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The role of social media in the evolution of the male homosexual community in modern China
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The role of social media in the evolution of the male homosexual community in modern China
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Stumph 1
The Role of Social Media in the Evolution of the Male
Homosexual Community in Modern China
Steven Stumph
Department of East Asian Language and Culture
Master of Arts
University of Southern California
May 2018
Stumph 2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
2. Historical Background ............................................................................................................ 7
Clinical Term for Homosexuality (1910s – 1970s) ............................................................ 7
Tongzhi versus Homosexual (1970s-1980s) ....................................................................... 8
Western Connotation of Homosexual (1990s) .................................................................. 10
Homosexuality in the 21
Century (2000s – 2010s) ......................................................... 11
3. The Homosexual Sub-Community ....................................................................................... 12
Homosexual Identity Formation ....................................................................................... 12
Stereotyping Homosexuality ............................................................................................. 12
Sexual Penetrator versus Receiver: 1s and 0s ................................................................... 13
4. Homosexual Cultural Norm .................................................................................................. 15
The Chinese Homosexual Cultural Norm ......................................................................... 15
Gay Gender Roles ............................................................................................................. 16
Heterosexual Norms Restrict the Homosexual Community ............................................. 17
Financial Role Adaptations ............................................................................................... 19
5. Attitudes of Homosexuality in China ................................................................................... 20
Misrepresentation of the Gay Community ........................................................................ 20
Familiarity with Homosexuality ....................................................................................... 21
6. Opposition to Negative Attitudes .......................................................................................... 22
A. Platforms for Freedom of Expression ................................................................... 22
Publicly Announcing Sexual Orientation ............................................................. 23
B. Effectiveness of Opposition .................................................................................. 26
Gay Jargon ............................................................................................................ 28
7. The Gay Community on Cyberspace .................................................................................... 30
Style of Speech on Cyberspace ......................................................................................... 30
Unifying Emotions on Cyberspace ................................................................................... 31
Joining the Online Gay Community ................................................................................. 33
Contradictions in the Gay Community ............................................................................. 34
Shared Social Spaces and Social Sites .............................................................................. 36
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Drag Shows in Bars as a Social Space .............................................................................. 37
Marriage Markets as a New Shared Social Site ................................................................ 39
8. Initiating Social Change ........................................................................................................ 40
Educating the Public about Homosexuality ...................................................................... 40
9. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 42
The Argument ................................................................................................................... 44
The Implications ............................................................................................................... 45
Future Research ................................................................................................................ 46
Sources .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Chinese Sources ................................................................................................................ 47
English Sources ................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix I: Key Translated Terms ............................................................................................... 50
Appendix II: Websites and Sources for LGBT in China .............................................................. 52
Appendix III: Social Media Postings ............................................................................................ 57
如果你有通知朋友,这些是需要知道的....................................................................... 58
If You Have a Gay Friend, this is What You Need to Know (Translation) ..................... 68
写给父母的问答............................................................................................................... 79
LGBT Knowledge Manual – Aibai (Aiqing Baipishu Love White Paper) (Translation) . 85
青春同志 -同志最怕的是什么?——老 ........................................................................ 91
Gay Youth: What are Gay People Afraid of? --- Getting Old (Translation) .................... 93
同志的博客 - 出柜 ........................................................................................................... 95
Gay Blog – Coming Out of the Closet (Translation) ...................................................... 100
同志的博客 - 我是同志 (一) .......................................................................................... 106
A Gay Man’s Blog – I am Gay (Part 1) (Translation) .................................................... 110
我是同志(三)............................................................................................................. 114
I Am Gay – Part 3 (Translation) ..................................................................................... 117
我是同志(六)——你是怎样进入同性恋这个圈子的?......................................... 121
I’m Gay (Part 6) How did You Become a Member of the Gay Community? (Translation)
......................................................................................................................................... 125
我的同志男友们 - 第一章 入圈约见首位网友 .......................................................... 128
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My Gay Boyfriends - Tutu Tutu Moumou: Chapter 1 (Translation) .............................. 137
我的同志男友们 - 第二章 我和四川男友的三个月 ................................................. 148
My Gay Boyfriends - Tutu Tutu Moumou: Chapter 2 (Translation) .............................. 161
Stumph 5
1. Introduction
In China, it is estimated that approximately three to five percent of the total male
population is homosexual (Aibai Culture and Education Center 2016). This statistic suggests one
in every four families has a male gay member in the immediate or extended family. Since
mainstream Chinese culture currently does not fully embrace the gay community, the male gay
community largely focuses on expression in social media as an outlet for recognition. This large
male gay community uses social media almost exclusively to relate to their sexual orientation.
Through shared experiences and revelations concerning their sexual orientation online, they seek
to define both themselves and their community.
In the digital twenty-first century, social media continually evolves alongside public
attitudes and beliefs. Common Chinese opinions of the gay community are portrayed on online
platforms. Gay men post about the negative opinions the mainstream culture has of their
community. The anonymity of cyberspace enables gay men to publicly share insights and
experiences they could not comfortably share in other “embodied” social spaces. These posts
form a body of work called comrade (tongzhi) literature. Comrade literature effectively
repurposes conventional modes of expressing feeling and public opinion. This thesis explores the
various topics discussed by gay men in these social media postings. It is through this unique
dynamic process that the Chinese gay community creates its evolving identity.
To analyze this dynamic process, I investigate prominent themes and topics from a wide
variety of social media posts on popular Chinese websites. These sites point to the existence of a
thriving online gay community that addresses concerns and topics specific to a Chinese context.
My analysis includes passages and excerpts from various platforms, such as informational
pamphlets, blogs, short films, and other social media postings which I have carefully translated
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from Chinese to English. The complete original texts and translations are included in the
This thesis aims to use the terms gay and homosexual in an appropriate and non-offensive
manner to refer to gay men and the gay community in China. This thesis uses social media posts
written exclusively by males identifying as gay. In these posts, gay men discuss instances of
discrimination. The experiences shared by gay men show how popular Chinese beliefs are
strongly influenced by sociopolitical and cultural norms.
A number of the online authors discuss a prevalence of negative attitudes against the gay
community due to a lack of familiarity with the gay community. The gay community effectively
communicates prominent issues relevant to homosexuality in China, which they circulate online
to combat the negative attitudes against their community.
This thesis begins with a historical background on homosexuality in China. This section
looks at homosexuality in China starting in the 1910s and ending in the contemporary 2010s. The
second section focuses on terminology relevant to the modern gay community in China. This
section explains less widely-known terms that are commonly used among gay men and that are
prevalent in the online literature to support the critical importance of analyzing community-
specific concepts. This section is followed by an analysis of gay gender roles and cultural norms.
The third, fourth, and fifth sections present attitudes about the gay community in China
held by heteronormative society. The gay community adapts heterosexual norms by relying on
rigid gender roles and expresses these adaptations online. A common theme in the online
literature is that heterosexual norms restrict the gay community. To combat these norms, the gay
community turns to social media to publicly announce their sexual orientations.
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The sixth section analyzes the effectiveness of social media postings. The seventh section
discusses informational pamphlets created by the gay community to educate others about the
practices of homosexuality. The overall goal of this research is to examine topics of interest to
the gay community in China on their own terms, as expressed on social media.
2. Historical Background
The following represents a brief history of social attitudes toward homosexuality in China
starting from the Republican Era, during the early 20
century. This thesis starts in the 1910’s
and leads to the modern 21
century to show the gradual shift in attitudes in modern China. Since
this thesis looks at modern China, I began my analysis in 1912, which marks the end of the Qing
Dynasty and the beginning of modern China. By examining a brief history of Chinese society’s
understanding and attitudes toward homosexuality, it is possible to understand the social
constructs to which gay men adhere.
Clinical Term for Homosexuality (1910s – 1970s)
The dominant ideology in China during the Republic Era (1912-1949) associated
homosexuality with a mental perversion. This negative perception evolved after the Western
term for homosexuality – tongxinglian – was translated into Chinese vocabulary in the 1930s.
Tongxinglian carried a plethora of negative connotations, such as homosexuality being a mental
illness, disease, or pervertibility (Zheng 2015). This term also denoted homosexuality to be a
disgusting and lewd practice (Dikotter 1995). During this era, same-sex sexual acts were viewed
as crude, perverted, and lustful. By the end of the Republican Era, same-sex practices,
masturbation, premarital sex, and extramarital sex were deemed indecent and were widely
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During the Maoist Era (1949-1978), same-sex relationships were rarely discussed. Any
discussion that did occur denounced homosexuality and equated it to a decline in Western
civilization (Wu 2003). Yet, during the late 1970s, the Open-Door policy presented the Chinese
population with more information about gay men from outside mainland China (Ho 2011).
In 1978 gay men could delay marriage. Yet, reports suggest 90% of gay men still married
a partner of the opposite sex as a part of a “sham marriage” (Zheng 2015), suggesting that the
social pressure men felt to fulfill their heteronormative role was still intense. This practice
continued for forty years into the twenty-first century Post-Socialist Era (1978-Present). These
marriages became so widespread a gay man’s wife became known as a “living widow (tongqi)”
(Liu 2001).
Tongzhi versus Homosexual (1970s-1980s)
At the beginning of the Post-Socialist Era (1978-present), it was dangerous for gay men
to engage in same-sex acts. The 1979 Hooligan Law (liumangzui)
made it illegal for individuals
in China to engage in sodomy. Lawmakers desexualized homosexuality in order to prosecute gay
men. Men participating in same-sex sexual acts were classified as a “hooligan” and prosecuted
under the Hooligan Law (Liu 2001). As a result, the gay community remained invisible, keeping
their gay identity hidden from the public.
In 1981 the health specialist, Zhang Mingyuan, wrote an article based on Cao Xueqin’s
novel, Hongloumeng, Dream of the Red Chamber (Cao 1974).
For the first time in Post-
Socialist China, an article openly addressed same-sex relationships in a positive manner. Taking
an affirmative stance on homosexuality went against the heterosexual norm (Ho 2011). The gay
流氓罪 liumangzui, also known as Rogue Crime.
Dream of the Red Chamber is one of China’s four classical novels published in 1791, in certain
parts it discusses homosexual affairs from the Qing Dynasty.
Stumph 9
community used the momentum this article produced to initiate discussion about homosexuality
in China.
In 1986 students were displeased with the government’s progress of reform. This gave
students the platform to stage demonstrations and protest the political system. These
demonstrations eventually led to the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 3 and 4, 1989, where
an estimated 300 civilians died. The students protested for a pro-democratic government along
with their beliefs and freedom of expression (Han 1992).
Two weeks after the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, nearly one fourth of Hong
Kong’s population marched to protest human rights. As a colony of Britain, the colonial
government in Hong Kong was afraid of an uprising similar to that of mainland China (Wah-
Shan 2000). In previous Hong Kong legislation, homosexuality was a criminalized act
punishable by up to 10 years in prison (Wah-Shan 2000).
Adding to the momentum of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the protests in Hong
Kong was the creation of a new, positive term for homosexual. The label ‘tongzhi’ or ‘comrade’
emerged in September of 1989 during the Hong Kong Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
(Engebretsen 2015). Instead of connoting a perverted illness, tongzhi signaled a positive sense of
what it meant to have a gay sexual identity in Hong Kong.
In light of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Hong Kong government quickly passed
the Hong Kong Bill of Rights in 1991. Part of the Bill of Rights decriminalized homosexuality,
allowing for tongzhi to also carry a new meaning of modernity and change.
In 1991, China’s Criminal Law Code did not specifically criminalize homosexuality.
Same-sex sexual intercourse was only punishable under the Hooligan Law. This is a reflection of
Chinese culture, differing from the circumstances in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Bill of Rights
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was a response to British colonial law while Chinese law was a response to culture. Gay men in
mainland China adopted the term tongzhi as a way to start changing the culture since the term
connoted modernity, change, and positivity (Zheng 2015).
Western Connotation of Homosexual (1990s)
The abolishment of the Hooligan Law in 1997 presented the gay community in China
with an opportunity to emerge as a prevalent minority. By law, sodomy and same-sex
relationships were no longer considered criminal acts. Even though it was no longer illegal for
gay men to engage in same-sex acts, the taboo against them was still prevalent. Mainstream
Chinese culture still perceived gay men as sick, weak, and destructive, blaming them for creating
a weak Chinese state because they did not contribute to the desired strong attributes of the nation
(Zheng 2015: 62).
At the end of the 20
century, Chinese society still largely maintained the mindset that
the needs of the family and the state came before individual needs. Therefore, sexual orientation
and sexual identity were not commonly understood (Ho 2011: 14). According to Wu, if a gay
man’s sexual orientation was discovered at his place of employment, he would probably rather
be demoted, deprived salary, or be fired than allow his employer to reveal his sexual orientation
to his family (Wu 2003). This shows the importance of placing familial needs ahead of
individual desires.
Additionally, a majority of gay men did not see a need to come out during the 1990s.
Most subdued their inner turmoil of “reconciling their personal identity with the social obligation
to maintain family ties and social harmony, an approach that is appreciated as an avoidance of
confrontation or conflict” (Ho 2011: 15). If the family discovered their child’s gay tendencies, it
would bring disgrace and dishonor to the family.
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Homosexuality in the 21
Century (2000s – 2010s)
At the beginning of the 21
century, gay men still hid their sexual orientation in order to
avoid social, economic, and administrative hardship (Zheng 2015). Same-sex sexual acts were
part of the culture, yet gay identities were not. Chinese culture considered a gay identity a
Western concept (Engebretsen 2015: 7).
In 2001, the Chinese government removed homosexuality from the list of mental
illnesses (Ho 2011). This gave grassroots organizations and global LGBT rights groups the
opportunity to emerge in Chinese society. The younger generations of gay men in China started
to refer to themselves as “gay” (tongxinglian) as a way to show boldness and courageousness. As
a result, like tongzhi once connoted, the term “gay” now signaled modernity and change.
Gay organizations in China turned to cyberspace as a way to initiate discussion about
homosexuality. Websites catering to the gay community started to emerge online. These online
platforms created a way for gay men to interact with a “global gayness” and adopt gay ideologies
and knowledge from abroad (ibid., 17). The websites primarily created safe spaces for gay men
to share their feelings with likeminded individuals. The specific aim of some of these sites was to
spread knowledge about the increasing HIV and AIDS epidemic in China during the 2000s.
Internet technology allowed a gay community to emerge in China through the creation of
new, vast online networks on shared websites. This community flourished through interactions
on social media platforms, such as Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), forums, and messaging apps
(ex. QQ, ICQ). Literature on these platforms avoided censorship laws by creating new language
and context-specific jargon. Engebretsen suggests that these new words allowed for “egalitarian
gender relations, gender roles, and diverse sexualities” to emerge as prevalent topics of
discussion amongst gay men (Engebretsen 2015: 133).
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In the 2010s, cyberspace connected gay men from various urban cities across China to
create a vast gay network. With the aid of social media, the gay network helped facilitate and
spread information about living as a gay male in modern China. These shared experiences helped
constitute a gay identity in China.
During the 20
and 21
century, the mass culture misrepresented gay men in China. The
younger gay generation utilized social media platforms to reveal the misconception that all gay
men are weak and demasculinized (Zheng 2015, Ho 2011, Wah 2000). Instead, the gay
community used the online network to unite gay men across China to actively shape the common
understanding of Chinese homosexuality.
3. The Homosexual Sub-Community
Homosexual Identity Formation
Gay identities in China are multifaceted. The accommodation of heterosexual norms in
these multifaceted identities reflect the impact of widespread stereotypes and the restraints of
Chinese cultural norms on the gay community (Radhakrishnan 1996, Sullivan 2003: 83).
Stereotyping Homosexuality
The local Chinese context generally stereotypes gay men into two groups, 0s and 1s.
Each of these two groups portray different characteristics. The 0s assume a feminine role, often
associated with being; a sex object, emotionally ready, requiring protection, and having an
interest in esthetics. The 1s assume a masculine role; often denoting a protective and strong
The numbers 0 and 1 contain semiotic interpretations along with associated sexual
positions. The 0 represents the figure of a vagina, thus a female figure. During sexual
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intercourse, the 0 typically assumes the penetrated position (Zheng 2015). In Western gay culture
the penetrated is also referred to as a bottom or receiver. The 1 represents the image of an erect
penis. During sexual intercourse, the 1 typically assumes the penetrator position or the top
position (ibid). These semiotic interpretations of gender roles result in stereotyping.
Often gay men are categorized as a 0 or 1 as a result of one sexual experience. This
usually occurs when the individual enters the gay community and starts experimenting sexually
with other men. An already self-identified gay man usually forces the newcomer to assume either
0 or 1.
Previous sexual experiences typecast gay men to assume a 0 or 1 role. Yet, adopting
these roles rob the gay man of his own individual identity. The 0 and 1 roles limit the freedom
gay males have to express their preferred identity separate from their preferred sexual position
(Wah 2000). Restricting the separateness of these two phenomena is relatively distinct to the
Chinese gay community.
Sexual Penetrator versus Receiver: 1s and 0s
0s and 1s create two distinct gay communities in a sense. These two groups share
different sexual experiences (ibid). The following explains defining characteristics for 0s and 1s.
Male Role
0 X X X
1 X X X
Figure 1 shows specific qualities associated with 1 and 0
First, there is an imbalance of 0s and 1s in the community (Zheng 2015). There seems to
be predominantly more 1s and significantly fewer 0s in the community. 1s compete with other 1s
Stumph 14
in order to find a 0. Finding a 0 fulfills a desire to have a sexual partner, a one-night stand, a
casual hookup, or even a life partner. In this situation, 1s typically proposition the 0s, while the
0s flaunt the abundance of 1s to choose from.
Secondly, there is an expectation that 0 can express their emotions more readily.
However, a 1 must be careful not to appear to be too emotional. A 1 is considered too emotional
when he portrays emotional needs, seeks guidance from fellow gay men, or is distraught. In this
situation, the emotional 1 is often met with ridicule for not fitting clearly into the categorization
of the 0 and 1 binary.
