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Girls in STEM: the underrepresented trajectory in Tennessee: an innovation study
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Girls in STEM: the underrepresented trajectory in Tennessee: an innovation study
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Running head: GIRLS IN STEM 1
Brittany Debity-Barker
A Dissertation Presented to the
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
August 2018
Copyright 2018 Brittany Debity-Barker
Being hyperaware as a child of the social and cultural expectations of being female, I
remember the first time I ever saw myself in the mirror – like, really saw myself. I was around 8
years old and I noticed my hair, my clothes, my body type, and my reaction to self-awareness
was embarrassment and shame. There was no particular reason for my assessment other than the
fact that I had a predetermined view of what was supposed to be staring back at me and I didn’t
see it. This cloud of self-doubt haunted me as a child, making adventure and challenge less
attractive, my successes surprising, and peer affirmation more important than anything else. This
memory, combined with an undergraduate Women’s Studies course taught by Dr. Matt Ezzell at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, gave way to a permanent feeling of being
unsettled. Language matters. Images matter. Doubt matters. Encouragement and
acknowledgement matters. So often society’s response to our expressions of gender change the
way we see ourselves and the way we move in the world. This dissertation is a response to this
unsettled feeling. My hope is that it breeds an opportunity for meaningful change to occur and
intentionality to take precedent. This dissertation was only possible through the love and
unwavering support of so many people.
To my mother, Connie Mitchell, thank you for being proud of everything I do before I
ever have to clarify what exactly it is I’m doing. Your unwavering fandom has made an
invaluable difference. Also, thank you for responding to every professional venture with
“sounds great, but when are you going to do something about women’s issues?” My hope is that
this body of work is the start to answering this question. To my father, Victor Debity, I have
innumerable memories of you saying, “I will”, rather than “I hope to” and this subtle distinction
has slowly interwoven into the fabric of who I am, and I am grateful. Likewise, you have told me
millions of times, “don’t worry about what you can’t control.” I hope that my worries that
inspired this study will give agency to control and create change. To my sister, Meghan Debity,
who has kept the fire of change burning in my belly. Thank you for being unapologetically
uncomfortable with the status quo. To my brother, Calvin E. Mitchell IV, who says “that’s
awesome, Brittany” to everything I say and who knows every carefully placed movie quote I
work into conversation. To my brother, Seth Debity, who has mastered the life art of being chill
despite all circumstances. If I could bottle an ounce of this up, it would certainly be worth
millions. To my stepmom, Camilla Hicks, thank you for saying you’re proud of me more times
than I likely deserved, but all the times I needed to hear it. To my mother- and father-in-law,
Pam and Paul Barker, who are genuinely excited about anything I do and are willing to help
watch my kids five million times a year to make so many opportunities a reality. I love you both.
To my sister-in-law, Allison Barker, whose love of children and passion for kids is both inspiring
and makes you a remarkable teacher. To my long-time mentor, Deborah Thompson, for
exemplifying servant leadership, repeatedly counseling me in my personal and professional lives,
being resiliently positive, and for showing me that there’s strength in knowing when you’ve got
to give it up to grace and prayer. To my Mamaw Rosie and Papaw Mayford who had a dream of
family and hard work that transcended a start of dirt floors, calloused hands, and a tended garden
that still feeds four living generations on your front porch in the Cherokee National Forest to this
day. I hope that I do your legacy justice.
To my dissertation committee chair, Dr. Monique Datta, thank you for your unwavering
support and optimism that kept my anxiety at bay and progress possible. Also, thank you for
your love of John Steinbeck, because, well, Steinbeck. To the remaining members of my
dissertation committee, Dr. Tracy Tambascia and Dr. Helena Seli, for providing thoughtful
feedback and a shining example of strong women in the field of academia. To my cohort, Cohort
5, I cannot say enough about how my life has been blessed by sharing parts of it with you. Each
of you is uniquely brilliant, both glass half empty –looking to remedy the injustices in education,
and glass half full—approaching all challenges with love and optimism. With a full glass, I say
cheers to you. Cheers to a lifetime of sharing professional and personal successes, lifting each
other up in times of immense trial and uncertainty, and knowing when the exact moment was to
check in and send unsolicited affirmations of love and friendship. I cannot imagine a world
without you, nor would I ever want to.
To my children and my husband. To my daughter, Emmanuelle Capri, thank you for
making the contents of this study so deeply personal. For being a STEM kid who was lucky
enough to have a teacher named Brenda Trimble that supported your interests, alerted us to your
talents, and carved out instructional opportunities to foster your passion. My hope is that you
always feel brave and capable, follow your curiosities and know that me and your Daddio will be
right alongside you no matter where they take you. To my daughter, Lochlin Evangeline, thank
you for your otherworldly empathy, compassion and concern for others that inspires me just as
your gravitational pull towards finding joy does. For having the superhero power of never
flinching. Throughout your life, it will keep you from muting your greatness. To my son, Aspen
Xavier, thank you for your never-ending affection and for the sound of your belly laughs that
makes me so happy I get chills. I hope that as you grow and mature, this never changes. I
couldn’t bear it. To my son, Kellaway Cherokee, thank you for the grace you have given me as I
have had to spend so much of the first year of your life pursuing this work, both traveling
domestically and internationally, and sitting in front of a computer screen. Your affection and
resilience have helped remind me that women are both capable and entitled to have all things,
love of family, children, professional and academic pursuits, and you will be better for having
seen this fostered in your childhood home.
And lastly to my husband, Christian Barker who dreamed with me at seventeen years old
about the professions we would pursue and the impact we wanted to have on the world in which
we lived. For having the confidence and boldness to chase your dreams and to constantly ask me
what mine were. When barriers seemed to be a little too overwhelming, you have fundamentally
rejected them as a game changer. I know without question that this would not be possible if it
were not for you. You are the most inspiring individual I have ever been privileged to know.
Your career flouts your own tremendous achievements. However, it isn’t always apparent that
you do so while also simultaneously caring for our four children snowed into our home in
Tennessee while I am studying education systems in the Middle East, and booking me a massage
while I’m away. Support seems too elementary a term for what you provide me daily through
our friendship, partnership, and marriage. I love you, and I thank you, for encouraging me to
pursue anything and everything, while also waking up at 3am to try to uncover an assignment I
accidentally saved over, being my thought partner as I navigate the complexities of my research,
and for finding every possible reason to say yes, instead of no. Although we both know I’m part
ninja, I am more confident and capable because you demand that I see it in myself.
Acknowledgements 2
List of Tables 9
List of Figures 10
Abstract 11
Chapter One: Introduction 12
Background of the Problem 13
Importance of Addressing the Problem 14
Organizational Context and Mission 15
Organizational Performance Goal 16
Organizational Performance Status 16
Description of Stakeholder Groups 17
Stakeholders’ Performance Goals 19
Stakeholder Group for the Study 20
Purpose of Project and Questions 20
Conceptual and Methodological Framework 21
Definitions 21
Organization of the Study 22
Chapter Two: Review of the Literature 23
What is STEM? 23
Definition of STEM 23
STEM Industry Types 24
STEM in the Global Sphere 25
United Nations 25
Importance of STEM Education 26
Demand for STEM Education 26
Economic Benefit 27
STEM Workforce Gap 28
Support for STEM Advancement 30
Federal Governmental Initiatives 30
Federal Department of Education 31
Tennessee Department of Education 32
STEM Climate in Tennessee 33
STEM Employment Trajectory 33
STEM Workforce Gap in Tennessee 33
STEM in Secondary Education 35
National Assessment of Educational Progress 36
Tennessee STEM Curriculum Standards 37
What is High Quality Instruction? 38
Customizing Instruction Based Upon Student Needs 39
Support for STEM Education Teachers 40
Understanding STEM Curriculum Standards 40
Professional Development Opportunities 41
Learning and Motivation Theory 42
Knowledge and Skills 42
Motivation 42
Organization 43
Conclusion 43
Chapter Three: Methodology 44
Purpose of the Project and Questions 44
Stakeholders of Focus 44
Methodological Framework 45
Assumed Needs 46
Preliminary Scanning Data and Critical Observations 47
Knowledge and Skills 47
Motivation 48
Organization 48
Population 49
Data Collection 50
Surveys 51
Interviews 51
Observations 51
Document Analysis 52
Validation of Needs 53
Trustworthiness of Data 56
Role of Investigator 57
Data Analysis 58
Limitations and Delimitations 58
Chapter Four: Findings and Results 60
Results and Findings for Knowledge Needs 61
Factual and Conceptual Knowledge 63
Procedural Knowledge 68
Metacognitive Knowledge 71
Summary of Assumed Knowledge Needs 72
Results and Findings for Motivation Needs 73
Value Motivation 75
Self-efficacy Motivation 78
Mood Motivation 81
Summary of Assumed Motivation Needs 82
Results and Findings for Organization Needs 83
Resource Organization Needs 84
Policy-oriented Organization Needs 86
Culture Organizational Needs 87
Summary of Assumed Organization Needs 89
Findings Summary 90
Chapter Five: Solutions, Implementation, and Evaluation 92
Closing the Gap: Solutions for Implementation 92
Solutions 94
Solution Themes 103
Implementation Plan and Timeline 107
Resource Requirements 109
Evaluation Plan 110
Future Research 116
Conclusion 118
References 120
Appendix A: Survey 127
Appendix B: Interview 129
Appendix C: Classroom Observation Instrument 130
Appendix D: Document Review Instrument - Lesson Plans 131
Table 1: Organizational Mission, Global Goal and Stakeholder Performance Goals 19
Table 2: Assumed Needs Validation Table 53
Table 3: Assumed Knowledge Needs Validated and Not Validated 62
Table 4: Essential Motivational Needs 73
Table 5: Organizational Needs Validated and Not Validated 83
Table 6: Summary of Knowledge, Motivation, and Organizational Needs 93
Table 7: |Knowledge Validated Needs and Solutions 95
Table 8: Motivation Validated Needs and Solutions 98
Table 9: Organization Validated Needs and Solutions 101
Table 10: Validated Needs Categorized by Prevalent Themes 105
Table 11: Proposed Implementation Strategy for Equity versus Equality Solutions 108
Table 12: Evaluation Plan for Proposed Solutions 111
Figure 1: STEM Employment by type of STEM occupation, May 2015 (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016). 24
Figure 2: Educational attainment in STEM occupations (1983-2018; Carnevale et al., 2014). 27
Figure 3: Gender share of STEM jobs in 2009 (Beede et al., 2011). 29
Figure 4: Number of computing degrees/certificates in Tennessee (Change the
Equation, 2017). 34
Figure 5: Percentage of occupational employment with some college or better (Carnevale
et al., 2014). 36
Figure 6: Achievements highlighted by the NAEP (TDOE, 2017c). 37
Figure 7: Tennessee teachers missing strong math and science backgrounds (Change the
Equation, 2017). 41
Figure 8: The Clark and Estes gap analysis model (Yates, 2016). 46
Figure 9: Demonstrated knowledge of TN STEM curriculum standards. 64
Figure 10: Demonstrated knowledge of disparity between male and female students. 65
Figure 11: Demonstrated knowledge of strategies that yield high quality instruction. 66
Figure 12: Demonstrated knowledge of STEM job trajectory in TN. 67
Figure 13: Demonstrated knowledge of preparation for college and career. 70
Figure 14: Demonstrated knowledge of recognizing teacher biases. 71
Figure 15: Demonstrated value of incorporating curriculum standards and STEM Strategic
Plan initiatives. 76
Figure 16: Ways in which STEM educators feel positively about their abilities. 82
The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs’ analysis in the areas of knowledge,
motivation, and organizational resources necessary to reach the organizational performance goal
for STEM education teachers, by spring 2020, to demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM
instructional practices inclusively to increase 12
grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in
entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation. Therefore, the problem of
practice addressed by this dissertation is the disproportionate representation of girls and women
entering STEM post-secondary education programs and STEM career fields in Tennessee. This
study utilized the conceptual and methodological framework developed by Clark and Estes’
(2008) gap analysis. The gap analysis approach identified the current, actual performance of the
organization as compared to the preferred performance of the organization, signifying the gap
that existed between the two, and as a result an innovation model was developed. The
methodological framework is a qualitative case study with descriptive statistics. Assumed
knowledge, motivation and organizational needs were generated based on personal knowledge
and related literature. Surveys, interviews, observations, literature review and content analysis
validated these needs. Research-based solutions have been recommended and evaluated in a
comprehensive manner.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers represent one of the
fastest growing fields in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects for
occupations related to STEM to “grow to more than 9 million between 2012 and 2022” (Vilorio,
2014, p. 3). Growth in this field contributes greatly to the national, state, and household
economic health. The U.S. Federal Department of Education has responded to the urgent need to
train the workforce successfully to enter these fields by identifying Race to the Top criterion
under “Fortifying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education,” specifically
adding an expansion of the agenda to “Girls in STEM” (p. 4). For 48 out of 50 states that
participated in Race to the Top, a competitive grant where states receive educational funding in
exchange for meeting the mandated criterion, state departments of education followed suit by
creating specific STEM-focused initiatives and curriculum standards. Although women make up
nearly half of the national workforce at 48%, they only make up 25% of computer and
mathematical sciences, and only 13% of engineers (National Girls Collaborative Project, 2016).
When only half of the nation’s employable workers are participating in the fastest growing
industry, especially considering the considerable wage gap between men and women, the
economy runs the risk of not only falling behind in the global market, but further suppressing the
equity and advancement in the careers of women.
The gendered workforce disparity and the subsequent economic repercussions are evident
across the United States. Particularly problematic is the state of Tennessee where STEM careers
have a promising trajectory. For instance, although women make up 56.3% of the workforce in
Tennessee, they only represent 3.8% of STEM occupations, making the inequality between
workforce needs and workforce preparation all the more concerning (Tennessee Passes ‘Women
in STEM’ Resolution, 2015). Furthermore, Tennessee’s STEM Profile published by The
Alliance for Science & Technology Research in America (2016) indicated, as of the 2015
graduation year, only 14.4% of female students pursuing a post-secondary education were
interested in pursuing STEM-related fields. And yet, Tennessee projects STEM occupations will
increase at a rate of 1.6% each year, as opposed to nonSTEM occupations that are projected to
increase at a rate of only 1.2% (Development, 2014). Therefore, the problem of practice
addressed by this dissertation is the disproportionate representation of girls and women entering
STEM post-secondary education programs and STEM career fields in Tennessee.
Background of the Problem
Numerous studies have analyzed the gender gap that prevails in STEM fields (Beede et
al., 2011; Blickenstaff, 2005; Hill, Corbett, & St. Rose, 2010; Neuhauser, 2015; The U.S. News,
2016). Complementing the positive outlook for STEM job growth, in analyzing the workforce
that will meet these demands, The U.S. News/Raytheon STEM Index demonstrated an increase
in STEM education and STEM employment from 2014 to 2015 (The U.S. News, 2016). Despite
this improvement, the report continued to illustrate a significant gap between male and female
academic achievement and career acquisition in STEM fields (Neuhauser, 2015). Science
education equity researcher, J.C. Blickenstaff (2005) suggests an analogy called “the leaky
pipeline,” which examines where and how females go from demonstrating interest in STEM to
not attaining STEM education or entering STEM fields professionally. Instead of being piped
along, they leak out in some way. Though the reasons why may be many, the fact is that
“women leak out more than men do” (p. 3). Research shows that despite the women that choose
postsecondary STEM majors, only 24% of women ultimately engage in STEM careers (Beede et
al., 2011). Because the wage gap between men and women has been previously well established,
it is important to note the report released by the Executive Office of the President which
confirmed women who enter STEM careers will earn an average of 33% more than if they were
to pursue other fields, further emphasizing the economic advancement opportunity for women
(The White House, 2016b). Additionally, research has focused on what unique challenges could
be facing women, deterring them from choosing STEM college majors, ultimately stifling their
career opportunities in the future (Settles, 2014). The deterrence girls experience could happen as
early as third grade, compounded by the social reinforcement of gender abilities throughout a
girl’s adolescence (Hill, Corbett, & St. Rose, 2010). Literature also shows that although a 4-year
post-secondary degree is not required for approximately half of the STEM jobs on the market,
post-secondary education of some degree is essential (Carnevale, Smith, & Strohl, 2014;
Rothwell, 2013). When women do not enter postsecondary programs specializing in STEM or
continue into STEM careers, their earning potential is greatly stifled and job opportunities in a
thriving market are greatly limited.
Importance of Addressing the Problem
As previously mentioned, increasing the number of women entering STEM careers would
subsequently close the earning equity gap and further support the industry demand on a national
scale. Likewise, the disproportionate number of women and girls entering STEM postsecondary
education and STEM career fields is an important issue to solve in the state of Tennessee for a
variety of reasons.
Within the state, STEM jobs are expected to grow 16% between 2014 and 2024 (The
Demand for STEM Occupations, 2014). As a result, Tennessee’s economy is increasingly
dependent upon its workforce to meet the industry’s demand. Despite this growing demand for a
STEM-educated workforce and an attractive salary model that provides “more than twice the
median salary for all occupations,” (p. 5) these job openings remain open longer than other
occupations. The national average in non-STEM careers is 77 cents for women, as opposed to
the dollar for men. However, STEM careers offer a narrower margin with women making 92
cents to the dollar for men. Though this still represents a wage gap, there is a significant
economic opportunity for women in STEM careers. (“Tennessee Passes ‘Women in STEM’
Resolution”, 2015). As Change the Equation (2015) argues, Tennessee employers would acquire
a substantial increase to their talent pool by eliminating the gender gap in computer science and
engineering subjects as the STEM career opportunities are expected to continue to increase in the
coming years.
Organizational Context and Mission
The Tennessee Department of Education’s College, Career and Technical Education
(CCTE) division’s mission is to provide “16 nationally recognized career clusters with the
ultimate goal of preparing students for success at the postsecondary level and in their chosen
careers” (TN Department of Education, 2016). Within the division, the Student Success Team,
led by a single director, is comprised of multiple Program Managers responsible for writing the
curriculum standards for each of the career clusters, academic categories that collectively
encompass all career pathways. Of the Program Managers, there is a designated individual to
head the STEM Education Cluster responsible for developing and disseminating STEM
curriculum standards in public schools. The specific mission of the Tennessee Department of
Education’s STEM Education Cluster is to ensure “students will be prepared to pursue advanced
study in the STEM field of their choice at a variety of postsecondary institutions” (TN
Department of Education, 2016).
Based in the state’s capital of Nashville, the STEM Program Manager is the only
individual dedicated solely to the mission of STEM outcomes, although the manager works
collaboratively with the Talent Improvement Team to further develop high quality instruction
and has developed a STEM Leadership Council comprised of industry, postsecondary,
educational administrator, and student stakeholders. The efforts of the Talent Improvement
Team and Student Success Team will impact the organizational mission to increase focus on
STEM instruction, as strategized in the STEM Strategic Plan published by the Tennessee
Department of Education, which is to “design professional development that provides support in
implementing STEM integration for all teachers K–12, particularly in the fields of math and
science utilizing the state standards” (STEM Strategic Plan Executive Summary, 2018, p. 4).
