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The thermal energy performance study of the Freeman House
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The thermal energy performance study of the Freeman House
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THE THERMAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE STUDY OF THE FREEMAN HOUSE by Sumit Avinash Brahmbhatt A Thesis Presented to the FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF BUILDING SCIENCE August 2006 Copyright 2006 SumIt Avlnosh Brahmbhatt UMI Number: 1460609 Copyright 2009 by Brahmbhatt, Sumit Avinash All rights reserved INFORMATION TO USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleed-through, substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI UMI Microform 1460609 Copyright2008by ProQuest LLC All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 Dedication dedicate this thesis to my late grandm other and beloved family in Indio. Acknowledgements I would like to thank my Thesis Committee, Prof. More Schiier (Choir), Prof. Thomas Spiegeihoiter, Prof. Douglas Noble and Prof. Mario Romonach, for their constant service, guidance and encouragem ent. I would like to thank Prof. Frank Dimster for sharing of knowledge related to Freeman Flouse and Prof. Douglas Noble for providing drawings of the Freeman Flouse and his digital cam era for the docum entation purposes. I would like to thank my com m ittee choir Prof. Marc Schiier, for personal motivation, inspirations, help and support throughout my study. Fie also provided a set of Hobos and iButtons and knowledge base of their working. Without him this study w o n 't be possible. Thank you very much to Mr. Word Deems, Mr. Michael Walker and Mr. Budd Betty of Product Integrity Group, Inc. for their technical help and support related to BEEMS wireless network. I would also like acknow ledge the JeldWen, Inc. for the fellowship they provided for this study. Thank you very much to my family and friends in India for their all the time encouragem ent. Last but not least I would like to say thanks to my fiancé, Nitu, for her love, patience and moral support. Table of Contents Dedication ii Acknowledgm ents iii List of Figures vi Abstract xxvii Chapter 1: The Freeman House - Background Study 01 1.1 Generol Bockground 02 1.2 Tine Textile Blocks 05 1.3 Parti, House Orgonizotion 08 1.4 Historicol Remodeling & Rudolpti Scinindler 17 1.5 Restoration of tine House 19 PART I THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE Chapter 2: The Thermal Performance Study of The House 21 2.1 Introduction 21 Table 2.1.1 : Comparison of optim um com fort ranges in different port of world 29 2.2 Considerations 37 2.3 Sensors and Weotiner Station 39 2.4 Evaluation of Sensors 56 2.5 M ethodology 77 Chapter 3: The Data Analysis 83 3.1 Explanation of Linear Temperature Graphs 84 3.2 Explonotion of Gomfort Grophs 95 3.3 Monthly Temperoture ond Gomfort Chart A no lysis 104 3.4 The Gomporison with Outside W eother Conditions 106 PART II THE SIMULATION MODELS Chapter 4: The HEED (3.3) Simulation Model 164 4.1 Introduction to HEED/SOLAR-5 164 IV 4.2 Preparation of The Simulation Model 166 4.3 Running the SImulotlon, SImulotlon Results, ond Alternotlve Comporlson 198 4.4 Summon/ 208 Chapter 5: The eQUEST 3-5 Simulation Model 210 5.1 Introduction to eQUEST 3-5 210 5.2 Preparation of The Simulation Model 214 5.3 Running the Simulation, Simulation Results, ond Alternative Comporlson 256 5.4 Summary 269 Chapter 6: Executive Summary/ Conclusion 270 Chapter 7: Future Work to do 271 BIbllogrophy 277 Appendices Appendix A Drowlngs of The Freeman House 279 Appendix B Photogrophic Docum entotlon of BEEMS Wireless Sensors Network 281 V List of Figures Figure 1.1: Frank Lloyd Wright in 1924, at the time of the Freeman Flause 001 Figure 1.2: The satellite view of the Freeman Flause 002 Figure 1.3: Mrs. Freeman celebrating her new house ( 1925) 003 Figure 1.4: Entrance view of the Freeman Flause 005 Figure 1.5: View of the Freeman Flause from Fiighlond Avenue 006 Figure 1.6: The cost pattern mold for the Freeman Flause concrete blacks. Source: A bby Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block. 007 Figure 1.7: (left) Plain Concrete Block; (middle) decorated concrete block, and (right) decorated hallow concrete block 007 Figure 1.8: Connecting space between garage and house 009 Figure 1.9: A view of transparent gloss screen of south wall 010 Figure 1.10: A view of living/dining room from lower floor terrace 011 Figure 1.11 : A view of Fiighlond Ave. from balcony of living room (left), and south-east gloss screen wall from living room (right) 012 Figure 1.12: Ploy of natural light in living room 013 Figure 1.13: A view of kitchen with temporary partition separating it from the living room 013 Figure 1.14: A view of the frosted gloss siding of the East bedroom 014 VI Figure 1.15: A view of west bedroom 015 Figure 1.16: An Isometric view of Freeman Flouse 016 Figure 1.17: Rudolph Schindler photographed by Edward Weston 017 Figure 1.18: The original furnishing designed by FEW Source: A bby Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block. 018 Figure 1.19: The original furnishing designed by FEW Source: A bby Moor. (2002). California Textile Biook. 019 Figure 2.1.1 : Bioclimatic chart (original by V Olgyoy) 027 Figure 2.1.2: Regional clim ate zones of the North American continent. 032 Figure 2.1.3: The latitudes cross the United States 033 Figure 2.1.4: Average tem perature and precipitation 034 Figure 2.1.5: The graph showing heating degree days 035 Figure 2.1.6: The graph showing cooling degree days 036 Figure 2.3.1 : Photograph of MAXIM IButton 040 Figure 2.3.2: Photograph of MAXIM i-Buttons and connector 040 Figure 2.3.3a: Photograph of Onset indoor FIOBO. 041 Figure 2.3.3b: Photograph of Onset outdoor FIOBO 041 Figure 2.3.4: Stor-Mesh type of MeshScopeTM sensors network 043 Figure 2.3.5: Photograph of BEEMS Endpoint (wireless sensor) 043 Figure 2.3.6: Photograph of Generic BEEMS R outer-M eshnode 044 V II Figure 2.3.7: The photograph of BEEMS gatew ay laptap PC at the Freeman Flause 046 Figure 2.3.8: Freeman-iMON software w indow which displays the whole network 047 Figure 2.3.9: Virtual Weather station w indow display 048 Figure 2.3.10: A view of BEEMS website showing platted graphs for tem perature and relative humidity for the Freeman Flause 049 Figure 2.3.11 : A view of BEEMS website showing options to download the data 050 Figure 2.3.12: Drawing showing the location of BEEMS Network on Upper Floor 051 Figure 2.3.13: Drawing showing the location of BEEMS Network on Lower Floor 051 Figure 2.3.14: The Oregon Scientific W eather Station Components 052 Figure 2.3.15: The Oregon Scientific W eather Station monitor in the closet neor the moin entronce 053 Figure 2.3.16: The Oregon Scientific W eother Stotion Instolled on the Terroce of the Freemon Flouse 054 Figure 2.3.17: The Virtuol Weother Stotion disploy (the softwore used for Oregon Scientific W eother Stotion) 055 Figure 2.3.18: The Weother Stotion's dow nlooded doto form ot in notepod 055 V III Figure 2.3.19: The W eatherstation's daw nlaaded January '06 monthly summary data in notepad format 056 Figure 2.4.1 : All IButtons together for evaluation study 057 Figure 2.4.Ig: The results of IButtons evaluation before the study 058 Figure 2.4.2: The Photograph showing renam ed IButtons ready for the study 059 Figure 2.4.2g: The result of IButtons evaluation otter the study 060 Figure 2.4.3g: The result of Flobo tem perature evaluation otter the study 061 Figure 2.4.4g: The result of Flobo tem perature evaluation otter changing the battery 062 Figure 2.4.5g: The result of Flobo relative humidity evaluation otter the study 063 Figure 2.4.3: The Photograph showing IButton, Flobo ond Endpoint Instolled together of the Freemon Flouse for the evoluotion 064 Figure 2.4.4: Upper floor Plon showing the locotion one, two ond three 066 Figure 2.4.5: Lower floor Plon showing the locotion four ond five 067 Figure 2.4.6: Locotion one 068 Figure 2.4.6og: The tem perature comporlson for Location one 069 Figure 2.4.6bg: The relative humidity comparison for Location one 069 Figure 2.4.7: Location two 070 IX Figure 2.4.7ag: The tem perature comparison for Location two 070 Figure 2.4.8: Locotion three 071 Figure 2.4.7bg: The relative humidity comparison for Location two 071 Figure 2.4.8og: The tem perature comparison for Location three 072 Figure 2.4.8bg: The relative humidity comporlson for Location three 072 Figure 2.4.9: Location four 073 Figure 2.4.9og: The tem perature comparison for Location four 073 Figure 2.4.9bg: The relative humidity comparison for Location four 074 Figure 2.4.10og: The tem perature comparison for Location five 074 Figure 2.4.10bg: The relative humidity comparison for Location five 075 Figure 2.5.1 : The sample view of the Excel file showing January '06 doto 080 Figure 3.1 .Ig: Temperature groph of the Freemon Flouse Upper Floor January 01/16/2006-01 /1 9/2006 086 Figure 3.1.2g: Temperoture graph of the Freemon Flouse Lower Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 088 Figure 3.1.1 : View of Sensor no. 22 089 Figure 3.1.2: View of Sensor no. 25 090 Figure 3.1.3: View of Sensor no. 29 091 X Figure 3.1.3g: Temperature graph at the Freeman Flause Lower Floor ApriI 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 092 Figure 3.1.4: View of Sensor no. 22 093 Figure 3.2.1 g: Cemfert Chart of the Freeman Flause Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 097 Figure 3.2.2g: Cemfert Chart of the Freeman Flause Upper Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 100 Figure 3.2.3g: Cemfert Chart at the Freeman Flause Upper Floor J u ly 07/11 /2005-07/14/2005 101 Figure 3.2.4g: Comfort Chert of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 103 Figure 3.3.1 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse U pper Floor A pri I 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 106 Figure 3.3.2g: Comfort Chert of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 107 Figure 3.3.3g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor April 04/24/2005-07/27/2005 108 Figure 3.3.4g: Comfort Chert of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 109 Figure 3.3.1 : View of Sensor no. 38 110 Figure 3.3.5g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 111 Figure 3.3.6g: Comfort Chert of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 112 Figure 3.3.7g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 113 XI Figure 3.3.8g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 114 Figure 3.3.9g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor J u ne 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 116 Figure 3.3.lOg: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 117 Figure 3.3.11 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 118 Figure 3.3.12g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 119 Figure 3.3.2: View of Sensor no. 7 120 Figure 3.3.3: View of Sensor no. 9 121 Figure 3.3.13g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor July 07/11 /2005-07/14/2005 122 Figure 3.3.14g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor J uly 07/11 /2005-07/14/2005 123 Figure 3.3.15g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor July 07/11 /2005-07/14/2005 124 Figure 3.3.16g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor J uly 07/11 /2005-07/14/2005 125 Figure 3.3.17g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor August 08/1 7/2005-08/20/2005 127 Figure 3.3.18g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 128 Figure 3.3.19g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 129 XII Figure 3.3.20g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 130 Figure 3.3.21 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 132 Figure 3.3.22g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 133 Figure 3.3.23g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 134 Figure 3.3.24g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 135 Figure 3.3.25g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor November 1 1 /20/2005-11 /23/2005 136 Figure 3.3.26g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor November 1 1 /20/2005-11 /23/2005 137 Figure 3.3.27g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor November 1 1 /20/2005-11 /23/2005 138 Figure 3.3.28g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor November 1 1 /20/2005-11 /23/2005 139 Figure 3.3.29g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Decem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 141 Figure 3.3.30g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Decernber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 142 Figure 3.3.31 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Decem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 143 Figure 3.3.32g: Comfort Chart of fhe Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Decern ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 144 Figure 3.3.33g: Temperofure graph of fhe Freeman Flouse Upper Floor January 01 /1 6/2006-01 /19/2006 146 XIII Figure 3.3.34g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor January 01 /1 6/2006-01 /19/2006 147 Figure 3.3.35g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor January 01 /1 6/2006-01/19/2006 148 Figure 3.3.36g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor January 01 /1 6/2006-01 /19/2006 149 Figure 3.3.37g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 151 Figure 3.3.38g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 152 Figure 3.3.39g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 153 Figure 3.3.40g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 154 Figure 3.3.41 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 156 Figure 3.3.42g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 157 Figure 3.3.43g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 158 Figure 3.3.44g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 159 Figure 3.4.1 : View of Flobo no. Ion upper floor 160 Figure 3.4.2: View of Flobo no. 2 on lower floor 161 Figure 3.4.3: View of Flobo no. 3 on the terrace 161 X IV Figure 3.4.1g: Temperature graph at the Freeman Flause Cemparisen with Outside Temperature O cteber 10/12/2005-10/18/2005 162 Figure 4.1.1 : A FIEED pregram while leading shewing an Example 165 Figure 4.2.1 : A FIEED pregram screen shat 1 - the starting screen 167 Figure 4.2.2: A FIEED pregram screen shat 2 - during preparetien at medel 168 Figure 4.2.3: A FIEED pregram screen shat 3 - during preparetien at medel 169 Figure 4.2.4: A FIEED pregram screen shat 4 - during preparetien at medel 170 Figure 4.2.5: A FIEED pregram screen shat 5 - during preparetien at medel 171 Figure 4.2.6: A FIEED pregram screen shat 6 - during preparetien at medel 172 Figure 4.2.7: A FIEED pregram screen shat 7 - during preparetien at medel 174 Figure 4.2.8: A FIEED pregram screen shat 8 - during preparetien at medel 175 Figure 4.2.9: A FIEED pregram screen shet 9 - during preparetien ef medel 176 Figure 4.2.10: A FIEED pregram screen shet 10 - during preparetien ef medel 177 Figure 4.2.11 : A FIEED pregram screen shet 1 1 - during preparetien ef medel 178 X V Figure 4.2.12: A HEED program screen shot 12 - during preparation of model 179 Figure 4.2.13: A HEED program screen shot 13 - during preparation of model 180 Figure 4.2.13: A HEED program screen shot 13 - during preparation of model 181 Figure 4.2.14: A HEED program screen shot 14 - during preparation of model 182 Figure 4.2.15: A HEED program screen shot 15 - during preparation of model 183 Figure 4.2.16: A HEED program screen shot 16 - during preparation of model 184 Figure 4.2.17: A HEED program screen shot 17 - during preparation of model 185 Figure 4.2.18: A HEED program screen shot 18 - during preparation of model 186 Figure 4.2.19: A HEED program screen shot 19 - during advanced building data input process 187 Figure 4.2.20: A HEED program screen shot 20 - during advanced building data input process 188 Figure 4.2.21 : A HEED program screen shot 21 - during advanced building data input process 189 Figure 4.2.22: A HEED program screen shot 22 - during advanced building data input process 190 Figure 4.2.23: A HEED program screen shot 23 - during advanced building data input process 191 Figure 4.2.24: A HEED program screen shot 24 - during advanced building data input process 192 XVI Figure 4.2.25: A HEED program screen shot 25 - during advanced building data input process 193 Figure 4.2.26: A HEED program screen shot 26 - during advanced building data input process 194 Figure 4.2.27: A HEED program screen shot 27 - during advanced building data input process 195 Figure 4.2.28 A HEED program screen shot 28 - during advanced building data input process 196 Figure 4.2.29: A HEED program screen shot 29 - during advanced building data input process 197 Figure 4.3.1 : A HEED program screen shot 1 - the scheme being calculated 198 Figure 4.3.2: A HEED program screens shot showing Building Energy Performance Standards 199 Figure 4.3.3: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) 202 Figure 4.3.4: HEED simulation results showing passive design cam porian for the Freeman House 203 Figure 4.3.5: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC 204 Figure 4.3.6: HEED simulation results showing passive design comparison for the Freeman House with HVAC 205 Figure 4.3.7: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC and insulation 206 Figure 4.3.8: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC and double pone, low-E gloss 207 X V II Figure 5.2.1 : A eQUEST program screen shot 1 - the starting screen 216 Figure 5.2.2: A eQUEST program screen shot 2 - schem atic design wizard 217 Figure 5.2.3: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 3 - schem atic design wizard 218 Figure 5.2.4: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 4 - schem atic design wizard 219 Figure 5.2.5: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 5 - schem atic design wizard 220 Figure 5.2.6: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 6 - schem atic design wizard 221 Figure 5.2.7: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 7 -sch e m a tic design wizard 222 Figure 5.2.8: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 8 - schem atic design wizard 223 Figure 5.2.9: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 9 - schem atic design wizard 224 Figure 5.2.10: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 10-sch e m a tic design wizard 225 Figure 5.2.11 : A eQUEST pregram screen shot 1 1 - schematic design wizard 226 Figure 5.2.12: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 1 2 - schematic design wizard 227 Figure 5.2.13: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 13-sch e m a tic design wizard 228 Figure 5.2.14: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 14-sch e m a tic design wizard 229 X V III Figure 5.2.15: A eQUEST program screen shot 1 5 - schematic design wizard 230 Figure 5.2.16: A eQUEST program screen shot 16 - schematic design wizard 231 Figure 5.2.17: A eQUEST program screen shot 17 - schematic design wizard 232 Figure 5.2.18: A eQUEST program screen shot 18-sch e m a tic design wizard 233 Figure 5.2.19: A eQUEST program screen shot 19-sch e m a tic design wizard 234 Figure 5.2.20: A eQUEST program screen shot 20 - schematic design wizard 235 Figure 5.2.21 : A eQUEST program screen shot 21 - schematic design wizard 236 Figure 5.2.22: A eQUEST program screen shot 22 - schematic design wizard 237 Figure 5.2.23: A eQUEST program screen shot 23 - schematic design wizard 238 Figure 5.2.24: A eQUEST program screen shot 24 - schematic design wizard 239 Figure 5.2.25: A eQUEST program screen shot 25 - schematic design wizard 240 Figure 5.2.26: A eQUEST program screen shot 26 - schematic design wizard 241 Figure 5.2.27: A eQUEST program screen shot 27 - schematic design wizard 242 XIX Figure 5.2.28: A eQUEST program screen shot 28 - schematic design wizard 243 Figure 5.2.29: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 29 - schematic design wizard 244 Figure 5.2.30: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 30 - schematic design wizard 245 Figure 5.2.31 : A eQUEST pregram screen shot 31 - schematic design wizard 246 Figure 5.2.32: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 32 - schematic design wizard 247 Figure 5.2.33: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 33 - schematic design wizard 248 Figure 5.2.34: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 34 - schematic design wizard 249 Figure 5.2.35: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 35 - schematic design wizard 250 Figure 5.2.36: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 36 - schematic design wizard 251 Figure 5.2.37: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 37 - schematic design wizard 252 Figure 5.2.38: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 38 - schematic design wizard 253 Figure 5.2.39: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 39 - schematic design wizard 254 Figure 5.2.40: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 40 - schematic design wizard 255 Figure 5.3.1 : A eQUEST pregram screen shot 41 - simulation results as baseline design shewing menthly utility bills ($) 257 XX Figure 5.3.2: A eQUEST program screen shot 42 - simulation results os annual energy censumptien by endues 258 Figure 5.3.3: A eQUEST pregram screen shot 43 - simulation results os baseline design showing monthly utility bills ($) with FIVAC installed 260 Figure 5.3.4: A eQUEST program screen shot 44 - simulation results os annual energy consumptian by enduse with HVAC installed 261 Figure 5.3.5: A eQUEST program screen shot 45 - simulation results os monthly utility bills ($) with HVAC and different glazing options 264 Figure 5.3.6: A eQUEST program screen shot 46 - simulation results os annual energy consumptian by enduse with HVAC installed and different glazing options 265 Figure 5.3.7: A eQUEST program screen shot 47 - simulation results os monthly utility bills ($) with HVAC and different wall insulation options 267 Figure 5.3.8: A eQUEST program screen shot 48 - simulation results os annual energy consumptian by enduse with HVAC installed and 268 Figure A .1 : Upper Floor Plan 279 Figure A.2: Lower Floor Plan 280 FigureB.l: Closer view of W. St. Monitor 1 282 Figure B.2: Closer view of W. St. Monitor 2 282 Figure B.3: Closer view of W. St. Receiver 283 Figure B.4: Qveroll Space View where W. St. Receiver is located 283 XXI gure B.5: Closer view of Router 1 284 gure B.6: Overall Space View where Router 1 is located 284 gure B.7: Closer view of Router 2 285 gure B.8: Overall Space View where Router 2 is located 285 gure B.9: Closer view of Router 3 286 igure B.IO: Overall Space View where Router 3 is located 286 igure B.l 1 : Closer view of Router 4 287 igure B.l2: Overall Space View where Router 4 is located 287 igure B.l3: Closer view of Router 5 288 igure B.l4: Overall Space View where Router 5 is located 288 igure B.l5: Closer view of Router 6 289 igure B.l 6: Overall Space View where Router 6 is located 289 igure B.l 7: Closer view of Router 7 290 igure B.l8: Overall Space View where Router 7 is located 290 igure B.l9: Closer view of Router 8 291 igure B.20: Overall Space View where Router 8 is located 291 igure B.21 : Closer view of E P 1 292 igure B.22: Overall Space View where E P 1 is located 292 igure B.23: Closer view of E P 2 293 igure B.24: Overall Space View where E P 2 is located 293 igure B.25: Closer view of E P 3 294 XXII Figure B.26: Overall Space View where E P 3 Is lecated 294 Figure B.27: Glaser view ef E P 4 295 Figure B.28: Overall Space View where E P 4 is lecated 295 Figure B.29: Glaser view ef E P 5 296 Figure B.30: Overall Space View where E P 5 Is lecated 296 Figure B.31: Glaser view ef EP 6 297 Figure B.32: Overall Space View where E P 6 Is lecated 297 Figure B.33: Glaser view at E P 7 298 Figure B.34: Overall Space View where E P 7 Is lecated 298 Figure B.35: Glaser view at E P 8 299 Figure B.36: Overall Space View where E P 8 Is lecated 299 Figure B.37: Glaser view at E P 9 300 Figure B.38: Overall Space View where E P 9 Is lecated 300 Figure B.39: Glaser view at E P 10 301 Figure B.40: Overall Space View where E P 10 Is lecated 301 Figure B.41 : Glaser view at E P 1 1 302 Figure B.42: Overall Space View where E P 1 1 Is lecated 302 Figure B.43: Glaser view at E P 12 303 Figure B.44: Overall Space View where E P 12 Is lecated 303 Figure B.45: Glaser view at E P 13 304 Figure B.46: Overall Space View where E P 13 Is lecated 304 XXIII Figure B.47: Closer view of E P 14 305 Figure B.48: Overall Space View where E P 14 is located 305 Figure B.49: Closer view of E P 15 306 Figure B.50: Overall Space View where E P 15 is located 306 Figure B.51 : Closer view of E P 16 307 Figure B.52: Overall Space View where E P 16 is located 307 Figure B.53: Closer view of E P 17 308 Figure B.54: Overall Space View where E P 17 is located 308 Figure B.55: Closer view of E P 18 309 Figure B.56: Overall Space View where E P 18 is located 309 Figure B.57: Closer view of E P 19 310 Figure B.58: Overall Space View where E P 19 is located 310 Figure B.59: Closer view of E P 20 311 Figure B.60: Overall Space View where E P 20 is located 311 Figure B.61: Closer view of E P 22 313 Figure B.62: Overall Space View where E P 22 is located 313 Figure B.63: Closer view of E P 23 314 Figure B.64: Overall Space View where EP 23 is located 314 Figure B.65: Closer view of E P 24 315 Figure B.66: Overall Space View where E P 24 is located 315 Figure B.67: Closer view of E P 25 316 XXIV Figure B.68: Overall Space View where E P 25 Is lecated 316 Figure B.69: Glaser view ef E P 26 317 Figure B.70: Overall Space View where E P 26 is lecated 317 Figure B.71: Glaser view ef E P 27 318 Figure B.72: Overall Space View where E P 27 Is lecated 318 Figure B.73: Glaser view of E P 28 319 Figure B.74: Overall Space View where E P 28 Is lecated 319 Figure B.75: Glaser view of E P 29 320 Figure B.76: Overall Space View where E P 29 is lecated 320 FlgureB.77: Glaser view at E P 30 321 Figure B.78: Overall Space View where E P 30 is lecated 321 Figure B.79: Glaser view of E P 33 324 Figure B.80: Overall Space View where E P 33 Is lecated 324 Figure B.81 : Glaser view at E P 34 325 Figure B.82: Overall Space View where E P 34 Is lecated 325 Figure B.83: Glaser view at E P 35 326 Figure B.84: Overall Space View where E P 35 Is lecated 326 Figure B.85: Glaser view at E P 36 327 Figure B.86: Overall Space View where EP 36 Is lecated 327 Figure B.87: Glaser view of E P 37 328 Figure B.88: Overall Space View where E P 37 Is lecated 328 XXV Figure B.89: Closer view of E P 38 329 Figure B.90: Overall Space View where E P 38 is located 329 Figure B.91 : Closer view of Com puter 330 Figure B.92: Overall Space View where Com puter is located 330 XXVI Abstract This thesis wiii discuss the thermai com fort perform ance of the Frank Lioyd Wright Freemon Fiouse with todoy's com fort standards ond the methods of evoiuotion through vorious grophs ond charts. The Freemon House, designed by FLW in 1924, for Somuei and Horriet Freemon, was ioter gifted to University of Southern Coiifornio for conservation and study purposes. Buiiding Enveiope Environmentoi Monitoring Services (BEEMS) has instoiied o wireiess sensor network in the house. With the heip of recorded dote from the network, indoor and outdoor tem perature graphs ore com pared and piotted in Oigyoy's Biociimotic Chart. The onoiysis of the thermai responses of certain spaces is com pared to outdoor ciim otic conditions and other construction types oiso. Com puter simuiotions of the house, with the heip of software iike HEED and eQUEST, shows how oiternote giozing and insuiotion options wouid im pact the house and simiior biock buiidings if constructed today. XXVII CHAPTER 1: THE FREEMAN HOUSE The Freeman House is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's (Figure 1.1) three textile-block houses built in 1924 os on experiment in low-cost housing, and os o port of his search for o new architectural vocabulary oppropriote to the southwestern United States ond to the Modern Era.' Figure 1.1: Frank Lloyd Wright in 1924, at the time of the Freeman House Jeffrey Mark Cfiusid. (1989). Hisforic Sfrucfure Reporf. It was constructed for Samuel and Harriet Freeman, two members of ttie avant-garde who met Wrigtit at Aline Barnsdall'sA Dancer Marttia Gratiam, bandleader Xavier Cugat, art callectar Galka Sheye, ptiatagraptier Edward Weston, and orctiitects PFillip JoFinson and RicFiord Neutre all lived or spent significant time at this house, which becam e known os on avant-garde solonA I n g '2 0 21.42" V W Figure 1.2: The satellite view of the Freeman House 1.1 GENERAL BAGKGROUND The site, which the Freemans purchased, was relatively small and modest. Wright may hove helped to select the site (Figure 1.2). Mrs. 2 http://gocalifornia.about.eom /cs/losangeles/a/flw _la.htm 3 http://www.trommers.eom/destinations/losangeles/A25005.html 2 Freeman's (Figure 1.3) great affectian far the arts led in time te the reputatien at her heuse as ane at the mere lively cultural salans In Las Angeles tram the mid 1920s enward. The heuse Is situated an a dram atic hillside let, adjacent te “daw ntcw n” F I ally weed. It lay awkwardly alang a precipitausly slaping 70' X 75' plat, in the railing faathllls at the Santa Manica Mauntalns above Flellywaed. Its petentlal was the dram atic view It cffered aver F I ally w eed and the Las Angeles Valley basin b e y o n d / The house Is Figure 1.3: Mrs. Freeman celebrating her new house (1925) highly visible from the intersection of Highland and Franklin Ave. in port due to its significant construction method of exposed textile blocks. When the house was commissioned, Samuel and Harriet Freeman were not necessarily affluent, and were thus somewhat atypical of Wright's more experimentoiiy-inoilned clientele up until that time. Later, Wright's protégé Rudolph Schindler was commissioned by the Freemans to design both built-in and freestanding furnishings for the house. He also executed subsequent alterations to the property, the most im portant being those, which took place between 1928 and 1932. The uphill (northern side) elevation of the house fronts a narrow, residential street while the downhill (southern side) elevation reflects its visibility from the surrounding city, and helps to term inate the axis of Highland Ave., a major boulevard. The house is the smallest of the textiie-biock houses and is approxim ately 2,500 square feet. The budget for the house was initiaiiy $9100, but it eventually grew to $23,000.5 '* A b by Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block, Frank Lloyd Wright at a G lance. 5 Jeffrey Mark Chusid. (1989). Historic Structure Report. # Figure 1.4: Entrance view of the Freeman Fiouse 1.2 THE TEXTILE BLOCKS 16 inch X 16 inch decorated concrete textile blocks are used os the prime wall construction material of the house. The perimeter wolls ore two layers of such concrete blocks. The concrete blocks ore held in o mofrix of sfeel bars, anchored and profecfed by o concrefe mixfure, and stocked wifhouf grouf. ^ The house was designed by Wrighf fo be specificolly builf from o single poffern of fexfile block. There ore solid blocks wifh smoofh surfaces; high-relief fexfile blocks embellished wifh vigorous geom efric pofferns com posed of squares and chevrons, (Figure 1.6) possibly * http://w w w /landm kla.htm l inspired by regional flowers or the California eucolypfus free (olfhough Wrighf himself never odm iffed fo this); ond blocks in which the some osymmefricol relief poffern is perfore fed through the depth of the block wifh glass inset info the void, creating m odular units whose purpose is fo filter direct sunlight. ^ Figure 1.5: View of the Freeman Fiouse from Fiighlond Avenue The advantage of the concrefe blocks is that if creates a m odule for the design and the m ethod of construction is fast but if also brought some radical problems like w afer intrusion. ’ A b by Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block, Frank Lloyd Wright at a G lance. Figure 1.6: The cast pattern mold for the Freeman Fiouse concrete blocks. Source: A b b y Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Biock. The house Incorporates three types of 16-Inch concrete block, all Identical In their dimensions. 1. Plain concrete block (Figure 1.7-left) 2. Decorated concrete block and Its mirror tem plate (Figure 1.7- mlddle) 3. Decorated hollow concrete block to let natural light and sometimes olr com e In. (Figure 1.7-rlght) 1 Figure 1.7: (left) Ploin C oncrete Block; (middle) decorated concrete block, and (right) decorated hollow concrete block 1.3 PARTI, HOUSE ORGANIZATION The parti of the two-story Freeman House, as originally built, consisted of two cubes: a living/dining room over two bedrooms and a sitting room, and the detached garage over a laundry / store room. The resulting composition is basically L-shaped. Outside passages connected the cubes and both levels, and a stair tower was placed at the joint. The separation of the two cubes allows the street to visually becom e the entry to the house, seeming to continue straight ahead between the garage and the mail building.^ (Figure 1.8) If we simplify it to the very basic level then the upper floor is public and the lower floor is private space. On the ground level there ore the entrance, living room, kitchen, and garage, while the two bedrooms, the bathroom and the terrace occupy the lower ground floor. (Appendix A) ® Jeffrey Mark Cfiusid. (1989). Hisforic Sfrucfure Reporf. 8 Figure 1.8: Connecting space between garage and tiouse The house was clearly oriented to take maximum advantage of the impressive views it could offer over Los Angeles.^ (Figure 1.11) The orienfofion of fhe house is primarily verfical. Buf fhe archifecf also juxf a posed fhis predom inonf verfical sequencing fo a differenf, horizonfol one, showing fhof a concurrenf buf olfernofive composifionol orrongem enf of fhe fa ça d e is also presenf. ’ A b by Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block, Frank Lloyd Wright at a G lance. 9 k V à n Figure 1.9: A view of transparent glass screen of south wall While the dom inant central mass at the main fa ça d e is comprised of cencrete b la c k -it's massive presence emphasizing concepts of construction, surface texture, and ornaments, the outer wings of the central fa ça d e dissolve into transparent gloss screens. (Figure 1.9) A bby Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Block, Frank Lloyd Wright at a G lance 10 B f Figure 1.10: A view of living/dining room from lower floor ferroce A view of fronsparenf glass screen of fhe soufh wall inside th e m ain living area, the lewer wall elevatian is characterized by alternating smaath and relief-patterned blacks. The fleer level ef the living ream (Figure 1.10) was raised se that the view threugh the perferotians facilitated a ponarom ic survey at the valley. With the censtont play at light end shodew created by the abundant use at light-filtering, cencrete black units ore integral ports at Wright's overall design end ore unique reinterpretotiens of his co ncept of the well os a screen. (Figure 1.11) E Figure 1.11 : A view of Highland Ave. from balcony of living room (leff), and soufh-easf glass screen wall from living room (righf) 12 Figure 1.12: Play of natural light In living room Figure 1.13: A view of kitchen with tem porory portltlon seporoting It from the living room 13 The kitchen is adjacent te the living ream an the upper-flaar demanstrating a new, at the time, cencept at design. The kitchen else has a large wind aw, having an equally rich view at Highland Baulevard. The nerthern wall at the kitchen is single textile black and like that, mast at the interier walls at the heuse are single layer. The kitchen else has a law ceiling cam pared te the higher ceiling in the main hall. All the central far the radiant heat fleer system is lecated in the nerth-eost earner at the kitchen, end it is in wcrking canditicn at the time at this writing. The 13 electric resistance wall heaters were installed' ' in the whale heuse. These wall heaters were remeved during the latest resteratien. Figure 1.14: A view of the frosted gloss siding of the East bedroom Jeffrey Mark Cfiusid. (1989). Hisforic Sfrucfure Reporf. Each of the bedrooms is a mirror im age of fhe other. They hove o wolk-in closet, which forms fhe balcony for fhe living room above. Both fhe bedrooms hove nofurol light from fhe gloss screen wall, which is continued from fhe upper floor. The wall between fhe bedrooms and fhe ‘lounge’ has frosted gloss panels above 5'-4” fo bring oddlflonol light Info fhe hollwoy^^ (Figure 1.14). However, fhe lounge and west bedroom Is fairly dork most of fhe time. The west bedroom Is now com poroflvely larger than fhe east bedroom due fo lofer design changes. % Figure 1.15: A view of west bedroom '2 Jeffrey Mark Chusid. (1989). Historic Structure Report. The bedrooms have o door opening into the backyard - terrace. The terrace is a small interesting space used many times for small gatherings. Presently, the east and west bedrooms ore used for sleeping and office purposes respectively (Figure 1.15). Unlike other interior walls of the house, the wall between the tw o bedrooms has two layers of concrete textile blocks. The both space and a small com m on closet space ore located between bedrooms and stairs, below the kitchen space, and they are naturally Illuminated using the hollow glazed concrete blocks. Even though there ore many multiple hollow concrete blocks in the staircase. It Is still a dark space. A E R IA L IS O M E T R IC F R O M S O U T H E A S T Figure 1.16: An Isometric view of Freeman Fiouse 1.4 HISTORICAL REMODELING & RUDOLPH SCHINDLER There were several major remodeling of the house by Rudolph Michael Schindler (Figure 1.17), o close fomily friend ond the architect of the house till 1953. He designed, or supplied, furniture for the house too (Figure 1.18 and 1.19). In 1928, he built the pull-out cou ch /b ed in the living room with its table and wall unit. Figure 1.17: Rudolph Schindler photographed by Edward Weston He also chonged the configurotion of the second (west) bedroom to moke on apartm ent and furnished both the bedrooms. 