Lastly, according to Taoist ideology, there is a balance of yang and yin during sexual
intercourse. The 1 (male) contains qualities of yang and the 0 (female) contains qualities of yin.
Since a male contains more yang, he needs to engage in sexual acts with a female to create
balance within (Zheng 2015). The only way to do this is through sexual penetration without the
use of a condom or other sexual protection. The male penetrates the female and orgasms. By
orgasming inside the 0, the 1 creates a balance of yang and yin. In order to create balance, the 1
trades his abundance of yang for the 0’s abundance of yin. This is a distinct binary that creates
very different sexual experiences for both men involved in the same-sex act.
From outside the gay community, these attributes portray gay men as creating a rift in a
homogeneous Chinese society. Yet, the heterosexual community also views these attributes as
part of a sub-community cultural norm.
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4. Homosexual Cultural Norm
The Chinese Homosexual Cultural Norm
This section identifies two Chinese cultural norms related to sexuality and interpersonal
relationships that stem from the heterosexual community.
The first norm is to marry someone of the opposite sex. According to Leta Hong
Fincher’s Leftover Women, individuals usually marry around their early to mid-twenties (Fincher
2014). Women and men are starting to starting to change this trend and marry in their late-
twenties and early-thirties. Yet, some of these marriages are typically not all about love. They are
perhaps better described as an effort to find a life partner. Continuing the family surname
through marriage to a partner of the opposite gender is the norm.
Laws in China only allow heterosexual couples to adopt. As a result of these laws, gay
couples are incapable of producing an heir and passing along their family name. Due to the
government’s adoption policies, gay men must marry a partner of the opposite sex to fulfill this
the norm, or they are otherwise unable to produce a family heir (Zheng 2015).
The second norm requires conformity to dichotomous gender roles. While this is not
unique to Chinese culture, it is important to discuss how gay Chinese men adopt dichotomous
gender roles. Standards for males include being dominant and aggressive, having a strong will,
being financially independent, and having protective instincts. These characteristics also include
physical attributes, such as being tall and handsome, and having defined facial features. The
female is supposed to assume an opposite set of characteristics. These include being submissive,
requiring protection, being financially dependent, having a good figure, and using makeup
(Zheng 2015).
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The Chinese state promotes marrying individuals of the opposite sex who showcase these
“gender-conforming” characteristics. TV shows, films, and literature that do not contribute to
producing or reflecting the desired couples are often subject to the state’s censorship laws and
removed from public view. The state presumes that enforcing these standards of its ideal family
structure perpetuates a “harmonious society” (Fincher 2014: 23). Gay men adapt to these gender
roles in order to create a modified ideal family and blend into Chinese culture.
Gay Gender Roles
The gay community modified traditional social constructs by having rigid gender roles.
This binary between male and female roles in the gay community allows for a successful
adaptation to traditional norms. In order for a gay man to assume a gender role, he assumes
multiple character traits associated with that gender. For example, if a gay male were to obtain
the female role, then he would acquire the penetrated position during sexual intercourse,
financial dependency, physical qualities, among other facets of being a female in Chinese society
(Yan 2003). In this manner, gay men satisfy a relationship containing both a female and male
A gay male assuming the female gender role and trying to blend into the heterosexual
norm often finds it impossible, while a gay male assuming the male gender role finds blending in
both possible and practical. The gay male and heterosexual male gender roles are relatively
similar. For the individuals identifying as 0s, however, this creates a unique situation where the
feminized gay identity conflicts with the masculine hetero-normative identity. Dissanayake
describes this unique situation as a conflict of identity (Dissanayake 1994). In order for gay
identities to encompass this conflict, they must rely on the representation of rigid gender roles
originating from heterosexual norms.
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Heterosexual Norms Restrict the Homosexual Community
The mass culture negatively stereotypes the gay community. The societal norm requires
individuals to blend into a predominantly homogeneous standard.
Gay men feel a need to assimilate their own identities to fit into the mass culture’s
societal norm, thus blending into a prescribed homogenous society. Fitting into the norm is a
prominent issue in the article, Love really needs courage, to be true to oneself! found on the gay
blog site Gay IVF Blog (Homosexual Test Tube Baby 2016). This article discusses an interview
with Kangyong Cai,
a famous movie actor in China and Hong Kong. Cai talks about the need to
fit into the societal norm and his opinions of gay social issues:
We [Cai Kangyong and the interviewer] have both been
educated “the minority obey the majority,” “Be a good
boy,” “Don’t stand out,” “Look at what other people do” …
From an early age to an old age, family and society have
given us countless norms, as a result we begin to give
ourselves norms, set norms for other people, and even use
these norms to intentionally or unintentionally hurt others
(Homosexual Test Tube Baby. Love really needs courage,
to be true to oneself! 2016).
Cai discusses the importance of blending into the norm from an early age to avoid emotional
hurt. The adaptations often require gay sub-culture to mirror common heterosexual relationships.
Cai Kangyong, 蔡康永
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Figure 2 shows the various adaptations to the gay community makes to Chinese heterosexual norms
In the following social media post excerpt from My Gay Boyfriends, Chapter 1, it is
possible to see the phenomenon of gay men seeking partners of the opposite gender role. The
author remains anonymous in order to protect his identity, so I will call him Lu. He meets
another gay man, Ping. This interaction is their first-time meeting after connecting via an online
BBS. Lu travels to a neighboring city to meet Ping in person and describes his encounter in great
When I [Lu] saw him I was really disappointed, he [Ping]
was short (I am not tall, yet he was even shorter than me).
His face was also not very handsome. (Moumou, Chapter 1,
Lu describes the physical characteristics of Ping as non-desired male characteristics. The social
construction influenced Lu’s perception of attractive physical qualities. Desirable masculine
physical features are prominent in both the heterosexual and gay communities. This shows gay
men mirror heteronormative gender roles.
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The male is supposed to act according to their distinct male characteristics. If a male
displays some female tendencies and characteristics, he breaks the prescribed social norms.
Dress and language both affect a male figure’s appearance. Male figures that exhibit effeminate
traits conform less to norms, stand out more, and therefore, their status is weakened in both the
heterosexual and gay communities.
Financial Role Adaptations
Heteronormative culture promotes conformity, yet a deviation from the norm is more and
less accepted (Sedgwick 1990). Gay couples create a deviation from the norm by dividing roles
of financial provider and dependent. These roles are based on heterosexual relationships (Yan
In a gay relationship, consequently, it is typical for men to assume the same financial role
in multiple relationships. This occurrence is visible in the social media blog post My Gay
Boyfriend, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, found on the popular mainstream website Sina. The
financial dependent role assumed by Lu contrasts with the provider role assumed by Ping:
He [Ping] took out 200 Yuan [dollars] from his pocket and
handed it to me [Lu], it took me by damn surprise. I said:
“Why give me money?” He said: “To buy water to drink on
the road” (Moumou, Chapter 1, 2016).
This gesture is a defining characteristic of the financial provider. The act of Ping giving Lu
money is a demonstration of how the gay community adopts the heterosexual cultural norm
established by husband and wife. In a second relationship, Lu again assumes the dependent role:
When I [Lu] rented the hotel room I tried to fetch money
from my pocket, Xiaoxuan seemed to understand, fom his
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black shoulder bag, he took out a hundred-dollar bill and
handed it to the hotel manager (Moumou, Chapter 2, 2016).
This excerpt demonstrates that in a series of romantic relationships, Lu clearly acts out the role
of the financial dependent partner. His lovers immediately recognize and assume the “provider”
position in response, a pattern similar to the heteronormative roles of male provider and female
dependent linked to traditional marriage roles.
5. Attitudes of Homosexuality in China
Misrepresentation of the Gay Community
Widespread unfamiliarity with the gay community in China leads to a misrepresentation
and stereotypes that all gay men fall on the female side of the spectrum; all gays resemble
individuals that in the gay community would often be characterized as “0”s. This is a
misrepresentation and is completely false. In reality, the majority of the gay community remains
closer toward the masculine side of the spectrum (Zheng 2015) and do not appear to be
effeminate or flamboyant.
The blog post, A Gay Man’s Blog, I am Gay, Part 1 (Gay Man, Part 1, 2008) captures the
stereotyping and misunderstanding that all gay men are effeminate. In this post, the author
expresses negative stereotyping of the gay community due to a lack of knowledge about gay
The outside world often believes that effeminate men are
homosexuals, thinking that all homosexuals are effeminate;
in fact, this is a complete misunderstanding of this group
(Gay Man, Part 1, 2008).
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The author is not trying to criticize the “outside world” for not understanding the spectrum of
gay identities. Rather, the author is trying to share with the “outside world” that more
possibilities exist for homosexual characteristics.
Negative social attitudes about the gay community are linked to certain characteristics
that many heterosexuals stereotypically attribute to gay men. These negatively viewed qualities
include: being extremely effeminate, flamboyant, sex crazed or sick. Zheng suggests these
negatively viewed qualities support the stereotype that gay men fall on the female side of the
spectrum (Zheng 2015).
Familiarity with Homosexuality
The concept of homosexuality seems to remain misunderstood in Chinese society. The
reason the practice is misunderstood is because the mass culture is, for the most part, ignorant of
gay culture.
Heterosexual prejudice regarding gay culture arises largely out of ignorance. In the blog
post, A Gay Man’s Blog – I Am Gay Part 1 (Gay Man, Part 1, 2008), the anonymous author
shows this misunderstanding:
A large part of their [heterosexual community]
understanding of this community [gay community] is
primarily based on speculation; it is easy to make the
mistake of missing the bigger picture. People
misunderstand too many things about this group! (Gay
Man, Part 1, 2008)
The author attributes the misconception to ignorance, which is a sign of unfamiliarity. Affiliated
with this concept is the idea that homosexuality is distant and remains unseen (Grossman 2000).
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This invisibility is exacerbated by the fact that many gay men in China choose to publicly adopt
a heteronormative persona. This is one goal of the social media posts--to spread knowledge and
to change the preconceived misunderstanding of the gay community.
6. Opposition to Negative Attitudes
A. Platforms for Freedom of Expression
The sub-community opposes negative social attitudes by seeking ways to inform the
populace about gay practices in China. The gay community utilizes cyberspace as a safe space to
publicly announce their sexual orientation in order to combat the misunderstanding of their
The gay community utilizes social media as a platform for freedom of expression. Social
media acts as a newfound freedom of speech that allows gay men to try out anonymity via
cyberspace. Included in the freedom of speech is the ability to discuss aspects of homosexuality
without impeding on their relations with family, friends, coworkers, or classmates (Johnston
The younger generations are more likely to self-identify and exercise a freedom of
speech. The age of technology created a cultural shift, allowing the younger generations to face
less pressure exercising this freedom: “the current younger generation feels less societal pressure
than their parent’s generation, so it’s easier to come out (Gay Man, Coming Out of the Closet,
2009). This shift allows the younger generation of gay men to proclaim their sexual orientations
at a younger age than their predecessors.
Stumph 23
In the blog post, Gay Blog – Coming out of the Closet, the author acknowledges that the
prejudice toward homosexuality is now changing. This excerpt exemplifies the freedom that
social media allows for gay men:
A lot of sites have dedicated personal columns, allowing
gay men to post their personal ads, their own contact
details, and even share one’s own private photos (Gay Man,
Part 6, 2009).
This excerpt shows that gay men are starting to feel comfortable expressing their gay identities
online. More gay men are able to connect and reach out to other gay men by being able to post
personal details, such as name, contact number, and personal photos.
Publicly Announcing Sexual Orientation
Social media platforms provide a space for gay men in China to express their identities in
ways that have helped them come out in others social spaces. The anonymity of cyberspace
enabled gay men to publicly share insights and experiences they could not comfortably share in
other “embodied” social spaces. This has helped build bonds of community among gay men and
discourses about gay life (Waugh 2001). These discourses have helped gay men express their
identities more often in other public spaces, in “embodied” social spaces, and to broader publics.
To publicly announce sexual orientation is often expressed through the metaphor of the
closet, as in this excerpt from Shanshan and Xinwen’s social media article, If You Have A Gay
Friend, This is What You Need to Know:
Three aspects of the closet:
Coming out: to publicly announce one’s sexual orientation
Stumph 24
Closet Case: is a minority, cannot publicly announce one’s
sexual orientation or refuses to come out
To Be Outed: obviously didn’t want to come out, but
accidently/inexplicably their orientation was exposed and
they had to come out (Shanshan and Xinwen. If You Have
a Gay Friend, this is What You Need to Know 2017).
This excerpt mentions three distinct stages of the closet. But an additional fourth stage, ‘in the
process of coming out,’ is also visible in the gay community.
As with gender orientation itself, the closet represents a continuum. On this continuum
are various stages that each gay maintains. An individual choice regarding coming out relies
heavily on the ability to find societal and familial support, along with tolerance in one’s own
self-affirmation and self-identity (Wah-Shan 2008).
Typically, Chinese gay men remain in the closet, choosing not to self-identity as gay.
Some gay men consider the negative taboo against their gay identity too strong to come out.
Engebretsen and Schroeder suggest that the need to first come out outside of an online space is
often not ideal since the same positive reception is not as widely given (Engebretsen and
Schroeder 2015).
As shown in the social media post, Gay Blog – Coming Out of the Closet, coming out of
the closet in China is quite risky. There are many contributing factors to the environment of each
individual that creates different circumstances:
Sometimes this will even depend upon which individual
you come out to. For people that have contact with you,
you coming out of the closet will psychologically affect
Stumph 25
them. Everyone has different views about gay people, thus
it is necessary to be cautious when coming out to each and
every individual. This is a terrible phenomenon, the
pressure that a gay man faces when coming out of the
closet is unimaginable! (Gay Man. Gay Blog – Coming Out
of the Closet 2009)
This excerpt shows that coming out of the closest is not a possibility for every gay man in China.
While determining if coming out is the right option for them, gay men often arrive at the
conclusion that the economic hardship, parental pressure, psychological stress, and societal
pressure they will face are too much to reveal their gay identity. Yet, despite this significant
personal risk, there is a group of individuals that still choose to announce their sexual orientation.
Most often, online social media posts or forums are the first place that gay men come out
of the closet. Different moral systems generate differing levels of acceptance (Szonyi 1998). In
these social media posts and forums, they receive positive reception typically from other gay
men. The need to receive positive feedback and suppress any negative emotions encourages gay
men to come out online first. An example of a gay man coming out online first is displayed in
Gay Blog – Coming Out of the Closet:
Coming out to your Internet friends is a relatively stress-
free way to come out. One reason is, coming out online
releases your suppressed emotions. Also, you don’t have to
face a lot of pressure, because after all, the Internet will not
affect their lives too much (Gay Man. Gay Blog – Coming
Out of the Closet 2009).
Stumph 26
Coming out online allows gay men to utilize cyberspace as a platform that sets them up for
positive reception. Like-minded people with similar moral systems give the men that come out
affirmation and support. This response from within the gay community provides a much-desired
emotional connection to fellow gay men and a sense of community.
B. Effectiveness of Opposition
Role models and leaders in the gay community emerge online by highlighting the issues
of prejudice against their community. Individuals that advocate for the gay community also
indirectly change the culture. By presenting the gay community impartially or even positively,
these activists bring a different image of gay culture to gays and non-gays as well, enabling
vernacular specific to the gay community to spread into the heterosexual community and
promoting a cultural shift on social media (Hill 2006).
Websites are communication platforms and mediums to combat socio-political
opposition. Online websites also include information, articles, and topics specific to the gay
community in China. Individuals inside and outside of the community utilize these sources. In
the excerpt from, My Gay Boyfriends, Chapter 1, the author shares his experiences with social
media platforms:
A few years ago, the inland provinces still only had the
Danlan gay website, whatever you wanted to search, you
could only go through Danlan or Baidu.
There are forums
on it. There are also people that post information about
dating, and others post pictures of themselves (Moumou,
Chapter 1, 2016).
Nandu (淡蓝网) and Baidu (百度) are popular search engines in China
Stumph 27
By showing the foundations and principles of homosexuality, these forums spread familiarity of
gay practices and experiences. This increased familiarity with the gay community helps combat
negative attitudes about homosexuality.
But while social media posts can represent a social minority’s discourse, they are also a
space open to culture and government domination (Dissanayake 1994). Postings that openly
express negative attitudes and criticism of the government are often met with state censorship.
Sites such as,, and no longer exist
because the Chinese government shut them down.
Websites are usually shut down by the
Chinese government because they openly discussed explicit gay sexual content.
Due to socio-political pressures, self-expression on social media requires special
attention. The Chinese government will remove the post from the Internet if it negatively
critiques the homogenous society, the government, or the culture.
The censorship laws work to
promote a homogenous society that abides by a cultural norm.
One example of a blog being removed by the Chinese government is Tutu Tutu
Moumou’s My Gay Boyfriends. At the beginning of my research, the posts on this blog were
readily available online. Approximately six months after being posted, the government’s
censorship bureau removed the posts due to the explicit “abnormal” sexual tendencies described
by Moumou, as shown in this excerpt from Chapter 2:
His mouth moved down slowly, after his tongue rimmed my
bellybutton, he put my penis in his mouth, my body
trembled, the tip of my penis felt warm and moist…enjoying
See Appendix II for full list of websites and sources for gays in China
Certain blog postings in this thesis were blocked by the government’s censorship policies. The
author copied the original Chinese texts before they were removed from the Internet.
Stumph 28
the pleasure he brought me, my hands continuously playing
with his penis, he also moaned continuously (Moumou,
Chapter 2, 2016).
The “abnormal” same-sex sexual acts described in this excerpt are one reason why the
censorship bureau deemed this post inappropriate and removed it from online.
New websites, such as, abide by the government’s censorship
policies in order to post videos, blogs, forums, and other news mediums. While anonymity
allows gay men to openly express their opinions and emotions, certain self-censorship must
occur for the posts to remain online.
