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Proactive detection of higher-order software design conflicts
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Proactive detection of higher-order software design conflicts
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Jae young Bang
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulllment of the
Requirements for the Degree
May 2015
Copyright 2015 Jae young Bang
To my wife Youngmi, who has always been next to me through thick and thin during
my PhD years, and without whom I would not have been able to complete this work.
It has been a long journey to become a scientist, an engineer, and a scholar ever since
I began dreaming of becoming one. I would not have been able to reach this milestone
without the tremendous help from the people around me, and I consider myself lucky for
receiving all the support. The last seven years I spent as a grad student have been the
most exciting time of my life. I am grateful to everyone who has been there for me.
I would especially like to thank my advisor Nenad Medvidovi c for his priceless guid-
ance. I still remember the day he told me that I was admitted to the PhD program at
USC. I was trying to look cool, and simply said \oh thanks", but I was screaming from
inside with joy. Since that day, he has always been patient with me even when I make
mistakes and given me numerous, invaluable advices so that I could grow as a scholar.
I have had an amazing dissertation committee, and I would also like to thank each of
the members, Professor Chris Mattmann, Professor William G.J. Halfond, and Professor
Viktor Prasanna, for their constructive comments they have given me on my research.
This dissertation would not have been of this quality without their meticulous guidance.
I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues with whom I have worked during my
PhD years. Yuriy Brun, who now has become a professor, was the rst one with whom
I worked in my early days after joining the Software Architecture Research Group. He
taught me the rst steps of becoming a scholar by showing me how to conduct research
projects like a \pro". He is indeed an amazing mentor. I co-authored my very rst
rst-authored paper with Daniel Popescu and George Edwards, and I learned a lot from
the ways they work. Daniel was highly detail-oriented (in a good way) and George
was excellent at organizing thoughts. Ivo Krka was the one with whom I went on the
unforgettable research trip to Infosys in India. He and I had countless discussions from
which I gained the insights that eventually formed my dissertation. Joshua Garcia showed
me how enthusiastic and focused a scholar should be. During my PhD, I have enjoyed
collaborating with many other students in the research group (in the order I rst met
them); Dave, Farshad, Daniel (Link), Reza, Youn, Lau, Eric, Duc, Pooyan, Arman, Ali,
Yixue, Roohy, and Michael. Su and Tip from Prof. Boehm's group have been huge
inspirations as well. It has been a joy to work with you! Also, I cannot even imagine how
my time at USC would have been like without Lizsl, the greatest PhD program advisor.
I should not forget to mention the USC Trojans, the LA Dodgers, and the LA Lakers
players for continuously performing at league-topping level. I will never be able to forget
those days I was writing papers while watching their spectacular, dramatic games on TV.
Lastly, but most importantly, I would like to thank my family members for their
unconditional love. I thank my beautiful wife, Youngmi, for her support and patience
through my PhD years. My parents, Jinsoo Bang and Ok Ja Lee, supported me for my
entire life giving me everything they had so that I could have as many opportunities
as I wanted. My grandfather Byungran to whom I promised to bring a PhD degree
unfortunately passed away a few years ago. I wish he would know that I nally made it.
Table of Contents
Dedication ii
Acknowledgments iii
List Of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Abstract x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Challenge: Software Design Con
icts 1
1.2 Solution to An Analogous Problem in Implementation 3
1.3 Insights and Hypotheses 5
1.3.1 Hypothesis 1 5
1.3.2 Hypothesis 2 6
1.4 The Proposed Solution and The Contributions 7
1.5 Structure of This Dissertation 10
Chapter 2 The Problem Space 11
2.1 Background 11
2.1.1 Software Design Concepts 11
2.1.2 Global Software Engineering 12
2.1.3 Version Control Systems Overview 13
2.1.4 Software Model Version Control Terminology 14
2.2 Software Design Con
icts 16
2.3 Con
ict Detection Practice 19
2.3.1 Detecting Con
icts 19
2.3.2 Comprehending Con
icts 20
2.4 Proactive Con
ict Detection 21
Chapter 3 Solution 23
3.1 The Architecture of FLAME 24
3.1.1 Applying Proactive Con
ict Detection to Software Design 24
3.1.2 Scaling Con
ict Detection 27
3.1.3 Prioritizing Con
ict Detection 33
3.2 The Implementation of FLAME 38
3.2.1 Primary Components 39
3.2.2 Version Control in FLAME 43
3.2.3 Detection Engines 44
Chapter 4 Evaluation 49
4.1 Empirical Evaluation 50
4.1.1 Study Setup 50
4.1.2 The Global Engine User Study Result 56
4.1.3 The Head-and-Local Engine User Study Result 60
4.1.4 Threats to Validity 66
4.2 Systematic Evaluation 67
4.2.1 Scalability and Performance 68
4.2.2 Setting a Bound on Con
ict Detection Time 77
Chapter 5 Related Work 82
5.1 Detection of Inconsistencies in Software Models 82
5.2 Software Model Version Control 84
5.3 Proactive Con
ict Detection 86
Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks 89
References 94
Appendix A
Design Tasks from the User Studies 100
A.1 Global Engine User Study Design Tasks 101
A.2 Head-and-Local Engine Study Design Tasks 102
List Of Tables
4.1 FLAME User Studies Comparison. 51
4.2 Global Engine User Study: Variables. 60
4.3 Head-and-Local Engine User Study: Variables. 65
4.4 Head-and-Local Engine User Study: Post-Session Survey. 66
5.1 Proactive Con
ict Detection Studies Comparison. 88
List of Figures
2.1 A high-level model of Next-Generation Climate Architecture. 17
3.1 High-level architecture of FLAME. 26
3.2 High-level architecture of FLAME that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection. 31
3.3 A model of detector-side that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection. 32
3.4 A higher-order design con
ict scenario. 34
3.5 A model of detector-side that retrieves newest model representation rst. 37
3.6 Detailed architecture of FLAME. 40
3.7 The simple FLAME GUI for NGCA. 42
3.8 Design Events retrieval from Event Queues in Detection Engines. 48
4.1 A high-level model of BOINC. 53
4.2 Detector-side congurations in the two user studies. 55
4.3 Lifetime of higher-order con
icts in the Global Engine user study. 58
4.4 Lifetime of higher-order con
icts in the Head-and-Local Engine user study. 63
4.5 Box plot and histogram of con
ict detection time of the no-delay scenario. 69
4.6 Estimating the \sucient" number of slave nodes. 70
4.7 Histograms of con
ict detection time using various numbers of slave nodes. 73
4.8 Modeling operation logs: 2-architect scenarios. 76
4.9 Modeling operation logs: 24-architect scenarios. 77
4.10 Box plot and histogram of con
ict detection time of 24-architect scenarios. 78
4.11 Histograms of con
icts time-to-detection: 1 slave node. 80
4.12 Histograms of con
icts time-to-detection: 2 slave nodes. 81
A.1 A Global Engine user study design task sample. 101
A.2 A Head-and-Local Engine user study design task sample. 102
A team of software architects who collaboratively evolve a software model often rely
on a copy-edit-merge style version control system (VCS) via which they exchange and
merge the individual changes they perform to the model. However, because the current
generation of software model VCSs detect con
icts only when architects synchronize
their models, the architects remain unaware of newly arising con
icts until the next
synchronization, raising the risk that delayed con
ict resolution will be much harder.
Collaborative software implementation faces an analogous risk, and there are existing
techniques and tools that proactively detect con
icts at the level of source code in order
to minimize the con
ict unawareness. However, it is challenging to directly apply them
as they are to collaborative software design because those are constructed to manage
code-level rather than model-level changes. Furthermore, no empirical data is currently
available regarding the impact of proactive con
ict detection on collaborative design.
In order to address the risk of design con
icts, this dissertation applies proactive
ict detection to collaborative software design. Specically, this dissertation focuses
on higher-order con
icts that do not prevent merging but do violate a system's consis-
tency rules, because higher-order con
icts are generally harder to detect and resolve than
synchronization con
icts that are caused by incompatible changes and prevent merging.
This dissertation presents FLAME, an extensible collaborative software design frame-
work that detects the higher-order design con
icts in a proactive way, i.e., before an
architect synchronizes her model and nally becomes aware of them. FLAME has an ex-
tensible architecture that provides facilities via which the modeling tools and consistency
checkers appropriate for the target system's domain can be integrated. FLAME captures
modeling changes as they are made, performs a trial merging and con
ict detection in
the background in order to immediately detect newly arising con
icts, and presents the
results to the architects. Also, FLAME explicitly deals with the potentially resource-
intensive computations necessary for higher-order con
ict detection by parallelizing and
ooading the burden to remote nodes. Moreover, by implementing its novel algorithm
that prioritizes instances of con
ict detection, FLAME guarantees that the outstanding
icts at a given moment can be detected in a reasonable amount of time even when
the available computation resources for con
ict detection are scarce.
This dissertation presents the results from two user studies and three systematic
experiments on FLAME. The two user studies were conducted involving 90 participants,
and the results indicated that the participants who used FLAME were able to create
higher quality models in the same amount of time, and to detect and resolve higher-order
icts earlier and more quickly. The results from the three systematic experiments
provided evidence that FLAME minimizes delay in con
ict detection, adds only negligible
amount of overhead as the number of architects increases, and delivers con
ict information
early even when the computation resources for con
ict detection are limited.
Chapter 1
1.1 The Challenge: Software Design Con
Modern software systems are often large and complex, requiring multiple engineering
teams that consist of a number of members for their development. During the develop-
ment, numerous decisions are made on various aspects of the system under development
including the structure, the functionalities, as well as the non-functional properties of the
system such as performance, security, etc. This essential development activity of making
decisions is called software design. A key set of stakeholders who engage in software de-
sign, software architects, make design decisions that dene the architecture of the system,
reify those decisions into software models [61], and evolve the models as a team [39].
The team of software architects, when they design a large software system, often divide
the system into modular subsystems, simultaneously design each of those, and merge them
later [6]. A number of design environments have emerged to support this collaborative
process of software model evolution. There are the group editors that provide a shared
\whiteboard" [10,16,40] or synchronize the models in real time [8], but the major research
eort has been toward the asynchronous, copy-edit-merge style software model version
control systems (VCSs). Those VCSs provide each architect her individual workspace by
loosely synchronizing the models in an on-demand fashion to parallelize the architects'
work and maximize their productivity [2].
However, the loose synchronization of the VCSs exposes software architects to the risk
of making design decisions that con
ict with each other, called design con
icts [8]. In
general, design con
icts can be categorized into two dierent types: synchronization and
higher-order con
icts [9]. A synchronization con
ict is a set of contradictory modeling
changes by multiple architects made to the same artifact or to closely related artifacts,
which means they cannot be merged together. A higher-order con
ict is a set of modeling
changes by multiple architects that can be merged but together violate the system's
consistency rules (e.g., cardinality dened by the metamodel). While both types pose
similar risks, they dier in that they require dierent sets of detection techniques.
Design con
icts are a major challenge in collaborative software design. Today's VCSs
detect con
icts only when software architects synchronize their models. As a result, the
architects often make changes to the model without fully understanding what issues may
arise when they merge their own changes with the others' changes. It is also possible that
new changes made after a con
ict has been introduced need to be reversed in the process
of resolving the con
ict, which results in wasted time and eort [6]. Moreover, the current
trend of global software engineering, in which software engineering teams tend to be widely
distributed geographically due to economic advantages [57], only aggravates the challenge
by reducing the opportunities for direct communication among the architects [36,50].
What if those con
icts could be detected earlier, in a proactive fashion, that is, before
an architect synchronizes her model and nally becomes aware of them? This dissertation
will present a technique that alleviates the risk of having design con
icts by proactively
detecting them and informing the architects of the con
ict information early. Specically,
of the two types of design con
icts, this dissertation will focus on the higher-order con
because they are generally more dicult to detect and resolve [9,14,53]. The remainder
of this chapter outlines (1) the existing techniques and their limitations, (2) the list of
hypotheses that will be tested by this dissertation, (3) the proposed approach and the
contributions of the dissertation, and lastly, (4) the structure of the remaining chapters.
1.2 Solution to An Analogous Problem in Implementation
Collaborative software implementation faces a similar challenge to design con
icts. Soft-
ware developers who use an asynchronous VCS are exposed to the risk of causing con
at the level of source code, and the state-of-the-art techniques and tools are indeed ca-
pable of proactively providing the code-level con
ict information [54] by continuously
performing trial merging and con
ict detection in the background. However, while the
previous, code-level proactive con
ict detection research sheds light on how to deal with
the con
icts in general, it is challenging to directly apply that to the con
icts at the level
of software models due to the following two reasons. First, the existing proactive con
detection tools are not designed to manage changes made to graphical software models
and are often limited to specic development environments into which they are integrated.
Tools that are designed to manage textual changes made to source code are known not
to work well with graphical software models [1,9,38,44,48], and may not be congurable
to deal with various kinds of design con
icts that dier per design environment. Second,
to our best knowledge, no empirical study has been reported yet on whether or to what
extent proactive con
ict detection may impact the cost of collaborative software design.
Furthermore, the existing proactive con
ict detection techniques are limited with re-
gards to the version of the artifacts under version control (e.g., source code or software
models) on which they perform proactive con
ict detection. To detect con
icts early,
those techniques perform trial merging and con
ict detection activities in the background.
Dierent versions of the artifacts may be derived at the time of merging depending on (1)
how frequently one wishes to detect con
icts and (2) which and whose changes one needs
to include in each instance of the detection. Techniques that derive dierent versions
would dier in how early they detect the con
icts and would suer from dierent num-
bers of false positives. For example, Palant r [55], a code-level proactive con
ict detection
tool, detects con
icts at every le saving or timer expiration while another similar tool,
Crystal [15], detects con
icts at every synchronization. Between the two, Palant r would
detect con
icts earlier, but because it also marks some \benign" con
icts that could have
been resolved before they are synchronized as actual con
icts, it is likely to suer from
larger numbers of false positives [14]. While the appropriate versions of the artifacts to
derive on which to perform proactive con
ict detection may dier for dierent develop-
ment activities (e.g., design and implementation) or dierent target systems' domains,
the existing tools are limited to certain versions on which they perform con
ict detection.
An added challenge is that the previous proactive con
ict detection research has not
explicitly addressed the delayed con
ict detection problem, which occurs when the com-
putation resources necessary to perform proactive con
ict detection surpass what is avail-
able. In that case, the con
ict detection and the delivery of the con
ict information to
software architects would consume a lot of time, and that may hamper the actual benets
of proactively detecting the con
icts. Many well-known model analysis techniques that
can be adopted for design con
ict detection (e.g., discrete-event simulation [56], Markov-
chain-based reliability analysis [65], or queueing-network-based performance analysis [4])
are indeed highly computation-intensive and time-consuming. Unfortunately, the exist-
ing techniques implicitly assume that each instance of con
ict detection will be done in
nominal time, and it is not yet clearly known how the delayed con
ict detection problem
will impact the benets of proactive detection of higher-order design con
1.3 Insights and Hypotheses
The limitations in the existing con
ict detection techniques and the challenges in applying
them to collaborative software design, as introduced in Section 1.2, suggest that several
research questions regarding design con
icts and proactive con
ict detection remain open.
The rest of this section presents the hypotheses that this dissertation tests in order to
overcome those limitations and challenges.
