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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 876 (2006)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 876 (2006)
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Fingerprinting Internet Paths using Packet Pair Dispersion Rishi Sinha Department of Computer Science University of Southern California Christos Papadopoulos Department of Computer Science University of Southern California John Heidemann Department of Computer Science University of Southern California ABSTRACT Pathfingerprintingisanessentialcomponentofapplications that distinguish among different network paths, including pathselectioninoverlaynetworks,multi-pathrouting, mon- itoring anddiagnosis of network problems, and developinga deeper understanding of network behavior. This paper pro- poses a new approach to Internet path fingerprinting based onthedistributionof end-to-endpacket-pairmeasurements. This approachallows detectionof busylink sharing between two paths, even when those segments have low utilization and are not the paths’ bottlenecks. While our fingerprints do not assure physically disjoint paths (since that requires information external to the network), they reflect the traffic and link characteristics of intermediate links. This method- ology is therefore tolerant of opaque clouds such as VPNs, VLANs, or MPLS (unlike traceroute). Using analysis and simulation we explore the network factors that affect the fingerprints, and we introduce a simple method to compare them. Through measurements of up to a year over 15 Inter- net paths, we show that our fingerprints are both distinct and persistent over periods of several months, making their collection and use for path selection feasible. 1. INTRODUCTION Path characterization is a process that measures the per- formance of a path, typically capacity, loss, delay. The goal of path characterization is to describe something about the path itself. Path fingerprinting is a process that generates a unique fingerprint for a path, typically aimed at distin- guishing one path from another. The fingerprint may or may not be dependent on performance-related properties of the path. Both path characterization and fingerprinting are important to a wide range of applications such as overlay path selection, multi-path routing, monitoring and diagno- sis of network problems, designing and testing protocols for realistic network conditions, anddevelopingadeeperunder- standing of network behavior. Path fingerprinting is especially useful for applications John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos are partially supported by the United States Department of Homeland Security contract number NBCHC040137 (“LANDER”). Rishi Sinha is supported by the Integrated Media Systems Center, a National Science Foundation Engineering Re- search Center, Cooperative Agreement No. EEC-9529152. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the department of Homeland Security or the National Science Foundation. that require the selection of disjoint paths to improve per- formance or robustness. Path fingerprints allow such appli- cations to determine if two paths share common links. A simple path fingerprint is the identity of all routers on the path. While tools such as traceroute aim to provide this in- formation, thesetoolsfailwhentheroutertopologybecomes opaque due to layer-2 clouds (from ATM or optical switch- ing),tunneling(suchasMPLSorVPNs),ornon-cooperative routers. While an exact router-level topology is difficult to deter- mine, users optimizing network performance are often inter- ested in performance isolation. Here the goal is to identify paths that do not share highly utilized links. For such ap- plications, the existence of shared bottlenecks must beiden- tified, but over-provisioned links are of much less concern. Ideally, pathfingerprints should also be relatively stable, al- lowing data collection costs to be amortized by reusing and sharing fingerprints. In this paper we develop a new technique to fingerprint Internet paths based on the distribution of packet pair dis- persions, which we call the dispersion fingerprint of a path (Section2). Ourapproachhasthefollowingimportantprop- erties: it generates distinct path fingerprints that can be re- liably compared using simple techniques; fingerprints taken atthesametimeofdayarepersistent overperiodsofatleast several months, and are thus reusable; and the fingerprints areshapedbytrafficandlinkcharacteristics, especiallylinks with higherutilization, andcanbeusedtodetectpathover- lap. To understand how dispersion fingerprints are shaped by thenetworkwefirstsystematicallystudyfingerprintsthrough network simulation (Section 3), and compare these results with fingerprints from over 15 paths on Internet2 for pe- riods of up to a year (Section 4). We corroborate these results with short-term measurements from commercial In- ternet paths (Section 5). Finally, (Section 6) we propose two applications of fingerprints, namely detectingsharing of busy links between two paths, and detection of traffic and linkchangesovertimeonapath,anddiscusstheadvantages of our approach over existing solutions. To our knowledge, the existence of distinct and persistent pathfingerprintsthatcapturelinkandtrafficcharacteristics has not been demonstrated before. While there has been a great deal of work on path characterization [3,5–7,12, 26,35], most has focused on determining specific network characteristics such as loss, delay, and throughput rather than fingerprinting. The packet pair methodology has been widely used before in link capacity and available bandwidth 1 estimation [9,10,13,18,20,24,30]. Our work differs because weaimtofindanindicatorofapath’suniqueidentityrather than characterizing performance aspects. Our contributions are as follows: (a) we define disper- sion fingerprints as a new approach to identifying paths shaped by traffic and link characteristics; (b) we investi- gate theunderlyingphysicalbasis fordispersion fingerprints and demonstrate through simulation, analysis and measure- ment how links and cross traffic affect dispersion; and (c) we demonstrate that that many Internet paths contain a distinct and persistent dispersion fingerprint. In addition, webegintoexplorehowourfingerprintscanbeusedtoiden- tify paths with shared links and detect traffic changes on a path. 2. THE DISPERSION DISTRIBUTION AS A PATH FINGERPRINT Inthissectionwepresentevidencethatthedistributionof packetpairdispersionsisagoodcandidateforfingerprinting Internet paths. 2.1 Packet Pair Basics Packetpairs[18]andtheirvariants(suchaspackettrains), are a useful building block commonly used in tools for link capacity and available bandwidth estimation [7,9,10,13,20, 24,26,30]. A packet pair typically consists of two of equal- sized packets sent with fixed initial dispersion δ init . We use the term dispersion as it is commonly defined: the time interval between the first bit of the first packet and the first bit of the second packet of the pair. At the destination, the resulting dispersion δ final is a function of both the physical capacityofthevariouslinksinthepathaswellascompeting cross traffic on these links. Figure1showshownetworklinksandtrafficaffectdisper- sion. Observe the incoming and outgoing dispersions (δpre and δ post ) at the first router in each case. With no interfer- ence and equal capacity links, case (a) shows that there is no change in dispersion. In case (b), the packet pair experi- ences expansion (the dispersion increases) as it moves from a high-bandwidth to a low-bandwidth link. In case (c), the dispersion value again increases, but this time due to cross- traffic packets slipping between the packet pair, increasing their separation. Finally, in case (d), thepacketpair experi- ences compression due to queuing at a busy link. The final dispersion δ final at the end of the path is due to combina- tions of these effects along the entire path. We reevaluate these cases more precisely in Section 3.2. Several other network factors can also affect dispersion values from packet pair measurements. Scheduling policies, multi-path routing and route changes could all affect mea- surements. Like most other prior work using packet pairs, we assume the common case of FIFO or RED queuing, single-path routing and stable routes between probes. In this paper we explore the use of packet pairs to char- acterize network paths. From these examples we observe that the network can both increase or decrease the disper- sion value unpredictably, making it an apparently difficult choice. We next explore how the the network forces regu- larities in dispersion values, allowing a modest number of probes to characterize a link. Cross traffic Probe traffic P2 P1 P2 P1 δ δ post pre (a) No change, δ post = δpre. P2 P1 P1 P2 P2 P1 δ δ post pre (b) Link expansion, δ post >δpre. P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 δ δ post pre (c) Traffic expansion, δ post >δpre. P2 P1 P1 δ P2 pre δ post P1 P2 (d) Traffic compression, δ post < δpre. Figure 1: Examples of how packet pair dispersion may change. 