13 Schindler installed o new wall between the kitchen ond living room, reworked the lower apartm ent and instoiied the lorger windows in 1938- '3 Jeffrey Mark Chusid. (1989). Historic Structure Report. 40. Presently, the kitchen is separated with a tem perary partitien tram the living ream. (Figure 1.11) Figure 1.18: The original furnishing designed by FLW Source: A b b y Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Biock. 18 Figure 1.19: The original furnishing designed by FLW Source: A b b y Moor. (2002). Californian Textile Biock. .5 RESTORATION OF THE HOUSE Restoration efforts fo rttie Freeman House hove been underw ay for o number of years. The Notionol Endowment for the Arts provided o grant to initiate reseorch ond docum entation. Domino Rizzo provided o m atching grant for em ergency repairs. The Getty Preservotion Gronts progrom ow orded one of its first three grants to the Freeman House to assist with the preporotion of the Historic Structures Repcrt. Steeicose 1 9 m atched the Getty grant with funds, which were used te ccm m ence architectural drawings, materials testing, and sharing. The Graham Faundatian and Andy Warhal Faundatian have else centributed te research and repairs. And memberships in the Resteratien Assecietes, teurs end black sales have raised additienal funds which are used te eperote the heuse end far further architectural werk end repairs. http://w w w an/02.htm l 20 PART I - THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE CHAPTER 2: THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE STUDY OF THE HOUSE 2.1 INTRODUCTION The study of tem perature patterns of any particular space for some specific time is called the thermai perform ance study of that space. Thermai perform ance is one of the im portant factors in determining the thermai com fort. What is thermai Comfort? A positive definition of com fort is “a feeling of well-being.” The more com m on experience of thermai com fort is a lock of discomfort - or of being unconscious of how w e ore losing heat to our environment. ' There ore several standards. Thermai com fort is defined in the ISO 7730 standard as: ‘‘That condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermai environm ent” . 2 There ore three categories of factors that affect comfort: personal, measurable thermai environmental, and psychoiogicai. The personal factors ore iike metabolism, clothing, and drinking and eating habits. The measurable thermai environment is based on several parameters iike the air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed. ' M echanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, B . Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 2 21 sensible heat, conduction, and so on. While, the psychological factors ore like color, texture, sound, light m ovement, and oromo. It is very difficult to measure the psychological com fort factors. Before w e start talking obout the thermol perform once of the house and our study, it is im portant to leorn more about oil these parameters. 2.1.1 The Foctors offecting Thermol perform once ond Comfort Here, w e will briefly discuss the definition of the factors affecting the thermal perform once used in our study. Temperature: The “ hotness” of on object, usually expressed os o numerical value on on agreed scole. It is im portont to remem ber that heat flows from on object whose tem perature is higher than the contocting object whose tem perature is lower. 3 We con further classify the tem peroture os Wet-Bulb Temperature (WB) ond Dry-Bulb Temperoture (DB). Wet-Bulb Temperoture fWB): The tem perature shown by o therm om eter with o w etted bulb rotated ropidly in the oir to cause evoporotion of its moisture is called Wet-Bulb Temperoture. ^ 3 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Calibration of Temperature Measurement Systems. 1984. '* MecTianical and Electrical Equipment tor Buildings, B . Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 2 2 Drv-Bulb Temperature fPB): The tem perature at the am bient mixture at air and w ater va per measured in the nermal w ay with a simple therm em eter is called Dry-Bulb Temperature. It is im partant ta nate that at 100% RH, DB and WB are equal. ^ Temperature Scale: A reference cr standard used te assign a number te an abject te indicate its temperature. There are several tem perature scales in use teday. That includes: 1. Kelvin Thermcdynamic Temperature Scale, which runs tram absclute zerc te pcsitive infinity in units at the Kelvin (K); 2. Degree Celsius (°C), the scale endersed by the General Canferences an Weights and Measures, which has tw a sets at numerical values, ene running tram abselute zere te pesitive infinity in units at kelvins (K) and the ether running tram negative 273.15 threugh zere at the melting paint at ice and an ward ta pesitive infinity in units at degrees Celsius (°C); 3. The Fahrenheit Scale, (used cem m enly in the United States but net elsewhere), running tram negative 459.67 threugh zere and an te pesitive infinity. Zere an the Fahrenheit scale does net occur at a cam m an fixed paint. The melting paint at ice is generally used te reference the pesitive value at 32 °F. ® M echanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, B . Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 23 The Fahrenheit and Celsius tem perature scales are cam m enly used and the cenversien facters is (tram degree Fahrenheit te degree Celsius) subtracting 32 and divide by 1.8/ Relative Flumiditv fRH): RHis the rati a (% ) at the am eunt at w ater in the air at a given tem perature te the maximum am aunt it cauld hald at that temperature. Far example, a relative humidity at 60% indicates that there is 60/100 as much w ater in the air as that air is ca pable at helding at that tem perature.7 Fleat: Heat is a farm at energy and it is a measurable quantity. The unit at heat in the English system is the British Thermal Unit (Btu) which is am aunt at heat required te raise the tem perature at 1 peund at w ater at 60° F . by 1 degree F . (It reughly cerrespends te the energy released in burning an ardinary waaden match.) In the metric system the unit at heat is calarie (cal). It is defined as the am aunt at heat required te raise the tem perature at 1 gram at w ater at 15°C. by 1 degree C. Far S I Units, in terms at heat, a jaule is 1/4.184 at the am aunt at heat required te raise 1 gram at w ater by 1 degree C. ^ * NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Calibration of Temperature Measurement Systems. 1984. ^ TittpV/ 8 MecTianical and Electrical Equipment tor Buildings, B . Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 24 The calorie we see on a food package is octuolly o kiiocoiorie, or 1,000 CO lories. Sometimes the energy content of food is expressed in kilojoules (kj), o metric unit. One kcol equals to 4.184kj. ^ For conversion purposes 1 Btu may be token os equal to 252 calories and 1055 joules (i.e. 1.055 kilojoules). There ore basically tw o forms of heat, 1. Sensible Heat, and 2. Latent Heat Sensible Heot: As implied by the nome, this form of heat is detectoble by the senses. In other words, it is the form of heot, which is associated with o change in tem peroture of the substonce involved. Latent Heot: Lofent heot is the term used to express the thermal energy involved in o change of state without chonging temperoture. For example, the processes of changing o solid to o liquid such os ice to w ater or o liquid to o gas such os w ater to steam consume or release stored Latent heot. Metobolism: Metobolism is the rote of which w e generate heot (our m etabolic rote) and it depends mostly on our level of muscular activity, portly on w hat we ote ond dronk (ond when), ond portly on where we ore in our normal doily cycle. Our heot production is measured in ’ http://www.sciam .com /askexpert_question.cfm?articlelD=00055379-El BF-1 EC2- BDC0809EC588EEDF 25 m etabolic (met) units. One met is defined as 50 kcal/hi m2, equal to 18.4 Btu/ti ft2.ii Canductian: Ttiermal conduction is ttie transport of tieot energy from ttie warm er port to ttie colder port of ttie some body or from o warmer body port to o colder body wtien in contact. It is im portent to note tiere ttiat tieat always flows from ttie tiotter part of a system or material to ttie colder part. Convection: Ttie term ttiermal convection is used to describe ttie mectianism by wtiere tieat is transferred by mixing one portion of a fluid witti anottier. Heat transfer by convection takes place between ttie surfoce of wolls, floors ond roofs in buildings. Wind Speed: WS is ttie rote ot w tiicti oir is moving tiorizontolly post o given point. Thermal Performance of Buildings, J.F. von Sfroofen, 1967 " M echanical and Eiecfricol Equipmenf for Buildings, B. Sfein and J. Reynolds, 2000 26 120 110 100 u . 2 9op 2 Î III S I - Û . " ^ « 2 s 80 COMFORT ZONE 5 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 RELATIVE HUMIDITY 1%) SO 90 100 Figure 2.1.1 : Bioclimatic chart (original by V Olgyay) Comfort Conditions: The interaction between com fort and im portant environmental factors con be generally summarized in Figure 2.1.1. The “com fort zone” represents com bination of air fem perofure and relofive humidify fhof mosf offen produce com forf for a seated Norfh American adulf in shirf sleeves in fhe shade and wifhouf noficeable air mofioni2. We can say if's fhe condifion normally we find for fypicol indoor space. As w e move from fhe com forf zone in bioclim ofic chorf (Figure 2.1.1 ), of air fem perofure below (fo fhe leff below) com forf is sfill 27 attainable if added radiant tieat like mere expesure te ttie sun er mere clettiing er mere activity. Similarly, at air temperatures abeve ttie cam fart zane, ttie cam fart is still attainable if added air matian like mere expesure te wind er less clettiing er less activity. In bctti ttie cases, limits are seen reoctied, but ttie im partant paint is ttiot ttie basic cam fart zane can be expanded by utilizing mere sun er wind and, in dry climates, mere meisture te ttie During eur in deptti study at ttie Freeman tiause (Ctiopter 3) ttiermal cam fart canditian w e will use ttiis cam fart ctiort te determine ttie ttiermal perfarmonce. In arder te abtoin a clear canceptian at ttiermal canditians relative te ttie effective tem perature scale and ta put ttie subject at limiting canditians in its praper perspective, it is necessary ta review first ttie mere im partant findings in different ce un tries regarding ttie state at warm tti necessary far aptimum cam fart. Ttie differences between ttie varicus ccuntries are mainly attributable te different adaptatien er living tiabits.'^jlable 2.1.1 ) Twa peaple tram different climates wearing exactly ttie same clettiing will tiave different cam fart ranges. '2 M echanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, B. Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 '3 M echanical and Electrical Equipment tor Buildings, B. Stein and J. Reynolds, 2000 Thermal Performance ot Buildings, J.F. von Stroaten, 1967 28 Table 2.1.1 : Comparison of optim um com fort ranges in different ports of fhe world'^ (continue on next poge) Part of world Optimum effective Temperature Remorks Winter Summer (°F.) (°C.) (°F.) (°C.) Britain 62 17 67-68 19-20 - C onodo 66 19 - - - For Eost (Tropicoi woters) - - 71-74 22-23 Britistr worstrip cruising in tropicoi waters wittr 25 per cent of men stripped to waist iron - - 77.5 25 Upper com fort limit for conditioned houses of Angio-ironion Oil Com pany Norttr Indio - - 69-76 - - Thermal Performance of Buildings, J.F. von Sfroofen, 1967 29 Table 2.1.1 : Continued South Africa 66-68 19-20 71-73 22 Depending on geographical region. For school children dry-bulb tem perature 2 °F. lower ore recom m ended United States of America 68 20 69-73 21-23 Depending on age group and geographical region Sensor: A sensor is defined as o device that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus. In a whole house study, w e ore studying the overall tem perature patterns of each floor. The Freeman House has two floors and both the floors have variations in their surroundings. The upper floor is open from oil four sides and situated on top of the hillside. In contrast to that, the lower floor is partially earth sheltered and has most of the openings on the south side. So, though the upper floor is exactly above the lower floor, the thermal perform ance of both the floors will not be identical. Considering that, we are studying the thermal perform ance of both the NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Calibration of Temperature M easurement Systems. 1984. 30 floors separately. The main factors determining the thermal perform ance ot the building are the heat gains and losses through the doors, windows, wails, root, floor, structural elements, indoor heot gain (through various equipments) and the rate of ventilation. 2.1.2 Location and clim atic conditions The Freeman house is in Los Angeles, Southern California, which is considered as a Hot-arid clim atic zone with some tem perate aspects. (Figure 2.1.2) The latitude and longitude for Los Angeles is 34° 3° North and 118° 1 rW est respectively. (Figure 2.1.3) The clim ate of this region is the product of cold ocean w ater and latitude. It combines maritime and Mediterranean climates. The maritime clim ate usually prevails within the basin causing a consistent tem perature inversion layer. This causes fog, haze and smog. So, the ocean helps to m oderate the tem perature extremes. It creates warmer winters and substantially cooler summers. For the region of Los Angeles, the average dom inating prevailing wind direction is from the west and the average wind speed is 6 mph. http://w w w ate.htm l 31 area Hot-and area Hot-humid area Figure 2.1.2: Regional clim ate zones of the North American continent. Design with Climate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism, Victor Olgyay, 1963. 32 C alga/y l^ n c w v js r S eattle' /E u g e n e ._ W .n ™ p e g F a rg o • Minneapolis ■ r \ H alifajt Boston lé D e tro it D e n v e r T opeka * • Cincinr»at# W ichila. S - Loui* , LœAngeles— Oktohoms C jty _ _ Memphis S a te tjh /' y p h ^ i ï , ÂitluouerouB Litte Rock .« J L » ^^ChariestSrT D a lla s . __________________" T « T allahassee M ta m i Figure 2.1.3: The latitudes cross the United States Below is the graph showing 1971 - 2000 average tem perature and precipitation. (Figure 2.1.3) From this graph w e can know that August and September are com paratively hot months for the Los Angeles area. In the midsummer the average high tem perature is 84 and the low is 64. While in the month of Decem ber and January, fhe average fem perofure is 60 °F. 33 0 1 L 3 ■P 1 0 L 0 1 0. LOS ANGELES CIVIC CENTE, CALIFORNIA 1971-2000 38 Year Average (045115) 1 Mar Feb 1 1 Jul 1 Jun 1 Aug Day of Year 1 Nov Oct 1 1 Dec Dec 1 M ax Teiïip Ave Tem p ■ Min Tem p Precipitation c ■ H C o ■ H ■ H 0. ■ H U 0 1 L 0. M cfie rn iohfll C lim at* C *ht*K - Figure 2.1.4: Average temperature and precipitation'^ On the bases of 65 °F, the average of last 90years, the Heating Degree Days(hdd) are 1153 and Coaling Degree Days(cdd) ore 1160. Below is the graph showing all year around Heating and Cooling Degree Days. The HDD ore normally a measure used to estimate how cold the clim ate is and how much energy may be needed to keep buildings worm. HDDs ore calculated by subtracting the mean doily tem perature from a balance temperature, and summing up only positive values over on entire year. 34 Same way, CDD is used te estimate hew tiet ttie clim ate is and tiaw m ucti energy may be needed te keep buildings cael. We can calculate it by subtracting a balance tem perature tram ttie mean daily temperature, and summing aniy pasitive values ever an entire year. Ttie balance tem perature used can vary, but is usually set as 65 ° F ta 70 ° F .20 M T i 4 ) V L 0 0 40 0 0 c ■H * 0 1 0 40 LOS ANGELES CIVIC CENTE, CALIFORNIA (045115) Period of Record : 1/ 1/1914 to 12/31/2885 Jan 1 Mar 1 May 1 Jul 1 Sep 1 Nov 1 Dec 31 Feb 1 Apr 1 Jun 1 Aug 1 Oct 1 Dec 1 Day of Year Heating Degree Days M e fte rn R e g io n a l C lin x ite C e n te r Figure 2.1.5: Ttie grapti stiowing tieating degree doys^i 2 0 l 2' http://w w w .w A IN .pl2calacc 35 LOS ANGELES CIVIC CENTE, CALIFORNIA (045115) Period of Record : 1/ 1/1914 to 12/31/2995 M T i 1 0 a u u L Q M C ■H O □ U 9 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Jan 1 Mar 1 M ay 1 Jul 1 Sep 1 Nov 1 Dec 31 Feb 1 Apr 1 Jun 1 Aug 1 Get 1 Dec 1 Day of Year Cooling Degree Days R e g io n a l C l i n a t * C c K itc f Figure 2.1.6: The graph showing cooling degree day$22 According to the w eather station installed on the terrace of the Freeman house, the heating and cooling degree days for the first five months of the year 2006 are 670 and 363 respectively. The average wind speed is 2 mph and dom inating wind direction is west. 2 2 http://w vvw .w AIN .pl?calacc 36 2.2 CONSIDERATIONS During the study w e have m ade certain cansideratians. Same at them were with regards ta aur limitatians while a few were te expedite the precess. The garage and the stare ream belew it were net censidered in eur study because there w eren't any BEEMS sensars ariginally placed in that space and the space was nat accupied. The garage has a big w aaden ene-layer mutli shutter epening which is neither a sufficient thermal mass nar insulatian. It is a Isa nat accupied. Similarly, we else did net study the terrace cabin. In additian ta the abeve cansideratians, there were few additienal limitatians in aur study. The velum e censidered far cam fart is narmolly described as the eccupent's living space tram flcar level te average human height. While deing thermal cam fart analysis w e must study that area at any particular space. As per the Instrumentation and Manitaring: Design Cansideratians” far 2005 Saler Decothlen Rules and Regulotiens, the cam fart study shauld be regulated as belew. “The sensars shauld be placed in a Iccaticn that is representative at the tem perature and humidity canditians threugh the entire space. This Iccaticn shauld usually be between 4 and 5 ft (1.3 and 2.7 m) 37 above the floor in the largest open space. A locotion odjocent to o stondord house thermostat is typicol.” In our cose, the BEEMS wireless sensor network was already in ploce. They ploced the network to osses moisture intrusion; w e used the network to also study the thermal comfort. The installed wireless sensor network is not ot appropriate height and locotion to study the exact thermal perform once of the house. It is often installed in the ceiling or inside the wall. We ore not considering the sensor dote, which ore inside the wall for our study. 38 2.3 SENSORS AND WEATHER STATION Three different types of sensors were used during our study. The BEEMS wireless sensor network was already in place of the ceiling height. We placed additional HOBO and iButton data loggers to evaluate the wireless sensor network, provide correlations and to conduct some separate studies. 2.3.1 iButton - Temperature Data Loggers We used 1 1 A/lax;m iButtons for our study (Figure 2.3.1). These iButton, 16mm diameter, are m ade of type 305 stainless steel, and can measure the tem perature in °C or°F as configured. The range of tem perature is from -40 °C to + 125 °C with the accuracy specification of ± 1 °C. We con program the iButtons for the required time interval to record the tem perature and later dow nload with a serial port (Figure2.3.2) and software like iButton-TMEX.^s These iButtons cost approxim ately $15 each. 2 3 http://w w w .m axim /quick_view 2.cfm /qv_pk/2823 39 Figure 2.3.1 : Photograph of MAXIM iButton Figure 2.3.2: Photograph of MAXIM i-Buttons and connector for downloading 2.3.2 HOBO Temperature and Relative Humidity Data Laggers We used 5 indeer and 1 autdaar Onset HOBOs (Figure 2.3.3) during eur study te recard tem perature and Relative Humidity (RH). 40 onset. i Figure 2.3.3a: Photograph of Onset indoor HOBO. Figure 2.3.3b: Photograph of Onset outdoor HOBO The tem perature range is frem -20 °C te + 80 °C (-4 °F te 158 °F) with the accuracy spedficaticn cf ± 0.7 °C at 21 °C (±1.27 °F at 70 °F) and R H measurement range is 25% te 95% with the accuracy spedficaticn af ±5%. The recarded data can be dew nleaded in CSV er text fermât with the help af serial parf and saffware like Bexcar3.7 (previded wifh fhe HOBO). The HOBO has a limifed memary like iBuffen and a missian 41 can be set with the help of s o f t w a r e . 2 4 They cost about $75 eoch for indoors & $159 for outdoors and more depending upon the available channels in the device to meosure more parameters ond the storoge copocity. 2.3.3 BEEMS Endpoint - Wireless Sensor ond their Network Building Envelope Environment Monitoring Services (BEEMS) installed o wireless sensor network and o Weather station ot the Freeman House in April 2005. BEEMS is o new technology developed by Product Integrity Group to measure the moisture content within walls. It is backed by the resources and experience of their parent com pany JELD-WEN, Inc. 25 M e s h S c o p e T M technology is used to power this new BEEMS network. The type of network used ot the Freeman House is stor-mesh (Figure 2.x.x) It is o cost-effective w ay to monitor environmental conditions in the building e n v e l o p e . 2 6 They hove installed several such networks in many buildings including the G am ble House. http://wvvw.onsetcomp.eom/Products/Product_Pages/HOBO_H08/ ml#Anchor-HOBO-l 1481 2 5 http://w w w / 2 5 http://www.autom /reieases/apr05/newsbriets.htm 42 % ry m ‘ % * '9 % yyy,y^ x % G atew ay Mesh Nod« End N cH dij Figure 2.3.4: Star-Mesh type of M e s h S c o p e ^ M sensors n e t w o r k ^ ^ 2 0 46 -1 OS*< Figure 2.3.5: Photograph of BEEM S Endpoint (wireless sensor) 2 7 http://www.m /industries/ba_energym anagem ent.asp 43 \ ; IN Figure 2.3.6: Photograph of Generic BEEM S Router - Meshnode The BEEMS network at the Freeman House consists of 38 stote-of- ort wireless sensors (10mm x 30mm in size) (Figure 2.3.5), 7 routers- Meshnodes (Figure 2.3.6) and one gatew ay com puter, recording tem perature and relative humidity at 15-minute intervals. Most of fhe sensors ore insfolled jusf below ceiling level, while a few ore inside fhe wall. The roufers are also bolfed fo fhe w ooden beams. The gatew ay com pufer is sifuafed in a w ooden closef, near fhe enfrance, nexf fo fhe weofher sfofion monifor device. The gatew ay com pufer (Figure 2.3.7) is on ordinary lapfop PC having a Windows '98 operofing system, more 44 than 128 m ega bytes at read access memary (RAM), and leaded with the pregrams necessary ta run the netwerk. There are seme external devices attached te the PC te insert ether serial cables like w eather stotien pert end wireless netwerk pert. It is leaded with Netgeor WPNl 1 far remate access tram any lacotian. 45 Figure 2.3.7: The photograph of BEEM S gateway laptop PC at the Freeman Flouse 46 Î^ F R E E M A N -iM o n File View Endpoint Logging Alarms Events Setup Help General---------- Gate 250.114 Grp 30.11 Rts 7 “ Alarm Status — Alarms - Endpoint Select Active: 29 1 05" 1 06 1.10 1.10 1.11 H I - 1 1 2 1 12 1 12 1 13 1.14 1 1 5 ^ Endpoint S e tu p- General--------- ID |DD510a Tvpe ISensirion ^ Elevation |NW Samp, r ----------: _ i------------ Interval |''-"niriutes Group| Location EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR DIO 0 DIO 1 DIO 2 DIO 3 Input Output State On/Ott r r r t7 r r f T r r If r r •A7D Converter----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected Channel Name Calibration Slope Calibration Offset f Channel 0 j j | r~ Channel 1 I ' ] I P Channel 2 j P Channel 3 |” Logging Setup | Update Endpoint Endpoint Status | iiB s ta rt|| I ^ 1 1 #iB-5209 Network Monitor llX FR E ErH A N - iMon ^V irtu a l Weather Station I API ENDPT ACTIVE | LOGGING j Figure 2.3.8: Freeman-iMON software window, which displays the whole network The IMON is the software (Figure 2.3.8) used to set the mission. With the help of iMon w e can set os many missions ot the some time os w e wont. In IMon, w e con odd and remove the endpoints, name the endpoints and also check the status (including the bottery, connectivity ond the time, tem peroture and relotive humidity) of ony endpoint during any logged in mission. IMon sends the information to the gatew ay softwore. The gotew oy softwore -Network Monitor (Figure 47 2.3.9) monitors all seven routers and each router monitors three to five endpoints. This network downloads the data in text file format. Virtual W e a th e r Station File ModlFy Display Settings Window Communication Climate Reports Internet METAR Wunderground Servers Help Upgrades Y o u r T o w n , USA LiuB W e a th e r V W S L iv e W e a th e r 4 /1 3 /0 6 1 20pm g g H Hi W IN D S CURRENT H um idity: 20% w " W # E - 3mph W SW (250°) Gust: 4m ph H um idity: 20% Deyy Point: 39.1 " H eat Index: 81.7" B arom eter: O.OOir O.OOOin/hr R ain Today: O.OOin Hourly: O.OOin M onthly 2.20in Total: 20.71 In ALMANAC S unrise: 6 55am Sunset: 7 02pm M oonrise: 7 00pm M oonset: 6 39am Moon Day: 14 1.00- 9 .6 0 - - 1.0 0 - Oui Temp Humidity 1:20pm 1:19pm 5.03am f T 1:20pm 5:00am I t " 1:17pm f T 84.56 84.56 49.10 20.00 84.00 20.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Out I emp 1:20pm | â 4:01am PF 10:10am | T 1:20pm | â 1:13pm I t 6:12am | T 39.12 46.14 38.30 81.70 81.70 53.57 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 9 10 11 12 13 . 50 00 /- r 3 4 ^ 0 60.00 •''30.00 ^ 70.00''- . 10.00 90.00 T 0.00 100.00 I 8 4 .5 6 1 ^ 84.56 I t 48.02 [ T O utT em p Rate 4.93 WA!ffiSM.VlW I 9 10 11 12 13 Density Alt 145366.00 Cloud Base 11360.23 I tiriudi wedni er ardiiui i jj Figure 2.3.9: Virtual Weather Station window display The whole network Is connected to the wireless modem. BEEMS also has their own password protected website (http://beem ) to monitor the data from different locations. The IMon mission file Is set to transmit the data and so the website Is updated at every 3 hours for the Freeman House (for other buildings It depends upon the IMon mission file configuration). The website plots 48 the tem perature and relative humidity graphs (Figure 2.3.10) far the greup at feur sensers individually. Elevation : NW BEEMS Humidity Data So' g E n d p o in ts (L o c a tio n [ID ]): EP 24 MW CORNER L FLOOR[012,101] EP 37 MAIM HALL U FLR[012,245] EP 38 MAIM HALL U FLR[005,109] Elevation ; S So' s E n d p o in ts (L o c a tio n [ID ]): EP 03 OM HAIMHALL U FLOOR[011.054] EP 04 ON MAINHALL U FLOOR[011.088] EP 08 IN KITCHEM[011.106] EP 22 BATHROOM[011.168] Figure 2.3.10: A view of BEEM S website showing plotted graphs for temperature and relative humidity for the Freeman Flouse The website is very user-friendly and alsa gives eptiens te dewnlead any specific time data in the available three eptienal file fermats (that is table, csv, er txt) (Figure 2.3.11 ). The IMen and their website include a feature te set an alarm. That means we can canfigure it far certain tem perature and relative humidity values and if any at the sensers will measure mere than that 49 value (for the maximum value settings) it will autem aticaiiy send an alarm email to the observing individual. BEEMS Building Emielope Environmentij M ütiitûring Service. "JELirWEN ^ L iir in T ii B eg in D a te : |4/7/2006 2 °] End D a te : |4/14/2006 2^1 B u ild in g : freem an F ie ld s : |7 id \7 date J 7 sam plelnterval p ioglnterva! p humidity p b u ild in g id p typ e p group p b a tte ry p Im portD ate p e nd p o in tld p elevation p location p te m p e ra tu re E w p ort T y p e : h table CSV (com m a separated values) ■b.txt (tab separated values) Get Report ------------- RELIABILITY for real life' Hom e I Logout © 2 0 0 5 JELD-WEN Figure 2.3.11 : A view ot BEEM S website showing options to download the data The m op of installed BEEMS network is shown in Fig. 2.3.12 (Upper Floor) and Fig. 2.3.13 (Lower F lo o r ) 2 8 http://www.m /industries/ba_energym anagem ent.asp 50 □ ® 04 » f 3 7 UVINQ ROQU ® 0 3 ® 3 3 ® 0 2 KTCHEN UPPER FLOOR PLAN SHOWING THE LOCATION CF ENDPOINTS AND ROUTERS [ # a , 3» w e m NO l SEM 50TO /«£ Hsr P L M ^ \ NOT TO SCALE \ LEGEND \ • ENDPOINT C ##) \ B ROUTER (RT f i X « GATEWAY e GATEWAY COMPUTER e - TERRACE CABIN Figure 2.3.12: Drawing showing the location of BEEM S Network on Upper Floor r LOWER FLOOR PLAN SHOWING THE LOCATION OF ENDPOINTS AND R0U1DÎS [ 2T. 31 A M D SZ ME. SEHSSS ARE NOT RACaq NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ® EN D PO INT C##) B ROUTER (RT #) ? GATEWAY e GATEWAY COMPUTER o WEST BEDROOM LOUNGE EAST BEDROOM (RTS) BATHROOM 0 D Figure 2.3.13: Drawing showing the location of BEEM S Network on Lower Floor 51 2.3.4 Weather Station The Oregon Scientifics' WMR968 w eather station (Figure 2.3.14) is installed in the Freeman Flouse. The monitor (Figure 2.3.15) is next to the gatew ay com puter while the receptor unit is on the terrace of the house (Figure 2.3.16). It measures outside temperature, R F I and dom inant wind direction and speed. It is self powered and integrated with the BEEMS gatew ay com puter to record and monitor the climote.29 ? Figure 2.3.14: The Oregon Scientific Weatherstation Components 52 Figure 2.3.15: The Oregon Scientific Weather Station monitor in the closet near the moin entronce 2 9 http://w w w .am /w m orscwiprw e.htm l 53 Figure 2.3.16: The Oregon Scientific Weather Station Installed on the Terrace of the Freeman Flouse The Weather station monitor Is connected to the gatew ay com puter vio serlol com m unlcotlon coble. The VIrtuol Weother Stotlon Is the softwore used for this w eather stotlon to downlood ond monitor the dote dlgltoiiy. The software grophlcoiiy displays (Figure 2.3.17) oil the recorded Information lives and olso records them for fhe configured fime Infervol. The presenf sefup Is fo record oil fhe dofo of 15-mlnufe Infervols fo m ofch wifh fhe whole network. The softwore downloads the dote In notepad format (Figure 2.3.18). The software (Virtual W eather Station) also calculates ond gives dolly, monthly (Figure 2.3.19) ond yeorly summon/ of recorded dofo. 54 ^ Virtual W eather Station File Modify Display Settings Window Communication Climate Reports Internet METAR Wunderground Servers Help Upgrades Y o u r T o w n , USA VW S ' Live W eather 3/06 1:20pm W IN D S CURRENT Humidity. 20% , N / Dew Point: 39 1 ° ^ Heat index: 81.7" Rain Today: OOOln Hourly: 0 OOin iMlonthiy: 2.20ln Total: 20 71 in Sunrise. 6:55am Sunset: 7:02pm iMloonnse 7:00pm W S W (2 5 0 ° ) Oust: 4mph 1:20pm 1:19pm 5:03am fT 1:20pm 5:00am f t 1:17pm [T 84.56 84.56 49.10 20.00 84.00 20.00 m m 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10i 1:20pm 4.01am It 10:10am [T 1.20pm 1 ^ 1.18pm It 6:12am fT 39.12 46.14 38.30 81.70 81.70 53.57 0 10 20 30 40 50 S O 70 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 120.00 # 9 10 11 12 13 , 10.00 80.00 0.00 100.00 4 5 G [t 48.02 fT v â ? fis u v i« i 145366.00 11360.23 i, finudi wudiiier sidiiuii ~ Figure 2.3.17: The Virtual W eather Station display (the software used for O regon Scientific W eather Station) Q E Ü Q wind D ir ifin d apd >r1nd « u st J 1 in Munidiiy M Ka1n neai Ix in n e a r' Figure 2.3.18: The W eather Station’s dow nloaded data format in notepad 55 EEEf f i a File Edit Format Flelp MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR 1 /2 0 0 6 HEAT COOL MEAN DEC DEG WIND SPEED DOM MEAN MEAN DAY TEMP HIGH TIME LOW TIME DAYS DAYS RAIN AVG H I TIME DIR J 4 :18pm 12:30pm 11:10pm 4 :3 5pm w 2 9 .6 0 12 :4 5pm W N W 2 9 .6 1 2 : 03pm sw 2 9 .6 6 2 :3 6pm SW 29. 61 1:23pm sw 29. 53 2:02pm SW 2 9 .4 7 TOT 5 4 .7 6 7 .8 1 /2 8 /0 6 4 5 .5 1 /2 8 /0 6 51 1 13 1 /2 7 /0 6 SW 2 9 .5 8 iiB s ta rt||J [ j j ^ eg] I - f ’ -IB-5209 N... I ^^FREEMAN...] ^ 8 5 ° 20% ...| Ç^BEEMS | (Q Freeman... | ^ w th rs tn ... j |^ n o a a m o ... Ü lip i Figure 2.3.19: The Weather Station’s downloaded Jonuory '06 monthly summory doto in notepod formot 2.4 EVALUATION OF SENSORS As discussed in the previous section, w e used three different types of sensors for our sfudy. To gain confidence in fhe accuracy of fhe dofo; we need fa cam parafively calibrafe fhe sensors. For fhe evaiuafion, w e placed fhe sensors fogefher and sfudied fhe differences in readings and w e also kepf differenf types of sensors fogefher and com pared fhe recorded readings. We conducfed fhese evaiuafion fesfs before, during and offer our sfudy and discovered many im porfonf fhings in fhe resulfs. 56 : Ë # J M K Figure 2.4.1 All iButtons together for evaluation study 2.4.1 IButtons Evaluation We used ten IButtons for our study. Before sforflng our sfudy, w e program m ed all of fhe IBuffons fo sforf fhe mission of fhe same fIme ( 12:30 AM). We placed all 10 IBuffons nexf fo each of her on 20^^ of Sepfember 2005. The mission was fo record fhe fem perofure of every mlnufe and for nine hours conflnuously. A fferfhe mission, w e 57 dow nloaded the recorded data (Figure 2.4.1) and platted the results at each IButton in Microsoft Excel os line graph (Graph 2.4.1 ). iButtons Evaluation - 09/20/2005 100 80 -\r V 75 70 iB N o 1 iB N o Z IB No 3 — — IB No 4 - - IB No 5 — - iB No S IB No 7 IB No S IB No 9 IB No 10 8 8 S 8 S 8 8SSSS8ggg8888ggS888gggS8gSg8 iH ô î IÜ ^ iH c r i Figure 2.4.1 g: The results of iButtons evaluation before the study After studying the graph carefully, w e learned that IButtan number 1 is recerding data, which does not m atch with rest of the sensors. We believe that this anamalaus result was due te a weak battery. As w e perfermed this evaiuatien test in the beginning at eur research, we removed that sensor tram aur further study. With only that one exemption, the rest of the sensors' remained very close to each other with only ±1 ° F difference between them and it was not constant. 58 After finishing fhe above évaluation, w e renam ed fhe sensors storting from one to nine (Figure 2.4.2). 1..................... SlJ2î4n00U5A5022l e ..5 H j5 jn (in iis .\5 n 2 2 i , . , M 2 5 4 < in 0 0 5 8 C 9 5 2 l ^ ........... ............5nZ5400n05A27N2l e 4 .................. Al>2 WnOII(J5 A2.1 V21 # ^ ............ ............. 6FZF4£inO»5SFKI2l 6..........................3ZZ54{MIÜII5«IIAS21 7........... . I T - S............ ..............[>63540[Hlft55l952l # J6254OUU05S5FM2I # 2 ..................... 9 5 2 1 ........... 5 iï;5 4 n ( i n ( i5 Ai7 « 2 i 4..................... AÏÏ2f4m»»M5A2JK2l „ ( iT : 3 5 4 ( K » 0 D 5 8 K F J 2 I 6., .........,J2254UUUH5N0A8ZI ?___ 7........ fl...... ...., D6254ÛÜÛII55 J 9521 J 6 2 5 4 0 U U O 5 N S U 4 Z I Figure 2.4.2: The Photograph showing renamed iButtons ready tor the study At the com pletion of the reseorch of this thesis, w e re-performed the some evaluation. The second evaluation wos done from 30^^ Morch to S i'd of April 2006. We program m ed oil the nine iButtons ot the some time to record the tem perature ot 15-minute intervals for five continuous days. This time, the results m atched each other and oil iButtons were recording almost the identicol doto (Figure 2.4.2). 59 iButtons Evaluation - 03/30/2006 to 04/03/2006 100 8 0 75 70 60 5 6 iB N o i iS No 2 IB No 3 — — jB No 4 - • iB No 5 — - IB No 6 — - j0 No 7 iBNoB iB No 9 Figure 2.4.2g: The result of iButtons evaluation after the study 2.4.2 Hobo's Evaluation A total of six tem perature and relative humidity Hobo's were used for fhe research. Five were used indoors and one was on outdoor Hobo. We did nof perform fhe same com parafive evaiuafion fesf for fhe Hobos in fhe beginning, so if was performed of fhe end of our sfudy. Jusf like fhe IBuffons evaiuafion fesf, w e kepf all six Hobos fogefher from 30^^ March fo April 2006. They were program m ed fo measure fhe fem perofure and relafive humidify af 15-minufe infervols. 