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Development of a Web GIS application to aid marathon runners in the race selection and planning process
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Development of a Web GIS application to aid marathon runners in the race selection and planning process
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Development of a Web GIS Application to Aid Marathon Runners in the Race Selection and Planning
Michele Macauley
A Thesis Presented to the
Faculty of the USC Graduate School
University of Southern California
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
(Geographic Information Science and Technology)
May 2018
Copyright © 2018 by Michele Macauley
To my patient and supportive husband, Greg, and my family and friends who provided endless
encouragement and were by my side throughout the process.
Table of Contents
Dedication ...................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. x
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ xi
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... xii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Motivation ...........................................................................................................................3
1.1.1. Experience level ........................................................................................................4
1.1.2. Age .............................................................................................................................5
1.1.3. Gender ........................................................................................................................5
1.1.4. Additional traits and factors .......................................................................................5
1.2. Benefits of Web GIS application ........................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Related Work................................................................................................................ 11
2.1. Value of Web GIS application ..........................................................................................11
2.2. Identifying Top Races in the United States ......................................................................16
2.3. Determining Criteria for Query Function .........................................................................19
2.4. Development of Web GIS application ..............................................................................21
Chapter 3 Methods and Data......................................................................................................... 24
3.1. Intended Users ..................................................................................................................25
3.2. Geodatabase Development................................................................................................26
3.3. Web Platform Construction ..............................................................................................29
3.3.1. Arc Map ...................................................................................................................29
3.3.2. Google API ..............................................................................................................29
3.3.3. Google Sites .............................................................................................................30
3.4. GIS Map Development .....................................................................................................32
3.4.1. View Race ................................................................................................................33
3.4.2. Find Race .................................................................................................................34
3.4.3. Navigate Race ..........................................................................................................36
3.4.4. Plan Race .................................................................................................................39
3.5. UX Design ........................................................................................................................41
3.6. Testing Environment and Survey......................................................................................43
3.6.1. Testing in Multiple Environments ...........................................................................43
3.6.2. Runner’s Survey.......................................................................................................44
3.7. Technology and Data Sources ..........................................................................................45
3.7.1. Technology ..............................................................................................................45
3.7.2. Data Sources ............................................................................................................46
Chapter 4 Results .......................................................................................................................... 47
4.1. Overview of Application...................................................................................................47
4.1.1. Home Page ...............................................................................................................48
4.1.2. View Races ..............................................................................................................48
4.1.3. Find Your Race ........................................................................................................49
4.1.4. Navigate Race ..........................................................................................................50
4.1.5. Plan Race .................................................................................................................52
4.1.6. Learn More...............................................................................................................54
4.2. Runner’s Survey................................................................................................................54
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Discussions ....................................................................................... 60
5.1. Web GIS application Development Challenges ...............................................................61
5.1.1. Google Maps Limited Allowance ............................................................................61
5.1.2. Google Earth Embedding Limitations .....................................................................62
5.1.3. Creation of Application in Established Website during the Development Process .62
5.2. Analysis of Runner’s Survey ............................................................................................63
5.2.1. Demographics ..........................................................................................................63
5.2.2. Motivation of Users .................................................................................................63
5.2.3. Evaluation of Web GIS application .........................................................................64
5.3. Future of GIS Technology ................................................................................................64
5.4. Future of Web GIS application .........................................................................................65
5.4.1. Updated Runner’s Survey ........................................................................................65
5.4.2. Add Data – Races, Race Criteria, Race Types, and Training Courses ....................66
5.4.3. Enhance Overall Application ...................................................................................67
5.4.4. Allow Crowdsourcing Data .....................................................................................67
References ..................................................................................................................................... 68
List of Figures
Figure 1 Screenshot of Google Search “How to plan to run a marathon” results ......................... 1
Figure 2 Screenshot of Google search “Find and plan a marathon race” results .......................... 2
Figure 3 Web GIS application displaying 3D View of Big Sur Marathon Course ........................ 8
Figure 4 Web GIS application displaying 3D View of Pikes Peak Marathon Course ................... 8
Figure 5 Web GIS application displaying Elevation Profile of Big Sur Marathon ........................ 9
Figure 6 Web GIS application displaying Lodging and Dining options near Napa Marathon..... 10
Figure 7 Web-GISApp displaying projected weather and historical averages ............................. 10
Figure 8 Web GIS Application displaying results of query for downhill road races in California
............................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9 FindMyMarathon website drop down menu showing query options ............................. 13
Figure 10 FindMyMarathon website filter options ...................................................................... 14
Figure 11 MarathondGuide website beta interactive map ............................................................ 15
Figure 12 Web GIS Application displaying view race page with Deadwood Mickelson Marathon
Selected.................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 13 CSV File of Races ....................................................................................................... 28
Figure 14 Racedata geocoded and imported into Google Sheet ................................................... 28
Figure 15 Database imported into web-map ................................................................................. 28
Figure 16 Database geocoded, configured and formatted in table ................................................ 28
Figure 17 Flowchart of database development ............................................................................. 28
Figure 18 Implementation of Web GIS Application in ArcGIS 10.3 Web App Builder .............. 29
Figure 19 Implementation of Web GIS Application using Google API ....................................... 30
Figure 20 Implementation of Web GIS Application using Google Sites ..................................... 30
Figure 21 Embed Gadget .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 22 Insert Image, Link and Map Tool ................................................................................. 32
Figure 23 Include Gadget (iframe) ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 24 Example of Race Image added to layer ........................................................................ 34
Figure 25 Example of View Races Page: Race Data in Left Panel .............................................. 34
Figure 26 Parameters set in Line 2 of Race Spreadsheet to add filter capabilities ....................... 35
Figure 27 Find Race page of Web GIS Application – table configured and formatted for filters 35
Figure 28 Example of Find Race Query ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 29 Exporting Race Route from MapMyRun as KML File ................................................ 36
Figure 30 Race Route Manually created for Web GIS Application using MapMyRun ............... 37
Figure 31 Web GIS Application Navigate Race page with link for 3D Courses ......................... 38
Figure 32 Example of Navigate Race Page 3D ........................................................................... 38
Figure 33 Example of Navigate Race page 2D ............................................................................. 38
Figure 34 Example of Navigate Race page – Dynamic race course and elevation profile .......... 39
Figure 35 Dataset extracted from ArcGIS Online of Boston lodging and dining ........................ 40
Figure 36 Example of Plan Race page – display of lodging and dining options in Jackson, MS 40
Figure 37 Web GIS Application shows map accentuated by dark background and tabs on top .. 42
Figure 38 Web GIS Application Home Page ................................................................................ 48
Figure 39 Web GIS Application View Races Page – Main Page ................................................. 49
Figure 40 Web GIS Application View Races Page – Catalina Island Marathon .......................... 49
Figure 41 Web GIS Application Find Your Race Page ................................................................ 50
Figure 42 Web GIS Application Find Your Race Page – Search results for road races in New
York in October with average temperature between 43-65 F ............................................... 50
Figure 43 Web GIS Application Navigate Race Page – Main Page ............................................. 51
Figure 44 Web GIS Application Navigate Race Page – 3D Results for Rock N Roll Las Vegas
Marathon................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 45 Web GIS Application Navigate Race Page – Dining and Lodging near finish line for
Missoula Marathon ................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 46 Web GIS Application Navigate Race Page – Elevation Profile for New York Marathon
............................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 47 Web GIS Application Plan Race Page – Results for lodging and dining for Little Rock
Marathon ............................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 48 Web GIS Application Plan Race Page -Accuweather extended forecast for Napa
Marathon................................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 49 Web GIS Application Learn More Page ...................................................................... 54
Figure 50 Runner’s Survey Question 1 ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 51 Runner’s Survey Question 2 ......................................................................................... 56
Figure 52 Runner’s Survey Question 3 ......................................................................................... 56
Figure 53 Runner’s Survey Question 4 ......................................................................................... 57
Figure 54 Runner’s Survey Question 5 ......................................................................................... 57
Figure 55 Runner’s Survey Question 6 ......................................................................................... 58
Figure 56 Runner’s Survey Question 7 ......................................................................................... 58
Figure 57 Runner’s Survey Question 8 ......................................................................................... 59
Figure 58 Runner’s Survey Question 9 ........................................................................................ 59
Figure 59 Runner’s Survey Question 10 ....................................................................................... 60
Figure 60 New Google Forms Survey (screen shot) ..................................................................... 65
List of Tables
Table 1 Spreadsheet of Races ....................................................................................................... 27
Table 2 Testing Environment........................................................................................................ 44
Table 3 Technology ...................................................................................................................... 45
Table 4 Data Sources .................................................................................................................... 46
A special thanks to the professors who supported me through this process. To Dr. Jennifer Swift,
who provided me with direction and endless encouragement beginning with the early
development of my database, to the end creation of the Web GIS application itself. To Dr. Karen
Kemp who gave me invaluable feedback in adding geospatial components to my project. Finally,
to Dr. Steven Fleming and Dr. Jennifer Bernstein who offered sound advice from both the
perspective of GIS professors and fellow runners. My sincerest gratitude to you all.