1.3.1 Hypothesis 1
Insight 1A: In a VCS, software architects initially duplicate the model in the repository
to create a local working copy of the model. They perform commits to merge the changes
that have been made in the working copy to the repository and updates to merge the
changes in the repository that have been made by others to the working copy.
Insight 1B: An extensible collaborative software design environment that proactively
detects higher-order con
icts can be built such that it delivers con
ict information to
architects earlier than a similar environment that only detects con
icts on-demand.
Insight 1C: A proactive con
ict detection technique that derives and performs con
detection on the version of a software model that consists of all changes made up to
a given moment, whether or not committed, would provide architects the awareness of
what con
icts may arise if every architect performs a commit at that moment.
Insight 1D: A proactive con
ict detection technique that, for each architect, derives and
performs con
ict detection on the version of a software model that is based on the newest
version in the repository and merges the uncommitted changes made in her working copy
up to a given moment would provide the architect the awareness of what con
icts may
arise if she performs an update at that moment.
Hypothesis 1: In a collaborative software design environment that proactively detects
higher-order con
icts, the quality of the resulting model is better after a modeling session
of the same length conducted by engineers of the same experience level than in a similar
environment that only detects con
icts on-demand.
1.3.2 Hypothesis 2
Insight 2A: The time to complete performing an instance of higher-order design con
detection may take longer and the con
ict information delivery to software architects may
be delayed when the machine on which the instance is processed also has other instances
to perform than when the instance is the only one to be processed on that machine.
Insight 2B: An instance of higher-order design con
ict detection consists of a version
of a software model as the input and a consistency checker to be run on that version.
Dierent instances do not depend on the results of the other instances, hence they can
be processed independently and simultaneously on multiple machines in parallel.
Insight 2C: When M
represents a version of a software model in which a higher-order
design con
ict c initially appeared, and M
represents a version of the same model
that is chronologically behind M
, the con
ictc can be detected by performing a con
detection on M
, if c has not been resolved by the time M
was created.
Hypothesis 2: For cases where the number of higher-order software design con
detection instances to be processed exceeds the number of available machines on which
those instances can be processed simultaneously, an algorithm that assigns higher priority
to the instances with chronologically newer versions of the model can be devised such that,
when t is the longest time required to process a single detection instance with no delay,
any outstanding higher-order design con
ict that had not already been resolved at a given
moment can be detected, at most, in the amount of time 2t from its creation.
1.4 The Proposed Solution and The Contributions
This dissertation presents the research that applies proactive con
ict detection to collab-
orative software design. The list of the contributions of this dissertation is as following:
1. The rst application of proactive con
ict detection on collaborative software design.
2. The extensible collaborative software design environment that can integrate model-
ing tools and model analysis techniques appropriate for the target system's domain.
3. The distributed con
ict detection architecture that moves the burden to remote
nodes with minimal overhead in order to not disturb collaborative design process.
4. The con
ict detection prioritization algorithm that ensures early delivery of con
information even when computation resources are scarce.
5. The rst reported empirical evidence that proactive con
ict detection positively
impacts collaborative software design.
It is important to note that the focus of this dissertation is not on the manner in which
higher-order design con
icts are detected, which has already been widely studied [2]. It
focuses on the ways to proactively detect the higher-order con
icts by exploiting the
existing techniques, and further, on the impact of doing so on collaborative design.
FLAME has been developed as an attempt to alleviate the risk that higher-order
software design con
icts pose. It does so by performing the con
ict detection activities
in the background without getting software architects' attention and by notifying the
architects of the con
ict information early in order to minimize the risk of having un-
known higher-order design con
icts. FLAME is unique as it is the rst reported proactive
ict detection framework that is specically targeting collaborative software design.
It has the following characteristics that distinguish it from the existing tools. First, it is
extensible to allow the architects to plug-in the most appropriate con
ict detection tools
for their modeling environment. Second, it can scale by exploiting cloud technology to
parallelize the potentially computation-intensive and time-consuming higher-order design
ict detection. Third, it ensures early delivery of con
ict information by prioritizing
the detection instances and setting a worst-case bound on the time of detecting newly
arising higher-order design con
icts. Fourth, it implements operation-based model con-
struction [12, 38] to be able to perform con
ict detection at the rate of each individual
modeling change if necessary, which in turn, enables adopting dierent techniques that
derive and perform proactive con
ict detection on various versions of the model.
Dierent types of analytical and empirical evidence on how the proactive con
detection that FLAME provides positively impacts collaborative software design will be
presented in the dissertation. As one example, the dissertation reports the results of two
user studies conducted with a total of 90 participants using FLAME to assess whether
and to what extent providing proactive con
ict detection impacts the cost of collaborative
software design. In each of the studies, the participants were divided into two groups
and performed collaborative software design tasks using FLAME in its two modes: one
that provides proactive con
ict detection and the other that does not. All modeling
changes and design con
icts were tracked and recorded by FLAME, and the collected
data was used for the comparisons between the two modes. The result showed that the
participants who were provided with proactive con
ict detection had more opportunities
to communicate and were able to create higher-quality models in the same amount of
time and to detect and resolve higher-order con
icts earlier and more quickly.
Using the data collected from the user studies, three systematic experiments were con-
ducted on how the framework scales by exploiting remote nodes and prioritizes the con
detection instances to ensure early delivery of con
ict information to the architects. The
rst experiment evaluated whether the delay in con
ict detection actually decreases as
FLAME parallelizes the detection and ooads the burden to remote nodes. The second
experiment focused on the overhead in con
ict detection time that FLAME may add in
collaborative design scenarios involving many (e.g., 24) architects where FLAME has to
process a large number of simultaneous instances of con
ict detection. The third exper-
iment compared the two FLAME congurations, one that does and the other that does
not implement FLAME's algorithm that prioritizes the con
ict detection instances. The
results from the experiments showed that FLAME (1) alleviated the delay in con
detection, exploiting remote nodes, (2) added only a negligible amount of overhead even
when it processes a large volume of simultaneous con
ict detection, and (3) detected
outstanding higher-order con
icts at a given moment within the amount of time 2t at
most (where t is the longest time required to process a single detection instance with no
delay) when the available computation resources for con
ict detection were limited.
1.5 Structure of This Dissertation
The remainder of this dissertation is structured as follows: Chapter 2 denes the problem
this dissertation aims to solve. The architecture and implementation of FLAME, the
proposed solution, is in Chapter 3, and the evaluation is presented in Chapter 4. Chapter 5
provides the details on related work, and lastly, the dissertation concludes in Chapter 6.
Chapter 2
The Problem Space
This dissertation targets questions such as \What are the higher-order design con
\Why are they undesirable?", and \In which ways can they properly be handled?" In
order to drive this discussion, in this chapter, the problem space of the dissertation will be
dened in detail. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. It begins with describing
the background on which this dissertation is founded in Section 2.1. Then in Section 2.2,
the two types of design con
icts, synchronization and higher-order, are dened using a
realistic collaborative software design scenario. Section 2.3 describes the ways architects
detect and resolve those con
icts in practice. Lastly, in Section 2.4, the proactive con
detection technique and the limitations of the existing applications of it are revisited.
2.1 Background
2.1.1 Software Design Concepts
The denition of software architecture that will be used throughout this dissertation is \a
set of principle decisions about a software system" [61]. Talyer et al. [61] dene software
design as \an activity that creates part of a system's architecture, which typically denes a
system's structure, identication of its primary components, and their interconnections".
Software design is the activity on which this dissertation focuses. Engineers who perform
software design, a key activity in developing software systems, make design decisions,
\the decisions encompassing every aspect of the system under development" [61]. Those
decisions are regarding the structure of the system, the functional behavior, the interac-
tions, the non-functional properties, and even the implementation. Software architects
are the engineers who make those design decisions, and they produce software models as
the output. A software model is dened as \an artifact documenting some or all of the
architectural design decisions about a system" [61]. Lastly, the activity of reifying and
documenting a software model is called software modeling.
2.1.2 Global Software Engineering
In recent years, due to economic advantages, many technology companies have trans-
ferred signicant portions of their software development activities to emerging economies
such as India and China [57]. At the same time, many stakeholders, such as customers
and requirements engineers, remain in developed countries. As a result, companies have
created global software development teams in which engineers are separated by large geo-
graphic distances [59]. The engineers coordinate with each other from distributed sites in
such collaboration environments. While the economic advantages of distributed software
development are real, communication and coordination challenges must be overcome in
order to fully realize these advantages. There is signicant evidence that geographic sep-
aration can drastically reduce communication among coworkers [36, 50] and slow down
collaborative development activities [35] including collaborative software design [6].
2.1.3 Version Control Systems Overview
During software development, engineers produce many artifacts such as requirements
documents, software models, and source code. Those artifacts continue to evolve during
the development, incorporating numerous changes made by the engineers. To track the
changes and organize the artifacts, engineers have adopted version control systems (VCSs)
that \track incremental versions (or revisions) of les and directories over time" [18].
Version control is \the task of keeping software systems consisting of many versions and
congurations well organized" [62]. Since the very rst stint of VCS, which was Source
Code Control System (SCCS) by Rochkind [52], many VCSs have arisen to support
collaborating software engineers [19]. Concurrent Versions System (CVS) [31], Subversion
(SVN) [17], and Git [27] are among the variants that have widely been adopted by the
public. Unfortunately, those VCSs that are designed to manage textual artifacts are
known not to work well with graphical software models (recall Section 1.2), hence a
number of VCSs that are specically designed to manage software models have emerged
to cope with the challenges of collaborative software design [2]. For example, those
software model VCSs are (1) capable of computing dierences between independently
modied copies of a software model [44,48], (2) customized for a modeling tool [26] or a
notation [42,46], or (3) extensible to adapt to a given modeling environment [1].
However, since the current generation of software model VCSs only detect or allow
detecting con
icts when software architects synchronize their models, the architects are
often exposed to the risk of making changes to the models without fully knowing what may
happen when they merge each other's changes. Existing research has not yet satisfactorily
explored potential mitigations of that risk, and the problem still remains open.
2.1.4 Software Model Version Control Terminology
This section introduces the common version control terms that will be used in the rest
of this dissertation. The terms introduced here are used by many VCSs that are widely
used in practice (e.g., Concurrent Versions System [31] and Subversion [17]), or if they
use dierent terms, the corresponding terms are directly interchangeable.
A copy-edit-merge style software model VCS maintains a centralized copy of the model
called the repository. Software architects who work as a team \copy" the model in the
repository to their local machines. Those copies of the model located in the local machines
of the architects are called the working copies. That version control activity{copying
the entire repository to create a working copy{happens at the beginning of the design
session, and the activity is called the check-out. During the design session, the architects
make design decisions and make modications to their working copies. When each of
those architects has completed a segment of work and is condent with the outcome,
she performs the commit activity to push the modeling changes she has locally made to
the repository. The architects also periodically perform the update activity to pull the
modeling changes that have been made by others and have been committed. The sets of
modeling changes made by the architects are automatically merged by the VCS as the
architects perform those version control activities.
The copies of the model|the repository and the working copies|evolve over time,
and therefore versions of the model are created along the way. A version (or a revision) of
the model is a state of the model that consists of a list of modeling changes that have been
made up to a particular point in time. A base version is a version of a model on which
an architect makes new modeling changes. The head version is the newest version of the
model in the repository, and a new head version is created when an architect successfully
commits new modeling changes made in her working copy to the central repository.
A working copy can be in two states in terms of its relationship with the repository.
First, a working copy can be in the same or current state when its base version is the same
as the head version. Second, a working copy can be in the behind or trailing state when
its base version is older than the head version. These states show whether there are new
modeling changes that have been committed to the repository but are missing from the
working copy. For example, if a working copy is in the same state with the repository,
that means the working copy has all the modeling changes that the head version has,
hence performing an update at the moment is unnecessary. On the other hand, if the
working copy is in the behind state, that means an update will be necessary since there
are new modeling changes in the head version that are missing from the working copy.
2.2 Software Design Con
When sets of modeling changes are merged, two types of con
icts|synchronization and
higher-order|could occur. To clearly illustrate the problem and to drive the discussion
throughout this dissertation, an example system called Next-Generation Climate Archi-
tecture (NGCA, depicted in Figure 2.1) will be used. NGCA is created based on the
design documents of NASA Computational Modeling Algorithms and Cyberinfrastruc-
ture (CMAC) [43], which is an infrastructure that supports computationally-heavy data
comparisons between climate simulation models' output and the actual climate data col-
lected via remote sensors. Because the climate simulation models and databases that
compose NGCA belong to dierent organizations scattered around the world, designing
NGCA naturally becomes collaborative, involving architects from those organizations.
Consider the following scenario with two architects participating in the NGCA design.
The architects make design decisions and document the decisions into a soft-
ware model. The modeling environment they use is semantically-rich and
domain-specic, and is capable of estimating several critical runtime prop-
erties of NGCA, including memory usage, message latency, and energy con-
sumption. The model is managed by a current generation, copy-edit-merge
style software model VCS. In our scenario, each of the two architects makes
changes to her respective working copy, runs estimations locally, and moves to
another design task after she did not nd any issue in the estimated property
values. However, a while later, when they try to synchronize their working
Figure 2.1: A high-level model of Next-Generation Climate Architecture.
copies by merging the changes, the two architects realize one or both of the
following two situations:
1. Their changes were made to the same object and were incompatible. For
example, one of them removed the object while the other one updated
an attribute of the same object. As a result, their changes cannot be
merged into a consolidated model.
2. They are able to merge their changes, but the merged model estimates
that the memory usage of the system at runtime will surpass the thresh-
old dened by the NGCA requirements.
The above scenario depicts examples of (1) a synchronization con
ict and (2) a higher-
order con
ict respectively. Those con
icts are dened as following [9]:
A synchronization con
ict is a set of design decisions made by multiple architects
that are not compatible and cannot be merged into a single, consolidated model. It
occurs when multiple software architects make contradictory modeling changes on
the same software modeling artifact or closely related artifacts. A synchronization
ict is also called a context-free con
ict [64]. It is similar to a textual con
ict [14]
or a direct con
ict [21,32,55,66] discussed in literature.
A higher-order con
ict is a set of design decisions made by multiple architects
that do not prevent synchronization but together violate a consistency rule or a
semantic rule of the system. In other words, a higher-order con
ict manifests itself
as an inconsistency in the merged model. A higher-order con
ict is also called a
context-sensitive con
ict [64]. An analogous concept at the source code level [14] is
known as an indirect con
ict [21,32,55,66].
A software model that is concurrently developed cannot realistically evolve without
having inconsistencies [5, 28]. At the same time, having an inconsistency caused by a
higher-order con
ict that is undetected and unknown to the architects is a risk. For
example, when the two architects in our scenario discover the higher-order con
ict, they
have to revisit their previous changes in order to understand and resolve the con
recalling the rationale and assumptions they made along the way. Moreover, their work
performed after the con
ict has been introduced may need to be reversed during the
process, which leads to wasted eort and increased development cost.
2.3 Con
ict Detection Practice
Software architects, during collaborative design, use VCSs to synchronize their modeling
changes, and also to detect, comprehend, and resolve con
icts. This section describes in
which ways those behaviors are supported in today's collaborative design environments.