60 We dow nloaded the data and platted all as line graph in Micrasaft Excel (Graph 2.4.3). HOBO EVALUATION - TEMPERATURE - 03/30/2006 TO 04/03/2006 31-Mar-2006 1 Apr 2 1 X 1 6 2 Apr-2006 HOBO NO 1 — HOBO NO 2 HOBO NO 3 —HOBO NO 4 " HOBO NO 5 - HOBO NO 6 Figure 2.4.3g: The result of Hobo temperature evaluation after the study In the above graph you can see that the Hebe No 5 is recording almost 5 °F less than the other five Hobos, all the time. Our assumption was that the low battery is responsible for such results sc w e changed the battery of that Hobo and performed the some evaluation test once again. We again program m ed all the Hobos carried the test for longer time (seven days) and platted the results. But, again w e received the some results. The some Hcbc was recording 5 °F less than the other five Hobos (Graph 2.4.4). We assumed that the 5 °F error was constant and 61 w e could have adjusted the readings up by 5 °F. But, We sent the HOBO back to ONSET. Hobo Evaluation - Temperature - 04/12/2006 to 04/18/2006 1 0 0 £ I 70 Hobo No 1 Hobo No 2 Hobo No 3 — —Hobo No 4 ■ * Hobo No 5 — - Hobo No 6 Figure 2.4.4g: The result of Hobo temperature evaluation after changing the battery For the relative humidity the results were varying only ±5 (% ) (Graph 2.4.5). It is already mentioned for the accuracy specifications of the Hobo so w e are fine with that. 62 HOBO EVALUATION - RELATIVE HUMIDITY < 03/30/2006 TO 04/02/2006 100 90 70 g ^ 60 I » 30 20 10 HOBO NO 1 — HOBO NO 2 — HOBO NO 3 - HOBO NO 4 - HOBO NO 5 - HOBO NO 6 30-Mar-2006 31-Mar-2006 1-Apr-2 006 DATE 2-Apr-2006 3 Apr 2006 Figure 2.4.5g: The result of Hobo relative humidity evaluation after the study 2.4.3 IButton, Hobo and BEEMS Endpoint Evaluation We performed a com m on evaluation test for all fhree kinds of sensors. The BEEMS sensors insfolled in fhe Freeman House were difficulf fo remove for fheir evaiuafion, so w e placed fhe IBuffons and Hobos nexf fo BEEMS Endpoinfs of five differenf locofions. As IBuffons, Hobos and Endpoinf sensors ore differenf monufocfurers buf record fhe same poromefers, if is likely fo nofes which tw o agrees mosf of fhe fime and are probably accurafe. 63 First, w e set five iButton and Hobo to record ttie data ot 15- minute intervol ot w tiicti ttie whole BEEMS network is program m ed to record. We also m atched the time of that 15-minute intervol with BEEMS network. After that, w e selected six different locotions, three on the upper floor and two on the lower floor, and installed iButtons and Hobos just next to BEEMS Endpoints (Figure 2.4.3). Figure 2.4.3: The Photograph showing iButton, Hobo and Endpoint installed together at the Freeman House for the evaluation 64 This evaluation test was carried from 20^^ Decem ber to 18^^ of January 2006. Unfartunateiy, one of the installed Hebe at lower fioar fell down around 10^^ of January, 2006 so w e ore considering the results till 9th of January only. From the fallawing graphs w e con see that Hobo and IButtons results appear very accurate os they m atch with each other. While, the Endpoint tem perature results ore varying about ±5 °F at five different lacotlans. At lacotlan one, the Endpoint Is recording a temperature, which Is higher com pared to the corresponding IButtan and Fiobo results (Graph 2.4.6a). In the cose of relative humidity, only two out of three (Hobo and BEEMS Endpoint) sensors ore ca pable of recording It they do not m atch at any lacotlan. So It Is difficult to decide which one Is recording the true data. As per our Hobo Evaluation test (Graph 2.4.5), oil Hobos ore recording almost some relative humidity, so we ore little skeptical about BEEMS Endpoints. The lacotlan plan (Figure 2.4.4 and 2.4.5), photographs (Figure 2.4.6 - 2.4.10), the tem perature results comparison graphs (Graph 2.4.6a - 2.4.10a) and the relative humidity camporlsan graphs (Graph 2.4.6b - 2.4.10b) ore os fallow. 65 UPPER FLOOR PLAK SHOW ING THE LOCATION OF ENDPOINTS, IBUTTONS AND HOBO FOR EVM.UATION 12/20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 NOT TO SCALE LOCATION (# ) ENTRY Figure 2.4.4: Upper floor Plan showing the location one, tw o and three 66 LOWER FLOOf PLAN SHOWING THE LOCATION OF ENDPOINTS, IBUTTONS AND HOBO FOR EVALUATION 12/20/2005 T O 01/09/2006 NOT TO SCALE « LOCATION t# ) WEST BEDROOM LOUNGE EAST BEDROOM □ □ Figure 2.4.5: Lower floor Plan showing the location four and five The location one, two and three are an the upper fleer while lacotlan four and five are In lower floor (Figure 2.4.4). For locations two, three end four, In tem perature graphs 2.4.7a, 2.4.8a end 2.4.9a w e con see that ell the three sensors ore m atching with each other. While In relative humidity graphs 2.4.7b, 2.4.8b end 2.4.9b, they ore recording It In some pattern but BEEMS Endpoint Is measuring approxim ately 10% higher than the Hobo next to them. 67 s . Figure 2.4.6: Location one 6 8 LOCATION ONE > TEMPERATURE . 12/20/2ÛÛ5 TO 01/09/2006 95 90 6 5 T eo S 70 65 60 55 50 j \i iB NO 1 -HOBO NO 1 EP NO 2 y Figure 2.4.6ag: The tem perature comparison for Locotion one LOCATION ONE - RELATIVE HUMIDITY -12/20/2006 TO 01/09/2006 Î Ë 2 0 10 -HOBO NO 1 EP NO 2 Figure 2.4.6bg: The relative humidity comporison for Locotion one 69 s Figure 2.4.7: Location two LOCATION TWO - TEMPERATURE - 1Z/ZOfZOOS TO 01f09/Z006 y IB NO 2 -HOBO NO 2 EP N 0 3 Figure 2.4.Zog: Ttie tem perature comparison for Location two 70 LOCATION TWO - RELATIVE HUMIDITY -12/20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 80 70 I 1 50 40 20 10 0 -HOBO NO 2 EP NO 3 DATE Figure 2.4.7bg: The relative humidity comparison for Locotion two I Figure 2.4.8: Location three 71 LOCATION THREE - TEMPERATURE -12/20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 I J H i8 NO 3 HOBO NO 3 tP NO 35 Figure 2.4.8ag: The temperature comparison for Locotion three LOCATION THREE - RELATIVE HUMIDITY - 12/20/2005 TO 01/00/2006 1 00 ■ 90 80 70 : I > 40 2 0 10 0 -HOBO NO 3 EP NO 35 Figure 2.4.8bg: The relative humidity comparison for Location three 72 § I 100------ 95 SO 85 80 1 Z5 J 1 70 1 J k a , 1 60 Figure 2.4.9: Location four LOCATION FO U R -T E M P E R A T U R E - 12/20/2005 TO 01/09/200S I ' I 55 s o , DATE iB NO 4 -H O B O NO 4 j EP NO 29 I Figure 2.4.9og: The temperature companson for Location four 73 LOCATION FOUR - RELATIVE HUMIDITY -12/20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 100 90 SO 70 I 6 0 I 50 % 5 40 30 10 0 “ HOBO NO 4 EP NO 29 DATE Figure 2.4.9bg: The relative humidity comparison for Locotion four LOCATION FIVE - TEMPERATURE - 12/20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 100 9 5 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S5 H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 0 75 E 65 55 50 iBNOS -HOBO NO 5 EP NO 25 Figure 2.4.10og: The tem perature comporison for Locotion five 74 LOCATION FIVE - RELATIVE HUMIDITY - 12^20/2005 TO 01/09/2006 1 0 0 9 0 80 5 0 20 10 0 “ HOBO NOS EP N 0 25 Figure 2.4.1 Obg: The relative humidity comparison for Locotion five At Location five the Hobo is recording the tem perature in some pattern os the iButton and BEEMS Endpoint, but it is recording approxim ately 10 °F lower then others. We leorned in our Hobo evaluation tests thot offer changing the bottery olso thot Hobo (No 5) was recording 10 °F lesser than oil other Hobos next to each. So, w e con soy that, like location two, three and four, of locofion five also fhe Endpoinf is normal and recording fhe dofo in regular monner. Affer performing fhis evoluofion fesf w e learned fhe following: - The Hobo No 5 has recorded 10 °F lesser fhon if should of oil fhe places if was used for fhe research 75 At all the locations the Endpoint relotive humidity reoding is 10 % higher thon the Hobo reading, but oil hobo Humidity m atched during their evaluation. Endpoint No 2 is recording the tem perature reodings much higher so; we should not use that Endpoint dote for our study. 76 2.5 METHODOLOGY After learning the basics af thermal perfarmance, thermal camfart, data laggers and sensars w e started te interpret the Freeman Hause with that. In beginning, w e had lats af data recarded tram BEEMS netwark. Thaugh, all the sensars data was nat carrect and sa useful equally, the sensars which were wcrking fine, the data recarded tram them were dense too. We were having 1 1 sensors working in perfect condition, recording the tem perature and relative humidity at every 15 minutes. It was im portant for us to moke some strategy to read the data in some pattern by which the mere clarity regarding the perfarm ance can be achieved. And, to carry some related studies, which were m ade ter personal knowledge and better understanding, separate from the whole process. As w e learned in the previous section 2.1 about bio-clim atic chart, w e decided to use it for the evaluation at thermal cam fart at the house. The Freeman house is tw o storey and both the floars having wildly varying surroundings. So, w e ore expecting the different perfarm ance at both the floars. Considering that w e divided the house whole house in two ports - Upper Floor and Lower Floor. 77 While dividing the house in tw o floors, the upper floor was having 8 Endpoint sensors working in good conditions and lower floor 3 Endpoint sensors. We used the data recorded by those 1 1 sensors for whole year around and kept them separate as first floor and second floor perform ance data. Now, w e hod the data from 1 1 sensors, which were recorded every 15 minutes oil year-round. By now, w e also decided to use Microsoft Excel to plot the graphs. We used Biociimatic chart (Figure 2.1.1 ) as background im age in excel file so that w e can easily identify and determ ine the com fort performances. While using the background im age we were careful to lock our X-axis and Y-axis values so that w hatever chart we produces is correct. The X-axis is relative humidity having the range from 0 to 100 (%), but for the Y-axis is tem perature and for that w e limited the range between 40 to 120 degree Fahrenheit. We use that as a typical form at for oil our future com fort charts. We started the study in August 2005 and the BEEMS network was already installed since April 2005. To study a year around data w e were suppose to coiiect the data till March 2006. in between, in the month of September, the BEEMS gatew ay com puter was broken and so w e lost the data for that month, it was a small bad news as we were looking for 78 a year long study and missing September '05 ttiermal perfarm ance new. Ttie BEEMS installed a new laptop PC os ttie gatew ay com puter in O ctober 2005. Like that in February 2006, w e again missed few days' data. Due to a power failure in the house, the gatew ay PC was shutdown and the occupant was unaware of that fact. We learned about this problem when w e tried for a regular weekly download of the data. We again missed the lost week of February '06 perfarm ance of the house. Except for these two incidents, w e hove a year long data in .txt format. The next challenge for us was to clean the data and use it. By cleaning w e mean to gather the useful infarmotian and remove the unnecessary. After recording the data, os BEEMS netwark was saving the data in .txt and .csv (comm a separated value) format, it was also putting some some information like dote, time, iacotian, ID and battery life during each reading (Figure 2.5.1 ). The whole log was com m a separated but in some column while opened in Microsoft Excel. One cannot plot the XY charts in Microsoft Excel with such data. So to use the required tem perature and relative humidity data only, it was necessary for us to break the whole file in different columns. We platted the first chart using such clean data for upper floor using the eight sensars. We use different shade for each sensor so that 79 w e can easily identify each senscr. But, the 30 days data resulted in a very dense chart in which it was difficult tc identify any thing specific. Ccnsidering that, we again platted the same chart using aniy 4 days data far thase eight sensars tar first flaar. i Microsoft Excel - jan and feb freeman data File Edit View In s e rt F o rm a t Tools D a ta : J iJ d ^ J l jia i4 ^ a d j? W in d o w Help # I : Aria! A1 fit id,endpointid,date,elevation,sampielntetval,locationJogintervai,temperature,humidity,importDate, A idjend£ointld^date^elevation^sam£lelntervalJocati^^ 35100164,005.109,2/15/2006 9:15:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,66.7,31.2,2/15/2006 10:57:24 PM, 35100190,005.109,2/15/2006 9:30:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,66.4,28.9,2/15/2006 10:57:24 PM, 35100216,005.109,2/15/2006 9:45:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,66.1,28.9,2/15/2006 10:57:24 PM, 35100242,005.109,2/15/2006 10:00:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,65.8,28.9,2/15/2006 10:57:24 PM, 35100268,005.109,2/15/2006 10:15:08 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,85.6,28.9,2/15/2808 10:57:24 PM, 35100294,005.109,2/15/2006 10:30:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,65.3,27.7,2/15/2006 10:57:24 PM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, 24 AM, _ ^3 5 1 0 0 4 6 4 ,005.109,2/15/2006 10:45:00 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,65.1,28.3,2/16/2006 1:57 9 35100490,005.109,2/15/2008 11:88:08 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,84.8,27.7,2/16/2808 1:57 35100516,005.109,2/15/2006 11:15:00 PM,NW ,900,EP38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,64.6,27.7,2/16/2006 1:57 _M_35100542,005.109,2/15/2008 11:38:08 PM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,84.4,27.7,2/16/2808 1:57 j 2 _ 35100568,005.109,2/15/2006 11:45:00 PM,NW ,900,ER 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,64.2,27.7,2/16/2006 1:57 35100594,005.109,2/16/2006 12:00:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,64.0,27.7,2/16/2006 1:57 _ l ^ 35100820,005.109,2/16/2008 12:15:08 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,83.8,27.7,2/16/2808 1:57 35100646,005.109,2/16/2006 12:30:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,63.6,27.7,2/16/2006 1:57 _ l ^ 35100872,005.109,2/16/2008 12:45:08 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,83.4,27.2,2/16/2808 1:57 j 7 _ 35100698,005.109,2/16/2006 1:00:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,63.2,27.2,2/16/2006 1:57:24 AM 35100724,005.109,2/16/2006 1:15:00 AM,NW ,900,EP38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,63.0,26.6,2/16/2006 1:57:24 AM 19 35100750,005.109,2/16/2008 1:38:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,62.8,28.6,2/16/2886 1:57:24 AM yO L35105096,005.109,2/16/2006 1:45:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,62.7,26.6,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM 21 35105122,005.109,2/16/2008 2:08:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,62.5,28.6,2/16/2886 4:57:24 AM _ 2 ^ 35105148,005.109,2/16/2006 2:15:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,62.3,27.2,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM _ 2 ^ 35105174,005.109,2/16/2006 2:30:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,62.1,27.2,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM 24 35105200,005.109,2/16/2008 2:45:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,62.0,27.2,2/16/2886 4:57:24 AM 35105226,005.109,2/16/2006 3:00:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,61.8,27.2,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM _2B_35105252,005.109,2/16/2008 3:15:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,61.7,27.2,2/16/2886 4:57:24 AM _ 2 ^ 35105278,005.109,2/16/2006 3:30:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,61.4,27.2,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM _ 2 ^ 35105304,005.109,2/16/2006 3:45:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,61.2,27.2,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM 29 35105330,005.109,2/16/2008 4:08:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,61.1,27.2,2/16/2886 4:57:24 AM ^ 35105356,005.109,2/16/2006 4:15:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,60.9,26.6,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM _31_35105382,005.109,2/16/2006 4:30:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,60.7,26.6,2/16/2006 4:57:24 AM 35106168,005.109,2/16/2006 4:45:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,60.6,26.6,2/16/2006 7:57:24 AM 35106194,005.109,2/16/2006 5:00:00 AM,NW ,900,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,900,60.4,26.6,2/16/2006 7:57:24 AM 34 35106220,005.109,2/16/2008 5:15:80 AM,NW ,980,EP 38 MAIN HALL U FLR,980,68.3,28.0,2/16/2886 7:57:24 AM nnR inq R-qn-nn A u m w qnn f p rfi m a in hai i n 4 ► n \ja n a n c lfe b freeman-data / 1 1 FTP qnn Rn 1 ?r j 7/iR/nnnR 7R7-7a a m Figure 2.5.1 : The sample view of the Excel tile showing January '06 data 80 This time the chart was much mare readabie se then w e decided tc pict aniy 4 days data far each mcnth. New with that, w e were inviting ene smaiier data-cieaning jab. The netwark wasn't separating each day's data. The netwark was having twa aptians ta save the data. First was ta save every day data in ane fiie. This means there wiii be 30 fiies far a manth and each fiie having data recarded by each senscr far that particuiar day aniy. in secand aptian, the netwark was creating a senscr fiie. This means, each senscr has ane fiie in which oii yeor-rcund data is getting saved. Tc screen the data aniy far faur days at the manth it required tc cieon the data again. New iet's summarize the precess tram cieoning tc piaffing. First w e separated the faur days data tram the wheie manth paai. Then we remeved the sensars, which were net reccrding the carrect data. New w e are having 1 1 sensars data far seiected 4 days, in Micrasaft Excei, oii the 1 1 sensars data was new braken inta caiumns and oii unnecessary data caiumns were deieted. The Upper Fieer eight sensars were again separated tram the Lewer Fieer three sensars. After deing that, we pietted the data far each fieer in Bicciimotic cam fart chart. Like that w e created twa cam fart charts far each fieer and tatoi at twenty-twa charts far 1 1 manths. We wiii onaiyze each at them in detoii in Chapter 3. During the onaiysis at thermoi cam fart we 81 understood the need to generate the tem perature graphs separate. In com fort chart all the dots were showing the tem perature range but not the pattern. The tem perature pattern means at w hat time w hat is the reading of any specific location and visa versa, w hat is the location of any specific tem perature reading. So to better understand tem perature patterns w e platted as many tem perature graphs for each com fort chart to relate with. We used Microsoft Excel to create tem perature graphs. The tem perature readings were taken to plot the line tem perature graphs. We overlapped all other sensors for each floor in the same graph as different series in Excel graph. By this, w e were able to com pare the variation in tem perature readings by different sensors at the same time on same floor. 82 CHAPTER 3: THE DATA ANALYSIS In this chapter, w e will discuss the eleven-month thermal perfarm ance of the Freeman House os determ ined by BEEMS wireless sensars netwark and some other interesting studies. We will use various Microsoft Excel charts for that. All the charts ore prepared os per the m ethodalagy w e described in chapter 2.5. First, w e will talk about tem perature graphs in detail and otter that com fort charts. In the later sections of this chapter w e will explain both, tem perature and com fort charts of both the floors, for each month. The following explanations ore based on the data recorded by various sensars and the detailed docum entation of BEEMS netwark is found in Appendix A. 83 3.1 Explanation of Linear Temperature Graphis Ttie linear tem perature grapti study is informative to a certain extent. We generated tem perature groptis for each month. In this section we will explain several linear tem perature graphs in detail. The study of these tem perature charts os a thermal perfarm ance of year- round data is explained in chapter 3.3. Let us discuss Graph 3.1.1, which is the linear temp, chart for the upper flaar of the Freeman House. This chart shows the tem perature pattern sometime during the month of January, 2006. As w e said before, we randomly took four days sample data of each month. Graph 3.1.1 shows the tem perature between sixteen to nineteenth January. In all fallowing tem perature charts, the X-axis shows the time and the Y-axis shows the tem perature range. Based on the proper transmission of the data, w e tried to limit the number of sensars for all the graphs and used data from the some sensars throughout the study. And, all used sensars ore shown with different line type series in each graph to differentiate in-between. For each flaar, all platted sensars ore at different lacotians and having different surrounding. So, by com paring the voriatian in their thermal conditian, w e con assume the behavior of the spaces. This 84 behavior is going to vary with for different design, different iocofion and moy be different type of occuponcy. Thot meons there might be enfireiy different resuifs if fhe some Freeman House design is recorded with New York City ciimofe. Apart from that, from fhis chart w e con ieorn fhe basic fem perofure poffern ond so undersfond fhe response of Freeman House with various ciim ofic conditions oii year-round. During day time, with fhe sunrise, due to sun heof roys iike ony other buiiding, heof gain sforfs in Freemon House. The heof gain sforfs increosing fhe overoii fem perofure of buiiding and then fhe inside space, if we go in further more detoii, fhe sun path is from fhe east to west direction. During morning hours fhe east side of fhe buiidings normoiiy has cieor sun exposure and fhe West side is shaded. As o resuif, fhe east spaces of fhe house start fem perofure goin eoriier fhon west sides. And, during evening hours, fhe west sun heofs up fhe west port of fhe buiiding more fhon fhe east port. We wiii see such observations frequenfiy during our study. Aii fhe tem perature graphs ore in o w ove poffern. The peck of each w ove shows fhe highest tem perature recorded for that day and fhe iower point shows fhe iowesf tem perature reading of fhe some day. 85 90 85 80 - 75 UJ a : 2 UJ 0. UJ 70 65 60 55 50 N i r ir i r i i r i i r i i i i n r i i i T r i i r n i i i i r i 1-Jan-1900 6-Apr-1900 iiiii'iiiit r t iiiiiir ii''iM " ir 'iiin i'iii'ir .ir in i'i'ir n r M iir iir ir iiiiio in iiiiiii'iiin iiir iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT iiiiii" H r M n o r i i 'i i i ' i i ' i r i i o i i n i i i i i i in n 11-Jul-1900 15-0ct-1900 iiiiiiii> ‘ir iiii'ir i'‘ir r iii| 'i'iiT iiii'ii SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 - - - SENSOR NO 7 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 00 CN Figure 3.1.1 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor January 01/16/2006-01/19/2006 In the previous graph 3.1.1 we con see this w ave pattern clearly. From that graph, we can further read the highest and lowest of each day as well as the highest of those four sample days. The different lines show the different sensors on the upper floor. We con study the behavior in more detail by enlarging each day's chart and breaking each sensor's data in more detail. Here w e can notice that from 18^^ January there is an overall fall in tem perature of whole upper floor. It is most likely that due to overcast sky, which is very com m on in southern Californian clim ate that is happening. The graph 3.1.2 shows the lower floor tem perature perform ance for the month of May. In this chart w e sampled 25^^ to 28^^ of May. In this graph also the typical day night w ave pattern is visible. But, the interesting thing to notice is the variation of thermal perform ance by three different sensors and so three different spaces. We con clearly see that sensor no. 29 is recording much higher and lower tem perature for all four sample days. If w e read the same graph more carefully then, sensors no 22 is recording the lowest drop and hike com pare to sensor no 25. The line drown by sensor no. 22 is almost constant and which is a sign of very good inside condition. There may be several reasons behind such results. To know them, it is required to see the pictures of these sensors and their surrounding conditions. 87 90 85 80 75 70 UJ I- 65 60 55 50 ! ........... 25-May-2005 SENSOR NO 22 -SENSOR NO 25 •SENSOR NO 29 26-May-2005 27-May-2Q05 DATE 28-May-2Q05 00 0 0 Figure 3.1.2g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Moy 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 The following Figure 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 shows the location of the sensor no 22, 25 and 29 respectively. All the sensors with more specific location m op con be found in A p p e n d ix -A and detailed surroundings con be found in Appendix - B . s Figure 3.1.1 : View of Sensor no. 22 The above sensor no. 22 is located in the bathroom. The sensor is placed on ceiling near the south wall. Now, you will be more clear why 89 it is showing that tem perature pattern. First, the sensor is on lower floor so whole upper floor is resisting the com parative tem perature gain. And second, the spaces like bathroom ore relatively humid com pare to other spaces of the building and that helps to reduce the temperature. Now let's see w hat is around sensor no. 25 and 29. i Figure 3.1.2: View of Sensor no. 25 In above figure 3.1.2, w e con see that the sensor no 25 is in the bedroom lounge of the lower floor. So the first reason for sensor no. 22 90 can be assumed far this sensar a Isa far cam parative tem perature drep. Centrasting with the previeus twa, in the feiiewing figure 3.1.3 w e can see the surreunding at sensar na. 29. This sensar is iacated an the exterier side at the seuth-east earner at east bedraam. in the picture we can see the clear glass huge epening just beiew the sensar which is increasing a significant heat gain at that bedraam. Figure 3.1.3: View of Sensor no. 29 There was an apparent anemaiy. See graph 3.1.3, which shews the April manth tem perature graph at iawerfiaar. This graph shews same weird pattern. Sensar na. 22 here is net drawing a day-night tem perature pattern. 91 90 85 80 Li. 75 i LU 0. E LU t- iiiJ ^ ^ T ! n ^ W î T B Ï Ï T r P n W Ç 26-Apr-05 iia jL iiJ iiii.ii.L U J iii4 » m m . 27-Apr-05 24-Apr-OS D A T E SENSOR NO 22 -SENSOR NO 25 ■SENSOR NO 29 O h O Figure 3.1.3g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 « r n » Figure 3.1.4: View of Sensor no. 22 Returning to ttie site confirm ed ttie suspicion that the spiking sensor was im m ediately adjacent te a light fixture (Figure 3.1.4). Whenever the fixture was turned on, the tem perature spiked. Like this, w e can study each tem perature graph in detail by locking at their surrounding condition and analyzing various affecting factors. Frank Lloyd Wright must have thought about the heat gain due to huge south, south-east and south-west clear glass glazing. But, the offered views might be considered more im portant. With that, the intense vegetation may decrease the direct sun penetration and so reduce the heat gain. Or, with present available materials, w e can use 93 various double or triple pane low -E glasses to reduce ttie tieot goin If w e w ont to create sucti spaces. In generol if w e discuss ttie tem peroture gropti, ttie more strolgtiten ttie line meons ttie less variation In tem peroture of thot space. The m echonlcolly cooled and heoted spoces normolly molntoln the some tem peroture oil the time. If w e place the sensor in such condition then the tem perature graph will be o strolght line. With thot for our study, os much close the lines ore with each other, means almost some thermal perform once of those different locations. We con further decide the com fort condition of any particular space or whole floor by plotting these tem perature readings in com fort chart along with relotive humidity. 94 3.2 Explanation of Camfart Graphis As described in ttie previous m ettiadalagy section, w e created com fort chiorts of botti ttie floors for eocti montti. In ttiis section w e will discuss ttie voriotion in ttie com fort ctiort for ttie Freeman House ond ttieir explanations. We use Olgyoy's Comfort Ctiort tem plate to plot ttie Freeman House ttiermol performonce. As you con see in Gropti 3.2.1, ttie X-axis reads relative tiumidity w tiicti ronges from 0 to 100 (%) and Y-oxis stiows ttie tem peroture (*F). Ttie limited range of tem peroture is 40 to 120 (*F) for better clarity of ttie results. Ttie central solid grey stiope stiows ttie com fort zone for our climate. Like tem perature groptis, in com fort ctiort also different sensors ore depicted os various geom etric stiopes. We used ttie some sensor dote to create com fort ctiort w tiicti w e used to create tem perature groptis. Ttie following gropti 3.2.1 stiows ttie Freeman House upper floor for ttie montti of M orcti 2006. Ttie sample dote is M orcti 16^^ to 19^^. If we look of ttie cluster of ttie sensors dote, it results below ttie com fort zone. Ttiot means during ttiis period ttie space was very cool and not com fortable. If w e look of ttie relative tiumidity range, ttie 95 results fall in the middle of the chart. That shows that the relative humidity of that space is cam fartobie. 96 120 110 100 ■ 90 LU a : g S LU Q. 5 LU 80 70 60 50 40 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE PRO BABLE HEATSTROKE ‘ 7 7 " E P O 76- =9“ TS- 300 ■ SO' 200 - S I 100 B TU m O U R RADIATION * SENSOR NO 03 ■ SENSOR NO 06 SENSOR NO 07 SENSOR NO 08 * SENSOR NO 35 * SENSOR NO 37 + SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 50 RH - (%) 60 70 80 90 100 'O Figure 3.2.1g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 Let's look at ttie ottier variation in such com fort chart. The following graph 3.2.2 shows the Month of May for upper floor. The sample dates are from 25^ to 29^^. Here w e con see the cluster of the resulting plot is falling almost in com fort zone. That means, during this time the upper floor spaces were in com fortable living conditions. it we carefully reach the same chart, w e find few plots going outside - above the com fort zone. While having such situation, to study the reasons more in detail, w e can pick those specific sensors and read their tem perature chart. We can study their surrounding and the hours when they ore recording such uncom fortable readings. And after that w e can analyze the reasons behind such behavior like w e did for tem perature anomaly. The same study can be m ade for relative humidity perform ance also whenever some plots reads outside the com fortable relative humidity range. The next graphs 3.2.3, shows the July com fort perform ance of the upper floor. In this chart w e can see that the result data cluster is above the com fort zone. That means during that sample time, the upper floor was tem perate and not com fortable. Another core full observation shows that the cluster is more right side of the com fort 98 zone. Which again means the higher reiative humidity and so not at aii com fortabie from both the parameters. 99 LU C C g LU O. S LU t- 120 110 1 0 0 90 80 70 60 - 50 40 PRO BABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE C O M F O R T Z O N E 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) 70 80 90 ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 9 • SENSOR NO 35 + SENSOR NO 37 ■ SENSOR NO 39 1 0 0 O O Figure 3.2.2g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 120 PRO BABLE SUNSTROKE 1 0 0 700 L i . 7 T L J J 0 : g tu C L Î9 9 TOO F t/m 3 0 C E tu I - C O M F O R T Z O N E ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SD ItH) SENSOR NO 7 190 * SENSOR NO 9 150 RADIATION SENSOR NO 35 250 + SENSOR NO 37 500 -— 500 -SENSOR NO 38 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 0 0 o RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) Figure 3.2.3g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor July 07/1172005-07/14/2005 The following graph 3.2.3 shows a com pletely different type of performance. This graph is for the month of February and upper floor. The interesting thing com pared to the previous com fort chart is the scattered performance. The holt of the plot results in com fort zone and halt doesn't. And, overall the results is scattered in a big area. That means during these sample days, the thermal perform ance was extremely varying. This scattered result shows the vast difference in tem perature and relative humidity both. Like this, the study of com fort charts also very informative and disclosing many interesting factors. And the most im portant is that it helps determining the overall com fort condition performance. After studying such com fort chart, w e can suggest some solar passive architectural design improvements like orientations, wall mass, opening sizes, fountain suggestions, vegetation, or courtyard planning. 102 1 2 0 110 1 0 0 90 - PRO BABLE SUNSTRO KE PRO BABLE HEATSTROKE LU û : g g LU Q. E LU 80 70 60 50 40 - " E 79 300 an 200 B 1 " 1D 0 62 7 * + " Y , C O ÏV --C .$ : ' ! # S H A U rO G ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 X SENSOR NO 8 • SENSOR NO 35 + SENSOR NO 37 -SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 RELATIVE HUMIDITY - (%l 50 60 70 O 00 Figure 3.2.4g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 3.3 Monthly Temperature and Comfort Chart Analysis In this section of this chapter w e will discuss the year 2005-06 thermal performances. We will start from April 2005 and end with March 2006. We were not able to collect the data for the month of September 2006 so that month Is not Included In following series. Apart from that, during couple of months the BEEMS network was not In m ode of operation and so w e have drawn the perform ance recorded by Indoor Hobos on both the floors. The following graph 3.3.1 to 3.3.4 shows the April 2005 performance. The sample data Is between 24^^ to 27^^ of April. In Figure 3.3.1 w e con see the upper floor tem perature pattern Is typical waveform. The tem perature In the upper floor Is ranging between 60 - 80 *F. While w e Insert those data along with relative humidity In graph 3.3.2 shows the com fort chart. In com fort chart for upper floor, w e con see that half of the cluster Is In com fort zone and half Is below It. In com fort chart w e can also see the relative humidity range, which Is around 50%. That shows the conditions were com fortable all the time from this parameter. That means for the upper floor the Insider conditions were com fortable half of the time and colder rest of the time. Comparatively, the lower floor, graph 3.3.3, 104 3.3.4, is colder most of the time and there were on light fixture anomaly, which w e discussed in section 3.2. 105 90 . 85 8 0 < 70 1-Jan-19ÛÛ 25-Jan-19Û0 18-Feb-19ÛÛ DATE 13-Mar-1900 ■SENSOR N03 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 SENSOR NO 9 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 Figure 3.3.1 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 o CN 120 110 1 0 0 11. 90 ui a. 3 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE 2 lU o. Ui P R O B A B L E HEATSTROKE 80 70 60 50 40 C O M F O R T Z O N E » SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 9 • SENSOR NO 35 ♦ SENSOR NO 37 - SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 50 60 R E L A T IV E H U M ID IT Y 1 % 1 70 80 90 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.2g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 o 90 24-Apr-05 25-Apr-05 26-Apr-05 DATE 27-Apr-05 SENSOR NO 22 -SENSOR NO 25 -SENSOR NO 29 Figure 3.3.3g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor April 04/24/2005-07/27/2005 o 00 120 110 1 0 0 u . 9 0 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE liJ K I lU D. lU PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 80 70 60 50 40 C O M F O R T Z O N E ♦ SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) 70 80 90 1 0 0 O 'O Figure 3.3.4g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor April 04/24/2005-04/27/2005 The following graph 3.3.5 to 3.3.8 shows the May 2005 performance. The sample data is between 25^^ to 28^^ of May. During this period, most of the hours toll within the Olgyoy com fort zone, although the upper floor has locations, which ore too worm. This is because sensor 38 (Figure 3.3.1 ) is too near the ceiling on the West side of the upper floor. The lower floor benefits greatly from the earth sheltering effect, remaining within the com fort zone nearly all the time. The Relative Humidity is slightly high, but this comes primarily from the foot that the infiltration air is being cooled passively, without being dehumidified. So w e con say that for the month of May both the floor and so the Freeman house tolls into com fort zone. Figure 3.3.1 : View of Sensor no. 38 10 u 0 £ C K LÜ Q. 