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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
The development of an autonomous subsystem reconfiguration algorithm for the guidance, navigation, and control of aggregated multi-satellite systems
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The development of an autonomous subsystem reconfiguration algorithm for the guidance, navigation, and control of aggregated multi-satellite systems
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The Development of an Autonomous Subsystem Reconguration Algorithm
for the Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Aggregated Multi-Satellite
Ryan Hua Duong
A Thesis Presented to the
Faculty of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulllment of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
(Astronautical Engineering)
December 2019
Copyright 2019 Ryan Duong
As space exploration and technology continues to change, two fundamen-
tal facts have persisted: the desire to maximize system performance while
minimizing costs, and the traditional monolithic morphology of spacecraft.
An inverse relationship exists between the spacecraft performance and cost
and size of space systems, and increasing complexities in mission require-
ments tend to call upon solutions consisting of large-scale platforms. How-
ever, this barrier can be circumvented by using of on-orbit satellite \aggrega-
tion" the potential to physically combine many smaller, individually function-
ing spacecraft to assemble a larger system. Ultimately, aggregation systems
must adhere to the fundamental spacecraft design for any number of compo-
nents. In particular, maintaining an aggregate system's guidance, navigation,
and control (GNC) subsystem presents an interesting challenge as additional
aggregation changes system dynamics. Therefore, an autonomous method-
ology must be implemented to maintain complete control and successfully
\recongure" an aggregate GNC subsystem, which we demonstrate through
cellular spacecraft prototypes, dubbed \Satbots." The Satbots, bounded by
3DOF on a ground testbed, possess a simple thruster control system which
propels the Satbot. The rst tests of the reconguration algorithm focused
on appropriately reallocating this thruster subsystem for a two-Satbot ag-
gregate system. Upon integrating the algorithm onto the aggregate system,
a successful reconguration of the GNC subsystem was observed, as new
control outputs were distributed across both GNC subsystems.
I would like to express my extreme gratitude for the opportunity to re-
search such an incredibly visionary concept with Professor David Barnhart of
the Department of Astronautical Engineering at the University of Southern
California (USC) and its close collaboration with the Information Sciences
Institute (ISI). Professor Barnhart's guidance, collaboration, and support
throughout the year have taught me the fundamentals of research and granted
me the ability to reach new milestones in my academic career. Additionally,
this project would not have been realized without the generous sponsorship
from the Michael Keston Grant from ISI. With the nancial support, our
team was able to develop the testbed and demonstrate our work.
I would also like to express my appreciation for the contributions made
by the members of the Space Engineering Research Center (SERC). Without
them, this research would not have been able to achieve as many milestones
in this small time frame; for that, I am eternally grateful for their help.
Thank you to my family and friends for their encouragement and support.
Ultimately, I would like to express my profound gratitude and love to my
longtime girlfriend, Michelle Lok, for her everlasting support and continuous
encouragement. Knowing that she will always be there for me lessens the
fear of uncertainty and failure despite facing the toughest odds.
Thank you to everyone for always supporting me when the days seemed
gloomy and the nights seemed darkest.
Table of Contents
List of Figures 5
List of Tables 8
Chapter 1 Introduction 9
1.1 Applying Cellularization to Space System Morphology . . . . 11
1.2 Dening a New Computational Architecture for Aggregation . 12
1.3 The Motivation to Demonstrate System Aggregation Behavior
for GNC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 2 Hardware Architecture for Supporting Rendezvous
and Proximity Operations 17
2.1 The Satbot Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Thruster Specications and Thrust Validation . . . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 3 Concept of GNC Operations 26
Chapter 4 Navigation 28
4.1 The Pozyx Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2 Orientation Through Quaternions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3 Assessing the Eectiveness of the Pozyx Tag . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 5 Guidance 41
5.1 Kalman Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 6 Control System 45
6.1 Survey of Common Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.2 P-D Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.3 The Thruster Mapping Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.4 Pulse Width Modulation Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Chapter 7 Spacecraft Subsystem Reconguration 55
7.1 Spacecraft Identication File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.2 Reconguration Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.2.1 Key Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.2 Aggregate Center of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.3 Aggregate Moments of Inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.2.4 Aggregate Mapping Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7.2.5 Algorithmic Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Chapter 8 Test Setup 68
Chapter 9 Results 71
Chapter 10 Conclusion 76
10.1 Thesis Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
10.2 Recommendations for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Chapter 11 Bibliography 79
List of Figures
1.1 An example of the similarity in spacecraft morphology. (A)
presents the Aeneas CubeSat that operated in LEO in 2010.
(B) presents the communications satellite, Iridium-Next. (C)
presents the Mariner 4 spacecraft, which performed the rst
yby of Mars in 1964. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2 The linear trend between increasing mass and cost for a typical
imaging mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 The notional computational architecture All ve layers come
together to support true aggregation between components,
software, hardware,and satellite systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 A computer-aided design model of the current Satbot design.
This depiction shows the proposed aggregation between three
Satbot protoypes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 The rst instantiation of the Satbot prototype. . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 A visualization of the Satbot's top view. This does not rep-
resent the free body diagram of the Satlet since each arrow
simply represents the direction of the expelled compressed air.
Therefore, the resultant force for the Satbot from a particular
thruster is the equal and opposite to the displayed unit vector.
The yellow blocks represent the docking face ports. The body
axis is dened by the orientation of the onboard sensor. . . . . 20
2.4 Test setup for the thruster validation test. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 The thruster validation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1 The GNC operation loop for the Satbot. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1 The Pozyx multilateration concept. With knowledge of the
xed anchor locations (black squares), the Pozyx tag (green
square) will constantly transmit and receive signals to deter-
mine its positional state on the testbed (orange). . . . . . . . 29
4.2 The Pozyx hardware suite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3 Measurement data for the X-position for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Measurement data for the Y-position for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.5 Measurement data for the angle for a stationary Pozyx for
approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.6 Measurement data for the angular velocity for a stationary
Pozyx for approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . 34
4.7 Measurement data for the x-acceleration for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.8 Measurement data for the y-acceleration for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations. . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.9 The ltered data for the X-position of a stationary Pozyx over
an hour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.10 The ltered data for the Y-position of astationary Pozyx over
an hour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.11 The ltered data for the angular velocity of a stationary Pozyx
over some period of time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.1 An illustration of the top view of a single Satbot model is
presented here. In both diagrams, the yellow rectangles repre-
sent the docking face mechanisms. The left image depicts the
actuators' thrust output as the arrows extending tangentially
from the Satbot's circumference. The right image depicts the
corresponding resultant force as specied by the thruster label. 49
6.2 The top view thruster model of the actual Satbot design. . . . 53
7.1 An example aggregation between two Satbots with dierently
oriented body frames. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.2 An example of an aggregate system consisting of three dierent
Satbots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
8.1 The orientation of the two Satbot aggregate system for the
algorithmic demonstration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
8.2 The physical hardware of the two Satbot aggregate system. . . 70
9.1 The thruster history of Satbot A. It is seen that thrusters 6A
and 8A are the most active as the controller scheme dictates
the aggregate system to rotate with a maximum positive torque. 72
9.2 The thruster history of Satbot B. It is seen that thrusters 6B
and 8B are the most active as the controller scheme dictates
the aggregate system to rotate with a maximum positive torque. 73
9.3 The angular history of the aggregate system. Contrary to
the ring of the positive torque thrusters, the measurement
suggests that the sensor continues to grow more negative. . . . 74
9.4 The X-Y state history of the aggregate system throughout the
test. As seen, the initial points (close to the origin) demon-
strate an initialization error in the state, which may lead to
improper control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
List of Tables
2.1 Thruster positions relative to the Satbot's body frame and
center of mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 The initial conditions for solenoid valve
ow calculations . . . 22
2.3 Theoretical results for solenoid valve's
ow properties . . . . . 23
4.1 The initial covariance matrix of the ltered pozyx data . . . . 40
6.1 Directional force contributions from each thruster for the Satbot 50
7.1 The spacecraft identication le parameters . . . . . . . . . . 57
7.2 An example of an aggregate mapping matrix paired with the
docking status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.3 An example of the data structure established to support the
algorithm's calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Chapter 1
As time progresses, the space industry continues to expand in exciting
ways. Currently, we can view the perspectives of interplanetary orbiters as
they send back awe-inspiring pictures of the turbulent atmosphere of Jupiter
(the Juno spacecraft by JPL) or the cold, rocky surfaces of asteroids (the
Hayabusa2 sample return mission by JAXA) [1] [2]. Government space agen-
cies, like NASA, the Israel Space Agency (ISA), China National Space Ad-
ministration (CNSA), and Indian Space Reseach Organization (ISRO), are
rushing back to the Moon at heightened pace to continue the lunar explo-
ration started in 1969 [3] [4] [5]. Most importantly, the realm of space is
no longer exclusive to the glory of nations. The rise of private commercial
organizations, like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic, has opened the
door for newfound competition and ambitions to achieve new innovations.