Gay Jargon
Self-censorship allows gay men to have a strong opinion about a subject and have the
post remain online. It is often the case that the censorship bureau cannot keep up with all of the
associated meaning of vernacular. Therefore, the gay community incorporates jargon into their
blog posts to convey the prejudice against them without having the posts immediately removed
by the government.
Some social media postings use abbreviations and numbers to avoid using certain words
the censorship bureau searches for. One example is 3p being used instead of the word threesome,
as shown in the post If You Have a Gay Friend, this is What You Need to Know: “[they’re] more
likely to cheat or have a 3p” (Shanshan & Xinwen 2017).
Another abbreviation example is 419 to represent a one-night stand, such as in the post, A
Gay Man’s Blog – Part 6: “many people will have a 419 if they’re attractive” (Gay Man, Part 6,
“容易劈腿、能够 3p” meaning “more likely to cheat or have a threesome”
Stumph 29
The use of abbreviations like 3p and 419 allow gay men to talk about more explicit
topics without the censorship bureau removing their posts as quickly.
The gay community created jargon to express the ideas and concepts unique to the group.
Jargon helps create unification amongst the gay community (Simpson 2017). An example of the
use of jargon comes from the following the post in I Am Gay, Part 3:
The feminine nature of “c” guys identify them as obviously
gay, giving society a false impression. In reality, more gay
guys are not “c.” It should be said, most gay guys do have a
soft side. This refers to deep rooted characteristics (Gay
Man, Part 3, 2008).
This excerpt contains a specific lexical item that has meaning unique to the gay community. The
letter “c” refers to a male that displays effeminate traits. The term is derived from the English
word “sissy.” To create an equivalent to “sissy” in the Chinese script, the Chinese gay
community modified the pronunciation and used the letter “c.”
Jargon brings a community closer together and isolates a community from outsiders.
Because jargon does not encapsulate all bodies of Chinese society, a difference emerges between
the homosexual and heterosexual communities (Johnston 2009). In the social media post, If You
Have a Gay Friend, This is What You Need to Know (Shanshan & Xinwen 2017), the author
explains the meanings behind some of the jargon and vernacular that the homosexual community
很多人只要双方顺眼就能玩起 419 “many people will have a one-night stand if they’re
Chinese script consists of thousands of characters. The script does not use an alphabet. Lots of
adopted modern terms either use other traditional characters or modify an abbreviated English
Stumph 30
Being dumbfounded by a screen full of jargon isn’t a
pleasant experience for anyone. For our new students
[people outside of the homosexual community], we decided
to look at the basic vocabulary of “the world of sexual
minorities” (Shanshan & Xinwen 2017).
While the group uses language specific to the community, members outside of the community
often are unable to relate to the jargon. Members outside of the gay community might respond to
this un-relatability with prejudice, which is why some gay bloggers have authored blog posts
trying to explain gay jargon to non-gays. Gay men explain these new terms in hope of
combatting the prejudice that might derive from ignorance and a lack of understanding.
7. The Gay Community on Cyberspace
Style of Speech on Cyberspace
There are multiple instances of gay bloggers using humor to disguise emotions in social
media postings. Many homosexuals tend to hide their emotions of resentment and anger, and in
these written texts often communicate these feelings through humor, typically expressed in a
sassy tone.
Gay bloggers can help create solidarity in addition to expressing the attitudes of their
community through this style of writing. In the blog post, I’m Gay – Part 3, the author uses
humor as a way to reflect hidden resentment:
To some of the so-called straight men who despise gay
guys, honestly you shouldn’t attack me. If I had not led a
crowd of beautiful boys to become gay, you guys would’ve
Stumph 31
had no chance? Don’t mention it at all, but why repay me
with these vicious attacks? Think about it, if we also like
women, you’d have had an even harder time in a place like
China where the ratio between the sexes is already
imbalanced, you’re welcome! (Gay Man. I’m Gay – Part 3
This excerpt displays different emotions, such as sass and resentment. Instead of returning the
verbal abuse with a barrage of insults, the author conveys his feelings in a humorous way. This
style of speech is typical of gay social dialect. Social dialects are usually restricted to a
geographical location, but in this instance, the language is restricted to an online cyberspace
(Simpson 2017). This is a positive response that promotes gay power. By sharing their
experiences with prejudice, homosexuals can hide their insecurities of being gay behind a
blanket of humor. The insecurities expressed in such posting reveal a prominent theme in the
homosexual community.
Unifying Emotions on Cyberspace
Loneliness emerges as a prevalent theme in the homosexual community in China. In
order to prevent revealing their homosexual identity, gay men typically tend to avoid each other
in public spaces. Avoiding each other causes them to remain distant from each other. Thus, the
gay community ostracizes themselves and in the process, creates a feeling of isolation.
The use of male prostitutes is an indication of loneliness in the gay community. One
typical phenomenon is that when aging gays are unable to procure one-night-stands,
those that
can financially afford it, often resort to purchasing prostitutes. Gay male prostitutes are also
Jargon for one-night-stands is 419s
Stumph 32
referred to as money boys in Chinese society.
Money boys are typically younger heterosexual
males from rural areas. These males typically moved to cities to find work with good pay. If they
cannot find work or are not earning enough money they resort to becoming a money boy. Most
of the gay community views money boys as low-class citizens in both the heterosexual and gay
communities. They are often considered degrading and a disgrace to the homosexual community
(Zheng 2015). Partaking in the use of money boys and the desire to be with a partner sexually
symbolizes the loneliness in the gay community.
Another theme of loneliness in the gay community is the desire for companionship.
Many gay men yearn to have someone to share experiences with during old age. The older gay
community did not have the privilege of having marriage equality in China during their youth.
Therefore, it is common for older gay males in China to not have a companion.
A unique article titled Gay Youth – What are Gay People Afraid of? --- Getting Old
expresses an interesting opinion about loneliness from an older gay male’s perspective:
When gay people are young why do they refuse to be
bound by conventions, but ultimately marry and have
Perhaps they are not only forced by society and
family pressures, but also in fact they like having children
because the child is the continuation of their own lives.
This way they won’t be lonely when they are old, being
married and having children is part of their life plan, the so
The term haizi/xiaohai has been standardized in translation as money boy
They are in the end being conventional
Stumph 33
-called pressure is just a justification (Gay Doctor. Gay
Youth – What are Gay People Afraid of? ── Getting Old
This excerpt shows that aging in the gay community correlates to ostracization and loneliness.
Without a life partner, family, or children, gay men can feel very lonely. Their heterosexual
counterparts are expected to marry and have children, yet the legal system prevents gay men
from marrying or adopting children. This leaves gay men with very few opportunities to create a
family for themselves and find happiness. As a result, a correlation between aging and loneliness
compels gay men to feel isolated.
Loneliness in the gay community can also be seen as a symbol of the community not
being harmonious or united. There are many instances where gays are divided into subgroups,
stereotyped, and pressured to suppress aspects of their identity or emotions to fit more clearly
into the categories (such as 0 and 1) that are predominate in gay community interactions. Many
gay men conform to these roles in order to facilitate fitting comfortably into the gay community,
but sometimes conforming under such pressure leads to unhappiness and a sense of loneliness. In
this regard cyberspace can be seen as having ambivalent influence on gay individuals that engage
with it: it can help gays feel connected (for instance, help older generations of gays to forget their
loneliness); but it can also be a space where role types (like 0s and 1s) get reinforced as norms
that make individual gay men feel like they must choose one role or the other.
Joining the Online Gay Community
Joining the online gay community allows homosexuals to feel a sense of belonging.
Cyber space is a transitional space for gay community formation in modern Chinese society. Gay
men that recently came out of the closet typically have no close confidants of whom they can ask
Stumph 34
questions about their newfound identity nor close gay friends with whom to discuss gay issues or
concerns. Self-exploration shared through the Internet is often the only way which gay men can
further discover and understand homosexuality in China (Burton-Rose 2012).
Some gay men share their self-exploration process as a way to help others join and
expand the online homosexual community. An excerpt from the blog post, I’m Gay Part 6,
captures this process.
How did you become a member of the gay community?
Different people have different ways, but we can sum up
the different ways for people who are struggling to find an
emotional partner and offer some of our own experiences to
make things easier for you (a short cut) (Gay Man, Part 6,
The author is explicitly writing with an educational purpose to serve as a guide for those who
want to learn the nuances of the online gay community.
Contradictions in the Gay Community
The collar-class system in China is based on economic levels. Red collar refers to people
that work for the government. Gold collar are people who make 400,000 Yuan and up a year.
White collar are the mental laborers and blue collar are the manual laborers. Gray collar
individuals are the university students. White, blue, and gray collar are considered lower class.
Red and gold collar individuals are considered upper class. These two classes typically
have the money to rent money boys. Gay men typically associate the ability to have an emotional
gay relationship with upper class individuals. The white and blue-collar citizens typically are
associated with only being able to afford having sexual pleasures.
Stumph 35
Figure 3 shows the five color-classes of Chinese society, broken into upper and lower classes
Some in the gay community strictly categorize its members into various clichéd “types”
based upon collar-class and gender role which seems rather ironic in that the gay community
does not want individuals outside the community to categorize them. But the gay community is
multi-voiced and no single author, voice or narrative hegemonically defines or definitively unites
the community. Dissanayake’s work suggests that these blogs are a conglomerate of narratives
that comprise a single multi-voiced context (Dissanayake 1994). The social media posts are
merely shared opinions and experiences that can simultaneously build community while also
manifesting contradictions within that community.
Different voices from the gay community can contradict each other. People who feel out
of the norm can use social media postings as a way to connect with a community via similar
personality traits. Yet, in order to get a lot of people to view their social media pages online, they
need to appeal to an audience. Following Nikki Lee’s insights, we must also recognize that most
blog posts are written for a certain audience to enjoy, that they target various audiences. (Lee
2011). One example is the popular gay blogger Xiahe. In the blog post, Gay Blog – Coming Out
Stumph 36
of the Closet, an anonymous author references Xiahe in discussing a certain voice for the gay
But only a few gay individuals who come out, come out to
their parents. For example, the famous younger generation
gay celebrity – Xiahe, his aunt found out that he was gay
from an online post; she called him to find out what was
going on… A famous gay person who is known by almost
everyone online doesn’t come out to his parents?! Now,
many gay individuals like to come out as gay online
because they’re handsome, but also to become Internet
celebrities (Gay Man, Coming Out of the Closet, 2009).
Xiahe’s blog posts seemed to promote coming out and being a representative voice for the gay
community, yet his actual identity differed from his message. Looking at the context of a voice
can be critical to the establishment of the legitimacy of the claims. In certain cases, it can also be
critical to the acceptance of facts as truth. Examining the voice’s underlying meaning can show
that a single voice that can advocate for a cause will not always remain a valued voice for that
cause when contradictions that some see as hypocrisy become apparent. While readers likely
sympathized with Xiahe’s situation, the author of this blog post clearly saw the hypocrisy as
potentially undermining Xiahe’s credibility as a leader in the gay community.
Shared Social Spaces and Social Sites
Social media facilitates the gathering of gay men in physical spaces. Many gay men
arrange to meet each other via various social media platforms. Physical social spaces are the next
Stumph 37
step in the evolution of the gay community making substantive change toward the attitudes of
their community.
Negative social stigmas restrict gay men to express their homosexual identities in specific
physical spaces instead of allowing them to utilize any physical location to interact with other
gay men. These particular spaces empower gay men to feel comfortable portraying their
homosexual identities. Distinct physical social spaces, such as drag shows, parks, bars and clubs
present gay men with the opportunity to express their identities freely amongst other gay men.
Lynda Johnston and Robert Longhurst argue social spaces are mediums used to express personal
experiences, self-realizations, and belonging (Johnston & Longhurst 2009). Multiple
communities can occupy the same physical social space as a way to gather at the same time.
Drag Shows in Bars as a Social Space
Heterosexual and homosexual communities can use the same locale, but have different
interpretations of that locale. These multi-purposeful social spaces give empowerment to the two
different groups to interpret and interact in different ways. An example of both the heterosexual
and homosexual communities utilizing a physical social space simultaneously is the dance club,
China Jump (Fu 2010: 243). Xiaoxing Fu studies gay communities, specifically in Northern
by interviewing gay individuals to identify social sites of importance to the gay
community. China Jump caters to a heterosexual community, yet there is a prominent gay
community in one section of the club. As one of Fu’s interviewee discusses, on occasion this
particular club has drag performances. All the gay men in the club know that the performance is
a drag show, but the heterosexual community is unaware of the drag show.
Xiaoxing Fu 富晓星
Stumph 38
The two different communities interpret the drag shows in different manners. The gay
community views the drag show as a symbol of self-expression. Cross-dressing males displaying
effeminate traits in a glorified manner embodying a gay identity. On a posting on Jingnan
Swallow King’s gay microblog page,
the author describes the drag show performance as, “it
was really wonderful, basically the man is dressed as a woman, looking just like a drag queen”
(Jingnan Swallow King 2013). This performance of a drag show is a liberating exchange for a
gay identity.
The heterosexual community views the drag performances as a parody of traditional
Chinese opera, in which only male actors were allowed to perform with the male actors cross-
dressing to perform the female roles. While the drag queens perform, the heterosexual
community makes fun of the male cross-dressers and laughs at the queens displaying effeminate
qualities. Both the gay community and heterosexual community view the same drag show in the
same physical space, but have experiences interacting with the drag queens.
The use of public parks by homosexuals as a social gathering place is an example of
homosexuals converting communal public places into specifically gay social sites. Public parks
present many distinct opportunities to gay men as places for gay men to go cruising,
find 419s
and 3ps,
display their gay identity, and have social interaction with other gay men.
The generally understood intent of urban public parks is to create environments for
society to enjoy the outdoors, converse, exercise, and relax (Zheng 2015). Over time certain
Jingnan Swallow King (江南燕子王)
Cruising is typical in the gay communities across multiple cultures. A gay male goes to public
spaces looking for someone to have sex with
419s are Chinese vernacular for one-night stands
3ps are Chinese vernacular for threesomes or group sex. The tongzhi community views sex as
a liberating and important part of the tongzhi lifestyle.
Stumph 39
spaces in specific public parks evolved into specific sites for the gay community to gather and
become known as gay social sites. This excerpt from My Gay Boyfriend, Chapter 1 captures the
interaction between two gay men and their experience together in a park:
I [Lu] just remembered we came to a lawn, him and I sat
down right next to each other… he put his face right next to
mine while I was not prepared, he kissed my cheek … He
put his hand directly into my crotch, holding it firmly.
The park provides a physical site where two gay males have the ability to have an intimate
experience together. Some gay men feel comfortable exposing their true homosexual identity in
parks. Showing signs of affection in heterosexual public spaces is not typical of gay culture, but
in homosexual social sites such as these parks some gay men feel more empowered to freely
express their homosexual identity, even though the heterosexual community also utilizes these
communal spaces.
Marriage Markets as a New Shared Social Site
During weekends in China, marriage markets typically occupy certain portions of public
parks. Parents of heterosexual children attend marriage markets in hopes of finding a partner for
their child. They hand out ads with a picture of their child and vital information, such as: career,
salary, university attended, height, desirable physical features, and character traits. In May 2017,
parents of gay children also attended a marriage market in Shanghai (Linder 2017). The
Shanghai marriage market is an example of how parents of gay children are adopting
heterosexual norms for their gay children.
Gay Man. A Gay Man’s Blog (Part 1) – I’m Gay 2008
Stumph 40
Since Chinese society has moved from an arranged marriage society to a marriage for
love society, parents often feel anxious when their child does not have a foreseeable partner
(Fincher 2014). Parents of gay children also express this anxiety and take proactive measures to
find a partner for their child like attending a marriage market. In Linder’s article, he quotes
responses from passer-byers to the parents of gay children:
“The group was bombarded with questions from the curios
(“How do they have sex?”), and protests from the intolerant
(“LGBT issues shouldn’t be a public display. Their choice
is wrong and is against Chinese values”) (Linder 2017).
Linder here presents a range of responses from heterosexuals, from tolerant and curious to
judgmental and condemning. The marriage market in the park functions to show the range of
specific attitudes toward homosexuality in one localized social site.
8. Initiating Social Change
Educating the Public about Homosexuality
Education and spread of knowledge can influence change in social attitudes. Gradual
change affects the culture and different perspectives arise from the shift in conventions and
lifestyles. While culture helps dictate social attitudes, each individual must interact with their
own belief system to create their own outlook. Social media has a high level of influence on an
individual’s concept of the mass culture (Radhakrishnan 1996). Thus, it is possible to use social
media as a medium to incorporate self-thought (Lyotard 2001). Individuality makes it possible to
claim cyber space as a social site for self-expression, insinuating education as a means of
Stumph 41
The social media posts of gay bloggers should be interpreted as more than just a coming
out story or the relatively free voice of experiences; there are strong elements of social influence,
community building, and education that reaches beyond the confines of any single community.
The purpose behind including education along with a coming out story is to pave the way for
other gays to follow.
In order to combat this misunderstanding of the community, an informational pamphlet
called the LGBT Knowledge Manual
was compiled. This pamphlet shares helpful hints and
information about the underlying ideology of the gay community in China. There is even a
section devoted to questions and answers. A response to the question, “what is homosexuality,”
gives a partial reasoning for the widespread misunderstanding:
Over the years, psychology and psychiatry have spread
some theories on why people become homosexuals, which
were seemingly correct but actually wrong… These
theories have been abandoned by today’s psychologists and
psychiatrists. It is necessary for us to remove these absurd
theories and erroneous concepts from popular culture
(LGBT Knowledge Manual 2009).
Unjust prejudice stemmed from the misunderstanding that homosexuality was a perversion or
mental illness; the pamphlet asserts that the unjust behavior exhibited toward homosexuality is
primarily due to misunderstandings.
Education coupled with shared expressive speech can help transform social attitudes. The
social media posts written by homosexual authors function as educational material.
LGBT Knowledge Manual 2009
Stumph 42
Organizations compile books,
pamphlets, and other informational materials to aid gay men.