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 1 T T 'Ï 1 01-Jan-00 18-Feb-OO 13-Mar-OO SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 - - SENSOR NO 7 SENSOR NO 9 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 DATE Figure 3.3.5g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Moy 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 EU O C î EU O. S EU E- 120 110 1 0 0 90 80 70 60 50 - 40 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE Tff 3EO SO' ZOO «1 100 C O M F O R T ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 9 • SENSOR NO 35 + SENSOR NO 37 ■ SENSOR NO 39 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY { % ) 70 80 90 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.6g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 h O 90 a. 3 a . E UJ B 5 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 ■ ! 25-May-2005 SENSOR NO 22 ■SENSOR NO 25 •SENSOR NO 29 26-May-2005 27-May-2005 DATE 28-May-2005 Figure 3.3.7g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Moy 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 0 0 120 PRO BABLE SUNSTRO KE 110 HEATSTROKE 100 700 L i . UJ 0 : Î lU a . S m [- .TO O EDO aoo 40D -300 ' 200 Ft/rn C O M F O R T Z O N E 50 IOC -1 0 0 150 ISO RADIATION 50 2 5 * ♦ SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 2 s o 3*0 3 *0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 0 0 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) Figure 3.3.8g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor May 05/25/2005-05/28/2005 The following graph 3.3.9 to 3.3.12 shows the June 2005 performance. The sample data is between 19^^ to 22^d of June. During this period of time, both upper floor and lower floor tem perature graphs show the hike in tem perature every next day. The tem perature is gradually increasing during this period and it is expected for the month of June. If we look at the com fort charts, both the floors ore again falling into com fort zone. There ore several plots going outside the com fort zone, which may be the readings of doily pick temperatures. If we com pare the tem perature charts for both the floor, the upper floor is ranging from 65 - 93 *F while the lower floor is ranging 65 - 80 *F. There is almost 10 degree Fahrenheit variation in the tem perature between both the floors. In lower floor com fort chart, graph 3.3.12, w e can see the cluster of data is more towards the right end of com fort zone, which means on the lower floor is relatively humid. 1 0 0 95 UJ 70 6 0 -------- 55 50 1-Jan-1900 25-Jan-1900 18-Feb-1900 DATE 13-Mar-1900 SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 — - SENSOR NO 9 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 ' ..... SENSOR NO 38 Figure 3.3.9g: Temperature graph of the Freeman House Upper Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 C N 120 MO 1 0 0 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE LU □ £ g g LU 0. S LU i - 90 80 70 60 50 40 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 500 Füm 5 0 0 W in d C O M F O R T Z O N E 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY { % ) 70 80 90 ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 9 • SENSOR NO 35 T SENSOR NO 37 - SENSOR NO 38 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.1 Og: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 90 85 < 70 60 50 19-Jun-05 SENSOR NO 22 ■SENSOR NO 25 •SENSOR NO 29 20-Jun-05 21-Jun-05 DATE 22-Jun-05 Figure 3.3.1 Ig: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 00 120 110 1 0 0 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE L U O C S L U C L E L U 90 80 70 A 60 -I 50 40 SHAOINQ 4 ___ 50 - 100 - 1 5 0 - 200- 250 - 3 0 0 - PROBA8LE HEAtâTROKE C O M F O R T Z O N E 50 -100 -1 5 0 E f -200 - 250 B T U m O ü R RADIATION] 10 20 30 40 RELATIVE HUMIDITY { % ) -3g* * SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 50 60 70 Figure 3.3.12g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor June 06/19/2005-06/22/2005 'O The following graph 3.3.13 to 3.3.16 shows the July 2005 performance. The sample data is between 1 l^h to 14^^ of July. During this period, about holt of the hours toll above the com fort zone, with the lower floor benefiting less from the earth sheltering as the mass has now warm ed up from the summer months. The upper floor shows a variation primarily because sensor no 7 is near the west window and sensor no 37 is near the west wall, while sensor no 38 and 9 are ont the east side at the back of the space. The lower floor shows a significant time of delay effect because sensors 22 and 25 are next to the west side wall while sensor no 29 is east side next to the window. '[ / Jl! Figure 3.3.2: View of Sensor no. 7 1 2 0 Figure 3.3.3: View of Sensor no. 9 So as a general conclusion for the month of July, the upper floor is hot and the lower floor is hotter too but falling into com fort zone. 121 100 r 95 ! UJ C C 3 3 LU Q. LU s IÜ 50 1-Jan-1900 25-Jan-1900 18-Feb-1900 D A T E 13-Mar-1900 — SENSOR NO 3 - SENSOR NO 6 - SENSOR NO 7 - SENSOR NO 9 SENSOR NO 35 — SENSOR NO 37 — SENSOR NO 38 Figure 3.3.13g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor July 07/11/2005-07/14/2005 h O h O 120 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE 110 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 1 0 0 L i . l U K : 3 LU C L rr 400 ' 80' ‘ « r ^ 6 2 ' F t/rn 5 LU H C O M F O R T Z O N E MRT r70' 7T ■ 7 Z • 73* 50 1 < H ) 150 150 RADIATION 250 ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 9 * SENSOR NO 35 * SENSOR NO 37 . SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) 70 80 90 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.Mg: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor July 07/11/2005-07/14/2005 5 100 95 90 u tL Z ) Q £ U tL U J 85 80 75 65 60 55 50 ! --------- 11-Jul-2005 SENSOR NO 22 •SENSOR NO 25 ■SENSOR NO 29 12-Jul-2005 13-Jul-2005 DATE 14-Jul-2005 Figure 3.3.15g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor July 07/11/2005-07/14/2005 h O 120 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 1 0 0 TOO u. T T ' 80 tr .7 0 0 600 500 Ft/m 300 ■ 200 C O M F O R T Z O N E 50 7 S * 100 160 150 BTU/HOUR ♦ SENSO R NO 22 2 5 0 ^ SENSO R NO 25 300 300 SENSO R NO 29 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 0 0 R E L A T IV E H U M ID IT Y ( % ) Figure 3.3.16g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman House Lower Floor July 07/11/2005-07/14/2005 h O Cn The following graph 3.3.17 to 3.3.20 shows the August 2005 performance. The sample data is between 17^^ to 20^^ of August. During this month, both the floor com fort charts ore falling into com fort zone with some exceptional readings. Here it is worth noticing that the cluster is moving towards right side of the com fort zone since w e started reading the data from April 2005. That means there is a increase in relative humidity gradually. 126 90 - UJ O ' o n UJ D . 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 ^ ----- 1-Jan-1900 25-Jan-1900 18-Feb-1900 DATE 13-Mar-1900 SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 — - SENSOR NO 9 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR N038 Figure 3.3.17g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 h O 120 1 110 100 - LU O C g S LU û. g 90 80 70 60 50 - 40 PRO BABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE -IT W O T9- 3W J 81 100 -200 B T U m O U R RADIATION 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) 70 80 90 ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 » SENSOR NO 9 • SENSOR NO 35 + SENSOR NO 37 - SENSOR NO 38 1 0 0 h O 00 Figure 3.3.18g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 1 0 0 95 - 85 LU K 3 LU Q. S tu 60 55 17-Aug-2005 18-Aug-2005 19-Aug-2005 20-Aug-2005 DATE SENSOR NO 22 -SENSOR NO 25 ■SENSOR NO 29 Figure 3.3.19g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 h O 'O 120 PROBABLE BUR3TROKE 110 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 100 MRT Fîîlss U . LU 3 UJ Q. E UJ I- ♦ ♦ ♦ C O M F O R T Z O N E HRT rTO" :K - ■ 7Î- ■T4- ■ rr Ljg- s o ISO BTUfHDUH RMHATION 30D 40 ♦ SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY ( % ) 70 80 90 1 0 0 00 O Figure 3.3.20g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor August 08/17/2005-08/20/2005 The following graph 3.3.21 to 3.3.28 shows the O ctober and November 2005 performance. We ore omitting the September perform ance due to unavailability of the data. The sample data is between 12" ^ to 15^^ of O ctober and 20^^ to 23'’^ tor November. For the month of O ctober and November, due to the problems with BEEMS network w e place our indoor Hobo in both the floor. So, the perform ance results ore limited to one-sensor readings only. We place both the Hobos in the middle of the space. During the month of O ctober, the readings are much scattered in com fort zone. Though the readings are scattered, both the floors ore falling into the com fort zone. For the upper floor the tem perature is ranging between 65 to 100 *F. While for the lower floor it is ranging between 65 to 78 *F. While for the month of November, once again both the floors ore falling com pletely in the com fort zone. There is not a single reading going out of the com fort zone. During this month the upper floor is ranging from 70 to 85 *F while the lower floor range is very narrow which is 70 to 77 *F. By com paring these two months w e con see that the tem perature range is going down as w e m oved from O ctober to November. Likely it is the start of winter in November and so the overall drop in tem perature is clearly visible in tem perature charts. 131 120 100 -h 80 60 40 20 0 - I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 12, 2005 October 13, 2005 October 14, 2005 October 15, 2005 ■HOBO 2 D ATE 00 h O Figure 3.3.21 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman House Upper Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 120 100 UJ a : 3 ♦ •- 80 zofcV • so 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ♦ HOBO NO 1 RELATIVE HUM IDITY (% ) Figure 3.3.22g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 00 00 85 u . £ i & E 60 55 50 ............... October 12, 2005 October 13, 2005 October 14, 2005 October 15, 2005 -HOBO 1 Date Figure 3.3.23g: Temperature graph of the Freeman House Lower Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 00 120 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE 110 PRO BABLE HEATSTROKE 100 90 TUP 5 Î9 ■ TS' - SO- - B T ■ BZ" 80 C O I 70 50 SO 60 100 IBP 50 2 5 0 300 * HOBO NO 2 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 00 On RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) Figure 3.3.24g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor O ctober 10/12/2005-10/15/2005 100 u . É 3 LU 0. S HOBO NO 1 TIME Figure 3.3.25g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor November 11/20/2005-11/23/2005 0 0 C N 120 p r o b a b l e s u n s t r o k e 110 PROBABLE h e a t s t r o k e 100 M R T B . 79- 300 . 80' Z O O . 8 f 100 L 82- 700 U. .700 600 500 '400 200 100 MRT ^ r70* - 7 V .74' .75 [ 76" 100 50 BTU /H O U R r a d ia t io n 200 200 250 300 1 0 0 r e l a t iv e h u m id it y - (%) ► HOBO NO i l O O RELATIVE HUMIDITY - (%) Figure 3.3.26g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman House Upper Floor November 11/20/2005-11/23/2005 100 90 - u . É a 5 HOBO NO 2 20-NOV-2005 21-NOV-2005 22-NOV-2005 23-NOV-2005 TIME Figure 3.3.27g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor November 11/20/2005-11/23/2005 00 00 PRO BABLE SUNSTRO KE SH AO tN C U N E ^ BTU/HOUR r a d ia t io n ,H 0B 0 n o 2 40 50 60 r e l a t iv e h u m id it y - (%) 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.28g: Comfort Chort of the Freeman House Lower Floor Novem ber 11 /20/2005-1 f /23/2005 CO NO The following graph 3.3.29 to 3.3.32 shows the Decem ber 2005 performance. The sample data is between 16^^ to 19^^ of December. During this period of the year, the com fort charts for both the floors ore going below and so out of the com fort zone. This shows the clear winter performance. The tem perature is also ranging around 60 *F for this time. In the lower floor com fort chart, graph 3.3.32, w e can see few readings tailing into com fort zone, which may be results or our previously discussed reasons and sunny daytim e readings. 140 90 85 80 cr 7 5 HI z > 70 UJ 0. 65 60 55 50 L . 1-Jan-1900 6-Apr-1900 ll-Jul-1900 DATE 15-0ct-1900 SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 Figure 3.3.29g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Decem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 120 - 110 1 0 0 90 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE UJ a : 2 S UJ C L S 80 70 60 - 50 - 7 r 600 y y 3 0 0 - w 200 61' 100 02' 700 600 500 FUm 400 wtnd 300 B T U m O Ü R RADIATION ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NOT * SENSOR NO 35 • SENSOR NO 37 + SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) 70 80 90 100 h O Figure 3.3.30g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor D ecem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 1 0 0 -- 9 5 90 85 LU K 3 S LU 0 . LU 80 75 65 60 55 17-Dec-05 19-Dec-05 - SENSOR NO 22 SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 DATE Figure 3.3.31g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor D ecem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 00 120 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE 110 HEATSTROKE 100 M R T F - 1 » ' 73 300 ■ 80" 200 81' 100 L 82- TOO LU ? 3 LU CL 5 r C O M F O R T Z U M I 100 V». w 9 0 60 — 100 ISO 150 âTU/HOUR RADIATION 290 40 * SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) 70 80 90 1 0 0 Figure 3.3.32g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor D ecem ber 12/16/2005-12/19/2005 The following graph 3.3.33 to 3.3.36 shows the January 2006 performance. The sample data is between 16^^ to 19^^ of January. During this period of time, the upper floor is simply too cold almost all of the time. The solar gain does not begin to offset the other losses and the high mass walls only serve to keep the space uncom fortable even during sunny afternoons. The lower floor is too cold, but benefits again from the earth sheltering effect and some solar gain on the S E corner. 145 r 7 5 HI a. UJ 0. UJ 1-Jan-1900 6-Apr-1900 11-Jul-1900 DATE 15-0ct-1900 ■SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 - - - SENSOR NO 7 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 Figure 3.3.33g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor January 01/16/2006-01/19/2006 C N 120 110 1 0 0 90 lU (t = ) t- g UJ 0. S UJ PRO BABLE SUNSTRO KE 80 70 60 50 40 7 5 " 76' 100 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 77* 600 79' 300 8 0 ZOO 81’ 100 C O M F O R T Z O N E - 250 -3 0 0 B TU/HOUR RADIATION ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 * SENSOR NO 35 • SENSOR NO 37 + SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) 50 60 70 4^ Figure 3.3.34g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor May January 01 /16/2006-01/19/2006 80 It E 55 50 16-Jan-2006 SENSOR NO 22 -SENSOR NO 25 •SENSOR NO 29 17-Jan-2006 18-Jan-2006 DATE 19-Jan-2006 Figure 3.3.35g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor JanuaryO l/16/2006-01 /19/2006 00 1 2 0 110 100 90 - PROBABLE SUNSTROKE PROBABLE HEATSTROKE LU Ù 1 i s LU 80 - 70 60 - 50 40 -I ftor 2ti» a i 1 0 0 ♦ SENSOR NO 22 ■ SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 10 20 30 40 50 60 RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%) 70 80 90 1 0 0 'O Figure 3.3.36g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor January 01/16/2006-01/19/2006 The following graph 3.3.37 to 3.3.40 shows the February 2006 performance. The sample data is between 16^^ to 19^^ of February. In February also, both the floors ore going below the com fort zone and are too cold. As w e discussed in the com fort chart anom aly of this month upper floor, this period has given vast difference in indoor thermal conditions. That's because of the overcast sky and winter conditions. 150 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 -------- 5-Mar-190ü 5-Mar-1900 5-Mar-1900 SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 - - - SENSOR NO 7 — - SENSOR NO 8 SENSOR NO 35 SENSOR NO 37 SENSOR NO 38 T IM E Cn Figure 3.3.37g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Februory 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 1 2 0 110 1 0 0 90 m a. =3 h - s m Q. s UJ 80 70 60 50 40 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE C O M BTU/KOUR RADIATION ■ SENSOR NO 3 SENSOR NO 6 SENSOR NO 7 «SENSOR NO 8 • SENSOR NO 35 + SENSOR NO 37 -SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 RELATIVE HUMIDITY - (%) 50 60 70 Figure 3.3.38g: Comfort Chart ot the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 Cn h O 95 90 85 80 L i . 75 70 65 60 55 50 ‘l l t'M l i i F 'i n 'i i 1-Jan-1900 6-Apr-1900 11-Ju I-1900 15-0ct-1900 SENSOR NO 22 ■SENSOR NO 25 •SENSOR NO 29 TIME Figure 3.3.39g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Februory 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 Cn 0 0 120 110 1 0 0 S O PROBABLE SUNSTROKE LU C £ . g § LU Q. E LU 80 70 60 50 40 10 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE 79* 30g . 8 0 ' 2 0 0 * SENSOR NO 22 = SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 20 30 40 50 R E L A T IV E H U M ID IT Y - (%> 60 70 80 Figure 3.3.40g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor February 02/16/2006-02/19/2006 Cn The following graphs 3.3.41 to 3.3.44 show the March 2006 performance. The sample data is between 16^^ to 19^^ of March. Finally, in this month, the time lag, thermal storage effects of the high mass walls and earth sheltering have been com pletely dam ped out by the tem perature history and a series of rainy days. Both upper and lower floors ore too cold, all of the time. Note that even with a space heater; Professor Romonach (the current occupant) can barely hold the tem perature com fortable in her space. 155 a i 3 S 100 95 90 85 80 75 50 16-Mar-2006 17-Mar-2006 M M f f ii» i ïïm iiiM m iiiiiii T ii iT iii i T i im ifi ri iïïiiiamiiiiii Wffiiiiïiiii« ^ ^ 18-Mar-2006 19-Mar-2006 TIME ■SENSOR ■SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR ‘ SENSOR SENSOR NO 03 NO 06 NO 07 NO 08 NO 35 NO 37 NO 38 Cn C N Figure 3.3.41 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor Morch 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 1Ü U 110 1 0 0 90 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE U J C C g 3 Q . 5 H I 80 70 60 50 40 PROBABLE HEATSTROKE - 7 7 - M O - 7S - 3 0 0 - BO 300 -B T 100 BTUmOUR RADIATION ♦ SENSOR NO 03 ■ SENSOR NO 06 SENSOR NO 07 SENSOR NO 08 XSENSOR NO 35 • SENSOR NO 37 4 -SENSOR NO 38 10 20 30 40 50 RH - (%) 60 70 80 90 1 0 0 Cn Figure 3.3.42g: Comfort Chart of the Freeman Flouse Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 LU 0 £ I LU a E LU 1 0 0 95 90 85 80 75 70 , / ^ x 65 60 55 50 ,!. 16-Mar-2006 SENSOR NO 22 ■SENSOR NO 25 ■SENSOR NO 29 TIME Cn 00 Figure 3.3.43g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Lower Floor Morch 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 PROBABLE SUNSTROKE «HMMMO S T U m O U R RADIATION RH - (%) . SENSOR NO 22 . SENSOR NO 25 SENSOR NO 29 100 Figure 3.3.44g: Comfort Chart ot the Freeman House Upper Floor March 03/16/2006-03/19/2006 Cn O 3.4 The Comparison with Outside W eather Conditions In the previous section w e studied the thermal perform once which wos limited to the upper end lower floor. After storting the monthly analysis of both the floors, to satisfy our personal curiosity we carried this study. In this study, w e com pored the thermal perform once of the upper floor and the lower floor with each other and outside tem peroture condition. For that, w e place one Hobo on upper floor, onother in lower floor ond the third outdoor hobo on the terroce of the Freemen House. Following figure 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 shows the location of this Hobo respectively. We carried this study in the month of O ctober and sampled the data between 12^^ to 18^^. Figure 3.4.1 : View of Hobo no. 1 on upper floor 160 I s P Figure 3.4.2: View of Hobo no. 2 on lower floor Figure 3.4.3: View of Hobo no. 3 on fhe ferroce 61 The Freeman House Temp (F) - Hobo #1, 5, and 6 10/12/2005 to 10/18/2005 Hobo #1 {Main Floor) Hobo #5 (First Fioor) “ - Hobo #6 (Outside) 1 2 0 1 0 0 , \ u _ 3 Ê a I 40 October 12, 2005 October 13, 2005 October 14, 2005 October 15, 2005 October 16, 2005 October 17, 2005 October 18, 2005 Date C N to Figure 3.4.1 g: Temperature graph of the Freeman Flouse Comparison with Outside Temperature O ctober 10/12/2005-10/18/2005 In the above graph 3.4.1, w e can see the tem perature pattern recorded by three various situations. In the previous tem perature charts oil the sensors and so the series were showing the some fioor performance, while in this graph each trace is showing different behavioral spaces. We con see that for each Hobo the typical w ove type tem perature pattern is there. But, the outside Hobo line is spiking more during both day and night com pared to the upper floor and lower floor. If w e com pare the tw o floors then the upper floor Hobo tem perature line is reading more during day and dropping down too. The lower floor tem perature line is quite stagnant com pared to the other two. This again proves the effect of earth sheltered, south facing orientation, and concrete block on the thermal perform ance of the Freeman House. 163 PART II - THE SIMULATION MODELS CHAPTER 4: THE HEED (3.3) SIMULATION MODEL 4.1 INTRODUCTION TO HEED/SOLAR 5 HEED is Home Energy Efficient Design program. Murry Milne's Energy Design Tools Group of University of California Los Angeles develops if. if is on eosy-fo use fool that helps homeowners and orchifecfs design more energy efficient homes. One con easily study how much energy and money con be saved by making various designs or remodeling changes to fhe home with fhe help of HEED. As this program is developed for homeowners and architects quick design reviews, if is user friendly. if uses a state of fhe art hourly heat balance technique for coicuiafing fhe energy consumption, if coicuiafes on hourly heat balance for each of fhe 8760 hours in a year. HEED has been validated using fhe procedures as specified in ANSi/ASHRAE Standard 140-2001, Standard M ethod of Test for fhe Evaluation of Energy Analysis Com puter Programs. ' ' HEED Validated against ttie ASHRAE/BESTEST Standard- G race Tsai and Murray Milne, UCLA D epartm ent ot Arctiitecture and Urban Desgin, 2003. 164 M o m * Enir^ smew n o r t h S jT r lK t f iB u W M l ^ A Ç in n ir n a C H J T H H 4 4 U iM itW h ll4 h E E D h lA 4 d n ^ ... Figure 4.1.1 : A HEED program while loading showing on Example^ This program can be dawn loaded at no cast from w w w with its user manual and frequently asked question files. A quick PowerPoint Tutorial is also available to download on the some website. The program is about 7.5 M egabytes in size and needs 26 Megabytes or upward hard disk space to run. The Energy Design Tools Group at UCLA is updating the HEED program frequently with the addition of new features and salving the passible difficulties. Within the lost year they hove released three versions of HEED that ore HEED 3.0 (b6) - previous beta version, HEED 3.0 (bl7) - lost beta version and HEED 3.0 (bl9) -th e current latest release.^ 2 http://w w w 3 http://w w w nload.htm l 65 4.2 PREPARATION OF THE SIMULATION MODEL To prepare the simulation model for the Freeman house in any simulation program is a little difficult, to some extent. That is because of the significant variation in surroundings of both the floors and a com pletely different type of construction m ethod used for the house. Like other simulation programs, HEED also has a design developm ent wizard. This wizard makes the process very easy for input of the data. Normally, the wizard breaks the whole developm ent process in 15-20 data input windows. Each w indow is specific to its nature and gives an optional selection for a particular material, equipm ent or type input. For example, in w indow X it will ask to select one of the wall type from 10 different pre determ ined wall type options (Figure 4.2.13). To achieve the closest simulation results it is required to create the same situation, surroundings and construction type as the original building design. Sometime it is difficult as the site conditions ore varying and the overall design is also com plicated to input. For the Freeman house, w e tried to create a simulation model, which is closest to the building's nature. In the following figures from 4.2.1 to 4.2.29, w e ore showing all the selected inputs for the better understanding of the preparation and changes in the simulation model. 166 One can always ga ta any specific w indcw and change the material ta learn the passible results and then save the same file as different scheme name. HEED 2,0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) ■ rI S «1 a E x it B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L iiir a r , P rin t M a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t HEED: Home Energy Efficient Design T o s h o w r a te p a y e r s a p ic tu r e o f t h e p o s s ib le s a v in g s in e n e r g y c o s t s r e s u ltin g fr o m v a r io u s o h a n g e s in t h e d e s ig n o r o p e r a tio n o f th e ir h o m e : T h is p r o g r a m c r e a te s a s e r ie s o f d e s ig n s b a s e d o n d a ta y o u e n te r o n t h e n e x t s c r e e n : 1 . F ir s t , It a u t o m a t ic a lly c r e a te s a re fe r e n c e h o m e t h a t M e e t s th e C a lifo r n ia E n e r g y C o d e . 2 . U s in g t h is s a m e d a ta , it a ls o c r e a te s a M o r e E n e r g y E ffic ie n t v e r s io n o f y o u r h o m e . 3 . N e x t , it a s k s y o u to d e s c r ib e in m o r e d e ta il t h e d e s ig n o f y o u r C u r r e n t F lo o r p la n . 4 . N o w C o p y y o u r c u r r e n t d e s ig n ( o lio k L ib r a r y a b o v e ) , a n d t r y d iffe re n t e n e r g y fe a tu r e s . 5 . U s in g t h e C o p y f u n c t io n , c r e a te m o re n e w d e s ig n s to f u r t h e r re d u c e y o u r e n e r g y c o s ts . E n e r g y C o s t b a r c h a r t s s h o w y o u t h e im p r o v e m e n t in e a c h d e s ig n ( c lic k B a s ic ic o n a b o v e ). H e lp w it h te c h n ic a l t e r m s a n d A d v ic e o n h o w to s a v e e n e r g y a re a ls o a v a ila b le . A d v a n c e d u s e r s m ig h t lik e to t r y th e A d v a n c e d D e s ig n a n d E v a lu a tio n G r a p h ic s ( ic o n s ). H E E D is re g u la r ly r e v is e d a n d e x p a n d e d s o p le a s e a lw a y s d o w n lo a d t h e la te s t v e r s io n fr o m w w w . a u d .u o la .e d u To p roceed click th e N ext button below.... T h is c o tn p u te r pro g ra m w a s d e ve lo p e d w ith to n d s p ro v id e d b y C a lifo rn ia utiiity c u s to m e rs an d a d m in istra te d b y S o u th e rn C a ilfo rn ia E d is on C o trp a n y a n d b y S a n D ieg o G a s an d E ie c tric u n d e r th e a u sp io e s o t th e C a iifo rn ia Pubiio U tilitie s C om m ission. P a c ific G a s a n d E le c tric, a n d th e C a lifo rn ia P u blic U tilitie s C om m ission E s tim Ë e s O nly: The R e g e n ts o t th e U n iv e r s ty o t C a lito rn ia , CTG E n e rg e tic s , S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia E d is on, S a n D ieg o G a s a n d E le c tric, S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia G; m ake n o w a r r a n ty , e x p re s s e d o r im piied, inoiu ding b u t n o t lir r te d lo a n y w a r r a n ty o f m e r c h a n ta b ity o r f tn e s s fo r a n y p a rtio u ia r u s e o r ap piioation. R e c a lr u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.1 : A HEED program screen shot 1 - the starting screen 167 HE E D 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15, 2005) at P ■ 1 a 0 'd v a n o e d E vS lu ats U tjra iy P n n l tiitanuai Advice Fieip a o i r t DESIGN OPTIONS P ro je c t : The F reem an H ouse - sum it S chem e 1 : M ee ts E n ergy Code B u ild in g Type: SINGLE FAM ILY RESIDENCE C ity Location: Los A n ge les D oes y o u r h o u se ha ve an a ttach ed e n c lo s e d ga rag e? r N o a tta c h e d g a ra g e Qt e ls e it is n o lfu lly e n c lo s e tJ Cie it is a car-p ort) F G a ra g e is a tta c h e d on th e fro n t r G a ra g e is a tta c h e d on th e le tt r G a ra g e is a tta c h e d on th e re a r r G a ra g e is a tta c h e d on th e rig h t Figure 4.2.2: A HEED program screen shot 2 - during preparation of model Figure 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 shows the basic information related to project. 16 8 f, m m Advarréiî £ P,int Manual Help 1 1 INITIAL DESIGN Whalwouldvaulikelodo? ^ Consltucl a brand new home r Rsmoaei •within vodv Home's Existmg Wells f" Add on outside your eKisting floorplan W hatkindüfhümewillitbe? ^ Single Family House r Town House, attached tü others r Apartment or Condo unit (entrv from interior hallway) f ' Apartment or Condo unit (entry directly from outdoors) How mao'/ stories does your home have? | i" Howhigwlllvourhomebe? | 2,600 Square Feet |2,500 Large 3 BRfDen ^ What IS Your Zipcode or location? |goOG8 ^ contains |LosAngeles City What IS the name of this project? fThe Freeman House - sumit To p ro c e e d clic k th e N e xtB u tto n Below ... Figure 4.2.3: A HEED program screen shot 3 - during preparation of model Figure 4.2.4 to 4.2.6 shows the developm ent of the Freeman house. In these windows, w e normally insert the basic footprint of fhe design and set fhe exact orienfafion of fhe building. HEED has a limifafion during fhis foofprinf inpuf. We cannof inserf fhe specific lengfh and widfh of fhe building in HEED. In mulfiplicofion of 4feef, one con decide fhe closest lengfh and widfh of fhe building and inserf fhem during fhis sfage of developm enf. Wifh fhof, w e con also creofe fhe surrounding of fhe building wifh limifed opfions and mulfiple of 4feef. 169 Due to this small limitation of 4 feet multiple of design Input, the results also vary a little. HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 1 5,20 05 ) Ü 1 0 $ ' j [ i A E lit A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib r a r y P r in t t d a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t F lo o r Plan n er S chem e 3 : Copy 2: M y F irst D esign P ro je c t: THE FREEM AN HOUSE B uilding Type: SINGLE FAM ILY RESIDENCE c ity Location: Los A ngeles G round Flo o r U p Fill in yo u r F lo o r Plan: C l i c k o r D r a g to t ill o r e r a s e a r e a s . E a c h g r id s q u a r e I s 4 x 4 f e e t In Your Initial Design Data you specified: T o ta lA r e a w a s 2 6 0 0 s q ft. N u m b e r o f S t o r ie s w a s 2 In this Current Plan: T o ta l F lo o r A r e a I s 2 3 6 0 s q f l. A r e a ü f t h ls l1 o ü r i s 1 2 5 2 .0 0 s g ft. O v e ra ll W id th o f t h is p la n I s 4 8 fe e t . O v e ra ll D e p th o f t h l s p la n i s 4 0 f e e t . C o v e r a g e o f o v e r a ll W id th x D e p th is 6 5 % B u ild in g | E r a s e | P a v in g 11 G a r a g e | [~ N E lg h tia r j R e c a lc u la t e B a c k Figure 4.2.4: A HEED program screen shot 4 - during preparation of model 70 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Æ É Exit r '■ ' i J i a Q 4 » ■ B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ib ra ry P rin t td a n u a i A dvice H ei|) A b o u t Orientation Scheme 3 : Copy 2: My First Design Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Buiiding Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies N O R T H * S u n r l s e in S u m m e r S u n s e tin S u m m e r * W E S T * * S u n r i s e in W in te r S u n s e t in W i n t e r * S O U T H Click and drag to rotate your house te fac e in the cerrect direction. F ro n t is fa c in g d u e S o u th . R e c a ic u la te B a c k N ext Figure 4.2.5: A HEED program screen shot 5 - during preparation of model 7 1 HEED 2.0 (Build 9, May 15,2005) ÆÉ hi i a S 4 » [ c iA E x it A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ito ra ry P r in t I d a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t F lo o r Plan n er S chem e 3 : Copy 2: M y F irst D esign P ro je c t: THE FREEM AN HOUSE B uilding Type: SINGLE FAM iLY RESIDENCE City Location: Los A ngeles G round Flo o r U p Fill in your Floor Plan: C l i c k o r D r a g to f ill o r e r a s e a r e a s . E a c h g r id s q u a r e I s 4 x 4 f e e t in Your initial Design Data you specified: T o ta lA r e a w a s 2 6 0 0 s q ft. N u m b e r o f S to r ie s w a s 2 in this Current Plan: T o ta l F io o r A r e a i s 2 3 6 0 s q f l . A r e a ü f t h is f l o o r l s 1 2 5 2 .0 0 s q lt. O v e ra ll W id th o f t h is p ia n Is d O fe e t. O v e ra ll D e p th o f t h l s p la n i s 4 0 f e e t . C o v e r a g e o f o v e r a ll W id th x D e p th Is 6 5 % B u ild in g | E r a s e ] P a v in g 11 G a r a g e 1 1 N e ig h b o r R e c a ic u la t e B a c k I N e x t Figure 4.2.6: A H EED program screen shot 6 - during preparation of model 72 In Figure 4.2.7 to 4.2.11, you con see how we inserted the specific doors and windows size and type to the house. HEED coils this port “windows layout” in which it normally divides the building into four sides and roof. That is how the 5 following windows in HEED let us decide first the size of window and doors on that elevation and then to place them at the possible exact location. In the previous version of HEED, this option was limited to a maximum of two sizes of doors and windows only. That means on EAST elevation cannot have three different size doors or windows. During insertion of windows and doors, HEED shows a small three- dimensional model view of the whole building on top right side corner of the screen which mokes it easy to understand. Even the process of duplicating the same size w indow and deleting any unnecessary door or w indow is very easy in this part. In the next window called Window, Door and Sunshade, (Figure 4.2.11 ) w e can insert the exact size fins and overhangs. 73 ■ , ■ , 'H HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15, 2005) h i E v a lu a te L ib ra ry A d v ic e H e lp Ijc iÀ A b o u t Window Layout Scheme 5 :22 Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles le ft deer rear door rig h t door 4 4.33 5.67 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 4.33 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 4.33 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 i p i l I 3.00 1.33 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 LEFT REAR RIGHT ROOF □ Q CATALOG: 0 E G H Drag and Drop Recycle FRONT is Due South Click and drag windouvs/doors to th e ir c o rre c t locations. To Delete, drag to Ftecycle bin. Add or Delete w in d ow s on W indow sjD oors D esign Screen. Figure 4.2.7: A HEED program screen shot 7 - during preparation of model 74 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) ^ X j p 1 f t e Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E va lu ate L Ib ra ty P rin t Id a n u a l A d vice H e lp A b o u t Window Layout Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Scheme 5:22 Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles le ft s id e le ft d o o r rear re a r d o o r rig h t d o o r ro o f 4 4.33 5.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 4.33 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 4.33 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 3.00 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 III F R O N T R E A R R IG H T R O O F A □ — — □ CATALOG: D E - G H Drag and Drop Recycle LEFT Is Due West Click and drag vulndovus/doors to their correct locations. To Delete, drag to Recycle bin. Add or Delete windows on WIndowsiDoors Design Screen. R e c a lc u la te B a c k N e xt Figure 4.2.8: A H EED program screen shot 8 - during preparation of model 75 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) i a S w B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L lb ra ty P rin t tita n u a l A dvice H e lp A b o u t Exit Window Layout Scheme 5:22 Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles le ft sid e le ft d o o r re a r d o o r rig h t d o o r ro o f C 4 4.33 5.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D 4 4.33 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E 6 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 F 1 4.33 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1 3.00 6.