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SLA-based, energy-efficient resource management in cloud computing systems
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SLA-based, energy-efficient resource management in cloud computing systems
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SLA-based, Energy-Efficient Resource Management in
Cloud Computing Systems
Hadi Goudarzi
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
December 2013
Copyright 2013 Hadi Goudarzi
To my family
for their everlasting love and support
The completion of this doctoral dissertation has been a long journey made
possible through the inspiration and support of a handful of people.
First and foremost, I especially would like to thank my Ph.D. advisor and
dissertation committee chairman, Professor Massoud Pedram, for his enthusiasm,
mentorship, and encouragement throughout my graduate studies and academic research.
He has been a continuous source of motivation and support for me and I want to sincerely
thank him for all I have achieved. His passion for scientific discoveries and his dedication
in making technical contributions to the computer engineering community have been
invaluable in shaping my academic and professional career.
Special thanks go to my dissertation and qualification committees, including
Professor Sandeep K. Gupta, Professor Murali Annavaram, Professor Viktor K. Prasanna,
Professor Aiichiro Nakano, and Professor Mansour Rahimi for their time, guidance, and
Special thanks to Dr. Shahin Nazarian with whom I have collaborated on some
projects. I truly appreciate his mentorship, priceless advices, feedback, and help.
I would like to thank those who have in many ways contributed to the success of
my academic endeavors. They are the Electrical Engineering staff at the University of
Southern California, particularly Annie Yu, Diane Demetras, and Tim Boston; the
members of the System Power Optimization and Regulation Technology (SPORT)
Laboratory; and my best and dearest friends.
Last but not least, my deepest gratitude goes to my family for their unconditional
love, support, and devotion throughout my life and especially during my education. I
would not have been able to accomplish my goals without their support and
encouragement. I am much indebted to my mother and father, for believing in me and
encouraging me to pursue my goals. I would also like to thank my sister and brother,
Zahra and Hamid, who I love dearly. No matter how far away they may be physically,
they are never far from my heart and mind.
Dedication ........................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. xi
Chapter 1. Energy-efficient Datacenters ..............................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................1
1.2 Datacenter Organization ..............................................................................6
1.3 Datacenter Management ............................................................................12
1.4 Resource Arbiter related work ...................................................................14
1.5 Power manager related work .....................................................................18
1.6 Thermal Management ................................................................................25
1.7 Geographical Load Balancing ....................................................................28
1.8 Structure of this thesis and parameter definition .......................................31
Chapter 2. SLA-based Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Cloud Computing 34
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................34
2.2 System Model ............................................................................................35
2.2.1 Datacenter Configuration ................................................................... 35
2.2.2 VM Management System ................................................................... 37
2.2.3 Performance Modeling ....................................................................... 39
2.2.4 SLA model for the clients ................................................................... 42
2.3 Problem Formulation .................................................................................42
2.4 Cost Minimization Algorithm ....................................................................45
2.4.1 Initial Solution .................................................................................... 46
2.4.2 Resource allocation adjustment .......................................................... 50
2.4.3 Turn OFF under-utilized servers ........................................................ 50
2.5 Simulation Results .....................................................................................51
2.5.1 Simulation Setup ................................................................................ 51
2.5.2 Heuristics for Comparison .................................................................. 52
2.5.3 Numerical Results .............................................................................. 53
2.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................55
Chapter 3. Hierarchical SLA-Driven Resource Management for Peak Power-Aware and
Energy-Efficient Operation of a Cloud Datacenter ...........................................................57
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................57
3.2 Cloud Datacenter and Key Parameters ......................................................59
3.2.1 Cloud datacenter ................................................................................. 60
3.2.2 Virtual machine characteristics .......................................................... 65
3.3 Cloud Datacenter Resource Management Problem ...................................68
3.4 Periodic optimization: VM assignment .....................................................75
3.5 Periodic optimization: Local Search Method ............................................85
3.6 Methods to Deal with Emergencies ...........................................................89
3.7 Simulation framework and results .............................................................97
3.7.1 Simulation framework ........................................................................ 97
3.7.2 Base-line heuristics ............................................................................. 99
3.7.3 Simulation results ............................................................................. 101
3.8 Conclusion ...............................................................................................112
Chapter 4 . Geographical Load Balancing for Online Service Applications in
Distributed Datacenters ....................................................................................................113
4.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................113
4.2 Parameter definitions ...............................................................................115
4.3 Problem Formulation for the Static Problem ...........................................121
4.4 Algorithm for the Static Solution .............................................................124
4.5 Formulation and Solution of the Dynamic Version of the Problem ........130
4.6 Simulation Results ...................................................................................133
4.7 Conclusion ...............................................................................................142
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Work ........................................................................143
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................145
Alphabetized Bibliography ..............................................................................................154
Table I. Notation and Definitions of Common Parameters in this Thesis ........................ 33
Table II. Notation and Definitions in Chapter 2 ............................................................... 36
Table III. Performance of SPMCM w.r.t. lower bound cost............................................. 54
Table IV. Notation and Definitions in Chapter 3 .............................................................. 60
Table V. Notation and Definitions in Chapter 4 ............................................................. 116
Table VI. Normalized operational cost of the cloud during four days using different load
balancing algorithms ...................................................................................... 140
Figure 1. High level view of key components of a datacenter. .......................................... 6
Figure 2. Internal organization of a conventional (raised floor, hot/cold aisle) datacenter. 7
Figure 3. An example of resource management architecture in a datacenter. .................. 13
Figure 4. An example power management architecture and its relation to resource arbiter
and thermal manager ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 5. VM management structure in a datacenter ........................................................ 38
Figure 6. Normalized cost of the datacenter for different algorithms ............................... 54
Figure 7. Run-time of SPMCM on 2.8GHZ E5550 server from Intel for different number
of clients ........................................................................................................ 55
Figure 8. Ratio of expected percentage of the response time constraint’s violation to the
maximum allowed percentage of violation ................................................... 56
Figure 9 – An example of structure of container-based datacenter .................................. 61
Figure 10 – An example of presented cooperative hierarchical manager ......................... 74
Figure 11- Number of VMs and workload intensity in each epoch ................................ 101
Figure 12- Total cost of datacenter in each epoch .......................................................... 102
Figure 13- Run-time of the periodic optimization procedure in each epoch (run-time is
reported in logarithmic scales) .................................................................... 102
Figure 14- Run-time of the periodic optimization procedure in each epoch .................. 103
Figure 15- Elements of the total cost: Energy cost. ........................................................ 104
Figure 16- Elements of the total cost: SLA violation penalty. ....................................... 104
Figure 17- Elements of the total cost: Migration cost. .................................................... 105
Figure 18- Elements of the total cost: SLA hard constraint violation penalty. ............... 105
Figure 19- Total number of calls to the reactive optimization procedures in one day ... 106
Figure 20- Total VM movement cost for the reactive optimization procedure (SLA
violation emergency) ................................................................................... 107
Figure 21- Total VM movement cost for the reactive optimization procedure (power cap
emergency) .................................................................................................. 108
Figure 22- (a) power and (b) temperature distribution in a container with heavy worklaod.
15 and 30.2 ........................................................ 109
Figure 23- (a) power and (b) temperature distribution in a container with light workload.
Ts 22oC and max Tqin 29.9oC .......................................................... 109
Figure 24- Dynamic energy price and total cost of the datacenter in a full day ............. 110
Figure 25- (a) percentage of the SLA violation penalty in the total cost and (b) average
predicted arrival rate for VMs in different epochs ...................................... 111
Figure 26 – An exemplary figure for a geographically distributed cloud system .......... 115
Figure 27 – Energy price in California datacenter (time in PST) ................................... 134
Figure 28 – Dependence of COP on average power consumption ................................. 134
Figure 29 – The intensity of the workload as a function of time of the day captured by the
total minimum resource requirement for active VMs ................................. 136
Figure 30 – Operational cost of the cloud in different epochs using different scheduling
algorithms .................................................................................................... 137
Figure 31 – Share of energy, SLA and migration cost in operational cost in different
epochs .......................................................................................................... 138
Figure 32 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method
in the static setting ....................................................................................... 138
Figure 33 – Normalized operational cost of the system in the static setting with different
renewable energy generation capacities ...................................................... 139
Figure 34 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method
in the dynamic setting .................................................................................. 141
Figure 35 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method
in the dynamic setting with different prediction error having 100K VMs per
day ............................................................................................................... 142
Cloud computing systems (e.g., hosting datacenters) have attracted a lot of
attention in recent years. Utility computing, reliable data storage, and infrastructure-
independent computing are example applications of such systems. Operational cost in
these systems is highly dependent on the resource management algorithms used to assign
virtual machines (VMs) to physical servers and possibly migrate them in case of power
and thermal emergencies. Energy non-proportionality of IT devices in a datacenter,
cooling system inefficiency, and power delivery network constraints should be
considered by the resource management algorithms in order to minimize the energy cost
as much as possible. Scalability of the resource assignment solution is one of the biggest
concerns in designing these algorithms. This thesis examines the resource management
problem in datacenters. First a centralized datacenter resource management is proposed,
which considers service level agreements (SLAs) in VM placement in order to minimize
the total operational cost of the datacenter. Second, a hierarchical SLA-based resource
management structure is proposed, which considers the peak power constraints and
cooling-related power consumption in addition to the scalability issue. The proposed
hierarchical structure fits the hierarchical resource distribution in datacenters. The
proposed structure is suitable to track and react to dynamic changes inside the datacenter
to satisfy SLA constraints and avoid emergencies. Third, a load balancing algorithm to
minimize the operational cost of a multi-datacenter cloud system is presented. Load
balancing creates an opportunity to reduce the operational cost of the cloud system
considering dynamic energy pricing and availability of green renewable power plants in a
datacenter site.
1.1 Introduction
Demand for computing power has been increasing due to the penetration of
information technologies in our daily interactions with the world both at personal and
communal levels, encompassing business, commerce, education, manufacturing, and
communication services. At personal level, the wide scale presence of online banking, e-
commerce, SaaS (Software as a Service), social networking and so on produce workloads
of great diversity and enormous scale. At the same time computing and information
processing requirements of various public organizations and private corporations have
also been increasing rapidly. Examples include digital services and functions required by
various industries, ranging from manufacturing to housing, and from transportation to
banking. Such a dramatic increase in the computing resources requires a scalable and
dependable IT (information technology) infrastructure comprising of servers, storage,
network bandwidth, physical infrastructure, Electrical Grid, personnel and billions of
dollars in capital expenditure and operational cost to name a few.
Datacenters are the backbone of today's IT infrastructure. The reach of datacenters
spans a broad range of application areas from energy production and distribution,
complex weather modeling and prediction, manufacturing, transportation, entertainment
and even social networking. There is a critical need to continue to improve efficiency in
all these sectors by accelerated use of computing technologies, which inevitably requires
increasing the size and scope of datacenters. However, datacenters themselves are now
faced with a major impediment of power consumption. The energy consumption of the
datacenters is increasing and covers up to 2% of the total electrical energy consumption
in the united states in 2010 [1]. Power consumption of datacenters will soon match or
exceed many other energy-intensive industries such air transportation.
Apart from the total energy consumption, another critical component is the peak
power; According to an EPA report [2], the peak load on the power grid from datacenters
is estimated to be approximately 7 Gigawatts (GW) in 2006 in US, equivalent to the
output of about 15 base-load power plants. This load is increasing as shipments of high-
end servers used in datacenters (e.g., blade servers) are increasing at a 20-30 percent
A significant fraction of the datacenter power consumption is due to resource
over-provisioning. These solutions require well-provisioned servers in datacenters. More
precisely, today’s datacenters tend to be provisioned for near-peak performance since
typical service level agreements (SLAs) between clients and hosting datacenters
discourage the development of significant performance bottlenecks during peak
utilization periods. In order to achieve peak performance with minimum power
dissipation under given SLAs, we need to design computing systems with the least
energy consumption per instruction.
System-wide power management is another huge challenge in datacenters. First,
restrictions on availability of power and large power consumption of the IT equipment
make the problem of datacenter power management a very difficult one to cope with.
Second, the physical infrastructure (e.g., the power backup and distribution system and
the computer room air conditioning, or CRAC for short, systems) tends to account for up
to one third of total datacenter power and capital costs [3, 4, 5]. Third, the peak
instantaneous power consumption must be controlled. The reason for capping power
dissipation in the datacenters is the capacity limitation of the power delivery network
(PDN) in the datacenter facility. Fourth, power budgets in datacenters exist in different
granularities: datacenter, cluster, rack or even servers. A difficulty in the power capping
is the distributed nature of power consumption in the datacenter. For example, if there is
a power budget for a rack in the datacenter, the problem is how to allocate this budget to
different servers and how to control this budget in a distributed fashion. Finally, another
goal is to reduce the total power consumption. A big portion of the datacenter operational
cost is the cost of electrical energy purchased from the utility companies. A trade-off
exists between power consumption and performance of the system and the power
manager should consider this trade-off carefully. For example, if the supply voltage level
and clock frequency of a CPU are reduced, the average power consumption (and even
energy needed to execute a given task) is reduced, but the total computation time is
Cooling manager is responsible for keeping the inlet temperature of the servers
below a certain threshold called critical temperature that is dependent on the server. The
supply cold air from CRAC is shared between a collection of servers in datacenter. So,
the highest inlet temperature determines the supply cold air temperature for that
collection of servers. The supply cold air temperature determines the efficiency of the
cooling system. The cooling efficiency is a non-decreasing function of the supply cold air
temperature. So, the datacenter manager should try to decrease the highest temperature in
the system to increase the cooling system efficiency and decrease the total power
Virtualization technology creates an application-hosting environment that
provides independence between applications that share a physical machine together [6].
Nowadays, computing systems rely heavily on this technology. Virtualization technology
provides a new way to improve the power efficiency of the datacenters: consolidation.
Consolidation means assigning more than one Virtual Machines (VM) to a physical
server. As a result, some of the servers can be turned off and power consumption of the
computing system decreases. This is because servers consume a big portion of their peak
power in the idle state and turning off a server improves the power efficiency in the
system. Again the technique involves performance-power tradeoff. More precisely, if
workloads are consolidated on servers, performance of the consolidated VMs (virtual
machines) may decrease because of the reduction in the available physical resources
(CPU, memory, I/O bandwidth) but the power efficiency will improve because fewer
servers will be used to service the VMs.
The IT infrastructure provided by the datacenter owners/operators must meet
various SLAs established with the clients. The SLAs may include guarantee on providing
compute power, storage space, network bandwidth, availability and security, etc.
Infrastructure providers often end up over provisioning their resources in order to meet
the clients’ SLAs. Such over-provisioning may increase the cost incurred on the
datacenters in terms of the electrical energy bill. Therefore optimal provisioning of the
resources is imperative in order to reduce the cost incurred on the datacenter operators.
Migrating a VM between servers causes a downtime in the client’s application.
Duration of the downtime is related to the migration technique used in the datacenter and
the communication distance between source and destination host of VM. For example,
live migration causes a downtime amount of less than 100ms [7] for servers inside a
chassis but this value can be in the order of minutes in case of migrating a VM from a
datacenter to another one.
The cloud computing system resources is often geographically distributed. This
helps with reducing the peak power demand of the datacenters on the local power grid,
allow for more fault tolerant and reliable operation of the IT infrastructure, and even,
reduced cost of ownership. A datacenter however comprises of thousands to tens of
thousands of server machines, working in tandem to provide services to the clients, see
for example [8] and [9]. These datacenters can be owned by the cloud provider or
federated by the cloud provider.
In this thesis, we focus on SLA-based, energy-efficient resource management in
cloud computing systems. High-level picture of the datacenters and related work are
presented in the chapter 1.2 to 1.6. Moreover, description and related work for the
resource management in a multi datacenter setting which is called geographical load
balancing is presented in section 1.7. A short summary of our work and contributions are
presented in section 1.8.
1.2 Datacenter Organization
Figure 1 shows the cyber physical components of a hosting center. Many of the
public or private hosting centers, e.g., Amazon’s, Google’s, have been known to use
containerized datacenter architecture can accommodate 1000-1500 servers per container.
Figure 1. High level view of key components of a datacenter.
As shown in the figure, such a container or the leased space (room) may contain
multiple server pools, a storage area network (SAN), and CRAC units. All servers within
each server pool are identical in terms of their processor configuration, amount of
memory and hard drive capacity, and network interface card. These server pools are
connected to a storage area network (SAN) via an internal network. Server pools are
arranged in rows where each row contains a number of racks. In some cases Global
distributed file system (GFS) is used. GFS manages the disk drives that are connected to
each individual server directly. This approach is tend to be more complicated but it can
provide better performance in some distributed searches such as Google web search [10].
Figure 2. Internal organization of a conventional (raised floor, hot/cold aisle) datacenter.
Figure 2 shows such rows arranged in hot aisle/cold aisle structure. Each rack,
depending on its physical configuration, i.e., 42U or 24U, can host a number of chassis
(A, …, E in this figure). Each chassis can contain a number of servers. All servers in a
chassis obtain their power via Power Delivery Unit (PDU) of the chassis. Therefore each
chassis contains one PDU that is responsible for providing power to all the servers in that
Based on the design of the datacenter different network fabrics are used. Intra-
rack network fabrics have more bandwidth than inter-rack network fabrics because of
cost. For example each server can have a Gbps link for intra-rack communication but a
rack with 40 servers may have only four to eight Gbps links for communication with
servers in other racks [11].
Apart from the IT infrastructure, the datacenter also contains cooling
infrastructure such as CRACs. Typically CRACs depend on the chiller, generally located
outside the datacenter facility, in order to cool the returned hot air. The cold air is passed
through raised floor plenums or through ceiling attached ones. In order to reduce the hot
air recirculation, the cooling infrastructure may impose hot aisle or cold aisle
containment which efficiently isolates the hot air from cold air and is known to improve
the cooling efficiency.
Power system in the typical datacenters contains uninterrupted power supply
(UPS) systems to switch between the normal electricity and secondary electricity feed
which is generated by a set of diesel generators (in datacenter location) in case of
interruption in the first electrical feed from electrical grid. These UPS contain batteries
to provide the electricity to the datacenter between failure and availability of the
generators. Moreover, UPS system removes power spikes from the electricity feed.
There are different sources of energy inefficiency in datacenters. The first factor
is Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) [12]. This factor reflects the effectiveness of the
datacenter building structure and captures the ratio of the total power consumption in
datacenter to total IT power. Chillers, CARC and UPS system contribute in increasing
PUE factor in datacenters [11]. Different techniques including change of temperature to
increase the efficiency of CARC units and selecting high-efficiency gear are presented to
reduce the PUE metric.
The second inefficiency factor in datacenters is measured by Server PUE (SPUE).
This metric captures the ratio of total power delivered to server to the useful power.
Power supply, voltage regulator module and fan power losses affect SPUE parameter.
Ratio of total power consumption to the useful power in servers can be calculated by
PUE×SPUE. New techniques for server design and more efficient datacenter designs
improved this factor a lot in the past years [11].
The last term in calculating the energy-efficiency of a datacenter is to calculate
the energy consumption of the servers per computation unit. We do not discuss details of
these calculations but it is shown that the power efficiency metric is improved by
increasing the load of servers [11]. The most important reason behind having the best
energy efficiency at 100% load in servers is the energy non-proportional behavior of the
servers [13]. This means that servers with idle status consume a big portion of their peak
power consumption. The fact that most of the times, servers are utilized with between 10
to 50% of their peak load and discrete frequent idle times of servers [11] amplify this
issue in the datacenters.
Importance of designing servers with low idle power consumption (to save the
power consumption in frequent idle times) and with maximum energy efficiency in 30 to
50% utilization (to optimize the frequent case) is discussed in [11] and [13]. Effects of
using energy proportional servers in datacenters are studied in [14]. The authors report
50% energy consumption reduction by using energy proportional servers with idle power
of 10% of peak power instead of typical servers with idle power consumption equal to
50% of the peak power. Increasing the energy efficiency of the disk, memory, network
cards and CPU with exploring different design techniques may help in having energy
proportional servers. Different Dynamic Power Management (DPM) techniques such as
dynamic voltage scaling (without latency penalty) and sleep mode for Disk and CPU
components (with latency penalty) can increase the energy proportionality of the servers.
The process of power management in datacenters includes at least three main
steps [11]: (i) estimating or measuring the power consumption profile of the computing
systems, (ii) scheduling the job or placing the VMs on the physical server by determining
consolidation potentials, and, (iii) understanding the effect of the statistical behavior of
the workload on the power consumption of servers to plan for serving workloads on a
group of servers with a power less than the required peak power. Because of this effect,
efficient power provisioning for the datacenter is a big challenge and should be addressed
in design process [14].
A datacenter may host clients of dissimilar nature, e.g., high performance
computing clients or multi-tier internet application, such as e-commerce, clients. Clients
requiring simple computing infrastructure may view hosting center as one big pool of
servers whereas clients running multi-tier applications may view hosting center as a pool
of servers arranged in many tiers, each with its own unique functionality.
