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Properties of human motor control under risk and risk aware control
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Properties of human motor control under risk and risk aware control
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Properties of Human Motor Control Under Risk
and Risk Aware Control
Amber Lynn Dunning
B.S., Arizona State University, 2011
M.S., University of Southern California, 2015
Faculty of the Graduate School of the
University of Southern California in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Biomedical Engineering
May 2017
This thesis entitled:
Properties of Human Motor Control Under Risk and Risk Aware Control
written by Amber Lynn Dunning
has been approved for the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Terence Sanger
Dr. Jean-Michel Maarek
Dr. Maryam Shanechi
Dr. Francisco Valero-Cuevas
The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both
the content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the
above mentioned discipline.
Dunning, Amber Lynn (Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering)
Properties of Human Motor Control Under Risk and Risk Aware Control
Thesis directed by Dr. Terence Sanger
Recently, a lot of attention has been given to exploring the type of control algorithm
humans implement in movement. A comprehensive theory of motor control is important
for many reasons. It would allow us to compare symptoms of motor diseases to symptoms
resulting from di↵erent interruptions and damages in the model of motor control to gain a
better understanding of the pathophysiology and construct a focus for treatments. A com-
plete understanding of motor control will also influence design of prosthetics and biomimetic
robots. It could also have many implications in learning and may even transform the way
we teach motor actions.
There are several proposed models, which predominantly focus on achieving a goal
through a reference trajectory (Todorov, 2002; Todorov, 2004). However, motor control is
not just about reaching a goal, but also avoiding predictable failure in the process. Risk is
riskmustbeanintegralpartofhumanmovementaswell. Anewtheory,Risk-AwareControl,
emphasizes selecting motor actions that minimize risk (Sanger, 2014). Risk-Aware Control
is distinctive from classical theories in that it is an entirely new way of approaching the
relationship between cost and motor actions. It does not attempt to formulate a reference
trajectory to the goal, but instead predicts that movement develops from maintaining a
of the relationship between action and change in state. The result is a control theory that
unexpectederrorpriortoperturbation, anddoesnotrequireassumptionsofsystemlinearity.
The theory of risk-aware control suggests a reduction in computational burden com-
Inanexistentialproof, weimplementrisk-awarecontrolusingaspikingneuronmodelofcor-
tex to control a robotic arm in real time. Utilizing the framework of Stochastic Dynamic
Operators, we were able to o✏oad the majority of computation to a graphics processing unit
to maintain a high operating rate. We explore the e↵ects of gain and damping parameters
on the control and demonstrate response behavior to perturbations.
Since evasion of risk is fundamental to survival we believe it must be a fundamental
component in human motor control as well. In order to characterize and emphasize the
influence of risk in the environment on human behavior, we have designed a series of exper-
iments. In these studies, we are describing risk as the expected cost of behavior defined by
the combination of cost of failure and probability of failure. The rest of this report details
these experiments.
The role of motor uncertainty in discrete or static space tasks, such as pointing tasks,
has been investigated in many experiments (Tommershauser et al. 2003a; Trommershauser
et al. 2003b). These studies have already shown that humans hold a highly accurate in-
ternal representation of their intrinsic motor uncertainty and compensate accordingly for
this variability. Furthermore, experiments imposing additional extrinsic motor and sen-
sory variability have shown that subjects still respond near optimally, even as risk increases
(Trommershauser et al. 2005). While static conditions provide an important foundation to
understanding the relationship between risk and movement, they rarely appear in natural
situations. Theaimofourfirststudywastoinvestigatehowhumansrespondtouncertainties
in a dynamic environment despite indeterminate knowledge of the outcomes of specific ac-
tions. Our hypothesis was that subjects would tune their statistical behavior to uncertainty
based on cost in a dynamic, feedback-driven task.
In the first experiment, subjects maintained one-dimensional “steering” control of a
vehicle in an iPad driving simulation. The speed of the car was determined solely by position
on a two-lane road. While on the road, driving in a lane yielded the maximum possible
the grass along the side of the road brought the car to a complete stop. The road contained
random curves so that subjects were forced to use sensory feedback to complete the task and
could not rely only on motor planning. The points earned were inversely proportional to the
time taken to complete each trial. Risk was manipulated by using horizontal perturbations
to create the illusion of driving on a bumpy road, thereby imposing motor uncertainty.
The baseline task contained five levels of uncertainty, including no additional variability. A
subsequent task introduced high risk into the scenario by replacing grass on one or both
sides of the road with water, which if hit would incur a very high penalty.
As expected, results depict position as a bimodal probability density function at low
uncertainty, implying that subjects tended to keep towards the center of a single lane. As
uncertainty increased, the peaks of the bimodal distribution tended toward one another. At
high uncertainty, most subjects’ position distribution exhibited a well-fit Gaussian function,
indicating that they spent most of the time in the center of the road. This phenomenon was
augmented when cost of error increased. Interestingly, this shift in behavior occurred even
in the absence of errors, i.e. even if a subject never hit the side of the road at a particular
uncertainty level (regardless of the cost), behavior was still significantly di↵erent when the
cost increased. This is significant since the common model for learning in motor control is
error-driven learning (Wei and Kording, 2008), and this observation suggests that human
performance is often not driven by errors. The results demonstrate that subjects made
predictions of both the likelihood and cost of failure, even if failure had never occurred, and
are consistent with the existence of internal estimates of probability of failure and cost of
The first experiment only investigated the role of motor uncertainty on behavior. We
wanted to expand the paradigm of the first study to compare the e↵ect of motor uncertainty
(uncertainty in the control variable) with sensory uncertainty (uncertainty in the state vari-
able). Thishasthesamee↵ecton controlin motor controltheories, howeveritis conceivable
that humans may perceive and interpret these uncertainties di↵erently. The same iPad driv-
ing simulation will be used, but instead of physically slowing the car on the road, the cost
function will be directly implemented by a point penalty. Subjects performed two tasks:
one with the same imposed motor uncertainty used in the first experiment and the other
with imposed sensory uncertainty. In order to implement sensory uncertainty, the contrast
between the road and boundary was varied, and then the image was converted to 2-bit. In
order to achieve this, the grayscale value of each pixel corresponded to a probability of being
white versus black. Instead of contrast being calculated with Michelson’s formula, we trans-
form this into a new equation that uses probability in place of luminance. Simple luminance
contrast would be ine↵ective because the human eye can detect the di↵erence between any
two 8-bit colors, so the edge of the road would always be apparent. We characterized and
validated this method of imposing sensory uncertainty in a previous experiment.
The first set of trials was a calibration phase, in which we matched the standard
deviation of position when attempting to stay on a path under each type of uncertainty
to specific levels. Subjects then completed the task when the cost function was the same
as the first study (a bimodal cost function) and we compared subjects’ behavior under
imposed sensory uncertainty to behavior under imposed motor uncertainty with equivalent
statistics. Results showed that sensitivity to risk was significantly higher in response to
visual uncertainty compared to motor uncertainty. This also allowed us to test whether
human control of movement obeys the certainty equivalence property. A system in which
the optimal solution is the same as the optimal solution for that system in the absence of
uncertainty would be certainty equivalent. Certainty equivalence is the result of discrete-
time centralized systems with only additive uncertainty and is a common assumption in
motor control theories since it decreases computation complexity. However, the results of
these studies demonstrate that this is not an appropriate assumption in models of human
motor control.
From the first set of studies, it is evident that humans tune their statistical behavior
based on cost, taking into account entire probability distributions of possible outcomes with
long tails in response to environmental uncertainty. In addition to modifying the control of
movement to reflect the risk of the environment, we predict that humans will prepare for
error in response to risk as well. Recent studies have demonstrated that humans have the
abilitytomodulatethelonglatencystretchreflexbasedonthegoalofthetask, buttypically
utilize a simple go-don’t-go paradigm or the goal is perturbation-dependent (Ludvig et al.
2007; Pruszynski et al. 2008). It is our hypothesis that awareness to risk is so fundamental
even when the goal of the task does not depend on the perturbation.
In the second set of experiments, the role of risk in tuning reflexes was examined. The
first study extended the paradigm of the first study to include random visual displacements
of the car. The accelerometer responses to perturbations increasing risk were compared to
responses decreasing risk. A significant di↵erence was found in the amplitude of response
depending on risk. These perturbations were visual perturbations and therefore we were
interested in seeing if this behavior extended to the stretch reflex as well.
between risk conditions. In the first, the FDI reflex was studied. Healthy, adult subjects
were positioned in front of a monitor with their right index finger attached to the arm of
arobotthatcontrolledacursoronthescreen. Surfaceelectromyographyfromthefirst
dorsal interosseous (FDI) was recorded (sample rate 1000 Hz, bandpass filter 25-250 Hz).
The monitor displayed three rectangles: two cost regions on either side of a center reward
Subjects were instructed to maximize points by keeping the cursor within the center reward
region while avoiding the cost regions that would result in a loss of points. Nine cost
environmentswereevaluated–allcombinationsofnopenalty, lowpenalty, andhighpenalty–
in order to evaluate the e↵ect of both symmetric and asymmetric risk. Thus the goal of the
task was always to remain in the center target, but the cost of hitting the penalty regions
was varied. The robot generated a constant 1 N force with randomized 4 N perturbations
in both directions (randomized) at a mean rate of 3 seconds.
Only trials in the direction that provoked the FDI stretch reflex were analyzed. Reflex
response was categorized into standard epochs for baseline, short latency, long latency, and
voluntary response. The filtered EMG within each epoch was averaged to a single value for
analysis. Short latency epoch was not significantly di↵erent between cost environments. A
significant di↵erence was found in the long latency epoch between cost functions. There was
not a significant di↵erence between cost functions that pushed toward higher cost versus
away from higher cost. Therefore, results suggest that humans do plan for error by tuning
reflexes to the risk of the environment, and that they do this independent of the goal of the
task. However, subjects did not demonstrate the ability to set separate reflex responses for
di↵erent directions when the direction of perturbation was unplanned. However, the results
of this experiment were not as strong as expected, and we postulated that this might be
attributed to the FDI. Therefore, we repeated the experiment using the bicep muscle.
was used to perturb the arm by applying torque to the elbow joint. The results from this
study demonstrated more coherency. For the most part, the conclusions from the FDI reflex
were confirmed. There was a significant increase in the long latency stretch reflex in response
to increased risk. In fact, the average amplitude of the long latency stretch reflex between
the symmetric high-cost was almost double that of the symmetric no-cost. Unlike the study
on the FDI reflex, there was also a significant di↵erence between the long latency reflex
response to perturbations pushing toward higher risk compared to lower risk in asymmetric
cost conditions when the cumulative risk was the same. This suggests that muscle sti↵ness
was not the only method of modulating the stretch reflex since co-contraction is inherently
theories. Any complete emulation of human movement must reproduce these behaviors as
well. Thegoalofthesestudiesisnotsimplytodemonstratehumanbehavior,buttopersuade
the reader to consider an alternative perspective on motor control that moves away from the
traditional trajectory-based viewpoint and instead proposes that movement results from
maintaining probability distributions of the probability of failure and cost of failure.
To my parents,
For their unwavering love and support.
And to Adam,
Without whom this book would have been written much sooner.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Terry Sanger, for teaching me more
than I could have ever hoped to learn. There are no words that express how grateful I am
for the past five years.
I would like to thank my lab including Cassie Borish, Shanie Liyanagamage, Enrique Ar-
Ati Ghoreyshi, Matteo Bertucco, Scott Young, Minos Niu, Nasir Bhanpuri, Maryam Beygi,
Shinichi Amano, ArashMaskooki, Diana Ferman, andAprille Tongolfor their help, support,
and most of all friendship. There is no other group I would have wanted to go through this
journey with.
the task. They helped me keep my sanity and perspective. Specifically I would like to
thank Raisa Ahmad for over a decade of friendship and support, I would never have been
an engineer without her.
and Maryam Shanechi for their guidance and for taking time out of their busy schedules to
participate in this process.
living in a cardboard box. I would also like to thank the financial institutions that support
our research.
I would like to thank my boyfriend for putting up with the long nights of work and studying,
for picking up my slack when I need it most, and for being my partner in crime in everything
we do.
And I would like to thank my parents, my biggest cheerleaders, who taught me I could do
anything I put my mind to.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background .................................... 1
1.2 Specific Aims ................................... 2
1.3 Theory....................................... 3
1.3.1 Optimal Control Theory and Optimal Feedback Control ....... 3
1.3.2 Equilibrium Point Hypothesis ...................... 4
1.3.3 Risk Aware Control............................ 5
1.3.4 Comparisons and Conclusions ...................... 7
2 Implementation 9
2.1 Spiking Neuron Model .............................. 9
2.1.1 Introduction................................ 9
2.1.2 Methods.................................. 11
2.1.3 Results................................... 15
2.1.4 Discussion................................. 19
2.2 MATLAB Implementation ............................ 22
2.2.1 Methods.................................. 22
2.2.2 Results................................... 22
2.3 Spiking Neuron Implementation ......................... 25
2.3.1 Methods.................................. 25
2.3.2 Experiments................................ 27
2.3.3 Results................................... 29
2.3.4 Discussion................................. 33
3 Human Motor Response to Risk 35
3.1 Experiment 1: The Tuning of Human Motor Response to Risk in a Dynamic
Environment.................................... 35
3.1.1 Introduction................................ 35
3.1.2 Materials and Methods.......................... 38
3.1.3 Results................................... 43
3.1.4 Discussion................................. 48
3.2 Experiment 2: Certainty Equivalence Assumption ............... 51
3.2.1 Introduction................................ 51
3.2.2 Methods.................................. 51
3.2.3 Results................................... 55
3.2.4 Discussion................................. 57
4 The Tuning of Reflexes to Risk 59
4.1 Introduction.................................... 59
4.2 Experiment 1: Response to Visual Perturbations................ 61
4.2.1 Materials and Methods.......................... 61
4.2.2 Results................................... 64
4.2.3 Discussion................................. 67
4.3 Experiment 2: Response to Mechanical Perturbation ............. 69
4.3.1 Materials and Methods.......................... 69
4.3.2 Results................................... 73
4.3.3 Discussion................................. 76
4.4 Experiment 3: Role of Cocontraction in Tuning Reflexes ........... 79
4.4.1 Introduction................................ 79
4.4.2 Materials and Methods.......................... 79
4.4.3 Results................................... 82
4.4.4 Discussion................................. 85
4.5 Chapter Conclusions ............................... 87
5 Concluding Remarks 89
5.1 Conclusion..................................... 89
5.2 Applications and Impact ............................. 90
Bibliography 93
2.1 Static Stochastic Sinusoidal Grating....................... 13
2.2 Psychometric Functions ............................. 17
2.3 Mean Contrast Sensitivity Functions ...................... 18
2.4 Probability of State for Left and Right Initial Conditions ........... 23
2.5 Probability of State for Larger Standard Deviations .............. 24
2.6 Probability of State for Cost to Move ...................... 24
2.7 Control Diagram of the Robot and Risk-Aware Control ............ 27
2.8 Pictures of the robot set-up ........................... 28
2.9 Tracking data of trajectories. .......................... 30
2.10 Stability of Stationary Tracking and Speed of Sinusoidal Tracking....... 31
2.11 Response to perturbation. ............................ 33
3.1 Theoretical minimization of cost under uncertainty .............. 37
3.2 iPad Application Screen View........................... 39
3.3 Raw Population position data........................... 44
3.4 Continuous position probability distribution as a function of uncertainty. .. 45
3.5 Regression on the distance from the center of the road subjects maintained
vs. level of motor noise. ............................. 46
3.6 Proportional hazard model of successful trials. ................. 47
3.7 Application Images ................................ 52
3.8 Results of Exemplary Subject For Calibration Session............. 54
3.9 Histograms of Raw Position Data and Fits to Bimodal Distribution ..... 56
3.10 Distance from the Center of the Road vs. Uncertainty Level ......... 57
4.1 Types of visual displacements .......................... 62
4.2 Specific Hypotheses................................ 63
4.3 Rapid Responses of Individual Subjects and Average of All Subjects..... 64
4.4 Amplitude of Average Accelerometer Response to Push to Edge Perturbation 65
4.5 Amplitude of Average Accelerometer Response of the Push to Edge and Push
to Center Perturbations ............................. 66
4.6 Position of Car Post Lane Switch Perturbation................. 67
4.7 Monitor Display and Set Up ........................... 70
4.8 Change in EMG Between Conditions for Individual Subjects ......... 73
4.9 Symmetric Cost EMG .............................. 74
4.10 Asymmetric Cost EMG.............................. 75
4.11 EMG Normalized by Maximum Voluntary Contraction and by Preactivation 76
4.12 Manipulandum Set-Up .............................. 80
4.13 Individual Subject EMG ............................. 82
4.14 Reflex Response to Symmetric Risk ....................... 83
4.15 Reflex Response to Asymmetric Risk ...................... 84
4.16 Average EMG: Normalization .......................... 85
4.17 Hypotheses Visualized .............................. 86
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Humanmovement isperformedusingamusculoskeletalsystemthatis redundant, non-
linear, and constantly changing. It is controlled using feedback from a sensory system that
is variably delayed and often imprecise. And it is executed in an environment that is full
of potential harm and novel challenges. Nonetheless, human motor control reliably demon-
strates success at generating complex, coordinated movements to achieve very dicult goals.