List of Abbreviations
API Application Programming Interface
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CSV Comma Separated Values
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
GIS Geographic information system
GPX GPS Exchange Format
KML Key Mark-up Language
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
MOMS Motivation of Marathoner’s Scale
UX User Experience
Runners who strive to complete a marathon will need to make many sacrifices in their daily lives
and train for months in order to accomplish such a physical and mental endeavor. Given this,
having a successful race experience is pivotal. All the hard work could be compromised without
the proper tools to help select and plan for the race itself. There are numerous resources that
provide guidance for runners focusing on how to prepare physically for the distance, minimize
injury and maximize performance. What is currently lacking are resources focusing on the
individual needs of the runner and the logistical process of selecting and preparing for a race.
The development of this Web GIS application used a geodatabase and Web GIS technology that
allows a runner to personally select criteria to find a race that meets their needs, view races and
elevation profiles on a map, select a 3D interactive view of the race courses to study the terrain,
and view nearby lodging and dining options. Geospatial technology gives a runner a better
understanding of the course and streamlines the travel process, reducing stress and increasing the
likelihood of a successful and enjoyable race experience. After careful analysis of a runner’s
needs and the marathon selection process, and evaluating what techniques and methods should
be used, a Web GIS application was developed to help facilitate the process for an enhanced race
experience. In addition to providing a valuable tool for runners, this application provides a
template for developers constructing a Web GIS application for any athletic or travel based
event. Emerging technology will transform the Web GIS application into an even more powerful
tool. Utilizing predictive analytics which incorporates data, statistical algorithms and machine
learning techniques, patterns from the race course can be modelled and compared with local
terrain to create similar courses for training purposes. It’s invigorating to think of what effect the
amalgamation of GIS technology into the athletic world will have on an athletes’ experience.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Beyond the physical and mental challenge of running a marathon, a runner faces the
additional stress of selecting which marathon to run, what to expect from the race, and how to
navigate the logistics of travel involved. Additionally, runners all have a unique purpose and goal
so choosing a race that suits their individual needs is difficult. Runners tend to rely on websites,
periodicals and other media to help guide them through the process, however prior to the Web
GIS application developed for this thesis, resources primarily focused on the training aspect for a
For example, if you were to type into Google, “How to plan to run a marathon,” you
would get the following return, shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1 – Screenshot of Google search “How to plan to run a marathon” results
“Planning” in the athletic community clearly refers to the physical planning involved and not
planning for the logistics of the race. Trying another technique, entering “Find and plan a
marathon race” yields the following results, shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 – Screenshot of Google search, “Find and plan a marathon race” results
These results are closer to offering a runner guidance in planning the logistics of a race by
offering calendars of races, generally by date or geographical area, but they still do not offer the
proper tools to adequately plan for the race experience.
It is important to recognize that every marathon runner has a specific goal. For some it is
a lifetime goal to complete a marathon so they may desire a large race with a lot of fan support or
in a scenic location. For others, it may be trying to complete a personal challenge such as
running one in all fifty states where the location is the primary factor. Some runners are trying to
qualify for renowned races such as Boston or New York so a race that is relatively flat or
downhill is best to achieve the fastest race possible. The time of year and temperature are key
factors as well. Heat and extreme cold can negatively impact a runner’s performance. Marathon
training coach and developer of Marathon Nation training program Patrick McCrann notes, “No
26.2 miles is the same, and not all races are created equal. Some are big, others are small. Some
are epic tests, others are (literally) a walk in the park. Finding the right race that syncs with your
goals, abilities, and geographical location can go a long way towards ensuring you are able to run
to your potential” (McCrann 2016). McCrann validates the benefit of a Web GIS application that
offers runners tools to help find a race based on individual needs.
After an analysis of the marathon selection process and current technology available, how
does the development of a Web GIS application aid in this process? This Web GIS application
helps runners to find the right race by allowing them to view races on a map that includes
pertinent race information, customize race selection based on personal criteria, view selected
races on a map interactively including 3D visualization of routes, elevation profiles, projected
temperature, street view, terrain and nearby lodging and dining options.
The objectives of this thesis are to document the motivation, methodology, and value of a
Web GIS application designed for runners planning to run a marathon and offer a blueprint for
other developers in creating a Web application using geospatial technology. The intention is to
develop the application even further, using modern and future technology to incorporate such
techniques as crowdsourcing, predictive analytics and machine learning to allow runners and
other athletes to get the full benefit of available technology in their planning and training
1.1. Motivation
Those who have never contemplated running a marathon often ask “Why would someone
want to run a marathon?” Studying the motivation helped determine what elements were
necessary to the success of the Web GIS application. As authors Chris Hammer and Leslie
Podlog explain:
Perhaps no other athletic event has a greater tradition than the marathon. The
modern marathon was first run in 1896, commemorating the legend of
Pheidippides, who in 490 B.C. ran from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, Greece
to deliver a message of victory. In addition to being an incredible feat of stamina
and determination, many people view completing a marathon as a testament to the
human spirit, making the marathon a popular event for those wishing to
experience the personal challenges and triumphs the marathon has to offer
(Hammer and Podlog, 2016).
Hammer and Podlog provide insight to the behavior of runners who choose to run a
marathon and their motivation in their book Marathon Running: Physiology, Psychology,
Nutrition and Training Aspects. They examine the growing popularity of marathon races. Over
the past 35 years, the median finishing time for a U.S. marathon slowed by 47 min (for males),
the median age for male marathoners increased from 34 (1980) to 40 years (2014), and the
number of marathon finishers grew from an estimated 143,000 (1980) to over 550,000. (Running
USA in 2014 Running USA annual marathon report, 2015). Based on the appeal of marathons,
Hammer and Podlog pose the question “why are so many individuals motivated to undertake
such a grueling activity?” (Hammer and Podlog 2016).
Hammer and Podlog suggest that there is not one motivating factor but many and they are
varying based on such traits as experience level, age, and gender. Their research included
statistics developed by Masters et al. (1993) who created the Motivations of Marathoners Scale
(MOMS), an instrument designed to assess individuals’ motives for undertaking marathon
1.1.1. Experience level
Results of the MOMS indicated that experienced marathon runners (those who ran more
than three marathons) were primarily driven by social reasons such as identity, recognition,
affiliation, competitive reasons and health concerns. First time marathoners were drawn to
marathons for goal achievement, self-esteem, and health and weight concerns.
1.1.2. Age
Results based on age indicated older runners were more motivated by general health,
weight concerns, and a desire to seek a sense of life meaning or purpose and affiliation with
other runners. Younger runners were more motivated by personal goal achievement such as best
personal times.
1.1.3. Gender
Results revealed women were more likely to be motivated by weight concern (i.e., to
maintain/lose weight, to stay physically attractive), affiliation (i.e., to meet people, socialize, and
share group identity), self-esteem (i.e., to improve confidence, to feel sense of achievement), life
meaning (i.e., to make life more purposeful, to feel at peace with the world), and psychological
coping (i.e., to improve mood and feel less anxious). Men’s motivation were generally to
improve speed, reach potential (i.e., “personal goal achievers”), and compete with others (i.e.,
“competitive achievers”).
1.1.4. Additional traits and factors
Family status also plays a role in motivation, however, the categories were numerous so
the results are not discussed in this thesis. Additionally, cause-based marathon training
(fundraising for a charity) often gives a runner an increased sense of connection to a cause
(Hammer and Podlog 2016).
Evaluating and analyzing the motivation behind running a marathon assisted in the
development of the Web GIS application. Research indicated runners have diverse needs and
goals based on varying traits. Since the motivation for running marathons differ, it follows that
the choice of race and planning process vary as well.
It is a lack of resources that provided motivation for the development of the application
itself. Although there are many applications designed to help runners searching for a marathon,
no resources are readily available to a runner that allow them to find a race based on specific
needs and goals, view races on a map in a three dimensional environment giving them a spatial
perspective and view logistics on races for travel constraints all in one application. These
considerations can make all the difference for a runner’s experience and performance. Many
websites exist listing marathon races, however, most resources allow a user to select a race by
date or state with no other parameters. The results are given in list format, generally
alphabetically or chronologically. A runner must then select a race website and read the full site
to get the details he or she needs to properly make a decision about the race. The concept of
developing a Web GIS application stemmed from my personal experience spending endless
hours combing websites, buying race magazines, and asking fellow runners on social media
trying to identify the appropriate race. It is inevitable that all runners must deal with the burden
of determining which race to run and how to plan for the dynamics surrounding the race.
Running World author Susan Paul offers the following example of a runner attempting to
navigate the selection process:
Bill asks: I have been running pretty regularly for about nine months now and
recently decided to train for a marathon. I thought I would do the New York City
Marathon, only to find out that it is a lottery and I missed the entry date. I decided
on another marathon and found out it was already full. I had no idea it would be
this difficult to pick a marathon. How do runners go about selecting a marathon?
(Paul 2014).
Paul’s response to this question is to do your homework and visit all the websites of races
you think you would be interested in, check out dates and logistics of how and when to
register. She lists factors to consider, defined in the following section, but does not actually
provide tools to aid in this quest. Combing race websites, travel and logistic sites is time
consuming and can be overwhelming. The Web GIS application designed for this thesis
combines all the necessary tools for finding and planning a race in one application.