Universities and start-up companies have been granted the opportunity to
contribute through the growing popularity of CubeSats. The realm of space
has opened up to millions.
However, despite the drastically dynamic nature of the space industry,
there is one signicant consideration that has remained the same: the space-
craft morphology. Simply put, current satellites and space systems still re-
semble those designed and created 50 years ago. This can be seen in Figure
1.1. Major spacecraft subsystems are combined in the same way. Despite
the dierences in component sizes, resources, and mission objectives, space
systems like space telescopes, interplanetary voyagers, large geostationary
communications satellite, constellations of hundreds of imaging spacecraft,
and Cubesats all adhere to the same, traditional monolithic form.
(B) (C)
Figure 1.1: An example of the similarity in spacecraft morphology. (A)
presents the Aeneas CubeSat that operated in LEO in 2010. (B) presents the
communications satellite, Iridium-Next. (C) presents the Mariner 4 space-
craft, which performed the rst successful
yby of Mars in 1964.
Additionally, mission costs have become synonymous with size, mass, and
power, as every additional kilogram represents thousands of dollars. [6] This
is visualized in Figure 1.2 [7]. Therefore, recent space objectives emphasize
the search for low-cost solutions, which usually compromises a space system's
performance capabilities.
With current technology and development in space systems, what if there
were a way to mitigate the associated high costs of large space systems
through the implementation of aggregation? What if a bountiful number
of low-cost platforms can be launched into space and perform on-orbit ag-
gregation to build large space systems? In doing so, how does one ensure
that a large-scale space system maintains seamless operation while adhering
to fundamental spacecraft design considerations? These questions shed light
on a new concept of space system morphology: \cellularization."
Figure 1.2: The linear trend between increasing mass and cost for a typical
imaging mission.
1.1 Applying Cellularization to Space System
This biologically inspired idea follows the principles of cellular amalgama-
tion, in which many simple cells combine to form dierent functional groups
(like tissues and organs) to achieve greater functions [7]. When applied to
a space system, cellularization aims to transition away from the traditional
monolithic entity to a decentralized network of smaller, low-cost platforms
that combine resources to achieve mission objectives. Should the ability to
aggregate and dock many electro-mechanical platforms on-orbit be mastered,
then the current capabilities in space exploration and spacecraft performance
will be able to expand in unprecedented ways. Applications may consist
of (but are not limited to) seamless resource management and replacement
through on-orbit servicing or the autonomous control of constructing com-
plex multi-satellite systems like space telescopes.
This on-orbit cellularization concept proposes the means for a satellite or
space platform to aggregate and deaggregate upon command. An on-orbit
assembly may grow to any size or volume to adapt to mission requirements
or recongure itself to address certain component level malfunction. How-
ever, several major challenges must be addressed before realizing true multi-
satellite aggregation through a cellular morphology. These challenges consist
of the following questions:
How does one enable the ability for these platforms or \cells" to share
their resources and capabilities seamlessly?
How does one ensure that the aggregate system maintains functionality
despite any number of \cells"?
Both of these challenges may be addressed by the implementation of a
proposed aggregation architecture, which blends the potential of software
with spacecraft hardware considerations to dictate component integration,
resource management, and data
1.2 Dening a New Computational Architec-
ture for Aggregation
First, the proposed framework of a computational architecture to support
applications of on-orbit aggregation is characterized and described. This top-
level concept must encompass both hardware and software resources for every
element of the aggregation. Additionally, various layers must include the
ability to transport data and support the operation of the aggregate system.
This notional aggregation architecture is described brie
y below and is
visualized in Figure 1.3 [8].
The aggregation architecture starts at the lowest level: the software layer.
This section considers the characterization of internal capabilities (i.e., cell,
Figure 1.3: The notional computational architecture All ve layers come
together to support true aggregation between components, software, hard-
ware,and satellite systems.
component, element) that exist and the requirements that allow the afore-
mentioned internal capabilities to function (i.e., power). Typical space sys-
tems possess an \event scheduler" that runs physical hardware systems at a
certain processing cycle from the main processor. Then, based on the current
requirements of the component/cell, tasks are distributed to request certain
needs or received to accept needs from other components.
The next level introduces the hardware layer, which represents the phys-
ical aggregation of various elements, like solar arrays or propulsion units.
Each of these physical elements possess the embedded software layer that
corresponds to the particular cell/component.
The third level, the data transport layer, enables aggregation across mul-
tiple physical systems by connecting multiple processing elements. This sup-
ports the data
ow of pertinent information between cells/components.
A fourth level corresponds to the hardware resource transport layer, where
the needs and capabilities of each hardware element are shared among other
aggregate elements (e.g., maintaining functionality between two distinct on-
board processors or IMUs).
The last level dictates the system aggregation behavior, where an aggre-
gate system comprised of many smaller platforms can still function as the
traditional monolithic spacecraft. The use of the hardware resource transport
layer and the data transport layer support the seamless interaction between
multiple systems to adhere to spacecraft design concepts. For example, an
aggregate system identies its required thermal response, then calls upon
other elements of active or passive thermal control to ensure that the aggre-
gate system maintains isothermal conditions.
1.3 The Motivation to Demonstrate System
Aggregation Behavior for GNC
Continuing this concept of the aggregation architecture leads us to a
particularly interesting instance of aggregation behavior: maintaining GNC
performance for an aggregate system. Without a doubt, GNC serves one
of the most vital supporting roles in spacecraft subsystem design for a va-
riety of reasons. Simply put, the orientation of the spacecraft can directly
uence the power received from solar panels, the communications link to
ground systems, spacecraft dynamics in orbit, thermal control, and much
more [9]. However, as a proposed space system continues to aggregation with
N-number of satellite components, the system dynamics and mass properties
(center of mass/gravity, moments of inertia) change. The continually shifting
system dynamics must be accounted for autonomously to support seamless
functionality. Should there be an inconsistency in the GNC model, there is
a real danger for potential mission failure. Therefore, the ability to recong-
ure the GNC operation autonomously serves great interest in developing the
stepping stones for realizing the cellularization morphology.
With this in mind, we focus on developing an algorithm to recongure
the GNC subsystem and demonstrating the proof of concept through the
physical aggregation of hardware.
1.4 Thesis Outline
The contents of this thesis encompasses the conceptual background and
development surrounding the rst instance of the subsystem reconguration
algorithm and its implementation on the GNC subsystem of two distinct
cellular spacecraft prototypes.
Firstly, the hardware architecture of the enabling technology is described
to demonstrate the physical and tangible aspect of reconguration. Through
this, we discuss the introduction of how we realize the concept of cellular mor-
phology with fabricated pseudo-satellite prototypes called \Satbots." These
Satbots represent a simple spacecraft with a processor and GNC thruster
Next, we discuss the development of an autonomous GNC operation for
a Satbot system in great detail, including the navigational sensors and vali-
dation, guidance techniques, and controller scheme. After the three sectors
of the GNC operations are understood, we introduce the concept of the sub-
system reconguration algorithm along with its ability to address N-number
of aggregations with the computational architecture.
Finally, we address the rst implementation of the subsystem recong-
uration algorithm on a two Satbot system, the corresponding preliminary
results, and the next steps for further development.
Though we introduce the concept of an underlying computational archi-
tecture, we maintain strict focus on the development of the GNC subsystem
and the reconguration algorithm. Usage of the proposed computational
architecture will be hinted throughout certain sections when we discuss ag-
gregate systems with N-number of Satbots; however, the current algorithmic
testing does not actually implement the architecture's ability to transfer data.
Chapter 2
Hardware Architecture for
Supporting Rendezvous and
Proximity Operations
The Space Engineering Research Center has dedicated their eorts in
advancing the current capabilities of rendezvous and proximity operations
(RPO) ranging from the development of innovative docking mechanisms to
the vision of establishing a new computational framework architecture. Ulti-
mately, when exploring the necessity of resource management through multi-
satellite aggregation, signicant time must be spent to validate the software
through the responsiveness from the provided hardware. Fusing hardware
and software presents the opportunity to demonstrate the ecacy and the
proof of concept for subsystem reconguration, where the physical hardware
can be appropriately reallocated based on the given aggregate conguration.
In support of developing the subsystem reconguration algorithm, we fabri-
cate test hardware to represent a spacecraft with a GNC subsystem. In the
following sections, the supporting hardware that realizes the testing for the
reconguration algorithm is described in greater detail.