Even using tremendous computational power, robotics is still unable to match the robust-
ness, compliance, and flexibility of human movement in real time. How it is that humans
accomplish this has been a widely debated and pursued topic of research (Diedrichsen, 2010;
Haith and Krakauer, 2013).
There are several proposed models of motor control, which predominantly focus on
achieving a goal through a reference trajectory (Todorov 2002; Todorov 2004). However,
motor control is not just about reaching a goal or accomplishing a task, but also avoiding
predictable failure in the process. Risk is inherent in all activity, and avoidance of risk
is fundamental to human survival, so response to risk must be an integral part of human
movementaswell. Inthisreport,wedescriberiskspecificallyasacombinationoftwofactors:
the probability of failure and the cost of failure. A high cost of failure but low probability
is not generally considered risky (standing several meters away from the edge of a cli↵).
Likewise, a high probability of failure but low cost is not regarded as risky (standing on the
edge of a step). It is only where high likelihood of failure converges with high cost, when we
stand on the edge of the cli↵, that we venture into high risk.
A new theory, Risk-Aware Control, emphasizes selecting motor actions that minimize
risk (Sanger, 2014). Risk-Aware Control is distinctive from classical theories in that it is an
entirelynewwayofapproachingtherelationshipbetweencostandmotoractions. Itdoesnot
attempt to formulate a reference trajectory to the goal, but instead predicts that movement
develops from maintaining a probability distribution of state, a detailed understanding of
the cost function, and knowledge of the relationship between action and change in state.
The result is a control theory that accounts for uncertainty and cost in motor planning and
ofsystemlinearity. Thisreportgoesthroughtherisk-awarecontroltheoryanddemonstrates
an implementation used to control reaching in a desktop robot. It then details a series of
experiments designed to characterize and emphasize the influence of risk in the environment
on human behavior.
1.2 Specific Aims
Theaimofthisreportistoarticulateanewtheoryinmotorcontrol, termedrisk-aware
control (Sanger, 2014), to simulate the theory, and to present the results from a series of
experiments that demonstrate the existence of analogous behavior in humans. The stages
of implementation will be described, ultimately developing into a spiking neuron model of
cortex to control a robotic arm in real time.
Additionally, a series of experiments were designed and executed to demonstrate fun-
damental characteristics of human behavior that is exhibited by risk-aware control but is
lacking or absent from the classic motor control theories. These experiments were divided
into two categories of study. The first series looked at the e↵ect of probability of failure
and cost of failure on behavior in a continuous environment task and the e↵ect of errors, or
lack of errors, on behavior. The second set of studies investigated the role of risk in tuning
reflexes and provided physiological evidence that humans plan for error.
The goal of this paper is to persuade the reader to consider an alternative perspective
on motor control that moves away from traditional trajectory-based viewpoint and instead
of failure and cost of failure.
1.3 Theory
In this section we will provide a very brief overview of two leading motor control the-
ories, optimal feedback control and equilibrium point hypothesis. We will then describe a
newer theory, risk aware control (Sanger, 2014), and highlight the di↵erences between all
these theories. Risk-aware control is a novel formulation of a classic feedback controller that
replaces the state variables with probability densities and the control trajectory with a dy-
namiccostfunctiondefiningbothpenaltyregionsandrewards. Theresultisacontroltheory
that allows for uncertainty in state and control variables and is not based on assumptions
of system linearity. The theory of risk-aware control suggests a reduction in computational
1.3.1 Optimal Control Theory and Optimal Feedback Control
Optimal Control Theory is perhaps the most widely accepted prediction of free human
movement. In general, models of optimal control explain a large class of behavior. Existing
variations of optimal control usually optimize a variety of specific cost functions. The form of
the cost will depend on the goal of the task as well as a regularization term that constrains
undesired features of movement (such as jerk or integrated torque change) (Diedrichsen,
2010). Optimal control can be categorized into two classes of models: open-loop and closed-
Traditional optimal control uses feed-forward motor commands to execute a precal-
culated trajectory to minimize the specific cost function. Open-loop optimal control was
extended to incorporate sensorimotor feedback in a closed-loop model, optimal feedback
control (Todorov and Jordan, 2002). The feedback driven model transforms the current
state estimate resulting from feed-forward (e↵erent copy of motor commands) and feedback
(a↵erent sensory signals) into a new motor command. In optimal feedback control, the tra-
jectory minimizing the cost function is recalculated at every time point so that a new best
path is recalculated after any deviation from the previously calculated path.
An advantage of this theory is that it also accounts for observations of variability
between trials and the uncontrolled manifold phenomenon. It also inherently solves the
problem of mechanical redundancy and trajectory redundancy (Todorov, 2004).
1.3.2 Equilibrium Point Hypothesis
Studies have shown that muscles possess the same properties as nonlinear springs with
adjustable sti↵ness or adjustable threshold length (Shadmehr and Arbib, 1992; Shadmehr,
2010). Two springs acting antagonist to each other will naturally reach some point of equi-
librium. Thisequilibriumpointcanbemanipulatedbycontrollingthesti↵nessofthesprings
(muscles). This is the basis of equilibrium point hypothesis (referent configuration hypothe-
sis), which postulates that voluntary and involuntary movement arises from a trajectory of
these equilibrium points (Latash 2010a).
Consequently, this theory asserts that descending motor commands do control force
directly,butcanonlyinfluencethesetpointofalocalfeedbackcircuit. Theresultisanervous
system that e↵ectively uses the stretch reflex to control movement. Thus, equilibrium point
beprescribed by any neural controller(Glansdor↵and Prigogine, 1971; Latash, 2010a). The
system itself is controlled by setting specific parameters and the output is a result of the
interaction of those parameters with the system itself and outside dynamics.
1.3.3 Risk Aware Control
Risk-aware control (Sanger, 2014) governs movement based on estimates of risk, con-
sequence of state and outcome uncertainty, as well as expectations of the cost of errors.
Fundamentally the term risk is used to describe the expected cost of action. High risk oc-
curs when high cost of failure converges with high probability of failure, as described in
the introduction. Probability of error is regulated by unpredictability or uncontrollability of
e↵ect of actions or current state and cost of error is defined by predictions of the environ-
mental cost and movement objective. The goal is to maximize reward or decrease cost. The
novelty of risk-aware control is that it does not attempt to formulate or follow a trajectory
at any point. Instead movement is the result of maintaining estimates as entire probability
The following theory is described in greater detail in Risk-Aware Control (Sanger,
2014). In risk-aware control, the state estimate, x, is replaced by a probability density
changing in time describing the belief of state, p(x,t). State is updated continuously accord-
ing to the equation
@p (x,t)
= Lp(x,t) (1.1)
where L is a linear operator describing a change in state. Therefore, L will be dependent on
the specific choice of action, u. A common instance of such a linear operator is the Fokker-
Plank equation describing a drift and di↵usion process. An equivalent model for physical
systems takes the form of the Ito stochastic di↵erential equation, which often has nonlinear
An important characteristic of L is that since it is a linear di↵erential operator, the
e↵ects of multiple operators can be summed, even if the underlying stochastic dynamics are
nonlinear. This is central to the risk-aware control theory as it means that a superposition
of di↵erent dynamics can be constructed out of the operators,
˙ p=(
)p (1.2)
where u
is a set of nonnegative weighting coecients. A classical feedback controller can be
constructed by making the control variable, u, dependent on the state variable, x. Instead
of a trajectory, risk aware control implements a cost function, v(x), that defines both the
rewardsandpotentialdangersofbeingineachstate,x. Expectedvaluecanthusbecalculated
expected value can be computed as
@E [v]
v(x)˙ p(x)dt (1.3)
which simplifies to vLp. In the most basic implementation, we select the action, u, by
maximizing the expected change in reward (or minimizing cost) at any time point.
u(t)= argmax
Furthermore, instead of selecting a single action, the superposition dynamics can be
maximized by setting the weighting factor for each L operator proportional to the (positive)
change in expected value corresponding to that operator. This is described by the equation
= v
p (1.5)
Since we are modeling a physical system, it can be assumed that state is continuous
and can make no instantaneous jumps. Consequently, ˙ p(x,t)willbenonzeroonlywhere
p(x,t)isnonzeroandtheLoperatorwillbeneardiagonal. Therefore,iftheseassumptions
hold, equation 3 can be rewritten as
k,k 1
k 1
(t)) (1.6)
With the exception of the sum-reduction (which itself is largely local because nonzero
elements will be clustered) all these operations become local operations. This is important
because it means that neurons will only need information from and to interact with other
neighboring neurons to contribute according to the overall goal of the system. A more
detailed description of the risk aware control theory and the stochastic dynamic operators
hasbeendescribedinpapers(Sanger2011; Sanger, 2014). Oneofthemostnotablestrengths
ofriskawarecontrolisitscomputationaleciency. UnlikeOptimalFeedbackControl, itcan
control complex movement in real time using computers with ordinary processing power.
1.3.4 Comparisons and Conclusions
In terms of output, risk aware control will share many characteristics with optimal
feedback control. However, optimal control theory calculates an optimal trajectory and then
follows that trajectory with standard feedback control. This means that a perturbation
from the trajectory will result in movement back toward the trajectory regardless of the risk
resulting from the perturbation. This is important because setting reflexes is unnecessary
to follow a reference trajectory. However, when controlling the system through dynamics,
such as in risk aware control, tuning reflexes is an inherent result of the system. This may
be observed as planning for unexpected errors, which optimal feedback control does not
inherently exhibit. However, it may be possible for tone to be adjusted appropriately in
OFC by layering multiple feedback loops operating simultaneously on top of each other and
controlling separate gain variables (Todorov, 2004).
Optimal feedback control must also make many underlying assumptions to simplify
the computational burden of reoptimizing the trajectory at every time point. Currently, no
implementations include state uncertainty or action outcome variability or complicated loss
functions (Sanger, 2014).
A stated advantage of equilibrium point hypothesis is its dependence on physics and
physiology instead of an evolution of control theory and robotics (Latash, 2010b). However,
there is also evidence that appears to refute equilibrium point hypothesis. One shortcoming
of equilibrium point hypothesis is that it cannot explain the ability of people with proprio-
ceptivelosstomakevoluntarymovements(Shadmehr,2010). Riskawarecontrolupdatesthe
probability of state using both a predictive term and sensory feedback term, which accounts
for how this population can still make accurate rapid arm movements toward a goal. They
may create an accurate internal model and utilize other forms of sensory feedback.
These are only a couple of the theories of motor control that have been proposed. Cer-
tainly it seems that every motor control theory has evidence of being both highly supported
and highly contradicted. It is very probable that specific counterexamples will be able to
be found for any proposed theory of motor control, present and future, as a result of the
flexibility and adaptability of humans. However, it cannot be denied that there are very
fundamental characteristics of human movement that are still unaccounted for by these (and
other existing) motor control theories. Ultimately, we propose that this may be the result
of approaching the problem of motor control from the wrong perspective. Non-trajectory
based motor control, such as risk aware control, still exhibits all the desirable characteristics
of current motor control theories (perhaps with the exception of complex path finding that
OFC solves and the current absence of physiological descriptors that EP posses) while ad-
ditionally describing an assortment of characteristics lacking from current models. The rest
of this report will consist of simulations of risk-aware control and a series human behavioral
studies that highlight the appropriateness of risk aware control as a model of free human
Chapter 2
The ultimate goal of the theoretical work was to implement risk-aware control on a
biologically-realistic distributed network of spiking neurons. Therefore, the first step was
to determine the representation of information. The first section explores the suciency of
rate coding as a method of neuronal communication. The second and third sections detail
an implementation of risk-aware control.
2.1 Spiking Neuron Model
A version of this section was prepared to be submitted Psychophysics, Attention, and
2.1.1 Introduction
It has been widely established that information can be coded in the average rate of
spikes in a neural signal. However, it is less clear if a train of spikes carries additional
information in the precise temporal pattern of firing or in the relative timing of spikes in
di↵erentcells. Therefore,itwasfirstimportanttodetermineifitwasnecessarytoincorporate
spike timing or if rate coding is sucient to transmit information and biologically realistic.
visual system by examining the detection curves of images with pixels that flicker according
to a Poisson distribution.
Almost all information in the mammalian central nervous system is transmitted as
neural spike events, yet controversy remains as to whether the average rate of spikes is suf-
ficient to capture the meaningful information or whether the detailed pattern and timing of
individual spikes might carry additional information (Adrian, 1926; Bhumbra and Dyball,
2005; Knight, 1972; Meister and Berry, 1999; Rullen and Thorpe, 2001; Shadlen and New-
some, 1994; Softky, 1995; Stein et al., 2005). While the answer may be di↵erent for di↵erent
parts of the brain, we investigate here the extent to which firing rate is sucient to transmit
information about contrast in visual images.
spikes in any interval is independent of the number of spikes in any other interval, and thus
information is carried only in the average spike rate. We generate images in which each pixel
flickers with a Poisson distribution whose average rate is given by the desired contrast. The
observed image contrast is always maximum, because pixels are either fully on or fully o↵.
But the information carried in the rate can be more nuanced, representing varying degrees
of contrast for more complex images. Since the original image contrast is only encoded by
the rate, the contrast sensitivity will reflect the brain’s ability to extract information from
rate-coded representation.
Rate coding presents a computational diculty however. The brain must have a mech-
anism for decoding, or extracting the rate from a sequence of spikes. It is often assumed
this is done by linear filtering, both in time and in space, so that sequential spikes are com-
bined and spikes representing neighboring regions of the image are averaged (Kilikowski and
King-Smith, 1974; Thibos, 1989). This corresponds to both spatial and temporal low-pass
filtering. Linear filtering predicts two phenomena that we will test: (1) Spatial low-pass
filtering will reduce contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies, (2) Temporal low-pass
filtering will increase contrast sensitivity when the flickering rate-coded image can be viewed
foralongertime. Ourresultswillrejectbothofthesepredictions,suggestingthatthebrain’s
mechanism of perception behaves as a nonlinear filter so that sharpness and rapid temporal
responses are not lost in the decoding process.
We test the psychometric properties of spatial-frequency grating images in which con-
trast is represented by the Poisson rate. If the psychometric curves for such images parallel
those for normal grayscale images, then this supports the claim that contrast can be repre-
sented by rate coding. If the images retain sharpness at high frequencies, this contradicts
spatial low-pass filtering as a decoding method. If the contrast sensitivity does not improve
withlongerpresentationsoftheflickeringimages, thiscontradictstemporallow-passfiltering
as a decoding method.
2.1.2 Methods
The study consisted of 9 adults (4 males, 5 females), ages 23 to 28, with normal or
corrected-to-normal vision. Sample size was designed to detect approximately a 1 standard
deviation di↵erence with 80 % power. Subjects provided consent as approved by the Univer-
sity of Southern California Internal Review Board and received compensation for their time.
Apparatus and Stimuli
1968), this study implemented rate-coded sinusoidal gratings. In these images, each pixel
contained only one bit of information per frame, i.e. each pixel was either white or black
(100% contrast). The information of the image was coded in probabilistic contrast instead
of luminance contrast. Probabilistic contrast, the probability of a pixel being either white or
black, was proportional to luminance contrast. This is a type of dithering, random dithering
(Russ, 2016), generates a one bit-per-pixel image in place of the original analog image.
When a sequence of such dithered images is generated from the same original analog image
by choosing pixel probabilities independently for each frame, the time-averaged luminance
of the image sequence is the same as the luminance of the original analog image. Classical
experiments use Michelson’s formula (Michelson, 1927) to calculate contrast of an image:
C =
(x) L
where L
is the luminance at the peak of the sinusoid, L
is the luminance at
theminimumandCisthecontrastoftheimage. Theprobabilisticcontrastvaluesreferenced
in this paper are derived from the same basic equation:
C =
(x) P
In this case, P
and P
are the probabilities that a pixel will be on at the
maximum and minimum of the sinusoid respectively. We will refer to these images, such
as figure 2.1, as stochastic images. Since pixels are chosen randomly, each stochastic image
will be unique while still derived from the same original image. We refer to a sequence
of stochastic images derived from the same original analog image as a “dynamic stochastic
image”. We will measure the contrast sensitivity for dynamic stochastic images comprised of
Stimuli were presented over a black background on 24-inch, 1080p resolution light
emitting diode screen (DELL 1280x1024 maximum resolution). This screen was limited
to 32-bit color. At this color resolution, the edge between two regions of adjacent gray
levels (di↵ering only in the least significant bit) is visible with normal vision. Pilot studies
indicated that subjects could detect these edges, resulting in an artificially high spatial
grating sensitivity at low contrast. In order to simulate a true analog contrast grating,
the analog images were generated using a “noisy-bit” method characterized by Allard and
Faubert (Allard and Faubert, 2008). This method involves adding uncorrelated noise to the
contrast of each color channel of a pixel in order to soften the visible edges between color
blocks. Allard and Faubert verified that the noisy-bit method is perceptually equivalent to
acontinuousdisplayanddoesnotsignificantlyimpactthecontrastsensitivityfunction. It
should be noted that while this method is a type of dithering, the technique and outcome
are very di↵erent from the dithering implemented in our stochastic images. The noisy-bit
method adds the smallest possible increment of white noise to each analog color channel.