2.2 Can Dispersion Values Provide a Path Fin- gerprint? Thediscussionabovesuggeststhatpacketpairdispersions reflectfeaturesofboththestatic(physical)andthedynamic (cross-traffic) properties of a path. However, fingerprints are most useful to the extent that they are distinct and persistent over at least moderate periods of time. We look into these questions next. Figure 2(a) shows the results of an experiment where a sustained stream of UDP packet pairs was transmitted for a period of one hour between hosts in Germany and Mas- sachusetts. WecallthispathDE–UM.Theinitialdispersion of each pair was 120 μs, which corresponds to back-to-back transmissionofthetwo1500bytepacketsat100Mb/s. (Full details about our methodology are in Section 3.1.) The fig- ure shows final dispersion δ final on the y-axis with time on the x-axis. This scatter plot shows strong horizontal bands, indicating frequent dispersion modes around 135, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360 μs, etc. Although the figure shows strong trends in the data, it is not obvious how to interpret it. We would like to quantify the strength of given bands and understand their causes, so we switch to a cumulativedistribution of thedataset in Fig- ure 2(b). This representation makes quantification of the dispersions easier, since the strength of each band is pro- portional to the size of the step in the CDF. Figure 2(b) also adds the CDF of a similar experiment conducted about a month later. The strong similarity of the CDFs in Fig- ure 2(b) suggests that the bands in Figure 2(a) are not transient but may be caused by the underlying network, indicating that dispersion CDFs may provide persistent fin- gerprints. Turning to the question of the distinctness, Figure 2(c) 2 (a) Germany to Massachusetts (path DE-UM), Aug. 2005. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 CDF Dispersion (microseconds) Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (b) Germany to Massachusetts (path DE-UM). 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 CDF Dispersion (microseconds) Nov 2004 Jan 2005 pre-change Jan 2005 post-change (c) California to Korea (path SC- KR). Figure 2: Measurements motivating the use of dispersion distributions as path signatures. showsdispersionCDFsfromthreemeasurementstakenwith thesame methodology ona differentpath, California to Ko- rea (SC–KR).WeobservethattheDE–UMCDFswere very similar to each other, while the SC–KR measurements ap- pear quite different. This observation suggests that disper- sion CDFs may be distinct for a given path. In Section 4 we measure 15 different Internet paths over periods of up to a year, and we find each one to have a distinctly different CDF. While the DE–UM CDFs (Figure 2(b)) are very consis- tent, we see two differenttrends inSC–KR (Figure 2(c)). In January 2005, therewas asignificantandpermanentchange in the CDF of this path—before the change we see two modes (at 120 and 240 μs), but later only the first mode remains. We associate this change with a network outage andtemporary routechange, suggesting thattheroutingfa- cilities where altered at this time. We explore this example in detail in Section 4.5. Here we observe that large changes in dispersion CDFs can be associated with changes in the underlyingnetwork;dispersionCDFsarenotcompletelyun- changing. In this section we showed preliminary evidence that dis- persion CDFs of Internet paths can persist for months, and can be distinct, suggesting that dispersion CDFs may pro- videanewtypeofpathfingerprint. Inthefollowingsections, we investigate in detail the factors affecting our fingerprint and its properties and examine dispersion CDFs through simulation and a larger set of Internet measurements. 3. SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE DISPER- SION CDF We next explore factors that influence dispersion CDFs, beginning with simple one-routerscenarios andcase-by-case analysis of cross-traffic. We then generalize this discussion of single-hop dispersion, dividing the set of conditions into three regions of operation. Finally we turnto simulations of small scenarios with multiple routers. Dispersion at a single hop has been studied before [13,21, 25] when considering bandwidth estimation. Our goal here is to understand the factors most pertinent to dispersion CDFs used as path fingerprints. 3.1 Methodology for Computing the Disper- sion CDF Oursimulationsandexperimentsusethefollowingmethod- ology. We send UDP packet pairs with exponential interde- parture times (exploiting the PASTA principle [33]) at a mean rate of 100 pairs/s. Experiment lengths are either 100 s (simulation) or 1 hour (Internet). (We explore the ef- fect of packet pair rate and measurement duration in detail in Section 5, and gets similar results with rates as low as 10 pairs/s and durations as short as 30 s.) Each packet is 1500 bytes long (including UDP and IP headers) We send the two packets back-to-back at the rate of the access link (typically 100 Mb/s), so δ init is 120 μs. To factor out link speed we normalize the dispersion at the receiver by the ini- tial dispersion and report ˜ δ = δ final /δ init , the normalized dispersion. 3.2 Analysis of Dispersion After A Single Router We begin with simple one-hop scenarios with dispersion from packet pairs interacting with cross traffic. We use a trivial topology: one router with two incom- ing and one outgoing link (Figure 3(a)). One incoming link carries the packet pairs, the other carries cross traffic, and all packets exit the router through the outgoing link. Both incoming links have the same capacity Cpre, while the out- going link may have the same or different speed Cpost. We assume that a packet pair arrives at the router with arbi- trary dispersion δpre and leaves with dispersion δ post . We assume packet pairs and cross traffic packets have the same length, but write them LP and LX to allow this assump- tion to be relaxed later. Section 3.4.3 deals with the case of multiple packet sizes in cross traffic. To describe how large a particular value of dispersion is, it is helpful to define dispersion slack, S, the duration the link would be idle between the two probes if no cross traffic were present (see Figure 3(a)). For any incoming pair, the inputslack isSpre =δpre−LP/Cpre andtheoutputslack is Spost =δ post −LP/Cpost, where δ post is the output disper- sion that would result if no cross traffic contended for the output link. Note that Spost =max(0,δpre −LP/Cpost). Wewanttoconsidereachwaycrosstrafficmayalterprobe dispersion. To do this, we consider when a potential cross- traffic packet arrives, and what the spacing of the packet pair is. We assume non-preemptive queueing, so we can discard all cases when cross traffic arrives after the head of the second probe packet. 3.2.1 Cross Traffic Arriving Between the Probes First, considerwhenacross-traffic packetarrivesafterthe headof thefirstprobepacketbutbefore theheadof thesec- ond. Inthiscase,itwillinterfere, delayingthesecondpacket and increasing dispersion, but the increase is dependent on the output slack Spost. When there is no slack (Spost = 0), then any intervening packetwill increase dispersion by exactly the service time of 3 Cross traffic Probe traffic post δ δ pre pre post P2 P2 P1 P1 Slack on output Slack on input S S (a) Dispersion slack. Range−constrained Unconstrained Point−constrained Normalized dispersion 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 CDF (b) Dispersion CDFs for each region of operation. Figure 3: Dispersion slack is the key to the regions of operation. that new packet. In other words, δ post = δpre +LX/Cpost (ifinterference), orδ post =δpre (ifnot). Wecallthisregion of operation point-constrained, because dispersion increases by a fixed amount. Next, suppose there is a bit of slack, but less than a full packet’s worth, that is, 0 < Spost < LX/Cpost. Again, if no cross traffic arrives dispersion is unchanged, but the longer inter-packet gap makes this chance lower than when point-constrained. If cross traffic arrives immediately be- fore the second probe packet, it will increase the dispersion by LX/Cpost (the same as point-constrained). However, if the packet enters a bit earlier, than part will be transmit- ted before the second probe packet enters, and the increase in dispersion will be slightly smaller: LX/Cpost −ǫ. If the intervening packet enter immediately after the first probe packet, it can consume all the slack. Thus, an interven- ing packet may increase dispersion by any value between LX/Cpost −Spost and LX/Cpost. We therefore call this re- gion of operation range-constrained. Finally, if there is more than a packet’s worth of slack (Spost ≥LX/Cpost), thenthedispersioncanincrease byany amount between 0 and LX/Cpost, since the slack can now absorb an entire cross-traffic packet. We call this region of operation unconstrained. Figure 3(b) shows dispersion CDFs for these cases, show- ingwhenδpre iseitherLP/Cpost,1.5LP/Cpost or2LP/Cpost. 