2.1 The Satbot Prototype
Researchers at the SERC developed several pseudo-satellite prototypes,
dubbed \Satbots," to help realize the biologically inspired concept of cellular
space platform morphology.[7] These Satbots represent the potential capabil-
ity to construct more complex systems from many small, low-cost platforms,
much like how stem cells amalgamate to form sophisticated, functioning or-
ganisms. A variety of spacecraft components may join together to serve
multiple purposes, whether it be replacing worn-down components or form-
ing creative congurations to achieve mission objectives. The rst design of
the aggregated Satbot system is presented in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: A computer-aided design model of the current Satbot design.
This depiction shows the proposed aggregation between three Satbot pro-
The Satbot mimics the structural framework of a generic cell while main-
taining the compact, symmetric design typically desired from spacecraft.
Currently, each Satbot possesses two docking ports, from which a proposed
docking mechanism may extend outward and latch onto similar systems. The
Satbot is built to emulate orbit operations on a ground testbed, as seen in
Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2: The rst instantiation of the Satbot prototype.
An on-board compressed air tank feeds through three
at-round air bear-
ings at 60 psi to lift the Satbot platform 5 microns on top of a
oat glass
platen, establishing a near-frictionless environment resulting in 3DOF. Com-
pressed air is also redirected through eight unidirectional output solenoid
valves at 100 psi to support its GNC subsystem. These solenoid valves out-
put ports face tangentially to the circular base and generate thrust through
the release of air through its opening port, as visualized in Figure 2.3. By
placing these solenoid valves at the edge of its circular platform, the Satbot
maximizes the torque generation about its center of mass, which is designed
to co-locate with its own geometric center. For future reference in this paper,
the terms \actuator" or \thruster" represent these solenoid valves.
A single six-cell battery powers the entirety of the Satbot's electronics,
which is comprised of a Wi-Fi enabled Odroid-C2 single-board computer with
a Linux Operating System, an eight channel LOW level relay module that
feed into the eight solenoid valves, and the on-board navigational sensor.
Figure 2.3: A visualization of the Satbot's top view. This does not represent
the free body diagram of the Satlet since each arrow simply represents the
direction of the expelled compressed air. Therefore, the resultant force for the
Satbot from a particular thruster is the equal and opposite to the displayed
unit vector. The yellow blocks represent the docking face ports. The body
axis is dened by the orientation of the onboard sensor.
2.2 Thruster Specications and Thrust Vali-
Signicant consideration must be placed on designing and quantifying the
Satbot's GNC operation to avoid potential mission failures; for example, the
loss of the Lewis spacecraft was attributed to the Attitude Control System.
[10] Therefore, in this next section, we focus on quantifying the solenoid
valve's parameters to support GNC operation.
First, to understand each thruster's torque contribution, we measure the
current X and Y positions of the thrusters relative to the Satbot's body frame
and center of mass. The thrusters are mounted on an base that extends
outward from the circular base, which are oset by -30 degrees from the x-
axis in the body frame. Since the testbed enables 3DOF, the z-components
are not considered for each thruster's position. When calculating torque
contributions, we will only be interested in the moments about the outward
z-component, so we assign the z-component positions to zero. The positions
of all eight thruster are recorded below in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Thruster positions relative to the Satbot's body frame and center
of mass
Thruster X [m] Y [m]
1 0.1296 -0.1244
2 0.0429 -0.1744
3 -0.1244 -0.1296
4 -0.1744 -0.0429
5 -0.1296 0.1244
6 -0.0429 0.1744
7 0.1244 0.1296
8 0.1744 0.0429
Now, the force from the thrusters must be quantied, which we demon-
strate analytically and experimentally. Given the specications of the solenoid
valve, some simplifying assumptions can be made to determine the
ow prop-
erties of the compressed air [11]. From this, we can apply the isentropic
equations to determine the output velocity and whether sonic conditions are
met. Then, the fundamental rocket equation can be applied to determine
the theoretical thrust output from a single solenoid valve.
The solenoid valves are regulated to 100 psi initially so that the maxi-
mum thrusts can be achieved. Typical laboratory settings are assumed for
the ambient conditions. These conditions are collected and displayed in Ta-
ble 2.2. A
represents the outlet area,
represents the specic heat ratio,
R represents the gas constant for compressed air, T
and P
represent the
stagnation temperature and pressure respectively.
Table 2.2: The initial conditions for solenoid valve
ow calculations
Parameter Value Units
7.36e-4 [m
298 [K]
100 (689476) [psi] (Pa)
14.7 (101325) [psi] [Pa]
R 286.7 [J / kg K]
We can model the solenoid valve as a simple chamber that is lled with
compressed air at the initial time; this is possible because the central tank
ows through every solenoid valve during GNC operation. Thrusts are not
generated until the opening outlet port of the valves are opened. Starting
with the isentropic
ow relationship between stagnation pressure and the
exit pressure, the conditions for sonic
ow can be observed (i.e., the mach
numberM = 1) through Equation 2.1. The sonic
ow conditions will be met
if it can be shown that P
is greater than the ambient pressure, P
= [1 +
= [
+ 1
= 0:528 (2.1)
Conrming that sonic
ow has been achieved, the exit temperature, T
can be determined with the relationship in Equation 2.2. Then, with the
ideal gas law, the exit density,
, can be derived for the compressed air, as
seen in Equation 2.3. Subsequently, the exit velocity, u
, can be represented
as the speed of sound, represented by Equation 2.4.
= [1 +
= [
+ 1
] (2.2)
The mass
ow rate, _ m, can now be determined through Equation 2.5,
and we can apply the thrust equation for a rocket, as seen in Equation 2.6.
_ m =
= _ mu
) (2.6)
The resulting exit conditions of the
ow is organized and shown below in
Table 2.3.
Table 2.3: Theoretical results for solenoid valve's
ow properties
Parameter Value Units
248.3333 [K]
364240 [Pa]
5.1158 [kg/m
315.72 [m/s]
_ m 7.3271e-04 [kg/s]
T 350 [mN]
We nd from the initial
ow analysis that sonic
ow is achieved from the
solenoid valves output. Ultimately, we nd that the thrust output is approx-
imately 350 mN. Transitioning towards an experimental validation presents
the opportunity to understand more about the actual system response from
the thrusters.
The experimental setup is depicted in Figure 2.4. To measure the force
output from a given thruster, a single solenoid valve is tted into a 3D printed
mount. A hanging mass is used to calibrate a load cell, which is xed to a
location directly above the solenoid valve. Compressed air is fed through the
solenoid valve at 100 psi, and the solenoid valve is actuated to open for the
entire duration of the test.
Figure 2.4: Test setup for the thruster validation test.
After testing for varying ring times, we nd that the solenoid valve pro-
vides the most consistent force outputs at approximately 559 mN, which is
substantially larger than the calculated theoretical value. In hindsight, it
has been determined that all the solenoid valve's orices have been physi-
cally enlarged to allow for more thrust. This might result in unequal and
unsteady force contributions from each solenoid valve. This will negatively
aect in how precisely we can model the Satbot's current control system, but
ultimately does not limit our ability in demonstrating the proof of concept
of the reconguration algorithm With an understanding of the physical re-
sponse of a solenoid valve, we assume that this determined force represents
the maximum output value, denoted as F
, which we discuss later in the
section Pulse-Width Modulation.
Figure 2.5: The thruster validation.
Chapter 3
Concept of GNC Operations
The proposed concept of operations of the Satbots is meant to demon-
strate the potential of autonomous GNC and multi-spacecraft aggregation.
Each has continuous communication between the other Satbots, thus each
will determine the necessary states which drives the GNC subsystems.
Still in its early development phase, the Satbot is manually provided the
desired states to perform GNC. On-board sensors measure the navigational
state, which is stored for guidance and control calculations. The state data
passes through a Kalman lter to determine the state estimates and corre-
sponding deviations. The controller accepts these deviations to design the
necessary forces and torques to derive the corresponding ring times from
each thruster. This GNC operation continues until the Satbot achieves the
desired state. This continuous process is visualized in Figure 3.1.
To support aggregation, the relative knowledge between all Satbots must
be known at some level. Therefore, each Satbot possess an uploaded \iden-
tication le," which is a set of hardware parameters relative to the Satbot's
body frame. This concept will be discussed later in the Subsystem Recon-
guration Algorithm section. If the Satbot identies that a docking face is
active, such that an aggregate system exists, then each Satbot transfers its
parameters into the data transport layer of the computational architecture
Figure 3.1: The GNC operation loop for the Satbot.
to create an aggregation identication le to support the system's GNC. To
simulate a docking event (i.e., aggregation event) we created a new recon-
guration algorithm, which imports the appropriate Satbot parameters from
the architecture's data transport layer to calculate the new aggregate proper-
ties. The algorithm feeds this information back into one of the Satbots, and
GNC operation continues for the aggregate system. As the aggregate system
operates with the proposed decentralized computational architecture, each
Satbot possesses the capability to carry on aggregated GNC for the system
to operate as a single monolithic entity.
