Satellite and Explorer matchbook cover
Satellite and Explorer matchbook interior
Satellite and Explorer matchbook
Satellite tracker, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellite tracker, 1958
Satellite tracker, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Satellites, 1958
Orbit of Russian Satellite, 1957
Orbit of Russian Satellite, 1957
Satellite "Explorer" press conference, 1958
Satellite tracking station (Temple City sheriff office), 1958
Satellite tracking station (Temple City sheriff office), 1958
Satellite tracking station (Temple City sheriff office), 1958
Satellite tracking station (Temple City sheriff office), 1958
Explorer and Satellite matchbook cover
Explorer and Satellite matchbook cover
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