2.3.1 Detecting Con
Design con
icts are detected when modeling changes are merged. When an architect
tries to merge her changes, if there are synchronization con
icts, the merge fails, and
the VCS raises a
ag. In case the merge succeeds (i.e., there are no synchronization
icts), the architect (or the VCS) would analyze the merged model and check whether
any consistency rule has been violated to detect higher-order con
While both commit and update activities trigger a merging of modeling changes, in
modern VCSs, con
icts can be detected only when an update is performed. Modern
VCSs often do not allow performing a commit when the base version of a working copy is
behind the head version. The rationale behind that is to prevent potential higher-order
icts to be transferred to the repository and propagated to the other architects. In
that case, the architect must perform an update rst in order to become able to perform
a commit. After the update, and before eventually performing the commit, the architect
is also encouraged to detect and resolve any higher-order con
icts in her working copy.
2.3.2 Comprehending Con
In order to resolve a design con
ict, an architect needs to understand the causes of the
ict rst. Narrowing down which changes have caused the con
ict and by which
architect those changes were made is a key to resolving the con
ict. Obtaining this
knowledge, i.e., comprehending a con
ict, is often not trivial since a large number of
changes could have been made by the time the con
ict is detected, and it is possible that
most of those changes are not directly related to the cause of the con
While comprehending a synchronization con
ict is relatively straightforward, it is
often not as easy to comprehend a higher-order con
ict. When a synchronization con
arises, most VCSs are indeed capable of automatically retrieving the list of modeling
changes that have been made to the part of the model in which the con
ict occurred and
by which architects those changes are made to support the resolution process (e.g., as
in [8, 13, 38]). On the other hand, comprehending a higher-order con
icts often requires
manual inspection of the prior modeling changes. For example, in the scenario where
the joint changes made by the two architects violated the memory usage requirement
(recall Section 2.2), the architects would need to revisit their previous work, recalling
the decisions they made along the way in search for the set of modeling changes that
pushed the memory usage over the threshold. The process of performing such a manual
inspection and recollection is likely to be tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone. This
is especially a problem when the higher-order con
ict is detected after a large number of
modeling changes have been made since the initial occurrence of the con
2.4 Proactive Con
ict Detection
To deal with the risk of having undetected higher-order con
icts (recall Section 2.2), one
solution would be for the architects to synchronize and detect the con
icts with a high
frequency, e.g., for every change that they make. However, the cost of con
ict detection
in that case is likely to overwhelm its benets. In today's collaborative software design
environments, that is a trade-o decision that the architects have to make. The burden of
ict detection grows further when the detection technique is computationally expen-
sive. While a few performance-oriented model analysis techniques are lightweight [24,47],
many other well-known techniques such as discrete-event simulation [56], Markov-chain-
based reliability analysis [65], or queueing-network-based performance analysis [4] are
often computation-intensive and time-consuming, rendering highly frequent con
ict de-
tection less aordable, especially as the size of the system model grows.
A number of tools for collaborative implementation that proactively detect con
have emerged [54] to minimize the analogous risk of having undetected con
icts at the
source code level. Those tools perform trial merging and con
ict detection activities in
the background to detect con
icts early. This dissertation hypothesizes that a similar ap-
proach, when it is applied to collaborative design, will reduce the risk that architects face.
However, challenges exist in directly reusing the existing proactive con
ict detection tools
for software design because these tools are constructed to manage code-level rather than
model-level changes and are often integrated into a specic development environment.
An added challenge is that dierent software modeling environments depend on their
unique combinations of modeling tool and consistency checkers, and any proactive con
detection solution should be able to cope with the dierences. For example, revisiting
our scenario, the proactive con
ict detection tool for NGCA should be able to (1) orches-
trate the NGCA-specic modeling tool and consistency checkers to automatically perform
the higher-order con
ict detection activities in the background, (2) present con
ict in-
formation specic to the environment (e.g., violations of the three runtime properties of
NGCA), as well as (3) synchronize the graphical modeling changes. Unfortunately, the
existing proactive con
ict detection tools do not fully satisfy the above requirements.
Chapter 3
To alleviate the risk of having undetected higher-order design con
icts, this dissertation
proposes a novel collaborative software design framework, named Framework for Logging
and Analyzing Modeling Events (FLAME). FLAME minimizes the duration of time dur-
ing which the con
icts are present but unknown to software architects by proactively per-
forming the con
ict detection activity that includes a trial merging of modeling changes
and execution of consistency checking tools in the background. FLAME subsequently
presents the con
ict information to the architects in case their attention is required.
The rest of this chapter describes FLAME. The architecture of FLAME, including
how it is designed and how it diers from the existing proactive con
ict detection tools,
is presented in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 discusses FLAME's implementation.
3.1 The Architecture of FLAME
This section introduces the architecture of FLAME and the principal design decisions
made in the process of constructing the architecture. Section 3.1.1 overviews the high-
level architecture of FLAME|its primary components and the ways in which those com-
ponents interact with each other|designed to proactively detect con
icts at the model-
level. The remainder of this section describes how FLAME is designed in order to handle
the potentially large computation resource needs for the detection of con
icts (recall
Section 2.4). Section 3.1.2 is regarding how FLAME employs remote nodes to adopt
computation resources as needed, and Section 3.1.3 is regarding how FLAME priori-
tizes instances of con
ict detection to minimize delay in delivering con
ict information
to software architects that may be caused when computation resources are scarce.
3.1.1 Applying Proactive Con
ict Detection to Software Design
FLAME is designed to overcome the challenges that arise when adopting the existing
proactive con
ict detection tools for collaborative software design (recall Section 1.2).
FLAME has the following two characteristics that distinguish it from the existing tools.
First, FLAME is extensible. Software modeling environments dier in their modeling
tools, languages, and the suitable consistency checkers. FLAME utilizes an event-based
architecture in which highly-decoupled components exchange messages via implicit in-
vocation, allowing
exible system composition and adaptation. FLAME exploits this
event-based architecture to provide explicit extension points for plugging a variety of
o-the-shelf tools|namely, modeling tools and con
ict detection engines|that are most
appropriate for the given modeling environment. Second, FLAME is operation-based.
ict detection can become more ne-grained if the version control is done by track-
ing modeling operations (i.e., actions such as creation, update, or removal of a modeling
element) rather than \dis" between stored states of a model (e.g., saved les) [38]. The
operation-based version control is advantageous because an architect can nd out which
particular operation that she performed has caused a con
ict [12]. For each modeling
operation made, FLAME automatically performs trial synchronization and con
ict de-
tection in the background in order to immediately detect newly arising con
icts. On the
other hand, performing con
ict detection for each operation could be a signicant, even
unacceptable tax on the system's performance. FLAME deals with this explicitly, by
employing remote, cloud-based analysis nodes, as discussed later in this chapter.
FLAME adds higher-order proactive con
ict detection on top of a conventional copy-
edit-merge collaborative design environment. Figure 3.1 depicts the high-level architec-
ture of FLAME. On the architect-side, FLAME attaches a modeling tool-specic adapter,
FLAME Adapter, to the modeling tool to capture each operation as it is made via the
modeling tool's APIs. A FLAME Client is installed at each architect's site to establish a
channel between the architect-side and the server-side through which the captured opera-
tions can be sent. For proactive con
ict detection, each captured operation is immediately
forwarded from the FLAME Adapter, through the FLAME Client, to the server-side.
The server-side Client Manager, which manages the connections between the server-
side and FLAME Clients, receives the operation and forwards it to Detector Manager,
which subsequently replicates and broadcasts the operation to all connected Detection
Engines. A Detection Engine is similar to a FLAME Client in the way that it is connected
FLAME Client
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Client Manager Detector Manager
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
FLAME Client
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Detection tool Detection tool
Figure 3.1: High-level architecture of FLAME with two architects and two Detection Engines. The gray polygons (FLAME
Adapters and Detection Tools) as well as the modeling tool are design environment-specic components.
to an instance of the modeling tool with a local copy of the model internally, but a
Detection Engine does not have an architect using the modeling tool initiating operations.
Instead, it has an o-the-shelf con
ict detection tool plugged into the modeling tool.
An instantiation of FLAME may have multiple Detection Engines, each of which has a
dierent con
ict detection tool and may maintain a dierent version of the model.
When a Detection Engine receives an operation that has been broadcast by the De-
tector Manager, the Detection Engine applies the operation to its local copy of the model,
automatically invokes the con
ict detection tool, and analyzes the outcome as an archi-
tect would do. The result of the analysis is then consolidated and delivered back to the
architects via FLAME in the reverse order to that described above, i.e., from the Detec-
tion Engine, via the server-side components Detector Manager and Client Manager, and
eventually to the architect-side FLAME Clients.
3.1.2 Scaling Con
ict Detection
In order to ooad the potentially resource-intensive computations necessary for higher-
order con
ict detection from the architect-side or the server-side machines, FLAME em-
ploys remote nodes to perform the detection. If a computation-intensive type of con
detection (recall Section 2.4) were to be performed on an architect's machine or on the
server for every modeling operation, it could overwhelm the machine and hamper the
design activity. FLAME therefore moves the burden to the Detection Engine.
FLAME can utilize more than one Detection Engine in concert to parallelize the
higher-order con
ict detection. An architect may need to perform multiple con
ict detec-
tion activities using several tools that implement dierent techniques (e.g., a combination
of static and dynamic analysis) or dierent instances of the same technique (e.g., relia-
bility and latency analysis via discrete event-based simulation [23]). FLAME distributes
these con
ict detection activities to multiple remote nodes on a cloud. It instantiates
multiple Detection Engines, each of which is responsible for performing a single higher-
order con
ict detection activity using the corresponding con
ict detection tool. This
aspect of FLAME's architecture allows dierent Detection Engines to be instantiated as
needed, possibly even at runtime. The network delay that is introduced by distributing
the con
ict detection activities to multiple nodes is likely to be minimal and negligible,
especially if the con
ict detection technique used employs time-consuming analysis.
While migrating the con
ict detection to Detection Engine would prevent the architect-
side or the server-side machines from being resource-starved, there is another risk that
each Detection Engine may become a bottleneck in con
ict detection when it is over-
whelmed by a large number of of simultaneous con
ict detection instances to perform.
Suppose it takes a uniform amount of time t for a Detection Engine to complete pro-
cessing a single con
ict detection instance. If the Detection Engine had n (where n> 1)
instances to process, whether it processes all of them simultaneously or one-by-one, at
least one of the instances could take longer than t (possibly n times), or in other words,
be delayed. Consequently, the delivery of the resulting con
ict information to architects
would also be delayed, and that might eliminate the benets of proactively detecting
icts. The risk of Detection Engines overwhelmed by a large amount of simultane-
ous con
ict detection is real, and indeed, it was observed that many con
ict detection
instances were delayed in an empirical study conducted using FLAME, which will be
presented later in this dissertation. Moreover, that risk is likely to worsen in practice
when the architect team's size is larger and the model is larger in size or more complex.
FLAME explicitly deals with the delay in con
ict detection by employing remote,
cloud-based nodes, or slave nodes, whose primary purpose is to perform con
ict detection.
During a collaborative design session, in general, a Detection Engine iterates through
the following six steps: (1) receiving a modeling operation, (2) applying the received
operation to the local copy of the model the Detection Engine internally maintains, (3)
generating a representation (e.g., a saved model le) of the version of the model after the
application, (4) invoking the o-the-shelf con
ict detection tool that the Detection Engine
integrates by feeding the representation into the con
ict detection tool, (5) consolidating
the result of the detection, and (6) forwarding the consolidated result to the server-side.
The fourth step|invocation of the o-the-shelf con
ict detection tool|may consume a
signicant amount of computation resources and time (the remaining steps should only
require minimal resources and be completed in a nominal amount of time). The fourth
step, however, does not depend on the outcome of the prior iterations, once the model
representation that will be fed into the con
ict detection tool has been generated. To
minimize the potential delay in con
ict detection, FLAME can parallelize the fourth step
and further move the burden of con
ict detection to the slave nodes.
Figure 3.2 depicts the FLAME instance that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection.
This instance diers from the one depicted in Figure 3.1, in terms of the machines on which
it relies to perform the potentially resource-intensive con
ict detection. The detector-side
of this FLAME instance has a component called Slave Manager, which manages a pool
of slave nodes. Slave nodes may join the pool on-the-
y by initiating a connection to the
Slave Manager, and the Slave Manager can asynchronously and simultaneously process
several con
ict detection instances by deploying the instances on the slave nodes.
The detector-side components, Detection Engine and Slave Manager, of the FLAME
instance that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection behave as depicted in Figure 3.3.
During a collaborative design session, in general, the Detection Engine iterates through
the following four steps instead: (1) receiving a modeling operation, (2) applying the
operation to the local copy of the model the Detection Engine internally maintains,
(3) generating a representation (e.g., a saved model le) of the post-application version
of the model, and (4) forwarding the generated representation to the Slave Manager.
The forwarded representation is then stored in Model Representation Queue in the Slave
Manager. The Slave Manager, meanwhile, waits for a slave node to become available.
When a slave node becomes available, the Slave Manager initiates a separate thread that
retrieves the oldest model representation in the Model Representation Queue, transfers
the representation to the recruited slave node, and has the slave node perform con
detection on the representation. The thread waits until the slave node completes the
detection and returns the result. The thread then releases the slave node, and consolidates
and forwards the result to the Detection Engine. As the nal step of this process, the
Detection Engine forwards the consolidated con
ict information to the server-side.
The extensible architecture of FLAME provides the elasticity necessary to adapt to
the varying amounts of computation resources needed for con
ict detection. During
a collaborative design session, the number of simultaneous con
ict detection instances
that a Slave Manager needs to handle may continuously change depending on factors
such as the number of software architects who are participating in the session, the rate
FLAME Client
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Client Manager Detector Manager
Slave pool
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Slave Manager
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Slave Manager
Slave pool
FLAME Client
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Slave Manager
deploys conflict
detection on
slave nodes
Figure 3.2: High-level architecture of FLAME that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection.
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Slave Manager
Slave pool
(2) Apply modeling operation
(3) Generate model representation
(4) Forward the
to Slave
Model Representation Queue
(1) Recruit an
available slave
(2) Pop the oldest model
representation in the queue
(1) Receive modeling operation
(3) Have the slave
perform detection
(5) Consolidate the
result & send it to
Detection Engine
(5) Send conflict information
Detection Engine
Slave Manager
Model representation
Conflict detection result
Slave node
Connection to the server-side
(4) Release
the slave
Figure 3.3: A model of detector-side that uses slave nodes for con
ict detection.
at which those architects are generating modeling operations, the amount of time for
a slave node to complete processing each con
ict detection instance, etc. Meanwhile,
at the Slave Manager, it is possible that some of the con
ict detection instances are
delayed while waiting for a slave node to become available if the number of simultaneous
ict detection instances exceeds the number of slave nodes in the pool. FLAME allows
increasing and decreasing the size of the slave node pool on-the-
y to address such change
in the number of slave nodes needed. Furthermore, integration of a cloud into FLAME as
the platform on which the slave nodes run would make the resizing of the slave node pool
easier since a cloud can provide varying amounts of computation resources on-demand [3].