Organizational Performance Goal
The Tennessee Department of Education’s goal is, by spring of 2019, teachers will
demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM instructional practices to increase 12
grade girls’
interest from 19% to 40% in entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation
(ACT, 2016, p. 6). In consideration of the trajectory for STEM jobs to account for
approximately 2.6 million workers by the year 2020 and the higher paying wages that come with
these occupations, Tennessee is deliberately tasking the Department of Education to implement
clear strategies to increase STEM career readiness upon high school graduation (STEM Strategic
Plan Executive Summary, 2018, p. 5).
Organizational Performance Status
In order to fulfill its mission and continue to prepare students to “pursue advanced study
in the STEM field of their choice at a variety of postsecondary institutions,” it is imperative that
the division of CCTE determines why the gender disparity exists and effectively develops
curriculum and teacher improvement strategies to close the gap. Likewise, CCTE needs to
engage their STEM Leadership Council with this specific agenda in mind to determine what
factors they can attest to that leads to a male dominated industry. Finally, CCTE needs to work
hand in hand with Tennessee STEM Innovation Network, a web-based teacher resource, to
develop measures designated to address the needs of women and girls as they relate to STEM
education. Currently, no such initiative or system exists. Without aggressively addressing these
issues, the economic prosperity and industrial trajectory within the state of Tennessee will be
hindered, further solidifying the stifled economic ceiling of the majority of Tennessee’s
Description of Stakeholder Groups
Increasing women in the STEM workforce is of great interest to many divisions within
the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE), the STEM industry, and the workforce itself.
In looking specifically at how this outcome can be achieved through innovative instructional
practices, there are three primary stakeholder groups, which represent the individuals directly
impacted: teachers, students, and administrators.
In Tennessee, career and technical education (CTE) is offered at each public high school
with the mission to equip students with the necessary skills for college and career opportunities.
Within this specialized unit, districts determine which career clusters, and subsequent programs
of study, are offered. The selection for which a district may choose must be directly tied to
employment data to ensure that schools are only offering education to support jobs, which will
be readily available for students, ensuring their ability to earn a living wage. If a district elects to
offer the STEM career cluster, the following programs of study are available: Engineering by
Design, Engineering, Technology, STEM Education, and Project Lead the Way. The
aforementioned programs of study are developed internally within the TDOE with the exception
of Project Lead the Way. Project Lead the Way is a non-profit organization that develops STEM
education curriculum packages, which in turn, the TDOE makes available to selecting districts.
Each program of study houses four courses that should be taken in sequential order to
demonstrate mastery in the given subject. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that they are
adhering to the selected program of study, students are not taking the leveled courses out of
order, and that the courses are developed around the curriculum standards as determined by the
TDOE. Teachers would be directly impacted by any changes or recommendations made to
instructional techniques, and ultimately, student outcomes.
As the recipients of the instruction, students, specifically female students, have a vested
interest in how the education they receive prepares them for college and career opportunities.
More research must be done to determine why more females are not selecting the STEM
program of study when offered, but statistically, fewer females are taking these courses than
males, and less females that are completing the programs of study are entering STEM
postsecondary educational programs than their male counterparts. Implemented instructional
practices that would increase girls’ interest in pursuing STEM postsecondary education would
directly impact the achievement of the organization’s goal.
Additionally, administrators are key stakeholders in the achievement of the
organizational goal. Administrators have a heavy hand in managing the CTE unit within their
schools, and are responsible for ensuring that the selected programs of study offer the
appropriate courses to support them. Likewise, administrators are responsible for evaluating and
auditing teacher performance and course content to ensure that curriculum standards are being
followed and instruction is high quality and relevant. Administrators are also the governing
body that encourages and approves professional development opportunities for their teaching
staff. Supporting professional development events, especially by setting aside fiscal resources
to do so, ensures CTE teachers have the most current curriculum guidance, best practices for
high quality instruction, and workforce development data from the TDOE. Administrator
support and participation in CTE offerings and the instruction that takes place within the CTE
unit is paramount to the success of the organizational goal.
Stakeholders’ Performance Goals
The TDOE’s College, Career and Technical Education division set organizational goals
with consideration to the impact to teachers, students, and administrators.
Table 1
Organizational Mission, Global Goal and Stakeholder Performance Goals
Organizational Mission
Design professional development that provides support in implementing STEM integration for all
teachers K–12, particularly in the fields of math and science utilizing the state standards (STEM
Strategic Plan Executive Summary, 2018).
Organizational Goal
By spring of 2020, STEM education teachers will demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM
instructional practices inclusively to increase 12
grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in
entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation.
Teachers Students Administrators
Stakeholder Group Goals
By spring of 2020, 100% of
teachers will develop STEM
course curricula that
integrate inclusive
approaches to increase
engagement and outcomes of
female students.
Stakeholder Group Goals
By spring of 2021, 40% of
female students will choose
STEM postsecondary education
opportunities in their 12
Stakeholder Group Goals
By Fall of 2019, 100% of
school administrators will
support teachers in the
development of inclusive
STEM course curricula
through the implementation of
professional development
Stakeholder Group for the Study
The organizational goal is by spring of 2020, STEM education teachers will demonstrate
the capacity to implement STEM instructional practices inclusively to increase 12
grade girls’
interest from 19% to 40% in entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation
(ACT, 2016, p. 6). Because the organization’s goal hinges specifically upon instructional
practices implemented by teachers engaging STEM education, this study will focus on teachers
as the primary stakeholder. If teachers fail to apply inclusive practices, there will be no way to
determine the measurable impact on female student outcomes. Furthermore, a negligible impact
to female interest in pursuing STEM postsecondary opportunities will create a domino effect for
women as the lack of interest will negatively impact student enrollment, and a lack of student
enrollment leads to a continued gender gap in degree attainment, and finally, career entrance and
Purpose of Project and Questions
The purpose of this project was to conduct a needs’ analysis in the areas of knowledge
and skill, motivation, and organizational resources necessary to reach the organizational
performance goal. The analysis began by generating a list of possible needs and then moved to
examining these systematically to focus on actual or validated needs. While a complete needs’
analysis would focus on all stakeholders, for practical purposes the stakeholder focused upon in
this analysis are teachers.
This study was guided by the following questions essential to the knowledge, motivation,
and organization of teachers.
1. What is the teacher knowledge and motivation related to inclusive instructional practices?
2. What is the interaction between organizational culture and context and teacher
knowledge and motivation?
3. What are the recommended knowledge and skills, motivation, and organizational
Conceptual and Methodological Framework
This study utilized the conceptual and methodological framework developed by Clark
and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis. The gap analysis approach identified the current, actual
performance of the organization as compared to the preferred performance of the organization,
signifying the gap that existed between the two, and as a result an innovation model was
developed. The methodological framework is a qualitative case study with descriptive statistics.
Assumed knowledge, motivation and organizational needs were generated based on personal
knowledge and related literature. Using surveys, interviews, observations, literature review and
content analysis validated these needs. Research-based solutions have been recommended and
evaluated in a comprehensive manner.
Career Cluster: A category of course offerings tied to a specific career pathway, supported by
specific programs of study, curriculum standards and industry needs.
CCTE: College, Career, and Technical Education Division within the Tennessee Department of
Gender: Socially constructed, but self-identified. Although there are various gendered identities,
this study will focus solely on male and female, as they are the only two genders consistently
reported from all vantage points of this study.
Leaky Pipeline: An analogy developed by researcher Clark J. Blickenstaff to identify the
multiple exit points of a female as she journeys from secondary education into a long-term career
professional in the STEM field.
Programs of Study: Specific programs offered under a Career Cluster umbrella that is structured
by four course levels, that when taken sequentially and in totality, will ensure students will
demonstrate mastery in the given subject.
STEM: A field comprised of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
TDOE: Tennessee Department of Education
Organization of the Study
Five chapters are used to organize this study. This chapter provided the reader with the
key concepts and terminology commonly found in a discussion about the disproportionate
number of girls and women entering STEM postsecondary education and STEM careers. The
organization’s mission, goals and stakeholders as well as the initial concepts of gap analysis
adapted to needs analysis were introduced. Chapter Two provides a review of current literature
surrounding the scope of the study. Topics of inclusive teaching practices, social impact on
subject interests, gendered disparity in postsecondary and career entrance, gender wage gap,
industry and economic trajectory, policy, and funding will be addressed. Chapter Three details
the assumed needs for this study as well as methodology when it comes to choice of participants,
data collection and analysis. In Chapter Four, the data and results are assessed and analyzed.
Chapter Five provides solutions, based on data and literature, for addressing the needs and
closing the performance gap as well as recommendations for an implementation and evaluation
plan for the solutions.
Chapter Two will review the industry trends and workforce demands in STEM, levels of
governmental support for STEM initiatives, the current STEM climate in Tennessee, STEM
instruction, and teacher support for STEM education. This chapter will also review learning and
motivation theory, paying special attention to knowledge and skills, motivational, and
organizational issues. The conducted literature review will be structured as a contextual flow
through the subjects starting with the most basic of terms, progressing to more organizational
specific details. This is an essential approach to understanding the complex climate surrounding
female participation in STEM education and the teachers that engage them.
What is STEM?
Definition of STEM
Although there is no globally adopted, static definition of STEM, STEM is the term given
to academic disciplines that focus on skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(U.S. Department of Education, 2016; Vilorio, 2014). Previously referred to as SMET, science,
mathematics, engineering, and technology, Dr. Judith Ramaley revised the acronym to the term
STEM during her tenure from 2001 to 2004 as the assistant director of the education and human
resources directorate at the National Science Foundation (Christenson, 2011). Simultaneously
attempting to reinforce the connection between the subjects, and to find a term that was more
phonically appealing, Dr. Ramaley’s acronym reordering was quickly adopted by academic
programs across the nation (United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2014). Although there
has been a movement to add “arts” to the STEM formula in an effort to recognize the role of
innovation, STEAM has not been utilized as widely in the academic community as of present
(STEAM, 2017).
STEM Industry Types
As the acronym implies, STEM industries refer to any industry that encompasses
science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Although the concentration and growth of
STEM industries may vary across the nation, overall the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016)
found that three of the largest categories of STEM employment opportunities in 2015, in order of
greatest to smallest, were computer related occupations, manufacturing representatives, and
engineering jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016).
Figure 1. STEM Employment by type of STEM occupation, May 2015 (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016).
Collectively, there was an increase in the total STEM occupations from 2009 to 2015, with a
growth of 817, 260 new jobs (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). In 2014, the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics (2016) had projected there would be an overall STEM occupational growth of
6.5% by 2024. Furthermore, mathematical science occupations, specifically, were projected to
jump to an increase of 28.2% during this same timeframe (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
STEM in the Global Sphere
STEM industries cannot be examined only from the perspective of the United States.
Rather, the ability to fill STEM jobs, close the gender wage gap, and increase opportunities for
women is not an American mission, but a global one.
United Nations
Founded in 1945 in the aftermath of World War II, the United Nations is a collective
organization comprised of national governments of countries all over the world. For 72 years,
the organization has committed itself to combating human rights issues, resolving conflict and
maintaining peace, providing aid in the face of natural or man-made disasters, protecting the
environment, and fostering economic development (United Nations, 2017). The United Nations
has made gender inequities, including the advancement of women in the field of science, a major
priority. In 2015 at the General Assembly, Resolution A/RES/70/212 was adopted to establish
an International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Numerous other resolutions were adopted
to end violence against women, remove barriers of discrimination towards women, as well as a
commitment to support the development of women. Furthermore, the United Nations also
houses a subset called the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of
Women, herein referred to as UN Women.
UN Women has been instrumental in bringing challenges related to gender inequities into
discourse on a global scale. STEP IT UP is one of their initiatives geared towards holding
governments accountable by asking them to make commitments to close inequity gaps, and then
posting those commitments in a visible way through their website. STEP IT UP provides
specific guidance on the most impactful ways that governments can participate in this process.
Such guidance includes “update or establish new action plans, strategies and policies on gender
equality, prevent and address social norms and stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality, and
invest in gender equality at national and international levels” (Planet 50-50 by 2030, n.d.). This
call to action was emphasized on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2017
when Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Lakshmi Puri, gave a speech rejecting
the gender bias stereotypes that stifles the potential of females, and providing detailed action
items that must be adopted by the global community to collectively close the gender gaps in
STEM worldwide (Puri, "Official UN commemoration of the International Day of Women and
Girls in Science", 2017). By bringing into focus the barriers that women face on a global scale,
while also acknowledging the essential role that women have to play in the field of science, the
interconnectedness of these two areas of focus is made more apparent.
Importance of STEM Education
Demand for STEM Education
Contrary to overall employment, 99% of STEM occupations requires some level of
postsecondary education for employment (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). According to
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2016) calculation in 2015, approximately 65% of nonSTEM
occupations do not require education above a high school diploma or equivalent. Georgetown
University’s Center on Education and the Workforce illustrated the continued trend from 1983 to
present for STEM industries to demand continued education following high school (Carnevale et
al., 2014). As a result, STEM industries place significantly more emphasis on postsecondary
education than for general occupations.
Figure 2. Educational attainment in STEM occupations (1983-2018; Carnevale et al., 2014).
Compounded by the projection for continued growth of STEM industries nationwide, the
need for postsecondary institutions to adequately prepare and graduate students has intensified.
Moreover, in order for students to select STEM postsecondary opportunities upon high school
graduation, they must be engaged with STEM education at the secondary level. If this academic
assembly line does not provide a future STEM workforce, workforce gaps will stifle industry
growth and decrease the financial resources that would flow into the economy.
Economic Benefit
Nationwide, STEM careers are projected to continue to increase in workforce demand,
while simultaneously offering a higher median wage than other industries (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016). Specifically, industries with the highest proportion of STEM occupations
simultaneously offered higher wages, and the opposite is also true (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016). In comparison to occupations across all industries, STEM occupations also
offer the highest average wages at $77,570 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Of 100
STEM occupations, 93 provided higher wages than the national average (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2016). Senior economist Jonathan Rothwell (2013) asserts “job growth, employment
rates, patenting, wages, and exports are all higher in more STEM-based economies” (p. 1)p. #).
When STEM occupations make up such a significant proportion of jobs, and they bring
attractively competitive wages to the workforce, the economic health of the state, local
community, and the employee is directly affected.
STEM Workforce Gap
According to the U.S. Department of Education, all STEM occupations in the United
States were expected to increase by 14% from 2010 to 2020 with more specific STEM
occupations, such as biomedical engineers, expected to increase as much as 62% (U.S.
Department of Education, 2016). In addition, The U.S. News & World Report (2016) found that
between 2000 and 2016, STEM graduate degrees awarded saw a 6% increase, and a 5% increase
in all awarded STEM degrees. Likewise, STEM wages, already higher than most occupations,
are projected to continue to increase (United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2014).
Although this presents promising job opportunities available in the STEM industry with
significantly more advantageous wages as opposed to other industries, there continues to be
difficulty in filling these positions. More specifically, according to Rothwell (2014), STEM
vacancies remain unfilled more than twice the duration of other industries (Rothwell, 2014).
Because the U.S. workforce continues to lag behind the demand, STEM industries are ultimately
relying more heavily on foreign talent to fill these jobs (The U.S. News, 2016).
Drilling down into the workforce gap through the lens of gender, disparities between
male and female postsecondary achievement and STEM occupational employment are
substantial. The 2015 U.S. News and Raytheon STEM Index showed that women were awarded
less STEM degrees, scored approximately 30 points less on exams, and conveyed less interest in
STEM fields in comparison to males (Neuhauser, 2015). The ratio of male to female workforce
in the United States is split nearly equal with women making up 52% of the workforce and men
making up the remaining 48% (Beede et al., 2011). In 2015, the Institute for Women’s Policy
Research found that 4.6% of women enter STEM occupations as opposed to 10.3% of men
(Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2015). However, women who do enter STEM
occupations are at a significant economic advantage by earning approximately 33% more than
women who do not (Beede et al., 2011). The wage gender gap is likewise much smaller between
men and women in STEM occupations.
Figure 3. Gender share of STEM jobs in 2009 (Beede et al., 2011).
The economic impact STEM occupations have on women is profound. The wage gap in
nonSTEM occupations accumulated over the course of a woman’s lifetime can result in a
substantial loss of earnings. The Institute for Women’s Policy and Research (2015) estimates
that the loss of wages for a woman “with a college education who [was] born between 1955 and
1959 and worked full-time, year-round each year lost, on average, nearly $800,000 by age 59
due to the gender wage gap” (p. 50). For women who do enter STEM careers, women report
more perceived gender discrimination, derogation, and isolation than women in nonSTEM
careers (Settles, 2014).
Support for STEM Advancement
Federal Governmental Initiatives
In response to the significant employment opportunities on behalf of STEM industries
and the impact on the national economy, the federal government has implemented a series of
initiatives. Specifically, acknowledging the gender gap as problematic, the federal government
has developed initiatives to increase female participation in STEM education in an effort to boost
the STEM workforce to meet growing industrial demand.
Equal Futures Partnership. The United States has made a commitment through the
Equal Futures Partnership to encourage girls’ interest and participation in STEM fields through
collaboration with Girls, Inc. and Discovery Education (Office of the Press Secretary, 2013). A
multinational initiative, led by the United States, is intended to motivate countries to support
women both economically and politically. Countries that have agreed to partner with the United
States on this initiative “commit to taking actions including legal, regulatory, and policy reforms
to ensure women fully participate in public life at the local, regional, and national levels, and that
they lead and benefit from inclusive economic growth” (Office of the Press Secretary, 2013).
Under the umbrella of the Equal Futures Partnership, the United States has developed a handful
of specific commitments to support their mission. One commitment is the in-depth STEM
education for girls, which is a partnership between the United States and Girls Inc. and
Discovery Education with a mission to increase female engagement in STEM fields, focusing
specifically on providing professional development for mentors and teachers of STEM education
as a catalyst (Office of the Press Secretary, 2013).
Private sector funding commitment. Under the Obama administration, the Educate to
Innovate initiative was launched. The initiative’s intent was to leverage private sector funding in
conjunction with federal support to generate specific outcomes such as STEM-focused
professional development for teachers and targeted efforts to increase participation in STEM
education from girls and racial minorities (The White House, 2016a). Acknowledging the
collective interest of the business community to improve our workforce and increase the United
States’ ability to compete in STEM in a global world, bringing the private sector to the table with
academics, government entities, and nonprofits is the best chance at combatting today’s
challenges according to past President Barack Obama (The White House, 2016a).
Federal Department of Education
Race to the Top. Launched in 2009 by the U.S. Department of Education under the
leadership of then Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Race to the Top was a competitive grant
aimed to measure the effectiveness of educators as well as improve student performance on
predetermined indicators. For states to participate in the competitive grant, specific mandates
had to be agreed to. One such mandate under the Race to the Top umbrella included STEM
initiatives with an expansion to include the engagement of girls (Education, 2009). More
specifically, the mandate required states to have a high quality STEM curriculum that includes
incorporating industry and community partners to actively prepare students in STEM, with an
additional emphasis on underrepresented groups including girls (Education, 2009).