One such organization is Aibai Culture and Education Center (ACEC)
which created the LGBT
Knowledge Manual, referenced in various parts of this thesis. In the appendices of this thesis is
a list of educational sources for LGBT in Chinese. A few sources are in Chinese, while others
include English translations. These sources include shut down websites, functional websites,
books, a list of openly out Chinese celebrities, a list of various tribes
in China, a list of
homosexual jargon, movies, short films, and documentaries.
9. Conclusion
Modern social media interact with and shape social perception. In mainstream Chinese
society, there is currently a negative social stigma against the gay community. The heterosexual
standard entails fairly rigid gender norms and many in the male homosexual community have
found it necessary to adopt these distinct gender roles in order to function in and blend into
society. Yet, this causes gay men to carry two identities, living a double life due to the negative
social perceptions placed on the homosexual sub-community.
Blogs, microblogs, and social media written by gay authors give insight into the current
social prejudice in China. Examining this body of literature is critical to understanding social
spaces and the role of negative social attitudes toward gay men. With the economization and
commercialization of China, more gay men have access to new social spaces, including online
social sites. Websites that have forums, discussions, and groups specifically for gay men foster a
Look at list in Appendix II for complete list of educational books
Aibai is short for Aiqing baipi shu 爱情白皮书
Tribe refers to subcategories of sexual minorities in the male homosexual community
Stumph 43
new era of the gay community. These are platforms and mediums for homosexuals to interact
and share their experiences of confronting negative social attitudes.
While the gay community is not restricted to just online social spaces, physical social
sites are also used as locations for gays to interact with fellow gays. These locations are often
restricted to certain parks, bars, or bathhouses, yet they can also be used simultaneously with the
heterosexual community. As shown with the drag show performances in hidden social sites, the
negative social perception of the gay community is prominent. This masks social influence,
transforming identity, and blending gender roles.
The age of technology made social media and blog posts reach audiences on a grander
scale. In doing so, these informal texts emerge as a form of literature. They reach audiences that
may feel out of the norm and need guidance or information in self-affirming their identity.
Part of self-affirmation is the newfound freedom and exploration of speech expressed via
online social media. Since oral transmission is often not feasible due to taboo and prejudice,
online texts spread and enlighten others about the structure and context of the gay community.
This creates a social sphere where homosexuals can implement positive construction of their
community without facing opposition or prejudice.
The rejection of culture is not easy, but not adopting and implementing new culture is
also detrimental to societal progress. The ability to embrace a new set of ideals based off of
thought is critical to understanding individuality, self-identity, experience, knowledge, self-
realizations, and most importantly, homosexuality. Using different expressions of reality and
contradictions to the norm show that relationships between power, culture, oppression,
adjustment, and adoption of culture norms breeds understanding.
Stumph 44
Newfound knowledge of a topic, community, and people changes social attitudes.
Ignorance is the root of negative social perceptions and stems from a lack of knowledge about a
subject and people that live unfamiliar lifestyles.
The Argument
Homosexuality is viewed in many different ways according to the culture. Homosexuality
in the People’s Republic of China requires an understanding of social attitudes, the homosexual
sub-community, and misunderstandings about the gay community.
There are underlying negative social attitudes of homosexuality which stem from
ignorance and lack of acceptance. The gay community tries to share what it means to be gay in
China by relying on social media platforms as a way to spread knowledge about their
One main purpose behind these social media posts is to gain recognition. In order for
something to exist, other entities and bodies have to recognize its existence. Current Chinese
culture does not fully embrace the existence and acceptance of the gay community. Due to these
circumstances, the male gay community in China focuses on expression and excerpts of
discourse in social media postings as a means of recognition within a very specific context.
Chinese male homosexuality represents its own unique culture, embodying the concept of
self-realization. The sub-culture operates within certain parameters, such as different social sites
that the gay community utilizes. Within these social sites, the homosexual community expresses
its own free speech, experiences, knowledge, self-realizations, and issues that arise from within
itself. These various aspects showcase the ideas of social perceptions conveyed by the
heterosexual community. Social perceptions influence an individual’s way of recognizing a
Stumph 45
community. Therefore, there is a need to spread factual information about communities little
known to the mainstream populace.
The Implications
This thesis discussed why the gay community used the term tongzhi, and a younger
generation started to use the term ‘gay’ in reference to themselves. Expressing this term as part
of their identity as a community effectively presents outsiders with an effective way to interact
and become familiar with gay men and tongzhi. While outsiders still have a large negative social
perception of homosexuality, as shown through expression of emotion, this is a
misrepresentation. Discussing these issues is critical to understanding the purpose behind the
movement to share knowledge via social media. This research is important because this social
group wants to share knowledge about their local context, regional culture, and subgroup
dynamics in order to seek recognition as a valued community. They lag behind other similar
groups in countries at comparable levels of development due to the unique cultural differences
discussed. The way this group overcomes these distinct challenges will be of great interest to a
variety of social science researchers.
This topic is constantly evolving and consideration for progress requires continuous
attention. As social perceptions gradually change, so will the dynamics of what constitutes a
homosexual identity. The community’s needs will transform to encompass diverse issues and
assorted themes will emerge as a way to combat or interact with perception.
This shared information educates individuals about what it means to be gay. As shown,
often times the laws of a state follow the customs. Thus, the change of the current social
perceptions must then originate from a cultural standpoint within Chinese society.
Stumph 46
Future Research
This thesis focuses on a gender binary as a form of misunderstanding the gay community.
Potential future research could examine the speech patterns present in the social media posts.
Future analysis could examine if speech used by various gay men represents speech patterns
typical of men or women. It would be interesting to see if the gendered speech patterns correlate
to the gender role assumed by the homosexual males. If they differ, it would be fascinating to
analyze in what ways they divert from the gender binary. Further analysis could probe whether
speech patterns contribute to the negative attitudes of homosexuality in China.
Stumph 47
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Stumph 48
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Stumph 50
Appendix I: Key Translated Terms
The following terms are shown first in Mandarin Chinese Pinyin, followed by Mandarin Chinese
Characters, then in English. The first English term is the slang translation, followed by the
English literal translation in parentheses, if available.
Unabbreviated Terms
Boli 玻璃 gay (glass)
Gong 攻 top (to attack, to penetrate)
G-pian g 片 gay porn
Guimi 闺蜜 significant other (girlfriend or friend)
Jilao 基 佬 gay [negative connotation in some cases]
Ku’er 酷儿 queer (ruthless)
Liumangzui 流氓罪 Hooliganism Law
Minjian 民间 [unofficial] political writer
Shou 受 bottom (to receive)
Tongxing’ai 同性爱 same-sex love
Tongxinglian 同性恋 homosexuality
Tongzhi 同志 gay (comrade)
Tongzhi wenxue 同志文學 comrade literature
Stumph 51
Yiyeqing 一夜情 one night stand
Yueguopao 约过炮 to hookup for sex
Abbreviated Terms
0 – female role, bottom (association with a vagina)
1 – male role, top (association with the penis)
3p - threesomes/group sex
419s - one-night stands
BBS – Bulletin Board System
C – sissy, Nancy (portray feminine traits)
IVF - Test Tube Baby
Lala - lesbian
Les – lesbian
Lily – lesbian (often found in anime or manga)
Macho Queen – masculine (portray extreme masculine traits)
P - fem (strongly related to lesbian culture)
T - tomboy (strongly related to lesbian culture)
Terms to Refer to Eroticism of Same-Sex Relationships
jiqing zhijiao passionate intercourse
ziti huanyu autoeroticism
ning artfulflattery
zi hui love and favor
Stumph 52
Appendix II: Websites and Sources for LGBT in China
Functional Websites When Sources Compiled (sexualized commercialization) (have to search more closely) (available in English) (lesbian specific) (BFBOY Blue Network)
Stumph 53
Shut Down Websites When Sources Compiled
Cell-Phone Apps
Blued 不撸帝 Buludi (dating app)
Momo 陌陌
Tantan 探探 (dating app)
Homosexual Tribes
Stumph 54
Mak nyahs
Openly Out Online Figures
Jin Xing 金星
Uncle Ladybeard
Li Yinhe 李銀河
Xiahe 夏河
Luoluo 洛洛
Liu Qi 刘奇
Wang Zixuan 王子轩
Lin Kaiwen 林凯文
Stumph 55
蓝色大门 2004
喜宴 1993
十七岁的天空 2004
海南鸡饭 2004
Beautiful Thing 愈爱愈美丽 1996
Bent 生命中不能承受之情 1997
Billy Elliot 跳出我天地 2000
Boys Don’t Cry 男孩不哭 1999
Brokeback Mountain (Ang Lee 2005) 斷背山
East Palace, West Palace (Yuan Zhang 1996) 東宮西宮
Ethan mao 志同盗合 2004
Far From Heaven 远离天堂 2002
Farewell My Concubine (Chen Kaige 1993) 霸王別姬
King and the Clown (Lee Joon-Ik 2007) 李濬益
La Cage Aux Folles 鸟笼 1978
Lan Yu (Stanley Kwan 2001) 藍宇
Maurice 莫瑞斯 1987
Midnight Dancers 热夜舞男 1994
Philadelphia 费城故事 1993
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert 沙漠妖姬 1994
Stumph 56
Stonewall 石墙风暴 1995
The Celluloid Closet 电影中的同志 1995
The Laramie Project 恐同残杀事件 2002
The Sum of Us 我们四个 1994
Torch Song Trilogy 火炬三部曲 1988
Touch of Pink 桃色接触 2004
Trick 天雷勾动地火 1999
Wild Reeds 野芦苇 1995
Novels about Homosexuality
Beijing Comrades (Bei Tong) 北京故事
Why are we bullying? (陈岚) 我們為什麼被霸凌?
Stumph 57
Appendix III: Social Media Postings
Forums and Sponsored Documents
If You Have a Gay Friend, this is What You Need to Know (Translation)
LGBT Knowledge Manual (Translations)
Articles as Blogs
青春同志 -同志最怕的是什 么 – 老
Gay Youth – What are Gay People Afraid of? ── Getting Old (Translations)
同志的博客- 出柜
Gay Blog – Coming Out of the Closet (Translation)
同志的博客- 我是同志(一)
A Gay Man’s Blog (Part 1) – I’m Gay (Translation)
同志的博客- 我是同志- 我想很多同志多有
I’m Gay (Part 3) (Translation)
同志的博客 - 我是同志 -你是怎样进入同性恋这个圈子的
I’m Gay (Part 6) (Translation
我的同志男友们 - 第一章 - 入圈约见首位网友
My Gay Boyfriends: Chapter 1 (Translation)
我的同志男友们 - 第二章 - 我和四川男友的三个月
My Gay Boyfriends: Chapter 2 (Translation)
Stumph 58
Stumph 59
Stumph 60
如果你和一个Gay 关系很近而且他又不介意,在合适的情况下你尽可以用“基佬”这 个
Stumph 61
Stumph 62
但是,“变性者”只是跨性别者中的一 个类别,并不是所有跨性别者都会去做变性手
装,打扮成“理想中的性别” 来满足自己的愿望。
Stumph 63
LGBT也不是性少 数的全部,更多的还有酷儿与疑性恋(不愿被贴上明确性向标签、或
Stumph 64
⒉ 不撸帝
指blued,一款知名男同性恋社交软件。就像 异性恋会玩陌陌、探探一样,同性恋也
⒊ 柜子的故事
Stumph 65
Stumph 66
你和“ 柜子”有什么爱恨纠葛?
⒋ 同妻/同夫、形婚
到了差不多该结婚的年龄就要么隐瞒自己真实的性取向“骗” 个异性结婚交差、要么找 个有
Stumph 67
( 来源:搜狐 · Yummy女性愉悦平台)
Stumph 68
If You Have a Gay Friend, this is What You Need to Know (Translation)
A guy’s girlfriend is already a common occurrence, “gay honey” has already been replaced with
a new fad, but as for a newbie that has been straight for most of their life, “gay honey” is still a
confusing term:
What does LGBT mean?
In addition, what does QIA mean?
When we say “closet case,” what closet do we mean?
What is a beard and what is wife swapping?
If you have a gay friend, this is what you need to know
Being dumbfounded by a screen full of jargon isn’t a pleasant experience for anyone. For our
new students, we decided to look at the basic vocabulary of “the world of sexual minorities.”
Stumph 69
Students, welcome to a world you do not know
L - Lesbians
Also known as “lala”
or “Lily”
The term “lala” is more extensively and commonly used , and
“lily” refers more so to romantic love scene between women found in manga and anime.
G - Gays
Also known as “glass”
or “jilao”
拉拉 lala Lala
百合 baihe Lily
玻璃 boli Glass
Stumph 70
If you and a gay guy have a close relationship, and he doesn’t mind, then in the right context you
can use the term “jilao” to joke around with him. But in some contexts “jilao” still has a negative
connotation. So how do you use it? On a case by case basis.
B - Bisexuals
Heterosexuals and homosexuals are attracted to only one sex, while bisexuals are attracted to
both sexes.
Sounds like “you can have your cake and eat it too,” the pinnacle of life, right?
基佬 jilao Jilao
Stumph 71
NO! Bisexual doesn’t mean “everyone’s fair game,” it also doesn’t mean “more likely to cheat or
have a threesome.” Their relationship’s are also between two people, and they are no different
from us.
T - Transgender
It is commonly believed that transgender means across two genders. Transgenders do not
identify with the sex that they were born. They believe that they are the other gender. Take for
example a MTF (male to female transgender)
“I am a woman, not a man”
Stumph 72
Of course, Leslie Cheung
was not trans and we don’t have to discuss the movie, Farewell My
in terms of whether or not he is trans. When we speak of “having a woman’s mind
in a man’s body,” we should talk about Jin Xing.
金星 Jin Xing
Stumph 73
Because of Jin Xing’s influence, trans people who are post-op have gained more exposure, and
the public’s rejection and disgust for trans people has decreased seemingly because of their
empathy for Jin Xing. Perfect!
However, trans people who are post-op are only one category of trans people, not all trans people
will have sex-reassignment surgery. Some will use medication and hormones in order to make
them look more like the other sex. Some only dress in the clothes of their “ideal gender” in order
to satisfy their own desires.
For example, look at the picture below. On first look Uncle Ladybeard’s appearance is jarring;
on a second look, he is cute.
Stumph 74
However, this suggests many more concepts, such as:
Cross-dressing enthusiasts, who are not necessarily transsexuals, may just enjoy wearing the
clothes of the opposite sex.
LGBT does not encompass all of the sexual minorities. There are more people who are queer or
questioning (they do not want to define a clear cut label or question their own sexual
orientation); intersex (has the sexual characteristics of both sexes or two reproductive systems);
asexual (doesn’t have a sexual orientation)... there are more than a dozen categories that haven’t
been mentioned...a lot of you have already shouted: “I can’t remember them all!”
Stumph 75
In fact, we do not need to remember each and every one. There are millions of kinds of people in
the world, there are even more different sexual orientations. How can a dozen labels summarize
them all?
2. Buludi (不撸帝 Blued)
Also known as Blued, a well-known gay dating app, resembling the heterosexual dating apps:
Momo and Tantan, homosexuals have their own dating (or for a one-night stand) apps.
It is said that because of “Blued,” you can say goodbye to masturbating, LOL...If you install
Momo could you save yourself from being single?
3. Stories from the closet
Stumph 76
Let’s looking at three aspects of the closet:
Coming Out: to publicly announce one’s sexual orientation
Closet Case: is a minority, cannot publicly announce one’s sexual orientation or refuses to come
To Be Outed: obviously didn’t want to come out, but accidently/inexplicably their sexual
orientation was exposed and they had to come out
Stumph 77
The “to be outed” category yields the most stories or mishaps, such as “I was outed because I
saw my friend on a gay dating app” etc...
You and the closet have what kind of love/hate relationship?
Or you or your friends coming out stories?
Welcome to comment or share your stories with us.
4. Homosexual Wife/Homosexual Husband and Sham Marriage
Homosexual Wife/Homosexual Husband: When getting married he/she do not know that her/his
partner is homosexual. This can also be called a fake marriage.
Sham Marriage: two sexual minorities will marry each other in order to escape family or societal
pressure. It is a mutual agreement to form a mutually beneficial “sham” marriage.
The emergence of a homosexual wife, homosexual husband, and sham marriages is because
homosexuals cannot come out of the closet due to societal and other pressures. When they are of
Stumph 78
marrying age, they will either conceal their true sexual orientation to “trick” a member of the
opposite sex into marriage, or try to find someone of the opposite sex in the same situation to
For those getting the short end of the stick in a fake or sham marriage, of course we are deeply
distressed. But for sexual minorities who are forced to pick between these two roads, we find it
difficult to look at them as “evil.” We can only say that in this case, no one is a winner.
Give yourself a hug, our dream is world peace.