3.1.3 Prioritizing Con
ict Detection
In practice, the available computation resources for con
ict detection are likely to be
limited, and the Slave Manager may have fewer than the desired number of slave nodes in
the pool. Figure 3.4 depicts an example scenario with ve con
ict detection instances. O
are modeling operations that arrive in that chronological order in a Detection
Engine. The Detection Engine, for each of those modeling operations, generates a model
respectively after applying the operation to its local model.
Suppose that the available computation resources for con
ict detection are limited, and
the Slave Manager can only have a single slave node at its disposal. The Detection Engine
would generate R
as O
arrives, then the Slave Manager would begin processing an
instance of con
ict detection onR
using its sole slave node. However, delay may occur if
the operationsO
arrive in the Detection Engine before the con
ict detection
on R
is complete. The corresponding model representations R
through R
would have
Figure 3.4: O
through O
are modeling operations a Detection Engine receives, and
through R
are their corresponding representations of the versions of the model that
consist of those operations over time. The modeling operation in red (darker highlighting
in grayscale),O
, causes a higher-order design con
ict with a previous modeling operation.
to wait in the Model Representation Queue until the slave node completes the on-going
detection and becomes available again. Moreover, for some of those representations, the
wait could be longer than just one con
ict detection instance since there are several of
them in the queue while there is only one slave node.
In order to minimize the delay that may occur when the computation resources for
ict detection are scarce, FLAME implements an algorithm that assigns higher priority
to the con
ict detection instances with chronologically newer versions of the model such
that, when t is the longest time required to process a single detection instance with no
delay, any outstanding higher-order design con
ict that had not already been resolved at
a given moment can be detected, at most, in the amount of time 2t from its creation.
The insight behind the algorithm is that a higher-order design con
ict can also be
detected by performing con
ict detection on a version of a model that is chronologically
later than the version of the model in which the con
ict rst appeared, unless the con
had already been resolved. A Detection Engine generates a model representation R
for each modeling operation O
it receives. A model representation R
would then
represent a version of the model that has merged all modeling operations that the version
of the model thatR
represents had merged (i.e.,O
) as well as an additional
modeling operation, O
. For any modeling operation O
, a consistency rule violation
that was caused byO
and that has not been resolved by the time a chronologically newer
modeling operation O
(where j > 0) was introduced can be detected by performing
ict detection onR
. For example, in the scenario depicted in Figure 3.4, a modeling
operation O
, together with a previous modeling operation, violates a consistency rule,
causing a higher-order design con
ict. While the versions of the model that R
and R
represent do not violate the consistency rule, the version thatR
represents, after merging
, does violate the rule and causes the con
ict. The versions of the model that have
been generated after R
(i.e., R
and R
), can be in one of the following two states:
1. The model does not violate the consistency rule: For example, the modeling
operation that was applied after O
had been applied, O
, counteracted to O
, and
the versions of the model that have merged O
on top of O
no longer violate the
consistency rule. In this case, it would not be as urgent to notify the architects
because the con
ict has already been resolved.
2. The model does violate the consistency rule: Even after merging the mod-
eling operations that have been applied after O
was applied, the consistency rule
violation persists. In this case, performing con
ict detection on R
or R
detect the same consistency rule violation. Also, it will be necessary to notify the
architects so that they become aware of this outstanding con
Figure 3.5 depicts the behavior of the detector-side components that implement the
algorithm. In case there is no available slave node at a given moment, a newly created
model representation will have to wait until a slave node completes performing its on-going
ict detection and eventually becomes available. When a slave node becomes available,
the Slave Manager retrieves a model representation R
that is chronologically the
newest among the ones in its Model Representation Queue and has the slave node perform
ict detection on it. In this process, it will take, at most, the amount of time 2t
to detect any outstanding con
icts that exist in the version of the model that R
represents. That is because the wait time forR
until a slave node becomes available
would be the amount of time t at most, and it would take another t at most for the slave
machine to complete performing the con
ict detection on R
It should be noted that this algorithm guarantees the upper bound in the number of
ict detection instances that need to be performed until a higher-order design con
to be detected, but it does not guarantee the absolute amount of time that it may take
for the detection. The amount of timet, dened as the longest time required to process a
single detection instance with no delay, is the upper bound in chronological time for a slave
node to complete processing an instance of con
ict detection on a version of the model.
Detection Engine
Modeling tool
FLAME Adapter
Slave Manager
Slave pool
(2) Apply modeling operation
(3) Generate model representation
(4) Forward the
to Slave
Model Representation Queue
(1) Recruit an
available slave
(2) Pop the newest model
representation in the queue
(1) Receive modeling operation
(3) Have the slave
perform detection
(5) Consolidate the
result & send it to
Detection Engine
(5) Send conflict information
Detection Engine
Slave Manager
Model representation
Conflict detection result
Slave node
Connection to the server-side
(4) Release
the slave
Figure 3.5: A model of detector-side that retrieves newest model representation rst.
It is a variable that is aected by several factors such as (1) the size and complexity of the
model fed into the con
ict detection tool and (2) the amount of available computation
resources on the slave node on which the con
ict detection is processed.
This dissertation makes the assumption that the time duration t would not signi-
uctuate at a given point during a collaborative design session, hence having 2t as
the upper bound time for an outstanding higher-order design con
ict to be detected will
be reasonable in practice. The reason for this assumption is two-fold. First, two model
representations generated by the same Detection Engine that are consecutive or close
in their generation order are likely not to signicantly dier in their size and complex-
ity. A Detection Engine generates a model representation for each modeling operation it
receives. The dierence between two consecutive model representations is only a single
additional modeling operation that the later representation has merged on top of the ear-
lier one. Second, the available computation resources for con
ict detection on the slave
nodes are likely not to signicantly dier. The cloud-based slave nodes can readily be
initialized to have similar or even identical amounts of computation resources.
3.2 The Implementation of FLAME
This section introduces the implemented FLAME instance that has been developed in
order to evaluate whether and to what extent proactive con
ict detection may impact
the cost of collaborative software design. The rest of the section is organized as follows.
It begins with describing the primary components in the implementation and how those
components interact with each other in Section 3.2.1. In Section 3.2.2, FLAME's unique
way of operation-based version control that enables proactive detection of design con-
icts is described. Lastly, in Section 3.2.3, the two Detection Engines developed for this
FLAME instance that derive dierent versions of a software model for proactive con
detection are introduced and compared with one another.
3.2.1 Primary Components
Figure 3.6 depicts the detailed, as-implemented architecture of FLAME. The implemented
FLAME instance integrates the following three o-the-shelf software tools,
1. GME [37]: A congurable tool for domain-specic software modeling,
2. XTEAM [23]: A model-driven design, analysis, and synthesis tool-chain, and
3. Prism-MW [41]: An event-based middleware platform.
FLAME integrates those o-the-shelf tools to provide proactive con
ict detection to
software architects. GME allows architects to create a domain-specic modeling notation
(e.g., for the Next-Generation Climate Architecture in the scenario from Section 2.2)
in which the architects can specify dierent aspects of the target system. An architect
modeling in FLAME uses GME to specify the structure of the system by creating a set
of components, connectors, and the connections between them. She then species, for
each component and connector, (1) how it stores data, (2) how it behaves and reacts to
dierent events, (3) on which physical host it is deployed, and (4) other characteristics in
the form of property lists. Each modeling operation the architect makes along the way
is captured by the FLAME Adapter that immediately transfers the operation, through
the server-side FLAME components, to Detection Engines, via Prism-MW. Prism-MW
establishes event-based interaction channels for the transfer of the operations in FLAME.
Modeling operations
Sync. activities
Login information
Conflict information
Figure 3.6: Detailed architecture of FLAME. The double-lined polygons are the
o-the-shelf, domain-specic software systems integrated into FLAME.
When a Detection Engine receives an operation, it applies the operation to its local
model and invokes XTEAM to analyze the model and estimate one or more runtime
properties of the modeled system such as memory usage (as in [23]), energy consumption
(as in [58]), and message latency (as in [67]). The model analysis result produced by
XTEAM is raw and needs to be consolidated since it could distract the architects if
provided as-is. For example, the memory usage estimation outputs a simple but large
memory usage log for each component and connector of the target system during the
runtime simulation execution. The Detection Engine responsible for the memory usage
estimation consolidates the result by computing the statistics necessary to determine
whether a consistency rule regarding the memory usage has been violated, and forwards it
to FLAME Clients, where the result is processed further before being eventually presented
to an architect, as described below.
FLAME provides an extension point at which a customized GUI capable of presenting
the domain-specic con
ict information can be plugged-in. To be used with the current
FLAME instances, as a proof-of-concept, a small GUI has been implemented in order to
minimize the obtrusiveness while continuously delivering proactive con
ict information
to the architects. The GUI uses color coding to indicate the presence of a higher-order
design con
ict. For example, recalling the NGCA scenario from Section 2.2, the GUI
in Figure 3.7 changes the color of the \Memory" indicator from green to red (darker
highlighting in grayscale) if the estimation surpasses the stated threshold.
(a) An architect's screen with the FLAME GUI.
(b) All property requirements are satised.
(c) The memory requirement is not satised.
Figure 3.7: The simple FLAME GUI for NGCA.
3.2.2 Version Control in FLAME
FLAME synchronizes modeling operations that software architects perform in real time,
i.e., as the operations are performed. This real time synchronization of operations is
benecial since it enables (1) proactively performing higher-order design con
ict detection
per-operation and also (2) integrating Detection Engines that derive various versions of
the model without any modication made to the server-side of FLAME. The rest of this
section describes how FLAME implements this operation-based version control.
When FLAME transfers modeling operations between its components, it uses Design
Events, each of which encapsulates a single operation. A Design Event, in addition to
the operation, carries the identication of the architect who performed the operation
and a counter that represents how many prior Design Events had been created by the
same architect. FLAME also treats version control activities (i.e., commit and update)
in a similar way. It creates, for each version control activity performed, a Design Event
that encapsulates the activity with the same two properties. Those Design Events are
transferred from FLAME Clients to the FLAME Server, and when the FLAME Server
receives the Design Events, it automatically broadcasts the Design Events to the rest
of the FLAME Clients and Detection Engines. In this manner, all FLAME Clients and
Detection Engines will eventually have the same set of Design Events locally.
FLAME implements version control by adjusting when the FLAME Clients and De-
tection Engines apply the received Design Events to their local models. When a FLAME
Client or a Detection Engine receives a Design Event, the Design Event is not always
immediately applied to the local model. Instead, the Design Event is rst put into the
Event Queues (recall Figure 3.6) of the component. The Event Queues is a group of
queues, each of which stores the list of Design Events from an architect. Later, the De-
sign Events in the Event Queues are applied to the local models but in dierent ways
depending on whether the component is a FLAME Client or a Detection Engine, and
in case the component is a Detection Engine, depending on which version of the model
the Detection Engine derives for proactive con
ict detection. A FLAME Client applies
the Design Events in the Event Queues to its local model when the architect interacting
with the FLAME Client requests to perform an \update" activity. Upon the request,
the FLAME Client retrieves, from each queue in the Event Queues, the list of Design
Events that had been made prior to the latest \commit" Design Event in that queue.
The FLAME Client subsequently applies the retrieved lists of Design Events to its local
model. On the other hand, since Detection Engines do not interact with an architect like
a FLAME Client does, each Detection Engine has its own policy that decides when and
which Design Events to apply to its local model, as introduced in the following section.
3.2.3 Detection Engines
In order to evaluate FLAME, two Detection Engines that derive dierent versions of a
software model have been developed. Because they perform proactive con
ict detection
on dierent versions of the model, software architects can gain dierent kinds of awareness
from the con
ict information each of those Detection Engines provides. The details of
the two implemented Detection Engines are as follows:
The Global Engine derives and performs proactive con
ict detection on the version
of the model that consists of all modeling operations that have been made up to a
given moment in time regardless whether the operations have been committed or
not. It provides the awareness of what con
icts may arise if every architect performs
a commit at that moment. Because the Global Engine merges all operations across
architects, only a single instance of it is necessary for a team of software architects.
The Head-and-Local Engine, for each architect, derives and performs con
ict de-
tection on the version of the model that is based on the head version and merges
the modeling operations in her working copy that have not been committed up to a
given moment. It provides the awareness of what con
icts may arise if the architect
performs an update at that moment. Because every architect has her own working
copy, an instance of Head-and-Local Engine for each software architect is necessary.
The implementations of the two Detection Engines do not dier signicantly other
than their policies in the application of Design Events to local models. Figure 3.8 shows
the simplied policies of the Detection Engines. When a Detection Engine receives a De-
sign Event via the channel that Prism-MW establishes, Prism-MW automatically invokes
the handle() function and passes the incoming Design Event as the argument (Line 2).
The Detection Engine subsequently puts (adds) the Design Event into the Event Queues
(Line 4), and invokes an appropriate function that retrieves Design Events from the Event
Queues depending on whether it is a Global Engine or a Head-and-Local Engine. The
Detection Engine then applies the retrieved Design Events to its local model (Lines 9 and
13). In case the Detection Engine is a Global Engine, the Design Event retrieval func-
tion returns all Design Events in the Event Queues (Lines 19{27). In case the Detection
Engine is a Head-and-Local Engine, the retrieval function returns (1) all Design Events
from the queue that stores Design Events from the architect to which the Head-and-Local
Engine corresponds, and (2) from each of the rest of the queues, the Design Events that
had been created prior to the latest \commit" Design Event in that queue (Lines 30{44).
No additional modications to the other parts of FLAME are necessary other than these
Design Events application policies to implement the two Detection Engines, or any other
potential Detection Engines that derive a dierent version of the model, because of the
way FLAME synchronizes modeling operations in which all Detection Engines maintain
the same set of modeling operations, as described in Section 3.2.2.
The Global Engine and Head-and-Local Engine introduce certain trade-os. In gen-
eral, the Global Engine detects con
icts earlier than the Head-and-Local Engine while
the Head-and-Local Engine reports fewer benign con
icts (these can be thought of as
false positives) than the Global Engine. Consider a scenario with two architects design-
ing a system as a team. They each perform a modeling operation that jointly cause a
higher-order design con
ict. Those operations are then immediately transferred from the
FLAME Clients to the Detection Engine. If the architects were using FLAME with the
Global Engine, the con
ict would be detected as soon as the operations are transferred
to the Global Engine. On the other hand, if the Head-and-Local Engines were used, the
ict would not be detected until one of the operations is committed, and the con
might be unknown to the architects for a longer period of time. Another possibility is
that the con
ict is benign, i.e., it has already been resolved before the operations that
caused it were committed. In that case, if the Global Engine were used, it would report
the con
ict that would eventually be resolved even without the architects' attention, and
the design activity may unnecessarily be disturbed as a result. The con
ict information
from the two Detection Engines will, therefore, ultimately complement each other.