1.2. Benefits of Web GIS application
Examples of factors to consider when selecting a race are location, terrain, temperature
and elevation. Considering these attributes reflect geospatial concerns, a spatial analysis or
perspective using GIS is a logical approach. Allowing a runner to interactively view races on a
map that show the specific courses, location, terrain and average temperature for the time of the
race allows a runner to better prepare for the race. American Olympian Jeff Galloway
recommends running different portions of the actual course during the training process to better
understand what to expect on race day (Galloway 2016). Running the course itself is ideal, but
not always realistic if the race is not in close proximity to the runner’s home. A virtual approach
to the course offers similar benefits allowing the runner to view the terrain from a street view or
bird’s eye view and mentally prepare for the course. Illustrations below demonstrate how the
Web GIS application helps runner understand the dynamics of the course. Imagine running the
Pikes Peak Marathon without preparing properly for this type of course. Figures 3 through 5 are
screen shots created from the Web GIS application developed for this thesis illustrating the 3D
image of a course (Figures 3 and 4) and allowing the user to navigate through the race, and view
the elevation profile (Figure 5). The elevation profile is dynamic with a slider at the bottom to
view the elevation at any point along the course.
Figure 3 – Web GIS application displaying 3D View of Big Sur Marathon Course
Figure 4 – Web GIS application displaying 3D View of Pikes Peak Marathon Course
Figure 5 – Web GIS application displaying Elevation Profile of Big Sur Marathon
The Web GIS application developed for this thesis utilizes spatial technology to resolve
the challenge for runners in selecting, planning and preparing for a marathon. Further benefits to
the Web GIS application allow a runner the ability to look for nearby lodging and dining options
(Figure 6), and projected weather on race day (see Figure 7) minimizing other stressful
components of a race. Finally, using a geodatabase containing attributes specific to a runner’s
needs, a runner can search for a race based on his or her personal criteria (see Figure 8).
Selecting an appropriate race for a runner based on personal needs enhances the race experience
and the potential for improved runner’s performance.
Figure 6 – Web GIS application displaying Lodging and Dining options near Napa Marathon
Figure 7 – Web GIS application displaying projected weather and historical averages
Figure 8– Web GIS application displaying results of query for downhill road races in California
Disney World Marathon
Weather for Orlando, FL
Chapter 2 Related Work
The goal of this thesis was to document the development of an application utilizing GIS
(Geographic Information System) technology that will aid runners by visualizing races and other
relevant spatial components geographically, and allow runners to select a race based on specific
criteria. Constructing a Web GIS application cannot be accomplished without evaluating current
GIS technology, researching comparable applications and analyzing the value of the Web GIS
application. In developing a Web GIS application, one must ask first and foremost, what is the
end goal of the project? What is one trying to accomplish, solve, fix? This Web GIS application
aids in minimizing the stressful aspects in planning for a marathon.
In order to create a Web GIS application for marathon race selection and planning, research
was subdivided to facilitate a template for the process. Subdivisions of the research process
include: Value of Web GIS application, Identifying Top Races in the United States and
Identifying Scope, Determining Criteria for Query Function, Development of Geodatabase and
Web GIS application.
2.1. Value of Web GIS application
Determining the value of a Web GIS application begins with finding out if similar
applications already exist and asking the following questions: If other applications do exist,
what functionality is missing that should be implemented in the Web GIS application, what
elements of other applications are runners using to assist them and how are these techniques
constructed, and when evaluating what components are beneficial to a runner, what resources are
currently available and what tools are lacking aided in the development of the Web GIS
application for this thesis?
Author and marathon training coach Patrick McCrann offers four main factors when
considering a race: timing, terrain, conditions and logistics. All of these elements can be offered
spatially in a web GIS map. McCrann illustrates the challenge a runner faces in selecting a
marathon and offers suggestions on navigating the process. He lists common goals for runners
participating in a marathon. Goals include completing a marathon for the first time, qualifying
for the Boston Marathon, and finding an appealing destination to run a marathon. These goals
further corroborate the advantages of a web GIS map that gives a user ability to personally select
criteria (McCrann 2016).
The challenges of selecting the right marathon are substantiated by Susan Paul. She
This year I’m going to run my first marathon, and I’m not worried about the
training. No, I have bigger concerns than logging miles. My challenge is choosing
a race. The options are staggering. There are thousands of marathons around the
world. There are trail races, ocean side races, races in the heat and at Christmas
too. With so many choices it is tempting to stay close to home and play it safe, but
I like a little adventure and I love to travel, so part of me wants to go somewhere
new (Paul 2014).
Paul explains the many options runners face, making it difficult to decide on a specific
race. The Web GIS application developed for this thesis addresses Paul’s concerns
offering tools to help in the selection process. Identifying individual needs of runners are
discussed in the section 2.3. (Determining the Criteria for Query Function).
There are at least two sites that provide assistance for runners, giving general information
about races, mainly listed alphabetically, by state or by date. was the first
site used for comparative purposes. This website has the most comprehensive list of marathons.
It contains data on all the marathons used in this study. Since the inception of the Web GIS
application for this project over a year ago, has produced one functionality
of its site that is similar to the Web GIS application developed for the thesis. It appears to even
use a similar platform. Previously, allowed a user to filter races but only
allowed three attributes; month, state and Boston qualifier. At first glance, it appears that is still
the case, however, if you select one of the options (location, state or keyword) it displays a map
allowing filter capabilities. Selecting either of the three options brings up a window with several
filter options. Nowhere in the site is it explained that the search by location, state or keyword
brings up many other filter options. Figure 9 illustrates the filter page and Figure 10 illustrates
what is displayed regardless of which of the three options are selected.
Figure 9 – FindMyMarathon website drop down menu showing query options
Figure 10 – FindMyMarathon website filter options
While this site does offer filter capabilities similar to the Web GIS application, it is not user
friendly and has some limitations. The lack of navigation instructions to get to the filters page is
significant. The filter by State freezes and the field size is limiting. Furthermore, the visual
display of search results is the only geospatial view of the races in the website. It does not allow
you to select races on the map and other search functions display results in a list format.
Comparing to the Web GIS application for the thesis, the Web GIS
application excels by offering several geospatial functions to aid runners. Allowing the user to
view races on a map, select the race based on personal needs, view elevation profile, zoom in,
observe the route on the map, convert it to 3D view to explore the terrain, and view nearby
lodging and dining options all give a runner a perspective not allowed without a GIS based app.
Capabilities and examples of the thesis’ Web GIS application are illustrated in the Methods
Another site, provides runners an extensive list of marathon races.
The most useful part of this site is the users input rating of the races. Additionally, the
application attempts to offer an interactive web map of races but it is in beta mode and has not
worked since its inception over a year ago. The site’s efforts to create a geospatial view of races
demonstrate that a web GIS does offer value to runners and also validates the need for a more
extensive and comprehensive web GIS app. Figure 11 shows Marathon Guide’s beta mode web
map while, in contrast, Figure 12 displays the web map of races designed for the Web GIS
application for this thesis.
Figure 11 – MarathonGuide website beta interactive map
Although offers runners a wealth of information about races, it does
not offer a geospatial perspective or allow a runner to select races from the map to obtain
information about the race. The Web GIS application developed for this project allows a user to
view races on a map and select a race to scroll through race information on the left side of the
Figure 12- Web GIS application displaying view race page with Deadwood Mickelson Marathon Selected
2.2. Identifying Top Races in the United States
Selecting appropriate races to use for the purpose of the project is essential in reflecting
what is important to the marathon runner. Researching articles and periodicals listing top races
help understand what factors actually define a “top race.” Concurrently, this research
corroborates that fifty races give runners a solid base for selection. This thesis enables future
additions allowing a developer or user to add races to further enhance the benefit of the
application. The scope of this study includes the United States. This area of study is specific
enough to acquire the necessary data but large enough to give runners reasonable options for a
destination race.
Analyzing several “Best of” articles reveal many of the same races are considered the
“Best” by authors and runner’s polls. For example, the Boston Marathon is the world’s oldest
annual marathon and has stringent qualifying requirements in order to participate. These, and
other factors make Boston one of the most prestigious races for runners, often on their “bucket
list.” The Big Sur Marathon tops many lists for its incredible scenery along the course. The
Chicago Marathon is famous for its energy and great crowd support. These races and others that
were consistently on the top of the lists were easy choices. Choosing the additional races were
slightly more challenging. Trail races were especially difficult to locate because the “Best of”
for trail runs were often not exactly 26.2 miles (the distance for an actual marathon) but distances
based on the trails themselves. Paul Cuno-Booth, author of Trail Runner magazine offers a list of
21 trail races he believes are top races which aided in the search for top trail races in the United
For the remaining races, marathons were selected that were unique either in geography or
theme. Examples of unique marathons include Walt Disney World, a race that navigates through
the park, or Rock and Roll Las Vegas that occurs at night on the strip.
