standard error.
Figure S2. Performance of VirSorter and VirFinder virus prediction for contigs
subsampled from virus and prokaryotic genomes as in Fig. 2A, except that evaluation
datasets contained 10% (A) or 90% (B) viral contigs. Results are shown for the fraction
of true viral contigs (true positive rate, TPR) when using VirSorter category I and II
predictions and VirFinder at the same false positive rate (FPR) as VirSorter (listed in or
above the VirSorter bars) and at FPRs of 0.001, 0.005, and 0.01. Bars depict mean values
for 30 replicate bootstrap samples and error bars depict the standard error. TPRs of
VirFinder were all significantly higher than that of VirSorter at the same false positive
rate (Wilcoxon signed-rank one sided test, p < 0.001).
Figure S3. Sensitivity of VirFinder to random mutations applied to evaluation contigs.
VirFinder prediction results as evaluated by AUROCs were determined on contigs
subsampled from viral and host genomes with no mutations applied vs. when random
mutations were applied to the contigs at three different rates (0.0001, 0.001, and 0.01
substitutions per position). Bars represent averages of 30 replicate datasets tested, and
error bars indicate standard deviations. Within each contig length group, there was only a
significant difference in values between the 0.01 rate and the case of no mutation (p <
0.01, t-test).
Figure S4. Precision-recall curves and AUPRC for VirFinder results when analyzing
contigs assembled from simulated metagenomes. (A) Precision-recall curves for the
analysis of equal proportions of viral and host contigs representing genomes sequenced
after 1/1/2014. Results are shown for when chimeras were included or excluded from the
analysis. (B) AUPRC scores for various VirFinder results when varying the total
sequencing depth for the simulated metagenomes (10 M or 20 M reads) and varying the
relative abundance of viral and host contigs analyzed. Bars represent averages of 30
replicate datasets tested, and error bars indicate standard deviations.
Figure S5. Evaluation of VirFinder (VF) and VirSorter (VS) predictions on contigs for
three length ranges assembled from simulated human gut metagenomes when viral
contigs were combined with host contigs at 10% (A) and 90% (B) viral levels. Bars
depict true positive rates (TPRs) for VirSorter category I; I and II; and I, II, and III
predictions. As in Fig. 5, VirFinder predictions were evaluated at the same false positive
rates (FPRs) as corresponding VirSorter results. Thirty replicate bootstrap samples of
contigs assembled from simulated metagenomes were tested for each condition.
Metagenomes were simulated based on the relative abundance of complete virus and host
genomes found in a real human gut metagenome. The horizontal bar displays the median,
boxes display the first and third quartiles, and whiskers depict minimum and maximum
values. “*” indicates VirFinder’s TPRs are significantly larger than VirSorter’s
(Wilcoxon signed-rank one sided test, p < 10
Figure S6. Evaluation of VirFinder (VF) and VirSorter (VS) predictions on contigs
assembled from simulated human gut metagenomes when viral contigs were combined
with host contigs at 10%, 50% and 90% viral levels. Results are shown for predictions
made on all contigs > 500 bp (left column) or all contigs > 1000 bp (right column). Bars
depict true positive rates (TPRs) for VirSorter category I (“I”); I and II (“I&II”); and I, II,
and III (“I-III”) predictions. As in Fig. 5, VirFinder predictions were evaluated at the
same false positive rates (FPR) as corresponding VirSorter results. Thirty replicate
bootstrap samples of contigs assembled from simulated metagenomes were tested for
each condition. Metagenomes were simulated based on the relative abundance of
complete virus and host genomes found in a real human gut metagenome. The horizontal
bar displays the median, boxes display the first and third quartiles, and whiskers depict
minimum and maximum values. “*” indicates VirFinder’s TPRs are significantly larger
than VirSorter’s (Wilcoxon signed-rank one sided test, p < 0.05).
Figure S7. Histogram of the lengths of 352,020 contigs that are >1,000 bp generated by
cross-assembly of 78 human gut metagenomic samples from 40 healthy and 38 liver
cirrhosis patients (Qin et al. 2014).
Figure S8. Histograms depicting the cumulative frequencies for different groups of k-
mers (length 8) as they occur in viral and host contigs. Panels depict the top 100, 500,
1000 most highly scored k-mers or all k-mers used by VirFinder (trained with 1,000 bp
contigs) to generate prediction scores (n=6269 and 6082 for k-mers with positive and
negative coefficients respectively). The left column of graphs depicts k-mers with
positive coefficients in VirFinder’s model (i.e. those that are found more frequently
among viral sequences) and the right column shows k-mers that are negatively scored
(those that are found more frequently among host sequences). In each panel, host and
viral k-mer distributions were significantly different (p < 10
, t-test).
Figure S9. Similarity between the prediction proteins on the crAssphage genome (below)
and on two contigs belonging to viral bin 64 (above). Grey arrows depict predicted
proteins and trapezoids depict the percent amino acid identity between two connected
genes as determined by blastp searches. Numbers in crAssphage genes indicate the
annotated locus tag of those genes (UGP_xxx).
Figure S10. VirFinder predictions were made when it was trained on the set of 14,722
prokaryotic host genomes from Roux et al. 2015 and the 1,225 viral genomes sequenced
before 1/1/2014 that were used in the rest of our study. The Roux et al. host genomes
were used as is or with proviruses identified by VirSorter removed (‘proviruses
removed’). VirFinder predictions were made on contigs with various lengths of virus
genomes sequenced after 1/1/2014 and host genomes subsampled from host genomes
after 1/1/2014 at equal proportions, and the resulting AUROC values are shown. The
difference in AUROC values among the three datasets are less than 3%. Bars depict the
mean of results on 30 replicate evaluation datasets and error bars depict standard
Figure S11. VirFinder predictions were made when VirFinder was trained with viral and
prokaryotic sequences as before or with viral contigs ‘spiked’ into the host training set to
assess the impact of an overabundance of proviruses in host training dataset. VirFinder
was trained on host and viral contigs that were subsampled at equal numbers from
prokaryotic and viral genomes sequenced before 1/1/2014 (“Control”) and when 5% of
the host contigs in the training set were replaced with contigs subsampled from viral
genomes (“5% viral contigs added to host training database”). Predictions were made on
equal numbers of viral and host contigs subsampled from genomes sequenced after
1/1/2014. Bar depict mean AUROC values for 30 replicate sets of subsampled contigs
and error bars depict standard deviations.
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OAI-PMH Harvest
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comparative genomics
machine learning
Markov chain
next generation sequencing
virus-host interaction