Similar to a computer, datacenter needs Operating System (OS) software to
manage the resources and provide service to applications. This OS is composed of
different parts like a desktop OS. For example, important roles of a datacenter OS is
described in [11] including resource management, hardware abstraction, deployment and
maintenance and programming frame work. The following paragraphs describe these
roles with more details from [11].
The complexity of resource management and providing service to application in a
datacenter is much higher than the complexity of resource management in a desktop
computer because datacenter is composed of thousands of computers, networking and
storage devices. Resource manager in datacenter OS maps the user tasks to hardware and
provide task management services. This resource manager can provide SLA-based
resource management or power-aware resource management if needed based on the
specified users’ needs in terms of processing, memory capacity and network bandwidth.
Hardware abstraction role of datacenter OS provides basic services for tasks like
message passing, data storage and synchronization in cluster level.
Software image distribution and configuration management, monitoring service
performance and quality, and triaging alarms for operators in emergency situations are
examples of tasks done in deployment and maintenance part of datacenter OS.
Monitoring service performance in datacenter is composed of application performance
monitoring and debugging tools and platform-level monitoring tools. For each
application, datacenter OS receives the performance metrics like response time and
throughput regularly. These massages can help to correct the resource management
decisions made and to avoid more disruption in the application performance.
Performance debugging tools provide details of interaction between applications running
on the servers. These data can help the datacenter resource manager to make decision
when needed. Also platform-level monitoring tools monitor the operation of servers in
datacenter to avoid software failure and decide in case of hardware failure.
To ease the developing of software for software developers for datacenter
applications and to hide the complexity of a large computing system, programming
framework like MapReduce are used. These frame work automatically handle the data
partitioning, distribution, and fault tolerance.
In addition to datacenter-level software, platform-level and application-level
software are employed in datacenter. Platform-level software provides service to the
application assigned to servers. These services include providing common kernels,
libraries and OS expected to be present in each server. On the other hand, Application-
level software implements a specific service in datacenter. Online service and offline
computation (batch applications) are two categories of the services provided in
datacenters. Online services like web search are sensitive to response time of the
application but batch applications like creating index for web search are throughput
sensitive. This means that these categories need different resource types and different
resource management approach in datacenter.
1.3 Datacenter Management
A datacenter resource management system is comprised of three main
components: a resource arbiter, a power manager, and a temperature manager.
An exemplary architecture for the datacenter resource management system with
emphasis on the resource arbiter is depicted in Figure 3. In this architecture, the resource
arbiter handles the application placement and application migration.
To assign tasks to resources in a datacenter, one must monitor the resource
availability and performance of the physical servers in the datacenter. In addition, the
resource arbiter must interact with the power and thermal managers. For example, if the
power manager has limited the peak power consumption of a server (or a group of
servers), the resource arbiter should consider this limitation when assigning a new task to
the server(s). On the other hand, the power manager tries to minimize the average power
consumption in servers while considering the performance constraints for tasks assigned
to servers as set forth by the resource arbiter. Similarly, the resource arbiter must use the
information provided by the thermal manager to decrease the workload of hot servers. At
the same time, the thermal manager tries to control the temperature of active servers
while meeting the per-task performance constraints set forth by the resource arbiter.
Related work for each part of the datacenter manager is presented in the following
Figure 3. An example of resource management architecture in a datacenter.
1.4 Resource Arbiter related work
Several versions of the resource management problem have been investigated in
the literature. Some of the prior work focuses on maximizing the number served tasks in
a datacenter (or total revenue for the datacenter operator) without considering energy
cost. Example references are [15] and [16], where the authors present heuristic periodic
solutions based on network flow optimization to find a revenue maximizing solution for a
scenario in which the total resource requirement of tasks is more than the total resource
capacity in the datacenter. The resource assignment problem for tasks with fixed
memory, disc, and processing requirements is tackled in [17], where the authors describe
an approximation algorithm for solving the problem of maximizing the number of tasks
serviced in the datacenter.
Another version of the resource management problem is focused on minimizing
the total electrical energy cost. The constraints are to service all incoming tasks while
satisfying specified performance guarantees for each task. A classic example of this
approach is the work of Chase et al. in [18] who present a resource assignment solution in
a hosting datacenter with the objective of minimizing the energy consumption while
responding to power supply disruptions and/or thermal events. Economics-based
approaches are used to manage the resource allocation in a system with shared resources
in which clients bid for resources as a function of delivered performance. The presented
mechanism of accepting bids by the hosting datacenter considers the IT power cost in the
datacenter. In this paper, the CPU cycle count is used as the only (unified) resource in the
Yet another version of the resource management problem considers the server and
cooling power consumptions during the resource assignment problem. A good
representative of solution approaches to this problem is reference [19], in which
Pakbaznia et al. present a periodic solution for concurrent task assignment and server
consolidation. In this paper, workload prediction is used to determine the resource
requirements (and hence the number of ON servers) for all incoming tasks for the next
decision epoch. Next considering the current datacenter temperature map and using an
analytical model for predicting the future temperature map as a function of the server
power dissipations, locations of the ON servers for the next decision epoch are
determined and tasks are assigned to the ON servers so that the total datacenter power
consumption is minimized.
Considering the effect of consolidation on the performance and power
consumption of servers is the key to reducing the total power consumption in a datacenter
without creating performance problems. For example, Srikantaiah et al. [20] present an
energy-aware resource assignment based on an experimental study of the performance,
energy usage, and resource utilization of the servers while employing consolidation. Two
dimensions for server resources are considered in this paper: disk and CPU. Effect of
consolidation on performance degradation and energy consumption per transaction is
studied. The authors recommend considering consolidation carefully so as not to over-
utilize servers in any resource dimension. The problem of application placement into a
minimum number of ON servers, which is equivalent to the well-known bin-packing
problem, is discussed and a greedy algorithm for solving it is described.
A good example of considering server power consumption and migration cost in
the resource assignment problem is reference [7], which presents power and migration
cost aware application placement in a virtualized datacenter. In particular, the authors
present a power-aware application placement controller in a system with heterogeneous
server clusters and virtual machines. For this problem, all VMs can be served in the
datacenter and each VM has fixed and known resource requirements based on the
specified SLA. This work tries to minimize power and migration cost. An architecture
called pMapper and a placement algorithm to solve the assignment problem are
presented. Various actions in pMapper algorithm are categorized as: (i) soft actions like
VM re-sizing, (ii) hard actions such as Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling (DVFS), and
(iii) server consolidation actions. These actions are implemented by different parts of the
implemented middleware. There is a resource arbiter, which has a global view of the
applications and their SLAs and issues soft action commands. A power manager issues
hard action commands whereas a migration manager triggers consolidation decisions in
coordination with a virtualization manager. These managers communicate with an
arbitrator as the global decision making part of the system to set the VM sizes and find a
good application placement based on the inputs of different managers. SLA revenue loss
due to performance degradation as a result of the VM migration is used as the migration
cost. To optimally place VMs onto servers, the authors relay on power efficiency metric
to rank the servers because creating a model for all mixes of all applications on all servers
is infeasible. A heuristic based on a first-fit decreasing bin-packing algorithm is presented
to place the applications on servers starting with the most power-efficient server.
The problem of resource allocation is more challenging in case of having clients
with SLA contracts with the datacenter owner who would like to maximize its profit by
reducing the SLA violations, decreasing the operational cost and maximizing the profit
by increasing the customers without having to increase the physical assets (resource
overbooking) [21].
Many researchers in different fields have addressed the problem of SLA-driven
resource assignment. Some of the previous works consider probabilistic SLA constraints
with violation penalty, e.g. [22] and [23]. Some other works consider utility function-
based SLA [24, 25, 26, 27]. In [28], we adopt a SLA with a soft constraint on the average
response time and solve resource assignment problem for multi-tier applications.
Different approaches like reinforcement learning [29] and look-ahead control theory [30]
are also presented to use in the resource assignment problem considering SLA
constraints. Along with these periodic SLA-based resource assignment solutions, some
reactive resource assignment solutions to avoid SLA constraint violation are presented in
the literature [31] and [32].
Modeling the performance and energy cost is vital for solving the resource
assignment problem. Good examples of theoretical performance modeling are [33] and
[34]. Benani et al. [33] present an analytical performance modeling based on queuing
theory to calculate the response time of the clients based on CPU and I/O service times.
Urgaonkar et al. [34] present an analytical model for multi-tier internet applications based
on the mean-value analysis. An example of experimental modeling of power and
performance in servers is presented in [35].
1.5 Power manager related work
Power management is one of the key challenges in datacenters. The power issue is
one of the most important considerations for almost every decision in a datacenter. In this
context, the power issue refers to power distribution and delivery challenges in a
datacenter, electrical energy cost due to average power consumption in the IT equipment
and the room air conditioning, and power dissipation constraints due to thermal power
budgets for VLSI chips.
Figure 4 depicts a distributed power management architecture composed of
server-level power managers, plus blade enclosure and rack-level and datacenter-level
power provisioner, denoted as SPMs, EPPs, and DPP, respectively. There is one SPM per
server, one EPP per blade enclosure, and a single DPP for the whole datacenter. This
architecture is similar to the four-layer architecture presented in [36]. The only difference
with the architecture presented in [36] is that the authors in [36] present two server-level
power managers. The first one reduces the average power consumption and the second
one avoids power budget violation in the server.
A number of dynamic power provisioning policies have been presented in the
literature, including [14], [36] and [37], where the authors propose using dynamic (as
opposed to static) power provisioning to increase the performance in datacenter and
decrease power consumption. From another perspective the problem can be seen as
predicting how many computing infrastructure can be safely deployed with a given power
budget. In the following paragraphs reference [14] is explained as the representative work
in this area.
Fan et al. [14] present the aggregate power usage characteristics of a large
datacenter for different applications over a long period of time. These data can be
deployed to maximize the use of the deployed power capacity in datacenters and reduce
the risk of power budget or performance constraint violation. The results show a big
difference between theoretical and practical power consumption of server clusters. This
Figure 4. An example power management architecture and its relation to resource arbiter and
thermal manager
difference grows by increasing the size of the cluster. This shows that the opportunity of
minimizing the power budget or increasing the number of servers with fixed power
budget increases as we go higher in the datacenter hierarchy (e.g. from rack to
For example, it is reported that considering a real Google datacenter, ratio of the
theoretical peak power consumption to maximum practical power consumption is 1.05,
1.28 and 1.39 for rack, Power Distribution Unit (PDU) and cluster, respectively. The
authors discussed two approaches usually used for power and energy saving which is
DVFS and reducing the idle power consumption in servers and enclosures. Provided
results suggest that employing DVFS technique can result in 18% peak power reduction
and 23% energy reduction in real datacenters. Moreover, decreasing the idle power
consumption of the servers to 10% of their peak power can result in 30% peak power and
50% energy reduction in the whole datacenter.
Based on the provided measurements and results, the authors outline a dynamic
power provisioning policy in datacenters to increase the possibility of over-subscription
of available power and protect the power distribution hierarchy against overdraw. The
authors mention that over-subscribing power in racks is not safe but in PDU and cluster
(between 7 to 16% more machines) is safe and efficient. Also it is desirable to mix the
applications to increase the gap between theoretical and practical peak power to be able
to increase the over-subscription of power.
SPM is perhaps the most researched power management problem in the literature.
Various Dynamic Power Management (DPM) techniques that solve versions of this
problem have been presented by researchers. These DPM approaches can be broadly
classified into three categories: ad hoc [38], stochastic [39], and learning based methods
DPM techniques focus on putting the power consuming components to idle mode
as frequently as possible to maximize the power saving. Studies on different datacenter
workloads [13], [14] and [41] show frequent short idle times in workload. Because of
short width of these idle times, components cannot be switched to deep sleep modes
(with approximately zero power consumption) considering performance penalty of
frequent go-to-sleep and wakeup commands. On the other hand, idle power modes for
usual servers have relatively high power consumption with respect to the sleep mode
power consumption. Consolidation can be an answer to this problem to reduce the total
power consumption which is the result of stochastic overlap between idle times of
different applications on server. Recently, a number of new architectures have been
presented for hardware with very low (approximately zero) idle mode power
consumption (energy proportional servers) to be able to reduce the average power
consumption in case of short idle times [14] and [3].
Different work in literature proposed different power management architectures
and algorithms for datacenter. Distributed provisioning and management of power and
high energy consumption of the clusters are big challenges in the datacenter power
management. Control theory, coordinated, hierarchical and distributed management, and
ad-hoc approaches are presented in different papers. Most of the previous work use static
power provisioning policy and try to minimize the total energy required to satisfy the
performance requirements or minimize the task or application or VM migration cost in
coordination with resource arbiter.
As explained in the previous sections, resource assignment problem is strongly
tied to the power management problem. For example, the most effective method of power
saving which is turning a server off is solely decided by the resource arbiter. Also power
manager feedbacks can help the resource arbiter to correct some of the performance
requirement violations. Moreover, resource arbiter uses some of the current and historical
data from power management (e.g. power budget violation statistics and approximated
power budget for servers and racks) as an input for resource assignment decisions.
Therefore, many work proposed resource and power management together. In the
following paragraphs, a brief overview of the datacenter power (and performance)
management architectures proposed in previous work is presented. Note that most of the
presented approaches propose structures or algorithms for resource assignment and power
management together with more focus on power management and saving techniques.
The hierarchical power management structure presented in Figure 4 is similar to
the hierarchical and coordinated power management presented by Raghavendra et al.
[36]. In addition to the presented power managers, VM controller is designed to decrease
the average power (operational cost) in the system by consolidating the VM and turning
off unused servers. This controller uses the resource utilization of the servers as input to
decide about VM assignment to decrease the power consumption in racks or datacenter.
In this paper, the authors proposed a greedy heuristic for this controller. The Proposed
power management is validated from correctness, stability, and efficiency aspects in a
simulation based environment.
Control theory has been applied to manage power and performance in datacenters.
Chen et al. [42] proposed an autonomic management system for application placement
and energy management in hosting datacenters. Two different techniques for power
management are used in the proposed model: (i) turning off inactive servers, and, (ii)
dynamic voltage scaling. Energy consumption of the servers and wear-and-tear cost (cost
of turning on/off a server) are considered in that model. Two different approaches to
minimize the power consumption of the datacenter constrained to satisfying SLA
requirements (average response time constraint) are presented based on queuing theory
models and feedback control theory. Moreover, a hybrid method is proposed to use both
of these approaches in different decision makings in the system.
Wang et al. [43] proposed a coordinated architecture that includes a cluster-level
power control loop and a performance control loop for every VM. These control loops
are configured to achieve desired power and performance objectives in the datacenter.
Cluster-level power control monitors the power consumption of the servers and set the
DVFS state of the servers to reach the desired power consumption. VM performance
control loops dynamically controls the VM performance by changing the resource (CPU)
allocation policy. Moreover, a cluster-level resource coordinator is designed to migrate
the VMs in case of performance violation.
Decision making in the power manager can be distributed or coordinated.
Distributed decision making in some cases is forced by the specific hardware or software
used in the servers. For example, servers DVFS is usually implemented in hardware and
cannot be controlled from outside. Another difference between distributed and
coordinated decision making is decision epoch length at different levels (longer decision
epoch in the coordinated level). Different work in the literature explore different level of
decision making in the datacenter power (and performance) manager. For example,
individual and coordinated voltage and frequency scaling, turn on/off policy are proposed
and compared with each other from power saving perspective [44]. Considering the
average response time in servers, individual DVFS policy results in the least saving
(18%) and the policy that considers only turning on/off servers results in 42% saving in
power consumption. Moreover, 60% power saving is reported for a policy with
coordinated voltage and frequency scaling along with turning servers on/off based on the
Beloglazov and Buyya [45] propose a management architecture comprises
dispatcher, local and global managers. Local managers migrate the VMs in case of SLA
violation, low utilization of server resources, high temperature and high amount of
communication with another VM in a different server. Global managers receive
information from local managers and issue commands for turning on/off servers,
applying DVFS or resizing VMs.
Liu et al. [46] presented an architecture comprises migration manager and
monitoring services to reduce power consumption in datacenter considering SLA
requirements. Physical machine’s cost, VM status and VM migration cost are used as
inputs of the proposed algorithm. The algorithm searches between different possible VM
placement to minimize the total cost and execute the live migration moves that system
Using the power management capability of VMs in SPM is studied in [47]. The
proposed power management aims to control and globally coordinate the effect of the
diverse power management policies applied by the VMs supporting the isolation between
VMs and physical servers. With this management approach, isolation and independence
properties are maintained by sending power states to VMs. This enables VM to know the
power management capabilities independent of the physical hardware. Changes to power
state of the physical nodes are made considering the generated command by VMs as a
hint. These commands are ignored in a basic system wherein VMs do not know the
power management capabilities of the physical machine.
1.6 Thermal Management
Accounting for up to 30% of the total energy cost of a datacenter, the cooling cost
is one of the major contributors of the total electricity bill of large datacenters [48]. These
values are shrinking by introducing new cooling techniques and new structures for
datacenters. There has been several work attempting to reduce the energy required for
cooling in a datacenter. The “hot-aisle/cold-aisle” structure, which has become common
practice these days, is one of the attempts to improve the cooling efficiency of
The cooling system is changed in container-based datacenters. In these
datacenters, heat exchange and power distribution network are integrated into a standard
shipping container that contains servers. Chilled water is used in the container-based
datacenters to remove heat from flowing air in the datacenters similar to CRAC unit in
rack-based datacenters. The container-based datacenters show higher energy efficiency
(less power delivery loss and less cooling cost) compared to today’s typical datacenters
and it is predicted that this structure will be used for developing next generation
datacenters [11].
There are different approaches introduced for reducing the power consumption of
the cooling system in datacenter. Some works [49, 50, 51, 52, 53] considered
temperature-aware task placement to reduce the CRAC power consumption in
Sharma et al. [50] proposed a power provisioning scheme to reduce the datacenter
cooling power consumption. In this approach, the power provisioned for each server is
inversely related to the measured temperature of that server.
To decrease the maximum temperature in datacenter, and increase the supplied
cold air temperature for better energy efficiency in the cooling system, Moore et al. [51]
presented a temperature-aware workload placement. The proposed temperature-aware
workload placement is in fact a power provisioning policy based on the temperature
(status) measurement in the system. This means that a portion of the total power
requirement of workloads is assigned to each server based on the server temperature in
the previous measurement. The authors claimed that assigning power to servers based on
the measured temperature can minimize the maximum temperature in the system and then
the cooling system can provide the cool air with higher temperature resulting in higher
energy efficiency. A discrete-version of power provisioning policy which is proposed in
[50] is introduced in this work to consider discrete power modes in the servers. The
authors also proposed a method to minimize the maximum temperature in datacenter
based on minimizing the heat recirculation. Heat recirculation, which means using hot air
instead of cold air for cooling the servers, can occur because the cold air is not supplied
to the system or the separation between cold aisle and hot aisle is not perfect. A method
to minimize the heat recirculation is proposed which includes a calibration phase to find
the datacenter-related values of heat recirculation for different parts of the datacenter and
then use it with online measurements to decide about the power provisioning policy in the
The idea of minimizing heat recirculation using temperature-aware task
scheduling (application placement) is also proposed in [52]. The task scheduling policy in
this work focuses on making the inlet temperature as even as possible to decrease the
cooling system power consumption. Tang et al. [53] also proposed two different solutions
for minimizing heat recirculation in datacenters based on Genetic algorithm and
sequential quadratic programming.
A recent work [54] proposes using thermoelectric coolers as power management
mechanism inside the servers to allow the datacenter cooling system to increase the
supply cold air temperature to minimize the cooling system power consumption. The
proposal is evaluated with simulation and the authors report 27% cooling power
consumption reduction using the proposed scheme in a typical datacenter without
decreasing lifetime of the servers.
Some of the previous work focused on modeling techniques or tools for
datacenter thermal management [55] and [56]. These work investigated the common
raised floor hot aisle/cold aisle structure for cooling in datacenter.
The effect of asymmetry in CRAC system is studied in [55]. After investigating
thermal models for different datacenters with different sizes, authors presented some
optimization techniques in cooling provisioning. For instance, they proposed using
variable load CRAC units or different CRAC layout in datacenter to minimize the power
required to satisfy the critical temperature constraint.
A 3D computational fluid dynamic-based tool for thermal modeling of rack-
mounted datacenters is presented in [56] and evaluated with real-world system. This tool
can be used in CRAC design process but because the tool has a long execution time, it is
not possible to use it in dynamic decision makings.
1.7 Geographical Load Balancing
Datacenters are usually designed for the worst-case workload. At the same time,
datacenter workload changes drastically depending on the time of the day and day of the
week. Considering the dynamic energy pricing trend [57], price of the electrical energy
purchased form the utility companies may be a function of time of day or the peak power
consumed by the datacenter. Energy prices at different sites of a geographically
distributed cloud system can be different due to local time differences and differences in
local utility company’s energy prices. To reduce the reliance on brown sources of
electricity and supplement/diversify the power generation sources for a datacenter, there
is a trend to generate electricity from renewable sources such as wind and solar at the
datacenters’ site [58, 59]. Geographically distributed datacenters associated with a cloud
system create load balancing opportunities that can result in a reduction in the total
number of computing resources provisioned in datacenters (considering the time
difference between peak workload times in different locations), as well as lowering
operational cost of each datacenter by purchasing electrical energy at lower prices
(considering dynamic energy prices at each site depending on the local time) and/or
increasing the utilization of the renewable power generated in some datacenters.