Therefore it a↵ects only the least significant bit for each channel, leaving the remaining bits
unchanged, whereas in our stochastic images each pixel is fully on or o↵ and information
is carried only in the probability. (A noisy-bit image clearly carries more information per
frame than our stochastic images, but it cannot be used to assess for rate coding in our
experiments, because temporal coding, including details of the spike sequence or timing,
could potentially be used by the brain to encode the contrast of the non-dithered bits of the
Figure 2.1: Static Stochastic Sinusoidal Grating. Subjects were presented with images
such as the one above. The above figure is a quarter panel of the experimental images
(350x350 pixels, 3.82x3.82 inches). This is an example of .125 probabilistic contrast and 4
cycles per degree.
In order to ensure more than one sinusoid cycle was visible for all spatial frequencies,
each original analog image was generated at 700x700 pixels (7.64x7.64 in). The sinusoidal
grating varied in frequency, probabilistic or luminance contrast, and orientation. The fre-
quencies implemented were .0920, .1840, .3680, .7361, 1.4721, 2.9443, and 5.8885 cycles
per degree; the probability contrasts were .25, .125, .0625, .0313, .0156, and .0078 for the
stochastic images and the deterministic contrast was 0.0625, 0.0313, 0.0156, 0.0078, 0.0039,
and 0.0020 for the analog images. The direction of the grating was either vertical or horizon-
tal. The frequencies were chosen from pilot studies to visualize the entire contrast sensitivity
at the minimum and could very clearly be detected at the maximum. Analog (noisy-bit)
images, static stochastic images, and dynamic stochastic image sequences were compared.
Each of these conditions was repeated 4 times for a total of 1008 trials (2 orientations x 4
repeats x 6 contrasts x 7 frequencies x 3 types of images).
A two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) method was used (Blackwell, 1952) with auto-
mated experiment software written in MATLAB (version Natick, Massachusetts:
The MathWorks Inc., 2011). The screen was the only significant light source in an otherwise
empty room. Subjects were positioned eye-level and centered on the image at a viewing
distance of 22 in. Subjects were not restrained with a chin rest, but were asked to maintain
the same position throughout the entire experiment to the best of their ability. Lack of
significant movement was confirmed by direct observation. The stimulus resolution was 37
The experiment was divided into two 30-minute sessions in an attempt to facilitate
amoreconstantattentionlevel. Subjectsviewedeachimagefor2seconds,followedby2
seconds of black screen during which subjects were prompted to identify the orientation of
grating (vertical or horizontal). Subjects were told that no response would automatically
be considered incorrect. These instructions were printed on an information sheet given to
subjects and reiterated by the experimenter prior to testing. Subjects were not provided
with feedback on correct or incorrect responses.
Data Analysis
All subjects neglected to answer some number of trials, so for analysis purposes, if
the subject did not respond in the allotted time, the trial was counted as half correct. The
underlying psychometric function of sensory perception cannot be observed directly, but is
inferred from the empirical data. Therefore it is necessary to utilize certain analysis tech-
niques in order to estimate the true psychometric functions and resulting contrast sensitivity
To construct psychometric curves, the raw data were fitted using a maximum likelihood
estimation to the normal cumulative distribution function with an adjusted baseline.
x µ
p 2
In equation 2.3,xisthecontrast, µ is the mean of the normal distribution (shift of the
psychometric function), is the standard deviation of the normal distribution (steepness
of the slope of the psychometric function), erf is the Gaussian error function, and F(x)
is the probability of correct response. Threshold was determined using the nonparametric
Spearman-Karber method (Karber, 1931; Miller and Ulrich, 2001; Miller and Ulrich, 2004;
Spearman, 1908) at each spatial frequency for each subject. All data and statistical analyses
were done in MATLAB and R (A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing,
version 3.0.1. Vienna, Austria: R Development Core Team, 2013).
2.1.3 Results
While the psychometric function is arguably the most fundamental and widely used
tool in visual psychophysics, it is conceivable that the normal psychometric function may
not be a well-suited analysis tool for stochastic images. Therefore, to assess the shape of
the stochastic detection curves, the fits of the psychometric function were compared between
image types. The averaged means of the R-squared values for the analog, static stochastic,
and dynamic stochastic images respectively were 0.7369, 0.8213, and 0.8284. This suggests
that the stochastic images are at least as well fit, if not better fit, to the cumulative normal
distribution as the analog images within the constraints of this study.
The Spearman-Karber method, which makes no assumptions about the underlying
distribution of the data and provides more accurate estimates of location and dispersion
parameters, was selected for its generally superior performance regardless of the underlying
distribution (Miller and Ulrich, 2001; Miller and Ulrich, 2004). Within this study, the
threshold values of individual subjects demonstrated more consistency implementing this
analysis technique. However, the Spearman-Karber method only quantifies the moments of
the distribution, it does not provide a continuous estimate of the psychometric function.
A two-way repeated measures ANOVA comparing sensitivity (inverse of threshold) to
all three types of images and spatial frequencies showed that there was a significant e↵ect
of image type (p < 0.001, F(2,189)=40.13) and spatial frequency (p < 0.001, F(6,189) =
16.55) as well as a significant e↵ect of the interaction (p < 0.001, F(8,189) = 8.46). A
two-way repeated measures ANOVA comparing between the two types of stochastic images
inspatialfrequency(p=0.176,F(6,126)=1.858). Inshort,thesensitivitytostochasticimages
was significantly di↵erent from analog images, while sensitivity between the static stochastic
and dynamic stochastic images was not, as shown in figure 2.3.Posthocpairwiset-tests
were used to compare the sensitivity between images at each spatial frequency. None of the
static stochastic-dynamic stochastic pairs were significantly di↵erent (p < 0.05). There was
asignificantdi↵erence(p < 0.05) between sensitivity to the stochastic and analog images at
the four highest spatial frequencies.
Figure 2.2: Psychometric Functions. These figures contain the psychometric functions,
fit with equation 2.3, to the pooled raw subject data for each image type. The dots indicate
the percentage of correct responses for each subject under each condition. The black, red,
and blue lines indicate the fit resulting from the analog, static stochastic, and dynamic
stochastic images respectively. The y-axis represents percentage of correct responses and
the x-axis is contrast (calculated by equation 2.1 or 2.2) on a logarithmic scale. Above each
panel is the spatial frequency value of the visual stimulus.
Nevertheless, while the sensitivity was significantly di↵erent between stochastic and
analog images, the shapes of the detection curves were remarkably similar. All three con-
trast sensitivity functions peak at nearly the same frequency. This point is illustrated by
multiplying the entire analog contrast sensitivity curve by 0.4. A two-way repeated measures
ANOVA between the sensitivity to the static and dynamic stochastic images and sensitivity
(x0.4)totheanalogimagesisnolongersignificantlydi↵erent(p=0.875, F(2,189)=0.133).
Moreover, in post hoc tests, not a single pairwise t-test between image types within spatial
frequency was significantly di↵erent (p < 0.1).
Figure 2.3: Mean Contrast Sensitivity Functions ± SE Figure illustrates the contrast
sensitivity function for each image type. The black, blue, and red circles indicate the sensi-
tivity to the analog, static stochastic, and dynamic stochastic images respectively. The bars
designate standard error at each point. Spatial frequency is represented by the x-axis and
sensitivity on the y-axis. Both scales are logarithmic.
2.1.4 Discussion
Most classical studies have reported peaks in the contrast sensitivity function between
2 and 7 cycles per degree (cpd) for normal human vision (Campbell and Robson, 1968;
Owsley, 2003; VanNesetal., 1967), andourmeasuredpeakoftheanalogcontrastsensitivity
function in this study is consistent, with a value between 1.8 and 7.2 cpd. The peak of the
contrast sensitivity function for each of the three types of image occurred at approximately
the same spatial frequency. The psychometric functions resulting from the stochastic images
has a similar shape but with lower sensitivity compared to the original image. Part of the
reason for the di↵erence in sensitivity is that the stochastic images introduce high-frequency
spatial and temporal noise due to the quantization and the highly visible pixel boundaries
throughout the image. In addition, any single stochastic image contains less information
(only one bit per pixel) than the original (8 bits per pixel). The fact that the psychometric
curves have similar shapes suggests that the brain is capable of processing rate-coded data.
The most common decoding method for rate-coded data is to count the spikes over a
the mean spike rate. However, averaging nearby pixels is a spatial low-pass filter that would
be expected to have a specific deleterious e↵ect on contrast sensitivity at high frequencies.
No such e↵ect was seen in our data, and the psychometric curves for the dithered images
parallel those for the original analog images. Similarly, averaging the value of a single pixel
over a period of time will eventually recover the exact analog value of that pixel, with better
estimates as averaging occurs over a longer period of time. No change in the sensitivity with
longer periods of time was seen in our data. Therefore our results are inconsistent with the
use of either a spatial or temporal contrast sensitivity.
Di↵raction, optical imperfections, and retinal issues cause a decrease in spatial fre-
quency contrast sensitivity similar to a low-pass spatial filter (Campbell and Green, 1965;
Thibos, 1989). However, since subjects can easily identify individual pixels and pixel edges
in our stochastic images, any inherent low-pass spatial filtering at the retinal level has cuto↵ frequencies higher than the spatial resolution of a single pixel in our images. We conjecture
that the reason the contrast sensitivity function for the stochastic images parallels that for
analog images is that both types of images are rate-coded in the same way by the retina.
Each pixel in the analog image will cause a group of retinal ganglion cells to fire, and if this
firing is rate-coded then the two types of images have no functional di↵erence. This is anal-
ogous to the way in which a full-spectrum color image and an image coded only using red,
green, and blue pixels both produce the same color percept, because both types of images
yield the same retinal output.
The stimulus resolution was 37 pixels per degree or roughly 1,500 pixels per square
degree. The fovea contains approximately 17,500 cones per square degree (Kolb, 2005).
This means that at the fovea, there are just over ten cones per stimulus pixel. Under the
rate-coding hypothesis, a single pixel from the analog image will stimulate ten cones each
of which will fire independently at a rate proportional to the contrast. In the stochastic
image, all ten respective cones will be on or o↵ together. This discrepancy in resolution
could account for up to approximately a magnitude of di↵erence between sensitivity to the
stochastic images and the analog images.
Thedi↵erencebetweentheanalogandstochasticimagesisclearlyvisible. Thisispartly
caused by the flickering itself being visible, because the 30hz monitor update is below the
critical flicker frequency for much of the image. In addition, the dithering process introduces
high spatial-frequency noise even in regions that were constant in the original analog image.
similar to the analog images, there is additional retinal ganglion output due to unavoidable
introduction of high spatial frequencies by the dithering process. Even if this is not a cause
of image.
Very high standard deviations in a local region of an image are rarely, if ever, found
in the natural world (Attneave, 1954). There is no reason that humans should be good at
interpretingthistypeofimage. However, ifvisualinformationiscarriedintherateofspikes,
then the stochastic images are simply translating the visual image into an understandable
neural code and bypassing part of the retinal encoding process. The results establish that
ratecodedspikedataislargelysucientforafullcontrastsensitivityfunction. Furthermore,
if Poisson-distributed spike trains are decoded with linear filters, then information present in
higher frequencies will be lost. While there was a significant decrease in sensitivity between
thestochasticstimulusandanalogstimulus, thisreductionwasrelativelyproportionalacross
the span of spatial frequencies. Our results are thus inconsistent with spatial or temporal
linear filters as a decoding mechanism, and support the possibility that the brain uses a
nonlinear filter to extract information.
We have built an iOS application that utilizes the camera feed and in real time dithers
the image following the methodologies of this paper. (The application, “BabyCatnip”, can
be downloaded from the Apple Inc. App Store.) The content of the original images is clearly
visible, and object recognition, reading, and motion perception are possible. We conjecture
that because of the high contrast of the dithered images, they are particularly engaging
for infants and could potentially be useful for improving visual perception in people with
decreased contrast sensitivity. Testing the perceptual thresholds for object recognition and
motion and testing the potential utility of such images for patients with retinal disease will
be topics of future research.
2.2 MATLAB Implementation
In order to demonstrate and quantify the characteristics of risk-aware control, we
wanted to implement the theory in a real-time biologically-realistic system. Prior to a full
implementation, we performed a basic proof of concept in MATLAB. This demonstration is
the most basic form of the control theory and was not performed in real-time.
2.2.1 Methods
Thedistributionswereorganizedbyspatialrepresentation,i.e. eachindexrepresenteda
specificlocationinspace. Inthisimplementation, allvaluesandcalculationswereperformed
as floating point numbers. The probability distribution of state, p(x), had an assumed
constantstandarddeviation. Theupdateequation,eq1.2,wasusedtoupdatetheprobability
of state given a particular action. The possible actions in this case were move left, move
right, or no movement, and were determined by equation 1.4.Thegainwasnotproportional
to the change in expected cost, each action was all-or-nothing, so it is important to note
that this implementation will not have reflexes tuned to the risk.
The cost function was described by an image similar to a road, with a large cost
outside the boundaries of the road and a smaller cost between lanes, such as 3.1.Inthe
figures below, cost was represented by darkness; black was high cost and white was reward
or no cost. While the cost function is represented by a two-dimensional image, the cost
function was incorporated as a 1-dimensional spatial cost function changing in time. An
analogy to this is driving at a constant speed, at any point in time the car can move left or
right on the road, perpendicular to the automatic forward motion of the car.
2.2.2 Results
No experiments were performed with this implementation, only the demonstrations
show below. The figures illustrate the probability distribution of state as the cost function
changes with time. The first set of figures demonstrate the e↵ect of initial conditions on
the movement. The figure on the left, 2.4(a), starts at an initial maximum likelihood of 40
pixels and the right figure, 2.4b, starts at 170 pixels. In each case, the maximum likelihood
moves toward the center of the closest reward channel and remains there. In this example,
the standard deviation is relatively low (10 pixels), so the maximum likelihood (the dark red
line) remains nearly in the middle of the edge boundary (high cost) and centerline boundary
(lower cost).
Figure 2.4: Probability of State for Left and Right Initial Conditions. These figures
illustrate the probability distribution of state as the cost function changes with time. This
can be imagined as driving, the movements are only 1-dimensional (in the horizontal plane),
but the cost function of 1-dimensional state is changing with time. The figures demonstrate
the e↵ect of di↵erent initial conditions. In the figures, the colors represent the probability
distribution of state (high probability in red and low probability in blue). The dark line
indicates the maximum likelihood. The simulation demonstrates that the probability distri-
bution of state moves to the nearest reward channel and stays there, since the channels are
The second set of figures, figure 2.5 portrays the e↵ect of the standard deviation of the
probability distribution or certainty of state. As the uncertainty increases, the probability of
state moves towards the center of the road, with the maximum likelihood remaining on top
of the center low cost region when the uncertainty is high enough. The state shifts toward
the lower cost to appropriately avoid the higher cost. The final figure, 2.6 demonstrates a
higher cost of movement. A small increase in expected cost is accepted to save energy. The
result is a probability distribution that only shifts when most necessary to avoid cost.
Figure 2.5: Probability of State for Larger Standard Deviations.
These figures are the same as in figure 2.4, but the standard deviations of the probability
distributionofstate,p(x),areincreased. WhentheGaussianiswidenedto20pixelsstandard
deviation, the maximum likelihood line hugs the center low cost region instead of being
between both boundaries as in figures 2.4. When the Gaussian is further stretched to 40
pixels standard deviation, the maximum likelihood sits directly on the low cost centerline.
Figure 2.6: Probability of State for Cost to Move.
This figure is the same specifications as figures 2.4,withthecosttomoveorenergyterm
increased. Themaximumlikelihoodstillremainsbetweenthehighcostand lowcost regions,
however it only moves to the left of right when necessary to avoid contact with a penalty
2.3 Spiking Neuron Implementation
A version of this section, along with section 1.3, was submitted to Journal of Neural
2.3.1 Methods
The first simulation demonstrates the that risk aware control appropriately controls
position according to a specified cost function. However, the question remains whether it
is possible to implement Risk-Aware Control on a biologically-realistic distributed network
of spiking neurons. In an existential proof, we were able to control a desktop robot (Sens-
able PHANTOM Omni Haptic Device) in real time using Risk-Aware Control to navigate
avisuallyspecifiedcostfunction. Real-timecontrolwasimplementedutilizingtheGPU
(NVidia GTX 970) on a laptop computer (Alienware 17) programmed using a CUDA library
(Accelerate) within Python (Anaconda2, Python 2.7). The cost function was derived from
the built-in camera at 30Hz (OpenCV).