3.2.2 Cross Traffic Arriving Before the First Probe Next we consider when cross traffic arrives β before the head of the first probe. If it arrives well before the first probe, when β ≥ LX/Cpost, then it can be completely ser- viced and does not affect dispersion. Otherwise the effects again depend on slack. If Spost = 0, then both probes are delayed by β, but dis- persion does not change because theprobes remain back-to- back. If 0<Spost <β−LX/Cpost, then the cross traffic delays the first probe’s service time until after the second probe arrives, decreasing δ post to zero (point-constrained). If Spost ≥β−LX/Cpost, the cross traffic again delays the first probe, decreasing dispersion, but the pairs do not leave back-to-back (range-constrained). If β = 0 and Spost ≥ LX/Cpost, then the dispersion is reduced by one full packet service time; δ post = δpre − LX/Cpost, and dispersion is point-constrained. In these examples, the reduction in dispersion occurs be- cause packets queue behind cross traffic. This cause is the same cause of ACK compression [34], but in our case, with data packets. 3.2.3 Faster Output Link Next consider different link speeds, Cpre 6= Cpost. First consider the case when the output link is faster than the input link, Cpost > Cpre. Assume the packets arrive back- to-back on the input link, with no idle time between them, so δpre = LP/Cpre and Spre = 0. This still implies non- zero output slack. Specifically, the slack Spost =LP/Cpre− LP/Cpost, a value greater than zero, since Cpost > Cpre. This slack on the output link creates the potential for the faster link to silently “absorb” some cross traffic, provided thecross traffic canslip into theoutputlink’s slack. Wewill explorethisissueinmoredetailwhenweconsidersimulation results in the next section. 3.2.4 Multiple or Faster Input Links With multiple sources of cross traffic or a faster single source ofcross traffic, dispersionvaluescanincrease byinte- gralmultiplesofeachoftheabovecases. (Weassumeround- robin servicing of all input links.) So if the probes arrive with no slack, then they may exit with δ post =LP/Cpost+ n(LX/Cpost) for any integer n>0 in the point-constrained cases. If there is more slack when the probes enter, they will be constrained into range “stripes” with the maximum of each range at some multiple n(LX/Cpost), and the mini- mum at some multiple n(LX/Cpost−Spost). (Note that the width of the range is wider at higher multiples.) Afastersinglesourceofcrosstrafficcauseschangessimilar to multiple links. In the next section we will simulate cross traffic entering in link speeds ten times that of the probe traffic. 3.2.5 Multiple Hops Crosstrafficovermultiplehopscausesincreaseordecrease in dispersion at every hop. Moreover, an increase in disper- sion at one hop increases the slack available at the next, so interactions quickly become complicated. Weconsider them in simulation in the next section. 3.3 Generalized Regions of Operation on a Single Hop In Section 3.2 we saw specific examples of how packet in- teractions give rise to three regions of operation at a single hop. Now we generalize the conditions underlying each re- gion. for arbitrary combinations of the packet arrival and link speed scenarios separated above. There are no assump- tions other than constant cross traffic packet size. Let n be the number of intervening packets of cross traffic, which may be zero. Each packet pair falls into one of the three regions (Figure 3(b)) depending on its value of slack Spost, which is determined by δpre. When δpre ≤ LP/Cpost, the slack Spost is zero, and this is the point-constrained region, 4 S D R1 Case S S D Case F R1 S D Case SS R1 R2 50% util. S D Case SF R1 R2 50% util. S D Case FF R1 R2 50% util. S D Case FS R1 R2 50% util. Figure 4: The six possible topologies involving one ortwobusylinksandtwolinkcapacities. Thicklines represent fast (F) links, while thin lines represent slow (S) links. where each value of n results in exactly one value of δ post . When LP/Cpost <δpre <(LX +LP)/Cpost, the slack Spost can absorb only part of a cross traffic packet, and this is the range-constrained region, where each value of n gives rise to non-overlapping “stripes” of possible δ out values. When δpre ≥ (LX +LP)/Cpost, the slack Spost can absorb one or more cross traffic packets, and the “stripes” now overlap, making any δ out value above LP/Cpost possible. 3.4 Simulation of Dispersion With Multiple Routers Toexploremorecomplexscenarios, wenowusesimulation and the six topologies shown in Figure 4. We send packet pairs from source S to the destination D throughrouters R1 and, when present, R2. All links except the access link (S– R1) carry cross traffic. We use either slow links (100 Mb/s, thin lines), or fast links (1 Gb/s, bold lines). We label the topologies using S (for Slow) and F (for Fast) based on the speeds of the busy links, so SF indicates two busy links, a slow link followed by a fast link. (Links feeding cross trafficare always fastlinkstoallow single ormultiplepacket arrivals between probes.) Ineachtopology we varycross trafficsuchthatutilization at the last link is 30%, 50% or 90%. (Values from 10% to 90% were similar.) With two busy links (SS, SF, FF and FS),wefixcrosstrafficonR1–R2at50%andvaryutilization on the R2–D link. Initially, we assume cross traffic is only 1500 byte packets with Poisson arrivals; in Section 3.4.3 we consider multiple packet sizes. Cross traffic is sent using exponential interarrival times. An open issue is to explore non-Poisson distributions of cross traffic. Probe traffic is injected on the 100 Mb/s link S–R1; the same speed as slow intermediate links, but one-tenth the speed of fast intermediate links. The probes are sent as described in Section 3.1 back-to-back (Spre =0). We use the ns-2 simulator [8]. Each simulation run lasts 100 s, but we discard the first 5 s to avoid start-up tran- sients. (The simulation is stable after 10 s, so the duration is ample.) We repeated each simulation 5 times with differ- ent randomization but found no significant variation, so we present the results of a single instance here. 3.4.1 The Dispersion CDF with One Busy Link We begin with the simplest case: one busy link that is either the same speed or faster than the access link of the sender. We will find that these two cases are in the point- constrained and unconstrained regions of operation, respec- tively. Range-constrained operation is an intermediate re- gion with characteristics of theother two regions, andis not illustrated in these simulations. Case S. Figure 5(a) shows the dispersion CDFs with ho- mogeneous link speeds. In this topology, all pairs arrive at the busy link with a dispersion LP/C (where C is the capacity of R1–D) and have zero slack. This scenario is point-constrained, so we see steps in the CDF only at inte- ger multiples of LX/C. Considering the case of light load (30% utilization), we see that about 75% of pairs show no dispersion change—they enter and leave the congestion link without change in their spacing. About 20% of pairs show a dispersion of 2δ init = LP/C + LX/C, corresponding to one cross-traffic packet arriving at R1 after the first probe of the pair but before the second. Finally, we occasionally (about 5% of the time) see dispersion factors higher than 2, corresponding to capture of multiple packets of cross traffic. Since the packet size is fixed, we always see CDF steps at multiples of the packet size, and we characterize this kind of CDF as stairstep. With 90% load, again we see a stairstep dispersion CDF, but with more cross traffic, large dispersions are more com- mon since multiple packet insertions between probes are more common. ThesesimulationsconfirmtheanalysisofSection3.2and3.2.4. With Poisson cross traffic we can compute the expected CDF. The fraction with no dispersion change correspond to the probability that no cross traffic arrives in duration LP/C. The expected number of arrivals in this time is (LP/C)×(λX/LX), where λX is the average data rate of cross traffic. The observed CDFs in case S are in agreement with this distribution. Case F. Next we turn to case F, where a fast link carries cross traffic. Since the capacity C of the busy link R1–D is 10 times that of the access link, the incoming dispersion at R1 is 10(LP/C) = 5(LP +LX)/C, which puts all pairs in this case in the unconstrained region. Figure 5(b) shows its CDF. which we describe as smooth. Rather than the large, discrete steps of thestairstep CDFwe obtainedin the point-constrained case, here we see a spread of dispersion values, centered at δ in . Like case S, normalized dispersions greater than δ init correspond to cross traffic arriving be- tween two probes and spreading them apart. Unlike case S, the amount of increase is unconstrained, and thus the re- sulting CDF shows weight at continuous values rather than discrete steps. Another difference from case S is that we see outputdispersionsδ final thataresmaller thaninputdisper- sion δ init , since, as we argued analytically in Section 3.2.2, pairscanbepushedtogetheriftheymustqueuebehindcross traffic. However, the lower bound on δ final is LP/C. Comparing the amounts of cross traffic for case F, we see thatwhenthereismore cross traffic, weget highervariation in the dispersion (compare the 90% to 30% utilizations). Again, this result is due to a higher probability of probes capturing multiple cross packets. At 90% load, there are stepsatmultiplesofLX/C (whichis0.1δ init ),becauseboth probes in a pair are often queued along with intervening cross traffic, resulting in zero output slack for many pairs. 