The following sections discuss the navigation, guidance, control, and re-
conguration algorithm in greater detail.
Chapter 4
This section discusses the Satbot's onboard state measurement process.
In performing the GNC operations, the Satbot must propel itself towards
the desired state based on the current measurement. We discuss the selected
sensor, its performance, and some supporting concepts for developing the
GNC algorithm.
4.1 The Pozyx Tag
In the SERC labs, each Satbot uses a Pozyx tag, a real-time location
system electronics board that measures the navigation state. Determining
the positional state relies on multilateration, the methodology of GPS radio-
navigation. Like GPS, four unique \anchors," or Pozyx modules that serve
as xed reference points, transmit an ultra-wide band signal to the Pozyx
tag to locate its position with an accuracy down to 10 cm on the testbed. We
measure the anchor locations relative to a particular corner of the testbed,
hereby setting the origin at this point. The anchors are also mounted at
varying heights so that only a single intersection point is identied. The
Pozyx setup is depicted below in Figure 4.1. The Pozyx tags and the anchors
are shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.1: The Pozyx multilateration concept. With knowledge of the xed
anchor locations (black squares), the Pozyx tag (green square) will constantly
transmit and receive signals to determine its positional state on the testbed
Figure 4.2: The Pozyx hardware suite.
On-board the Pozyx tag lies a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope,
which provide measurements for the accelerations and the orientation. The
Pozyx also possesses its own coordinate frame, which we use to dene the
Satbot's body frame. Ultimately, each Satbot measures the presented mea-
sured state vector in Equation 4.1 for 3DOF. The orientation is determined
via quaternions, where q
represents the quaternion vector components
and q
represents the quaternion weight. The positions are represented by x
and y, the accelerations are represented by a
and a
, and angular velocity
is represented by !
= [x;y;q
] (4.1)
4.2 Orientation Through Quaternions
Representing the orientation through the use of quaternions has become
the preferred methodology for space applications due to its robustness and
computational superiority in comparison to the use of the more intuitively
tangible Euler angles. [12] For instance, it is possible for Euler angles calcula-
tions to result in a singularity (gimbal lock); however, quaternions avoid this
scenario through the redundancies of its parameters. Additionally, the Euler
angles can be derived from the quaternions through Equation 4.2. However,
this step will not suce as a quadrant check is required to isolate the sin-
gle solution for the Euler angle about the z-axis (3DOF). This can then be
computationally solved through the use of atan2 as seen in Equation 4.3.
= 2cos
=atan2(2(q4q3 +q1q2); 1 2(q
)) (4.3)
Another signicant capability of the quaternions is the ease in developing
the direction cosine matrix (DCM), in which transformations between coor-
dinate frames can be quickly derived [12]. Equations 4.4 to 4.12 demonstrate
how to compute each component of the DCM. The DCM is denoted as C,
with each subscript corresponding to a particular index of the matrix, and
is compiled into Equation 4.13. The superscripts for the DCM considers the
two coordinate frames of interest. In Equation 4.13, the DCM represents the
transformation from frame A to frame B.
= 1 2q
= 2(q
) (4.5)
= 2(q
) (4.6)
= 2(q
) (4.7)
= 1 2q
= 2(q
) (4.9)
= 2(q
) (4.10)
= 2(q
) (4.11)
= 1 2q
C11 C12 C13
C21 C22 C23
C31 C32 C33
Two useful facts come with the DCM. Firstly, the DCM can be inverted
(which is also the matrix transpose in this case) to reverse the coordinate
transformation (e.g., the inversion of
and represents the
transformation from frame B to frame A). Secondly, the DCM can incor-
porate any number of successful rotations to resemble the transformation
between two select frames. For example, suppose there are three distinct
coordinate frames, A, B, and D, of which we have knowledge of the following
two DCMs:
. Then, we can perform matrix multiplication to
derive the transformation from frame A to frame D.
Another fact is considered: the Pozyx tag measures its quaternions with
respect to the inertial frame that has been dened by the anchor. Therefore,
when multiple Satbots are introduced for aggregation testing, the GNC al-
gorithm will be able to derive the DCM to convert body-relative components
to any other Satbot.
4.3 Assessing the Eectiveness of the Pozyx
The Pozyx is currently rated to an accuracy of 10 cm, though numerous
sources may contribute to additional errors in the measurement data. Ul-
timately, it is important to identify the statistical outlook (like covariance
matrices) before feeding the data through a lter to improve the Satbot's
guidance and navigation capabilities. We activate a stationary Pozyx tag
and measure state data for one hour to quantify the quality of the mea-
surement and the initial covariance matrix to build the Kalman lter. The
following results are shown from Figure 4.3 to Figure 4.8.
It is visible that the Pozyx, like every sensor, is accompanied by some
inherent noise in its data collection. When resting completely still, the Pozyx
measurements suggest that there is continual shifts in state. An impulse
seems to have occurred closer to the end of data collection, as a large spike
in measurements occur across the acceleration and orientation terms.
All things considered, a few conclusions can be drawn regarding the Pozyx
There is signicant noise / error in the positioning measurement. This
can be attributed to inherent sensor noise, errors in calibration of the
anchor locations, and/or improper signal return from metallic re
Figure 4.3: Measurement data for the X-position for a stationary Pozyx for
approximately one hour of observations.
Figure 4.4: Measurement data for the Y-position for a stationary Pozyx for
approximately one hour of observations.
The orientation (quaternions) is very stable, with the exception of the
unexpected impulses throughout the test.
The angular velocity has periods of stability, but is plagued by consis-
Figure 4.5: Measurement data for the angle for a stationary Pozyx for ap-
proximately one hour of observations.
Figure 4.6: Measurement data for the angular velocity for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations.
Figure 4.7: Measurement data for the x-acceleration for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations.
Figure 4.8: Measurement data for the y-acceleration for a stationary Pozyx
for approximately one hour of observations.
tent and unreliable spikes measure255 degrees per second.
We attempt to remedy this situation by implementing an additional l-
ter to smooth the position and angular velocity data before processing it
through the Kalman lter. We do not lter the angle or acceleration terms,
as its response demonstrated stable results until perturbed by some anoma-
lous impulse. The data lter we add simply detects an outlier, then forces
the outlier's measurement index to be represented by the previous valid mea-
surement. An outlier in this case would be dened as a measurement that
exceeds the specied allowable deviation; for position and angular velocity,
we set this value at 200 mm and 5 deg/s respectively. Upon encountering an
outlier value, a counter is incremented. Should the counter exceed a value
of 10 instances (where a measurement is taken every 0.04 seconds), then the
measurement that appeared to be an outlier is deemed a new measurement.
There is no concern for any con
icts between the incoming measurement
data because thruster actuation only uses the latest values after all control
sequences are nished.
This does not drastically aect the control output as data is measured
every 0.04 seconds, and the control ring times actuate for approximately
0.8 seconds at a time.
Figure 4.9: The ltered data for the X-position of a stationary Pozyx over
an hour.
Figure 4.10: The ltered data for the Y-position of astationary Pozyx over
an hour.
Figure 4.11: The ltered data for the angular velocity of a stationary Pozyx
over some period of time.
Then, after these trials with the Pozyx, we can determine the state co-
variance matrix, as seen in Table 4.1. The blank indices correspond to the
terms re
ected across the matrix's diagonal (i.e., P
= P
). We note that
the velocity terms are calculated through simple linear dynamics from the
time between measurements and the dierence in accelerations.
Table 4.1: The initial covariance matrix of the ltered pozyx data
X [m] Y [m] Vx [m/s] Vy [m/s] [deg] ! [deg/s]
X 0.0216
Y 0.0018 0.1057
Vx 1.986e-5 1.395e-5 1.844e-6
Vy 1.144e-5 -3.147e-5 6.729e-7 3.151e-6
-5.521e-31 9.364e-32 1.846e-35 -2.638e-35 8.292e-32
! 0.0019 0.1034 1.352e-5 -8.388e-6 1.091e-31 0.1065
With more precise state data, we transition towards the guidance portion
of the GNC operation.
Chapter 5
Though the Satbot is capable of understanding its current state through
the navigational sensor, there are several components that cannot be di-
rectly measured (e.g., velocity). Additionally, there is the potential for in-
consistency in data, as demonstrated through the inherent sensor noise and
disturbances. Therefore, using measured sensor data as the reference for de-
termining state deviations may lead to improper control outputs. However,
we may ameliorate these concerns by implementing a Kalman lter [13].