We simulated risk-aware control using a spiking neuron model of cortex. The model
was comprised of layers of 640x480 neurons represented by Poisson-distributed binary spikes.
The simulation demonstrated 2-dimensional movement, but the dimensions were controlled
independently of each other.
The probability of state, p(x), was encoded in a 640x480 layer of spatially tuned neu-
rons. In the simulation, the probability of state was assumed to be Gaussian around the
sensory estimate of the robotic arm. While this implementation only considered information
from the robot position sensor, this estimate could be obtained from multisensory integra-
tion combined with an internal model estimate of state for a more biologically-realistic state
The cost of state, v, was encoded in two spatially analogous layers, a layer for reward
regions and a layer for penalty regions (positive and negative costs). Cost of state was
derived from the camera feed at 30Hz. A neuron in the positive cost layer was on only if
the associated pixel fell within the blue color range. Similarly, a neuron in the negative cost
layer was turned on if the associated pixel fell within the red color range. This created a
visually guided cost function with regions of both reward and potential harm.
Likewise, four layers were dedicated to kernel positive and negative representations of
state for each spatial direction (vertical and horizontal). These layers represented neurons
and negative probability of state. Neuronal layers were separated into positive and negative
representations since spikes cannot inherently take on negative values, but negative changes
in density must be accounted for.
Lastly, there was a layer for each action encoding the change in expected cost. The
possible actions in this implementation were positive force and negative force in the each
direction. These final layers represented the profit from each action for each individual
neuron that were ultimately summed to determine the weighting factor, u
in equation 1.2.
This resulted in a total of 11 layers of approximately 300,000 neurons for a total of nearly
3.5 million neurons in the model.
As a result of this distributed representation, described in equation 1.5,themathe-
matical operations largely become local and/or operations. These types of operations lend
themselves well to GPU computing. Utilizing the GPU for computational power, the imple-
to obtain the camera feed. Due to limitations of the robot drivers and computer hardware,
the robot was run using a separate PC and communicated with the laptop running the
Risk-Aware Control code via UDP connection. The control diagram is outlined in figure 2.7.
Code for the Risk-Aware control is included for reference in the supplemental information.
Figure 2.7: Control Diagram of the Robot and Risk-Aware Control.
enter the control loop. The dashed lines indicate the functions that are performed by each
2.3.2 Experiments
The first test of the implementation was a simple sinusoidal tracking task. The robot
was presented with a blue circle (reward region) moving in a horizontally sinusoidal motion
with sweeping frequency. The lowest frequency, .03 Hz, was chosen to be a speed that the
robot could easily and accurately track and the highest frequency, .6 Hz, was large enough
so that the robot was unable to keep up with the speed of the cost function. The moving
image was created in MATLAB and presented on an external display positioned in front of
the camera, as seen in figure 2.8. The cost function display was positioned 27 inches away
from the Alienware camera. The set up is depicted in figure 2.8.
Figure 2.8: Pictures of the Robot Set-up.
Figure A shows the view of the robot and computers and figure B displays the set up of
the cost function monitor. The camera from the Alienware laptop observes the video cost
function on the external monitor in real time. The cost function and spiking representation
of the probability distribution can be seen on the laptop screen.
The stability of control will depend on the gain, damping, and control loop delay.
The control loop was already operating at the maximum frame rate supported by OpenCV,
therefore only gain and sti↵ness could be manipulated to optimize performance. If the
gain is too high, the trajectory will demonstrate instability, specifically oscillations, due to
overshoot of force. If the gain is too low, the robot will not have sucient force to keep
up with a rapidly moving cost function. The damping parameter will have a similar, but
opposite, outcome. The gain we describe is a gain within the risk aware control algorithm
that can be thought of as an amplifier on the twitch strength, which we will refer to as
RAC gain. Conversely, the damping parameter was a negative gain on velocity operating
at 1000Hz added to the control loop on the robot. The location these parameters enter the
control loop can be found in figure 2.7.Thesecondexperimentexploredthee↵ectofthe
damping and gain parameters on the control. The tracking paradigm of the first experiment
was repeated for various damping and gain values and the average standard deviation of
movement at rest and the average amplitude of movement across frequencies were compared
between conditions. All combinations of three damping values, from 0.8 to 1.2, and ten gain
values, from 1 to 10, were evaluated.
The final experiment investigated the implementation’s response to perturbation. In
risk-aware control, the e↵ect of a perturbation on the state is mathematically identical to
aperturbationonthecostfunction. Foreaseofimplementation, theperturbationwas
performed to the cost function. The shape of the cost function was an ellipse with the
diameter of the major axis equal to twice the diameter of the minor axis. The orientation
of the ellipse was varied so that the perturbation force occurred along either the major axis
(horizontal orientation) or minor axis (vertical orientation). In addition to orientation of the
cost function, the perturbation size and standard deviation of probability of state were also
2.3.3 Results
The implementation was first assessed using a simple tracking task. The tracking
results from a single experiment can be seen in figure 2.9A. The first segment is the results
of the sinusoid tracking and the second segment tracks a stationary cost function. The gray
of the robot arm. The robot follows the desired trajectory well within a range of frequencies.
At very low desired frequencies (no motion), the robot produces small oscillations. At very
highdesiredfrequencies,therobotcannotkeepup. Thistradeo↵betweenstabilityandspeed
was explored in more detail in the second experiment.
Figure 2.9: Tracking Data of Trajectories.
Figure A demonstrates the tracking data from the first experiment. The gray shaded region
indicates the region of reward from the cost function (desired trajectory). The solid black
linedenotestheactualpositionoftheroboticarm. FiguresBandCdisplaythetrackingdata
fromsecondexperiment. FigureBshowsthee↵ectofdecreaseddampingandincreasedgain.
The robot keeps up with the cost function much better, however there are very prominent
oscillations at the lower frequencies. Figure C shows the converse, increased damping and
decreased gain coecients. In this case, the robot arm is very stable, but has diculty
tracking the cost at high frequencies.
In the second part of the study, the first experimental setup was repeated under 30
di↵erent conditions to evaluate the best damping and gain parameter values. The raw track-
ing data from the combinations of low damping/high gain and high damping/low gain can
be seen in figure 2.9Band 2.9Crespectivelyforcomparison. Twooutcomemeasureswere
used for assessment: the stability of the robot, and the speed of the robot. Stability was
measured by the standard deviation of the robot arm while tracking a stationary target di-
rectlyfollowingthesinusoidaltracking. Theresultscanbeseeninfigure2.10A.Asexpected,
there is a general trend of increasing stability with decreasing RAC gain. Interestingly, there
is a steep slope of change in stability at an RAC gain of around 5. The average standard
deviation for all gains was 10.5 for a damping of 0.8, 8.0 for 1.0, and 6.0 for 1.2. Conversely,
results demonstrated a general trend of increased speed with increased gain, shown in figure
frequencies. If the robot were able to keep up with the cost function, the average amplitude
would be equal to the amplitude of the sinusoid. The average amplitude was 408.2 pixels
at a damping of 0.8, 396.5 at 1.0, and 388.0 at 1.2. The relationship between the average
amplitude and RAC gain demonstrated a more linear trend than the stability parameter.
Figure 2.10: Stability of Stationary Tracking and Speed of Sinusoidal Tracking.
FigureAillustratesthee↵ectofRACgainanddampingonthestabilityoftracking. Stability
ismeasuredasstandarddeviationofmovementtrackingastationarytarget. FigureBdepicts
function. This was measured as the average amplitude the robot reached while tracking the
sweeping frequency cost function. A larger amplitude corresponds to an increased tracking
Di↵erent parameters may be desirable for di↵erent tasks. This is seen in human move-
ment as well, where increased damping or sti↵ness is often observed for increased risk in
order to decrease instability (Burdet et al., 2001; Perreault et al., 2002). It would be possi-
ble in the future to incorporate these state variables to be dependent upon risk in a similar
The final test of the implementation was to evaluate the response to perturbations.
In risk-aware control, a reflex response will only be initiated if the perturbation pushes the
state towards risk or away from the goal of a task (Sanger, 2014). This property has been
observed for the long latency stretch reflex in humans (Crago et al., 1976; Hammond, 1956;
Ludvig et al., 2007; Rothwell, 1980). Moreover, the control theory dictates that the reflex
response will be dependent on the risk. Therefore, perturbations that drive the state toward
higher risk will have a proportionally higher reflex response. This phenomenon was observed
in the results, shown in figure 2.11. In these trials, the perturbation either pushed the cost
function along the major or minor axis of the ellipse, but the trajectory of the center of the
cost function was identical between orientations. The dotted line indicates the perturbation
displacement. At all distances, the vertical cost function elicits a larger response, in terms
of both slope and change in position. In fact, overshoot is observed from the increased force
of response for the vertical cost, but not for the horizontal cost. This is because the risk
of a perturbation along the minor axis is greater than the risk of a perturbation along the
major axis due to the width of the cost region. This behavior is exacerbated for smaller
standard deviations of probability of state. However, when the standard deviation of the
state probability density is near half the width of the cost, oscillations begin to occur. This
could be mitigated by including a second order term to the state in the risk-aware control
Figure 2.11: Response to Perturbation.
The left box illustrates the cost function implemented in the perturbation experiment. The
plot depicts the response to di↵erent displacement perturbations (indicated by color) for the
vertically (dashed) and horizontally (solid) oriented cost functions. The dotted lines indicate
the actual size of perturbation. The standard deviation of the probability distribution was
80 pixels, the same as the width of the minor ellipse axis.
2.3.4 Discussion
Current leading theories of motor control cannot be fully implemented in real time, even
with immense processing power. The results from this study demonstrate successful control
of visually guided reaching movement using a Poisson spiking neuron model. We have
demonstrated that even a basic implementation of risk-aware control exhibits the ability to
a graphics processing unit. We have explored the parameters to optimize performance for a
task and characterized the response to perturbations as well as the limitations of stability
and speed in this particular implementation.
Humansareabletoaccomplishverycomplexbehaviorsinnovelenvironments. Existing
computers are certainly able to match the computational power in both magnitude and time
as the human brain. However, the field of robotics has still not been able to reliably simulate
the compliance, complexity, and robustness of human movement. Therefore, it may be
and organization, and therefore that alternative theories of movement control should be
explored. Risk-aware control is ultimately an instance of a standard feedback controller,
but has the unique approach of representing state and control variables in the probability
domain allowing for uncertainty in state and control. In the future, this implementation will
be extended to include more complex, learned dynamics and a predictive internal model for
increased stability. It is the goal that the outcome will be an adaptive, compliant controller
that can be executed on modern computers in real time.
Chapter 3
Human Motor Response to Risk
3.1 Experiment 1: The Tuning of Human Motor Response to Risk in a
Dynamic Environment
A version of this was published in PLoS ONE.
3.1.1 Introduction
Previous studies (Landy et al., 2012; Trommershauser et al., 2003a; Trommershauser
et al., 2003b; Trommershauser et al., 2005) have investigated the e↵ect of risk on motor
planning. Trommershauser and colleagues (Trommershauser, 2003a) have demonstrated
that humans are able to maximize expected gain by using internal representations of the
magnitude of outcome uncertainty. When outcome uncertainty was artificially enhanced
by randomly perturbing trajectory end-points, subjects still demonstrated the ability to
maximize reward based on end-point variability by shifting their mean trajectory endpoints
in response to changes in penalties and location of the penalty region relative to the target
region. Furthermore,ithasbeenshownthatsubjectsrespondtochangesinuncertaintywhen
it is artificially increased or decreased without cue during an experiment. However, these
experiments all investigate behavior in discrete-tasks, such as rapid pointing to a target.
While there is a general lack of consensus on the degree of online error correction during
motor program execution involved in these rapid movements, their duration is certainly too
short to take full advantage of feedback control loops (Galen and John, 1995; Keele and
Posner 1968) and therefore they rely primarily on motor planning (Maloney et al., 2007).
In such experiments, we can investigate the e↵ect of uncertainty on motor planning but not
the e↵ect on ongoing control of continuous movements.
While there is good evidence that humans plan movements taking risk into account, it
is not clear how this occurs. For example, people might avoid actions that have previously
led to poor outcomes as predicted by error-driven learning (Wei and Kording, 2008). We
of failure and the cost of failure, and that they make ongoing corrections to movement based
on these estimates. In general, the probability and cost of failure may vary throughout the
possibly result from movement errors. This ability is a foundation of risk-aware control, a
theory of motor control in humans that links ideas in optimal control with existing literature
onriskbehaviorinhumans(Sanger,2014). Ifhumanshavethisability,thenitisalsopossible
to estimate risk without experiencing failure. Therefore we hypothesize that humans will
respond to perceived risk even in situations where failure has not been experienced. At the
most extreme, this means that humans will select movements that reduce risk even when
the probability of failure is negligible.
To test this hypothesis, we designed a driving simulation experiment with a cost func-
in chapter 1. Each lane became a reward region and driving o↵ the road or between lanes
resulted in a point penalty. If humans maintain estimates of both probability of failure and
cost of failure, then where in a lane the subject drives should depend on the specific form of
the cost function. We further predict that these changes in behavior do not require subjects
to experience failure (driving o↵ the road).
Figure 3.1: Theoretical minimization of cost under uncertainty.
Grey bars signify penalty regions, the darker the grey, the higher the cost. The peaks of the
curves illustrate the optimal position to minimize cost based on the standard deviation of
uncertainty and the cost function. In (a) the loss function is symmetrical. The result is that
there are two optimal positions that will minimize cost. Figure (c) demonstrates the e↵ect
of increasing the cost of the outer boundary, dark grey regions, from left to right (1, 10,
100). The result is a shift in peaks toward the lower cost region in the center. Similarly, as
the standard deviation of uncertainty increases from top to bottom (.35, .75, 1) the optimal
position again shifts toward the center lower cost region. At high standard deviation of
uncertainty and high outer boundary cost, the optimal position becomes directly in the
center of the middle region. Figures (b) and (d) illustrate the same phenomenon for an
asymmetrical loss function. Here the left boundary penalty remains very high (1000 points)
while the right boundary in (d) increases from left to right (1, 10, 100). In this case there
are no longer two optimal positions, only one in the segment that is farther away from the
high cost.
3.1.2 Materials and Methods
Twelve nave subjects, ages 22 to 35, 9 males and 5 females, participated in the ex-
periment. The University of Southern California Institutional Review Board approved the
study protocol. All subjects gave informed written consent for participation and received
compensation in proportion to their final score plus a base sum (Study IRB# UP 09 00263).
Authorization for analysis, storage, and publication of protected health information was ob-
tained according to the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
The experiment was performed on an iPad2 (iOS 6.0, resolution of 1024x740 pixels)
in landscape orientation. A custom application was created using CoronaSDK (Version
2012.11.15. Palo Alto, California: Corona Labs Inc., 2012). The update rate of the screen
and rate of data acquisition was 30 fps.
Stimuli and Procedure
The experiment took approximately one hour to complete, with small breaks as nec-
essary, and was completed in a dimly lit room to avoid screen glare. For biomechanical
uniformity, subjects were instructed to sit in a chair, maintaining their shoulders against the
backrest, and to keep their elbows at approximately 90 degrees with their biceps inline with
their torso during the entire experiment. Subjects grasped the sides of the screen with both
hands at all times. Instructions for the experiment were verbally specified by the experiment
administrator and presented again on the iPad screen for the subjects to read once they
entered the application.
In the experiment, subjects maintained one-dimensional “steering” control of a vehicle
in a driving simulation. The goal of the game was to complete each trial as quickly as
possible, where the speed of the car was determined solely by position on a two-lane road.
While on the road, driving within a lane yielded acceleration to the maximum velocity
(1100 pixels/sec), driving on the dashed line between the two lanes caused the vehicle to
decelerate to 550 pixels/sec, and hitting the grass along the side of the road slowed the car
to 2 pixels/sec (which will be referred to as “stopped” as the car could hardly be detected
as moving). Figure 3.2 contains a screenshot of the application. Subjects were able to
control the position of the car by tilting the iPad in the left/right directions. Points awarded
were inversely proportional to the time taken to complete each trial. Subjects could earn a
maximum of 100 points per trial if they maintained the maximum velocity along the entire
lengthoftheroadandcouldnotearnlessthan0pointsduetospeedpenalties. Implementing
the cost function in this manner e↵ectively reinforced the cost, since more successful trials
were linked not only to increased points and therefore increased monetary reward, but also
decreased experiment time.
Figure 3.2: iPad Application Screen View.
