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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 709 (1999)
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USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 709 (1999)
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Multimedia Proxy Caching Mechanism for Quality Adaptive Streaming Applications
in the Internet
Reza Rejaie
, Haobo Yu
, Mark Handley
, Deborah Estrin
reza, haoboy,
Abstract— The Internet has witnessed a rapid growth in
deployment of Web-based streaming applications during re-
cent years. In these applications, server should be able to
perform end-to-end congestion control and quality adapta-
tion to match the delivered stream quality to the average
bandwidth available. The delivered quality is limited by the
bottleneck bandwidth on the path to the client.
This paper proposes a proxy caching mechanism for
layered-encoded multimedia streams in the Internet to max-
imize the delivered quality of popular streams to interested
clients. The main challenge is to replay a quality-variable
cached stream while performing quality adaptation effec-
tively in response to the variations in available bandwidth.
We present a pre-fetching mechanism to support higher
quality cached streams during subsequent playbacks and
improve the quality of the cached stream with its popular-
ity. We exploit inherent properties of multimedia streams to
extend the semantics of popularity and capture both level
of interest among clients and usefulness of a layer in the
cache. We devise a fine-grain replacement algorithm suited
for layered-encoded streams. Our simulation results show
that the interaction between the replacement algorithm and
pre-fetching mechanism converges the state of the cache to
an efficient state such that the quality of a cached stream is
proportional to its popularity, and the variations in quality
of a cached stream are inversely proportional to its popu-
larity. This implies that after serving several requests for a
stream, the proxy can effectively hide low bandwidth paths
to the original server from interested clients.
Keywords—Proxy Caching Mechanism, Quality Adaptive
Video Playback, Layered Transmission, Internet
The explosive increase in commercial usage of the Inter-
net has resulted in a rapid growth in demand for audio and
video streaming. This trend is expected to continue and
a larger portion of Internet traffic will consist of multime-
dia streams(i.e., audio and video) in the future. Most cur-
rent applications involve web-based audio and video play-
back [8], [11] where a multimedia server maintains a large
number of multimedia streams and pipelines a stream to a
client upon request. The quality(i.e., bandwidth) of the de-
livered stream in a client-server approach is limited to the
This work was supported by DARPA under contract No. DABT63-
95-C0095 and DABT63-96-C-0054 as part of SPT and VINT projects
bottleneck bandwidth between the server and the client. If
the server is behind a bottleneck, a client with high band-
width local connectivity to the network may still receive
low quality streams due to congested links some where
between the point of network attachment and the server.
Clearly, if the client has only low-bandwidth connectivity
to the network (i.e., the bottleneck is the last hop), the de-
livered quality can not be improved. However, clients with
high bandwidth connectivity expect to receive high quality
This paper explores an adaptive solution to this prob-
lem using multimedia proxy caching[16]. A proxy server
is a small server that resides close to a group of clients.
The required amount of storage(i.e., cache space) for a
proxy is proportional to the number of local clients and
it is substantially lower than the original server. Requested
streams are always delivered through the proxy, thus it is
able to intercept and cache them. However, the cached
streams and their corresponding qualities are adaptively
adjusted based on both popularity of each stream among
clients and available bandwidth between the proxy and
interested clients. The proxy server can significantly in-
crease the delivered quality of popular streams to high
bandwidth clients despite the presence of a bottleneck on
the path to the original server. Due to low storage and pro-
cessing requirements for a proxy, any institution can easily
deploy a proxy server to improve their perceived quality.
A primary challenge for multimedia proxy caching in
the Internet is the need to operate within the context of
congestion control. Because of the shared nature of the
Internet all end-systems, including streaming applications,
are expected to perform end-to-end congestion control to
keep the network utilization high while limiting overload
and improving inter-protocol fairness[6]. Since a domi-
nant portion of today’s Internet traffic consists of TCP-
based flows such as HTTP, TCP-friendly congestion con-
trol[12] is prefered.
Performing congestion control results in random and
potentially wide variations in transmission rate. To maxi-
mize the delivered quality to clients while obeying conges-
tion controlled rate limits, streaming applications should
be quality adaptive over the Internet- that is, they should
match the quality of the delivered stream with the aver-
age available bandwidth on the path. Thus the quality of
cached streams will depend on the available bandwidth to
the first client that retrieved the stream. Once the stream is
cached, the proxy can replay it from the cache for subse-
quent requests but it still needs to perform congestion con-
trol and quality adaptation based on the state of the con-
nection between the proxy and the client. This connection
is likely to exhibit different characteristics(e.g. different
average bandwidth, changes in background traffic) from
previous sessions. Thus, variations in the quality of the
cached stream are not correlated with the required changes
in playback quality due to quality adaptation during the
new session.
We have developed an end-to-end client/server architec-
ture for playback of quality adaptive multimedia streams in
a congestion controlled fashion over the Internet[13]. We
have adopted a layered approach to quality adaptation us-
ing hierarchical encoding[21]. With hierarchical encoding,
each stream is split into a base layer that contains the most
essential low quality information, and higher layers that
provide optional enhancement information. Thus the more
layers are played back, the better the quality becomes.
The quality adaptation mechanism adjusts the quality by
adding and dropping layers as the available bandwidth
Layered organization of the stream provides an opportu-
nity to adjust the quality of the cached stream in a demand-
driven fashion. To allow fine-grain adjustment of quality,
each layer of the encoded stream is divided into equal-size
pieces called segments. Thus the proxy can pre-fetch those
segments that are required by the quality adaptation mech-
anism and are missing in the cache. If available bandwidth
between the proxy and a client can support a stream with
a higher quality, higher layers are gradually pre-fetched
from the server to improve the quality. Thus the quality of
the cached stream is adjusted with its popularity.