1 // handles an incoming Design Event
2 void handle (Event event) {
3 // adds the Design Event to the Event Queues
4 eventQueues.add(event);
6 // applies the Design Events differently
7 switch(engineMode) {
8 case "Global":
9 apply_events_to_local_model(retrieve_events_global());
10 break;
12 case "HeadAndLocal":
13 apply_events_to_local_model(retrieve_events_headlocal());
14 break;
15 }
16 }
18 // Retrieves all Design Events, whether or not committed
19 EventArray retrieve_events_global() {
20 EventArray eventsToApply;
21 for(Queue queue : eventQueues) {
22 for(Event event : queue) {
23 eventsToApply.add(event);
24 }
25 }
26 return sort_chronological(eventsToApply);
27 }
29 // Retrieves all committed Design Events and uncommitted Design
Events from the corresponding architect
30 EventArray retrieve_events_headlocal() {
31 EventArray eventsToApply;
32 for(Queue queue : eventQueues) {
33 if(queue.get_username().equals(correspondingUsername)) {
34 for(Event event : queue) {
35 eventsToApply.add(event);
36 }
37 } else {
38 for(int i=0; i < queue.find_latest_commit(); i++) {
39 eventsToApply.add(queue.get(i));
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 return sort_chronological(eventsToApply);
44 }
Figure 3.8: Design Events retrieval from Event Queues in Detection Engines.
Chapter 4
The Framework for Logging and Analyzing Modeling Events, FLAME, has been designed
and developed according to the two hypotheses introduced in Section 1.3. This chapter
presents the empirical and systematic evaluation of FLAME as a way of testing the
two hypotheses. The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.1, the
results from the two user studies that were conducted with total of 90 participants are
presented. The focus of that section is to test Hypothesis 1, regarding whether and to
what extent the proactive con
ict detection that FLAME provides would impact the cost
of collaborative software design. Then in Section 4.2, the results from the systematic
evaluations of FLAME with regards to its scalability and performance are presented.
In particular, Section 4.2 tests Hypothesis 2, which deals with prioritization of con
detection instances in order to guarantee the worst-case time to detect an outstanding
ict when available computation resources are scarce (recall Section 3.1.3).
4.1 Empirical Evaluation
This section presents the designs, the executions, and the results of two user studies
conducted using FLAME, with the primary goals to assess (1) how much earlier higher-
order design con
icts can be detected and resolved by implementing proactive con
detection as opposed to solutions that rely on the traditional on-demand merging of
models, and (2) whether and to what extent providing proactive con
ict detection impacts
the quality of the software model. Each of the two studies evaluated one of the two
Detection Engines introduced in Section 3.2.3, i.e., the Global Engine and the Head-and-
Local Engine. The rest of this section is organized as follows. Section 4.1.1 details how
the two user studies were designed and discusses the dierences between the two. After
that, Section 4.1.2 and Section 4.1.3 present the ndings, insights, and implications from
the Global Engine user study and the Head-and-Local Engine user study, respectively.
Lastly, in Section 4.1.4, the known threats to validity of the user studies are discussed.
4.1.1 Study Setup
Sharing the same primary goals, the two user studies were designed in a similar way but
with some dierences (listed in Table 4.1). In both studies, the participants were divided
into two groups, each of which performed collaborative design tasks with and without
proactive con
ict detection. Then the results from the groups were compared in order to
determine in which ways providing proactive con
ict detection aected the collaborative
design. By using FLAME for both groups|those that did and those that did not present
Table 4.1: FLAME User Studies Comparison.
User Study Global Head-and-Local
Target system NGCA (Section 2.2) BOINC [63]
Number of participants 42 48
Number of teams 21 teams of 2 24 teams of 2
User study period Span of 18 days Span of 12 days
Detection Engine of choice Global Engine Head-and-Local Engine
the proactive con
ict detection results|it was possible to track the participants' collabo-
rative design activities at the level of each modeling operation as well as the higher-order
icts from their creation, to detection, and eventually to resolution for both groups.
To compare the collaborative design cost with and without proactive con
ict detection,
in both studies, the cost was estimated by controlling the extent of time the architects
spent performing collaborative design activities and measuring the resulting model's qual-
ity upon the completion of the design task. Granular variables were derived to observe
participants' collaborative design behavior and to measure the resulting models' quality
as shown in Table 4.2 and Table 4.3, which will be discussed in detail later in this chapter.
Both of the user studies were designed based on the design documents of real software
systems. We selected open-source systems that have their design documents open to
public. Based on those design documents, collaborative design scenarios where higher-
order con
icts arise were recreated. The target system chosen for the Global Engine
user study was the Next-Generation Climate Architecture (NGCA) that had the three
essential, runtime system properties, i.e., memory usage, message latency, and energy
consumption (recall Section 2.2). For the Head-and-Local Engine user study, the Berkeley
Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC, depicted in Figure 4.1) [63], an
open-source system for volunteer-computing and grid-computing, was chosen as the target
system. A comparable design scenario with the same three runtime system properties
was created using BOINC, which in turn, enabled the use of the same model analysis tool
(i.e., XTEAM [23]) as the con
ict detection tool in both user studies.
The participants in the Global Engine and Head-and-Local Engine user studies were 42
and 48 students respectively, enrolled in the graduate-level Software Architecture class at
the University of Southern California. No participant had prior experience with FLAME
or their target systems (NGCA or BOINC). The participants spent four weeks performing
two software design assignments using the NGCA- or BOINC-specic modeling environ-
ment and FLAME's constituent XTEAM subsystem in order to get familiar with its
simulation-based analyses prior to the user studies. This resulted in comparable familiar-
ity of each participant with the modeling environment and the target system domain [20].
The participants were grouped into 21 and 24 teams of two in the two respective
studies. The teams were then divided into two groups by their team numbers (odd and
even number teams; team numbers were randomly assigned): (1) the control group that
used FLAME in the mode that does not present the proactive con
ict detection results
to simulate the behavior of a current generation software model VCS (\w/o PCD" in
Table 4.2 and Table 4.3) and (2) the experimental group that used FLAME in the mode
that does present the proactive con
ict detection results (\w/ PCD" in Table 4.2 and
Table 4.3). In each of the user studies, a survey was conducted regarding the participants'
industry experience to assess their prior exposure to collaborative design, but no evidence
was found that the prior industry experience of the two groups diered signicantly.
Figure 4.1: A high-level model of BOINC.
Each team participated in a 2-hour-long session during a span of 18 days and 12 days
in the Global Engine and Head-and-Local Engine user studies, respectively. The author
of this dissertation administered all of the sessions (21 and 24 sessions in the two studies,
respectively) during which he was physically present close to the participants, monitor-
ing and observing them. Each session was divided into three smaller sessions: (1) the
1-hour-long FLAME tutorial, (2) the main, 30-minute-long design session during which
the participants' design activities were recorded, and (3) the subsequent 30-minute-long
design session for the participants to experience the alternative mode of FLAME. For
example, if a participant used FLAME in the mode that presents the proactive con
detection results in her main design session, she would use FLAME in the mode that does
not present the results in her alternative-mode session, and vice versa. The rationale be-
hind conducting the two sessions was for the participants to experience both modes of
FLAME, with and without proactive con
ict detection, and to collect their preferences
and assessment of the dierences they experienced between the two modes. The de-
sign activity during the alternative-mode session was not recorded since the participants'
behavior in that session may have been in
uenced by having undergone the main session.
During the design sessions, each team was given a partially complete model of the
target system|NGCA or BOINC|and assigned with design tasks to replace a set of
components in the model, as well as a set of three system requirements regarding the three
runtime system properties to satisfy (design task samples are in Appendix A). The two
participants in each team were directed to make trade-o design decisions corresponding
to two dierent non-overlapping parts of the model in order to avoid synchronization
icts. The given tasks were designed in a way that the participants, in the course of
Architect 1 Architect 2
Architect-side Architect-side
(Global Engine)
(a) The Global Engine user study.
Architect 1 Architect 2
Architect-side Architect-side
(Head-and-Local Engine 1)
(Head-and-Local Engine 2)
(b) The Head-and-Local Engine user study.
Figure 4.2: Detector-side congurations in the two user studies.
decision making, could violate two of the system requirements: energy consumption and
memory usage. The third requirement, message latency, was not designed to be violated.
The biggest dierence between the two user studies was that the participants used dif-
ferent Detection Engines in each study, as depicted in Figure 4.2. Recalling Section 3.2.3,
when the Global Engine is to be used in FLAME, only one instance of the Global Engine
is necessary that maintains the version of the model that consists of modeling operations
from all architects. On the other hand, when the Head-and-Local Engine is to be used,
one instance of the Head-and-Local Engine for each architect is necessary that maintains
the version of the model that is based on the head version and merges the local changes
from that architect. In the Head-and-Local Engine user study, each team used FLAME
with two instances of Head-and-Local Engines, one per architect in the team.
Also, in both studies, the communication between the two participants in each team
was restricted to online communication media during the sessions to reproduce the com-
munication challenges of geographically distributed collaborative software design. For
example, the two participants were not allowed to speak with each other but had to
initiate an email thread or use an instant messenger in order to discuss their con
resolution strategy.
4.1.2 The Global Engine User Study Result
This section presents the analyses on the Global Engine user study data by addressing
three research questions derived from the primary goals dened earlier in this chapter.
Q1: Did FLAME with Global Engine aect the amount of time architects
spend in design activities? The top portion of Table 4.2 shows the frequency of
design activities (DV01-DV03) performed during the main design sessions. During the
same length of time (CV01; 30 minutes), the frequency of design activities diered sig-
nicantly between the two groups of participants. Specically, the group with proactive
ict detection (1) performed a higher number of modeling operations (t-test; p-value
of 0.078) and (2) communicated more frequently (t-test; p-value of 0.064), and while
not signicantly, (3) performed synchronization activities more often. The increase in
the number of performed operations can be explained by the increase in the condence
of participants in making new changes. Fear of con
icts [14] could make an architect
take additional care when she performs new operations. The following quote is from a
participant, which aligns with this reasoning: \our condence that the combined design
would meet the requirements was much higher when using proactive con
ict detection."
The increase in communication frequency aligns with a previous empirical study in which
a similar phenomenon was observed for detection and resolution of higher-order con
in collaborative software implementation [53]. The group of participants with proactive
ict detection was immediately notied by FLAME as each new con
ict arose, hence
it was natural for them to initiate communication between the team members more often.
One of the participants responded about how the increased amount of communication
helped her team by saying: \I prefer the proactive environment because my teammate and
I completed the task on time as we had enough communication."
Q2: Did FLAME with Global Engine facilitate the way architects detect
and resolve higher-order design con
icts? The middle portion of Table 4.2 shows
the number of con
icts that occurred and how long they lasted during the design sessions
(DV04-DV07). While the group of participants with proactive con
ict detection dealt
with a higher number of con
icts on average, no con
ict was left at the last commit nor
at the end of session (DV05-DV06), and the average lifetime of the con
icts, from when
they are introduced to when they are resolved, was signicantly shorter (DV07). These
results also corroborate those reported in the previous research conducted at the code-
level [32,53]. The following quotes from the participants further explain our observation:
\It was quicker and easier to detect con
icts and x them immediately." and \[FLAME
was] making it easier to identify errors and x them before further changes are made."
Some con
icts took longer than the others to detect and resolve, and the group of
participants with proactive con
ict detection resolved those hard con
icts signicantly
earlier than the group without. Some con
icts may be easier to resolve, possibly because
they are already known to the architects before they are explicitly detected. Indeed, the
0 500 1,000 1,500
Lifetime (seconds)
w/o PCD
Mean: 915.40 secs
Median: 912.00 secs
w/ PCD
Mean: 484.45 secs
Median: 539.00 secs
Figure 4.3: Lifetime of higher-order con
icts in the Global Engine user study.
lifetimes of 27% of the con
icts were shorter than 100 seconds while the mean lifetime of
the rest of the con
icts was much higher at 619.13 seconds. Figure 4.3 presents box plots
of the lifetimes of the con
icts that took longer than 100 seconds to resolve, with and
without proactive con
ict detection (w/o PCD and w/ PCD respectively in the gure).
The median in the w/o PCD mode, 912 seconds, was signicantly higher than the median
in the w/ PCD mode, 539 seconds (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test; p-value of 0.036).
Q3: Did FLAME with Global Engine aect the quality of the resulting
model? The bottom portion of Table 4.2 shows the two factors (DV08-DV09) that was
used to estimate the quality of the resulting model in addition to the number of unresolved
icts (DV05-DV06). The participants were assigned with design tasks to modify the
system in a way that would maximize the throughput of the system, which subsequently
results in higher energy consumption and memory usage. The variations of those two
factors from the beginning to the end of each collaborative design session were tracked,
and the maximum values of the factors that each team reached during the session were
recorded. It was observed that the group of participants with proactive con
ict detection
was able to design, on average, NGCA systems with higher throughput while leaving
fewer unresolved con
icts than the group without proactive con
ict detection, in the
same amount of time (CV01). The increased number of operations (as shown in Q1)
can be seen as evidence of participants' higher productivity. The following is a quote
from a participant that can show the link between the number of operations and the
participants' productivity: \[FLAME] increased productivity as we were able to try more
combinations [of modeling operations] in same amount of time." The reduced eort in
higher-order con
ict resolution (as shown in Q2) could also have contributed in the higher
productivity. The following quotes from the participants corroborate this conclusion: \...
proactive con
ict detection drastically minimizes the integration eort." and \[FLAME]
shows my partner and me any con
icts that we have without running the simulation as
much as we did with the one without proactive [con
ict detection]." In fact, the teams
in this user study that performed a higher number of modeling operations during their
sessions did achieve higher throughput of the system (univariate linear regression; energy
consumption, p-value of 0.060,R
of 0.174 / memory usage, p-value of 0.088,R
of 0.146).
Table 4.2: Global Engine User Study: Variables.
Collaborative Design Activities and Con
icts w/o PCD w/ PCD
Q1 CV01: Duration (mins) of modeling session per team 30.00 30.00
DV01: Number of modeling operations made per team 48.18 60.80
DV02: Number of communication activities per team 11.00 19.50
DV03: Number of synchronizations per team 6.18 8.00
Q2 DV04: Detected con
icts at synchronizations per team 1.27 2.40
DV05: Teams with unresolved con
icts at last commit 3 of 11 0 of 10
DV06: Teams with unresolved con
icts at session end 3 of 11 0 of 10
DV07: Lifetime (secs) of a higher-order con
ict 671.00 363.40
Resulting Model Quality; the Higher is Better w/o PCD w/ PCD
Q3 DV08: Throughput factor: energy consumption (J) 8.18 M 8.55 M
DV09: Throughput factor: memory usage (MB) 729.09 747.60
CV is a control variable, and DV is a dependent variable. PCD stands for proactive con
ict detection.
All values were rounded o at the third decimal.
4.1.3 The Head-and-Local Engine User Study Result
This section presents the Head-and-Local Engine user study data by addressing the same
three research questions derived and addressed for the Global Engine user study data.
Q1: Did FLAME with Head-and-Local Engines aect the amount of time
architects spend in design activities? The top portion of Table 4.3 shows the fre-
quency of design activities (DV01-DV03) performed during the main design sessions.
While dierent Detection Engines were used, the result generally corroborated that from
the Global Engine user study. The group of participants with proactive con
ict detec-
tion (1) performed higher numbers of modeling operations (t-test; p-value of 0.031), and
while not signicantly, (2) communicated more frequently, and (3) performed synchro-
nization activities more often than the group without proactive con
ict detection, in the
same amount of time. The increase in the number of operations performed can be ex-
plained with the increase in the participants' condence in performing the operations, as
previously discussed in the Global Engine user study. The following quotes from the par-
ticipants support that reasoning: \[FLAME provided] the ease of committing the model
without much eort as I was assured that the color
ags would show if my model, on up-
date, was not going to violate any of the system requirements." and \[Proactive con
detection] helps me focus more on the design and modeling rather than worrying about the
eect of a single change." The following quote from another participant further explains
the fear of con
icts [14] (recall Section 3.2.3): \In the FLAME without proactive con
detection mode, deciding when to commit local changes to the VCS was a challenge. In
that mode, we were unaware of whether our changes made any con
ict with the other
teammates' change. So none of us wanted to commit a change which would cause the
merged model to violate requirements."