Stumph 79
认识同志手册 (爱白文化教育中心)
并解决他们所必须面对的问题。我们的方针是:筹前备后,谨慎亮相!前言 寻求真爱的孩子,
同性恋是人类的一种自然现象。- 李银河
感来的激烈,好似经历着一场暴风骤雨。“他/她怎么会做出这种事情?”, 这样的疑问也许会
Stumph 80
一词是匈亚利医生卡罗•玛利亚•本克特于1869年第一次使用,如今 世界各地的各种语言都
纷纷采用这一词。在中国,由于各种各样的历史问题,“同性 恋”一词被蒙上了歧视与仇恨的
阴影,但是它所代表的情感是自然的,它所包含的意 义是普遍的,随着社会的进步,人类自我
认识的发展,“同性恋”一词正在变得越来 越普通,越来越纯洁。简单的说,“同性恋”就是在性
方面受到同性的吸引,这种性 吸引如同异性恋者为异性所吸引一样,都是发自内心深处最根
Stumph 81
定会克服它的”),或者您根本不想听(“如果你选择这种生活方式,我们无法接受”), 或者您避
重就轻(“够了,别说了!今晚你想吃什么?”), 这些都是正常的反应。然而, 如果您不知道孩子
真实的性倾向, 您就不可能真正了解您的孩子,孩子生活中的很大一部分内容就会与您无缘,
Stumph 82
仅是一个词。决定向父母 亮相时,您的孩子也并非只想到同性恋这个词而已。一般来讲,他
/她往往对自己的 性倾向已经有了一段漫长而艰苦的思索,所以如果您想问“你肯定吗?”之
类的问题 时,答案几乎总是“我肯定”。向您亮相的子女需要克服许多困难,他们/她们要鼓起
勇气走出始终笼罩他们/她们的阴影,甚至还要承担极大的风险,因此,任何人都不会 草率行
事。事实上,孩子对您亮相意味着他/她对您的深爱,他/她此时此刻需要的 是您的支持和理
解。亮相需要很大的勇气,它显示了孩子期待着与您建立一种开放和 诚实关系的强烈愿
Stumph 83
些事情,即便您相信如果您较早介入会有另一番结 果,您也不应该抱怨什么,因为您一定也知
道我们这个社会对同性恋的态度,那就 是“不问不说”。而孩子现在终于向您亮相了,这意味
着他们/她们希望与您建立更加 诚实与开放的关系。
经历了子女暴风骤雨般的亮相之后,大多数父母的内心将会变得十分沉重:“我 到底应该如
何处理?”,这也许是很多父母此刻的共同心声。而这种复杂的心态,追 根究底,都是源自您对
他们/她们的深爱。您对子女发自内心的关爱以及子女们将去面 对的爱情,这一切的一切,
都只是为了爱而存在。通过以下的问答,我们衷心希望可 以散去那些笼罩在您心头的阴云,
因为爱是美好而纯洁的感情,它不应该被那些密布 的愁云掩去它的光彩。
根据统计,不论是在中国还是在国外,同性恋者占总人口的3-5%,因此可以大至 推算出每四
个家庭里就有一个家庭有同性恋成员,而几乎每一个家庭在亲戚范围内都 至少有一名同性
恋者。这意味着您并不孤单,您的子女也毫不另类,您甚至可以去和 一些人交流。根据我们
的经验,这种交流是非常有益的。在爱情白皮书以及其他一些 网站,很多书籍和帮助电话都
可以提供资讯,您还可以和他人交谈、分享经验。如果 您愿意,您不但可以从茫然中走出来,
而且可以和您的孩子建立起比原来更加强而有 力的亲密关系。
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当孩子表明自己的同性恋身份时,他/她在昨天和今天其实是同一个人。您所失 去的仅仅是
孩子原来在您心目中的印象以及您自以为对孩子的了解。这种失落感有时 会很令人难受,
但您可以心情愉快地试着用一个更新的、更真实的印象和了解取而代 之。 对于年轻的同
性恋者来说,父母的理解尤为重要。受到父母排斥的同性恋者很有可能 走向自闭,自甘堕落
甚至自杀的道路;一些青少年为了保护自己,则尽量和父母保持 疏远的距离。如果您的孩子
自愿向您表明身份,您可以自豪的相信在理解孩子这方 面,您做得非常出色。同性恋现在仍
然受到很多人的排斥,如果孩子向您坦诚公开自 己,这就意味着他/她对您怀有深切的爱与
信任,如果您同样是深爱着他们/她们的 话,现在就该是您拿出勇气,同样给予他们信任与理
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LGBT Knowledge Manual – Aibai (Aiqing Baipishu Love White Paper) (Translation)
Section 4 - Family Articles: A question and answer with parents
After your child “Comes out publicly”
Editor’s Note:
This material is not encouraging gay guys to come out to their family, but rather when
you need to communicate and explain with your family. We hope that these materials in some
way will be able to assist your family members to correctly and completely understand the issues
that they will face. Our policy is: prepare for the future, be cautious when coming out publicly!
Kids looking for true love, longing for a family’s love to alleviate their exhaustion; you
dearly love them, and are dearly loved by them. Please give homosexual love love and comfort.
When you first learn that your child is gay or bisexual, you will not be prepared to cope.
Most of you will go through the painful steps of shock, denial, anger, guilt, and loss. This is
understandable with society’s attitude toward homosexuality. Under these circumstances, we
suggest that you do not blame yourself, and also don’t blame your children, but rather the
following Q&A will help you to cool and calmly get through your child’s coming out publicly,
understand them, comprehend them, accept and support them. Love them even more.
The First Part:
Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon. --- Li Yinhe (李银河)
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When parents discover that their child is a homosexual, they are often in shock. They are
resentful and angry. It’s a sudden change, there’s a rush of emotions, like a violent storm. “How
can he/she do such a thing?” Such questions may linger in your mind. However, when you think
about your conflicting emotions, perhaps you will discover that your child trusts you with this
matter, and after you know the truth, your relationship with your child will be even deeper.
Question 1: What is homosexuality?
When you see the word “homosexuality,” perhaps you have never heard of it, perhaps
you think it’s foreigner, perhaps hearing this word makes you feel uncomfortable……but in any
case, your homosexual children will not vanish because of these feelings you have. Homosexuals
are actually all around you, at work, at school, and in your life, bu it’s only that you have not
noticed them.
The word “homosexuality” was first used by the Hungarian doctor Karl-Maria Kertbeny (
卡罗•玛利亚•本克) in 1869. The word is used in all languages around the world today. In China,
the word “homosexuality” is linked to discrimination and hatred because of various historical
reasons. But, it is representative of a feeling that is natural; it is universal. The word
“homosexuality” is becoming more and more commonplace, more pure and honest as society
progresses and people become more self-aware. To put it simply, “homosexuals” are attracted to
the same-sex the same way heterosexuals are attracted to the opposite sex. It evolves from the
most basic feelings and needs from deep in one’s heart.
Question 2: Why is my child a homosexual?
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Parents often ask this question for many reasons, including: they are perhaps upset
because the kids turn out differently from what they expected; or they feel that they have done
something wrong; they think that someone has “mislead” the child into “becoming a
homosexual;” or they want to know whether homosexuality has a biological or some other basis.
You may believe that other people have mislead your child into becoming a homosexual.
In fact, the widespread belief that homosexuality is “learned,” is actually extremely incorrect. In
reality, no one has “turned” your child into a homosexual. Your child may have known from a
very young age that they were “different from” other people. No one can “change” your child.
Some parents think that they are the main reason their child is a homosexual. Over the
years, psychology and psychiatry have spread some theories on why people become
homosexuals, which were seemingly correct but actually wrong. For example, the personality
types of parents--domineering mothers and weak fathers can cause a child’s tendency toward
homosexuality, etc. These theories have been abandoned by today's psychologists and
psychiatrists. It is necessary for us to remove these absurd theories and erroneous concepts from
popular culture. Homosexuals can come from a wide variety of families. In some families, the
mother may have a more dominate position in the family, and in some families the father may
have more of a voice. Homosexuals might be the youngest child, or might also be the oldest or
middle child. Some families have several homosexual siblings, while others may only have one.
Many families that have a homosexual child can even be regarded as a model family.
Many parents want to know if homosexuality is genetic or biological. Although the
contributing factors for a homosexual orientation are still controversial, there is scientific proof
that homosexuality is innate, but there’s no proof that it’s hereditary. Not many children of
homosexuals have homosexual tendencies. In fact, we propose you ask yourself the following
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questions: Is the cause of homosexuality really important to you? Does the support and love for
your child depend on whether or not you can find the cause? Are we asking heterosexuals to look
at their sexual orientation in the same manner? In fact, homosexuals have a wide variety of
occupations, religions, nationalities, and ethnicities. Just like heterosexuals, each homosexual is
his/her own individual. They are different in their own way and establish their own sexual
identity. Maybe we are still curious about the reasons why they are homosexuals, but loving and
supporting your child is more important. The reason for their homosexuality really isn’t that
Question 3: Why should our children tell us this?
Some parents will feel that it would be better if they did not know their child’s sexual
orientation. Before the child comes out, the family is tranquil. But you are wrong, hidden behind
this tranquility is you and your child slowly drifting apart. Some parents will try to deny things
that have happened (“Son/daughter, this is just a phase, you will overcome it”); or you simply
don’t want to listen (“If you choose this way of life, we cannot accept it”); or you avoid the
situation (“Enough, don’t bring it up! What would you like to eat tonight?”); these are all normal
reactions. However, if you don't know your child’s real sexual orientation, you cannot really
understand your own child. You will have no connection to a major part of your child’s life, and
you will never be able to truly understand him/her.
Accepting and understanding your child’s sexual orientation is very important because
homosexuality is more than just a phase. When your child is deciding to come out to you, your
child is not just thinking about the word homosexual. In general, he/she has tended to think long
and hard about his/her sexuality. So, if you ask the question like: “Are you sure?” the answer is
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almost always “I’m sure.” Your child has had to overcome many difficulties to come out to you,
and they have had to muster up the courage to come out of the shadows. They have had to
undertake great risk therefore, they will not act hastily. In fact, your child coming out to you
means that he/she loves you and what he/she needs now is your love and support. Coming out
takes a lot of courage, and it shows that your child strongly hopes to establish an open and honest
relationship with you.
Question 4: Why did our child not tell us before?
When you realize that your child must have considered this for a few months or years
before telling you, you may easily misunderstand this as a lack of love and trust. You may find
that your actual understanding of your child is not as great as you thought it was. You have even
been excluded from the emotional life of your child, this is a really painful feeling. In fact,
whether your child is homosexual or heterosexual, all parents face this problem while trying to
get along with their children. As the saying goes, all kids grow up and leave the nest. As children
approach adulthood, there’s a necessary distancing in the relationship between parents and
children. Your child may have become aware of certain things and you may have not. They may
go to do something but don’t discuss it with you in advance. This is especially true when coming
out. The situation is particularly tricky, because your child’s sexual orientation goes against your
own expectations. This means, you may have misunderstood your child for a long time.
We still live in a society where homosexuality is misunderstood and feared. Homosexuals
typically spend a long time coming to terms with their identity. This might be why they try to
keep it from their parents for as long as possible. Usually homosexuals realize as kids that they
are different from everyone else, but it is not until later in life that they will identify with being
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homosexual. Your child must have felt uneasy about their sexual orientation, even felt self-
loathing, and for a long time in their hearts have struggled with being homosexual, after careful
consideration, they have found the courage to come out to their parents. Even if you think that
your child should have talked to you about this earlier; even if you are convinced if you had
found out earlier you could have gotten involved and there would have been a different outcome,
you should not complain about that, because you know our society’s attitude toward
homosexuality is “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” In the end, your child has come out to you, which
means that they hope to build a more honest and open relationship with you.
Question 5: What should we do once we know that our child is a homosexual or bisexual?
According to statistics, whether in China or abroad, homosexuals account for 3 to 5% of
the total population. So, it is possible to extrapolate that one in every four families will have
someone that is homosexual, and almost every family has a homosexual relative in their
extended family. This means that you are not alone, your child is not out of the ordinary. There
are other people like you that you can talk to. According to our experience, this kind of
communication is very beneficial. You can even go on Aibai (Aiqing Baipishu Love White
Paper) as well as some other websites. Books and hotlines can also provide information. You can
also talk to others to share experiences. If you are willing, not only will you become aware, but
also your child and you can establish a stronger and closer relationship than before.
Stumph 91
青春同志 -同志最怕的是什么?——老
(2014-03-14 16:00:11)
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抽烟、少喝酒、注意皮肤护理和保养。这不是一朝一夕能看到功效的,但 20 年后,会至
少比同龄人年轻 10 岁。其次,要注意转型。脸上的岁月遮不住,但同时可以让身上的肌
饭,但这个年代,漂亮的太多了,不过 5 年,就会被淘汰。因此,有自己喜欢的、投入
Stumph 93
Gay Youth: What are Gay People Afraid of? --- Getting Old (Translation)
(2014-03-14 16:00:11)
“Getting old” signifies decline and loneliness. Thinking about it is awful. In fact, not only
are gay people afraid of getting old, everyone is afraid of getting old. Medical research strives to
find an anti-aging method, as a result, there’s plastic surgery. Life expectancy is continually
being extended. But in any case, all people will become old. In a sense, straight people procreate
in order to prevent aging and death, as well as the loneliness associated with the aging process.
And gays? What about them?
As I write this article, have I already confronted this problem? Looking at photos, I often
think, wouldn’t it be great to always be 25 years old? But the years are ruthless, the footsteps of
time never stop, we live our lives and before we know it we’re old. When gay people are young
why do they refuse to be bound by conventions, but ultimately marrying and having children?
Perhaps they are not only forced by society and family pressures, and in fact they like children,
because the child is the continuation of their own lives. This way they won’t be lonely when they
are old, being married and having children is part of their life plan, the so-called pressure is just a
It’s ironic, the word “gay” represents happiness and openness, but when gay people
become old, it absolutely has a negative connotation. Think about it, old, is there still happiness?
Is this really the fate of gay people? Is there any way for gay people to prevent aging?
They are in the end being conventional
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There are many ways to prevent aging. First of all, don’t squander your youth. Lead a
disciplined life, eat a healthy diet, don’t smoke, don’t drink much, pay attention to your skin.
You may not see the affects overnight, but in 20 years, you’ll look at least 10 years younger than
your peers. Second, pay attention to how you age. You’re unable to conceal the years on your
face or your body. Sometimes, the body and the face are equally important. Third, pay attention
to keeping your mind active. A person’s most attractive feature is never his body or face but his
personality. Why are a lot of old people still attractive? They don’t just maintain the outside but
also the inside. This is a way to stay young. Fourth, have an occupation. If a person only has
youth and beauty, once he’s old, there’s nothing else. Beauty is the most precious gift of all, but
is also the most misleading. Many kids solely depend on their beauty to make a living, but in this
day in age, there’s a lot of beauty out there. In less than five years they will become yesterday’s
news. Therefore, having an occupation which you like and are engaged in for your whole life is
the key way to stay young. Fifth, and most importantly, pay attention to your feelings. This
community is already a mess, if you don’t pay attention to your feelings, then you’ll be a mess
too. No matter how many temptations there is, only one person that will truly love you your
whole life. Find him and slowly age with him, that way you won’t be afraid of being alone!
Stumph 95
同志的博客 - 出柜
出柜 (2009-02-15 21:19:12)
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Gay Blog – Coming Out of the Closet (Translation)
(2009-02-15 21:19:12)
The Initial Stage
Facing the embarrassment of being gay, inner loneliness, weariness of hiding one’s
identity, feelings of depression. Every gay person has the urge to come out of the closet, but very
few indeed come out. The number of couples that come out of the closet together can be counted
on one’s fingers. There are many levels to coming out of the closet, due to a person’s social
circle includes one’s parents, friends, classmates, co-workers, acquaintances, internet friends.
How you will come out is decided by which social circle you come out to.
Sometimes this will even depend upon which individual you come out to. For people that
have contact with you, your coming out of the closet will psychologically affect them. Everyone
has different views about gay people, thus it is necessary to be cautious when coming out to each
and every individual. This is a terrible phenomenon, the pressure that a gay man faces when
coming out of the closet is unimaginable!
The choice of the first person you choose to come out to is really critical. Most of the
time a gay person does not come out to a family member first. Most gay men choose to come out
to a female friend first, this is an interesting phenomenon. Women typically don’t get caught up
in absolutes. In addition, most of them are honest and trustworthy, are good at understanding
others, are good at keeping one’s secret and coming out of the closet to a trusted girlfriend would
be considered an intelligent strategy. Next, gay people should come out to close classmates, you
are in contact with classmates all the time, and are similar in age, and have similar ideas. There
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are no financial entanglements,
the relationship is relatively simple, and as young people, they
are more receptive to new things, they may not be too surprised when you come out of the closet,
in addition, hiding your true identity from your classmates is troublesome, thus being frank is
good. But students that come out of the closet will face many problems, maybe your secret will
spread like wildfire. You have to be willing to take the risk.
We just talked about the easiest two social circles for a gay person to come out to. Now
we’re going to talk about the hardest ones.
The first is the family circle. To tell the truth, being gay, I cannot come out. I face
pressure from my family. Because coming out will only hurt the ones who love you the most,
they are last ones that you want to hurt. In the same way that blood is thicker than water, it
becomes difficult to let go of the burden. Confessing to relatives, other than your parents, most
people can accept you being gay, because they love you, but if you are or are not gay it will not
affect their feelings for you too much. But coming out to one’s parents requires a lot of mental
preparation. Because parents can have many different reactions, and they are all real. But there
is one thing for sure, parents must also go through a period of adjustment, they certainly are
unable to accept the son they raised is this way… shocked, disappointed, sad, worried,
unwilling… parents will infinitely face the pressure.
An example of this is how it has gone for my friends that have come out to their parents.
After my friend told his parents, his parents including his sister, cried for several days, had no
choice but to accept this reality, they also accepted his boyfriend. His parents are both college
professors. Another friend of mine is not so lucky, after coming out is his father cut off the
Cultural aspect where there is no importance placed on economic gain since the primary focus
is on other aspects, such as school work during a young age when work is not important.
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relationship with him, now he is floating through life all alone. This are two extremes, for most
friends once their parents know they’re gay, they are still forced to marry a girl, the hope is they
will have a normal family, I’ve seen a lot of friends like this……
In addition, people the most unwilling to come out will be colleagues. First, is that
colleagues and our personal lives are not intertwined, there is no need to come out. Second, we
might be competing with our colleagues. Do no harm, but also protect yourself. Dear fellow
friends, be careful! But it doesn't rule out that our colleagues will also become our good friends,
there might also be out of the closet gay people in this social circle.
Because our good friends are all different in their own way, some are people that are
really good friends and have the same interests, some are soulmates, and some have faced similar
hardships… when you want to come out of the closet, who will you come out to? Are you going
to come out to the guy that you used to talk about boobs with, or watch porn with? If you go and
tell them that you are attracted to men, will they accept it? A guy you’ve eaten with, a guy that
you’ve slept in the same bed with?
What will they think? If you come out to a girlfriend, was
she once interested in you? Did she boast to her friends that you’re a real man?