Rapid increase in the volume of multimedia traffic in the
Internet justifies the need for multimedia proxy caching.
Our multimedia proxy caching mechanism has other ad-
vantages for both high and low-bandwidth(e.g. dial-up)
Supporting low-latency VCR-functions for clients.
Supporting asynchronous access.
Minimizing startup latency.
Reducing load on the server and the network.
As bandwidth and sever capacity increase, the demand
and ability to support streaming applications are expected
to develop rapidly. Realtime streams have several inherent
properties that can be exploited in the design of effective
multimedia proxy caching mechanisms.
Video Server
Proxy Cache
Fig. 1. The end-to-end server/client/proxy architecture
Because of large size and duration, the entire object need
not be sent at once. Instead, the server can pipeline the data
to the client through the network.
Multimedia streams are able to change their size by ad-
justing their quality.
A. The Proxy-based Architecture
Figure 1 shows an extension of an end-to-end
client/server architecture that includes proxy servers. This
architecture is still end-to-end, i.e., proxy servers are end
systems and do not require any support from the network.
All streams are layered encoded and stored at the server’s
archive. Here we assume linear-layered encoding where
all layers have the same bandwidth just for the sake of
simplicity, but the architecture and the caching scheme can
be extended to other layered-encoding bandwidth distribu-
tions. Traffic is always routed through a corresponding
proxy server that is associated with a group of clients in
its vicinity. Thus the proxy is able to intercept each stream
and cache it. All playback streams between the original
server and the client or between the proxy server and the
client must perform congestion control and quality adap-
tation. This implies that not only the original server, but
also the proxy server, must be able to support congestion
control and quality adaptation. We do not make any as-
sumption about the inter-cache architecture. Our work is
compatible with the various inter-cache architectures.
B. Contribution of this Paper
This paper presents a novel multimedia proxy caching
mechanism for layered encoded multimedia streams. We
describe a pre-fetching scheme that enables the proxy to
perform quality adaptation more effectively while improv-
ing the quality of the cached stream in a demand-driven
fashion during subsequent playbacks from the cache. We
also exploit inherent properties of multimedia streams and
streaming applications to devise a fine-grain replacement
algorithm suited for multimedia proxy caching. We show
that interaction between our replacement algorithm and
pre-fetching results in the state of the cache converging to
an efficient state such that the quality of a cached stream is
proportional to its popularity, and the variations in quality
of a cached stream are inversely proportional to its popu-
larity. This implies that after serving several requests for a
stream, the proxy can effectively hide low bandwidth paths
to the original server from interested clients. Thus the de-
livered quality of a popular stream is not limited to the
available bandwidth from the original server. Instead, the
quality of each stream is determined by its popularity and
the average bandwidth between the proxy and interested
clients. Our simulation results demonstrate that our mech-
anism effectively achieves its goals.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In sec-
tion II we present the delivery procedures on a cache-hit
and cache-miss scenarios in order to demonstrate role of
proxy in each scenario. We also discuss the pre-fetching
mechanism during the cache hit scenario to cope with vari-
ations in quality and address some of the related challenges
and trade-offs. Different aspects of our replacement algo-
rithm including fine and coarse-grain replacement pattern
as well as popularity function are described in section III.
We present our simulation environment and some of our
simulation results in section IV. Section V summarizes
some of the related works on multimedia caching. Finally,
section VI concludes the paper and presents our future di-
Clients always send their requests for a particular stream
to their corresponding proxy. When a proxy receives a re-
quest, it looks up the cache for availability of the requested
stream. The rest of delivery procedure varies for a cache
miss or a cache hit. We describe each scenario separately
in the next two subsections.
A. Relaying on a Cache Miss
If the requested stream is missing from the cache, the re-
quest is relayed to the original server or neighbor caches,
depending on inter-cache architecture. The original server
plays back the stream to the client through the proxy. The
proxy relays data packets toward the client and the ACK
packets in the reverse direction. Thus the proxy remains
virtually transparent from the end systems’ point of view
while it is able to intercept and cache each packet. The
server performs end-to-end congestion control and quality
adaptation based on the state of the session between the
server and the client. The quality of the delivered stream
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Packet Loss
Fig. 2. A sample quality adaptive stream in the cache
is limited to the average bandwidth between the server and
the client. Thus on a cache miss scenario, the client does
not observe any benefit(e.g. improvement in quality or
lower startup latency) from the the presence of the proxy
The proxy always caches a missing stream during its
first playback. If cache space is exhausted, the replacement
algorithm flushes a sufficient number of segments from the
cache to make room for the new stream. Details of the
replacement algorithm are discussed in section III.
Since the original server performs quality adaptation, a
cached stream has variable quality after its first playback.
Furthermore, there might be occasional missing packets
that have been lost and were not repaired during the first
session because they have missed their playout times. Fig-
ure 2 shows variations in quality as well as missing pack-
ets for a portion of a sample cached stream. To perform
quality adaptation effectively during subsequent playbacks
from the cache, the proxy may smooth out the variations
of the cached stream and repair the losses by pro-actively
pre-fetching the missing segments during idle hours. Al-
ternatively, the proxy may per-fetch missing segments on a
demand-driven fashion while it serves subsequent requests
for the cached stream. We adopted the latter approach as-
suming the future access pattern is not predictable. We
plan to investigate pro-active pre-fetching as part of our
future work.