Florida Sports Magazine contained an article, “A Guide to Some of the Best Marathons
in North America,” by Jason Effmann that offers a comprehensive list of marathons Effman
believes are the “best” in North America. Although this list and others used for the purpose of
this project are subjective, creating a list based on cumulative opinions of authors who are well
entrenched in the running community help legitimize the compilation of races.
18’s article “The Best Marathons of 2016” include a list of marathons
based its criteria on reviews from the site, social media, running community comments and other
reviews. The article has added value in that it obtained its data directly from the running
Additional marathons were selected from Erin Kelly’s article, “The 17 Best Marathons
for Beginners” in since it is often new runners that struggle more than others with
finding a race (Kelly 2015). While seasoned marathon runners will benefit from the Web GIS
application in many ways, first time marathon runners are faced with a potentially more stressful
experience without the aid of the Web GIS application since the overall process is foreign to
Jordan Rane offers input on the top seven races in the United States based on the overall
experience and travel destination in CNN’s online article. Travel and experience are essential
components when selecting a race. Lodging as close to the race as possible has duel benefits.
Races often start very early so the closer to the race, the longer the runner can rest beforehand.
Following the race, runners suffer exhaustion and often pain so the closer their accommodations
can be, the better. Logistics of travel can be stressful, and a desirable destination can add to a
more positive, enriching experience. This article aids in the selection of races for the web GIS
app and also illustrates the benefit of a geospatial application that shows lodging and dining
options within close proximity to the race (Rane 2015).
The website offers a list of the 20 top marathons in the USA. In
addition to the list, this article adds value because it explains what components of each race
qualified it to be a top race (2017). Key components are evaluated in the following section,
Determining Criteria for Query Function.
Although determining what qualifies as “top races” is subjective, soliciting data from
reputable resources helped define what runners were looking for and thus what races to
incorporate into the database for the Web GIS application. Observing the myriad of races
qualified as top races by experts, differing greatly from large, boisterous road races to small trail
races authenticate the need to assist runners in selecting the appropriate race to meet their goals.
The races selected for the purpose of this app, based on the above research, give the user a wide
variety of options to best meet their needs.
2.3. Determining Criteria for Query Function
Once the top races were established, an examination of runner’s top criteria for selecting
a race was conducted. These criteria were defined based on following research. Common
determinants (underlined in below references to show commonality) include size of race,
“fastest” (corresponds with flat or downhill course), Boston qualifier, terrain, travel involved,
weather, the course, race type and logistics. Along with the components incorporated into the
query function, the Web GIS application displays nearby lodging and dining locations and offers
a Google Earth view option, allowing a runner an interactive, 3D view of the race course.
Combining the query function, hotel and dining layer, and 3D map option a runner is best
equipped to find the most appropriate race. provides a list of best marathons and bases its criteria on reviews
from the site, social media, running community comments and other reviews. This site has
added value in that it obtained its data directly from the running community giving it added
validity. In addition, the races were categorized by best marathons of 2016, best mid-sized
marathons of 2016, fastest marathons, best marathons to qualify for Boston, most scenic, best
new marathon and best organized. This break down helped determine criteria and search
capabilities for the user.
Kyla Jones describes the experience of the first time marathon runner in Competitor
Running Magazine offering further criteria important to runners. “Your first marathon is a
special event. You may run many and each one will be a unique experience. But there is nothing
as special as your first 26.2. So how do you pick a marathon? There are thousands all over the
world, and they each have their own appeal. While researching, consider these questions when
choosing your first marathon” (Jones 2017). Jones uses the following considerations to choose a
marathon. How far are you willing to travel? What is the terrain like? Do you want to qualify for
Boston? Do you want to run with friends?
“It’s hard to overstate the importance of choosing the right race” says online author Matt
Frazier. Frazier discusses six key factors when selecting a marathon in order to make the
experience as memorable as it should be in his article, “Want to Run Your First Marathon in
2011? 6 Factors to Keep in Mind When Choosing Your Race.” The factors, he explains, include
time frame, location, weather conditions, course, size, and the “wow” factor, substantiating the
need for a web GIS map that gives a user ability to personally select criteria (Frazier 2011).
Susan Paul discusses the overwhelming process in choosing a marathon and offers advice
on how to evaluate and prioritize when selecting a race. Paul’s list of considerations further
emphasize the advantage of filter abilities in a web app. She lists cost, date, personal goal,
terrain, and race type as factors. These components reaffirm the value of a site that allows a user
to customize a race search (Paul 2014).
Finally, JP Slater offers tips on how to select the appropriate marathon in,
“Whether it is your first marathon or you are a seasoned road warrior, there is a lot of thought
that should go into picking which marathon is best for you! Choosing a good course, on the
right day, the right terrain, with optimal weather, etc. … all these things play into how you will
perform come race day” (Slater 2016).
Although these related works may seem redundant, the commonality of geospatial
elements among multiple sources reinforce the value of a resource that incorporates these traits
as attributes in the Web GIS application database.
2.4. Development of Web GIS application
Arguably, the most significant research in the development of a Web GIS application is
in the construction of the app itself. Vast technology is available to the developer so researching,
analyzing, and evaluating the many techniques and tools must occur in order to be successful in
the development of the app.
Brenden Blee’s thesis, Creating a Geodatabase and Web-GIS Map to Visualize Drone
Legislation in the State of Maryland, gives insight into the documentation of developing a
geodatabase and web-GIS map. Blee’s thesis defines the need for visualizing no-fly zones for
drones and documents the implementation and design of a geodatabase and Web GIS
application. This thesis relates closely to the development of a Web GIS application for
marathon races because data was primarily gathered from a geodatabase created by the
developer, documented and used for the development of a Web GIS application (Blee 2016).
Evaluating multiple frameworks is crucial when developing a Web GIS application in
order to provide a solid platform in which to build from. Google App Engine is a resource that
describes the concepts of developing a web application using the Google App Engine, a platform
that uses Google infrastructure. This book provides a guide and has instructional value for the
development of a race finder web application (Ciurana 2009). This resource aided in the
comparison of web-GIS technologies and deciding on Google’s infrastructure in the
development of this application.
Visualization techniques enhance the overall appearance and usability of a web app.
Richard Donahue’s dissertation on web cartography illustrates the challenges of combining web
design with cartography. He explains the importance of understanding available technologies in
order to produce a viable web map. Donahue further directs his research into the optimum
methods for both teaching and learning web cartography. The significance of this paper lies in
the educational aspect. Because of the extensive technological skills required for the
development of a geodatabase and web GIS app, this dissertation offers sound, cohesive
direction for learning and understanding such technology assisting in producing a viable, visually
appealing Web GIS application (Donahue 2014). Donahue’s instruction enhanced the overall
appearance of the Web GIS application.
Analysis of web GIS technology involved utilizing ESRI’s Web GIS Story tool as an
option for the framework. Observing Mallory Graves’ use of this tool in her thesis demonstrates
one method of Web GIS application development. Graves uses ESRI’s Web GIS Story tool to
engage the community in the cleanup efforts for the Del Amo and Montrose Superfund sites
located in Los Angeles that have suffered groundwater contamination. The Web GIS Story Map
incorporates geospatial visualization into a web application using limited programming skills
(Graves 2015). Graves’ thesis provided valuable insight to the challenges and benefits of the
Web GIS Story Map. Web GIS Story map was compared and contrasted with other platforms.
Ultimately, Google Sites platform was chosen based on its visual appeal and adaptability.
Although the Web GIS Story map was not used for the Web GIS application for this thesis,
comparing technologies is key in the selection process and understanding Graves’ development
process was beneficial.
Authors Li, Groves, Morgenstern and Wai collaborated on the research and analysis of
geospatial tools that would help the navigation process for trail runners. Their research paper
explores geovisualization techniques used to improve the experience for the athletic community
aided in the learning process of navigational tools and satellite imagery. The authors use
animations/flyovers and allow for social interaction between the runners, and use quality satellite
imagery, all tools that enhance a runner’s experience (Li, Groves, Morgenstern, Wai 2017.) Such
techniques were not only incorporated but were instrumental in the development of this thesis’
Web GIS application.
The race routes on the web-GIS map are a significant component of the application.
Graduate student, Anisha Santhatam created an Android application to allow users to
dynamically create trail maps for bicycle and running trails. Santhatam’s thesis correlates to the
development of a Web GIS application for marathon races since they both relate to the
development of trails or routes and both theses document the process of a Web GIS application
development and implementation.
Deciding which API to use is difficult with so many mapping API’s available. A careful
study of the top mapping API’s was necessary to select the most appropriate application for this
project. Janet Wagner compares the top 10 mapping API’s, defining the varying capabilities of
each in her article in Programmable Web. This evaluation has an obvious benefit to a developer
creating a Web GIS application. These API’s offer such functionality as interactive and static
maps, animated maps, geocoding, travel and transit directions, elevation data, traffic flow and
more. Particularly, elevation data, geocoding and interactive maps are relevant and were
incorporated in the Web GIS application. Wagner used the following criteria in her comparison:
popularity, potential, documentation, ease of use and functionality (Wagner 2015).
Once the appropriate framework is selected, it is essential to thoroughly dissect and
understand the components involved. Elements include user context, license, software pattern,
hosting requirement and learning curve (Siddharth 2009). Understanding these elements aided in
minimizing risk of proprietary and security issues.