3.4.2 The Dispersion CDF with Multiple Busy Links We now turn to cases SS, FF, SF and FS, where there are two busy links, R1–R2 and R2–D. In each of the pre- vious cases S and F, the incoming dispersion at the busy link was the same for all pairs, so all pairs were in the same region of operation. In the multiple-busy-link cases, the in- 5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R1-D utilization 30% R1-D utilization 50% R1-D utilization 90% (a) Case S. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R2-D utilization 30% R2-D utilization 90% (c) Case SS. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R2-D utilization 30% R2-D utilization 90% (e) Case FF. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R1-D utilization 30% R1-D utilization 50% R1-D utilization 90% (b) Case F. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R2-D utilization 30% R2-D utilization 90% (d) Case SF. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion R2-D utilization 30% R2-D utilization 90% (f) Case FS. Figure 5: Dispersion CDFs from the six simulation cases. coming dispersions at R1 are still the same for all pairs, but pairs entering R2 may have different dispersions because of interference at R1. Consequently, all pairs do not operate in the same region on R2–D. For multiple link cases we fix the utilization of R1–R2 at 50%, so the 50% load curves in Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show the distribution of dispersions approaching R2 for cases SS and SF, or FS and FF, respec- tively. Case SS. When both busy links are slow links (Fig- ure 5(c)), the incoming dispersions at R2 are either in the point-constrainedorunconstrainedregion. Thisisseenfrom the50%curveinFigure5(a)—approximately60%ofdisper- sionsstayunchangedatδ init ,andthesearepoint-constrained with respect to R2–D; the rest of the dispersions are too large to be in the range-constrained region, and are all in the unconstrained region with respect to R2–D. The 60% of pairs that are point-constrained produce jumps at integer values in Figure 5(c), while the rest of the pairs produce both integer and non-integer values. Although the regions of operation don’t change at 90% utilization of R2–D, the higher load in the last link dominates the CDF, forcing the dispersion CDF into a nearly stairstep appearance. Case SF. Now consider case SF, where the second busy link is a fast link (Figure 5(d)). The incoming dispersions at R2 are still distributed as the output of case S with 50% load. However, because R2–D is now faster than the probe access link, router R2 operates in the unconstrained region forallpairs. Weexpectastairstepdistributiontobeinduced at router R1, and at 30% utilization these steps are each smoothed as in case F. At 90% utilization, the cross traffic at R2 dominates the dispersion CDF giving it an overall smooths shape, but actually with many small bumps at the 1 Gb/s back-to-back spacing. Case FF. For case FF (Figure 5(e)), the incoming dis- persions at R2 are distributed as in the 50% curve in Fig- ure 5(b). The vast majority of these dispersions, those greater than 0.2δ init , are in the unconstrained region when they arrive at R2. Thus, the dispersion CDF for case FF is like case F itself, although with slightly longer tails and smoother edges. Case FS. Finally, in case FS (Figure 5(f)), pairs arriv- ing at R2 again have dispersions distributed as the output of case F with 50% load, but in this case dispersions up to δ init are point-constrained, and dispersions between δ init and 2δ init are range-constrained. A very small number of pairs with dispersion more than 2δ init are unconstrained. Since most of the dispersions are point-constrained, Fig- ure 5(f) shows steps at integer values in the30%-load curve. The effect of range-constrained dispersions is also evident between normalized dispersions 1 and 2, though the higher- valued band repetitions are too weak to be visible. It is interesting that cases FS and SF are similar in topology, but there are differences in their dispersion CDFs. From this observation we conclude that the order of busy links affects the dispersion CDF. TheseresultsdemonstratehowthedispersionCDFisshaped by link capacities, utilizations and order of busy links when there is traffic on multiple links. 3.4.3 The Dispersion CDF with Multiple Packet Sizes Cross traffic in all the above simulations consists of a sin- gle packet size. To consider multiple packet sizes, we must revisit the classification into regions of operation, as well as the simulations. In general, the three regions still exist for multiple cross traffic packet sizes, using the smallest packet size for LX in the expressions in Section 3.3. In particular cases, however, it is possible for the range-constrained region to merge with the unconstrained region. This happens when bands due to different packet sizes overlap to cover an unbounded range of δ final values. Thetypical Internetpacketsize distributionis believedto consist mainly of a few strong modes, around 40, 576 and 1500 bytes [23,29,32]. We recently reported [28] that this distribution appears to have shifted to a mostly bimodal distribution with modes around 40 and 1500 bytes. More details are in Appendix A. Based on this distribution, we repeated the simulations in the six cases of Figure 4 with a bimodal distribution of packetsizes incross traffic on thelast link in eachcase. The mix was 30% 1500 byte packets and 70% 40 byte packets. As expected, we observed that the effect of introducing the 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dipersion Bimodal Unimodal Figure 6: Dispersion CDF from simulation case S with bimodal packet size distribution. Table 1: Measurement sites Site Domain Abbr. U. of Southern California SC UC Santa Barbara SB UC San Diego SD U. of Mass. UM U. of Maryland MD Inha U., Korea KR Nat. Tech. U. of Athens, Greece GR T.U. Braunschweig, Germany DE smaller packets was to remove sharp step transitions in the CDFs, where they existed. For example, Figure 6 shows simulations for case S (with 50% utilization on R1–D) with both unimodal and bimodal cross traffic. All pairs in both curves were in the point-constrained region, but a greater number of possible δ final points exists in the bimodal case. However, because a 40 byte packet is much smaller com- pared to a 1500 byte packet, the CDF is shaped largely by 1500 byte packets. This evidence on packet size distribution and the effect of smaller packets indicates that dispersion CDFs on the Internet will be shaped largely by packets near 1500 bytes long. 4. MEASUREMENT OF DISPERSION IN THE INTERNET In this section we study dispersion measurements taken from paths on the Internet. Our measurements span a pe- riod between October 2004 and October 2005 and cover 15 Internet paths between the 8 sites shown in Table 1. We do not have measurements for all 56 paths between the 8 sites due to unstable hosts. Our hosts were located on academic sites, so thepathswe measured are overInternet2andother research networks with a capacity of at least 100 Mb/s. We complement our measurements with a commercial site in Section 5.1 to provide short-term validation of our primary survey; they generally confirm our long-term results. 4.1 Experiment Methodology Basic experimentparameters are describedin Section3.1. A measurement lasts for 24 hours in segments of one hour each. Before and after each segment, we record traceroute results for each path. All but one of the machines used wereon100Mb/snetworks. Pairsfromthesemachineswere transmitted back-to-back, with initial dispersion being 120 μs. For the path (MD-SC) the sender was on a 1 Gb/s LAN during the measurement, but we maintained the same initial dispersion of 120 μs. We did not use the 1 Gb/s host as a receiver because interrupt coalescing tainted our measurements. We did attempt to use PlanetLab [4] for our experiments, but we discovered that high machine load interfered with our measurements. Overallwemadeabout56measurementsovertwelvemonths. Since most measurements consist of 24 one-hour segments, we have close to 1300 hours of measurements. Figure 7 shows a small sample of these measurements, one graph for each path we measured. In each graph, we show several dispersion CDFs taken one or more months apart. Within each path, all CDFs are from the same time of day. We do not have measurements for all paths for all months due to unstable hosts. 