Interestingly, the dierence in the amount of communication (DV02) between the
groups of participants with and without proactive con
ict detection was not as dramatic
as that of the Global Engine user study. This might be a result of the dierences between
the two Detection Engines that provide dierent kinds of con
ict awareness, and further
investigation will be required in order to understand the root cause of this phenomenon.
Q2: Did FLAME with Head-and-Local Engines facilitate the way archi-
tects detect and resolve the higher-order design con
icts? The middle portion
of Table 4.3 shows the observed variables related to con
icts (DV04-DV08). A noticeable
observation was that the group of participants with proactive con
ict detection resolved
icts without synchronizing them (DV04-DV05) more often than the group without
proactive con
ict detection. This is likely due to the kind of con
ict awareness that the
Head-and-Local Engine provides. An architect who uses a Head-and-Local Engine is pro-
vided with the awareness of the outstanding con
icts in the version of model that is based
on the head version and merges the uncommitted modeling operations in her working copy
(recall Section 3.2.3). That means the architect can foresee whether her working copy
will have a certain con
ict if she performs an update at a given moment. In case there
is a potential con
ict, with that awareness provided, the architect may choose to resolve
the con
ict even without performing an update. Another observation was that, similar to
that observed in the Global Engine user study, the group of participants with proactive
ict detection (1) left fewer unresolved con
icts at session ends (DV06-DV07) and
(2) detected and resolved con
icts earlier (DV08). The following two quotes from the
participants further explain this observation: \With help of proactive con
ict detection,
there will still be a need to revert [to resolve a con
ict], but that will be to revert only that
change which caused higher order con
ict." and \We can see whether an individual's
atomic step can produce a high-order con
ict and quickly rollback that operation."
Also, the average lifetime of the hard con
icts, which lasted for longer than 100 seconds
(recall Section 4.1.2), of the group of participants with proactive con
ict detection was
signicantly shorter, similar to the observation in the Global Engine user study. In
the Head-and-Local Engine user study, about 47% of the con
icts took less than 100
seconds to resolve while the rest of the con
icts had the average lifetime of 348.56 seconds.
Figure 4.4 presents box plots of the hard con
icts' lifetimes, without and with proactive
0 200 400 600 800
Lifetime (seconds)
w/o PCD
Mean: 500.00 secs
Median: 550.50 secs
w/ PCD
Mean: 257.70 secs
Median: 217.50 secs
Figure 4.4: Lifetime of higher-order con
icts in the Head-and-Local Engine user study.
ict detection (w/o PCD and w/ PCD respectively in the gure). The median in the
w/o PCD mode, 550.50 seconds, was signicantly higher than the median in the w/ PCD
mode, 217.50 seconds (Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test; p-value of 0.051).
Q3: Did FLAME with Head-and-Local Engines aect the quality of the
resulting model? The bottom portion of Table 4.3 shows the factor that was used to
estimate the quality of the resulting model (DV09) in addition to the number of unresolved
icts (DV06-DV07). The target system used in this user study, BOINC, is a system
that divides a large computation task into smaller subcomputations and performs them
remotely. The participants of this user study were assigned with design tasks to modify
the BOINC system model in a way that maximizes the number of the subcomputations
of identical complexity that BOINC can perform in the same amount of execution time,
which can be considered as achieving higher system performance. The result showed
that the group of participants with proactive con
ict detection, in the same amount of
design time (CV01), was able to design better performing BOINC systems on average
(DV09) while leaving fewer unresolved con
icts in the models (DV06-DV07). This result
corroborates that of the Global Engine user study and has likely been aected by the
improved productivity of the participants since (1) the participants were able to focus
more on design rather than caring about con
ict detection (as shown in Q1) and (2)
the con
ict detection became easier as the con
icts were detected and resolved earlier
(as shown in Q2). The following response from one of the participants aligns with this
conclusion: \By comparison, [in the mode with proactive con
ict detection] we have tried
more combinations of the options (modeling operations) than in the one without proactive
icts detection, and I think it means that our working eciency has been improved."
The teams in this user study that performed a higher number of modeling operations
during their sessions indeed achieved higher performance of the target system (univariate
linear regression; subcomputations completed, p-value of 0.038, R
of 0.181).
The participants also responded that they preferred their experience in the mode with
proactive con
ict detection and that the way FLAME presented the con
ict information
was not distracting, in the post-session survey with ve survey questions (SQ01-SQ05).
Table 4.4 shows the result of the survey, which was conducted only for the Head-and-
Local Engine user study. It is essential for a proactive con
ict detection tool that its user
interface does not distract the on-going design activity or overwhelm the architects with
large amount of information. That is because it is possible that the con
ict information
Table 4.3: Head-and-Local Engine User Study: Variables.
Collaborative Design Activities and Con
icts w/o PCD w/ PCD
Q1 CV01: Duration (mins) of modeling session per team 30.00 30.00
DV01: Number of modeling operations made per team 29.58 38.50
DV02: Number of communication activities per team 14.29 15.04
DV03: Number of synchronizations per team 5.33 7.25
Q2 DV04: Detected con
icts at synchronizations per team 2.50 0.92
DV05: Proportion of con
icts never \updated" to local 32% 56%
DV06: Proportion of unresolved con
icts at session end 52% 28%
DV07: Teams with unresolved con
icts at session end 4 of 12 2 of 12
DV08: Lifetime (secs) of a higher-order con
ict 255.83 149.72
Resulting Model Quality; the Higher is Better w/o PCD w/ PCD
Q3 DV09: Performance factor: subcomputations completed 598.17 605.92
CV is a control variable, and DV is a dependent variable. PCD stands for proactive con
ict detection.
All values were rounded o at the third decimal.
presented can be ignored by the architects in case the presentation is regarded as a
distraction, which hinders the benets of proactive con
ict detection.
In both of the user studies, the participants with proactive con
ict detection were able
to produce higher quality models in the same amount of time, while the participants in
each study were provided with dierent kinds of con
ict awareness by dierent Detection
Engines. This suggests that there may be other Detection Engines than the two Detection
Engines introduced in this dissertation that maintain a dierent version of the model and
that can also contribute in detecting and resolving higher-order design con
Table 4.4: Head-and-Local Engine User Study: Post-Session Survey.
Question Mean S.D.
SQ01: I preferred the FLAME mode with proactive con
ict de-
tection more than without.
6.22 1.25
SQ02: FLAME's proactive con
ict detection helped me dealing
with design con
6.15 1.03
SQ03: It was dicult to understand the con
ict detection infor-
mation that FLAME provided.
2.80 1.60
SQ04: Early detection of con
icts made the resolution easier. 6.07 0.88
SQ05: The FLAME GUI was distracting. 2.48 1.44
All values are on a 7-point Likert scale, where 1 is \strongly disagree" and 7 is \strongly agree". The
values have been rounded o at the third decimal. S.D. denotes standard deviation.
4.1.4 Threats to Validity
As is commonly the case with controlled experiments, the two user studies have threats to
validity due to their design. First, the user studies were conducted with students. While
all students were graduate-level, their design behavior may not be identical to that of a
real-world practitioner. Second, the design tasks assigned to the participants were not
from actual projects. Instead, in order to recreate realistic collaborative design scenarios,
the tasks were based on the actual design documents of the target systems (NGCA and
BOINC). Third, the duration of observed design session per team was short (30 minutes),
which could have caused bias from low familiarity with the target system domain or the
model analysis framework (XTEAM). The bias was minimized by having the participants
perform multiple design assignments using the target system model and XTEAM over the
span of four weeks prior to their sessions. We also note that the higher-order con
icts may
persist even longer in design sessions of longer duration, which would only increase the
benet of detecting them early. Last, the team size was small (two per team). In a bigger
team, it may become ambiguous which architects are directly involved in a higher-order
design con
ict. This is a hard problem in general, and has not yet fully been answered.
Some aspects of the study execution were challenged by threats to validity. First, the
amount of time it takes a con
ict detection tool to complete its consistency checking was
not varied, while in a real setting, it may in
uence the architects' reaction to proactive
ict detection. In the two studies, that con
ict detection times were kept relatively
constant (38 and 37 seconds on average in the Global Engine and the Head-and-Local
Engine user studies respectively) in order to avoid introducing bias. Second, only a
single kind of analysis tools (i.e., XTEAM) was used in the user studies. In a real-world
setting, architects may work in a design environment using several kinds of consistency
checking tools. We tried to recreate a more realistic design environment by integrating
three XTEAM model analysis tools in FLAME.
4.2 Systematic Evaluation
This section presents the designs, the executions, and the results of the analytical evalua-
tions of FLAME with regards to (1) its scalability and performance and (2) its algorithm
that prioritizes con
ict detection instances in order to minimize the delay that may occur
when the computation resources used for con
ict detection are scarce. The rest of the
section is organized as follows. Section 4.2.1 reports the results of the two scalability- and
performance-related experiments conducted, each of which focuses on (1) the variations
in the times required to process con
ict detection instances when a Detection Engine
has dierent numbers of slave nodes at its disposal and (2) the overhead of FLAME in
handling highly frequent con
ict detection instances in a collaborative software design
scenario with more than two architects. Then, in Section 4.2.2, we present the results
of the experiment that evaluates FLAME's con
ict detection prioritization algorithm by
testing whether it guarantees delivering con
ict information in the amount of time that
is at most 2t when the available computation resources for con
ict detection are limited.
4.2.1 Scalability and Performance
Previously, Section 3.1.2 presented how a Detection Engine elastically adapts to the
varying needs for computation resources for proactive con
ict detection by ooading the
detection to remote, slave nodes. FLAME's Detection Engine, regardless of the version
of the model it maintains, is designed to be able to utilize slave nodes to reduce the
potential delay in processing con
ict detection instances that may occur when there are
an overwhelming number of simultaneous instances to process. In order to evaluate
whether the delay actually reduces as the number of slave nodes increases, an experiment
was conducted that varies the number of slave nodes that a Detection Engine has at its
disposal and measures the amount time it takes to process a con
ict detection instance.
In this experiment, the participants' collaborative software design behavior that was
recorded during the Head-and-Local Engine user study|the modeling operation logs of
the 24 teams|was reused in order to collect more realistic data. For the purpose of
measuring the optimal con
ict detection time with no delay, the time gaps between each
pair of modeling operations in those 24 logs were stretched to a length that would not
cause any delay, i.e., a length that guaranteed no new con
ict detection instance would be
26 27 28 29 30
Conflict detection time (seconds)
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflict detection time (seconds)
Figure 4.5: Box plot and histogram of con
ict detection time of the no-delay scenario.
Mean: 26.83 seconds. Median: 27 seconds. Maximum: 30 seconds.
initiated while another instance is being processed. The modied logs were then replayed
in (i.e., fed into) FLAME, congured with a Global Engine with one slave node. By doing
so, it was possible to measure the time it would have taken to process each of the con
detection instances from the 24 logs with no delay (depicted in Figure 4.5).
The \sucient" number of slave nodes necessary to prevent causing delay in con
detection, n, was estimated by performing a retrospective analysis on the operation logs
from the Head-and-Local Engine user study. Given t as the longest con
ict detection
time with no delay (e.g., 30 seconds in the Head-and-Local Engine user study; refer to
Figure 4.5), the number n can be determined by calculating the maximum number of
operations performed during the time spans of length t, each of which starts from when
its corresponding operation is performed. Figure 4.6 depicts an example scenario with
7 operations. In this scenario, t
is the time span during which the maximum number
of operations is performed and also the largest number of slave nodes is necessary. The
estimated n for the Head-and-Local Engine user study by performing this analysis was
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of
Figure 4.6: Estimating the \sucient" number of slave nodes. Each circle on the time
line represents a modeling operation performed at that time. In this scenario, at least
three slave nodes would be necessary not to cause delay in con
ict detection, during t
9. Note that this analysis is likely to overestimate n when the longest con
ict detection
time is used for t. The estimated n was 8 when the median detection time (27 seconds;
refer to Figure 4.5) was used for t instead.
After having measured the optimal con
ict detection time and estimated the sucient
number of slave nodes, four congurations of FLAME with varying number of slave nodes
were created, and the resulting con
ict detection times were compared with each other.
FLAME was congured to have a Global Engine with 2, 4, 8, or 12 slave nodes each,
instantiated with identical computation resources on Google Compute Engine [30]. In
each of the congurations, the original modeling operation logs of the 24 teams in the
Head-and-Local Engine user study were replayed. That enabled computing the actual
time that would have been needed to process each con
ict detection instance if those
teams used FLAME with the Global Engine that utilizes the given number of slave nodes.
Figure 4.7 presents the experiment results showing that the maximum con
ict detec-
tion time noticeably drops as the number of slave nodes involved in the detection increases
from 2 (133 seconds) to 4 (54 seconds), and then to 8 (32 seconds). However, the con
detection time did not noticeably change in the 12 slave node conguration compared to
the 8 slave node conguration. It is important to note that, by parallelizing processing
ict detection instances, FLAME only minimizes the delay in con
ict detection, i.e.,
the amount of time a con
ict detection instance may have to wait in the Detection Engine
until a slave node becomes available to process the instance. FLAME does not reduce the
execution time of the consistency checking tool it invokes to detect higher-order con
That means involving a larger number of slave nodes in con
ict detection will decrease
the con
ict detection time only as long as there are delays in con
ict detection. In other
words, involving more than a \sucient" number of slave nodes would not further de-
crease the con
ict detection time. The maximum con
ict detection time in the 8 slave
node conguration (32 seconds) was already close to the optimal time (30 seconds, recall
Figure 4.5), so adding more nodes (from 8 to 12) did not further decrease that time.
Figure 4.7 conrms this reasoning. While Figure 4.7a and Figure 4.7b have long tails due
to the delayed con
ict detection instances, Figure 4.7c and Figure 4.7d do not have the
tail. In order to fully realize the benets of proactive con
ict detection, it is essential for
the Detection Engine to have a sucient number of slave nodes as its disposal to keep
the maximum con
ict detection time low. However, since it is hard to foresee the rate
at which the architects may perform modeling operations at a given moment, ultimately,
the capability to automatically adjust the number of slave nodes on-the-
y is desirable.