The subjects pressed the red start button to begin each trial (and were asked to not press
the stop button during any trial). The time and velocity of the car was provided in the
upper left hand corner of the screen. The three regions of speed are labeled in the figure
with circles. Region 1 produced acceleration to maximum speed of 1100 pixels/sec; region 2
decelerated the car to 550 pixels/sec; region 3 immediately stopped the car to 2 pixels/sec.
Cost functions: (A) symmetric low-cost, (B) asymmetric, (C) symmetric high-cost.
In addition to inherent motor variability, uncertainty was artificially enhanced by cor-
rupting the responses of the subject with random, Gaussian-distributed horizontal perturba-
tions at a frequency of 30Hz (the same frequency as the screen updates). Within the context
of this study we will define this imposed variability as motor noise. The e↵ect was similar
to the sensation of driving on a bumpy road; the subject was able to determine the present
car position, but was uncertain exactly where they may be in the next instant. Thus the
e↵ect of the motor noise was to increase uncertainty of future position and alter the proba-
bility of failure. It is important to note, however, that this is not identical to driving on a
bumpy road, where noise is dependent on position on the road. The noise was generated at
There were five levels of imposed motor noise: 0 (no additional noise), 4, 8, 12, and 16 pixels
standard deviation (psd). Each trial was 30,000 pixels in length and took approximately
30 to 60 seconds to complete. The first 10,000 pixels of each trial were practice, giving the
subject enough time to get up to speed and adjust to the noise level, during which no points
were accumulated or lost. The car always started a trial where it ended in the previous,
unless it was the first trial of a block, then the car started in the middle of the road. The
road was 500 pixels wide, the center dashed line was 15 pixels wide, and the car width was
40 pixels. The curves of the road were generated using Bezier curves (Farin, 1997) with
random anchor points derived from a uniform distribution.
During the experiment, subjects’ responses were tested to three cost functions, blocked
into two sets of trials: block A) the symmetric low-cost and block B) the asymmetric and
symmetrichigh-cost. InblockA,subjectscompletedarandomsequenceofthe5uncertainty
sides). DuringblockB,waterreplacedthegrassononeorbothsidesoftheroadrespectively.
Running into the water caused an immediate stop and replaced the car to the center of the
road (the timer was stopped so that this was equivalent with respect to time to running into
the grass), but with an additional 500-point penalty. In environments with water there were
only 4 degrees of additive noise (0, 4, 8, and 12 psd) as during pilot testing the highest noise
level caused subjects to generally earn very negative points and discouraged subjects from
heeding the point system. Therefore, in order to maintain a high sensitivity to risk, we did
not include a noise level of 15 psd in environments with water. Each noise level was repeated
twice with water on both sides and twice with water on one side (counter-balanced) for a
total of 16 trials in a pseudo-random sequence.
Each subject first learned control of the car in the low-cost environment during 15
practice trials (same as block A). Each subject was informed that driving on the black part
of the road would yield maximum velocity, while touching the white center lane would cause
the car to slow down and hitting the side of the road would bring the car to a stop. Subjects
were also told that they could earn a maximum of 100 points per trial and were encouraged
to explore the road during the practice block during which points earned or lost would
not count towards their monetary reward. After finishing the practice block and brief rest,
subjects then completed block A and block B in random order with rest in between.
Data Analysis
eachtrial. Pointswererecorded,butnotusedinanalysisastheywererounded,andtherefore
less accurate, and only piecewise proportional (subjects could not earn less than 0 points
from speed penalties). Trial time did not reflect the e↵ects of falling into the water, but only
one subject incurred this penalty.
All analysis was done in MATLAB (version Natick, Massachusetts: The
MathWorksInc., 2011)andR:ALanguageandEnvironmentforStatisticalComputing(ver-
sion 3.0.1. Vienna, Austria: R Development Core Team, 2013). Position data for subjects
was pooled to represent average behavior of the sample population and fit to equation 1
using maximum likelihood estimation. In these functions, zero is center of the road and
units are in pixels.
, 1
)+(1 p)f
, 2
) (3.1)
p 2⇡ e
(x µ)
2 2
In equation 1, x is position, µ
and µ
are the means of each Gaussian, 1
and 2
are the standard deviation of the respective Gaussians, p is the weighting factor between
the Gaussians, and y is the resulting probability of position. The resulting parameters, µ
, 1
, 2
, and p, were interpolated (using cubic spline interpolation) across motor noise to
generate estimated continuous position probability distributions for each cost function.
Additionally, the position data for each subject, for each cost function at each noise
level were fit to equation 1 using maximum likelihood estimation. In order to quantify the
average distance from the center of the road that subjects attempted to maintain for each
condition, the absolute value of µ
and µ
were weighted by the area under each Gaussian,
p and p-1, and summed. Linear regressions were fit to the means across subjects of the four
lowest levels of motor noise of each task condition.
environment. TheRmodelaov(Position Uncertainty*Task)wasusedtotestthedi↵erences
indistancefromthecenteroftheroadbetweenthelevelofmotornoiseandtasktype. Inthis
model, uncertainty is the quantifiable level of simulated motor noise imposed, and task was
the type of environmental cost function. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were made between
each of the three cost functions within each uncertainty level using paired-t tests with an
alpha value of 0.05.
A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was also performed to test the di↵erences in
trial time between the level of motor noise and task type. The test was performed in R using
the model aov(Time⇠ Uncertainty * Task + Error(Subject)). Again, paired-t tests were
used to make post hoc pairwise comparisons of the di↵erence between each of the three cost
functions within each uncertainty level.
We were also interested in the role that errors played in forming behavior. Therefore,
the percentage of failed trials, trials in which the subject went outside the road, was cal-
culated for each level of motor noise of the low-cost task and asymmetric task. (It is not
presented for the symmetric high-cost task, because only one such failure occurred amongst
all subjects in this environment.)
3.1.3 Results
In order to quantify any learning e↵ect within the course of the experiment, distance
compared with those of subjects who completed block B first. They were not significantly
di↵erent (p < 0.05), therefore it was concluded that after the initial practice trials, there
was no observable learning e↵ect. As expected, position data resemble bimodal Gaussian
distributions as shown in figure 3.3. As motor noise increases, the two peaks of the dis-
tribution tend toward each other, merging into a single normal distribution at high motor
uncertainty. Essentially, subjects reacted accordingly to motor noise; they stayed within a
lane at low levels of uncertainty and moved toward the center of the road at high levels
of uncertainty, illustrated in figure 3.4.Thisreflectsatradeo↵inwhichtheyacceptthe
higher cost of driving on the median in order to avoid the risk of driving o↵ the road. In the
asymmetric risk environment, position data appropriately reflects the asymmetric cost with
highly disproportionate peaks, so that subjects have a strong tendency to drive on the side
of the road that is farthest from the water. However, as the noise increases, subjects drive
closer to the middle of the road and thus closer to the water in order to balance the risk of
falling to either side. Table 1 contains the percentage of time that subjects spent in the lane
near the grass (away from the water) during this task.
Standard Deviation of Motor Noise (in pixels) 0 4 8 12
Percentage of Time Spent in Lane Away From Water 96.12% 96.23% 91.53% 88.87%
Table 3.1: Percentage of Time Spent in Lane Farthest From Water in the Asym-
metric Cost Environment.
Subjects spent significantly more time in the lane opposite of the water. The increase in
percentage of time with increased motor noise can be attributed to subjects moving closer
to the center of the road to avoid hitting the grass. As they moved toward the center of the
road, they crossed the centerline into the lane adjacent to the water more often, albeit still
Figure 3.3: Raw Population position data.
Plots are the histograms of the pooled subject data for each task type (by row) and un-
certainty level (by column). The dashed lines are the kernel densities of the data and the
solid lines are the bimodal Gaussian fits (see methods). Green lines represent the position
Gaussian near grass (low-cost) while blue represents a position peak near water (high cost).
In the asymmetric task, the bottom row, it can be seen that subjects maintained a position
far away from the side with water. The x-axis represents the position of the center of the car
on the road in pixels. (The road is 500 pixels wide, and the car is 40 pixels, so the subject
ran o↵ the road at ±230 pixels.) These images depict a trend similar to figure 3.1. As the
outer boundary costs increased, the subjects moved toward the center of the road. Similarly,
as the standard deviation of uncertainty increased, subjects also moved toward the center of
the road.
Figure 3.4: Continuous Position Probability Distribution as a Function of Uncer-
Variables of bimodal Gaussian fits (µ
, µ
, 1
, 2
,andp)fromfigure 3.3 were interpolated
(using cubic spline interpolation) across noise levels. This demonstrates an estimate of the
probability of where on the road a subject will be at any given instant as a function of motor
Over the four lowest levels of uncertainty, subjects took an average of 26.69 seconds
to complete a trial in the symmetric low-cost environment, 28.51 seconds in the asymmetric
environment, and 30.30 seconds in the symmetric high-cost environment. A two-way re-
peated measures ANOVA showed that there was a significant e↵ect of motor noise [F(4,408)
=102.469,p < 0.001], task type [F(2,408) = 43.892, p < 0.001], and interaction [F(6,408) =
6.417, p < 0.001] on the time it took to complete a trial. This is not especially informative
since the implemented cost function directly a↵ects trial completion time; increased motor
noise will lead to larger trial times regardless of how the subject responds. The more inter-
of uncertainty. Of the twelve comparisons, all pairs except one were significantly di↵erent
(p < 0.05), the symmetric low-cost task and the asymmetric task at 4 psd motor noise. In
other words when risk was introduced into the environment, subjects sacrificed time and
points to steer clear of the high cost regions, shown in figure 3.2.Comparingthesymmetric
tasks, there is a shift in the y-intercept of the regressions, but the slopes are almost identi-
cal. This indicates that there is a constant e↵ect of the increased cost on subjects’ responses
independent of motor noise (at least within this range).
Figure 3.5: Regression on the Distance from the Center of the Road Subjects
Maintained vs. Level of Motor Noise.
Points indicate the mean distance from the center of the road of all subjects derived from
the peaks of the fitted probability density functions (see methods) for each task type and
uncertainty level. As motor noise increased, subjects’ position shifted proportionally toward
the center of the road. Position is normalized to 250 pixels so 0 is the center of the road
and 1 is the edge of the road. Errors bars indicate the standard error of subjects. Solid lines
represent the linear regressions fit for each task type. Asterisks indicate the pairs of values
with insignificant di↵erences.
The mean distance from the center of the road, calculated from the parameters fit
to eq. 1 as explained in methods, for each condition can be seen in figure 3.6.Overthe
four lowest levels of uncertainty, the mean distance from the center of the road (normalized
to the road width) was 0.3408 (SE ±.0157) for the symmetrical low-cost task, 0.3962 (SE
.0108)fortheasymmetricaltask, and0.2110(SE±.0178)forthesymmetricalhigh-costtask.
Linear regressions demonstrate a linear dependency of distance from the center of the road
on uncertainty level [R2 (symmetrical low-cost task) = 0.982, R2 (symmetrical high-cost
task) = 0.984, R2 (asymmetrical task) = 0.945]. A two-way ANOVA showed that there
was a significant e↵ect of motor noise [F(4,408) = 92.64, p < 0.001], task type [F(2,408)
=112.61,p < 0.001], and interaction [F(6,408) = 4.157, p < 0.001] on the distance of
the bimodal Gaussian position distribution peaks from the center of the road. In post hoc
pairwise comparisons between task types within each uncertainty level, all were significant
(p < 0.05) except between the symmetric low-cost task and asymmetric task at 0 and 4 psd
noise. Details can be found in figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6: Proportional Hazard Model of Successful Trials.
where a successful trial is defined as a trial during which the subject never ran o↵ the road.
(The green line represents the symmetric low-cost task, the black line is the asymmetric
task, and the blue line indicates the symmetric high-cost task.) At all uncertainty levels,
failed trials occurred more than twice as often in the asymmetric task than in the low-cost
task. That is that subjects stayed so far away from the water that they hit the grass on the
opposite side of the road much more frequently.
Subjects, on average, ran o↵ the road in more than twice as many trials at every
level of uncertainty in the asymmetric task than in the low-cost task, shown in Figure 3.6.
These numbers do not include failures during practice. However, at the two lowest levels
of motor noise in the low-cost task, even during the initial practice block, no subject ran
o↵ the road. Additionally, only one subject ever fell o↵ the road in the high-cost task.
This demonstrates that subjects react to the probability of failure even when failure has not
been experienced. This observation is inconsistent with an adaptive reduction in error, and
instead must represent a mechanism that estimates and predicts failure that has not yet
3.1.4 Discussion
It has been previously suggested that humans act as Bayes optimal observers in motor
planning tasks, such as rapid pointing, by modifying behavior to compensate for uncertainty
Pouget, 2004; Maloney and Zhang, 2010; Tassinari et al., 2006; Wolpert and Landy 2012) In
uncertainty in a continuous task controlled with feedback, and if this behavior could be done
without experiencing error in the task. At no additional motor noise, subjects on average
maintained a bimodal Gaussian distribution near the center of either lane (approximately
10 pixels closer to the center line than the road boundary) in the low-cost environment.
This shows that qualitatively optimal behavior could be performed with a bimodal cost
function that is more complicated than the single target used in most prior studies. In
the asymmetric environment, subjects stayed in the lane closer to the grass more than 95%
of the time, and subsequently treated this lane almost identically to the low-cost task. In
the symmetric high-cost environment, subjects moved more than an additional 20 pixels
towards the center of the road compared to the symmetrical low-cost environment at equal
uncertainty levels. Subjects shifted their behavior in the presence of risk even though no
subject left the boundaries of the road in the symmetrical low-cost task at 0 and 4 psd
motor noise. Based on the observation of error, there is in fact no reason to pull away from
the side of the road when the cost to running o↵ the road was increased. This behavior is
match the empirical data. This suggests that predictions of failure not only carry very long
tails, but predict possible error even when none has previously occurred. Additionally, only
one subject ever fell into the water, but every subject still demonstrated a significant shift
in behavior in the symmetric high-cost environment. This is significant since the common
model for learning in motor control is error-driven learning, and this observation suggests
thathumanperformanceisoftennotdrivenbyerrors. Thisdemonstratesthatsubjectsmade
predictions of both the likelihood and cost of failure, and our results are consistent with the
existence of internal estimates of probability of failure and cost of failure.
As the uncertainty increased, subjects adjusted their position more towards the center
oftheroad. Thedistancesubjectsmovedawayfromtheroadboundarywasdependentonthe
motor noise at least within the constraints of this task. While subjects behaved similarly in
the asymmetric task to the symmetrical low cost-task at low levels of uncertainty, subjects
adjusted their behavior di↵erently at high levels of uncertainty. Subjects did not move
towards the center of the road as much in the asymmetric task in order to avoid running
over the centerline and into the high-cost region (water) on the opposite side. This occurred
even though it caused subjects to hit the low-cost region (grass) much more often and meant
taking significantly longer to complete the asymmetric task at the highest noise level than
eitheroftheothertwotasks,seefigure3.5. However,sinceonlyonesubjecteverhitthewater
in any symmetrical high-cost environment, this again demonstrates that for most subjects
this shift in behavior was not necessary and shows how sensitive humans are to high-risk
It is important to recognize that the concept of risk we describe in this paper, “risk-
more ubiquitous “risk-sensitivity” originating from an economical decision-making perspec-
tive of motor control (Braun et al, 2011; Sanger, 2014). Risk-sensitivity is used to describe
inter-individual di↵erences in response to risk, where risk is defined in terms of higher mo-
mentsofreward. Inthisexperiment, anexplicitcostfunctionisprovidedsothereshouldnot
be much inter-individual di↵erence. In the context of this paper we are defining awareness
of risk as continuous estimates of both the cost of failure and probability of failure in a
task. Unlike previous studies, we did not compare subjects’ responses to the “optimal” re-
sponse. It has already been demonstrated that in navigating 2-dimensional terrains humans’
behavior is typically suboptimal (Zhang et al, 2010). It is certainly feasible to create a cost
function suciently obscure or complicated to prevent humans from responding optimally.
And there are many other considerations such as attention, fatigue, motivation, etc. that
are impossible to quantify and implement in the estimation model, but that certainly a↵ect
the complete cost function a subject would theoretically minimize. Additionally, the results
suggest that subjects are tuning their behavior to a probability function that is a result of
both pre-existing assumptions about variability and measurements of the empiric variability
of the task. Because we do not know the assumptions a subject makes of the underlying
probability distribution, whether subjects are maximizing expected utility correctly and the
appropriateness of the assumptions are not completely discernible with this study. It can be
concluded, however, that subjects are responding to the increase of risk in the task. So it
was not the focus of this study to determine how closely humans are able to reproduce the
optimal response in continuous tasks, but whether they demonstrate on-going awareness of
Humansarerelativelyfragilecreatures. Onlythroughconstantvigilanceandavoidance
ofriskdoweremainsafefrominjury. Wehaveshownthatnotonlydoweconsiderriskwhen
initially planning a movement, but also that we are constantly evaluating the environmental
cost function. Moreover, we are constantly making predictions of failure, even in cases where
we have never experienced that failure. Our survival depends on knowing that falling o↵ the
cli↵ is going to be unpleasant without having to experience it first.