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 H 1 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 F R O N T L E F T ] i rearH R IG H T R O O F — — ■ — — ° CATALOG: A 3 0 E : G H Drag and Drop Recycle REAR Is Due North Click and drag vdndows/doors to their correct locations. To Delete, drag to Recycle hin. Add or Delete windows on WlndowslDoors Design Screen. R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.9: A HEED program screen shot 9 - duhng preparation of model 76 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d à i E va iu ate L ib ra ry P rin t S tita n u a i Advice H e ip A b o u t Window Layout Scheme 5:22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles W IN D O W O V E R H A N O L E F T FIN R IG H T FIN A L o c a tio n T yp e Q u a n tity W id th H e ig h t D e p th O ffse t D e p th O ffs e t D e p th O ffse t fro n t 1 A 7 2 .9 0 9 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 fro n t d o o r 1 B 6 4 .3 3 9 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 — le fts id e R 4 4 .3 3 5 .6 7 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 le ft d o o r 1 D 4 4 .3 3 9 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 u F R O N T L E FT R E A B R O OF A A 3 □ ) E 0 CATALOG: H I Drag and Drop Recycle A _ RIGHT Is Due East Click and drag windows/doors to their correct locations. To Delete, drag to Recycle bln. Add or Delete windows on WIndowstDoors Design Screen. R e c a lc u la te B a c k N ext Figure 4.2.10: A H EED program screen shot 10 - duhng preparation of model 77 II.ILI HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Exit ' A ' 7 ^ w i a Q -, [ c iA B a s ic A d v a n c e d E va lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t td a n u a l A dvice H e lp A b o u t WINDOW, DOOR, and SUNSHADES DESIGN Scheme 5:22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Overhang Depth • « — W IN D O W O V E R H A N G L E F T FIN R IG H T FIN L o c a tio n T yp e O u a n tlty W id th H e ig h t D e p th O ffs e t D e p th O ffs e t D e p th O ffs e t fro n t A 7 | 3.90 9.00 0 .00 O.OOj 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 fro n td o o r b | 6 | 4 . 3 3 9.00 0 . 0 0 1 O.OOj 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 1 0 .00 le fts id e 0 4 | 4 .33 5.67 0 . 0 0 1 O.OOj 0 . 0 0 1 0.00 0 .00 1 0 .00 le ft d o o r d | 4 | 4 .33 9.00 0 . 0 0 1 O.OOj 0 . 0 0 1 0.00 0 .00 1 0 .00 re a r e | 6 1 .33 1 .33 0 . 0 0 1 O.OOj 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 1 0 .00 r e a r d o o r f | 1 | 4 .33 6.67 0 .00 0 .0 0 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 rig h t s id e e j 3 4 .33 5.67 0 .00 O.OOj 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 rig h t d o o r H | 3 | 4 .33 9.00 0 . 0 0 1 O.OOj 0 . 0 0 1 0.00 0 .00 1 0 .00 Overhang Ofket Wld( Sill HeigA à ht Orisitation A & R e c a lc u la te B a c k N ext Figure 4.2.11 : A H EED program screen shot 1 1 - during preparation of model After defining fhe basic foofprinf and assigning fhe dears and win daws fa fhe made!, HEED enfers fa specific level cf inpuf. The fcllawing Figures 4.2.12 fa 4.2.18 shaw aur inpuf far fhaf infarmafian. 78 Here again, HEED gives us limited (8-10) general aptians ta select w tiicti is ttie clesest te aur sctieme. " I HEED 2 .0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) E xit w i a Q B a s ic A d v a n c e d E va lu ate L ib ra ry P rin t tita n u a l A d vice H e lp A b o u t Glass Type Schemes :22 Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Frame Type: A lu m in u m w ith o u t a th e rm a l b re a k , O p e ra b le W in d o w C W o o d o rV in y i O p e ra b le W in d o w Glass and Aluminum Frame Window: f E n e rg y O o d e td in im u m H y p o th e tic a l fo r O iim a te Z o n e 9 (U = .6 7 S H O O = .4 0 T v is = N o R e q u ire m e n t s o s e t= .40) r C le a r S in g le P a n e 1/8" g la s s in a lu m in u m fra m e ( U -1 .3 T S H G C -.7 5 T v is -.7 7 ) r C le a r D o u b le P a n e in a lu m in u m fra m e (U -.8 1 S H G C -.6 1 T v ls -.6 6 ) C C le a r D o u b le P a n e L o w -E In a lu m in u m fra m e (U = .6 9 S H G O = .5 0 T v ls = .6 4 ) r C le a r D o u b le P a n e L o w -E s q u a re d In a lu m in u m fra m e ( U -.6 7 S H G G -.3 4 T v ls -.6 0 ) C C le a r A rg o n fille d D b l P a n e L o w -E s q u a re d In a lu m in u m fra m e (U = .6 3 S H O C = .3 4 T v ls = .6 0 ) C T in te d D o u b le P a n e In a lu m in u m fra m e (U -.8 1 S H G G -.4 5 T v ls -.5 7 ) r T in te d D o u b le P a n e L o w -E in a lu m in u m fra m e ( U -.6 9 S H G G -.3 9 T v ls -.5 3 ) C T in te d D o u b le P a n e L o w -E s q u a re d In a lu m in u m fra m e (U = .6 7 S H O O = .2 5 T v ls = .3 8 ) C T in te d D o u b le P a n e R e fle c tiv e (S S ) in a lu m in u m (U -.8 1 S H G G -.1 G T v ls -.8 9 ) C C le a r T r lp le P a n e In a lu m in u m fra m e (U = .6 7 S H O O = .5 4 T v ls = .6 0 ) N o te: V a lu e s fro m A S H R A E 3881 G h .3 8 ; d o u b le a n d T rip le g la z in g h a s 1/4" g la s s w ith a 1 /3" a ir s p a c e . T in te d D o u b le g la z in g h a s b lu e /g re e n o n th e e x te rio r w ith c le a r on In te rio r, SS Is S ta in le s s S te e l. Y o u can lo a d in v a lu e s fo r a n y o th e r m a n u fa c tu re d w in d o w a s s e m b lie s o n th e A d v a n c e d W in d o w s s c re e n . R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.12: A H EED program screen shot 12 - during preparation of model 79 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t Q M a n u a l 4 * Advice H e lp tci* A b o u t insuiation Schemes :22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Buiiding Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies (W a ll R = 0 ,C e ilin g R = 0 , F lo o r R = 0 ) (W a ll R = 0 ,C e llln g R = 1 9, F lo o r R =0 ) (W a ll R = 1 1 ,C e llin g R = 1 3 , F lo o r R = 1 1 ) (W a ll R - 1 3 , C e llln g R - 3 0 , F lo o r R - 1 9 ) Level of Insulation: I» N o In s u la tio n : H o u s e B u ilt p re -S lïtIe s In s u la te d A ttic O nly (to C u rre n t C o d e le vel) r In s u la te d A ttic a n d R a is e d F lo o r (to C u rre n t C o d e ) (W a ll R = 0 ,C e llin g R = 1 9, F lo o r R = 1 3) ( ' L ittle In s u la tio n : B u ilt b e fo re E n e rg y C o d e In 1 9 7 9 (W a ll R = 7 ,C e llin g R = 1 1, F lo o r R =0 ) r E a rly E n e rg y C o d e c C u rre n t E n e rg y C o d e (2 0 0 1 ) fo r C lim a te Z o n e 9 C In s u la tio n U p g ra d e to 1,5 tim e s C u rre n t C o d e r S u p e r In s u la tio n to 2 tim e s C u rre n t C o d e C C u rre n t E n e rg y C o d e w ith H e a v y M a s s W a lls (W a ll R = 2 .4 4 ,C e llin g R = 3 0 , F lo o r R = 1 9) Reflective Foil Radiant Barriers (in Attics only) r R a d ia n t B a rrie r In s ta lle d In Attic (s h in y s u rfa c e fa c in g Into v e n te d attic a b o v e In s u la tio n In c e llin g ) o r In F la t R o o f (s h in y s u rfa c e fa c in g Into a ve n te d a ir s p a c e a b o v e In s u la tio n ) (• N o R a d ia n t B a rrie r In Attic o r F la t R o o f (o r u p s ta irs Is a n o c c u p ie d unit: s e e R o o f s c re e n ) N o te: In th is C lim a te Z o n e 9, th e C o d e P a c k a g e C a n d D r e q u ire s a R a d ia n t B a rrie r In A ttics R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.13: A H EED program screen shot 13 - during preparation of model 180 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Jnjxj -77 Ç7 7 . i A Q CciA Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ib ra ry P rin t tila n u a i A d vice H e ip A b o u t Walls Scheme 5:22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Walls <' s tu c c o o r B ric k on 2x4 W o o d S tu d s a t 16" w ith P ia s te r B o a rd in te rio r r W o o d o r V inyi S id in g on 2x4 W o o d S tu d s a t 16", P ia s te r B o a rd in te rio r r s tu c c o o r B ric k on 2x6 W o o d S tu d s a t 24", w ith P la s te r B o a rd in te rio r r W o o d o r V inyi S id in g on 2x6 W o o d S tu d s a t 24", P ia s te r B o a rd in te rio r r s tu c c o , V inyi, o r W o o d , 1 "+ P o iy s t^re n e ,P iy w o o d ,2 x 4 W o o d S tu d s a t 16", P ia s te r B o a rd r s tu c c o , V inyi, o r W o o d , 1 "+ P o iy s ty re n e ,P iy w o o d ,2x6 W o o d S tu d s a t 24", P ia s te r B o a rd C s tu c c o on 4 -1 /2 " S iP S P a n e is (O S B, 3 -5 /8 "+ P o iy s ty re n e , O SB), P ia s te r B o a rd r s tu c c o on 8 "C o n c re te B io c k ,+ in s u ia tio n ,2 x 4 S tu d W a ii, P ia s te r B o a rd (a c ts ilke io w m a s s ) r s tu c c o on 8 "C o n c re te B io c k , in s u ia tio n fiiie d c o re s . E x p o s e d o r P ia s te re d ( • W o o d o r V inyi S id in g , F o ii, A ir S p a c e , 8 "C o n c re te B io c k , E x p o s e d o r P ia s te re d ( ' S tu c c o , 2 "+ P o iy s t're n e o n 8" H o iio w C o n c re te B io c k , E x p o s e d o r P ia s te r B o a rd C s tu c c o , 2 "+ P o iy s ty re n e o n 5" S o iid C o n c re te o r B io c k , E x p o s e d o r P ia s te r B o a rd C s tu c c o , ï'in s u ia te d C o n c re te F o rm W a il, P ia s te r B o a rd in te rio r r S o iid 8 "M a s o n ty W a ii, u n in s u ia te d . E x p o s e d in s id e a n d C u t (d o e s n o t m e e t c o d e ) N o te :"-*" m e a n s th ic k n e s s ca n in c re a s e if re q u ire d by th e in s u ia tio n s c re e n o r to m e e t L o c a i E n e rg y C o d e R e c a ic u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.13: A H EED program screen shot 13 - during preparation of model 181 H z E xit B a s ic A d v a n c e d z k i E v a iu a te i L ib ra ry a P rin t Q M a n u a i A d vice j. H e ip A b o u t Roof Schemes :22 Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies Roof Construction : r N o h e a t lo s s th ro u g h ro o f b e c a u s e u p s ta irs is a n o ttie rtie a te d u n it P W h ite (C o o i R o o f) E ia s to m e tric tite m h ra h e , F ia t R o o f ( ' M e d iu m C o io re d Ag g rig ate o n B u iit-u p A s p h a it, F ia t R o o f r W tiite (C o o i R o o t) T iie s , N a tu ra iiy V e n tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o t r W h ite (C o o i R o o f) T iie s , F an V e h tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o t ( ' M e d iu m C o io re d S h in g ie s , N a tu ra iiy V e n tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o f M e d iu m C o io re d S tiin g ie s , F a n V e n tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o t C C ia y o r C o n c re te T iie s , N a tu ra iiy V e n tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o t ( ' C ia y o r C o n c re te T iie s , F a n V e n tiia te d Attic, S io p e d R o o f in th is c iim a te z o n e , a ttic s m u s ttia v e a R e fle c tiv e F o ii R a d ia n t B a rrie r o n ttie u n d e rs id e o fttie ro o f e x p o s e d to a ttic air, to m e e t th e E h e rg y C o d e 's P re s c rip tiy e P a c k a g e C a n d D (s e e B a s ic ih s u ia tio h s c re e h ). A ii R o o fs h ave P ia s te r B o a rd C e iiih g s a n d W o o d J o is ts w ith ih s u ia tio h h e tw e e n . Attic F a n s h ave a th e r m o s ta t so o n iy ru n w h e n n e e d e d . R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.14: A H EED program screen shot 14 - during preparation of model 182 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) 4 1 E xit B a s ic A d v a n c e d w E v a lu a te L ib ra ry a P rin t e M a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp [ciA A b o u t Fioors Scheme 5:22 Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Buiiding Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies First Floor Construction : C N o h e a t lo s s th ro u g h flo o r, b e c a u s e th e re is a n o th e r h e a te d d w e llin g b e lo w C W o o d F lo o r C a rp e te d , o v e r a V e n te d C ra w l S p a c e ( ' F in is h e d W o o d F lo o r o v e r V e n te d C ra w l S p a c e C C e r a m lc T lle d F lo o r o v e rV e n te d C ra w l S p a c e r L ig h tw e ig h t C o n c re te F lo o r C a rp e te d , o v e rV e n te d C ra w l S p a c e r S la b o n th e G ra d e , C a rp e te d (• S la b o n th e G ra d e , E x p o s e d F in is h e d S u rfa c e o r T ile C G o n c re te S tru c tu ra l F lo o r, G a rp e te d , o v e r u n h e a te d g a ra g e C C o n c re te F lo o r llle d o r E x p o s e d , o v e r u n h e a te d g a ra g e R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.15: A HEED program screen shot 15 - during preparation of model 183 HEEDZ.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Æ É E xit h i 1 a e • E c ii B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t M a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t Ventilation Scheme 5:22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeies infiltration and Weather Stripping: P o o rly S e a le d O ld e r H o m e (1 .0 a ir c h a n g e p e r h o u r) S ta n d a rd C o d e M in im u m C o n s tru c tio n (0 .5 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) C T ig h t W e a th e rS trlp p In g , B e s t Q u a lity W in d o w s (0 .4 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) C a d d C o n tin u o u s B a rrie r H o u s e W ra p (0 .3 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) f ' F u lly S e a le d F a c a d e , N o O p e ra b le W in d o w s , V e s tib u le E n try (0.1 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) Ventilation (Economizer Fan or Natural Ventilation Cooling): r S e a le d B u ild in g (p ro v id e s o n ly re q u ire d m in im u m v e n tila tio n ) w in d o w s c a n n o t be o p e n e d C M in im u m N a tu ra l V e n tila tio n (u p to 1.0 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) by o p e n in g w in d o w s a s n e e d e d (n o fa n s ) ( • G o o d N a tu ra l V e n tila tio n (u p to 5 .0 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) by o p e n in g w in d o w s a s n e e d e d (n o fa n s ) ( ' H ig h N a tu ra l V e n tila tio n (u p to 2 0 .0 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r) by o p e n in g w in d o w s a s n e e d e d (n o fa n s ) C S m a ll W h o le H o u s e F a n (u p to 5.0 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r a s n e e d e d ) C L a rg e W h o le H o u s e F a n (u p to 2 0 .0 a ir c h a n g e s p e r h o u r a s n e e d e d ) R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.16: A HEED program screen shot 16 - during preparation of model 184 = - - à â 1 a S Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t tita n u a ! A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t Heating and Cooling Schemes :22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Buiiding Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies Furnace (• N o F u rn a c e r O ld e r L o w E ffic ie n c y F u rn a c e (7 2 % A n n u a l F u e l U tiliz a tio n E ffic ie n c y : A F U E ) C E n e rg y C o d e titin im u m F u rn a c e (8 0 % to 9 0 % A F U E d e p e n d in g o n C lim a te Z o n e ) r H ig h E ffic ie n c y E n e rg y S ta r F u rn a c e (9 2 % A n n u a l F u e l U tiliz a tio n E ffic ie n c y ) Air Conditioner (• N o A ir C o n d itio n e r r O ld e r A ir C o n d itio n e r (8 .9 S e a s o n a l E n e rg y E ffic ie n c y R a tio , S E E R ) ( ' E n e rg y C o d e titin im u m A ir C o n d itio n e r (9 to 1 3 S E E R d e p e n d in g o n C lim a te Z o n e ) C H ig h E ffic e n c y E n e rg y S ta rA ir C o n d itio n e r (1 2 to 1 4 S E E R d e p e n d in g o n C iim a te Z o n e ) R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.17: A HEED program screen shot 17 - during preparation of model 185 HEED Z.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Æ i i E xit . — k ï i a S B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t tita n u a l A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t Operable Shading Schemes :22 Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Operable Shading : (• O v e rh a n g s ’ 'A re F ix e d A ll Y e a r L o n g , N e v e r R e tra c te d , o r th e r e a re N o O v e rh a n g s , S h a d e s , o rV e n e tia n B lin d s C O v e rh a n g s * A re R e tra c te d /R e m o v e d In W in te r (O c to b e r th ro u g h Id ay) r O v e rh a n g s * R e tra c te d In W in te r a n d a n y H o u r In S u m m e r W h e n In d o o r le m p e r a tu r e Is B e lo w C o m fo rt L o w ( ' O v e rh a n g s * A u to m a te d H o u rly to P ro v id e S u m m e r S h a d in g o r R e tra c t to td a x lm lz e W in te r S o la r G a in r L ig h tT r a n s lu c e n t In te rio r S h a d e s C lo s e T o B lo c k S u n A n y H o u r W h e n In d o o r R e a c h e s C o m fo rt H ig h -3 C D a rk O p a q u e In te rio r S h a d e s C lo s e T o B lo c k S u n A n y H o u r W h e n In d o o r T e m p e r a tu r e R e a c h e s C o m fo rt H ig h -3 O' L ig h tT r a n s lu c e n t In te rio r S h a d e s A u to m a te d H o u rly fo r S u m m e r S h a d in g o r R e tra c t to td a x lm lz e W in te r S o la r G a in ( ' D a rk O p a q u e In te rio r S h a d e s A u to m a te d H o u rly fo r S u m m e r S h a d In g o r R e a tr a c tto td a x lm lz e W in te r S o la r G a in C L ig h t V e n e tia n B lin d s A re F ix e d at 4 5 D e g re e s A ll Y e a r L o n g , T h e y A re N e v e r R e tra c te d C L ig h t V e n e tia n B lin d s a t 4 5 D e g re e s o r C lo s e d T ig h t H o u rly W h e n In d o o r T e m p e r a tu r e R e a c h e s C o m fo rt H ig h -3 r L ig h t V e n e tia n B lin d s C lo s e If S u n Is o n W in d o w a n d In d o o rs Is A b o v e C o m fo rt L o w , o r C o m fo rt H lg h -3 In W in te r ( ' E x te rio r L ig h t S la tte d B lin d s A u to m a te d th e S a m e a s A b o v e e ith e r C lo s e d T ig h t o r D ra w n F u lly C p e n * C v e rh a n g s (s u c h a s a w n in g s ) m u s t b e d e fin e d o n W in d o w S u n s h a d e s c re e n C p e ra b le S u n C o n tro ls a p p ly to a ll w in d o w s u n le s s d e le te d in d iv id u a lly on A d v a n c e d W in d o w s /S u n s h a d e s c re e n td o v e a b le D ra p e s fo r n ig h t w in d o w In s u la tio n a re c o n tro lle d s e p a ra te ly on A d v a n c e d W in d o w s /S u n s h a d e s c re e n R e c a lc u la te B a c k ^ e x j Figure 4.2.18: A HEED program screen shot 18 - during preparation of model After following fhe above steps we con colculofe fhe resulfs - run fhe simulofion. HEED also gives on advanced opfion m ode for furfher inserfion of more specific building dofo. The following figures 4.2.19 fo 4.2.29 shows our inpuf for fhe Freeman House in advanced mode. 186 HEED 2 .0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) i - p h i i a Q t o * Exit B a s ic A d y a h c e d E y a iu a te L ib ra ry P rih t M a h u a i A d y ic e H e ip A b o u t Climate Data Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles SITE LOCATION: I 9 0 0 6 8 Z ip c o d e (L o c a tio n is d e fin e d on th e in itia i D e s ig n S c re e n ) I 3 4 .1 3 L a titu d e I 9 C a iifo rn ia C iim a te Z o n e : 1 -1 6 ( e s ta b iis h e s E n e rg y C o d e r e g u ire m e n ts fo r S c h e m e 1 a n d 3) SITE CONDITIONS: Computed from TMY Climate Data per ASHRAE formulas I 3 3 .6 3 W in te r O u td o o r D E S iG N L O W T e m p e r a tu re F I 9 3 .9 3 S u m m e r O u td o o r D E S iG N H iG H T e m p e ra tu re F I 1 ,3 6 4 .3 8 H e a tin g D e g re e D a y s (C o m p u te d fro m T tilY d a ta fo r B a s e 6 5 d e g re e s ) DESIGN CONDITIONS: User Supplied Constraints for this Scheme I 7 8 .8 8 L o w e s t in d o o r C O ttlF O R T T e m p e ra tu re D e g re e s F I 7 5 .0 0 H ig h e s t in d o o r C O M F O R T T e m p e ra tu re D e g re e s F I Ô 3 Ô G ro u n d R e fle c ta n c e ( y e g e ta tio n = .3 0 , n e w s n o w = .7 4 ) r 1 3 1 3 D a y A n a ly s is S ta rt tilo n th ( 1 to 1 3 , o r 0 fo r a ii 3 6 5 d a y s ) Ti 1 2 D a y A n a ly s is S ta rt D a y ( 1 to 3 1 , o r 0 fo r a ll 3 6 5 d a y s ) ifO is e n te re d fo r "1 2 D a y A n a ly s is ...", th e n th e c a ic u ia tio h w iii b e fo r a fu ll 3 6 5 d a y s , o r 8 7 6 0 h o u rs /y e a r. H o u rly c iim a te d a ta fo r a ii 8 7 6 0 h o u rs /y e a r c a n h e d o w n lo a d e d fo r h u n d re d s s ta tio n s fro m th e w e b (s e e R E A D -U S A .T X T file ). R e c a ic u ia te B a c k N ext Figure 4.2.19: A HEED program screen shot 19 - during advanced building data input process 187 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) 41 Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d w E v a lu a te L ib ra ry a P rin t Q tila n u a l A d v ic e H e lp [c^ A b o u t Envelope Design Summary Scheme? : 44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles 1 ,2 5 2 .0 4 8 .0 0 E a s t-to -W e s t O v e ra ll D im e n s io n FT. 4 0 .0 0 N o rth -to -S o u th O v e ra ll D im e n s io n FT. A re a o f th e la rg e s t F lo o r o r F la t R o o f S Q .FT. 65.21 P e rc e n t o f m a x im u m e n v e lo p e ( le n g th * w id th ) 2 .0 0 N u m b e r o f F lo o rs 2 ,3 6 0 .0 0 T o ta l F lo o r A re a S Q .FT. 1 2 .0 0 F lo o r to F lo o r H e ig h t FT. A v e ra g e (E tfe c ts E x te rio r S u rfa c e A re a s ) 1 0 .6 7 F lo o r to C e llin g H e ig h t FT. A v e ra g e (E ffe c ts In te rlo rV o lu m e ) 2 5 ,1 8 1 .2 0 T o ta l V o lu m e o f O c c u p ie d S p a c e C D .F T . (In te rio r) B e a rin g O ffT ru e S o u th (C lo c k w is e Is P o s itiv e ) R e c a lc u la te B a c k N ext Figure 4.2.20: A HEED program screen shot 20 - during advanced building data input process 188 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) w 1 a e • B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t M a n u a l A d v ic e F lelp A b o u t E xit WINDOW/SUNSHADE/DOOR DESIGN Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeies L O C A T IO N D IM E N S IO N S O L A Z IN O O R IE N T A T IO N D ra p e O V E R H A N O L E F T FIN R IO H T F IN Q u a n tity W ld tti H e lg tit U fa c to r T ra n s . S H O O F a c in g * T ilt R -V a lu e * * D e p tti O ffs e t D e p tti O ffs e t D e p tti O ffs e t s o u th 7 2 .9 0 9 .0 0 0 .6 7 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 s o u th d o o r G 4 .3 3 9 .0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 | 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 w e s t 4 4 .3 3 5 .6 7 0 .6 7 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 9 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 w e s t d o o r 4 .3 3 9 .0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 9 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 n o rth G 1 .3 3 1 .3 3 0 .6 7 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 1 8 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 n o rth d o o r 1 4 .3 3 6 .6 7 0 .5 0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 8 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 | 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 e a s t 2 4 .3 3 5 .6 7 0 .6 7 0 0 .4 0 0 .4 0 -9 0 .0 0 o o .o o j 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 e a s t d o o r 3 4 .3 3 9 .0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 -9 0 .0 0 9 0 .0 0 | 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 T o a d d n e w w in d o w s o r d o o rs , ty p e in: s o u th , w e s t, n o rth , e a s t, s o u th d o o r, w e s t d o o r, n o rth d o o r, e a s t d o o r, o r s k flig h t. T o d e le te w in d o w s o r d o o rs , c h a n g e th e Q u a n tity to 0 * F a c in g d ire c tio n s ta rts c lo c k w is e fro m S o u th (i.e . S o u th F a c in g = -4 5 u p to 4 5 , W e s t F a c in g = 45 u p to 1 3 5 ) * * T h ls C o lu m n A d d s O p e ra b le S u n s h a d e s (a s d e fin e d In B a s ic M e n u ). T o a d d to a n y w in d o w ty p e * * ; to re m o v e S u n s h a d e s , e ra s e th e **. R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.21 : A HEED program screen shot 21 - during advanced building data input process 189 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) E xit B a s ic A d v a n c e d h i E v a lu a te L lb ra ty a P rin t e M a n u a l A|f A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t DAYLIGHT: Automatic Lighting Controls Scheme? : 44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Buiiding Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies I 1 0 0 .0 0 % o fL IG H T IN G th a t c a n DIM a u to m a tic a lly if D a y lig h t is a v a ila b le In O ffic e s , o r th a t w ill b e s w itc h e d o ff by O c c u p a n ts In D a y tim e In H o m e s 2 .0 0 F O O T C A N D L E S M in im u m R e q u ire d D a y tim e illu m in a tio n L e v e l (le. ty p ic a l o ffic e = 3 0 , h o m e = 2 ) 0 .1 4 W A T T S /S Q .F T . L ig h tin g P o w e r D e n s ity A v e ra g e a t n ig h t (In c lu d in g b a lla s ts ) (ty p ic a l h o m e = .0 7 to .4, o ffic e = .8 to 1.2: to e s tim a te c o u n t L it B u lb s x t h e lr W a t ts /F lo o r a re a ) 7 0 .0 0 % R E F L E C T A N C E A v e ra g e o fW a ll/C e llIn g (7 0 % If L ig h t C o lo rs , 3 0 % If D a rk e r c o lo rs o r lo ts o f " S tu ff) 1 6 .0 0 D E P T H o f T y p ic a l D a y llt Z o n e m e a s u re d fro m w in d o w to th e d a rk e s t p o in t ( s h o u ld b e le s s th a n th re e tim e s c e llin g h e ig h t) 0 .0 0 D IF F U S E B L IN D * % T ra n s m is s iv ity (0 .0 m e a n s n o D iffu s e B lin d s c u rre n tly In s ta lle d ) 0 .0 0 V E N E T IA N B L IN D * A n g le fro m H o riz o n ta l (g re a te r a n g le s th ro w m o re lig h t o n th e c e llin g ) (0 .0 m e a n s th e re a re N C V e n e tia n B lin d s In s ta lle d : th e y a re n o t a llo w e d o n S k y lig h ts ) I ÏÜÔÏi S q F t F lo o r A re a lit by S K Y L IG H T S In th e In te rio r to p flo o r (s e e W IN D C W s c re e n ) (0 .0 m e a n s N C S k y lig h ts a re p ro v id e d , o r N C L ig h tin g c a n D IM a u to m a tic a lly ) A S S U M P T IC N S : D Im m a b le L ig h ts c o n s u m e N o P o w e r w h e n T o ta lly D im m e d o r C ft P o w e r u s e d by D Im m a b le L ig h ts Is p ro p o rtio n a l to th e illu m in a tio n C u tp u t * B lln d s a re a s s u m e s to A L W A Y S d iffu s e a ll D ire c t B e a m S u n lig h t R e c a lc u la te B a c k ^Ne^ Figure 4.2.22: A HEED program screen shot 22 - during advanced building data input process 190 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) 4 1 E xit B a s ic A d v a n c e d i i i E v a lu a te L ib ra ry % P rin t e M a n u a l A d v ic e H e lp [ciA A b o u t THERMAL MASS Interior Storage Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles N a m e o f S to ra g e E le m e n t (re v is e to s u it) F lo o r W a lls C e llin g |ln te rlo r L e n g th o f S to ra g e E le m e n t In F e e t 47.21 1 4 2 .1 2 3 8 .7 6 1 0 .0 0 W id th o r H e ig h t o f E le m e n t In F e e t 1 2 7 .5 4 8 .0 0 3 2 .3 0 1 0 .0 0 N u m b e r o f W a ll S u rfa c e o r o th e r E le m e n ts 1 1. 3 1 .| 0. M a te ria l (d ry w a ll,b rlc k ,c o n c re te ,s to n e ,a d o b e . p la s te r,tlle ,w o o d ,lt.w t.c o n c re te ,w a te r,o th e r) [c o n c re te c o n c re te d ty w a ll 1 In c h e s T h ic k U s e fu l S to ra g e (o r G a llo n s ItW a te r) 4 .0 0 4 .2 3 1 .8 0 | 0 .0 0 ’ D e n s ity o fT h e r m a l M a s s (Ib /cu .tt.) 1 4 0 .0 0 1 4 0 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 ’ S p e c ific H e a t o f M a s s (B T U /lb /D e g F .) 1 0 .2 2 0 .2 2 0 .2 6 1 0 .0 0 ’ C o n d u c tiv ity p e r In ch o f M a s s (B T U ’ In th r’ sg .tt.’ D e g F .) 1 2 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 i . o o | 0 .0 0 ’ M a x im u m T h ic k n e s s to r U s e fu l S to ra g e (In c h e s ) 1 4 .2 3 4 .2 3 1 .8 8 ] 0 .0 0 ’ T h e s e v a lu e s a re c o m p u te d a u to m a tic a lly ; to o v e rrid e th e m e n te r "o th e r" fo r m a te ria l. In o rd e r to s to re h e a t In s id e th e B u ild in g , a ll th e s e T h e rm a l M a s s S to ra g e e le m e n ts m u s t b e o n th e In te rio r s id e o tth e IN S U U tT IO N U tY E R In th e b u ild in g 's o u ts id e w a lls . In c lu d e th in g s Ilk e In te rio r p a rtitio n s a n d fire p la c e s . H o w e v e r n o te th a tth e T o ta l T h e rm a l M a s s (b o th In s id e a nd o u ts id e th e In s u la te d la y e r) w ill d e te rm in e th e U -F A C T O R , a s w e ll a s th e TIM E LAG th a t d e la y s w h e n th e h e a t c o n d u c ts fro m th e o u ts id e to th e In te rio r o tth e B u ild in g , a n d th e D E C R E M E N T o r d a m p in g o f th is te m p e ra tu re w a v e (th e s e th re e v a lu e s a re In p u t on th e S U R F A C E A R E A s c re e n ). R e c a lc u la te B a c k | [ | t ^ Figure 4.2.23: A HEED program screen shot 23 - during advanced building data input process 191 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2 00 5) Exit : = i l l 1 ë Q ■L B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L lb ra ty P rin t tvlanual A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t Internal Loads Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles 1,00 4 2 9 5 5 0 ,0 0 2 4 0 00 1 6 0 ,0 0 1 ,0 2 9 82 1,00 2 4 00 0 ,1 4 1 ,1 2 7 32 7 ,0 0 2 3 0 0 ,1 9 1 ,5 0 9 31 1,00 2 4 00 IN F IL T R A T IO N A ir C h a n g e s p e r H o u r (ie , h o u s e s ^ ,5, s e a le d o ffic e = ,1 ) N u m b e r o f O C C U P A N T S T o ta l ‘ F lo o r A re a fo r E a c h C c c u p a n t S g ,F t/P e rs o n * B T U /H r p e r P e rs o n S e n s ib le ( r a is e s a ir te m p e ra tu re ) le, s e a te d - 2 4 0 , * B T U /H r p e r P e rs o n L a te n t (m o is tu re a d d e d to a ir) le, s e a te d = 1 60, T o ta l O C C U P A N T L o a d B T U /H r ( S e n s ib le o nly, la te n t Is a d d e d IfA fC Is ru n n in g ) H O U R w h e n P e o p le E n te r (If th e y n e v e r le a v e u s e 1 ) H O U R b e fo re P e o p le L e a v e ( if th e y n e v e r le a v e u s e 2 4) L IG H T IN G P o w e r D e n s ity W A T T S /S g ,F t, (le , h o u s e s ,0 7 to ,4) T o ta l L ig h tin g L o a d B T U /H r (a t 3,41 B T U ,W A T T ) H G U R w h e n L ig h ts a re tu rn e d G N (1 to 2 4 ) (s e e D a y lig h t s c re e n ) H O U R b e fo re L ig h ts a re tu rn e d O F F (1 to 2 4 ) (s e e D a y lig h t s c re e n ) A P P L IA N C E a n d E Q U IP tilE N T P o w e r D e n s ity W A T T S /S g ,F t, (le, h o u s e = ,2 ) T o ta l A p p lia n c e s a n d E g u ip m e n t L o a d B T U /H r H O U R w h e n A p p lia n c e s a n d E g u ip m e n t a re tu rn e d O N (If a lw a y s O N ty p e 1 ) H O U R b e fo re A p p lia n c e s a n d E g u ip m e n t a re tu rn e d O F F ( if a lw a y s O N ty p e 2 4 ) ‘ T h e s e v a lu e s a re c o m p u te d a u to m a tic a lly , b u t y o u m a y o v e rrid e th e m R e c a lc u la te B a c k ^ e x j Figure 4.2.24: A HEED program screen shot 24 - during advanced building data input process 192 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) 4 1 , i a e E xit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t M a n u a i A d v ic e H e lp A b o u t HVAC Systems Design Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Scheme? : 44 (advanced) Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles 1 5 .0 0 5 .0 0 7 0 .0 0 6 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 8 5 .0 0 T y p e o f H e a tin g V e n tila tin g a n d A ir C o n d itio n in g S y s te m (0 = N o H V A C S y s te m s ) (1 - V e n tila tio n S y s te m O niy, 3 - F u m a c e + V e n t F a n , 3 - A ir C o n d itio n e r + F u rn a c e + V e n t Fa n ) A ir C h a n g e s fH o u r IN F IL T R A T IO N (ie . a v e ra g e h o u s e - .5, s e a le d o tfic e -.1 ) C FM F re s h A ir p e r P e rs o n R e q u ire d (ie .1 5 if no s m o k in g ,3 0 if s m o k in g ) ’ A ir C h a n g e s /H o u r M A X IM U M if c o o lin g w ith O u td o o r A ir ( ie .h o u s e = 2 0 ) " A v e r a g e O u td o o r T e m p e ra tu re w h e n S y s te m s w itc h e s to S u m m e r M o d e (ie .7 0 .F ) T h e r m o s ta t S e tB A C K d u rin g O c c u p ie d N ig h ttim e H o u rs 1 a m -6 a m (ie . 6 0 .F) T h e r m o s ta t S e tB A O K T e m p e ra tu re d u rin g U n o c c u p ie d H o u rs (ie . 55.F ) T h e r m o s ta t S e tU P T e m p e rtu re d u rin g H o t U n o c c u p ie d H o u rs (ie . 88.F ) % L a te n t L o a d a d d e d w h e n A ir C o n d itio n in g to re m o v e H u m id ity (ie .3 0 % ) S E E R A ir C o n d itio n in g S e a s o n a l E n e rg y E ffic ie n c y R a tio (C o d e m in im u m - 1 O to 1 3 , E n e rg y S ta r^ l 3) A F U H e a tin g S y s te m A n n u a l F u e l U tiliz a tio n E ffic ie n c y (C o d e m in im u m = .7 8 to .90, E n e rg y S ta r= .9 0 ) (M e d iu m E ffic ie n c y = .84, H ig h E ffic ie n c y = .9 2 , E ie c tric = 1 .0, H e a t P u m p = 1 .9) 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0 C F M /H P H V A C S Y S T E M B L O W E R p o w e r ( s h o rt d u c t ru n s = 3 0 0 0 , h ig h -ris e h u iid in g = 1 0 0 0 ) 0 .0 0 " C F M / H P V E N T FA N p o w e r (ie: n a tu ra l v e n tiia tio n ^ O , w h o ie - h o u s e e c o n o m iz e rfa n = 7 5 0 0 ) 6 .0 0 % D U C T L E A K A G E L O S S ( if in s id e th e c o n d itio n e d s p a c e 0 % , C o d e m in im u m = 6 % m a ï) ’ W ith a W h o ie - H o u s e F a n , o r N a tu ra l V e n tila tio n i f " C F M /H P -0 " i n W in te r M o d e s y s te m le ts in d o o r te m p e r a tu r e s f io a tu p to C o m fo rt D e s ig n H ig h in S u m m e r M o d e s y s te m trie s to h o ld in d o o r te m p e r a tu r e s d o w n n e a r C o m fo rt D e s ig n L o w 3 0 .0 0 1 3 .t 0 .7 2 R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.25: A HEED program screen shot 25 - during advanced building data input process 193 HEED Z.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) 41 Exit B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ib ra ry P rin t Q tila n u a i A d v ic e H e ip [OA A b o u t 1 ELECTRIC RATES Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeies ELECTRIC RATES for SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON (SCE) Average Rates for Year 2003 1 0 2 9 0 0 M a y B a s ic C h a rg e fo r M e te r H o o k u p P e r D a y (u s e s in g le f a m ily fo r a ll) 1 1 1 8 0 8 y k W h r B a s ic R a te fo r E ie c tric ity (u p to th e B a s e iin e a iio c a tio n ) 1 1 3 7 4 1 Ji/kW h r A b o v e B a s e iin e R a te fo r E ie c tric ity (T ie r 2) 0 .1 5 3 0 8 I/k W h r T ie r 3 R a te fo r E ie c tric ity (fo r 1 3 0 % to 1 9 9 % a b o v e B a s e iin e ) 1 1 7 1 2 6 y k W h r T ie r 4 R a te fo r E ie c tric ity (fo r 2 0 0 % to 2 9 9 % a b o v e B a s e iin e ) 1 1 7 1 2 6 Ji/kW h r T ie r 5 R a te fo r E ie c tric ity (fo r 3 0 0 % a b o v e B a s e iin e ) 1 5 .4 0 0 0 0 k W h r/d a y S u m m e r B a s e iin e A iio c a tio n (e n te r 0.0 if n o t a p p iic a b ie ) 1 1 .7 0 0 0 0 k W h r/d a y W in te r B a s e iin e A iio c a tio n (e n te r 0 .0 if n o t a p p iic a b ie ) 10 M o ntb w b e n W in te r P e rio d B e g in s 1 -1 2 (u s u a iiy 1 0 = O ct) 5 M o nth w h e n W in te r P e rio d E n d s 1 -1 2 (u s u a iiy 5 = tilay) 0 .0 5 9 0 0 I/d a y M in im u m C h a rg e (e n te r 0 .0 if n o t a p p iic a b ie ) (n o t n o w u s e d h e re ) N O T E : if y o u c h a n g e a n y o f th e s e , th e u tiiity c o m p a n y n a m e w iii b e iis te d a s "D a ta S u p p iie d B y T b e U s e r" R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.26: A HEED program screen shot 26 - during advanced building data input process 194 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Exit ' A ' w 1 a Q E c u ' B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ib ra ry P rin t tila n u a i A d v ic e H e ip A b o u t FUEL RATES Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeles 0 F u e l T y p e ( 0 - U s e U tility 's G a s R a te s ,1 - G a s R a te s R e v is e d by U s e r ,2 - P r o p a n e ,3 - O ii) NATURAL GAS RATES for SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS (SCG) Average Rates for Year 2004 0 .1 6 4 3 8 I/D a y : B a s ic C h a rg e fo r tile te r H o o k u p 0 .8 6 8 8 2 $ /th e rm : B a s e lin e G h a rg e fo r N a tu ra l G a s U s e d 1 .0 5 1 1 6 M h e r m : A b o v e B a s e iin e C h a rg e fo r N a tu ra l G a s U s e d 11 td o n th w h e n W in te r B e g in s : 1 -1 2 (u s u a iiy 11) 4 td o n th w h e n W in te r E n d s : 1 -1 2 (u s u a iiy 4) 1 .6 9 1 0 0 W in te r T h e rm s p e r D a y B a s e iin e A llo tm e n t 0 .4 7 3 0 0 S u m m e r T h e r m s p e r D a y B a s e lin e A llo tm e n t PROPANE CHARGES 1 .4 4 0 0 0 I/G a iio n HEATING OIL CHARGES 1 .0 0 0 0 0 Î/G a iio n N o te : if yo u c h a n g e a n y o fth e s e v a lu e s , th e u tiiity c o m p a n y w iii b e iis te d a s "D a ta S u p p iie d b y U s e r" R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.27: A H EED program screen shot 27 - during advanced building data input process 195 HEED Z.