Additionally, in order to evaluate whether FLAME can handle collaborative software
design scenarios with more than two architects, an experiment was conducted to measure
the potential overhead in processing con
ict detection instances that may occur when a
Detection Engine processes a large number of simultaneous instances. As the size of the
architect team grows, it is likely that the number of modeling operations performed by
the team of architects in the same amount of time would also increase. In other words, the
rate at which the team performs modeling operations would increase. Since a Detection
Engine generates an instance of con
ict detection for each modeling operation it applies to
the local model it maintains, that higher rate would result in an added number of con
detection instances for the Detection Engine needs to process in the same amount of
time. In that case, involving a higher number of slave nodes would be desirable to lessen
the delay in con
ict detection that may occur. However, by having to manage a higher
number of slave nodes to process the increased number of con
ict detection instances,
the Detection Engine may cause an additional amount of overhead in processing those
detection instances. Such overhead would lead to delay in con
ict detection and result in
longer con
ict detection times, hindering the benets of proactively detecting con
In this experiment, the rate at which a large group of architects simultaneously per-
form modeling operations was simulated. 10 logs of modeling operations that represent
scenarios with 24 architects collaboratively updating the BOINC system model (recall
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflict detection time (seconds)
(a) Using 2 slave nodes. Mean: 36.89 secs. Max.: 133 secs.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflict detection time (seconds)
(b) Using 4 slave nodes. Mean: 27.49 secs. Max.: 54 secs.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflict detection time (seconds)
(c) Using 8 slave nodes. Mean: 27.10 secs. Max.: 32 secs.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflict detection time (seconds)
(d) Using 12 slave nodes. Mean: 27.46 secs. Max.: 31 secs.
Figure 4.7: Histograms of con
ict detection time using various numbers of slave nodes. 73
Figure 4.1) were generated by merging the modeling operation logs of 12 randomly se-
lected participant teams of the Head-and-Local Engine user study. It was not possible to
merge 12 teams' logs into a single log as-is because the teams performed identical design
tasks on the same given model, hence the logs included modeling operations that were
overlapping and incompatible with each other. To address that issue, after the logs were
merged in a way that preserves the rate at which the 12 teams simultaneously perform
modeling operations, all modeling operations in the merged log were replaced with a
dummy modeling operation that does not overlap with each other but for which the De-
tection Engine would create a con
ict detection instance, based on the assumption that
the complexity or the size of the model would not likely change signicantly during a
short span of time (30 minutes, the duration of each design session in the Head-and-Local
Engine user study). Those logs were then replayed in FLAME that had a Global Engine
with 48 slave nodes, initiated to have identical computation resources on Google Compute
Engine. The resulting con
ict detection times were measured and compared with those
of the scenarios with two architects, presented earlier in this section.
The 10 logs of modeling operations were generated in a way to best re
ect the rate
at which a large team of software architects would perform modeling operations. First,
rather than articially manipulated, the modeling operation logs were generated reusing
the collected collaborative design behavioral data from the Head-and-Local Engine user
study. It is important to note that the rate at which an architect performs modeling
operations would likely
uctuate. Because of that, it is possible that a higher number of
ict detection instances may be initiated at a particular moment, and the available
computation resources for con
ict detection may temporarily become insucient, intro-
ducing delay in the detection. Figure 4.8 depicts at which points modeling operations
were performed during the design sessions in the Head-and-Local Engine user study. This
shows the natural variation in the rate at which modeling operations were performed.
The way the modeling operation logs for this experiment were generated preserved that
variation. Second, for each of the generated modeling operation logs, 12 teams' logs were
merged to simulate the rate at which a \large" architect team would perform modeling
operations. While it is likely to dier across projects in practice, the proportion of archi-
tects in a large software development team is one out of ten [39]. Each of the generated
logs of modeling operations mimicked the rate at which a team of 24 architects simulta-
neously perform modeling operations, in a development team of 240. Figure 4.9 depicts
the generated logs. Each log in Figure 4.9 is much denser than the logs in Figure 4.8 and
preserves the variation in the rate at which modeling operations were performed.
Figure 4.10 presents the histogram of the con
ict detection times from the replays
of the 10 generated modeling operation logs. While the number of con
ict detection in-
stances processed and the number of slave nodes used by the Detection Engine were much
higher than those of the 2-architect scenarios presented earlier, the mean and the maxi-
mum con
ict detection times did not signicantly increase from the 2-architect scenarios
(recall Figure 4.7c and 4.7d). This provides evidence that the additional overhead that
FLAME adds when the size of the architect team increases is negligible as long as the
Detection Engine has a sucient number of slave nodes at its disposal. In reality, how-
ever, the architect team's size may impact the rate at which software architects perform
modeling operations as well as the size and the complexity of the model under design in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Team Number
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time from the beginning of design session (seconds)
Figure 4.8: Modeling operation logs from the Head-and-Local Engine user study.
Each represents one modeling operation performed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Merged log number
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time from beginning of design session (seconds)
Figure 4.9: 24-architect modeling operation logs, generated for this experiment.
Each represents one modeling operation performed.
a way that leads to more needs in computation resources for detecting con
icts. Never-
theless, these threats can be mitigated by further increasing the number of slave nodes or
implementing an algorithm that processes the chronologically newest con
ict detection
instance rst in a Detection Engine (recall Section 3.1.3) as discussed below.
4.2.2 Setting a Bound on Con
ict Detection Time
Section 3.1.3 presented FLAME's algorithm that prioritizes processing con
ict detection
instances in a way that gives higher priority to the chronologically newer instances to
minimize the delay that may occur when the computation resources for con
ict detection
are scarce. The algorithm guarantees that any higher-order con
ict outstanding at a
given moment will be detected in the amount of time 2t at most, where t is the longest
processing time for a single detection instance with no delay. In order to empirically
24 26 28 30 32 34
Conflict detection time (seconds)
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Conflitct detection time (seconds)
Figure 4.10: Box plot and histogram of con
ict detection time of 24-architect scenarios.
10 scenarios combined. 48 slave nodes. Mean: 27.37 secs. Max.: 33 secs.
validate the algorithm to ensure it would not introduce any hidden costs when it is
adopted in practice, a systematic experiment was conducted that compares a pair of
identical FLAME congurations of which one does not (oldest-rst) and the other does
(newest-rst) implement the algorithm. Two comparisons were made: (1) between a pair
of congurations with one slave node and (2) between another pair with two slave nodes.
In each of the congurations, the modeling operation logs of the 24 teams of the Head-
and-Local Engine user study were replayed. All congurations had one Global Engine with
their respective number of slave nodes. It was previously shown in Section 4.2.1 that,
if the Head-and-Local Engine user study participants used a Global Engine with two
slave nodes, several con
ict detection instances would have signicantly been delayed.
Intuitively, if the participants used a Global Engine with only one slave node, the delay
would have only worsened. The delay, subsequently, could have increased the time-to-
detection of the con
icts, which hampers the benets of proactive con
ict detection. In
this experiment, each individual con
ict was tracked from its creation to detection in
order to test whether implementing the prioritization algorithm would shorten the time-
to-detect of the con
ict when computation resources for con
ict detection are limited.
Figure 4.11 (1 slave node) and Figure 4.12 (2 slave nodes) present the experiment
results showing that, in the congurations that implement the prioritization algorithm
(the newest-rst congurations), (1) the mean time-to-detection times of the con
were signicantly lower and (2) the maximum time-to-detection times were below the
amount of time 2t (where t is 30 seconds; recall Figure 4.5). The median time-to-
detection times were 48.10% (p-value of 0.000; Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test) and 22.86%
lower (p-value of 0.023; Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test) in the newest-rst congurations
with 1 slave node and 2 slave nodes respectively. More importantly, in the newest-rst
congurations, the maximum time-to-detection times fell below the amount of time 2t
(60 seconds); they were 53 and 43 seconds with 1 slave node and 2 slave nodes respectively.
Also, in a newest-rst conguration, a con
ict may be detected when a con
ict detection
instance generated for a chronologically newer modeling operation than the operation
that caused the con
ict has been processed (recall Section 3.1.3). Overall, 60.47% and
32.56% of the con
icts were detected that way, in the newest-rst congurations with 1
slave node and 2 slave nodes respectively. Those reversals happened more often with 1
slave node because a higher number of con
ict detection instances were delayed due to
the fewer computation resources available for con
ict detection in that conguration.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Time to detect a conflict (seconds)
(a) Oldest-rst prioritization. Mean: 92.49 secs. Median: 77 secs. Max.: 267 secs.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Time to detect a conflict (seconds)
(b) Newest-rst prioritization. Mean: 38.67 secs. Median: 39 secs. Max.: 53 secs.
Figure 4.11: Histograms of con
ict time-to-detection with oldest- and newest-rst prioritization: 1 slave node. 80
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Time to detect a conflict (seconds)
(a) Oldest-rst prioritization. Mean: 40.93 secs. Median: 35 secs. Max.: 128 secs.
0 10 20 30 40 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Time to detect a conflict (seconds)
(b) Newest-rst prioritization. Mean: 31.51 secs. Median: 27 secs. Max.: 45 secs.
Figure 4.12: Histograms of con
ict time-to-detection with oldest- and newest-rst prioritization: 2 slave nodes. 81
Chapter 5
Related Work
In general, this dissertation's related work can be divided into three groups, which will
be discussed in detail in each of the three respective sections of this chapter. Section 5.1
is regarding the research in software model inconsistency detection, which is a key in
dealing with higher-order design con
icts. Section 5.2 then introduces the prior work
regarding software model version control systems (VCSs) that are specically constructed
to manage software models rather than source code. Lastly in Section 5.3, the existing
proactive con
ict detection techniques and tools are discussed and compared to FLAME.
5.1 Detection of Inconsistencies in Software Models
It is important to note that design decisions are conceptual, so as con
icts between those
design decisions. Prior research has been directed to detecting those con
icts via tangible
software models that re
ect the design decisions. A class of those con
icts on which this
dissertation focuses|the higher-order design con
icts|manifest themselves as inconsis-
tencies in the models, which are violations of a consistency rule or a semantic rule of
the system. Hence, detecting the inconsistencies that exist in the software model would
provide vital information in dealing with the higher-order design con
A substantial volume of research has been conducted in the software model inconsis-
tency detection area. Many techniques and tools [24, 45] target detection of consistency
rule violations in Unied Modeling Language (UML) [49], which is a widely used software
modeling notation in practice. There are also techniques that analyze software models
and provide crucial information that can be used to determine whether a system meets its
requirements, such as discrete-event simulation [56], Markov-chain-based reliability analy-
sis [65], or queueing-network-based performance analysis [4]. XTEAM [22] is one of those
techniques, and it was adopted by the FLAME instance developed for this dissertation.
FLAME exploits these software inconsistency detection techniques and tools in order
to proactively detect higher-order design con
icts. For example, the Detection Engines of
the FLAME instance introduced in this dissertation integrated XTEAM in order to de-
termine whether the model under design meets three dierent system properties: memory
usage (as in [23]), energy consumption (as in [58]), and message latency (as in [67]).
A software model cannot evolve without having inconsistencies. \Living with inconsis-
tency" is a concept to tolerate inconsistencies and exploit the information to push forward
the software development [5, 28]. On the other hand, having an inconsistency that has
been undetected and unknown to software architects is a risk since it is possible that the
work done after the inconsistency has been introduced may need to be reversed in the
process of resolving it. To minimize that risk, Argo/UML [51] has built-in design critics
that provide unobtrusive review of design and suggestions for improvements continuously,
i.e., as architects make modeling changes. While similar to FLAME's proactive con
detection in the sense that the feedback is continuously provided, Argo/UML only targets
local inconsistencies. FLAME performs trial merging of modeling changes and invokes
the model analysis tools in the background to detect higher-order design con
5.2 Software Model Version Control
This section focuses on the VCSs that are specically designed to manage software models
rather than source code. To cope with the challenges that arise when using a generic VCS
geared toward managing textual artifacts to manage graphical software models (recall
Section 2.1.3), a number of software model VCSs and the related research have appeared
to support software architects to track and organize modeling changes [2]. Techniques
that compute the \dis" between independently modied copies of a software model [44,
48] have been proposed, which is an essential capability in versioning software models.
Altmanninger et al. argued that the current generation of VCSs are in
exible (i.e.,
inextensible) and limited to certain design environments [1]. They developed an extensible
software model VCS named AMOR [1,13] as an attempt to solve that problem.
The software model VCSs also support design con
ict detection [2]. While most of
them detect con
icts by analyzing a set of states (e.g., saved les) of a model (called
the state-based detection), some implement the operation-based detection [8, 12, 38] that
detects con
icts from the sequence of modeling operations. The operation-based con
detection techniques compliment the state-based techniques by adding an extra dimension
of con
ict detection. A noticeable benet that an operation-based con
ict detection
technique can provide is the ability to nd the operation that caused a con
ict [12].
Free-form, synchronized group editors (e.g. a whiteboard shared electronically via
the Internet) have also been proposed as a collaborative software design environment.
The common goal they share is to promote communication between software architects.
CAMEL [16] is a good example; it allows a team of architects simultaneously drawing
various kinds of diagrams. The architects using CAMEL can instantiate \whiteboards"
each of which is either a UML diagram or a free-form diagram. The changes the architects
make to those whiteboards are shared across as they are made. More recent tools in this
category have adopted multi-touch screens to further facilitate the collaboration [10,40].
There are also synchronized group editors that implement more sophisticated con
detection and resolution techniques. Our own tool CoDesign [8] is an extensible collabo-
rative software modeling framework that synchronizes modeling operations in real time.
It implements operation-based con
ict detection, and noties software architects with
ict information as a con
ict arises. An interesting instance in that group is Google
Docs [29], which supports real time group editing of documents including graphs. Google
Docs implements an algorithm called operational transformation [25,60] that guarantees
automatic resolution of synchronization con
icts without getting users' attention.
Even though the synchronized group editors provide rich communication channels
between software architects and may prevent causing con
icts in the rst place, they
may also distract the architects and lose parallelism in the case of rapid design. Each of
the two collaborative design approaches, the software model VCSs and the synchronized
group editors for software modeling, has its own pros and cons. There is an open question
regarding whether a hybrid of those can be built and what benets it may provide [9].
FLAME improves the software model VCSs by detecting con
ict in a proactive way.
While the existing software model VCSs are capable of managing software modeling
changes, they expose software architects to the risk of having undetected con
icts because
they only detect con
icts periodically (recall Section 2.2). FLAME mitigates that risk by
detecting con
icts as soon as the modeling operation that causes a con
ict is performed.
5.3 Proactive Con
ict Detection
The risk of having con
icts from using a copy-edit-merge style, asynchronous VCS is not
unique to collaborative software design. Collaborative software implementation also faces
an analogous challenge at the level of source code. A number of techniques and tools have
been reported, including those for proactive con
ict detection [54].
Providing workspace awareness is an extensively studied aspect of con
ict avoidance
and detection. Workspace awareness is \the up-to-the-minute knowledge of other par-
ticipants' interactions with the shared workspace" [33]. FASTDash prevents potential
ict situations (e.g., two developers editing the same le) by providing a visual pre-
sentation of the developers' activities on shared les [11]. Some workspace awareness
tools analyze dependencies between program elements (les, types, or methods), and no-
tify developers of con
icting changes made to elements that depend on each other [21].
Palant r shows which shared artifacts have been edited by whom, in a less obtrusive way
by integrating the presentation into the development environment [55]. Syde [34] informs
developers of concurrent changes by maintaining an abstract syntax tree of the target
object-oriented system, interpreting code changes into tree operations, and using them
to lter con
ict information. The tools in this group primarily detect synchronization
icts and dependency-based higher-order con
Another group of proactive con
ict detection tools perform deeper analyses such as
compilation, unit testing, and so on. Safe-commit [66] proactively identies \commit-
table" changes that will not make test cases fail by running them in the background.
Two tools in this group, Crystal [15] and WeCode [32], are closely related to FLAME.