5.1 Kalman Filtering
The Kalman lter is a technique for computing the best estimate of a
state through a predictor-corrector methodology. The Kalman lter can
accept imperfect measurement data and uncertainty values to model a more
true state. There exists several types of Kalman lters, but we choose to
employ an Extended Kalman lter (EKF) because it addresses the non-linear
dynamics of orbit operations. We acknowledge that the current Satbot setup
is not necessarily non-linear, but implementing the EKF is still valid for
our application. The ultimate outcome from the Kalman lter should be a
suitable state estimate vector that can be used to more accurately determine
the control output. More specically, we aim to determine the following in
Equation 5.1, where ^ x represents the estimate of the state.
^ x = [x;y;v
Since the kinematics of the Satbot motion on the 3DOF testbed is lin-
ear, the equations of motions can be described as simple translational and
rotational motion as seen Equation 5.2 to Equation 5.4 and Equation 5.5 to
Equation 5.7.
a(t) =a
v(t) =v
t (5.3)
r(t) =r
t +
_ !(t) =
!(t) =!
+ _ !
t (5.6)
(t) =
t +
_ !
With the equations of motion, the state transition matrix (STM) can be
derived. The state transition matrix essentially maps a initial state vector
to another state at any given time, a very powerful concept in linearizing
the dynamics of orbit trajectories (or the trajectory of the Satbot). This
idea is mathematically expressed in Equation 5.8, where the represents
the state transition matrix, x represents a state deviation at any time, and
represents the initial state deviation.
x = (t;t
Similarly to Equation 5.8, the time derivative of the STM can be deter-
mined through the use of the Jacobian matrix, which is the matrix of partial
derivatives of the state rates with respect to the state. We show the Jacobian
matrix in Equation 5.9, which becomes a 6x6 matrix for our dened state,
and the dierential equation for the STM in Equation 5.10.
F (t) =
=F (t) (5.10)
The STM possesses several unique properties; most fundamentally, the
initial STM ((t
)) is the identity matrix. With this knowledge, directly
integrating the dierential equation for the STM allows us to derive the
following in Equation 5.11, assuming that the STM is constant.
1 0 t 0 0 0
0 1 0 t 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 t
0 0 0 0 0 1
Then, the EKF algorithm uses the previous (or initial) estimate to pre-
dict the current state and covariance matrix, update the Kalman gain, and
determine the newest state estimate. The following sets of equations are per-
formed in sequence. We note that variables with a bar represent a prediction.
Equations 5.12 and 5.14 calculate the predicted state error and predicted er-
ror covariance, where P represents the covariance matrix, and Q represents
the process noise matrix. The observation (what is actually measured) is
represented by . The Kalman gain is represented by K, and R represents
the measurement-noise matrix.
= 0 (5.13)
+ Q (5.14)
H =
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
^ x
= [IK
+^ x
Through careful initialization of the statistics surrounding the estimate,
like the sensor noise matrix and covariance matrix, we can implement the
EKF into the GNC operations. However, if not modeled properly, the EKF
may diverge and result in a scenario called \smugness," where the model
believes its correct and rejects new sensor measurements. With the state
estimate, the Satbot can determine the necessary control output to realize
thruster actuation.
Chapter 6
Control System
The control system plays the nal role in developing the implementation
of autonomous GNC operation. A controller is implemented to determine the
required control inputs necessary from the previously determined deviations
from the ideal trajectory or state (provided from guidance and navigation).
With the control output vector, which consists of the required force and
torques, the Satbot determines the required ring times for each thruster
and actuates accordingly with a pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme. A
variety of possible controllers exist and present their own advantages. How-
ever, when considering the primary objective of achieving autonomy, only
a few controllers are deemed suitable to support the proposed GNC opera-
tions, where stable performance is maintained for potentially varying system
dynamics from physical aggregation. Therefore, the designed controller must
maintain robustness despite the varying congurations and scale of the ag-
gregate system.
In the next section, we survey a number of common controllers and remove
some accordingly based on our conceptual requirements. With the selected
controller design, we discuss in greater detail the conceptual background that
structures the framework for autonomous control.
6.1 Survey of Common Controllers
We list a variety of controller schemes below:
1. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID): This is the most funda-
mental controller design based implementing three controller gains to
modify the system response. [14] The PID controller is eective, robust,
and simple, making it a popular choice for many applications. However,
these three gains must be predetermined through either trial and error
or the Ziegler Nicohls tuning methodology. Achieving autonomous op-
erations will prove dicult when considering the possibility of widely
varying congurations; the constantly changing mass properties will
eventually drive the initially designed controller into instability, unless
new controller gains are uploaded. This solution counters the concept
of autonomy, dissuading the selection of the PID controller. However,
the PID represents a valid starting point in developing the framework
of the GNC operation and will suce in demonstrating the proof of
concept of the subsystem reconguration algorithm.
2. Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR): This controller introduces the
optimal control theory (calculus of variations) to minimize the operat-
ing cost function by optimizing the control feedback gains [14]. Should
the aggregate system's conguration be known prior to assembly, then
the proper gains can be uploaded to ensure the optimal response. How-
ever, for the reasons listed above for the PID controller, this is disqual-
ied as a candidate for not striving for true autonomy for a varying
dynamical system.
3. Gain Scheduling: This controller scheme is a popular technique for
adaptive control [15]. Gain scheduling allows for a continual modica-
tion of system performance based on the certain scenarios. The appro-
priate gains are determined beforehand and stored on a look-up table
on the system. However, this concept does not completely embody
adaptive control and still requires knowledge of the conguration of
the assembly, which can be known to an extent, but not for N-number
cases. With this in mind, we turn our attention to controllers that
gives the aggregate system adaptability regardless of any conguration
4. Self-Tuning: This is a controller that adjusts, or tunes, the gains
throughout operation based on performance requirements [15]. A well
designed self-tuning controller presents a valid option for enabling au-
tonomous control for an aggregate system.
5. Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC): This adaptive con-
troller takes account of two system plants: one reference model for the
ideal system response and another for the true system response [16].
The dierence between these two responses are fed into an adaptation
law that changes the input gains to achieve the ideal system response.
This presents another valid controller option as this reference model re-
mains independent of the true system response (which can correspond
to N-number of aggregation).
Ultimately, a control system must establish adaptation to achieve true
autonomous control for any number of aggregations. Without adaptation,
the control system designed for one individual cell will prove ineective, as
it was designed for a system with dierent mass properties. However, before
attempting to design high delity adaptive control, we seek to develop the
baseline controller model to demonstrate the reconguration algorithm.
6.2 P-D Controller Design
With that being said, we designed a simple P-D controller for the initial
stage of testing; the P-D controller resembles a PID controller without the
integral term. Therefore, the control output term can be derived from the
second order canonical form to that of Equation 6.1.
u(t) =K
e(t) +K
The error terms, denoted as e(t), represent the dierence between the
desired state and current state estimate provided from the Kalman lter.
Expanding the control output from Equation 6.1, we derive the following
notation from Equations 6.2 to 6.4. [17] Now, the state errors are accurately
denoted in terms of, where the subscript corresponds to the particular ele-
ment error. Each component of the control output vector,u, is also expanded
to visually represent the corresponding forces and torque.
_ x
_ y
The K terms represent the controller gains, where the subscripts p and
d correspond to the proportional and derivative terms respectively. These
can be determined from the second order canonical dynamical state, which
take into account of the mass properties, natural frequency,!
, and damping
ratio,. These components are typically predetermined and used to calculate
the gain equations from Equations 6.5 to 6.6. The terms included with the
integral terms are omitted for the P-D controller.
) (6.5)
) (6.6)
We note that the mass term is replaced by the largest moment of inertia
component for the previous equation when determining the necessary torque
6.3 The Thruster Mapping Matrix
After determining the necessary control input for the Satbot to achieve
the desired state, the GNC algorithm computes the required ring times for
each thruster. However, controlling multiple thrusters on dierent Satbots
simultaneously requires the concept of a scalable thruster mapping matrix,
which translates the physical contribution from each thruster into a mathe-
matical model. [18] [19] The diagram in Figure 6.1 visualizes our approach
to orient forces and torques equal about each axis for simplicity.
Figure 6.1: An illustration of the top view of a single Satbot model is pre-
sented here. In both diagrams, the yellow rectangles represent the docking
face mechanisms. The left image depicts the actuators' thrust output as the
arrows extending tangentially from the Satbot's circumference. The right
image depicts the corresponding resultant force as specied by the thruster
To simplify several dierent thrusters and orientations, each force contri-
bution is collected into a simple table, as seen in Table 6.1.