Geographical load balancing (GLB) can be defined as a series of decisions about
dynamic assignment and/or migration of virtual machines (VMs) or computational tasks
to geographically distributed datacenters in order to meet the SLAs or service deadlines
for VMs/tasks and to decrease the operational cost of the cloud system.
The GLB can be seen as the high-level resource management problem in the
cloud system. In the rest of this section, a review of the most relevant work to the GLB
problem is provided.
Some prior work has focused on reducing the operational cost of the cloud system
by using the load balancing opportunity – see [60] and [61]. Model predictive control has
been used to solve the GLB problem using the estimated future load, e.g., [30] and [62].
These studies consider homogenous datacenters (where all servers are identical), which is
far from the real-world situations. Reference [63] considers heterogeneous datacenters
(comprised of servers with different performance and power dissipation figures, and even
instruction sets), which results in a more elaborate load balancing mechanism.
Unfortunately, this work still ignores the heterogeneity of VMs, VM packing problem,
and realistic VM migration cost and can result in low performance under realistic
GLB increases the chances for effective utilization of renewable power sources in
datacenters. For instance, a recent work in [64] investigates the feasibility of powering up
a geographically distributed datacenter with only renewable power. A possible
disadvantage of GLB is that the access to cheap electrical energy purchased from the
local utility companies may result in an increase in the datacenter’s power consumption.
Considering the environmental cost of energy usage (e.g., carbon emission) can eliminate
this possibility. For example, reference [65] shows that if the electricity price is set based
on the share of the brown energy to the total produced energy, GLB can reduce the brown
energy usage. Similarly, Le et al. [66] present algorithms that reduce the brown energy
usage in geographically distributed datacenters.
Considering offline computation adds another perspective to the GLB problem i.e.,
the possibility of computation deferral. Computation deferral is only appropriate for batch
jobs with loose deadlines and can be used in combination with online service application
load scheduling to further reduce the total energy cost or brown energy consumption of a
datacenter. Reference [67] focuses on computation scheduling in datacenters and
computation deferral to minimize the energy cost. Reference [68] solves the GLB
problem considering online service and batch applications and cooling supply selection in
datacenters. The cooling supply choices considered in this paper are to use a chiller or
outside air cooling.
1.8 Structure of this thesis and parameter definition
This thesis integrates and extends our prior work. In particular have been
investigating and advancing the state-of-the-art for energy-efficient and SLA-driven
resource management in cloud computing systems and datacenters from different
perspectives. Utility function-based SLAs were considered in reference [26] in order to
assign VMs to server clusters and allocate resources to the VMs. A multi-dimensional
resource allocation solution for multi-tier applications in a datacenter with heterogeneous
servers was presented in reference [28] and [69]. In these works, we considered SLA
contracts with some guarantee on the average response time of applications.
SLA contracts with guarantees of rapid response time and/or penalties paid for
violating the stipulated response time constraints were considered in references [70] and
[71]. In particular, in reference [70], a centralized resource management system was
presented that determines the amount of resource that must be allocated to VMs and
subsequently assigns VMs to servers so as to reduce the operational cost of datacenters.
A scalable, hierarchical resource management structure considerate of cooling-related
power consumption and peak power availability in datacenters was presented in reference
[71]. In reference [72], considering given VM resource requirements, we presented a VM
replication and request forwarding solution that results in higher energy efficiency with a
small performance degradation with respect to the case without VM replication.
A geographical load balancing solution for a multi-datacenter cloud system was
presented in reference [73] , which considers the heterogeneity of VMs and datacenters,
cooling system inefficiency, and peak power constraint in each datacenter in order to
decide about VM assignment to datacenters or VM migration from one datacenter to
another. This work was focused on interactive applications, which are response time-
sensitive. A solution for the assignment and scheduling of batch jobs in distributed
datacenters to decrease the operational cost of the cloud system was presented in
reference [74]. In this work, each batch job was modeled with a directed acyclic graph of
heterogeneous tasks.
In this thesis we present SLA-driven energy efficient resource management in
datacenters and cloud systems with geographically distributed datacenters. First, a
centralized VM placement solution to minimize energy and migration cost is presented in
Chapter 2. The contribution of the presented solution in this chapter is to simultaneously
determine the VM assignment and the amount of resource allocated to each VM. The
presented approach results in higher energy efficiency and lower operational cost due to
the flexibility of the resource allocation solution.
Hierarchical SLA-based power/performance/cooling aware resource management
in a cloud computing system is presented in [71]. The presented resource management
structure resolves the scalability issue in periodic and reactive optimization procedures.
Moreover, considering cooling-related power consumption and peak power constraints in
the formulation of the resource management problem improves the performance of the
presented solution with respect to previous work.
Resource management solution in a cloud system comprised of geographically
distributed datacenters can be decomposed to two levels. The first resource manager is a
cloud-level resource manager that decides about assigning VMs to datacenters whereas
the second resource manager deals with what is done inside each datacenter. Resource
management in the cloud system, which is called geographical load balancing, is
presented in [73]. Our contribution in this chapter is to introduce an algorithm that
assigns heterogeneous VMs to heterogeneous datacenters considering of the (predicted)
VM workload, the VM active period, dynamic energy prices, and the amount of locally
generated renewable energy in a datacenter’ site.
To increase the readability of the thesis, all notation used in each chapter is listed
and precisely defined at the beginning of each chapter. Moreover, notation common to all
chapters is presented in Table I.
Symbol Definition
Predicted average request rate of the i
, Contract target response time and penalty values for each request in the SLA contract
Hard constraint on the possible percentage of violation of the response time constraint
in the SLA contract
Average service rate of requests of the i
client on a unit processing capacity of server s
Required memory for the i
, Total processing and memory capacities of server s
Migration cost of the i
Constant and dynamic (in terms of utilization) power consumption of server s
Duration of the decision epoch in seconds
Ψ Energy price
Peak power limitation of datacenter d
Peak to average power consumption ratio
A pseudo-Boolean integer variable to determine if server s is ON (1) or OF (0)
Resource allocation parameter, depending on chapter superscript and are used to
determine the type of resource and subscript is used to determine the server.
Superscript and are used to identify the selected datacenter and servertype.
2.1 Introduction
Operational cost and admission control policy in the cloud computing system are
affected by its power and VM management policies. Power management techniques
control the average and/or peak power dissipation in datacenters in a distributed or
centralized manner. VM management techniques [75, 76, 77, 78, 20] control the VM
placement in physical servers as well as VM migration from a server to another one. In
this chapter, we focus on the SLA-based VM management to minimize the operational
cost in a cloud computing system.
Optimal provisioning of the resources is crucial in order to reduce the cost
incurred on the datacenter operators as well as minimize the environmental impact of
datacenters. The problem of optimal resource provisioning is challenging due to the
diversity present in the clients (applications) that are hosted as well as in SLAs. For
example: some applications may be compute-intensive while others may be memory
intensive, some applications may run well together while others do not, etc. In this
chapter, we focus on online service applications in cloud computing systems. Our goal in
this chapter is to minimize the total cost of the cloud computing system under
performance-related constraints—in particular, upper bounds on the response times
(service latencies) for serving clients’ requests. The operational cost in the cloud
computing system includes power and migration cost and the SLA violation penalty of
serving clients. A lower bound on the total operational cost is presented, and the average
effectiveness of the presented algorithm is demonstrated by comparing with previous
works’ algorithms and lower bound value. Content of this chapter is presented in
reference [70].
The outline of this chapter is as follows. In section 2.2, cloud computing system
model is presented. The optimization problem and the proposed algorithm are presented
in section 2.3 and 2.4. Simulation results and conclusions are given in the sections 2.5
and 2.6.
2.2 System Model
An SLA-aware resource allocation method for a cloud computing system is
presented to minimize the total operational cost of the system. The structure of the
datacenter, the VM manager (VMM), as well as performance model and type of SLA
used by the clients are explained in this section. To increase readability, Table II presents
key symbols used throughout this chapter along with their definitions.
2.2.1 Datacenter Configuration
In the following paragraphs, we describe the type of the datacenter that we have
assumed as well as our observations and key assumptions about where the performance
bottlenecks are in the system and how we can account for the energy cost associated with
a client’s VM running in a datacenter.
Symbol Definition
Predicted average request rate of the i
, Contract target response time and penalty values for each request in the SLA contract
Hard constraint on the possible percentage of violation of the response time constraint in
the SLA contract
Average service rate of requests of the i
client on a unit processing capacity of server s
Required memory for the i
, Total processing and memory capacities of server s
Migration cost of the i
, Constant and dynamic (in terms of utilization) power consumption of server s operation.
Duration of the decision epoch in seconds
Ψ Energy price
Pseudo Boolean parameter to show that if the i
client is assigned to server s in previous
epoch (1) or not (0)
A pseudo-Boolean integer variable to determine if server s is ON (1) or OF (0)
Pseudo Boolean parameter to show that if the i
client is assigned to server s (1) or not (0)
Portion of the i
client’s requests served by server s
Portion of processing resources of server s that is allocated to the i
A datacenter comprises of a large number of potentially heterogeneous servers
chosen from a set of known and well-characterized server types. In particular, servers of a
given type are modeled by their processing capacity ( ∗
) and main memory size ( ∗
) as
well as their operational expense (energy cost), which is proportional to their average
power consumption. We assume that local (or networked) secondary storage (disc) is not
a system bottleneck. Each server is identified by a unique id, denoted by index s.
The operational cost of the system includes a term related to the total energy cost
(in dollars) of serving clients’ request. The energy cost is calculated as server power
dissipation multiplied by duration of each decision epoch in seconds ( ) and cost of
energy consumption in US dollars ( Ψ). The power of a server is modeled as a constant
power cost ( ∗
) plus another variable power cost, which is linearly related to the
utilization of the server (with a slope of ∗
). Note that the power cost of communication
resources and cooling and air conditioning modules are amortized over the servers and
communication/networking gear in datacenter, and are thus assumed to be relatively
independent of the clients’ workload. More precisely, these costs are not included in the
equation for power cost of the datacenter in this chapter. Moreover, the server
maintenance costs are not considered in our formulation.
Each client is identified by a unique identifier, represented by index i. Each client
produces one or more VMs, which are executed on some servers in the datacenter. Each
client has also established an SLA contract with the datacenter owner.
2.2.2 VM Management System
Datacenter management is responsible for admitting the VMs into the datacenter,
servicing them to satisfy SLAs, and minimizing the operational cost of the datacenter.
We consider two main resource managers in the datacenter: VM manager (VMM) and
power manager (PM). An exemplary architecture for the datacenter management system
with emphasis on the VMM and per server PM is depicted in Figure 5.
Power manager is responsible for minimizing the average power consumption and
satisfying the peak power constraints (thermal or peak power capacity limitation) subject
to providing the required performance to VMs. Power management system in datacenter
includes hierarchical power provisioners and a power manager for each server. Power
provisioners distribute the peak power allowance between lower level power consumers
and make sure that these power budget constraints are met. Servers are located at the
lowest level of this hierarchy. Power manager in each server tries to minimize the
average power consumption subject to satisfying the peak power constraint and
performance requirements of the assigned VMs. This manager uses different dynamic
power management techniques such as DVFS and clock throttling to minimize the power
Figure 5. VM management structure in a datacenter
VMM is responsible for assigning VMs to servers, determining their performance
requirements and migrating them if needed. VMM performs these tasks based on two
optimization procedures: periodic and reactive. In contrast to periodic optimization
procedure, reactive optimization procedure is performed when it is needed.
In the periodic optimization procedure, VMM considers the whole active set of
VMs, the previous assignment solution, feedbacks generated from power, thermal and
performance sensors, and workload prediction to generate the best VM placement
solution for the next epoch. The length of the epoch depends on the type and size of the
datacenter and its workload. In reactive optimization procedure, VMM finds a temporary
VM placement solution by migrating, admitting, or removing a number of VMs in order
to respond to performance, power budget, or critical temperature violations.
In this chapter, we focus on periodic optimization procedure in VMM. IN periodic
optimization procedure, clients’ SLA, expected power consumption of servers, and
migration cost of VMs are considered. Migrating a VM between servers causes a
downtime in the client’s application. Duration of the downtime is related to the migration
technique used in the datacenter. We assume that there is a defined cost in SLA contracts
for these short but infrequent downtimes. In this chapter,
denotes the migration cost
of the i
client’s VM in the datacenter. Previous assignment variable
(=1 if the i
client was assigned to server s and 0 otherwise) is used to calculate the migration cost in
the system.
2.2.3 Performance Modeling
Performance of each client in the cloud computing system should be monitored
and necessary decisions should be taken to satisfy SLA requirements. We focus on the
online service applications that are sensitive to latency. A client in this system is
application software that can produce a number of requests in each time unit. To model
the response time of clients, we assume that the inter-arrival times of the requests for
each client follow an exponential distribution function similar to the inter-arrival times of
the requests in e-commerce applications [22]. The minimum allowed inter-arrival time of
the requests is specified in the SLA contract. However, the average inter-arrival time ( )
of the requests for each client is predicted for the optimization procedures.
Streams of requests generated by each client (application) may be decomposed
into a number of different VMs. In case of more than one VM serving client , requests
are assigned probabilistically i.e.,
portion of the incoming requests are forwarded to
the server s (host of a VM) for execution, independently of the past or future forwarding
decisions. Based on this assumption, the request arrival rate for each application in each
server follows the Poisson distribution function.
There are different resources in the servers that are used by VMs such as
processing units, memory, communication bandwidth, and secondary storage. These
resources can be allocated to VMs by a fixed or round-robin scheduling policy. In this
work, we consider the processing unit and memory to have fixed allocation policy
whereas others are allocated by round-robin scheduling. Our algorithm determines the
portion of processing unit and memory allocated to each VM, which is assigned to a
physical server. The amount of memory allocated to a VM does not significantly affect
performance of the VM under different workloads as long as it is not less than a certain
value [16]. Hence, we assign a fixed amount of memory ( ) to the i
client’s VM on
any server that the client is assigned to.
Share of a VM from the processing unit determines the performance of that VM
in the cloud computing system. The portion of processing unit allocated to different VMs
( ∗
) on a server is determined by VMM at the beginning of the decision epoch.
However, these values can be changed in each server as a function of workload changes
or power/performance optimization at the server. VMM considers the clients’ workload
to determine the resource allocation parameters to control the wait time of the processing
queue for different applications based on SLA requirements.
A multi-class single server queue exists in servers that have more than one VM
(from different clients). We consider generalized processor sharing (GPS) model at each
queue; GPS model approximates the scheduling policy used by most operating systems,
e.g., weighted fair queuing and the CPU time sharing in Linux. Using this scheduling
policy, multi-class single server queue can be replaced by multiple single-server queues.
Note that the processing capacity of server s allocated to the i
client’s VM is calculated
The exponential distribution function is used to model the request service time of
the clients. Based on this model, the response time (“sojourn time”) distribution of a VM
(placed on server s) is an exponential distribution with mean:
denotes the service rate of the i
client on server s when the a unit of
processing capacity is allocated to the VM of this client.
The queuing model used in this chapter is M/M/c, which is simplified to M/M/1
with probabilistic request assignment. In case of service times with general distribution,
this model is an approximation. This approximation is not appropriate for M/G/1 queues
with a heavy-tail service time distribution. However, since we defined SLA based on the
response time constraint, these kinds of service time distribution functions are not
encountered. A more general case than the model in (22) would be the M/G/c queuing
model. It is not possible to predict the response time distribution of these queues without
a numerical approach unless for specific service time distributions. For this reason we
believe that using the M/M/c model for this high-level decision making process is
sufficient, and more complex models can be used in problems with smaller input size.
2.2.4 SLA model for the clients
We use soft SLA constraints, in which cloud provider guarantees that the
response time constraint is satisfied for most of the time ( ∗
for example for 95 percentile
point of the requests) and for each violation of constraint, the cloud provider pays back
the client a fixed penalty value ( ∗
). Having defined the SLAs for clients enables the
cloud provider to vary the VM resource size and improve the power efficiency in the
The constraint on the response time of the i
client may be expressed as:
where and denote the actual and target response times for the i
client’s requests,
Using the model provided in the subsection 2.2.3, the response time constraint for
each VM can be expressed as follows:
ln ⁄
2.3 Problem Formulation
In this work, we focus on an algorithm for solving periodic VM placement
problem in datacenter. The goal of this optimization problem is to minimize the total
operational cost of the system including power and migration costs and expected SLA
violation penalty. VMM uses different methods to achieve this goal, including turning
on/off servers, migrating VMs, and changing the VM sizes. The cost minimization
problem (P1) is provided next:
Subject to:
∑ , ∀ (5)
ln ⁄
⁄ ,
∀ , (6)
∑ 1 , ∀ (7)
, ∀ (8)
∑ 1 , ∀ (9)
, ∀ , (10)
∀ , (11)
∈ 0,1 ,
∈ 0,1 ,
∈ 0,1 , ∀ , (12)
0 , ∀ , (13)
where is a very small positive value, and, is a pseudo-Boolean integer variable to
determine if server s is ON ( =1) or OFF ( =0). We call
’s and
’s assignment
and allocation parameters, respectively throughout the chapter.
The first term in the objective function is the energy cost of the system, which is
composed of the idle energy cost if the server is active ( =1) plus a cost proportional to
the utilization of the server. The second term in the objective function captures the
migration costs whereas the third term represents the expected penalty that cloud provider
will pay to the clients when SLA violations occur.
Constraint (5) ensures that if a client is assigned to a server, this server will be
active. Constraint (6) is the SLA constraint for the clients. Constraints (7) and (8) are the
processing and memory capacity constraints in a server. Constraint (9) makes sure that all
requests of each client are served in the system. Constraint (10) is used to generate a
helping pseudo Boolean parameter (
) which determines if the i
client is assigned to
server s (
=1) or not (
=0). If the value of
is more than 0, the first inequality of
(10) sets the value of
to one and if the value of
is zero, the second inequality of
(10) force the value of
to be zero. Constraint (11) is used to generate a pseudo
Boolean parameter (
) which indicates whether the migration cost for the i
client from
server s should be considered (
=1 and
=0) or not. Finally, constraints (12) and (13)
specify domains of the variables.
P1 is a mixed integer non-linear programming problem. Integer part of problem
comes from the fact that servers can be active or sleep ( ) and VMs can be placed on a
physical machine or not (
The problem of minimizing the energy cost plus the expected violation penalty is
an NP-Hard problem. It can be shown that the NP-hard bin-packing problem [79] can be
reduced to P1. Indeed, even deciding whether a feasible solution exists for this problem,
does not have an efficient solution. So, we utilize a simple greedy algorithm (similar to
First Fit Decreasing (FFD) heuristic [79]) to find a feasible solution to P1 for the given
inputs. Another important observation about this problem is that number of clients and
servers are very large; therefore, a critical property of any proposed heuristic should be
its scalability.
Different versions of this problem are considered in the literature. The
shortcoming of the presented solutions in the previous work is an assumption about
knowing the size of VMs based on SLA requirements. Although this assumption is valid
for Platform as a Service (PaaS), it is not completely true in case of Software as a Service
(SaaS). There are two issues with this assumption in case of SaaS: First, SLA contracts in
SaaS do not specify the amount of required resource and cloud provider needs a method
to translate the target performance metric to the amount of resource for each client;
Second, considering fixed resource requirement eliminates the fact that cloud provider
may overbooked the datacenter and needs to sacrifice the performance of some of the
clients to be able to provide performance guarantee for others. Based on these reasons,
we consider the problem of determining the VM sizing and VM placement together.
2.4 Cost Minimization Algorithm
In this section, a heuristic for problem P1 is presented. The output of this heuristic
is VM placement and request forwarding policy and the expected performance level of
VMs in the next epoch.
A two-step algorithm is proposed for this problem. In the first step, clients are
ordered based on their status in the previous decision epoch and their estimated resource
requirements for the next decision epoch. Based on this ordering, VMs are placed on
servers one by one using dynamic programming and convex optimization methods. This
constructive approach may result in servers with low utilization or uncompetitive
resource sharing policy within the server. So, in the second step of the algorithm, two
local searches are executed to fix these issues.
Details of the SLA-based Power and Migration Cost Minimization algorithm or
SPMCM for short are presented below.
2.4.1 Initial Solution
To find an initial solution for P1, a constructive approach is used to assign clients
to servers and allocate resources to them based on the assignment solution in the previous
epoch. For this purpose, clients are divided into four groups. Clients that were served in
the previous epoch are placed in one of the first three groups. The first group includes
clients that leave the datacenter in the new epoch. The second group includes clients
whose request arrival rates drop in the new epoch and the third group includes clients
whose request arrival rates rise in the new epoch. Finally, the fourth group includes
clients that were not served in the previous epoch.