A consideration for future addition to this Web GIS application is crowdsourcing,
offering a more dynamic and interactive experience for the user. Nathanael Wold’s thesis
“Participatory Web GIS Design – A Sustainable Recreation Decision Support System for
Missoula County” explores incorporating local representatives’ knowledge of appropriate
recreation behaviors and areas into a Web GIS application utilizing ArcGIS Online to enhance
sustainable recreation (Wold 2017). The evaluation of this crowdsourcing type application offers
the developer of a Web GIS application the ability to see if this is a viable option for the future
development of the project. Input from the community adds a solid component to the
Chapter 3 Methods and Data
This thesis provides the tools necessary for a runner to select a marathon race from among
the top fifty races in the United States using web-based GIS technology. This chapter documents
the methodology and data sources used, divided into the following subsections: (1) Intended
users and scope; (2) Geodatabase creation; (3) Web platform construction; (4) GIS Map
development; (5) UX Design; (6) Testing environment and survey; (7) User requirements, Data
and Technology.
3.1. Intended Users
The intention of this thesis is to assist all runners who have decided to take on the challenge
of participating in a marathon within the United States. Benefits aid both first time marathoners,
unsure how to navigate the process to seasoned runners with specific goals in mind. The Web
GIS application provides multiple benefits to help runners of all levels select and prepare and
plan for a race. Whether it is a runner who is new to the marathon experience, trying to figure out
where to run and how to plan for the travel involved, or an avid marathoner looking for the best
race for a fast time and would like to understand and study the course, this Web GIS application
is beneficial for all levels of experience.
This website was created to serve the needs of the running community in their quest to locate
a marathon based on desired criteria. The study area includes the top fifty races in the United
States. While there would be tremendous benefit in expanding this site to include marathons
worldwide it was necessary to limit the area for initial implementation purposes. Thousands of
marathons exist even within the United States so selecting the races for the purpose of this site
was significant to its success. After extensive research, fifty marathons were selected as
qualifying for top fifty. The articles researched in making this determination are noted in the
related work section. The scope of this thesis, fifty races, was selected to offer the users enough
well-documented top races to give the runners a diverse selection but specific enough to allow
the developer the ability to construct an application that will offer users optimum functionality.
The application provides a framework upon which races can be added by users enhancing the
benefit of the application. Future development of the Web GIS application will offer a basic
form for a user to complete, filling out basic details about a race. The user will be allowed to add
races to the map, but it will be incumbent upon the developer to revise the app, adding nearby
lodging and dining, and incorporating race course details.
3.2. Geodatabase Development
This section documents the design process for the development of a spatial database for
the purpose of providing runners with tools to enhance their race preparation process and race
The first step in developing a spatial database is compiling all of all the necessary data
and developing an excel spreadsheet. For this geodatabase, the developer acquired data about
each race, including website, month of race, address, average temperature, and terrain, type of
race, Boston qualifier, music themed, lottery requirement, and number of participants. The
majority of data was gathered from race websites and the remaining data from the websites and The excel sheet was saved as a csv file. The
spreadsheet in Table 1 includes a list of the fifty races. The attributes listed above were based on
research documented in the Related Works section. This Web GIS application is a building block
with a framework designed to add additional data as the developer sees fit. If, down the road
users input the desire to have additional criteria or information added, the database can be
modified to incorporate such additions.
In order to convert the database to a map, the data had to be “geocoded” which assigns a
spatial value, or longitude and latitude to a given attribute in the database, in this case, the city.
This way the data can be assigned to a location on the map. All the associated data will also be
associated with the location on the map based on the geodatabase.
Table 1. Spreadsheet of Races
The database was converted into a spatial geodatabase using both ESRI ArcMap 10.3 and
Google Maps. As described in the following section, Web Platform Construction, the developer
chose to use Google Maps for this application. Explaining the construction of both databases is
significant to understanding the process of developing the geodatabase, but detailing the process
of the ESRI geodatabase is not included, since it was not used for this project. Once the
spreadsheet was constructed, it was exported into a google sheets file, geocoded and imported
into Google Maps and Awesome Table. Figures 13 through 16 chronicle the database
development process. A flowchart of the development of the database is represented in Figure
Figure 13 – CSV File of Races Figure 14 –Data geocoded and imported into Google Sheet
Figure 15 – Database imported into web-map Figure 16 – Database geocoded and formatted in table
Figure 17 – Flowchart of database development
from race
CSV File
using Add-
3.3. Web Platform Construction
In conjunction with related work research and web GIS development skills, the
application was developed using three different platforms and geospatial tools to test the
functionality and produce the most powerful application possible.
3.3.1. Arc Map
Using ArcMap 10.3 Web App Builder, a Web GIS application was constructed and a
geodatabase added. The map was exported to ArcGIS Online and tested (see Figure 18).
Figure 18 – Implementation of Web GIS application in ArcGIS 10.3 Web App Builder
3.3.2. Google API
A web-GIS map was created using Google API, requiring HTML, Javascript, and CSS
programming skills (see Figure 19). Google API allows for great flexibility and control,
although was not a feasible option due to time constraints.
Figure 19 – Implementation of Web GIS application using Google API
3.3.3. Google Sites
Google Sites is a free web creation software package offered as part of Google’s G Suite
Productivity Suite. It offers custom email addresses and allows embedding of customized Google
Maps, HTML data and other gadgets. A Google Sites Web GIS application was constructed
using a blank template (see Figure 20).
Figure 20 – Implementation of Web GIS application using Google Sites
Factors considered in selecting Google Sites as the platform included aesthetic appeal,
strength of functional capabilities, and level of required technical skills. While extensive effort
was conducted in ESRI’s ArcMap, its capabilities were lacking for the purpose of this app,
specifically the query function and configurability. Additionally, ESRI software is very costly to
continue developing this application beyond the scope of this project. Programming a Web GIS
application using Google’s API gives the most flexibility and produced the best app visually and
operationally, however, the time constraint to aquire the necessary technical skills for the level of
this application led to the selection of Google Sites for the platform. Google Sites allows
customization of pages and elements of the app, including importing the geodatabase into a table
allowing query functions. Furthermore, Google maps can be customized and easily embedded
into the app, adding custom HTML, CSS and Javascript and other useful gadgets. It is free to
develop, user friendly, easy to navigate, develop and update. The primary benefit of Google Sites
is its cross platform usability. The site can be customized and viewed in both iOs and Android
environments, websites, mobile devices and tablets. It also allowed for the numerous
technologies that were required for the development of this application.
The process of constructing the web GIS app began with creating a Google Sites account.
Two versions of Google Sites exist; Google Sites Classic and New Google Sites. Testing both
versions, Google Sites Classic was selected due to greater flexibility and functionality.
Formatting choices are detailed in the UX Design section. Five primary tools were used
to add GIS Maps and other gadgets to the application: Insert Image, Link, Embed Gadget, Map
and Include gadget (iframe) to your page. The Image function allowed functionality to add
images either by URL or personal file upload. The Link function provided capability to insert
text and link that text to another web location. The Embed Gadget function allowed for
embedding of HTML and CSS code to be added to the page, which are programming codes that
allow customization. The Map function offered the ability to embed maps created in both
Google Maps and Google Earth. The Include Gadget or iframe to your page allowed the
developer to add applications linked with a URL (web link) such as other websites or
applications. Inserting a link and including a gadget differentiate in that inserting a link is just
highlighting text that routes you to a different web based location, whereas adding a gadget
actually adds the web information or page directly into your document (also called framing).
Figures 21 through 23 show tools in Google Sites used to add functionality to the Web GIS
Figure 21 - Embed Gadget
Figure 22 - Insert Image, Link and Map tool Figure 23 - Include Gadget (iframe)
3.4. GIS Map Development
One of the main goals was to develop a Web GIS application that would be available to as
many users as possible on any device and with any browser. Determining which technology to
use in the course of developing GIS maps for this web GIS-app involved analyzing and testing
several environments. Many limitations and compatibility issues arose during the development of
this app, but in the end, an app was created that is available in any environment, and contains
slight limitations for the 3D interactive option since it is only available with Google Chrome
Four main functions for this app yielded four separate maps to allow the user to easily
navigate through the race selection and planning process. The four steps converted to individual
maps include: (1) Viewing races including pertinent information about each race; (2) Finding
race including query capability to search by selected criteria; (3) Navigate race allowing users to
view race courses and terrain in a 3D environment interactively as well as street view to mentally
prepare for the course; (4) Plan race offers a map of nearby lodging and dining aiding in the
logistics of travel involved for the race.
3.4.1. View Race
The majority of the construction of the “View Race” map has been described in section
3.2 and 3.3 of this thesis. Once the geodatabase was built and exported into a Google Map, each
race was edited and customized, and images were added as demonstrated in Figures 24 and 25.
Initially, the intention of the Web GIS application was to include the race course layer in the
same map, however Google Sites limits the number of layers to ten and features within the layers
to two thousand. This limitation prevented the courses to be added in Google My Maps and
instead were added as a separate page using Google Earth. Ultimately, the limitation proved
advantageous to the end result of the Web GIS application. Creating separate maps on separate
pages actually resulted in better navigation and display of the race selection and planning
process. Pages were added with tabs that followed a natural progression in selecting and
preparing for a race.