B. Pre-fetching on a Cache Hit
On a cache hit, the proxy acts as a server and starts play-
ing back the requested stream from the cache. As a re-
sult the client observes shorter startup latency. The proxy
must still perform congestion control and quality adapta-
tion. However the connection between the proxy and the
client might have different characteristics. Moreover, there
is no reason to expect that the variations in quality of the
cached stream would be correlated with the variations in
quality of the delivered stream (those that are due to qual-
ity adaptation by the proxy). This implies that the quality
adaptation mechanism may be able to send some segments
that do not exist in the cache. To maximize the delivered
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Quality of the
played back stream
Quality of the
cached stream
Pre-fetched segments
of active layers
1 t
Fig. 3. Delivery of lower bandwidth stream from the cache
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Quality of the
smoothed cached
Quality of the
played back stream
Recently prefetched
pieces due to higher
available bandwidth
Fig. 4. Delivery of higher bandwidth stream from the cache
quality to the client, the proxy should pre-fetch the missing
segments that are required by the quality adaptation mech-
anism from the server ahead of time. During each interval
of the session two scenarios are possible:
1. P l ay back
Av g B w
S tor ed
Av g B w
2. P l ay back
Av g B w
S tor ed
Av g B w
where P l ay back
av g B w
and S tor ed
avgB w
denote average
bandwidth of the playback session and the cached stream
respectively. Note that during a complete session, the
proxy may sequentially experience both of the above sce-
narios. Figure 3 depicts a scenario where the average
quality of the delivered stream is lower than the cached
stream. However, there are segments that are required by
the quality adaptation mechanism but are missing from the
cache. For example, segments of layer 2 within the inter-
val of [ t
] and segments of layer 3 within the interval of
] are required by the quality adaptation mechanism
but are not available in the cache. The second scenario is
shown in Figure 4 where the available bandwidth between
the proxy and the client is sufficiently high to deliver a
higher quality stream than the cached stream. Thus the
proxy not only needs to pre-fetch missing segments of the
lower layers, it may occasionally pre-fetch higher layers as
soon as quality adaptation indicates possibility of adding a
new layer in the future. All the pre-fetched segments dur-
ing a session are cached in both scenarios.
C. Challenges and Trade-offs
During playback of a cached stream, the proxy needs
to maintain two unsynchronized connections, (i) the con-
nection between the server and the proxy for pre-fetching
and (ii) the connection between the proxy and the client
for delivery of the stream, where the proxy performs qual-
ity adaptation. Pre-fetching a segment from the server will
take at least one RTT between the server and the proxy.
Thus the proxy must predict a missing segment that may
be required by the quality adaptation mechanism in the
future and send a pre-fetching request. Since the quality
adaptation mechanism adjusts the number of active lay-
ers with the random changes in available bandwidth, the
time for the upcoming adjustment(i.e. adding or dropping
of a layer) is not known a priori. This implies that the
proxy is facing a trade-off, the earlier the proxy requests
for pre-fetching of a missing segment, the less accurate
the prediction would be, however the higher is the chance
of receiving the requested segment in time.
The rate of pre-fetching requests from the proxy to the
server depends on the available data in the cache as com-
pared with available bandwidth between the proxy and in-
terested client. However pre-fetched segments are deliv-
ered in a congestion controlled fashion from the server to
the proxy. Thus if the requested rate for pre-fetching ex-
ceeds the available bandwidth between the server and the
proxy, the server should deliver the requested segments
based on their priority otherwise the pre-fetching stream
will fall behind the playback stream and pre-fetched seg-
ments may miss their playout deadline.
The pre-fetching mechanism that addresses this prob-
lem is illustrated in figure 5. The proxy maintains a play-
out time for each active client. At playout time t
, the
proxy examines the interval of [t
T t
T ], called
the pre-fetching window of the cached stream, and identi-
fies all the missing segments within the pre-fetching win-
dow. The missing segments include any lost segment
or the segments of current active layers within the pre-
fetching window that have not been played back. Fur-
thermore, if the quality adaptation mechanism is close
to adding a new layer, any missing segment of the new
layer within the pre-fetching window is included in the
pre-fetching request as well. This mechanism enables the
proxy to improve the quality during a playback if there
is sufficient pre-fetching bandwidth available. Then the
proxy sends a single pre-fetching request to the server that
refers to a batch of missing segments in the current pre-
fetching window.
To loosely synchronize the pre-fetching stream with the
playback stream, the pre-fetching window should slide as
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Quality of the stream
in the cache
Lost segments
New segments
Fig. 5. pre-fetching mechanism
fast as the playout point. Thus after second, the proxy
examines the next pre-fetching window and sends a new
pre-fetching request to the server.
When the server receives a pre-fetching request, it starts
sending the requested segments based on their priorities.
Thus it first sends all the requested segments of layer
0, then requested segments of layer 1, etc. A new pre-
fetching request preempts the previous one. If the server
receives a new pre-fetching request before delivery of all
the requested segments in the previous request, it simply
ignores the old request and starts delivery of the segments
in the new request based on their priorities. The preempt-
ing mechanism results in pre-fetching high priority seg-
ments while still limiting the pre-fetching rate to the con-
gestion controlled rate limit. Furthermore, it causes the
pre-fetching and the playback to proceed with the same
rate. Notice that the average improvement in quality of
a cached stream after each playback is determined by av-
erage pre-fetching bandwidth. Thus it may take several
playbacks until the quality of the cached stream reaches
the maximum quality that can be viewed by a high band-
width client.
To avoid multiple pre-fetching sessions between a
server and a proxy, all the pre-fetching sessions must be
multiplexed into a single congestion controlled flow. This
implies that as the number of pre-fetching sessions in-
creases, the allocated pre-fetching bandwidth share for
each session decreases. The pre-fetched segments are al-
ways cached even if they arrive after their playout times.