Clients within these groups are picked in the order of their average minimum
processing requirement for VMs (biggest VM first) but the groups are processed in
increasing order of their IDs. For clients in the first group, VMM releases their resources
and updates the resource availabilities. Resource availability in each server is defined as
the amount of processing and memory allocated to the existing VMs.
From other groups, the picked client is assigned to available servers to minimize
the operational cost of the cloud computing system. After finding a solution, resource
availabilities are updated and the next client is picked for the next assignment. The
formulation below describes the operational cost minimization problem for a picked
client (P2) (i
subject to:
ln ⁄
⁄ ,
∀ (15)
1 , ∀ (16)
, ∀ (17)
with the addition of constraints (9)-(13).
and denote the previously-committed portion of the processing and
memory resources on server s, respectively.
To eliminate the effect of integer parameter ( ) on the complexity of the
problem, the constant energy cost is replaced by a cost linearly proportional to the CPU
utilization of the server. Even with this relaxation, it can be shown that the Hessian
matrix for P2 is not guaranteed to be positive or negative definite (or semi-definite). This
means that the convex optimization methods cannot be directly applied to solve this
problem. However, fixing the value of
(between zero and one) makes the problem P2,
a convex optimization problem. More precisely, for a fixed
, the allocation parameter
can be found using convex optimization methods to minimize the energy cost and
SLA violation penalty. The complete solution for P2 called DPRA (dynamic
programming resource assignment) can thus be found by applying a dynamic
programming (DP) technique to examine different assignment parameters for different
servers and find the best solution as explained next.
Optimal solution of P2 for constant
values and for each server is calculated
using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. Using this method, the partial cost of
assigning an
portion of the i
client’s requests to server s is calculated which includes
the energy cost, migration cost (if the client was not assigned to the server s in the
previous epoch) and expected SLA violation penalty value for this resource allocation.
Then assignment on different servers should be combined to construct a complete
solution for each client with the least total cost. DP technique is used to find the best VM
placement for the client (determining best
) such that constraint (9) is satisfied.
Since we are dealing with cost minimization for one client at a time, there is no
need to consider the complete set of servers for each DP calculation; Instead we can use a
small number of servers from each server type plus servers that had served the client in
the previous epoch to find the best VM placement solution. Decreasing the number of
servers for each DP calculation decreases the time complexity of the solution.
The set of selected servers for the DP technique is different for clients in different
groups. In particular, for clients in the second group, only servers that served the client in
the previous epoch are considered. For clients in the third and fourth groups, servers that
served the client in the previous epoch, a set of servers from each server type with the
most unallocated resources, and possibly some inactive servers (from each server type)
are considered. To differentiate between using active and inactive servers for VM
placement, different slopes for energy cost for active and inactive servers are considered.
More precisely, and
may be used as the slopes of energy cost for active and
inactive servers, respectively. Note that, to change the slope of the energy cost for
different servers, we need to change the first term in the objective function in (14).
Algorithm 1 shows pseudo code of DPRA method.
Algorithm 1: Dynamic Programming Resource Assignment
Inputs: Ψ, ,
, , , , ,
, , , , , , , and
(i is constant in this algorithm)
1 ga= granularity of alpha;
2 For (j = 1 to number of servers)
3 For (
1/ga to 1)
= optimal resource shares based on KKT conditions
5 C(s,
) =
6 End
7 End
8 X = ga, and Y = number of servers
9 For ( j =1 to Y)
10 For (x = 1 to X)
11 Dx,y inf i nit y ; //Auxilia ry XY mat rix use d for DP
12 For z 1 to x
13 Dx,yminDx,y,Dx‐1 , y‐z Cj, z/ga
14 Dx,yminD x,y, Dx‐1,y
15 End
16 End
17 Back-track to find best
’s and
’s to minimize cost
To improve the initial solution, we have used two local search methods; the first
one fixes the resource allocation parameters and the second one tries to make under-
utilized servers inactive and service their clients with higher energy efficiency on other
active or inactive servers.
2.4.2 Resource allocation adjustment
If more than one client is assigned to a server, constructive resource allocation
may not generate the global optimum allocation policy. We formulate resource allocation
problem in a server with fixed assignment parameters (
) to minimize the energy cost
and SLA violation penalty as a convex optimization problem (P3):
subject to:
ln ⁄
⁄ ,
∀ ∈ (19)
∑ ∈ 1 , (20)
where denotes the set of VMs assigned to server s.
P3 is a convex optimization problem and the solution can be found using KKT
optimality conditions. Note that this part of the VM placement algorithm is parallelizable
and can be implemented in power managers of the servers.
2.4.3 Turn OFF under-utilized servers
To decrease the total cost in the system, it may be possible to turn off some of the
under-utilized servers (after finding the initial solution) to reduce the idle energy cost of
the servers at the expense of more migration cost (for clients that were assigned to these
under-utilized servers in the previous epoch) or more SLA violation penalty.
An iterative method is presented to find the minimum cost solution based on the
results of the previous steps. In each iteration, a server with utilization less than a
threshold (e.g., 20%) is chosen and its VMs are removed. To assign the removed VMs to
other servers, DPRA method is used. Considering the high energy cost for inactive
servers, the DPRA method encourages the VMM to choose more SLA violation penalty
or pay for the migration cost instead of turning on a server. Note that these iterations do
not always decrease the total cost in the system; therefore, the global lowest total cost is
compared to the total cost after turning off a server, and the move is rejected if it is not
This iterative method is continued until all servers with low utilization have been
2.5 Simulation Results
To evaluate the effectiveness of the presented VM placement algorithm, a
simulation framework is implemented. Simulation setups, baseline heuristics and
numerical results of this implementation are explained next.
2.5.1 Simulation Setup
For simulations, model parameters are chosen based on true-to-life cloud
computing systems. The number of server types is set to 10. For each server type, an
arbitrary number of servers are placed in datacenter. Processors in server types are
selected from a set of Intel processors (e.g. Atom and Xeon) [80] with different number
of cores, cache, power consumptions and working frequencies. Active power
consumptions for different server types (excluding processor power consumption) are set
to vary uniformly between three to six times the power consumption of their fully-
utilized processor. Memory capacities of the servers are selected based on cache size of
the processors with a constant scaling factor of 1,500. Energy cost is assumed to be 15
cents per KWhr at all times. Request arrival rates of the client are chosen uniformly
between 0.1 and 1 request per second. The memory requirements for clients are also
selected uniformly between 256MB and 4GB. These parameters are borrowed from the
simulation setup of [27].
In each simulation, five different client classes are considered. Each client is
randomly picked from one of the client classes. The amount of penalty for different client
classes is selected based on the on-demand rates of Amazon EC2 cloud service [81].
Migration costs are set to be equal to downtime penalty of 65ms for each client. In
’s are set based on the highest clock frequency for the servers.
Each simulation is repeated at least 1000 times to generate acceptable average
results for each case. In each simulation, a number of clients are assigned to the servers
for the first decision epoch. At the end of each epoch, an arbitrary number of clients leave
the datacenter while an arbitrary number of clients join the datacenter. Less than 10% of
current clients join or leave the datacenter at the beginning of each epoch. Moreover,
inter-arrival rate of the remaining clients in the system are chosen uniformly between 0.1
and 1 request per second for the next epoch. To account for the physical infrastructure
overhead, energy cost of the servers in the datacenter is multiplied by a factor of 1.3 as a
typical power usage effectiveness of current datacenters [11].
2.5.2 Heuristics for Comparison
We implemented a slightly modified version of the FFD [79] for VM placement,
called FFDP, and PMaP heuristic [7] as baseline. These approaches consider VMs that
have fixed processing size. We choose 12 ⁄ ∗
as the expected violation rate of the SLA
response time constraints for each client. From (23) the amount of processing units
required for different VMs on different physical servers were calculated.
The FFDP method picks clients based on the size of their VM (highest to lowest)
and assigns them to the first server with available resources from the server type that has
the lowest execution time for the client’s requests. The PMaP method is a VM placement
heuristic that tries to minimize the power and migration cost. PMaP computes the amount
of resources that VMs need, determines the active servers and place the VMs on the
servers. After these steps, a power and migration-aware local search is done to find the
final solution. Details of PMaP may be found in [7].
2.5.3 Numerical Results
Table III shows the performance of the SPMCM method for different number of
clients with respect to the lower bound on the total cost. This lower bound is the
summation of the lowest cost VM placement solution for each client. This table shows
that SPMCM generates a near optimal solution for VM placement that minimizes the
power and migration cost. Note that increasing the number of clients decreases the
distance between the total cost of SPMCM and the lower bound because of higher
consolidation possibility with higher number of clients.
Figure 6 demonstrates the normalized total cost of the datacenter using SPMCM,
FFDP and PMaP heuristics. It can be seen that the SPMCM algorithm generates solutions
with total cost, which is on average 35% less than FFDP solutions and 18% less than
PMaP solutions.
# of clients Average performance Worst-case performance
250 1.15 1.36
500 1.14 1.23
1000 1.12 1.20
1500 1.09 1.21
2000 1.10 1.24
3000 1.09 1.19
4000 1.10 1.18
Figure 6. Normalized cost of the datacenter for different algorithms
Figure 7 shows the average run-time of SPMCM, FFDP and PMaP methods for
different number of clients. Average number of servers in each configuration is equal to
the 1.5 times the number of clients. It is clear that SPMCM is more complex than the
baseline and PMaP algorithms and hence the run-time of SPMCM is greater than two
other algorithms. SPMCM solution is found in less than 25 seconds when the number of
clients is equal to 1,000 and the number of servers in the datacenter is 1,500. Note that,
250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000
Normalized performance of
differnet algorithms
Number of clients
the VM placement algorithm is called only a few times in each charge cycle (one hour in
Amazon EC2 service [81]), e.g., 2-3 times per hour.
Figure 8 shows the average ratio of the expected violation rate of the response
time constraint to the maximum allowed violation rate under different penalty values
after VM placement using SPMCM. As expected, this ratio decreases by increasing the
penalty so as to avoid paying a large penalty cost. In other words, increasing the penalty
value forces the cloud provider to provision more resources for the client so that the
violation rate (and expected penalty) goes down.
2.6 Conclusion
In this chapter we presented a centralized VM placement to minimize the power
and migration cost in a cloud system. Soft SLA constraints on response time were
considered for the clients in this system. We presented an algorithm based on convex
Figure 7. Run-time of SPMCM on 2.8GHZ E5550 server from Intel for different number of clients
Run-time of differnet algorithms
Number of clients
optimization method and dynamic programming. Simulation results demonstrated the
effectiveness of our algorithm with respect to a lower bound and other well-known
solutions. Based on the results of this chapter, it can be seen that considering SLA with
effective VM placement can help to minimize the operational cost in the cloud computing
Figure 8. Ratio of expected percentage of the response time constraint’s violation to the maximum
allowed percentage of violation
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Penalty value for missing a constraint (1/100 cents)
Ratio of violation rate to
the maximum possible violation rate
3.1 Introduction
There are a number of different resource managers in the datacenter. A VM
manager (VMM) performs VM assignment and migration. A power manager (PM)
manages the power and performance state of servers whereas a cooling manager (CM)
manages the cooling and air conditioning units. In order to achieve the minimum
operational cost, coordination between these managers is necessary. Coordination
between VMM with one of the other managers in datacenter is presented in a number of
previous works, including [36] and [52].
The resource management policy in the cloud system is the key to determine the
operational cost, client admission policy, and quality of service. Considering a given set
of clients having signed appropriate SLAs with the cloud service provider, the resource
management problem in the cloud system can be described as the problem of optimizing
any of the aforesaid objective functions subject to the given SLAs. The resource
management decisions include assigning VMs to servers, allocating resource to each VM
and migrating them to address SLA violations, peak power constraints or thermal
To manage resources in a cloud system, a central manager (commissioned by the
cloud service provider) can cause reliability (single point of failure) and face scalability
issues. Regarding the latter point, the number of servers and VMs in a cloud system can
be in the order of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. This underlines scalability
as one of the key conditions that any resource management solution for the cloud system
should satisfy. In addition to the large scale of the problem, the number of performance
counters and power and temperature measurement signals from different parts of the
datacenter that should be monitored to make timely decisions (for example decision about
VM migration made at the millisecond rate) is huge and aggregating and analyzing this
amount of data in a centralized manager may result in low performance and large energy
overhead. Finally, there are certain management decisions that should be done very fast,
and hence, they must be made locally (instead of relaying the data to a central manager
and waiting for a command from that manager).
In this chapter, we present a hierarchical and decentralized decision making
architecture for resource management (VMM, PM and CM) in cloud datacenters. The
presented solution employs a set of decentralized decision makers (managers) who are
trying to solve a complex, large-scale, constrained, optimization problem with
cooperation. This cooperation involves making hierarchical decisions and exchanging
requests for VM assignment/migration and temperature/power capacity adjustments
among different managers. In best of our knowledge, there is no work in the literature
that presents this structure or considers all of these factors in its resource management
To show the effectiveness of the presented management scheme, a cloud system
simulation software tool has been developed. The simulator can model and do
performance evaluation of both centralized and decentralized resource management
architectures. Simulation results demonstrate that the decentralized resource
management algorithm reduces the operational cost of a datacenter by about 40% and
decreases the run-time of the algorithms up to 7 times with respect to a centralized
management structure presented in previous work.
This chapter is organized as follows. The cloud system configuration and
cost/performance metrics are presented in section 3.2. The resource management problem
is described in section 3.3. The periodic optimization strategy, a local search strategy to
improve the objective function, and algorithms to handle emergency cases are presented
in sections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 respectively. Simulation framework and results are presented
in section 3.7 whereas the chapter is concluded at the last section.
3.2 Cloud Datacenter and Key Parameters
In the following paragraphs, the assumed architecture of the cloud datacenter is
described. Next some key observations and assertions about where the system’s
performance bottlenecks are provided. Finally, we explain how to account for the
operational cost associated with a client’s VM running in the system. To increase
readability, Table IV presents key symbols used throughout this chapter along with their
Symbol Definition
, , ,
Set of containers, racks, chassis and servers insider datacenter, container, rack and
chassis, respectively
, Total processing and memory capacities of server s
Constant and dynamic (in terms of utilization) power consumption of the server s
, Idle power consumption of chassis and rack
Duration of the decision epoch in seconds
Ψ Electrical energy price
Peak power capacity of PDN at a location in the datacenter
Peak power limitation of datacenter
Peak to average power consumption ratio
Outlet and inlet temperature of chassis
Supply cold air temperature in container
Critical temperature in datacenter
Required amount of memory bandwidth for VM
Migration cost of VM in different levels ( ∗ can be chassis, rack, container or
, Contract target response time and penalty values for each request in the SLA contract
Hard constraint on the possible percentage of violation of the response time constraint
in the SLA contract
Predicted average request rate of the i
Portion of processing resources or memory bandwidth of server s that is allocated to
VM i
A pseudo-Boolean integer variable to determine if the server is ON (1) or OF (0)
A pseudo-Boolean integer variable to determine if a chassis or rack is ON (1) or OF
3.2.1 Cloud datacenter
In this chapter, container-based (as opposed to the older raised-floor) cloud
datacenters [11] are assumed. This type of datacenter relies on containment, close-
coupled cooling, and modularity to improve the datacenter’s energy efficiency. An
example of container-based datacenter structure is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 – An example of structure of container-based datacenter
In these datacenters, containers act as separate rooms for servers. Each container
includes a number of racks. Inside each rack, a number of chassis exist and each chassis
comprises of a number of blade servers. d denotes the cloud datacenter. Each container,
rack, chassis and blade server is identified by unique id throughout cloud datacenter,
denoted by c, r, q and s respectively. The set of containers inside datacenter, set of racks
inside container c, set of chassis inside rack r, and set of servers inside chassis q are
denoted by , , and respectively. We use notation | ∗ | to denote the cardinality
of each set.
We assume that containers may be different from each other in terms of their rack
configurations or type of blade servers deployed. However, each container is internally
homogenous i.e., it employs the same blade server throughout. Servers deployed in the
datacenter are chosen from a set of known and well-characterized server types. In
particular, servers of a given type are modeled by their processing capacity or CPU
cycles per second ( ) and memory bandwidth ( ) as well as their average power
consumption as a function of their utilization factor. We assume that local (or networked)
secondary storage (disc) is not a system bottleneck (although our model can easily be
modified to consider this resource). The power consumption of a server is modeled as a
constant power consumption term ( ) plus another variable power consumption term,
which is linearly related to the utilization of the server (with slope of ). Similar to
servers, each chassis and each rack consume a constant power if they are idle. These
power consumptions are denoted by (accounting for the fans and power regulators
inside each chassis) and (accounting for fan, power regulators and networking gears
inside rack).
A network of high-efficiency uninterruptable power supply (UPS) units is used to
connect the power supplies (from utility companies or generated in datacenter’s site) to
the datacenter’s PDN. Electric power is fed to the datacenter using a PDN, which is
structured in a hierarchy similar to the one used to organize servers in the datacenter. As
a result, each chassis, each rack, and each container have specified peak power capacities
Ψ determines the electrical energy price for the datacenter in the current epoch,
which is used to translate the average power consumption in each datacenter to energy
Power provisioning is an important responsibility of the resource managers in a
datacenter. Efficient power provisioning helps increase the performance and get the
highest profit from serving clients in the datacenter. There are two different sources for
power unavailability at some location in the datacenter: 1) PDN bottleneck and 2)
limitation on the total provided power to the datacenter. The first problem is much more
serious than the second one [14]. The peak power capacity of PDN at a location in the
datacenter is shown by ∗
where ∗ denotes the whole datacenter, some container,
some rack, or some chassis. The peak power limitation imposed by the UPS inadequacy,
local electricity generation constraint, or limitation on the provided power by utility
companies is shown by
. Determining the peak power consumption for a mix of
applications in a server, chassis, rack, container or the whole datacenter is even more
arduous. There are different studies focused on this issue to determine the power
provisioning policy in a datacenter e.g. [14] and [37]. In this work, we assume that the
peak power consumption at each granularity level of a datacenter can be estimated by
multiplying the average power consumption and a factor related to the mix of running
applications at that level. This factor can be large in case of homogenous workload mixes
but it decreases if the heterogeneity of the workload in the mix goes up [14]. This factor
can be calculated based on profiling and/or prediction methods, as suggested in [14]. We
call this factor the peak to average ratio, ( . It is calculated for each level of
granularity, ranging from chassis, rack, and container to datacenter.
Cooling in each container is accomplished in at least one of three of ways:
overhead Cooling, in-row cooling, and circular in-row cooling [82]. A big portion of the
total power consumed in a datacenter (up to 30% in older datacenters [48]) is related to
cooling infrastructure. The cooling power consumption is non-linearly proportional to the
total power usage in the container/datacenter. We assume that the air flows in different
containers are isolated from each other and each container has its own CRAC unit. The
temperature spatial granularity considered in this work is at the chassis level. Cold air is
drawn to each chassis with temperature
and exits from the other side with
is a function of the supply cold air temperature ( ) of the
container and recirculation of the heat from other chassis in that container. Similar to the
work by Tang et al. [16], the recirculation of heat can be described by a cross-
interference matrix, which is shown by
in which is the number of
chassis in container c. According to reference [16], the vector of input cold air
temperatures (
) in a container can be calculated based on the following formula.
where vector denotes power consumption of chassis in container c, and is an
diagonal matrix whose entries are thermodynamic constants of different chassis.
The cooling manager in datacenter makes sure that
for each chassis is less than a pre-
specified critical temperature ( ). Note that, supply cold air temperature is determined
based on this constraint. Coefficient of performance (COP), which determines the
efficiency of the cooling system, is a monotonically decreasing function of of . Due to
high efficiency of transmission and conversion efficiency in PDN of today’s datacenters,
we consider 11/ to represent the power usage effectiveness for each
3.2.2 Virtual machine characteristics
In this work, we consider virtualized datacenters. Each client of the cloud system
owns a virtual machine (VM) that typically runs one or more applications. Each VM is
identified by a unique identifier, represented by index i. These VMs can be classified into
different priority classes, ranging from the cloud service provider’s own VMs at the
highest priority level to pay-as-you-go VMs at the lowest priority level.