Tennessee Department of Education
Like the U.S. Department of Education, the TDOE has also placed an emphasis on
improving female outcomes in STEM as a result of the growing STEM industry and the limited
female STEM workforce available.
STEM career cluster and program of study. Within the CTE division at the TDOE, 16
career clusters are available for districts to offer within their schools, which are based upon
curriculum standards drafted in response to industry demands. The decision to offer a particular
career cluster(s) is dependent upon workforce data that supports projected job availability and
job viability within the specific area. Each career cluster is broken into four primary programs of
study, or specialized curriculum paths that encourage students to take four accelerating levels of
coursework, which will ensure mastery upon completion (TDOE, 2016). The intention behind
utilizing workforce data to drive career cluster, and the subsequent program(s) of study, selection
on behalf of the districts is to ensure that students are only taking courses that will adequately
prepare them for employment opportunities for which they will earn a living wage.
For areas that have the workforce data support STEM occupations, the TDOE has
developed a STEM career cluster with the following programs of study: Engineering by Design,
Engineering, Technology, STEM Education, and Project Lead the Way. Teachers are
responsible for ensuring students enrolled in specific programs of study are taking all courses
required and in the sequential order, lesson plans are reflective of curriculum standards, and
students are adequately prepared so that they may demonstrate mastery of the subject upon
STEM Climate in Tennessee
STEM Employment Trajectory
STEM occupations are expected to grow faster than the national trajectory within the
state of Tennessee, although STEM jobs remain vacant longer than in any other industry
(Development, 2014). Change the Equation (2017), in partnership with the American Institutes
for Research, anticipate STEM jobs to grow in Tennessee by 17% from 2017 to 2027 (Change
the Equation, 2017). In 2013, the median salary for STEM jobs in Tennessee was more than
twice the median of other salaries (Development, 2014). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
(2016) calculated that the national average of total employment in STEM occupations is 6.2%
with a mean wage of $48,320. By comparison, Tennessee has a mean wage of $41,300, and a
total employment of 4.6% (Development, 2014). It is important to note that this is not a total
percentage of occupational opportunities, but instead represents individuals employed in a STEM
occupation. With an upward trend of STEM jobs in Tennessee with a competitive wage,
Tennessee will need to develop a workforce to supplement the growing career opportunities.
STEM Workforce Gap in Tennessee
Gender disparity in STEM education achievement. Despite the promising trajectory
for STEM occupations in Tennessee, and women making up 50% of the workforce, females are
actually decreasing in STEM postsecondary degree attainment (Change the Equation, 2015).
Although male and female students are being lost in the STEM pipeline at every level of
education, the male to female ratio is at a substantial disadvantage to women. From 2001 to
2009, females who have earned STEM degrees decreased from 35% to 30% (Equation, 2015).
However, in computing, for example, if the gender gap were closed, the STEM workforce would
dramatically increase in this field.
Figure 4. Number of computing degrees/certificates in Tennessee (Change the Equation, 2017).
Further illustrating the opportunity for women in the computing field, the Brookings
Institute found that vacancies for computing occupations were advertised the longest of any
STEM occupation (Development, 2014).
Workforce gap by gender. In 2015, in response to the disproportionate amount of
women employed by the STEM industry and the decreasing numbers of female STEM
postsecondary degree and certificate attainment, the Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee, Ron
Ramsey, in conjunction with Speaker of the House Beth Harwell, passed a “Women in STEM”
resolution to make STEM education a priority in the state in an effort to close the workforce gap
(Network, 2015). As part of the resolution to urge more women into STEM fields, the state has
partnered with the Million Women Mentors organization to increase the number of women
mentors in the state to support girls and women as they select their career pathways and
throughout their postsecondary and career journeys (STEMconnector, 2017). To date,
Lieutenant Governor Ramsey is one of 16 Lieutenant Governors in the nation who have pledged
to support the effort to improve female engagement and persistence in STEM fields
(STEMconnector, 2017).
Wage gap by gender. If initiatives like the aforementioned “Women in STEM”
resolution are successful in increasing female engagement in the STEM field, their earning
potential is promising. Similar to the national trend, women in Tennessee make fewer wages
than men for the same jobs. However, women in STEM careers working in Tennessee earn 92
cents to the dollar a man makes, as opposed to only 77 cents in non-STEM careers making the
STEM industry highly advantageous to the female workforce (TDOE, 2016b). The demand for a
STEM workforce in Tennessee keeps salaries competitive with pay continuing to increase for
STEM workers as much as by 5.3% in Nashville, which is more than three times the national
average (Ward, 2016).
STEM in Secondary Education
Classroom to career and postsecondary opportunities. The increased demand for a
skilled STEM workforce has subsequently placed an intensified emphasis on postsecondary
education to meet the needs of the industry (Carnevale et al., 2014). However, when evaluating
the interest in pursuing STEM careers following high school graduation, a significant gap exists
between male students and female students. According to The Alliance for Science &
Technology in America (2016), of the 2017 graduating class, 46.9% of males wished to pursue
STEM careers versus 13.5% of females. Despite the promising growth in the STEM industry
within Tennessee, female graduates have actually decreased in their interest to pursue STEM
careers at the time of their graduation with the lowest percentage of interest from 2008 to 2017
(The Alliance for Science & Technology Research in America, 2016). Yet, the demand for
postsecondary education in order to enter STEM careers is higher than most other occupational
categories by comparison.
Figure 5. Percentage of occupational employment with some college or better (Carnevale et al.,
Although some STEM jobs may not require a bachelor’s degree, they may require
professionals to gain an associate’s degree, licensure, or some level of postsecondary coursework
in order to acquire employment (United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2014, p.10).
National Assessment of Educational Progress
In 2017, Tennessee was awarded recognition by the National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) deeming the state “star of the star states” (TDOE, 2017c). The national
recognition was given in response to Tennessee improving faster than any other state in both
math and reading assessments taken in fourth grade, 2011, and in eighth grade 2015.
Collectively, the students demonstrated twice the growth of the national average (TDOE, 2017c).
Furthermore, the NAEP acknowledged the gender and racial achievement gaps had closed
substantially, going further to suggest that the gender gap had completely been eliminated
(TDOE, 2017c).
Figure 6. Achievements highlighted by the NAEP (TDOE, 2017c).
As the most recent assessment was evaluated on eighth graders, evidence has not yet
been made available to demonstrate whether these students continued to make strides into high
school, or if any of these students have interest in pursuing STEM postsecondary or career
Tennessee STEM Curriculum Standards
Expected outcomes. Tennessee’s Department of Education outlined in their 2018
STEM Strategic Plan four specific priority areas for STEM education in the K-12 arena that if
achieved, would create dynamic and seamless pathways from secondary education to career and
postsecondary opportunities (TDOE, 2016b). The four priority areas focus upon curriculum and
instruction, professional development, student achievement, and community and postsecondary
partnerships. With an acute focus on developing a future STEM workforce, the TDOE
determined math and science standards must be a main focus of the department through rigorous
STEM-based instruction. As a result, the TDOE hopes to “increase student achievement in
STEM learning, expand student access to effective STEM educators, and build broad-based
community awareness for STEM professions” in an effort to close the workforce gap (TDOE,
What is High Quality Instruction?
According to the CTE Vision of Excellent Instruction as defined by the TDOE, CTE
courses are rigorous, relevant, based upon curriculum standards, and directly aligned to college
and career pathways. Furthermore, there remains a significant responsibility on the part of the
quality of the CTE teachers’ instruction. Specifically, “educators use their own deep content
knowledge, industry experience and student data to gauge the level of student proficiency and
lead students to a deep understanding of industry specific vocabulary, content, and relevant
skills” (TDOE, 2017e). The TDOE’s Vision outlines very specific characteristics of a “Ready
Teacher,” that also highlights the transparency of student pathways from the classroom to college
and career through information about industry trends, necessary skills, career and technical
student organizations (CTSO) that support the pathway, and potential externship and certification
opportunities for students while still enrolled at the secondary level (TDOE, 2017e). The
alignment supports future employment viability, but also impacts economic health (Battelle for
Kids, 2012, p. 26). An important overlay to the aforementioned instructional attributes is the
need to foster engagement and motivation on behalf of students to generate curiosity and
In consideration for how high quality instruction impacts student achievement, it may
require instructors to adjust their lesson plans and instructional approaches based upon their
student demographic. In 2012, Batelle for Kids published six drivers of student success. Driver
5, “Education Linked to Student Success”, suggests that educators should amend educational
programming depending upon the demands of the industrial market (p. 26). With female STEM
workforce consistently falling behind male workforce numbers contributing to the overall STEM
workforce deficit in Tennessee, perhaps educational programming should follow suit.
Customizing Instruction Based Upon Student Needs
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In December 2015, U.S. President Barack
Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law, reauthorizing the formerly the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act. A response to addressing the needs of all students in
the education system, special focuses exist within the law to address special populations.
Although race and gender are not included under the special population umbrella, the impact is
the same. States, and the teachers who serve within them, must address their diversified student
body, create initiatives to support them, and shift their instructional approach accordingly.
Inclusive Instructional Practices. With an increasing sensitivity to underprivileged and
marginalized students, Vanderbilt University provided a series of teaching guides to support
educators develop greater flexibility and support for students. More specifically, in the guide
“Increasing Inclusivity in the Classroom,” Vanderbilt urges educators to realize their role to
create a sense of belonging for students while also being intentional about addressing stereotype
threat (2018). Stereotype threat, the fear of confirming a negative stereotype about a group with
which one belongs, has been reported to have a detrimental impact on multiple student groups,
including women in courses related to science and mathematics. Vanderbilt is one of many
universities preparing teachers to utilize inclusive instructional practices in the classroom
environment. For example, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill published Teaching
for Inclusion: Diversity in the Classroom (1997) to support the Center for Teaching and Learning
at the university. Another example is Deborah Flick (1999) who published recommendations in
Developing and Teaching an Inclusive Curriculum for the University of Colorado-Boulder.
Extensive research has been done to outline inclusive instructional strategies and postsecondary
teaching programs have followed suit by equipping teachers to use these methods in the
classroom environment.
Support for STEM Education Teachers
Understanding STEM Curriculum Standards
In anticipation of each academic school year, the STEM Program Manager at the TDOE
ensures standards are still aligned with market needs and revises curriculum standards as needed.
Standards are communicated through a series of mediums, such as newsletters, school visits, and
emails, to district administrators and STEM teachers. Likewise, the approved curriculum
standards are posted online on the TDOE CTE website. However, in 2015, the nonprofit, non-
partisan organization Change the Equation found that teachers needed a deeper understanding of
STEM curriculum, and this lack of understanding directly impacts student achievement
(Equation, 2015). Teachers in Tennessee who teach science had less postsecondary science-
focused coursework than the national average, regardless of the urban or rural population
demographic in which they serve. It is unclear to whether students entering high school are
likely to have received high quality math and science instruction preparing them for STEM
education at the secondary level as the NAEP assessment is too current. However, according to
Change the Equation (2015), most teachers in Tennessee lack a strong background in math and
Figure 7. Tennessee teachers missing strong math and science backgrounds (Change the
Equation, 2017).
Without this background, it may be challenging to achieve the best practice outlined by
the TDOE for teachers to develop projects and lessons that align to state curriculum standards
(Tennessee Department of Education, 2017e). Moreover, it is essential that educators know how
to develop instructional strategies that reflect the needs of their students, even if the needs are
diverse within the same student group (Wright, 2012).
Professional Development Opportunities
Tennessee has implemented budget initiatives to help support STEM education teachers
to improve student outcomes. For instance, the STEM Innovation Network was launched as a
web-based professional development and instructional practices toolkit for advancing STEM
education. Granting hundreds of thousands of dollars to this project, two regional hubs were
created to analyze gaps in K-12 STEM education and make recommendations on professional
development solutions that could potentially fill these gaps (Wright, 2012). Additionally, from
2012 to 2013, Tennessee provided $4.2 million to higher education institutions to develop STEM
professional development programs for teachers in K-12 schools. Lastly, the TDOE allocated
$1.5 million to a partnership with Oak Ridge Associated Universities to launch the STEM
Training Academy available to public school teachers and administrators. The academy
provides 33 hours of intensive professional development training over the course of three days
(Wright, 2012).
Learning and Motivation Theory
The approach to collecting research for this study was completed with the methodological
framework evidenced by the gap analysis model (Clark & Estes, 2008). The researcher will
approach the organizational problem, as determined by analyzing the organizational goal in
opposition to the actual performance, through identifying the knowledge, motivation, and
organizational factors gaps.
Knowledge and Skills
Anderson and Krathwol’s (2001) Taxonomy, a revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy,
approaches knowledge by separating it into four facets: factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive. Factual knowledge is defined by concrete facts, terms, and concepts. Conceptual
knowledge encompasses relationships, process models, and principals. Procedural knowledge is
knowledge that defines how one might do something. Lastly, metacognitive knowledge is
evidenced by self-reflection and inner analysis.
Motivational needs revolve around the following key elements: value, self-efficacy, and
mood. Value is illustrated simply by what one determines to have worth. Self-efficacy, as
outlined by social learning theorist Albert Bandura (Anderson & Krathwol, 2001), refers to one’s
self-confidence and belief in oneself. How one feels, such as feeling positively about an
initiative or process, captures mood. Collectively, the components of motivation theory measure
one’s persistence, effort, and choice to be engaged or incentivized towards a given goal.
Organizational needs define the organizational structure by focusing upon the resources
available, the policies, processes, and procedures that determine how an organization functions,
and the organization’s culture. Likewise, resources can translate to time, personnel, and finances.
Gallimore and Goldenberg (2001) acknowledge that organizational structures can be both
apparent and invisible parameters that live within an organization.
The purpose of this study is to examine the instructional practices and lesson plan
development STEM education teachers implement in their classrooms through the lens of closing
the gap between male and female STEM engagement. Through the literature review, there has
been substantial emphasis on the need for high quality, inclusive instructional practices.
Moreover, best practices include the importance of educators’ ability to adjust instructional
strategies depending upon the diversity of their classroom (Wright, 2012). Likewise, literature
strongly supported curriculum standard and lesson plan alignment (TDOE, 2017b). The
following chapter, Chapter Three, will state the methodological approach that will be used to
examine the gap between the current state of teachers’ instructional practices and the
organizational goal.
Purpose of the Project and Questions
The purpose of this project was to conduct a needs’ analysis in the areas of knowledge
and skill, motivation, and organizational resources necessary to reach the organizational
performance goal. The performance goal will be reached if by spring of 2020, teachers
demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM instructional practices inclusively to increase 12
grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in entering postsecondary and career opportunities. The
analysis will begin by generating a list of possible needs and will then move to examining these
systematically to focus on actual or validated needs. While a complete needs’ analysis would
focus on all stakeholders, for practical purposes the stakeholder focused upon in this analysis are
This study was guided by the following questions essential to the knowledge, motivation,
and organization of teachers.
1. What is the teacher knowledge and motivation related to inclusive instructional practices?
2. What is the interaction between organizational culture and context and teacher
knowledge and motivation?
3. What are the recommended knowledge and skills, motivation, and organizational
Stakeholders of Focus
Increasing women in the STEM workforce would have a significant impact on the Office
of CTE within the TDOE, the STEM industry, and the overall statewide workforce. Considering
how this outcome can be achieved through innovative instructional practices, the primary
stakeholder of focus are STEM education teachers at the high school level within the Tennessee
public school system.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is taught at every public high school in the state
of Tennessee. Within this specialized unit, districts determine which career clusters, and
subsequent programs of study, are offered (TDOE, 2017a). The selection, for which a district
may choose, must be directly tied to employment data to ensure that schools are only offering
education to support jobs, which will be readily available for students, ensuring their ability to
earn a living wage (TDOE, 2017c). For instance, under the umbrella of the STEM career cluster,
schools can teach the following programs of study: Engineering by Design, Engineering,
Technology, STEM Education, and Project Lead the Way. Each program of study houses four
courses that should be taken in sequential order to demonstrate mastery in the given subject.
Teachers are responsible for ensuring that selected programs of study are adhered to, students are
not taking the leveled courses out of order, and courses are developed around the curriculum
standards as determined by the TDOE. Teachers would be directly impacted by any changes or
recommendations made to instructional techniques, and ultimately, the student outcomes that
Methodological Framework
This study utilized the conceptual and methodological framework developed by Clark
and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis. The gap analysis approach identified the current, actual
performance of the organization as compared to the preferred performance of the organization.
Thus, signifying the gap that exists between the two. As a result, an innovation model was
developed. The methodological framework is a mixed methods approach of quantitative and
qualitative case studies with descriptive statistics. Assumed knowledge, motivation and
organizational needs have been determined based upon personal and professional knowledge, as
well as related literature. Using surveys, interviews, observations, document evaluation,
literature review and content analysis, needs were validated. Subsequently, research-based
solutions have been recommended and evaluated in a comprehensive manner.
Figure 8. The Clark and Estes gap analysis model (Yates, 2016).
Assumed Needs
Needs related to female participation in STEM programs at the secondary, postsecondary,
and industrial levels are often assumed to be indicative of adequate exposure (Rogers, 2013),
opportunities (Huhman, 2012), or simply interest on behalf of the demographic. Although these
assumptions may impact female participation, by assuming they are the primary barriers to
increasing female participation outcomes, it results in a more narrowed approach to identifying
comprehensive needs and potential solutions. Alternatively, a thorough investigation of
organizational performance should include three components: interviews with STEM education
teachers; learning, motivation, and organizational/cultural theory; and a review of literature
related to the disproportionate representation of girls and women entering STEM post-secondary
education programs and STEM career fields in Tennessee. Related literature was discussed in
detail within Chapter Two, but it will also be included within this chapter in tables.
Preliminary Scanning Data and Critical Observations
Knowledge and Skills
In order for the performance goal to be achieved by the primary stakeholder group,
STEM education teachers, it is essential that specific knowledge and skills be put into practice.
Specifically, teachers must know and understand factual knowledge such as the Tennessee
Curriculum Standards as outlined by the TDOE, as well as know how to integrate them into their
lesson plans (Tennessee Department of Education, 2017a). Likewise, declarative knowledge
teachers must have is what the current workforce trajectory is for the STEM industry and the
disparity between males and females along the pipeline from secondary education to STEM
career acquisition (Blickenstaff, 2005; “The Demand for STEM Occupations in Tennessee,”
2014) With these potential STEM pathways in mind, teachers must know what inclusive
strategies can be used to increase female student outcomes, as well as have procedural
knowledge of how to implement them into the classroom. Furthermore, to yield an increase of
female outcomes, teachers must be able to declare what high quality instruction is and have the
metacognitive knowledge necessary to know how to assess whether their lessons and
instructional methodology supports this definition. The Office of CTE has a published document
that outlines their vision for excellent instruction (TDOE, 2017e). In order to use this resource to
guide their work, teachers must know where to find the published document stored electronically
on the TDOE website, and know procedurally how to translate this vision into practical
classroom application. Finally, teachers should be well versed in what the STEM industry
currently needs and be able to sufficiently prepare students accordingly (TDOE, 2016a).