4.2 Understanding Internet Dispersion CDFs The data in Figure 7 is taken from the “wild” Internet, thus we do not have ground truth about the link and traffic characteristics. We therefore turn to the understanding of small scale network effects on dispersion CDFs developed in Section 3 to interpret our wide-area data. The captions of Figure 7 identify the topology class (S, F, SF, FS) from Section 3 we believe most closely matches the dispersion CDF. We omit classes SS and FF since they are subsumed by classes S and F, respectively. Tomapbetweenourexperimentaldataandthebasicanal- ysis/simulation in Section 3 we must make some assump- tions about link speeds and packet size distributions in the Internet. The dispersion CDFs show that all links on our paths have at least 100 Mb/s capacity. Prior studies of dis- tributions of Internet packet sizes have consistently shown strong modes at 1500 and 40 bytes, with occasional weaker modes at 576 or 1200 bytes [23,28,29,32]. In Section 3.4.3 we demonstrated through simulation that bimodal traffic results in slightly rounder steps than unimodal traffic. We consider that effect when relating topology classes to wide- area data. We also label each based on how well it matches our expectations: “expected modes”, “unexpected modes”, or “no modes”. We describe these next. Expected modes. The Jan 2005 CDF from path DE- SB and all CDFs from paths SB-KR and SC-KR directly match our expectations of a link with cross-traffic (classes S and FS) and point-constrained operation. The strongest modes are at close-to-integer multiples of initial dispersion, consistent with mostly 1500 byte cross traffic packets on a 100 Mb/s link. Closer inspection shows smaller steps, consistent with bimodal cross traffic that includes 40 byte packets. Unexpected modes. Many of the CDFs show strong modes,butnotatvaluesconsistentwith100Mb/slinks. We characterizetheseCDFs(MD-SC,UM-SC,KR-SC,SB-UM, SC-UM, DE-UM, GR-SC and DE-SC) as having unexpected modes. We can break these into three groups with similar features. Thefirstgroup(MD-SC,UM-SC,KR-SC,andDE- SC) all terminate at USC, and show strong modes at about 1.6 to 1.65× the initial dispersion (final δ of 190–200 μs). The secondgroup all terminate atUMass (SB-UM,SC-UM, DE-UM),andallshowmodesat1.3to1.4×initialdispersion (final spacing of 155–170 μs). Figure 2(a) shows the raw distributionofaportionofaDE-UMmeasurement, showing the very consistent output dispersion at certain multiples. Finally the third group contains the singleton GR–SC, with modes at about 1.2 and 2.3 times initial dispersion. 7 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Nov 2004 Jun 2005 (a) UCSB to Korea (SB–KR): S, ex- pected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Nov 2004 Jan 2005 (1) Jan 2005 (2) Mar 2005 Jun 2005 (b) USC to Korea (SC–KR): S, ex- pected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (c) UMd to USC (MD–SC): S, unex- pected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Mar 2005 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Oct 2005 (d) UMass to USC (UM–SC): S, un- expected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Mar 2005 Jun 2005 (e) Korea to USC (KR–SC): S, unex- pected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Mar 2005 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (f) GermanytoUSC(DE–SC):S,un- expected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Oct 2004 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (g) UCSBtoUMass (SB–UM):S,un- expected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Oct 2004 Nov 2004 Dec 2004 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (h) USC to UMass (SC–UM): S, un- expected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Jan 2005 Jun 2005 (1) Jun 2005 (2) Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (i) Germany to UMass (DE–UM): S, unexpected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Jan 2005 Feb 2005 (j) Greece to USC (GR–SC): S, unex- pected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Jan 2005 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (k) Germany to UCSB (DE–SB): FS/SF, no modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Jan 2005 Mar 2005 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (l) UCSD to Germany (SD–DE): F/SF, no modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Feb 2005 Mar 2005 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (m) USC to Germany (SC–DE): SF, no modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Oct 2004 Jun 2005 Aug 2005 Sep 2005 (n) USC to UCSB (SC–SB): SF, no modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Oct 2004 Feb 2005 (o) UMasstoUMd(UM–MD):SF,no modes. Figure 7: Dispersion CDFs from Internet experiments. 8 Sincewedonothavegroundtruthfor thesepathswecan- not fully explain them. However, our simulations provide some basis for a hypothesis. Taking the UMass traces as an example (specifically the SC–UM trace), we first observe that about 60% of pairs show dispersions around 170 μs or slightly less. This spacing is consistent with a half alloca- tionofanOC-3link(155Mb/shalvesto77Mb/s,consistent with 17 μs spacing); we believe this link represents the path bottleneck. The third strongest mode (about 10% of pack- ets) is attwice thisvalue(2.4δ init or34 μs), consistent with the pairs trapping a 1500-byte packet on this bottleneck. Several remaining modes for this path occur at 1.1, 1.7, 2.05 and 2.75 times δ init . In fact, the mode at 1.1δ init is the second strongest mode with about 18% of pairs. These weaker modes are each about ±0.3δ init off of the strongest modeanditsdouble. Thesemodesareconsistentwithtraffic passing through a 300 Mb/s link. The group of paths terminating at USC shows a primary modearound1.65δ init (198μs),withabout80%ofthepairs making a smooth, S-shape between 1.6 and 1.7δ init . The mainsecondarymodeatabout1.02δ init . Theprimarymode is consistent with traffic passing through a bottleneck link around 62 Mb/s. We believe the secondary mode is caused by compression: the pairs gain a large amount of slack from the bottleneck link, then a few queue behind a router at a 100 Mb/s link. While these interpretations are consistent with our anal- ysis, the non-standard bottleneck speeds imply that we do not yet have a complete understanding of this network. We are working on obtaining ground truth on these paths. No modes. We consider Jun–Sep 2005 CDFs from path DE–SB, and all CDFs from paths SD–DE, SC–DE, SC–SB and UM–MD to have “no modes”, with relatively smooth CDFs and no clear modes (except possibly at 1, which rep- resents unchanged final dispersion.) We believe that the continuous shape of these CDFs is caused by cross traffic at a fast link, consistent with case SF in Figure 3.4.2. Our hypothesis is that a busy high-speed link (much faster than 100 Mb/s) causes operation in the unconstrained region in this class, and that any 100 Mb/s links causing significant dispersion are upstream of this fast link. We now move on to overall observations drawn from the ensemble of dispersion CDFs. 4.3 Observation 1: Persistence The first observation from Figure 7 is that the dispersion CDFsremainfairlypersistentoverperiodsofmonths,ascan be seen by very similar modes and shapes across CDFs that are months apart. For example, path SC–DE (Figure 7(m)) had consistent shape (80% of packets have their initial dis- persion and the rest have a smooth range of other values) for seven months. Explanation: Persistence of dispersion CDFs indicates relatively stable underlying traffic conditions. As we have seen inSection 3, backgroundtraffic intensity mainly affects the magnitude of the CDF (the y-axis) and packet size dis- tribution affects the location of the modes. The stability in ourresultsindicatesthatneitherofthosechangesdrastically in timescales of months. Caveats: Forafewpaths(DE–SB,SD–DE,andSC–DE) we see a diurnal cycle as shown in Figure 8. This is well known phenomenon and our fingerprints are able to catch it. We expand on these diurnal changes in Section 4.5 and 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Figure8: DispersionCDFseverytwohours for path DE–SB on Friday, June 24, 2005. quantify their differences in Section 6.2. 