The applications running in a cloud system may be identified as online
(interactive) service or batch processing jobs [11]. Online service applications (e.g., web
hosting and online banking) are usually I/O intensive and response time-sensitive. On the
other hand, batch jobs (e.g., weather forecast and big data analytics) are compute or
memory intensive jobs that are throughput sensitive. The workload intensity of these
applications can change with time in periods ranging from milliseconds to hours. Based
on the type of the application, quality of service (QoS) is defined on specific performance
parameters such as the response time for online services and the throughput for batch
Different resources in servers such as the processing cores, memory,
communication bandwidth, and secondary storage can be allocated between assigned
VMs by a fixed or round-robin scheduling policy. The amount of allocated resource to a
VM is a function of the VM type and the client’s SLA contract. In this work, we consider
the processing unit and memory bandwidth to have fixed allocation policy.
the portion of the processing capacity of server s that is allocated to VM . The amount of
memory allocated to a VM does not significantly affect performance of the VM under
different workloads as long as it is no less than a specified value [16]. Hence, we assign a
fixed amount of memory ( ) to the i
client’s VM on any server that the VM is assigned
Migrating a VM between two servers causes a downtime in the client’s
application. Duration of the downtime is related to the migration technique used in the
datacenter and the communication distance between the source and destination of the
move. We assume that there is a defined cost in SLA contracts for these short but
infrequent service outages based on the length of the downtime. In this chapter,
denotes the part of the migration cost of the VM related to the level of the migration
where ∗ can be chassis, rack, container or datacenter. Note that VM migration has the
lowest cost in case of intra-chassis migration and the highest cost in case of inter-
container migration. In case of intra-chassis migration,
denotes the migration cost.
However, in case of other migration types, a summation of migration cost provides the
final migration cost, e.g., the cost of migrating VM from one rack to another rack inside
one container can be calculated as
In this work we focus on response time-sensitive applications. Clients in a cloud
system have specific SLAs with the cloud service provider. Although different types of
SLAs can be adopted for clients in cloud system, a common SLA is to set a target
performance for the client’s instances of the application runs and requires that the cloud
service provider meet that target performance for no less than a certain percentage of the
runs (e.g. 95%). Furthermore, the service provider has to pay a penalty for any
application run that violates its performance target. , and denote the target
response time, the maximum tolerable constraint violation rate, and the penalty value for
each SLA violation of client i.
To estimate the response time of an application, a performance model must be
considered. To model the response time, we assume that the inter-arrival times of the
requests for each application follow an exponential distribution function similar to the
inter-arrival times of the requests in the e-commerce applications [22]. The maximum
allowed inter-arrival rate of the requests is specified in the SLA contract between a client
and the cloud owner. Although the maximum inter-arrival rate is part of the SLA
contract, the average inter-arrival rate ( ) of the requests for each client in each time
window is predicted for the optimization procedures.
A multiclass single-server (MCSS) queue exists in servers that provide service to
more than one VM. We consider generalized processor sharing (GPS) model at each
queue; The GPS model approximates the scheduling policy used by most operating
systems, e.g., weighted fair queuing and the CPU time sharing of Linux. Using this
scheduling policy, MCSS queue can be replaced by multiple single-server queues. Note
that the processing capacity of server s allocated to VM i is calculated as
Furthermore, it is assumed that client service times follow an exponential distribution.
denote the average service rate of the VM i on server when it has a unit of the
server’s processing capacity. Now then, the response time of a VM follows an
exponential distribution function with a mean value, which is calculated as follows:
We assume that
for all servers of the same type are equal. To determine
we consider an offline profiling mechanism which collects service rates for different
types of VMs running on different types of servers. These values indeed capture the
compatibility of certain client types to certain server types.
Considering these models for request arrival and service rate, the response time
constraint for each VM can be expressed as follows:
ln ⁄
In addition to parameters for cloud system and clients, there are a number of
decision parameters that are used to optimize the operational cost of the system. The most
important parameter is , which is a pseudo-Boolean variable that determines whether
the server is on or off. This value can be found from
, which are the
processing and memory bandwidth allocation parameters for each server. Pseudo-
Boolean parameters and , which can be determined based on , show whether or
not a chassis is active. Moreover, pseudo-Boolean parameter
determines if VM is
assigned to server or not.
3.3 Cloud Datacenter Resource Management Problem
The resource management problem in cloud systems is the key to determining the
client admission policy, the operational cost, and the quality of service.
One of the most important problems for the cloud service provider is whether to
admit a client. In particular, a client’s service requirements may be too demanding or the
cloud resources are already committed to other clients that are paying more. This
problem, which is known as the admission control problem, falls outside the focus of the
present chapter.
Considering a set of clients with their own SLAs with the cloud provider, the
resource management problem in a cloud system can be described as the problem of
minimizing the total operation cost of the cloud and the SLA violation penalties subject
to performance and resource availability constraints. The biggest part of the operation
cost of a datacenter is the electrical energy cost, which must be paid to the utility
companies providing the electricity. To minimize the power consumption in each
datacenter, the number of active or idle servers should be reduced and at the same time,
the power consumption of the active servers should be balanced as much as possible in
order to reduce the cooling system’s power consumption.
Notice that from the resource assignment solution, an expected quality of service
(QoS) provided to each client is calculated. Based on this QoS, expected SLA violation
penalties for all clients can be computed. The other type of penalty that should be paid to
the customers is the result of VM migration between different servers, which can result in
service outage for a short time.
Various resource managers in cloud datacenters perform their jobs by interacting
with each other. The VMM performs the resource management interacting with the PM
and the CM. The PM reduces the power consumption in the system and uses control-
theoretic solutions to ensure that the peak power of each component remains below that
the given peak power capacity. The CM reduces the cooling system power consumption
subject to keeping the temperature below a critical threshold at every location inside
The common approach used for the resource management in a cloud system is to
perform optimization periodically (such a period is called epoch with duration ) and
modify the solution during each epoch only in case of SLA, peak power or temperature
emergencies or dramatic workload changes. These processes are called periodic and
reactive optimizations, respectively. In periodic optimization, prediction of workload
statistics for each VM in addition to VMs’ expected behavior upon assignment to
different types of servers is used to determine the VM assignment and resource allocation
To assign VMs to datacenters in a multi-datacenter cloud system, the whole
application run-time, which can last for multiple decision epochs, should be considered.
Therefore, the cloud manager needs to consider the workload trend for each client as well
as the energy price during the day in order to decide how to assign VMs to datacenters in
a multi-datacenter cloud system. These decisions are usually made based on cloud service
provider’s policy that aims to achieve some kind of geographical load balancing [65]. In
this work we focus on the resource management problem in one cloud datacenter,
considering only the resource assignment solution in the previous epoch to minimize the
operational cost for the current epoch. Resource assignment parameters related to the
previous epoch are marked with superscript .
Periodic resource management problem can be formulated as follows:
Ψ ∈
∗∈ , , ,
subject to:
, ∑ ∈
, ∑ ∈
| |
, ∗
∈ 0,1 (24)
, ∑
, 0 ∗
1 (25)
ln ⁄
⁄ ,
, ∑ 1
∑ ∈ ,
∑ ∈
∑ ∈ , ∗
∈ 0,1 (27)
∈ ,
∈ ∑∑
∈ ,
∈ (28)
∑ ∈
1 ∑ ∈
∑ ∈ min
where denote a very small positive value and captures the maximum value
between A and 0.
There are three main terms in the objective function: (i) IT and cooling energy
cost, (ii) SLA violation penalty, and, (iii) SLA penalties related to service outage caused
by VM migration.
Constraint (24) determines whether or not the server, chassis or rack is active.
Constraint (25) determines the utilization of each server and forces them to be less than
one. Constraint (26) determines the lower bound on the processing and memory
bandwidth share of a VM from their host machine based on SLA constraint. Constraint
(27) determines the assignment parameters (assignment of a VM to a server, chassis, rack
and container). Although the assignment parameter for chassis to container can be
determined directly from the assignment parameter for servers, these parameters are
derived to be used in constraint (28) to capture the VM migration cost. Results of these
constraints are ∗
parameters that determine whether or not a VM is migrated in chassis
level, rack level or container level. Constraint (29) calculates the average power
consumption of the chassis, rack, container and datacenter and limits the corresponding
power consumption to be less than the power provisioning capacity in PDN. This
constraint also limits the peak power consumption of the datacenter to the maximum
provided power. Constraint (30) forces the inlet temperature of each chassis to be lower
than the critical temperature.
Periodic resource management problem is a mixed-integer non-linear
programming problem. By some simplification, bin-packing problem and generalized
assignment problem can be reduced to this problem. So, this problem is an NP-hard
Periodic resource management represents a combination of optimization actions
made by VMM, CM and PM. The separation of VMM and other resource managers can
lead to inefficient use of resources and instability in creating a feasible solution.
Cooperation between the VMM and one of the other managers in a datacenter have been
proposed in a number of previous work such as [36] and [52] but, to the best of our
knowledge, our work is the first one to present using a combination of VMM, CM, and
PM for resource management.
A set of hierarchical and decentralized decision makers fit the distributed nature
of resources in cloud systems. Hierarchical structures for power management and reactive
management have been presented in the previous work, c.f. [36] and [83]. In addition, a
centralized manager can cause reliability (single point of failure) and scalability issues.
The big number of servers and VMs in large datacenters emphasizes scalability as one of
the most important factors in designing resource managers. In addition to big scale of the
problem, the number of performance counters and power and temperature measurement
signals from different parts of a datacenter is huge and aggregating this amount of data in
a centralized manager may result in low performance and large overhead. Finally, there
are certain management functions (e.g., doing VM migration in case of power or
temperature emergencies) that are best handled by local managers.
In this work, we present hierarchical resource management (HRM for short)
solution (VMM, PM and CM) in a cloud system. A figurative architecture for this
manager is shown in Figure 10. This hierarchy includes a cloud manager, datacenter
managers, container managers, rack managers and chassis managers. The hierarchical
managers collectively try to solve a constrained optimization problem with cooperation.
This cooperation involves exchanging requests of resource assignment, temperature
adjustment, power capacity increase or VM migration between resource managers in
different levels.
In the presented management architecture, periodic optimization is done by two
consecutive procedures: VM assignment and local search. To assign new VMs to servers,
the status of previous VM assignment solution after proper modification is used. Instead
of assigning VMs directly to servers, each resource manager distributes the VMs between
its lower level resource managers and this process continues until the chassis manager
assigns VMs to servers. In each resource manager, distribution of new VMs between
lower level resource managers is performed based on resource availability, peak power
capacity, temperature distribution, and COP of the lower level resource managers. Due to
constructiveness of this approach, a bottom-up local search procedure is used to modify
Figure 10 – An example of presented cooperative hierarchical manager
the solution after assigning every VM to a server. In local search step, priority of
performing a VM movement is set based on its effectiveness in reducing the cost.
Note that, the size of the problem tackled by each resource manager is much
smaller than original resource assignment problem. Moreover, the assignment or local
optimization in all resource managers that do not interact with each other can be executed
in parallel. These two factors reduce the time complexity of the periodic optimization
solution drastically. This means that this hierarchical solution makes the optimization
solution more scalable without sacrificing the performance of the solution.
In case of peak power or temperature emergency, some kind of reactive
optimization procedure is performed. Similar to the periodic optimization procedure, the
proposed reactive optimization solution is performed in a hierarchal manner to avoid long
decision making time.
VM assignment and local optimization steps in periodic optimization and reactive
optimization algorithms are presented in the following sections.
3.4 Periodic optimization: VM assignment
The objective in the periodic optimization is to assign new VMs to servers and re-
assign active VMs to servers based on their expected workload in the next epoch so as to
minimize the summation of total energy cost, the expected SLA violation penalty paid to
the clients, and the migration cost subject to resource, power and temperature constraints.
The solution is strongly dependent on the existing server assignments for active VMs.
To start the periodic optimization, VM workload should be predicted for the next
decision epoch. These predictions are based on the current VM workload and the
workload history in addition to the SLA contract.
After finding the workload prediction for all VMs, active VMs in the previous
epoch can be divided into three groups: 1) VMs that will not be active the next epoch; 2)
VMs with expected lighter workload in the next epoch; and 3) VMs with expected
heavier workload in the next epoch. Allocated resources to VMs in the first category can
be released. Next, resource allocation parameter (
) for VMs with lighter workload is
updated. Finally, the resource allocation parameter for VMs with heavier workload is also
determined based on their current assignment although the resource requirements for
some of these VMs may violate the resource constraints. Such VMs must be migrated to
a different server with more available resources.
To create a feasible initial solution for new VM assignments, we use a greedy
technique for these VM migrations. For this purpose, each chassis manager examines the
available servers in the chassis to find a new host for the target VM. If this manager
cannot find any server satisfying the VM resource requirement, it asks the parent rack
manager to look for a server to host that VM and this process continues until a high-level
resource manager can find a server to host the VM in question. Note that, the generated
initial solution will be improved by local search after assigning every new VM to a
After finalizing the VM assignment for active VMs, each manager reports its
current state to its (higher-level) parent resource manager. For this purpose, the chassis
manager gathers current states of all of its servers. A compacted form of this information
is reported to its rack manager to model the chassis. Similarly the container manager, the
datacenter manager and cloud manager can use an appropriate abstraction of the gathered
information by their lower-level managers to model them in their resource management
problem. Note that the set of important parameters changes from one level to another. For
example, application to server type compatibility and COP are the most important factors
for the datacenter resource manager whereas energy proportionality and temperature
distribution are the most important factors for the container and rack resource managers.
An important factor in gathering information from different manager is to account
for power provisioning capacity at each level of the hierarchy. For instance, if the peak
power consumption of the currently assigned VMs to a chassis is equal to the peak power
capacity for that chassis, the amount of resource available on that chassis should be
accounted as zero even though there are some inactive servers on that chassis. We call
this amount of resource, effective resource. This modification helps to avoid peak power
capacity violation in resource management.
The problem of deciding VM to datacenter assignment, which is known as
geographical load balancing [65] in the literature, falls outside the scope of the present
chapter. In particular, we assume that VM assignment to datacenters is done based on a
pre-determined policy in the cloud manager.
Considering VM to datacenter assignment, to assign new VMs to servers, starting
from the datacenter manager, each resource manager assigns a subset of the new VMs to
each one of its lower level resource managers. For example, datacenter manager assigns
each VM to a container manager and each container manager assigns each of the received
VMs to a rack manager. This process continues until each chassis manager receives a set
of VMs to assign to its servers. The number of possible hosts for VMs in each resource
manager is small and this makes the problems less computationally expensive. This
process is effective in decreasing the decision making time with respect to a centralized
resource manager that assigns VMs directly to servers. The abstracted VM assignment
problem and solution for each resource manager is presented in the following paragraphs.
In order to start periodic optimization, workload associated with the active and
incoming VMs needs to be predicted for the next epoch. We assume that the probability
distribution function of ( ) for VM i in the next epoch can be predicted based
on the current workload and the workload history. To account for SLA violation penalty
and VM migration cost, the predicted workload ( ) can be different from the expected
workload ( ). In case of a large SLA violation penalty or VM migration
cost, over-provisioning (
) becomes useful. In contrast, in case of small SLA
violation penalty or VM migration cost, under-provisioning (
) may result in total
cost reduction.
The predicted is the value that minimizes the expected cost in the next decision
where denotes the cumulative distribution function and denotes the minimum
cost (energy cost plus SLA violation penalty) of assigning the target VM with workload
intensity equal to to a server,
1 3 ⁄
is the average
migration cost for the VM, and
notes the maximum tolerable based on the SLA
contract. In this formulation, we assume that if a VM is migrated, the maximum amount
of resource is allocated to it in order to avoid another migration in the near future. Notice
that function and are both monotonically increasing functions of .
This optimization problem tries to find the best balance between the energy cost,
the SLA penalty cost, and the expected VM migration cost – if 0 , the
expected migration cost dominates whereas if 1 , the VM assignment cost
dominates the objective function. Because CDF and are monotonically increasing
functions between 0 and
, at most one value exists that makes the gradient of the
expected cost function in (31) equal to zero. The expected cost function for this value
is compared to the expected cost function having 0 and
in order to find
the optimum .
The VM assignment problems in datacenter, container, rack and chassis resource
managers are similar. In each resource manager, new VMs are distributed between low
level resource managers to achieve the highest energy efficiency in servers and cooling
system and minimize SLA violation penalty subject to resource and peak power
constraints. Before stating the problem formulation in each resource manager, two
important parameters that can be used to model low level resource managers are
The first parameter is power dissipation to server utilization ratio (PUR)
parameter, which captures the energy non-proportional behavior in servers, chassis and
racks, depending on the status of the server, chassis and rack. Equations (32) to (35)
determine PUR parameter for an active server, an inactive server in an active chassis, an
inactive server in an inactive chassis in an active rack and an inactive server in an
inactive rack, respectively.
| |
1 ⁄ 1 (33)
⁄ 1 (34)
| | 1 ⁄ 1 (35)
where parameter ,
and | | denote the statistical average
CPU utilization in a server from the target server type, statistical average number of
active servers in an active chassis, and statistical average number of active chassis in an
active rack, respectively. These values are used to account for the idle power
consumptions of the server, chassis and rack. For example, if we want to assign a VM
that needs 40% of CPU utilization of an inactive server having 0.3 , we need to
account for the whole idle power consumption of the server for that VM because the
probability of assigning another VM to that server is low.
The second parameter is temperature slack in container ( ) which is used to
determine the state of the cooling system in a container. Temperature slack parameter can
be defind as follows:
∈ ∈ (36)
In addition to , another term is needed to capture the sensitivity of the
temperature slack to the power increase ( Δ
Δ ⁄ ). This parameter can be directly defined
for a chassis. Rack and container version of this parameter can be defined as a weighted
average of the same parameter in their covered chassis. For instance, sensitivity of the
temperature slack to the power increase in a container can be defined as follows:
⁄ ∑∑
The VM assignment problem in datacenter manager may be formulated as
Ψ ∈
subject to resource availability and:
∑ 1 ,
∈ 0,1
ln ⁄
⁄ ,
⁄ (41)
∑ ∈
⁄ (43)
In this problem, parameter is estimated by its measured value from last
epoch. Note that, constraint (42) determines a varying temperature-related power cap on
the added power to each container. Parameter is the weighted average of
values for servers inside the container. For this calculation, the weight for PUR value for
each server is set to 1
, which shows the amount of remaining processing resource
in that server.
Based on this problem, cost of assigning a VM to a container can be found as
Ψ 1 1 ⁄
⁄ ⁄
denotes the highest feasible temperature below .
The first and second term in this cost is the energy cost and expected SLA
violation penalty. The third term in this cost function captures the expected effect of this
assignment on the cooling power consumption. Finding the allocation parameter that
results in minimum cost value for assigning a VM to a container is a convex optimization
problem and can be solved by a closed form formulation.
To solve the assignment problem based on these cost metrics, a constructive
approach can be used. In this approach, VMs are ranked based on the difference between
their minimum and second minimum cost of assigning to containers. Based on this
ranking, VMs are assigned to containers having minimum assignment cost until one of
the resources (CPU cycles, memory bandwidth, peak power, temperature related power
cap) of any container is exhausted. In case of exhausting CPU cycle count, memory
bandwidth, or peak power limit, the container in question is removed from the list of
containers with extra capacity. If, however, the temperature related power cap of a
container becomes zero, is decreased and ranking parameters are updated (but the
container is kept as one with some extra capacity to be utilized). This process continues
until all VMs are assigned to a container or resources in the datacenter are completely
exhausted. In the latter case, the remaining VMs are reported to the cloud manager for re-
assignment. This approach results in balanced resource utilization to reduce the power
consumption with focus on COP, server energy efficiency and VM to server
In container manager, due to homogenous set of servers, energy proportionality
and temperature distribution are the most important factors. The problem formulation in
this manager is similar to the one for datacenter manager. Thus, a similar VM assignment
algorithm used in datacenter manager can be used in the container manager. In this
manager, and Δ
⁄ parameters for each rack, which are calculated using
similar weighted averaging approaches, are used. Moreover, instead of constraint (42), a
temperature-related power capacity for each rack ( ) is defined as the maximum
extra power consumption in the rack until an inlet temperature in the container reaches
the critical temperature. A greedy process using binary search can be used to find
Similarly, in rack manager, energy proportionality and temperature distribution
are the most important factors. Similar to container manager, a temperature-related power
capacity for each chassis ( ) is defined which can be found using binary search. Due
to importance of the energy non-proportionality nature of the servers, two values
represent each chassis in rack manager VM assignment problem: (i)
active servers in the chassis, and, (ii)
depending on the status of the
target chassis represents inactive serves in the chassis. Therefore, instead of one
assignment cost, two assignment costs are calculated for VM assignment to each chassis
and the minimum one represents the cost of VM assignment to the chassis. Note that, the
resource availability for active and inactive servers inside each chassis should be captured
separately. Due to the similarity of the VM assignment problem in this manager to the
one in datacenter manager, a similar assignment algorithm can be applied.
The final VM assignment occurs at the chassis level. Due to rather small effect of
the VM assignment at this level on the temperature distribution inside the container, this
chassis manager does not consider temperature. The most important factor in VM
assignment at this level is to minimize SLA violation penalty and increase the energy
proportionality of the assignment. To determine the assignment cost for a VM to an
active (or inactive) server, cost function in (44) can be used by replacing with
) and ignoring the third term. Due to similarity of the VM
assignment problem in this manager to bin-packing problem, a solution based on First Fit
Decreasing (FFD) solution can be applied. In this solution, VMs are sorted based on their
minimum assignment cost to an inactive server. Starting from the VM with the highest
cost, the cost of assigning the VM to every active server that has enough available
memory bandwidth and CPU cycle count to satisfy SLA constraints is calculated. The
selected VM is assigned to the server with the lowest assignment cost (considering all
active and inactive servers) and resource availabilities are updated. Moreover, in case of a
tie, the VM is assigned to the server with the highest .