Due to the increasing pressure on public schools to meet or exceed state-mandated
assessments, it may prove difficult for teachers to value student outcomes unrelated to the
identified assessment goals. Furthermore, CTE programs of study are often exempt from the
state-mandated assessments, making it substantially more challenging for STEM education
teachers to receive sufficient administrative support for their subjects, if the student outcomes
related to CTE do not result in any impact on the overall school ranking, or score. Self-efficacy
plays a vital role in teacher motivation to improve female student outcomes, otherwise the
essential knowledge will not translate into action within the classroom. For example, teachers
must have the self-efficacy necessary to be confident that they can put inclusive instruction into
practice, be able to identify their own biases, and adjust their lesson plans to maximize female
student achievement and improve student outcomes. In addition, although there are clear
curriculum standards for STEM education, as well as a strategic plan that indicates that an
emphasis on girls in STEM programs is essential, if teachers do not value the integration of
curriculum standards, or inclusive teaching practices, and believe that their efforts will increase
female interest and engagement, student outcomes will most definitely be affected.
Although the TDOE provides numerous professional development opportunities
throughout the state, throughout the academic year, resources must be available to teachers in
order to take advantage of them. However, budget constraints at the district level have limited
the opportunities for teachers and administrators to attend (TDOE, 2017b; Wright, 2012). As
previously mentioned, with a heavy emphasis on state-mandated assessments, school
administrators may not spend as much capital on training teachers on integrating inclusive
practices that increase student outcomes, especially outcomes of a specific demographic, if the
school’s focus is on reaching assessment goals. In order for STEM education teachers to
succeed in increasing female student outcomes, the TDOE needs to an organizational process in
place to develop clear standards related to this goal, as well as have sufficient support at the local
level for teachers to translate these standards into the classroom setting. More specifically,
teachers need an organizational culture where their school administrators to provide professional
development support so teachers can continue to improve their instructional practices and know
how to adequately influence female student achievement. Schools will also need a culture that
prioritizes student outcomes over student assessments so that teachers’ efforts are fully
In order to analyze instruction provided to girls in STEM education, the population of
focus for this study is teachers. Specifically, Tennessee public high school teachers who teach in
the CTE division of their schools were targeted. Furthermore, teachers within this division
whose district has elected to offer programs of study under the STEM career cluster were of
particular interest. These programs of study may include Engineering by Design, Engineering,
Technology, and STEM Education. Each program of study houses four courses that should be
taken in sequential order to demonstrate mastery in the given subject. As stated previously,
teachers are responsible for ensuring they adhere to the selected program of study, students are
not taking the leveled courses out of order, and that the courses developed around the curriculum
standards as determined by the TDOE. Due to sequencing mandated for mastery, teachers who
have taught in this area of expertise for at least five to seven years were prioritized in order for
the participants to have had experience progressing students from their first course through to
postsecondary or career upon graduation. Because teacher gender could be a contributing factor
to whether the student sees him or her as a role model, both male and female teachers are part of
the study population. Teachers were selected from diversified districts, specifically districts from
varying socioeconomic statuses, graduation rates and unemployment data. The diversification
further provided a baseline for understanding whether these factors had any correlation to
knowledge, motivation, and organizational barriers that affect instruction. Collectively, there
were approximately nine teachers selected to be part of the interview, classroom observation, and
document review portion of the data collection, with three teachers being identified from each
region in Tennessee: west, middle and east. Within each region, the teachers are diversified
based on socioeconomic differences, and urban versus rural demographic. Of the nine teachers
selected, two teachers did not follow through on their commitment to participate. Those two
teachers represented the rural schools in both the middle and east Tennessee regions. However,
the survey was provided to all STEM education teachers for completion, regardless of region and
socioeconomic background to maximize the data pool.
Data Collection
To collect data for this study, permission was obtained from the University of Southern
California’s Institutional Review Board. Data was collected from four distinct sources:
interviews, classroom observations, document review, and surveys. Approaching data collection
from multiple sources ensures a triangulation of data for purposes of trustworthiness and
reliability. With all means of data collection, the instruments have been developed in
consideration of identified knowledge, motivational, and organizational needs, related literature
review, and personal and professional knowledge.
The quantitative element of the data collection was gathered in an electronic survey
format be taken by STEM education instructors on the Qualtrics survey platform. The survey
was sent to all STEM education instructors in Tennessee who teach courses in the STEM
program of study, as defined by the TDOE. The survey was limited to 15 questions, transcribed
in English, and provided statements with a four option Likert type for response: Strongly
Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree. The survey did not ask any demographic or other
identifying information in order to protect the anonymity of the survey respondent.
Open-ended questions were developed for nine STEM education teachers in public high
schools across the state of Tennessee sampled from both urban and rural environments, as well
as within the STEM academies currently supported by the state of Tennessee’s STEM outcome
initiatives. To acknowledge the diversity of the industry, geography, and socioeconomic health
across the state, three teachers were selected from each of the west, middle, and east regions of
Tennessee, with seven ultimately participating in the interviews. The interview consisted of 19
questions and was conducted in English. The interview questions were crafted with complete
continuity, regardless of the interviewee, although follow-up and clarifying questions varied.
The interview was conducted in person, audio recorded, and transcribed for integrity.
Classroom observations were a key component of the qualitative data collection as the
study focus is teachers as the participants, but instructor interaction and engagement with
students generated valuable information regarding the KMO assumed needs. Just as with the
teacher interviews, seven classroom observations took place in the same urban, rural, and STEM
academy public high schools utilizing the interviewees as the observation population as well.
The schools vary between year-round and block scheduling; therefore, course length did likewise
vary. Regardless of format, the classroom observation spanned the duration of a single class
period. The recording element of this data was active, with detailed note taking as an observer-
as-participant. To ensure all key elements of my focus were captured during the classroom
observations and in order to establish trends, an observation checklist was utilized as an
observational instrument. The checklist outlined specifics such as: Is the teacher male or female?
What is the male to female ratio within the classroom? What is the classroom environment like?
How often does the teacher speak with the female students individually? Male students? If
specific STEM professionals or careers are addressed during instruction, what gendered
pronouns are used? Although there were customized and free form elements of the observation,
the checklist instrument helped to guide the focus and provide an element of continuity for
comparative analysis.
Document Analysis
Targeting the same teachers utilized in the interview and observational portions of the
data collection, lesson plan review was another critical element of qualitative data collection.
Insight into the content instructors choose to include in their lessons, what materials and
platforms they choose to utilize, how curriculum standards were reflected, and how the role of
the instructor was integrated into student learning was believed to be invaluable. Lesson plans
were intended to be collected from the teachers observed and provided for review independent of
the interview or classroom observation to disassociate any perception on behalf of the instructor
that the collection process was associated with a critical performance evaluation. To guide the
analysis of the lesson plan review, a document analysis instrument was developed to provide a
means to easily identify trends and data points for further examination.
Validation of Needs
The assumed needs previously identified within this chapter will be validated through the
intentional development of interview and survey questions, as well as classroom observation and
document analysis instruments by utilizing personal and professional knowledge and related
literature. Through the lens of knowledge, motivation, and organizational needs, the methods of
data collection will provide a comprehensive foundation for a gap analysis.
Table 2
Assumed Needs Validation Table
Knowledge Needs Survey Interview Observation/
Doc Review
Teachers need to know what the TN STEM
curriculum standards are.
Teachers need to know what strategies yield high
quality instruction.
Teachers need to know the disparity between male
and female students as it pertains to STEM
postsecondary education entrance.
Teachers need to understand the STEM job
(trajectory) in Tennessee.
Teachers need to know what inclusive instructional
practices are.
Teachers need to understand the impact inclusive
instructional practices have on improving STEM
interest for girls.
Teachers need to know how to integrate STEM
curriculum standards into lesson plans.
Table 2, continued
Knowledge Needs Survey Interview Observation/
Doc Review
Teachers need to be able to cater classroom
instruction based on student demographic needs.
Teachers need to know how to prepare students for
the appropriate postsecondary opportunity that
leads to employability.
Teachers need to know how to recognize their own
teaching biases.
Teachers need to understand how to assess whether
their instruction is high quality.
Teachers need to reflect on the ways in which their
lesson plans impact student outcomes.
Motivation Needs Survey Interview Observation/
Doc Review
Teachers need to value the curriculum standards
outlined by the TN Program Manager.
Teachers need to value incorporating curriculum
standards and initiatives tied to female
achievement as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic
Teachers need to value increasing female student
outcomes as opposed to overall student outcomes.
Teachers need to value facilitation of inclusive
high quality instruction to male and female
Teachers need to value monitoring female student
engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to value the adaptation of lesson
plans according to results of monitoring outcomes.
Teachers need to be confident in their ability to
increase individual student outcomes.
Table 2, continued
Motivation Needs Survey Interview Observation/
Doc Review
Teachers need to be confident they can incorporate
curriculum standards and initiatives tied to female
achievement as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic
Plan. (CB)
Teachers need to be confident in their ability to
monitor female student engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to feel confident they can shift their
lesson plan approach determinant on female
student engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to have confidence in their ability to
adapt lesson plans according to results of
monitoring outcomes.
Teachers need to have confidence in their ability to
facilitate inclusive high quality instruction to male
and female students.
Teachers need to feel positively about their ability
to improve female student outcomes.
Teachers need to feel positively about facilitating
inclusive high quality instruction to male and
female students.
Teachers need to feel positive about incorporating
curriculum standards and initiatives tied to female
achievement as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic
Teachers need to feel positively about adapting
lesson plans according to results of monitoring
Teachers need to feel positive about monitoring
female student engagement and outcomes.
Table 2, continued
Organization Needs Survey Interview Observation/
Doc Review
Teachers need adequate curriculum standards with
specific guiding outcomes provided by the TN
Department of Education.
Teachers need their school administrators to
provide sufficient resources and professional
development so they may develop their lesson
plans according to curriculum standards.
Teachers need financial and time support from
their school administrator to support professional
development attendance.
Teachers need school administrators to prioritize
student outcomes over standardized assessments.
Teachers need to be a part of a culture that fosters
teacher motivation through positive rewards and
encouragement in a clear, predetermined way.
Teachers need to be a part of a school culture that
supports and encourages professional development
Teachers need a school culture that supports high
quality classroom instruction.
Trustworthiness of Data
To ensure the data collected is trustworthy, the interviews, surveys, observations, and
document analysis have been triangulated. Furthermore, the interview and survey questions have
been drafted in response to the assumed needs and the literature relating to STEM education,
curriculum standard integration, inclusive instructional practices, and a supportive administrative
culture. In addition, the anonymity of the survey respondents has been protected through
intentionally eliminating identifiable information. Confidentiality of the teachers selected for the
interviews, classroom observations, and document reviews has likewise been protected, further
ensuring data trustworthiness.
Role of Investigator
As an employee of the TDOE within the Office of CTE, the researcher is affiliated with
the mission and vision of the STEM education program of study, coworkers with the director
overseeing the efforts of the corresponding Program Manager, and the coworker to the director
overseeing the Talent Improvement Team who provides coaching and professional development
to CTE public school teachers statewide. However, the researcher has no authority over the
stakeholder group, nor does she oversee any employees that have direct professional impact upon
Invested in the mission of the CTE division to adequately prepare all students for college
and career, in conjunction with industry demands and workforce trajectories, the researcher’s
role is to conduct a problem-solving investigation to improve the guidance developed by the
TDOE’s CTE division to better support STEM education teachers, and therefore, increases
female student outcomes in STEM education.
Because the Student Success Team and the Talent Improvement Teams with the CTE
division may assist with the data collection process by providing contact information or
historical data regarding teachers and their administrators, the researcher has ensured that all
communication reiterates the anonymity of the participant, and the lack of impact any responses
will have on their performance assessments. The TDOE provides guidance and best practices,
but does not influence or dictate decisions made at the district level. However, this will also be
made transparent as to not insinuate any effect on the stakeholder group’s employment.
Data Analysis
To determine the knowledge, motivation, and organizational needs on STEM instruction
delivered in Tennessee public high schools, specifically the impact had on female student interest
and further pursuit of STEM education, this study conducted data collection through both
qualitative and quantitative means.
To gather qualitative data, four primary sources was of focus: surveys, interviews,
classroom observations, and lesson plan review. All sources were analyzed for patterns and
common themes related to the assumed needs through the lens of knowledge, motivation and
organization. Data collection checklists have been utilized to standardize findings and develop a
specific focus during classroom observations and lesson plan review. Active note taking
occurred both within classroom observations and during teacher interviews, although interviews
were also audio recorded to transcribe responses verbatim.
Limitations and Delimitations
Given this study intends to focus on only nine STEM education teachers statewide, the
likelihood of finding willing participants was determined to be high. However, because this
study intended to diversify the participants based upon region, socioeconomic group,
geographical area, and school type, it was challenging to find willing participants that would
sufficiently represent the dynamic makeup intended by the study. As previously indicated, this
limitation resulted in the rural public school demographic being represented by only one teacher
as the rural teachers in both middle and east Tennessee did not follow through in their
participation and no alternate could be identified due to the precise sample qualifications
requested. Also, because the investigator is female and employed by the TDOE CTE division,
personal bias may have been present when analyzing information regarding female student
outcomes and CTE teacher instruction. Potential biases on the part of the participants was
researched and documented to further support the trustworthiness of the study.
Due to the specific diversification of the participant pool for interviews, observations, and
document analyses, an individual participant should not be generally representative of other
participants of similar geographical area, socioeconomic group, or school type. This study
focused specifically on STEM education teachers in Tennessee, however, it should be noted, this
is not the only stakeholder group, as outlined in Chapter One, but data was not collected from
other identified stakeholder groups such as students and administrators. Instead, teachers
remained the stakeholder group of focus for this study due to investigative access, the
standardization of curriculum standard across the state for this specific stakeholder type, and the
ability to conduct a comprehensive gap analysis utilizing reported student outcomes as a
foundation for further investigation. Once data collection and the subsequent gap analysis was
completed, the results will be relevant for other departments of education in the development of
curriculum standards and professional development opportunities, districts as they determine
school priorities and establish instructional performance standards, and teachers who teach
STEM education.
The purpose of this study was to examine the instructional practices and the lesson plan
development STEM education teachers implement in their classrooms through the lens of closing
the gap between male and female STEM engagement. Using Clark and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis
as the framework, this study evaluated the knowledge, motivation, and organizational needs
required to address the disproportionate representation of girls and women entering STEM post-
secondary education programs and STEM career fields in Tennessee. More specifically, the
study was guided by the following questions.
1. What is the teacher knowledge and motivation related to inclusive instructional practices?
2. What is the interaction between organizational culture and context and teacher
knowledge and motivation?
3. What are the recommended knowledge and skills, motivation, and organizational
To address the above questions, the study used mixed methods, both qualitative and
quantitative in approach. Nine teachers were identified, and voluntarily agreed to participate in
an interview, classroom observation, and provide a lesson plan for document review. However,
of the nine teachers who volunteered, two teachers did not follow through in their participation.
As a result, seven teachers were utilized in the study, with the two teachers from rural districts in
the middle and east regions being unaccounted for in the data collection. All interviews and
classroom observations were conducted by the researcher and took place onsite within the
teachers’ classrooms. Of the collective seven, three teachers represented west Tennessee, one
from a STEM academy, rural school, and urban school; two teachers represented west
Tennessee, one from a STEM academy, and one from an urban school; and two teachers
represented east Tennessee, one from a STEM academy, and one from an urban school. Two of
the participating teachers were female and five teachers were male. In addition to the seven
teachers interviewed and observed, a survey was disseminated to all 239 STEM education
teachers statewide who subscribe to the STEM Program Manager’s email newsletter. The survey
was comprised of 15 questions with answers on a Likert scale (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree,
Strongly Disagree). Of the 239 subscribers, 24 STEM education teachers agreed to participate in
the survey. The identities of all survey respondents maintained anonymity through the
submission process. However, each of the participants have been assigned a specific number in
an effort to more effectively convey participant voice.
This chapter will present all research findings aggregated by their knowledge, motivation,
and organization needs. Through the data collection process, assumed needs will be categorized
as validated or invalidated. For a need to be validated, the researcher will have tested the
assumed need through one of the data collection methods and determined that the need does
exist, and therefore a solution should be presented. For the need to be invalidated, the researcher
will have tested the assumed need and determined that the need does not exist, and therefore, no
solution should be presented. Chapter Five will then present solutions to the validated assumed
needs outlined in the following sections.
Results and Findings for Knowledge Needs
All knowledge needs have been separated into the four distinct categories defined by
Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) discussed in Chapter Two: factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive. In summation, factual knowledge is defined as foundational knowledge of terms,
facts, and information pertaining to the subject. Conceptual knowledge refers to knowledge of
theories, concepts, and principals. Procedural knowledge is knowledge one must have to
demonstrate a specific skill or implement a specific task. Metacognitive knowledge is the ability
to self-reflect and adjust knowledge and skills accordingly. Table 3 outlines the assumed
knowledge needs for STEM education teachers. To test each of these needs, the researcher
utilized survey questions, interview questions, and observed classroom instruction. Of the 12
assumed knowledge needs identified, six needs were validated as displayed in the table below.
Each of the assumed needs will be addressed in detail in the sections that follow.
Table 3
Assumed Knowledge Needs Validated and Not Validated
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Factual Teachers need to know what the TN STEM
Curriculum Standards are.
Teachers need to know the disparity between
male and female students as it pertains to
STEM postsecondary education entrance.
Teachers need to know what strategies yield
high quality instruction.
Teachers need to know what inclusive
instructional practices are.
Teachers need to understand the STEM job
(trajectory) in Tennessee.
Conceptual Teachers need to understand the impact
inclusive instructional practices have on
improving STEM interest for girls
Procedural Teachers need to know how to integrate
STEM curriculum standards into lesson
Teachers need to be able to cater classroom
instruction based on student demographic
Table 3, continued
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Procedural Teachers need to know how to prepare
students for the appropriate postsecondary
opportunity that leads to employability.
Metacognitive Teachers need to know how to recognize
their own teaching biases.
Teachers need to understand how to assess
whether their instruction is high quality.
Teachers need to reflect on the ways in
which their lesson plans impact student
Factual and Conceptual Knowledge
Knowledge of TN STEM curriculum standards. STEM curriculum standards are
written and published by the TDOE to provide the framework for teacher instruction in the
classroom. The standards are developed through an in-depth analysis of industry demands and
undergo a significant justification process internally before their release to the larger educational
community. The expectation from the TDOE is that teachers utilize these curriculum standards
as the framework for which they build upon their lesson plans throughout the year, so that when
courses in the STEM program of study are taken in the scaffolded order in which they are
designed, students build upon their prior knowledge learned, ultimately developing mastery at
the conclusion of their program of study.