So, coming out
to your friends you have to consider their opinion of you, will you coming out highlight the
disparity between who they think you are and who you really are? It’s difficult to accept…. Can
your friendship be able to survive? If you chased girls in front of them, (of course I know that
you chased girls to cover up your identity, or because of familial pressures, or really wanted to
discuss marriage), as soon as you come out of the closet, will they accept what you have done?
Coming out to close friends you must consider these factors. Because they are the greatest part of
Using a Northern Dialect
Real man refers a masculinized man that portrays masculine affiliated traits
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your private life, they know the best, most authentic you, and they might be completely
unwilling to accept your hypocrisy….
Therefore, regarding coming out to your closest friends is important to uphold the
principle that “it’s going to be different for each person and you have to adapt to them.”
In fact, a lot of people are curious as to why I don’t always mention one circle ---
“acquaintances.” Who are acquaintances? Perhaps they are friends of our friends, or they are our
neighbors that we nod hello to, or they are the grocery store owner who we occasionally have
contact with...these people. Whether you live or die is immaterial to these people, so I won’t
discuss them any further.
Talking about coming out, the younger generation of gay people have guts, because they
revere freedom and being driven to overachieve, to rebel and to be flamboyant, to live even more
above board and for oneself. The current younger generation feels less societal pressure than
their parents’ generation so it’s easier to come out.
But only a few of the gay individuals who come out, come out to their parents. For
example, the famous younger generation gay celebrity – Xiahe (his boyfriend is a high school
student called Luoluo, very pure), his aunt found out that he was gay via online. She called him
to find out what was going on. Xiahe wrote an article about it, take a look.
A famous gay person who is known by almost everyone online doesn’t come out to his
parents?! Now, many gay individuals like to come out as gay on online, because they’re
handsome, but also to become internet celebrities. Their friends, classmates, family members
have to get to know them again the same way that their internet followers do. For example, the
couple Liu Qi and Wang Zixuan, they like to post sweet photos of their relationship. (Liu Qi’s
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real name is Liu Dalong, and Wang Zixuan’s real name is Feng Xiaochi. Both are my good
friends. My page has a link to their blog, both are gifted scholars), however, a few days before,
Dalong successfully came out to his cousin. That said, coming out to your internet friends is a
relatively stress-free way to come out. One reason is, coming out online releases your suppressed
emotions. Also, you don’t have to face a lot of pressure, because after all the internet will not
affect their lives too much. Now the younger generation is bolder and daring!
What’s the reason why someone should come out?
I’m going to talk about three typical reasons why.
Whether or not a gay person comes out is linked to the environment that they find
themselves in. Lin Kaiwen, the famous flamboyant gay celebrity, on his blog on Xiaonei
he openly discusses his sex life, studying at Cambridge, talking about being Taiwanese,
and having contact with a number of other celebrities. He has open sexual attitudes and his
legendary sexual experience allowed him to get many blog views on Xiaonei. He is Taiwanese, it
should be said, Taiwan is a relatively open society about sex, and his immediate family only
includes his elderly grandfather. For a gay person, this is the ideal family situation. He can live
this kind of candid life…this kind of person should express gratitude for their situation.
Another kind of person is someone that really wants to find love, they don’t want to
repress their emotions. A lot of people come out together with their partner, for example, the
earliest out gay couple, Gong Fei
and Yu Xi
. These people came out in order to pursue their
own lives and newfound freedom, very admirable.
Chinese networking site
Chinese web portal
宫非 Gong Fei
羽锡 Yu Xi
Stumph 105
There is a group of people that face family pressure to get married, they have no choice
but to stay in the closet, there’s nothing more to say about these people.
Should you come out or shouldn’t you come out? Everyone’s opinion is different, theory
meets practice! If you are reading this article and you’re a parent of a gay child, and your son
comes out to you, I hope you understand a little bit out being gay. Treat them rationally, and treat
them with kindness! For gay people, coming out is a huge pressure, but not from society, it’s
actually from the family, specifically the parents.
Regarding the above text, it is only an individual gay man’s experience and point of
view, there are a lot of mistakes, please forgive them!!!
Stumph 106
同志的博客 - 我是同志 (一)
(2008-07-25 21:33:25)
的谐音。与“c”对应的还有Macho Queen的说法,指外貌非常阳刚,身型健壮,但隐约有阴
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A Gay Man’s Blog – I am Gay (Part 1) (Translation)
(2008-07-25 21:33:25)
The Main Text
A person’s understanding of their own gender should occur very early, at least my
experience growing up was this way. Upon careful consideration that’s true. Gender is primarily
comprised of physiological characteristics and determines how the people in your environment
see you. It’s easy to determine the distinctions of the male and female gender, after being defined
as male or female. Gender identity will be deeply rooted for your entire life. But a person’s
sexual orientation isn’t as clearly defined as their gender. I believe, the sign of your sexual
consciousness being fully formed isn’t determined by your biological gender but rather you
understanding your sexual orientation (not an expert, just speaking frankly).
People who use the letter “c” are a part of our community, this letter carries a special
meaning in our community. The first question between two gay men chatting online is --- “Are
you C?” (I specially researched the etymology of “c.” “C” is derived from the English “Sissy” or
“Nancy,” referring to gay men who have feminine characteristics. “C” is taken from the ‘s’
sound in “sissy.” And the counterpart of “c” is ‘Macho Queen’, which refers to the masculine
appearance of muscular physique, but having vaguely feminine characteristics and mannerisms.
In fact, gay guys in this particular tribe have their own language, a lot have their own code
words. Gay men and lesbians have their own vernacular. This is an interesting phenomenon).
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Some gay guys possess effeminate qualities, that is, we call them “c,” but an overwhelming
majority of gay guys are not “c.” The outside world often believes that effeminate men are
homosexuals, thinking that all homosexuals are effeminate, in fact this is a complete
misunderstanding of this group. A more persuasive argument might be that the guy hidden
among you who is more masculine, is more likely to be a homosexual. Why am I saying that,
because in this group the proportion of guys who are “c” is really small, so the vast majority of
men in this group are dudes. Guys who are comparatively effeminate or guys who want to be
women are transsexuals, these people are a small minority. For the most part, disregarding their
sexual orientation, gay guys are no different from straight guys. Homosexuals, this mysterious
and invisible group are increasingly getting more and more attention, but for an average person it
is still difficult to understand the subtle differences. Thus, a large part of their understanding of
this community is primarily based on speculation, it is easy to make the mistake of missing the
bigger picture. People misunderstand too many things about this group!
My own experience growing up is a little complicated (maybe a lot of gay guys are the
same). When I was a kid, I was a little feminine, shy and bashful. I didn’t like the boy’s anime
show Saint Seiya.
I liked the girl’s anime show The Flower Angel
(I don’t feel like giving a
specific example).
When I was really little, people said that I was like a little girl. I was shy and would
blush, as it was said more and more, I didn't argue, I didn’t refute. I was preoccupied with other
things. As I got older, my gender consciousness grew stronger. I even thought about changing
圣斗士 Saint Seiya
偏爱花仙子 The Flower Angel
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myself, to cultivate a male disposition. In fact, calling me “c” when I was young is imprecise, my
heart still had the unruliness of a boy. My personality changes were quite gradual, as if it I was
already destined, innate. I became more and more normal. I am a man.
This is gender consciousness rather than sexual orientation.
I gradually understood my sexual orientation around the 4
grade because I would pay
special attention to the male teachers. The proportion of male teachers in elementary school is
relatively small, so every day I would look forward to having a male teacher for one of my
classes. At that time, I would also think I would question whether this was a normal way of
thinking about a boy. All the boys wished to be like the teachers that were dressed well every
day and were so intelligent (in the eyes of a child, a teacher is the most awesome). Even after I
had a crush on a boy in the fifth grade, I thought he was just my best friend. However, seeing
that handsome boy made me have an erection (I was able to have an erection in the fifth grade, I
don’t know if this is normal). It made me have suspicions. Over time, step by step, I found
In elementary school, I again and again went back and forth between denying and
affirming my sexual identity, which confused me. Finally, in junior high, along with blossoming
into puberty, I finally understood my true emotional needs.
However, I believe that every gay guy has inner turmoil. This is from the pressure of the
outside world. Going into junior high, as we mature, many new feelings emerge in rapid
succession. At this time, we are sensitive, curious, and full of energy. We have a lot of interest in
sex. Everyone is ashamed to talk about their own feelings for girls. Naturally, homosexuality
comes up in conversation. This topic is just them pushing boundaries, they aren’t serious. For
boys and girls just hitting puberty, it’s just a game, they’re only joking, scratching an itch to
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satisfy their curiosity. I think a lot of people have had a conversation about homosexuality. Your
curiosity, speculation, jokes, and condescending judgment will intentionally or unintentionally
harm us. I matured relatively early, also very fortunate, I could protect myself over and over,
unlikely to have any psychological harm. With age, I will not blush when discussing such issues.
Many of us are masters at blending in, including myself.
If I had said, I clearly knew that I was a homosexual. That time, by chance, I saw a nude
picture of a guy and got hard down there. After, there was still an embarrassing experience. I
watched gay porn on my teacher’s computer. That time was during a tutoring session during
summer vacation. I was playing on the teacher’s computer, filled with distracting thoughts, while
no one was in the office, I searched for gay porn, now I am still amazed at my computer skills. I
did it all by myself. Using the search engine, typing in the keywords, surprisingly I soon found it,
at that time I was just learning how to use the computer. Then I was in the 7
grade, it was the
first time in my life I saw anal sex. I was so disgusted I didn’t eat that night. I couldn’t process
that kind of image at that time. I was revolted, yet down there was steel hard.
Even now I can’t
comprehend how I was disgusted and hard at the same time.
Gay porn is one of humanity's great inventions. Later, as my animal instincts took hold, I
watched a lot of porn. Gradually I wasn’t disgusted by anal sex. That is the experience that made
me realize, as it turns out there are a lot of people in the world like me that are attracted to the
same sex.
I am gay. Say these sentences. I know myself. I have the courage to affirm myself. No
one can know my inner turmoil.
Filled with absurd talk and sad tears.
Literally: down there was like a huge column up to the sky
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(2008-07-29 00:55:13)
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I Am Gay – Part 3 (Translation)
(2008-07-29 00:55:13)
I think many gay guys have wishfully thought and have had fantasies hoping that their
sexual orientation is a short-lived illusion; even trying to change themselves. However, they will
tragically discover, only men can stimulate them, only a man’s physique can excite their entire
body. A woman wearing a bikini will never make them hard. I wrote in the first article that
sexual orientation is innate; it follows one throughout life. “Sexual interest” emerges in
childhood, and is not dependent on life experiences or one’s environment. In fact, heterosexuals
can also completely understand this. When you heterosexuals try to find your “Brokeback
Mountain” love, you discover it is impossible. Putting yourselves in a homosexual’s position,
you will know that homosexuals also discover this. I have read studies which state that
bisexuality simply doesn’t exist. The so-called bisexual, is a person who is deceiving themselves
because of societal pressure. (For example, after experiencing rape, heterosexuals might be
psychologically disturbed so that they become bisexual; for homosexuals living long-term in a
heterosexual environment, self-suggestion and societal pressure can cause them to become
bisexual.) In fact, bisexuality is classified as a mental illness, but even so, bisexuals are bisexual
and will not completely change their sexual orientation.
A lot of gay guys have had a self-reflection. When faced with being unable to control
their sex drive, a lot of gay guys will fall into the abyss of self-blame. Why do they “fall” into
this spiral of self-shame, this kind of self-shame loses face in parent’s eyes, they will be
disappointed and depressed. More ever, this kind of guilt is like a huge boulder falling into a
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deep well in the heart, echoing like a muffled thunder. Sometimes, a gay guy does not disclose
his own identity publicly. Maybe he doesn’t care about the society’s view, but as a son, he can’t
face his parents and relatives. On the internet, I know several other gay guys who are out to their
families. These people’s families have one thing in common, most of their family members have
had a higher education. Their family members are more likely to accept the fact of them being
gay. Now, many of them have long-term partners, some of which have met the parents. This kind
of people give you the impression that they live a happy life, and compared to them, we don’t.
Being unable to confront your own parents, like us, a lot of people have to apologize.
Many people believe that gay guys don't not attract the opposite sex. You’d be wrong
again. Outsiders mostly interact with the gays they know, most of whom are “c.” Whose
behavior attracts attention. But society reaches its own conclusion, gay guys are mostly feminine.
In the first article, I have already explained that this is missing the bigger picture. The
feminine nature of “c” guys identifies them as obviously gay, giving society a false impression.
In reality, more gay guys are not “c.” It should be said, most gay guys do have a soft side
(This refers to deep rooted characteristics. There may also be heterosexual men who have a
fragile side, but this cannot be equated to a feminine trait). It is because of this, they are more
gentleman in character, more reserved, more depressed, a little bit like Tony Leung,
this kind of
characteristic is more charming. A lot of gay guys are indeed a woman’s sweetheart. This is also
troublesome for gay guys. Personally, I have had a few heterosexual women pursue me, some of
them I have dealt with coldly, others “just can’t quit me.”
Facing these kind of girls, sometimes
An award-winning Hong Kong actor and Canto pop singer; (梁朝伟)
Referencing the film Brokeback Mountain
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I want to just tell them, but … I can only say it to myself. You are a kind of beauty that I do not
know how to appreciate, sorry! I understand that leading you on harms you more.
(By the way: There’s an internet celebrity couple, one of them is called Xiahe, who has a
homepage on Xiaonei.
He shares a lot of photos with his “wives,” they’re all drop-dead
gorgeous guys. His Xiaonei homepage’s daily views can reach tens of thousands. Moreover, the
majority of views are from women. There are many “normal” men that despise them, who
viciously attack them. Xiahe replies to them: To some of the so-called straight men who despise
gay guys, honestly you shouldn’t attack me. If I had not led a crowd of beautiful boys to become
gay. You guys would’ve had no chance? Don’t mention it at all, but why repay me with these
vicious attacks? Think about it, if we also like women, you’d have had an even harder time in a
place like China where the ratio between the sexes is already imbalanced, you’re welcome!)
If you’re at the marrying age, would you choose to cover up your identity, to
hypocritically play a couple with a woman you don’t love? This is an article in which the wife
knows that her husband is gay (
She writes about her life. After reading it, will you be able to stand to do the same? Wouldn’t
you have the slightest amount of remorse in your heart if you had to face a woman who thinks of
you as her man?
How would you face your lover? If you got married, how would you cope with your love
for him? If he wants to live with you, could you do it? Are you going to just make him your
piece on the side? Make this guy fight with your wife over you? If he is married, would you have
the heart to disturb his family? How would you face his family?
What if you have kids……
人人网, Chinese social network website, renamed Renren Network
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There would be a lot of real problems that would need to be faced. There would be a lot
of people that need you to be there for them emotionally. You would have a lot of
We need to live up to so many people!
But, we always think we are responsible for another person’s happiness but we forget our
own. In actuality, we should be responsible for ourselves. Who made us? Who let us have these
emotions? Why do we have to bear these torments? Who is responsible for our happiness?
I have written so much, perhaps I hope to find a sympathetic ear from gay guys. Perhaps I
hope to get straight guys to understand, but I am tired.
I’ve bitched enough, I’m sick of all these words. They’ll sink in, tomorrow they’ll begin to sink
in, I do not want to think of these terrible things anymore, I am too tired. This is it. This is the
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(2008-08-05 10:20:05)
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I’m Gay (Part 6) How did You Become a Member of the Gay Community? (Translation)
(2008-08-05 10:20:05)
How did you become a member of the gay community? Different people have different
ways, but we can sum up the different ways for people who are struggling to find an emotional
partner and offer some of our own experiences to make things easier for you (a short cut).
I think everyone is the same as me, first they use the internet to “learn” about being gay
and being themselves. I was very happy to find out about Baidu when first using the internet. It
can be said that seven or eight years ago, the government control of the internet wasn’t very
strict--the internet “had more porn and more violence,” haha. You could search Baidu and find
gay articles, pictures, forums, BBS
…anything and everything. (Based on my experience, Baidu
is the best search engine.) Gay forums developed very quickly. Early on, each major city had its
own gay forum. Now there should be even more. For example, “Friends Don’t Cry,”
Blue Network
… they’re too numerous to mention. In addition, some famous universities have
their own gay forums. Now there are more and more openly gay students whose views are at the
forefront of the mainstream.
As more and more gay people enter school and join their school’s gay forums, they find
the courage to express their feelings. As the previous forum moderator graduates, a new forum
moderator takes over and rejuvenates the forum. This is one way for the forum to grow, and also
is an interesting phenomenon.
Bulletin Board System
朋友别哭 Friends Don’t Cry
蓝色 网络 BFBOY
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I rarely go to such sites now, but at that time, sites like these opened up my eyes.
Through these kind of sites, you can get to know yourself, know what sex is, know what
homosexuality is, and understand that you’re not different or a freak, to confirm one’s true value.
Communication with other gay people will help you understand that a lot of people in the
beginning denied themselves, thought themselves as freaks, could not accept themselves, and
had suicidal thoughts. Society’s denial is not necessarily more awful than self-denial. At least at
that time I began to understand sex. I heard an affirming voice and found out that a lot of people
are like me. Virtually, I got psychological support, therefore, not exerting too much
psychological pressure on myself. Now I no longer need to get psychological support from these
sites. Seldom do I need to shuttle back and forth from these “homes.” Of course, there is a very
important reason for not going to these sites, most of these sites have “turned over a new leaf”
and it is already difficult to see pictures and videos, which can “quench” my thirst. I am so
horny! Haha!
Of course, if you want to meet internet friends, contrary to what one might think, these
sites are providing an extremely important channel. A lot of sites have dedicated personal
columns, allowing gay friends to post their personal ads, their own contact details, and even
share one’s own private photos. But also, many forums are based according to local region, set
sub-sections, making it easier for you to find like-minded people, and unlikely that you will live
far apart. This is a very effective way as long as you publish your own stats and contact details,
be they QQ, msn, or e-mail. There should be people that are interested in meeting you.