Note that, the provided resource allocation parameters for each server are not
fixed and power/performance manager module in each server changes these values based
on the set of assigned VMs and their instantaneous workload. A convex optimization
solution to determine the resource allocation parameters can be set up in each server.
3.5 Periodic optimization: Local Search Method
Before finalizing VM assignment solution in the periodic optimization procedure,
a hierarchical local search algorithm is performed to decrease the operational cost.
In the local search procedure, resource managers move VMs between servers in
order to decrease SLA violation penalty or reduce the power consumption by increasing
the energy proportionality or reducing the cooling power consumption. To limit the time
complexity of the local search, the number of VM movement attempts is bounded. For
this reason, VM movements are sorted based on their effectiveness in reducing the total
cost. For each VM, a ranking metric is calculated based on the expected cost reduction
from best possible movement. Depending on the resource manager, the ranking metric is
found based on the most important factors on that level. SLA violation penalty, migration
cost and energy proportionality are important factors in every resource manager but
cooling system power consumption and temperature distribution are important factors in
the rack and container managers. The local search procedure after sorting VMs is
straight-forward: (i) select the first VM; (ii) find the best real cost reduction for that VM
movement; and (iii) try the VM movement if the cost reduction is positive and go to (i) if
there is another VM with positive ranking metric. Note that, in case of moving a VM that
was assigned to its current server in the previous epoch, VM migration cost is subtracted
from the cost reduction value associated with that VM. After finishing VM movements in
each resource manager, VMs associated with the highest cost reduction values are passed
to the parent resource manager and that manager starts VM movements with a similar
approach. Details of ranking metric for different resource managers are presented in the
following paragraphs.
To start the local search, every parameter in the system should be updated based
on the current assignment solution, e.g. for each container and parameter for
each resource manager.
In contrast to the VM assignment procedure, local search procedure starts from
chassis managers. Each chassis manager tries to increase the energy proportionality and
reduce the SLA violation penalty. Two cost values are calculated for each VM: (i) current
total cost which can be found from equation (45); (ii) Minimum total cost in a typically
utilized server which can be found from equation (46).
Ψ 1 1 ⁄
Ψ 11 ⁄
is the optimal allocation parameter that results in the minimum value for .
Ranking metric for chassis manager can be found from (
) for VMs
that were assigned to the target server in the previous epoch or (
) otherwise. The
pseudo code for local search procedure in chassis manager is presented in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: Chassis manager Local Search
Inputs: set of assigned VMs
Outputs: VM Movement inside chassis
1 ∅
2 Foreach (∈ )
3 ∑
4 Calculate based on (45)
5 Calculate
to minimize (46)
6 Calculate based on (46)
8 If (
9 If (
10 End
11 Sort VMs in based on
12 ∈
13 While ( | | 0 )
14 Foreach (∈ )
15 Calculate
as the cost of assigning the target VM to server s
17 If (
!1 )
18 ∑
19 If (
20 move VM from its current host to server s
21 Update for | ∈ &
1 |
22 End
24 ∈
25 End
The goal of the local search in rack managers is to increase the temperature
balance in the rack in addition to move VMs to increase the energy proportionality and
reduce SLA violation penalty. Each Rack manager receives the VM lists form chassis
managers and subtract the rack level migration cost from ranking parameter associated
with VMs that were assigned to their current chassis in the previous epoch.
The effectiveness of VM movement from chassis to in decreasing the hot
spot can be captured from (47) where
denotes the lowest possible supply cold air
temperature that is higher than current and
is the optimal allocation parameter that
results in minimum total cost in a typically utilized server.
Parameter Δ
⁄ denotes a weighted summation of chassis inlet temperature
sensitivity to power increase and is calculated from equation (48). This parameter shows
the effectiveness of reducing power consumption in a chassis in decreasing the hot spots
in container.
Considering fixed , the effectiveness metric in (47) depends on the selected
destination chassis. For each VM, the smallest Δ
⁄ in the rack is used as the
corresponding parameter for the destination chassis to calculate equation (47) to be added
to the previously calculated ranking metric.
In Container manager, the received VM lists form rack managers are ranked
based on their chassis manager ranking metric minus the rack level and container level
migration cost for VMs that were assigned to their current rack in the previous epoch plus
a term similar to (47) to capture the effectiveness of VM movement on resolving hot
spots in container. Similar to rack manager, the smallest value for Δ
⁄ in the
container is used as the destination chassis parameter to create the ranking metric. Note
that, the number of reported VM from a lower level manager to the higher level manager
can be bounded by selecting only a small number of high ranked VMs from each low-
level manager. This selection helps to reduce the complexity of the local search
mechanism as we go up in the resource management hierarchy.
In datacenter manager, the value of for each VM can be replaced by the best
VM assignment cost to a typically utilized server in any container. The ranking metric for
each VM can be found from
. For VMs that were assigned to their current
container in the previous epoch, ∑
∗∈ , , should be subtracted from their ranking
A similar approach also can be used in the cloud manager if there is a possibility
of changing the geographical load balancing solution based on the feedback from each
datacenter before finalizing the VM assignment solution.
This hierarchical local search method tries to decrease SLA violation penalty and
power consumption and increase the cooling system efficiency considering the migration
cost. This approach speeds up the local search method by parallel execution of local
search in each level and also ranking VM movements based on their expected cost
reduction capability.
3.6 Methods to Deal with Emergencies
The periodic optimization solution cannot guarantee SLA constraint satisfaction,
peak power capacity and critical temperature constraint satisfaction due to hardware
failure and dynamic nature of the VM workload. A costly way of providing a
performance guarantee in the cloud system is VM replication and resource over-
provisioning, which are necessary for some clients (e.g., an e-commerce client) but
wasteful for many others. Periodic monitoring of performance, power and temperature
can be used to make reactive VM migration decisions or resource allocation adjustments
in order to guarantee the satisfaction of the constraints. In this section, reactive VM
migration and resource allocation adjustment mechanisms are presented in the
hierarchical resource management structure.
Dynamic changes in VM workload is first detected by the server.
Power/performance manager in each server monitors the workload of the assigned VMs
and minimizes the SLA and energy cost by dynamically changing the allocation
parameters or the state of the server (voltage and frequency). A decrease in VM workload
creates power saving opportunity whereas an increase in VM workload forces the server
to increase the power consumption to satisfy SLA constraints. Drastic increases in VM
workload may not be responded by power increase and may require VM migration. Note
that even if the power/performance manager module in the server can find a resource
allocation solution that satisfies all of the VM SLA constraints within allowable power
capacity, it is possible that migrating a VM results in lower total cost. These cases can be
handled with periodic calls to local search procedure in each epoch.
There are different changes in the cloud system requiring immediate response to
avoid hardware damage and huge penalties. For these situations, different control
hardware components are placed inside the datacenter to avoid events such as
temperature run-away in servers or power capacity violations. Some prior work such as
[36] has studied the required control mechanisms. These control mechanisms can,
however, result in violation of SLA constraints. The resource manager must, therefore,
closely monitor the power and temperature sensors and performance counters in order to
promptly migrate VM, change supply cold air temperature, or temporarily decrease the
power consumption of some of the servers.
In different emergency scenarios (SLA, peak power or temperature emergency),
VM migration, resource allocation adjustment and limiting server power consumption
and supply cold air temperature change are used to resolve the issue. In our proposed
framework, a hierarchical procedure is used to choose and then perform the best action,
which results in the lowest cost increase, to resolve the issue. Considering hierarchical
resource management in the cloud computing system is completely in favor of
implementing software control mechanism due to ability for making fast local decisions.
Dynamic changes in the cloud computing system can cause SLA constraint
violation due to a reason that can be classified in one of the following categories:
Hardware or software failure (server, OS, …)
Peak power emergency
Temperature Emergency
Resource capacity saturation
Between these categories, HW or SW failure has the highest emergency factor.
The decision to assign affected VMs to new servers should be made as soon as the
incident happens and the immediate resource manager that catches the problem is
responsible for re-assignment decisions.
For the other dynamic changes, a hierarchical procedure is used to perform the
best actions to resolve the issue. These hierarchical procedures make sure that by
changing VM assignment solution, another emergency is not created in the system.
In case of SLA violation due to resource capacity saturation in a server,
corresponding chassis manager sorts VMs and migrates them one by one until the
resource contention in the target server is settled. VMs can be ranked based on the cost of
movement plus total cost of the other VMs on the server assuming the VM is migrated.
VM movement cost (total cost in destination server plus migration cost) can be found by
searching between different servers in datacenter. These searches can be done in parallel
using the resource managers in order to decrease the run-time of the solution. In these
calculations, the total cost (energy cost plus SLA violation penalty) of remaining VMs on
the server assuming a VM is migrated is set to a big value if an SLA violation exists even
with assumption of the VM removal.
To resolve SLA violations that happened due to peak power cap or temperature
emergency, resource managers assume that power cap or temperature-related power cap
constraint is violated and try to resolve that problem. This approach results in more
global view of the problem and result in better solution than solving the SLA violation
problem for some VMs. In these cases, different actions can be taken to solve the
problem. These actions include migrating some of the VMs or reducing the power
consumption for some servers, which may result in higher SLA violation penalties. In
case of temperature emergency, reducing the supply cold air temperature can also be
To find the cost of decreasing servers’ power consumption to satisfy peak power
or temperature-related power constraint, a metric that captures the effect of reducing
power consumption on total cost of serving VM (energy cost plus SLA violation penalty)
can be used. This metric can be represented by the derivative of VM cost with respect to
power consumption as follows:
Finding the minimum cost of satisfying a power cap by increasing SLA penalty
can be seen as a water-filling problem. In this water-filling problem, the volume of the
water is determined by the amount of power that needs to be cut. For each VM, area of
the corresponding water tank is a function of
. The initial water level in each tank is
specified by the value of equation (49). The height of each tank (highest water level
possible) is a function of the minimum
that satisfy SLA constraint (
). Using
iterative water-filing method, it is possible to find any approximation of the minimum
cost of satisfying the power cap without VM migration. Note that, in some cases, it is not
possible to satisfy the power cap constraint solely by limiting power consumption in
The other way of resolving peak power or temperature emergency is to change
VM assignment solution. To find the minimum cost of resolving the power emergency
with VM migration, a process similar to the local search method is deployed. This
process should select a set of VMs to be migrated from the entity with power or
temperature emergency. In addition to VM migration outside the target entity, we can
consolidate VMs inside the target entity to reduce the power consumption. To select the
set of VMs to be migrated, the ranking mechanism which is presented in the local search
procedure can be used. In order to find the best host for VM migration, ranking metrics
from different resource managers are gathered and the maximum ranking metric
represents the VM ranking metric in the target resource manager. Having the ranking
metrics for each VM, the problem of finding the best VM set can be shown to be an NP-
hard problem. It can be shown that Knapsack problem [79] can be reduced to this
problem. Due to dynamic nature of these procedures, we cannot use approaches like
dynamic programming to solve the problem. Instead, dividing the ranking metric by the
power decrease in the target entity due to migration can create a new ranking metric that
is appropriate for this problem. For the case of consolidating VMs inside the entity, the
power reduction due to this consolidation is used to create the new ranking metric. Based
on the sorted list of VMs, the target manager can migrate a set of VMs to resolve the
peak power or temperature emergency with minimum movement cost.
Supply cold air temperature reduction is another solution to the temperature
emergency. The cost of this action can be determined by the new supply cold air
temperature (
) and is dependent on the total power consumption in the container:
Ψ 1
1 ⁄ ⁄11 ⁄ .
To resolve the temperature emergency with a solution from combination of VM
migration, limiting servers power consumption and lowering , the ranking solution can
be modified. In addition to the sorted list of VMs based on their modified ranking
metrics, another entry is added for each VM with metric equal to (eq. (50)) which
captures the effectiveness of the power reduction without VM migration.
In addition to these elements, another entry with a metric equal to the negative
cost of decreasing supply cold air temperature divided by the total power to be cut is
added to the sorted list. The entry in the sorted list with the highest metric is picked, the
migration or power reduction is done and this process continues until the temperature
emergency is resolved. If the entry related to the supply cold air temperature is selected,
the supply cold air temperature is changed and the optimization is concluded. Note that
with selection of migration for a VM, the other entry related to that VM is removed from
the list. In contrast, if the power reduction entry is selected for a VM, the metric for the
VM migration entry is appropriately modified. In addition to one of these modifications,
the metric for the entry related to supply cold air temperature change should be modified
based on the power reduction in the chassis.
If the final solution includes a set of power reduction in servers, the total cost can
be reduced by replacing these power reduction with the iterative water-filing solution.
Pseudo code for reactive optimization algorithm for temperature emergency in a chassis
manager is shown in Algorithm 3.
Algorithm 3: Reactive Optimization – Temperature Emergency in chassis
Inputs: set of assigned VMs and
Outputs: VM Movement, power cap for server and
1 ∅ , Calculate to resolve temperature emergency
Ψ 1 ⁄ 1 ⁄ 1 1 ⁄ /
4 Ask Rack, container, datacenter and cloud manager to find ∗
5 // current cost minus best total cost in destination minus mig. cost
6 Foreach (∈ )
7 Find ,
added power in the host //consolidation inside chassis
9 If ( ∑ 1 )
10 1/ max
∗∈ , , ∗
11 If (
) max ,
ln ⁄
14 max ,
16 End
17 Sort the elements in based on ∗
18 While (
0 )
19 ∗∈
20 If (! )
21 If ( )
ln ⁄
23 and recalculate , and
24 Else
27 End
28 Calculate and update
29 Else
32 End
33 End
If the entry related to supply cold air temperature change is removed from the
presented algorithm, it can be used to solve the peak power cap emergency.
3.7 Simulation framework and results
3.7.1 Simulation framework
To show the effectiveness of the presented resource management solution, a
complete datacenter simulation framework is implemented in C++.
The focus of the presented periodic and reactive resource management algorithms
are datacenter resource managers. So, only one container-based datacenter is modeled in
the simulation framework.
The structure of the implemented datacenters is based on the definitions in
section 3.2. Different parameters in the system are set based on real-world parameters.
We consider a heterogeneous datacenter with 16 containers and 500 servers per
container. We use hourly decision epochs. Four different server types are considered in
this datacenter. Processors in server types are selected from a set of Intel processors (e.g.
Atom and Xeon) [80] with different number of cores, cache sizes, power consumptions
and clock frequencies.
For each virtual machine in the system, a VM type from four different pre-defined
VM types is selected. The virtual machine type determines the average characteristics of
VM. The type also specifies variance from the mean for the matching VMs. For example,
a given VM type sets
for each server type and each VM has this service rate per unit
capacity plus or minus a deviation that is solely dependent on the VM. Similarly, the
average request arrival rate (which in turn determines the VM workload in each epoch) is
determined by its VM type. However, the exact probability distribution function, PDF,
(and thus, the variance of the distribution) depends on the specific VM. We assume that
this PDF can be predicted in the cloud system and is used to determine the best workload
to avoid over-provisioning or under-provisioning. Moreover, workload of VM is changed
during an epoch based on this PDF. The frequency of VM workload changes in each
epoch is also determined based on a parameter dependent on VM type and a parameter
specific to VM. To reduce the simulation time, we assume that workload changes only
change the average inter-arrival time but the inter-arrival time and service time follow the
exponential distribution at all time. This means that in each time, the request response
time for each virtual machine can be determined based on M/M/1 queuing formulation.
Without this assumption, the long convergence time to determine the response time for
each VM does not allow us to simulate a datacenter with thousands of servers and VMs
in a reasonable amount of time. The VM lifetime is set randomly based on uniform
distribution between one and 8 hours.
In response to VM workload changes, the host server changes the resource
allocation parameters after a small delay. For this period of time, if SLA constraint is
violated, SLA violation penalty for 100% of the arriving requests is added to the cost of
the datacenter. Moreover, if the server is not able to determine the resource allocation
parameters such that SLA constraints for VMs or power or temperature constraint are
satisfied, reactive optimizations are performed.
To simulate the datacenter, we implemented an event-driven simulator. After
processing any VM workload changes, an event is generated to modify the resource
allocation parameters in the server after some delay. If this resource allocation
modification results in SLA violation or peak power or temperature violation, another
event regarding the reactive optimizations is added to the event queue. After each event,
the total cost is updated.
SLA for each VM is dependent on its VM type. The maximum tolerable request
arrival rate, target response time, SLA violation penalty, maximum tolerable SLA
violation rate, and migration penalties are determined based on the selected VM type
which is set based on EC2 pricing schemes [81].
Cooling system parameters for each container are set based on the provided data
in reference [52]. Peak power capacities for each component inside the datacenter
(chassis, rack, and container) are pre-set as fixed parameter values. These parameters
capture the ratio of the theoretical peak power consumption of each component to the
actual peak power capacity. For example if this ratio is 0.8 for a chassis, it means that the
peak power in that chassis cannot be more than 80% of the power consumption of an
active chassis with fully-utilized servers. These ratios can be the same in different levels
of the cloud system hierarchy or change depending on the aforesaid level. Energy cost for
regular cases is set to 15¢ per KWhr.
3.7.2 Base-line heuristics
To compare the results of the HRM with previous work, a power and migration-
aware VM placement algorithm (periodic optimization) called pMapper [84] is modified
and implemented. pMapper borrows FFD heuristics from bin-packing problem to find the
amount of resource needed from each server. After this step, VMs are sorted based on
their required processing size and assigned to the first available server with the least
power to the processing capacity ratio. To avoid high migration cost, VM migrations are
sorted based on a metric which is the power decrease to the migration cost. VM
migrations are performed based on this ranking metric if their metric is greater than one.
Note that pMapper is a centralized VM placement approach, which does not
consider the peak power capacity and CRAC efficiency in its algorithms. We thus
modified pMapper to address these two issues as follows: (i) When calculating the
ranking metric for servers, the effective power consumption of the server in the previous
epoch considering the CRAC efficiency factor is used; (ii) A utilization capacity is
considered for each server to decrease the possibility of having power capacity violation.
Furthermore, after finalizing the VM assignment, the same reactive optimization
procedure that we use for handling any peak power capacity violations is applied. With
these two changes, pMapper can serve as a good baseline against which one can compare
the presented methods in this chapter.
Moreover, to show the performance loss of using HRM instead of a centralized
periodic optimization algorithm with the same decision criteria, we implemented another
centralized periodic resource management algorithm called CRM. In this algorithm, VMs
are sorted based on their processing requirement size. Starting from the VM with the
biggest resource requirement size, servers are sorted based on their associated VM
assignment cost (calculated from equation (44)) and the VM is assigned to the server with
minimum assignment cost. After any assignment, resource, peak power and supply cold
air temperature is updated.
Note that, the presented reactive optimization technique is applied to the case with
pMapper and CRM algorithms as periodic optimization technique.
To compare our reactive optimization procedure, a centralized reactive
optimization method for SLA violation or power or temperature-related power violation
is also implemented. The implemented method is also based on FFD heuristic.
Considering the set of VMs related to the dynamic event, servers in datacenter are sorted
based on their power efficiency and starting from the smallest VM in the set, the best VM
migration is performed. This process continues until the power/temperature/SLA
emergency is resolved. The reason behind selecting the smallest VM in each try is that
smaller VMs typically have smaller migration costs.
3.7.3 Simulation results
Total number of active VMs and workload intensity (calculated as the summation
of minimum resource requirement of active VMs from a reference server type) in each
epoch is shown in Figure 11. During the full-day simulation, nearly 1,000,000 workload
changes are generated in our simulator.
Figure 11- Number of VMs and workload intensity in each epoch
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9
Axis Title
Number of active VMs
Workload intensity
(minimum number of required server)
The total costs of the datacenter by applying HRM, CRM or pMapper algorithms
are presented in Figure 12. As it can be seen, considering flexible SLA, cooling system
efficiency, and peak power capacity in datacenter makes HRM algorithm better than
pMapper (by an average of 43%) in terms of the total cost of the system. Moreover,
performance loss of HRM method with respect to CRM approach is less than 2% which
shows the effectiveness of the hierarchical management.
Figure 12- Total cost of datacenter in each epoch
Figure 13- Run-time of the periodic optimization procedure in each epoch (run-time is reported in
logarithmic scales)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516171819 20212223
Total Cost ($)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Periodic optimization
One of the key motivations for considering a hierarchical resource manager is to
reduce the run-time of the periodic optimization procedures and improve the solution
scalability. Run-time of HRM, CRM and pMapper periodic optimization procedures are
shown in Figure 13. As it can be seen, the presented hierarchical method has a very short
run-time compared to the centralized approaches. In fact, HRM is in average 7 times
faster than pMapper and 27 times faster than CRM.