Therefore, before analyzing a teacher’s ability to translate STEM curriculum standards
into lesson plans, or effectively translate them into instructional areas of focus, it is critical that
STEM teachers have basic knowledge of what the TN STEM curriculum standards are. Of the
seven teachers interviewed, Teachers 1, 4, and 7 conveyed that they did not know what the
curriculum standards were. Teacher 4 clearly stated, “I did not know there were specific STEM
standards.” Whereas, Teachers 1 and 7 stated that they knew where the standards were listed
online and knew how to refer to them if they needed. Therefore, this assumed need was not
Figure 9. Demonstrated knowledge of TN STEM curriculum standards.
Disparity between male and female students. The 2018 TN STEM Strategic Plan
specifically calls educators to action to help close the workforce gap in STEM careers.
Furthermore, the plan outlines the gender gap that exists in STEM careers in TN, the small wage
disparity between genders, and calls educators to act by responding to the “urgency to invest
more girls and minorities in the field” and emphasizes the way to do this is to increase women in
STEM (STEM Strategic Plan Executive Summary, 2018, p. 6). Before a STEM teacher can
intentionally address the gender gap that exists, or be motivated to act, they must first have an
understanding that the gap exists at all. To test this assumption, the STEM education teachers
were asked on the statewide survey, “To what extent do you agree there a disparity between male
and female students as it pertains to STEM postsecondary education entrance?” Of the 24
respondents, 21 agreed, not validating this assumed need.
Figure 10. Demonstrated knowledge of disparity between male and female students.
Strategies that yield high quality instruction. To assess whether a teacher has the
ability to deliver STEM content in an effective way, the researcher wanted to assess whether the
population sample knew what strategies yield high quality instruction. Defined as a critical
behavior, all seven teachers were asked in an interview, “how do you defined high quality
instruction?” and the responses were varied. Before answering, five of the seven, Teachers 1, 2,
3, 4, and 7, took a pregnant pause before answering. Of the seven teachers, Teachers 4, 5, and 7
were not able to define high-quality instruction. Instead, they could only discuss what the
student outcomes should look like (“students should think for themselves,” “students should be
collaborative, creative,” “they initiate discussion”) but not the instruction or the strategies that
would lead to those specific outcomes. In an effort to analyze what strategies teachers were
using in their approach to instruction, it was imperative to determine the foundational knowledge
teachers had that ultimately guided their ability assess and define high quality instruction from
the start. Although this need was not validated, it should be noted that teachers need more
support to increase their self-efficacy in this area.
Figure 11. Demonstrated knowledge of strategies that yield high quality instruction.
Inclusive instructional practices. Due to the impact that instructional practices have on
student outcomes, specifically instructional deliveries that marginalize genders, it was important
to observe how teachers engaged with their students within the classroom environment. Asking
about teacher practices would only convey a teacher’s intentions, but not their demonstrated skill
in this arena. Of the seven teachers observed, only two of the teachers, Teachers 5 and 6, made
an active effort to engage the female students in class discussions, highlight women and women
of color through books on display, or adorned the walls with posters of famous female scientists
within the classroom. Three teachers, Teachers 1, 3, and 7, displayed moderately inclusive
instructional practices by using neutral pronouns and speaking to the group collectively.
However, in this instance, the female students were actively engaged, more vocal in the
classrooms, and thus the teachers responded accordingly.
By contrast, Teachers 5 and 6 mentioned prior, deliberately sought out the females that
were hesitant to participate and they encouraged the female students and gave them specific,
positive feedback on their work. The remaining two teachers, Teachers 2 and 4, practiced
overtly divisive instruction. Teacher 4 broke students out into groups of girls against boys in a
competitive assignment. The gender of the students were talked about constantly, with students
referred to more as their gender than even their names. Teacher 2 simply had no command over
the classroom. Male students were actively making inappropriately sexual comments towards
some of the female students, and also to one gay student, continuously calling him “faggot”
during the class period. In both situations, the teacher did nothing to curb the behavior. As a
result of the observations made of the collective sample, this need was validated.
STEM job trajectory in TN. It is a reasonable assumption that teachers must be aware
of the STEM job trajectory in TN before they can promote these careers as viable pathways to
students. However, when asking seven teachers during an interview “What is the STEM job
trajectory in Tennessee?” only Teachers 2 and 6, or 28.5%, were able to articulate their
understanding. Of the five teachers that could not describe the trajectory, three teachers,
Teachers 1, 4, and 7, said “I don’t know” and two teachers, Teachers 3 and 5, only said “it’s
growing” validating this assumed need.
Figure 12. Demonstrated knowledge of STEM job trajectory in TN.
Impact of inclusive instruction on girls’ interest. To measure whether teachers had
knowledge of the impact inclusive instruction had on improving girls’ interest in STEM, they
were each asked during their interview “How do inclusive instructional practices impact girls’
interest in STEM?” Fifty-seven percent of teachers interviewed could not distinguish between
traditional instruction and instruction that integrates inclusion strategies. Teacher 4 responded,
“I feel like just the general practices you would use for inclusion of anybody.” Teacher 5 replied,
when considering the challenge of targeting girls specifically “for some, it enables, and for others
they're like, ‘you're forcing it down my throat, and it's driving me away from it’." Not only were
the majority of participants unable to speak to inclusion techniques, but they showed a lack of
differential understanding between equity and equality. Aikman and Unterhalter (2005) clarified
this prevalent misunderstanding:
Achieving gender equality entails developing the freedoms of all individuals, irrespective
of gender or other markers of discrimination, to choose actions or aspirations, and
attributes they have reason to value (Sen 1999). Gender equity entails putting in place
the social and institutional arrangements that would secure these freedoms. (p. 3)
If teachers do not have an understanding of what instructional techniques would include special
populations of students in the classroom, the researcher cannot validate their ability to implement
these strategies that would positively impact girls’ outcomes in STEM.
Procedural Knowledge
Integrating STEM curriculum standards into lesson plans. STEM teachers may have
a factual knowledge and understanding of what the STEM curriculum standards are, as outlined
by the STEM program of study, but they need to be able to demonstrate their ability to translate
them into actionable items when planning for in-class learning. However, despite the request to
review lesson plans, all seven teachers did not have lesson plans drafted for the class. Instead,
nearly all teachers conveyed their preference to plan projects or objectives, and allow that to take
place over a period of days or weeks, adjusting as needed for student learning. As a result, the
procedural knowledge needed for lesson plan integration was inconclusive.
Adjusting instruction according to classroom diversity. Teachers need to be able to
cater classroom instruction based on student demographic needs. With the reauthorization of the
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), each state is responsible for ensuring that students in
special populations are appropriately served. Although ESSA actively excludes gender and race
as an indicator of a special population, teachers should have the capacity to understand that they
cannot utilize a singular method of instruction and have the expectation that all students will
benefit and learn in the same way. Considering the growing expectation to develop customized
learning environments, STEM teachers would likewise need to demonstrate these same pliable
skills to cater to gender diversity within the classroom. To measure this critical behavior during
the interview, the researcher asked, “Describe how you adjust your lesson plan facilitation or
content based on the student diversity in your classroom?” The responses to this question fell
into three primary themes: 1) identifying learning abilities; 2) differentiating instruction based
upon unique teacher-student relationships; and 3) belief that diversity plays no role in approaches
to instruction. Themes one and two seem similar on the surface, but are distinctly different.
Theme one, revealed by Teacher 1, hinges upon the belief by the teacher that the students have
different learning abilities that is unchanged based upon instructional techniques. Theme two,
conveyed by Teachers 4, 6, and 7, is based upon the understanding that a teacher should develop
unique relationships with each of their students, and their instruction should subsequently reflect
their expressed interests and needs. Theme three, affirmed by Teachers 2, 3, and 5, was
expressed through responses such as “[diversity is] not an instructional issue” and “I don’t feel
like I encounter that in the classroom.” Teacher responses to this question was nearly evenly
split with contrasted viewpoints. The lack of capacity to define diversity, and understand its
relevance in the classroom environment, validated this need.
Preparation for college and career. STEM education falls under the CCTE division of
the TDOE. The curriculum is developed so that courses are scaffolded, increasing in skill
development each year, with the goal of developing mastery upon graduation. Simultaneously,
students should be engaged in early postsecondary opportunities, such as dual enrollment credits
and industry certifications, as well as work-based learning experiences, such as internships and
apprenticeships. Collectively these educational components are intended to prepare students for
postsecondary and career opportunities.
In consideration of increasing girls’ STEM engagement, the 25 teacher participants were
asked through the survey, “To what extent do you know how to prepare students for the
appropriate postsecondary opportunity that leads to employability.” Five respondents strongly
agreed that they knew how to prepare students, 16 respondents agreed, and two disagreed.
Overall, a significant majority of the respondents affirm their knowledge of how to prepare
students for appropriate postsecondary pathways, not validating this need.
Figure 13. Demonstrated knowledge of preparation for college and career.
Metacognitive Knowledge
Recognizing teacher biases. In effort to address inequities in education, unconscious
bias has been an emerging topic of discourse (Dasgupta, 2004). Acknowledging unconscious
biases is significant because they influence an individual’s perspectives, decisions, and beliefs
about others without even realizing it. This study attempted to identify teacher biases by asking
the seven interviewees “How do you determine what role models and pronouns are selected for
inclusion in lesson plans and how do student demographics impact this determination?”
Figure 14. Demonstrated knowledge of recognizing teacher biases.
Five of the seven participants do not include female pronouns, either by completely
eliminating all pronouns and starting sentences with verbs, or through lack of conscious effort.
For example, respondents stated, “To be quite honest, I really don't actively make a conscious
effort on that part,” “To be honest, we don't really discuss individuals in the industry,” and “I
don't really pay attention to that.” Therefore, although the majority of the teachers do not use
gendered pronouns, their explanation revealed that they are not actively thinking about the
inequities that gendered pronouns can create validating this need.
Assessing high quality instruction. Interviewees were asked “Tell me how you assess
whether or not your instruction is high quality.” Most of the respondents struggled with their
ability to articulate high quality instruction. Instead of defining instruction, they focused on
student outcomes. When asking teachers how they assess their own instruction to determine if it
is high quality, teachers continued to look at student outcomes as their gauge. In fact, all
respondents claimed that evaluating student outcomes, and adjusting instructional methods based
upon those outcomes, with or without student feedback, was the primary way in which they
determined whether their instruction was high quality. As a result, this need was validated.
Impact lesson plans have on student outcomes. Lesson plans are the tool for which
teachers take curriculum standards and objectives, develop course content to present the
standards and objectives, and ensure that instructional initiatives are adhered to throughout the
course. Therefore, teachers need to reflect on how the lesson plans they develop impact student
outcomes. Whether teachers utilized single class period lesson plans, or created teaching
objectives, project plans, pacing guides, or traditional lesson plans, all teachers believed their
lesson plans represented the backbone of their instruction, which directly correlated to the
learning outcomes on behalf of their students.
Summary of Assumed Knowledge Needs
In analyzing the assumed knowledge needs tested, the researcher found that the six
validated needs related to understandings of gender disparity, inclusive instructional strategies,
the lack of capacity for the majority of teachers sampled to identify their own biases, and
knowledge of the overall STEM industry trajectory in TN. The majority of interviewees and
respondents identified curriculum standards, knew how to translate these into lesson plans, and
assessed both the quality of their instruction and the impact it has on students. It should,
however, be noted that although the majority of teachers could define high quality instruction, it
was with significant difficulty and after much reflection. Body language of the interviewees
further reinforced their discomfort with the question, which makes the researcher call into
question how often the teachers assess their own instruction, or whether they base it solely upon
student outcomes as the indicator. Additionally, the researcher was unable to confirm teachers’
procedural knowledge with any assumed needs with regard to lesson plans as they were
unavailable for review.
Results and Findings for Motivation Needs
All motivation needs have been separated into the four distinct categories discussed in
Chapter Two: value, self-efficacy, and mood. In summation, value is identified by the
determination of merit. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s own abilities. Mood is defined by the
positive feelings one has about something. Motivational needs will collectively identify a
teacher’s persistence, effort, and choice to be engaged or incentivized towards a given goal. The
essential motivational needs are summated in Table 4.
Table 4
Essential Motivational Needs
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Value Teachers need to value the curriculum
standards outlined by the TN STEM Program
Teachers need to value incorporating
curriculum standards and initiatives tied to
female achievement as outlined in the TN
STEM Strategic Plan.
Teachers need to value increasing female
student outcomes as opposed to overall student
Teachers need to value facilitation of inclusive
high quality instruction to male and female
Table 4, continued
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Value Teachers need to value monitoring female
student engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to value the adaptation of lesson
plans according to results of monitoring
Self-efficacy Teachers need to be confident in their ability to
increase individual student outcomes.
Teachers need to be confident they can
incorporate curriculum standards and initiatives
tied to female achievement as outlined in the
TN STEM Strategic Plan.
Teachers need to be confident have confidence
in their ability to monitor female student
engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to feel confident they can shift
their lesson plan approach determinant on
female student engagement and outcomes.
Teachers need to have confidence in their
ability to adapt lesson plans according to results
of monitoring outcomes.
Teachers need to have confidence in their
ability to facilitate inclusive high quality
instruction to male and female students.
Mood Teachers need to feel positively about their
ability to improve female student outcomes.
Teachers need to feel positively about
facilitating inclusive high quality instruction to
male and female students.
Teachers need to feel positively about
incorporating curriculum standards and
initiatives tied to female achievement as
outlined in the TN STEM Strategic Plan.
Table 4, continued
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Teachers need to feel positively about adapting
lesson plans according to results of monitoring
Teachers need to feel positive about monitoring
female student engagement and outcomes.
Value Motivation
Curriculum standards. For teachers to successfully develop classroom instruction
utilizing the TN STEM curriculum standards as the framework, the standards must be valued.
Before standards are published for teacher use, they are extensively vetted internally and
externally through a public comment period. The justification process undergone guarantees that
the standards effectively build upon prior knowledge with a goal of subject mastery beyond the
classroom environment. Likewise, the mastered skills must be directly tied to a viable industry
stream where the school is located to develop local workforce opportunities. To test teacher
value, survey participants were asked, “To what extent do you believe the TN curriculum
standards add value?” Seventy-three percent of participants agreed, not validating this need.
Incorporating curriculum standards and STEM Strategic Plan initiatives. In order
for students to develop mastery according to the STEM program of study, teachers will need to
value incorporating curriculum standards and initiatives from the 2018 STEM Strategic Plan tied
to female achievement into lesson plans and classroom instruction.
Figure 15. Demonstrated value of incorporating curriculum standards and STEM Strategic Plan
Of the seven teachers interviewed, Teachers 2, 5, 6, and 7 believed the incorporation is
“vital”, “absolutely necessary”, “the backbone”, and “helps you stay on track to what you’re
supposed to be doing.” Teachers 1 and 3 believed standards were a guide, helpful, but not
essential, and Teacher 4 believed that taking a science class is the same as a STEM class,
although the standards are completely different. Although the majority of the sample expressed
shared value of the curriculum standards, no teachers affirmed that they had read the TN STEM
Strategic Plan, nor did they expressly understand how the standards related specifically to female
achievement. Because of this deficit, the need was validated.
Increasing female student outcomes. As previously identified, the majority of teachers
interviewed conveyed that they were able to assess whether their instruction was high quality
when analyzing student outcomes. Based upon this data, they could confirm their effectiveness
in the classroom. Building off of this premise, it would be reasonable to assume that if teachers
expected to see an increase in female student outcomes, it would be correlated to the teachers’
value of increasing female student outcomes from an instructional perspective. When analyzing
interviewee responses to “How much value do you place on increasing female student outcomes
as opposed to overall student outcomes?” the responses were nearly split. Teachers 1, 2, and 3
highly valued female achievement over male achievement recognizing the impact it has on future
financial earnings and how it contradicts the belief that “society as a whole undervalues girls in
STEM.” However, Teachers 4, 5, and 6 were adamant that they view all students equally and
their outcomes are equally important. Teacher 7 agreed that female student success deserves
more praise, but was repeatedly conflicted with notions of equality versus inequity ultimately
validating this need.
Value high quality instruction to male and female students. As described in the
assumed knowledge needs section, teachers were observed to determine whether they
intentionally facilitated inclusive, high quality instruction to male and female students. As
previously explained, the majority of the teachers observed did not act with intention when
addressing male and female students in an inclusive way. It is assumed that because the
knowledge need was validated, it may have impacted the validation of the motivational need as
Monitoring female student engagement and outcomes. When teachers develop course
objectives, and develop their lesson plans accordingly, student engagement and outcomes are the
measurable component that confirms to teachers whether or not they have achieved their
intended purpose. With this in mind, it is imperative that, not only do teachers actually monitor
outcomes, but that find it valuable to their work and the role they play as instructors. To test this
need, 21 of the 22 respondents answered the survey question “I believe it is valuable to monitor
female student engagement and outcomes” in the affirmative. Only one respondent disagreed
with the statement, not validating this motivational need.
Adapting lesson plans according to monitored outcomes. Utilizing monitored
outcomes as the compass to ensure that instructional practices are on track, it is an assumed
motivational need for teachers to find this strategy valuable. To test the value teachers place on
adapting lesson plans according to student outcomes, 21 out of 23 respondents agreed to the
survey question “I believe it is valuable to adapt lesson plans according to the results of
monitoring outcomes.” Identified as a critical behavior for teachers to possess, and in
consideration of the survey responses, this need was not validated.
Self-efficacy Motivation
Confident in incorporating curriculum standards. Teachers can know the value of
incorporating curriculum standards into their lesson plans, and they can have procedural
knowledge of how to do this effectively. However, if teachers do not have the confidence in
themselves to correctly incorporate those standards into their lesson plans in a meaningful way,
they will not be successful in doing so. To gauge teacher self-efficacy, the researcher asked 22
respondents how they would agree with the following statement, “I am confident I can
incorporate curriculum standards and initiatives tied to female achievement as outlined in the TN
STEM Strategic Plan.” Of the 22 respondents, 21 agreed. The overwhelming affirmation of
self-efficacy did not validate this need.
Ability to monitor female student engagement and outcomes. As previously
emphasized with research in Chapter Two, female participation in STEM is a global initiative.
The TN STEM Strategic Plan specifically addresses the need for more girls to be involved in
STEM programs. In order to move the needle on the current trajectory, outcomes would need to
be monitored in order to gauge measurable success. Therefore, STEM education teachers were
asked in their interview, “How confident are you in your ability to monitor female student
engagement and outcomes?” Of the seven teachers asked, Teachers 2 and 5 were confident in
their ability to monitor female student outcomes and expressed confidence of their method of
doing so. Teacher 2 expressed,
Going back to that Art to STEM program...people who are working with the program,
and facilitating the program, and looking at what they were trying to measure and gauge
as far as for outcomes and stuff, it really opened my eyes as to what I should be looking
for in class.
Teacher 5 stated that they were very confident in their ability, but considers speaking directly to
students to see their perspective on his efforts through classroom instruction. The remaining five
teachers interviewed provided answers that ranged from “I don’t differentiate students in my
classroom,” “I know your personality, I know your propensities for distraction,” and finally “I
don’t know.” Teachers 3, 4, and 6 conveyed confidence over their ability, but what was
described was monitoring overall student outcomes with an emphasis on equality over equity.