Some forums sometimes organize meet and greets, letting the virtual come to reality,
contributing to many couples getting together.
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I think the most important part of these forums is that it posts some QQ Groups. Each QQ
Group is different, and there are many different kinds. Some of the QQ Groups are the official
ones established by the forum. The main purpose of the group is to facilitate the interaction of
registered members on the forum. Some QQ Groups are based on regions, with members all
from the same region, that way it’s convenient for everyone to interact and get to know each
other, and even get a deeper level of understanding. Some groups are for people with alternative
hobbies. They are mostly about S&M,
for example uniform fetish groups, leather fetish groups,
and so on. Considering that some people might dislike these things, I will not introduce them
anymore. Some groups are established in order to exchange gay porn websites…. the reason why
these forums are the most important is because gay people now have the opportunity to become
acquainted, often finding each other through the QQ Groups.
S&M stands for Sadism and Machoism, during sexual intercourse it associates pain with
sexual pleasure
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我的同志男友们 - 第一章 入圈约见首位网友
2016-09-02 23:45:35
没要华丽的辞藻,没有浪漫的经历,只是简单的真实的记录我 6 年的同志生涯!
第一章 入圈约见首位网友
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1 个多小时路程的山路才能到达学校,晚上以同样的路程回家,日复一日的走。中午别
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后去干嘛了我都已经忘得一干二净了! 只记得傍晚他带我去爬山,途中老是触碰我的
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了” “我爱你”之类 的,我每次一看到这类话语都会跟他说,别这样,我们就做朋友,做兄
弟,但是他还是[一如既往](the same) ,我也没有很决绝的回绝他,那时候第一次经历这
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My Gay Boyfriends - Tutu Tutu Moumou: Chapter 1 (Translation)
No gorgeous rhetoric, no romantic experience, just a simple record of my life being gay
for 6 years!
The first chapter: Enter the circle to meet up with my first Internet friend
The year is 2010! I graduated I was exposed to the temptations of society My course of
life has changed because of the college entrance exam. My college life ended June 2010, as the
result of the college entrance exam. In this year everything turned upside down in my life!
After the exam, I came to Wenzhou. I am very familiar with Wenzhou because I have
been living here for more than 10 years. I thoroughly understand Wenzhou local customs,
tradition, and human geography, even more than my own hometown. This is probably to verify
that I am more of a Wenzhou local.
I’d considered myself more Wenzhou than Chongqing
since I live here. Quite incredible!
But also, this event quietly opened my door to another world. I became not only just in
name, but also in reality, a homosexual. It is already 2016, I have been in this circle for more
than 6 years. In these 6 years, I was a young man that was pure and full of curiosity about the
gay circle and became an uncle that is quickly approaching his 30s, that has experienced all the
bad moments in life. I am a common person, so I had gay lovers. Of course, at the time when I
had no lovers, I had hookups for sex. I think people like me are spending all their time the same
Direct translation: “one area raises water and soil, one area people”
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My inclination for homosexual attention stems from an accidental situation in primary
school. To this day I still clearly remember that it was in the second year of elementary school,
during a break between lessons. As usual I went to the bathroom to urinate, I think you can
imagine what a bathroom in a rural village school is like. The toilet is not like now, where the
partition confines it. The middle is a cement partition, also relatively low, both sides crouch, so
two people can see each other at the same time. If facing each other, you can see each other very
clearly. That day during the break between classes, a roughly tall 5th or 6th grader and I meet, by
chance, in the bathroom. He urinated facing me and during that time I could see the dark, course
skin of his genitalia. When I first saw his private parts, I felt a strong hormone rush hit me in the
face. Facing this circumstance, my eyes were completely attracted to his huge, dark genitalia,
unable to divert, so that it was like watching a Hollywood film. The same as the visual impact of
words, that is the same circumstance that allows me all time to be reluctant to go back and forth,
at all time having dirty thoughts. This also contributed to always being unable to end the habit of
looking at other people’s crotches. I am always curious about other people’s crotches, I always
want to take a closer look, to fulfill my curiosity!
But regarding being attracted to the same sex. It is either innate or some kind of external
factors. When I was in first grade, I liked male students. My classmate, to this day, I still
remember his name. My personality is relatively introverted, so with other people I am not that
close. With him I felt the same way. This student is handsome, fair complexion, but a weak
personality. He often cried, and perhaps was a little feminine. Every I saw him cry I had the urge
to go protect him. I always wanted to approach him and play with him. Because of my
personality I didn’t do that until I gradually lost attention in him. Also because of the separation
of different grades in class, we have not seen each other even till today! If we meet again we
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wouldn’t recognize each other! Perhaps me liking someone that like was too precocious for 7-8-
year-old. Later, after the fourth grade in the town center’s primary school I left Chongqing for
Yueqing, Wenzhou, where the economic development just started a little over 10 years ago. The
place where I started my new Wenzhou lifestyle.
The place I came to was still a rural village, due to the proximity of the beach and its
superior geographic location. Even this rural village is a thousand times better than my
hometown! Let me briefly talk about my hometown and my family circumstances! My place of
origin is Chongqing, Fengjie county, which is one of the impoverished counties in Chongqing.
It’s surrounded by high mountains and one river that runs through the canyon of the two
mountains. Halfway up the mountain people level the land to build homes, to cultivate the land,
and to live in a self-sufficient lifestyle off the land. The economic conditions are extremely poor.
My family lives on level land near the top of a steep hilltop. My mother Zeng once talked with
me about how she lived her life after she got married to my father, when she was first married
she was extremely poor after she got pregnant. We only had potatoes to eat every day, almost to
the point where we didn’t have food to eat when the familial circumstances seemed to turn
toward famine. However, my mother is fortunate to be strong willed. She was busy doing the
farm work. My father went out to dredge ore at his hometown, like these things at home started
to improve gradually day by day, but it was still not satisfactory. To this day I remember in
elementary school I needed an abacus and a dictionary. My family could not afford to pay for
either. My mother had no choice but to carry food on her shoulder to the market to sell so that I
could buy the abacus and dictionary. To attend school required me to walk an hour on a
mountain road and return on the same path in the evening, day after day. At lunch, other children
all had food to eat, I could only eat 3 cents worth of steamed buns. When I think back to then my
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heart drops a little! So, I face Wenzhou’s new circumstances. I feel I am very lucky, extremely
lucky, my lifestyle improved after I came to Wenzhou. I was a lot more fortunate than the boys
in my hometown that are my age.
Going back to the topic of being gay!! During the midsummer of 2011, I formally started
my road of dating a gay guy. I searched like crazy through the tongzhi group on the popular
Chinese networking app called QQ, at last through the group I got to know a man from Guizhou.
That year I was 21, he was 26, I was in Wenzhou, he was in Taizhou! We were separated by a 4-
hour bus ride! When we first met each other, we were chatting in full swing, we would talk about
everything, because I had feelings for him that I never had for anyone else. I have never met such
a person that I wanted to talk to more over chat, video chat, and messaging. I developed a crush,
unable to free myself from the online love affair, it had to stop. In the beginning, I could not stop
chatting with him. I felt I really liked him, now I realize it was only an illusion because of an
emotional curiosity about this relationship. To this day I completely forgot what we talked about,
and what we said when we met in person!
More than a month passed since we chatted every day, during this time he continuously
tried to coerce me to go to visit him. I all along was hesitant to go because my understanding of
him wasn’t very good, but also because the distance is a bit far, and he didn’t know enough about
I’m afraid of some danger! It was a weekend, on Saturday he again asked me to go to
his workplace to visit him. He talked a lot, I already do not remember, I found it difficult to
decline his great kindness. Half willing and half unwilling, on Sunday I promised to go. I had to
work on Sunday, but I still asked for a leave of absence. I took the ferry from Yueqing Nan Yue
Since he comes from a rural village he doesn’t know enough about the society to feel
comfortable in this situation
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to the other shore (Yuhuanxian, Taizhou). The ferry arrived, I took a bus for an hour, he arrived
to the county early to wait for me there. When I saw him I was really disappointed, he was short
(I am not tall, yet he was even shorter than me). His face was also not very handsome. But I still
got in his car and went to his workplace. During the weekend, there was just him at the dorm.
The other colleagues went out to play. He opened the dorm door and let me go in first. The room
was clean and tidy inside. There were two beds. The bed sheets were folded neatly. Against the
wall stood a bookcase, a laptop on the desk and a chair in front of the wardrobe. It had a little
hotel atmosphere and also appeared to be relatively crowded.
In this new environment, I looked somewhat reserved. I walked in front of the computer
and sat down in the chair. He came to open the computer, then he went to the refrigerator and
retrieved the grapes he picked Saturday from the vineyard. He washed them and put them on a
plate that he placed at the other side of the room on the desk. During this period, occasionally, he
would peel a grape and feed me. I had been staring at the computer watching a video. He
occasionally touched my thigh and waist. The first time being touched by another, I wasn't use to
it, so I naturally avoided it. He may have felt a hint of embarrassment. He suggested to go out for
a stroll, to roam around. I was extremely happy, we set out on a long journey on his motorbike.
He asked if I knew how to ride, without thinking the matter through I answered I knew how! He
insisted I ride in front, all along on the road his thigh straddled my butt. I reminded him many
times not to straddle me and then he stopped.
In the streets around noon, he took me to a small Sichuan restaurant. We ordered three
dishes and one soup, but I don’t remember which dishes. I only remember spicy! (Although I am
from Chongqing, in my childhood I didn’t eat spicy food, I’m somewhat not accustomed to it).
We simply ate the food, and finished the meal! During the meal, he placed food on my plate. He
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didn’t care what other people saw. He didn’t care in the slightest what other people saw. He
placed food on my plate, he didn’t care, but I cared a lot, looking all around “stop doing that, I
know how, I’ll do it myself, other people are watching,” I whispered to him in a low voice. He
only laughed, but didn’t respond. After we enjoyed a good meal, I already have thoroughly
forgotten where on earth we went next! I just remembered at nightfall he took me to go climb a
mountain. In-route he was always touching my hand, trying to hold my hand, I avoided every
time. He tried to hold my hand and I pulled mine away. Then we reached the top of the hilltop,
we looked down on Yuhuan county’s nightscape and quickly went down.
We were both unaware of where the next bus stop was, I just remember we came to a
lawn. Him and I sat down right next to each other. Because there was nobody around, while I
was not prepared he put his face right next to mine, kissed my cheek and intuitively I pulled
myself away. He then pulled back, shortly his hand started again, this time straight into the main
theme!!! He put his hand directly into my crotch, holding it firmly. I immediately got up to leave
to keep a short a distance between him and me. He got up and walked toward me, I also moved
forward, so while walking we chatted. He later on said to go home and still wanted me to ride in
front of him. This time for the life of me I adamantly didn’t agree to. He without any better
option had to carry me, I sat behind him both not rushing but merely chatting.
Quickly we arrived at his work place, parked the bike and went to his dorm one more
time. Once we entered, he took off all his clothes except his underwear. For a 26-year-old he had
a little bit of a beer belly. Contrary to what one might expect, his arms looked strong. He said
“let’s take a shower together.” “Let’s not do that, it’s only our first time and you’re asking to
shower together?” Right after I said that I leaned back on the chair, he saw I didn’t like his
showering together idea, then he said “I’ll shower first.” He went into the bathroom alone, I sat
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back in the chair doing nothing, I only heard the sound of running water come from the
bathroom, pretty quickly he came out, while he dried his naturally curly hair with a towel he
said: “you go shower.” “Good,” I went into the bathroom and locked the door, I took off my
smelly underwear, I turned on the facet. The nozzle sprayed water on the top of my head; the
water followed a path down my cheek, across my chest and onto the floor, flushing away the
exhausting day. The hot shower washed away the exhaustion of climbing the hilltop, thereupon
vanishing like smoke in thin air. I got dressed as before, putting on the same smelly underwear, I
exited the bathroom with bare feet. He came toward me slightly smiling, I feebly asked what he
was smiling at, he didn’t make a sound.
I continued sitting on the chair, I resumed watching the video that I previously watched.
He went and sat on his roommate’s bed, very close to me. “We should sleep, it’s very late,” he
whispered in my ear. Listening to him speak made me begin to get very nervous, somewhat
embarrassed and not knowing what to do I asked: “How do we sleep?” “Let’s sleep together,” he
said. “Won’t work, there are two beds in here, one-person per bed.” I said this and he didn’t ask
me anything else. Only grudgingly said, “fine, you sleep in my roommate’s bed, I’ll sleep in my
own bed.” I agreed and continued watching the video. He also watched, preparing his bed to go
to sleep. I watched for a little bit, turned it off and went to sleep. I quickly took off my clothes,
only keeping on my briefs and got under the top of the blankets. “Your figure is truly good, I like
when you are so thin,” he said smiling happily. “Turn off the lights, I’ll have to go back in the
morning,” I said. Then I unwittingly feel asleep.
The most interesting part was during in the middle of the night. I slept soundly without
waking, he quietly crept to my bed, kissed me, stroked me, during this period of time, to one’s
surprise I didn’t even feel it. I still continued to sleep soundly, until he took off my briefs, he
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used his moistened finger to finger my butthole. I woke up groggily, when he used one finger to
penetrate me deeply, When I woke up I had a pain in my anus. I was unaware of his finger
penetrating me. Once I reacted I vaguely felt a numb feeling from his fingers, as his fingertips
spread over every nook and cranny of my body. Because of the pain in my anus I didn’t think
much why it hurt. I began to break free of his hand. His arm was so strong, it took a lot of effort
to get free of his hand and push him out of bed. Raising my voice, I said, “What are you doing,
why aren’t you sleeping, turn on the lights.” “Shhh, don't wake up the others,” he whispered. He
turned on the lamp, the light was somewhat dizzying. I squinted so I could put my underwear on.
I continued to cover myself with the quilt, I said, “don’t do that anymore, or I will shout again.”
Reckoning he was afraid of me, he turned off the lights and laid down to go to sleep. For a very
long time I could not fall asleep because I was afraid he would come over to my bed again. I was
just lying in bed as time passed by, I don’t know when I fell asleep again.
When I woke up the sun had already risen, I rubbed my eyes, and discovered that he had
already been up for a long time organizing his things waiting for me to wake up. I pushed the
covers aside to get up to put some pants on, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and said to
him, “let’s go, can you take me to the train station.” He smiled and said to me, “first, let’s go eat
breakfast.” I immediately said, “I don’t want to eat, I want to go to the station.” He got up to pick
up his keys and opened the door. I followed him. On the way to the station we didn’t say
anything. He just said, “if you have free time, come visit me in Yueqing.” I didn’t reply to him.
Probably after about 20 minutes, we arrived at the station. Once we were at the bus station I
immediately went to the ticket office. I didn’t look back, but he still came with me. I bought a
ticket for the train about to leave. He took out 200 Yuan (dollars) from his pocket and handed it
to me. It took me by damn surprise. I said, “why give me money?” He said, “buy water to drink
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on the road. Thank you for coming all this way to see me.” I didn’t take it, but only said “if fate
decrees, we’ll meet again,” I boarded the bus. Before long the bus left. So, in this way I ended
my day trip to Taizhou. The first time I met an online friend it looked like an ordinary trip, but to
me it was extremely surprising. There was too much of a gap between my experience and
expectation, regardless of people or things, what happened is beyond my expectation. Perhaps I
do not have experience, so I think too simply, reality is very complicated. As the bus drove
away, the experience became part of the past. After a 4-hour bus ride I returned to Yueqing, got
off the bus at the factory and continued my work.
I finished seeing him, but between us it was not over, he frequently sent me flirtatious
messages, such as “I want you”, “I love you” and the like (and etc.). Every time I read these
utterances I would tell him, don’t do that, but let’s just be friends, brothers, but nevertheless he’s
just the same. I also didn’t refuse to severe all relations with him. When I first experienced these
things, I didn’t understand how to handle them, such connections were not as frequently as they
were originally. Probably after one or two months, suddenly one day he said he was coming on
Sunday to Yueqing to visit me, I told him straight up he mustn’t come. Even though he is
coming, I would not receive him,
but he still insisted on coming. Because previously giving
him my address, I didn’t agree to him still coming. The next morning around 9 o’clock he in the
end arrived at Yueqing Hongqiao Times Square Station. I was at work when I received his phone
call, I had no alternative but to request leave from work to go receive him. At that time, he was
carrying a relatively large briefcase, looking old-fashioned. He said he hadn’t eaten breakfast, I
took him to eat breakfast, went to go sit outside in a park, during that time I didn’t know what we
To receive someone in Chinese culture refers to when a guest comes to your residence. It is
customary to go above and beyond to make sure that guest has lodging, food, and feels
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chatted about, nor did I know what we did, I only remember in the night I took him to check into
a room, took him to stay in the room while I left to go home, that night he was left alone in the
The next morning, I went to the hotel to pick him up. I went relatively early. I sat in bed
watching TV while he leaned over. From the back he held onto me, putting both hands of my
cheeks and moving them to my hips. I also didn’t resist. His hands slowly shifted down my chest
and undid the belt of my trousers. He removed my pants, put me on the bed and began to kiss
me. I dodged an awkward situation, his mouth moved to my nipple. Because my nipple is
relatively sensitive, I felt like an electric current flowed from my nipple through the rest of my
body. My whole body reacted, began to enjoy this feeling. During this time, I hadn’t responded
to him, just enjoyed. His tongue slowly moved downward, reaching my bellybutton, then penis.
He fixated his mouth on my penis, my body slightly trembling while the tip of his tongue
continuously moved in a circle around the head. My intuitions went numb because I was very
comfortable. At that moment, I greedily enjoyed. His hand also began to attack my butthole.