Both of them proactively perform merging, compilation, and testing of new changes de-
velopers make to source code in the background and notify the developers if any of the
steps fails. Table 5.1 further compares those tools as well as Palant r to FLAME in detail.
FLAME diers from the existing tools in two ways: (1) exploiting its event-based
architecture, FLAME integrates o-the-shelf higher-order con
ict detection tools and
ooads the potentially resource-intensive con
ict detection, and (2) it synchronizes and
is capable of performing con
ict detection per modeling operation, which enables earlier
ict detection and pinpointing the specic operations that caused a con
ict [12].
Moreover, in spite of the promising results reported from empirical studies and actual
use of proactive con
ict detection for collaborative software implementation [11,14,21,53],
due to the dierences between software design and implementation, it had not been clearly
known whether those techniques would positively impact collaborative software design
when implemented. This dissertation provides the initial evidence that shows proactive
ict detection may benet collaborative software design in practice.
Table 5.1: Proactive Con
ict Detection Studies Comparison.
Palanti r [55] WeCode [32] Crystal [14] FLAME [7]
Published year 2012 2012 2013 2015
Target activity Programming Programming Programming Design
Target artifact Program code Program code Program code Software model
Merge implementation SVN or CVS Ecliper Equinox Mercurial or Git Itself
Version control mechanism State-based State-based State-based Operation-based
Merge granularity A line of code A structural element A line of code A modeling operation
ict denition Direct, Indirect Direct, Indirect Texual, Higher-order Synchronization,
Detection frequency At le savings, At le savings At local commits For each operation
timer expirations
Evaluation method User study User study Public use User study
Data collection Conducted study Conducted study Released Crystal to public Conducted study
with 40 users with 21 users and gathered response with 90 users
User study team size 2 2 N/A 2
Chapter 6
Concluding Remarks
Higher-order software design con
icts are inevitable in collaborative software design. The
asynchrony of today's copy-edit-merge style software model version control systems paral-
lelizes individual design work and may achieve higher productivity, but at the same time,
it exposes the architects to the risk of making modeling changes without being aware of
the presence of a higher-order design con
ict. That may lead to the reversal of those
changes in the process of resolving the con
ict, which results in wasted eort. For the
analogous problem at the level of source code, the proactive con
ict detection strategy
has been proposed, and applications of it have shown promising results from empirical
studies and actual use. However, those existing proactive con
ict detection tools are con-
structed to deal with the code-level con
icts and do not work well with the design-level
icts due to the inherent dierences between software design and implementation.
This dissertation presented a solution, FLAME, an extensible, operation-based collab-
orative software design framework that proactively detects higher-order con
icts. FLAME
minimizes the risk by performing a trial synchronization and con
ict detection in the back-
ground, as frequent as for each modeling operation performed by the architects. FLAME's
novel architecture is specically designed to support collaborative design, which enables
integrating the appropriate modeling tool and consistency checkers for the target sys-
tem's domain. Exploiting its event-based architecture, FLAME ooads the potentially
computationally-expensive con
ict detection activities to remote nodes called Detection
Engines. Each Detection Engine is responsible for invoking an o-the-shelf con
ict de-
tection tool on a particular version of the model that the Detection Engine automatically
derives by merging modeling operations from dierent architects. In order to prevent the
Detection Engines from being overwhelmed by a large amount of con
ict detection to per-
form, FLAME provides facilities to further distribute the burden of con
ict detection to
a set of cloud-based nodes called slave nodes. FLAME also implements an algorithm that
prioritizes con
ict detection instances a Detection Engine processes in order to minimize
the delay in con
ict detection that may occur when the available computation resources
for con
ict detection are scarce. That algorithm guarantees a reasonable worst-case time
to detect each higher-order con
ict outstanding at a given moment.
In this dissertation, FLAME has been evaluated both empirically and analytically.
In order to validate whether or to what extent providing proactive con
ict detection
impacts the collaborative software design cost, two user studies were conducted with
total of 90 participants, each of which targeted the two Detection Engines introduced in
this dissertation: the Global Engine and the Head-and-Local Engine. In both of the user
studies, it was observed that the participants who were provided with proactive con
detection (1) had more opportunity to communicate with each other, (2) detected and
resolved higher-order design con
icts earlier and more quickly, and (3) produced higher
quality models in the same amount of time. Moreover, to our best knowledge, these
user studies provide the rst reported empirical evidence showing that proactive con
detection positively impacts the collaborative design cost. Also, the results from the
three analytical studies showed that FLAME (1) minimized the delay in con
ict detection
especially when a Detection Engine had a sucient number of slave nodes at its disposal
and (2) added only a negligible amount of overhead in performing con
ict detection even
in collaborative design scenarios with a large team of architects. Most notably, with
FLAME's prioritization algorithm implemented, all con
icts either had been resolved or
were detected in the amount of time 2t (wheret is the longest time required to process one
ict detection instance with no delay), when the available computation resources for
ict detection were limited. Those results together indicate the potential in FLAME
that it can handle the need in proactive con
ict detection of a real-world collaborative
design project that involves a large team of participating software architects.
FLAME is not limited to the form as presented in this dissertation, and variations of it
may also benet collaborating software architects and positively impact the collaborative
design cost. FLAME can incorporate other Detection Engines beyond the two introduced
in this dissertation that derive a dierent version of the model on which to perform con
detection. Detection Engines may also integrate other detection techniques including the
ones that are intended for synchronization con
icts. While not explicitly studied in this
dissertation, variations in the interface via which FLAME presents con
ict information
to the architects may also in
uence the way the architects form con
ict awareness.
Implementing operation transformation [25,60]|an algorithm that automatically re-
solves synchronization con
icts|on top of FLAME would open up a variety of possible
future work that assist collaborating software architects. In fact, operational transforma-
tion can readily be implemented on top of FLAME because FLAME already implements
operation-based version control on which the algorithm relies. Each architect in a team
often designs dierent parts of a system, and dierent parts may need dierent kinds of
design collaboration. FLAME can potentially be congured to support either the copy-
edit-merge style version control or the synchronized group editing for dierent parts of
the system by implementing operational transformation to fulll such needs.
FLAME provides a foundation for exploring several other issues with design-level
ict detection. These include exploration of dierent ways of delivering feedback to
architects, assessment of the eect of variations on the immediacy with which feedback is
delivered, prioritization of the delivery of analysis results, and exploration of the utility of
proactively analyzing software models for properties of whose importance the architects
may be unaware. Con
ict resolution support would be an instance of those. For example,
possible actions that architects may take to resolve an existing con
ict can be populated
in a speculative fashion. FLAME may then run simultaneous analyses on the versions of
the model in which each of those actions would result, and suggest a small set of resolution
options from which the architects choose in order to expedite the resolution process.
Assessing the root cause of a higher-order con
ict is another area in which FLAME
may benet collaborating architects. When a higher-order con
ict arises, it is often am-
biguous which specic set of modeling operations caused the con
ict and who performed
them. Knowing the list of those operations is the key to resolving the con
ict, but the
architects today have to manually inspect the model in order to nd them. Exploiting
FLAME's facilities that distribute con
ict detection activities to remote nodes, dierent
combinations of the past modeling operations can be derived and checked in parallel to
quickly nd out which particular operations have contributed in causing the con
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Appendix A
Design Tasks from the User Studies
This appendix presents two samples of the design tasks given to the participants of the
two user studies conducted for this dissertation (recall Section 4).
A.1 Global Engine User Study Design Tasks
Task 1
The NGCA system has these non functional property (NFP) global requirements:
● The response rate (number of responses / number of requests) must be greater than 95%.
● The average latency at the monitored interfaces must be less than 40
● The overall energy consumption must be less than 10,000,000
● The maximum memory use must be less than 800
Task Set # Task
Task 11 It has been 10 years since the client company began using the legacy SalinityReqGen component in
their NGCA. The client company is not satisfied with the rate at which SalinityReqGen can create and
send requests, and they want to replace the component with newer ones.
You did a thorough search with which newer components you could replace SalinityReqGen, and
eventually found three with following characteristics:
Option Execution time of the Task
g e n e r a t e in Process
g e n e r a t e R e q u e st
Memory usage of the Task
g e n e r a t e in Process
g e n e r a t e R e q u e st
corresponding Host energy
1 4 [↓↓] 250 [↑] 50/200/65/240 [↑]
2 7 [↓] 3 [asis] 50/200/65/240 [↑]
3 6 [↓] 250 [↑] 12/45/18/48 [asis]
You goal is to find which combination(s) of the three above for each of SalinityReqGen (e.g. option 2 for
User1, option 3 for User2, and option 1 for User3) that the current NGCA has makes the most number of
requests in the given amount of time (2,500 units of time).
Task 12 The client company was hit by a huge financial downturn last year, and they desperately need to cut cost
down. Unfortunately, the budget for their NGCA has been drastically reduced as a result. The problem is
that they have continuously been paying license for the use of the two FTP connectors that they
implemented in the NGCA. They want to replace the connectors with cheaper ones while maintaining the
minimum necessary throughput.
You did a thorough search with which cheaper connectors you could replace those connectors, and
eventually found three with following characteristics:
Option $/yr Execution time of the
Task f o r w a r d in Process
f o r w a r d R e sp o n se
Memory usage of the
Task f o r w a r d in Process
f o r w a r d R e sp o n se
FTP connector’s
corresponding Host energy
1 1.1k 7 [↑] 15 [↑] 12/40/20/70 [↑]
2 2.3k 0 [asis] 1 [asis] 12/40/20/70 [↑]
3 2.1k 0 [asis] 15 [↑] 11/40/13/45 [asis]
Your goal is to find which combination(s) of the three above for each of the FTP connectors (e.g. option 2
for FTP_S and option 3 for FTP_T) that the current NGCA has makes the cost the cheapest.
Figure A.1: A Global Engine user study design task sample.
A.2 Head-and-Local Engine Study Design Tasks
Task 1
System Requirements
The BOINC NPC system has the following three system requirements:
1. The average latency at the monitored interface (ToBOINC) must be less than 550.
2. The overall energy consumption must be less than 4,000,000.
3. The maximum memory use at any component/connector must be less than 30,000.
Task for Student 1
You are the architect who is responsible for the server-side of BOINC NPC. Figure 1 depicts the BOINC NPC model. On
the right side, there are two "task generator components" (SubsetSumGen and SATGen) that generate the Task events and
forward them to COConn. To satisfy the client’s request, you searched for with which alternative components you could
replace those task generator components, and eventually found two, each of which has the following characteristics:
The Alternatives
Option Execution time of the Task
generate in Process
Memory usage of the Task
generate in Process
The four energy attributes of the task generator
component's corresponding Host (top to bottom)
Default 8.0 3 55.24 82.45 101.28 64.99
1 7.5 5500 182.00 217.00 101.28 64.99
2 7.0 11000 330.00 429.00 101.28 64.99
The Goal
You goal is to find the best selection for each of the task generator components (e.g., option 1 for SubsetSumGen and
option 2 for SATGen) from the three options above that will generate the most number of computation tasks. After you
select an option for a component, replace all six attributes related to that component (column 2 to 7 in the table above) to
those of the option you selected. You may choose not to replace a component in order to meet a system requirement. Try
different selections to find the best one. Make sure your model satisfies all the system requirements above.
Task for Student 2
You are the architect who is responsible for the client-side of BOINC NPC. Figure 1 depicts the BOINC NPC model. On
the left side, there are two "computation components" (Clients and GoogleComputeEngine) on which the NP-complete
computation tasks are actually performed. To satisfy the client’s request, you searched for with which alternative
components you could replace those computation components, and eventually found two, each of which has the following
The Alternatives
Option Execution time of the Task
perform in Process
Memory usage of the Task
perform in Process
The four energy attributes of the computation
component's corresponding Host (top to bottom)
Default 500 27 105.11 129.87 150.01 101.86
1 350 39 312.00 341.00 150.01 101.86
2 200 92 514.00 755.00 150.01 101.86
The Goal
You goal is to find the best selection for each of the computation components (e.g., option 2 for Clients and option 1 for
GoogleComputeEngine) from the three options above that will have the shortest computation time. After you select an
option for a component, replace all six attributes related to that component (column 2 to 7 in the table above) to those of
the option you selected. You may choose not to replace a component in order to meet a system requirement. Try different
selections to find the best one. Make sure you also satisfy the system requirements given above.
Figure A.2: A Head-and-Local Engine user study design task sample.
Abstract (if available)
A team of software architects who collaboratively evolve a software model often rely on a copy-edit-merge style version control system (VCS) via which they exchange and merge the individual changes they perform to the model. However, because the current generation of software model VCSs detect conflicts only when architects synchronize their models, the architects remain unaware of newly arising conflicts until the next synchronization, raising the risk that delayed conflict resolution will be much harder. ❧ Collaborative software implementation faces an analogous risk, and there are existing techniques and tools that proactively detect conflicts at the level of source code in order to minimize the conflict unawareness. However, it is challenging to directly apply them as they are to collaborative software design because those are constructed to manage code-level rather than model-level changes. Furthermore, no empirical data is currently available regarding the impact of proactive conflict detection on collaborative design. ❧ In order to address the risk of design conflicts, this dissertation applies proactive conflict detection to collaborative software design. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on higher-order conflicts that do not prevent merging but do violate a system's consistency rules, because higher-order conflicts are generally harder to detect and resolve than synchronization conflicts that are caused by incompatible changes and prevent merging. ❧ This dissertation presents FLAME, an extensible collaborative software design framework that detects the higher-order design conflicts in a proactive way, i.e., before an architect synchronizes her model and finally becomes aware of them. FLAME has an extensible architecture that provides facilities via which the modeling tools and consistency checkers appropriate for the target system's domain can be integrated. FLAME captures modeling changes as they are made, performs a trial merging and conflict detection in the background in order to immediately detect newly arising conflicts, and presents the results to the architects. Also, FLAME explicitly deals with the potentially resource-intensive computations necessary for higher-order conflict detection by parallelizing and offloading the burden to remote nodes. Moreover, by implementing its novel algorithm that prioritizes instances of conflict detection, FLAME guarantees that the outstanding conflicts at a given moment can be detected in a reasonable amount of time even when the available computation resources for conflict detection are scarce. ❧ This dissertation presents the results from two user studies and three systematic experiments on FLAME. The two user studies were conducted involving 90 participants, and the results indicated that the participants who used FLAME were able to create higher quality models in the same amount of time, and to detect and resolve higher-order conflicts earlier and more quickly. The results from the three systematic experiments provided evidence that FLAME minimizes delay in conflict detection, adds only negligible amount of overhead as the number of architects increases, and delivers conflict information early even when the computation resources for conflict detection are limited.
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Asset Metadata
Bang, Jae young
Core Title
Proactive detection of higher-order software design conflicts
Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Program
Computer Science
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
collaborative software development,OAI-PMH Harvest,proactive conflict detection,software design,software design conflict
Electronically uploaded by the author
Medvidović, Nenad (
committee chair
), Halfond, William G. J. (
committee member
), Mattmann, Chris (
committee member
), Prasanna, Viktor K. (
committee member
Creator Email,
Permanent Link (DOI)
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etd-BangJaeyou-3250.pdf (filename),usctheses-c3-541475 (legacy record id)
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application/pdf (imt)
Bang, Jae young
University of Southern California
(contributing entity),
University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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collaborative software development
proactive conflict detection
software design
software design conflict