Therefore, this assumed need was validated.
Shifting lesson plans as a result of student engagement and outcomes. To analyze the
larger STEM education teacher population’s confidence and ability to adjust their lesson plans as
they related to female outcomes, 22 teachers were surveyed with an affirmation statement, “I feel
I am able to confidently shift my lesson plan approach based on female student engagement and
outcomes.” Of the 22 teachers surveyed, 18 teachers agreed, therefore this need was not
validated. The survey response does show a slight downtick of agreement that was otherwise
seen consistently across the entire survey. Likewise, it should be considered that when
monitoring female student outcomes were asked about in interviews, teachers could not
differentiate between monitoring females versus overall students. The distinction is important as
females are not persisting through STEM programs at the same rate as males.
To provide additional transparency about monitoring outcomes and the lesson plans that
are crafted as a result, the researcher asked the seven teachers in the interview sample, “How
confident do you feel in your ability to develop lesson plans according to the results of
monitoring outcomes?” All seven teachers expressed confidence in their ability. It is important
to note that no teachers in the interview sample provided lesson plans, and as the interview and
survey questions capture a self-expression of confidence, the confidence could not be validated
by demonstration of ability.
Facilitating inclusive high quality instruction. To assess how teachers felt about their
own abilities to facilitate inclusive high quality instruction, the researcher asked seven teachers
the following interview question, “How confident are you in your ability to facilitate inclusive,
high quality instruction to male and female students?” All seven teachers stated that they were
very confident in their abilities not validating the assumed need. Teacher 2 went so far as to say,
“I'm confident that that's pretty much what my whole technique is.” Some teachers used
examples of how they pair students with others depending upon strengths and weaknesses.
Another teacher expressed their method of having students lead the class to build their capacity.
However, Teacher 7 stated that they tell their students, “You are a scientist. You are not a girl or
a boy or a number.” This was particularly compelling as the same teacher repeatedly referred to
students according to their gender, further demonstrated when group assignments were
performed in groups of girls versus boys.
Mood Motivation
Ability to improve female student outcomes, incorporating standard, adjusting
lesson plans, and monitoring outcomes. Unlike the previously outlined motivational needs,
mood motivation, or rather, how positively someone feels towards something, was important to
capture. The researcher used a combination of observations, interviews, and survey questions to
identify how confident teachers are and how they value specific elements of their instruction and
the outcomes of that instruction. However, the researcher surveyed all STEM education teachers
to better understand how positively they feel about their abilities. STEM educators were asked to
answer on a Likert scale whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with
the following (1) I feel positively that I am able to improve female student outcomes through my
instruction; (2) I feel positive about facilitating inclusive high quality instruction to male and
female students; (3) I feel positive about incorporating curriculum standards and STEM strategic
plan initiatives into my lesson plans; (4) I feel positively about adapting lesson plans according
to results of monitoring outcomes; and, (5) I feel positively about monitoring female student
engagement and outcomes. Of all STEM education teachers, 22 responded to each question with
all 22 feeling positively they were able to improve female outcomes through instruction and
facilitate inclusive high quality instruction, 21 felt positively about incorporating curriculum
standards and strategic plan initiatives, 20 felt positively about adapting lesson plans, and 18 felt
positively about monitoring female student engagement. Collectively, the researcher found an
overwhelming display of mood motivation on behalf of these abilities, not validating the
assumed need. Figure 16 illustrates this outcome.
Figure 16. Ways in which STEM educators feel positively about their abilities.
Summary of Assumed Motivation Needs
Motivation was assessed in numerous ways. The researcher evaluated expressed value,
confidence, and mood. The three-pronged approach was an attempt to capture the metacognitive
motivational needs that have potential to influence a teacher’s instructional practices. Regardless
of the survey or interview question asked, the vast majority of responses affirmed that teachers
feel confidently about their instructional capacity. They value monitoring outcomes and believe
they are putting strategies into place to do so effectively. The researcher found this particularly
interesting as compared to the results of the knowledge needs of the sample. Although the
sample was determined to not be strong in their abilities to identify many of these key elements,
such as high quality instruction, inclusive practices, and STEM Strategic Plan initiatives, they
were confident they were demonstrating these behaviors in the classroom environment. This
disconnect between knowledge and confidence will be evaluated further in the following section.
Results and Findings for Organization Needs
The organizational needs that are outlined in this section have been targeted in an attempt
for the researcher to understand the resources teachers need to do their work effectively, the
policies and procedures that structure their work, and the culture that outlines the constructs in
which they work. As such, all organization needs have been separated into the three distinct
categories discussed in Chapter Two: resources, policies, and culture. The essential motivational
needs are summated in Table 5.
Table 5
Organizational Needs Validated and Not Validated
Category Assumed Need Validated Not Validated
Resources Teachers need adequate curriculum standards
with specific guiding outcomes provided by the
TN Department of Education.
Teachers need their school administrators to
provide sufficient resources and professional
development so they may develop their lesson
plans according to curriculum standards.
Teachers need financial and time support from
their school administrator to support
professional development attendance.
Policy Teachers need school administrators to
prioritize student outcomes over standardized
Culture Teachers need to be a part of a culture that
fosters teacher motivation through positive
rewards and encouragement in a clear,
predetermined way.
Teachers need to be a part of a school culture
that supports and encourages professional
development opportunities.
Teachers need a school culture that supports
high quality classroom instruction.
Resource Organization Needs
Adequate curriculum standards with specific guiding outcomes. STEM education
teachers are required to develop curriculum for their courses around the curriculum standards
defined by the STEM program of study at the TDOE. To provide further support, the STEM
Program Manager crafted a STEM Strategic Plan for all STEM education teachers that illustrates
the specific connections between industry and postsecondary demands and the STEM program of
study. Therefore, it is reasonable to for teachers to expect the curriculum standards to provide
the organizational guidance necessary for them to do their jobs effectively. With this in mind,
the researcher surveyed all STEM education teachers by asking them to affirm, “I have adequate
curriculum standards with specific guiding outcomes provided by the TN Department of
Education.” Of the 22 teachers that responded, only 11 teachers agreed. The researcher
compared these results to the survey question, previously mentioned in the mood motivation
section, “Teachers need to feel positively about incorporating curriculum standards and
initiatives tied to female achievement as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic Plan,” to which 21
of 22 of the same teacher sample agreed. This is of particular interest as, in summary, 95% of
teachers feel positively about standard incorporation, and yet only 50% of those teachers believe
the standards are both adequate and have specific guiding outcomes. By juxtaposing these two
responses, the researcher has concluded that the “specific guiding outcomes” is the key
differential need that resulted in significantly different responses. As a result, this assumed
organizational need was validated.
Administrators provide sufficient resources and professional development. Because
districts make decisions at the local level for their own communities, how administrators choose
to allocate essential resources or provide professional development will immediately impact the
STEM education teachers in those schools. To gain insight into how teachers as stakeholders are
provided for, the seven teacher sample was asked, “In what ways do your school administrators
provide resources and professional development so that you may develop lesson plans according
to curriculum standards?” Six of the seven teachers believed that they would receive anything
they asked for and the current professional development they received was beneficial. Teacher 4
answered, “I'll say that everything I've ever asked for, I believe I've gotten.” Teacher 7 conveyed
a similar sentiment, “If I have a need for something, then there's no doubt that I'm going to get
it.” However, none of the seven teachers described professional development that focused on
how to develop lesson plans according to curriculum standards. Instead, professional
development focused on pedagogy, understanding the students’ perspective, and deep diving into
the STEM content area. Therefore, although the majority of the teachers expressed satisfaction
with the professional development and resources offered to them, this need was validated.
Fiscal resources and time allotment provided to attend professional development.
Because financial restrictions as well as a deficit of overall time were the two primary assumed
barriers that teachers would face when electing to attend professional development opportunities,
teachers were both surveyed and interviewed about this need. When all STEM education
teachers were surveyed and asked to respond to the statement “I feel my school administrators
support professional development attendance unrestricted by financial resources,” only 11 of 22
teachers agreed.
When the seven teacher sample was interviewed, the researcher asked, “When do you
find sufficient time to attend professional development opportunities?” all seven described
professional development that was either mandated at the local level, or structured by their
districts. Teacher 3 affirmed they received “built in PDs on a schedule.” Teacher 6 said, “We
have in our school calendar, dictated, specific days strictly for professional development.”
Teacher 1 stated that they had not been able to attend professional development since the
mandated new teacher training two years prior. Teacher 5 confirmed that they had just missed
school for a conference and it was the first time in 10 years that they had done so. Likewise, four
of the seven teachers expressed concerns about time equity as they balance mandated
collaboration time, career and technical student organization meetings, lead teacher trainings, to
name a few. No teacher in the sample expressed that there was sufficient time given to attend
trainings unless the district offered it itself, validating this need.
Policy-oriented Organization Needs
Administrative prioritization of individual student outcomes over standardized
assessments. Because each of the STEM education teachers are in the CTE units of their
schools, they are not required to participate in state-mandated end of year testing. Therefore, a
unique opportunity exists for CTE teachers to use more fluid assessment processes geared
towards their students. However, despite knowledge and motivational needs, if organizational
policies do not permit teachers to act, they will not. To perform a validation test on this specific
need, the researcher asked teachers in their interviews, “In what ways do school administrators
prioritize individual student outcomes versus standardized assessments?” Teachers 1, 3, 6 and 7
believed they were given the opportunity to be student centric. Although Teachers 6 and 7 still
expressed pressure to ensure their students will test well on the ACT to meet the state’s goal, as
outlined by the Tennessee Succeeds Strategic Plan, to have an average ACT score of 21 by the
year 2020 (TDOE, 2017d). The four teachers in the sample spoke extensively about monitoring
student growth, using project-based learning tools, or planning towards symposiums for students
to share their work. The remaining three teachers interviewed explained that their schools are
still focused primarily on assessment outcomes overall, despite individual student growth
outcomes. On teacher specifically stated that the sensitivity to how the overall school performs
on assessments, drives the decision-making for which all teachers must abide. Regardless of the
administrators’ focus on assessments over individual student outcomes, all teachers sampled
preferred a prioritized focus on individual student performance. Ultimately, the researcher did
not validate this need.
Culture Organizational Needs
Administrative offerings of positive rewards and encouragement. The researcher
assumed that teachers need to be a part of a culture that fosters teacher motivation through
positive rewards and encouragement in a clear, predetermined way. Receiving positive
reinforcement and feedback is vital in the administrator-teacher relationship, just as it is to a
teacher-student learner relationship. To test the validity of this need, the researcher asked the
seven teacher sample during their interview, “What are some ways that you are encouraged or
rewarded by your school administrators?” Of the seven, all described ways in which their school
makes an active effort to provide encouragement and rewards. However, the ways in which that
encouragement manifests were very diverse. For instance, two teachers felt the most supported
when their administrators came to observe their classrooms, not to provide instructional
feedback, but because they had a genuine interest in supporting what the teacher was doing and
wanted to show their appreciation for their work. Teachers 3 and 4 confirmed that their school
provides tangible awards, monetarily or otherwise, but that it is a nominated process. Because it
does not go to everyone who works hard, but instead highlights only the best of the best in an
objective way, it is discouraging when the teacher is not a recipient. Teachers 2 and 6 feel the
most encouraged when their administrators both acknowledge their full plates and work ethic,
and respond by trying to relieve pressure and take items off their plates. For instance, Teacher 2
expressed, “I mean they do little things, like ... treats and stuff like that, or on PD days, letting us
actually work in our rooms, or something like that, and treating us like professionals.” Teacher 6
described an unsought after encouragement,
we realize that you're stretched very, very thin, and we want to be able to relieve some of
the burden. We don't want you to have to feel like you have to take work home with you
every night, so we're going to schedule you for an extra planning period for next year.
At times this may also mean the administrators are providing more flexibility in the teacher’s
schedule so they can prioritize their own responsibilities. Teacher 5 feels encouraged and
rewarded through an open line of communication with their administrators so that when they
have needs, interests, or desires to start something new, the administrators respond with
enthusiasm, “how are we going to make this happen?,” and ensure that the opportunities are
made available. Teacher 4 both acknowledged their school’s tradition of awarding teachers
encourages some, but felt that it “does not feel like it’s focus right now”.
Administration encourages professional development opportunities. To gain a
broader perspective with regard to how STEM education teachers are encouraged to be lifelong
learners of their content, the researcher surveyed all STEM education teachers by asking them to
respond to the following affirmation statement, “I feel supported and encouraged by my school
to participate in professional development opportunities.” Of the 22 respondents, 18 teachers
agree, nine of which responded strongly agree and nine responded agree, thereby not validating
this need. By comparing this response to the interview question asked of the seven teacher
sample with regard to professional development opportunities, it is possible that administrators
encourage professional development attendance if it is local and district led. This assumption is
made by analyzing the interview data that conveyed professional development offered outside
the district was not as available to them as the opportunities that were scheduled on the teachers’
Culture supports high quality instruction. In order for a teacher to effectively put their
knowledge of high quality instruction into practice, provided that they also see the value in this
instruction and are motivated to do so, the school culture needs to outline instructional
expectations or develop parameters so that teachers can assess their instruction accordingly. To
test this need, the researcher asked the seven teacher sample, “How does your school
administrators outline or help to assess high quality instruction?” Each teacher illustrated the
ways in which their administrators helped to assess high quality instruction. Of the seven
teachers, Teachers 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 have their instruction assessed through walk-through
observations by administrators or peer teachers to provide support and feedback separate from
the mandated evaluation all teachers must do on an annual basis. Teachers 3 and 4 are assessed
only through the state teacher evaluation system published by the Tennessee Educator
Acceleration Model (TEAM; TDOE, 2018b).
Summary of Assumed Organization Needs
Organizational needs were analyzed by looking at three different facets: resources, policy
and culture. In this way, the researcher was able to analyze how administrators provide what
teachers need, the constructs they create to make those resources possible, and the culture that is
fostered. Culture is very valuable in the study of organizational needs because it is not
immediately apparent to an individual from outside the organization. Of all the specified needs,
those that related to resources were validated. Teachers, both in interviews and surveys,
expressed their desire for more resources to connect curriculum standards into actionable items
in their work. Some of the resources needed were not tangible. Instead the researcher found that
teachers wanted more autonomy to determine what professional development opportunities they
engaged in, and the support to do so outside of the prescribed school calendar. Teachers also
conveyed that they needed more time to do the things they were passionate about. Teachers
demonstrated a strong desire to serve individual student needs, engage outside of the classroom,
and collaborate. However, the majority of teachers felt that they needed more financial resources
and more time support to be able to translate their desires into actionable outcomes.
Findings Summary
In Chapter Four, the researcher provided a detailed overview of the research gathered
through a survey, interviews, and observations to address the organizational goal of increasing
female interest in STEM postsecondary programs and careers through the lens of inclusive
instruction. More specifically, a survey was disseminated to all STEM education teachers in
Tennessee, and a seven teacher sample was used for interviews and instructional observations.
The purpose of this data gathering was to validate or invalidate each identified knowledge,
motivation, and organization need. Through this process, the data was analyzed to determine
patterns and themes to understand the validated needs that may be impacting the organizational
goal to increase female STEM postsecondary and career entrance from 19% to 40%. The
knowledge findings determined that teachers need to know more about inclusive instructional
practices, how to assess them, how they relate to the STEM job trajectory, what the trajectory is
in Tennessee, and how to recognize their own biases that may be the lens through which they
view the aforementioned needs. The motivation findings proved that teachers are very confident
in their work and how they approach their classroom instruction. The majority of teachers also
feel very confident that teaching all students the same is an effective method. However, the
motivation findings also showed that teachers need to value incorporating curriculum standards
into their lesson plans, as well as valuing increasing female outcomes and monitoring those
outcomes accordingly. The organization findings revealed that teachers need more support from
the TDOE in translating the curriculum standards to specific guiding outcomes. Findings also
conveyed that teachers need more support from their administrators to receive professional
development regarding lesson plan development. They also want the ability to take the
appropriate time, and receive the appropriate financial resources, to elect what professional
development opportunities they need to increase their capacity. With these needs in mind,
Chapter Five will address potential solutions in detail.
The purpose of Chapter Five is to address the validated knowledge, motivation, and
organizational needs impacting STEM education teachers’ facilitation of inclusive instructional
practices outlined in Chapter Four. This study utilized an innovation model as the TDOE does
not currently provide any specific guidance or curriculum standards related to inclusive
instructional practices in STEM education to address the disproportionate number of girls
entering STEM postsecondary programs or STEM career fields upon leaving high school. More
specifically, Chapter Five will provide solutions, based on data and literature, for addressing the
needs and closing the performance gap as well as recommendations for an implementation and
evaluation plan for the solutions. The solutions to follow have been developed as a response to
understanding the complex climate surrounding female participation in STEM education and the
teachers that engage them.
This chapter has been formatted into four distinct sections. In the first section, all
validated needs will be summated and grouped into three primary themes. In the second section,
the chapter will make proposed solutions to address those needs directly. The third section will
outline an implementation plan to make the proposed solutions actionable. Lastly, the fourth
section will propose an evaluation plan for the implementation plan to ensure that impact and
outcomes are measurable.
Closing the Gap: Solutions for Implementation
As outlined expansively in Chapter Four, there were a total of 12 validated needs
comprised of six knowledge, three motivation, and three organizational. Table 6 lists each of the
validated needs upon which all recommended solutions will be derived.
Table 6
Summary of Knowledge, Motivation, and Organizational Needs
Knowledge Category Assumed Need Validated
Factual Teachers need to know what inclusive
instructional practices are.
Teachers need to understand the STEM job
(trajectory) in Tennessee.
Conceptual Teachers need to understand the impact
inclusive instructional practices have on
improving STEM interest for girls.
Procedural Teachers need to be able to cater classroom
instruction based on student demographic
Metacognitive Teachers need to know how to recognize their
own teaching biases.
Teachers need to understand how to assess
whether their instruction is high quality.
Motivation Category Assumed Need Validated
Value Teachers need to value incorporating
curriculum standards and initiatives tied to
female achievement as outlined in the TN
STEM Strategic Plan.
Teachers need to value increasing female
student outcomes as opposed to overall
student outcomes.
Self-Efficacy Teachers need to be confident in their ability
to monitor female student engagement and
Table 6, continued
Organization Category Assumed Need Validated
Resources Teachers need adequate curriculum standards
with specific guiding outcomes provided by
the TN Department of Education.
Teachers need their school administrators to
provide sufficient resources and professional
development so they may develop their
lesson plans according to curriculum
Teachers need financial and time support
from their school administrator to support
professional development attendance.
The following sections will provide the recommended solutions to address each of the
knowledge, motivation, and organizationally validated needs referenced in Table 7 to effectively
impact the performance gap as it currently exists.
Knowledge. Of the needs tested, the researcher determined that the validated knowledge
needs are related to understandings of gender disparity, inclusive instructional strategies,
identifying their own biases, and knowledge of the overall STEM industry trajectory in TN.
Table 7 will restate the validated knowledge needs and define the solutions to remedy them.