3.2 Experiment 2: Certainty Equivalence Assumption
3.2.1 Introduction
The previous study demonstrated that subjects continuous estimate their own uncer-
tainty and appropriately tune their behavior to account for this uncertainty. The previous
experiment imposed motor uncertainty, so that the imposed noise specifically a↵ected the
outcome of actions. However, uncertainty can generally exist in two forms: uncertainty in
thestatevariablesanduncertaintyinthecontrolvariables. Theformercanbeinterpretedas
sensory uncertainty (indeterminate knowledge of state) and the latter as motor uncertainty
(indeterminate knowledge of the outcome of actions).
In the theory, state uncertainty and control uncertainty will have identical outcomes if
the statistics of the uncertainties are equivalent. However, it is possible that the perception
The final segment of this report will revisit the role of uncertainty in behavior, and more
specifically investigate the influence of the both of these types of uncertainty on movement.
3.2.2 Methods
In order to test the validity of the certainty equivalence assumption and compare
of the first experiment. The same iPad driving simulation will be used as in the first chapter
with a few minor modifications. Instead of physically slowing the car on the road, the cost
function will be directly implemented by a point penalty (otherwise the subject may be able
to infer the position of the car on the road from the velocity of the car). In addition to
imposed motor uncertainty, identical to that from the previous experiment, subjects will
complete the task with imposed sensory uncertainty as well, shown in 3.7(c-d).
Figure 3.7: Application Images.
The above images depict the road for each of the conditions. Figure (a) shows the low-
risk motor condition, (b) shows the high-risk motor condition, (c) shows the low-risk visual
condition, and (d) shows the high-risk visual condition. The visual contrast of these images
is 0.25.
In order to implement sensory uncertainty, the contrast between the road and bound-
ary (both outside the road and the center dashed line) was varied and then the image was
be converted to 2-bit. In order to achieve this, the grayscale value of each pixel was pro-
portional to the probability of that being black (versus white). Each pixel will be compared
to an independent random variable and will be assigned a value (white or black) based on
this comparison. For a single image, this is an implementation of random dithering that
generates a one bit-per-pixel image from the original analog image. It may be important
to recognize that this method does not increase the noise of an image so much as decrease
the bandwidth or information of the image. We characterized and validated this method of
imposing sensory uncertainty in section 2.1. The experiment was divided into two days, one
day for calibrating the levels of uncertainty for each subject, and one day to compare the
types of uncertainty.
Session 1: Calibration
The first session was a calibration phase designed to match levels of motor uncertainty
to statistically equivalent levels of sensory uncertainty. In this session, the application was
similar to the previous experiment, but the cost function was altered. The subject was
rewarded points for driving on the dashed centerline, and there were no penalty regions.
Subjects were not given any instantaneous feedback of performance, but were given a score
from 0 to 100 at the end of each trial. The car velocity will not be altered in this experiment
because this would indicate whether the car was on the road.
The contrast levels were chosen such that at the highest uncertainty, the road was
essentially invisible to test subjects, and at the lowest level of uncertainty, the road was
completely and easily visible. The levels were spaced logarithmically, so that there was finer
di↵erentiation at lower levels of contrast where visibility changes more rapidly. The motor
uncertainty levelswereevenly spaced from 0 pixel standard deviation to 14.5 pixelsstandard
deviation (based on the results of the first experiment).
Subjects performed 3 blocks of 10 uncertainty levels under imposed motor uncertainty
and the same number of trials under imposed sensory uncertainty. In one block the uncer-
tainty went from high to low, in another the uncertainty went from low to high, and one
block was randomized. The subjects performed these blocks in a random order. Prior to
uncertainty block and one block of the increasing sensory uncertainty.
The position data for each trial was fit to a Gaussian distribution. The standard de-
viations of the Gaussian distributions for all trials from the motor uncertainty data was fit
to a linear regression and the standard deviations resulting from the sensory uncertainty
was fit to a decaying exponential. Four equidistant standard deviations of movement were
selected for each subject and the corresponding contrast/noise levels for each standard de-
viation were calculated from the exponential/linear fits. Figure 3.2 illustrates the position
data fit to Gaussian distributions and the standard deviations of the distributions fit to the
regressions of one exemplary subject.
The four levels of sensory uncertainty and four levels of motor uncertainty from this
calibration session were used in the second session. Any subject that had an R
value for
either fit that was less than 0.8 was not included in the second session.
Figure 3.8: Results of Exemplary Subject For Calibration Session.
Thesefiguresaretheresultsfromthecalibrationsessionofoneexemplarysubject. Theplots
on the left are the results of the motor uncertainty and the plots of the right are from the
visual uncertainty trials. Each figure on the bottom shows the histograms of the position
data (distance from the center of the road) normalized by the road width. The numbers
within each subplot indicate the level of noise of those trials. The blue lines represent the
Gaussian fit for each histogram. The top plots show the standard deviation of the Gaussian
fits and the levels of calibration. The circles represent the standard deviation from each
trial. The black line indicates the linear/exponential fit to the standard deviations. The
stars indicate the selected levels of standard deviation. The dotted and dashed lines show
the conversion between standard deviation of uncertainty and level of motor/contrast noise.
The numbers within in each plot indicate the R
value of that regression.
Session 2: Complicated Cost Function
In the second session, subjects completed the same game with the cost function from
first study (a bimodal cost function). The levels of uncertainty were those established in
the calibration from the first session. The blocks were divided into high-risk and low-risk.
In the low-risk task, subjects lost 5 points/second when the car was touching the centerline
and 50 points/second at the boundary. In the high-risk task, subjects also lost an additional
300 points if they hit the outer boundary. Each block consisted of 12 trials, 3 for each level
of uncertainty in a randomized order. At the beginning of the experiment, each subject
completed a practice block identical to the low-risk block for both types of uncertainty. Ad-
Fifteens subjects participated in the first session of the experiment. Of these, nine
subjects did not meet the calibration criterion to participate in the second session.
Data Analysis
Data was analyzed in a similar manner as the previous experiment. The position data
fromthesecondsessionwasfittoabimodalGaussiandistribution,eq. 3.1.Thedistancefrom
the center of the road was calculated as the absolute value of the peak of each distribution
multiplied by the weighting factor of that distribution added together. This was computed
for each condition for each subject individually. An ANOVA was performed comparing the
e↵ect of uncertainty type, uncertainty level, and risk on the distance from the center of the
3.2.3 Results
All Gaussian fits from the calibration session data passed a chi-squared test. Results
from the first session for a sample subject can be seen in figure 3.8. All the linear and
exponential fits to the standard deviation for each subject were 0.8 or greater. The average
value resulting from the motor data regression was .8338 and the average of all subjects
for the exponential fit to the visual uncertainty data was .8854. The average motor noise
levels were 1.63, 4.97, 8.31, and 11.66 pixels standard deviation and the contrast values were
0.2541, 0.0941, 0.0635, and 0.0457.
Figure 3.9: Histograms of Raw Position Data and Fits to Bimodal Distribution.
The figure above display the histograms of the position data from all subjects combined.
The position data is referenced to the center of the road and normalized by the size of the
road. Therefore the left boundary of the plot signifies the left boundary of the right and the
right boundary of the plots signify the right boundary of the road. The solid lines indicate
the bimodal Gaussian fits to equation 3.1.Thetopsetoffiguresaretheresultsofthemotor
uncertainty and the bottom set are the results of the visual uncertainty. Each column is the
results from each level of uncertainty, lowest uncertainty on the left and higher towards the
The bimodal Gaussian fits for each condition from all subject data can be seen in
3.9. Qualitatively, the distributions look similar. The average results indicating the distance
from the center of the road for each condition can be seen in figure 3.10.Theaverage
distance for the visual uncertainty (across all levels and risks) is 0.3281 normalized to the
road and the average distance for motor uncertainty is 0.40. The average distance (across all
uncertainty types and levels) for the symmetric low-risk condition is .3835 and the high-risk
is .3346. There was a significant di↵erence in uncertainty type [F(1,85) = 22.62, p < 0.001],
uncertainty level [F(3,85) = 31.81, p < 0.001], and risk [F(1,85) = 15.13, p < 0.001].
Figure 3.10: Distance from the Center of the Road vs. Uncertainty Level.
The plots above show the distance from the center of the road across uncertainty levels for
the high risk and low risk conditions and the visual and motor uncertainty.The figure on the
left are the results of the average distance from the center of the road calculating from the
bimodal Gaussian fit for each individual subject. The figure on the right are the result of the
bimodal gaussian fit from the total subject data, figure 3.9.Thegreenlinerepresentsthe
low-risk condition and the blue line represents the high-risk. The stars indicate the visual
uncertainty and the open circle indicates the motor uncertainty. The lines are the fit to a
linear regression. The error bars indicate variance.
3.2.4 Discussion
Results demonstrated that there was a significant increase in sensitivity to sensory
uncertainty over motor uncertainty. It cannot be determined if this is due to a di↵erence
in the manner in which each type of uncertainty is incorporated or if this is a result of an
inaccurate perception of uncertainty.
Interestingly, the results from the motor uncertainty in this experiment appear di↵er-
ent than in the previous experiment, although the levels of motor noise and risk are similar
in this study. The sensitivity to the risk, both in terms of response to uncertainty and cost,
appears diminished. We hypothesize that this is a consequence of the cost not being rein-
forced by the duration of the experiment. It is possible that subjects consider a lengthier
experiment a significant increase in cost as opposed to just monetary penalty. It is also
possible that the velocity of the car provided instantaneous feedback to reinforce the sensory
estimate of the car position. In this paradigm the subjects did not know when they hit the
middle or the side of the road until the end of each trial.
Certainty Equivalence
It is interesting to note that these results also have major implications about assump-
tions of certainty equivalence. In order to alleviate some amount of the computation burden,
controltheoriesoftenassumetheyarecontrollingaquadraticlinearsystem. Thismeansthat
the criterion function is quadratic and that the systems equations are linear. This simpli-
fication relies on many substantial assumptions including local linearity, additive Gaussian
noise, and certainty equivalence (Sanger, 2014).
If a system is certainty equivalent, then the deterministic problem is equivalent to the
stochastic problem (Kendrick, 2002). Therefore, a system in which the optimal solution
taking into account uncertainty is the same as the optimal solution for that system in the
absenceofuncertaintyiscertaintyequivalent(Thiel,1957;Simon,1956). Thisisaconvenient
assumption as it means the maximum likelihood can be substituted for the probability
distribution. However, the results of this study demonstrate that this is not an appropriate
assumption. In this study, the degree of uncertainty impacts behavior and therefore the
deterministic system is not equivalent to the stochastic problem.
Chapter 4
The Tuning of Reflexes to Risk
4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter we describe how risk can be interpreted in terms of the prob-
ability of cost and the probability of failure. In general, we do not have control over the
form of the cost function. The cost of failure is determined by the environment. However,
we do have some influence over probability of failure. There are two ways to decrease the
probability of failure. The first is that we may adjust our position to move away from the
risk. From the previous study, we have demonstrated that humans do tune their statistical
behavior based on the entire probability distribution of possible outcomes and the cost func-
tion of environment and task. The second is that we can prepare for the unexpected or plan
for error. We may do this by tuning our rapid responses to the probability of failure and
cost of failure. Therefore, in addition to modifying the control of movement to reflect the
risk of the environment, we hypothesize that humans will also prepare for error in response
to risk as well.
It has been well established that humans are able to modulate the long latency stretch
Rothwell et al, 1980; Crago et al, 1976). Studies have implemented a variety of paradigms
including verbal instructions (resist/let go) and target oriented tasks, single muscles and
concurrent muscles. The commonality of all these experiments is that they look very specif-
ically at goal-modulation. It is our hypothesis that awareness to risk is so fundamental, that
humans also maintain reflexes tuned specifically to the cost function of the environment,
even when the goal of the task does not depend on the perturbation.
Inordertoappropriatelyrespondtoperturbations, thereflexresponseshouldtakeinto
account the risk of the environment as well. If we consider the previous example of driving,
it would be very harmful if the reflex response to the mechanical perturbation from a bump
in the road resulted in a reaction that pushed the car over a cli↵. Alternatively, it would be
very helpful if the same reflex response resulted in avoiding hitting another car and running
into another empty lane instead. This chapter consists of three separate, but closely re-
lated, experiments. The first experiment implemented a paradigm similar to the experiment
presented in the previous chapter to investigate the rapid response to visual perturbations.
The second experiment further investigates this phenomenon by examining the stretch reflex
response in the first dorsal interosseus in environments with di↵erent amounts of risk. The
final experiment will repeat the second experiment with minor changes using the bicep and
triceps muscle in order to investigate the role of co-contraction and tone in modulating the
reflex response to risk.
This is an important set of experiments to distinguish characteristics indicative of
risk aware control from optimal feedback control. In optimal feedback control, the reference
trajectoryissimplyrecalculatedateachtimepointdependingonthestate. Thisaccountsfor
redirecting movement not to the previous path, but to the best path to achieve a goal. This
isimportantbecausesettingreflexesisunnecessarytofollowareferencetrajectory. However,
when controlling the system through dynamics, tuning reflexes is an inherent result of the
system. This will present itself as planning for error before the error occurs.
4.2 Experiment 1: Response to Visual Perturbations
4.2.1 Materials and Methods
The experiment was performed on an iPad2 (iOS 6.0, resolution of 1024x740 pixels)
in landscape orientation. A custom application was created using CoronaSDK (Version
2012.11.15. Palo Alto, California: Corona Labs Inc., 2012). The update rate of the screen
and rate of data acquisition was 30 fps.
Eight naive, healthy adult subjects participated in this second study. The University
of Southern California Institutional Review Board approved the study protocol. All subjects
gave informed written consent for participation and received compensation in proportion
to their final score plus a base sum (Study IRB# UP 09 00263). Authorization for analy-
sis, storage, and publication of protected health information was obtained according to the
Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Stimuli and Procedure
This experiment utilized a very similar experimental set up as in the first study. The
application itself was the same with a few modifications. The length of trial was increased
fromapproximately25-35secondsto50-60seconds. Additionally,only3levelsofmotornoise
were evaluated (0, 4, and 8 pixels standard deviation). At random time intervals throughout
eachtrial, thecarwasdisplacedtoanewpositionbyvisuallymovingthecarfromitscurrent
position to a new position in the next frame. There were three types of displacements: push
to edge, push to center, and lane switch, as illustrated in figure 4.1.
(a) Push to Edge (b) Push to Center (c) Lane Switch
Figure 4.1: Types of Visual Displacements.
Three types of visual perturbations occurred during the experiment. Figure (a) illustrates
the push to edge displacement. The car is moved from its current position to 50 pixels
from the edge of the road in the current driving lane. Figure (b) depicts the push to center
displacement where the car is moved to the very center of the road. Figure (c) shows a lane
switch perturbation. Here the car is moved to the exact same position in the opposite lane.
The experiment was divided into 3 identical blocks with small breaks in between. Each
blockwassubdividedinto3sub-blocksforeachcostfunction(grass-grass, water-grass/grass-
water, or water-water). The order of sub-blocks was randomized. Within each sub-block the
subject completed 3 trials, one of each noise level in a random order. During each trial the
car was displaced 9 times, 3 per displacement type, with each displacement occurring at a
random time in the trial but at least 5 seconds apart. This resulted in 9 displacements per
Prior to the first block, the subject completed a practice block under the grass-grass cost
(a) Push to Edge (b) Push to Center (c) Lane Switch
Figure 4.2: Specific Hypotheses.
If reflexes are tuned to the risk of the environment we expect to see di↵erences in responses
depending on the risk. In figure (a) we would expect to see a larger response to pull the car
away from the high risk at the edge of the road. In figure (b) we anticipate that subjects’
response will be less or slower to move away from the smaller risk of the center of the road.
In figure (c) the response should depend on whether the cost function is symmetric or not.
In a symmetric environment the risk is the same in the displaced position so we should see a
much smaller response to the visual perturbation. In an asymmetric environment, we expect
the subject to return to the previous lane.
Data Analysis
Data from the accelerometer was primarily used for analysis since it is the most direct
link to the subjects’ physical reactions to the visual perturbations. Accelerometer responses
were aligned to the direction of perturbation. Then the amplitude of response to each
perturbation was calculated by subtracting the baseline accelerometer reading (averaged
over .5 seconds prior to perturbation onset) from the maximum response. The maximum
was defined as the first maximum accelerometer response (did not decrease for more than
3consecutiveframes)betweenperturbationonsetand100framespostperturbation. The
time of the amplitude was also computed as the frame this maximum response occurred.