Calculating the arrival rate for each VM based on the prediction about its
workload significantly affects the periodic optimization solution. Moreover, due to
migration cost, effect of periodic optimization solution does not disappear even in case of
very dynamic workloads. To show this effect, we considered over-provisioning (20%
increase in predicted arrival rate) and under-provisioning (20% decrease in predicted
arrival rate) with respect to HRM algorithm for calculating the arrival rate. The results of
these two scenarios in addition to the HRM results are shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14- Run-time of the periodic optimization procedure in each epoch
It can be seen that the over-provisioning results in 13% higher cost than HRM and
under-provisioning results in 2% lower cost than HRM. Note that, this 2% reduction in
01 23456 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Total cost ($)
Epoch (hour)
total cost results in higher SLA hard constraint violation (low user satisfaction) and
significantly higher number of reactive optimization calls in each epoch due to SLA
To understand the operational cost of the datacenter, different elements of the
total cost having different periodic optimization techniques are shown in Figure 15 to
Figure 18.
Figure 15- Elements of the total cost: Energy cost.
Figure 16- Elements of the total cost: SLA violation penalty.
0123 4567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Total energy cost ($)
Epoch (hour)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 131415 1617 1819 2021 2223
Total SLA violation penalties ($)
Epoch (hour)
Figure 17- Elements of the total cost: Migration cost.
Figure 18- Elements of the total cost: SLA hard constraint violation penalty.
As can be seen, over-provisioning approach results in high energy cost and low
SLA violation penalty and migration cost. This is due to the fact that the amount of
resources allocated to each VM is more than what it really needs. In contrast, under-
provisioning approach results in low energy cost but high SLA violation penalty and
migration cost. Moreover, SLA hard constraint violation penalty which results in user
dissatisfaction is high in this approach. pMapper algorithm results in high energy cost and
SLA violation penalty due to the lack of flexibility for resource allocation mechanism in
012 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Total Migration cost ($)
Epoch (hour)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Total SLA hard constraint
violation penalties ($)
Epoch (hour)
this approach but this approach results in the lowest hard SLA constraint violation.
Moreover, pMapper algorithm does not consider the cooling system efficiency and may
result in uneven temperature distribution inside containers and higher power usage
effectiveness. CRM approach results in lower energy cost with respect to HRM solution
but SLA violation penalty, VM migration cost and SLA hard constraint violation penalty
are higher in CRM approach. CRM approach results in higher consolidation level than
HRM solution due to global search between all servers for each VM assignment in CRM
approach which results in lower energy cost and possibly higher resource contention
between VMs and higher probability of forced VM migration due to emergencies.
Figure 19 reports the total number of calls to reactive optimization procedures in
one day considering different management strategies.
Figure 19- Total number of calls to the reactive optimization procedures in one day
As expected, the number of calls to reactive optimization procedures for the
under-provisioning scenario is larger than other hierarchical management algorithms.
Moreover, the rather large number of calls to reactive optimization procedures for
HRM HRM-over HRM-under pMapper CRM
# of calls to reactive procedure in one day
pMapper scenario has two important reasons: (i) usual power capacity violation due to
issues in periodic solution, and (ii) dynamic calls to solve SLA violation problems due to
inflexibility of the resource allocation procedure.
In case of using HRM as the periodic optimization procedure, less than 4% of the
workload changes results in reactive optimization procedure call. The total cost of VM
movement cost for the presented reactive optimization procedure for SLA emergencies is
shown in Figure 20. In this figure, the total VM movement cost for reactive optimization
procedure in the centralized management structure is also shown. As can be seen, the
expected cost of solving SLA violation using the presented algorithm is smaller than the
expected cost of solving the issue with a centralized approach for most of the cases. This
is because the centralized approach does not consider the migration cost and only finds
the best server in the system as the host. Another drawback for the centralized approach
is the greedy VM selection strategy.
Figure 20- Total VM movement cost for the reactive optimization procedure (SLA violation
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Expected cost of Solving SLA violation (dynamic)
Sample dynamic procedures
Centralized reactive solution
The number of calls to reactive procedure for power or temperature-related power
cap violation is much smaller than the number of calls for SLA violation in hierarchical
management scenario. This is because the power cap violation happens in chassis, rack or
container but SLA violation happens in the servers. The total expected cost of solving
power cap violations using the presented algorithms in hierarchical and centralized
management scenarios is presented in Figure 21. Negative expected cost in this figure
means expected gain.
Figure 21- Total VM movement cost for the reactive optimization procedure (power cap emergency)
As can be seen, the expected cost of solving power cap violation using the
presented algorithms are less than expected cost of solving power cap violation using the
centralized approach. The expected gain in the presented approach is the result of lower
energy cost and SLA violation penalty in the selected hosts for the set of migrated VMs.
Similar to the previous case, the centralized approach does not consider the migration
cost and cannot select the best set of VMs to migrate.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Expected cost of Solving peak cap violation (dynamic)
Sample dynamic procedures
Centralized reactive solution
The complexity of the presented algorithm for solving the power cap or
temperature emergency is mostly dominated by communication cost between different
managers in the system. The run-time of the presented reactive optimization algorithms is
negligible in our implementation due to the fact that there is no communication latency
between resource management instances in a unified software. The number of resource
managers involved in solving the problem can be limited in order to reduce the run-time
with possible expected cost increase.
(a) (b)
Figure 22- (a) power and (b) temperature distribution in a container with heavy worklaod.
(a) (b)
Figure 23- (a) power and (b) temperature distribution in a container with light workload.
To show the effectiveness of HRM algorithms in reducing the cooling system
power consumption, Figure 22 and Figure 23 show two instances of power and
temperature distribution in 10-rack containers. In these containers, two rows of racks
(five racks in each row) are placed in parallel. Each rack has five chassis (A on bottom to
E on top).
Figure 22 shows a case with heavier workload having supply cold air temperature
equal to 15
C and maximum temperature of 30.2
C. Figure 23 shows a case with lighter
workload having supply cold air temperature equal to 22
C and maximum temperature of
C. In both cases, it can be seen that the resource manager tries to decrease heat
recirculation which is the main results of the literature in temperature-aware task
scheduling in datacenter such as [52]. Note that this is not always possible because the
resource managers also consider three important factors in the resource management
solution which are energy proportionality, VM migration cost and peak power cap.
Figure 24- Dynamic energy price and total cost of the datacenter in a full day
0123 45678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Energy price ($ per KWH)
Total cost ($)
Total cost ($)
Energy price
Energy price has a big impact in determining the total cost of the system. Energy
price is an important factor in determining the resource allocation strategy in datacenters.
All of the presented algorithms in this chapter consider the energy price to decide about
the amount of resource allocated to each VM. To examine the effect of energy price on
the result of the presented algorithms, we considered a scenario with 5000 VMs and
different energy prices for each epoch. The energy price and total cost of the datacenter in
a full day is shown in Figure 24. As can be seen in this figure, the total cost in datacenter
has a similar pattern to the energy price in the system.
Figure 25- (a) percentage of the SLA violation penalty in the total cost and (b) average predicted
arrival rate for VMs in different epochs
0123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Energy price ($ per KWH)
Percentage of SLA violation penalty in total cost
Energy price
01234567 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Energy price ($ per KWH)
Avg. predicted arrival rate (per second)
Avg. predicted arrival rate
Energy price
Figure 25 shows the share of the SLA violation penalty in the total cost and
average predicted arrival rate for VMs in different epochs.
As can be seen in Figure 25(a), the share of SLA violation penalty does not
significantly change with energy price. This means that in case of low energy price,
resource manager tries to lower the SLA violation penalty and in case of high energy
price, it tries to reduce energy consumption by decreasing the resource allocated to each
VM. Another proof for this observation is Figure 25(b) which shows that by increasing
the energy price, the resource manager decreases the size of each VM (under-provision)
to reduce the energy cost.
3.8 Conclusion
In this chapter, a hierarchical resource management structure for cloud system is
presented. The presented structure shows scalability and higher performance compared to
a centralized structure suggested in the literature. Moreover, the performance loss of the
decentralized approach with respect to the centralized version of the algorithm is less
than 2% having 27 times shorter run-time.
The presented algorithm results in higher energy proportionality in the overall
datacenter, lower SLA violation penalty and migration cost and higher cooling system
efficiency. The presented management structure is appropriate for localized VM
migrations and allocation adjustment to avoid temperature, peak power and SLA
emergencies. The effect of over and under-provisioning approaches in this algorithm is
studied in the simulation results.
4.1 Introduction
Geographical load balancing (GLB) can be defined as a series of decisions about
dynamic assignment and/or migration of virtual machines (VMs) or computational tasks
to geographically distributed datacenters in order to meet the SLAs or service deadlines
for VMs/tasks and to decrease the operational cost of the cloud system.
Most of the previous work that has focused on the GLB problem for online
service applications, e.g., [63, 65, 66], simplify the VM placement and migration problem
to a request forwarding problem for a VM type or a collection of VMs. This
representation ignores the heterogeneity of VMs, the VM packing problem, and real VM
migration cost and can thus result in low performance in a real cloud system.
In this work, we focus on the GLB problem for heterogeneous online service
applications that are response time-sensitive. Communication latency, queuing and
service delays, and VM migration penalty are the most important factors for determining
the VM to datacenter assignment solution. The availability of each type of resource in a
datacenter, peak power capacity, and varying PUE factor are considered in modeling each
datacenter. There are two versions of the GLB solution: (i) static solution, which
considers every input parameters to be determined deterministically in order to derive a
complete VM placement and migration solution for a long period of time, and (ii)
dynamic solution, which uses prediction of the input parameters for the future to derive
VM placement and migration for a the current time. In contrast to dynamic solution
which can be used in cloud-level resource management, the static solution can be used
during the design of geographically distributed datacenters to reduce the initial capital
expenditure and expected operational cost of the datacenter.
This chapter presents a novel algorithm based on force-directed scheduling [85] to
solve the static version of the problem. This solution is subsequently extended to a
dynamic one to perform periodic VM placement and migration management for online
service applications based on the prediction of application active periods, workload types
and intensities, electrical energy prices, and potential generation of renewable energy in
the near future. The effectiveness of the presented solutions is demonstrated by
comparison them to a solution that does not consider the GLB capability.
This chapter is organized as follows. Parameter definition and precise problem
formulation for the static scenario are given in sections 4.2 and 4.3. The static version of
the solution is presented in section 4.4 while dynamic problem formulation and solution
are presented in section 4.5. Simulation results are presented in section 4.6 and chapter is
concluded at section 4.7.
4.2 Parameter definitions
The GLB solution for online service applications is a periodic VM assignment to
and/or VM migration across geographically distributed datacenters if necessary. The
objective of the GLB problem is to minimize the operational cost (the electrical energy
bill plus SLA penalty) of the cloud system while satisfying resource, peak power
capacity, and SLA constraints. Note that the decisions in the GLB solution are focused on
the cloud-level VM assignment and migration. Each datacenter has its own VM
management that assigns VMs to its servers and migrates VMs. The datacenter-level VM
management and migration have studied in previous two chapters. An exemplary figure
for a geographically distributed datacenter is shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26 – An exemplary figure for a geographically distributed cloud system
To increase readability, Table V presents key symbols used throughout this
chapter along with their definitions.
Symbol Definition
Duration of the decision epoch in seconds
Set of consecutive epochs considered for the static version of the GLB
Set of active VMs in each epoch
Set of geographically distributed datacenters
Energy price in datacenter d during epoch
Average generated power in renewable power plant in datacenter d during epoch
Peak power limitation of datacenter
Peak to average power consumption ratio
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) efficiency in datacenter
Set of server types in datacenter d
, Number of servers of type in datacenter
Average utilization of a server from server type
, Constant and dynamic power consumption of server type s operation.
VM migration cost between datacenter and
The least amount of the computing resource needed in order to guarantee satisfaction
of the SLA constraint for VM in server type datacenter in epoch
, Expected SLA cost of VM i in epoch with allocation parameter ,
, Amount of resource in server type j in datacenter d allocated to VM in epoch
Pseudo Boolean parameter to show that if VM is assigned to server s (1) or not (0)
In this chapter, we focus on solving the GLB problem in case of heterogeneous
VMs and heterogeneous servers in each datacenter. We present two versions of the
solution to this problem: (i) static solution considering predicted workload, known
renewable power generation capability, and dynamic electrical electricity prices; (ii)
periodic dynamic solution to decide about the VM placement and migration for the
current time based on the immediate information and predictions about the future. Note
that the assumption in the static version of the problem is simplistic but the static solution
can be used in capacity provisioning for datacenters, determining datacenter site
locations, or the amount of renewable power source construction near each datacenter.
Moreover, as shown in this chapter, the static solution can be extended to the dynamic
version, which can be used in VM management in a cloud system.
The time axis in the GLB problem is divided into time slots called epochs. Each
epoch is identified by a unique id, denoted by . denotes the duration of each epoch,
which is in the order of a few minutes to as much as one hour. New VMs are only
admitted at the beginning of each epoch. Similarly, decisions about VM migration and
placement are only applied at the beginning of each epoch. In addition to this decision
making process, a reactive manager migrates VMs between different datacenters in the
case of drastic workload changes, which may create SLA, peak power, or thermal
The solution to the GLB problem involves information about (or prediction of)
the dynamic energy prices, renewable power generation capability, VM workload, and
VM active period. The quality of these predictions determines the quality of the presented
solution to the GLB problem. In the first part of this chapter, we consider a static version
of the problem that assumes perfect prediction of these parameters and determines a
complete VM placement and migration solution for a long period of time e.g., a full day.
Definitions of parameters for the static version of the problem are given next.
denotes the set of consecutive epochs that we consider for the static version of
the GLB. Similar to the dynamic solution, the static solution changes the VM assignment
solution only at the beginning of each epoch. Each VM and each datacenter are identified
by a unique id, denoted by i and d respectively. denotes the set of active VMs in
each epoch and denotes the set of geographically distributed datacenters.
A time-of-use (TOU) dependent energy pricing scheme is considered for each
utility company. The energy price is assumed to be fixed for each epoch. Ψ
the energy price in datacenter d during epoch . TOU-dependent energy pricing scheme
(in contrast to peak-power dependent energy pricing) enables one to ignore the time
variation of renewable power generated in local renewable power facilities during an
epoch and model the amount of generated renewable power by the average generated
power in that epoch, which is denoted by . The allowed peak power consumption
of a datacenter is determined by the power delivery network in the datacenter and is
denoted by
. To translate the average power consumption to
, peak to average
power ratio ( ) is used. This parameter depends on the resource capacity of the
datacenter and the set of VMs assigned to the datacenter.
The PUE factor of a datacenter, which is defined as the ratio between total power
consumption of the datacenter to the power consumed by the IT equipment in the
datacenter, is dependent on the datacenter design (including facility planning and
management and cooling technology) and the amount of instantaneous power
consumption. We consider the PUE factor to be decomposed to a constant factor ( ),
which accounts for the uninterrupted power supply (UPS) inefficiencies within the
datacenter, and a load-dependent factor ( 11/ ), which captures the
inefficiency of the air conditioning units in the datacenter. In the load-dependent factor,
the coefficient-of-performance ( ), which models the amount of power consumed
by the air conditioning units, depends on the temperature of the supplied cold air, which
is in turn a function of the IT equipment power dissipation in the datacenter. Optimal
is a monotonically decreasing function of the average power consumption in
the datacenter.
We consider only the processing capacity as the resource in each datacenter
(consideration of other resource types such as the storage or network bandwidth falls
outside the scope of present chapter). To model each datacenter more accurately, we
consider datacenters with heterogeneous servers. Each server type is identified by a
unique id in each datacenter and the set of server types in each datacenter is shown by
. , denotes the number of servers of type in datacenter . Different server types
have different characteristics in terms of their processing speed (CPU cycles per second)
and power consumption.
Due to non-energy proportional behavior of the servers [13], it is important to
translate the amount of resources required in the server pool to the number of active
servers. To capture the VM packing effect, we assume that any active server of type s, is
utilized by an average value (smaller than one, e.g., 0.8) denoted by . The rationale is
that considering any resource requirement value, server-level power management
strategies including server consolidation or dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
methods are employed in the datacenter ensuring that an active server is utilized at a high
level so that we avoid having to pay the penalty associated with the non-energy
proportionality behavior of the servers. This average utilization level for different server
types may not be the same because the characteristics and configuration of each server
type in terms of its power consumption vs. utilization level curve as well as the amount of
memory, local disk size, network interface bandwidth are generally different.
The average power consumption of each of these resource types in datacenter can
be found by multiplying the average power consumption of a typically utilized server of
given type (
) by the number of servers needed to support the assigned VMs in
the datacenter. In this formula, and denote the idle and utilization-dependent
power consumption of a server of type .
Each client of the target cloud system creates one VM to execute its application.
The SLA for online service application determines a target response time for requests
generated by the VM. The cloud provider must guarantee the satisfaction of this response
time constraint for a percentage of incoming requests (e.g. 95%) and agrees to pay a fixed
penalty for any request violating the response time constraint. Moreover, SLAs determine
VM migration cost, which is the penalty for service outage due to VM migration.
, denotes the VM migration cost between datacenter and .
Let , denote the amount of servers of type s in datacenter d allocated to
VM in epoch . To determine this resource allocation parameter for each VM, a
performance model must be considered. Each VM will have different resource
requirements and exhibit different response time behavior if it is assigned to different
server types. Moreover, dependence of a VM’s request response time in a host datacenter
can be determined based on the communication distance between the VM’s origination
point and the host datacenter, the data rate in dedicated communication channels, the
packet size of the incoming requests and outgoing response.
Performance models presented in the literature can help translate the resource
allocation parameter to specific SLA violation cost or price based on the client’s SLA
requirements, VM workload in the epoch, execution behavior of VM on the specific
server type, and the communication latency. The performance model can be abstracted by
parameter , and function , that denote the least amount of the computing
resource needed in order to guarantee satisfaction of the SLA constraint and the expected
SLA cost of VM i in epoch with allocation parameter , , respectively. According
to definition, 0 0 . Ignoring , 0 , this function is monotonically decreasing
with respect to , . If the communication latency of assigning a VM to a datacenter
violates the SLA response time constraint, parameter , will be equal to infinity in
order to avoid such assignments.
Note that constraint ,
, guarantees that the SLA constraint will be
satisfied based on the assumed performance model but in order to satisfy the SLA
constraints, the host server monitors the performance of the application and in case of
SLA violation increases the amount of resource allocated to it or requests VM migration
from the datacenter-level resource manager.
4.3 Problem Formulation for the Static Problem
The static version of the GLB problem can be formulated as follows:
∈ ∈
, ∈ ∈ ∈ ∈
subject to:
1 ∑
∑ , ∈ ∈ (51)
∑ 1
∈ ∀ ∈ , 0 ,
∑ , ∈ , ∈ 0,1
, 0 ,
, ,1 ∈ ∈ 0 ∀ ∈
∑ , ∈
, ∀ ∈ & ∀ ∈ (54)
, 1 ∀ , ∈
where denotes the max , 0 and Parameter is a very small positive value. Note
that 0 is equal to 0.
The optimization parameters in this problem include the assignment parameters
( ) and the allocation parameters ( , ). The objective function includes three
terms: (i) the energy cost paid to the utility companies, (ii) the VM migration cost, and,
(iii) the SLA cost of VMs based on the VM assignment and amount of resources
allocated to them.
Equation (51) determines the average power consumption of each datacenter
based on the allocated resource to VMs. Constraint (52) determines the pseudo-Boolean
assignment parameter for each VM in each epoch. Constraint (53) forces the amount of
resources allocated to each VM to be greater than , . Resource capacity constraint
for each server type in each datacenter is captured by constraint (54). Constraint (55)
determines the migration cost associated with each VM. The migration cost is equal to
zero unless the VM is migrated from datacenter to in epoch . In the latter case, the
migration cost is equal to
. In order to consider the initial VM assignment solution,
if VM is initially assigned to datacenter , 1 is set to one. Finally, constraint (56)
captures the peak power capacity constraint in each datacenter.
The GLB problem is an NP-hard optimization problem. Most of the previous
work [63, 65, 66, 60] has focused on solving the GLB problem with continuous workload
approximation. The problem can subsequently be solved using convex optimization
methods. The continuous approximation of the GLB problem is acceptable in case of
homogenous VMs or simple request forwarding scenarios in a cloud system. This
simplification cannot, however, accurately capture the VM migration cost and may result
in poor performance due to the necessity of deciding about the actual VM placement after
finalizing the load balancing solution. In this work, we present a dynamic and static
solution to the GLB problem for online service applications in the cloud system.
4.4 Algorithm for the Static Solution
As explained in section 4.2, in the static version of the problem, we assume that
every input parameter is known as opposed to a dynamic scenario in which these
parameters are only predicted with certain confidence. The input parameters in this
problem are the VM arrival time and active period, the VM workload in each epoch,
energy price and generated power in the renewable power plant for each datacenter. We
consider these parameters to be fixed during each epoch. Making this assumption means
that the frequency of drastic changes in the system is considered to be greater than the
frequency of applying the optimization solution.