Furthermore, ring a single thruster generates a body-axis torque. Since
the thrusters are mounted on the edge of the Satbot's circular base, deter-
mining each thruster's torque calculation is straight forward. We can map
Table 6.1: Directional force contributions from each thruster for the Satbot
Thruster Resultant Body-Axis Force
+^ x -^ x +^ y -^ y
1 x
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x
6 x
7 x
8 x
the Satbot's body-axis torque similarly to Table 6.1. When combining the
body-axis force (excluding the z-component) and body-axis torque contribu-
tions (about the z-axis) from each thruster, we create its thruster mapping
matrix, as seen in Equation 6.7. Here, the rst two rows represent the forces
in x and y components respectively, and the third row represents the torque
components. Each column corresponds to the particular thruster of that
current value; e.g., column one corresponds to thruster one. The benet
to this mapping matrix lies in its scalability, since incorporating more or
less thrusters will simply change the number of columns. Additionally, the
thruster mapping matrix can be modied accordingly to the location and
orientation of each thrusters.
M =
1 +1 0 0 +1 1 0 0
0 0 +1 1 0 0 1 +1
1 +1 1 +1 1 +1 1 +1
Another benet to the thruster mapping matrix arises in its concep-
tual simplicity in devising autonomous control as the Satbot will understand
which thrusters to actuate. Continuing with Figure 6.1, if the Satbot iden-
ties that it must move only in the positive x-direction (relative to its body
frame), then the thruster mapping matrix dictates that the Satbot must use
both thrusters two and ve. Firing individual thrusters contribute to a re-
sultant rotation, which may not be desirable in achieving the nal state.
Therefore in this example, the system must identify two (or more) thrusters
that generate positive force contributions while osetting each other's torque
With this concept, we form the equation that demonstrates how the con-
trol output is achieved by the set of thrusters, as seen in Equation 6.8. The
control output vector, thruster mapping matrix, and ring forces vector are
represented by~ u, M, and
f respectively.
~ u = M
f (6.8)
The Satbot needs to solve for the necessary forces and torques to be
supplied by each thruster to achieve the desired control output, which is
previously determined by the selected controller scheme. Since M is a non-
square matrix, the pseudoinverse, denoted as M
, is computed to nd the
appropriate ring times. The pseudoinverse can be achieved through multiple
techniques, we apply a simple right inverse to the mapping matrix. [cite stu]
This is a computationally sound way in deriving the pseudoinverse because
M will always be linearly independent in its rows (M is always a 3x8 matrix
in our scenarios). The pseudoinverse can be calculated via Equation 6.9,
where A represents a generic matrix that is linearly independent in its rows.
= A
Calculating the required ring forces is shown in Equation 6.10. A scaling
factor of two is applied to account for both the positive and negative contri-
butions of the thrusters. [19] In essence, if a force is requested in the positive
x-direction, thruster two and thruster ve would be activated, where each
thruster provided half the requested force. Additionally, scaling the ring
forces vector allows the Satbot to ignore any negative force components from
the calculation. Logically in terms of the solenoid valve's unidirectional out-
put, a given thruster cannot contribute a negative force, but rather a positive
force in its xed directional output.
f = 2M
~ u (6.10)
However, two major design considerations changes the thruster mapping
matrix. The thruster positions are not exactly on the radius of the circular
base; therefore, the positions of each thruster must be accurately accounted
(see section Thruster Specications and Thrust Validation). A more accurate
depiction of the directional thruster output for the Satbot is provided below
in Figure 6.2.
Now, the thruster mapping matrix for the current Satbot design can be
portrayed as seen in Equation 6.11. Here, we use = 0:1725 to represent the
torque to shorten the length of the matrix.
M =
0:5 +0:5 0:866 +0:866 +0:5 0:5 +0:866 0:866
0:866 +0:866 +0:5 0:5 +0:866 0:866 0:5 +0:5
+ + + +
6.4 Pulse Width Modulation Scheme
Since the thrusters actuate in an ON/OFF manner, a modulation scheme
must be implemented to perform the maneuvers. [20] Though a variety of
modulators may achieve the proper control, like Schmitt Triggers and sigma-
delta modulators, we opt for the common pulse-width modulator (PWM) to
enable Satbot functionality for ease of initial testing. [21]
Figure 6.2: The top view thruster model of the actual Satbot design.
The PWM converts the requested, non-negative ring forces to solenoid
valve opening times. This results in impulses for each thruster for a dened
actuation interval or duty cycle. This active time for a given impulse can be
determined from Equation 6.12 and is represented by T
The maximum force output represents the physical capability of the
thruster and is denoted as F
and has been determined through experi-
mentation. The PWM pulse duration is t
and is determined by the duty
cycle and total modulation period. Each component of the requested ring
forces is denoted by f
Additionally, if the determined ring time is less than the minimum open-
ing time of the solenoid valve (approximately 10 ms), then that thruster's
contribution is set to zero. If the requested force exceeds the maximum force
capability that the thruster can supply, then the ring time is constrained to
the maximum pulse duration.
Chapter 7
Spacecraft Subsystem
The concept of multi-satellite aggregation introduces the importance of
appropriate subsystem reconguration, in which the space system must man-
age N-number of subsystems while adhering to the fundamentals of spacecraft
operations. When considering the GNC subsystem, new questions appear re-
garding the logistics of operation. Firstly, how is spacecraft control ensured
for varying congurations and mass properties? Will all actuators remain
necessary to function; if not, how can the aggregate system automatically
determine which actuators to maintain and disable? In answering this ques-
tion, we develop an algorithm that supports the N-number conguration of
Satbots by determining the aggregate mass properties and remapping of the
collective thrusters.
Recall the previously proposed GNC operations. After performing navi-
gation, the Satbot will identify whether or not a docking event has occurred.
Upon recognizing an active docking face, the reconguration portion will trig-
ger. A single Satbot of the N-Satbot assembly will randomly be selected as
the reference Satbot, from which all the other Satbots will measure their po-
sition. After performing the algorithm, the new aggregate properties will be
sent to the initially selected reference Satbot, where the bulk of the remainder
GNC operations is performed. Finally, the reference Satbot distributes the
collective ring times for each Satbot so that the aggregate system responds
as a whole.
Now, we discuss the enabling properties that lays the foundation for the
reconguration algorithm.
7.1 Spacecraft Identication File
To calculate the aggregate properties for the system, i.e., the new center
of mass, moments of inertia, and thruster mapping matrix, we need a system
to account for the parameters of N-number of Satbots. Therefore, for each
Satbot, we dene \spacecraft identication le," or a collection of its GNC
components relative to its body axis. This spacecraft identication le is
intentionally generic as this collection can be extended to include other re-
sources and parameters. With the support of the data transport layer from
the proposed architecture, the allocation of the pertinent information can be
seamlessly implemented at specic points in the algorithm to support the
calculations as needed. For a given Satbot, the spacecraft identication le
is comprised of the parameters seen in Table 7.1.
7.2 Reconguration Algorithm
When aggregation occurs, each Satbot exports its identication le through
the data transport layer to build a system level \aggregated" identication
le, which encompasses all actively docked Satbots. Per the concept of op-
erations described in the earlier section, the aggregate identication le is
distributed to the operating Satbot to continue guidance and control. How-
ever, to model the space system dynamics accurately for GNC, the mass
properties must be accounted as any instance of thruster misalignment will
Table 7.1: The spacecraft identication le parameters
Number Parameter Description Size
1 Spacecraft Identier The spacecraft identica-
tion tag
2 Docking Status This provides the active
status of each docking
3 Mass Current spacecraft mass [1x1]
4 Moments of Inertia Spacecraft moments of
5 Docking Face Position Position of the 4 docking
6 Sensor Position Position of all sensors [1x3]
7 Thruster Position Position of all thrusters [3x8]
8 Force Matrix Directional forces output [3x8]
9 Torque Matrix Directional torque out-
10 Thruster Mapping
Combined force and
torque matrix
11 Direction Cosine Ma-
Orientation transforma-
tion from body frame to
the inertial frame
result in improper control. Therefore, the challenge in GNC reconguration
depends on the center of mass and moments of inertia, parameters which
continually change upon additional aggregation. Ultimately, the devised al-
gorithm must maintain robustness regardless of the number of components
to achieve true autonomy.
First, we discuss the theory in calculating the aggregate mass properties,
then we go through an example in demonstrating how the algorithm iterates
through the established data structure for each calculation.
7.2.1 Key Assumptions
We collect the signicant assumptions that enable the reconguration
calculations so far:
1. The Satbot's center of mass lie at its geometric center.
2. The Satbots are directly docked to each other on the docking face with
no additional length between connections.
3. The body frame is represented by the sensor's frame.
4. The proposed aggregation architecture will be responsible for data
transfer in and out of the algorithm.
5. A proposed docking mechanism will be responsible for signaling whether
an aggregation has occurred.
6. Two equal Satbots (equal mass upon aggregation) will not experience
mass dierentials during aggregate operations; therefore, the center of
mass does not change.