Table 7
|Knowledge Validated Needs and Solutions
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need to know what
inclusive instructional practices
Teachers need to understand the
STEM job (trajectory) in
● Professional development (PD)
workshops to (1) provide
unconscious bias, diversity, equity,
and inclusion content and (2) model
inclusive instructional practices for
annual PD credit.
● Communications to teachers and
administrators around unconscious
bias and data driven statistics to
permeate biases.
● Develop and implement a
marketing campaign to highlight
STEM jobs, industry trends,
including an emphasis on women in
STEM, and connections to student
preparation with teachers and
administrators as the audience.
Teachers need to understand the
impact inclusive instructional
practices have on improving
STEM interest for girls.
Teachers need to be able to cater
classroom instruction based on
student demographic needs.
Teachers need to know how to
recognize their own teaching
Teachers need to understand
how to assess whether their
instruction is high quality.
● High quality instruction matrix
outlining best practices for personal
assessment in the classroom
Professional development workshops to cover unconscious bias, diversity, equity, and
inclusion content and model inclusive instructional practices for annual PD credit.
Professional development (PD) opportunities are provided by the TDOE to CTE educators across
the state on a rolling basis during the year. Some PD is offered at the local level, such as
workshops provided within the district, and some is more centralized, such as Institute for CTE
Educators, a week-long conference held centrally in the state. Because CTE programs may use
Perkins funding in order to cover the costs associated with PD, ranging from registration fees to
securing substitute teachers, teachers rely on these events to acquire the knowledge they need to
prepare for the academic year. PD is a critical opportunity for the TDOE to disseminate updates,
initiatives, and priorities for CTE teachers. Building lesson plans and incorporating CTSO into
instructional preparation has been a topic covered at the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Institute.
However, CTE educators, including STEM educators, have not been offered a PD workshop that
specifically targets unconscious bias, diversity, equity or inclusion and the impact these lens’
have on inclusive instructional practices. Therefore, it is recommended that STEM education
teachers are provided a two-part PD workshop series.
The first workshop should be focused on delivering unconscious bias, diversity, equity,
and inclusion training to teachers. Because bias can both be subtle and subconscious, teachers
may not be fully aware of the lenses through which they see their students, their outcomes, and
the language they use in the process. Using this workshop as a primer, the second workshop
should introduce inclusive instructional practices for teachers to utilize in the classroom. With
the first workshop providing self-awareness and sensitivity training, teachers will be more
knowledgeable and more motivated to put the strategies, learned in the second workshop, into
Communications to teachers and administrators around unconscious bias and data
driven statistics to permeate biases. STEM educators are provided a monthly e-newsletter from
the STEM Program Manager. The e-newsletter is intended to keep STEM educators apprised of
essential knowledge pertaining to curriculum standards, administrative deadlines, and PD event
dates. CTE Directors, who oversee STEM educators in each district, also receive a bi-weekly e-
newsletter with comparable content. Both of these e-newsletters should emphasize ways in
which unconscious bias impacts relationships built within the classroom, the lens through which
students see themselves, and how the behaviors can result in consequential learning outcomes.
Subsequently, the e-newsletters should provide data to support the content, and offer techniques
and action steps to overcome this behavior. Most importantly, the communications should make
it clear that unconscious bias is a retrainable behavior, not a static condition.
Develop and implement a marketing campaign to highlight STEM jobs, industry
trends, including an emphasis on women in STEM, and connections to student preparation
with teachers and administrators as the audience. Currently, a marketing plan for promoting
STEM education and industry has not been drafted or implemented. To address the validated
need for teachers to understand the industry trends, job trajectory, and the unique opportunity
this field poses for females entering the workforce, a marketing plan should be developed. The
plan should include a social media campaign to share current STEM news and industry needs,
showcase women in the STEM field and girls involved in STEM programs in their schools, and
compel STEM educators and their students to engage the platform demonstrating their own
involvement with STEM education. The plan should also include stock slides with this content
to be folded into presentations provided on behalf of the STEM program of study. E-newsletters,
as mentioned in the solution prior, should have a recurring segment to highlight these
components and make the connections from the data to the other parts of the newsletter --
updates, events, curriculum-- transparent. By utilizing a proactive approach to marketing STEM
programs and building a plan accordingly, the TDOE would be able to develop a culture of
STEM support and celebration with educators, and subsequently, students.
High quality instruction matrix outlining best practices for personal assessment in the
classroom environment. The inconsistency and lack of efficacy expressed through the STEM
educator interviews confirmed there was a validated need to outline what high quality instruction
is, and how it can be assessed. To support teachers in developing their capacity to offer high
quality instruction, a high quality instruction matrix should be provided for teacher support and
to make desired behaviors and skills transparent. Furthermore, the resource should clearly outline
teacher practices and observable student behaviors that reinforce instructional approaches.
Although this study is focused uniquely on STEM education teachers, the TDOE should consider
making the matrix available on the TEAM webpage that is dedicated to providing resources for
teachers and those who observe and assess them (Tennessee Department of Education, 2018c).
Motivation. STEM education teachers were found to have high self-efficacy in their
ability to monitor outcomes and implement instructional practices in the classroom. Identified
validated motivational needs were focused specifically on instructional practiced tied specifically
to female student outcomes. Table 8 will restate the validated motivation needs and define the
solutions to remedy them.
Table 8
Motivation Validated Needs and Solutions
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need to value
incorporating curriculum standards
and initiatives tied to female
achievement as outlined in the TN
STEM Strategic Plan.
Teachers need to value increasing
female student outcomes as
opposed to overall student
● Micro-credential (MC) intended to
have the STEM educator consider
ways to align curriculum standards
with strategic plan to elevate female
achievement in the classroom.
● Professional Learning Planning and
Evaluation Rubric to include
monitoring student outcomes to
evaluate achievements based upon
gender, race, or other identified special
Teachers need to be confident in
their ability to monitor female
student engagement and outcomes.
Micro-credential intended to have the STEM educator consider ways to align
curriculum standards with strategic plan to elevate female achievement in the classroom. The
TDOE utilizes the TEAM. TEAM is a published resource hub that encourages frequent
observation, resources, guidance, feedback, data, and advanced learning opportunities to foster
ongoing professional learning and growth for Tennessee’s principals and teachers. One strategy
utilized by TEAM is to offer micro-credentials for educators to earn through demonstrating
specific competencies (TDOE, 2018c). Rather than just receiving information, micro-credentials
are designed to provide educators with guiding questions for them to apply in the classroom
environment, analyze outcomes, and reflect on results. Encouraging the use of a project or
another comparable vehicle, educators take skills they are learning through the micro-credential
course and learn to put them into practice before receiving the micro-credential. Additionally, a
collaborative platform is provided so educators can learn and connect from other teachers who
are interested in the same subject matter as themselves. Because districts can accept micro-
credentials as PD credits, and micro-credential topics can be selected specifically based upon the
needs of a local environment, there has been demonstrated support for this avenue of PD. So
much so, the TDOE has launched a pilot program to analyze how to increase engagement in
micro-credentials to assist districts in elevating capacity as uniquely identified. As such, offering
a micro-credential to teachers that both highlights inclusive instructional practices, but
encourages teachers to analyze female engagement and outcomes, will reinforce the value that it
holds from the perspective of the TDOE. STEM educators will value the offering more if it is
rewarded through PD credit and reflections are built into the credential itself.
Professional Learning Planning and Evaluation Rubric to include monitoring student
outcomes to evaluate achievements based upon gender, race, or other identified special
populations. Teachers in TN are evaluated annually according to student outcomes. As part of
this process, teachers are observed within the classroom to receive feedback on instructional
strategies and demonstrated practices. In conjunction with observations, student growth is
analyzed from year to year under a given teacher, and this growth is used as part of the educator
evaluation plan (TDOE, 2018d). As the guiding backbone for teacher assessment, the
Professional Learning Planning and Evaluation Rubric outlines valued behaviors that districts
which to see their teachers implement. Therefore, by adding behaviors on the rubric that would
reinforce a teacher to assess student achievements equitably, as defined by the goals and desired
outcomes for special populations including females, educators would be motivated to
demonstrate these behaviors accordingly. Although gender is not considered a special
population for ESSA purposes, this component could still be highlighted on district proposals for
Perkins funding, ePlans, to validate their service to such groups. Furthermore, because the
results of teacher assessment are evaluated in relation to years prior, an additional monitoring
resource to track progress of special populations would be subsequently derived.
Organization. The researcher tested needs related to policy, culture and resources. All
validated needs related to resources. Although the teachers interviewed and surveyed
collectively conveyed their sense of support for their needs, there were still many items that
teachers felt they needed. For example, teachers expressed their desire for more resources to
connect curriculum standards into actionable items in their work, greater autonomy to engage in
PD, and more time to delve into content they were passionate about. Furthermore, teachers
demonstrated a strong desire to serve individual student needs, engage outside of the classroom,
and collaborate. However, the majority of teachers felt that they needed more financial resources
and more time support to be able to translate their desires into actionable outcomes. Identified
validated organizational needs are outlined in Table 9 alongside the solutions to remedy them.
Table 9
Organization Validated Needs and Solutions
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need adequate
curriculum standards with
specific guiding outcomes
provided by the TN Department
of Education.
Teachers need their school
administrators to provide
sufficient resources and
professional development so
they may develop their lesson
plans according to curriculum
Teachers need financial and time
support from their school
administrator to support
professional development
● STEM career cluster toolkit to be
provided at the Institute for CTE
Educators each year.
● Transparency around professional
development opportunities and
flexibility for teacher interests.
● Administrator training to foster a
positive school culture.
STEM career clusters toolkit to be provided at the Institute for CTE Educators each
year. The researcher validated the need for STEM education teachers to have adequate
curriculum standards with specific guiding outcomes provided by the TDOE. Currently, the
STEM Program Manager publishes the STEM curriculum standards for each leveled course
within all programs of study housed within the STEM career cluster. The document provides an
expansive list of information, including contact information, corresponding CTSO information,
specific standards, required teacher certifications, compatible dual enrollment opportunities,
work-based learning activities, and specific aligned activities to be integrated into the classroom
(TDOE, 2017a). However, teachers validated the need for needing to see how these standards
are connected to student outcomes and how those outcomes relate to the workforce development
plans outlined by Tennessee. As a result, it is recommended that the TDOE constructed STEM
Leadership Council, comprised of postsecondary, industry and educators, will present a STEM
career-ready student description and curriculum crosswalk for teacher dissemination.
The crosswalk will start with the desired postsecondary and industry needs related to one
of the STEM programs of study, connect those needs with the curriculum standards developed,
see the standards translated into concretized instructional recommendations and classroom
activities, and have recommendations for how these activities and practices can be assessed to
evaluate outcomes. Consequently, transparent, scaffolding influences will create a deeper
understanding of all the components that comprise STEM education. It is further recommended
that the crosswalk be disseminated along with the aforementioned standards document into an
electronic toolkit for STEM educators at Institute for CTE Educators. Institute takes place mid-
July each year providing PD, industry engagement opportunities, and updates for the upcoming
academic year. By utilizing the largest CTE educator event, Institute, as the time for
dissemination, the STEM Program Manager could present the toolkit, walk through its contents,
and give additional context as to why the enclosures are significant. It is imperative that school
administrators support STEM educator attendance.
Transparency around professional development opportunities and flexibility for
teacher interests. As addressed in Chapter Four, all teachers interviewed confirmed that most
of the PD they received was developed and facilitated at the district level. Likewise, 50% of the
teachers surveyed did not believe PD opportunities made available to them were unrestricted by
financial resources. Because PD opportunities, collaboration time, planning time, and freedom
to engage in teacher interests are all dependent upon district-level decision making, it is essential
that districts make this process, and their support, transparent.
Administrator training to foster a positive school culture. Although teachers largely
conveyed that they are supported by their administrators, they simultaneously conveyed feeling
restricted in developing themselves professionally, as mentioned in the previous section. To
foster open communication between administrators and teachers, it is recommended that school
administrators receive training to foster a positive school culture. As fiscal conservatism
continues to impact districts and the desire to collaborate and expand services outside of
instructional time, it is important for administrators to be proactive in their approach to affirming
teacher value, creating a pipeline for teacher feedback, and identifying teacher needs.
Solution Themes
When the solutions are analyzed collectively, a significant thematic overlap exists. For
this reason, the needs in the following section have been addressed in thematic categories to
ensure that each solution is appropriately understood and the approach is comprehensive. Table
10 has grouped the validated needs according to one of three thematic categories: Equity versus
Equality, The STEM Trajectory Call to Action, and The Administrative Response to Teacher-
Identified Needs.
Equity versus equality. During interviews, STEM teachers were asked about how they
adjust their lesson plan facilitation based upon student diversity in the classroom and how they
monitor student outcomes versus overall outcomes. Teachers ranged in doubt in their responses
saying, “this isn’t an instructional issue,” “there’s not a whole lot of meat there,” “I don’t really
adjust the instruction any,” with confidence in treating all kids the same, “I don’t really
differentiate students,” “I work one-on-one with all my students,” and “I know your personality,
I know your propensity for distraction.” Teachers seemed to convey a sense of confidence when
affirming they treat all students the same, further reinforcing a need for teachers to understand
the differences between equity and equality and how it relates to improving student outcomes.
The STEM trajectory call to action. Because needs around STEM trajectory
knowledge and the relationship to curriculum standards and instructional practices were
validated, solutions have been crafted to remedy these needs and respond with a call to action.
The administrative response to teacher-identified needs. Because the TDOE
empowers districts with freedom to make decisions as they deem appropriate, the solutions
categorized within this theme provide resources and tools for districts to enhance their ability to
respond to teacher-identified needs, to customize their approach for individual districts across the
state, and to build a positive culture at the local level.
Table 10
Validated Needs Categorized by Prevalent Themes
Equity versus Equality
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need to know what inclusive instructional
practices are. (Knowledge | Factual)
● Professional development
(PD) workshops to (1)
provide unconscious bias,
diversity, equity, and
inclusion content and (2)
model inclusive
instructional practices for
annual PD credit.
● Communications to
teachers and
administrators around
unconscious bias and data
driven statistics to
permeate biases.
● Micro-credential (MC)
intended to have the
STEM educator consider
ways to align curriculum
standards with strategic
plan to elevate female
achievement in the
● Professional Learning
Planning and Evaluation
Rubric to include
monitoring student
outcomes to evaluate
achievements based upon
gender, race, or other
identified special
Teachers need to be able to cater classroom
instruction based on student demographic needs.
(Knowledge | Procedural)
Teachers need to know how to recognize their own
teaching biases. (Knowledge | Metacognitive)
Teachers need to value incorporating curriculum
standards and initiatives tied to female achievement
as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic Plan.
(Motivation | Value)
Teachers need to value increasing female student
outcomes as opposed to overall student outcomes.
(Motivation | Value)
Teachers need to be confident in their ability to
monitor female student engagement and outcomes.
(Motivation | Self-efficacy)
Table 10, continued
The STEM Trajectory Call to Action
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need to understand the STEM job
(trajectory) in Tennessee. (Knowledge | Factual)
● Develop and implement a
marketing campaign to
highlight STEM jobs,
industry trends, including
an emphasis on women in
STEM, and connections to
student preparation with
teachers and
administrators as the
● High quality instruction
matrix outlining best
practices for personal
assessment in the
classroom environment.
● STEM career cluster
toolkit to be provided at
the Institute for CTE
Educators each year.
Teachers need to understand the impact inclusive
instructional practices have on improving STEM
interest for girls. (Knowledge | Conceptual)
Teachers need to understand how to assess whether
their instruction is high quality. (Knowledge |
Teachers need adequate curriculum standards with
specific guiding outcomes provided by the TN
Department of Education. (Organization | Resources)
The Administrative Response to Teacher-Identified Needs
Validated Need Solutions
Teachers need their school administrators to provide
sufficient resources and professional development so
they may develop their lesson plans according to
curriculum standards. (Organization | Resources)
● Transparency around
professional development
opportunities and
flexibility for teacher
● Administrator training to
foster a positive school
Teachers need financial and time support from their
school administrator to support professional
development attendance. (Organization | Resources)
Implementation Plan and Timeline
The following section will propose an implementation plan and corresponding timeframe
necessary to translate the solutions into actionable steps to move the organization towards
achieving its goal of increasing female interest in STEM postsecondary programs and careers
through the lens of inclusive instruction. More specifically, if the below timeline is followed
successfully, teachers will have received a full academic year to exercise the instructional
practices promoted, evaluate biases that create invisible barriers to effectiveness, and clear and
directed outcomes for a teacher to focus their efforts. As such, at the conclusion of the 2019-
2020 academic year, the researcher believes the organizational goal for STEM education
teachers to demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM instructional practices inclusively to
increase 12
grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in entering postsecondary education in
STEM fields upon graduation.
Table 11
Proposed Implementation Strategy for Equity versus Equality Solutions
Implementation Action Items
Develop a marketing campaign to highlight STEM jobs, industry trends,
including an emphasis on women in STEM, and connections to student
preparation with teachers and administrators as the audience. (K)
September -
Draft STEM micro-credential intended to have the STEM educator consider
ways to align curriculum standards with strategic plan to elevate female
achievement in the classroom. (M)
October -
Ongoing 2018
Implement a marketing campaign to highlight STEM jobs, industry trends,
including an emphasis on women in STEM, and connections to student
preparation with teachers and administrators as the audience. (K)
October 2018
Develop content for two-part PD workshops (1) provide unconscious bias,
diversity, equity, and inclusion content and (2) model inclusive instructional
practices for annual PD credit, or contract with 3rd party facilitator. (K)
October 2018 Review research surrounding high quality instruction. (K)
Develop evaluation surveys to monitor two-part PD outcomes. (K)
Propose high quality instruction components found in research and aligned to
TDOE values to Deputy Commissioner for approval. (K)
December 2018
Craft a high quality instruction matrix outlining best practices for personal
assessment in the classroom environment utilizing approved TDOE
components. (K)
December 2018
Develop content to deliver administrator training to foster a positive school
culture. (O)
December 2018
- July 2019
Market two-part PD workshop to STEM educators in anticipation of 2019
Institute for CTE Educators in all STEM and Institute related messaging from
the TDOE. (K)
January 2019
Disseminate high quality instruction matrix outlining best practices for
personal assessment in the classroom to STEM education teachers and their
administrators. (K)
February 2019
Aggregate special population data made available from the 2017-2018
academic year to analyze gap analysis for each group, including female
achievement. (M)
February 2019
At the winter CTE Directors Meeting, provide administrator training to foster
a positive school culture. (O)
February 2019
Outline essential components of a STEM Career Cluster toolkit and begin
constructing. (K)
March 2019
Launch STEM micro-credential intended to have the STEM educator
consider ways to align curriculum standards with strategic plan to elevate
female achievement in the classroom. (M)
March 2019
Announce micro-credential in STEM newsletters and administrator
newsletters to gain interest and support. (M)
Table 11, continued
Implementation Action Items
March 2019 Disseminate special population achievement data to districts. (M)
March 2019
Communicate to STEM educators and their administrators the launch of a
STEM Career Cluster toolkit. (K)
April 2019
Districts develop initiatives to address special population achievement gaps
and incorporate into their ePlans. (M)
April 2019 Launch STEM Career Cluster toolkit. (K)
May 2019
Districts use special population focused initiatives to customize the
Professional Learning Planning and Evaluation Rubric used for teacher
assessment. (M)
July 2019
At Institute, deliver two-part PD workshops (1) provide unconscious bias,
diversity, equity, and inclusion content and (2) model inclusive instructional
practices for annual PD credit. (K)
July 2019
At Institute, deliver a session on personal assessment of high quality
instruction referencing the matrix, and modeling instructional techniques. (K)
July 2019
At Institute, provide administrator training on how to foster a positive school
culture. (O)
August 2019 -
Provide two-part PD workshops (1) provide unconscious bias, diversity,
equity, and inclusion content and (2) model inclusive instructional practices
by district request for annual PD credit. (K)
August 2019 -
Deliver two-part professional development (PD) workshops to (1) provide
unconscious bias, diversity, equity, and inclusion content and (2) model
inclusive instructional practices for annual PD credit offered at district level,
on demand. (K)
Resource Requirements
The implementation plan and the timeline provided was constructed by directly
addressing the knowledge, motivation, and organizational needs validated in Chapter Four and
by strategically planning the action items developed to support the solutions presented in
Chapter Five. However, the solutions cannot be executed without addressing potential
resources and limitations that may impact them.
