Making a case for teaching religious literacy in Ethiopian schools: an innovation study
Ethiopia 1981. An important national dish is called "Injera be Wot": A large pancake, made of T...
Collaborating to provide microfinance to caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children in Ethiopia
Newsletter of the Afro-American Religious History Group of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 11, no. 2 (Spring 1987)
Garveyism As A Religious Movement
Primary completion and achievement for 8th grade girls in rural Ethiopia: a gap analysis for gender inequities
Burial hut and memorial for a deceased Qualu, Ethiopia, 1929
Tomb of Dafaa's daughter Ayantuu, Ethiopia, 1939
Tomb of Dafaa's daughter Ayantuu, Ethiopia, 1939
Italian military cemetery, Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, ca.1938
Pilgrims beside an orthodox church, Ethiopia, [s.d.]
Grave of Heinz Rhode, Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, ca.1938
Ethiopian priests at the celebration of Meskel, Harer, Ethiopia, [s.d.]
Grave of Heinz Rhode, Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, ca.1938
Planting the grave of Heinz Rhode, Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, ca.1938
Baptistery in the St. Giyorgis Church, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, [s.d.]
The place of religion in national constitutions, 1787-1954
Features of American educational system which can be useful in Ethiopia
A descriptive analysis of the administration of education in transition in Ethiopia
The fertility religions in the thought of Amos and Micah
A survey of the major libraries of Ethiopia
An evaluation study of effectiveness of continuous professional development in Ethiopia
The place of women in the new Egypt
The evolution of a continuing teacher education program at Ethiopia's Haile Sellassie I University : A case study with a proposed model
Murray, I don't want to play anymore, 1993-09-19 12 pm
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