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Æ i i E xit • 1 — , r W i a S B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry P rin t td a n u a i A d v ic e H e ip A b o u t POLLUTION EMISSIONS : ELECTRICITY Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Pounds of Pollution per kWh D a ta fro m S o u ttie rn C a lifo rn ia E d is o n 1 9 9 3 S C A Q IitD E L F IN lito d e i N O x SO x P tit-IO R O C C O C 0 2 J a n : 1 .1 1 0 .6 5 0 .0 4 8 .0 8 2 .191 5 9 3 .0 8 Feb: 1 .9 5 0 1 .1 5 0 .0 8 6 .0 5 6 .3 8 5 1 ,0 4 1 .4 5 tdar: 2 .5 1 0 1 .4 8 0 .1 1 0 .0 7 2 .4 8 0 1 ,3 3 6 .9 0 A pr: 1 .4 1 0 .8 3 0 .0 6 2 .0 4 0 .2 4 2 7 5 1 .9 0 tit ay: 1 .5 5 0 .9 2 0 .0 6 8 .0 4 4 .2 6 6 8 2 5 .4 7 J u n : 1 .0 9 0 .6 5 0 .8 4 8 .031 .1 8 8 583 .2 1 J u i: 1 .4 1 0 .8 3 0 .8 6 2 .0 4 0 .2 4 2 7 5 1 .8 9 A u g: 1 .9 3 0 1 .1 4 0 .8 8 4 .0 5 5 .331 1 ,8 2 9 .1 5 S e p: 1 .8 2 0 1 .0 7 0 .8 8 8 .0 5 2 .3 1 2 9 6 9 .8 3 Oct: 1 .6 8 0 .9 9 0 .0 7 4 .0 4 8 .2 8 9 8 9 7 .2 5 Nov: 1 .8 7 0 1 .1 1 0 .0 8 2 .0 5 3 .3 2 2 9 9 8 .6 4 D ec: 1 .6 8 0 1 .1 0 0 .081 .0 5 3 .3 2 0 9 9 2 .3 6 R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.2.28: A H EED program screen shot 28 - during advanced building data input process 196 HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 1 5,2 00 5) E xit — k à i a e B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a iu a te L ib ra ry P rin t tila n u a i A d v ic e H e ip A b o u t POLLUTION EMISSIONS : HEATING FUEL Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project: THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SiNGLE FAMiLY RESiDENCE City Location: Los Angeles Founds/MMBTU A v e ra g e N a tio n a l d a ta fo r 1 9 9 3 N O x S O x P til- iO R O O 0 0 0 0 2 R e s id e n tia l: 1 0 0 % G a s : | 0 .0 6 6 1 . 0 0 1 1 .0 1 5 1 .0 0 7 1 .0 1 7 1 1 1 6 .0 0 0 % O il: I 0 .0 6 8 1 . 2 1 0 1 .0 1 9 1 .0 1 9 1 .0 3 0 1 1 7 3 .0 0 O o m m e r c ia i:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 % O a s : I 0 .0 9 6 1 . 0 0 1 1 .0 0 3 1 .0 0 5 1 .0 1 9 1 1 1 8 .0 0 0 % O il: I 0 .1 3 6 1 . 2 1 8 1 .0 1 9 1 .0 1 9 1 .0 3 8 1 1 6 4 .0 0 R e c a lc u la te B a c k Figure 4.2.29: A HEED program screen shot 29 - during advanced building data input process 197 4.3 RUNNING OF THE SIMULATIONS, SIMULATION R ESU LTS AND COMPARISON After finishing the basic data input, w e run the simulation. Figure 4.3.1 shews the screenshot while simulation is running - calculating the results. HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Recalcul ScheiT r E;\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.eKe For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme For Scheme Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost Calculating your Heating/Cooling cost on 6/ 7 on 6/ 8 on 6/ 9 on 6/10 on 6/11 on 6/12 on 6/13 on 6/14 on 6/15 on 6/16 on 6/17 on 6/18 on 6/19 on 6/20 on 6/21 on 6/22 on 6/23 on 6/24 on 6/25 on 6/26 on 6/27 on 6/28 on 6/29 on 6/30 AN HOUSE IILY RESIDENCE L) Jnjxj Scheme being calculated: 5 T h e p e rfo rm a n c e o f th is d e s ig n is b e in g c a ic u ia te d fo r a il 8 7 6 0 h o u rs p e r year. R e c a ic u ia te B a c k N ext Figure 4.3.1 : A H EED program screen shot 1 - the scheme being calculated 198 As soon as the results are ready, HEED shows the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) (Figure 4.3.2). in that we can read the summarized results in figures for different loads for our 2360.00 square foot floor area of the Freeman House. HEED 2.0 (Build 9 , May 15,2005) Exit w B a s ic A d v a n c e d E v a lu a te L ib ra ry A P rin t e M a n u a l A d vice H e lp A b o u t BEPS: Building Energy Performance Standards Scheme 7:44 (advanced) Project : THE FREEMAN HOUSE Building Type: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE City Location: Los Angeles 2 ,3 6 0 .0 0 F lo o r A re a T o ta l SQ .FT. 6 7 ,9 4 0 .3 9 H e a t L o s s in B T U H (w ith 1 .0 0 A ir C h a n g e s in fiitra tio n ) -2 8 .7 9 N o r m a iiie d H e a t L o s s (B T U H /s f o ffio o r) -2 .3 2 H e a tin g H V A C S y s te m O u tp u t N o rm a iiz e d (K B T U /s f 1 2 d a y s ) 0 .0 0 C o o lin g H V A C S y s te m O u tp u t N o rm a liz e d (K B T U /s f 1 2 d a y s ) 2 .3 2 T o ta i H V A O S y s te m O u tp u t N o rm a iiz e d (K B T U /s f 1 2 d a y s ) 7 6 .1 0 F u rn a c e F u e i C o n s u m e d A n n u a iiy (T h e rm s o f G a s , G a iio n s o f G li o r P ro p a n e ) 0 .0 0 A ir C o n d itio n e r o r H e a t P u m p E le c tric ity C o n s u m e d A n n u a iiy (kW H r) 7 2 .9 4 F a n s a n d B io w e rs E ie c tric ity C o n s u m e d A n n u a iiy ( l# H r ) 4 3 .8 7 L ig h tin g E ie c tric ity C o n s u m e d in 12 d a y s (K W H r) 1 2 7 .4 4 E q u ip m e n t E ie c tric ity C o n s u m e d in 12 d a y s (K W H r) 0 .0 0 E le c tric H e a t o r H e a t P u m p E ie c tric ity C o n s u m e d A n n u a iiy (kW H r) 2 4 4 .2 5 T o ta i E ie c tric ity C o n s u m e d in 12 d a y s (K W H r) 7 8 .2 7 C o s t o fH e a tin g F u e i (D e iia rs p e r 12 d ays) 3 2 .2 8 C o s t o f E ie c tric ity (D o iia rs p e r 12 d ays) 1 1 0 .5 5 C o s to fE n e r g y T o ta i (D o iia rs p e r 12 d ays) 3 .5 8 S ite E n e rg y U s e T o ta i (K B T U /s f 1 2 d a y s ) 4 .2 8 S o u rc e E n e rg y U s e T o ta i (K B T U /s f 1 2 d a y s ) T h is tru iid in g h a s N a tu ra l V e n tila tio n , F a n s , a n d a F u rn a c e (h u t no A ir C o n d itio n e r) R e c a ic u ia te B a c k Figure 4.3.2: A HEED program screens shot showing Building Energy Performance Standards 199 The following figure 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 shows fhe resulfs of our simulofion for fhe Freeman House. HEED shows energy cosfs of fhe projecf as o bar charf. Here in Figure 4.3.3, you con see fhere ore fhree columns showing differenf values. The firsf fallesf column shows fhe value, which is required fo meef fhe energy code for a same scale- area house in fhof porficulor locofion. The second column shows fhe values of a more energy efficienf design of fhe same foof prinf area. And, fhe fhird column shows fhe energy cosfs for fhe Freeman House's presenf condifions as inserfed in fhe simulofion model. We con read fhis charf in Figure 4.3.3, fhaf fo meef fhe energy code fhe same size house should nof cosf more fhon $1,750.00 fofol. While, fhe Freeman house's presenf fofol energy cosfs comes ouf fo $600.00 only. Buf fhere is no HVAC sysfem, so com forf condifions may nof be mef. If is inferesfing fo observe in fhis figure fhaf com pared fo firsf and second column why fhe Freeman house resulfs ore very low. The righf side of fhe figure shows fhe legend for fhe colors, which is com m on for oil. The charf is also giving a brief breokfhrough of fhose ocfivifies as an overall confribufion towards fhe fofol energy cosfs. The Freeman House has a significanf area of glazing on soufh fa ça d e and east west walls of upper floor main hall and lower floor bedrooms. Thof is clearly reflecfing in fofol energy cosfs. We con see 200 that com pared to the first and second column the energy costs due to lighting in the Freemon House column is less. The second very im portant thing to notice in this energy cost figure is the air conditioner. The house does not hove any air conditioning system installed. In Figure 4.2.17 you con see in our input that w e hove not selected any air conditioner in the house. While, HEED is calculating the energy loads due to air conditioner in the first and second columns. That mokes o vast difference in the totol yeorly energy costs comparison with Freeman House. The first simulofion tells us that with the present conditions the Freeman house con easily meet the Energy Code and one of the most energy efficient house, although it may not be com fortable in the overheated months. 201 Energy Costs Scheme 3 : 1: THE FREEMAN HOUSE..1 1. M eets Energy Code — 2. M ore Energy Efficient 3. 1 : THE FREEMAN H0USE..1 C Î) h o lla rs Energy Cost per year ^ I I Fans and HVAC Biow ers I I Lights I I Equipment and Appliances I I Electric Heat or Heat Pump Eurnace ELECTRICITY G AS TOTAL YEA R LY COST Figure 4.3.3: H EED simulation results stiowing energy costs for ttie Freeman House in ($) The following figure 4.3.4 shows fhe passive design comparison of fhe Freeman house meefing fhe energy code and fhe energy efficienf schemes of fhe same size house. Like fhe previous energy cosfs figure, if is worfh noficing in fhis comparison charf fhaf fhough fhe Freeman House is saving fhrough nafural lighfing, fhe heaf loss is highesf com pare fo fhe ofher tw o schemes. One more such observation is that the air-changes per hour is also going out of fhe screen and so if is fhe highesf com pared fo fhe ofher tw o because in figure 4.2.16 w e selected natural ventilation. 202 Comparison: Passive Design 1. Meets Energy Code 2. More Energy Efficient 3.1: THE FREEMAN H0USE..1 Total Floor A rea sq.ft.______ Total Glazed A rea sq.ft.____________ South Window Glazed Area sq.ft. Heat Loss (@ design low) BTUH Heating HVAC Output Tot. KBTU/sf Cooling HVAC Output Tot. KBTU/sf Total HVAC Output Total KBTU/sf Air Changes per Hour Average Cost of Total Energy Total $ 1. Meets Energy Code More Energy Efficient .3. 1: THE FREEMAN H0USE..1 Figure 4.3.4: HEED simulation results stiowing passive design comparion for ttie Freeman House As soon as we learned from the first simulation results that the major difference befween fhe Freeman House and fhe ofher two cases is due fo HVAC, w e fried fo simulofe fhe same scheme of fhe Freeman house selecfing HVAC as insfalled (Figure 4.2.17). Affer doing fhaf change w e again run fhe simulofion fo know fhe difference. There was a significanf change in resulfs as w e expected. 203 In Figure 4.3.5 you con see the results. The total yearly energy costs for the Freeman Flouse is almost $2,600. That means, if w e install the FIVAC system to the Freeman house today, it will not m eet the energy code requirements. Energy Costs Scheme 4 : 2: THE F.H. hvac i C Î) 1. M eets Energy Code — 2. M ore Energy Efficient 3. 1:THE FREEMAN HOUSE..1 4. 2: THE F.H. hvac b o lla rs Energy Cost per year C Î ) I I Fans and HVAC Blowers I I Lights I I Equipment and Appliances I I Electric Heat or Heat Pump Furnace TOTAL YEARLY COST Figure 4.3.5: H EED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC One more thing which is worth noticing in this figure is the size of the bar showing the air-conditioning energy costs. It is bigger than the other two instances. After noticing that, w e studied our inputs in detail once again to know why that is happening. We assume tw o reasons behind that. The first is that in Figure 4.2.13, w e said no insulation and 204 the second is remarkable glazing area and due to that there Is a lot of heat gain during the daytim e. In Figure 4.3.6, one can see these effects with heat loss and HVAC heating and cooling loads in KBTU/sf. Comparison: Passive Design 1. Meets Energy Code 2. More Energy Efficient 3. 1: THE FREEMAN H0USE..1 4. 2: THE F.H. hvac______________ Total Floor A rea sq.ft._________ Total Glazed Area sq.ft.___________ South Window Glazed Area sq.ft. Heat Loss itesinn low) BTUH Heatinn HVAC Output Tot. KBTUJsf Coolina HVAC Output Tot. KBTUJsT Total HVAC Output Total KBTUJsf Air Changes per Hour Average Cost of Total Energy Total 1. Meets Energy Code ,2. More Energy Efficient .3. 1: THE FREEMAN HOUSE.. 1 .4. 2: THE F.H. tivac Figure 4.3.6: H EED simulation results showing passive design comparison for the Freeman House with HVAC As scan as we learned abeut the glazing and Insulatlen affects In the energy casts, we theught te run the simulatiens separately with these Improvements in each, keeping the HVAC Installed. First, in the same scheme having HVAC Installed, In Figure 4.2.13, w e changed the Insulation selection. Before the house was selected as 205 having no insulation. We changed that option to the current energy code (2001 ) for Coiifornio clim ate zone 9. in this selection it gave walls R = 13, ceiling R = 30 and floors R = 19 insulation. We ran the simulation again to know the change in results. Energy Costs Scheme 5 : 2: THE F.H. hvac (insu) m ---------------- 1. M e e ts Energy Code — 2. M o re Energy Efficient 3.1: THE FREEMAM H0USE..1 --------------- 4. 2: THE F.H. huac 5. 2 : THE F.H. huac (insu) C Î ) I I Fans and HVAC B low ers I I Ligtits I I Equipm ent and Appliances I I Electric Heat or Heat Pump Furnace ELECTRICITY TO TAL Y E A R LY COST Figure 4.3.7: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC and insulation in above figure 4.3.7, you con see the results due to the addition of insulation. There is o remarkable drop com pared to the previous scheme having HVAC system but the house not insulated. Even the insulation helped the house to m eet the energy code requirements too. 206 Now, with this level of insulation, if w e install the HVAC system to the house, the Freeman House con easily meet the energy code. To test the perform ance of the gloss type in isolation w e changed the glass type and kept the house without insulation. In Figure 4.2.12 instead of clear glass, we selected clear, double pone, low - E glass which is U = 0.67 value, for our oil the windows glazing. After changing that w e again run the simulations to see the im provem ent in the design. Energy Costs Scheme 3 :1: THE FREEMAN HOUSE..1 1. M eets Energy Code — 2. M ore Energy Efficient 3.1: THE FREEMAN H0USE..1 -------------- 4. 2: THE F.H. huac 5. 2: THE F.H. huac+2glass ( $ ) ipollars Energy Cost per year [ ] Fans and HVAC Blowers I I Lights I I Equipment and Appliances I I Electric Heat or Heat Pump Furnace ELECTRICITY TOTAL YEARLY COST Figure 4.3.8: HEED simulation results showing energy costs for the Freeman House in ($) with HVAC and double pone, low-E gloss In the above figure 4.3.8 you con see the reduction in total yearly energy costs com pared to the previous only HVAC installed scheme. 207 The energy cost column for the latest scheme is going drastically down and meeting the energy code requirement easily. 4.4 SUMMARY From the above simulations, w e learned that it is easy to simulate even an unusual house with the help of HEED. For the Freeman House, the present condition of the house, without HVAC is the most energy efficient. But, if w e install the HVAC today to the house, it would difficult to meet energy co d e without making some im provem ent to the design or materials or methods. As soon as we insert the specific insulations in walls, ceilings and floors, it passes the energy code. Even if w e change the present clear glass glazing to double pone, low-E glass it passes the energy code easily. From our simulations in HEED, generally w e learned that changing the glass is a more fruitful option instead of inserting insulations to moke the Freeman house more energy efficient. It is also much easier. It is worth mentioning here that if w e do both the changes the house will be significantly energy efficient. But, it is particular to the Freeman House design as the house has lots of glazing. For different designs the results may vary to its nature and this specific insulation and 208 glass improvements may not result in enough energy savings com pared to some other changes. 209 CHAPTER 5: THE Equest 3-5 SIMULATION MODEL 5.1 INTRODUCTION TO Equest 3-5 eOUEST is a Quick Energy Simulation Tool developed by ttie U S Department of Energy (DOE),. It is compretiensive enough to be useful for most design types and design teams during any or oil design phases. This tool is very sophisticated, yet easy to leorn ond use for building energy usage onolysis. eOUEST is ovoiloble free to dow nlood on Like, HEED, eOUEST is also user-friendly program. The addition of the building creation wizord helps eOUEST to be very tost for building dote inputs. Unfortunately, this program requires detoiled knowledge of both the art of building energy use analysis ond the science of the particular energy onolysis progrom itself. Most of the building creotion wizord oct os on advisor for new users. The eOUESTv3-overview.pdf and other supporting frequently asked user monuols ore also ovoiloble on the DOE website. The building creation wizard further simplifies the process in two different ways. The first w ay is the schem otic design wizord ond the second is the design developm ent wizard. In the schem atic design wizord eOuest osks for major detoils about the building from the specific optional selection windows series. This wizard con be considered the 210 first phase of creating a simulation model in eQuest program. There ore obout 39 windows in this wizord. eQuest does not require the user to fill in each of the windows. As w e start the process of inputting the dote, eQuest itself determines which windows ore appropriate and it will skip inoppropriote input windows. There ore many input windows which ore specific to certain building types or windows where the input is inappropriately specific or seeks too much detailed information for the current project. So, while inputting dote about one building eQuest might ask you to go through oil 39 windows and even o few more if the information is not enough. But, it is more likely that for many buildings, the schem atic design process ends with only twelve to fifteen windows only. eQuest has o help option in each w indow which is normally dedicated to that particular w indow support only. While inputting the information, os soon os w e jum p to the next space, eQuest studies the value inserted and responds im m ediately if the value is not oppropriote for that specific oction. It further opens o odvice w indow and o brief description of the meaning of thot input ond its possible range. A few of the schem atic design wizord windows already reod some defoult volues. Those volues ore determ ined by eQuest os default otter selecting the project type and size. 211 All these input windows ore called wizard screens. One can go to any wizard screen any time while using this wizard option. Each wizard screen shows the finish option, by selecting which you can end the wizard. After finishing the schem atic design wizard at the end of the last wizard screen, by selecting finish, eOuest prepares the simulation model which is shown in plan view. In the same view port by selecting the 3-D, the three dimensional view of the same building becomes available. We can see the prepared model by rotating and scaling the three dimensional model. If the model a cce p ta ble then w e can select the simulation option and go further. If the model is unacceptable then one con go to schem atic design and do all the changes. One can also select the manual m ode and change, remove or odd the necessary information by reading each elem ent on the left side column. There is a whole tree available which opens like folders and subfolders with further options for each type of input and after that each elem ent of the building and its sub-elements. After achieving the original design simulation model w e con run the simulation and save the results in different available options. As we said before, to obtain, to understand and further analyze the received simulation results require a detailed knowledge of building. 212 Every time, after finishiing ttie sctiem otic design wizard, eQuest checks all the input and the design as a preparatian far running the simulatien. If any infarmatian is missing, unacceptable er net apprepriate, eQuest shews them as warnings and errars. Far cam plicated buildings, the pessibility at having such warnings and errars is cam m an. eQuest can always run the simulatien with number at warnings but the results may net be cerrect. But eQuest can net run the simulatien if there is any significant input errer. As eQuest shews the detail descriptien at each warning end errer, ene can always return te the schem atic design wizard end cerrect the scheme. Thcugh, eQuest can run the simulatien with several warnings, it is recem m ended that ene sheuld always impreve the design te the best passible end reduce the number at warnings. The design develepm ent wizard is very useful te make changes in the design end further evaluate it by cam poring the results. Using this wizard w e can save the same scheme as different files and cam pare changes. Like, HEED, eQuest else prevides a cem parative graphic results display. This makes the analysis and im pravem ent evaluatians easier by cem paring several small changes in a same building. eQuest is a sephisticated pregram and can pravide much im partant infarmatian with the preper knewledge at its use. Our use at 213 eQuest was limited to ttie simulation of ttie Freeman House modeling ond o looming experience only. Ttiere ore many options and possible inputs and ouput disploy mettiods w tiicti w e did not explore in detail during our study. 5.2 PREPARATION OF THE SIMULATION MODEL Witti ttie guidance of my com m ittee, ttie eOuest simulation model for ttie Freeman tiouse wosprepored. Due to ttie com plicated design of ttie Freeman tiouse, ttie eOuest simulofion model was o ctiollenge initially. We foced mony wornings ond errors during our first model. Ttiere were 7 warnings and 3 errors in ttie first model. We were not able to solve 4 warnings ond 2 errors easily but not ttie rest. Ttie process of creating different floor plans witti detailed woll geom etry wos olso o time consuming task. Ttie voriotion in ceiling tieigtit of botti ttie floors and ttie number of different size openings m ode ttiis process tedious. As ttie tiouse was partly eortti stieltered, it took additional time to insert thot specific information also in our model. Though the entire design took considerable time in eQuest to prepare the detailed simulation model, the most disappointing job was the solution of warnings and errors. Due to the existence of one error we were unable to run the simulations. Finally w e decided to create the whole model once again to see if w e could eliminate the error. 214 We prepared the same medel ence again with aur best efferts te make it errer free. This time the medel was geed. We ore calling it geed because this time eQuest d idn't find any errars in aur medel but there were still 4 warnings. We were able te salve ene warning with the help at expert guidance tram Prat. Schiler. Figures 5.2.1 te 5.2.30 shew the series at screen shcts during the preparatian at the eQuest simulatien medel far the Freeman Pieuse. We selected the schem atic design wizard under building creatien wizard te start as new preject. 215 I [ i ' 0 ' i 9 à m P ro je c t & S ite B u ild in g S h e ll I n t e r n a l L o a d s W a t e r - S id e H V A C i #1X A ir -S id e H V A C u t ilit y &L E c o n o m ic s B u il d i n g C r e a t i o n W iz a r d E n e r g y E f f ic ie n c y M e a s u r e W i z a r d S i m u l a t e B u il d i n g P e r f o r m a n c e P e r f o r m C o m p l ia n c e A n a l y s i s . u v ie w S i m u l a t i o n k p s u lt s V ie w [ H I R e v i e w C o m p l ia n c e H A n a l y s i s R e p o r t 0 A c tio n s l U C o m p o n e n t T r e e I S p r e a d s h e e t S u m m a r y | e O U E S T 3 . 5 5 , b u il d 4 5 0 0 1 ^ O p e n R e c e n t P r o j e c t ; 1 ~3 b S e le c t a n E x is t i n g P r o j e c t t o O p e n C r e a t e a N e w P r o j e c t v i a t h e W iz a r d 1 O K V i e w O v e r v i e w 1 1 1 Figure 5.2.1 : A eQUEST program screen shot 1 - the starting screen In the following figure 5.2.2, you con see fhe firsf of fhirfy-nine wizard screens of fhe schem ofic design wizard. In fhis w indow w e inserfed all fhe basic informofion like name, locafion, area, and number of floors. 216 0 1 [f'^É i ' 0 ' i ^ P ro je c t & S ite B u ild in g S h e ll I n t e r n a l L o a d s W a t e r - S id e H V A C i RiX A ir -S id e H V A C / 6 ' $ u t ilit y S; E c o n o m ic s B u ild in g C r e a t io n W iz a r d E n e r g y E f f ic ie n c y M e a s u r e W iz a r d S i m u l a t e B u il d i n g P e r f o r m a n c e P e r f o r m C o m p l ia n c e A n a l y s i s K e v i e w S i m u l a t i o n Kesults V ie w H I R e v i e w C o m p l ia n c e B A n a l y s i s R e p o r t 0 A c tio n s I 5 C o m p o n e n t T r e e I S p r e a d s h e e t S u m m a r y 1 eQUEST Schem atic Design W izard r G e n e r a l In f o r m a t io n - P r o j e c t M a m e ; T h e F r e e m a n H o u s e 0 1 E n e r g y C o d e C o m p l ia n c e A n a l y s i s ; [ c a l i f o r n i a T i t le 24 ^ B u il d i n g T y p e ; [ R e t a i l , S t a n d - A l o n e S t r u c t u r e V i n t a g e ; B e f o r e 2 0 0 1 B u il d i n g L o c a t i o n , U t i li t ie s a n d R a t e s - - U t i li t y C o v e r a g e : [ C a l i f o r n i a ( T i t l e 2 4 ] ^ E l e c t r i c : js C E [C A ] [ g S - 1 ( 3 ) [ < 2 0 k W , t h r e e ^ j R e g i o n : [ l o s A n g e l e s A r e a (CZ06) ^ G a s : jsC G [ C A ] ^ [ g I \ I - 1 0 [ b u i l d i n g s w i t h < 2 ^ C i t y : L o s A n g e l e s A P B u il d i n g A r e a : [ 2 , 2 0 0 f t 2 N u m b e r o f F l o o r s : A b o v e G r a d e : | T B e lo w G r a d e : j T C o o l in g a n d H e a t in g - C o o l in g E q u ip : [ n o C o o l in g ^ H e a t in g E q u ip : [ n o H e a t in g ^ O t h e r D a t a ■ A n a l y s i s Y e a r : 1 9 9 1 D a y l ig h t in g C o n t r o l s : N o U s a g e D e t a il s ; S i m p l i f i e d S c h e d u l e s W i z a r d S c r e e n [ 1 o f 3 9 ^ Figure 5.2.2: A eQUEST program screen shot 2 - schem atic design wizard 217 ■5? A V . V ï> ; ' - r f i 'iêki 0 a B & ^ p a ' i ' ^ ' É Ç ' W ' J ,i P ro je c t & S ite M d ifig s h e l irite irialLud s ^ à ' M W *(r -5 H S H V « ; # # X A i ' S k m K f 6 $ u a iy S E tim m lc s Spreadîheet I Summary I B u ild in g C r e a t io n W iz a r d Energy E H iciefity M e a iu r o w iz a r d y Simulate Building r Performance ^ Perform Compliance P Analysis R e v ie w S im u latio n R e s u lt s V ie w B # R e v ie w C o m p lia n c e 0 ^ 1 Analysis Report i 11^ C m p in tV T i« | i ' gQUEST Sc hem atic Design W izard C o m p lian ce A nalysis S e ttin g s * Project Address: 11^62 CLENCOVE AVE> LOS ANCElESg CA * See Off o( P e rm it: jE nveio p e /H e ch an ic aF A jg h itin g ^ Building T y p e : |H ig h 'R i;e Residantia! I? In d u d e s D HW P h a se o f C o n s t.: jW ew B uilding ^ D a t e o f Plan s: Dccumenatlon Author A u tfiflr N a r n i: |S U H IT B RAHM BHATT E nv alop e C o m p lia n t Phonal DssigrifirNafne; | f r a n k llo y d w r k k t Localion on plan; of Hole Block tor Required Measures: P h o n e : Lighting C om pliance-------------------------------------------- DesigrifirNamffi | Lacaiicfi on plans of Hole Block for Required Measures: Mediameal Compliance Designer tiame; | Phone: p Phone: Locallun on plan^ of Hoke Block tor Required Maa^ure;; V wizard Screen ' a « '@ Q Erevious S c re e n .S B Figure 5.2.3: A eQUEST program screen shot 3 - schem atic design wizard 218 Figure 5.2.4 shows wizard screen three, in which w e draw the building foot print and discuss the zone characteristics. We can import the AutoCAD drawing after entering the footprint shape sub option. In footprint shape sub option, after importing the AutoCAD file, w e can scale and trace the building foot print for the eQuest model. eQuest also gives option to snap the AutoCAD drawing lines, which sometimes mokes the whole input process easier. □ S B # s I k g i B l ' B 9 " I t J ^ â i W W X / 6 S P r o j t t t t s u t s iiU io ja id l iB te riS L M d ! w m r -a ls m A C W -S S eH V A C JtltySiEOWiOffiRS -A ll! Building Creation Efierg» EMciency S im ulate Building Perform ance Perfo rm Com pliance Analysis R sv ien S im ulatior Results View j a * R eview C am plience m g Analysis R eport ; |(j|C(KiwnenCTrwi| S p readsh eet | Sum m ary | eQUEST Schematic Design W izard Building Footprint - Fcrotfififit shape; ) • custm • Zoning Petlcrti: I ' Custom - Ctrlding O rientation - w iza rd Screen | 3 of 3 9 Pfari fJ o rtli: |wa*t Footprint D im e n s io n s ---------------------------------------- Area Per Floor, B ased On Building Area / Number of Floors: 1,100 ftZ Dim ensions Specified A bpve; 1 ,0 6 9 ft2 flo o r Heights nr-To-Flr r ï û T ft F l r T o - C e ik f T î J f t Figure 5.2.4: A eQUEST program screen shot 4 - schem atic design wizard 219 The following figures 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 shows fhe screen shofs while we were frocing fhe foof prinf from background AufoCAD floor plan of fhe Freeman House. ■ a aEi B C u ïlo rr B uilding Fuptprint X Y A V e rt. 1 0 .3 3 0 ,3 3 V e rt, 2 3 3 .1 5 0 .3 3 V e t t - Î 2 3 -9 5 2 0 -1 3 v e r t , 4 2 0 .0 5 2 8 .1 0 V e rt. 5 2 0 -3 5 3 0 ,5 5 V e r t.É 1 8 .1 5 3 8 .5 5 V e rt. 7 1 0 .1 5 3 2 .6 3 V e r t,f l V e rt. 9 V  S 3 2 -9 3 v e r t, 10 1 8 .4 0 3 2 .3 0 V e rt. 1 1 1 0 .4 3 3 0 .2 5 V e r t , 12 1 9 .4 0 3 8 ,2 5 V e rt. U 1 9 -4 0 2 0 -1 3 v e r t , 14 7 .3 0 2 8 ,1 0 V e r t . 15 7 .3 3 2 5 .4 5 V e rt, 16 ■ 1.45 2 5 ,4 5 V ç r t . 13 -1 -4 5 2 2 .2 3 v e r t. 18 -2 .1 0 £ 2 .2 0 V e r t . 19 -2 -1 0 2 0 .9 3 V e rt. 20 -1 .5 5 2 0 .9 0 V e r t.2 J - t - 5 5 1 0 .3 3 v e r t , 22 - 3 Æ 1 0 ,3 0 V e rt. 2 3 - 3 ^ 0 1 7 .6 5 v e r t , 24 -8 .5 3 1 7 .6 5 1 Fluor -6 ,1 , I M ) Foo tprin t S t o k ; V e rtic e s , 5 3 9 ,2 S (|R d X : -5 .2 if f 1 3 ,0 d A fif lîe ;-? 0 .0 * L e n g th : 5 ,2 ftn g le : 1 8 0 .3 * Figure 5.2.5: A eQUEST program screen shot 5 - schem atic design wizard 220 5 Cuitom Buildfrg Footprint p el E X o m V V V e r t . l 5 ,7 0 0 ,7 0 V e rt. 2 5 ,7 0 0 .0 5 V C ff, 3 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 5 V e rt, 4 7 ,0 0 0 .7 0 V e rt, 5 &.30 0 ,7 0 V e rt, 6 3 ,3 0 0 .0 5 v e r t ,? 9 ,6 0 0 ,0 5 V e rt, 3 9 ,6 0 '1 3 .6 0 v e r t , 9 9 ,6 0 -1 9 ,5 0 V e rt, 13 2 5 ,9 0 -1 9 .5 0 v e r t . 11 2 5 .9 0 -1 0 ,3 5 V e rt, 12 2 5 ,2 5 -1 0 ,3 5 v e r t , 13 2 5 ,2 5 1 0 4 5 V e rt, 14 2 6 ,5 5 1 1 ,8 0 V e r t , 15 2 6 ,5 5 1 4 4 0 V e rt, IS 2 5 ,2 5 1 5 .7 0 V e rt, 17 2 5 ,2 5 1 7 ,0 0 V e rt, 13 2 3 ,9 5 1 7 .0 0 V e rt. 19 V e rt, 23 2 0 ,0 5 2 6 ,1 0 V e rt. 21 2 0 ,0 5 3 6 ,5 5 V e rt, 22 1 6 ,1 5 3 6 .5 5 V e rt. 23 1 6 ,1 5 3 2 ,6 0 V e rt, 24 1 7 4 5 3 2 .6 0 V e rt, 25 1 7 ,4 5 3 2 ,9 0 V e rt, 26 1 6 4 0 3 2 ,9 0 V e rt, 27 1 6 ,4 0 3 6 ,2 5 V e rt, 23 1 9 ,4 0 3 6 ,2 5 V e rt, 29 1 9 ,4 0 2 6 ,1 0 Floor Coord: (4 @ ,(,4 1 .7 ) FcfltprirrtStfltfi 49 Vertices, 10^6,9 SqFt Figure 5.2.6: A eQUEST program screen shot 6 - schematic design wizard 221 ^ n i [ F R Ü 3U W H 0 U S M 1 & ^ e Q U K T Q uidk E m g y S W ' i i w n Tm I 0 aw p # ? i % h i'0 it 9'W'J ^ â'i 11 X / 6 $ PrdjrcHcSitr- îidklingSiei IntfjnalLMris Waler-SidtWAC rt-SteW AC Uttty&EconofiJcs B uilding C reatio n W izard Ewrg? EHitttfity rieajuro wizard Simulate Building Performance Perform Compliance Analysis R e v ie w S im u latio n Resuite V iew Review Compliance j y Analysis Report I Actions Ig C m p m U T ;» ! ■ ' cQUEST B uilding C reation W izard Z o n e N am es a n d C h ara c te ris tic s I C o n d itio n ed Z a n e (s ) P U fic onditiD ntd z o r a ( s ) n R e frig e ra te d Z on e(sJ 100,0% Unoii Z o n e T y p e ; |iJncondrtionecl r M iiHi*l^vel S p a ce (etriym ) ^ D en o te s li^uW -Lavel Z o n e (s ) [ □ A c t iv e / s a lf lc t e d z o n e ü e ip 4 ^ uj-.aW '.aK iv wj" ttlr -wvsa k/w* rVoil /a ffi rw&fka#w l-&au.vwl\ Figure 5.2.7: A eQUEST program screen shot 7 - schem atic design wizard 222 The following figures 5.2.8 fo 5.2.22 shows fhe ofher wizard screens during our process of preparing fhe model. We fried fo selecf mosf of fhe values which were closesf fo fhe original design wifh our besf knowledge and amongsf fhe available choices. m | Q S y ■ 6 : # d - È . » . - J l i l ' # i % : k i ' E i B ^ à ' i P r i j c t i R S i c BuUddijîlitll in ta ris lL s a d ! w*er-5 rtsm«: 1 # x A i- S k W A C f 6 æ 1 mfty&Etcnwrtcî | S p r e a d îh e e t | S u m m a ry | B uilding c re atiA n W i£ â r d E fie rg î E ttc ie n ty r iA A î u r f r w iz a r d p SimijlAte &jllding I Perfoim anw Perfomi C cm p liarw A n a ly s is R e v ie w Sim uleitiori Results V iew R e v ie w C g m p lia n n j y Analysif llepflrt ■ ' eQUESTSchem dtic Design W izard G vilding E n v e lo p e C en stru ctlA n f - Above Grade walli Construction: |Wood Standard Frame | ê in, CMU d _ d Ext Finish / Coton [pdtj bituminous j J I'Lighf ( a b s » ^ |CMLI (n o extfin isb ) ^ ['M ed iijm '(at J Exterior [nsulation: [• no e xt board insulation d 1' no board insulation • j Add'l Insulation: [-n o baft or rad b a m e r- d |tlollciv d Interior Insulation: 1 no furred in$iji • d G rç y n d f 3 c c r ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expcîure; [Earth Contact Interiur Firish: J- nc surface finish ■ ^ Caistructicn: |b in, Cencrete ^ E x l/C a v In s u l,;]' nc penm et«r rnsulation • ^ Below Grade Walls - Consiruttier: \t in, Concrete _*J Irsuhtlon; |-n o wall insulation - ln f iltr iti( n { îln l|T ig ta « s ) : | Perim: tt.03C C F M /fi;(e K t w a lU re a) I C w e: 0.001 CFUfftZ [floor a r e ^ r w iijr d S t r t tn | 4 of 35 e r r B Figure 5.2.8: A eQUEST program screen shot 8 - schem atic design wizard 223 i i 0 i B 9 M i j | ^ à ' i P r s jc t is s ic BuHdfljîhtl inteinslLMd! w * :r-K k t# A C # # X A i-a b w A C / 6 $ u a iy S E to m lM iJ iil SpreadîliSêt I Summary I B uilding C reatio n W iz à r d Energy Effitienty fie a m w iz a r d S ifnulato B uilding P erform a nce P erform C em pliance A nalysfi Review Simuletiori R e s u lt s V ie w |w l R e v ie w C o m p lia n c e jP A n a ly s is R e p o r t R e a * i ' cQUEST Sc hem atic Design W izard S ullding In te rio r C o n itru ctlan s Ceilings Int. Firisfi: |Drywa!i Fimîh j Batt Irsulatiaii: |' no ceiling insulation J Flcori tnt, Finiîli: |-r » o îu r F !c e fir « h - z J Rigid Jnsuiation: |- no board insulation - J C onftrjctiçn: | $ in, Concrete C cticrek C a p ;|' nâ concrete cap > z J J r Slab Penetrates Wall Plane Wizard Screen 1 S e f S S j Q %% I t E Î [in iih ^ Figure 5.2.9: A eQUEST program screen shot 9 - schematic design wizard 224 H Q U S K U - g p K T Q i r i t Sliim lJikiii Tm I |i0iB 9'W'J ^ à1 P ra jc C llc S ite BuWfig shftB i #:% f 6 $ ln((inslLM d! w *:r-K k t# A C fi-’ SHtWK u S ly S E to m lM - ± ]!^ B uilding C re itio n W izard Efizrgy Eificitftty n e jiu r tw ijifd Simulate Building P w fo m ia n n Perfomi C tm plisnc! A n ilysii Review Simuleitien Results View ( a R eview C oniglience ly A n a ly s is R e p o r t i^ fc lliin !lE |c * W " tn < T itt7 Ready Spreadîtieet Summery I i ' eQUEST Sc hem atic Design W izard E x te rio r Doors Describe Up To 3 Door Types Door Type l:|c ia s s z J 2;|Glass J 3:|Giass z J t Door; by Orientaitiom S a d W a it liortti South Door Dimensions and Construction /G loss Definitions-------------------------------------------------------------------- Frame Ht [ft) W d [ftj C o n s tru ctio n -o r-G lass Citegory and Glass T r f i Frame Type W d(in) 1 : | ~ t T I 2,7 I single clr/Tint | Single Clear 1/Bin (lOOC) ^ |woodA'inyl | 3 1 2 : | ~ t T I 2.7 I Single Clr/Tint | single Clear VBin (1000) 3 :| 7H I 2.7 |Single Clr/Tint jJ | j Single Clear V flir (1000) Iwood/Vinyl 2 ! I 311 IW oodA'inyl | Wizard Screen | S o f 3 9 _ ^ Erevious üoxt screen screen Q [inish ^ Figure 5.2.10: A eQUEST program screen shot 10-schem atic design wizard 225 ^ T 1 I[ F R m W N housnu < « Q IJK T Q uick W jo aw - n % h P rd jE C H k S ite p # iig]ig ^ # # X / 6 S S liding Shel In ttn M l LMds Water-Side K VA! rt-S d o W A C UtAy&Econom lc; B uilding C reatio n W izard Simulate Building Performance R e v ie w S im u latio n R esuite V iew a J ü I Spreadsheet I Summary I E x te rio r W indow s Wind&w Area Specifieaticn Method: jpereent of Grosi Wall Area [floor to flaor) ^ Defcribe Up To 3 Window Types Glass Cateoorr 1; 2 3 Glass Type fr a m e Type W(J (in ) 1 S ingle C l r / T # * | |S in g le C le a r 1/G in [1 0 0 0 ) ■»| [w o o d , A lum C l a d j i x e d ’» ] 1 1 ,3 0 W ir , \ RewChecfcEfrar: I \ V aljft being chetkïd » 35, Perçant d a % value ecceads m a xrinn (based on the w ido w height end the sizes fkposliorv of other w ido w s ). 6 ,0D [7 I 5 ,2 2 I 3 .0 0 ] 0 ,0 j 0 ,0 | 0 ,0 | 3 3 ,8 O.CO I 0 ^ I 0 ^ I 0 ^ I Ô J I 0 ^ 0,00 Estimated building-wide gros* (flr-tp-fir] % window is 13.9% and net (flr-tc-ceiiing) is 2 2 4 % , * . /I ^.iWwwidih ^0 ,m lb 1 , ^ l,e ,w p W s e rfa M i(s h e * Custûm winflew/Ooor Placement,,. I a d )*in le )b *x lfw lm d i)w w ld 1 h Istc ta k t pitu d en <e«veitS w iitlen) I Wizard Screen 7 c f 3 9 ' Erevious fje rt g l screen screen U [inish Figure 5.2.11 : A eQUEST program screen shot 1 1 - schem atic design wizard 226 Q s H , p # ? d . 