Conditional mean-fields stochastic differential equation and their application
Financial crises and trade policy in developing countries
The political economy of Brazilian trade policy: domestic determinants, world and regional strategies
IRB insiders: perspectives from within the institutional review board
Students demonstrating carpentry work at the Frank Wiggins Trade School, ca.1920-1929
The murky risk of trade protectionism in an interconnected and uncertain global economy: a state, industrial, and regional analysis
Gone with the big data: institutional lender demand for private information
Regional trade association and civil society: an analysis of contingent interactions between regime-level and organizational-level variables
Asset prices and trading in complete market economies with heterogeneous agents
The potential of art in a micro society: the spring 2009 Lineman Class at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Insider trading, financial performance, and initial dividends
Optimizing privacy-utility trade-offs in AI-enabled network applications
Man operating surveying equipment inside an oil well, [s.d.]
Man looking through surveying equipment inside an oil well, [s.d.]
Six men inside an unidentified tailor's shop, ca.1880-1889
Men adjusting a drill inside an oil well, [s.d.]
A coastal development idea for Gulf of Thailand to improve global trades
Man on a drill inside of an oil well, [s.d.]
Knox Powell oil well inside a garage in Venice, 1930-1940
Assessing the implementation of the RECLAIM cap-and-trade market for pollution: measurement issues in counterfactuals, goal attainment, and command-and-control alternatives
Four men adjusting a drill inside an oil well, [s.d.]
At work inside LMS Press, Antananarivo, Madagascar, ca. 1930
At work inside LMS Press, Antananarivo, Madagascar, ca. 1930
Line of workers inside the Firestone Rubber Company, ca.1928
The more things change: economic institutions and maritime trade in the Archaic Western Mediterranean
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