The GLB problem involves a resource allocation problem for VMs assigned to
each datacenter at each epoch. To determine the optimal amount of resources that need to
be allocated to a VM to minimize the summation of energy and SLA costs, we need to
know the effective energy price and the PUE of a datacenter. It is obvious that these
values cannot be determined without knowing the average power consumption in the
target epoch but we can estimate and by using their typical values in
previous epochs with similar conditions. The problem of finding the best resource
allocation parameter for VM if it is assigned to server type in datacenter may be
formulated as follows:
1 1
, ,
subject to:
, (57)
In this formulation, and
denote the estimated average power
consumption and COP, respectively. Considering a non-increasing SLA cost function, the
problem has only one solution in which ,
, , , 1 or it satisfies the
following equality (KKT conditions):
1 1
Considering a constant communication delay for assigning a VM to a datacenter,
a closed form solution can be found for (58) by using the M/M/1 queuing model, cf. [70].
In case of more complicated SLAs or queuing models, it may not be possible to obtain a
closed form solution for this problem, but a numerical solution can be used in such cases.
In the rest of this chapter, , denotes the solution of (58) or zero depending on the
value of . Note that, at any point of the algorithm where all VMs are assigned to a
datacenter for an epoch, the value of , can be updated based on real values of
and .
The GLB problem considering VMs with lifetimes greater than single epoch is
more complicated than finding the best VM placement solution for each epoch because a
VM may cost less if it is not assigned to its best datacenter in the current epoch so as to
avoid having to pay for costly VM migration in a next epoch. To be able to find an
efficient and high-performance solution for the GLB problem, we present a force-directed
load balancing (FDLB) algorithm, which determines VM placement solution based on
force-directed scheduling (FDS) [85].
FDS is one of the notable scheduling techniques in high-level synthesis. It is a
technique used to schedule directed acyclic task graphs so as to minimize the resource
usage under a latency constraint. This technique maps the scheduling problem to the
problem of minimizing forces in a physical system which is subsequently solved by
iteratively reducing the total force by task movements between time slots. In reference
[86], we applied this technique to the task scheduling in demand response problem.
To solve the GLB problem using the FDS technique, | | instances of each
datacenter (one for each epoch) and an instance of each VM for each epoch in its active
period are created. Note that, the instance of a VM in epoch only has interactions with
datacenter instances in that epoch and the VM instances in epoch 1 and 1 (if they
exist). Forces in this system are defined based on different terms in the objective
functions and resource and peak power capacities in datacenters. Assigning an instance of
VM in epoch to server type in datacenter creates the following force in the
, , , , , (59)
, Ψ
, 1
1 ∈
∑ ,
It can be seen that different force elements are defined for different parts of the
objective function or constraints in the GLB problem as explained next.
captures the energy and SLA costs based on the amount of resources allocated to the VM.
captures the VM migration cost whereas
, captures the energy cost of the
cooling power consumption change due to the average power consumption change.
, and
, capture the pressure on the peak power and server type resource
capacity constraints in the datacenter. Note that
, and
, do not have
corresponding cost meaning, but are added to the force calculation to make sure the
capacity constraints are satisfied.
Finding a feasible solution to minimize the objective function is equivalent to
minimizing the summation of forces applied to VM instances. Starting from any solution,
we can identify the VM instance movements (from a server type in a datacenter to
another server type in a datacenter) that results in reducing the force and execute these
movements to reach a lower operational cost. The order of these movements affects the
final results because executing a movement changes the forces applied to some other VM
The initial solution has a significant impact on the quality of the final solution for
the GLB problem. To be able to perform gradual VM movement to reduce the total force,
we consider an initial solution in which, each VM instance is cloned and uniformly
distributed between possible resource types in different datacenters related to the target
epoch. Let denote the number of instances for VM in epoch . The amount of
resources allocated to new VM instances is replaced by , /
and force
components are calculated based on this value. Note that the SLA cost for these VM
instances should be calculated from , /
while the migration cost-related
force calculation should consider multiple VM instances in neighboring epochs with
appropriate weights. More precisely,
for an instance of the VM should be
replaced by the following term:
Starting from the initial solution, we need to merge instances associated with each
VM in each epoch to reduce the number of instances related to each VM to one for each
epoch ( 1 ). Speed of the instance merging affects the run-time of the algorithm
and the overall quality of the solution. We select a three-stage merging approach in which
first we reduce the number of instances for each VM in each epoch to 4 and then reduce
the number of instances to 2, and finally, determine the VM placement. In each stage, the
best merging action (least force increase) between different VMs and different epochs is
selected and executed until there are no VMs with more than the target number of
instances in each epoch. To calculate the best merging action and its associated force, the
total force applied to VM instances is calculated and subtracted from the best total force
if the instances are reduced to the target number of instances. Note that any VM instance
movement results in changes in forces applied to VM instances associated with the
datacenters in that epoch and its own VM instances in the neighboring epochs. These
force changes are captured in equation (59) but to calculate the next best VM movement,
the value of force for affected VM instances needs to be updated.
After finalizing the VM placement solution, in case of resource or peak power
capacity constraint violation in datacenters, the VM instance movement must be
continued until a feasible solution is reached. In this stage, VM instances can select any
destination resource type in a datacenter in the corresponding epoch in contrast to gradual
VM instance merging, which was limited to select destination(s) between current VM
instance hosts. In addition to this stage, even without any peak power capacity or
resource constraint violations, the VM movement can be continued to further reduce the
total cost with the restriction that no VM movement that results in any constraint
violations should be tried.
Considering this algorithm, we can formulize the datacenter and renewable power
plant design problem to minimize the capital expenditure and operational cost. The
presented algorithm can also be modified and used in the dynamic VM management in a
cloud system comprised of geographically distributed datacenters. Details of this
extension are given next.
4.5 Formulation and Solution of the Dynamic Version of the
VM placement in a cloud system comprised of geographically distributed
datacenters is performed at the beginning of each epoch based on the prediction of the
optimization parameters. The dynamic solution for the GLB problem determines the VM
placement solution for the current epoch (denoted by in this section with the
consideration of future epochs. To make a decision about a VM placement, we need to
consider its active period, its workload in the next epochs, other VMs in the system
including existing VMs and new VMs that will enter the cloud in the next epochs, and
energy price and renewable energy generation for next epochs.
The cloud system cost ( ) in epoch can be formulated as follows:
∑ ∑∑
, ∈ ∈ ∈
The dynamic version of the GLB problem tries to minimize the summation of
and the costs of the future epochs ( ) by VM placement for the current set
of VMs.
The dynamic GLB solution directly affects but only indirectly affects
. In contrast to straightforward calculation of based on the VM
placement solution (considering perfect information about input parameters in epoch ),
estimating is a difficult task due to the following missing information about
epoch :
(i) Existence of VM (∈ ) in epoch . A probability value denoted
is considered to determine the probability of the VM to be active in epoch
. This probability is a decreasing function of .
(ii) VM Workload (∈ ) in epoch . Considering SLA, workload in
our problem formulation may be translated into resource allocation parameters.
Therefore, we consider predicted resource allocation parameters in epoch , denoted
by , .
(iii) Energy price and average renewable power generation. We consider
and to represent the predicted energy price and average renewable
power generation in epoch .
(iv) The rest of active VMs ( ) and their workload in that epoch.
Instead of predicting a number of active VMs for epoch , resource utilization related
to those VMs in datacenters can be used. These resource utilization parameters can be
found based on the state of the datacenters in similar scenarios (same energy price,
renewable power generation and workload) after removing the resource utilization related
to VMs that existed in epoch . The amount of predicted background utilized resources
for resource type in datacenter in epoch is denoted by , .
and , can be estimated based on the historical
data about the VM type and VM’s original location. Energy price can be predicted based
on the historical data or information received from utility companies and average
renewable energy generation can be estimated based on weather prediction.
Based on the predicted optimization parameters, the dynamic VM placement
problem in a geographically distributed datacenter can be set up similar to the static
problem. A maximum application lifetime is considered for every VM and SLA and
migration cost and allocation parameters for VM in epoch are dampened by
. To simplify the formulation, in the following formulation, we
consider the predicted parameters to be equal to their actual values for epoch and set
1 . The dynamic GLB problem can thus be formulated as follows:
, ∈ ∈
subject to constraints (52), (53), (55), (56) and
, ∈
, (67)
1 ∑
, ∈ ∑
, ∈
This problem can be solved by using the presented force-directed VM placement
algorithm for the static problem. Note that the number of VMs in this problem is limited
to | | , which results in shorter execution time for this solution. It can be shown that,
even starting from unsatisfactory background resource utilization, the dynamic solution
converges to a good solution after a number of iterations of the solution because the
accuracy of the background workload will be improved by applying the dynamic
4.6 Simulation Results
To show the effectiveness of the presented algorithms for the GLB problem, a
simulation framework is implemented.
In this simulation framework, we considered a US-based cloud system that has
five datacenters in California, Texas, Michigan, New York, and Florida. The
communication rate between these datacenters is assumed to be 1Gbps. Size of these
datacenters ranges from 4,000 to 1,600 servers belonging to four different server types,
selected from HP server types. Duration of epoch is set to one hour. The average
utilization of servers is assumed to be 70%. Peak power capacity of each datacenter is set
to 80% of the peak power consumption of the deployed servers and cooling system.
Based on the weather patterns, each datacenter has a combination of solar and wind
power plant with power generation capacity of up to 20% of its peak power consumption.
The renewable power generation changes during the day based on type of the power
The average energy price in one day for each datacenter is set based on the
reported average energy price [87] in datacenter’s location. Dynamic energy price for
each one of the datacenters is assumed to follow the dynamic energy pricing pattern in
reference [88] related to 5/23/2013 with appropriate time shift and average energy price.
Figure 27 shows the energy price pattern for the California datacenter with average
energy price of 15.2 ¢ per KWhr.
Figure 27 – Energy price in California datacenter (time in PST)
To determine the relation between the COP and average power consumption in a
datacenter, we applied the genetic-algorithm-based power provisioning policy presented
in reference [52] to find the maximum COP for different range of power consumption in
a two-row rack setting (250 blade servers with 110KW peak power) using hot-aisle/cold-
aisle cooling arrangement. The results are reported in Figure 28.
Figure 28 – Dependence of COP on average power consumption
Energy price (¢ per KWhr)
1.0E+02 1.0E+04 2.0E+04 3.0E+04 4.0E+04 5.0E+04 6.0E+04 7.0E+04 8.0E+04 9.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.1E+05
Total power consumption in cluster (Watt)
COP Estimated COP (linear regression)
It can be seen that the COP can be modeled as a linear function of the average
power consumption with acceptable error. To approximate the COP function for the
whole datacenter, the power coefficient in this linear estimation is multiplied by , /
110KW. This assumption is based on having multiple server rooms with capacity of
110KW each.
Synthetic workloads are generated to be used in the GLB problem. Based on
population distribution in US, applications are created in different time horizons and
geographical locations. Application workload is changed according to the local time of its
origination point. The application lifetime is set randomly based on uniform distribution
between one and 16 hours. The SLA parameters and costs for these applications are set
based on the Amazon EC
pricing scheme [81]. We used the SLA model presented in
[70] to determine the SLA cost based on the amount of resources allocated to each VM.
The minimum resource requirement for each VM is determined considering a target
response time, a tolerable response time violation rate, behavior of the VM on the target
server type, the round-trip time between VM location and target datacenter location, and
the time required to transmit a typical packet in the incoming requests and outgoing
responses. The penalty for an under-serviced request is set to be equal to the service price
for one hour divided by the maximum number of requests that can violate the response
time in each charge cycle. The migration cost is considered to be linearly related to the
migration latency. The linear coefficient is set to be equal to the service price for one
charge cycle divided by the worst possible migration latency (New York to California.)
The baseline in our simulation is a case without geographical load balancing. For
this scheme, each client is assigned to its nearest datacenter that has sufficient available
resources. This scheme results in small VM migration cost if there are no resource
contentions in the datacenters.
Figure 29 – The intensity of the workload as a function of time of the day captured by the total
minimum resource requirement for active VMs
To show the effectiveness of the presented static algorithm, we created workload
for more than 100,000 clients across the US for a full day and determined the GLB
solution by using presented algorithm and baseline solution. The workload intensity,
which is obtained by summing the minimum resource requirement for the active VMs, is
reported in Figure 29.
The operational cost of the cloud system with FDLB algorithm, the baseline
algorithm, and FDLB-1 (a simplified version of FDLB) are presented in Figure 30. Note
that FDLB-1 constructively (i.e., epoch-by-epoch) determines the VM placement solution
in order to reduce the run-time of the original solution.
123 456789 101112131415161718192021222324
Total minimum resource
Hour (Eastern time)
Figure 30 – Operational cost of the cloud in different epochs using different scheduling algorithms
As can be seen, in the beginning of the day, performance of the baseline method
is similar to that of FDLB algorithm but in peak workload hours, the total operational
cost using the baseline algorithm increases significantly. The total operational cost of the
cloud system for one day using FDLB algorithm is 35% less than that of the baseline
algorithm and 4% better than that of the FDLB-1 solution. The run-time of FDLB,
FDLB-1 and baseline on a 2.66GHz quad-core HP server are 466, 69 and 7 seconds,
respectively. Share of different elements of the operational cost using FDLB algorithm is
shown in Figure 31. As can be seen, FDLB solution avoids VM migration in light
workload but VM migration is used under heavy workload situations to reduce PUE,
increase the share of renewable energy, and decrease the energy cost. Moreover, it can be
seen that the energy cost in the beginning of the day is very small due to light workload
and availability of generated renewable energy in datacenters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1314151617181920 21222324
Operational cost ($)
Figure 31 – Share of energy, SLA and migration cost in operational cost in different epochs
Figure 32 shows the normalized operational cost of applying FDLB algorithm and
baseline method to the static problem with different number of VMs per day.
Figure 32 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method in the static
As can be seen, the FDLB algorithm performs 6% to 77% better than the baseline
algorithm which does not consider the GLB. The performance gap between FDLB and
baseline solutions decreases as the number of VMs increases which is the result of
exhausting the renewable energy generation and cheaper resources in peak times.
1234 5678 9 101112131415161718192021222324
Total cost ($)
Migration cost
SLA cost
Energy cost
50K 80K 100K 120K 150K 180K 200K
Normalized operational cost
Number of VMs for one day
To more clearly illustrate the effect of resource availability on the performance of
FDLB solution, Figure 33 shows the operational cost of the system in static setting with
100K VMs in one day with varying peak renewable power generation capacity in each
datacenter. As can be seen, the FDLB improvements w.r.t. baseline method increases by
increasing the peak power generation capacity in datacenters’ site.
Figure 33 – Normalized operational cost of the system in the static setting with different renewable
energy generation capacities
To show the effectiveness of the presented dynamic solution, we created a four-
day scenario. To be able to apply the prediction about the background workload from
first day of the dynamic algorithm to the other days, we considered similar situations for
all four days. The predicted parameters (discussed in section 4.5) are deviated from real
values by up to 10% to model the misprediction phenomenon. The number of created
VMs in each day is at least 100K. Normalized total operational costs of each day using
0% 5% 10% 20% 30%
Normalized operational cost
Peak renewable power generation capacity
peak power capacity of datacenter
the dynamic and static FDLB algorithms and the baseline method are reported in Table
VI. As can be seen, the dynamic version of the algorithm works 3% worse than the
complete and perfect information scenario in the static version but it is 4% better than
only considering the current epoch (FDLB-1) and 39% more effective than not
considering the load balancing opportunity. Run-time of the dynamic algorithm (after
background workload preparation) ranges from 10 to 80 seconds for each epoch on a
2.66GHz quad-core HP server.
Normalized total OPEX for full day
Static FDLB
First day 1 0.997 1.075 1.426
Second day 1 0.967 1.024 1.364
Third day 1 0.977 1.043 1.388
Fourth day 1 0.968 1.029 1.388
Overall 1 0.977 1.042 1.391
Figure 34 shows the normalized operational cost of the system having different
number of VMs per day by applying different load balancing algorithms. Average added
prediction error in this scenario is equal to 10%.
As can be seen, the performance of the dynamic FDLB is 32% to 46% better than
the performance of the dynamic baseline method. Increasing the number of VMs per day
increases the opportunity of utilizing green renewable power generated in datacenters’
site and increase the benefit of GLB. After 120K VMs in this setup, the resource
contention increases and it results in reduction of GLB advantage. Moreover, it can be
seen that, performance of FDLB-1 solution with respect to original solution improves as
we increase the number of VMs. This shows that, increasing the number of VMs reduces
the benefit of considering future epochs in GLB decision making. With a similar pattern,
the performance of dynamic FDLB with respect to static FDLB with perfect information
is improving by increasing the number of VMs which is the result of exhausting
resources in datacenter with cheap energy or generated renewable energy.
Figure 34 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method in the
dynamic setting
Figure 35 shows the normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and
baseline method with different prediction error having 100K VMs per day. As can be
seen, the performance gap between different solutions does not drastically change by
increasing the prediction error.
80K 100K 120K 150K
Normalized operational cost
Number of VMs per day
Figure 35 – Normalized operational cost of the system using FDLB and baseline method in the
dynamic setting with different prediction error having 100K VMs per day
4.7 Conclusion
This chapter was focused on the load balancing problem for online service
applications considering a distributed cloud system comprised of geographically
dispersed, heterogeneous datacenters. The problem formulation and a novel solution were
presented and simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the presented
algorithms. The effectiveness of GLB was shown to increase as the renewable energy
generation capacity in datacenters increases. A possible future work is to combine the
GLB problem for online applications with offline computation tasks scheduling problem
to increase the benefit of the load balancing. Another possible future work is to consider
GLB problem with multi-tier applications, which create multiple dependent VMs.
1% 5% 10% 20%
Normalized operational cost
Average prediction error
In this thesis we presented SLA-driven energy efficient resource management in
datacenters and cloud systems (comprised of geographically distributed datacenters). The
presented centralized resource management solution in datacenters, which simultaneously
determines the VM assignment and the amount of resource allocated to each VM was
shown to result in an average 18% lower operational cost with respect to a solution that
determines the amount of resource that must be allocated to a VM before assigning VMs
to servers. Higher energy efficiency and lower operational cost were shown to be due to
the flexibility of the resource allocation solution.
The presented hierarchical resource management structure significantly shortened
the run-time of the periodic and reactive optimization procedures. Moreover, considering
the energy non-proportionality of today’s servers, cooling-related power consumption,
and peak power constraints in the formulation of the resource management problem was
shown to improve the performance of the presented solutions with respect to previous
work by an average of 43%.
The presented geographical load balancing solution for interactive applications
was shown to decrease the energy cost of the cloud system due to use of cheaper energy
provided by utility companies during non-peak hours or use of generated renewable
power in datacenter’s sites. We also showed that considering the whole active period of
VMs in load balancing decisions results in lower operational cost in the cloud system by
avoiding costly VM migrations between geographically distributed datacenters.
For future work, implementation of the presented algorithms in a real world setup
may help fine tune the presented solutions and show the practical effect of these
management algorithms in datacenters and cloud systems. Moreover, workload
prediction is a critical task that can be pursued because all of the presented algorithms
depend on some level of workload prediction and the accuracy of these predictions
directly affects the accuracy of the presented solutions.
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Abstract (if available)
Cloud computing systems (e.g., hosting datacenters) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Utility computing, reliable data storage, and infrastructure-independent computing are example applications of such systems. Operational cost in these systems is highly dependent on the resource management algorithms used to assign virtual machines (VMs) to physical servers and possibly migrate them in case of power and thermal emergencies. Energy non-proportionality of IT devices in a datacenter, cooling system inefficiency, and power delivery network constraints should be considered by the resource management algorithms in order to minimize the energy cost as much as possible. Scalability of the resource assignment solution is one of the biggest concerns in designing these algorithms. This thesis examines the resource management problem in datacenters. First a centralized datacenter resource management is proposed, which considers service level agreements (SLAs) in VM placement in order to minimize the total operational cost of the datacenter. Second, a hierarchical SLA-based resource management structure is proposed, which considers the peak power constraints and cooling-related power consumption in addition to the scalability issue. The proposed hierarchical structure fits the hierarchical resource distribution in datacenters. The proposed structure is suitable to track and react to dynamic changes inside the datacenter to satisfy SLA constraints and avoid emergencies. Third, a load balancing algorithm to minimize the operational cost of a multi-datacenter cloud system is presented. Load balancing creates an opportunity to reduce the operational cost of the cloud system considering dynamic energy pricing and availability of green renewable power plants in a datacenter site.
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Asset Metadata
Goudarzi, Hadi
Core Title
SLA-based, energy-efficient resource management in cloud computing systems
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
cloud computing,data center,energy efficiency,OAI-PMH Harvest,resource management,service level agreement
Electronically uploaded by the author
Pedram, Massoud (
committee chair
), Annavaram, Murali (
committee member
), Gupta, Sandeep K. (
committee member
), Nakano, Aiichiro (
committee member
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etd-GoudarziHa-2009.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-322304 (legacy record id)
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Goudarzi, Hadi
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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cloud computing
data center
energy efficiency
resource management
service level agreement