4.4 Observation 2: Distinctness The dispersion CDFs in Figure 7 show another interest- ing property: often signatures for different paths are quite distinct. For example, DE–SC, MD–SC and GR–SC, all of which terminate at the same destination, and DE–SC and SC–DE are quite different. The difference between DE–SC andSC–DEisnotsurprisingas theydonothaveanytracer- oute hops in common. Several groups, however, show strong similarities. For ex- ample, MD–SC, UM–SC, KR–SC, DE-SC form one class (terminating at USC); SB–UM, SC–UM, DE–UM form a second class (terminating at UMass); and DE–SB (omitting Jan. 2005), SD–DE (omitting Jan. 2005), SC–DE form a third class. We believe these similarities indicate that the paths share common busy links. We can confirm this with traceroute. We see four common hops at the destination for the first group and four for the second. The third group has paths in both directions involving Germany so we see common hops (at least 9) only on the two forward paths. We speculate that common hops exist on the reverse path also, and may be detectable by alias resolution. Explanation: Dispersion CDFs are influenced by link speeds and cross traffic. Paths with different link speeds and traffic generate different dispersion CDFs, while paths thatsharemanylinks(particularlybottleneckorbusylinks) generate similar CDFs. Caveat: Insomecaseswehaveobservedfingerprintchanges that we associate with traffic changes (rather than routing changes). We examine these next. 4.5 Characterizing Fingerprint Changes Our statements about persistence and distinctness are based on the claim that dispersion CDFs reflect underly- ing link and traffic characteristics. Thus, it is not surprising that significant routing or traffic changes can result in cor- responding changes in the dispersion CDFs. We have seen three kinds of changes: on three paths we observe diurnal changes of fingerprints, on three cases we observed signifi- cant changes between measurements, and in two cases we captured significant changes during our 24 hour observa- tions. We describe each of these below, focusing on the two cases that we captured in action. Althoughmostpathsareverystableregardlessofobserva- tion time, we observe diurnal changes on on paths DE–SB, SD–DE and SC–DE. Figure 8 shows 12 measurements for DE–SB. This change in CDF is consistent with a change in cross traffic volume consistent with our simulation cases F and SF. In Section 6.2 we quantify these changes. The pres- ence of diurnal effects suggests that, if dispersion CDFs are 9 Figure 9: One-hour dispersion time series on path DE-UM. used to identify paths, than they must either be taken over the entire day (to smooth out traffic variation), or taken at a consistent timeof day. The plots inFigure 7confirmlong- duration persistence once diurnal effects are factored out by measuring at a consistent time of day. We saw three cases where there were significant changes inthemonthbetweenour observations. Thethreepathsare DE–SB, SD–DE and DE–UM (Figures 7(k), 7(l) and 7(i)), all involving a source or destination in Germany, with the change occurring between January 2005 and later traces. (Our one other path involving Germany (DE–SC) does not show this change because we lack data for January 2005.) ExaminationoftraceroutesindicatethatthischangeinCDF corresponds toa changeinpath: anextrahopappears inall of the January paths. In January, each path showed some level of traffic, while later traces show more traffic but a smooth CDF. This change is consistent with an increase in bandwidth of some intermediate link with some utilization (forexample,perhapsachangeintheLANusedatapeering point). Of the two major changes during an observation, the first was on path SC–KR, during a 24-hour observation in Jan- uary2005. DispersionsCDFsbeforethechange,fromNovem- ber 2004 and January 2005 are similar, and have a large mode at 2δ init . CDFs after the change are also consistent with each other, with 99% of dispersions nearly unchanged (within δ init and 1.06δ init ). During January 2005 we ob- served a 2.5 hour outage, with a new signature after the outage. The route reported by traceroute did not change (but both routes show four anonymous hops). The outage may indicate a hardware change and the change in CDF indicates that fewer pairs experienced large increases in dis- persionafter thechange. ThischangeinCDFsuggests pres- ence of traffic before and the reduction of traffic afterwords, or perhaps an increase in link capacity. Our last example of a major signature change during an observation was on path DE–UM in June 2005. We observe a stable path (call it R1), followed by an alternate route (R2) on Thu June 23 2005 between hours 12 and 13 of the 24-hour observation period, reverting to the original route after hour13. The R1–R2 change keeps thesame dispersion CDF,butthereturnofrouteR1(afterhour13)isconcurrent with a very different dispersion CDF than before hour 12 (see Figure 9 around time 2500 s). This condition persists throughtherestofJune,butisgoneinourAugustandlater measurements. This case is very puzzling, since the route changedoesnotcorrespondtotheCDFchange. Considering Figure 9, we see thatthemodes before andafter are similar, but the strengths of each band vary greatly. Perhaps this indicates that the outage corresponds to a change in the peering point that results in changed cross traffic. Finally, we also observed the converse of these examples: long-term stable paths and stable dispersion CDFs. For example, for path SC–UM, the dispersion CDFs are quite stable. The router-level path (from traceroute) shows some variation over that time (16 to 18 hops), but its structure remains unchangedwith fiveISPs (USC,CENIC, Internet2, Northern Crossroads, and UMass) for the twelve months of observation. Weobservedasimilarlevelofstabilityforother paths not mentioned above. These examples indicate that that significant changes in network are often associated with changes in the dispersion CDF, but that long-term measurements indicate generally stable and distinct dispersion CDFs. Based on these obser- vations, we propose to use the dispersion CDF as a path signature. In the next sections we briefly review other fac- tors that might affect dispersion CDFs (Section 5) and then turn to applications in Section 6. 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Our approach to collection dispersion CDFs requires a number of measurements. We next evaluate the sensitivity of these measurements to measurement parameters, such as proberateandmeasurementduration,andtoenvironmental factors suchassystemloadandclock drift. Wefirstvalidate that our experimental results are not biased by high-speed academic networks, then we look at varying measurement parameters on a specific path. (We use the SC–UM path for these measurements, chosen because we havethe longest observations for this path.) 5.1 Paths in the Commercial Internet The dispersion measurements presented in Section 4 be- gin andendat hosts inacademic networks, andso thepaths often exploit research networks such as Internet2. Internet2 is designedtobeveryhighspeed, andperhapsbusinesscon- cerns force commercial links to berunathigher utilizations. To investigate if our observations hold on commercial net- worksas well asacademic networkswe took took short-term measurements from a host placed in in the commercial ad- dress space of Los Nettos, a regional network, labeled here “LN”. We measured paths UM–LN, MD–LN, SB–LN, DE–LN and SD–LN, and the reverse path LN–UM. We verified that each of these paths goes over non-Internet2, commercial links. We do not reproduce all this data here, but in Fig- ure10weshow dispersionCDFsfor pathsDE–LN,andLN– UM. During a week of observation, we found that the disper- sion CDFs on these paths had similar behavior as those on the academic paths—CDFs are persistent and in gen- eral different on different paths. These experiments serve as preliminary verification of dispersion CDF properties on commercial paths. 5.2 Effect of Packet Pair Rate Throughout this paper we use the relatively high probe rate of 100 pairs/s (with exponential interarrivals); a data rate of 2.4 Mb/s. We chose this rate to get good accu- racy without great overhead relative to the 100 Mb/s link capacity or more. However, a lower probe rate would be attractive to reduce the overhead. Here we test the affect of 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Jan 30 2006 Feb 06 2006 Feb 07 2006 Feb 08 2006 (a) GermanytoLosNettos(DE–LN): S, expected modes. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion Feb 03 2006 Feb 04 2006 Feb 06 2006 Feb 07 2006 Feb 08 2006 (b) Los Nettos to UMass (LN–UM): S, unexpected modes. Figure 10: Dispersion CDFs from verification ex- periments on commercial Internet paths. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion 100 pairs/s 80 pairs/s 60 pairs/s 40 pairs/s 20 pairs/s 10 pairs/s Figure 11: Dispersion CDFs with various packet pair rates over the SC-UM path. lower probe rates on the dispersion CDF. We computed dispersion CDFs for average probe rates of 100, 80, 60, 40, 20 and 10 pairs/s on the SC–UM path (Figure 11). We found that dispersion CDFs look reason- ably similar for most packet-pair rates. When we compared them with the approach described in Section 6.1, finding the largest difference of 0.0023, well less than our threshold indicating difference. Thus, we conclude that our measure- mentprocessisnotparticularlysensitivetopacket-pairrate, which can be reduced by a factor of 10 and still produce ac- ceptable results. We plan to more systematically look at reduced probe rates across all paths. 