7. All commanded actuations are synchronous.
8. All thrusters possess the same maximum force.
7.2.2 Aggregate Center of Mass
To determine the mass properties, the algorithm must determine the sys-
tem's aggregate mass and center of gravity. The aggregate mass is simply
the sum of all current Satbot masses, as depicted in in Equation 7.1. Then,
the center of gravity calculation is determined as seen in Equation 7.2.
~ r
~ r
Denoted in Equation 7.2 is the center of gravity relative to reference
frame A. Careful consideration must be given to the center of gravity term
as each Satbot distance must be measured from the initially selected reference
Satbot. Therefore, as an example, the relative distance to Satbot B's center
of gravity to the initial Satbot A's center of gravity can be represented by
Equation 7.3.
~ r
~ r
~ r
An important fact to acknowledge is that Satbot A represents the refer-
ence point of this assembly, i.e., its center of gravity relative to its center is
the origin and is the zero vector. Another key point is that it is not guar-
anteed that the docked Satbots' body frames align with the body frame of
the reference Satbot. In this case, when multiple docked Satbots have dif-
ferently aligned body frames, transforming between body frames must be
accomplished through the use of the direction cosine matrix (C), which has
been derived from the measured quaternions. We note that the Pozyx board
measures the quaternions relative to the set inertial frame; simple matrix
mathematics allow us to derive the transformation between two dierent
Satbot frames.
Then, the position of the Satbot simply becomes the dierence between
the active docking faces location, which are known from the spacecraft iden-
tication le. We present the following example in Figure 7.1, where two
Satbots are aligned. For this assembly, the Satbot reference frame is denoted
by A. Docking face 4 is the active docking mechanism for both Satbots,
which is standardized to be a positive radial distance away from each respec-
tive Satbot's body frame. The position of each docking face is known to the
Satbot from the ID le.
Figure 7.1: An example aggregation between two Satbots with dierently
oriented body frames.
Because frames A and B are oset by 180 degrees, the appropriate di-
rection cosine matrix must be applied. In this scenario, the more generic
position of Satbot B relative to Satbot A is represented by Equation 7.4. We
note that A represents the origin (as we calculate subsequent distances from
this reference).
~ r
~ r
~ r
~ r
Performing this quick calculation (considering that the direction cosine
matrix rotates frame B -180 degrees), one would nd that the current dis-
tance of Satbot B is 2R away from Satbot A. When considering additional
Satbots, the process remains the same, but the additional distances bridging
the Satbots together must be accounted. More specically, if we consid-
ered a third Satbot C which were connected to Satbot B, then the distance
from Satbot C relative to Satbot A must include two relative distances: the
distance from Satbot C to B and from Satbot B to A.
Ultimately, we can expand the center of mass calculation to resemble that
of Equation 7.5. This generically represents the center of mass relative to
the A-frame, though this idea is applicable for any selected reference.
~ r
~ r
~ r
~ r
::: +m
~ r
] (7.5)
7.2.3 Aggregate Moments of Inertia
Similarly, the moments of inertia change with each additional Satbot,
which can be determined by using the general form for the parallel axis
theorem in Equation 7.6.[17] Here, I
represents the aggregate moment of
inertia tensor. I
cg, i
represents the inertia tensor for a given Satbot. E
the identity matrix. From before, the Satbot reference frames may dier,
hence the transformation of the inertia tensor must be applied as shown in
Equation 7.7.
] (7.6)
= (
Combining Equations 7.6 and 7.7 expands the parallel axis theorem to
become Equation 7.8 for N-number of Satbots.
] +::: + (
] (7.8)
7.2.4 Aggregate Mapping Matrix
Lastly, the change in the center of mass and the addition of thrusters will
modify the thruster mapping matrix. Since the Satbots are designed with
eight similar thrusters, the size of M simply becomes [3x8N] for N-number
of Satbots. More importantly, the force and torque contributions change
according to the selected reference frame and the thruster distances from
the new center of mass. Therefore, the appropriate direction cosine matrix
must transform the relative thruster position and directional force output
vectors. As a result, the new torque contributions from each thruster must
be recalculated, then the aggregate mapping matrix can be formed.
Continuing with the GNC operations with the new aggregate mapping
matrix, the Satbot must calculate the ring times for every thruster (8N
number of thrusters). Additionally, each component of the mapping matrix
is tagged with the Satbot's identier so that the aggregate system always
maps the correct thrusters to the correct Satbot.
Another important consideration requires that the thrusters adjacent to
the active docking faces deactivate to prevent potential damage or interfer-
ence to any Satbot. Pairing the aggregated docking status with M allows
the Satbots (and thus future space systems) to identify which thrusters to
disable. This can be seen in an example provided in Table 7.2. Here, DF
and DS correspond to the docking face number and the docking face sta-
tus respectively. Each docking face is aligned with its corresponding closest
thruster and is marked either 1/0 to depict an active docking face. The rest
of the table correspond to the thruster mapping matrix.
Table 7.2: An example of an aggregate mapping matrix paired with the
docking status
DF: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
DS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Fx: -1 1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 1 0 0
Fy: 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 1 -1
Tz: -1 1 -2 2 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 -2 2 -1 1 0 0
7.2.5 Algorithmic Process
The algorithm is driven by the in
ux of aggregate information, which is
organized into a central data structure to support calculations; an example of
this data structure is presented in Table 7.3, which corresponds to Figure 7.2.
For brevity, the columns for the moments of inertia, thruster positions, and
force matrix are omitted from Table 7.3. The data structure holds a number
of rows equal to the number of total active docking faces. For example,
if there are only two Satbots in an aggregate system, each Satbot has one
active docking face (they are docked to each other); this results in two rows.
Should three Satbots be aggregated together, then a total of four docking
faces are active (one from the end points, and two from the central Satbot).
As a reminder, the Pozyx measures the direction cosine matrix relative to the
inertial frame, and the docking face locations are measured relative to each
Satbot's body frame. The attachment column provides the Satbot insight
as to what is currently attached to its docking face. The \accessed" column
represents a counter that prevents the algorithm for accounting for a docked
Satbot more than once.
Table 7.3: An example of the data structure established to support the al-
gorithm's calculations.
ID Mass Docking Face r
DCM Attachment Accessed
A 10 kg 4 [+1, 0]
B 1
B 10 kg 3 [0, +1]
C 0
B 10 kg 4 [+1, 0]
A 0
C 10 kg 4 [+1, 0]
B 0
With the constructed data structure, the algorithm understands which
Satbots are involved in the aggregate system. The following describes the
steps of the algorithm.
1. Select a random Satbot as the reference frame and origin.
Figure 7.2: An example of an aggregate system consisting of three dierent
From this, the center of mass, moments of inertia, and aggregate map-
ping matrix are computed. To accommodate a decentralized network
of Satbots with this computational architecture, any Satbot is capable
of acting as the initial reference.
2. Iterate through the rows of the ID column to nd the rst
matching instance of the reference Satbot. Here, we identify the
reference Satbot's parameter and store its information to start calcu-
3. Identify the current row's attached Satbot's ID. Here, the algo-
rithm identies the attached Satbot so that its relative position from
the reference can be determined.
4. Mark the \Accessed" column to 1. This is done to ensure that
the algorithm will not account for a row multiple times.
5. Iterate through the rows of the ID columns to nd a match
with the previously determined attachment ID. If this current
row's attachment column matches the current reference frame, then the
data is stored for calculation, and the \accessed" column is marked to
1. If the attachment does not match the current reference frame, then
the code moves on to the next row until this step is satised. If no
other attachments are identied, then the algorithm skips to step 8.
6. Calculate the relative position of the current Satbot to the
current reference.
7. Repeat steps 2 - 6. Looping through each instance of the reference
Satbot ensures that all attached Satbots are accounted.
8. Assign one of the attachments to the initial reference Satbot
as the new reference. Doing this allows the algorithm to consider
additional Satbots that are not directly docked to the initial reference.
9. Repeat steps 2 - 7 until all Satbots are accounted.
By incorporating the aforementioned equations in the previous section,
the relative positions of each Satbot, aggregate center of mass, moments
of inertia, and thruster mapping matrix can be determined relative to the
initially selected reference frame.
Consider the aggregate system again in Figure 7.2, where the initially
selected reference in Satbot A. The initial reference frame is designated as
\A." The code loops through the data structure in Table 7.3 to nd the rst
row whose ID matches the initial frame. This is found to be the rst row,
where ID is \A." The pertinent information in this row is stored, and the
accessed column is set to 1. Then, the algorithm assigns a variable to the
identier in the attachment; this is designated as \B."