6 . # Î T 1 B 0 1 @ | ' W i ' ü i B Ç ' W ' i f ^ ® i ' X 7 6 $ ! P ro je c t & S ite BdtdtrgStioll In te ird I lÆûds W ator’SirteHVrtC A i.S t ie t fA C U tit/iE c o n o rs ics Perform Compliercs Analysis aJüI Spreadsheet Summary I Ready K ' eQUEST Sc hem atic Design W izard E x t e r io r W in d o w * - Window Area Specification Method: jpercent of Gross Wall Area [ftoar to floor] 2 ] Describe Up To 3 Window Types ■ Glass Category Glass Type 1 ; IS idQ lsclr/T'fit Jsinflle c le a r i/e m (looo) 2 :|s irg ie C lr/T (n l [Single C lear 1/Gin [IQOO) fram e Type (inj ” 2 1 jw o ad , Alum clad, FiK edjJ | 13® S ijs ir g ls C lr /T m t j [s in g le C le a r 1/G in [lO OQ ) ~ 2 | [W o fld , Aluro C la d j O p e r J | ” 2 1 [w tm d , A lum C la d , Û p a r j j j 1 ,3 0 Window Dimension;, Position; and Qoantitias- - - - - Typ Window Window Width (ft)* Ht (ft) l i 4 , t o [ 7 I T m I ” Sill Ht (ft) 0.00 % Window (floor to floofj induding fram e)i East West North South 36 0.0 I sF' 171 n r I ” 3 ,0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 20,0 I [ 7 1 r iô " I ^ I Ô F I ô ï ’ i r I r Estimated building-wide gross (flr-la-flr) % wfrniow is 19,9% and net (fIr-M-ceiling) is 3Z.0% . Custoiïi Wjfidow/Door Placement.,. * - A wliiidwwldiri i«ulls iir «nt J c a i windMi ; f r tiu l (thtdt sdj»i Hi*) bwt if window *1 4 :1 (1 isu p ita*d tN ( tw i % w Mem) Wizard Screen | 7 of 39 Q [Inish B Figure 5.2.12: A eQUEST program screen shot 12-schem atic design wizard 227 ^ ï ï l [ FREEMAN HOUSE O U - Q u e k E w i |g Sim ulai in ii Tm I i Project K Site g ' g ] l i Buikldg 5hsB 9'W'J inteiral Loads WOttr-SlislWAC S I X f 6 '$ r t 'S a e W A C u ü c y & E W K M i» Review Sinruleition Results View A Rgvipw C om pliaiW P A n a lf s is R e p f lr t i\É Spreadstieft j Summary | R e a d / ■ ' e(^UEST Sc hem atic Design W izard E x te rio r W indow S hades and D l i n d î -------------------------------------------- ûist. from Shads Depths (ft): E ïte rio rWindow Shades W in (ft) EflJt West OvSrhânflS: | t &P Flaor Qnlf j j | 3,&3 | 3.1}] j Î.ÜQ Fins: Morlh South 1: Single Clear l/3 ir (IQÛt]): 2: Single Clear l/S ir (ICOO): 3: Single Clear i/8 ir (iCGii)i 1/ Has Overhang I? Has Overhang IP Has Overhang wizard Screen | 8 c f 3 S _ ^ previous fifeA screen screen Q Einish Figure 5.2.13: A eQUEST program screen shot 13-schem atic design wizard 228 0ae - p â ^f d ' 1 ^ a jr ■ ■ » rfa giB 'B ^ i # X Prajccisaic Md(i5SIWl InteifidLcilJs W*«r-*kH*AC H ^ W K / 6 S uU t/iEim m lti 1 rilü l B u ild in g C f c a iio m W if â r d Energ-f Efficisrity riia ju r 'î W i^ird S im u lâ t ^ B u ild in g Performance Perform Compliancg Analysis Review Çirriijiatiori R e s u b V ie w Review Compliance B Analysis Report f l AtaïQfB |H CgnpinflrtTïM l Ready_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spreadsheet Summary I ' eQUEST Sc hem atic Design W izard R o o f Sk y lig h ts - S k # Rooftop Zones; I" fjane i* All ^ fl» n -ilc v liu » n 4; | fk v litw iw AmcuntofSkjfligfrts % Coverage: | T % f of Skylights: | I T Typical SkylightO ifncnslodi------------------------------------ W i # l; | m i ft W # 2i I 3,30 ft S k y liflh lG i« ln a T y p e -------------------------------------------- Category: |Flat/Pyramid^'Alood or Vinyi Frame Typa: |sg l Acrylic CEiar ^ Wizard S trie fi | 9 c f 39 Ercvlouî £|6« Scraan Screen Q [inish | ~ NU W ' Figure 5.2.14: A eQUEST program screen shot 14-schem atic design wizard 229 ^ T ll[ FREUUN hOUU S U -e itU K T (^uickùwtgifSinuiklNii T m I 0 r a f t d'à#' # 1 1 i'^'É gigig Project &sie 8U ld(ig5h(l 0 i # X / 6 s internai L o a d s w atar-S K iaH V K : A>-sdeHV«: uttyscciymlcs Raviow Siimuladon Results view ReoJy Spreodstiset S um m ery ■ A c tiv ity A r e a f A llo catio n Area T-jpe P e f« rit Area (% ) [>e$lgri MAX OCWp ( # e r a o n ) Dt^igri vantilaiiM [W p tf) 1st FIf (GftflCCfti) j ] an.0 ] 100,D 1 IB .00 I Ï 2\ |K i;d iM and prApAMtiorr 1 1?.0 I 200,0 1 30.00 Ip 3: |Lobbf (H iift Entry àrid 1 1B.0 1 7,0 1 7 .4 3 r 4: |R»$troom& J 1 5.0 1 100,0 1 15.00 r S: jResidftritial (Bedroom) J 1 30.0 1 1 0 0 ,0 1 15.00 r Ë: |jnknQwri J 1 5.0 1 1 0 0 ,0 1 15.00 ip 7; 1 it ii c t another 1 Percent Area Sum: | lûQeO W iïarJ Screen |l3 at 39 ^ Help i V Previaus ftsrt k a Screen Screen Q Finish ^ Figure 5.2.15: A eQUEST program screen shot 15-s ch e m a tic design wizard 230 | | o i @ | ' h gigig ^ â ' i P ro je c t Ik S ite BiJdingShel InteiinalLw ds Water-Side 1 X A m rakH VA C / 6 $ i LUCy&Economlcs ' B uilding C reatio n W izard Sim iia t@ B jiitiin g P e r fo r m a r « R e v ie w S im u la to n R esults V iew R e a d / S p re a d s lie e t | S u m m a ry | I eQ UESTSchendtic Design W izard Occupied Loads by A c tiv ity A r e a ------ A re a T y p e 1 : O ffiC ft(G « r a r è l) ?: K itd le ri a n d Food P re p a ratio n 3 i Lobby (M ain E n try an d A ss em b ly ) 4 : R es troom s 5: R es id en tial (B e d ro o m ) 6 i U nknow n 3 C J 1 2 J 1 8 J S J 3 0 J Lighting T a s k LI Plug Id s S c hed ule (W /S g F i; (W /S g F l) (W y S q F t) M ain A lt 1 Œ Q 1 [1,20 1 1 .5 0 ff r 1 1 ,7 0 1 0.00 1 1 .5 0 fî r 1 1 ,5 0 J 0.00 1 0 .5 0 r 1 o.eo 1 0,00 1 0.20 f î r 1 a,eo 1 0.00 ] 1.00 a r 1 ».eo 1 0.00 1 1 .0 0 ( 7 r w i u r d S f f î î f i | m f î T 3 H ? ;r . f iB Figure 5.2.16: A eQUEST program screen shot 16 - schematic design wizard 231 % tdC revs' '‘'ode T-jcfc a a u ^ mm# i t # m i'EiB 9'W'J ^ â'i P ro je c t & S ite BuHdlngShcS Internal Loads Water-Side HVAC @ # X A i.S S llW M : 76 æ U tlty& Eccnom lM Spreadîlie&t I Summary I B uilding C reatio n W i£ârd Energy EAàen&y r^eajura wizard Simulate Qjiiding Performante Perform C om pliarts Analysti R avie* Simulation ReîultF Vieiv g # Review Compliance p Analysif Report fil A c t lQ f B I m C o n tin e n t Tjeaf ■' eQ U E S T Schem atic D esign W izard U n o ccu p ied Load» b y A c tiv ity A rea ( % of occupied lo a d ) - Area Type Office (General) Kttcfien a n d Pood P re p a reb o n L c b b j ( M a il E n try a n d flis e m b ly ) R es tro em s R e f ije n t ia l (B s d ro o m } Unknown Percent Occupanq Lighting Task Lt PEugLds A re a (% ) (% ) (% ) {%} {%] S t.] I ÎË F I nr ' ' 12.] 1 8 .] 5.] 3 D .0 5 . 0 ~ TF ~ ] , 0 IF IF 0.0 IF ~ "W "5F 2 0.] FF IF IF FF 5 .0 I Ï pKttnt tà!li l# m g kud * /l n ) t a ts E li* I noti 0 <■ Value < ■ IOC [%} W iz a rd S C rie fi |l6 o f 3 9 ^ E rc v ia u s geH Screen Screen Q [inish B R e a d y r NUM ' Figure 5.2.17: A eQUEST program screen shot 17 - schematic design wizard 232 ^ ï ï l [ F R [[)U N h O U S )U ^ â jjtfS T q o a k E i^ S iim M N ii T m I oaw p # $ ï a . A - '» .10 3 % h i'S'B 9'W'J Project Ik Sit^ BuüdifigShêl iriMnPiûl Lûadi @ m X f 6'S fià'SÜ6H/fiC Utlt/atECttWrtCS Review Simuleition Result? V tavi ^ 2 ^ S p re a d s lie e t j S u m m a ry | É ' eQUEST Schematic Design Wizard M ain Sch ed u le In fo rm a tio n - F ir it (& LM C ) s e a s o n ; 01/0 1 /9 1 -1 2 /3 1 /9 1 Me Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mol CD HD Dayl ( î f î f î f ï f î f î r r f f [5 Day 2 r r r r r r ff lî r r r D a y 3 D a y l Day 2 "2 ] |lJnocc 2 ! Ûpan: ati Closes « Il |MiiJnt J Occjp %i I €0.0 % Lites L d% ! I €0,0 % E q u ip I d % : I € 0 , 0 % r Ha? Second Season Wizard screen 17 of 55 ' Erevlous ^ e r t n screen screen U [ in is h R e a d / MUM Figure 5.2.18: A eQUEST program screen shot 18-s ch e m a tic design wizard 233 ^ ï ï l [ F R [[)U N h O U S )U ^ â jjtfS T q o a k E i^ S iim M N ii T m I |QciB p # $ ï a . A - #m# 1 a 3 % h i'S'B î"W 'J ^ â’i 11 X f 6 $ P r6 jE C H :S ilt BuMfigShêl irtol^ûlLûadi W«er-5KteHVAC fiàStitW K Utlt/atECttWiUCS B uilding c re atlA h W izard Efitrg? EHititfity rieaîurfr wizard Sim ilats &jilding Performance Perform Compliance Analysis R e v ie w Sim uleition Result? V ta v i Review C o m p ila i^ m ^ l Analysis Report 3 Müfis I El OinriinmlTi«]~ Rea* Spreadslieet Summary I É ' eQUEST Schematic Design Wizard H Ÿ A C System Definitions - D es crib e Up T o 2 H V A C S y s te m T y p a ? S y s te m 1 Syrtem Type; System 2 Wizard screen 19 of 55 ' |Nç Ceolng 2 } 1 N o Cooling 3 I N o H eatJig r \ [NaHeebng 3 ^ |- none • “3 I T J I B N U M Figure 5.2.19: A eQUEST program screen shot 19-schem atic design wizard 234 hQ llS^IA -SjUESQuick TW |Qsy - ^ e# f î ymm# laj # :% :& i'^lB 9'M 'a 0 à'i i # X f 6 $ P r u jc r t R S iif r 8 iid fig s h 6 l irto i^ û lL û a d i water-SKteHVAC ^#-S !JeW AC u t ^ y & E iw m ic ; | Sim ilate B jild n g Performance Review Simuletion R e s u h V iew Spreadîtieet I s u m m e r y I ' eQUEST Sc hemdtic Design Wizard N o n -R e s id e n tia l D o m e s tic W a te r H ea tin g - H e a te r S p e c ^ c e to iis M e a ta r Fuel: a Wizard Screen 54 of }9 ' H |»;r B Figure 5.2.20: A eQUEST program screen shot 20 - schematic design wizard 235 hQ llS^IA -SjUESQuick TW |Qsy - ^ e# f î ymm# ia| # :% :& i'^lB 9'M 'a 0 à'i i # X f 6 $ P r u jc r t R S iif r 8 iid fig s h 6 l irto i^ û lL û a d i water-SKteHVAC ^#-S !JeW AC u t ^ y & E iw m ic ; | S p r e a d îtie f t I s u m m a r y I B uilding c re a tio n W izard Energy Etftcierity Measure Wizard Simulate Building Performance Perform Ccm pliarce Analysif R e v ie w S im u latio n Results V iew Review Compliance i f f - ; Analysis Rapurt M W iM B IB1 Cim|»n«ilTi«T » e * t' ' eQUEST Sc hem atic Design Wizard N o n -R e s id e n tia l D o m e s tic W a te r H ea tin g - H e a te r S p e c ü ïc a to iis Meatar Fuel: Wizard Screen 54 of }9 ' a H |»;r B Figure 5.2.21 : A eQUEST program screen shot 2 1 - schematic design wizard The following figure 5.2.22 fo 5.2.35 shows our efforfs fo moke fhe simulofion model closesf fo fhe original design. We refurned fo fhe schem ofic design wizard again fo fix misfokes. You con see fhof figures 5.2.22, 5.2.24 and 5.2.26 ore fhe schem ofic design wizard screens in which w e ore changing our selecfions. We fried fo achieve fhe resf wifh 236 the help of manual data input method. In Figures 5.2.30 to 5.2.35, the developm ent towards the original design is clearly visible in the three dimensional view of the model. 0 a e ' - e a f ï y m r n # . i s ' ‘ i ' E ' B ^ ProjtrlRSile MdujSwl InteiralLMdi wsKr-SkkWAC i @ X M-üdeWAC f 6 $ utty&EMmlt! B uilding C reatio n w iz a rd Éfiergy Efftcifrritji neasure Wizard ^ gimijloto &gilding I Perfprm^nce Perform Complianw A n a ly s i; Revlon Simulèrion R tiulU vfon Ï H R evitw Compliance ^ Analysis Rêjîflrt I Actions I m C o n p p n e n t Raady SpreadîFset | sum m ary | ■ ' eQUEST Sc hem atic Design W fîa rd R es id e n tial D o m e s tic W a te r H eatin g Heatèr Spoüficaücifia Moator Fuel: | Electricity 2 ) Healer Type; |Storage 3 Hot Water Uses | Too" gai/person/day input Rating; | Ü T kw Storage Tank Tank Capacity: | Ë Cel W ater Temperatures Supply W aten I llO .O *F Pumping RedrttJialicn f Efficiency Spec,: [ËnërqvTâttôr 2 1 Energy Factori | 0.92 (njijlation R-valpai I 12-0 fnlot: (Equals Ground TemperaTUfe W ijard Sçreen (35 sf 39 j J Q Previous Screen Q Finish Figure 5.2.22: A eQUEST program screen shot 22 - schematic design wizard 237 FSe E d i VSW J M » ie T t d i H * 0 a w s h ' S'S]i| 9 ' # ' j ^ â'i PrclediiSiSie Building S h e ii Internal Loads Water-Side tWAC # ^ X H - S l t H I K . f 6 S üttr/àLFconorrJcs ^ g ild in g Performance Review SilYiülèÜtifi Results Vfew 2 'D G e o m e tr y 3 -D C e a m e tn r | S p r ta d ïk B s t | S u m m a ry [ ■ Ë m m lm T m M m l n i n R é a à f Figure 5.2.23: A eQUEST program screen shot 23 - schematic design wizard 238 ^T1I[ FRÜMW nous [ 02 - Simulalioii T o *4 0 ÜB S'*^ !ü i ' E ' î l Pro|«t8iSïfr Building Shell ^ â ' i i i ’X f 6 æ In te triii Loâdi Water-Side HVAC r t -* K e W A C LUt/àiEccnofrtlcs Building Création W izard Èriorg-jf EHiüenty rieasure Wizard Simulâte Building Performants Perform Compliance A n a ly s e Review Sirrmlation Resultf View R # Review Compliance ( P I Arsaiysis Report J I ^ Component Ties | numbef of floort above grade ?‘ D Geometry 3-D C eom oln' j Spreadsheet j Summary [ | . EQ U ES TSchetiiilic D e s ljn W izard r General Inform ation Project Name I |tHE FREEMAN HOUSE 02 Building Type; |Retalh Stand-Alone Structure Energy Code Compliance Analysis; IcalifeiTiia Title za Vintage; |Before 20D1 3 Building Location, Utilities and Rates Coverage: [caNFerr!i4 (Ti|je 24) 3 Eleotrjç: |$ C E {C A ) j j |C S 1 ( 3 } ( < 20 kW, t h r e ? 3 Region; |lo s Angeles Area (CZO&) 3 Gas: |SCG (CA) 3 | g N-10 ttfuild>ngs wHh-< 2 3 City; I Los Angeles Af Area and Floors 6oildirig A rea: I 2,2B0 ft2 N um ber p f Fipprs: Above Grade: j D Beipw Grade: j Ô" Otfiar Data Analysis YBars I l M l D a y lig h b n g C o n tra is ; | n & u s a g e D e ta ils : [s im b iific d s e h e d u ia s 3 wizard Screen j i of 39 3 M UelP Q Cn a Copfing and HEeting C ooling E q u ip : |H o C o p lin g 3 H ea tin g Equip: |N o M oating 3 Figure 5.2.24: A eQUEST program screen shot 24 - schematic design wizard 239 FSi Edi WW H 4*i T S * 0 a w % r # f Ï d . a . a . ' Z a 0 # a h i ' ü i K i ^ É # i i x PrOfKtASIte Building Shell Internal Loads Water'Side K^/AC A i-S e lfA C f 6 æ LUtyàEtonomlcs k Building Creation I W i2 jr d k Ènérg-jf EHititftiiy ] riftè ju i't Wi^drd g S im u lé Qjiiding y Performants ^ Perform C en p lian te y Analysis - i ] * l G e o m e tr y 3 -D G e o r rittn ' | S p re a d s h e e t | S u m m a ry [ R evis* Çimijiation Results View l( E # Review Compliance R Analysis Report A AdiOftf I [j C o m p c n m tT ig j Ready_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Color Legend Exterior Walls Interior Walls Roofs Underground walls E x ta rio rF le c rs Interior Floors Ceilings Underground Floors Windows Window Overhangs Window Fins Figure 5.2.25: A eQUEST program screen shot 25 - schematic design wizard 240 , Custom B u ild fn g F o D tp r in t t e p * î * 0 g] X o ra BackgrcunJi |lO W ER FLO O R j j X Y V c rt.l 5,80 8 4 0 U ert.2 12,95 a.40 yert, 3 12,95 7,75 ygrt, * j 14,25 7.75 vert, 5 14,25 8 4 0 yert, 6 15,55 a 4 0 vert, 7 1S,5S 7.75 Vert, 3 15,85 7.75 vert, 9 15,85 -11.80 Vert, 10 33,15 -11.80 Vert, 11 33,15 ■2,65 Vert, 12 32,50 -2.85 Vert, 13 32,50 18,15 Vert, 14 33,80 19.50 vert, 15 33,80 22.10 Vert, 15 32,50 2 34 0 vert, 17 32,50 24.70 Vert, 10 31,20 24.70 vert, 19 31,20 33,80 Vert, 20 27,00 33.80 vert, 21 27,30 44.25 Vert, 22 2340 44.25 Vert, 23 2340 40,30 Vert, 24 24,70 40.30 vert, 25 24,70 40.60 Vert, 25 23.85 40.80 vert, 27 23,65 43.95 Vert, 23 25,85 43.95 f vert, 29 26,65 33.80 V G Floor Coffrd: ( 33,7,113 ) Fcotprimsttls; 43Vertcej, lditi?.2 sqrt Figure 5.2.26: A eQUEST program screen shot 26 - schematic design wizard 241 FSi Edi WW H 4*i T S * Q s B % ; # f a. 'Z a 0 # - - a h 8 1 B 1B ^ É # I I X Projttl&Sile Building Shell Internal Loads Water'Side K^/AC AadBeHVAC 7 6 $ LUtyàEoonomlcs Geometff 3-D Geometn' | Spreadîhsït | Summary [ Colw Legend Exterior Walls Int&riar Wall* Jndergfauia wall* E x ta rio rF le c rs Ifitencrr Floors Lindergrauid Floors Windows Window Overhangs Window Fins R t a d y Figure 5.2.27: A eQUEST program screen shot 27 - schematic design wizard 242 File E d i wew H » ie Tsoy H!lp 0 a w -t 1 Ç . J # t -3 ‘- [ i^ v ' B a » K a § 1 ^ h ' i ^i g i Ç i ï t i j ^ â ' i 1 I ' X P r e iK lt iS t e 1 Building s h e ll InteiiisI Lead! w a t(r.S i((!H V « ; Ai-EîtaH VAC f 6 $ 1 u t f c y iE im if f ilt ! 1 É V E L I % u t h W i( S , i. E 7 4 | ' > B tL 1 3 w th ^^k i{S ,2 .E 7 9 .w r P E LI W W iKG .Z.E SO ) p a i^ h W jl( S 2 .E 8 1 ) p H , l £ * ( W ^ ( l i . î . E E Î ) P a iS lth W il(G 2 .E 8 3 | P E LI WestWil(4i.2.E94) P E L 1 5 4 fh W d (5 ,2 ,E 8 S ) pELIW K(W ll(G .2,E8S) P ELI South W dlS2.E67) pELIEM W d(G .2.E£S ) P ELI South W d K j . M P a i£ 4 s L W il( 5 .S - E M ) p a iS a th W jl( S 2 .E S l) p a iW e stW il(G .2 .£ 0 2 ) P a i Smith W (I(G 2 .E S 3 ) p a tE « a w o l|c ,z .E M ) PaL5outhW al(S,2,E9S) B E lis o u lh m (GZESS.WI a @ ia iE M # d ii;2 E * i B E L l E o s t W * l ( G ,Z m W I ) J ) a if i lM f ( 6 . 2 . E 9 7 ) B 0 a z Ground Fit ? g E 1 2 l t i l l i P K m l l S f t ( H L , N l ) ■ E L 2 V J « tW jl(™ .r a .E l) P a Z 5 » th W !l(N l,N l,E Z ) P a !5 o u th W ll(H L N I,E 5 ) p a E E ja W d lM .N I.E f) p a i M Viol M l £5) P a 2 N E V id < M .N I£ E ) p E L Z ^ r tW d M l'E ? ) pEL2NW W o«(H .m.E!) p a Z t t a r lI iW d M l. E » ) P a z v i K i i w i l M i 'E i o ) P a 2 « » tllW ll(H L .N l£ ll) P a Z B ( O f ( H l M , E l Z ) p EiletBt wol I5 l P Eitsrloi wol 1% , 0 AolloM Goriponent Tiee [ 2 -D G e u m s try 3 -D C s o m o tiT | S p r u o d ih ts L | S u m m a r j | LMov Legeno Exteriffr Walls Iriüeiior W alls Roofs Jndergraund Walls Extsriar Floors Ifiterior Floors Ceilings Jndergraund Floors W indow s window Ovtrhangs W in dow Fins R e a d y NUM Figure 5.2.28: A eQUEST program screen shot 28 - schematic design wizard 243 E t THE FREEMAN EFO U SE 033w - eQUEST Quick Energy Simulai Inn lo c i Fde Edl ViM H«le T « b Q g £B @ k Si0'B p a iN o t iS e r s K S . E E ? } ) < D ELI East W M IiS r e ) P E li South W M K E.ETEI P E ll West W ol(U E E 6) P E II 5® thW al(G iE J7) B P ELI West Wol(C.2.03) Be L I W,stWh(ll,Z.E79.Wi; B ^E LL;o(ithW M (lL,2.E 79) B ELI SftJthWln(E.2.E75.WI p E L IW K tW s lK .S .fW ) P E II South WM1S2EEII P E ll East WM(i;.E.EEi) P E ll South WalEG E.EOI paiW estW sl(G .2,E M ) pEISoUeiWM|G,2,E85) p a i West Wal (6.2,E86) P a i 5uti:hWM(6,2.Ee7) P a iE a stw a l(6.2 .E e s) Pai50U thW (l(S,2,EB9) P a i£ a s tW a l( î,!,£ M ) p a i South WaKS.E.ESl) P a iW e stW a l((.E ,E M ) P a i South Wil(G,2.E93) p a iE o s tW M (6.2 a « ) B g a i South WM (6,2,E%) Be L I South ¥r(5,2.E95.W I B S la iE iitW e l(5 ,2 .E II6 ) Be l i Ea!twai(c,2,E96.wi) { p a i W (6,Z ,E U 7) ]a 2 6 to u n jF lt B E L E U lu th l’e ip K .S c tlN l.N U a 2 W e s tw o i(n .m ,E i) a2SoUthWjl(Hl,NI.Ei) El2 5oithWM(NL,NI,E3) a2EastW ^(M L,NI,Et) a2hirttiW J{H L,m ,E 5) a2MEW!l(«L,NI,EE) a 2 M rtllW M (H l,H l,f7 ) a 2N w w ill(™ ,ra ,f8 ) , S ^ h t lo n s H c o p ( o n e n t T ! « J 2-D Geom etry 3-[r Ceomotry ] Spreedsheet | Summ ary | ELI EW jII COfijtrïjGiorE Eul Ci>riftf jctior ELI ceilg ccfistrtjctiari E L I I W a ll C ç r iî t n jc t ic n ELL iFir Coftstruttior I EL2 Çpnstnjçtigr^ EL2 R ao f cariscrjctier |EL2 CdlqConstnjction | EL2 IW ftll Construction { :EL2 IF lrC o rsî^ ctio n EL2 G FIf COfiîtructiQn ELlUPCons (6,1.112) , Window Owerhang; Ill R t a d y Figure 5.2.29: A eQUEST program screen shot 29 - schematic design wizard Figure 5.2.29 above shows the one of the very im portant screenshots during the developm ent of model. As fhe house was porfly eorfh shelfered, if was necessary fo inserf fhof informofion in fhe program. Affer lofs of explorofion, w e found fhe opfion fo do so. In fhe above view, you con see fhe Norfh wall of lower floor is differenf color fhon fhe 244 west and south wall of the lower floor. It is showing like that becouse we selected thot side of the wall ond opplied eorth sheltered properties to that woll. Such options really help the simulotion results to be more realistic. ■ l i r V I Ç » ' V j j O ? T i> A % l o 1 0ÜB ■ ( ’'1 0 0 90 lit S'E'B ^ # # X ? 6^S B m 3 * b { fL lV to tW a lW .],E I® E llA E W j(G ,L E 12 ) ELlNDrttiW J(G ,J,Elî) 2 ELlNWWflU(G.l,EM) ELI W h W e l(G ,l,E t5 ) ELlW eîtW aîW .l.ÊIÔ ) E lim h W a lfG .lE l? ) E L I% stW al(G .],E l3) E lltW h W ^ < G ,IE I9 ) ELIV.^tW âl(G.].E2D) Ell 5m ib W il(G ,I,E 2]) E LI£M tW JiG ,l.E 22) Ell W k W a lfG ,l ,E23) ELI West Wal(G.l,E2^) £LlN0fthW fll(G.l£2S) E Ll£«ïW 3l(G ,l,E 23) Ell South W ^ (G J.E27) ■ ELI Wait Door (Gd,E23,01 g ELI Wad [to r (G .l,223,02 Ell50uthW d(G.J.E29) EllW eslW al(G .l,E M ) g E L l W e«Wln(G,i.E3(t.Wi: B.I South W j(G ,I.E 3 l) ELlScuthWki(G.l.E31.W| EllW «stW al(G.],E23) Ell5pULhWJ(G,i.E3a) E ll£ M tW J i5 ,L E 3 4 ) Ell 5ô>ihWd(G.J.E3S) ■ ELI S&jthD«a(G,l,E35,Dt Ell west was (G.J.E36) Ell South W d(G ,].E37| ELI West Was (G.1.E33) EllS ojthW d(5,1.ES9) g ELI South W r(^,l.E 39.W | B ELI South W r(G,l.E39.W2 ELI E«tW d (G .l.E 40) ^ 1 toiore Cotnconent Tîee 2‘ D Geometry 3-[^ Ceometry Spreadsheet | Sumrriery | Legonn ELI EWall Corsiruetiar* ELI Roof C o iftrjc tio r | ELI CeilflCcfiiihJction ■ ELI IW all Construction El i IPlrCorkitruction EL2 EWflil Construction EL2 Roof Constf jc tic r EL2 Cailg Construction EL2 IW all Ccfiîtnjction EL2 I Fir Construction EL2 G FIf Construction ELL UFCOns (G.1.U2) W i n d o w s i Z Window Overhangs Window Fins E x len o r Surface P ropcrlics Currcfitii^ Active Surfacti |f L l North Weil ( 0 ,1 ,E9) Basic Specifications Datlighting * Shading ■ Other Daylighting inside visible Reflectance Shading & View Ground Reflectanoo: Number pf Shading Divisions: Shading surface: lifo Other Infiitration Coefficient O u t s i d e E m is s iv it y : Inside Soi&r Absorptance Inside Solar fraction Ready Figure 5.2.30: A eQUEST program screen shot 30 - schematic design wizard 245 File E d i wew M e * T e * 1 4 * 0 a w § 1 ^ p ' i ^ i g i ç i ï t i j ^ â ' i 1 1 ' X M i H t » S 2 e ; Building s h e ll InteihSi Lead! W at(r.S it(S H V «; A i-EijaH VA C f 6 $ 1 u tfc y iE c e n e ffilt! | p E 1 2 M li W d ( G . W : p E L i W e s t W j l M p E U M w J f G . w ; P E 1 2 W « t W jl( G .W 2 P E L 2 5 » t h W (l(G ,W : P E L 2 fM (W (l(G .W 2 . p E L ? N m lS W iJ K ,T O P a S W K t W j K G . W ! p E U m i t W t G . M p E 1 2 £ j S t W j i m , P & 2 5 * * h W « I M , w ; B p a 2 U ^ t W d l ( G . W 2 ■ EL2WsstCiur(< S l t L 2 \ ï t s l [ i ) o r ( < , 8 EL2 south w d (G, VC E 1 2 W B lW ll( G .m B E i2 W 8 a D o o r ( < ^ a 2 fK G ,W 2 ,B ) ^ E U E s r t W i i m , i ^ a 2 w s w w s l ( G .w : g a 2 C E i ™ j ( 5 . w 2 , ii ; B fiE L 2 F a E tP e rim S [a tG ,E 3 B # Q 2 S m t h W ( l( G , E 3 lE L 2 5 n j l h W i n (G p a 2 W B l W l l ( G . E 3 , p a 2 South Wd(G,E3 P a 2 E o stW d < G .E 3 i B p E U S o u t h W a K G I S B e l : South wii(G B p E L 2 £ i s t W d ( G . E 3 E f f l E t2 E js tW ti(G .I p a z s o i* h w d ( G , E 3 B a 2 E t a w d ( G . E 3 i B a Z N 0 , l h W { G . ( 3 F p a 2 J M W jl( S ,E 3 ,( B E L 2 E o itW d (G .I„ < ' ' " > l9 A t t lo M C o F t p o n e n t T i e e I ? 'D G e o m e tr y 3 -D D ffU U lo tn ' | S p re a d e h e e t | S u m m e ry [ ColDt Legend g ] Exterior Walls i_ ' Interior Wall» ] ■ ] f t o a f î Q Underground Wall» □ Exterior Fleers ’□ Interior Floors j H ] C eilings ^ Underground Floors Windows ( Z Window Overfiartgs Window Fin? R e a * Figure 5.2.31 : A eQUEST program screen shot 3 1 - schematic design wizard 246 Fdi E d i t W M O d O TO* d * 0 d B ' ^ p # # Ï 1 i ' * h B ' E ' B 9 ' W ' J ^ â ' I i j P ro jK t& S ilfî Building S h e ll In te ih il Loâdi Wâter-Side HVAC 1 W X A id M o t tV K 7 6 $ U tA y àE ü)nom lc ; p g E i;{ < w h w d ( G ,w :A p a2Moniiwa(G,w; p a iW e s t W iK G . W S P O Ï^ rth W iK G .W p E 1 2 W B lW jlM 2 p a ? 5jthW J(G,W Pa?EMtW!l(G,W2, p a ? north v/d(G.wi pa?w eiiw ol(c,*r? p a ? North Wil(G,w; pa?EMWal|G.W2. pa?G**hW d(G,W I B p a ? v ^ tw ii(G .u v ? H E l? t V a s t [ h a ir ( ( ; B E l? t« K tC o o r ( ( : la?5aithW (l(G,W B g la ? # ;tW il( G .W ? B E L 2 t V 0 il[»r(( g a ? A (G ,M .m ya?EM W hl|G.W 2. ^ a ? t # v w ii( G ,K ga?G«lntl(G.W?,IK e H e u East P«im Sis (G « B 3 ) E L ? S i > ^ W « I ( G I 3 B ïL ? S n jlh W ll(G Ba2W BtW ll(G.E3, Jla?50li[hWll(G,E3 B a ? £ « tW ll(G B i 0 pa?SoothWd(G,E3 B ? l!S « o lh # (G Bpa?EostW al(G .E3i œ EL?E«t»il(G.I Ba?SouthWal(G,E3 Ba?£«stW^(G.E3i Ba?NoithWd(G.C3 B pEl?EMtWll(G,E3,l B E L ? E a ï W il( G . lv 1 C o P t o m n t T ! » I 3 D G e o m e tr y 3 -D G e o m e try 1 S p r e a d îh e e t | S u m m a ry [ m m P H I H ■ « h I H B . i '■ ' ' , IJ" k , Ready n N U W ' Figure 5.2.32: A eQUEST program screen shot 32 - schematic design wizard 247 Fdi Edi ViW node T O * Hi?) 0 d B ' ^ p # # Ï 1 W 91 W J ^ É : # S f f l X j ProjKt&Sile Building Shell Inteinal Loads Water'Side H V A C ApdMeHVAC f 6 æ ütltyêiEiionofrilcs p a 2 M o n iiw a ( G ,w ; p a iW e s t W iK G .W S P O Ï ^ r t h W i K G . W p E 1 2 W B l W j l M 2 p a ? 5 jt h W J ( G , W P a ? E M t W ! l( G ,W 2 , p a ? north v /d (G .w i p a ? w e i i w o l ( c , * r ? p a ? North W il(G ,w ; p a ? E M W a l| G .W 2 . p a ? G * * h W d ( G , W I B p a ? v ^ t w i i ( G . u v ? - H E l? t V a s t [ h a ir ( ( 3 B E l? t« K tC o o r ((: _ l a ? 5 a it h W ( l ( G , W B P a ? # ! t W l l ( G . W ? B E L2 tV0 i l [ » r ( ( ga?A(G,M.m y a ? E M W h l|G .W 2 . ^a?t#vwii(G,K g a ? G « ln t l( G .W ? ,IK e H e u East P«im Sis ( G « B 3 ) E L ? S i> ^ W « I ( G I 3 B ï L ? S n jlh W ll( G B a 2 W B t W l l ( G . E 3 , J la ? 5 0 li[ h W ll( G ,E 3 B a ? £ « t W l l ( G B i 0 pa?S o o th W d (G ,E 3 B ? l ! S « o l h # ( G B p a ? E o s t W a l ( G . E 3 i œ E L ? E « t » il(G .I B a ? S o u th W a l(G ,E 3 B a ? £ « s t W ^ ( G .E 3 i B a ? N o it h W d ( G .C 3 B p E l? E M t W ll ( G , E 3 , l B E L ? E a ï W i l ( G . lv gaotinii H c o t^ s m m tT iM I ? D G e o m e tr y 3 -D G e o m o try | S p ro a d o h e a t | S o m m a ry [ Colvr Legend I I Exterior Walls f~ ] Int&riar Wall» ^ f t o a f s Q Undergfùuid wall» Q E xte rio rF lo crf l% ! Ifitericpr Floors [ ] Ceilings j # Undergrauid Floors Windows Q Window Overhangs Window Fins ■ P Ready Figure 5.2.33: A eQUEST program screen shot 33 - schematic design wizard 248 H i IWi FREEMAN HOUSE 041 - «QUEST Quick Energy SimulallDn Tool F ile Edi w ew mde T tK il! rt* 0 a B % . # if S'Ël'B '' B 0 0 " s H I â 1 2 W # X 6 æ g M « B r d c m p m m lT ie e | R e a * = *!il Ë &ÎCelng(i:,E4.IJÎ) El2WestPemfki«(5,tt5) pB.2SoithWil(G,W5,E51) pa.EWKlWsl(C.l*Î.ES) pa2anthWjl(G,ViE,ES3) P E L2EiStW el(G ,W 5,E S4) P eL2 smith Wd(G,W5,E55t pEL2«0rllltill(G,W5.E56) pELÎWe!tWllM.W5,ESÎ) pD.2N«tli lirai (G.VÆISe) p6.2westWal(G,*î,ESÎ) P0.2S»*hWil(S,(li5-E«) pB.2£aaiWal(G,w;.E«lJ P E L 2 « o r tliW d (S .llK .E f fi) PE12Vr«tWjl(G.«(5.E63) P E L 2 W U rlliW il(G .W 5 .E M ) p E L 2 f M (W ^ ( S .W 5 .E 6 5 ) p a ? sm ith W l((G ,W S ,E S 6) pa2vreitwai(c,»s,E6;) P & 2 South WdK,WS,EB) pa2w «t*aiK .M .K ;) Pa2Rgof(G.WSIIQ) l» ja ? £ js t W d l( S ,W 5 .IlS ) g a ? w s w w jl(5 .w s .iji) E LiE ast Fsim Ptiri(5,Eô) PaZ5l»lthW(l(G,ES.E7l) Pa?We!lWll(G,E6.E7il pa2S«ithWi<(!,e5.E!5) p a 2 East Wal(G.Ei 174) paiSouthWaKGES.ETS) pa2EastWd(G.EeE76) Pa?SuihWal(GES.E77) P a ? E a s tV Ï! (( S ,E 6 ,E 7 » ) P a ? K 4 r ( liW il(S ,E 6 ,E 7 U ) Pa?ElStW!l(G,ES,E8t) p a ? south W ll(G ,E6,ESI) Pa?EjitWaHG,E6,ES?) pazSuuthwalKESm P & 2 % t l ,W a l« , E k E « 4 ) 2 -D C e c m e lr i 3 -Ü G e o n ie trY | S p rea d sliB B t j S u m m a ry tolor Legend B E x te rio r W ills Interior w all; | I RoftfS ^2 Underground Walls i E x te rio r Floors In te r io r Floors ■ ceilings ■ Underground floors W indow s ' Window Overhangs Figure 5.2.34: A eQUEST program screen shot 34 - schematic design wizard 249 @TTiE FREEMAN HOUSE 0 4 5 -eQUEST Quick Energy Slitiui&Ilon Tool F i t Edi View Mode T M b r t * Q c a J B ^e#^f ® i'0 lB 9'^lJ ^ É f 6 -*l5 l B a 2 5 e ü t ^ V / d ( G , W S , E 6 6 ) / B & 2 South Wilts, ttS,E6S) B&!W«tWol((;.WS,KS) paaf:oiif(s.w5,E70) ja jE > s (W tl(S ,W 5 .I1 3 ) 3a2W SW W jl(S,ïlî.IM) H E l2 E ! ! t PMinPimtG.ES) fc a Z 5 » th W « l(5 ,E 6 .E 7 l) BaEWKtWll(C,E6.E») paES«ithWII(G,E6.E;3) p a z EM Wilts,EE ,[71) p a 2 South Wil(S,ES.E7S) paZEost Wilts,E«,E7E) p E L 7 South WaltS,£S.E7?) P a z EM Wilts,E6,E7») PaZ«lrtllWJ(S,ES,E7U) PaZ£MtWlltG,E6,ESt) p a z south WlltS,E6.ESI) pa?EsitWjlt5.Ei,ES?) paESouthWiltSES.EES) pa2tMI)W d{S,ES,EM) Pa2WestWil|S.ES.E3E:j pa2«ortliWJ(S.£S.£S6) pa2Socif(6.Et.E67) t EïterorWal 139 Eïlsrior Wèl 190 f l Mndovt4l ®aJ£4stwafl((J,E6,ii3) [H a 2 w e îtw âî(d i6,iie) BELEEiitPaEoPWtG.E?) >a2EM W il|S,E7,E») _ )a2NortliWiltG,E7,£S9) S jpEU5athWiltG,E7.E0D) ■ EL2 South W ii(G .E 7 m W B Wrdow44 P i a z R00f(E,E7.E9J( B P EïtSIffl WJIL53 I c ™ i , f l M u ii 1^ EtmffflloVTiM [ Z ‘ D G e c m e t iï 3 -D S e o u iitr Y | S p re a d s tia a t | S u m m a ry lo lo r Legend M ' F x te fio r W alls ! ■ I n t e r io r v / a ll* | I Roofs ^ Ltfiderground Walls F x ta ^ ie r Floors Interior Flcor; ^ C a iiin g i ^ Uidergreund Flo«rs W in dow s ■ • Window Overhangs W in dow Firs Reed/ Figure 5.2.35: A eQUEST program screen shot 35 - schematic design wizard 250 The following figures 5.2.36 fo 5.2.40 shows fhe differenf views of fhe simulofion model, like fhe original design, is ready for simulofion. FSe Edi Wew Node TtKli H * 0 S k S'^'S ^ # # X / 6'S ■ EitsriH 1% " g a 2 M h W « l( K l,N M i) 1 H E L 2 W a itP sm iîp t(Ç .W 2 ) 0 9a25oithWJp,W2.E13) l£L2SBjlhWin(5.W2.EIH ffla2VJ«tWll(C.*Z,EH) p a z south wil(S,w2,Ei6> p a î£ M W j( ( î,W Î,£ l6 1 H P & 2 S ) U t h W il( S , W 2 , E 1 7 ) P & 2 « irtl,W il(iS .« !.E )S ) P a z W « tW d (t;.W 2 .E t9 ) P a z «O rth W d(U .W Z .E 2D ) P a z w B t w i lM z , E Z i ) p a z s o u th wd(G,wz,zzz) paz£«twi«(5,wz,EiS) P aZ^otthwdiG.Wi.Eio) Pa2WestWol(G.Wi.eS) p a z N o t tiiW iiK , pEUEostW d(G.W 2.E27j paz S o u th wd(G.wz.zæ) B p a zw K iw ilM z.E a J ■ El2W iaK0r(«.W Z,EZ;,[ BtL2Ute«lJmf(G.W Z,EZ5,C S a z S o u t h W d ( S , V f Z , E 3 ( J ) azwestwoire.Mfsi) _ B EL2'*estD oor(G .W !,E 3l,: ^ a Z F H 5 * . I 3 ) ^a2EastWjl(S.W!.I4) i»]aZWSWWjl(S,W2.I5) |§ a z c « ilio (& w z ,is ) 2 0E12EO!t Paill5t<(G,E3) B p a z south W «I(G ,E S ,E 3 Z ) 1 El23(0thWill(G,E3.E3Z,W p a2 W e s tW ll[G .E 3 .E 3 3 j p a z South W il(G,E3.E3« p a z East W3l(G.£3,E3S) B pa2SmthWil(G,ES,E3S) _ I } 0 M o tK [| CoffBonef^ Tj« 2‘ D G e c m ïtr ï 3 -0 GfromeJry j Spreadshaat | Summsry | Color legend B ExtèriCr W àlli Interior Well* | I Raofs ^ jjid e r g r o u n d W e l l s Exterior Floor* Interior Floor; ■ ceiling* ^ Underground Floor* Wir^dorrs ' Window Overhangs window Fir* B s ï iz n NUN Figure 5.2.36: A eQUEST program screen shot 36 - schem atic design wizard 251 @ TTif FREEMAN HOUSE 046 - eQUEST Quick Energy Slmul&Ilen Tool File Edi wew Hode T tp o b H * 0 a w iB # U t g'B'B 6 æ - i j * i 3 a Z F It (5 ,W 2 .I3 1 e 9 E i2 £ a a w ji(i:.w :,M ) S & 2 W W W i l ( 5 , l « . I ! ( 5 E l2 C E i) g f e W 2 .l(i) i g E l i E a s l Pw iniSpc((i,E3) B 9E LZ5 ath W !l(G ,E 3,E 32 ) H E L E S W lh W in (E .E 3.E 3i.W J lE L Z W « t W ll(G .E 3 ,E S 3 l J |E L Z 5 « th W « l(G ,E S .E 3 1 ) g a ,2 :s !t W 3 l(5 ,E 3 ,t3 5 ) E l2 îo iith W iH G ,E Î.E 3 6 J f f i E i: îl» jt h '* ii( S .E 3 .B 6 .W B ^ a 2 E ü t t W j l ( G , E 3 . E 3 i) f f i£ L 2 E a s b 1 ïii( Î.E .E 3 ; .W i; Ù E 1 2 5 l ï t h W i l ( a E a . E 3 8 ) S eL2£mIW!|(S,E3,E39) P E L Z «» tllW el(5.E lE ill) 0 ® a î £ M t W l l ( G , E Î H l ) I t L Î E a i t W l l M . B . E d l . W i : g 0 .2 î(lu th W iH G ,E S ,E « ) E lE £ d !t W i(( G .£ 3 I4 } ) a @ E U 3 w ( h W M E 3 , E " ) B EL! South B in (G .E 3 .E M .D 1 E L 2 tliif(lilW J (5 .£ l£ 4 5 ) _ lE L Z W B lW il(G .E 3 .E 3 6 ] a # |E L Z « ( » t llW e i( G .£ lE 1 7 ) B E L Z N o U iw in iS .É s .É iï.w : B EL2 North Win (G .E3.E47,w; f f i E L 2 N o r t h « « ( S .E a H ! ,* B e l : North w iiic m fl.W ' ^ E l î f U S E S . P ) ig a 2 £ js tW jl(S .E 3 ,lS ) ^ a 2 W 0 ! t W s l( G .E 3 .B ) [i^ a Z C B h g (6 .E 3 .IID } E @ E l2 E a ;tP e r im S p t(G ,E E ) B ÿ ) a 3 l« tW jl( G .E H H 9 ) B E l 2 £ i ! t [ ) ! m ( M 1 , E 3 S , t l H p a Z N n H h W a t G . E i .E D ) I Evor: , @ Minn; Cmpmot Tra [ 2 -D G e o m e tr r 3 -D G e o m e try | S p ro ad sJ ia et | S u m m a ry Color Legend I I Extfrior Wnlls _ 3 Interior wells | I Roirfs Ltndergrourtd Walls F x te ric r Floors In te r io r Floors | g C e i l i r i g t m jjid e rg ro u r td Floors Windows 9 ] - Window Ovorkartgs Window Fins I K Figure 5.2.37: A eQUEST program screen shot 37 - schematic design wizard 252 FJe E d l Wew U n ie Tocy H * [ Q S B ) % _ # f s 1 @ k 1 # ! B " Î S S 0 X f ( ) & 1 p a ? F K G .W 2 .I3 ) A « £ L 2 £ ^ W d l ( i : . W 2 . I 4 } PE L2W S W W allG -W :.I5| g R .2 C e & ig (G W I» ) . @ EL2East Perim Sp< (6,t3) B p E l2 S o ^ W a (5 ,E 3 ,E 3 2 ) ■ £L2 South Wr(€.E3.E32.W BEL2Vrt<tWaa(G.E3,E33l BELZ5CMJ;hWal(G.E3.E31) P E L ? e« tW d li£ i,É Î,É 3 5) R 9& 2S oothW d(G .E9.E3S ) B EL23o(jthW ir{<3.E3m w 8 # E l2 E * t W a < ( S ,E 3 ,E 3 ? ) B E is e ^ s t 'w n f f i.E s m y i'i: g EL2 5oüthWj(ü,E3,E38) EL2£a4tWd(&,E3,E39) 3 p E L 2 N w t h W d ( G , E lE 4 0 ) J a #E 12E W (W ^(G ,E 3,E 4I) BE L2EôîtW fi(ti,E 3.E 41,W i; ffla2S>oehW d(G ,E9,E42) g a 2 E a a W a :( œ ,E 4 3 ) 8 g a 2 ^ h W i l ( G . E 3 . E 4 4 ) B EL2WhPwtS,E3,E'l4,D g EL2AJDrt[iV/J(G.E3.E45) EL2W«tWja(6.E3,E46) a # ElZWorthWd(G,E3,E47) QEUZNCftll m(G,E3,E47,W: ■ EL2NCfUlWin(G,E3,E47,W: ■ E L Z P & tllW in (S ,K ,E 4 ? ,W _ B EL2N orlhW ln(i3,E3,El7,W ' ^ a e F I/ ( G E 3 , l7 3 *^ ft2 E « tW a l((;,e 9 ,l& ) 5 a 2 W « tW a fl(ç .E 3 .I9 ) |j^ELZCBikig(G,E3.IlQ) = @ E l2 E a k PefimSpc(G.E4) a ÿ a Z E « tW d (G .E 4 .E 4 ft) ■ EL2EA$tDdOr(i3.E4.E4S.DJ a fla z w < ir(h w a I{G ,€ iE 4 9 ) I D W 2 V < ^ > I A c tio ™ Q C d fye rA fitT itt I 2 ‘D Geometrf 3-D Geometry | Spreadsheat | Summary | C ol»'legend B ' Exterior Walls # Interior Wall* ^ 0 I Roofs Underground Wall* I Exterior Floors .Interior Floor* C Ceilings Underground Floors 'Windows ■ • Window Overhangs 'Window Firs m Ready Figure 5.2.38: A eQUEST program screen shot 38 - schematic design wizard 253 TTif FREEMAN HOUSE 046 - eQUEST Quick Energy SImul&llon Tool Fit E4* View HtnSe T « b H * BE® g 'E j i B 9 ' ^ ' M ^ È lg W % X / 6 g G .2 F lf% ,W 2 .I3 ) A P E L2 £tô W a l(i:.W 2 .]4 > P a 2V V S W W ^(€.W 2.I3) g a 2 C 6 tig (iS .W 2 .l6 ) :@ E l2 E a 5 t P%fimSpc(G,E3) B 9 ELZSiKJ^fiWM (&.E3.E32) ■ £L2 South Wm (G.E3.E32.W g ELZW«tWaa(G.E3,E33l ELZ south WM(G,E3,E31) g £L2£«tW 3l(G ,e3R S ) B.2 South Wd(GE3,E36) H E L2SouthW iiK .E 3m w Q f t a s s is t W^((^,E3.P7) H£L2E«tW n(G.E3.E37,yiii; gE LZ S o^hW j(G ,E 3,E 38 ) DELZ£a^W M(G.E3.E39) P ELZWOrthWfll(5,£lE40) B JlaZ £ M tW a« (G ,E 3 ,E 4l) B îL 2 £ a ;tW ^ W ,£ 3 .£ 4 l,'# i: g & 2 South WM(&,0 1 4 2 ) a2EKtWW4G,E3,E4)) B *E12SouthW ^(S,E3,E44) B EL2Sc4ihDoa(â.£3.EH.D B ELZtODrtfiWd(G.£3.£45) OELZV;^tU/a9(G.E3.E46] B S EL2tWfthVrflHG,£lE‘l7) B elz North Wln(G,E3,E47,w: H E l 2 North Win (S.E3,£47,w: B EL2North Wm(G,E3,£47,W: H E L 2 North Wtn(G,E3.E47,W‘ ^ a 2 F M G £ 3 .l7 ) i^a Z £ a jtW d 4 G .E 3 ,}tf) ^ a Z W « tW B l(6 .E 3 .» ) [^ELZC Bihg(G, £12 East RefltnSpf(G,E4) a pD.Z£*tW all4G,E4,E4@ ) B & Z ü K D o Q r lG E lE t& D l H 9a 2t^ortl> W d{G .E 4.£49) I D o o r: y 0 Conpcnent Tree | 2-D Geometrf 3-0 Geometry | SpreadsJiBBt | Summary | tolor Legend B Exterior Walls ■ In te r io r W a ll: ^ I Roofs U n d e rg ro u n d W all; Exterior Floors Interior Floor; \~i CBilirigS U n d e rg ro u n d Floors Windows ■ - W in dow O v e rh a n g s 1 1 Figure 5.2.39: A eQUEST program screen shot 39 - schematic design wizard 254 J THF FRffWAN HOUSE 0 4 * «QUEST(Iwick f n z r e , y 1 « i ' Tq*I F it E lk ^ Mode Took □ (i fi lb p a * . 7 1 ■ “ S k i 'WH :T @ 9 ^ f É a a a X f 6 s rj-l H ELi F U i.W î.n j ' p i i i E « tw d ( s .w ;.ii) i^E U w S » w il(fi.K !.lS !l O gEiicjfcgW .irt.ft) S H E L J tM tW n m S K fi.E S l ■ ■ B E L Î5 ou ih *rtlB .E 3,E ÎÜ S E125lM(hW n(&f3,EK,W B EUH>b ( W ü :&.ES,ES3) P EU Sftj[)lW a(S.E3.E3tl P EL^E«tW d(S.E3.E3E) ^ P k ^ h W jK . E ) . ! * ) M & î î « l h l « i ( « 3 . ! » w - p E Ù E M W o lM .B .B M H ElIE«tW>lW.E3,E37,u^i; D El3 5ouihW«l(5,E3,E33) B a !E » tW « l(;,E 3 ,K S ) B a z UAUi W H (E.E3.EW ) - P EUEictWtl<S.E3.E41) ■ a2E«lW ti<^.E3.E41.W i: g il2Snjth4Ud(S.E3.E42) WE«tw^(S.!3.!431 El!S«*hW(l(5.£3.£44) B Ei:3wth[4w«!.n£44.[< S a Z N « lti W lH (i,E 3 ,E *5 ) a Z W B t W j( C ,E S ,E 1 6 J a Z t*K llllV l£ £ G ,E 3 ,E 4 Z ) ■ a 2 K ,H iW h ( a ,E 3 ,E 4 7 ,W : ■ a2Nc<ll>H>r<(e.E3.E47.W: I a2h,0,Wr{g.E3.E43.W: B a iftftE w r(a .n .E 4 7 .W ' HEUEEW.E3.I7] f c E U E « tW l< (a ,E 3 ,« ) g a zw B tW (l(s .E 3 ,n ) p a Z C l*1 3 (5 ,E 3 ,Il0 l A BEUE*tP«,m 5K(a,E4) - B ELZE«1W4E(S,E4,E48) ftl aZEclDmW'Ei'E-IE.Ol - p a2 U x li Hill (C.E4.E44) _ I a « r : 9 J w w n r s a m m m r t T r w [ ft«dy 2-0 G k O n M l/v j'D O ^o m e trt | S prdka*ht«t I S irm m & rT I lo k r tr ^ e iM l B I gxtorigr WflHt ' in te rio r w # j R eef# ___ I U fid trfli'^u rtd W d llt ___ I E x to riD f Floors jj ^ tn ttrio rflg ^ rj t o C e ilin g * i|# ' I u n d «rai'ih in d Floor» . WifidOn» : W in daw O va rtio n g s _ M indo w Fin* Figure 5.2.40: A eQUEST program screen shot 40 - schematic design wizard In the next section of this chapter w e will discuss the results of fhis simulofion model and furfher analysis of fhe design developm enf. 255 5.3 RUNNING OF THE SIMULATIONS, SIMULATION R ESU LTS AND COMPARISON The simulation results were a little different compares to the HEED results. eQuest gives the breokdown of monthly utility bills in dollars and onnuol energy consumption in kWhxOOO. Both the results ore shown os bar charts developed in eQuest only. In the annual energy consumption chart, eQuest further gives the detoiled distribution of different appliances ond systems per electric consumptions. Figure 5.3.1 shows the monthly utility bills in U.S. dollars. As w e con see in the columns, except during March and August which ore $140.00, rest of the month's utility bill overage $125.00. We ore unable to determ ine why March ond August month's utility bill ore higher than the rest of the months. But, it is worth noticing that there is no significant change in monthly utility bills regordless of season. Thot is showing correctly because we selected "none" for the HVAC system. Figure 5.3.2 shows the detailed description of electric load. You con observe that the major annually lood is due to miscelloneous equipm ent ond otter that task lighting. The w oter heoting lood is there but not contributing o lot. The other way, there is not any spoce heoting or space cooling load and this exploins the lock of much variation in monthly utility bills. 