Figure 24 - Example of Race Image added to Layer
Figure 25 - Example of View Races page: Race Selected and Race Data in Left Panel
3.4.2. Find Race
The Find Race map utilized a web application, Awesome Table which adds filter
capabilities to a spreadsheet and displays the results in both a map and list format. Parameters
for the spreadsheet were added to allow for the filters and then configured and formatted the
table display, illustrated in Figures 26 through 28.
Figure 26 - Parameters set in Line 2 of Race Spreadsheet to add filter capabilities
Figure 27 – Find Race page of Web GIS application – table configured and formatted for filters
Figure 28 – Example of Find Race Query
3.4.3. Navigate Race
While implementing an interactive 3D map of race courses, the goal was to create a map
that allowed the user to view race courses on the map, zoom in and interactively view the terrain
and street view of the course. The map layer from Google Maps “Top Marathon Races in the
US” already created, containing the geocoded spreadsheet was converted to a KML file.
KML files of all the race courses for the fifty races were obtained from a variety of
sources. The majority of KML files for the courses were exported from an application called
MapMyRun. An example is illustrated in Figure 29, exporting race data for the Chicago
Marathon as a KML file. A few files were obtained from miscellaneous sources and the
remaining files were created manually utilizing MapMyRun. The course for the Saint George
Marathon is an example of a course that was created manually and is shown in Figure 30.
Figure 29 – Exporting Race Route from MapMyRun as KML file
Figure 30 – Race Route manually created for Web GIS application using MapMyRun
Google Earth Pro for Desktop was downloaded, the Top Races KML file imported, and
race route KML files imported and customized. When attempting to embed the Google Earth
map into the Web GIS application, it was discovered the Embed Google Earth feature was no
longer supported due to licensing issues. Fortunately, Google Earth did implement a feature for
users to access Google Earth without downloading or requiring a plug in, . It is a web based application that only requires a Google Chrome
browser. Two separate links in the Web GIS application allowed for users to access race course
routes with or without Google Chrome, but only those with Google Chrome have access to the
3D interactive version. For the 3D option, the developer imported the KML files into Google
Earth Web. For those without Google Chrome who wish to view the courses in Map View,
Satellite View or Street View, there is a link to the published Google Drive. Figures 31 through
33 include examples of the Navigate Race page.
Figure 31 - Web GIS application Navigate Race page with link to 3D Courses
Figure 32 – Example of Navigate Race page 3D
Figure 33 - Example of Navigate Race page 2D
Finally, the KML files of the routes were uploaded into a program, RideWithGPS. This
application converted the file into a GPX file displaying the route and elevation profile with an
embed option. The file was then embedded into the Web GIS application offering a dynamic
display of elevation profiles (shown in Figure 34).
Figure 34 – Example of Navigate Race page - Dynamic Race Course and Elevation Profile
3.4.4. Plan Race
Planning a marathon race involves complex logistics that any runner will appreciate
assistance alleviating stress to concentrate on the race itself. This Web GIS application offers
the user the ability to view lodging and dining options on a map, along with the race course to
make arrangements based on proximity to the start or finish line. Additionally, the Google Earth
option allows runners to search for hotels or restaurants close to the course. The “Plan Race”
map specifically allows runners to immediately view the dining and restaurant options.
Developing this option required datasets acquired from both ArcGIS Online, exported as KML
files and uploaded to Google Maps and KML files extracted from a search in Google Earth.
Figure 35 includes an example of datasets acquired using ArcGIS Online for lodging and dining
in Boston. Figure 36 includes an example of datasets acquired using Google Earth KML files of
dining and lodging in Jackson, Mississippi.
Figure 35 - Dataset extracted from ArcGIS Online of Boston lodging and dining
Figure 36 – Example of Plan Race page: Display of lodging and dining options in Jackson, MS
3.5. UX Design
UX, or User experience is described as the process of creating products that provide
meaningful and personally relevant experiences (Interactive Design Foundation 2016). Careful
attention was given to ensure an enhanced experience for the user in the Web GIS application
designed in this thesis, incorporating concern for usability, content and function.
Utilizing visualization techniques, a blank template was chosen, using an image depicting a
global landscape with runner’s silhouette to capture the nature of this application. Tabs at the
top divide the user’s options into categories to navigate through the marathon selection and
planning process. Top Design Mag author Bogden Raputa explains that the navigation system is
vital to a website and the simplest and most effective form is the use of tabs because the user can
visualize a website’s structure in a linear way (Raputa 2017).
There is debate on whether to use light or dark colors for background, but the consensus is to
allow the content to standout and offer easy readability. Using the black background and white
lettering displays well, particularly with the graphic chosen for the front page. UX Planet, an
online resource for web designers, cites Richard Hall and Patrick Hannah’s scientific research,
offering the following benefits of using a black background:
Style and elegance
Feel of mystery
Luxury and prestigious look
Broad field of using contrast
Support of visual hierarchy
Depth in reflection of presented content
Visual appeal
In addition, the article suggests that the dark background accentuates graphic contents such
as pictures, photos and illustrations better than a light background (Hall, Hannah 2016). Since
the intention of the Web GIS application is to focus on the GIS web maps and illustrations within
the app, the dark background was a logical choice (See Figure 37).
Figure 37 - Web GIS application shows map accentuated by dark background and tabs on top
The remaining sections of the Web GIS application rely primarily on the GIS maps and other
gadgets. The maps are illustrated in large 1200x800 pixels to allow the user easy navigation
through the maps. Navigation is standard for google maps, using two fingers inside the map to
manipulate the map. Scroll bars are included within the gadgets to maximize real estate and
images were incorporated to help illustrate the race experience.
Additional functionality was added to the Plan Race tab to further assist runners in planning
and preparing for a race. Three webpages were embedded, including Accuweather, which allows
a user to view extended weather forecasts up to 90 days and historical averages beyond that;
Yelp, offering the user the ability to rate dining and lodging establishments; and,
allowing the user to book a hotel for their stay.
3.6. Testing Environment and Survey
The finalization of any project must conclude with substantial testing and evaluation of
the product to ensure optimum success. Analyzing the success of this Web GIS application was
conducted using two primary methods: testing in multiple environments and a runner’s survey.
3.6.1. Testing in Multiple Environments
The construction of this Web GIS application was a continuous process of testing a
variety of methods in order to develop an application that fulfilled all of its intended goals. To
begin with, developing the proper platform and application programming interface, as previously
described resulted in the utilization of Google API, Google Sites and Google Earth Web for the
development of the Web GIS application, the database and the web maps.
Lacking certain functionality from Google, the developer further researched athletic
based mapping software, programs and applications such as Mapout, MotionX GPS, and Maps
3D, finally producing web-GIS maps containing race course data and elevation profiles using
Mapmyrun and Ridewithgps.
Once the Web GIS application was complete, the product was tested on several devices
and environments. Initially, testing revealed that the race courses would not show up in devices
not logged on by the developer. In order to resolve this issue, the KML files of the courses were
uploaded to Google Drive, then setting was changed to allow public to view files. The link in the
Web GIS application was re-routed to the Google Drive files and then the functionality worked.
Final testing included the following devices and produced the following results:
Table 2. Testing Environment
Device Type Browsers available
and tested
Dell Inspiron Hybrid Chrome, Explorer,
All components of application
worked as intended in Google
3D functionality not available in
Firefox or Explorer
Lenovo Edge Laptop Chrome, Explorer,
All components of application
worked as intended
Galaxy Tab2 Tablet Chrome, Google
All components of application
worked as intended
Iphone 8plus Mobile Phone Google Chrome,
Google Earth
All components of application
worked as intended except
Accuweather does not display
Font was small for navigation
Samsung Galaxy
Mobile Phone Google Play All components of application
worked as intended except
Accuweather does not display
and 3D functionality, Satellite
view and street view worked
Font was small for navigation
HP Desktop Explorer, Firefox, -
Chrome not
All components of application
worked except 3D functionality.
Satellite view and street view
3.6.2. Runner’s Survey
A runner’s survey was conducted at the completion of the web-GIS project. The survey
was sent via Facebook and email to a group of runners known to the developer through a variety
of marathon training groups and Team in Training, an organizing in which athletes raise money
for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and train for athletic events such as marathons, triathlons
and bicycling events. The survey was anonymous and voluntary. Twenty one runners
participated in the survey. The results are detailed in the Results section of this thesis.
3.7. Technology and Data Sources
Numerous technologies and methods were incorporated into the production of the Web GIS
application. A Web GIS application utilizes both web technology and GIS technology. Several
environments were tested in order for the app to contain all the necessary tools and functionality.