This section addresses different aspects of our replace-
ment algorithm. The replacement algorithm must be de-
signed based on the expected functionality from the cache.
We assume that it is generally prefered to have a complete
stream in the cache and adjust its quality based on its pop-
ularity. Thus the chief goal of the caching mechanism is
to converge the state of the cache to an efficient state after
several playbacks. We define that the state of the cache is
efficient if the following conditions are met:
The average quality of any cached stream is directly pro-
portional to its popularity. Furthermore, the average qual-
ity of the stream must converge to the average bandwidth
across the most recent playback for interested clients.
The variations in quality of any cached stream is in-
versely proportional to its popularity.
We first describe coarse and fine-grain replacement pat-
terns that are suited to layered-encoded stream. Then
we extend semantics of a “hit” from Web caching and
define a simple popularity function that captures level
of interest among users who interactively perform VCR-
A. Replacement Pattern
Web objects do not have a sub-structure. Consequently
each object is usually treated as an atomic object, i.e. a
client requests and receives the entire object. Thus most
of the replacement algorithms for Web caching make a bi-
nary decision for replacement of web objects, i.e. the least
popular object is flushed in its entirety. However, layered
encoded streams are structured into separate layers. Fur-
thermore, each layer is divided into the same number of
segments with a unique segment ID. This organization al-
lows us not only to make a multi-valued replacement deci-
sion but also to perform replacement with different granu-
larities. The stream popularity primarily affects the quality
of a cached stream and then its status of residency in the
cache. As the popularity of a cached stream decreases, its
quality and consequently its size is reduced in several steps
before it is completely flushed out.
Figure 6 depicts the replacement pattern for segments
within a single cached stream. The coarse-grain replace-
ment is achieved by dropping the highest layer, called the
victim layer, from the cache. However, to maximize the ef-
ficiency of the cache and avoid fragmentation of the cache
space, the victim layer is dropped with the granularity of a
It is generally prefered to cache a contiguous portion
from the beginning of a layer to absorb startup latency and
minimize the variations in quality[19]. Thus once a victim
layer is identified, its cached segments are flushed from
the end towards the beginning in a demand-driven fash-
ion. If flushing all segments of the victim layer does not
accommodate sufficient space for a new stream, the proxy
identifies a new victim layer and repeats the fine-grain re-
placement process.
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Fine-grain Replacement
A segment
Fig. 6. Replacement priority within a cached stream
B. Popularity Function
We initially used number of hits(i.e. requests) for a
cached resident stream during an interval, called popular-
ity window, as a metric to measure its popularity. Most
of the current Web caching schemes assign a binary value
to a hit, i.e. 0 for lack of interest and 1 for each request.
This model perfectly suits the atomic nature of interest in
web objects, i.e. the client is either interested in the entire
object or is not interested at all. However, in the context
of streaming applications, the client can interact with the
server and perform VCR-functionalities (i.e. Stop, Fast
forward, Rewind, Play). Intuitively, the popularity of each
stream should reflect the level of interest that is observed
through this interaction. We assume that the total duration
of playback for each stream indicates the level of interest
in that stream. For example if a client only watches half
of one stream, its level of interest is half of a client who
watches the entire session. This approach can also include
weighted duration of fast forward or rewind with proper
Based on this observation we extend the semantics of a
hit and define the term weighted hit (whit) which is defined
as follows
whit P l ay back T ime
S tr eamLeng th
, whit where P l ay back T ime and S tr eamLeng th denote total
playback time of a session and length of the entire stream,
respectively. Both P l ay back T ime and S tr eamLeng th
have dimension of time (i.e. measured in second).
Notice that adding and dropping layers by the
quality adaptation mechanism results in a different
P l ay back T ime for various active layers in a session and
consequently affects the value of a cached layer. For ex-
The term “weighted hit” have been used in caching literature [4] to
extend the definition of hit in the context of Web caches. However we
have introduced a new definition for this term in the context of proxy
caching for multimedia streams.
ample, even if all layers of a stream are available in the
cache and the client watches the entire stream, the qual-
ity adaptation mechanism may only send Layer 0, 1 and 2
for 100%, 80%, 50% respectively, of the play back time.
Since the available bandwidth directly controls the num-
ber of active layers, the longer a layer is played back for
interested clients during recent sessions, the higher is the
probability of using that layer in future sessions. To cap-
ture the value of a layer, the server calculates the value of
weighted hits on a per-layer basis for each session. The
total playback time for each layer is recorded and used to
calculate the whit for that layer at the end of the session.
The cumulative value of whit during a recent window is
used as a popularity index of a layer of a cached stream.
The popularity of each layer is recalculated at the end of a
session as follows:
x t w hit x where P and denote popularity and the width of the
popularity window respectively. Applying the definition
of popularity on a per-layer basis is in fact compatible
with our proposed fine-grain replacement mechanism be-
cause layered decoding guarantees that popularity of dif-
ferent layers of each stream monotonically decreases with
the layer number
. Thus a victim layer is always the high-
est layer of one of the cached stream. Notice that length
of a cached stream does not affect its popularity because
replacement is performed at the granularity of a segment
instead of a layer.
The proxy maintains a popularity table such as Table I.
Each table entry consists of stream name, layer number,
popularity of the layer and a locking flag. Once the cache
space is exhausted, the proxy flushes the last segments of
the least popular layer (e.g. L
of “Amistad”) until suf-
ficient space becomes available. Popularity of this layer
could be low due to lack of interest among clients, or lack
of sufficient bandwidth to play this layer for interested
clients, or both
. Except for the base layer of each stream,
all segments of other layers can be flushed out if they are
the least popular layer. The first few segments of the base
layer for each stream are kept in the cache for a long period
to hide the startup latency of possible future requests.