Now, the code loops through the entire data structure again, but this
time the algorithm attempts to nd the row whose ID matches \B." The
rst instance is row 2; however, this row's attachment (\C") does not match
\B." This row is neglected for now, then the algorithm moves on to the next
row where the ID is \B." Row 3 satises this condition, and its attachment
corresponds to \A," the current reference. The accessed counter for row 3
is changed to 1, and the data is stored for calculations. Since there are no
more valid rows that match the attachment \B," the algorithm steps out of
this inner loop and attempts to nd the next row instance that corresponds
to the initially selected reference \A" to repeat this process.
Since the all of Satbot A has been accounted for (row 1 and its attachment
row 3), the algorithmic selects a new current reference frame, which is chosen
to be the attachment of Satbot A; this is \B." In doing so, the algorithm
accounts for additional Satbots that are not directly docked to the reference
Satbot. We repeat the previous process by trying to match the row's ID with
\B." Now, the rst matching instance is row 2, whose attachment is Satbot
C. Then, as we loop through to nd the row that matches \C," we come
across row 4. Row 4's attachment corresponds to the current reference \B."
The condition is satised and calculations are performed.
Chapter 8
Test Setup
For demonstrating the proof of concept of the reconguration through the
Satbot prototypes, an autonomous distributed resource management system
is not required. At this development stage, the extent of the implemented
computational architecture is simply the communications protocol that links
the Satbots for the test. Each Satbot will possess an Odroid C-2 processor
and Pozyx sensor. However, this demonstration will resemble the more tradi-
tional \master-slave" framework, i.e., only one Satbot will perform the GNC
operations. Additionally, this selected Satbot will perform the subsystem re-
conguration algorithm and calculate the ring times for both Satbots. After
this, the primary Satbot transfers this aggregate array of ring times to the
other Satbot, where a continuously active receiver code imports these ring
times. Then, the aggregate system actuates its collective thrusters concur-
rently to propel itself towards the predetermined desired state. A successful
demonstration of the algorithm would be the observation of correct thruster
actuation for the aggregate system. The aggregate system was directed to
rotate to a nal state of +15 degrees.
Two Satbots will be docked via Velcro prior to the start of the demon-
stration as specied below in Figure 8.1 and in Figure 8.2.
Figure 8.1: The orientation of the two Satbot aggregate system for the algo-
rithmic demonstration.
Figure 8.2: The physical hardware of the two Satbot aggregate system.
Chapter 9
Ultimately, the reconguration algorithm demonstrated the capability to
determine the new center of mass relative to Satbot A (which lies at the
docking face between the two Satbots) and calculate the corresponding ring
times to rotate the aggregate system, as seen in the thruster history presented
in Figure 9.1 and 9.2 for both Satbots. The initial angle reading showed -
140 degrees, which corresponds to a control output required positive torque
contribution to rotate towards +15 degrees. As a result, both Satbots re
the thruster combinations that contribute to the maximum positive torque
(thrusters 6A/8A and thrusters 6B/8B).
However, there exists a large discrepancy in the angle history; the sensor
reading suggests a continuously decreasing angle of the aggregate system's
frame, which counters the idea of the positive torque contribution (the nega-
tive angle reading should be increasing towards 0) and the expected denition
of the sensor's frame. This angle history is shown in Figure 9.3. This could
be attributed to a couple of factors: the navigational sensor or the divergence
of the Kalman lter through smugness. [22] Through several observations,
we found that the Pozyx would provide inconsistent measurements while re-
maining stationary at dierent initialization times. Additionally, since the
Kalman lter may be improperly modeled statistically, the updated covari-
Figure 9.1: The thruster history of Satbot A. It is seen that thrusters 6A
and 8A are the most active as the controller scheme dictates the aggregate
system to rotate with a maximum positive torque.
ance matrix over time is driven to a zero matrix, and the state estimate
diverges. Data collection ended prior to the Satbot reaching the nal desti-
nation due to an unexplained shuto of the sensor during operation.
Also, it is observed that the initialization of the sensor provides large
errors in positioning, as seen in Figure 9.4, which starts the control output
with improper control.
Despite these setbacks, the reconguration algorithm's demonstration in
dictating new thruster commands for an aggregate system was successful,
even though further improvements must be made to the general GNC oper-
Figure 9.2: The thruster history of Satbot B. It is seen that thrusters 6B
and 8B are the most active as the controller scheme dictates the aggregate
system to rotate with a maximum positive torque.
Figure 9.3: The angular history of the aggregate system. Contrary to the
ring of the positive torque thrusters, the measurement suggests that the
sensor continues to grow more negative.
Figure 9.4: The X-Y state history of the aggregate system throughout the
test. As seen, the initial points (close to the origin) demonstrate an initial-
ization error in the state, which may lead to improper control.
Chapter 10
Despite the evolution of space technologies and exploration, the current
concepts in space systems have seemingly plateaued to a monolithic morphol-
ogy. However, by transitioning to a new concept of space system cellular-
ization, innovative solutions may be derived from the mastering of on-orbit
assembling large-scale spacecraft from a multitude of low-cost platforms. In
establishing such an idea, we introduce the notional aggregation architec-
ture to support seamless integration among N-number of spacecraft and au-
tonomous GNC operation.
10.1 Thesis Summary
In this thesis, we explored the application and theory behind developing
our RPO testbed to support multi-satellite aggregation. We introduced the
physical hardware included to build the Satbot, a cellular spacecraft proto-
type with a simple GNC thruster subsystem. Each component of GNC op-
eration was discussed in great detail, ranging from the validation and testing
of navigational sensor data to the realization of thruster actuation control to
the implementation and logistics of the concept of reconguration. A simple
two Satbot aggregate system was constructed and demonstrated the viability
of the reconguration algorithm.
10.2 Recommendations for Future Work
Through this thesis, the rst instantiation of the aggregation behavior has
been demonstrated with the reconguration of the GNC subsystem between
two spacecraft prototypes. The framework of a newly proposed computa-
tional aggregation architecture has been suggested to accommodate the fu-
turistic needs of realizing space system cellularization. Still, signicant work
must still be accomplished to improve the current state of the research being
The next steps are three-fold:
Develop the enabling computational architecture that enables seamless
ow of data and resource management across a suite of N-number of
Establish of true autonomous GNC and RPO with the testbed to sup-
port the endeavors and demonstrate the computational architecture.
Fabricate and improve upon the technology used for cellularization, like
an androgynous docking mechanism and the new generation of Satbot
models that are more light-weight and possess additional capabilities.
The rst point relays the concept that the future rests in the power and
capability of the proposed architecture. The overarching system that man-
ages a decentralized network of spacecraft will expand the realm of spacecraft
design by enabling the possibility of innovative assemblies and congurations
from many low-cost options.
The second point emphasizes the role true autonomy will play in the fu-
ture of space. By developing the necessary software and interfacing it with
the proposed architecture, RPO may be able to step away from the tradi-
tional \Master-Slave" rendezvous techniques and usher in a new era of de-
centralization. Implementing the concepts of adaptive control and spacecraft
communication protocol will be the next major stepping stones in demon-
strating these concepts on our testbed.
Lastly, by creating a lighter and more capable Satbot along with a suitable
docking mechanism, we will be able to expand upon these aforementioned
concepts on our testbed.
Chapter 11
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Abstract (if available)
As space exploration and technology continues to change, two fundamental facts have persisted: the desire to maximize system performance while minimizing costs, and the traditional monolithic morphology of spacecraft. An inverse relationship exists between the spacecraft performance and cost and size of space systems, and increasing complexities in mission requirements tend to call upon solutions consisting of large-scale platforms. However, this barrier can be circumvented by using of on-orbit satellite “aggregation” the potential to physically combine many smaller, individually functioning spacecraft to assemble a larger system. Ultimately, aggregation systems must adhere to the fundamental spacecraft design for any number of components. In particular, maintaining an aggregate system's guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) subsystem presents an interesting challenge as additional aggregation changes system dynamics. Therefore, an autonomous methodology must be implemented to maintain complete control and successfully “reconfigure” an aggregate GNC subsystem, which we demonstrate through cellular spacecraft prototypes, dubbed “Satbots.” The Satbots, bounded by 3DOF on a ground testbed, possess a simple thruster control system which propels the Satbot. The first tests of the reconfiguration algorithm focused on appropriately reallocating this thruster subsystem for a two-Satbot aggregate system. Upon integrating the algorithm onto the aggregate system, a successful reconfiguration of the GNC subsystem was observed, as new control outputs were distributed across both GNC subsystems.
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Asset Metadata
Duong, Ryan Hua
Core Title
The development of an autonomous subsystem reconfiguration algorithm for the guidance, navigation, and control of aggregated multi-satellite systems
Viterbi School of Engineering
Master of Science
Degree Program
Astronautical Engineering
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
GNC,multi-satellite aggregation,OAI-PMH Harvest,space systems
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