5.3 Effect of Measurement Duration 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CDF Normalized dispersion 30 s 60 s 120 s 300 s 1800 s 3600 s Figure 12: The effect of varying measurement dura- tion on the SC-UM path. In Section 4 we presented the dispersion CDFs of paths withmeasurementsthatlastedonehour(3600s). Animpor- tant question is how long should we measure a path before we can get a reliable representation of its fingerprint? In Figure 12 we show the CDFs produced from data for the first 30, 60, 120, 300 and 1800 s of thehour-long experiment for the path SC–UM, sampled at 100 pairs/s. We find that the CDFs change very little for different measurement du- ration, which shows that the path fingerprint is quite stable even at shorter time scales (seconds vs. minutes or hours). 5.4 Other Parameters We ran experiments to check the sensitivity of our results to several additional factors. Different end-hosts: To verify that the fingerprints are not dependent on the destination host we carried out ex- periments in sites where we had access to different source and destination machines on the same subnet. Our results showedthatthefingerprintswerevirtuallythesameanddid not depend on the specific destination machine. System load: We discovered that high system CPU uti- lization can affect dispersion CDFs by distorting the spac- ing of probes at the sender (by changing δ init ) and the ac- curacy of timestamps at the receiver (by changing δ final ). During our experiments we periodically examine the CPU utilization to ensure that the load is acceptable during our experiments. An area of future work is to understand if sender-side kernel-level timestamping can permit accurate dispersion CDFs from hosts under load. 6. FINGERPRINT COMPARISON AND AP- PLICATIONS In previous sections we have shown that the dispersion CDFs of different paths are visually distinct. In this section we explore two applications of dispersion CDFs: identify- ing paths that share common components, and identifying changes in traffic on a given path. We begin by defining an approach to quantify differences in dispersion CDFs. 6.1 Comparing Dispersion CDFs To compare CDFs, we measure thearea enclosed between two normalized dispersion CDFs (Figure 13) and compare to a threshold. We adopted this approach because of its simplicity; as future work we plan to investigate alternate techniques such as by Bin Tariq et al. [31]. To compute areas we must first normalize the x-axis by scalingitacrossafixedrangefrom0tosomemaximumvalue mδinit (we assume bothmeasurements havethesame δinit). We then compute the area between the CDFs, normalized bythemaximumarea thatcanbeenclosed betweenanytwo CDFs. More specifically, if DX and DY are two dispersion CDFs to be compared, the comparison metric C(PX,PY) between them is: C(DX,DY)= 1 ⌈m/b⌉ ⌈m/b⌉ X i=1 |DX(i)−DY(i)|, where b is the bin size for the discrete CDF. For our work below we select m = 25 to capture the vast majority of dispersion values. This choice of mwas guided bythe maxi- mumnormalized dispersionweobserved, whichrangedfrom 4.16 to 24.99 for the CDFs shown in Figure 7. This metric 11 Figure13: TheareaenclosedbytwoCDFsisusedto quantify difference between them. The normalized enclosed area is 0.0278 for this example. defines a value between 0 and 1, with higher values indicat- ing greater difference. As examples of the comparison metric, we consider path DE–SB C(Jan.’05,Jun.’05) = 0.02274, a large change; and C(Jun.’05,Aug.’05)=0.0007, a small change. Choosing a threshold: Given the above metric we can compare two dispersion CDFs and quantify their difference, but it is not clear how large a numeric difference is truly “different”. To select an initial threshold we examined our Internet data,consideringover13,000pairsofdispersionCDFs,where each pair of CDFs (DX,DY) corresponds to two different hours in the same 24-hour period for the same path. As- suming these represent very similar paths (based on our observations in Section 4.3 that dispersion CDFs are quite stable), we measure the 95th percentile of C(DX,DY) for all pairs. We use the result C 95% = 0.0105 as a threshold, while C values beneath it considered similar, and above it different. Thus, we suggest that paths X and Y with dis- persion CDFs DX and DY are likely to have common links if C(DX,DY)<C 95% . 6.2 Fingerprint Variations for a Single Path We now show how our comparison metric D can be used to monitor a path for changes in traffic or link character- istics. In Section 4 we argued that significant changes in these characteristics are reflected in changes in their disper- sion CDFs. To illustrate this application we consider for three sample paths: (a) a stable path, (b) with a sudden change in the fingerprint during measurement, and (c) with a diurnal pat- tern. Foreachpath, wetakedispersionmeasurementsfor24 hours, and split this dataset into hour-long segments. We then compute C(Di,Dj) for all 276 combination of hours i and j for that path. Figure 14 shows graphical representations of each type of path, each with a separate gray-scale showing the range of values of C(Di,Dj). (Note that each graph has a different rangeofgray-scale.) Hourlabelsaretimesincemeasurement beginning, not time of day. Figure 14(a) shows a very stable path (SC–KR), which shows low variation over the course of a day. We see no particular pattern in the similarity or difference of different hour-long measurements. The maximum difference between any two hours is C(16,6)= 0.000612, a very low value com- pared to the 95th percentile stated above. In contrast, Figure 14(b) shows a path (DE–UM) that experienced a sudden change in hour 13, with otherwise consistent behavior before and after. Visually, the event is clearly represented as a bright rectangular region in the graph, and the maximum comparison is C(x,y) = 0.035, fifty times larger than the stable graph and well over the 95th percentile of 0.0105. We conclude that our comparison approach clearly captures thischange, allowing quantitative comparison of the CDFs shown in Figure 7(i). Finally,Figure14(c)showsapath(DE–SB)whereamod- erate diurnal cycle is visible. Visually, the cycle is repre- sented as a progression of bright/dark regions. The max- imum difference in the area metric is 0.014, a twenty-fold increase over the stable example and slightly over the 95th percentile. Diurnal variation of the CDF is not common in our measurements; we found it exists on three paths (DE– SB, DE–SD and SC–DE). The variation is sufficiently large that the two extreme CDF shapes are from virtually differ- ent paths with respect to busy link characteristics, as con- firmed by the large values of C in Figure 14(c). On most paths, variations are short-lived and aperiodic. 6.3 Detecting Busy Links Common to Two Paths An important application of our fingerprints is detecting when two paths share common busy links. Detection re- quires data collection and then comparison. First, we pro- duce fingerprints for paths X and Y to be compared, mea- suring the paths over a short period of time. (In Section 5 wedeterminedthatmeasuringthepathforaslittleas30sis sufficienttogetareliablefingerprint.) Thenweusethecom- parison test with the threshold defined above to determine whether the difference C(DX,DY) is statistically “large” or “small.” (Recall that in Section 4.4 we observed that dis- persion CDFs tendto be distinct.) If the difference is small, the two paths are likely to have shared busy links. To demonstrate this approach we compared all one-hour segmentsofpathsSC–UMandSB–UMforacommon24hour period, computing C(DSC–UM,i,DSB–UM,j), for each hour i and j. We found that C(DSC–UM,i,DSB–UM,j), ranged from 0.002 to 0.008 over these 576 comparisons. The maximum valueisless thanourC 95% threshold, implyingthatall com- binations are similar. In fact, this range corresponds to the 67th through 91st percentile of our empirical distribution fromSection6.1. Thusweconcludeanybusylinksarelikely shared between these paths. This evaluation is only preliminary; more work is needed to demonstrate we can correctly find the presence and ab- sence of common busy links. Our method is attractive if it withstands more detailed verification, because it promises several advantages over current methods of shared-link de- tection (see Section 7 for a description of existing methods). First, we do not need to measure the paths at same time. As we showed earlier, our path fingerprints are stable over long periods of time, so they can be reused long after they were generated. Second, we do not require the presence of a common congested link between paths. Our fingerprints can detect sharing even if the links are not highly utilized. Finally, our fingerprints do not rely on strongly correlated events such as shared packet losses or delay patterns, which imply both the need for synchronous measurement and the presence of a common congested link. 7. RELATED WORK Our work builds on prior work to identify link or path characteristics, and some work to identify shared links. 