After his fingers made contact with my butthole, I pulled back from being thoroughly relaxed
from the pleasure. My clear-headedness made me jump up from the bed to stop his hand. I
hastily put on my pants, he looked somewhat startled at me and said “What’s going on? Just a
moment ago you were good?” I said, “I want to go back to work. Put on your clothes quickly. I’ll
take you to the bus station.” I went to the toilet to pee, he also put on his pants to go wash his
face and rinse his mouth. We quickly left the hotel. I took him to Hongqiao Times Square Station
and said, “I’m going to work, you can wait for the bus here.” Then I drove away. When he was
about to leave he sent me a message. I only replied “stay safe on the road.” After he returned, he
continued to send me messages like, “thinking about you.” I didn’t always respond to him, so I
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gradually reduced contact with him. Later, after a long time of having no contact with him, one
day I thought about him. I went through all the messages trying to find his QQ number, however,
it already disappeared. Then I remembered I added him to my blacklist, so I could thoroughly
break the connection with him. My first internet friend, the first one ever to disappear because
we connected over chat so well. I didn’t think much about it and continued to work until the
summer of 2012! During this period of time, I guarded my inward loneliness. Better to go
without than accept a substandard option. I didn’t see anyone! This should be something I can be
proud of!!!
This is this year’s picture, a work laborer, living in a bad environment, the background is
really crappy!
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我的同志男友们 - 第二章 我和四川男友的三个月
2016-09-02 23:45:35
第二章 我和四川男友的三个月
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** 现在还清晰的记得小轩的住所租住在一栋5层楼房的楼顶的,小轩带着我从后门
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My Gay Boyfriends - Tutu Tutu Moumou: Chapter 2 (Translation)
Chapter 2, Me and My Sichuan Boyfriend of Three Months
The time is now 2012. It is still midsummer and the continuous high temperatures are
making people restless and giddily. It is beginning to stir the heart. Perhaps I have been lonely
for too long and cannot bear it. I began to indulge myself. As a result, I began to search all kinds
of pictures on the internet and schoolboy’s contact information. I uncontrollably fell into an
abyss unable to climb out from looking at these photos that made my heart rate increase too
A few years ago, the inland provinces still only had the Danlan gay website, all you
wanted to search you can only go through Danlan
or Baidu.
There are forums on there, where
people post information about dating. Others post pictures of themselves. I didn’t post any dating
information, as I was browsing other people’s information. A few phrases caught my attention,
like, “Baixiang”
and “Sichuan native!” I was in Hongqiao and Baixiang was only separated by
Yueqing. I am from Chonqing, so when I see people from Sichuan I have the feeling of being
close to them. So I had the impulse to click on his profile, so I went for it, without a photo, only
contact details, cell phone number, QQ number, height, weight, age. I didn’t leave a cell phone
Literally: “looking at those photos of people’s blood vessels swelling will inevitably drop into
an abyss”
Danlan 淡蓝网
Baidu 度娘 niandu
Baixiang is a city in China
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number, I immediately added his QQ number and not a moment later, he added me back. So we
hooked up!
I will just call him “Xiaoxuan!”
Me: “Hello.”
Xiaoxuan: Hey, who are you
Me: Friend, I added you from the Danlan website. Looking to make friends. You’re from
Sichuan, where in Sichuan? We are from the same province, but not same hometown, eh?
Xiaoxuan: Oh, so you’re from Dazhou, Sichuan. How old are you?
Me: 22, How long have you been in Baixiang, by yourself or with family members?
Xiaoxuan: We are the same age, my family is also here, but we don’t live together, my best
and I live together.
…… We kicked it off really well. We chatted endlessly and shamelessly.
During this time, we talked about everything, we’d occasionally call each other for half
an hour or an hour. At that time, I bought a second-hand used computer. We frequently video
chatted. Another month passed by like this.
闺蜜, literally: “significant other”
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I vaguely remember a few days before he came to visit me, he went to his ex-boyfriend.
It was raining that night and he didn’t return all night. I turned toward Xiaoxuan’s best friend.
Xiaoxuan’s best friend told me that he went to his boyfriends that night and didn’t return home.
When I heard this news, my heart stopped beating. He didn’t tell me about having a boyfriend,
and had an affair with me. My heart filled with complex feelings, unbearable to the extreme. I
thought to my myself, it’s been so long, and I was still an outsider. I was only a person for
someone else to kill time chatting with. At that time, I really wanted to call to get to the bottom
of this, but I didn’t do that because I was nothing. Who was I to call and question others. Others
that did not admit that there was any sort of relationship with me. I have to swallow all the
sorrow and grief to keep the feelings to myself. That day I sent numerous messages. He didn’t
reply to me, I was on the brink of despair when he messaged me.
Me: I heard you didn’t return home last night, where did you go, what did you do? It’s dangerous
out there, are you not afraid?
Xiaoxuan: Nothing, just went to a friend’s house to visit, then it rained, so I didn’t come back, I
stayed at his place for a night.
To his response, what can I say, even though I knew what he did, but if he was not
willing to tell the truth, indicating that he cared about my feelings. I didn’t ask more. I didn't
want to think about it anymore.
We still chatted as usual and stayed in contact. Slowly we established a relationship, he
asked me to be his boyfriend, I didn’t refuse, just asked him what are you going to do with your
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current boyfriend. Xiaoxuan told me that the reason he didn’t return the whole night was to break
up with his ex-boyfriend, to sort things out. As a result, I’m happy to agree with him. Afterwards
we contacted each other abnormally frequently. I feel his importance to me, and he feels my
importance to him. Sometimes he would call me in front of my parent’s. He also said “I want
you,” “don’t hang up,” a direct expression of affection.
At that time, I was extremely bold, to the point I was not shy in the slightest about
avoiding my parents, and I didn’t know where this kind of courage came from. It made me so
negligent, or perhaps infatuated with this feeling that I lost my cool-headed-ness. At that time, he
was still working at the hotel, his day off and my day off didn't line up, so we didn’t always have
the opportunity to see each other. Although we stayed in contact for two months, we didn’t even
discuss meeting up, because I didn’t think about meeting up at all. I’m guessing Xiaoxuan didn’t
have the nerve to suggest meeting up since he is shy.
At last, Xiaoxuan could not stand it anymore, one night we were talking when he
suddenly said he was coming to visit. He said he had the next day off. I was somewhat
flabbergasted and asked him, “how come you suddenly want to come visit me, I’m not mentally
prepared.” Xiaoxuan replied with a flirtatious behavior, “you don’t want me to come visit you? If
you don’t let me, I won’t come visit you and we can stop.” I had to quickly reply that I would be
glad for him to come visit me, it’s just when you all of a sudden said you will come I was a little
The next morning Xiaoxuan sent me a message saying he had set out. He was sitting on
the city/countryside bus headed for Hongqiao. I was both happy and nervous. I was looking
forward to it, yet also not knowing what to expect. But I still went to work as usual, because of
my special profession, I can come in and go at any time. At about 8 o’clock, Xiaoxuan called to
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tell me he had arrived at the Hongqiao West Station. I hung up the phone and immediately got on
my moped to go get him. From a distance, you could see him carrying a black shoulder bag, a
white sleeved short shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black flip flops. About 170 boys were standing
in front of the station looking at their phones. I cautiously walked in his direction. He didn't
notice, “Xiaoxuan,” I had a little doubt about the tone in my voice when I called out his name. At
this point he was aware of me, surprisingly in front of me this fair skinned, little lips, corner of
the mouth slightly raised, the bridge of the nose not that high, I could sense he was a little shy.
The left ear had a stud earing from the inside, and from within exuded an unknown quality and
personality. That instantly made me nervous or panicked. I didn’t know what to do next. “Are
you ok, you look very nervous,” his plain question made me snap out of it. I said, “yea, your
handsome looks got to me.” He bent over laughing out loud, saying, “don’t be so dramatic, I’m
not that handsome, I see you get it.” I replied, “yes, too handsome, hop on my moped, let’s go
walk around a park and sit.”
We went to the most popular park in Hongqiao --- Jianqiang Park. Since it was a
morning, not too many people were strolling around the park. So, we found a bench to sit down
on. I only remember that Xiaoxuan talked, I practically forget what we talked about. I just
remember Xiaoxuan said, “I’m an introvert, he also thought I was introverted. How are we going
to live together?” Later I took him to Hongqiao plaza to play video games. We bought some
snacks. I didn't know when we left or what else we did. I can’t remember a thing. I only vaguely
remember that evening, it was that same hotel that I took Xiaoxuan to check into a room.
Xiaoxuan didn’t bring his ID card, so I took him back to my house, but we didn’t go inside my
house. I fetched my ID card and we left. That year I just started to learn a trade, 300 a month, it’s
Literally: “in between his eyes are a light blue (means shy, timid, gloomy)”
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not even enough for myself, you could say I am spending my parent’s hard-earned money
fooling around with guys. When I rented the room, I tried to fetch money from my pocket, that is
really the capital of embarrassment of face. Xiaoxuan seemed to understand, from his black
shoulder bag, he took out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to the boss, that year the room rate
was $80 a night. We checked out a double room and went upstairs. Xiaoxuan took the key to
open the door. He turned on all the lights and let me enter first. He also came in. There were two
beds in the room, the beds were covered with white sheets, a nightstand stood between the two
beds, on the nightstand stood a basic magazine and a few adult products, placed in front of the
beds were two pairs of slippers, against the wall was a desk, on the desk was an old-fashioned 21
in. color TV. The bright light illuminated the room. The light which shown against the white
washed walls was too bright. Xiaoxuan took off his black shoulder bag and threw it on the bed
closest to the door and went to turn on the TV. I took the opportunity to sit on the bed by the
window, Xiaoxuan brought the snacks we bought and laid down on his stomach on the bed. He
tore open a bag of potato chips and handed it to me, I took a few chips and started eating, up till
this time we didn’t speak. Maybe we didn’t know what to say to each other. Xiaoxuan changed
the channel to the Hunan satellite channel. During that time, it showed a replay of “Happy
Later we watched a few other TV programs, I just don’t remember. I just remember
that we did not leave the room, until I saw my phone and found out that it was already 10
o’clock. I said to Xiaoxuan, “Let’s take a shower and go to bed, it’s already past 10.” “Ok, you
wash first,” Xiaoxuan stared at the TV when I answered. I got up and took off my jacket, then
walked into the bathroom. As soon as I got out of the shower, Xiaoxuan had already taken off
everything but his briefs. He had a slender body, his skin color was also very white, but as before
快乐 大本营 PRC TV series
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he was still eating snacks watching TV. Not until I urged him to go take a shower, did he put the
snacks down. I also sat down and continued to watch TV.
A “swish, swish” sound of water, Xiaoxuan came out of the bathroom wrapped in a
bathrobe, hair still wet, the whole person was even more handsome and charming, under the
lighting the lips seemed more full and plush, making it unbearable but to take a bite. It’s a pity I
didn’t have the urge to go and throw myself on him. Xiaoxuan arranged his bed, ready to fall
asleep, he put his black shoulder bag on the head of the bed, I was still continuing to watch TV,
because I didn’t know what to do. He finished arranging his bed, then ran to my bed to retrieve
one of the pillows and take it back to his bed, as a result, his meaning became clear (I understood
what he meant). I got up and turned off the TV, went to his bed, took off my pants, and lied
down. Xiaoxuan helped me turn down the quilt, I laid down straight and motionless. “If I don’t
take the pillow over, what would you have done?” as he whispered closely into my ear. “I’m
prepared for one person to sleep in one bed,” I muttered back. Xiaoxuan didn’t make a sound, he
turned his back to me and bent his legs, I hesitated for 20 or 30 seconds, I hesitated and turned
slowly, from the back I hugged him, my chest fitting snugly to Xiaoxuan’s back, my heart rate
beat increased extremely, my breathing became very heavy and rapid. “What’s up, your heart
rate is so fast,” asked Xiaoxuan concerned. “nothing,” just a little nervous, as soon as I spoke, I
vaguely felt Xiaoxuan laughed softly.
My hand couldn’t help but touch Xiaoxuan’s face, feeling his face, forehead, eyebrows,
nose, lips, and chin…my hand slowly moving down his body, Xiaoxuan’s breathing became
more rapid, I gently caressed his chest, when my fingertips touched his nipple, he uncontrollably
twitched, my hand continued downward, moving lightly over the belly button, his smooth skin
allowed my hand to easily go under his briefs, reaching his powerfully erect penis, precum
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dripping from the tip of the penis.
I grabbed his penis and began to play with it. Xiaoxuan
lightly moaned aloud, this made me even more aroused. I pulled him toward me, he layed down
on top of me and then changed positions so he was on top, he moved his mouth close to my lips.
His mouth enveloped my lips, Xiaoxuan’s plush lips sucked hard and his tongue extended into
my mouth. He was exploring my mouth with his tongue. I met his tongue with my tongue. His
lips began to go down my chin, neck, and then chest. My faint gasp for breath and moans
stimulated him, making him bite crazily. He used the tip of his tongue to play with my nipple, a
quivering feeling spread through my body making me moan even louder, he sucked my nipple
and took off my briefs. His hand continued to play with my penis. My penis was as hard as steel.
I took off his underwear, and played with his penis. His mouth moved down slowly, after his
tongue rimmed my bellybutton, he put my penis in his mouth, my body trembled, the tip of my
penis felt warm and moist, I gave a long groan. Xiaoxuan began to suck up and down, the
electric feeling at the tip of my penis spread to every cell of my body.
I continued to groan, my
eyes were closed, enjoying the pleasure he brought me, my hands continuously playing with his
penis, he also moaned continuously. I opened my eyes slightly, only to see Xiaoxuan’s head
moving up and down, slowly speeding up, soon I felt my primal urges about to burst, I used both
of my hands to hold onto Xiaoxuan’s head to stop him. He spat into the trashcan, picked up the
water from the nightstand to rinse his mouth and said, “I’m exhausted, my jaw cramped up.” I
smiled and said, “you’ve worked hard, come lie down, now it’s your turn.” Because I didn’t have
any previous experience kissing or servicing anyone. I repeated the same moves on him that he
Literally: love juice dripping from the mouth of the penis
Literally: simply wanted to take off and fly into space
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has just used on me, perhaps this is “learning.” He was my first kiss, my first time to genuinely
be with a boy. He taught me how to kiss and a series of other things.
Back to the main topic, after I performed the same moves on him, my private parts
rubbed on his butt, as a result of not having previous experience, I did not know what the next
step was. Xiaoxuan looked up and asked: “You really want it?” I grunted in agreement. I saw
him take out something from his black shoulder bag next to the bed and hand it to me I was
surprised and asked, “what’s that?” “No way! You don’t even know what this is? Haven’t you
seen one before? Even if you haven’t seen one before, you’ve had to have heard of it. This is a
condom!” I was embarrassed to reply, “I’ve heard of them, but haven’t really ever seen one
before.” I laid down. I said to Xiaoxuan: “Forget about it tonight, I don’t want to.” Xiaoxuan
turned his head abruptly saying: “What? Don’t you feel anything for me?” I hastily explained,
“what, if I didn’t have feelings for you, would we have talked through the entire night, and be so
open with you. It’s that we’ve only just met and isn’t it just a little too fast to do it.” Xiaoxuan
responded, “okay, then let’s forget it, let’s sleep, it’s almost midnight.” I dozed off to sleep
holding Xiaoxuan. Once I woke up Xiaoxuan was deep asleep and his head was still resting on
my arm. Since my arm fell asleep, I moved my arm, and looked at the phone to see that it was
10am. I got up to shower and when I came back Xiaoxuan was still asleep, I walked over and
lightly tapped Xiaoxuan’s shoulder, whispered sweetly in his ear, “hey, Xiaoxuan, get up, it’s
already 10am, the sun’s already been up for a while.” After I repeated myself two or three times
Xiaoxuan’s eyes only opened up half way. He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and only then woke up.
“Get up, let’s go eat, let’s get brunch” I said looking at Xiaoxuan. Xiaoxuan said okay and got up
to dress. After washing up, the two of us left the hotel. Now I clearly remember taking him to
Hongqiao’s most famous restaurant, the White Horse. Although it’s not high end, it has a very
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good reputation, the dishes are also very good, I didn’t have the money to go to a high-end place.
I ordered a chopped peppered fish head, sautéed vegetables, and a dish of peanuts. Although I
am from Chongqing, but I didn’t grow up eating spicy food, so I could only take a small bite of
the fish head dish, I couldn’t eat more. On the other hand, Xiaoxuan never tried a spicy dish he
didn’t like, and scarfed it down. Xiaoxuan ate the entire plate. Watching Xiaoxuan enjoy the
meal so much, my heart suddenly felt a wave of happiness, I found that happiness can come from
simplicity itself, such as eating a meal together!
It was already noon when we ate, because the room had expired, we had no place to go.
Xiaoxuan said that he had to go back to work tomorrow. Although I was reluctant to part with
him, I also can’t hold someone back. I took him to the bus station to buy a ticket back to
Yueqing. It didn’t take long for the bus to depart. I watched his bus leave my line of sight, I
headed back to the factory to continue work.
Abstract (if available)
This thesis investigate prominent themes and topics from a wide variety of social media posts on popular Chinese websites. These sites point to the existence of a thriving online gay community that addresses concerns and topics specific to a Chinese context. My analysis includes passages and excerpts from various platforms, such as informational pamphlets, blogs, short films, and other social media postings carefully translated from Chinese to English. In these posts, gay men discuss instances of discrimination. The experiences shared by gay men show how popular Chinese beliefs are strongly influenced by sociopolitical and cultural norms. A number of the online authors discuss a prevalence of negative attitudes against the gay community due to a lack of familiarity with the gay community. The gay community effectively communicates prominent issues relevant to homosexuality in China, which they circulate online to combat the negative attitudes against their community. The overall goal of this research is to examine topics of interest to the gay community in China on their own terms, as expressed on social media.
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Asset Metadata
Stumph, Steven A.
Core Title
The role of social media in the evolution of the male homosexual community in modern China
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Arts
Degree Program
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
blog,Gay,gay China,homosexual community,Homosexuality,Linguistics,microblog,modern China,OAI-PMH Harvest,social media,tongzhi
Electronically uploaded by the author
Li, Audrey (
committee chair
), Bernards, Brian (
committee member
), Goldstein, Joshua (
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Document Type
Stumph, Steven A.
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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gay China
homosexual community
modern China
social media