The decoding constraint requires that to decode a segment of layer
i, corresponding segments for all the lower layers must be available
Note that these three scenarios can be easily recognized from the
distribution of popularity values among layers. Close popularity values
imply lack of clients interest whereas widely variable popularity values
imply lack of available bandwidth to play the less popular layers.
P Lock Stream name Layer no.
5.85 1 T itanic L
4.92 1 T itanic L
4.76 0 Amistad L
3.70 1 T itanic L
3.50 0 C ontact L
3.33 0 Apol l o L
2.30 0 T itanic L
1.28 0 Amistad L
C. Locking Mechanism
The replacement for a web object is an atomic opera-
tion. However, in the context of multimedia streams, re-
placement is a timely process that proceeds gradually as
the session continues. This causes the potential for thrash-
ing where the tail of the highest layer of the cached stream
(e.g. L
) is flushed to make room for the initial segments
of a higher layer (e.g. L
) of the same stream during a
playback session with higher bandwidth. To avoid this,
while a particular stream is played back from the cache, its
layers are locked in the cache and can not be replaced. In
practice, each layer is locked as soon as it is played back
for the first time and remains locked until the end of the
session. Thus if a layer has never been played during the
session then it does not need to be locked. At the end of
the session, the weighted hit of each layer is calculated and
consequently the popularity value of each layer is updated
in the popularity table. Then all the locked layers of that
stream are unlocked.
We evaluate our multimedia caching mechanism via
simulation using the ns [1] simulator. It provides web
server, client and proxy cache modules, and allows us to
quickly evaluate our design under various scenarios. We
use RAP [15] as underlying congestion control mechanism
along with layered quality adaptation [14] as transport pro-
tocol for multimedia streams. Our simulation does not in-
clude any error control mechanism.
As we discussed earlier, our caching mechanism has two
major design goals: pre-fetching during playback to en-
hance cached stream quality, and fine-grain cache replace-
ment algorithm to adjust stream quality based on per-layer
popularity. In this paper, we are merely interested in qual-
itatively evaluating the correctness of our mechanism to
verify whether and how our mechanism satisfies its design
No. of Active Layers (Quality)
Layer Drop Events
Packet Loss
Fig. 7. Average quality and drop events for a cached stream
goals. It remains as future work to examine the perfor-
mance of our caching mechanism such as the byte hit ra-
tio, or the convergence speed of our replacement algorithm
under realistic background traffic. The performance anal-
ysis will require careful examination under wide range of
parameter settings.
.0.a Evaluation Metrics. To examine the correctness of
our mechanism, we choose the following two metrics that
collectively represent the resulting quality of a layer of a
cached stream:
Completeness measures the percentage of a stream re-
siding in the cache. This metric allows us to trace the evo-
lution of a cached stream after each playback as a result of
replacement and pre-fetching. Because our replacement
algorithm is layer-based, we define the completeness on a
per-layer basis. We define the completeness of a layer as
the ratio of its size in cache to its “official length”:
Cp s l
i Chunks l L
We define a chunk as a continuous group of segments of a
single layer of a cached stream, and denote the set of all
chunks of layer l as Chunks l . L
is the length of the
ith cached chunk in layer l, and RL
is the “official” length
of the layer. Obviously the value of completeness always
falls within [0,1]. For example, when a stream sits at its
server, each of its layer has completeness value of 1.
Continuity measures the level of smoothing of a cached
stream. Completeness alone does not capture the level of
smoothing for a cached layer. It does not represent the con-
tinuity of segments in a layer. Thus we define continuity
on a per-layer basis. The continuity of a cached stream s
is defined as the average the number of bytes between two
consecutive layer break.
Ct s l
i Chunks l L
LayerB reak
A layer break occurs when there is a missing segment in
a layer. A missing segment may be due to either quality
Server Proxy
Client 1
Client 2
Fig. 8. Simulation topology
adaptation dropping a layer, or a packet loss. Figure 7 il-
lustrates this for a portion of a cached stream. Note that
layer-drop and packet loss are fundamentally two differ-
ent phenomena. However pre-fetching copes with both of
them similarly in a priority-based fashion. In the absence
of an error control mechanism, our results represent worst
case scenarios.
.0.b Simulation Setup. We have performed two sets
of simulations. The first set focuses on evaluating the
ability of the pre-fetching algorithm to gradually improve
the quality of a cached stream if there is unlimited cache
space. The second set focuses on evaluating the interaction
between pre-fetching and replacement algorithm to con-
verge state of the cache to the optimal state as defined in
Section III.
For both sets of simulations, we used the same sim-
ple network topology depicted in figure 8. BW
notes the average available bandwidth between server and
proxy whereas BW
pc and BW
pc are bandwidths be-
tween proxy and the two clients, respectively. This simple
topology is not chosen arbitrarily. As we will discuss later,
our sequential request pattern enables us to group many
clients whose connections to the proxy have similar band-
width, and use a single client to represent them. For any
client, one may construct two interesting scenarios from
this simple topology:
Scenario I: BW
pc , the server-proxy connec-
tion is the bottleneck.
Scenario II: BW
pc , the proxy-clients con-
nections are the bottleneck.
We are particularly interested in scenario I because this
is the ideal case for the proxy to gradually improve the
quality of cached streams. In scenario II, however, the
quality of the cached stream will always be higher than
what the client can afford. Thus there is simply no incen-
tive for the proxy to improve the quality. Assuming multi-
ple clients, there is an interesting case of mixing Scenario
I and II by having BW
pc and BW
pc .