District buy-in. Although many of the solutions proposed will not require the districts to
create or financially support their implementation, they will have to value them and support
teachers in engaging trainings, instructional tools, and evaluation supports. Because districts
can customize how TDOE initiatives are translated at the local level, they have the greatest
potential influence for creating a culture of inclusion and continued teacher learning.
Partnership coordination. To effectively make the solutions actionable, many people
with diverse content expertise will need to work collaboratively with one another to address the
validated needs. For instance, the STEM Program Manager may create the STEM content for
the marketing campaign, but a member of the communications team must review, edit, and
provide feedback for every proposed submission. Likewise, in order for the numerous PD
trainings to be offered, the TDOE will need to vet internal and external facilitators who are
experts in this field.
Information access. All communications that are disseminated by the TDOE out to
districts are done so through an opt-in approach. Meaning, teachers and administrators must
request to be added to the subscription list to receive monthly newsletters. Therefore, the
TDOE can produce informative content, but it cannot enforce receipt. Likewise, CTE Directors,
who oversee the CTE programs in their districts, receive their own newsletters with updates,
opportunities, resources, and statewide highlights that transcends specific career clusters. It is
imperative that CTE Directors read and engage with the information that they are provided so
that those whom they serve will benefit.
Evaluation Plan
To measure whether or not the solutions are creating the impact that the researcher
intends, it is essential the organization utilize an evaluation plan. The plan is a product of the
evaluation approach presented by Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick’s Evaluating Training Programs:
The Four Levels published in 2006. Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) presents four levels
with which to approach evaluation of training programs. Although each of the solutions are
unique, this framework should be utilized to ensure that proper learning has been achieved. As
such, this four level approach --reactions, learning, behavior, and impact --will be the lens for
evaluating the solutions in Table 12.
Table 12
Evaluation Plan for Proposed Solutions
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
1. TDOE will
present the current
STEM workforce
trajectory in TN
and the
industry demands
on student
readiness to
STEM teachers.
● Monitor
attendance by
● Observe
during large
and small
● Pre/post test on
● Survey
attendees need
to implement
readiness and
● Sample
interviews with
STEM teachers
and CTE
Directors to
application of
● Monitor
number of
entering STEM
programs upon
● Monitor
number of
entering STEM
careers upon
● Monitor
number of
entering STEM
2. TDOE will
provide gender
sensitivity in the
classroom training
for STEM
● Monitor body
language of
● Provide a post-
training survey
to capture the
“value added”
felt by
● Survey of
about their
confidence in
sensitivity in
● Sample
observations to
assess strategies
● Observe female
engagement in
the classroom
Table 12, continued
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
3. TDOE will
provide a micro-
credential (MC) to
have the STEM
educator consider
ways to align
standards with
strategic plan to
elevate female
achievement in
the classroom.
● Track the
“click rate” on
the STEM
launch email
with the MC
● Monitor the
number of
students who
enroll in the
● Track the
completion of
the MC, which
teachers to
and show
evidence of
● Survey STEM
teachers to
assess whether
they feel
they can align
standards with
strategic plan
outcomes to
elevate female
4. TDOE will
develop a
campaign to
enhance STEM
newsletters by
highlighting girls
in STEM careers,
statistics, or other
● Monitor the
“click rate” on
the STEM
● Have STEM
teachers rank
the value of
provided by
included in the
● Interview
STEM teachers
asking them to
speak to the
utilization of
the resources in
● Through
STEM teachers
will be assessed
for their ability
to speak to the
importance of
female entrance
into the STEM
5. TDOE will
develop a
campaign around
unconscious bias
and data driven
statistics to
permeate biases.
● Monitor the
“click rate” on
bias directed
● Have STEM
teachers rank
the value of
provided by
included in the
● Interview
STEM teachers
asking them to
speak to the
utilization of
the resources in
● Through
STEM teachers
will be
assessed for
their ability to
speak to the
importance of
reflecting on
biases through
the lens of
Table 12, continued
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
6. The TDOE
constructed STEM
comprised of
industry and
educators, will
present a STEM
description and
crosswalk for
dissemination in a
STEM toolkit.
● Survey a
sample of
STEM teachers
for crosswalk
● Have STEM
teachers assist
with expanding
the crosswalk
to include
activities that
will transition
the crosswalk
● Interview
STEM teachers
regarding how
they have
utilized the
crosswalk to
enhance lesson
plans and
activities used
● Survey STEM
teachers on
their use of the
strategies in
their classroom
7. TDOE will
unconscious bias
training for STEM
teachers (focused
on personal
biases, not
● Monitor
● Have
create if/then
statements to
outline how the
training can be
applied in real-
life situations.
● Encourage
participants to
statement to
into their
● Survey how
many teachers
created an
statement and
have them
share it via
long form
● Survey what
teachers feel
they have
made as a
result of
personal bias
they have
made. (Also
● Monitor
requests to
training at a
local level.
● Monitor
ses each year
the training is
Table 12, continued
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
8. TDOE will
workshops for
CTE Directors
and other key
administrators on
how to foster
positive school
● Track
participation at
each district
across the
● Pre/post test on
● Have
work in small
groups to
create three
initiatives that
would support
teachers by
using a budget
of only $100 or
● Track the
number of
reach out for
● Survey STEM
teachers on
their school
pre/post any
ns made by
9. TDOE will
provide guidance
educators on how
to implement
assessments, over
● Pre/post survey
of content
● Monitor
engagement of
● In small
groups, have
develop an
timeline, goals,
and plan for a
STEM course.
● Work with
districts to
determine a
sample pilot of
educators that
will implement
the holistic
● Compare end
of course
assessments or
schools that
participate in
the pilot model
versus those
that made no
10. The TDOE
will provide a
high quality
instruction matrix
outlining best
practices for
assessment in the
● Monitor the
“click rate” on
webpage where
matrix is
● Survey STEM
teachers on
whether they
believe the
matrix will add
value to their
● Survey STEM
regarding how
often they
utilize the
matrix as a
means for self-
● Interview
STEM teachers
on how the use
of the high
matrix has
impacted their
Table 12, continued
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
11. The TDOE
will include
student outcomes
to evaluate
based upon
gender, race, or
other identified
populations within
the Professional
Learning Planning
and Evaluation
● Survey districts
to assess their
value regarding
using the
updated rubric
● Survey
districts to
determine their
confidence in
using the
updated rubric
● Interview
regarding how
they observe
and evaluate
behaviors they
would not have
otherwise with
the old rubric.
● Interview
districts on
how the
rubrics have
assessed and
practices as
related to
Reactions. Reactions are the simple data that is collected through the surveys. It is an
immediate reaction to answer basic questions around the development of the program to assess
the attendees’ experiences. The assessments may range from Likert scale and short answer
opportunities to gather more detailed feedback, to observing body language and tone. As
Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) suggests, a positive response does not always mean that the
goal has been achieved, but a negative response certainly reduces the likelihood that it did.
Learning. One of the ways in which Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) defines learning
is affirmation there has been “an improvement of skill” (p. 22). Because the long-term learning
and commitment to a solution may not be immediately apparent, this assessment can be
achieved a few different ways. Interviews, by simply asking the participant, about their
learning helps to capture their frame of mind. Further, in a large group during a workshop,
taking a pre-and post-workshop survey is an immediate way to evaluate learning that has taken
place. Another successful way to assess learning is to have the participants engage in a
workshop capacity where content is delivered, but participants have an opportunity to
demonstrate any learned skills by putting it into action in the moment.
Behavior. Whether true learning and application has occurred cannot be determined
until behavior has been addressed. Whereas the first two elements of the framework can be
evaluated fairly quickly, behavior assessment must be delayed three to six months. Behavior
can be tested by disseminating surveys or observing instruction in classrooms. Likewise,
behavior can continue to be assessed over a specified period of time to determine the value of
the learning that took place and its continued relevance in a participant’s professional or
personal experience.
Impact. Just as behavior assessments are delayed, impact is even more so. An evaluator
must be patient in determining the impact of a particular solution as it may be months or even
years before it’s evident. For instance, to determine whether or not making teachers aware of
the STEM workforce trajectory impacted their encouragement of girls’ interest at graduation, it
would require a student to transition through four levels of STEM education in high school
before analyzing any trends in student behavior. It is essential that all stakeholders understand
the timeframes outlined within an evaluation plan to ensure that solutions are not abandoned
prior to their effect can become known. As Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (2006) states, “it is
difficult if not impossible to measure final results for programs on such topics as leadership,
communication, motivation, time management, empowerment, decision making, or managing
change” (p. 26). Therefore, solutions, such as PD opportunities, should not be underestimated.
Future Research
The research surrounding the leaky pipeline of girls from interest to postsecondary to
career to professional retention is overwhelming. From the expertise of Beede et al. (2011),
Settles (2014), and Blickenstaff (2005) covering the absence of women in STEM through all
levels of engagement to the countless agencies, both private sector and government, the lack of
girls in STEM is well covered and data remains current. However, there are a few areas for
further research to be developed that may help push the needle on closing the gender gap.
Expressed interest entering high school. The Condition of STEM 2016 - Tennessee,
published by ACT (2016), is an invaluable resource for numerous data points as it relates to girls
in STEM, while also highlighting racial minority groups, as well as economic influences. The
TDOE gathers information pertaining to girls enrolled in STEM career clusters allowing
researchers to track their progress throughout their secondary career. However, a missing piece
of this puzzle is capturing the interest of girls when entering high school. The TDOE encourages
students to select a program of study upon high school matriculation so they have the
opportunity to take all four levels of a given subject, resulting in students being classified as CTE
concentrators. However, what a student does versus what she wishes to do are very different
things. Tracking a student’s progress throughout her high school tenure will only reveal the
choices that students, or their administrators, make. More research needs to be done to capture
what a girl wishes to study at the onset of high school in order to better understand one of the
leaks in the pipeline.
School climate through a gendered lens. Substantial research supports the unique
experiences that students have throughout high school based upon their expressed gender, and
inclusive threshold that exists within their communities. Likewise, the TDOE has taken an
intentional interest in surveying school climate, as reported by the Tennessee high school student
body. However, the TDOE does not actively provide an avenue for a school climate survey
participant to identify one’s own identified gender. By eliminating this piece of identifiable
information, the TDOE essentially blinds itself to how gender plays a part in the student
experience, how well he or she feels supported or encouraged, what biases may be at play, and
how students convey their self-efficacy. Further research around school culture would help
develop more relevant discourse around the role social pressures and culture potentially impact
the leaky pipeline.
The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs’ analysis in the areas of knowledge,
motivation, and organizational resources necessary to reach the organizational performance goal
for STEM education teachers, by spring 2020, to demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM
instructional practices inclusively to increase 12
grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in
entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation. Through the gap analysis
framework developed by Clark and Estes (2008) and qualitative and quantitative research
conducted, the researcher validated needs essential to achieving the organizational goal. An
expansive review of literature provided the contextual backdrop for the needs to be identified and
the solutions to be developed. The knowledge findings determined that teachers need to know
more about inclusive instructional practices, how to assess them, how they relate to the STEM
job trajectory, what the trajectory is in Tennessee, and how to recognize their own biases. The
motivation findings revealed that STEM teachers are very confident in their work and how they
approach their classroom instruction. The majority of teachers also feel very confident that
teaching, and monitoring, all students the same is an effective method, surfacing themes of
equity versus equality. The organizational findings affirmed that teachers need more support
from the TDOE in translating the curriculum standards to specific guiding outcomes. Findings
also conveyed that teachers need more support from their administrators to receive PD regarding
lesson plan development. They also want the ability to take the appropriate time, and receive the
appropriate financial resources, to elect what professional development opportunities they need
to increase their capacity. From these validated knowledge, motivation, and organizational
needs, solutions were developed, an implementation plan with corresponding timeline was
offered, and an evaluation plan to gauge impact was recommended. These findings, and the
proposed solutions, are to be used to address the gender inequity gaps that exist in STEM
academia and professional careers in Tennessee. However, although few elements of the study
may reflect qualities unique to Tennessee, no state in the United States is immune to the gender
gap. Therefore, the solutions should assist the TDOE in achieving its performance goal, but the
gap analysis and the findings are portable to address shared concerns across state lines.
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1. There is a disparity between male and female students as it pertains to STEM
postsecondary education entrance. (Factual)
Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
2. I know how to prepare students for the appropriate postsecondary opportunity or career.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. TN curriculum standards add value. (Value)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
2. It is important to monitor female student engagement and outcomes. (Value – Critical
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
3. It is important to adapt lesson plans according to results of monitoring outcomes. (Value
– Critical Behavior)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
4. I am confident in my ability incorporate curriculum standards and initiatives tied to
female achievement as outlined in the TN STEM Strategic Plan. (Self-efficacy)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
5. I am able to confidently shift my lesson plan approach based on female student
engagement and outcomes. (Self-efficacy)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
6. I feel positively about being able to improve female student outcomes through my
instruction. (Mood)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
7. I feel positively about facilitating inclusive high quality instruction to male and female
students. (Mood-Critical Behavior)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
8. I feel positively about incorporating curriculum standards and STEM strategic plan
initiatives into my lesson plans. (Mood-Critical Behavior)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
9. I feel positively about adapting lesson plans according to results of monitoring outcomes.
(Mood-Critical Behavior)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
10. I feel positively about monitoring female student engagement and outcomes. (Mood-
Critical Behavior)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. The TN Department of Education has provided adequate curriculum standards with
specific guiding outcomes. (Resources)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
2. My school administrators support professional development attendance unrestricted by
financial resources. (Resources)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
3. I am supported and encouraged by my school to participate in professional development
opportunities. (Culture)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Knowledge (Ask a STEM teacher…)
1. What are the TN STEM curriculum standards?
2. How do you define high quality instruction?
3. What is the STEM job trajectory in Tennessee?
4. How do inclusive instructional practices impact girls’ interest in STEM?
5. Describe how you adjust your lesson plan facilitation or content based on the student
diversity in your classroom.
6. How do you determine what role models and pronouns are selected for inclusion in
lesson plans and how do student demographics impact this determination?
7. Tell me how you assess whether or not your instruction is high quality.
8. How do your lesson plans directly impact student outcomes?
Motivation (Ask a STEM teacher…)
1. How important is it that you incorporate curriculum standards and STEM strategic plan
initiatives into your lesson plans? (Critical Behavior)
2. How much value do you place on increasing female student outcomes as opposed to
overall student outcomes?
3. In what ways do you feel that you can effectively increase individual student outcomes?
4. How confident are you in your ability to monitor female student engagement and
outcomes? (Critical Behavior)
5. How confident do you feel in your ability to develop lesson plans according to the results
of monitoring outcomes? (Critical Behavior)
6. How confident are you in your ability to facilitate inclusive, high quality instruction to
male and female students? (Critical Behavior)
Organization (Ask a STEM teacher…)
1. To what degree do school administrators provide resources and professional development
so that you may develop lesson plans according to curriculum standards? What are the
ways in which they do it?
2. When do you find sufficient time to attend professional development opportunities?
3. To what degree do school administrators prioritize individual student outcomes versus
standardized assessments? In what ways do they do it?
4. What are some ways that you are encouraged or rewarded by your school administrators?
5. How do your school administrators outline or help to assess high quality instruction?
Classroom Observation Instrument
Inquiry Observation Additional Comments
Expressed Gender of Teacher
(Male or Female)
What is the male to female
ratio within the classroom?
What is the classroom
environment like?
How often does the teacher
speak with the female
students individually?
How often does the teacher
speak with the male students
If specific STEM professionals
or careers are addressed
during instruction, what
gendered pronouns are
What types of instructional
aids are on display within the
Are postsecondary or career
opportunities discussed or
connected to the instruction?
What are three words to
describe the culture of the
Document Review Instrument - Lesson Plans
Inquiry Lesson Plan Content Additional Comments
Are the lesson outcomes
clearly defined?
Is the content of the lesson
plan connected to a TN
curriculum standard(s)? If so,
Does the plan outline how
student outcomes will be
Do any planned activities
allude to gender (inclusively,
or divisively)
Are planned activities group
or individually oriented?
Are any postsecondary or
career connections made
within the lesson plan?
Ot h er …
Abstract (if available)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a needs’ analysis in the areas of knowledge, motivation, and organizational resources necessary to reach the organizational performance goal for STEM education teachers, by spring 2020, to demonstrate the capacity to implement STEM instructional practices inclusively to increase 12th grade girls’ interest from 19% to 40% in entering postsecondary education in STEM fields upon graduation. Therefore, the problem of practice addressed by this dissertation is the disproportionate representation of girls and women entering STEM post-secondary education programs and STEM career fields in Tennessee. This study utilized the conceptual and methodological framework developed by Clark and Estes’ (2008) gap analysis. The gap analysis approach identified the current, actual performance of the organization as compared to the preferred performance of the organization, signifying the gap that existed between the two, and as a result an innovation model was developed. The methodological framework is a qualitative case study with descriptive statistics. Assumed knowledge, motivation and organizational needs were generated based on personal knowledge and related literature. Surveys, interviews, observations, literature review and content analysis validated these needs. Research-based solutions have been recommended and evaluated in a comprehensive manner.
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Asset Metadata
Debity-Barker, Brittany Nicole
Core Title
Girls in STEM: the underrepresented trajectory in Tennessee: an innovation study
Rossier School of Education
Doctor of Education
Degree Program
Global Executive
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
Engineering,gender,Girls,inclusive,instructional practices,leaky pipeline,math,OAI-PMH Harvest,programs of study,Science,STEM,TDOE,Teachers,Technology,Tennessee,trajectory,Women,workforce
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), Seli, Helena (
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), Tambascia, Tracy (
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Debity-Barker, Brittany Nicole
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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programs of study