256 Monthly Utility Biils ($ ) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 13 The Freeman HouseOOl - Baseline Design (12/07/05 0)00:11) Figure 5.3.1 : A eQUEST program screen shot 4 1 - simulation results os baseline design showing monthly utility bills ($) 257 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse Area Lighting Task Lighting Misc. Eguipm ent Exterior Usage Ventilation Pumps and Misc. Refrigeration Space Cooling Heat Rejection Space Heating Ht Pump Suppl. W ater Heating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Electric Use (kWh xOOO) I I The Freeman HouseOOl - Baseline Design (12/07/05 @ 00:11) Figure 5.3.2: A eQUEST program screen shot 42 - simulation results os annual energy consumption by endues To learn more about heating and cooling loads as reflected in monthly utility bills, in the schem atic design wizard, w e selected the likely HVAC system and simulated the project again. The following figure 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 shows fhe resulfs received wifh fhof change. Here, in figure 5.3.3, you con see fhe seasonal change in fhe graph. There is a significanf rise from fhe monfh June fo July and July fo Augusf. As we 258 discussed in chapter 2.1, the Los Angeles have tem perate clim ate, the month of June, July, August and September is considered os summer. So, now the eQuest is calculating the space coaling load for those months and so the rise in utility bills during that time. We con further confirm that by looking at figure 5.3.4, which shows the addition of electricity loads due to space cooling and ventilation. Those were not seen in the previous simulation results (Figure 5.3.3). One more thing is worth noticing in these tw o chorts is the increosed monthly utility bills com pore to previous simulotions results. Even if we ignore the summer rise in utility bills, the lowest of oil yeor oround is $245.00 for the month of Februory. Thot is olmost double com pore to the scheme hoving $125.00 without heating ond cooling system. That meons in Februory or during winter time also there is heating lood which is also visible in figure 5.3.4. 259 Monthly Utility Bills ( $ ) 500 400 300 200 100 Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec B The Freem an H ouse002hvac - Baseline Design (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0 :23 ) Figure 5.3.3: A eQUEST program screen shot 43 - simulation results os baseline design showing monthly utility bills ($) with HVAC installed 260 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse Area Lighting Task Lighting Misc. Equipm ent Exterior Usage V entilation Pumps and M isc.j Refrigeration Space Cooling Heat Rejection Space Heating Ht Pump Suppl, W ater Heating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Electric Use (kW h xOOO) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fuel Use (Btu xOOOjOOO) ■ The Freeman House002hvac - Baseline Design (12/07/05 ® 00:23) Figure 5.3.4: A eQUEST program screen shot 44 - simulation results os annual energy consumption by enduse with HVAC installed This reconfirms that, in general, w hatever simulation results we received in HEED program before and offer insfalling fhe HVAC system are quief similar fo fhe eQuesf resulfs. And, fhough eQuesf is nof showing fhe energy cod e requiremenfs, fhe insfallafion of HVAC fo fhe presenf condifion of Freeman House mighf significanfly increase in energy consumpfion and also increase difficulfies meefing fhe energy code. 261 As w e performed several im provem ent simulations runs in HEED, to satisfy our curiosity, w e performed the same simulations in eQuest also. We performed two different kinds of im provem ent study changes. First, w e tried to use different types of glazing and second w e tried different types of insulation in wall. Here, w e would like to mention that our changes and comparison of glazing and insulation were to learn more about eQuest simulation only. We were not intending to show any comparison between HEED and eQuest program results and their output strategies. eQuest is calling the original design model of the Freeman House with HVAC installed as the “ baseline design.” The other columns ore named by us as per their respective changed type for better understanding of the comparison. First, w e changed the glazing from clear glass to double low E glass type and called that scheme ‘Double Low E’. Before running the simulation we also created a similar scheme in which w e changed ail the clear glass to triple low E glass and called it ‘Triple Low E’. After doing that change w e ran the simulation. Figure 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 shows the resulting comparison generated with above changes in glazing. We can see the fail in monthly utility bills in each month. The double low E glass scheme's columns ore lower 262 than the base line design and the triple lew E glass scheme's celumns are lewer than dauble law E glass scheme far each and every menth. We can further cenfirm eur analysis with figure 5.3.6., that there is variatien in space heating and ventilatian with changing the glazing type but net in task lighting ar miscellaneaus equipment. If we study these graphs in detail, w e can find same mere interesting facts indicating haw these changes are making a real difference. Far the menths at June, July, August and September, the menthly utility bills are higher than rest at the menths. This is the summer time and sa the ceeling lead is geing te be raising these bills. In winter cenditiens there w e n 't be a ceeling lead. If w e questien eur selves that, in summer w hat increase the ceeling lead? The answer is the direct sun dcing that. As seen as w e use the dauble end triple lew E glass, the penetretien at the sun is decreased end se the ceeling lead will be less cam pa red te clear glass. During the winter menths there is ne ceeling lead se dauble end triple lew E glass w e n 't make much difference. That is clearly reflected in the eQuest menthly utility bill results. Far the summer menths there is a significant decrease as w e ore changing the glazing type but that variatien is net some far winter menths. 263 Monthly Utility Bills ( $ ) 500 400 300 200 100 Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul Aug Sep O c t Nov Dec ■ The Freem an HouseOOZhvac - Baseline Design (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0 :2 9 ) I I The Freem an H ouse002hvac - Double l o w E (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0 :30 ) □ The Freem an Flüuse002hvac - Triple low E (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0 :31 ) Figure 5.3.5: A eQUEST program screen shot 45 - simulation results os monthly utility bills ($) with HVAC and different glazing options 264 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse A rea Lighting Task Lighting Misc. E quipm ent E xte rior Usage V e n tila tio n Pum ps and Mise, R efrigeration Space Cooling H ea t R ejection Space H eating Ht Pump Suppl. W a te r H eating 1 2 3 4 5 Electric Use (kW h xGOCi) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Fuel Use (Btu xOOO.OOO) ■ The Freem an H ouseG 02hvac - B aseline Design (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 ® 0 0:2 9) □ The Freem an H ouse002hvac - D ouble low E (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0 :3 0 ) □ The Freem an H ouse002hvac - Triple low E (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 0:3 1) Figure 5.3.6: A eQUEST program screen shot 46 - simulation results os annual energy consumption by enduse with HVAC installed and different glazing options The other comparison shows the impacts of adding insulation in walls. Just as in the glazing comparison, here also w e called the eQuest first design as the “ baseline design” and w e called the other changed design schemes by their respective change. For first case w e added R = 4 value insulation outside the walls. In the second instance, w e kept the outside R = 4 insulation and filled fhe air gap of fhe walls wifh insulafion maferial. For fhis opfion, eQuesf 265 doesn't show the R value so w e ore not sure w hat value eQuest is using. And, for the lost option, w e kept the first and second design, with outside R = 4 insulation, filled air gaps with insulation and w e further added R = 4 value inside insulation. Here again we would like to say that for the Freeman House, the addition of outside, inside and filled insulation options ore not appropriate suggestions, irrespective of the good-bad results, because of the tremendous historical value of the building. Those changes were for the purpose our study and curiosity of results only. The following figures 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 show the results otter running the simulation, in figure 5.3.7, the monthly utility bills, w e con see the drop with the addition of outside R = 4 value insulation, if w e study the same graph in detail, the filling of air gap with insulation is not making a significant difference. You con see this observation only if you com pare the filled insulation column with the outside insulation column. One con not observe this if com pared with inside insulation or baseline design. Another interesting observation w e find was the variation in summer and winter with the change of insulation pattern. You con notice that there is not any difference during summer months utility bills between baseline design and inside insulation (lost column). While 266 during winter months, the drop due to inside insulation is almost the same as the only outside insulation. Monthly Utility Bills ($) 500 400 300 200 100 Feb M ar A pr M ay Jun Jul Jan Aug Sep O c t Nov Dec B The Freem an H cu se 0 0 3 h va c w a llin s u l - Baseline D esign (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 6 ) D The Freem an H cu se 0 0 3 h va c w a llin s u l - Ext W all Insu l EEM (R = 4 ) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 6 ) D The Freem an H cu se 0 0 3 h va c w a llin s u l - Ext W all Insu l EEM (R = 4 + Filled) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 7 ) D The Freem an H o u se 0 0 3 h va c w a llin s u l - Ext W all Insu l EEM (R = 4 + Filled + R =4) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 7 ) Figure 5.3.7: A eQUEST program screen shot 47-simulation results os monthly utility bills ($) with HVAC and different wall insulation options In figure 5.3.8, w e con see that in the overall drop of consumption, the major contribution is by space heating and after that ventilation. Space cooling is increasing the consumption. 267 Annual Energy Consumption by Enduse Area Lighting Task Lighting Mise, Equipm ent E xterior Usage V entilatio n Pumps and Miso, R efrigeration Space Cooling Heat Rejeotion Spaoe H eating Ht Pump Suppl, W a te r H eating 1 2 3 4 5 E lectric Use (kW h xOOO) 10 20 30 40 Fuel Use (B tu x000,000) 50 E 3 The Freem an H ouse003hvac w a llin s u l - Baseline Design (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 6 ) n The Freem an H ouse003hvac w a llin s u l - Ext Wall Insul EEM (R=4) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 6 ) n The Freem an H ouse003hvac w a llin s u l - Ext Wall Insul EEM (R=4 + Filled) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 7 ) n The Freem an H ouse003hvac w a llin s u l - Ext Wall Insul EEM (R -4 + Filled + R -4 ) (1 2 /0 7 /0 5 @ 0 1 :3 7 ) Figure 5.3.8: A eQUEST program screen shot 48 - simulation results os annual energy consumption by enduse with HVAC installed and different wall insulation option 268 5.4 SUMMARY From the above simulation in eQuest, first w e would say that the program is a very sophisticated and there are still many things w e need to explore to know it more. For the Freeman Flouse, the present condition without FIVAC installed is more energy efficient as far as the monthly utility bills ore considered but not the com fort level of the occupants. With the installation of such a system, one should expect a significant raise in the utility bills. The triple low E glass is helping to reduce the utility bills significantly during summer com pared to present clear glazing type. And, the addition of insulation is also making vast difference. The outside insulation of R = 4 value is the best solution com pared to the filled air gap with insulation or inside insulation. As w e noted in HEED summary, it is worth mentioning here again that if w e do both the changes, the house will be significantly energy efficient. This is particular to the Freeman House design as the house has lots of glazing. For different designs the results may vary to its nature and this specific insulation and glass improvements may not result enough energy savings com pare to some other changes. 269 CHAPTER 6: EXECUTIVE S U M M A R Y /C O N C L U S IO N Frank Lloyd Wright was an innovator in form, orientation, materials and clim ate responsive design. Many of his buildings were experimental and not oil were entirely successful in oil aspects. From cur present thermal energy perform ance study, w e conclude that this particular Frank Lloyd Wright Freeman Flouse does not perform very well passively, despite a South facing hillside site. The benefit due to earth sheltering is largely to the lower floor and that also during specific time of the year, not much on upper floor. As with all monitaring, there ore enigmas to unravel, such os a sensor which is not reading the some os the im m ediately adjacent sensors and a sensor next to a light fixture. Careful normalizatian and parallel runs between sensors in a known environment helps to deca d e the difficulties. Improved glazing would moke a huge difference and insulation is absolutely necessary. Thermal moss is not sufficient, in this cose. Again, the Freeman Flouse is spatially exciting and takes wonderful advantage of its site os for os views and the hillside experience but, with the addition of modern glazing materials and rethinking the insulation of the textile blacks, the next version would be more successful. 270 CHAPTER 7: FUTURE W ORK TO DO During our study w e learned a lot about ttie ttiermol perform ance and simulation of a building. As it was our first detailed attem pt at ttiis type of study, w e observed and noted a few im portant tilings w tiicii we ttiink will be useful if someone is carrying out a similar study in ttie future. Ttie suggestions for future work towards ttie continuation of ttiis study include tilings w e were not able to carry out, due to our limited knowledge or were studies w e could not accom plisii due to time constrain. Ttiere are ttiree im portant areas of future work: data collection, analysis, and im plem entation for sucti ttiermol perform ance study. For ttie data collection stage, w e recom m end ttie following suggestions: - ttie BEEMS sensors used in ttiis study were pre-positioned at ttie Freeman Flouse and were recording data before ttiis study com m enced. Ttieir locations were not ttie most appropriate for ttiis work because ttie sensors were not positioned wtiere people would actually be sitting or standing. We recom m end ttiot ttie tieigtit & location of oil ttie sensors be repositioned to ttie "comfort" tieigtit and location. 271 - Monitor the thermal perform ance with outside w eather conditions and use data loggers to keep a separate record of outside w eather condition to better com pare the difference between inside and outside conditions. - Monitor the perform ance of each sensor regularly. - Calibrate the difference of tem perature and relative humidity readings of wireless sensors with actual readings taken with the help of independent sensors. - Should keep regular record and docum ent the occupant's comments on thermal perform ance for the days w e are observing. - Should regularly observe and docum ent the outside w eather - the conditions like rain, wind or cloudy days. - Should keep record if there is any major change in occupancy or installment of any heat generating equipm ent/appliances in the house. - Consider and count the appliances heat for thermal performance. - Should regularly download all the recorded data and store them at different location so that the data losses d o n 't happen. - Should backup the electric supply to gatew ay Computer, so that in case of power failure data losses d o n 't happen. -Should start other useful possible channels in w eatherstation to 272 record solar parameters, which might be useful for various lighting studies and solar thermal and photovoltaic studies. - depends upon the specific depth of study, one should consider energy simulation software like Energy 10.0 for more specific simulation results. - Before starting the simulation model should moke a detailed inventory of oil the construction materials, equipments and occupancy. Each of the above steps will help to improve the quality and usefulness of the data. With im proved data, w e can much more reliably draw conclusions about the thermal perform ance of the house. With this data, there are several additional analyses that can be accomplished. For the analyses stage, w e recom m end the following suggestions: -One should study the tem perature graphs in much more detail. We can break each day tem perature chart and study the change of pattern of each sensor and so the space. With the help of that space perform ance w e can further make few passive architectural suggestions for the Freeman Flouse. -It might be valuable to do a com parative study of the neighboring houses surrounding the Freeman Flouse and perhaps even some of the other textile block houses. By that w e can understand the textile 273 block construction type and its perform ance in different w eottier conditions. -Stiould com pare and analyze fine inside and outside tem perature difference though out the year. -if it is possible to extend the study for few years then, should study the Freeman House thermal perform ance with different occupancy, different windows and doors opening schedules. -during analysis, one should also plot the same data in biociim atic chart having different com fort zone like Europe and Asia. -in detailed com fort chart analysis, the total counts of plots in com fort chart and outside the com fort chart should be com pared. These counts should be further divided into day and night time so that w e can identify the com fort perform ance more specific for day and night. By that w e can discuss the concrete textile block perform ance variation in day and night in general. -Gam ble House is also being monitored with such wireless sensors network. The recorded data of G am ble house should be com pared with Freeman house for the same day and same time for the better understanding of same region houses having different construction type. 274 -from the simulation results which suggested the benefit from insulation, w e should analyze the possible ways to insulate the Freeman House. -for the simulation software, w e analyzed the utility bills in both the simulation but w e should also analyze the thermal comfort. And finally, for the design im plem entation stage, w e recom m end the following suggestions: - should change all the present clear glass glazing of Freeman House with double pone - low - E glass. -should also insert the insulation to best possible ways -should perform the thermal bridges test for the house and stop oil the thermal leakage. -should develop coherent simulation software which measure the thermal com fort and tem perature patterns instead of merely energy usage, with different design developm ent. -should develop the program which monitor sensors network, generate graphic images of thermal behavior of the house and give suggestions to end user for opening and closing of certain opening in advance so that without HVAC, the building con be thermally cooled and warmed. Such program should be directly connected to the forecast software and the passive design strategies specified for particular design. 275 With the help of above suggested data collection, analysis, and Implementations, through understanding of Freeman House, solar passive architecture, textile concrete blocks, simulation software, and wireless sensors knowledge con be achieved. 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY Chusid, Jeffrey Mark., Hisforic Sfrucfure Reporf, 1989. Moor, Abby., Californian Texfile Black, Frank Lloyd Wrighf of a Glance, 2002. NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Oolibrafian of Temperofure Meosuremenf Sysfems, 1984. Olgyoy, Vicfor., Design wifh Olimofe: Bioclimofic Approach fa Archifecfurol Regionalism, 1963. Sfroafen, J.F. von.. Thermal Performance of Buildings, 1967. Sfein, B., and Reynolds, J., M echanical and Elecfricol Equipmenf for Buildings, 2000. 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SENSO RS ARE NOT PLACED] N O T TO SC A L E LEGEND ® E N D P O IN T ( # # ) B R OU TER (R T #) G A T E W A Y C O M PU T ER h O 00 o Figure A.2: Lower Floor Plan APPENDIX B : PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION OF BEEMS W IRELESS SENSORS NETWORK 2 8 1 Weather Station Manitar(W.St.): W eather Station Identification number: not any Location: Near Entraance(Upper Floor) Place: In the closet near entrance Meosruing since, to : 26th January 1st 2006 and on.. Measures: Outside Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew point Temp., Wind Speed, Dominating Wind Direction. Moke: Oregon Scientific Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) FigureB.l: Closer view of W. St. Monitor 1 LiÊÉÈÉittr' I Figure B.2: Colser view of W. St. Monitor 2 282 Weather Station Receiver(W.St.): Identification number: not any Location: On Terrace Place: South - West corner of the Terrace Measuring since, to : 26th January 1st 2006 and on.. Measures: Outside Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew point Temp., Wind Speed, Dominating Wind Direction. Moke: Oregon Scientific Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.3: Closer view of W. St. Reoeiver Figure B.4: Overall Spooe View where W. St. Reoiever is loooted 283 Router 1 (RTl): Router Identification number: not any Location: Living Room (Upper Floor) Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.5: Closer view of Router 1 Figure B.6: Overall Spooe View where Router 1 is loooted 284 Router 2 (RT2): Router Identification number: not any Location: Living Room (Upper Floor) Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.7: Closer view of Router 2 Figure B.8: Overall Spooe View where Router 2 is loooted 285 Router 3 (RT3): Acting as G atew ay Router Identification number: not any Location: Near Entrance (Upper Floor) Place: Next to W eottier Station Monitor in w ooden closet ^ Measuring since, to : N/A Measures: Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B . 10: Overall Space View where Router 3 is located 286 Router 4 (RT4): Router Identification number: not any Location: Nortti passage (Lower Floor) Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.ll: Closer view of Router 4 Figure B . 12: Overall Spooe View where Router 4 is loooted 287 Router 5 (RT5): Router Identification number: not any Location: Bed Room (Lower Floor) Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.13: Closer view of Router 5 Figure B . 14: Overall Spooe View where Router 5 is loooted 2 8 8 Router 6 (RT6): Router Identification number: not any Location: Lounge (Lower Floor) Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B . 15: Closer view of Router 6 Figure B.l 6: Overall Spooe View where Router 6 is loooted 289 Router 7 (RT7): Router Identification number: not any Location: Southi(west) Closet (Lower Floor) Place: concrete (ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.l 7: Closer view of Router 7 Figure B . 18: Overall Spooe View where Router 7 is loooted 290 Router 8 (RTS): Router Identification number: not any Location: Roof Cabin Place: On the w ooden beam(ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: not any Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.l 9: Closer view of Router 8 J : Figure B.20: Overall Spooe View where Router 8 is loooted 291 Endpoint 1 (EPI): Sensor Identification number: 11.15 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: vertical facet of concrete beam Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) g Figure B.21: Closer view of E P 1 a Figure B.22: Overall Spooe View where E P 1 is loooted 292 Endpoint 2 (EP2): Sensor Identification number: 11.128 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: vertical facet of w ooden beam Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.23: Closer view of E P 2 Figure B.24: Overall Spooe View where E P 2 is loooted 293 Endpoint 3 (EP3): Sensor Identification number: 11.54 Location: Living Room(Main Floor) Place: near ttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical facet of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) V ' . ■ - " 4 y HHl Figure B.25: Closer view of E P 3 Figure B.26: Overall Spooe View where E P 3 is loooted 294 Endpoint 4 (EP4): Sensor Identification number: 11.88 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: N eorttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical facet of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.27: Closer view of E P 4 Figure B.28: Overall Spooe View where E P 4 is loooted 295 Endpoint 5 (EP5): Sensor Identification number: 12.59 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: N eorttie corner of concrete beam, on top facet of w ooden siding (ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (BEEMS) Figure B.29: Closer view of E P 5 Figure B.30: Overall Spooe View where E P 5 is loooted 296 Endpoint 6 (EP6): Sensor Identification number: 12.89 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: On vertical facet of oncrete beam, near west wall Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmental Monitoring Servioesf BEEMS) Figure B.31: Closer view of E P 6 Figure B.32: Overall Spooe View where E P 6 is loooted 297 Endpoint 7 (EP7): Sensor Identification number: 11.102 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: Steel connection, on west wall Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.33: Closer view of E P 7 Figure B.34: Overall Spooe View where E P 7 is loooted 298 Endpoint 8 (EPS): Sensor Identification number: 11.106 Location: Kitctien (Upper Floor) Place: Vertically on wooden beam (ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.35: Closer view of E P 8 Figure B.36: Overall Spooe View where E P 8 is loooted 299 Endpoint 9 (EP9): Sensor Identification number: 11.108 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place:linside ttie northi wall (on inside concrete block) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.37: Closer view of E P 9 Figure B.38: Overall Spooe View where E P 9 is loooted 300 Endpoint 10 (EPIC): Sensor Identification number: 11.110 Location: Living Room (near entrance)(Upper Floor) Place: Inside ttie northi wall (on inside concrete block) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) A Figure B.39: Closer view of EP 10 Figure B.40: Overall Spooe View where E P 10 is loooted 301 Endpoint 1 1 (EPI 1): Sensor Identification number: 11.111 Location: Kitctien (Upper Floor) Place: Vertically on wooden beam (ceiling) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.41 : Closer view of EP 1 1 Figure B.42: Overall Spooe View where E P 1 1 is loooted 302 Endpoint 12 (EPI2): Sensor Identification number: 11.112 Location: Stair case cabin southi wall Place: Inside ttie wall, on inside concrete block Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.43: Closer view of EP 12 Figure B.44: Overall Spooe View where E P 12 is loooted 303 Endpoint 13 (EPI3): Sensor Identification number: 11.115 Location: Stair case cabin southi wall Place: Inside ttie wall, on inside concrete block(above E P 12) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.45: Closer view of EP 13 Figure B.46: Overall Spooe View where E P 13 is loooted 304 Endpoint 14 (EPI4): Sensor Identification number: Location: Stair Cabin (Terrace) Place: Near ttie top corner of concrete west wall, on a w ooden rafter Measuring since: 1 st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relaive Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.47: Closer view of EP 14 Figure B.48: Overall Spooe View where E P 14 is loooted 305 Endpoint 15 (EPI5): Sensor Identification number: 11.137 Location: Stair cabin (Terrace) Place: Inside ttie (ncrtti) concrete block column Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.49: Closer view of EP 15 r Figure B.50: Overall Spooe View where E P 15 is loooted 306 Endpoint 16 (EPI6): Sensor Identification number: 11.126 Location: Lounge (Lower Floor) Place:Northi corner near ttie condute, on vertical facet of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) 9 -M Figure B.51 : Closer view of EP 16 Figure B.52: Overall Spooe View where E P 16 is loooted 307 Endpoint 17 (EPI7): Sensor Identification number: 11.142 Location: Lounge (Lower Floor) Place: Near ttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical facet of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.53: Closer view of EP 17 Figure B.54: Overall Spooe View where E P 17 is loooted 308 Endpoint 18 (EPI8): Sensor Identification number: 11.146 Location: Lower Floor Place: Betiind ttie retaining wall on Lower Floor Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Flumidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.55: Closer view of EP 18 _ _ _ ■ ■ A r Figure B.56: Overall Spooe View where EP If is loooted 309 Endpoint 19 (EP19): Sensor Identification number: 11.158 Location: Lower Floor Place: Betiind ttie retaining wall on Lower Floor Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.57: Closer view of EP 19 Figure B.58: Overall Spooe View wFiere E P 19 is loooted 310 Endpoint 20 (EP20): Sensor Identification number: 11.161 Location: Lower Floor Place: Betiind ttie retaining wall on Lower Floor Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.59: Closer view of EP 20 Figure B.60: Overall Spooe View wFiere E P 20 is loooted 31 Endpoint 21 (EP21 ): Not Placed Sensor Identification number: Location: Place: Measuring since, to : Measures: Installed by 312 Endpoint 22 (EP22): Sensor Identification number: 11.168 Location: Battiroom (Lower Floor) Place:Southi wall, on w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.61 : Closer view of EP 22 Figure B.62: Overall Spooe View where E P 22 is loooted 313 Endpoint 23 (EP23): Sensor Identification number: 11.216 Location: Lounge (Lower Floor) Place: Near ttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical face of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.63: Closer view of EP 23 Figure B.64: Overall Spooe View where E P 23 is loooted 314 Endpoint 24 (EP24): Sensor Identification number: 12.101 Location: West - Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place:Northi - East corner, on vertical facet of wooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.65: Closer view of EP 24 Figure B.66: Overall Spooe View where E P 24 is loooted 315 Endpoint 25 (EP25): Sensor Identification number: 12.105 Location: West - Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place: On west wall (Norttiern port), on vertical facet of w ooden siding Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.67: Closer view of EP 25 Figure B.68: Overall Spooe View where E P 25 is loooted 316 Endpoint 26 (EP26): Sensor Identification number: 12106 Location: West - Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place: On w ooden rafter, on vertical facet, near southi - west side Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.69: Closer view of EP 26 Figure B.70: Overall Spooe View where E P 26 is loooted 317 Endpoint 27 (EP27): Sensor Identification number: 11.107 Location: West Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place: on Southi wall(towards west), near window sill, between concrete block. Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.71: Closer view of EP 27 Figure B.72: Overall Spooe View where E P 27 is loooted 318 Endpoint 28 (EP28): Sensor Identification number: 12.112 Location: East Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place: Betiind ttie Bedroom door Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.73: Closer view of EP 28 Figure B.74: Overall Spooe View wtiere E P 28 is loooted 319 Endpoint 29 (EP29): Sensor Identification number: 12.115 Location: East Bedroom (Lower Floor) Place: Soutti-Eost corner, at ttie junction of w ooden rafters and gloss curtain wall Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.75: Closer view of EP 29 Figure B.76: Overall Spooe View where E P 29 is loooted 320 Endpoint 30 (EP30): Sensor Identification number: 12.119 Location: Stair cabin (Terrace) Place: near ttie top corner of concrete west wall, on a rafter Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 ^ and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) FigureB.77: Closer view of EP 30 Figure B.78: Overall Spooe View where E P 30 is loooted 321 Endpoint 31 (EP31): Sensor Identification number: Not Placed Location: Place: Measuring since, to : Measures: Installed by 322 Endpoint 32 (EP32): Sensor Identification number: Not Placed Location: Place: Measuring since, to : Measures: Installed by 323 Endpoint 33 (EP33): Sensor Identification number: 12.132 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: Between ttie gap of w ooden siding and concrete block(acting as beam) Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.79: Closer view of E P 33 Figure B.80: Overall Space View where E P 33 is located 324 Endpoint 34 (EP34): Sensor Identification number: 12.134 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: Between ttie gap of beam and ceiling, next to EP35 Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) ' • ■ Figure B.81 : Closer view of EP 34 Figure B.82: Overall Spooe View where E P 34 is loooted 325 Endpoint 35 (EP35): Sensor Identification number: 12136 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: Between ttie gap of beam and ceiling, next to EP34 Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) ' • ■ Figure B.83: Closer view of EP 35 Figure B.84: Overall Spooe View where E P 35 is loooted 326 Endpoint 36 (EP36): Sensor Identification number: 12.147 Location: Living Room (Lowe Floor), Northi wall Place: Near ttie ceiling and Nortti wall corner, between ttie gap of beam and wall. Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute Interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.85: Closer view of EP 36 Figure B.86: Overall Spooe View wtiere E P 36 is loooted 327 Endpoint 37 (EP37): Sensor Identification number: 12245 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: near ttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical fa ce t Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.87: Closer view of EP 37 Figure B.88: Overall Spooe View where E P 37 is loooted 328 Endpoint 38 (EP38): Sensor Identification number: !xl09 Location: Living Room(Llpper Floor) Place: near ttie corner of concrete beam, on vertical facet Measuring since, to : 1st April 2005 and on.. Measures: Temperature and Relative Humidity at 15 minute interval Installed by Building Envelope Environmentoi Monitoring Servio es (SEEMS) Figure B.89: Closer view of EP 38 Figure B.90: Overall Spooe View where E P 38 is loooted 329 G atew ay and Netwark cantral cam puter: Identificatian number: Net Any Lacatien: Near Entrance(Upper Flaar) Measuring since, te : 1st April 2005 and an.. Place: Next te G atew ay and W eattier Statian Manitar in w aaden claset Figure B.91 : Closer view of C om puter Figure B.92: Overall Spooe View where Computer is loooted 330
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Asset Metadata
Brahmbhatt, Sumit Avinash
Core Title
The thermal energy performance study of the Freeman House
Master of Building Science / Master in Biomedical Sciences
Degree Program
Building Science
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
Architecture,Energy,engineering, environmental,OAI-PMH Harvest
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1460609.pdf (filename),usctheses-c16-57252 (legacy record id)
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Brahmbhatt, Sumit Avinash
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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The author retains rights to his/her dissertation, thesis or other graduate work according to U.S. copyright law. Electronic access is being provided by the USC Libraries in agreement with the au...
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University of Southern California Digital Library
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engineering, environmental