Different client bandwidth will affect the resulting quality
of a cached stream, as we will discuss later in this section.
There are other parameters controlling our simulations,
such as cache capacity, segment size, layer consumption
rate (the rate at which receiver consumes data in each
, number of layers, number of streams and stream
length. To limit number of parameters, we let all streams
have the same segment size of 1KB, layer consumption
rate of 2.5KB/s, and 8 layers. Changing these parame-
ters will not qualitatively change our results as long as
they are changed proportionally. In all of our simulations
the server-proxy link is shared by 10 RAP and 10 long-
lived TCP(i.e. FTP) flows. One of the RAP flows is used
for delivery of streams from the server to the cache and
the other 19 flows simulate a fairly realistic background
traffic. Since RAP is TCP-friendly, each flow obtains an
even share of bandwidth on average. Furthermore, dynam-
ics of the background traffic results in bandwidth changes
that triggers adding and dropping of layers. To allow
gradual improvement in quality, bandwidth of the server-
proxy link is set to (20*56Kbps=1.12 Mbps). Thus band-
width share of server-proxy connection is 56 Kbps on av-
erage(i.e. BW
Kbps) which is only enough for 2.8
Without statistical knowledge about the size distribution
of multimedia streams in the Internet, we choose stream
duration from a uniform distribution between 1 minute and
10 minutes (the size in byte can be obtained by multiplying
the stream length, number of layers and layer consumption
rate). Any stream longer than 10 minutes, can be viewed
as combinations of several shorter streams with the same
popularity. Further details about setting these parameters
are specific to each set of simulations, and are discussed
In order to generate a request sequence, we need to
know two factors: first, stream popularity, i.e., how many
requests are issued for each stream; and second, tempo-
ral distribution of the requests for different streams. We
choose two simple models for each of the two factors.
First, we assume that the popularity distribution of these
stream conforms to the same distribution that was ob-
served in web page requests, i.e., Zipf’s distribution [3].
We then generate the number of requests for each stream
using the properties of Zipf’s law
: given the number
of total requests R and total number of streams N,we
let the mth popular stream have
R requests, where
i i
It is non-trivial to generate a temporal request sequence
where the number of requests to each stream conforms to
the Zipf’s law [2]. Requests are uniformly distributed in
We assume linear layered encoding, i.e., every layer has the same
consumption rate.
Although many web traces conform to Zipf’s law, many other web
proxy traces do not follow the exact Zipf’s law. Instead, they exhibit
Zipf-like behavior, as described in [3]. Here, we use Zipf’s law for
this sequence with the interval large enough so that no two
requests overlap. Meanwhile the number of requests con-
forms to the above Zipf’s distribution. The subtle differ-
ence between a conforming request sequence and a non-
conforming sequence may lead to different cache perfor-
mance, such as hit ratios. Since performance analysis is
not a primary concern, we are able to simplify the request
sequence generation by assuming that different requests
are served sequentially by the proxy, i.e., the proxy trans-
mits at most one multimedia stream at any time. As a re-
sult, we exclude the situation of simultaneous playbacks
of multiple cached streams. The only added complexity
in these situations is that two or more streams compete
for the pre-fetching bandwidth between the server and the
proxy. We consider this as a secondary effect, and ignoring
it does not affect the correctness of the evaluation of our
algorithms. Avoiding this situation reduces the number of
variables that affect the replacement and helps us to un-
derstand the simulation results because we are then able to
assess the effect of more important parameters. One issue
which still remains is how to distribute requests between
two clients who have different bandwidth to the proxy. We
will discuss it later.
A. Results
A.1 Pre-fetching
This simulation is intended to demonstrate that the pre-
fetching algorithm results in gradual improvement in qual-
ity of cached streams when there is a bottleneck between
the server and the proxy (i.e. scenario I). To disable the
cache replacement mechanism , we set cache size to infin-
ity and use only one stream and one client. As discussed
before, when BW
pc , the quality of the cached
stream will immediately reach the maximum quality that
can be afforded by the client, and leave little room for
gradual quality improvement. Therefore we choose aver-
age BW
to be 56Kbps
, and BW
pc to be 1.5Mbps.
Stream size is set to 5 minutes. The simulation ran for 125
minutes, containing 15 completed requests.
Figure 9 shows the evolution of completeness and con-
tinuity of every layer of the cached stream. Every point
in the graph represents the status of a particular layer after
one playback. We use time for the x-axis instead of re-
quest number to be comparable with other scenarios. Time
is more appropriate for the following scenarios where var-
ious streams have different length. Since continuity inver-
That means the total bandwidth between the server and the proxy
is (20*56Kbps) that is shared by 10 RAP and 10 TCP flows. Share of
the RAP connection between the server and the proxy is 56Kbps on
sly depends on the number of layer break, we plot continu-
ity in a log-scale. It takes about 4 requests for the 4 lowest
layers to achieve maximum quality. The higher is a layer,
the more requests it takes to improve the layer’s quality.
The convergence speed is not constant, rather, it hap-
pens in a thresholded fashion. For every layer there are
several requests that greatly enhance its quality, while
other requests just marginally improve its quality. This can
be explained by the layer dependence during pre-fetching:
a higher layer is only pre-fetched when corresponding data
of all lower layers are available. Thus, the higher is a layer,
the longer it takes to obtain a share of pre-fetching band-
width and receive missing segments.
Currently we only repair for packet losses by pre-
fetching. We expect that the convergence speed in continu-
ity will be much faster if the transport layer provide error
control mechanisms, which we do not have right now.
