The architecture of Antigua, Guatemala, 1543-1773
Churches & other buildings, France, 1954?
Castles, cathedrals & other buildings, France, 1954?
Churches & other buildings, France, 1954?
Castles, churches, cemeteries & other buildings, Normandy, France, 1954?
Castles, cathedrals, & other buildings, France, 1954?
Churches, Spain, 1954?
Angel of Indepence monument, Mexico City, Mexico, 1930s-1950s
USC commencement, Los Angeles, 1930s-1950s
Tallies of articles on European architecture and architects in listed publications
Summaries on European architecture and architects
Study cards on European architectural topics and architects
Bibliography of publications on European architecture and architects
United States Photographs
Guatemala & Honduras Photographs
Honduras Photographs
France Photographs
Portugal Photographs
Spain Photographs
Ireland Photographs
Equador Photographs
Bolivia Photographs
Guatemala Photographs
Panama Photographs
Peru Photographs
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Verle and Elizabeth Annis Papers 
USC Collection Folder 
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