3.7.1. Technology
Following itemizes the technology and hardware utilized for the development of the Web
GIS application, the user requirements and the usage and limitations of Google Sites:
Table 3. Technology
Software and
Hardware User Requirements Usage and
Esri ArcMap 10.4 Dell Inspiron 7000
Windows, macOS,
Linux, Android, iOS
100 MB of storage
(free account)
Esri ArcGIS Online Samsung Galaxy Tab
Windows: 12.5 MB
macOS: 35 MB
Linux: 24 MB
Android: 8.46
iOS: 77.5 MMB
10 GB storage for
Google App users
Brackets text editor iPhone 8 Plus No open use of
Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) or
Filezilla (open
sources software
JavaScript can be
used within the
confines of an
embedded gadget or
the HTML box
Google Earth Inline CSS can be
used within the
webpage content area
Sites that are hosted
in Google Sites are
not available to
residents of countries
where Google
Services are blocked
Cost - Free
3.7.2. Data Sources
Overall, race data is not easily available as datasets or generally in a GIS environment,
however, information about races is accessible and was entered into a csv file and converted into
a personal geodatabase. Google API allows for customized map layers and KML file creation
for Google Earth.
Table 4. Data Sources
Format/Technique in
GIS Environment
created in
ArcGIS and
Database includes
numerous attributes for
each marathon
Added website of races to
attributes and images of
each race
Excel sheet
CSV File
Geodatabase in ESRI
ArcMap 10.2
Created excel sheet
Google Sheet
Google My Map and
Available data –
Only non-GIS data
Process-searched ArcGIS
layers, race websites,
created personal
General information about
the marathons was used
for attributes such as date,
location, number of
participants, etc.
Geodatabase - Data
manually entered into
database, imported, and
geocoded to display in
Available data – race
details were available but
had to create database
and geocode
Process – searched many
websites to retrieve
necessary data
Subscribed to Adobe for
images to add to website
Images from adobe to
enhance web
application design
Available data – yes
Process – obtained
photos for web app
Adds locations in points
and polylines to maps
Created markers, save
KMZ files, add to
Google My Map and
Google Earth
Available data – yes
Process – lodging/dining
layers from government
and Google Earth
Allow user to view nearby
lodging and restaurants
Added layers to Google
Map, format
Available data – possible
Alternative – Race sites
have lodging/dining
Allows user to view
courses on map and
elevation profiles
Mapmyrun for routes
Exported to Google map
Converted to KML,
Added to Google Earth
Available data –
Non-GIS data
Process – KML files
form Mapmyrun
Allows 3D view of
terrain, interactive
controls and street view of
Converted maps to
KML files and export to
Google Earth
Available data– yes
Process - researched
mapping options for 3d
view, determined Google
Maps can be converted
to Google Earth
Chapter 4 Results
The development of a Web GIS application to aid runners in their marathon selection and
planning was not a single process, but a complex set of steps and tests. Testing a variety of
technologies, formats, and systems, the application was designed with the intention of utilizing
geospatial technology to best aid the running community. A runner’s survey helped evaluate the
success of the application. Analyzing the challenges posed during the process also helped
understand how the project materialized.
4.1. Overview of Application
In the end, Google Sites was the platform used in the development of the Web GIS
application. The API chosen was Google. Other systems or applications used include Google
Earth, Ride with GPS, Mapmyrun and Awesome Table. The incorporation of multiple sources
and technologies resulted in a mashup web application. How Stuff Works Author Nathan
Chandler explains, “Web mashups are one technique that can make Web-based data more
useful. Mashups blend information from multiple sources. Mashups present the results in a
compelling, innovative fashion. Often, the information is displayed in visually powerful ways
that make it much more valuable and understandable to users.” (Chandler 2011). The
functionality of this application would have been significantly reduced without combining
multiple sources and techniques. For the purpose of this project, a mashup was the ideal method.
Following subsections give an overview of the Web GIS application and examples of
each page and are illustrated in Figures 38 through 49.
4.1.1. Home Page
The home page offers an image that conveys the concept “Running around the world.” In
addition, the home page describes the purpose of the site and each page and includes links to the
other pages.
Figure 38 – Web GIS application Home Page
4.1.2. View Races
The View Races page allows the user to view all of the races on a map. A race can be
selected either from the list in the left panel or by selecting it directly on the map. The left panel
displays an image of the race and pertinent race data such as website, address, average weather,
month of race, etc.
Figure 39 – View Races Page – Main Page
Figure 40 – View Races Page – Catalina Island Marathon
4.1.3. Find Your Race
This page allows a user to find a race based on personally selected criteria. The results
display on the map and in a list below. Example below (Figure 42) shows the results for races in
New York with an average temperature between 43 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit that are road races
in October.
Figure 41 – Find Your Race Page
Figure 42 – Web GIS application Find Your Race Page – Search results for road races in New York in October with
average temperature between 43-65 F
4.1.4. Navigate Race
Once the user has selected a race, he or she can navigate through the course and view the
elevation profiles dynamically. The lodging and dining options close to the start and finish lines
are also displayed on this map.
Figure 43 – Web GIS application Navigate Race Page – Main Page
Figure 44 – Web GIS application Navigate Race Page – 3D Results for Rock N Roll Las Vegas Marathon
Figure 45 –Web GIS application Navigate Race Page – Dining and Lodging near finish line for Missoula Marathon
Figure 46 – Web GIS application Navigate Race Page – Elevation Profile for New York Marathon
4.1.5. Plan Race
Once the user has explored the terrain and area surrounding the race, the final step is
making arrangements for the travel involved. This page includes a map and three other
webpages embedded into the page. The map shows the race courses and restaurants and lodging
near the start and finish lines. The three other pages include Accuweather, and
Yelp to further help with the planning process.
Figure 47– Web GIS application Plan Race Page – Results for lodging and dining for Little Rock Marathon
Figure 48 – Web GIS application Plan Race Page – Accuweather extended forecast for Napa Marathon
4.1.6. Learn More
The final page contains links to other resources to help runners and articles used in the
development of the application.
Figure 49 –Web GIS application Learn More Page
4.2. Runner’s Survey
A runner’s survey was conducted at the completion of the Web GIS project. The survey
was sent via Facebook and emailed to a group generated through a variety of marathon training
groups and Team in Training, an organization in which athletes raise money for Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society and train for athletic events such as marathons, triathlons and bicycling
The survey was developed using the site Survey Monkey. It is a very basic survey
containing ten questions. The questions were designed to obtain general information about the
runners (age, number of races completed and goals when selecting a race.) The remaining
questions solicited input regarding the runner’s experience with the Web GIS application. The
survey focused on whether the runner felt like the application is unique and useful and if the
application was easy to use and navigate. Those asked to participate were advised that the survey
was optional and anonymous. Of the athletes solicited, twenty-one runners participated in the
survey. This section documents the results of the survey and an analysis of the survey is provided
in Section 5.2. Analysis of Runner’s Survey.
Figure 50 – Runner’s Survey Question 1
Figure 51 – Runner’s Survey Question 2
Figure 52 – Runner’s Survey Question 3
Figure 53 – Runner’s Survey Question 4
Figure 54 – Runner’s Survey Question 5
Figure 55 – Runner’s Survey Question 6
Figure 56 – Runner’s Survey Question 7
Figure 57 – Runner’s Survey Question 8
Figure 58 – Runner’s Survey Question 9
Figure 59 – Runner’s Survey Question 10
The survey results suggest the Web GIS application is beneficial overall but needs further
development to increase effectiveness. An analysis of the survey is discussed in section 5.3.
Analysis of Runner’s Survey.
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Discussions
A Web application offering marathon runners a resource to optimize the race experience
is a practical and efficient method for a runner’s planning process. Generally speaking, the focus
in the preparation for a marathon is on the physical training involved. A Web GIS application
that gives runners the ability to select a race based on personal goals, view and analyze race
details, study the course and terrain interactively, and view nearby lodging and dining options
helps minimize stressful components of a marathon and allow them to focus on the physical
challenge ahead of them. Studying the course and managing the organizational aspect could
perhaps even enhance the performance for the runner. Analyzing the challenges encountered
while developing the application and resolution process benefits web developers and GIS
professionals in future Web GIS development. Examining the results of the runner’s survey lends
to further understanding runner’s needs, as well as evaluating the success of the project. Finally,
a look at the future of emerging technologies, especially in the field of geospatial science and
web application development will help guide the direction for the future of the Web GIS
application developed for this thesis.
5.1. Web GIS application Development Challenges
The challenges encountered while developing the Web GIS application for this thesis
were instrumental in producing a viable product not just for the running community, but in
providing guidance to database and web application developers. The evolution of constantly
changing technology, especially in the arena of geospatial technology, plagues the field and
documentation of methodology in the process of developing a Web GIS application aids in future
development. Following sections include challenges and limitations in various components that
resulted in modifications and revisions to the application.
5.1.1. Google Maps Limited Allowance
The initial intention of the project was to incorporate all the elements of the race planning
process into one map, offering multiple layers for the user to select for each component.
Unfortunately, creating Google Maps using Google My Maps only allows 10 layers per map and
2000 points. This limitation prevented a one map option for the application. The solution was
to create four separate pages for the application so the user could navigate each component
separately. Ultimately, it was a more seamless and cleaner approach for the user.
5.1.2. Google Earth Embedding Limitations
Adding a three dimensional element to the project was a key component in the planning
process for runners. After researching numerous 3D technologies as previously explained in the
literary review, Google Earth Pro for desktop was selected to display the courses and terrain. As
explained by, “Google Earth is a free program from Google that allows you to
"fly" over a virtual globe and view the Earth through high-resolution graphics and satellite
images. It is greatly superior to static maps and satellite images.”