A.2 Replacement Algorithm
This set of simulations is intended to examine the inter-
action between pre-fetching and replacement mechanisms
to converge the state of the cache to an optimal state after
serving a series of requests for multiple streams.
The resulting quality due to cache replacement depends
on two factors: stream popularity and the bandwidth be-
tween interested client and the proxy. If we assume
pc , the first factor will be dominant. It is
also inadequate to only examine the other extreme case,
i.e., BW
pc , where the client bandwidth be-
comes the major factor and overshadows popularity. As
a solution, we studied both extreme cases and an addi-
tional intermediate case using two clients with different
bandwidth to the proxy. The bandwidth share of the RAP
connection between the server and the proxy is 56Kbps on
average. The bandwidth between client 2 and the proxy
is 56Kbps, sufficient for 2.8 layers. The bandwidth be-
tween client 1 and the proxy is 1.5Mbps that is sufficient
for delivery of all 8 layers. By distributing the number of
requests between the high bandwidth client 1 and the low
bandwidth client 2, we are able to go from one extreme
pc ) to the other (BW
pc ).
We choose 10 streams with uniformly distributed dura-
tion ranging from 1 minute to 10 minutes. Their popular-
ity decreases with their index, i.e., stream 0 is the most
popular one. In order to show the effect of cache replace-
ment, we set the cache size to be half the total size of all 10
streams. This cache size is chosen heuristically: we want
a moderate number of replacements, but not so many as to
cause frequent oscillations in quality. In all of these sim-
ulations, we fix the popularity window of our replacement
algorithm to , because we expect that in reality the popu-
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 1
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 1
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 9. Quality improvement due to pre-fetching.
larity window should be much larger than the time-scale in
our simulations. We leave it as future work to investigate
the impact of the popularity window.
We have conducted other simulations to show that our
results do not critically depend on the selected simulation
parameters. In particular, we studied the impact of cache
size and the number of streams on the resulting quality
evolution of cached streams. Our results suggested that
the conclusions presented below are still applicable when
those parameters are changed. Due to space limitation, we
refer readers to [17] for further details.
A.2.a Effect of Popularity. In order to emphasize the
influence of stream popularity on cache replacement, we
should reduce the influence of client bandwidth to the min-
imum. We achieved this by distributing 95% of all requests
to client 1, who has 1.5Mbps to the proxy, and only 5% to
client 2. The simulation ran for about 44 (virtual) hours,
containing 310 requests. Here we only show the first half
(i.e. first 22 hours) in these graphs; the rest shows the same
trend and is omitted for clarity.
Figures 10 and 11 show the quality change of the most
popular stream and the least popular stream, respectively.
The most popular stream is eventually able to keep all of its
layers in the cache after 20 requests. Compared to the most
popular stream, the least popular stream is not able to keep
adequate quality in the cache (it was almost completely
flushed out at one time), and all of its layers experienced
many drops. Its quality keeps oscillating because it was
accessed only occasionally and had to be flushed out to
make room for other streams.
To summarize, popular streams are likely to have more
layers in the cache, and these layers tend to have higher
quality both in terms of completeness and layer continuity.
However, when cache space is limited, the highest layers
of popular streams may still be flushed out to make room
for unpopular streams which are currently being played
A.2.b Effect of Client Bandwidth. This simulation exam-
ines the effect of the bandwidth of the interested clients on
the quality of the cached streams. Because we accumulate
hit count on a per-layer basis, if most clients who have
requested the stream can not afford higher layers, even
if the stream is extremely popular, only the lower layers
should be kept in the cache. In order to examine the effect
of popularity, we assigned 95% of all requests to the low
bandwidth client 2 and only 5% of all requests to the high
bandwidth client 1.
Figure 12 shows the quality change of the most pop-
ular stream, and Figure 13 shows that of the least pop-
ular stream. Comparing Figure 12 to Figure 10 reveals
that when clients have limited bandwidth, the maximum
quality of the popular cached stream drops significantly.
In the previous case, when the majority of requests come
through a 1.5Mbps connection, the cached stream could
keep all 8 layers in cache. However in this case, the cached
stream keeps only 4 layers as the majority of requests come
through a 56Kbps connection, and the highest 3 layers ex-
hibit oscillating behavior because they were accessed less
frequently by the high bandwidth client.
One interesting phenomenon in Figure 12 is that the
highest 4 layers of the most popular stream finally con-
verged to maximum. This suggests that if there is no re-
placement and the simulation ran long enough, Quality of
cached streams converges to average bandwidth among in-
teretsed clients. Furthermore pre-fetching will eventually
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 10. Effect of popularity in cache replacement: the most popular stream.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 11. Effect of popularity in cache replacement: the least popular stream.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 12. Effect of client bandwidth in cache replacement: the most popular stream.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 13. Effect of client bandwidth in cache replacement: the least popular stream.
fill every lost segment in a stream, hence the continuity of
every layer will be maximized.
The least popular stream in Figure 13 is able to keep 2
layers in the cache most of the time. This is due to the fact
that the least popular stream caches large number of layer
whenever it is played back for the high bandwidth clients.
Thus its lower layer are more protected and have a higher
chance of staying in the cache in compare to the previous
case(Figure 11)
A.2.c Mixing Together. Having examined the above two
extreme cases, this simulation examines an intermediate
case where requests are evenly distributed between the low
bandwidth client and the high bandwidth client. Figures 14
and 15 show the quality change of the most popular stream
and the least popular stream, respectively.