12 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 Hour Hour 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 (a) Stable dispersion CDF on one path (SC-KR). 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Hour Hour 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 (b) Sudden change in disper- sion CDF one one path (DE- UM). 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 Hour Hour 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 (c) Diurnal change in disper- sion CDF on one path (DE- SB). Figure 14: CDF comparisons within one path. PriorworkinInternetpathcharacterizationincludesPax- son’s comprehensive study of delays, loss rates, bottleneck linkcapacities,normalizedavailablebandwidthandthetime- scales for queue length variation [26]. Zhang et al. [35] and Bolot [7] measured path loss and delay characteristics and the PingER project [3] uses RTT and loss measurements to characterize paths on a global scale. Pathchar and other re- lated tools make point estimates of per-hop properties such as capacity and delay [14]. Our goal of fingerprinting dif- fers from path characterization in identifying a path, rather than quantifying specific path characteristics. Thepacket-pairtechniquewasfirstusedbyKeshav[18]to estimate available bandwidth in the context of flow control. We build on this fundamental work. In recent stochastic analysis of multi-hop dispersion, Liu et al. [22] attempt to generalize the treatment of packet pairs. We complement this type of work with case-by-case analysis and network measurements. Bolot [7] and the Bprobe [9] tool were among the first to use the principle of inter-packet dispersion to measure narrow link capacity. Paxson [26] introduced measurements with active receivers, eliminating errors due to the return path. Nettimer [20] improved estimation by filtering mea- surementnoiseusingstatisticalmethods. Thefilteringmech- anism used by Pathrate [10] uses dispersion measurements from both packet pairs and packet trains. For available bandwithestimation, TOPP[24], IGI[13] andPathload[15] use packet pair or packet train methods that essentially search for the data rate at which the path is saturated. Spruce [30] assumes that the tight and narrow links are the same and of known capacity, and uses Poisson sampling to ensureitmeasurestheaveragecrosstrafficrateafteritforces queuing on the tight link. Our work differs from this prior work by using packet pairs to fingerprint paths rather than to estimate available bandwidth or capacity. P´ asztor et al. use dispersion distributions as a source of signatures [25], as we do, but their work focuses on isola- tion of signatures of particular links to detect bottlenecks, while we develop different signatures that identify the path. The MultiQ tool [17] also analyzes inter-arrival time distri- butions, to find capacity bottlenecks on a path. We use the distribution to characterize the entire path rather than just specific links or bottlenecks. Prior work in detecting link sharing focuses on congested links. Rubenstein et al. [27] proposed delay and loss corre- lation techniques for detection of shared congestion. Kim et al. [19] improved the technique by adding wavelet denois- ing to remove dependence on common endpoints and relax the synchronization requirement to 1 s. Katabi et al. [16] used entropyminimization betweeninter-arrival time distri- butions when the bottleneck link is saturated. The tech- nique by Harfoush et al. [11] correlates packet losses to de- tect shared congestion. Unlike this work, our method of detecting busy link sharing does not assume losses, conges- tion or simultaneous probing. Finally, Bin Tariq et al. [31] use the Kullback-Leibler dis- tance to compare CDFs. That approach is likely more sta- tistically rigerousthanourproposedcomparisionmetricand a good direction for future work. 8. CONCLUSIONS We have introduced the dispersion CDF as a new way to fingerprint Internet paths, and shown that it can persist for months, and distinctly identify unique paths. Applications include detecting shared busy links between two paths and detection of traffic changes on a path. In the future, we plan to make longer-duration measurements on commercial paths and expand simulations and experiments to better understand what affects dispersion CDFs. 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work would not have been possible without the as- sistance of the faculty members and system administrators around the world who allowed us to use their equipment and network access for our measurements. For this invalu- ableassistancewethankMarvinMcNett(UCSD),LarsWolf and Frank Strauß (Technische Universit¨ at Braunschweig), Beomjoo Seo (USC), Chung Hwan Cha and Hak Jo Lee (Inha University Jungseok Memorial Library), Brad Plecs (UMd), Christos Siaterlis (National Technical University of Athens), Tyler Trafford (UMass), Elizabeth Belding-Royer (UCSB), and Sanford George (Los Nettos). We also thank Xinming He and Genevieve Bartlett for letting us use their network traces. 10. REFERENCES [1] National laboratory for applied network research: Passive measurement and analysis. [2] Nlanr traffic traces for september 13, 2005. http: // [3] The PingER project. 13 [4] Planetlab: An open platform for developing, deploying, and accessing planetary-scale services. [5] A. Akella, S. Seshan, and A. Shaikh. An empirical evaluation of wide-area Internet bottlenecks. In Proc. of SIGMETRICS, pages 316–317. ACM, 2003. [6] M. Allman, W. M. Eddy, and S. Ostermann. Estimating loss rates with tcp. 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First,currentpacketsizesseemmostlybimodalat40bytes and 1500 bytes (at approximately 40% and 20% of packets, 14 respectively). This observation represents a change from common wisdom such as the pre-2000 data that reports tri- modal packet sizes around 40, 576, and 1500 bytes. Second, in some cases we observe a strong mode around 1300 bytes. This represents a new phenomenon. The first observation holds across all measurements at 5 different network points, including Los Nettos (our regional ISP, carrying a mix of academic and commercial traffic), a USCInternet2connection, andthreeconnectionsmonitored by NLANR [1]. The second observation does not hold uni- versally,butisverystrongatLosNettosandUSCInternet2, and is noticeable in all traces. Figure 15 shows packet size distributions computed from tcpdump traces collected at Los Nettos (Figure 15(a)) and USC’s Internet2link (Figure 15(b))andfrom publicly avail- abletracescollectedbyNLANR(Figures15(c),15(d)and15(e)). The Los Nettos traces are from October 10, 2005 and the USC Internet2 traces are from December 2, 2004. The NLANR traces are from September 13, 2005 and were ob- tained from the Web repository for this date [2]. By “packet size” we mean the byte-count in the length field of the IP header. The shift away from 576-byte packets is not suprising, since it is consistent with evolution of operating systems and widespread use of Ethernet with a 1500-byte MTU. The growth at 1300-byte packets (seen at Los Nettos and theUSC Internet2link)was suprising to us. Wehavetenta- tivelyidentified1300-bytepacketsasstemmingfromwidespread use of VPN software, and possibly from recommendations from DSL providers. Our observations do not point to wide use of end-to-end VPN over WANs, but to VPN use at the edge network, since the 1300 byte size noted is presumably that of packets that have exited a VPN tunnel. This edge-network use is certainlytrueatUSC,wheremostwirelesstraffictraversesa VPN over the wireless hop and then proceeds unencrypted over the rest of the Internet. This behavior explains why Los Nettos and USC Internet2 traffic show the strongest 1300-byte modes of the sites we observe. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 40 0 CDF Packet size (bytes) (a) 43-second Los Nettos Level3 trace. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 40 0 CDF Packet size (bytes) (b) Five-minute USC Internet2 trace. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 40 0 CDF Packet size (bytes) (c) 90-second NLANR Front Range GigaPOP trace. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 40 0 CDF Packet size (bytes) (d) 90-second NLANR University of Memphis trace. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 40 0 CDF Packet size (bytes) (e) 90-secondNLANRPittsburghSu- percomputing Center trace. Figure 15: Packetsize distributions in Internet traf- fic. 15
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Rishi Sinha, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann. "Fingerprinting internet paths using packet pair dispersion." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 876 (2006).
Asset Metadata
Heidemann, John
Papadopoulos, Christos
Sinha, Rishi
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 876 (2006)
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Fingerprinting internet paths using packet pair dispersion (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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