The percentage of times that the subject returned to the previous lane after the lane
switch perturbation was also analyzed. A trial was considered a return trial if at 100 frames
postperturbationthecarpositionwasatleast50pixelsintotheoppositelane. Forsymmetry,
the trials in which the car position was in the same lane and at least 50 pixels from the
centerline100framesaftertheperturbationwasconsideredasamelanetrial. Allothertrials
were discounted as ambiguous. A trial was also automatically discounted if the subject fell
into the water within those 100 frames. The percentage was calculated as the number of
return trials divided by the sum of the return and same lane trials.
4.2.2 Results
Average accelerometer responses for each subject and the average of all subjects for
the push to edge and push to center perturbations can be seen in figure 4.3.Theprevious
study already established the generalized response to this task without the perturbations;
therefore this investigation was only interested in specifically analyzing the rapid response
to perturbations. In a three-way repeated-measures ANOVA, perturbation type, noise level,
and cost function all had a significant e↵ect on the response amplitude (p <0.0001).
(a) Push to Edge (b) Push to Center
Figure 4.3: Rapid Responses of Individual Subjects and Average of All Subjects.
In each grid the columns signify the level of motor noise (0, 4, 8 psd from left to right)
and the rows characterize the cost function (symmetric low-cost, asymmetric, symmetric
high-cost from top to bottom). Each grid is labeled with the type of visual perturbation (a:
push to edge, b: lane switch, c: push to center). The x-axis is in seconds and the y-axis
is accelerometer data. The grey lines represent individual subject responses (averaged over
the 9 trials). The thick colored lines indicate the average of all subjects’ responses. The
perturbation occurred at frame 50.
Post hoc comparisons were performed with t-tests to more specifically interpret the
e↵ect of risk on response amplitude. In the push to edge displacements, subjects were either
pushed towards the grass or towards the water depending on the environment. The response
amplitude was significantly greater (p = 0.0028) when the subject was being pushed toward
thewaterorhigherriskthanwhenpushedtowardthegrassorlowerrisk, showninfigure4.4.
Considering now all the environments, the subjects also demonstrated significantly larger (p
< 0.0001) response amplitudes when pushed toward the edge of the road (higher risk) than
towards the center of the road (lower risk), shown in figure 4.5.
Figure 4.4: Amplitude of Average Accelerometer Response to Push to Edge Per-
Points represent the average accelerometer response to the push to edge perturbation of all
subjects. Green indicates the symmetric low-cost task and blue indicates the symmetric
high-cost task. The x-axis is the standard deviation of motor uncertainty in pixels and the
y-axis is the accelerometer response. The bars represent standard error. The stars indicate
significantly di↵erent pairs ( * = < 0.05, ** = < 0.005, *** = < 0.0005).
Figure 4.5: Amplitude of Average Accelerometer Response of the Push to Edge
and Push to Center Perturbations.
Points represent the average accelerometer response of all subjects in all cost environments
combined. Red indicates the response to the push to edge perturbation and yellow indicates
the push toward center perturbation. The x-axis is the standard deviation of motor uncer-
tainty in pixels and the y-axis is the accelerometer response. The bars represent standard
error. The stars indicate significantly di↵erent pairs ( * = < 0.05, ** = < 0.005, *** = <
In the switch-lane perturbation, the position data is more informative than the ac-
celerometer data, figure 4.6. Optimal feedback control would predict that, in the symmetric
environment, subjects always remain in the new lane post switch lane perturbation because
they recalculate the optimal trajectory. When subjects were pushed to the opposite driving
lane, they generally stayed in that lane. It should be noted that this was not always the
case though, sometimes subjects returned to the previous lane even in the symmetric envi-
ronment. In the asymmetric environment, subjects usually returned to the lane away from
the higher risk. Percentages of the returns can be seen for each condition in figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6: Position of Car Post Lane Switch Perturbation.
In each grid the columns signify the level of motor noise (0, 4, 8 psd from left to right)
and the rows characterize the cost function (symmetric low-cost, asymmetric, symmetric
high-cost from top to bottom). The x-axis is in frames and the y-axis is center of the car
position data. The red lines indicate trials that the subject returned to the lane the car
was perturbed from. The black lines indicate trials that the subject did not return to the
previous lane. The grey lines designate trials that were deemed ambiguous (see methods).
The numbers above each subplot are the percentage of trials that the subject returned to
the previous lane.
4.2.3 Discussion
Results demonstrate that subjects’ rapid response is modulated to the location of risk
in the environment. Amplitude of response was higher for perturbations that pushed the
subject toward higher risk, in this case toward the edge of the road instead of the center or
toward water instead of toward grass.
This supports our hypothesis that reflex responses are modulated by risk, however,
because the perturbations implemented are visual and not mechanical, these reaction times
exist only in the voluntary region (Thorpe et al., 1996) and are not true reflex responses.
The next experiments will utilize mechanical perturbations to test the modulation of the
stretch reflex response to environmental risk.
4.3 Experiment 2: Response to Mechanical Perturbation
4.3.1 Materials and Methods
Ten nave, healthy adult subjects participated in this study. The University of South-
ern California Institutional Review Board approved the study protocol. All subjects gave
informed written consent for participation and received compensation in proportion to their
final score plus a base sum (Study IRB# UP 10 00447). Authorization for analysis, stor-
age, and publication of protected health information was obtained according to the Health
Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Stimuli and Procedure
Subjects were positioned in front of a monitor with their entire forearm resting on a
table and their right index finger braced in a splint. The split was attached to the arm of a
robot magnetically, as a safety precaution. The physical arm of the robot was constrained to
move in only one dimension, horizontal to the subject, by a plastic board with a rectangular
section removed. The three distal fingers were taped together and all fingers, besides the
index finger, were attached to the board with Velcro. Electrodes were axed to belly of
the first dorsal interosseus and abductor digiti minimi muscles and a ground electrode was
placed on the opposite hand. Figure 4.7cshowsthisset-up.
The position of the robot arm corresponded to the position of the cursor on the screen.
The monitor displayed three rectangles: two cost regions on either side of a center reward
reward region while avoiding the cost regions that would result in a loss of points. The
center reward rectangle was twice as wide as the cursor dot so there was not much leeway
in the position of the cursor that would earn points. This ensured that the cursor remained
approximately equal distance from either cost region. The robot generated a constant 1 N
baseline force with randomized 4 N perturbations in both directions (randomized) at a mean
rate of 3 seconds.
Figure 4.7: Monitor Display and Set Up.
The above images illustrate the display the subjects viewed during the experiment. There
was always the center green reward region while the penalty regions changed throughout
the experiment. The rectangles all moved together in a randomized sinusoidal motion. The
subject’s finger was attached to the robot that controlled the blue cursor on the screen. The
subject’s hand was strapped in using Velcro to avoid using the other fingers or adjusting the
hand position mid-experiment. Electrodes were placed on the FDI and ADM and a ground
electrode was placed on the back of the hand.
The two cost rectangles were colored to indicate penalty. Nine cost environments were
evaluated: all combinations of no penalty, low penalty, and high penalty. No penalty meant
the subject would not lose points when the cursor was inside the (white) cost rectangle,
hitting a yellow rectangle resulted in a loss of 10 points (low penalty) while hitting a red
rectangle resulted in a loss of 100 points (high penalty). Under this paradigm, responses to
both symmetric and asymmetric cost functions could be investigated.
The experiment was divided into 5 blocks of 90 perturbations. The cost function (cued
by color) was changed every 10 perturbations in randomized order. A mandatory 5-minute
restperiodseparatedeachblockoftrials. Priortothefirstblock, subjectswereinstructedto
abduct their index finger against the hand of the experimenter as hard as possible in order
to collect maximum voluntary control.
Ultimately, the goal of the task was always to remain in the center target, but the
cost of hitting a penalty region was varied. If a subject always returned to the center target
as quickly as possible, they would always maximize their points. However, we expected to
still see a di↵erence in the long latency stretch reflex between cost functions as a result of
subjects tuning their reflexes to the risk of environment.
Prior to the beginning of the experiment, subjects were asked to push with as much
force as possible against a stationary object in order to record maximum voluntary control.
Data Analysis
All analysis was done in MATLAB (version Natick, Massachusetts: The
MathWorks Inc., 2011) and R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing
(version 3.0.1. Vienna, Austria: R Development Core Team, 2013). Electromyography was
recorded from the first dorsal interosseus and abductor digiti minimi muscles at 1000 Hz.
The abductor digiti minimi was not used for analysis, but observed for a general sense of the
sti↵ness of the hand. The EMG data was low pass filtered [500 Hz], rectified, then bandpass
filtered [25 – 250 Hz, butterworth]. Data was normalized based on maximum voluntary
control (MVC).
Datawastime-alignedtoperturbationonset. Onlytrialsinthedirectionthatactivated
the FDI stretch reflex were analyzed. This resulted in approximately 25 trials per subject
per cost function. Reflex response was divided into standard epochs for baseline [-50 – 0
ms], short latency [R1, 20 – 45 ms], medium latency [R2, 45 – 75 ms], long latency [R3, 75
–105ms],andvoluntary[VOL,110–150ms]responsepostperturbation. (FromRapid
Motor Responses Are Appropriate tuned) Analysis compared mean EMG within each epoch
for each perturbation trial.
Subject data was analyzed both individually and as a group. A two-way repeated
measures ANOVA using cost factor and epoch factor was performed to determine the ef-
fect of risk and epoch on the stretch reflex for each individual subject. The R model
aov(EMG Risk*Epoch) was used to determined the e↵ect of the risk of the environment
on the EMG activity.
Five one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were also performed on the entire subject
pool to determine the e↵ect of risk on EMG activity within each epoch (baseline, R1, R2,
R3, and voluntary). The R model was aov(EMG Risk) where the EMG factor was only the
EMG activity in a single epoch. This was performed when the EMG was normalized by
preactivation (100 ms prior to perturbation) instead of MVC as well.
Additionally, theasymmetriccostfunctionswereanalyzedingreaterdetail. Theasym-
metric cost functions were categorized by whether the perturbation was in the direction of
overall higher risk or lower risk. Since only trials that activated the FDI reflex were ana-
lyzed, this meant that if the reflex response was greater in conditions with higher risk to the
right than to the left, that the reflexes were tuned according to the location of risk in the
environment. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed on the EMG from the
asymmetric cost functions. The R model was aov(EMG Side*Epoch) where the Side factor
indicated the direction of higher cost. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were made of the e↵ect
of higher risk direction on the EMG activity within each epoch as well.
It is unclear whether the data was accurately reflecting an abnormal response or the result
of error in data collection, but this subject was removed from analysis.
4.3.2 Results
This experiment was designed to study the e↵ects of the risk on the stretch reflex.
Subjects did not demonstrate dicultly in performing the task and all subjects appeared to
use the same strategy of staying within the center reward region and attempting to resist
perturbation to avoid risk. We consistently observed a small peak in muscle activity at 50
ms post perturbation and a larger, distinct peak at 85 ms characteristic of the long latency
reflex. Eachsubjectwasfirstanalyzedindividually. Sevenoftheninesubjectsdemonstrated
13); six of those seven subjects tuned their muscle activity appropriate (generally increased
reflex amplitude in higher risk conditions).
Figure 4.8: Change in EMG Between Conditions for Individual Subjects.
This figure contains the change in average baseline EMG (100ms prior to perturbation) be-
tween the symmetric no-cost/symmetric low-cost (yellow) and symmetric no-cost/symmetric
high-cost (red) for each subject, and figure Aii contains the same for the long latency epoch.
Subject number is located on the x-axis and EMG on the y-axis. Figure B contains the
average EMG trace for all subjects for the symmetric no-cost (green), symmetric low-cost
(yellow), and symmetric high-cost (red) tasks. The dashed black line designates the time of
perturbation and the solid black lines indicate the long latency epoch.
EMG activity across all subjects was analyzed within each epoch as well. The baseline
epochshowedasignificantdi↵erence(F(8,1907)=3.302, p <0.001), therewasnosignificant
di↵erence in the R1 epoch as expected (F(8,1907) = 1.407, p = 0.189). In the long latency
epochs, R2 and R3, there was a significant di↵erent dependent on cost (F(8,1907) = 2.816,
p=0.00418) and (F(8,1907) = 4.323, p < 0.0001). There was also a significant di↵erence in
the voluntary epoch (F(8,1907) = 4.739, p < 0.0001).
Figure 4.9: Symmetric Cost EMG.
Figure Ai contains the change in average baseline EMG (100ms prior to perturbation) be-
tween the symmetric no-cost/symmetric low-cost (yellow) and symmetric no-cost/symmetric
high-cost (red) for each subject, and figure Aii contains the same for the long latency epoch.
Subject number is located on the x-axis and EMG on the y-axis. Figure B contains the
average EMG trace for all subjects for the symmetric no-cost (green), symmetric low-cost
(yellow), and symmetric high-cost (red) tasks. The dashed black line designates the time of
perturbation and the solid black lines indicate the long latency epoch.
the subject did not know the direction of perturbation. Therefore we were able to determine
the degree of specificity of the environmental cost function that the reflex response would
integrate. The asymmetric cost functions were categorized by whether the perturbation was
in the direction of overall higher risk or lower risk. Since only trials that activated the FDI
reflex were analyzed, this meant that if the reflex response was greater in conditions with
higherrisktotherightthantotheleft, thatthereflexesweretunedaccordingtothelocation
of risk in the environment. However, only five of the nine subjects actually demonstrated
this tuning. As a whole, there was no significant e↵ect of the location of the risk in the
environment (F(1,6492) = 0.735, p = 0.391). A pairwise t-test comparing the asymmetric
cost direction within the long latency epoch only did not exhibit a significant di↵erence
Figure 4.10: Asymmetric Cost EMG.
Figure Ai contains the change in average baseline EMG (100ms prior to perturbation) be-
tween the no-cost condition and asymmetric cost conditions; yellow indicates the conditions
with perturbations in the direction of lower cost and red represents the perturbations in the
direction of higher cost. Figure Aii contains the same for the long latency epoch. Subject
numberislocatedonthex-axisandEMGonthey-axis. FigureBcontainstheaverageEMG
trace for all subjects for perturbations towards lower cost (yellow) and perturbations toward
higher cost (red). The dashed black line designates the time of perturbation and the solid
black lines indicate the long latency epoch.
In the previous analysis, the EMG was normalized by maximum voluntary control. If
the EMG is instead normalized by muscle preactivation, there is no longer a clear signifi-
cant di↵erence in EMG activation between risk environments. None of the epochs show a
significant di↵erence, including the voluntary epoch, R1: (F(8,1907) = 0.327, p = 0.956),
R2: (F(8,1907) = 1.074, p = 0.378), R3: (F(8,1907) = 0.73, p = 0.665), Vol: (F(8,1907) =
0.974, p = 0.454).
Figure 4.11: EMG Normalized by Maximum Voluntary Contraction and by Pre-
Figure Ai contains the change in average baseline EMG (100ms prior to perturbation) be-
tween the no-cost condition and asymmetric cost conditions; yellow indicates the conditions
with perturbations in the direction of lower cost and red represents the perturbations in the
direction of higher cost. Figure Aii contains the same for the long latency epoch. Subject
numberislocatedonthex-axisandEMGonthey-axis. FigureBcontainstheaverageEMG
trace for all subjects for perturbations towards lower cost (yellow) and perturbations toward
higher cost (red). The dashed black line designates the time of perturbation and the solid
black lines indicate the long latency epoch.
4.3.3 Discussion
experimentanddidnotdependontheperturbation. Therefore, ifthesubjecthadperformed
their best on every trial, they would have received as many points as it was possible for them
to get. However, most of the subjects still demonstrated appropriate modulation of the long
latency reflex to the risk in the environment. Across all subjects combined, a significant
di↵erence was found in the long latency epoch between cost functions when the muscle
activity was normalized based on maximum voluntary control. This suggests that humans
to tune their long latency reflexes to the risk of the environment. However, there was not
from higher cost. This suggests that subject do not set separate reflex responses for di↵erent
locations of risk simultaneously when the direction of perturbation was unplanned.
The results were also analyzed with the EMG normalized by preactivation instead
of maximum voluntary control. Under this adjustment, there was no longer a significant
di↵erence in the muscle activity within any epoch. This suggests that muscle preactivation
may be an essential component to modulating the reflex response to risk. Pruszynski et
al. provide evidence that the long latency reflex may be composed of two functionally
distinct components (Pruszynski et al, 2011). One that is modulated by the goal of the task
independent of tone, and another that is sensitive to muscle preactivation. It is possible that
the goal of the task predominantly modulates the first component of the long latency reflex
and the risk of the environment primarily modulates this second preactivation dependent
The evidence that sti↵ness was a↵ected by the risk of the environment indicates that
subjectswereplanningforerrorpriortotheperturbation. Thisisnotrepresentedinoptimal
feedbackcontrol. Inoptimalfeedbackcontrol, thereferencetrajectoryisrecalculatedateach
time point depending on the current state. This accounts for redirecting movement not to
thepreviouspath, buttothebestpathtoachieveagoal. Inthecaseofthisexperiment, that
would be toward the center target and away from the cost once the perturbation occurred.