Comparing Figure 14 to Figures 10 and 12, we found
that the average quality of the popular stream is higher
than the low bandwidth client case, but lower than the high
bandwidth client case. A similar situation is observed for
the least popular stream in Figure 15 in compare with Fig-
ures 11 and 13. This illustrates the essence of what our
cache replacement algorithm is intended to achieve, i.e.,
converge the resulting quality of cached stream to the av-
erage quality that has been accessed by clients.
Notice that the quality convergence here is closer to the
high bandwidth case(Figure 10) than the low bandwidth
case (Figure 12). This implies that the impact of client
bandwidth limitation may be less than that of stream pop-
Memory caching for multimedia streams has been ex-
tensively studied in the context of multimedia servers [5],
[10]. The idea is to reduce disk access by grouping re-
quests and retrieving a single stream for the entire group.
In an abstract view, the problem is to design an object man-
agement mechanism that minimizes the migration of ob-
jects among different levels of a hierarchical storage sys-
tem, i.e. tertiary and disk, disk and memory [7]. Most
of these studies have focused on resource management is-
sues. Note that there is an analogy between (tertiary, disk,
memory) and (server, proxy, client). Object migrations
among different levels of a hierarchical storage system
are somewhat similar to object migrations among server,
proxy, and client. However, there is a fundamental dif-
ference between these two problems. The available band-
width between levels of a hierarchical storage system is
fixed and known a priori. In contrast, available bandwidth
between server and proxy or proxy and client randomly
changes with time. As a result applying the proposed re-
source management schemes across the network becomes
problematic. Once these entities are scattered across a
best-effort network, all connection must be congestion-
controlled. This issue has not been addressed previously.
Video streams exhibit burstiness due to encoding al-
gorithm and variations within and between frames. The
variation poses a problem to both bandwidth requirement
and playback buffer management. In order to smooth the
burstiness during transmission, a number of schemes have
been proposed. One scheme [22] pre-fetches and stores
portions of a stream in proxy servers, and later uses them to
smooth the stream during playback. Another scheme [19]
stores prefixes of multimedia streams in proxy caches. It is
able to improve startup latency in addition to performing
Our work is complementary to work on smoothing.
Smoothing does not address congestion control of multi-
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 0 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 14. General case of cache replacement: the most popular stream.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer Completeness (%)
Time (second)
Completeness, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(a) Completeness
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000
Layer continuity (Byte/Drop)
Time (second)
Continuity plot, Quality changes of page 9 at cache 2
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Layer 5
Layer 6
Layer 7
(b) Continuity
Fig. 15. General case of cache replacement: the least popular stream.
media streams in the Internet. We focus on the design of
a proxy caching mechanism which is aware of congestion
control mechanisms used in the transmission of multime-
dia streams. Cached streams with our mechanism can also
be used to perform smoothing to facilitate client-side play-
back buffer management.
There are numerous works on proxy cache replacement
algorithms [4], [?], [?], [?], [?]. They evaluate their al-
gorithms using existing web proxy traces. However, the
behavior of these algorithms for an access pattern with a
significant number of requests to huge multimedia streams
has not been studied. To our knowledge, there is only one
work that addresses the influence of multimedia streams on
cache replacement algorithms [20]. They consider the im-
pact of resource requirements (i.e. bandwidth and space)
on cache replacement algorithms. Our work complements
this effort in that we provide a more accurate estimation
of bandwidth and size requirements through the exposure
of congestion control mechanisms. Thus their algorithms
may easily be applied to our architecture. It remains as
future work to examine all these replacement algorithms
with our proposed scheme.
This paper discussed a multimedia proxy caching mech-
anism for quality adaptive streaming applications in the
Internet. Our goal is to improve the delivered quality of
a popular stream despite presence of a bottleneck between
a server and interested clients. We assumed a layered ap-
proach to quality adaptation and sketched an end-to-end
proxy-based architecture. Performing quality adaptation
results in variable quality streams cached at a proxy. As
a result, performing quality adaptation during subsequent
playback from the cache could be problematic because
there is no correlation between the variations in quality of
the cached stream and required quality for the new session.
Our layered approach to quality adaptation provides
a perfect opportunity to cope with variations in quality
of cached streams in a demand-driven fashion by pre-
fetching required segments that are missing in the cache.
We have also exploited inherent properties of multime-
dia streams and devised a fine-grain replacement algo-
rithm. Simulation-based evaluation of our mechanism re-
veals that interaction between the replacement and pre-
fetching mechanism converges the state of the cache to the
efficient state. Thus the quality of popular cache streams is
only limited by the available bandwidth between the proxy
and its clients. Furthermore, the quality of any cached
stream is directly determined by its popularity.
As part of our future work, we plan to conduct more
simulations and examine the effect of other background
traffic and simultaneous access to cached streams as well
as VCR-functions on replacement dynamics, and band-
width sharing among concurrent pre-fetching session. We
would also like to explore caching aspects of our replace-
ment algorithm, i.e. reduction in the load on the network
and the server.
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Reza Rejaie, Haobo Yu, Mark Handley, Deborah Estrin. "Multimedia proxy caching mechanism for quality adaptive streaming applications in the internet." Computer Science Technical Reports (Los Angeles, California, USA: University of Southern California. Department of Computer Science) no. 709 (1999).
Asset Metadata
Estrin, Deborah
Handley, Mark
Rejaie, Reza
Yu, Haobo
Core Title
USC Computer Science Technical Reports, no. 709 (1999)
Alternative Title
Multimedia proxy caching mechanism for quality adaptive streaming applications in the internet (
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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USC Viterbi School of Engineering Department of Computer Science
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Department of Computer Science. USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Los Angeles\, CA\, 90089
Department of Computer Science,USC Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, 3650 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA
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