Once the KML files for the race courses were created and uploaded to Google Earth, the
developer discovered that the ability to embed Google Earth project using the embed KML
gadget was deprecated in December 2015. To resolve this issue, the KML files were uploaded to
Google Drive and the privacy setting was set as available to the public. The KML files were
then imported into the newly developed Google Earth Web Version. The only requirement for
this service is Google Chrome. Although the service is not as sophisticated as Google Earth Pro
for desktop, it met the needs of the project providing an application available on any device.
5.1.3. Creation of Application in Established Website during the Development Process
One of the most valuable elements of the Web GIS application developed for this thesis
offers runners the ability to locate a race based on their unique selected criteria. At the time of
the development of the database and web application, no such application existed in the running
community, at least none discovered in the research process. Over a year later, during the
literature review for the thesis, it was discovered that a similar application had been developed,
offering a very similar approach to finding a race. While this was disappointing, as the project
initially offered a novel approach, ultimately any resource that helps runners in their journey is
good for the community. Ultimately, as documented previously in this thesis, the Web GIS
application still offered a unique approach to the planning process by providing much more
functionality such as 3D interactive capability, dynamic elevations and a geospatial view of
dining and lodging options close to the start and finish line.
5.2. Analysis of Runner’s Survey
The survey conducted contained three primary topics: the demographics of the runners,
the motivation for running a race and an evaluation of the Web GIS application. The results of
the survey are illustrated in Section 4.
5.2.1. Demographics
Questions 1 and 2 were demographic based (what is your age and how many marathons
have you run). The results revealed the majority of runners at 38% were between the ages of 45-
54. The number of marathons completed by the runners was divided but the majority was split at
38% each between those who ran 1-5 and those who ran 6-10 marathons with the remaining 24%
who ran over 10.
5.2.2. Motivation of Users
This section of the survey was very significant in its illustration of the diverse goals of
runners. While the greatest percentage was 29% who are looking for their best time, the goals
were very divided, with 24% looking for a destination race, 19% looking for a unique course,
14% looking for a race close to home and 14% concentrating on the overall experience.
Addressing a runner’s unique needs is clearly an important component in the race planning
5.2.3. Evaluation of Web GIS application
The majority of the survey was dedicated to evaluating the success of the Web GIS
application. While the majority of survey-takers believed the application offered a unique
approach (71%) and feel like the application would help find a race based on personal needs
(57%), the majority of participants (52%) were not sure it would help them plan for the logistics
of a race. A significant majority (62%) agreed that using the application would help them
prepare for the course based on viewing the terrain, course and elevation profile. While more
survey-takers felt they would have a better overall race experience at 48%, there is concern that
the other 52% were not sure (38%) or did not feel like they would benefit (14%). Finally, the
majority of survey-takers (52%), felt that the Web GIS application was not hard to use but did
find some difficulty with it.
Overall, these results indicate that the Web GIS application is a unique approach and
beneficial for runners in selecting and planning for a marathon, however future work needs to be
done on the project to make it more valuable in planning the logistics and more seamless and
user friendly. Much of the limitation of the application stems from the time constraint and
knowledge base of the developer. Future development to the application will address the
shortcomings and with continuous feedback from runners, the application will be designed to
directly meet and hopefully exceed their needs.
5.3. Future of GIS Technology
According to ESRI (2017), trends for GIS technology in 2018 include web services for
data, cloud infrastructure for enterprise systems, apps instead of applications, mobile GIS and
GIS in 3D. These trends will assist web-developers, and more specifically, the Web GIS
application designed for this paper by allowing nearly unlimited data storage, a more web-based
application system accessible on any device instead of desktop applications, a richer and more
navigable 3D option, and the ability for a runner to collect their own data to plot a course using
mobile GIS (2017).
5.4. Future of Web GIS application
Evaluating the challenges of the project, runner’s motivations, the runner’s survey results,
the future of GIS technology, and the progress of other running-based web applications bring
forward an enlightened and optimistic perspective of the future development of the Web GIS
5.4.1. Updated Runner’s Survey
While the runner’s survey was useful in analyzing the success of the application, it needs
to be improved for better evaluation from the users. A new survey has been developed and is
going to be distributed (see Figure 60). The new survey was developed using Google Forms, a
more manageable format than Survey Monkey. Questions allow text answers for a more
comprehensive response from users. There will be a financial incentive offered to users to solicit
a greater response, and thus more accurate evaluation.
Figure 60 – New Google Forms Survey (screen shot)
5.4.2. Add Data – Races, Race Criteria, Race Types, and Training Courses
Because the development of this Web GIS application was to provide a template for other
web-GIS developers and study the benefits of such an application, the current database is very
limited. Future development includes adding many more races, as well as other race criteria such
as cost of race experience, elevation loss/gain, charity races, etc.
In addition, adding other type of races such as half marathons or triathlons would benefit
other athletic factions. An alternative option would also be to create other Web GIS applications
using the template created for this application for each race type separately.
Spatial analysis could aid in locating terrain locally that closely resembles the race
course, allowing for better training. Runner’s World author Scott Douglas recommends
“mimicking the course” in his article “26 Tips for Running Your Best 26.2.” Douglas states,
If at all possible, start doing runs on the same topography as the marathon. For example,
go up and down lots of hills if you’re running New York City, and get used to several
hours of pancake flatness if you’re running a course like Chicago. A flat course might
seem less challenging, but its lack of variation means you’ll be using the same muscles
the whole race. You need to prepare for this (Douglas 2016).
The current status of the Web GIS application offers 3D interactive functionality which allows
the advantage of studying the course and terrain, but the ability for runners to use the application
to create their own training course will add a whole new level of functionality for the user.
On the Navigate Race page, a section could be added for runners to create their own training
courses (see section 5.5.4. Allow Crowdsourcing Data). Using predictive analytics, the
developer will incorporate machine learning to model the terrain of the race course in order to
locate similar local terrain for the runners and use that data to create training courses that will
most closely resemble the race course. This will be the next best option to running the course
itself to prepare for the race.
5.4.3. Enhance Overall Application
Based on the results of the survey, it is evident that the application needs to be enhanced
to allow a better option for searching for logistics, as well as streamlining the site overall for ease
of use. Considering the trends for this year, technology improvements should help both the
developer and the output for the user.
5.4.4. Allow Crowdsourcing Data
There is perhaps no better addition to the Web GIS application than to offer a more
interactive approach to the application. Allowing a user to input their own data into the
application will offer a much richer and more dynamic experience. This option was not added
due to time constraints and the developer’s knowledge base. Users will be able to add races,
offer input and feedback regarding the quality of the app and request changes or additions.
Running a marathon is an astounding accomplishment. As Olympic marathon winner
Emil Zatopek said, “If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run
a marathon.” With the aid of geospatial, web and mobile technology, the experience can be more
memorable and successful than ever.
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Abstract (if available)
Runners who strive to complete a marathon will need to make many sacrifices in their daily lives and train for months in order to accomplish such a physical and mental endeavor. Given this, having a successful race experience is pivotal. All the hard work could be compromised without the proper tools to help select and plan for the race itself. There are numerous resources that provide guidance for runners focusing on how to prepare physically for the distance, minimize injury and maximize performance. What is currently lacking are resources focusing on the individual needs of the runner and the logistical process of selecting and preparing for a race. The development of this Web GIS application used a geodatabase and Web GIS technology that allows a runner to personally select criteria to find a race that meets their needs, view races and elevation profiles on a map, select a 3D interactive view of the race courses to study the terrain, and view nearby lodging and dining options. Geospatial technology gives a runner a better understanding of the course and streamlines the travel process, reducing stress and increasing the likelihood of a successful and enjoyable race experience. After careful analysis of a runner’s needs and the marathon selection process, and evaluating what techniques and methods should be used, a Web GIS application was developed to help facilitate the process for an enhanced race experience. In addition to providing a valuable tool for runners, this application provides a template for developers constructing a Web GIS application for any athletic or travel based event. Emerging technology will transform the Web GIS application into an even more powerful tool. Utilizing predictive analytics which incorporates data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques, patterns from the race course can be modeled and compared with local terrain to create similar courses for training purposes. It’s invigorating to think of what effect the amalgamation of GIS technology into the athletic world will have on an athletes’experience.
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Asset Metadata
Macauley, Michele
Core Title
Development of a Web GIS application to aid marathon runners in the race selection and planning process
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Master of Science
Degree Program
Geographic Information Science and Technology
Publication Date
Defense Date
University of Southern California
University of Southern California. Libraries
marathon,OAI-PMH Harvest,Race,race selection,Web GIS
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Fleming, Steven (
committee chair
), Bernstein, Jennifer (
committee member
), Swift, Jennifer (
committee member
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Permanent Link (DOI)
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etd-MacauleyMi-6208.pdf (filename),usctheses-c89-11872 (legacy record id)
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Document Type
Macauley, Michele
University of Southern California
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University of Southern California Dissertations and Theses
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race selection