However, the results demonstrate not just that subjects redirected their goal appropriately
post perturbation, but also planned for that error prior to its occurrence.
It is problematic to draw more specific conclusions about the role of co-contraction in
this study since the muscle antagonist to the FDI cannot be measured reliably with surface
electrodes. Therefore, the final experiment in this chapter will repeat this experimental
design using the bicep and triceps muscle. This will provide an opportunity to investigate
more deeply the role of sti↵ness in tuning the reflex response to the risk of the environment.
4.4 Experiment 3: Role of Cocontraction in Tuning Reflexes
4.4.1 Introduction
The final study in this series of experiments was designed to validate the results of
the previous experiment and specifically look more closely at the role of co-contraction in
modulating the stretch reflex to risk. It is well understood that co-contraction will act as
a gain on the reflex response (Akawaza et al., 1983; Lewis et al., 2010). It is possible that
humans tune their stretch reflex to risk only by modulating their tone or muscle sti↵ness.
In fact, sti↵ness likely has a large role to play in modulating reflexes of an unpracticed task.
An example of this is walking on a balance beam. It is expected that the average person will
experience no diculty walking in a straight line on a rigid balance beam planted firmly on
the floor. However, lift that balance beam a hundred feet into the air and most people will
change the way they move across it, often in a disadvantageous manner. This is as the cliche
”scared sti↵” suggests, due at least in part to changes in muscle tone in response to danger.
to risk. It is possible that we tune reflexes independent of tone as well. The previous study
established that reflexes are tuned to the risk, however the results were not particularly
clear, especially in regards to sti↵ness. Therefore, the experiment was repeated in the bicep
muscle. The paradigm was very similar to the previous experiment, but EMG from both the
agonist and antagonist muscles were recorded.
4.4.2 Materials and Methods
Ten subjects, 7 males and 3 females, participated in this experiment. Other than stan-
dard inclusion criteria for a normal subject, each subject also had to be strong enough to
complete the majority of the experiment.
Stimuli and Procedure
In this experiment, subjects were positioned in front of a monitor with their right arm
strapped to a manipulandum designed to apply torque at the elbow joint while maintaining
all other arm joints immobile. The subject’s hand gripped a rigid joystick attached to the
arm of the manipulandum that controlled a cursor horizontally on the screen. The display
providedtothesubjectswasidenticaltothepreviousexperiment, 4.7a. Theonlychangewas
that the rectangles were stationary in order to measure the co-contraction more accurately.
Electrodes were placed on the bicep and triceps muscles and a ground electrode was placed
on the surface of the opposite hand. The figures below portray the manipulandum and
physical set-up of the experiment.
Figure 4.12: Manipulandum Set-Up
The figures above show the setup of the manipulandum and the position of the arm. The
subject’s arm was strapped to the robot that controlled the blue cursor on the screen. The
elbow joint was positioned directly over the robot joint exerting the perturbation torque.
Electrodes were placed on the bicep and triceps muscles.
The baseline force and the perturbation force were the same between subjects in order
to compare reflexes between subjects. However, the strength of each subject influenced the
ability of the subject to perform the task. To account for the di↵erence in strength between
subjects, the scaling factor between the displacement of the robot and the displacement
of the screen cursor was calibrated to each subject. Prior to the start of the described
experiment, subjects completed a short calibration phase. They were presented with the
as much as possible. There were ten perturbations, five in each direction, for the calibration.
The maximum point the robot reached in response to each perturbation was recorded and
averagedforallperturbations. Thescalingfactorwascalculatedsothatthedistancebetween
the reward region and each penalty region was 90% of this value. Still, the strength of the
subject a↵ected their ability to perform the task. The stronger subjects never hit a single
penalty region while some of the weaker subjects hit a penalty region on more than 25% of
the trials.
The experiment was divided into two sessions to take place on separate days in order
to minimize the e↵ect of fatigue. Each session consisted of six blocks of 45 perturbations.
The presented cost was randomly changed every 5 perturbations and the direction of the
perturbation was random. Not all subjects were able to complete all the blocks due to fa-
tigue, so subjects were given the option to stop the experiment once they felt they could no
longer continue. Approximately half the subjects did not complete the full experiment, but
all subjects included in the analysis completed more than half of the total trials.
Data Analysis
Results were analyzed in a similar manner as the previous experiment. Only trials in
the direction that activated the bicep stretch reflex were analyzed. Therefore, there were
approximately 30 trials analyzed for each condition for each subject that completed the full
experiment. EMG was divided into baseline [-50 – 0 ms], short latency [0 – 50 ms], long
latency [50 – 105 ms], and voluntary [105 – 150 ms] epochs. The EMG data was low pass
filtered [500 Hz], full-wave rectified, then bandpass filtered [25 – 250 Hz, butterworth].
Statistics were done using the mean of the EMG within each epoch. In order to
account for fatigue, EMG was normalized by the average of the maximum EMG (from -50 –
150 ms) from all trials in the same direction within each block (i.e. each block had its own
normalization factor). The analysis was repeated with the EMG normalized by baseline as
well in order to determine the amount of risk modulation performed by adjusting muscle
tone. Refer to section 4.3.1 for more details on data analysis details.
4.4.3 Results
Five of the ten subjects significantly tuned their long latency reflex based on the risk
of the environment (p < 0.05). Four of these five subjects appropriately tuned their reflexes,
so that their reflex response was generally higher for higher risk. Although not significant,
several other subjects still demonstrated increased reflex response in environments with
increased risk. Figure 4.13 shows the average change in EMG between risk conditions for
each subject.
Figure 4.13: Individual Subject EMG
The figures above show the average change in EMG between the no cost condition and each
other condition for each subject. The top panel shows the EMG from the baseline epoch and
the bottom panel shows the long latency epoch. Stars indicate subjects whose long latency
reflex was significantly di↵erent with respect to risk (p < 0.05).
Figure 4.14: Reflex Response to Symmetric Risk.
The plot on the right shows the average EMG trace for the symmetric cost conditions. The
red line indicates the EMG response to the highest symmetric risk (high cost-high cost),
the yellow line indicates the response to the low symmetric risk (low cost-low cost), and
the green line represents the response to the no cost condition (no cost-no cost). The bar
plot indicates the average di↵erence in EMG between the symmetric high risk/symmetric
no cost (red) and the di↵erence between the symmetric low risk/symmetric no cost (yellow).
Subject number is indicated on the x-axis.
In the symmetric risk conditions, a repeated-measures ANOVA indicated there was a
significant e↵ect of risk on the long latency epoch (F(2,635) = 23.35, p < 0.001). There was
also a significant di↵erence within the baseline epoch (F(2,635) = 4.636, p < 0.01). The
maximum of the peak in the long latency epoch was 11.93 for the symmetric high-risk, 10.75
for the symmetric low-risk, and 6.95 for the symmetric no-risk. This is a large di↵erence in
response since the amplitude of the highest risk was almost twice that of the lowest risk.
In the asymmetric condition, the overall cumulative risk was the same, but the risk is
thedirectionoftheperturbationwasconsidered. Theresultsofthechangeinthebaselineand
long latency epoch for each subject for each cumulative risk can be seen in figure 4.15(a).
The trace depicting the average response towards higher risk in the asymmetric costs vs
towards lower cost can be seen in 4.15b. There is a significant di↵erence (F(1,1286) = 11.17,
p < 0.001) within subjects for the long latency reflex responses pushing toward higher risk
vs lower risk. There is no significant di↵erence in the baseline (F(1,1286) = .954, p = 0.329),
which we would expect since the baseline should reflect the co-contraction.
Figure 4.15: Reflex Response to Asymmetric Risk.
The plot on the right shows the average EMG trace for the asymmetric cost conditions. The
red line indicates the EMG resulting from perturbations toward higher cost and the yellow
line indicates toward lower cost. The cumulative cost of the conditions are the same, the
onlydi↵erenceisthesideoftherisk. Thebarplotindicatesthedi↵erenceintheaveragelong
latency EMG between the higher risk in the direction of the perturbation and the higher risk
away from the perturbation for the same cumulative cost for each subject. Subject number
is indicated on the x-axis.
The average traces for the cumulative risk was also calculated, figure 4.16(a). Consid-
ering all subjects, an ANOVA assuming risk was numerically equal to the cumulative risk
of the environment showed a significant di↵erence in long latency response between risks
(F(1,3214) = 23.71, p < .001). Additionally, if the risk was assumed numerically equivalent
to the asymmetric risk in the direction of perturbation, there was also a significant di↵er-
ence in long latency response to risk (F(1,3214) = 12.99, p < .001). This indicates that
the modulating of the long latency stretch reflex to risk was most likely a combination of
co-contraction and asymmetric tuning. The traces for the EMG response normalized by the
baseline of that trial can be seen in 4.16(b). There was a significant di↵erence in the long
latency response overall to risk as well (F(8.1926) = 2.086, p < .05).
Figure 4.16: Average EMG: Normalization.
The lines indicate the average EMG trace for all subjects. The green line indicates the three
lowest cumulative costs (no cost-no cost; low cost-no cost; no cost-low cost), the yellow line
indicates the average of the three middle cumulative costs (low cost-low cost, high cost-no
cost, no cost-high cost), and the red line indicates the average EMG response to the three
highest cumulative costs (high cost-low cost; low cost-high cost; high cost-high cost). In the
left plot, each EMG trace is normalized by the average baseline of that block. In the right
plot, each EMG trace is normalized by the baseline of that EMG trace.
4.4.4 Discussion
We focus on two methods that humans may utilize to modify their stretch reflex in
responsetorisk. Thefirstistheco-contraction/symmetrichypothesis,inwhichsubjectstune
their reflexes to risk by sti↵ening their joints. If this were the case then subjects would likely
tune a single parameter representing the cumulative risk of the environment. The second
is the asymmetric reflex, which hypothesizes that humans tune their reflexes specifically to
wherever risk lies in the environment. This cannot be done with co-contraction since an
asymmetry in contraction would produce movement. The null hypothesis is that humans
do not tune their reflexes to risk. These hypothesis are shown in figure 4.17 and can be
compared to subject data in figure 4.13.
Figure 4.17: Hypotheses Visualized.
The figures above illustrate the null hypothesis as well as the asymmetric and co-contraction
hypothesis. Each bar indicates the di↵erence between the no cost condition and each other
condition. This study was designed to determine which of the above hypotheses were valid.
The co-contraction or symmetric hypothesis is that subjects tune their stretch reflex to the
overall or cumulative risk of the environment. The asymmetric hypothesis is that humans
tune their stretch reflex not only to the risk of environment, but more specifically to the
risk in the direction of the perturbation as well. The null hypothesis is that subjects do not
modulate their long latency reflex based on risk.
long latency reflex to risk. It appeared that subjects primarily used sti↵ness to compensate
for risk, however subjects did tune their long latency reflex asymmetrically as well. Subjects
long latency reflex was significantly increased in the direction of higher risk between trials
when the cumulative risk was the same and the direction of perturbation could not be
anticipated. This suggests that sti↵ness is not the only modulator of reflexes in response to
risk since co-contraction is inherently symmetric.
This was not found in the case of the FDI. It is possible that this is a learned behavior
and that some humans are more capable of asymmetric tuning than others. This component
oftheresponsewasveryvariablebetweensubjects. Morelikelythisreflectsthephysiological
4.5 Chapter Conclusions
In order to keep us safe, risk must play a critical role in shaping movement. The
first chapter demonstrated that both uncertainty and a detailed understanding of the envi-
ronmental cost function modulate feedback-driven behavior in humans. However, if risk is
as influential as we expect, modulation of behavior to risk should be prevalent at all lev-
els of movement. This chapter explored the human reflex response and the role of risk in
modulating this response.
bations to determine if this was a valid avenue of research. Response to visual perturbation
confirmed an increase in response amplitude when the perturbation increased risk. The next
step was to directly test the stretch reflex response. Many studies have demonstrated that
humans have the ability to modify their long latency reflex depending on the goal of the task
(Ludvig et al, 2007; Pruszynski et al, 2008; Hammond, 1956; Rothwell et al, 1980; Crago et
al, 1976). We were very careful to design an experiment that did not simply repeat these
findings, and instead we attempted to specifically address the role of risk and not the e↵ect
of the goal on the reflex response. While it is true that these two concepts are intimately
linked, in the experiment implemented, the goal of the task remained constant throughout
the entire experiment. If the subject performed their best on every trial, they would have
received maximum points (with respect to that subject). However, results still show a sig-
nificant di↵erence in the long latency reflex response dependent on the level of risk in the
acombinationofbothco-contractionandasymmetrictuning. Itwouldbeinterestinginthe
future to see how complicated a cost function the asymmetric tuning could represent.
This set of studies is significant because in optimal feedback control, redirecting the
movement toward the target post-perturbation arises from the recalculation of the optimal
trajectory at every time point. The consequence is that while the response to the pertur-
bation will demonstrate modulation of the reflex response, it does not account for planning
for perturbation based on risk (such as setting tone). However, when controlling the system
through dynamics, tuning reflexes is an inherent result of the system.
Chapter 5
Concluding Remarks
5.1 Conclusion
The first experiment determined that in a feedback-driven task, humans maintain a
detailed understanding of uncertainty and the form of the cost function. Moreover, results
suggested that humans make predictions of the likelihood of failure, without having experi-
enced this failure first. This is a requisite ability if movement is governed by risk, as there
are failures (such as falling o↵ a cli↵) that one cannot experience first. The importance
of this study is that it established evidence that humans may maintain not just maximum
likelihoods, but entire probability distributions of state and cost of state. The second set of
experiments extended the idea of risk governing movement to the role of risk in modulating
the most fundamental type of movement: the stretch reflex. We found that subjects did
tune their long latency stretch reflex to the overall risk of the environment. Results sug-
gested that humans might do this primarily through adjusting sti↵ness in response to risk.
Another experiment will be performed to examine more closely the function and necessity
of cocontraction for adapting the reflex response to the risk of the environment.
Thelastexperimentwillrevisittheroleofuncertaintyinmotorcontrol. Itwillcompare
two fundamentally di↵erent types of uncertainty: sensory or current state uncertainty with
motor or future state uncertainty. The purpose of investigating sensory uncertainty is to
determine if certainty equivalence is a valid assumption to make in motor control. If the
system, human movement, proves to behave di↵erently under state uncertainty than when
the state is certain, then the certainty equivalence property does not hold. This is relevant
because it is a very common, though rarely addressed, assumption.
human movement that are lacking or absent from current implementations of classical motor
control theories. Any complete model of human movement must exhibit these behaviors
as well. The goal of these studies is not simply to demonstrate human behavior, but to
persuade the reader to consider an alternative perspective on motor control that moves
away from the traditional trajectory-based viewpoint and instead proposes that movement
results from maintaining probability distributions of the probability of failure and cost of
5.2 Applications and Impact
Buildingatruemodelofhumanmovementhasmanypotentialbenefits. Thesebenefits
mostly fall into one of two categories: exploiting the model to gain insight into motor dis-
eases or implementing this control in artificial systems to replicate the advantages of human
Human movement is consistently e↵ective in achieving a goal while still avoiding risk
in the environment, and at the same time is robust to perturbations and easily adaptable
to new variations. The field of robotics is still unable to generate movement with these
indispensable characteristics in real time in artificial systems. Additionally, we can use this
knowledge to help replace function in individuals with motor impairment. Prosthetics can
be designed with the specific form of control in mind to reproduce as natural of movement
as possible.
The second class of advantages a deeper understanding of motor control will provide
is greater insight into motor disease. We can compare symptoms of specific motor diseases
with symptoms resulting from breaking the working model to help us understand the origin
of dysfunction. Furthermore, it will help generate new ideas for solutions and treatments
once the source of impairment has been identified. Once we understand the system, it will
have many implications in learning and may even transform the way we teach motor actions.
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Abstract (if available)
Recently, a lot of attention has been given to exploring the type of control algorithm humans implement in movement. A comprehensive theory of motor control is important for many reasons. It would allow us to compare symptoms of motor diseases to symptoms resulting from different interruptions and damages in the model of motor control to gain a better understanding of the pathophysiology and construct a focus for treatments. A complete understanding of motor control will also influence design of prosthetics and biomimetic robots. It could also have many implications in learning and may even transform the way we teach motor actions. ❧ There are several proposed models, which predominantly focus on achieving a goal through a reference trajectory (Todorov, 2002
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Asset Metadata
Dunning, Amber Lynn
Core Title
Properties of human motor control under risk and risk aware control
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Biomedical Engineering
Publication Date
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University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
motor control theory,OAI-PMH Harvest,probability,risk,risk-aware control
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Sanger, Terence D. (
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), Shanechi, Maryam (
committee member
), Valero-Cuevas, Francisco (
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Dunning, Amber Lynn
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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motor control theory
risk-aware control